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p a g e TWENTY-POUR TUESDAY, MAY 80, 19TB iKmtrl;i^ater lEoming Ifierdd Sleith Honoried The Weather Ctoudy, icattered Aowei* dr By Alma Mater thunderetonna through Thuraday. Tonlgbt’a low about 60—ntum - fk' Page|7 / day*s high near 80. Weather Im- proving Filday.s ^ \ l \\\Uu \\Ulll u//y Mancheater^A CUy o f VOlago Charm '// H i YOU XCI, NO. 204 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 (Oaatfiled ASmhUag m Page «6) PRICE FIFTiBEN CENTS i '■■

^ / l l l ' 1 ^ U.S. Jets

^ •11‘iili lUii! *U/,v» .vNV Batter WARSAW (A P ) r - \Wndlng fifth Communist country he has Brigade, the PoUah aecret serv­ The war remains a big Issue up his current schedule of eum- visited aa President, ’the others ice and the militia patrol are in Polsnd, but Gierek is giving R ed Area mitry. President Nixon came to Were Yugoslavia, Romania, guarding the grounds. The bri­ tbs economy top priority and Warsaw today to dlacuaa trade China and the Soviet Union. gade, armed with. automatic Western diplomats believe his BAK30N (AP) — U.8. Navjr and economic aeslatance with ’Ihe Pnsident'a iUneraiy rifles, normally la used for pro­ regime is badly in need of for­ 7n. .w<‘ > llghter>>bomben, usliig eleo« Poland’s Communist party called for a brief sightseeing tecting Ptectian to U.S. ciUsens The bombs that peiqiered the Iho glide.bomb oarMea in Ita day. Iranian capital during the Nix­ nbao.a Mavtaton oamara Oat ent. U.S. officials In Poland arrested In PiSand. The pact Relations between Wariiing- hofring the receptian he took 10 years to negotiate. Pre­ on’s visit killed one Iranian relays pteturea back to a ton and Warsaw have improved woman and broke both legs of aoraea In the {8aae. nvhan the gets on this two-day visit will mier Plotr JaroBsewics wlU since Qlerek replaced Wladys- eclipse Niven that warm wel­ host a state dinner for the pres­ a UR. Air Force general sta- bomb foouaee on the target tha law Gomulka aa Communist ttonsd In Tdiran. One exploded pilot keep* it on course by come. Tha\Nlxons fly home to idential party and the Nixons party chief 17 months ago. Go- Washington onVIhursday. will spend the night at V ^ - near a royal tomb before mxon tranamlttlng oteotrculo aignala mulka denied Nixon official au- got there to place a wreath. ' Nixon Is theNdgheat ranking now, a 17th century pedace 45 to four tall fins that stear It thcrisaUon to visit Poland In But White House press secre­ American gcvenuhmt leader to minutes outside Warsaw. Military souroes pay tha 1967, a time when relatlona be­ tary Ronald Lh Ziegler said stop at this predomhumUy Ro­ tecurity around the baroque "smart’’ bombs are accurate tween the two countries were there was “no Indication what- within five feat, while bomba man Catholic and Nvestem- palace has been stepped up and strained because of the Vlet- with BO olootronlo r guldaaoo minded nation. It b ecoi^ the members of the Nadwlslanska nam war. (See Fisfa Bhglit) may bo aa much as ISO fast d f. Vtnh la a major tians- ahlpmaat point for war suppUaa moving Into South Vietnam to support the North Vletaamasa 7 I , -> offensive now beginning tts third month. hs Terror in Tel Aviv waves of Navy jets from three oarrlers In the Tonktai Chilf concentrated their raids Airport Massacre Leaves 25 Dead around Vlnh on Tuesday. Rattle Pilots said they also knochad TEt, AVIV (AP) - f Three the airport on a pUgrimage to tine—PFLP—issued a state­ (See Fags NIae) young Jiqionese terrorists hired Jerusalem and nef. Aharon ment In Beirut, Lebanon, \ by a Palestine guerrilla move­ Katslr, former prerident of the claiming reqwnsiblllty for the Tehran ment staged a massacre with head of the Intomational Union shooting. The captured terrorist submachine guns and grenades Israel Academy^ef Sciences and told laraeli authoritiea he had ‘TEHRAN (AP) —A ratii of In the passenger tMmlnal at Is­ o f Pure and Ajqdled Bliqpby- been paid by a guerrilla organ­ N A T O B a ck s bombs hit Tehran today, killing rael’s International airport isation, but he did not aay on Iranian woman, breaking Tuesday night, killing 28 per­ A S-year^old girt was among which one. botii legs o f a -U.S. Air Force .7 i'-iM sona and wounding more than the dead. The Popular Front said the general and delaying President T r o o p Cuts 70. Among thoee who escaped massacre was in retaliation foT\ Mixon's schedule by 49 minutes. Travelera, relatives, bystand­ injury were Oarol Golden of New the kUllng by Israeli troops of BONN (AP) — The United One explosion occurred about 3 0 D A Y President Nixon walks with Cholan Reza, left, brother of the Shah of Iran, at ers and en^iloyes at the York, arriving ter a -acation, two Palestinian hijackers of a States and lU Nofth Atlantic al­ 100 yards from the site of the the tomb of Reza Shah, father of the Shah. It was an hour after a bomb ex- crowded airport were hit in the and her brother Tt«n, who lives Belgian Babena JetUner at the lies agreed today that mlUtajiy PresidMit's final puUic appear­ wild fusillade of gunfire and ex- In Israel wMh their mother. A Tel Aviv airport three weeks measuiha to reinforce con- plod^ in the area. Others in the picture are unidentified. (AP photo) ance In Iran, at the tomb cf the idoslons loosed by three gun­ bullet gauged the mother’s ago. fldeoeSi and Increaae stability father of the Shah of Iran, men who disembarked from a knee, but she was not hurt se­ Apparantiy nCarring to * the betww ' Soviet and Western .where Nixon was to place a Paris-Rome-Tri flight, riously. T' fqrces ccul^ be discussed at the wreath. The bomb went off just fact that the gunmen 'were not pulled weapons from their ba||> -!’Are you klddl4g?’’ said Miss Arabs, the statement said ^>e iS-nstloa Mritersnea cpi ooc|>ar-' outer Rings outside the 10-foot wall around gage and started topoting. Golden when asked if She would aUon In Europe whirii Presi­ the tpm|> an hour before the attaqk reaffirmed "solidarity of H e ra ld After firing indIBerimlnately 'liitey Mrmonth'She had world revolutionary foroes and d e Mtxoa and the Soviet lead­ Under Blast, '.President was due there. into the. erawd, 'one of the ter­ Ida^d. *Tmv getting out of ers agreed should be held next proves that the Palestinian ir Fire Itixoii’s motorcade .was de­ rorists shot up two parked here as soon as I can." cause does hot tisksur to the ydsT. <■- ■tt: '.J. Using Hospital N ot^ layed, but be went ahead w ^ pIaiiMi,blthen blew himself up The 10-mlnute attoidt turned iThis- compromise 'was Palestinian peopUl skate." I BELTdEr (AP) — A bomb appearance at the tom b'of with a hand, gnoaOa'. A .sepond the cuatMoSNiall and waiting ISraeU" prime —Mlntster (jkdda SdsqiMil at the end o f NATO’s In rSsponae to a request from* speotfuUy request that effective R esa Shah 20 m iles outside was killed b f bulleu tiied by room Into a shambles of Hood, New auto ban rates cut to blaat dameged’- tiie "heavily the administration of Manches­ Meir broke off her vaeatioil and tw»dsy ^ring meeting of fbr- June 1, 1972 you bease puUiah- Ibhran. ’ his comrades, and the fliird htimAn flesh, broken gloss and sancHMgged .Springfield Road ter Memorial Hospital, effectivis the Israeli CSablnet held on sign ministers to which Secre­ Ing of admissions and-discharg- was captured alive after trying parts of auitoases and bodias. police station and army com­ tomorrow. The Herald will no 'White House j»eas secretary ememnoy seaslon today to dls- tary c f State WUUsm P^^Rogars e s ." ’’» looked like a slaughter­ mand peat In Brifast ’Tuesdsy longer publish patient admis­ Ronald L. Ziegler said a car In unsuccessfully to Mow tip a cuis the massacre. brought word of the agree­ idane, polloe said. house," said one witness. ments In Moscow that opened night, killing one British soidletr sions, dlscharggas, and dally which Brig. Gen. Harold h. In Tokyo, the Jt^wneee For- TIm dead included at least 18 Tlu Marxist Popular Front the way to furlher Ehurt-West and wounding four ottier sol­ births at the hospital. Prlc6 rldinfT In ft Tdiran suburb hit an exidoslve device Puerto Ricans passing^ through fw ' the Uberatlon of Pales­ (See page Nine) talks. diers and two civilians. A sni­ "The Baby Has Been Nkmed" Lotte^ ‘Extra’ In the roadway, IdlUng on Ira­ There was alao agreement to­ per htiled another British sol- column will still be carried. dier on patrol during the night. nian woman standing nearby day among the allies—In which In a letter to Burl L. Lyems, Due lliursday France did not join—to press The bombing capped a day of and breaking both the general’s Herald publisher, Bldward M. legs. for aeparate talks with the So­ -viclent reaction by the Picvl- Kenney, MMH administrator, HARTFORD (AP) — The viets on mutual and balanced aicnal wing of the outlawed state -Gaming Oommlaaion an­ A third expHoeion abottsrsd said some patients feel that pub­ windows and damaged a side reduction of forcea in Europe. Irish Republican Army to the nounced today that the first lication of their names U an in­ 'wall at the sevoi-atory U.S. In- In a final conuminlque, the ceasefire ordered by the rival vasion of privacy and have also quarterly drawlt^ cf the Con­ ministers Insisted "defense and focmatian 'Service building In Official faction. About 40 young complained that too many visi­ necticut State Lottery will be detente are Inseparable," ’Hiey gunmen were reported to have held Thuraday. downtown Tehran. tors interfere with their recup­ Police charged that the renewed their idedge to defend switched from the Officials to eration. The commission also said bombings were the work of the freedom and security cf all the Prpvialonal ao they could The following la the text of Miss World-UB.A, Brucene Iran’s Marxlat guerrilla move­ 15 members of the alliance. ke^ fighting. Kenney's letter: Smltii, will help selMt the win­ But they added that they are ment which has been waging a Chief of Staff Sean MacStio- "Over the recent years w/e ning number, for the Little working for an improvement of two-year bomb and bullet cam­ fain of the Provisionals ordered have had. an increasing demand Acorn and Mlgjity Oak semi­ their rriations witii the coun­ paign against the Shah’s re­ his rebel guerrillas to continue from our patients that no pub­ finals. tries of Eastern Europe and gim e. titeir bomb and ' bUUet cam­ licity be given their hospital ad­ The regular weekly drawing Bagjidad Radio, In nelghboi^ aeeking. a Juat and .lasting paign despite the truce the Offi­ mission or discharge. peace to overcome the dl'vlsioa of tile “Super 76“ also will be ing Iraq, has been colling on all cials announced Monday night. "Patients are complaining that of Germany and promote the Thursday at the Armory. "patriotic Iranians" to disrupt too many vlsltora inteitore with security of Europe. In addition to the two sol- In order-to qualify tor the Nixon’s visit. The Iraqi leglma their rest and increase the noise They noted progreas In rela­ d lers,-a 12-ye«UM>ld g irl shot on quarterly drawing, a lottery la -angered by Xi.S. support o f and traffic throughout the build- tions between East and West, Sunday died during the night, ticket bidder must have Israel and is also contending ing. Many have complained that with iaereased contacts of lead­ raising the toll in three years of matched either the last two dig­ with Iran for dominance in the the puMication of their odmls- ing personalities and significant communal, warfare in Northern its (AOghty Oaka) or the final Persian Gulf area. Bi<» and discharge is a vl

-..Y- No bwer beink rates Professtonalism in the Towns * * ■ .7 .

im Standards f5r the Tax Assessor LtlS Right now when you’re harking to the call of the open road, By DAVm li. EDGEBLY ed or ai^xilnted. "If a small Burke said that If this is the But when this land was sold ^ HABTFORO (A P ) — One busineas had a Ugh setwot kid case, the smsS towns had not to a developer the assessors Hartford National rolls back tfie price of auto loans on new cars. measure aimed at reforming doing tts books, and then ex­ read the bill property. comtdalned that the towns got For 30 beautiful spring days you can get the new bw , low Cksmecticut's property tax ad- pended into a mutti-mlUion dol­ "Certification doeen’t require none of the profit. minietration has been signed lar -business it would tell the towna to have a full-time man. The new law requires a per­ 8 ^2% rate. And life insurance is included at no extra cost into law, but a more far-reech- kid to.beccme a certified ac­ It just means that 'whoever son who owns for less than 10 t^- 1,« ' Ing bill requiring minimum pro­ countant or get rid of him. does the assessing has to meet years land classified as 'farm, Now that’s found money. Money you can sock into your vacation fessional standards for local as­ Towns in Connecticut are defi­ certain minimal quali­ forest or en space to pay the m fund. O r put toward a nice little extra like p ow er steering. sessors never got out of com- nitely in the multi-mlUlon bual- fications," Burke aold. town a conveyance- tax. If he mittoe. neas," he added. “Alao, if the jobs were close­ sells the land or changes the The new, low 81^% covers any nevy car you want Bug or bus. The new law, signed earlter The propooal that died In ly analysed, I think you would classification. find they aren’t getting done," this month by Gov. Thomas J. committee said incumbent as- The tax is adjusted on the Convertible or camper. Meridll, Is designed to let Burke added. Burke said pit^>oaals fo r cer­ basis of 10 per cent of the sale towns, In certain cases, tax the price. If the land la owned for Pick out your car. Then pick up your auto loan the same day at any profit when land In a low tax tification of assessors had been submitted "aa long as I can re­ leas than a year and sold to a closaiflcatian is sold to a devel­ Long develiqier, the seller must pay office of Hartford National. oper o r its classtflcation la member," but that this U the O v e r d U f e first year the bill had the ac­ the town 10 per cent of the sale 8}4%.A.RR.° 30 days only. Make tracks to Hartford National changed. price. The tax declines one per Asseaaora had said such a tive suM>ort of the ’Tax Depart­ cent f<»r each year of own­ measure was long overdue. But ment. •jA ^- ership. ' I CMd Saybrotec Assessor Walter sessocs could continue without "The state Tax Department Burke said Tuesday that certifl- / certification, but their reiriace- said it would be willing to as­ / A farmer who owned a ptoee cation Is the key to b ^ r jmp- ‘ meots would have to be certi­ sume the administrative re­ of land fo r m ore than 10 y e a n fied by the state fTax D^>art- and sold It, would not bav« to erty tax administration in the sponsibilities at certifying as­ sf'*-! We’re with you all the way state. - ment within four years. sessors and said it favored cer­ pay the tax to the town. . "Anything other than ceitifi- It never got out of the Fi­ tification,” Burke added- The law also says that if the cotion is like the tail wagging nance Oommittee. The bill signed by MesklU owner has land In the low tax tile dog,” ■■M’* Burke, who la “The only real eugument partially closes a loophole in classification tar less than 10 riiatnnan of the legislative against certification { is that the 1998 law aimed at pre­ yean and changes clasai- HARTFORD NATIONAL committee of the (Connecticut some of the small towns think serving open space and protect­ fleation, he must pay the tewn It Is unfair to have tot pey a ing farmers from soaring land a similar conveyance tax tf- ’Annual Percentage Rate Mora than 8700 million in certified "full tim e asseesor taxes. ’ though the pn^ierty doesn’t property taxes was collected In when they’re getting the job Under the 1968 law, land clas­ ’ change hands. This tax Is based Going Up OfferendsJune 23 BANK>ain. House chairman c f the space Is taxed at a much lower land as determined by the local Workmen at the construction site of the Hartford Civic Center worii against an BMaaanr la that he be elect- Finance Committee. rate than developed land. Member F.DJ.C. 61 Offices serving Connecticut assesaw. the geometric backdrop of steel girders that they glide into place. (AP photo)

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Steele Offers TV Tonight Sheihwold on Bridge TAU two BRIM NORTH BAXHBB THAN ONB 4 K762 FactBook 8m SaturdiqrM I V HuaM ^ Q 6 5 for Oomploto TJoHina By A in W O SHBIMW . UU) Jte aaf TiMUijr , .A a ConfroBaloiial ftrat, lias boon ftneelM. If tha flneeM wina, you 4 109 8 ♦ J V- (8«) BIMor Bofan aoora 180 pofnta tor hidding and KJ7 . very true, hut there Soelh Weft North la no harm ki gettliig better Whitman—"Touth, large, lusty, • ••■8 (8) W h ^ 1 ♦ Pen 3 4 then an even chaaoe. I'l loving — youthful! of grace, •••• ( * ♦ • ) **• 4 NT Pen 5 0 force, fasoinatloB, do you know (U ) I 8py Boutti dealer 5 NT Pas* , 6 O (4) Hedgegadgs lAdga Both etdee vulneraUe All Pats that old ago may coma after you • 8 4 r • *> ( ) To M i Ike TMIh Opening leed-Tbn of Bpedm with equal grace, force and fas­ 88 pOSttiOOA The 3 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. (48) CHBganhi Mend In unfavembW cination.” odds are 8 to 1 iketSouth wiU, All of the InfOrmatloB In the 8188 (8) C M Naws pleyed. South drew thrM *** i " .. r ? r JjzJ' TUBS. & SAT. TILL 6 (8d8) ABO Mews !^ ^ o f trumpe sndbig in the 1 ^ “right,” — — booklet was assembled by much better than Steele. It IncludM sections on (84 B l s ialiin dununy and ttien tried a ftnsaM " (88d») MBO Mews wKh lha queen of dtamonde. dumoe. Social Security benefits, railroad Dally (|nesllei ! employe benefits, medleare- 8i88 (48) Mews Weet won with the king of die- _____ ------medleald, old age assistance, 1i88 (8) Big VaBay mends and got out asfsiy with * 7 * nutrition and physical fttnass, (8) Whsirs My Uwsf s dlsmond: had South A-T-8-8; B sn m bousing and legal aid. (U ) Dldt VSn Dyke eventually gsve % a hssrt for m o ^ , JT-T; CfcibA A-AfA I/; a loes of 100 points. Whst de j w sayT It also IncludM Information 0M8) MOwa YOU on transportatkn, employment (84) BkasdfnhAB “ M was n good slam,’ ’ South Answer: » d o m owm ______fSsrds, oi^ortualtlM, federal and state (48) BOy Osakans Cknr- announced■ resSaurliMly. “The .1>*?**^ Make a fashion splash tax facts, voter InformaUon. In­ of diamonds "SigM li v e ***■ ^ 3 1 d8 (t) Lnaak bw « in favonMe and ««»«isk A maalMasy^ formation OB gettlag a driver’s W d h S ^ ^ opMlng bid. With f^ i.o A M Ucemw and a coroplate directory (U ) M y i of services. ( ■ ) I M ef «s H ftneeaM never Bet, we wotdd •»* ^ 'P****';!® in a Jantzen swim suit In a measage to the senior (4) Om b ell become too optinristis! eo Ote chibe finA . f f dtlaens, Steele comments that (88) O m aU is for the beat la the beat of all possible wostde.’ ’ Oeneral FankWM Chap, too many ««>• *•“ gUatthatkjsf, until IMhar (B) tha hag two 1888 whan tha tadapendsi^oasn- tar this IsolatlaB including In- (18 Mewa sufflctent Inoome, Inattequate (84) Biaom *18 for the dam, but ehoM to rely munltlM of BrocMjm. “ “ M ake uoave* thia sum m er in any one o f on kiat one. Tdsiul and Qusans wsr» health care, the lack of a de­ (48) Msvle Hasris mrst ed Into fh* eUy.^ cent bonu and the lack of o|)p«, five ^tpes o f edges ter is vital to irrigated egricul- was taken, Diam onds masks and four sessions with and flat, bristle and fringe hire and many cttlM In toe — SIEMUKSS-em BEl Brookes, who Is a science worms wwe brought back. They Southwest rely cn K fOr tbelr Are Forever '■iSCr teacher, after school reviewing feed on sea tettuce and brine municipal needs. Voe instance. An item In ynerfiraeirs lytco k l i s various aspects ol oceano- shrimp. The etudewts tnougfat TUcson, a dty cf 880,000, de- Report incocTMtly r^ortw an s»# ■ ii«----- gra{^y and geology. back a large supply' cf thsM peada entirely on ground whter aeddent which occurred Mhir- i i c n M . Various trips for coUecting which has'been troaen for fu- for Us water atvpiy and u sm day morning on TcUand - 1 ^ n spedes were planned to cdnclde tore use. The water for the nearly 18 hflltcw gallona a year. Anadaela Mactejko of 48 North Fly girts ______1______^------St. wee lasued a written U sS X i wamliBr for faihira to yldd toe who right of way, alter her car #as know Tliev- Seek out the sun la cotUMon w lto a ca r driven by T-.. Hartford May File Wayne D. Bradley o f TTumhuU. what A passenger i ntbe Madejko T^detm edva dining room* to do G^^ther in super shades -car, Mra. AgnM Waldtowakas 1188 • «i8 8 -8188 1188 • 8 B 8 . of 88 Union St, was treated at 46 East Center Street, Msneheeter IfiT or 1B8.8I School Lines Suit 643-1416 Mancbeater Menuxlal Hh^dtal. to HARTVURD (AP) — Hart- which now follow town Hnea, hy Riviera* ford’s dty council acheduled a eegregate children artiflcally ^ accoedtag to Income and race, ENDS TUESDAY You*U see things a lot clearer this summer, special meeting Wednesday to dlstrlcte are aat up » a f r r i K» 1 ■ decide if it will file a federal seriously erodes toe so* base of URNSIDE S SPINE TINGLING when you see things through a pair of court suit aimed at chenging the dty, leaving U unaMe to B “ 4 { I; • - : ’ drastically the way Connecticut provide equal educational op- Rivierifi sun g^aea. Pick your favorite sets up Us school districts. poitunittes for Us rastdenfs, the style from Bvaterfields a large Rivienfi The suit would challenge the suU would say. 1 current practice of drawing In effect, the suit would emn- collection of sun glasses with ahapet you'tt school district lines on the basis bine twtf seta of arguments— love . . . like squares, octagons, rectangles, of town lines and would suggest based on dalme of segregation FILM RATING GUIDE instead a state-s«q>erviaed aya- and tax toequalities—which ' For Parents and circles and oblongs . . . in regular and tern of metropolitan school die- proponents of metropoUtan super sizes. And Riviertfl let* you aee tricts. schod diatrlcte have been rals- Their Children Such a suit says Ctity Ooun- Ing. Oty offldals beUeve U things in living color . . . through lenses If oilman George Levine, could may be the first time a dty, eventually establish “not only a rather than a group cf parents in eye-pleasing greens, great grays and legal milestone but also we will or taxpayers, has mpds toe 80S BROAD STREET browns, blues, roses, yellows and other*. r-ii* - I ii » have begun the process of al- point In court, MANCHESTER tering the basic structure of Gddfarb says that if success- So get your summer fun in focus . . . put our urban society.” ful, the suit could be “the be- Wednesday & Thursday Special yourself in a great pair of fashion shades Some of the basic work on ginning of metropoUtan region- the suit has already been dene al govenunent for the Haimsrd by Rivienfi. You'll find them all at by Levine and City Corporation area.” WJMaoeoMWi. "TURKEY IN THE ROUND" Counsel 'Alexander Qoldfath. The complaint, he aald, would (TURKEY MBAXBAUB) BnUterfieUPs, priced from 3.00-8.00iJllip- Ita heats wotdd be a dalm ask a special time-judge feder- TDRKBY ICBATBAUB on*, from 2.50-3.00. that the schod district lines as el court to order state offldals MAflHBD POTATOB8 now set up by toe state vidate to administer and oontrd toe BUCBD TOMATOBB ;k . the ccnsUtuUonal rights of toe elementary and secondary CRAMBBtRY V- ■ dty and ita residents to due schod syatema of toe state, •••AAsssn••••••##•«•#••••*•• AT Ti48 HROWMBRBAD A BUm iH ’ 1 . 2 9 process end to equal protection "’nUs proposed complaint PHONE 646-8400 of the laws. constitutea a legal challenge to ^ NO ONI UNOC9I 37 AflMITm — o n o f — BUTTERFIELD’ S MANCHESTiER PARKADE Levine, in a report due to be the urban problem wUch to un­ iRgiiiwUNNrwnr HKW H O U R S M o b. tkni Sot. 7 A Jf. te U P JL — I read at the council seoston, precedented In scope and poten- U tfO I T A lin InsBHNatt ton ktM m B id a I WBMlSKFAflT SBBVBD DA 1I . Y > saya the suit would claim Con- Ual consequence,” Levin says WoHMi” nectlcut'a schod dtotrlcto, in hie report. f y

