Shabbos Parshas SHELACH B’H 22 SIVAN , 5764

THE CHABAD WEEKLYVol 7, # 35 Chabad of North Beverly Hills, 409 Foothill Rd. Beverly Hills, 90210

This week's portion, Shelach, relates the Rabbi Yosef Shusterman 310-271-9063

story of the spies sent by Moses to investigate the Holy Land which the Jewish people were to enter. "The first of your dough you shall set aside challah - a loaf as a portion ... from the They returned with a slanderous report, playing up first of your kneading shall you give a portion to G-d, for your generations." (15:20-21) the difficulties in conquering the land, thus QUESTION: If "arisoteichem" means "your dough," it should have said "batzeikechem" discouraging the people and weakening their faith. (see Shemot 12:34), and if it means your kneading, it should have said "lishatechem" (see This led to the tragic consequences related in the Bereishit 18:6)? portion. ANSWER: In Hebrew a bed (cradle) is called an "arisah." Thus the word "arisoteichem" Chasidism explains that the spies did not wish to can also mean "your beds." The Torah is teaching that "meireishit arisoteichem" - as soon enter the Land of Israel because they did not want as a person rises from his bed - he should give an offering to Hashem. to become involved with the materialism of the The offering we give Hashem is our reciting of "Modeh ani," (in which we thank Him for world. Throughout the duration of the Jewish restoring to us our soul, the essence of our life source) and making davening and Torah people's stay in the desert, they were free from such study the first activity of our day. involvements: their food came from heaven (the Additionally, while a child is very young and still in the "arisah" - "cradle" - his parents manna); water they had from the miraculous "Well should endeavor to inculcate him with a love for Torah and G-dliness by exposing the of Miriam"; they were sheltered by the Heavenly child to Torah-oriented songs, toys, games and room decorations. "Cloud of Glory." Thus, they did not wish to leave

the desert to enter the Holy Land where they would

have to engage in ploughing, sowing, and all other PIRKEI AVOS normative activities for their daily existence.

The spies' motive may have been sincere and Know... before whom you are destined to give a judgment and

spiritual, but it went counter to the Divine intent. G-d accounting. Avos 3:1

created the world in order to have a Divine abode in

this physical world: man is to transform himself and Said Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov: When a person comes before the supernal court

the material world into a worthy abode for G-dliness. to acount for his sojourn on earth, he is first asked to voice his opinion on another

This is done by utilizing and interacting with every life. “What do you think,” he is asked, “about one who has done so and so?” After

created substance for its Divinely intended purpose, he offers his verdict, it is demonstrated to him how these deeds and circumstances

thus elevating and sublimating it to a spiritual reality. parallel those of his own life. Ultimately, it is the person himself who passes

That is why we were given the Torah and mitzvot judgment on his own failings and achievements.

(commandments), which enable us to achieve that This explains the peculiar wording of the above passage of the Ethics, “before

goal. And that is our mission for the duration of the whom you are destined to give a judgment and accounting.” Is not the verdict

exile. handed down after the cross-examination of the defendant? So should not the

The Messianic era is the ultimate purpose of the “judgment” follow the “accounting”? And why are you destined to “give judgment”

creation. For then this physical world will as opposed to being judged? But no judgment is ever passed on a person from

demonstratably be a Divine abode, with G-d's above. Only after he has himself ruled on any given deed does the heavenly court

Presence fully manifest and experienced. It will be a make him account for a matching episode in his own life.

time of "neither famine nor war, neither envy nor The same idea is also implicit in another passage in our chapter of the Ethics:

strife, because good will emanate in abundance and “Retribution is extracted from a person, with his knowledge and without his

all delightful things will be accessible like dust. The knowledge.”[Avos 3:16] As a person knowingly expresses his opinion on a certain

singular preoccupation of the entire world will be to matter, he is unwittingly passing judgment on himself.

know G-d. The Israelites, therefore, will be great What we have here is a most profound insight into the specialty of the human soul.

sages and know the hidden matters, attaining In all of creation, nothing is loftier than the “spark of G-dliness” that is the soul of

knowledge of their Creator to the full extent of man. This is reflected in the fact that man has been given the power of choice—a

human capacity, as it is said: "The earth shall be full power he shares only with the Creator Himself.

with the knowledge of G-d as the waters cover the Free choice allows him to stumble and err, but it is also what makes his potential

sea" (Isaiah 11:9) (Hilchot Melachim 12:5). for good infinitely greater than G-d’s more spiritual creations. So even when a soul

