WESTERN AUSTRALIAN Impact Craters Field Excursion 20-29 August 2012 This field guide was compiled and edited by Jenny Bevan (August 2012). The corresponding author for enquiries is Dr Alex Bevan; postal address: Western Australian Museum, Locked Bag 49, Welshpool DC, WA 6986, or email:
[email protected]. Front Cover: Detail of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper satellite image of the Shoemake Impact Structure, 100 km NE of Wiluna, WA, acquired 5 May 2000. False colour image enhancement by assigning red pixels to infrared light (Band 7), green pixels to near infrared light (Band 4), and blue pixels to visible blue light (Band 1). The image has been further enhanced by merging the colour information with a high resolution B&W image of the same area to produce an apparent pixel resolution of 14.25 m. Blue and cyan areas signify ephemeral salt lakes, green signifies vegetation, pale brown signifies bare soil, and the various shades of dark reddish brown signify exposed rock. North is up; horizontal field of view is about 50 km. Data courtesy of Global Land Cover Facility, University of Maryland. The Western Australian Impact Craters Field Excursion (Post Meteoritical Society Conference Excursion) Monday 20 Aug 2012 to Wednesday 29 Aug 2012 Leaders: Alex Bevan, John Bunting and Mike Freeman SPONSORS Atlas Iron International Meteorite Collectors Association Australian Government: Department of Industry, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Innovation Science, Research and Tertiary Education Lunar and Planetary Institute Australian National University The Meteoritical Society Australian Scientific Instruments National Aeronautics and Space Administration Barringer Crater Company Planetary Studies Foundation Cameca ThermoFisher Scientific Government of Western Australia: Department of Wiley Publishing Mines and Petroleum Western Australian Museum Geological Survey of Western Australia Meteoritical Society WA Craters Excursion 2012: Introduction 1 Figure 1: Map of the route, showing sites visited.