P A G E F O U R . MANCHESTER EVENING HERAI4>, MANCHESTER^ CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81. 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.'MANCHESTER, OONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 ■ P A G E F IV B li Chamber Names Cohimhia ■f■ ■ PR Committee -1 A cauunber ct C om m erce m INMN STREET Lilacs Create Atmosphere pubUo reletloos committee beaded by Arthur H. Deuer bee ■tnbm Mmfeetitr been anpolated by John A. De- For Yearbook Presentation. Quattro, preeldent cf the Man- cheater caiamber. MONEY HEFUNOEO Porter School eighth graders of CkiUbis Rd„ and Curtis Bock, lumbla entering kindergarten The primary purpoae ot th e & WITHIN IS DAYS . . . received yearbooks at the re- «on d Mr. and Mrs. Hemy are welcome on tee bus ride. committee, aald Dauer at hla cent annual luncheon in the Beck, RL 87, will be among the ” o o p ^ Croup’a otvanlsattonal meeting school cafeteria. On the cover 48 young petgile In ^ taat week, “la to better com­ of each yearbook Is a tasiwl Interns to go to Wash- The Women’s R^HibHcan municate the Mancheater ingten, D.C. to pa^clpato in DISCOUNT STORES CWa rtsorva H im righf fo limlf quanHHMs) made from Ulac and white yam. Club voted a contribution to tee C h am b er ot Commerce activity These are the class colors, the Cknmecticut Intern Pro­ Republican Town (Committee to pmgnunmlng to the com- symbolic of igitlmlam and hope. gra m . be uaed for tee GOP float in munlty^U-large. ” A page of the yearbook was Kindergarten Children' tee 4te of July parade. Committee members In ^wUnxtsd to Mrs. Caroline Sul­ Children who will be mtering 'The group’a June 'meeting w ill addition to Dauer are: De<)uat- livan, who, imtil her recent kindeigarten (or the first time be a pot luck supper at Yeo­ tro, Robert D. Chanieaa, Joseph death, was library aide. The in September will have their mans Hall. Mrs. Rita Cloutier Oarman, Kenneth HanUnaon. book was presented to her first experience riding on a and Mrs. Grace Pringle are in Mrs. Lorraine Jones, Burl L. daughter, Carol Ann. school bus June 5. The children charge of the event. Revised Wmiam Vsebes E. Begwe Arthnr O. Hohnes Lyons, Ralph H. Sayre m and The class dedicated tee year- w ill be picked up at 9:80 a.m. by-laws will be submitted for R. Lee Watkins. book to Mrs. Mercedea Prior, at tee Congregational Church. approval at that meeting. They Help Plan Shrine Events Dauer said the committee will Mrs. Cheryl Graham and John Children from tee morning The annual food sale will be concentrate on getting Its mea* Lescoe, baying they have ex- and afternoon sessions of mira- Aug. 26 with M n. Persia Cragin Three past prealdentB ot dates and Shriners at the high Field where there will be foot across via bumi>er S liA e' tended “ understanding, patience ery school and any child in Co- In ch arge. Omar Shrine Chib are chair- school, assisted ly Wallace O. partol and motor unit drills for ■**®**o™> schoid book covers, and devotion” to tee students — — ------; men of parade, security and Bailey, recorder (secretary) of the public to view. bookmarks, an annual school the post several years.) registration for the ^Ainx Sphinx Temple; and members Visiting Shriners are cwning contest, commercial Each taUe had a vase of fresh Temple Shrine Spring Ceremo- of the Directors Staff which is from Maine, New Hampshire, newspaper coverage in UlacB and each eighth grader re­ nial in Manchester Saturday. responsible for- candidates. Vemoiit, Massachusetts and Herald, and regular radio CigareHes 48* & 50* ceived a tote bag, smile key William Fhrbes is pcurade Bogue handled these chores in Rhode Idand. broadcasts over WINP radio 'MtB iuaa case and address book, comidl- station . chairm an. H e w a s p a ra d e IMTT. menta of Paul Brookman, busi- diairman in 198T when Uie The class of candidates, ex- s & neas office manager of SNET. 3 Shriners last visited Manches- jiected to number about 85 will Pens labeled "Windham High ter with its spring initiation of start reporting at Manchester or fASHlOM* South African Blacks School”- were given by tee hot candidates. He has made pa- High School at 10:80 a.m. They lunch program committee. ' rade arrangements with Oerald will have a lunriieon at the Shew, who is parade marshal MH8 cafeteria and then will be Mothers on tee planning com- Have Passport Troubles Wilson M. SImoni Youth Activities Committee miteiteee Included Mrs. Jocm (or Sphinx Temple. bused to the parade assembly HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE Etheridge, Mrs. Joyce Pearce, Arthur O. (Spike) Holmes is area cn Main St. at Bennet Jun- chairman of the Manchester Rotary Club, holds an By KENNETH L, WHfriNQ anybody who isn’t white. |Tech Students Receive Awards Mn.' OUve Field, Mrs. John In charge of security. His ]ob is ior High School. The parade is JOHANNESBURO, South Af- The clearance form describes electric drill, one of the tools presented by the serv­ Doscher, Mrs. Rosemary Raggi to make proper police and Are at 2 o’clock, a ^ winds along rfca (AP) — When white South the appUcant’s worthiness and HUNDREDS OF ITEMS AT OUR Howell Cheney Regional Voca- Job offer to David Meek, amior, by the American Legion at the and Mrs. Mary Heins. protection proviskms (or the pa- Main St., E. Center St. and >^cans need a passport, they .poUUcal leanings, if any. It also wOtonal and Technical School held ■by the - Hartford County FOrd, University of ConnectlouL ice organization to top students in Cheney Tech rade, at Manchester High Brookfleh) St. to Memorial fuj out an ofAcial form, submit reports whether he or she '‘is 2|a annual awards assembly yes- Unooln-Mercury, fuid FVird- Michael Landry, sanlor class The seventh graders escorted EVERYDAY LOW 'rtorday aftotnoon to honor stu- trade areas. Recipients, from left, and their depart­ tee eighth graders to their 1 School and at the State Armory. rk - c, . ^ H with $4 and await the docu- considered a At and {HX^r per- Tractors D «a o « Community president, presented the class 1a a ;- ’’’dente for outstanding achieve­ seats, served tee luncheon and The arm courses, which teadi nearly 3 ^ if they plan to visit Blth certificates are OK in die ^ Tpke. Award was received In ap- Vinci, electronics; .and Lloyd Pelletier, carpentry. range for registration of candi- miUion studenU annually. united States and $2M if case of minora. USTBRINE 20- o m . iwJF’’a * I>lgeatDlgeri as tee senior hav- Also, $15 gift certificate to preclatlon for students and In tern s Mias Carol Insinga, daughter Kuntpe is their gocd—idus the Many applicants say that if lilglMM average. He was David Belanger, sophomore, by ,taff who blood. (Herald photo by Pinto) 3Pso commended for earlier hav- Lloyd’s Auto Parts, 191 Center of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Insinga applicaUon fee. any of the necessary papers or ANACIN TAMETS 100* : Hng been named tee recipient of St. ------Immigration authorities say funds are lacking, immigration Industrial Education Award Also, a 1972 shop tnamial to Uie deposits are required in ofAcera decline to pass H along •ref tee Connecticut Business and Patrick Corona, post graduate. RRi H R E H H E just received new shipment of case the traveler becomes to headquarters in Pretoria for m DMDBL UQUID 6- . 29xteatey Association, and the Receiving' gold merit awards stranded and must be returned Anal approval, ‘‘’Connecticut River Valley Region (or scholanhlp, school and out- home at govenunrat expense. When ' opposltton poUUciana metnl and plasfie BPnEROBNT M Tab* iHS/omta'm American ORT (Or- side activities, and good clUxen- Suqilclous Macks believe the chiited the government last tdr 'Rehabilitation ship were Beaumet, MalnviUe, COLONIAL ROOM deposit is aimed at dls- year about passport obstacles a Training) Award. Meek, James Poole, Rloux ai)d window toxes couraging them from foreign spokesmdn spumed the crlU- HEAD A SHOULDERS 2.7-oc. Tobe Alvin and Co. drafting equip- Ronald Stets. travel. Some point out that clsm by saying that pcMsports D IG E l i»jaent webt to James Albano, Silver merit awards were pre- sizes 18” - 24” - 30” - 36” even African students able to are a privilege and not a right SECRET SPRAY 7h«. Fonly UOUiO ixry Hiftchlns, Kenneth Gray, sentod to Bernard Gouohoe, Wil­ priced study abroad on full schMar- of ciUxens. ttsr bert Ivaldl, Mark MalnvUle, Uam Henderlliv John Libra, from 97»fo*2.44 riiips must forte over deposits. a□ferry Mason, Scott Potter, John Matthefws and Roger (brackets for ail sixes) The red tape doesn’t stc^ ALKA SELTZER 25 ToUtl* ••illoux, and Robert Sukoeky. Thorpe. with money, however. New Books 12 The foHowing automotive Robert Newsmn, a Junior In c e m e te r y v a s e s ...... e o . 39c Blacks have to provide eight ■■wwards were made for the first the carpentry department, was .JTAS-j copies of letters to suiqmrt the ONExA-DAY YITAMINS 100 Tab. HOMEFUL At Library ;39me: named school representative to passport aiqiUcaUon from two A starter tool set, booc, and Nutmeg Boys’ State, sponsored AT TREMENDOUS GROUP PRICE SAVINGS! we sdl conn. 50c lottery tickets! notables, usually a clergyman Fiction LYSOL SPRAY 14-ob. c and an ofAceholder In their Browne—-U Harrowhouse T h e 700 Club te le v is io n p ro ­ segregated communHies. Butterworth—The black look H About Town ■men the applicant gets a Denker—The kingmaker ■AYER'S FOR CHILDREN 30 Tab*. rm g ra m 'Will be shown Friday at A BMirtifally CMnUiatod document from the Bantu Ad- Hannah—Oeronlmo Rex 2 Dougbia Stanley Spaeth, aoa 7:80'p.m. on Channel 18 instead rref Mr. and Mn. Charles E. mlnlatration Department’s bn- Healey—The Veqpuccl papers of 9 p.m. as originally sched­ m m M S m JOHNSON lA lY POYfDBR 24-om. !!8paete of $9 Marion Dr., re^ . Total 3 Rooms of Braiitiful migration section which must Household—The three sentinels uled. • be cleared at Johannesburg’s Kerr—No deadly drug OIULETfl Siqwr Sialwliii MJLDIS IS* "kently graduated from the New i Non-Eurepean Affairs Depart- Lofts—Out of the dark Zllamptcn School, New Hampton, A EARLY AMERICAN The Women’s Society of Chris­ •nr ment: Morrril-First blood O '- H., and received tee art ^w ard for sculpture. tian Service of Norte United y o a ' I U rn « s l * “Bantu” is the ofAclal label Pearce—Pier bead Jump CUHROL N l ^ A EASY AE SbodM* Methodist Church will have a FURNITURE! (or Africans and “Ntan-Bu- Schmitt—The (Jodforgattsn •w Manchester Jaycee Vfives rummage sale Saturday from 9 n ^ a n ” is South Africanese for Tracy—The quiet end of evenbig MISS CLAIROL HAIR COLOR BATH TastefoUy designed by our own ------— ------Non-Fletlon !3rill hai4 a dual board meeting a.m. to noon at the church. Alexandre—The duri: De Gaulle ^‘tonight at 8 at tee home of Mrs. trained staff, to take all the Ic Pom pidou YASEUNE INTENSIYE CARE lO-oi. 3iee McCray, 280 E. Middle "Ihe Language Learning Dla- guesswork out of home decorating. Blumgarten — Up against the _ aUUty Workshop for parents WaU (Street) and students w ill be held tomor­ Boeolanan—^And ttie beat goes PASTEETH POWDER 4.5-ofc £ The Sisterhood of Temple row at 7:80 p.m. at Bowers on >»Bete Sholom will apoaaor an la- School. The woriuhop will In- Brooks—Trout firiilng ARRID EXTRA DRY SPRAY Y-w. 2jaaU Craft Exposition Sunday chide slides of a summer speech Brubakei^To live on earth noon to 6 p.m. at tee tern- and language program and a Cariinsky-A century of College STYLE HAIR SPRAY 16-0& Hlfle 400 E. Middle Tpke. The demonstration of behavloir mod- hum or 3 v ^ la open to tee pubUc free Ideation, and precision teaching ALL m De Eocrest—How to buy at auc­ jMtf charge. Refreahments w ill be techniques. Students w ill parOc- tion JERGENS LOTION 10-M. 2|erved. Art, wood, glass and ipate In four different reading II D1 G iacom o — W e w e re n e v e r Hcraft Items of aU kinds wUl be approaches and perform the th e ir a g e displayed and sold. Mra. Robert play "King Hlera’a Crowm” The PIECES Diamant — Televlalan’B classic COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 6.75-ei. ".W a g n e r is In charge of the puWlc Is Invltod to participate In tee demonstration lessons. commercials □ e v e n t. ONLY Disney—The iplendld art of dec- MAALOX UQUID 12-«s. oraUng eggs Dreyfus—What computers can’t DeUgfat in a maatorfUtiy designed, 'warm nutmeg maple finite, do TICK'S FORMULA 44 8.5-o>. Cdonlal bedroom. DouUe dresser, framed mirror, cheat and In S to ^ for Immediate Delivery Drury—^Mobile homes panel bed have BoHd hardwood and hardwooit vm eer eonatniotion DubUn—My secret places; one with MlcartaB plastic tops. The gram features comer-blocked case pieces and dovetail^ center-guided drasrers. A Rogular $ 1 4 3 7 j0 0 Valiio! man’s love affair with nature BEN GAY Reg. or Greo*ele** 3-ob. in the city MmB CUiiti|in9 Ellison—Again, dangerous vi­ CONTAC CAPSULES 10* sions Garrison—How It started anil JfumlBiftnQB Oovonl—Cary Grant Gould—The shag bag 985 MAIN STREET Downtown Manchester G ray-The children’s crusade LIQUID Greeley—^Priests in the United 643-7954 States FMMOI]* IMWNl KODAK Hannau—The Bermuda Isles In nfraAMAIlO FUJI fu ll c o lo r FLASHCUBBS lUooUtel “Member Main Street GuUd OSOM-IZ Odor COLD WATER WASH Herrii — The education of Ed­ Slnpkg.LMCLN l a a fy in Downtown Manchester” ward Kmmedy Ipowkr West—The village 3 The button down. 1 inches later. Kahn—The boys of summer 1/2 King—The drug hang-up Kluger—The Joy of spinning Koffend^A letter to my wife The Gant Evolution. K osol— ^FfCe schools Marriage: Fhr and against Latro. by Harold H. Hart Meilacb—Macrame accessories Dresser - ^ rro r - Chest - Bed - Mattress - Box Spring Milne—The arena of life M O a a r t - Sofa - Chair - Rocker - 2 Lamps - 2 End Tables - MoUenhoff—Strike force; oegan- » « s r (ioffee Table - Formica Tojiped Dinette Table - 4 High ized crime and the govern­ a s r - m m ent Window CtaaiMr Back Chairs. _ with Ammonia Moody—The credit union move­ Cleans m en t WtthiMit Streaks. MAWOAL Take Advantage of Our Free Layaway, or m Morgan—The descent, of woman FACML 'Morgan — Dro{gdng out In % 16-ei. XIS5UKS Easy Payment Plans I tim e Reg. SSc a box Nanry-American music; From SPECIALLY IF BOUGHT SEPARATELY: StoiTvlUe to Woodstodc ,MISS I lf's Complete Living Room ...... 1569.00 Norman—Tales of the table; a PRICED 2 for 25^ Cl a ir o l history of Western cuisine HAm Complete Dining R oom ...... 1139.00 co iQh Novak—The rise of the unmelt- .OATH'. (Complete Bed R oom ...... $289.00 able Ethnics Lrvw..—NATUHAt- FASTEETH P a n ts h —12, 20 A 6; a d octor’ s mOH PKBFOBMANOE serving Connecticut homemakers since 1909 year in Vietnam Polmolive^Gold Pareseglan — The cybernetic PUNCH • CASH world of men, machines and OPEN earth systems LAUNDBY DBTKBOENT Deodorant Soap The beautiful halter dress in a striking border Pearson—Those damned rebels Perawne—Rome, from its foun­ Lower Phosphates B a th Size V •C H A R 8 E print. Antron nylon in black/white, red/white. dation to the present 20 0*. SPECIAL 5 OK. MON., THURS. B y D i Gi. 5 to 18 ...... EM Pomeroy — Dr. Kinsey and the 1 5 * Institute for Sex Research blau •BUDCCT Price—Buying country property furniture stores Smashing white polyester knit with bodice and Sandler—Home bake book . . OiTRA DR' & FRI. NITES Solomon — Arriving where we TERMS skirt contrasted in a turquose/pink print. By 500 643-4159 started EospOn Spoad GUDE \ 346-6O0-. Mr. Jay. 10-18...... E S 6 Sutton—Yellowstone It took only an Inch-and-a-half to get Talbert—Sports Illustrated ten­ SPRAY STARCH AIR-FRESHNER the button down into 1972. So we made ♦UP TO I i n is for yow the collar deeper. Added 1 V i -inches to YEARS TO DAL, Presses, Manchester Parfcade ft Trl-Oty Plaia, Vance — The decorative art of Will Not Stick of Scorch 7 oz. - 6 FraoKrances the points. And wove our shirt of Formerly Keith's of Manchester Vernon, open Mon. thro Frl. to 9, Sat. to • dried flower arrangement shoppIliM coiivMiiaRce! Celanese* f o r t r e l b polyester and PAY 1115 Main Street Waldau—.Vintage yean of the | REG. BM- ■ a o c cotton. ^ Theatre Guild, 1928-1989 22oz. 79c Phone 648-4169 Walker—Dance and Its creators | 4 7 * Ci^rs: White, ^1 2 Waters—To me it’s wonderAil Blue, and Brown PAOB SIX ICAMCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCmSlER, OONN„ WEDNESDAY, MAY SI, 1972 MANCHESTT® EVENING HERALD, MANCHESfER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 PAGE SEVEN fPMr cn cur ...... Uo body who has sveiylhlBg saena to have against poUticsl taetios torelgn tor MoGovon. around tte world.” As tor Bovlat page dolly. MAny of our readers tell us the charter b u a t a e iT ^ ^ cherteT buriM ar b S S ^ m T ^ McGovern headed by ^ ^ wlU be this is an adequate compromise, after the pubUc hearing to fln- .WMitr 7«e Bo, on Thursday noon in Ana- gggreatove Intentioaa, Humphrey Happy Ate ore tha first ttiiiig they turn to wten tiny Tba- taigor aitoetoiled strilnea, and 19TO.^aM^tte t e r t V e r i Mrs..Mary McNally. M n T ^ n S E L ?mm ^ ■ , ♦ ___ » presented at a pubUc hearing taking some from each budget.” allse the budget to be presented overtalna tte gift toda of tte Moaoow to him, has bean pulled into a great debate Intode tte Demo- helm, Humphrey dellsverod a added: "MAyte Pm old hot, rtriti im thStT nSWSOSBSr, parUoulariy pan fmniMMHv 'PWA ^ nAM imMi a ^ cvouaia %m Memorial ociiocM gym. pretatloii (rf the resuKs of the ing. mlMloiis cratlc party with Imptlcattons hard-line qieetoi prepared tgr but tte best yrsy to prevent that Tte othsr dsy we reootvad cur flrst such ate from have oomptalned UtM to well beyond this yssr’s Prato- two notably non-radleal Damo- la to te strong mough to asm Vistaam and thay earns from Spt Bdwaid R. MoMMIIn ateuti toe Inroads made on Attoough not all travdwa am Memorial Schwl" (toe same lo- ****' **®^*^y> other The decision of the finance 10 vote majority which approv- In addition to the $60,000 HMS ClSdltSd to It OIT ttOt O lte^ Woverthtoeas, tte Pratotoiit and Mto. toetr tmfflo by tte nqiiilemete aww^^L^WA Sd^to A^S ” ulnians and c la lw too TWland will be too subject cf *1® hearing. where a 19-vote plurality reject- from 97 to 98 per cent and al- luctance by Humphrey to tiotual- Ukayd Hand o f Dm Angelen tte But MoOovem sUU would mth- aantvwaary grasHitga. Iba Maachaator PnWMilair Oiwimaiiy a » porotooln diaas oat detogrud and creat­ ex-LBJ aide. wr not Join tte dtoMtoo. He pcs- • • • a • IhM Is Involved, toe mso- •TWA w h r » . in the content majority of Its votes are “ Indl- tomorrow night’s open meeting. Petitions Opposing any further ed the budget oltbough a tie vote tered the grand list to a finallx- aoaaaa ao naaaclal roapoBaffinWy for typo- ly daUver tte hard attack In charter m -at- «>■.«« ^ abnit »i i* 1. ■ -.1. . recUy controlled' ’by Thlfault. of toe Tbwn Plan Advisory bi too school budget were prohibited the requested $180,000 ed figure of $48,700,000. or $300,- ■rapiaeal anon oppoailnr la adnem- ed hy a Near Jersey artist asm sd Harry against Sen. Oeorge MbCkivera Charaoteristioally, Humphrey fera to chide Humphrey tor post WhUs many of ua have been out enjoytag tte pisaasat OMBta aad othar nailbif maltar to Tba intenqieraed prepared antt-lfo- support of tte Vietnam war, eveidafs sad toktaig advantage o f da^lght aavlag time, Is *».-* tte slroroft has Si 4 MiH/x . "** *be Me- "We knew It would be a waste Committee, scheduled tor 8 Presented by Mrs. Judy Dean, additional cut In the school 000 more than had been estimat- Maaohaater Braalac Baiald. Burger Jr. Itqr tte Riietoan leaders, that Humphrey’ s lieutanants sss tv seatn. Amumd t t a ftiU aiv l?*Sr** IbauiYent slate for call- of time to try to be selected at p-m. in toe Town Hall. containlilg 472 slgnatuiM, ac- board budget and the petitions ed at the time of budget prep- Govmh Unse wMh sd-Ubbed pro- contend them Is notiring rodloal mors than M Herald employaa have been mgagsd in a VbU BOTTlea cUaat ot N. K. A. Barrlea, IBe. Bratomev. Kioagrgin. sad R odp*#y, ttey aa bis only ctencs In the oU- Fid)lWMn RaproaoBtatlToi — ItoUMwa, matlo June S CaUtornla pri­ Humphrey Hnea. But MoGov- In hla detonae poUoy and quiet­ typhsr «laaB at Ifaiwtiealar OonunuaMy OoUaga two ars- SaTSiE^ X ■______«• Wiaioinn aad CuHen laa, Spaelal Agaaey took apsdsBy ilatogwiil dotou, fh r gifts em ’B moatove detonae outbacks, ly away at Humphrey’ s nlngs par weak as part of tte preliminary tratoing pro­ reduce fares tor a fxp«q> of pas- charter revenues were $30 mil- HBSI -Itaw Yortc. Chtcaao, DetroirMd Boataa. mary. But eddrestoiig tte non­ to tte distaff SUa, tte Amartoons took partisan Orange county Forum Humphrey read from the block and Chioano oonstituen- gram toward tiw couverokm of cur oompodag room to - ■•opaa. Uon, It la aiming for more than ■peech, constitute "a unUsteral cies. odd type this fall. under tte group prirteiple, $30 xntiUan this year, and mora Wodneaday, May U poreelaln birds and floarors, and tor tte here, Humphrey issued his most unequlvoesl hroadalds yet program for military reduettons Tte grant Demoeratlc dsbote The claae began April 18 sad cute tomCtNUt, Tfeo tte passengers must be people than $40 mllUon in 1978. basis In Lanlngrad thors was a la ig e against Moaovem as a nnllst- . . . dangaroua to our noticnaJ may penatrate few o f CAlltorla’s Inotraotor la Boihora NoaoraOhuk wte has dona a flae with on "affinity,” aa tte gov- Pm Am, ^wteoe total armual aetf-lnteraot." m an Impromptu S.B mtihon ragistsrod Demoorats A Noble BOsskwi colored IMhogieph totoatong Waohfaigtan eral dlsarmer whose radical Joh. T te Herald pupUs, aocordtag to tte laatniotar, hava OTMa^ rules expreaa tt. Their revenues are more than $l hU- "Known for Quality, paroraiUan, Humphrey deelared: who would wen hoae their vote also dhplayed keen tntereot sad achieved a ramarkaUa afflnlty may te otamp ooUec- lion, hea been usbig seven air- Free Delivery 3 In the late IMh oantury. pototions would endangwr tte Prealdent Nixoa'a coneopta and nation. ’ T have no Intention of aeeWng June 6 on Imogsa iwther than ottendOBoe roeord despite aome having to trgvd aovoqal ting- gartanlng, the fact that craft la charter service, and acbievanwnta In gatav to Ptetng, and Notiilng exettiag. one might aay, but the Pratodency at tte expensa laeues. BUU, Humphrey’s elev­ mllM from thdr home to the college. ' toey week for the seme com- haa goals rimilar to TWA’s tor Famous for Service, . Wtethsr tbsss attacks can he of national security or st tiM enth-hour toeUce droppped tte The typing daas la a part cf tte program which we To All Parts adequate. pony, br that ttey belong to tte Ua charter revenues, near to Moaooar, t e n boon "c*b*"g' laoa magnified aufOoienUy by tte etqienae of preposterous budget vella from a deq> schism with­ ted will enable us to moke the oonvereloti to odd type aamo fratenMl order, church Pan Am ptans to raiao its than heroic, no matter what ftgitta, in- rinaUy, Just batore te lait Mosoow, televlaed HUmptufeykteCtavern proposals.” in tte party that assuredly will muoh amoother when the move .la m ate into our naw ad­ grotty or civic body. charter fleet to 10 plaiMa In No- Since 1874" “debefes” to overhanl MoQov- O f Connecticut conaiatenciea, and afaort«lniliiga may be Prealdent Ntxon prasawfad to Brstomav Ansarering « question, £kun- survive the CAUtomla primary, dition la early October. Th^, their spouses aad chU- vember, then expand further to ern Is doubtful. What ooimot be phrey revealed even more tte Demoeratlc netiniutl oonven- draa rign tty as a grotip, filling meet what it expects to be a OF MANCHESTER dotactad in any attamptad aummary o t a CkiWlac car, noUrtng egrtraordtnaxy. doubted la that Humphrey’s lost- sharply tte gap between bla tion and perfaiqM much beyond We hod a fine lunch and an enjoyable tour cf Maa- ditch attack haa stripped here tty tte aiqdaiM. (A Boeing 7or rising demand. It says It will aotuat arocompMahniwda. Just a regular prothsetlon modal aa It and MoGovem’a world view. TO that. oheoter Memorial Hdpital lost week titanka to Bd Ksnaay boa i n seotoi) be able to tap tte Boeing 747 tte de^ schism within tte and Bert Dittos. AH of Mannheater can be proud ot Sa The biggaat thing ot aB, patbapa, la oama off tile Une. W a got, we are Demotoitte party over tte batoc BdMdided U A alrUnes are Jumbo Jets for duty, world role of the United Btetes. fiiite madloRl teolUty* upset not only about their do- TWA wlU get Us fleet up to 11 that tte Joumeya did taka placa, ooat tte afraid, very low marks tor orlgtaaUly- Wa chatted about Ixapttal operation and Bd oanflrmad nMstl6 oampetUors in the char- by October—Including one 747— naxt |blgfaat thing la that, in each tn- Pratodwt (aonvidou of France gave Humphrey and MoOovem re­ tte otories carried In oeveral nstional pubUcotloiia oalMng and to 18 by iMiEt spring. Camp & Cottage Specials flect' that stoilam. Humphrey Bratomev, erho la known aa a car toneler, attention to the declining birth rate In this country. ' The big 74T, says TWA, 1 atanca, aomething waa dona or agraad from tile start reoognlaed the Connecticut Yankee UJI. News and Worid Report says the decline In the upon which waa better than a blind oon- two oara, a CUrosu-MAaerati and a Re­ gap on military and diplomatic Rjr A J 1 .0 . number o t matemlty patients, along with otter aoonoiaic PoUce Sergeant ^ Hwiatlnn ot what might t e n bean Ite nault, when Bratomev paid a slato vltot quastiona betareen htm and hla prnanirfia. has loroed soma boopltals to combine opera- former next-door neighbor. TU sued tte hubbub of a suppooed Named In KiUing ^ autainattona of tte great powoca knroir- to Franoe last Oetoher. Wbmi tte present General As­ It’s that time of year that folks start thlnUng about Humphrey, MoOovem’a Im-' sembly first assembled ItaMf, great public protest aad tte coll Hi6 mR|;ulii6 say* thare are aome 8 miUUin tower ad. And alao big, attar that, waa tte fact What is totally misting, we now be­ menoe defenae cutbacks would book in January of IVTl, what­ of a epeclal easritsi to repeal diUdren o t prn ertind ege In this country today thoa thtoe cripple ttila oounfry In world of- opening up their summer camps. As another year has gone, that, poiticulaily in Moaooar Itoaoma, gin to lealias, is soms arrldmoe that tte ever hope fsisnal observers tte Inoome tax. At that spoeial were 10 years ago. Just S.O mUlion bobtea wen bora lad foira. session tte Senate moment of year. Aa a resuK population In t iM United Stataa grspr by the leaderahipa of our tiro great ooun- Ruatoans, tor ttitor part, even boihered could muster tor the poaslMmy But Humphrey said nothing of some dUdtaMUltoied ooodnot .voting Ite real eonvlottons col- a mere O.M per cent, only the eecond time ainoe IMO that AH IM . MMA H n . COM. you may suddenly realize that your family has a few tilea deratoped, paihapa tor the that to g o stepping. U they gave preaiiita, about McOovern’s largely un- hod to center on tte Smote lapsed Into a timorous, Itrsao- tte growth rate tea been under 1 per qent. pubUotaed viswe, btoievtng Mc- We teve vlalted hoepttala In larger dtiM that oanact Ho. d«t.cUTO Is MCUMd M cm . mcctaJlriJi, ditflM - Uma, a truly human appradailnw of aomebody appareatiy Judged they ware where there hod been, at lonto, hits, demoralised, fAtotettc re­ additions, or friends may spend a weekend with you. Oovem bad no ftence to be some IntUslon o f new porsonahty treat. boost of the foclUtiss found at Manchaoter Memorial Sad IHcMlIy oigtau 111. NMM.U1 Air Car- dieir eriianel ottuatlona, tudiellny the not newswuiiliy. Bo fkr aa we teve read In legal papers. nominated- anyway. Bven otter and new talent There were Two dsflclencles were appar­ toot’s a tribute to those of you that have given your time, rlers Association r^Mrts eight Umttatlafia aa wail aa tte poianHaWlaa or heard, ttiey Just paaaed tte whole MoGkivem emerged as a vtaWe some bright new mambem wte ent, In tisd Instaaoe. T te arri­ money end ptayere, toward the suooeaafUl operation that Sgt. Thomas Gonley Is named such American carriers in ac­ And there isn’t enough sleeping space for your guests. of the poarer they repreaentad. thing up, and aeoepted tte American candidate, Humphrey htod bock wws at the thretoMld, Instead of val of snob a ’’monlant of great- it la today. i ta a mettan to amend a $8.8 tlve service at jiresent. The ratter than offend tte party’s gifts with CM of those embarraased aark- at tte medlocro peak, of their noM” was such a suiprlse to the milUon suit filed ta UJl. Ols- largest, Worid Airways, opei^ Watkins is offering you specials for your Gamp and Cottage Beytmd auch credtta, ana odoa haa to left wing. Humphrey, sadly mis­ careers; gtvm tte right cata­ ilenatnrs tiwmoetvaa they nag- Only a hqndful of persons were on head tte ot^er trict Oourt on Tuesday. The «tee 17 alroraft give tteoa Ugh cooitoreea good maiha ward thankyous which can only be taken, felt MoQovem’e extreme lyst soniettilng. notable might leetad to prepare a very good evening to bear on exoeUent explanation of tte Pbaoe II original suit was filed against Edward J. DrlscoU, NACA viewp would be probed by the tor reoogniatng, and tor at laoat trying tranolated aa "ere oonktot think of any­ be fuaed out of their talento bin tor it, and ttris look of thor- wage and price iHWgram by an agent of tte Datetnal toe plollco d^MTtment and toe prosldont, said toe Pan Am and now, when you really need them. Come in ... try them out... national medio. combined srlth those c f a hand- niUtinsM before tte moment Revenue Bervtce. The program, by'th e P ^ o city of Hartford ta connection t WA plans confirm “vrtiat to exorclae, by their own words, the thing at all to give you, oo we didn't" Beyond those practical oonald- fid of vm 7 notable vetsnna; had somstidng to do with tte Aflhln Committee of toe Manchester Chamber, should with the fatal aboottag of Ef- we’ve been arguing aU along, we’re sure they are just what you’ll like I dangerous toiae pnmlaea hm tnd in Pertepa — bright thought more precl- eratlans, Humphrey simply thia Senate, we Judged, miglit lack ot toDow through resolu­ have drawn a better attendance but it la difficult to gd rata Goniaies by "John Doe.” -mare’s a vast demand for tion srten tiM action tokan come their oarn bflataral oonduct. oua than anything that might have been lacks tte stomach tor intra­ conceivsbly have a mcment cf people iMtde during pleoaant New Bnatend eveninga. ,.. The suit chargee that Gonaa- charters.” party hatchet work. Bven after greetnees, under Are. Those In doubt about wbd ihey oan legally do unter wrapped iq> and ptetogrepted — tte les w te an Innocent, bystander “Oom^tiUon Is toe greatest "Whila ou n ara both great and poarer- agreeing to antt-McGovem cam­ What do we mean by "m o­ This Senate’s second potontial toe wage and price program ore eeMouiaged to telephone at the July distuitianoe and form a t compliment,” he said, fill natlona,'* (Pi'iahVod Nfaum took patna Ruotoana gave us aomatiting to be open­ paign tactics in California, Hum­ ment. of greatneae” wten we moment a i greatness asms on toe Internal Revenue Service rather than dlsoover later, that the shooting violated his Tm* scheduled airlines claim Pop-Up Beds phrey bcaketed his crltlctom are wrlUiig c f a legleletive Monday cf lost wisric, wbsn to aay in Ida eacbraardtaiazlly fina addraaa ed only when tte Ntaona got home — a wfalrii oould be oewUy from tte standpoliit of a flae, that constitutional rights and caused their charter fUgWi. have ad- with references to “my dear body? We mean some Instanne thara suddsiriy motsriaUasd toe move they made was prohibited. bls “wrengful death.” vantages over those of toe non- to tte Ruatoan people, “ the world la no check, payable on Hanoi, made out to friend, George MoGovem” — in sddeh leglalators somehow enougii votss to poM what Was • • • • • The Gtxisales family's law- scheduled carriers—toe same 1!his bed is great if you need to sleep-.two, but only kaiger donoinatad by two aupaepoarata. peace. generating anguished protests get Ihemselvea flred Up' to do' really merely a mlbar, tokan Tdohn GOV. OecU D. Andrus la dloturbed, aad p a d d f* yer, ^riice Iteyor, filed the m o fligh t crews, 'maintenance from Humphrey’s advisers. The what tiiey In their opm oon- UberaUaaUon o f tte stite’e new jusUflobly ao, because toe Office a t Bmexgeney Preparte- T te woetd la a better and aof er piaoa ba- tion as part ^ an attempt to crews and terminal facilities have room for one bed. The Pop-Up is availaUe in a inqiaot o t one SO-second tele- sclenees really want to do, even' anti-abortion law. Once again, neos has tunMd down hla requed tor dloaster area daUlk' add Ijiaidey to tte siitt. that ara used by regular oauae Ita poarer and reoouroea ara mora vlshm oommerolal attack on Mc­ though tt may be considered mlraouloiialy, aome munbera of nation in the Idaho nUnlng district where 91 mlaera' were ' Majwr’^ motion alro. states flights; toe use of a,multlpUclty plaid cover. . I widely diatributed.” A New Court Govern was dulled by such a highly dangerous poMUcally tor the Senate -were voting what killed May 2.‘ The dealgnetlon would have mate unmupt^ their own inner oonaeleneea told that DetacUve Jesse Campbell of flirijne officers here and reference; tte commercial Is be­ them to do so. meat Inaurence boiMflta avaUaUe to widows and oqdivia "coniqplred with others to con- ateoad »"endlng 1.8 milUon doUan a month to protect pftoi- any special rights or edvantagea In common law tradition requiring unani­ viewer he opposes treating mari­ dared support pubUely iq^ to rant members of tte Benats ta tte area of Seyms Street on rates are slightly above the denttal It la eotimated that It costo betwean July 81, 1970, when Gonsalez rates offered by the supple- worid affaln. They ^recognlaa tte mous verdtota It also held that edtnesa- juana the aame as alcohol, his that moment, but which many the very neoct day deserted $180,000 and $300,000 a month' to protect one candidate es could be compelled to testily before aides winced because te did not privately considered the only themselves and each otter and Was shot ta the chest with "00” mental carriers, but he de­ and tiiera are presoitly eight under aurvelBance. It’A un­ buckshot from a 12-gauge shot- glared toey were justified be- sovereign equakty of all states.” grand Juries so long os the state could mention McGovern had stated reel stoution to tte etate’s fis­ dipped, tortured and ehamed, fortunate In this free nation that such a heavy expenditure Panel Headboard Spindle Headboard Finally, the two supeepoarMa at least prove their testimony was not In fact tte opposite vtevr. cal proUemo, oeomed, that back Into Une. Is necessary; tte funds would go a long way In improving P*®: cause of Pan Am’s better serv- Mapla Maple, alio available in white Humphrey obviously prefen tdglit, to coma mlraeuloualy out 'There ought to be some so­ The papers claim that no use- jge. 'recognised their need to aay aometUng used against them In aubeequent prose- some cf our domeatio programs. of-weapon reports have been ______eutiona. n ie common rule haa been tiiat campaigning os an (dd-fashioned of nowhere. T te Houae Sdlanred ciety for the prevention of cruel­ • • « 8 • about a thing called the United Natlma. filed by policemen ta con­ wltneasea must be granted Immunity programmatic Uberal, pltigging suit; the Income tax weid to ty to legislators wte become An Intereoting lawsuit has been filed in Bloux O ty, The language they choee la ao ’par- Ids new national development the deA of Governor MeeMTl temponilly iitiected with silly nection with the shooting. It M(Mre Circuits Needed from an prosecution arising from events Iowa. Three barbers have filed suit for $88,000 agatnrt adds that ” lt appeared that a CSHCAGO — Industry’s need functory it almost amounts to'a Joint about whldi they testify. bank scheme which his advis­ wte allowed it to become lew notions about voting tbolr own two beauty shop operators to stop ttem f i ^ cutting men’s ers privately view ea a political without Ids signature; there en- convictions. limited number of police effi- for communioations circuits 1® ootrfeaaioh from them that they are the While ws think some liberalisation of hair. The petition aUegea that toe senitaiy rtandarte re­ cere were on the night ta ques- expected to increase by 28 per the Immunity provlalons may be prudent quired by the state for coemetologlatB are subrtantlally two powers who tevo between item tion In authoriMd and-or im- cent between 1978 and 1985. In combating organised crime, we admit lower toon those required at baihera "who work okwer authorized possesaian of the Oomunlcations eatriUtes are ex­ almved tte Itolted Nahone out of aay to sonietiifaig leas than complete com fort to the skin Wtth tiiarper instruments and often on males type of shot which mortally pected to meet much of this chance for real authority In world af­ with tte Jury ded alon. R leaves us a Ut as they come from work with port of the day’s toll atiU wounded” Gonzalez. demand. uneasy even though we don’t tUnk It BiU Wliitaker upon thMn.** ' faire. “ cuts tte hMit” out of Jury trials or The baibera also state that Iowa statutes have limtted “ Both aldea,” said their communique, does tte rest of the titingti the dlnawiting coemetotogists to practicing their art exclusively on women “win atitve to strengthen tte effec- Justices ratter frantically diaiged. and ” ">11 children; that Iowa laws permit only licensed barbers to cik hair of males over toe age of 13. ttveoeas of the United Nahcne on the Individual Uberty Isnot an ahotraot AMYtNlSta^ conception but a Uvtng tidng; It does not Perhaps another interesting sidelight is that a Mend Busy Muskrats baata of strict observance of tte U. N. depend on strict compUanoe to aay net VDUWONiy „ from Now York told us the other day riiort hair is on Its Charter. of rules but on a whole web of formal way back, not as short as toe orew^ut style, but con- slderalUy shorter than toe hair observed on many individ­ "Ttey regard the UUted Natlone oa on and Intormal traditions. B’s quite poato- Bother Dutch Wagon Wheel Headboard Ite to have a tree soclaly with or without uals in the big city and tta environs over' toe peat few Maple Instrument for maintaining world peace any given pcactiee; Britain has aban­ years. and security, diaoounglng oonfUcta, and THE HAGUE, (AP) —The simply turned toe animals loose doned nnanfanwis Juries and remalna about toe time the war began. developbig tntematlonal cooperailan, Ac- free. FUr that maltar, we ara not sure muskrats are coming and the Ttey have been spreading Lounger Beds You may choose any one of these 4 twin size headboards, . conUngly, ttey will do their bed to sup­ tte newly approved rule will create Dutch ara scared. In this coun­ ever since. The firat one was more miscarriages of Justice than it will try tte only good muskrat Is a slghtad ta the Netherlands on port United Naftona eftoita la tte In­ prevent How you evaluate noa-unan- A Thought for Today Heridd MM. toe Belgian border nearly a and either firm or extra firm set of bedding, include a terests of intemattonal pence.” mous venUoto dapends a lot on whstber Sponsored by tte Manotestsr decade , ago. More keep turning Here is a great idea for your sitting room that serves you see tte holdout Jurors as poor toiare- OouncU of Churches For several years, muskrats That language does not raise veiy'Ugb Yesterdays up, bom here, or swimming, frame — and you’ve got yourself a perfect bed for the croppers or, os has sc!to^^^y often been have been converging from the as a 88” couch or a bed. It is available in a Houndstooth bepes, eldier, tor tte future altltiide of burrowing or otherwise sneak­ the esse, members of tte Ku Klux Klan. The Lost Chord Belgian border on tbe aouto ing into the country. They 2S Years Ago fabric, tufted, and with or without bolsters, and has our two auperpowen toarard tte power Bven so, few things an mora imbed­ Go through Palestine and you and tte German border on the flourish ta burrows along toe cottage. ded in our legal traditions than tte re­ will find that the Christian to wfalcb they abould be oubmltttng, if The Herald did not publirii be­ dikes, eating roots of toe reeds wooden legs. quirement tor unanimous Jury verdicts, cause of a thortage ot news­ church has fastened on almost 6*Ste ' which grow along most canals. they realty want a world safe tor ttem- deoplte' tte eiqierlmsntstian In a few print. ’ every important event In the Neither Germany nor Bel­ gium has much concern about An Agriculture Ministry ex selves or tor anyone else. states. If tUs Is not to be a aettled re- Old aad New Tesetaments and pert jmedlcta the real trouble is quirament, what is? We And it troitole- haa commemorated them by toe p«>m, but then they do not have E^en though tte two poweia may de­ 10 Years Ago half of their country below sea still to come. Blventually toe aome that the ruling-has, as one of the erection of a Christian torlns. two stntaa-German and Bel­ 3 pcs. or 3 pcs. precate their own rdto aa oiqparpawaxto dtoMaten said, “dlsearded two centu­ John KopiUln qualifies for ad- But none has been erected In level, needing toe pcoteotion at $ 8 5 e m tel on to U.8. Naval Academy, dlhea which toe muskrats think gian—wlU meet each other $99. $99. $119. they adU intond to carry on in that role ries of'American history.” commemoration of ita own somewhere ta toe Netherlands. Bven while sympathising with that Annaprils, Md. birthday ^ Pentecost. Did It swell homes if dug into —that la the negative message which Manchester .pays MemorljJ That may mean vigorous cross­ seem too remote to com­ sufficiently. without bolsters with bolsters Headboard, Frame, Headboard, Frame, keeps peeping through their valiant ef­ complaint, though, w » have an over­ Day tribute to war veterans A nuiskrat patrol along tbe breeding and a real population forts to play tte superpower game In tte whelming urge to add that It comes with with parade and indoor service. memorate? I w>igian border is made up of explooton, which the experts no grtet grace from Justioes perfectly Whatever the cause, there la, dread. Firm Bedding Extra Firm Bedding moat civBiaed manner poeatble. several overworked rat catch­ wliUng to Ignore tradition in writing into In . Christianity, a lost chord, ers, wte besides tr^ping toe The pesta' ara called "mus- These are not, after aH, supermen. the Cocstltution wholly new proteettone Current Quotes and that lost chord haunts us. fu n y MwiiwaiM themselves, pay kusrat’^ ta butch, but even call­ Ttey are typical products o f their ays- for criminal defendants. In tte old era Until we get It back, our qdrit- people five guilders bounty tax ing toe fur “ btaam” has not ual Uvea will be more wlstfkd terns, Hmitftd in their outlook and In tteir this was not only dons often, but done In "There is no indication what­ any ttey hand over. .That’s made it popular. The Illegal pursuit a t abstract ooneeptions rather soever that the acta were than winsome, more plaintive and dangerouB aspect of the an­ scope of action by what ihey tod to be $1JMI. than from any sense that actual miscar­ aimed at toe life of toe Ihresi- than passiocate. There was great alarm last imal sticks to it. the reahtlea of their attuattens Any riages of Justice were common. Bo often dent or members of his .par­ That lost chord is toe Holy month because of a sudden Mg The Dutch have a law wlto Spirit. of us, in tte same inottlcni would the indtvlduids Involved were plainly ty.” —PreaidenUal press secce- Increase ta ths number of very stiff fine for keeping mus­ . / guilty, and If the decitoons prohably did tary Ronald L Ziegler after a But the church has- shied krats as pets or even using probably feel compelled to honor dia bounties- Enterprising peoide TUES. THRU FRI. not encourage crime they did umjermlne rash of bombings In Tehran away from Pentecost. It Is were collecting Belgian mus­ them for laboratory tests- Ap­ same nw,titles, even ihougti we might the pubUe’s feeling that Justice was be- during President Nixon’s visit. afraid of It. The teaching con­ krats, which are increasingly parently, however, there Is no aiupeot that what the world a t pnctloal - ing done. cerning the Spirit la the most abundant, and bringing them to law against eating them. We are glad to see an effbrt to n O n a a "Gina was thrown plumb vague and uncertain thing in toe Netheriande tor toe reward. The Hague Congress Building T IL L 9 p.m. afbliw and practical atoteamanah^ this, but also would h ite to see it te- down Into a street in front ot the life of toe church. But' tte number of the fun y restaurant last week offered and practical poittica calls Ite raoUties come a wholesale assault on estabUtoied tte shelter about 180 to 200 feet ” It la tte undlacovered peats groan every year hero barbecued muskrat, called. are really tragic flcUons and llhi toons. legal traditions and praettess. We don’t away from It I found her lying country of Christianity, toe deqplto tte patroL Musquash. The chef says toe think any one ruUag wU bring that dan­ tiMre and tt was so awful, ao dark continent o f the Christian delicacy will not be on the jia^^kv ttem tor what they are, In tte The kdiole trouble began ger upon us, and as long as we have to awful.” —Mrs. Dick Robliwon, Life,” Says Arthur Hurd, "The when muskrats were Introduced menu long because It is too TWi.sHer as it eodots, ttey have made, be uneomtortalte, ws'd Just as soon .whose daughter fuid son were land where our spiritual re­ from the united States and much trouble to stock an unfa­ these oonferess at Mbscow, npUe efforts ^>end a btt of tints gwiwlug uncemforta- among five persons killed when sources Ue, iMt' Ue un­ ■ Into deehoalcvalda miliar food which only a few 985 Main St, Downtown Manchester — Open 9:80 A.M. to 9 P.M. Tuesday thru Friday — Saturday till 6:80 P.M. — Closed Mondays — Phone Ite with the naw ara instead of remain­ a bomb ritriter dug into the developed.” people dare try. Moreover, he and wcfalevsd noUe suocesswi. We salute ' and Trance . In tte '80s with a ing uncomtorttele with tte old one. — hniobi. o t a neighboring home Rev. WUUam A. Taylor hope of pnttt The fur iMver added, only the females ara 648-5171 — Use 80 Day Charge or Master Charge — Longer Terms AvailaUe. our oam rretodent, tor liia boUneas in a WALi, BTREBT JOURNAL. exploded at Valdese, N.C.. Church of the Naaarene caught on in Europe, so owners good to eat.' PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81. 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEOTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 PAGE NINE