This ultimate perfection of the Messianic era and comes to stand in judgment, implying that there are perhaps faults and failings in its

the time of the Resurrection of the Dead depend on past performance, no judge, be it the loftiest and most spiritual of heavenly beings,

our actions and service of G-d throughout the has any jurisdiction over its fate. The only power on earth or heaven that can judge

duration of the exile. The sin of the spies was that man is man himself. From an address by the Rebbe, Shevat 10, 5720 (February 8, 1960) –

they tried to circumvent the process of this refining meaningfullife org

of the physical world and preparing it for Moshiach. Charity Wars Mundane entanglements, involvement with worldly matters, may be tiresome and distasteful for one There was a Chassid who, whenever he was approached with the request for a who aspires to spiritual heights. They are, however, donation for charity, would stick his hand into his pocket and take out a few coins; an integral part of the Divine plan, and as Chasidism then, with a hastily mumbled “just a minute...,” he would again dig into his pocket explains: "The ultimate intent of the descent and and come up with another few coins. exile is to prepare for an immense ascent when, in Someone who noticed his custom once asked him: “Why do you always give in the days of Moshiach, the light of G-d will radiate in two instalments? Could you not take out the full sum you want to give at once?” a manifest way!" (From Living with Moshiach by Rabbi J. Replied the Chassid: “Every act of charity is a victory over our selfish natures. I Immanuel Schochet, adapted from the works of the just can't resist the opportunity to score two such victories for the price of one!” Lubavitcher Rebbe, From L’Chaim 5762, #722) – (Adapted from the teachings of the Rebbe by Yanki Tauber) – Rabbi Yosef Shusterman Chabad of Northern Beverly Hills

In a reply to a yechidus query in the winter of 5635 (1874-75), my grandfather said to my father: The , (the evil impulse), is called "animal soul," not because it is necessarily a brute animal. At times it may be a fox, the most cunning of beasts, and great wisdom is needed to perceive its machinations. At other times it may clothe itself in the garb of an earnest, straightforward, humble , possessing fine traits of character. The animal soul manifests itself in each person according to his individual character. One person may suddenly experience a powerful longing to study Chassidus or to meditate deeply on some chassidic concept. The truth is, however, that this is nothing more than the yetzer hara's counsel and the animal soul's machinations to prevent him from engaging in the avoda of davening or a similar activity. Take this as a general principle and remember it always: Any matter that is effective towards or actually leads to active avoda, and is confronted with opposition of any sort, even the most noble, that opposition is the scheming of the animal soul. My father concluded: Until then I had not known that there can be a "pious" animal soul, let alone a "chassidic" animal soul. (From Rebbe's Hayom yom 23 sivan ).

In general, the lesson is that a Jew must himself “spy out the land” to find out what is necessary, and not wait until he hears a “heavenly proclamation” or that a “prophet” will tell him what should be done in a certain place. And, as noted before, his mission does not include seeing if there is hope for success, He is on G-d’s mission; he will certainly succeed. -The Rebbe


Sunday 8:00 AM Gemara-Tractate Shabbos Mevorchim

Shabbos (men) Candlelighting:(Los Angeles) 7:46 PM

Friday Mincha: 8:00 PM Monday 8:00 PM Chumash Early Minyan: 6:25 PM (men and women)

Tuesday 8:00 PM Gemara-Tractate LATEST TIME FOR SHEMA: 9:17 AM Makos (men) SHABBAT MORNING 9:00 PM (men and women) with Rabbi • Tehillim 8:00 AM

Wolf • Shacharit 9:30 AM followed by Wednesday 8:30 PM Halacha and Tanya (women) Kiddush, Cholent &

Farbrengen Thursday 10:00 AM Chassidus (women) • Pirkei Avos 6:50 PM 8:00 PM Class for Beverly Hills Highschool Students • Mincha 7:35 PM followed by Seuda Shlishit Daily 6:45 to Chassidus 7:15 AM • Shabbat ends 8:46 PM

Between Halacha Mincha Yartzheits: Martin Horowitz – Sivan 28, Linda Maherhoff Mandel – Sivan 28. and

Maariv Happy Birthday to Dr. Zeev Rav-Noy, Avinoam Rav-Noy , Lida Bracha Mahtaban, Menachem Mendel and Chaya Mushka Sulami, Jasmine Schnall and Sarah Nessah Issac. Rabbi Wolf’s Tuesday night class will not take place this week. Happy Anniversary to Moshe and Lida Bracha Mahtaban, Avraham and Simcha Sarah Moradian, DAILY MINYONIM: Jerry and Shelly Tannenbaum. Shacharit: Mon-Fri 6:00 AM and 7:30 AM Sunday 9:00 AM GOOD SHABBOS! Mincha/Maariv: 8:05 PM