clothesmen lined the route and Nixons Visit Poland mingled with the crowd. Airport Massacre Leaves 25 Dead U.Si Jets WORLD ALMANAC Backs The bomb In an alley at die (Continued trom Pm^e One) in the P en ian Qulf toUowlnK Apology Voiced m cTs side o f the U6I 8 buUd^ went '(Oontlnned from Pago One) he exploded a grenade, blowing tage for 21 hours here three Britain's withdrawal from the Bombs off before most pecqde bad ar- skull to bits, police sold. weeks ago. The flight had come aoever that the acts Troop Cuts region and oil policy. '^ h e girls in the bond i rived for -work. It blasted a sign Mlnis^ said It would captured terrorist threw from Brussels ■via Vienna. Is- aimed. , at the ...... life ct the Presi- Nixon and the Shah Issued a Batter (Continued trmn Page One) gaplng hole In the wall o f the send a .special investigator to ^ hand grenade between the raeli troops broke up the hl- dent or memebrs r a brief klUed In gunflghU with security israsU officlaU said toe Mil- IsraeU authorities Inquired i^^v^to^ward guerrillas who have been wag­ was mUder than their first en- «Jwted Vivace as a duce a gallon of syrup harbor. about 40 gallons of sap ^racte^d ito hUtory over conference. forces. em had flown to Tel Aviv from whether toe baggage had been Embassy In Tel Aviv to waro ing a bomb and bullet cam­ Hospital Notes counter. It focused largely on .*;!!"• Navy fighter-bombers also hit paign against the Shah's re­ McGovern’s tax and defense «»•>«; mate whUe they must be boiled. S I t ®™«® Wbellhan, a p r e s i ------Rome aboard an Air France given a security check before “ V two fuel depots on the outskirts .u?. ti®ntial press aide, said toe ,, , » , fllgbt origlnaUnjt In ParU. being loaded aboard toe Air werejiearched before they gime for two years. Iraqi ADMITTED SUNDAY: WUUa proposals. !T"**** ^**’^*», ^ of the city, and the pilots said ~ ®x®c“tlve spent most of M eX lC ail LaDOF PoUce said toe men puUed France plane In Rome. Rome admitted, broadcasts trom Baghdad have Women’s Lib, Cambodian Styie: p. Hoyt, 43 Foley St. Early in Tuesday night’s de- nnmiiutiMi they left b ^ In flames. been urging them to disrupt launched any more large at- FLi-j Hrwt toe waiting time inIn toe car / . ______11 J] their submachine gimagtms and gre- airport repUeareplied-that that such cnecKschecks ADMITTED YESTERDAY: bate, Humphrey apologised for Humnhrev disnlaved a less Offlclala .In Saigon claimed tacks. emment to start writing on a legal-size yelloW X lC a F lllC l.,£lllC C l nodes from their suitcases In are made only at toe request of North Magnetic Nixon’s visit. In Helsinki for a conference ^phie Zatk^skl, MUnlOT St.; having suggested Sunday hiaggres^stylB^awpLenUyre- that most 'm ajor bridges and Thleu spoke to newsmen at *" in 6®lha throug^i papers. jjQ g aino ehS s (A P ) — A the customs hall and started an airline and lume had been n T ro> 'f'ier Nixon's trip to the tomb of Equal Rights, Equal Suffering roads and toe northeast and toe Citadel In Hue, on a vUlt to cooperauon m -Ur Newsmen on the scene said hearing U sdieduled July 18 on firing Into toe defenseless, hor- requested, Radio Israel report- WASHINGTON — When first Reia Shah, the father of Iran’s Point; Amy K. Barrera, 76 Big- would be a foerf to propose what aWdmt“ ^ d w northwest rail lines from Hanoi toe northern front after a stop- Mast occurred charges filed by the Naticnal rifled airport crowd. located In 1881 toe North Mag- present ruler, was delayed 48 clow St.; Marie B. CJarl. South the Minnesotan termed con- but continued to iu »^ By TOM 'HEDE the two-year-old war), some night. She. has been taught to to China have noW been cut. over at Kontum. w ^ bL*1^‘ *d "e ^ ta e“ ^ e ^ ‘ *’® ‘ *'® ______Retauimi’’__ Board against Moirt o f toe first victim , were criticizing netic Pole -was In Boothia Pen- minutes by the bomb that ex- River Rd., Coventry; Ethel T. Oscatocy tax pn^ioaals. McGovern's "incom e ____ «- women are given the same shrug off bomb concussions, month (50 cents daily), part In Washington, toe Pentagon He said the North Vietnam- nmomm F*®®fdent was to place a nomana’s Mexican J \ »d Prod- fellow passengers on the A ir any airline. Transport Minister insual, about 1,300 miles from ploded just outside the 10-foot Robertson. 91 Overlook Dr.; The Minnesotan said, “That’s ment” nian his tax refonr/ml^ KAM PAUL, Cambodia— kind of army duty as men— snake bites, leeches and of which is returned to the claimed that U.8. bombing has esc offensive is bogged down by _wreath wreath anan hour hour later later at at toe toe owned by U U.B. Treasurer France plane or people meeting ‘ Shimon“ Pores“ said ' Israel------has" the geographic North Pole. Ap- (N E A) — When 21-year-old wall around the tomb. The Alice E. Caravella, 28 Hartl Dr., unfortunate language and a posals and hla call for a taa^hU that is, hard-core combat. military for rations. As yet, out ” olose to sero” too flow of supply problems but the enemy ^ Shah, the father' Rcmana ’ Banuelos, them. been trytiur to get other govern- parentiy It had traveled 25 bomb did UtUe damage, and Talcottvllle. man makes a mistake.” He de- u ^ u t to M e ^ ^ d i ^ Luy Neary was wounded enemy tortures. And, most after two years of service, supplies from China by rail, still will attempt to attack Hue. ^ fyhire cenfeteSe present ruler. rMirDuring4» r Mmthe mirmcurrent Teamsters The terrorist who killed him- ments to tighten airport secur- miles northeast by 1904. In 1948 Nixon appeared unruffled as he Also Herbert A. Jeremias, 86 «crtbed McGovern as a fine ______w ^ '* * " * ' high on the thigh during a Luy Neary, as example, is importantly, she can, and no garrison soldier. She’s she has not been given any The battle fronts in South “Sliro they intend to attack Debris was thrown Into the strike at toe plant, toe charges self ran onto the runway and Ity. It turned up 280 miles away at traced a wreath on the tomb. Wilshlre Rd., Vernon; James F. man. recent battle, Cambodian does, jump from airplanes, air and surrounding trees were Tiieaday, toe company fired Into two jetliners, wound- Officials here are still uncer- Prince of Wales Island, one of 3,000 elite Khmer rank; and she is expected to Vlebuun were reported general- Hue," he said. “Not only with The President traveled in his Herdic, 83 Olcott St.; Linda R. men appeared inhibited medics cut away the trousers land in the middle of wars, ly quiet, with toe exception of toe troops they have now in shaken. Later two sticks cf thieatened to’ fire strikers, ing several passengers aboard tain how four armed Palestin- it had shifted 80 miles farther iaratroopers. To get her obey without question (on buUetprxxtf, bomb-resistant 11m- Ctebbie, Storrs; Nancy J. Pllver, *»y *1*6 program format, which ,with more than the usual and then do what has to be Kontum, in 'toe central high- South 'Vietnam, but they will onding to After the ceremony, toe Pres- group will have a dance EYiday equal rights with needs in­ runs. Hand-to-hand combat weighed almost as much as complain. Much. At least not tmia of exploslvea culties in logistics.’’ Gen. Harold L. FTice as he was 1.44 cross Dr.. Vernon; Mary T. ^ Uihik It was equally, and per- We wUl toe drawing date of the ticket, ident was to meet with toe What does it mean when you’re label looking ______from 8 to U p.m. at the Pratt stead of yak. At four feet, preparation ( “ The men all she (35 pounds), Luy Neary publicly. Cambodian equal The Saigon command said 175 Thleu also declared, rldlng In a Tehran suburb. The Kraeslckl, Carter St.. Bolton- *> “ .p s more. informaUve,” three inches, 61 pounds, she spotted a Khmer Rouge rights haven’t yet progressed North Vietnamese troops were recapture Quang Tri,” toe To qualify for too finals, hold- Shah. That meeting was de- device planted in the romJway Harriet R. ^^^terdlTr,’ M cG w em told reporters after- ^ try to get women recruits OemMit Rd., East Hartford. is a soldier in the Cambo­ for this” ). Just to toughen (Cambodian Communist) In to the stage where male killed In fighting In and around northernmost provincial capital ere of toe Ifigh ty Oaks tickets layed 46 minutes. kiUed an Iranian woman stand- wood Dr.; Ann Johnson. 69 C3em«it Rd.. East Hart must match the first three dig- Gerald Warren, deputy White and there’s no label? Tm Ryan is the caller. The dian Army. up, paratroops here practice a tree. Unfortunately, he chauvinist pig sergeants will the city Tuesday. South Viet- that fell to too North ■Vietnam- ing nearby and broke both the Clyde Rd.; Nancy A. Wasielsw- *** ff*® 19^ campaign, its o f toe new quarterly num- House press secretary, said the jumping from successively saw her first. The guerrilla permit women in the ranks namese losses were 31 killed ese May 1. marshall's carries only top quality famous name merchandise at general's legs. gkl, East Hartford; Lorraine F more than any other recent dance Is open to all square She doesn’t like it. higher walls, 10, 20, 30 feet much more than equal work and 8# wounded, toe command — ------her. They are guaranteed $490 President would leave TMuan Other Masts damaged the champeau. 83 Adelaide Rd • ** focusing on the basic Is- But she does it. and up—“ until you don’t and equal suffering. “ You s&ld* __ plus a chance to Increase it to on schedule for Warsaw at 6:60 consistent everyday savings of 20% to 60% below the prices you U.S. Information Service buUd- Merton J. Uttle, East Hartford’ confronting the Uhited Just like a man. can talk to her,” says Luy Field reports said sizable 16 Palm -Tree Species $100,000 in toe final drawing In A.M. EE>T% Ing, a Pepsl-Cola plant and the Mldford, 16 Quaker Rd. ' 3*Af®«- The Anne Spencer Nurses vomit when you hit ground.” pay in department or specialty stores. Many items bear the original Luy Neary is, actually, not and so fired back at the Neary’s dour company top- pockets of enemy resistance re- Grow in United States Norwich In June 23. The bomb, {q>pv®i>tly a downtown office of Imlnco, an w iiHam Stocks, 72 Trebbe Dr • »m ip h rey, whose first reac- Aides wUl have its annual pic­ Not everybody makes it a rarity here. Women have tree. “ Then when I moved. kick, “ but I will have to malned______in ______residential areeui In M IAM I — Sixteen______- rtqiecies_____ — of Little Acorn semifinallsts who home-made dynamite de-vlce, famous labels. Some manufacturers require the label be removed. oll company partially owned by Lenore G. Gaura, 203 Ralph Rd.; objection to the fOr- nic' ' June 6 ad) 6 p.m. at the through the training. But, home of M rs. Howard ETavell, been “ liberated” in Asian I fell over.” She stayed listen too.” toe noctoeastem and south- pjm trees flourish in ttie United match all four dlglto oftoe damageda boundary -waUat American and other foreign In- william F. Ashley, Hartford; Al- mat, said the meetings with say commanders, the wom­ over, seriously wounded, for eastern parts of the city for toe states, from North OaroUmt quarteriy numTier w ill win$400 the twnb,vdilch Is to an It’s the only difference. Day after day, we buy current overstocks, tercsts. 33 Packard fit. countries since before Betty en’s failure rate is no high­ Still, like most common ma L. Klelnschmldt, 137 Croft McGovern are “having a won- Freidan was a seed—and three months in a field hos­ seventh day. through Florida and the Gulf and a chance to increaseIt to space near a gMd-domedmos- Nixon’s visit to Tehran was derful effect” on his effort to er than the men’s. “ That soldiers, the woman’s deep samples and selected irregulars and pass the savings on to you!!! Keeney S t School w ill have that’s some time ago. In pital before being rated fit, President Nguyen Van Thleu cjoast states and Inland to Tex- $10,000 June 28. que. capped for grandeur at a vdiite- beat McGovern In next Tues­ may surprise Americans,” and thus puj back on the thoughts about killing and Us annual Ice Cream Social Vietnam the girls operate privation and hardship are said the situation had improved as, Arkansas and Oklahoma as Thoee Little Acorn semi- The road from Tehxm to the y tie state dinner given by the day’s California primary. “It’s grins a paratroop colonel, roster for more war. around Kontum because two well as Cahfomia. Fourteen are fInalists matching' the first. royal tomb was sealed oa ^ Saturday from 1 to 8 p.m. at the the garbage trucks, in Laos quite obvious. And she'says Shah Tuesday night at Nlava- "but we (Jambodians expect North Vietnamese divisions native to this continent; the three digits will win $40, but hour before Nixon's motorca^ , com e see whatat we re allan about...aooui... _ school. Cold drinks, pop(X>rn, they carry rocks in wicker more from our women.” For her sacrifices as a as much, even with her ran Palace, the imperial resi­ threatening the city “ are much coconut palm and the date paim w ill not be eligible for the fl- was to pass, ajxl hundreds of dence. South Windsor penny candy and Ice cream baskets to build roads. In And, to be sure, they get it. woman, Luy Neary has re­ sergeant listening near. Sit­ Cambodia, thousands of 'weakened” and have not were Imported. nals. uniformed police and plain- The President lauded his host sundaes will be available. Luy Neary is fully quali­ ceived no considerations oth­ ting on the running board of There also wiU be a white ele- them, nobody seems to know er than a separate barracks a truck, blowing the flies out m arsnsill s as a wise and valued personal Police Find Man fied on the M-16 and AK-47 Mrs. Clifford B. Lowery exactly how many, are friend and said: phant taMe, fish pond, penny rifles. She can field-strip a to sleep in (sometimes). For of her eyes, smoothing her spending the war years in "We as leaders of our coun- Mrs. Mae Cole Lowery, 69, of Dead at Home caridy and bake sale, clown dirty machine gun and put it her patriotism as a soldier, hair, she sighs: “ I always the olive drab wrappings of tries do our best. We some- Palm Springs, Calif., formerly games a n d Indian make-up. back together as if her life she has been treated with want to be a mother. Now I national defense. marshall’s announces spectacular special purchase of times make mistakes, but our of Manchester, died May 22 In SOUTH WINDSOR______- ___ Joseph ® students wUl conduct a depends on it. She can sur­ equal impartiality. That Is to am a soldier. As long as I thoughts, our hopes, our Palm Springs. She was the wife R. Gallo Sr., 42. of 43 Matter ’"msh. The girls are not just mili­ vive in the jungle on worms, say, like most down-rank am a soldier I cannot a dreams are for . . . the children of Clifford R. Lowery. Lane was found dead Monday at tary ornaments either. As grubs and things that leave troopers in this blistered, mother.” The sergeant fashion sportswear specially designed for the misses figure of all the world, that they may Funeral services and burial his horn® by police who were Mrs. Fannie Hewitt Kleblsh, part of Cambodia’s national slime when they'crawl. She impoverished country, she doesn’t catch it, but it is a have the opportunity to grow w ere‘ in Palm Springs.- summoned by his wife, Mrs. many years Uved at 24 mobilization program (a can march 10 miles in 100- has received practically beautiful, unusual condem­ up in a more peaceful world.” Mrs. Lowery was bom In Joyce Despard Gallo. Hawthorne St., Is now a resl- mostly ignored plan to en­ degree heat and then dig a nothing. nation of war. I Nlxon said he hoped his Mos- Portadown, Ireland, and hsd '^® medical examiner said Manchester Manor list the entire populace in foxhole to sleep in for the She has been awarded one (NIWSPAPIR ENTERPRISC ASSN.) cow summit talks and his Feb- lived In Mainchester before mov- the death was a suicide. Ootivalesceilt HosaSr ruary meeting with Chinese ing to CaUfomla. Mr. Gallo was bom In Hart- misses’first quality leaders would contribute to Survivors, besides her hus- ford and had lived In the Great­ such a peace. band, are two sons, Hionias er Hartford area all his life. He Tens of thousands of Iranians Lowery and Donald Lowery “ member of the Rev. Ro- me/f '5 d/ft/ ^0/of0 mm’s apparel nationally advertised turned out to welcome the both of California; a brother’ ®enberger Council, KofC, and President and Mrs. Nixon, and David R. Cole of Centerbrook- Teamsters Union Local 671. better sportswear at 4 _ •*—V___IJ__X a a * rv 1--- __ _ _i J___ 1_i____ the President four sisters, Mrs. Louise Long of guests; ... . .K Mar,chester. Mrs. Violet Jewell savings of $13 to $32 ■We could tell them from the Naslatka expressions

y y ' MANCHESTEE EVENING HEBALD. MANCHESTER,’ CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 PAGE ELEVEN P A G E T E N UANGHESnSR EVENUTO BERALD..MANCHESTER. OONN^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 Gamma Chajptw PO IXl^ FOINim S Area Students P T A C ou n ca In F irst G roup To Install Slate Nonrelurnable Patterns Seats Slate Gamma Chapter of Alpha Of 43 Interns The Baby Has i A Frank CHubooky of 77 Shallow^ Delta Kappa will Install' offleera brodc Lane was Installed as st a dinnei^meetlng Cause of Her Pet Peeve David J . Larsson of aConohes- president of the iSaMiiaae** at 6 p.m. at the summer home ter and Vlvtan Lestage of Cov­ PTA OounoU at lU annuel meet- Msrlta Kemp on Go­ entry are in the Qiat group 48 fo l l y interns from Conne^out ydio ing May 98 at Robertson School. Lake. By CRAMER Been Named w(U spend five days in WaXh- He succeeds M n. C h arlm Thy- After dinner, there will be a DEAR P0LLY~M y Pet Peeve is with the dreu pattern Initon, DjC„ starting Monday, lor. reception for new members. com]mpaniea I do wishilsh they would put patterns in aeided as paitloipanto in the second an­ Mrs. R . Kibbe WUley was the Thoee being pledged are Mrs. enivalopes so( that, when necessary,y, tthe b e y' could c ___ be returned nual State Intern Program. Installing offloer. Gall Alexander of Glastonbury, BUey, BlargaMt BUmi, daugliter of WUaon and Patricia aiM thi store woiild be satisfied that the pattern had not Under the program, xponaored <)uinn RUay, 196 Canter St., Mancheatar. She was bora April 96 Other offleera Installed are Mrs. Dorothy Gotohell of bdra used. There are times when we find we have bought by UJ9. Sen. loweU Welcker, U < ^ Berry of 93 Columbus Ellington, Mrs. NataUe Perry "■Potpourri" . . . Hdusohold Hints and Shaping Tiw at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal gramtanother the wrong pattern and are stuck with it as virtually no and U.8. R ^ . Robert Steele today's busy woman, to sava you tima antTmonay. Don t is Mrs. Mary Ellen Quinn, 4B Pleasant St., Manchester. She S t , vice president; MTs. H u ^ of Hartfttfd, Mrs. Pauline st6re will exchange one even when it is obvious it has not J and Stewart -MoIOnney, all Re- Swanson of 99L Porter S t, re- Straight of 106 Coleman Rd„ has a slater, niereas, 1. been opened.—MRS. L. E . • ' pubScans, about 400 of the „,j4, 'us — Wa'ra hara on tha woman's paga aaeh « « * « • cording secretary; Mrs, Robert Mrs. Franoes Vada of 88 Aead- state’s young people, age 16 to Wadnasday — just for you. ODoonell, Kevin John, son of Edmund and Sandra Drta- lArmett of 439 Spring St, cor- emy St., Mn. Catherine Warren Pojly's Problem 20, will Spend five days in the responding secretaty; Frank of Enfield and M n. Eleanor coll O'Donnell, 2SS6 Green Rd., Manchester. He was bom April DEAR POLLY—I need to know how to get the due nation’s Capital. 28 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandfather SulUvan of 87 Tanner S t, WUley of MSnafield Center, used to put ceramic tiles on bathroom walls on tl», The program will run nine f — is Jeremiah DrlscoS, West Hartford. His paternal gram^Murents treasurer; Vincent’ Ramlai of hUae Kemp wUl be aaslated weeks and ia divided Into two Buckley School, and Loula by Mlsa Sue and MTa. tiles. Tlua glue was left on after a very sloppy JofS are Mr. and Mrs. Eldmund A. O’Donnell, WUkeaHarre, Pa. He LwasI done about 10 years ago.—KATY segments, wltii the first to he has a brother, Sean, 9H. Soioom of Nathan Hale School, Evely Gerald at tamorraw*a from June 0 to July 1, curd the INrinoipal delegate. event ...... Mddn Street Around Town second from July 17 to Aug. 19. Over Exercise Tbeo Badehhulaen, directin' of Doboaa, John Arilnir, son of Arthur O. and ArUne M. DEAR POLLY—I think M. A. Z. could ellmiMit6_^6 in moot Instances, the flBO Block-Poncho Senior Cttfsens Special Lefebure Doboss, 384 Taylor Rd., Ehiflrid. He was bora April 98 Camp S Cottage Specials Builds Pounds, red Stains left by her maroon corduroy robe by souang coet, which covers transporta­ Good-Looking It’s time to think about iqieir- Need perking up? PARISIAN at Rockville General Hospital. His paternal grandparents are the services ottered McGovern Phone the robe in strong cold salt water solution for about ml' tion, food and hotel lodging, is ing your summer ciunps. WAT­ COIFFURE at 66 Oak St. will Mrs. Sophie Roman, Windsor Locks, and Anthony Doboss, museum to schools and the mu­ Says Doctor hour. This was the way my mother made fabrics colotLftt ^ underwritten by the GOP town KINS to offering you specials offer on any Tuesday, Wednes- ____ _ Rockville. He has two brothers, Gregory and Michael; and a seum’s potenUal as a communi­ D ispute Cahned committees in the state’s sev­ ty InstltuUon. back in the good old days.—MRS. E. M. r T for your camp or cottage now day or Thursday, a shampoo’ CXJIAjBXJB PARK, iMd. (AP) sister, E^Uhleen. eral towru EUid cities. Tn Mon- Ramlsi toM, about Buckley SRANCSIBOO (AP) — . . . when you raEdly need them! and set for $2.80 and a haircut much exercise may S^mol's child study |>44^r4m Sen. Gooege McQovera’s OaU- POLLY'S NOTE-So did mine. oheOter, the town committee is Stop in an see whid we have if needed for $1.60 more or a "'»*'« a person fatter, not thin- Arnold, Christoplier Bldmrd, son of Richard and Alicia underwriting the coet of four in­ and the p««ihinty of the ooun- eampeUgn oooimlttee to add to sleeping spMe for permanent Including shampoo mecskowsU Arnold, 9 Unden n ., Rockville. He was born April DEAR POLLY—When serving hot cooked terns. an assistant professor of food oil forming a child study group, “ y * *•** reached u coin- your guests. 986 Main St., Down­ haircut and set for $0. Tel. 648 29 at Rockville General Hoeidtal. ROs maternal grandparrats children anxiously waiting for beir breakfast, 1 Bach applicant was required and nutrition at the University committee. He leered to head P « « n l» agreement with Paclf- scoopop of ice cream to each bowl.hot This cools the Mraal town Manchester. Open Tuea.- 9832 for an appointment. axe Mr. and Mrs. Albln Klecskowskl, Rockville. IQs paternal ^ to Submit an easeor with his or Fri. tin 9 p.m.. Sat. till 6:S0 of htaiylEuid who recently com­ 3 Buch a committee. Telephone Oo. over the com- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnold. Southwlck, quickly,:iuy, is nutritious and adds smiling faces around.md toe1 her apHoation, explaining the p.m. The Place to Oo pleted a five-year study of the Mass. Dr. Donald J . M««»> *, « 4 * pate. thanked the council for the co- ^ depoMt Isn’t paid. DEAR POLLY—After years not knowing what .fo ' Time To Remember Manchester Parkade for all your Davey, Ohiistopher Philip, aon of Philip N. and Sandra BhcplEdned Larsson, who wUl. Ahrens said his research with Iteration and simport he recelv- agreement was reached with my son's tiny toys 1 finally hit on the idea of b i. ‘ FJURWAY on Main Street handiwork supplies. Kits, in­ Forbes Davey, 288 Oak St., Manchester. He was born April 29 a child’s bicycle basku. graduate from Mknehester, ISgh has a wonderful selection of rats indicated that a too vigor­ at Manchester Memorial Hoqittal. His maternal grandparents ed durlng''hi8 years as superin- 'Diaailay, with the campaign School this month, "Many peofde structions, yams and all tjrpes tendent. He advised the group committee. agreeing to pay (cost less than a dollay) .* graduation imd Father’s Day of needlepoint, knitting and cro­ ous exercise program, like too are Mr. and Mrs. George Forbes, 291 Oak St. IQs paternal have the wldeqiread image of much relEixatlon, could cause a to become more active in all “*®a® than 390,000” of the 3100,- and hooked it over th e :^ ( cEurds. cheting. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey, Dorking, Surrey, side edge of his toybox.;.^ people in govenunent ias 'gutless. person to gEtin weight. England. His maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Jecumie town funcUons. 0“ deposit originally demaxaded politicians’ Or 'fiuieless bureau­ of his little toys ara'put-in The Eaqr Way "Once exercise became so Cameron, Manchester. In his acceptance speech, *»y company, said com- crats,’ wMle I see a brand new it, it does’ not take much Picnic time EUid PAIRWAT vigorous that it WEto actuaUy Gluhoaky stressed communlca- attorney Gerald N. HUl. day of sensible government srace and he can easily and has everything . . , {dates, cups, stressful, that the animals did Lane, Matthew Jam es, son of Laurence D. and Joan Oons. "Many fine Ideas faU by ***** “ *<* **^ company had blending tact with power.” ' always find the toys. The napkins, jdastic aUverwsjre. Pic­ Freed Chaplain not enjoy it miy more becEUise Lewis Lane, 70 Oxford St., Manchester. He was born April 29 the wayside and many misun- ^ figure on a policy of Couple Wed SO Years hooks on the basket are Just nics iu« for pleiunire so stock it was a real chore, then they at Manchester Memorial H a rta l. His maternal grandparents derstandlngs arise from the coUectlng an ertlmated phone At Princeton lack of communication.” ho months in advance, but the right size for the toy M^ and Mrs. Patd Vasalonus and George Stniff of Manches- up on supplies at FAIRWAY. began to put on more fat,” Ah­ are Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. EMls, Manchester. His paternal of M13 Garden Dr. were honor- ter, honor attendants at the jackbonvuijB, fio . (a p ) rens said. grandfather Is Laurence G. Lane, Manchester. He has a sister, said. He requested aU incoming **>« campaign has only a week box to close. Your colunsn Overhaul Due unit presidents to send them *° 8® before the June" 6 pri- has been a life-saver to me ed Saturday at a 60th wedding wedding. — Chidr. Andrew F. Jensen, Ahrens said the rodent idudy Beth AUsoo, 9. K the first Navy Miaidtdn ever to suggested that the average names and addresses of their mary. , so many times.WILMA anniversary celebration at the Margaret Kupchunoe of Wap- For Ironsides ifnik* Home on BiaseU S t ping became the bride of Paul face a court-marttal, has been American on eui average diet to NelUgan, Brian MIdiael, son of John E. and Loom Andei> incoming officers to either Mrs. Black Director reassigned to Prlitceton Unlvei> likely to stay slimmer weeding Larmett or him. Attendance at Jlhout 60 friends and relatives Vasalonus May 22, J922 at S t BOSTON (AP) — Whm the son Nelligan, Elnora, N.T., formerly of South mtxisor. He bM4«A4A the party given by the Bridget Church. They also have summer of heavy sightseeing Is sity. his gardra or walking hto dog the fall Schoid of Instructlan was was bom April 30 in Albany. His maternal grandpeuants are law Mr. and Mrs. Paul R . three grandchUdien, Rayniond, over. Old Ironsides wiU got For Exchange? Jensen, who was acquitted at thim ruimlng five miles a day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore S. Anderson. 830 Oak S t, Manchester. suggested to all incoming of­ Laws Married 50 Years coupe’s son and daughter-ln- Kenneth and Ann Marie Vassr more than rest. She’s scheduled NEW YORK (AP) — Jerome OcU Field Naval Air Station in His findings were published He has a sister, Jermifer Anne, 8. Mr. fmd Mrs. Jonatlian H. were among the gifts the cou ficers. March on a cimrge of mtocon- tn JlgriculturEJ Research maga- «. «| 4 -* • Vasalonus of 82 NUes Dr. lonus, and are communicants of for an overhaul in drydock this H. HoUand, the U fi. ambassar Law Jr. of 19 Baldwin Rd. PBcelved. Among tha guests were Mrs. S t Jam es Church. (Herald falL dor to Swedeu, has been noml- duct by adultery, will study to- zine. Dias, Fermln, son of Fermin and tjiiA« MOiae Dias, 18 Mr. and Mrs. Law were mar­ Miary Froptescus of Hartford photo by Buoelvlcius) 'nie veteran of the War of ward a master of pastoral theo------Village S t, Rockville. He was bora April SO at Mancheirter were honored Saturday after­ nided to be tint Mack di­ ried May 26, 1922 at Calvary 1813, officially kiMwn as the 180 logy degree eU Princeton. Memorial Hospital. His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Frances noon at a 80th wedding annlvor- Baptist Church in New Haven rector In the -year-htotory of U6S constitution, will go only the New York Stock Exchange, “It to a fiiM asslgiunent,” Oraszlan, Rockville. He has a sister, Jermy Lee, 1^. sary edebratian at the Church by the 'Rev. Jam es S. McGee, to n«ct pier td the Charlestown Pope’s Remarks according to The New York Jensen said Tuefiday. "But it 4*444 of Christ, Lordall and Vernon Sts. and have lived in Manchester Names Harriman Naval Tard lor tha work which Times. WM my second xholce. My first Delnlcki, Trade Lyn, daughter of Ranald aiul Sue Dow Over 100 friends imd relatives since 1937. They have a son, to expected to take one to two Stir Rumors 8322 U mi nomination of Holland, choice WU to stay at Cecil Ddnidd, U.3. Navy, Naples, Italy. She was bmn May 1 in attended the event including Glenn R. Law, and a daughter, •-18 VATTOAN. CITY (AP) — yemsB, according to her ddppev, tanner president of Hampton Field. We had so many friends Naples. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. cmd Mrs. Peter Mrs. Law's brother-tn-law end Miss Beth L. Law, both of Man- I . State Knight of Year This handsome crocheted Pope Paul 'VI would like to re- Capt. Jack MeMnnon. Institute tn VligtalA. to subject block-poncho was made Dow, Rockville. Her pcderaal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. sister, Ml*, and Mrs. Paul O. Chester; and thiW grandchil- THE The puhUc wtU not be able to Smooth seaming n ' ^ “^ ^ ^ e r a ’^wives ten- sign but. 2 Ernest'J. Harriman of WU- tiiia a good-lookuig dress to iqipboval by the exMumge’s in white, red and gold .... Charles Delnlcki, South Windsor. Her maternal great-grand­ Robertson of Oarmlcliael, Calif., dren. go on board during tiw work for day-or-datetime wear­ or use your three favor-', Ufled at court-martial that parents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Orcutt, Brewer, Maine. Her and Mrs. Law's cousins, Mr. Mr. Law was employed as a », shire. Rd.. Vernon was named memtauahlp. but ■will bo aU« to view the ing. NO. 8822 vrith P^OTO- Wall Street sources indicated ite colors! No. 6664 has they had love trysts with tho *®P®f ^ k. paternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Del- and Mrs. Carroll Prentto of leadman in the inspection de- COAT RACK 2 K l^ t of the Tear at a dinner ship from a qieclal {dattOrm, complete crochet direc­ OUIDK to in Sises 8 to 18 43-year-old Baptist chaplain, ^ {Saturday night at the Khlghts Tuesday that Holland would nicki. 111 Doming S t, Manchester, and Mrs. Etwin Dow, Ayer, Lake Okeechobee, Fla. A buf- partment of Pratt and Whitney 48 PURNELL PLACE in DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER ■hA a museum In the yard will (bust 81H -40). Stoe 10, tions for Small, Medium m in e d and the father of two ®**?*‘® ^ Mass. fet dinner was served by the Division' of United Aircraft 2^of Columbus state convention in 82H bust . . . 2H yards give up the ainhaisadorial post and Large Sizes inclusive. V.IIS444 **‘® Caiurch and say I do not dh^lay eurtlfaots from It. 'he has held since 1970, but couple'e family and friends. ITie Oorp., East Hartford, before he (Bear BurtMi’s — Upstair Over The ‘Tenny tevet*') • New Haven. 64-inch. tlM Ml la tshn fw mk ssUtni Jenseii, who maintained his w ^ t tt,” Paul i ^ to a sources in the State Depcul- -IsdaSM pwtii* mb InaSllai. Hawver, Jeremy PatiTckT son of WUUam G. and Cheiyl three-Uered cumiversary cake retired in 1962 after 18 years S., Harriman is the present leo- Pottanu a/vatUbU onXp Innocence throughout the pro- P ^ W e ^ A OIvtaiaa ot Xlw OWraige Boose BogKque F^turer of Chmpb^ OouncU, in SUMS tlunan. ment said ids resignatian was nuns April 24, a time iriien the Garrison Hawver, 14 Spruce St., Rockville. He was bora May was created by Mrs. Eugene with the company. He is caie of Bveah UM AVE. ceedings, was cloEured of any 1 at S t Francis Hospital. His matmnal grandparents are Mr. Brewer, wife of the minister ot the founders of the Ommecticut BdCof C, in Manchester. He works UA T heatre E ast Stp Til la Mkn Mr ncR pinm not UkMy, the Times reported O F AT ---- TOBK, Italian press w u debating Large Group of -iMliNta swMfi ml lueaiRs. In today's editions. M.g.; wrongdMng on Msirch 81. and Mrs. Romeo Garrison, Rockville. His paternal grandpcu-- the Church of Christ. Nut Growers Association, an a general agent for northern aoe BovaeM. Maeekester NSM, M m nr whether the pontiff would id>dl- ents are Mrs. Marian O'CMmpr, Wapping, and Walter U. Baw- On of the highlights of the outgrowth of his lifelong interest IfeGonneetlcut In the insurance de- Plans Small Twin HoUand, on. AA-Amsrioan and cate when be turns 76 on Sept. 1 V- on the CoraeU Univemlty foot-’ ver, 296 Bldwell S t, Manchester. party was a picture history of in nut trees, tsntJOr the Knlshto.oFOo. The Springs A Summer 29. Ground ' wlU be broken soon «.X. MIH. *72 JOBUMJbvu is:s 666. 'Winds Warm Bermuda 4f 4 * 4 4 the Laws “flrst 50 years.” It Mr. and Mrs. Law have spent Mae state headquar- Mri XBse, RtaMM e ja DP baU teams of 1987 and 1988, rer In releasing the remarks tor a new motion picture thear etM. stili asossr mS n a celved hto master's degree In u tsMial mn mam-m nsk. HAMILTON, Bermuda -r Be- Tuesday, tee. Vatican ,sald It StoUer, Dana Michelle, daughter of Daniel L. and Diane contained photographs of major much of their retirement time ter in the Manohester 8hcppb« ;.i tin n en r-tm IrairfatoMi** M. Gustafson Stoller. 16 Overhlll Rd., Ellington. She was bora events in their Uves from their traveling throughout the United __^_____ )v 1* the first ,KofC, The *i2 Spring-Svnntner 1941. He was awarded a FhJ>.'' ’ t in til Tdr-ttM CrM U m t cause It to in the p^h of winds acted to correct misleading im^bgrO 'to* receive this award, Barkade, to adjoin the present Basic FASHION contains In sociology hy the University tlN CennS Wina-tlM Ml* May 1 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ courttiiip days through the pree- States. (Herald photo by Buceiv- t in Me trttw ^ M eesMssiti off the Gulf StroamT Bermuda quotes from tho siune speech In lipraaentedorted by Raymond F . Bed- tJA Theatre E ast and to share many sewing hints and a of Pennsyivanta in 1960. In 1966 ents axe Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gustafson, MediapoUs, Iowa. Her ent. Two golden money trees iclus) coupon good for a FREE nta bfli tiswMai-nit Stir has mild winters, wHh the cold- Italian newqiapere. Pope fau l F arm BA, PhD state deputy. a common lobby. hei became the first Mack till IlHMittaWirti-rtm 1-Ftin est temperatures being In Uie was quoted ss saying, ”I do not paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elarl Stdler, Oakville, The annouluiement to mode pattern of your choice. IlM^lMtonrlti Meksst-osi. ' In addition to being deslgnati named ' a trustee of an Ivy TO high 80s. want to give up the piqiacy.” A Iowa. W ee ...... $1.00 a copy. Sin* Mti(I-44 » n n - $ i^ TTie grandaoix Emd nephew of «ed Kntaht of the Tear' trbmx by United Artists Theater Cir­ League edvxd, CXaneU. MEinchester residents was t among the 88,000 KofC metti- cuit Inc. and Seymour Kaplan, awarded his iindeiKraduate de­ STAR G A X E I C * • her* in the state, Harriman was secrata^ .'treasurer of First gree and doctarote rimuUamv 2 a 1 s. o ' 'presented the Agency Hartford Realty <3ocp„ develop­ Derdoped Calendar By CLAY R. POLLAN- ausly at recent cmnmencement Fordham Names n , ARin UBtA e BuUder's Award. ThU award to ers of the shopping center. 7ovr Daily AcHvity Guido SAiNTA F E , H.M. (AP) W KAR.JI sm. 21 exercises of Wesleyan Univei^ • a n s t i i ^ fraternal one, and to ■nie 800-seat UA Theatre LAST 3 DAYS I" According to tho Stars. '' slty. J. Harrtmaa The New Mexico Department of If ocf ^ tHreaented to only one general Bast' opened In August 1966 New President To develop message for Thursday, Development wels in a ttose f ^ 7 - 8-to24 13-27.34.6(V0 Wayne Michfiel tewton, 21, 4 agent jier society, per fraternal and has provided programs of NEW TOBK (AP) — The OFFER ENOS H^n-45-79-83 reod words corresporxling to numbers 74-:7 W j9 ^ son of Mr. and Mrs. William J._ fii«t-run films from the top Rev. jEunes C. Finlay, 49, has over Itsdays on the 1972 calen- of your Zodiac birth siga • y#ftT. studlos world. nam ed president Sears ^TAURUS SCOtPIO Lawton of BranlMd, formerly of the The new been the SOtb dar. to 1 Turn 31 Misfortune 61 Seeing r BMucated at LaSalle Acade- SATURDAY. JUNE 3 Y 2 Don't 32 On 62 New ocr. of Manchester and Rockville, re­ theater, a smEdler twin wltix of ForiBiam Uhiveraity. The department's official 33 A 63 Touring " my in Providence, R .I., Harrl- I^M A T 20 3 A NOV. ceived his BA and PhD In math­ e man attended the U,S. Na'vy To Exhibit Work seating capcuUty of 600, wlU ex- i Finlay, dean of Foidliam’s state cEdendar hiul Si days in 4- 5-12-17 4 Whot 34 Advice 64 Beckons ematics. He graduated cum pand toward the PaikEide prop- Graduate School of Arts and April. I1-35J1 5 Now 35 Will 65 You l^' Radw School in kaaml, Fla., Da 6 Be 36 Get 66 And 23-42>48 ^ laude and is a recq>icnt of the In ______No. H« te a Mr. and Mrs. Larry Olaen of er. It too is ejqjected to show Sciences, will succeed the Rev. , The same calendar showed GIMINI 7B« 37 Discouroged 67 Stond SAGITTARIUS Honors College degree with * 2 * i^ e'^ U iid er^ ter 200 Lydall 8t. wiU be among the first.nm movies. Michael Walsh, vriw resigned Mother’s Day to be on Satur- NAT 21 8 Originoi 38 About 68 Neighbors h o y . 22 / _ 2 gradiutto 9 Don't 39 Promises 69 Writing highest honors. His doctoral 76 New Ehiglaiid craftsmen iii- -phe common lobby wUl pro- recently. day. May IS, Instead of Its usu- JUH l to lOWiHxxit 40 Doy 70 In PCC. 21 dissertation was “Ehepansive Regular $40 ~ $75 • ^ L S T c e “ c ^ ^ ^ vited to participate in the Craft ticket - selling and other The ai^Kilntment was an­ ai Sunday ptoce—May 14. \47-5(^S9-|7 11 Circulote 41 By 71 Those 3609-52-69^ Transformation Groups.” * ■ Fair to be held June 8 to 11 at facilities from the one area. nounced Tuesday. And, the calendar said the /TD-^-ai-SS 12 Appeon 42 Idle 72 Leave 43 Compony 73 Visiting 72-76S6-90M^ His grandpaj*ents are Sir. and 6 nr the De Cordova Museum, Un- Kaplan said paridng in the Father Finlay, a Jesuit, Santa Fe Downs horse racing CANCU 13 Leming Sizes 6 to 18 He to the state director of U D ra f 44 True 74 Others CAPRICORN Mrs. Alfred Phaneuf, 14 E. coin, Msss. The Olsens will ex- parkade’s large parking fields to a nEttive of Ireland who season would open May IS. The JUNC 21 15 Exciting 45 Too 75 Spending R new council development, track said it would open May 76 Nothing Maple St., and Mrs. Mfurlon P-'4n4n.iM>r n# Knlstathood De- Mbit "Tcocandles," the sand present no p ^ le m for the cOme to the United States in ^^JU Lr 22 16 Control 46 One JAN. IP fc, member of the KnigMOOO lie . ^ ■< 17 A 47 Don't 77 Woy Lawton of Enfield. His uncle W i i k UP A PLIGHT, AND LET US HANG ONE ON YOUI I* gras Sta« of the Oonnectlcut cast candles of Palgecreft. two theEtiers, " elnce the great less. 19. ------r ' DR. LAWRENCE E. LAMB C\Sl-40-54-57 18 Hoppeningi 48 Gossip 78 Doesn't 11-22-28-43^ Etnd aunt are Mr. ' and Mrs. numbers of care for the ^y63^73 19 Temper 49 Romonce 79 Mor>y 5662-68 4 State COuiicll, a lay commenta- BxldbiUng craftsmen will 20 And 50 Let 80 Sings Howfud Phaneuf, 86 Benton St. After You Stop at The Coat Rack, Stop In at the S' tor at Sacred Heiul Church 'In present demonstrations of vari- theaUers will arrive when most LEO 21 Eof 51 Evoporote 81 Of AQUARIUS Dr. Lawton attended the Uni­ ot the stMres have concluded JAN. s Veraon, the fanner state pro- ous c r a f t s—ceramics, clay j JULY 22 22 More 52 In 82 In to versity of New Haven two business for the 53 As 83 Toes ^ gram director of the Connect- sculpture, weaving, sllver- day.” Acne Can Be a ^Al/6. 22 23 Toward f it . If years. He also studied Russisn CARRIAOE HOUSE BARN ** 24 Stepping 54 For 84 Weor • lout State Council, and the for- smithing, Jewelry - making, The new theater id being 9-26-30-38 25 As 55 Who 85 Progress 15-18-20-44^ in Moscow for six weeks in the plEumed by Philip dlOorcla, 49-64-65 5 mer state membership chair- wood craft, etc. S^I-71-82-87 26 Hold 56 Of 86 To summer of 1970. He w eis a mem­ (Just 150 Yards South of the Coat Rack) Mamchester architect. VIRGO 27 On 57 Shopping 87 Authority PISCB * man of the Rhode Island State Refreshments and free park- Complex Problem 28 En|oy 58 Your 88 Blues ber of Alpha Delta Phi fratern­ fit . If i council. log "111 be available at all A 29 Well 59 Pride 89 Well ity and.Sigma X I honorary so- WOMEN'S SHOES and BOOTS W-Uft- 22 30 Bock 60 Of 90 Chonce HAJt. 2 » ^ •' Harriman to also a member events. By Lawrence Lamb, M.D. rest of your letter states you ejety at Wesleyan. He has ac­ at LOW DISCOUNT PRICES 1 Up to 80 Pet. More ,16-19-25-29 iGood §)Adv«K ^ N e u ^ l 2- 6J7-41M^ cepted a jixisltion as Instructor £ of ^ Father Wallace-Asaem------^------could go to Milwaukee or '53-5S-75 »»THV 46-55«>jBlv Earned hy Males Dear Dr. Lamb — You had 1^ of matheniatics at Rice Univei^ K bly '6tt» Degree, the Uechl-ryu Madison. Why don’t you see N'Karate .Aasoclatlon, and the Pickle Prank a letter stattng that a wom­ if you can get your doctor to slty, Houston, Texas. WJISHINGTON — According «fer ‘ United Karate Federation. to Cemms Bureau figures, med­ an, when put on birth control refer you to the dermatology OLNET, ni. (AP) — What a pills, had her complexion He to married to the former pickle they’re In at^Olney! ian eatralngs of male college U B BWHHHBRaR department at the University Anno Rowe. The HEUrlmans or older clear. To quote you, “ This of Wisconsin in Madison. PoUce and plant officials are graduates 26 years points up the influence sex Most of the doctors welcome have nliM children. trying to find out who opraed a were 68 per cent higher than RodMrtkn 1■■■ i■ Wratoi UMsanra. iEEBf hormones have on skin prob­ f*. ■ ^ valve at the Jllton Vinegar Co. those of women with the same a consultation and if there is ■T*' ♦ V ., *' ’O / ^'' Sit/ lems.” Why for God’s sake anything new which can be that allowed more than 6,(X)0 educational bEUikground;^ male do doctors and dermatol­ done with the severe type of YoutH Named gallons of pungent liquid to high school graduates earned 72 ogists ignore this evidence seep out onto the ground Mon- per cent more than females, acne which you desenbe, day "ig4«* and male elementaiy-echool and go on treating acne with perhaps they can be of help. In SchcM>l Fire NO 'I'Oior estimate on the loss graduates earned 80 per cent tetracycline (it ruined my I don't mean to be discour­ ■iff. son’s teeth), and X ray and aging, but very severe cases -HiUtTFORD (AP) — A teen- available. more than women. ) . ager suqpected of setting a fire smelly medications? My of acne qre often very diffi­ ' ’t.A. daughter’s face is so ba^y cult to cure, even by the Monday iilght in an elementary scarred I cringe. Now^ what most competent dermatol­ school vms placed in the custo­ o u r f a s H i o n s is breaking my heart is my ogists available. dy of Juvenile Court officials ovm ffuality l9-year-old son who has acne Now about those hor­ T Tuesday. i n ! can’t get rid of it. I have a mones. Boys and girls both A total of five otassrooms end watch vnth 2 ib if t 12-year-old with this beauti­ tend to develop the common three offioes damaged In eus- the 3-year ' ful transparent skin and as variety of acne at, the time plctous fires at the Arsenal Ele­ SWIM SUITS 65 DIFFERENT STYLES an portrait of your child in soon as I see a red blotch I they go through adolescence mentary School EUid the Wish uuondUional FOR MEN AND WOMEN die a little. Maybe I am and start elaborating sex ■.4' ^ Elementary Schools proboWy ALW AYS $55 T O $595 making too much of my enig­ hormones. This is particular-’ vrill renudn cloeed the final guarantee FOR QRADUATION ma, but it is devouring me. ly true in boys. So It is a well few weeks hf school this spring, BEACH ¥fEAR $44 TO $4S0 t/hcj^LIVING COLOR I love beauty only if it is established observation that officials said. Choose bracelet watches, skin deep. sex hormones do influence BTra MayhAi Ralph J . Ma- *1 strap watches, sports or skin problems sometimes rone said the youth, who to un­ dress watches, diamond Bring all the children Dear Reader— Severe acne der 16 and therefore was not ' watches, automatics, is difficult to treat. One of making them worse. Birth 4 No appolotment neeeeenry • Additional printa available control pills can actually Identified, was arrested after waterproofs and calendar the difficult things in prac­ hto office and city police in­ IR A M E S S e watches. In stainless at reaaonalde priece help to relieve the problem • Llm lti Ono per child ticing medicine is that there vestigated the fire fit the Arse- steel, gold-filled and are a number of problems in some cases. The lUficulty • V . ' i^ts. 14Kgold. Tw o per familjr •Chooae from finUhed, is, which is immediately ob­ nal Sdiool. teiturcd portraita s • s that are difficult or impossi­ ^ -1*4 'Hie blase vras started hy an Best of eU, your grad­ 4 C ro u p e taken a t g g t child not proofs ble to treat. Most doctors vious, that birth control pills uate gets 3 yssra of with female hormones are incendlaty device, a bottle would like to be able to pre­ filled with flammaMe Uquld, REVatSM E SASSffiS service absolutsiy FREE. e Ageai Four weeks through • Profeaelonal photographeraa (plus 50c handling) vent cancer, cure heart dis­ not exactly the best thing to This remarfcabto value fourtoah years equipment and matarlala give to sexually maturing M anne sold. Hie cause of the ease and yes, eliminate acne, Wtoh School fir» has not yet offer will be withdrawn but it is just not that simple. boys, hence, it isn’t done. June Dailyt 10 AM to 1 PM . . 2 PM to 5 PM . . 6 PM to 8*PM Boys usually prefer to be been detarmlhed, hut MEuene said both htases were “acts of Saturday! 10 AM to 1 PM . . . 2 PM to ■______I do believe anyone who boys. SLACKS • SHORTS • TOPS has a severe acne of the type anon.” (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) your letter suggests your . 1041 MJMli ST In add^ion to the fire dam­ r , “Shop Your Nearest Sears Store” children have had does need age at Anenal, four classrooms SPOR’TSWEAR Meeie tend your qutstioat and .7; I HOtIBS: Monday tiura Friday, 9:00 am. tp S.'OO pjn. Thioraday MOVHN I B lA t Monday tbni Thnxiday, OHM fun. to OHM i Eind three offices In the 40-stu­ expert care. That, doesn’t OF VERNON s WSfiT BARTFfMBD e MANOHESTER e BODIKJSTOIWN guarantee that there won’t eommtnts to Lowrooco f. Lamb, evantRf ohm pjn. to OHM pjn. Saturday OHM am to 12:O0 noon. pjBi. lUtraiUqr orenlng OHM pjn. to 0.HM pan. Iridigr OHM un. dent building were ransacked, S jcwcum-tHMiisMmit tmcc iMO Sears e WATBBBUBY, NAUGATUCK VAUJBT BfAIX still be probtems, but at least MJ}., in can ot tU$ papar, W Uh to SHM pjn. Satniday OHM aon. to HUM noon. e MIDDUCOWH: SATUBOAY m x . 4:86 PM. it may prevent them from Dr. Lamb cannot amwof .irndhUoal SCember FJ)J jC. Tha damajrad section wo» the Jneetlen otltaetae 16,'eMitil WUbur O a * HWPwy 988 aCAXN STREET, MANCHESTER letton, ho will onswor htton of Intensive Instructional Center, VERHTOC en tO M gg^**".**^— Britain being as bad as they "BOMB OF BBAUTIFDL CDOTHES" otherwise have been. The gtnoral intorott in Mura colaimu. an educational facility for eino* tlonally disturbed children. ; ^’’'T

■ * 7 . ■ J ■■■ . ■ ' ' ■ '■'

'"PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEHIER. CONNn WEDNEI^AY. MAY SI. 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEMER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, v M 81, 1972 PAGE THIRTEEN Oueletto, Country Lana, Rook- ; S e e P a r i s eiLiAftroAi BoUon R o c j ^ v i l l e vlUa! Chriatina Mott, Vairflald; CROP • HEALTH CAKULE$« CtAfri^ SCHMk hv tUrhad A. PeMl, MJA Sdmood Orotoau, Stafford H ospital Notes Sprlnsa; Mra. Lorralna Cyr and In Indiana e I f icO HAJt HAP A HIART aon, McKnifht Clrola, RookvlUa, uen G e t T V 'W alk l^v-Tk. Admlttod Tuoaday; Richard AfnucK, fHMLP 'Au s m Holiday Ceremonies Alao, JuUa A. Brown, «0 Dur­ Oowlea, Park at., BockvlU^! INDIANAFOUS, Brd. (AP) UP fMOKM0 2 ant at.; Jamao OufCMd, Tl Ann Oilowakl, B^lahlro Rd.; Ver- — An economy-minded touriat r V 'e u t * Hawthoma S t; Joan P. PouUot, might oonatder a trip to In- l-H S From Four,■ -x Countries Draw Many Residents dlaaa whana « vu taiy of aocotie names coutd ba visited between IbRArti WMIM Rctm Bn» By WEBNBR VOLUIANN randan, M M U fa r o t R d.; U a iy they aee anybody alsa, say servers as a dlverston from 1218Vi SILVER LANE ~ EAST HARTFORD f Many Bolton rosldoata tunMd Club will hold a poUuok aupper Cap ^ Rd., Tolland! Cora Nowpll, taka Mldrigan and the Ohio ' SALZBim o, Austria (AP) — D. BraaauakI, Baat HarMord; R iv e r . Lultydd Binder, aecretozy of their instrument - readings at ^ nrara k FrL out for tha town’a annual Mo- **• «n«»bor8 Juno U at 6:M Ward at. RockvUle; Louia Twb men on tep of a lO.OOb-foot n w y iM W tin t p.m., Sat. tm s p.m., dosed Mondays p.m. at tho home M n . John Broakt A. Mhtuaa, m W hlU St.; There exist, for instanoa, the the fionnUick Society and chief threAhour Intervals during the Sohdo.y^ ot TMtM Wnuk, Chootnut 8t., Rockytlle; nmmlain probaMy . an the mortal Day oboerranoo Monday. Paul Brooka, MS Tbylor SL, Vdb- of department in the Oentral day. ;ibey relay their flndiiigs M^on, att. aumnor Nicixdaa Zacoaro, BoUmruo Aro., Hooalar oommunUlas of Cairo, loneUaat Austriaru. BUt they Aa In tha paat, townape«q|da Uaad Thoaa arlahla* to attend Are amaH Bart non; Bva BlaaonotU, Dunlalaon; Paris, Dublin and Mtangiti.i Metecrolcglcal Bistttute in to the Salsliurg Meteorological Juh/E 4 alao are the eoly Austrians who Vienna, Station vta. radio telephone. OVEN READY tha parwJe routa alon, Botch ^ 1 ^ a ^ .r ^ d ^ to Main, 8t.,‘ RoolSSua; Fr;iarick A vlsttor might not care to can chense front seven tele­ The station la not large. R m plckli« the weather, tib- Rd. and Bolton Center Rd. and Jonei, Mariina - Rd., Vemonj Whiter Styga, Bast BarifOrd; sea Cta^ s steal miUs, fba OvU vision channds. . Hrien A. Shaa, U * Poclar S t War Htaa made famous by codslsts of three small rooms servers, Gie Central /Meta- m . then gathared on the green for Raymond Pdyaon, l^ainare They an the dMervers on with ateeptng quarters undei^ orologfcal Institute always I A R»«MT #T(iPy#toU»A1!UT M eigsa’s Raiders, or the south­ towering SohnbMdc Mountain In ROAST of BEEF •fHfft WHO PO UtilT HAVe- ♦K. JL- -r. »«*«»- Rockvtaa; Paul BeUo, Bet- ****^ ^ looks flxst for men frdm nearby the rtiort commmoratlva ear- Aria Peatlval te Cirole, Vernon; Marion 8cMe- ern hlUs wham Ltncoln oooa the Austrian- Alps, Ikinpe's L f CtAHCt Of PyiM(P ro a m a d . A norm al eblft Is two men, valley vUlagee. Thej'^ have to be FROM AHoTnfft. VSS-___ *n»e annual Bolton Aria PaaU- brt, Abom Rd., RockvUla; Bd- ddeat/r'm etoorologlcal observa- but sometimes this Is out to erqrert mountaineers. Whatever Flrmen, ladles auxiliary vat will be held tomorrow at 7:00 mund Plourde, Old Farm Rd., FUEL OIL But ha ooidd travel but-a few HtAKTAftACK. '/oU PtCtPt. tied point perched on the moun­ one, to aUow fer days off. else they need fer the job toey membeta, boy and-gM aco^, p ^ jjgh sohool. Tha Tolland. miles to leant why Tw H a m tain top like an eagle’s neat. Itsblnl Wm 17.9 Because cf the greet altitude riam on ^ spot H Is Ml inNndsd H b* «liTEaiiMikR evening wlH Include a oonoait by Blrdi Tueaday: A son to Mr. towns would give thsmsrives When they are on duty, they ter School band ware among tha aohool band and chorus,'and aaa c m . m n . such itamas aa Aroma. Gnaw. of the station, the televlslan set While the wages cf (200 a and Mrs, Jamaa Oottlar, Taleott P » WoBsa ib r DaMvwy are really on their own. In win­ marchers. ^ dlq^lay of work done In tha M Bona, Fickle and Zlpp, there can recalva the programs month are sm all, moot appU- Ava., RockvUla; a daughtar to nM V BVraHr IIW m v tertime, when bUssarda howl In ceremonies at the gre«. economics, Industrial arts Thoae aro auUientlc Twdtto. c i tear countries. Austria has cants’ believe that with free M r. and Mra. William Stone, M A N C H im around the observatlan post, oidy two TV draisM ls. The.oth- <’uoin and board, they can save Steafing la. Too Matthew Dreselly recited the ^ ^ deparlmente. SomarsvUla; a son to Mr. snd place namaa, as are Paragon, they ore marooned for daya. tradlUonal poem *Tn Flander’a j, mvlted. Bear WaUow, Popcocn. Bas- er TV channMa received at the nteney during their moimtaln w A S H m en oN ( a p ) — a n o Mrs. OUUs Dubs, High Manor OIL HIAT, IHC. Sometlmaa weeks pass befon Field," and Lori Ducharme of. . ■affaa, cydena and Two Pump­ station are from neighboring isolation. bill autographed by President Park, RookvUlo. 649-4908 fared The Oettyaburg Addreas. Bvening Herald kin Canton. Ccrpitirlea. One added, “Where else can I Nixon recently was stolen from Diachargad Tuaaday: BUen ten, Falmouth, Richmond, Rug. The ^ addreee, ^ v « hy BoMon corraapondent Jndtth Tbe Hooaier touriat bureau Three werits woric hy the Sri seven tMevMcn chaistels." tha Cheveily, Md., resldenca of by, Runnymede and Somerset. ® 0 »C K V IU C high achool atudant Richard A l- Doaohoe, teL a iM W . petoto out that visitors can tour weather observers is followed y. ------UB. Rep. Manuel liujan Jr., Later arrivnls Imported the (B) ton, conaidarad tha quaatlon of •______the worid, in a way, between by one week' off. During sum- Kamifcaae, the word used for RrN.M. names of Antioch, Athens, 8t«- death aa damonatrated by our ChloagD and LoulsviUa. mertime, tourists flock to a the Japanese sulelde air force HIGH IN THE SKV — Perched atop 10,000 foot Sonnbllck Lujan received the bill on man. Cadis, Oslro, Dermark, country'a war vatarana. Early aattlais of Britlah ait. mountain ledge next to the ob- In World W ar n , was the name Mountain in the Austrian Alps is Europe's oldest meteor­ March 10, ion, when he pre­ FLETOHER aU»S Oa Paris, Pddn, Roma, 8av- "Juat how do wa honor men oaqtry named Indiana cities sarvatlon station. of. the typhoon that destroyed ological observation point. The life is lonely for the men who. 3 sented the President with the astopd, Shanshal, emyrim, who have eacrlftoed their Uvee MANCHESTER and tomis Bedford, BrigMcn, The trieviricn-and the tour- KUblat lOum's fleet, thwarting man the station, but they are the only Austrians who can choose HeA>RY firet ticket to the opening game Over M Fears of Bxperieaos Syria and Warsaw. In our wart?" he queried. Coretta K ing Bristol, Absrdsen, Dublin, Ba- iate-ore, wricome to the ob- the Invasian of Japan in 1381. from seven television channels. P a r k of the Baba Ruth Baseball "For many yaaii people have' League World Series bdd In Al­ triad to dliculaa their daatha iTAUOTJVCrU Aato-PlAt# • Window Glaaa • MIrma • Giaaa 4 - buquerquejqueiqiw Inin nugu*vAugust ion. ^ COUtfalg Ot PatriOt- Famitnto Taps - Picture FranUng - Fireplm i ^OAKLAgp. - Door Mlrrfwa • Madidna Cablnata • Spadd Woi the ticket He borrowed flO flctal ateOt their deaths," he from an aide, John Nldecker. continued. *Aither King Jr., eaye CMleetor's Item 1st Hum Bth tubs. Any She Piece. Lujan aaked him to auto- Ideal for Gutdoor Botiaaleriel "The fact that theyr died. - In _ a l#AiTiwwsea*eS * »• T^BiiiiMinaUr ttsrmb* Iterish Plates graph the hUl and die preaident ____MeCtovetn’a Democratic preri eiMsn PresidesWal FiRir dld^th a comment. 'Thla la .ni. nainfni nr ****“iMiniu deutlal «-t w.. bid Kb-..—bccause u.-it’. “um«a- D e c a n te r s iUegal, you know." /■ HAVE YOU TRIED C o t ) A .. N s U s e Bstim stas Gladly Otvea Reprodnctlosa C muRch Z J b m r heTiid. the «dy btack and only P ip in cW aterD elilated He noted that even thoaa op- woman In Uie oonteat Opea Iters. A F iL tUl • PJB. • aat. tiU S PJI. ■1 til •'Vi.ifi Bolton taxpayers ^n>roved a ing, but would have to reject concurred with' tbe error, but . budget of 81,666,060 for the 1972- the entire budget if they object- felt that It would not affect the JMlisM''asiiie5 rln il‘ Misses’ , Famous Label *73 fiscal year last night without ed to the sise of the apprcprla- min rate. ' questioning a single expendl- tion. The town meeting can de- Schools CrWeiaed i 9 5 ; tore. Many of the hundred plus crease apprcqxiations, but can- The only comment which even A peraona who attended the an- not Increase them. mentioned expmditures was a TANK TOPS 'nual town budget meeting ap- Too Oonservative? general statement by Henry 100 first quality cofiDn knits in color­ 100 name brand shorts in o large ' peered surprised that the meet- John Roberts also contended McDonough of Cider Mill Rd. ing was over when they voted that the bocu-d could further re- who charged that school coats, ful stripe pottorns or solid colors.' selection of styles in satin, denim and : to "move the question." duce the mill rate by revising which he said, account tor 70% Futures famous BSR 4-Speed Automatic "Mini4;hmger" with Misses'sizes. kettle doth. Many jeon style cut-offs These Are Net Quartered! After the question of whether revenue estimates. He point- of the bu^et, wera t « high, Diamond LP Needle; 10-Watt Solid-State Stereo Amplifier; Two 4* Wide-Range Acoustiully-Matched Speaker Systems; and Simu- induded, Sizes 5 to 15. or not the TnOre 8200,170 sur- ^ 1 tea^ri. too lated Black Leather Base with Walnut Vinyl Trim. (24A323SWX) plus should be used to reduce »>««“ conservative to its damn^ m u chl^s^tt FOR YOUR FREBER ‘ the mill rate had been discuss- f n « c l p a ^ ravmues, ^ c u - FInai.ro ‘ ed for over an hour it was larly school granta, and predict- At a meeting immediately fol- Stock Up At Ite w Pileaa, As Tte Market la Y pototed out that the mscuselmi ^ «* lowing last nlghte town mee^, DelfaiMcty On The Way Up! Vas not pertinent, since the V*® 1 ° ^ Z town meeting was not caUed to apprmdmately |1»,- stand by Ita ^ ^ m ^ ^ lon of - set the mill rate, but to adept a 000 to surplus next year at this a mlH rate of 86, which is one Whole Sirloin Tips ‘ total figure. Subsequently time. min less than the present rate Mittes’Ban-lon Misses’ Famous Ijbel 3 someone “ moved the questi<»” Roberts cited school ADM of 56. . which ended not only derate on grants as an example, noting Asked if the board planned use of the surplus, but debate that althouc^ the state legto- to pursue the question as to the ' on the entire budget. latnra has passed a grant of legality cf carrying over or KNIT S U C K S 8215 per pupil, Botton has only budgeting for eurplus, Hjocnan KNIT TOPS - Atty. John Mahon, former counted on 8210 per pupil, which said "N o ." 100 easy fD wash Bdn-bn in ^ort 1 op nome brand pull-ori style knit town counsel, began the Is a difference of 15,000 to the He added that the final fig- slacks in washable' polyester or knit evening's discussion by chal­ budget urea must be revised to reflect sleeve ribbed and sleeveless styles. lenging the Board of Finance Harold Laws and Robert Gor- the $12,6M error, but noted that ' Slight irregulars. Misses' sizes. cotton; Many navy blues and pur­ • for what he termed its Illegal ton both spMce to favor of the thU'WiU not affect the mill rate, ples included. Slight irreg. Sizes 8 to * policy of carrying over a sur- conservative estimates. During the course of the town ^ plus from year to year. He cited Roberts repUed that he too meeting, firemen made a tost 14. - « state statutes ptevldtog that Tuns up electronically any car ever made. 3Vk' favored a conservative ap- a„d noisy exit to answer two Doubl^Jeweled O’A runval Meter. Complete with " any surplus remaining at the proach, but felt that the finance alarms from the Roeedale sec- . end of the fiscal year must be Instruction M anul. (11-01 DM board was being overly cautious ^ ^ 1. Botii wera false, according lb. used to reduce the mill rate. at the expriise of Bolton tax­ If this were done, Mahon as­ to Chief V ilia m Cavanagfa. payers. He said residents have Bulletin Board serted, the mill rate could be U to UU> . Average. WafU Out Into BoMlaaa been overtaxed by as much as The Bolton Athletic Associ­ - reduced by an additional 4 or 12 mills over the past few Lafayette Battery/AC , BIrioto Ste^a and Boaata, aa Any Wny Yoo D ealro. *; 5 nUUs. He asked that the fi- ation will hold its annuel meet­ Men’s Feinous Heme A Mou’s Famous Label A years. ing and election__ of_ officers___ Cassette Recorder ‘ nance board seek a legal opto- During the m e e ^ former at 8:16 a t 't te !<>n on the matter. M ftoM ce b ^ Herrick Memorial Park bufld- ‘ 'Present town counsel Miar^ DOTTOM ROUND and Lemalre pointed out a 812, Ing. shall Taylor agreed that It is 000 mathematical error which DRESS SHIRTS ^ KNIT SHIRTS Illegal to carry over a surplus occurred when figures were Manchester Evening Herald 100 short sleeve fine quality shirts. 3p0 name .brand crew, neck cotton from one fiscal year to the next, carried over from one page to Bolton Correspondent JndHfa *” and also said that any re- the next. The finance board Donohue, tel. 849-8488. New long collar styles. Permanent knit shirts In. solid colors and stripe - matoing surplus must be used ' to reduce the mill rate. press polyester and cotton fabric in potterns. Selected irregulars pf Finance Board Reply latest fosl^dn colors. Slight irreg. $7.00 grade. M en's sizes. Board of Finance chairman Rag. 24.99 M en's Russel Moonan repUed that the Sale! 19' auditor recommends that Bol­ ThI, ilm pla to operota csfM tta racorOar faaturas Featuraa One Down Lead for all 3 Signals; Rangasi Single Tape Function Control and Record Safety VHF to as Milas, UHF to SO Milas, FM to 59 Milas. ton carry at least 860,000 In sur­ Interlock Button. Completa with Remote Control ComplaU wito VHF-UHF-FM SpUtlw/CmigiK^ plus. It was noted that the town Mike and AC Lina Cord. (SS-1S024L*) has often budgeted a sundus and that the state tax commis­ sioner, who reviews every town budget, has never objected. BUSINESS MAN Lafayette Automatic LAFAYETTE Batteries Other Board ot Finance mem­ bers contended that the m tire 24 Hour Timer For rodiot, flashllghtt, toys, etc. Stock up now i t these money-saving prices. surplus of 8209,000 was taken ARE YOU HAYING MAIUNG Into consideration to reduce the total appropriation. Taylro PROBLEMS?^ agreed that the entire figure ; was used in budget calculations, f > but said the board was still THE INDEPENDENT 215 E. M AIN STa , "budgeting a surplus” for next 187S-Wattt year. " Contlngenqr vs. Surplus POSTAL SYSTEM Ex^ 98 Inekides Fi|5 Eye of The Round! I There appeared to be con- Reg. 7.95 • fusion between the terms “ con­ S a l e r 38 to M U>. Average. WeTl cut Into Ooba or Sandwloh tingency fund" and "surplus," Off R o^ 15-86 Btaakii Dye of Boand, Bonnd OioanS, w Any Way yon and the two were often used in­ O F A M E R IC A •M M M * “D” Battaiy.. rag. 18e aa., SALE S/4Sa dasfare. AO these Itema are excellent for tbe bnrbaene! Helps prevent burglaries! Turps Lighta as wall as t8-S2972* “C" Battaiy „ ra8. .16e aa., BAL8 B/3Be terchangeably during the dis- appliances and (ahs on and off automatically Bt«»t0* "AA'« Battary rag. 10c aa., BALE B/9Ba cussioti. CAN SOLVE THEM . . . whan you're not at home. t1M1407) 30 Day Cadi Rebieds No Deposit Layaway Pkm The board bas appropriated 816,000 for the contingency or FOR LOWER RATES AND emeqgency fund, which is flO,- MANCHESTEU WEST HAUTFORO STAMFORD HAMDEN . RRIDSEFORT Ridsaway Center Hamdan Pfaa SAT. sms A JI 000 less than was ag^nopriated GUARANTEED DEUYERY DATES ' Sk m SbapalM Caatar SitktB'* CriMf SkofFlW Cwtor LMyatle SkapslBt nan 397 No. Main St, cor. Albany Ava. ttm UUMta.,Than. frt Opto Lata Maa. thra FH. CpaaMMaTonSat . (391 Broad Bi.. off Canter St.) •ui tija M i. t n tiO S P J L n it ia o p j t . ID B iM F J E . > last year. This fund, wfaicb is _C A LL — ) . PMOUE 448-2711 (Adjolntnc Lord A Taylor) aradA U FDB XHmS., n o . AMD BAT.! ; regulated by state statute, can ' taaa Lata Maa. tkra M . FS0iK22S4M3 Convanlffiri Bwdgaf T»rmt Avollabh . be up to 2 per cent of the town’s •ffieaarJL Opta Lata I t e , Tkara., M . titAoe 4 iaaoRlMM} ■fft t d t PAL Wt r t M r n the right to lim it a u aalititi iM ia n o g W B i SVK TUB U G Br TO U M B < ! grand Ust. NEW VOftK • Menhatun • Brooklyn • hmaiu • long Itland . Wttfchttter • RschttUr . Buffalo • Syracuaa US. • Balllmort • Mt. hainitr - hockvlllt Toytor-notad that townspeo­ NEW JERSEY • Newark a Paramut • Bruntwlck • Piainfiitd • Totowa PtHN. • Philadelphia • PlttaOurM • King of Prusila • lancasitr 6 4 6 - 6 7 0 0 Saugus • W. hoabury b a,. . Atlanta MASS. • Boston • Natick ple could not Increase the con­ OHIO • Columbui • Toltda • Cltvdand ILL. • Chicago VA. • F illi Church . t 3t. louia tingency fund at the town meet- T


t i i W e W ill Be it

/ iiin P A C C ____. "It's pretty nice. You miss "I land bar till 3 o'clock In “I'm gratetui formts. I work ■Tm on my way home from "I think It’i a good Idea. "I work till 12 o’clock, and good that new “ I shop nighta becsuM i “ I mink It's fanti right down the alraat, and I | the movies, and I |uat thought You have to remember i aometlmea whan I coma m epM >4 hem a dm lor m have an sxes^onrily big work In an olflea till 1 o'clock all ths crowds. I donl.have to tha morning and than I can coma down hste.and rarity gat off 12 o'clock. And I can a I'd stoo In and do my commuting to this place Is home, I can’t find any bread n im worksre and mowwrt ordsr to buy, and In ms .In the morning. It's graat. I worry about snyone hltUng alto very much easier during or milk, and I can't find any my ear out theie." navigate without a whole come right here and do my thepping. This way you’ve got that are busy alt day. I work daytims It's lust too much. I coma shopptng. and than I nobody puthing you around." me night." place to gat any. So since il’a hem 4 to 12.'* was vsty hsppy that they can sissp a IHtla lator bunch ol people. At 10 o'clock, It was so crowded hate I . Mrs. J. Ctewall illm Lynch open hare, it'a great." opensd 24 hours around ths tomorrow." Betty Meringo aiMk.'' Thareaalatga couldn't gat a parking space.'' THROUGH JoM Wamooli I tephan wanhe -

k . 3 hours-a-day.:. L'«. open 6 days a week!

' ------r----- U.S. Gov't. Inspected \ Polaroid P ath m ark Boneless Color Film 1^ “ * ' ' ) Beef Roasts Ice Cream IChickens' ^ (3 Sorvings por pound) $ Q 5 9 I CJ.ll ■njE I I{,,.,11(1 Whole Frying ILe g s B reasts F resh K illed Chuck 99‘ VAIUABIE COUPON % O 59 99 W A l^ O O R - Qroctry Values at Pathmarking Pricaa BottomRound ^ VJtTH COUPOM11 5W CIAL B6HU9 TotOC« Cross Rib '1 A 05 PifiL VoUfL Viva Napkins O Q i Town Fire Chief W . Clifford Mason E x f t i T i K J & l^hmarkof ib.^ W n:;/! ib .w w l 5 o N u s 'POTATOES ^ Manche^er ^Pathmark Soda 8*, RoastingChickens ib 39*^ °K raft Baf''®*Q Sauca^v«wir*’ft39* 5 P E GIA LS ^LIO .MOW - SAT MAy JUNE 3 , Pathmark Shopping Cantar Top Round Chief Mason Retires Today 214 Spancar 8traat,Manchastar,Conn. ^ H aw aiianPim ch a a ^ *^^ ^£34* Water Fully Cooked Low Cost Per Serving 'REOECM.AT SUFRBMK F00D5 Added- Top Sirloin W^! Clifford Mason, town department now, Harold Per- from Hoee Co-^ 1. He had. held the first fire which may be call­ V V V ” 'i* 'i' V *i’ " t, 111 >. t , I / B o v s ^ScotTowals -e— -a33* fire chief, retires today af­ rett and Ernest l^hol, whom he’' every office id Ihe company ex­ ed in, blit ftr a secbfid fire. ter 19 years as chief and has not hired. cept secretary. At the present time Oiere are °PatoPlates Mason, a Manchester native, men on duty (hiTinr some 4Q,'years a a a fireman. Mason was the third.full-time 12 was echibated la Manchester' chief appointed by the .vfUfEp; .8t^,u'W^-4faey an ^ acatteMir''’'’ Smoked Hams He Will be rt^laoed for schools and graduated from and when that district Cons^- imong the town’a four fire sti- Realemon Lemon Juice 48^|i 2 Servings per pound 2 Servings per pound the balance of the fiscal Manchester High School in 1021. dated with the town in 196T, he tions. i‘\ year by Deputy Chief Ray He began work Uien for the became the town’s first fire While the probabUity ^ two ™ Shank Portion Butt Portion Shank Half Butt Half Thompson, and beginning George S. Smith Studebaker chief. fires being called in at once ia A July 1, by now Deputy dealership, then located on Bis- Mason succeeded the late perhaps not that great, it does ^C&C O ola So d a ta-et-aiaa Chief John Rivosa. sell St. where the Manchester James Schaub. Chief before occur, and did occur in 1969 and VUTH i i f WED SWOpit A dinner in Maacm’s honor is Elks Lodge is now. Schaub was the late Albert Vay. again recently. <=>Caruso B lend ed OH planned (or June S at Kanches- Mason picked up some me- ' When Mason joined the de­ On March 22, 1960, three m- ter Country Club. Tickets are chanlcal knowledge in his job partment as a regular fireman gines and a ladder truck had ,^ w e e t L i f t Qm.tt)' °lm|K>rted Tom atoes oteaw. available at town flrehouses. which he b^;an contributing to in 1M2, the one thought on been sent to the Waronoke A look at MasMi’s career is a the then South Manchester Fire everyb^’s mind was World Building on Main St. where ^Pathmark Napkins s s i I JSi33* look at the history o( the town, District in March 1032 when he there was a fire on the third 45'55* 55*65 War n. Elverybody included the fire department, and local joined Hose Oo. 1 as a volun- firemen. floor. While firem en deialt with 'BACON ^Martinson Coffee ’2; 79* firefighting. teer. Mason and the tour other that fire, another call was re- Center Ham Slices ( 3 Set viM()‘> pi’ r pound) Ib 99 Y jpiulng his tenure as chief. When Mason was appointed full-time firem en ^ n t “ untold celved of a fire which was °W e eso n O II - a it •2 ** Mason has directed the growth to the regular force in 1012, he hours’’ instructing town resi­ raging through the old Man­ Dali Vakmaat Patlimarklng Pricaa (rf the departmwt from 11 full­ became the department's first dents in methods of minimising chester Armory on Wells St. time firemen to about 60 now; master-mechanic leaving his damage in the event of fire There was a reserve truck and B risket Beef ...... and from a 6166,000 a year op­ jcb at Smith's as service man­ bombing. Mason recalls there one ladder truck availsMe Pathmark Franks . -. '1 ■ Sirloin Steak L:.v. erating budget to a current ager. were three classes a day In which were sent immediately to budget of about $1,126,000. When he was ai^inted chief techniques recommended by the Wells 6t., and trucks when they i There are (Hily two men in the April 1, 1063, Mason resigned federal goivemment. He esti­ became free were sent from the °ltaH an Bsusage**t&£sti£ft£r *.89* <=>Cubed B eef Bteaksrc:£r.LY.:: *1 *V mates that about 160 men a Waranoke fire. Farm Fraah Produce at.Pathmarking P rlc ^ Franks for Your week were trained in these tech­ Equipment and men from 10 fliday Barbecus ^Ground Round *.99* °P o rk M>ln *^99 * niques. neighboring towns and the Ouartaradt-tlCMlwwte O Q 4 There have been many sub­ Eighth District were quickly W aterm elon ^Oscar Mayer Fraitlca .ifsi. 89* °Chuck Beef 99: =>PorkLolnChops IL«»i l x Ctupi p»r hidiMi. 0 9 W. stantial fires over the years, called in to help fight the but two which Mason recalls Armcny blaze and to prevent °AII Beef Frames ’-s s s '#79* °GroundChuck^%££i::s:j£Sftf£“^85: <=>Pork Butt Roast * » :‘£*££r *.'89* occurred 'in the same year, sparks from igniting neighbor­ WMwAUMwriMMMtitm . IMS. On May 4 at 'Union Mo­ ing homes, but Mason notes, °Grapes taiwIiM at IvWy ■*.99 □Swlfl’s Franks iissr ’#89* °Rlb Roast 99: °Bmoked Picnics tors, then located at Spruce “ It was nip and tuck for a MIWWiiaiMUHi PUMVWIl 7 0 * ..QQ* and Birch Sts., a tnick was be­ while.” ___ mUtll 10> ______^ mwtewrtvtdilMd 9 Urt * . 9 9 . , tana’vaiMteC, •-•>. C Q * DScMckhaus Franks .“A '#89* ^Rlb Btaaks ^ mme^ssimm *• *1** <=>Bausage ing repaired when gasoline The Armory was destroyed n D < .ll Dcaeil# BriO M lra Bona ttaaka. A Naw Maat Bating Valua.” ------fumes Ignited and blew the wall due largely to the rubber pro­ "Potatoes g °Ball Park Franks ■*Try Pgthmarfc’s TaV«lM9 PortortieuM and T out of the side of the building. ducts stored there which burned a l U ' ■ “ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ Frozen Food Values at Pathmarking Pricaa Dairy Valuaa at Pathmarking Pricaa Remarkably, no one was in­ stubbornly for some time. ^ S ca llio n s ------, jured. A cause for this fire, A fire at the end of last month ^Romaine Lettuce w19* ^Pjathmark Canned Ham which Mason regards as one of at the Bottlceilo jdg farm on 19' I Heavy Sweet Cream the most dangecpus he has had HiUstown Rd. prompted a 2-2-2 Cut Green Beans to deal with, has never been call whereby all available off determined. , duty firemen are called in both ’■ ' r \ Insulated iuT/JL Insulated BBe w ^9 ■ wBSa Boa sw a a « bm9 * Later that year, on Aug. 30, to help fight the fire and man Ip^lhmariTemonad^^^* “Pathmark Bimer £75^9 * a general alaimi blaze destroy­ the fire staticais while other Ficnic Bag ^PsDDoridcio Farm“ utweSm------* '^■'-‘hmarkCottag>='PathmarkCottageChee8e^*,:67* ed three buildings on Blssell men are at the fire. In this Picnic Jug 79 St. across from the existing case, the 2-2.2 was necessary as □SHcsd B^wberries — ’:c 25 ♦ °T ropicooi p i^ i Fruit DrinksL ____ 39* L. T. Wood ice plant. Total a small grass fire on Hack­ Apoatizar Valuaa at Pathmarking P r i ^ damage in that fire was put at matack 8t. was called in shortly K i $429 Bakery Valuaa at Pathmarking Pricaa $50,000, with one 'of the build­ after the pig farm fire call. ings, an L. T . Wood furniture M emorial Day ceremonies in 18” a 10" X 7” B ea> ^ ^ 19 * 1? ^ o ea» ^ ' warehouse, accounting for most MORE MORE Frank & Burger Rolls - 25' I Pastram i W h e n of that loss. For his retirement. Mason ‘’11160, Manchester was de­ has no immediate plans other ’’ 24” F o ld in g pendent on a laige volunteer than to relax. “ I think that will Deluxe PVC Vinyl 9t25* ^Haag’s Liverwurst * 69* t e r m i t e s department, ’’ Mason recalls. be easy to do,” Mason says. B a rb e q u e oS^iSinNuiihw Most of the volunteers worked He and bis wife, the former T u b in g &1ir e b *st29* ^Creamy Muenster Cheese * 99* at Cheney Bros. sUk mills. M a­ Martha Shorts, began traveling “Deasert'Shells son says, where there was a to Florida every winter about G r ill ______- ____ ^s49* PCapitai Loaf *^99* d r o p i n system whereby a bell would five years ago and Mason says °BlacM»erryPte C h a ir a.. $ 7 9 9 _ . A . _____ a * a ^ . ring throughout the plant when V A withwhoels. A OQ FnahlrhSt^B akary- W ^ra Dapartmant la Available Seafood Values at Pathmarking Prices he edll keep these trips up as Foldtforeaay Oii*un*iMrafim K a fire was called in. The men I f 1 nM PM * Igurt.lMte S O c ia It’s only a question of time - very little time - before he has found them quite eqjoy- I t ttorageand would leave their jobs to go to able. 1 . 1 »n*i«ag»M m other things start dropping in too. Things like yblir ^ portability.* j the fire. One of Mason's favorite post- Delicious Eclairs 20' I Fresh Flounders foundation, your floors, your doors, your roof. When Mason was appointed a times is watching 'winter ^lorts, •fit I 9 — ww p. .20* “Tasty Shrimp before you know they're there. That’s where we days, and .nlg^it coverage was has purchased a season ticket nB9« “Gillette Trac II Razor Set .*1” “Coconut Custard Pies &s .85* “Spanish Mackerel come Ln. We're termite specialists. We can detect provided by volunteer “ bunk­ every season since the early ers’ ’ who would sleep in the <=>C6ntac ffsssi^saaHHaaBBiaHaMnnufacturerB Coupon Savings • and eiiminate the nasty little bugs before they can do 60’s when players like Toby M»nulic1ur«i» Coupon Savings firehouse for pay. Kimball, now a reserve In the their work. We can, that is, if you call us in time, and When Mason became chief he Kational Basketball Association Isatsid tbs Misliass sf loteerd the penhaee ql says, “ I started to change that it may be the nick of time right now. Call us today at with the Milwaukee Bucks, ex­ Thto Coupon anylhars- Bothtfaw Thit Coupon 1201. |ar as fast as' I could."-Maaon pur­ P a lm o liv e 649-1390 fora free, no obligation inspection of your cited Huskle fans, amixig them Worth Worth sued and soon provided round- Mason. Lipton iced property. Call us before things start dropping in the-clock fire coverage by per­ Mrs. Mason w ill continue to L iq u id on you. _ manent, full-time firemen. work part time as a nurse at 15* T e a M ix Dish Detergent____ On the eve o f his retirement Manchester Memorial Hos]dtal, 20* ' LMWmii r rWilly.e—Uil«iwrr*w and as a ccnsclentlous firefight­ 'Where rile once headed the Uma «w Mr *■■*(. Om U M anfvUuM UmUeeeeerlwUteC .jiaarSi er, one of Mason’s concerns . is pedlafxlcs department. Mu. Uiy ABAIR-LAVERY PEST CONTROL CO. still manpower. “We- have a Looking back on his career. iThiaB^TveIBehBBPO^O 500000000000000000^0 OOOOOOOOOOnHOOOOOQo^" OI |OOBOPnoa8BnnnoPOBasaveazeinnno fine plant. We’ve got good ap­ Mason says, “I thought it was SLm UTEUIIUTIII - TIIMITE CIITIIL paratus, but manpower we’ie quite challenging. I would say ^ ' III cona imn. HMCHCSIEl. CtMMCTICUT 0CO4O • PNOK: M9-13N lacking. Hiat’s been our prob­ the people of Manchester have lem for quite some time.’* He treated me courteously. They're notes that his concern is not for a good group to woik for.” ' I 'p:. ■ '\-^ ^wvW^:

PAGE SIXTEEN' MANCHESnm EVianNG HERALD. MANdHESiBR, OONN^ WEDNESDAY, MAY 81.1972 WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 iRanr^patpr lEuptiittg i^rralii WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 C oven try to serve, with any enroUed Dem­ Coventry ocrat Invited to do so. ' Mra. Oonaslly, win la Bald-' Development erh COnneottout coordinator tor WANTED the Chisholm tor Preoldeid Com­ Voices Concern Bus Fares ■i Corporation Petition mittee, said that If she were NIWSPAPIR G>iirt Cases elected as a challenge delegate CAMIIR To Oi^anize she “would feel ; morally obligat­ Up June9 ...Miwiffir 'cwaHP ff ed to support ghlrley Chisholm IN f o u n t a i n >set East Hartford Session An <»s«nisatloiua me«tiiic o( on the fM ballot’’ at the oon- VIUAOI^LPT^ The Oonnectlcut Oo. will in- . Gary E. Miner, 38, of South the Oovmtry Development Cor- voatton. crease Ita bus fares by five Rd., RockvlUe, pleaded guilty poration wlU be held at the high Petitlona bearing the names of gained enough votes to be se­ The ohallange win go to the CALL ■ I centa per zone starting June 9, to charges of evading responal- echoed cafeteria Monday at 8 80 utrolled Dem ocrats in the lected. convention’s credentials commit­ MR. CORDERA ^ Over Cut in Budget the company said yeaterday. btUty and reckless driving, and p.m . town have been filed with the According to Mrs. Connelly, tee fm* review prior to the con­ MuiehMter HeraM'f' The basic adult fare in the was fined a total of $3(X>. Judge registrar of voters, challenging challenge la also being brought Bjr GLENN GAMBER The Oorporation la being vention on June 16 and 17. 6 4 7 -9 9 4 8 company’s Hartford division will John Membrino alto ordered formed under the guidelines of the credentials of the three del­ on the grounds “ that election of , (Herald Reporter) go up from so to 35 cents, ac- suspended Jail terms .of 20 days at least one delegate violated the State Development Oommls- egates selected in April to repre­ Pumpkins originated in MSxl- The Pension Board, particularly fYed Geyer, its chair­ cording to notices posted by the and 60 days, to run concurrent- Blon and is open to all Coventry sent the town at the Democratlo local party rules and that the oo and Central America. compemy. The fare increases, ly, and placed SQner on proba- Chairman’s selection of a nomi­ man, is concerned and upset over the drastic cut in its residents at a mdiscriptlan price state convention in Hartford in rMuested budget allocation for the 1971-72 fiscal year. m>proved by the State Public tlon for one year. L fil of 1100 per diare. June. nating committee dlso violated liM ixianl members asree. -— ------Utilities Oommisalon last week. Additional charges against Seven emporate dtrectora are The three delegates being chal­ local party rules that refer to were about half of what toe fl- Miner of evading responsiblUty to be elected at the Monday lenged are Town Chairman Al- Robert's Rules of Order. cuts. Geyer suggested tluLt the nanclally troubled bus firm had and first-degree reckless en? meeting, and any subecrlber vah Phillips, Richard Crombie “In addition,’’ said Mrs. Con- ^ taken Board reoommend to sought. dangerment (two counts) were will be eligible for dection to and Richard Hawley., Grounds hdly, "the hearing examiner G&H PAVING INC. othtr than to votse eoncem dirotow Uie peslagie c< an over Um eObot at the ou t Fares on the Manchester-to- nolled by Prosecutor William one of these posts. to r the challenge, according to will be informed that the chos­ _____ .h* c»tUnance which would require Hartford routes, which now are ColUns. Also on the agenda wlU be an Mrs. Claire Connelly, Town en delegates do not represent Call Us N o w for Your Clfysr towym O o msf^ up allocato to (he Amd 40 cents, will go up to BO cents. in a companion case, Ronald announcement by the ad hoc Oommlttewoman and l^ e r of the enrolled Democrats of Cov­ **** Pension Board There are two zones in the Man- w . PUrainen, 26, of Talcottville selection committee regarding the challenge movement, are entry.’ ’ Paving Esfimafes twdpr aftMTOO, saying I determines is needed. cherter bus runs. Rd., Vernon, pleaded guUty to I'p an option that has been obtain­ that the delegate selection pro­ Among the petUion signers are Wbodhouse did net feel thU On toe RockvtUe-toHartford ^throwing articles from a motor I ? cess violated state party rules, form er 'Am a Oonunlttee Chair­ pass or was such a good ( J- ed on a 30-acre pared of land. Difvtwoys. Poridiiq tot*. T«m lf C ow tt, R o cn N routes, bus fares will Increase vehicle, and was fined $200. : ,f: Committeemen, including sev­ since a woman is not Included man Rayinond Bradley, and u n ^ m in trouble,’’ as a re- ,4^ b^^ause It would b in d ^ 18 cents, to 66 cents. CSiarges o f reckless endanger- ^ ‘!s on the delei^on. Josephine Plaster, fom er pres­ suit eC the cut Board 41 Directora. eral former members of the - ReSIDENTIAL A COMMIRCIAL WORK OotoUct In Attttade Xast week’s PUC decision ment (two counts) against Econmnic Development Com- At the April Town Committee ident of the Democratlo Worn- _ ^ wvmMg wiM oni also allows the firm to terml- purainen were nolled. missioo, point out that “sub­ meeting at which the 4 olegates €0*8 TCLIPHONR 44V-S233 •SI!!!:! ’Tm not sura of the wisdom nate two weekday runs In Ifert- Both were arrested by state stantial support wtU-be neces­ were chosen, six cimdldates Mra. OonneUy said (hat dial- 5 ? \ Atauiae of (orfUiiAnce),*’ WooJhouue ford, three weekday runs in New police in connection with alleg- sary to insure the success of the were nominated, two of whom lenge delegates will be selected toe ^ «ld., Woodhouae noted that Haven, and several early mom- ed offenses Jan. 18. Corporation.*’ They hope to were women, but neither wmnan from among those volunteering ing runs of weekends and holl- ______raise som e $30,000 from the $100 and toe Pensioa B o ^ in toe qj, dlraotors adopted per share subs^ptlon rate. The apptoach to the tmim pdEon the $180,000 penslan fund allocar The service cuts, affecting S o HIC Slipem iartS group must have 20 incorporat­ tu ^ The Pension Board wants oon. I’m disturbed about It (toe Manchester and Rockville only ip . i« VT ors in order to be eligible fOr aotuarWy cut),’’ Woodboiiae said, but he on Saturday morning routes, will H iX ld lC llllM 110111*8 state - hnanced, losv interest sound while toe directors seem added, “To me that (the near be effective June 24, Nighttime supermarket shop­ loans. to feel toe .pension idan Eiould unanimwis vote) reflects-a sign pany says ping, long an Institution in many Anyone interested in pur­ be operated on a pay-as-you«o q( the tones.’’ He noted that the New Jersey and New York cities chasing a subscription should he Omega Speecdmaster Professional. directors held toe tax rate and and towns, appears to be either attmd Monday night’s In a penaton plan governed in ro doing out toe pension fund Scandia Awards ^reading to Connecticut, includ­ session^ or contact Attorney by actuarial ixrlnolples, contri- request along with many other ing Manchester. Richard Cromle, Attorney Da­ butkxiB are made to a fund by aieas. 40-Year Pin Mott Supermarkets has an­ vid R^>pe, Ifdson Bearce or both en^ployee and the employ- Woodhouae caUed it "abertute- nounced that all Shoprite stores Leonard Bmjamln. er. The inoney In toe fund is ly ridiculous’’ that anyone would Scandia Lodge, Vasa Order in (Connecticut and Massachu­ Other members of the organl- then Ihvested and interest on hold toe Pension Board reapon- of America, held its 72nd Anni­ setts, including the one on E. zational committee are Joseph toa investments is used to de- stole for sxiy damage to the versary Banquet Friday, May Middle Tpke., wUI be open until Shanahan, John Drugs, A1 fray toe contrlbatlons needed penaton idan which might re- 26, at Manchester C oun t^ Club. midnight six days a week, start­ Goodin, Hugo Thomas, Frank to msiiitnln pension pay outs. suit from outs made by toe town At the affair, Mias Rose Davi­ ing with today. Its hours will Perotti, Bert Carlson and James ih a pay-as-you-go plan, an- direetors. son of 476 Woodbrldge St. was be 9 a.m. to midnight, Monday nual contributions must equal “i think we should aerloualy Ladd. presented her 40-year member­ through Saturday. annual pension payouts. consider cutting back,” Wood- ship pin by Ounnar Olson of And Crispino’s Supreme Foods Geyer maintained that the house , sold referring to certain on Hartford Rd. has announced Old Italian Road town’s jMyroU and number, of Improvements in toe pension Br^ord, district master end one of toe guests for the evening. that starting today it wiU be Named for Salt A employes will hicrease faster plan. open to midnight six days a Wilt toe town’s abiUty or will- The Pension Board, for In- Ronedd Erlcksan of 26 Atton St. ROME — In ancient times was master of ceremonies. week, plus part of Sunday. Its salt was highly prised and was IngoMS to siqpport a poy-as- stance, recently approved Ubra^ hours \rtU be 8 a.m. to midnight, Other guests Included Miss brought from great distances y o itfo plan. . allied reductlans in pensions tar Monday through Saturday, and ■ vdten no stqiidy was near. One The Pentian Board originally thobe who esxly retire, but toe BIA Gives Seniors PA System Lliija Strastnekas of Meriden, 8 a.m . to 6 p.m., Sunday. of the oldest roads of Italy was requested that $840,000 be put Board of Directors has yet to vice district master; Kauiite The trend, which is expected In top fund by the town. Town act on toe Pentian Board’s rec- Gunneacn o f North ' BraxtfortI, called the Via Salaxia (Salt Jim Gregory (left) and Charles Smith (right) show Brotherhood in Action has donated to the center. to continue in Manchester, be­ Road) because it was the route Mnnngnr Robert Weiaa cut this ommendatlon. district deputy; and Mire. George gan May 13, when Pathmarti to $480,000 and the Board of Di- Pension Board roembrns de- Wally Fortin, director of the Senior Citizens Center Smith and Gregory co-chaired the BIA committee Anderson of Thomaston, grand Stores, which has a supermar- over which salt was trans­ on Myrtle St., the new public address system which which raised the money to buy the system. The ported. ManganeWt Gets Kiwanis Service Award * rtetora out this further to $180,- elded to continue to recomm end lodge secretary.- get on Spencer St., axmounced / I \ 000.. m addition to toe $180,000, tots ebaage in spite at the purchase was aided by the favorable price for The Stig Ingve Orchestra its outlets would stay open 24 By official proclamation of ty Service Award to a non-Rl- hi his reqwnse. Dr. Mahga- tom e WlU be a $100,000 in em- d n iB o cut. which Stanek Electronics on Broad St. sold the from New Britain, provided hours a day, Itfonday through James Beattie, Manchester IQ- wanlan “In recognition of out- nelU acknowledged that all the ploye oontrlbutkxu to the pen- Woodhouae suggested that equipment to BIA. (Herald photo by Pinto) music for dancing. Saturday. RANGE AND standlng community service facts In the resolution axe part wania dub president, yesterday mitm, funa this year. G^er, when he meets with the Alma Mater Names FUEL OIL rendered to How^ Cheney Re­ of his life. However, he added, ‘V Cteym said toe $840,000 “ was Board o f Directors to dlscusa was “Dr. FTed Day,” in honor “Tliere are ottier thinga to be GASOLINE gional Technical School, tiie not an figure.” He odd- toe recommended pension of Dr. Fted D. Manganelli, who Town of Manchester, and the said. One thing la sure. We don’t ed, "W e weren’t consulted. We chaxigeB, convey to the dlrectore will retire this year after serv­ State of Connecticut’’ operate in a vacuum. I have weren’t invited to a pension the Pension Board's concern of Building for iSleith met many people who have BANTLY OIL ing as director of Hcsvell Khlght read a resolution haeriag- Apparently Direotor toe cut. Cheney Regional Vocatianal and adq^ted by the General Assem­ been good, Und, and gradous.' FltsGenld feels you don’t need John Murphy of tto4U, Martin B. The new, $1.7 million science building on the 92-^re COMPANY INC. I never figured I was alone. I Technical School since 1803. bly after being introduced by an aotttoir to nm a pepsto Segal^Oo, Inc., tha Pmudon Western New England College in Springfield, Mass., 1 ^ The Ugh point during the State Rep. Nlcholaa M. Motto was always with a friend to .. Board’s aotoary, road from a named William H, Sleith Hall, after a Manchester ^31 Main Street M a n c h e s te r weddy lundieon at the Man­ of Hartford, tt reviewed Dr. give me a hand, tt’s gratiiytng G i^ agnod with FMs- letter ha oant Geyer concerning ,yaTi, the president of the privately endowed college an- to know thMe la always a friend Tci. 649-4595 chester Country Club was the Manganeili’s 40 years’ assoda- Oei^d’s remoiks cn toe niglit .«»• nouncfd t ^ a y . ' presentation by ' N. 'WUUam ttoQ^with ftato.voc^onal.M to- to.gtve A band, and it’a ahvays Rockville 875-3274 d m in a good qjirtt.’’ (Herald Knight to Dr. Mangan«dll, cailon as' student, toachei’, ahd Oetold aewSiiBUhafc dh*.u<^ a^aai|ad^1toaege preo- rtm, toe donor, Is toundar ond. !§ A V 1NGS; right, of the Kiwanls Communl- administrator. photo by Pinto) to ite poiWoU EBoteiUon w^ honor titm a a m vwtK)” iiDtfn6sii):Of, 1^ . iteixtUof.'.^ notWteCt exbto^'piiiUlelMirato ' 'rociaay donated |B06,000 to itoe loa a tag. Oo. Of-MhhcBester. A former restdont of Odoopee A L O A I V I'l s - " ~ x Olds compor^ wlU^ fiM Falls, Miass., he has been a ed aystem, penaton coats wlU member of toe eoH ^’s Board As worn on Earth. of Trustee* since 1986. eieMi was graduotsd from toe college in 1644 with a Bachelor A b ilitiy at Buzinesi Administration - ^ ton are not avaUaUe to reduce Bnglneeilng degree. At ttzat tone, toe coQege was toe Spring- tore penslan payments.” Sion plan have been approved field division of Norllieastwn Murphy added, “It seems a bit University amd had only evening ovm toe yean and maxiy of ironic that this is fazqipenlng these dboBgoB have ooot Im- nlnnifi since the State of OonneoUcut R became Western New Eng­ pUcatoms, G e^ sold • ’I thl^ j^„,jjuar with the land OoUege in 1962 and now has ' the Penaton Booxd 1m sooner ^ fiiumring a retlre- btismess fin a n d ^ pltfaHs of financing about 8,000 students attending or later to consider toe effect ment system on a current dis­ at som e at toeee changes.’’ classes in 10 buildings. R is a bursement basis has now pass­ co-educatlonal school with class- Oegrer went on, “ We pay ed legirtatton __ to change to a experts to teU us how to keep os held days and evenings. for the sm aU busm essi^ the phin Sound and you have ______In announeixigtoe' bequest and people Uke Director Fltx- toe naming at toe building. Dr. Herman said, “R is partioulaily GexBld who, with noadvlce, New Uses ftw Satellilles As worn on the Moon. tell us we need $180,000.’ ’ ____ fitting that it is Mr. Sleito who Geyer and other Penaton NEW YORK — Barth re- made this bequest, because he Booxd members Herman sources technology satolUtea are is a wtrduct of toe school and Paracaatell and Arty. Rtehard etweetod to provide elu$|va dat^ because his career is indicative Wbodhouse agreed that there on animal and marine migra- of toe service our setuxd is txy- was toe Penslan Board tlana, ihaeoessible terrain and Ing to contribute to toe com­ could do about the perennial mhvsral deposits. WDUain B. StoUh munity,’ ’

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Rham sthdlas, Gragg safd. Already, the university said, Butterflyt t e n iy Booal A longer term oommltment | DAC To Launch In-Depth Public Records Today in History Computer Cuts the new system haa been able New Vote Set on Rham Budget Warranty Deeds WASHmemW (AP) — The New Students States Backing will hinge on whether the com­ to analyze the way house­ price of butterfly is going up. Arthur Fetrone to Robert J. By PHIL PASTORET By THE ASSOOIAtTED PRESS Wasted Efforts keeping is done at one hospital mission expands Its plans to in­ EVERY FRIDAY -Drug The Price Commission grant­ To Be Guests The Regional District 8 Board of Education will hold its Education Program And Harriet L. Rasca, property To •’ay is Wednesd.iy, May 31, and reduce the amount of effort clude the western, L«ke Oham- >n*k rtn w .... at 675 B. Middle Tpke., convey- S m a rt young folk join ed Stacy Fabrics Corp. per- fourth budget meeting Monday evening at 8 at Rham Hig^ the 152iid day o< 1072: There' are ^imwUcut sIS ‘‘ mlssTon ’the^sdlVTo ralse prices R h am .H lf^ School will play River Cleanup Idain region of Vermont, and I Tha Drug Adviaory Ootmcll of other committee membera, ro- ance tax $25.40. teen-age clubs. Stupid onee School to consider a tl.4B6.Sl» budget for 1972-1873. This Is the pOMlUsT 6V6n thA Ntw Torii the Mancheater Oiamber- of mariced, " It is felt that the drug James B. and Phyllis W. Dar- cm average host tomorrow to next year's same budget that was rejected by the votera on May 25. Hoepital reported of 13.8 per cent. B09T0N (A P ), —A jMragram the 1860 basin plan was con- side of the lake, both now out- Conpoeroe, in its continuing ef- P*'®*’*®"* awareness jhu#t be by to AUred and Dlanq M. On This Date •way to cut 'wasted effort out of able to cut housekeeping seventh grade incoming stu­ Today, about all you Butterfly, the commission ex­ Previous budgeU of ♦1,514,578 and 11,488.719 were also re­ to implement elements of the firmed at the oommlaslan's aide the Oonneotlout R ^ r ba- forta to bring the dn» aware- more pointedly PaclotU, property at 18-16 cedar In 1793, the Reign of Terror hhaplUl clean-up c h o ^ — to efferts from 1196 man-hours a dents from Hebron, Andover proposed $960 mllilon New Eng- quarterly meeting here last sin, according to Vermont state BINGO neai problem to the ‘ *** y®*mger school chU- St., conveyance tax $87.40. can't get on time is the began In the French Revotu- ^ that it may be ^ ^ university said, plained, is polyester lining for jected on May 1 and May 15. money to pay the install­ women’s garments. and Marlborough. land River Basins Commission week, when it was agreed each member Eorrest Orr, of the school diUdien unaidm^v ■*'“ * **“ accomplish- UlUan D. Harvey to Bernard tion. ,> possible to displace 80 per cent ments. In 1889 more than 2 000 live* hospital clean-up staffs. The computer system In order to be able to accom­ Although many resldenU of the district towns of Hebron, plan for the water and land re- state would contribute $0,000 to Vermont Agency of Bnyiron-1 KNIGHTS OP COUIMMIS LOOGI oetitiKUsM ^ on!^W ^ J’ A. Gauvln, • « -0 ^ more man 2,000 lives , analyzes daily needs for routine Andover and Marlborough ftit at the May 25 meeting that the sources of the Oonneotieut Rlv- initiate the program out of of- mental Conservation, adnnstim ihni>i ^ three-man DAC Bducatlon property at 95 Broad St., con- were tost in a flood at Jtdins- The employes displaced by and periodic work i— modate the entire incoming ‘m'^ommlttee was appointed veyance tax $20.86. budget was still too high, there were strong sentiments ex­ er basin has received tha sup- floea In Hanover, NJI. Match- The purpose of the four-state I town. Pa. rearranging assignments and %ch^- ;WANTED grade in one day, principal J. pressed against the board’s withdrawal of funds for con­ tSL^r^^u J. Dl^ Dr. Bdwln A. and Miujorie W. port of Oonneotlout. Maasaohu- Ing federal funds are tepeotsd. program- la to develop state, | In 1916, British and German then be "reassigned,’ ’ the uni- uies, M d T v^u ates w o S ’ ^ Clean, Late Model Colin Pushee, stated it will be struction of four tennla courts at the'hlg^ achocd. setts. New Hampshire and Ver- Vermont had refused to ap- federal, local and oltisen agree- tneeUna ***” ® "’ “ *“ • moent Jacobson and J. Grant Swank Hanna to Wayne P. and Janet fleets fought in the World War verslty .says in a repwl. employes, the unlveralty said. necessary to excuse the present mont, and will begin July 1, proprlate Its share in February, ment on propoaals In the mas- n, T ^ charged with implementing A. Johnson, property at 6 Tay- battle of Jutland ott Denmark. "K these cases are tyidcal of J ______^ Copies of the propoaed budget are available at the town seventh grade from attendance commission Chairman Frank but has now agreed, limiting its slve basin idan, ediioh was o m VSw immediately the acUon of the l« r St., conveyance tax $.66. I t ’ was the only major engage- hospitals, one could expect that USED CARS tomorrow. clerk’s offices in each of the three towns. Manage- council. They wUl report « i pre- Isabelle D. Muzlkevlk to Wll- R. Gregg has amtounoed. commitment to the duration of created largely by the U.8. ment between the two fleets of for every 10 full-time house- Top Prices Paid The sixth graders will ride the __ Four-baaln-state support for $700,000 worth of sujqdemental Army Corps of Engineers. R ^ d H erald Adyertisem eiitt ” _ ptm uhm ta) said, "W e Uminaiy plans at the next DAC U®m M. J. and Diane L,. Hyde, the war. keeping employes, three of Arctic Trip in 330 B.C. Glrls— one way to shut-up For AH Makes! buses normally taken by the means of pre- meeting Wednesday, June 7 at 8 P«>perty « i Birch St., convey- a flatterer is to marry him. In 1948, in World War n. the these employes can be reas- r m ..u seventh graders and they w ill P-m. in the Chamber conference «»o e tax $80.80. , * • » French naval squadron at Alex- signed to perform other produc- M ARSEILLE, France — Pyth- y CARTER CHEVROLET be advised of the time for the M Jocahy- room. 257 B. Center St Richard B. and Evelyn M. Mixed drinks are much andria, Egypt, joined the allies, tive housekeeping services “ Massllla (now Marseille) bus pick-up at their local Gounoy, further authorised The DAC consists ofrepre- Cooley to Richard A. and Jac- less trouble than mixed In 1951, Radio Moscow claim- without deterioration of the re- ^® recorded voyage C O .. INC. schools. t^ s u q ^ r months as being sentaUves from the major c»m- quelbie Desmarls, property at drunks. ed that television was first in- qutred cleanliness levels of the Arctic region, about 380 1229 Main St. The school w ill run a single Social ussa Mpsofauy in the DAC pro- munlty oomnonents thereby In- cainton St., conveyance vented by a Russian, Prof, hosidtal," says a report on the sailed north until stop- session day tomorrow with dis­ m in-depth educa- eluding on i pennaaent L a is . Borls Rcaing,; in 1907. project drawn up by Dr. A.D. P®^ ^7 *®®' Phone 646-6464 missal at 12:1S p.m. at >^ch S e c u rity SSJ r V , “II®* “‘*’*®®* system representaUves from the school Release of Attachment In 1957, me United States Joseph 'Bmerzlan, director of time the youngsters will be re­ **** '"'***' target system being the superintendent Co; Wlndeor fer WUll^ ^dersOT, willing to negotiate me laboratory involved, and a turned home by the regular af- d ^ a 6Z4d pro^ss reports to of schools and the director of against Jtdm M. and Rose Mariez'ssIa tafence tio a 4tA f 11 NyeM v o St.,.Qf $128;RIOR* forVAe* me quesUon of limiting... nu- professor - of. industrial ...... adminis­ Davis. Dr. David Caldwell, fence at 168 .i~ ,r temoon runs. No lunches w ill be q , Tm covered by both parts •^**''*®®*y Council youth services, as w ell as a tration. served. »<^trted,^ordlngly. Catholic cletgyiiian for com- Trade Name Boulder Rd., $676; for James , ' PLAZA DEPT. STORE of Medicare. After a car Edward Healey, doing busi­ Corso, fence at 87 WyUys St., „ *®“ „ „ ^® “^ve^ty calls it a An orientation program for accident last month, I had “ “ i*®® Jacobson Jr., munlcatlon with the paroohlsl (We Have A Notion To Please) parents of these sixth graders a DAC member, speaking to school system. . ness as Nutmeg Realty Consult­ $389; and for Alfred Stern Former Nazi Adolf Bhchmann "computerized manpower con- some teeth broken and bad ants at 888 Keeney St. fence at 84 S. Farms Dr. $238! executed in Israel after his troi system that can save, hun- E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Mkt.) has been scheduled for June 8 to go to the boq>ital feal8 involvlitg a traffic crash in Windham County after file for Medicare if I live in Quick Meal Savings! WITH THIS COUPON accident in Windham County me omer person involved in me ers. Manchester? GBODHD CMCK PRICES IN THIS AD IH EC TIV E IN A il Ceremonies will start at 8 and a narcotics arrest in Wa- collision, Brenda St. Pierre, You will have protecUon C Valid thru S a t, June 3 ,1 9 7 2 terbury. could not be located. p.m. in the Commons and pa^ at the earliest poadble time CoMal Stdrim ents of the inductees, thespian The first case involved a car The court ruled, however, if you enroll three months accident in Guilford on (Feb. 25, mat me woman bad violated A & F s and A-MARTS grraduates, Trlgon Players and before the month you reach IN THIS COMMUNITY AND VICINITY friends of drama are invited to i Fkankfoits 1965, In which Jaye Hunt and and nullified her insurance con- 55. You should phone or Beverley Harrison were injured tract by fntttng bom to report (PRICES NOT EFFECTIVE IN A4.P WED MARKETS) attend. I visit the Bast Hartford So­ PatU Campbell, president of Amiour Campfire Franks ib69c in a collision wim a car driven the accident and to assist in me cial Security office to file. by William Richter. The car he subsequent investigation, the local chi4>ter, w ill be in The number is 244-8717. Colonial Dutch Loaf s«pk.S9c charge. Special guest for the was operating was owned by ’Die Supreme Court also dls- his mother, Gertrude Richter, missed me appeal of John * FK SN S evening w ill be Gilbert Cass The written talstocy o f Rottai^ Oscar Mayer Bologna 89c 44MI a teaxther of speech and drama Europe’s bistteet aeapoct, ,wbo was vacationing in Florl- Grayton, who had been (xm- at HaU High School and vice- w a n In 1840 wtien a fiMUng TIstai i f pkn artment was subjected to WITNTNICHS ^ O C niTii-.irm' well. an unsuccessful search. E j jN M O X S FUEL O IL The high court based its sup- Grairton was arrested in Wa- port of lower-court ruling main- terbury on Dec. 8, 1969 after 16 ______i ly on the fact that Richter did bags of heroin were found in CEHIIDCIfT 17.9 ^ WITHTIUS ITAUAN W M AMKMCAN 'IS ? M Q gL 30^ o ff not live at his momer’s house me trunk o f his car. The court 1 P i ^ i y iflG F » P d Bv ^ Turkey Breasts oSSc Turkey Roast Boneless IB 89c and Zherefore did not fa ll under ruled mere was enough evl- mo "family car" rules that dence to convict him. Pork Chops 99i Towards purdMM Of Oaa S4 n Phi I^ork Sausage 99i ‘ * M A N C H B m * Turkey Drumsticks 439c Turkey Whigs »39c S«raiRKNT.4KMISS / CBmiSUCIS(ROZBi) OIL HiAT, INC. H ^ r o n V. . - 6 4 9 -4 9 0 8 EDETEBGEIIT •> ______• Franks & 'ir 59' Ciy-e-Vac Thick! Valid thru S a t, June 3 ,1 9 7 2 Beef Liver 59l International Seafood! Rm. Retail l A l AUSOOO COBHED BEEF IBISKETThMCut-99c Cat Rec Group Offers Bonstess, Skinistt Sliced Bacon^i 79' Polish Sausage CodnUet S lb box 4 . 2 5 lb LORt B u m DOCUnC - 591 89L JMSilMStfiia i>1J« Program for Summer RlMfWTnat RaadytoCook lb H c ( . Pork Shouider -CTu >55c Boneiess Ham S >’1.49 18^ off APPLESAUCE EIGHT O'CLOCK Inpnm SMhif Ninliig a U e The Recreation Ctommisslon to parents informing mem cts to Macaroni & Cheese * H iiti’ SwTCDiMiSgaTraito a N c 20 cany how® ® is offering a series of summer which session, me morning or r i i T T T l COFFEE Towards eurdiaaa of Thtao 6 oz a n t OCUIIMUT Heat ■* Sim H$N9ck ra$t aCtc FinastFrankfurts»»~>75c Lamb Legs Impfxb^ programs for youngsters and afternoon, me children have ‘‘ PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE TUEStWY. MAY 30 THRU SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd 3 8 ‘ Flifi CtaM Seafood Treat a'l.49 adults In town including baton been assigned to. H D H T S '^ twirling, nature study, a guitar Also, In order for the kinder- Valid thru S a t, June 3 ,1 9 7 2 ! workshop, soccer, basketball, garten teacher to devote her ySSSnoibsoda m n u n Pi® JU C© 59* 0 softball and a continuation of full attention to me children, GRAPE JUICE ^afnl W®*^**l’ the present school bowling pro- me regularly scheduled kinder- 96 9 •StdSlMMMCA ItfViFA mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnm Srram. , ^ garten classes have been can- n A V O R A ficrs ^ MtASSMMWari A olx-weeks course in toton celed for Friday, Jell-0 Puddings 15* twirling and marching, taught Parents are requested to M S M R a A m ^ ! Green Giant Paper Towels WITH THIS by Unda Chamberlain, wilt be write me name, address and 20^ off COUPON held for students in grades 3 telephone number of their child COOL N CREAMY JUICE DRINK through 6 wim classes on a tag along with a descrip- Lestoil Cleaner 37* NIBLETCORN BIRDSEYE 17oi. 1 5 2 c t C I Towards purchsM of Ona 11 oz jar scheduled for Monday, Wednes- tion o f where their* home is. MMma. Decorator day and Friday. This class is Transportalion will be provid- (FROZEN) J ^ GREEN H ? 12 o, Pineapple-Grapefruit roll-. Q 1 llmlted to 15 students and me ed on me regular morning and' GIANT iP iP iCABNATION fee w ill be $1 per week. alter school routes; however, Ice Cream 69* GREEN GIANT 3 c Valid thru Sat., June 3 ,1 9 7 2 Mrs. Jean Cafazzo is offer- foer® wlU b® «> noontime trans- JOMSMftMMSON PAMPERS Ing a six-week nature study portatlon lor this one day. HANOI WHIP SCOTT TOWELS Kitchen Sliced Green Beans course for children in kinder- ^ ® ohlld attends the morning ACP . Overiiijlit Diapers garten through me six grade, session, parents should arrange (FROZEN) Q..DQ TWs course is also lUmlted to fo P‘ck “ P fo® Baby Powder 83* Save at mwo 3 '5*' 1®® ^ c a n s f l T I 16 students per class at a fee classroom, room 13. I f attend- 1 ^ 3 9 * PUSnCFOWWIAF This 1.0'* \ iii-E WITHTMS of $8 per 'week. Classes will be U*® afternoon seslon, par- VP held Monday, Thursday, ruid ents diould bring the child to IVORY LIQUID W NVM TM O li? 15^ o ff COUPON Friday, and w ill include cast- fo® dassroom by 12:30. Baggies 67* PEACHES tag around animal tracks, leaf I " connecUon wim the ktadeiv DETERGENT 7 O < AUnMOtr Towards purdiasa of Ona 10 iwcfc prints and needlecrafts. 8®^®" orientation, perenlts are foiii m CAMPTON^ 7 2 « <,i. g 0 0 _ , 1. , __invited to, attend a social hour FREESTONEHE 6# I SAN n u w a sco THAT UPTON the direction of Terry Lium and ^ “ fo ®v®ntag ^ at Rice-A-Roni 35* Frozen Food Favorites! C Valid thru S a t, June 3 ,1 9 7 2 . la tor studente from J kindergarten teacher w ill NEUMANN'S sFACNnn w m ouTiAUs Fresh Fruit and Vegetables from Fussy Finast! X s tell about h Z program as well ISHBONE l i f t e d to 1 p e ^ e ^ „ . . j l tis me flrrt grade teachers and |00 wlU meet one hour per week _ _ ^ „ „ „ MAYONNAISE ’ 69* ITAUAN some of the special area teach­ Chef Boy-Ar-Dee MESSNK QUEEN for six week at a fee of $1 per ers. Slides of me classes in ac­ jO M S o rs ' 5* FEDDERS lesson. tion will also be shown. SAKsbnry SteUc, Tvrkcy A six-week soccer course is being offered by AU Campbell with Oravy, Meat Loaf,'- Manchester Evening Herald FRESH EGGS 6,000 BTU’S for boys and girls in gjrades 4 „ . Glo Coat 87* RAIN BARREL VcU PannafiMi correspondent, Anne SUNNYBROOK a m POTATOES through 8. aaaees are unlimited lO m n a a n FABRIC 26 o. " W P 3 < lT ^ e ‘ ^d'"^% rheTd'“;Vme; Emt, tel. 228-8971 MEDIUM I v U PORTABLE PLUG-IN SOFTENER g ^ *169* amperes 99 B om me beskeitball workshop Under Blast, FRUIT DRINKS Shoestring Potatoes Sweden 9 pkfs for bojra and girls and a girls’ •OXYDOL • TIDE B&M BEANS ■ Pick it oH the shell Carry home a great, quial night's sleep. aottbaU class wlH be taught by Sniper Fire A t f • CHEER • FAR • DRIVE TOOROOKII Carry It home today . . . it's only 20* wide, Kraft Veal Parmagian n-iikiBSc 29‘ 87' Joe Gambolattl for studente in (norroiAHCi 79* Pack it In your car fits in the trunk of your car, fits neatly in (Oontimied from Page One) TNKI Libby Lemonade 8 99c Gmdefl 4 through 8. , _^ AMHCOT) r- 28* regular and narrow double-hung Afhdows. SeaM Sweet - half gallon H io hflaVothsii workshop is a dy and was hit by a guerrilla Place It In your window It has two speeds— HI Cool and ultra-quiet WITHTWS slx-weekoouroo wUh a $5 fee who apparenUy was aiming at g m r r m m l VALUABLE COUPON nnnrtTTTTrjj Lo. Drawing only 7Vi amperes, it plugs Into Finast Turnovers Flawrs 1214 «pkf 3 9 c an adequate multi-outlet 115-volt circuit. Breakfast-' 25^ off COUPON and clanses held twice each a pollcemaii. Heinz Ketchup Pull out the Flex-Mount 34* Birds Eye Awake Special week The same Is true for mo Guerrillas also bMnbed a PMTBN " sides The front panel has the crafted appearance Omnge Juice of rich walnut. You also gal Flex-Mount Macaroni Towwda purdwaaefTan 7M oz jais g,^u ptogiam. »>««'• bottling plant in Belfast, S to u ffe r s and Cheese 12 70 Plug it Into an adequate pull-out sides, an adjustable automatic Arid finally, the Commission causing $620,000 damage;, a po- 115-volt circuit thermostat, adjustable air direction. EECH-NUTc;&^!^ has arranked tor a ctmtinuatton lice staUem at Dunglven, Ctjun- Suave Shampoo 79* Farm Fresh Dairy! Fresh Finast Bakery! of the present schotrf bowling ty Tyrone, and a garage at V B T fN M " Health and Beauty Aids! C Valid' thru S a t, June 3 ,1 9 7 2 from 9 to 11:46 a.m. on Thurs- Claudy, Ctounty Londonderry, FED D JR S—WoiM's Largest Setting Air Conditioaers days »w>gjniiing June 29. Protestant mlUtants planning TM s pfbgram is for studente an anti-IRA march in Lendon- AUFUVOH ^JJANCHEdTBR COnnCE CHEESE OB PIES Colgate Tootimagte In Orhldes 4 through 6 end the deny Saturday announced they Fruit Drinks 49* LAAAAJmtUUARM>JUIUtAAtJm.UMP cost w ill be $1.60 each day wtth would defy the Britirii govem- M'UvYrrnnni VALUABLE COUPON n n r f m n r > ppnnnnnrnm l |rruTnnnru> ■ ■ H n nHnast a i All Varieties froe ]^kup and delvery by me ment order that they keep nmUTHS W ill! Bow l Alleys in WUUinantic. away from me center o f me SmaflCiird B O B 73*^ 2 0 ' off Forms for meee programs will city and adjoining Roman Cam- 1.09Size S^oztub e # w COUPON be distributed to me school oUc seettons. I Towards purdisM of Ona 50 cat pig ddldran And exact details will Last weekend thousands of APFUAMCB “*I lu. J&J Medicated Powder 59 c >be given roace the forms have masked, uniformed Protestants Hon^.6 Ccf A been completed and returned. paraded through Belfast in mil- Mrs. Filbert’s Margarine Finast Bread &ttwr 3 ”k r * 1 o w m siilBright Side Shampoo 7 7 c lASHEB ‘AIL' CSdldien 'who have registered Mary formation and BriUrii oCfi- Cinhainon Buns pkfofuSBe Finast Vitamins i^ m Iw C Valid thru Sat, June 3, for Mndergarten next fall 'at me clals fear such a demonstration NEXT TO STOP and SHOP Soft-Com Oil 1 lb p k g 5 2 nlm!n JSoBSc Hebron Elementary School in Londonderry—where me Finast Donut Tray p ttefiz5 5 c Finast Aspirin b»ofiooi7c have beM invited to visit the Protestants are outnumbered— JUUUUUUUUU3 » i t IJ t M At RJA UAMXM.3 AmUULUL*M.U.Ot«MII«ttim««l«l CBAMED MOMIliAIB — MAY tfam lib pkg PricM OiMlim la Mwrinitit laf V m M Separ B— ti kindergarten clasaes on Friday, would produce a sectarian PMasm iin oAti Ohiffon Margorine 53c NoUoes have been srtit home battle. PAOB! TW E N TY MANCHESTER isVENING HERAU). MANCHESlTHl. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 PAGE TWENTY-ONE -Democratic Platform Children live, Stamps % Proposals Under Study In Auto Crash JUST FOR YOU...ANOTHER SHOPPING CONVENIENCE WETOBRSPIBUJ, Ootm. BOSTON (AP) — -nie D«nio- an additional ig months on pa­ (AP)-A man and hte wife fhmi cratlc nattori)n OommlttM role. Cromwell were fatally litjured FROM SHOP-RITE SUPERMARKETS! ■cheduled a hearing on educa- Amnesty, Mrs. Boardman and their two children were In­ tkn today, concluding the flrat said, should not be- considered jured vriten their oar crashed ot a nationwide aerlea ot open "a fcogiveness of any kind of into a statlonaiy p M saurus. "The full employment goal of their rights. CHICAGO — On the average, A souvenir sheet containing each human heart beats about We've added three full houri to your shopping time so you can meet any last the nation must be reaffirmed Ernest O. Reaugh, represent­ the pteranoden and the tyran- minute emergency— or take carp of your entire shopping list— up until mid­ by the Democratic platform," ing the National Coalition of 72 times a minute and with . noseurus (the two blgbeet val- said the Massachusetts in­ Gay Organisations, said the each beat almost 2 ounces of ' nas) atoo was released for col- night, Monday through Saturday. stitute of Technology economics "gay subculture" has reached blood are pumped from the tootors. Now, if you’re a one-car family,' you can shop when hubby’s home and the p rofessor. "mammoth proportions," and heart. At the same time, tiie Mal- children are in bed. Or, if you’re at a movie and suddenly remember there’s no milk or bread for breakfast, you can pick it up on your way home. And . . . ‘"nils means settling for no 15 million to 20 million Ameri- (Uves tosued another multleol- tolerable level of imemiHoy- c a n s are suffering dis­ * ored set of alx ptcturlng na- you don't have to pay^remium prices if you must shop after 9 p.m. You’ll m en t.' '* crimination because of their • ttonel ooMumea of six different IPLEASB EXCUSE USll have Shop'Rite low prices right up to the witching hour! Our cases and shelves sexual habits. IDnriiig the Late Hoars | will be fully stocked, j)u r employees will be on hand to serve you, and the Samuelson also joined others Watch The I oountries Ocottond, Nether testifying before the committee Reaugfa's topic was “ the right ■ hUMto, Norway, Hungary, Aus- Some DepartmnitB values will last until midnight. Why pay more? . . . or settle for less! to be different.” Other wit­ In calling tor closing of tax 700 CLUB ! brla and ep^ . No aouvenir Be CSoeed! loopholes. nesses spoke on youth partici­ ■ fiieet was released WUb this pation, women's rights, rights "The first priority with re­ on Channel 18 spect to taxation In a Demo­ of the poor, children's rights, black Americans, Puerto Rican cratic administration must be . vwly Pi., New York, N.Y. committee that veterans con­ m i b l N i a l a . FRESH NATIVE stitute the "largest single group 17J9 10014. The cost to 16.76 post- paVL ot unemployed." (24-Hr. JM te s IMT iSROUIIDCHUCK ^ PORKCNOPS Kerry also said the Presi­ 7 9 I M I v c iy ) dent's trip to Russia while West Point’s Lonesome End is Still Lonesome About Town R eaders w ho h ave enter adds are leas icaUy inclined sons—9, 7 and 6 'V It la atoo available In Individual RIB STER K **’• Fresh Whole mother of a son who had spent with the troepe somewhere,” he they had planned by watchl^ his m en. commuted to military life than y ea rs old. thfi wAfodls nfmohiltwdti lib atbttitas for elnglee only and tab CALIF, $ | 0 9 18 months in prison on charges said. “I dent reaUy like the hand signals. Army was ranked "I just called for cm air were the cadets of his day. He ‘T am," carpenter says with dowTttONrn mandbM tnr^ slnglas only. 0 stemming from opposition to academic atmosphere. I don't third in the nation that year. strike," he remembers. "If I also finds them more question­ a amUe, "Bven more a con­ w ! “It was nothing more than a had known it was n^>ctim, I ing. Four now stamps com­ yPOTATOES m r f f u K '2 9 ^ the war and now was serving like to teach. You do the same firmed bachelor now.” memorating the centenary of FRrSH fUJNt LFSS BUTTS 1 SHOP RITE S PAN Tetoconununlcationa In (be General Merchandise Baxbsdos" have been lowed by CHICKEN PARTS PORK R O AST TURKEY ROAST bat island which received full ,-U 1 WMI n LII.MT OAKK Independence from Great Brit­ ' C A t : BKFASTS A A e M I A I M) A I IN EAST HARTFORD: ain in 1966. v v i b The 4-oent stamp illustrates 10’ ’x20"* 5 S 2 5 9 $ 2 1 9 "TrensmltUng Then and Now." Wings lb 39 . 7 9 * 1150 nUHHSlOE AVENUE The 10 center abows the Corn- AtSOKTEODMMNi C 4 Q Q EVERYDAY muntoation ahip Stanley Ang- _ Beach Towels V * 1 More Groceries for Less! Why Pay More! w ln o ff tfae St. Leuvrenoe Cklaat OWE F N GIANT )Jlo tck 801 SILVEH LANE awaiting measages 'from In- WH 1 PAt MOHF • 'A/HY PAY MOPE ^ Mstat, the communlcationa sat­ ellite. Tbe 86-ce«t adhesive pic­ Men’s Dress Shirts ., ^1®® HAWAIIAN PUNCH VIVA NAPKINS NIBLETS CORN tures Intetotat W launched In LOW LOW • WES ALUMINUM AOJUtTAeii FOLDING S Q P i S C O U N X 1971. The blgb eet value to a 60 IN MANCHESTER: 3 "• S ^ B O cents and (bows a Scatter Sta­ Chaise Lounge 29® 5 95c tion whkdi spreads out the infor­ Health and Beauty Aids 2E0 NOinil NAIN AT MAIN SHIEET mation to other transmitters. WHY PAY MOREr •HOP-RITE . . . i l ■IGROLL b g PRICES! Herre's a checklist for up- Heinz Ketchup Apple Juice Scot Towels \ omotDg U.8. stampe. Frozen Food Savings! On June 26 the' 6-cent com­ memorative for Wolf TraJ) USTERINE . AKII ! II OI ’.M p T Mn A T fiElFNTANO BROMO PRISTEEN EFFERDENT RIGHT GUARD Farm with first-day ceremonies BREATH SPRAY l-l I’I’i Pi{>i.! » Listerine Antiseptic B E L n E R FEMININE DENTURE at Vienna, Va. 22180; July 4 the Suntan LotionSummer Sale! l m o n a DEODORANT 8-cent American Revolution Bi­ I W PIZZA ANTACID HY6IENE centennial block of four at Wll- SUN TAN LOTION SUN TAN LOTION LAYER CAKES MORTON* "CHICKEN IN SAM ET” FRIED ’ EHOP-RITE ON THE CO* . CLEANSER Natural Scent itontobuig, Va., 28186; July 28 Shop-Rite 59* Q.T. *«?•' •ort Regul.ir Flnvor aiicken;i'; *169 Corn * ‘ 59 .0 o. QQC M o u th w a s h 5-ox. Spray Con the 16 center honoring SUNTANLOTION , SUNtUAN AELIIf SHOP-RITE lEEF CHOCOLATE " ON COCONUT MlOHTY 2 DEODORANT TABLETS HIGHCNEAM 34^ , pLq-. 2.58. .. "cftBT— MORE VALUE AT TOP NOTCH AT SHOP-RITE Cm p m .ipi'AF J m * ) . ISTE and are not yet c^iable of op- OPEN MON.-SAT.S Ails - ‘HIDNIflHr C w p M SMS .IM F SiMp-Rit. tup.rm w k.t exntiag the required 6 to 7 Tasty Shrimp - TOOTHPASTE UQUID SAVI25- ON THESE HEALTH years in a communications sat- PRICES ARE RIGHT A T SHOP-RITE elUto," he explained. "The sun- WHY PAY MORE? Regular 7-ounee bottle 99< powered laser promises to pro­ 7-ox. tube vide not only the necessary 79- AND BEAUTY AID ITEMS loe^evlty, hut economies of Not rssDontible lor tvoocraohical errors. Prices effective thru Set., June 3,1972. We reserra the right to limit quantities. weight and siie as wall.’’ PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. MAY 81. 1972 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1972 PAGE TWENTY-THREE N WtREMIM) U.SJJI. F0OV' GRAND nAMn Get Total Vielue at Gronil Union UNION !ASH AND s s s SUPCRMANKCT* Coupon Genuine American-Tender * 1 . 0 9 PHr le-oi. MEAT KAXINBU. HODBE Pink Meated sMi COFFEE W to omqpan and $S. purohaae deceive Uiru 6at., June 8 peoplnpleosefs lim it 1 OmqiMa P e r P am lly SINCE le - T s IVIRYtODY'S

CtAPaSAVX 44 \ U.O.QOVT. QOAOE U.S. GOV*T. GRADE 'A' 3-8 LBS. icrtoss Coupon liriny Breast RIB) ieheyBedet SHENANDOAH SWIFT'S A L L OfHITE PREMIUM 8 5 « Half Lainb Leg H>. MEAT Por l*ib. Gan BONELESS MAmnownra WITH RIB .. W HITE A N D 4-6 LBS. lb. COPKE 'Bonehss Reef Steak M e ! DARK lb. Wito coiqion and tS. purehaae MEAT PHoea eOeatlvB tbra Sat., Jobe s U.MTT.I Effective thru fiat., June 3 D u c b Shoulder SteokST’ U F Top Chuck Steaks t S S . M " lim it 1 Ooupoo Per Pamlly Beef for Stew S ir , 99* EVERYBODY'S P o r k l o i n s m n « n M C u b e S t e a k •srawcR i. C U P * SAVE W Shoulder SfeokuMmim , Sliced Bacon ST 99' ...... Frozen Meat Depf, P o r k l o i n s M R. B O STO N & k t b € ^ All Beef Franks SK ST 95' FISH STICKS or Jb. Coupon 2 SAVE CASH AN D STA/MPS n S H C A K E S BI8CON FOOD ^M ARKETS coap. E A R LY M ONN SAVE CASH AND STAMPS cwcnei GRAND UNION 9 4 v Buna coRNia s h o m h n o c s i n n encASTS cmcnee For ilHiB. Bottle mM u vm DOWNY k Fabric Softaner With coiqiQn and IS. purchase E lective thru Sat., June 3 Oscar M oyer W ieners i 89' Lindt 1 Coupon Per Family LAAAB LARGE FAMILY PACKS DELICATESSEN BUYS Canned Hams S S tT »3” S *4" EVBRYtODY'S 3 POUNDS OR-MORE Chicken SSr UTSS' tr 89' IN STORES WITH DELI DEPT cuHoumonic^ CUPABAVB Pork Chops rnsst'S r 89‘ PostramiS%r , 99* Sandwich Steak nnziH ikc. Smoked Butts £s:sr , 99' «UVB MITCH v a l u e s g a l o r e Fryed Chicken mom 0/0 Fresh Clams ^ Short Rihs.i.u_ r 8S' Hard Salam i CUMUniM-S HA 89 CHOPS mm, 8 ' Best Center Cut Fresh Cod Fillet , 89' Sm okie links iSS 24 oz. Assorted Flavors 12-61. Sliced M eats! lA B e e f s t e a k s mom SHLD’R 8 9 Table Talk Pies Beef & Grovy eOAMilMON Short Cut Waldorf, White and Asssorted 1 . 1 9 lb Toilet Tissue Ool Monte Peas ^ B' Lean M eaty I E " E ” Rosella Imported D A IR Y C A S E GRAND UNION HAS JHT FRtSIUSl lb 86 oz. . 9 9 cans Age. 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BUGS BUNNl' OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE In writing what.Js designed, In become American—are ex­ Rachel, on the edge of 40, to effect, to beA'sooUU history of ceptionally intereatliig. In a ^ ' AM UT ‘ ^ :i\ /I. cqpe Yrith. Her moiber has ab­ CAN'T VOU WOR»^ A r r s A AAATTSR TRVITNOW-. WILL MURICU SSTTOTNS E t r r n FOUND iu i the Amerieiin people, he eeems ' sort o f reVerae prbeess, the ^ UTTUE FASTER/ BUftSF OFUFK AKIP TM W S OVER MAJMON-ACBACK dicated responstbUlty fo r the HOSPITAL IN TIME? WE NOW K m v 4 to be, trying to answer the ques­ meet startling picture Is a 1910 PSAlNi BRINS SOO iDCWyS EPtSOPE FOR MS. SO HE CAN CATCH Anwtr tt BMrlMt Full* Book Review dying grandmother so Rachel I'M PCXN'TH M AJO R? ' HIS MCKTHI HE . tion raised back In the IBth cen­ photograidi of a pageant of OF "AMJPPLINS THROUSH UFEl. Showers* tury by the BYenohJiom Ameri­ Jewish history in Mhvaukee, visits the old lady regulariy In BEST ICAN/ iV iO O T AN HAI^RBENSO I A W y E H A PENMTT. By B U Borland, U p. W rU N lA l A»0»NTM ENT SHORT OF V ^ D S another, ecpeclally one eo qulx- can latter Yfrlter, Creveooeur: Wis. m it a ^ r l posiiig as the the hospital, and la there when downtown; pineott $546.' oUo. ISBEOTHIR ACROSS 66ISupcrU Superlative “What then la tlie American, Statue of U berty stands beside the valiant Sadie dies. Q N D B ^ < Temptation for Tots Moat people like dog storiaa. t' Hiey discovered Penny’s pre­ this new manT’ ’ One cannot say a figure representing Abra- T H E S r Pie 1 Damp ending There is a M ef bright q>ot in And dog atortea told by a vetar- vious ownara and returned her. the historian la risally aMe at aham linotfln. The girl, CMdle SORROWED'/ 4Vi«lbl« Planks and sandpUes. M »d and ^ the year, when Rachel embarkr sky vapor DOWN an chronicler o f nature and She came hack. She developed Oila date to answer It, but the MabrovUs Myerson, is - now sawdust. Nooks and crannies. on an affair with a w riter vrhe 9 Water vapor 1 Orphan country living have an added bad hatrita, chasing cows in a attempt is intereatingl. Golds Meir, prime minister of is friend as well as lover. But cloaetoMrth 2BanoId Such are the ingredients tliat b eeFW'B m aavor, ao thU book haa a atixmg What Weisberger does la Israel. fU tin ) neighboring pasture, chasing he is too Involved In Us wmk to 12Hi|hcaid make a house under construction appeal. dtcrlbe how the various Ronald a Hood 13 Reddish dye 3 Rip so alluring to young children. irucka on the road. She wae give her the amoUmwl- eu p p ^ 1 atralna—ethnic, religious, na- 141 have (contr.) 4 Make eoM But if there is allure, there is It la about a very Individ. shuttled aaray to a dog fancier Aeeoriated Fresa she needs and In the end there, Uonal, social, ecoomnlo-were 15 Peruvian city 5 Conducted danger too. I f a child is injured ualiatlc baaaet hound who In Mhsusachusetts, kept running to nobody to depend on but her^ 16 Perfect 6 Individual 25 Force 47 GIrl'a name turned up as a stray one day at away, and finally disappeared. woven, frequently almost by DH> TOD LOVE DADDT self. ^3 TOUAND TURNPIKE MANCHE^R '26 Hebrew dry 48 Surfeit while exploring an unfinished 17 Reluctance 7 Feminine the Borlands' home In the Berk­ This Is, quite naturally, a chance, Into the contemporary WHEN I WAS BORNT By Shel­ O p «i T m b .. Wed.. Birt. on 8 — Than., Fri. tm B meuure name measure 49Dock house, is the builder legally The book ia Yvritten In de­ shire country of noirthwekt sentimental story, but It Is t MADE LET'S JUST SAY THAT I'VE 22 Island (Fr.) This pognant novel chronicles the emotions to atroig. The HEAUD TMef\ 24 Suffix chamber 31 Merit (ab.) bara soon leariMd, this poodi Into the narrative some ifle'aa- gether in a homogeneous fab­ a crucial year fer Rachel Har­ 'THUinDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY / BELIEVE AND IlL SOON HAVE A BIS FALLEN INTO A SMALL S 4 ^ y characters behave, think and, 7 ^ TH o uem RAN you OUT I EVERT* b o x 23 Gloomy 11 Jellylike 32 H i ^ was a wanderer who kept turn­ ant observations about country ric. MV OWN PRIVATE ; FORTUNE) subatencM (LaUn) 57 Bitter vetch ris, who finds her v^ole life espeoially, talk like real people. THE YOUMOVCDTO OR TOWN TWO J THINS IN THE CLUB HOUSE) 28 Moving > ing Up again and again, like a living. Tha whole account is a RACETRACK BALTUVtOKe; HEARS AO(y/H9U HEAR vehicle 19 Atmoaphere 33 Light fog SSEnpUan^Ml One o f the most signlfteant drasUcally changing. Her mar­ Sadie comes through Yrith such IN L0N6 30 Paper 21 Version (ab.) 41 Make of pleuure bad penny, eo that U how she pleassure to read, quotes he givee is tram a riage has broken up and her force that the reader cam cmly ISLAND, meuure 23 Happeninga 43 Pub drink 59Mariner's got her name. MUea A. Smith “ black acttvlsti,’' the Rev. Jesse grandmother la dying of can­ share Rachel’s feeling o f empU KARL i i 34 Evil sprite 24 Inborn 45 Weird direction Penny could be the moat lov­ Aaaoolated P reae Jaokeon: “ There is talk about cer. , ness Yshen Grandma gives up OLLIff- CRUMM 35Evenb>t able dog Imaginable when she it (America) being a melting her couregeoua fight. RENEW S .S-JI r 1 r IT -To complicate things, her SIRLOIN HIP Yvanted to—correct, poUto, af­ THE AMERICAN HERI­ poT. But it la really more like husband refuses to move out of SOME O LD 36 Islam u But qrmpathy for Rachel Is ACQUAINT­ caliph fectionate. But she alec could TAGE mSTOBT OF THE vegetable aoup. There are eepa- the house cr to let her tell their tem per^ by annoyance at her ANCES. 37 Seine IT be exaaperatlngly undependstble AMERICAN PEOPLE. By Ber­ rate jdeces of com, meat, and two daughters, 8 and 12, of the doormat stanoe. 'Why doesn’t 38 "Blue Eagle" Sind an habitual runaway. It nard A. WelabMger. American so on, each vrith its own Identi­ impending divorce until they she kick husband Fred out, tell OF BEEF ' (ab.) seemed that* a quiet home Heritage PubUshlng Co, 919.9S. ty ." reach a financial settlement. the Uds what’s going on d e ^ te OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN 39Righte(ab.) made her reeUeas, and she 40 Horse’s gait The builder trill pdnt out, Weisberger, who foraieriy As with most American Heri­ The girls’ awareness of the ten- Us objections and go out add I m e r e l y CALLE P UP wanted smne action. ^ taught history at the Unlveralty SOME OPTHESAA/ie/IKNOWWHERe> 42 SmaU child vr n r a rightly, that the xhiid la a tres- tage poMioatlons, the pic­ sim between their parents get a Job? Rachel might benefit TD ASK IF ANYBOOV' THEY ARE ANP rvE SOT REOUES1S TD 43ThediU pasler. Nonethelesa, most courts Once before the Bcrlande had of Rochester, Oolumhia, Stan- tures—from Old prints of the leads the younger one. to ask ..fro m '"S ' coosciousiMse-ralslng KNOWS WH E R E I CAN ! TAKE A FEW UP TD THE OTHERS YOUVE 44 Roman bronre taken in a atr«^ dog, and he JARRED OUT OF A SOUk«> SLEEP/ YvUl overlook this factor if the fUrd and New Torh ualver- early colonial period to modem '“ Did you love daddy when I session. 46 Elongated fish had written a book about i t Bltlea, now Is associate editor of. photographa illustrating the was bom?’’ . PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER vexj PD A PRETTY SOOP JOB OF 48 Fla^ flood IT builder should reasonatdy have ' Joy Stllley BRAYIN' U K B A DONKEY, BUT ^tXJR foreseen the child’s visit. At But they were reluctant to try American Heritage mags due. various racial groups that have But there’s still more for Associated Press BELLOW WOULD PUT A RA£>IN' 51 Get YOU'RE COINS SO WELL! HOW ABO U T BULL Moose. TD SHAME/ knowledge least, they trill examine the spe- > A z o f ? 55 River Inland d fic cbcumstances to see whether SHOULDN'T WE IVIAKE A = n . SMALL DONATION / BEAUTIFUL*. 56 Resist the builder can fairly be blamed. TO BVMAH7 K authuity B" 4 F" For example; i% 60 Honey maker \ 61 Golf mound H . A 10-year-o|d boy cllmb^ the avg. weight 62 Feminine stepa of an unfinished house, 25.30 lbs. name II wandered around the second 63 Meadow 14 floor, and tumbled through a 64Seabinl hole in the flooring. Suit was 65 German city brought on the boy’s behalf with full tehderioin— you get 8-10 sirloin steaks (NiwteAm iNmeani assn.) against the builder, on the theory that h f should have erected a barricade at the foot of the stair­ B e way. ' But a court said that would IC iro >. MIA, he. TM W lU, h/L S-51OWL have interfered unduly with the a construction work. D rying the SHORT LOIN CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER .. -f boy’s claim, the court said: “ Any barricade Of sufficient GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN size to keep children from going up the stairs would destroy the OF BEEF [Tic? 'i^Tu CTpeAM '{oo weizfe F S ^ ( <9RAAARAW very purpose for which the stain Vfe$, ROAST BEEF 4ji American Bar Associadon <9 SaBltiaLii^TjiL^uuea, miblic service feature by Will Bernard. JfO I like to givB all my titters a good deal... for a (The Connecticut State Lottery quarter I don’t cause much trouble and for SO c I <31972 American Bar AssocUtion go to bed!" Quarterly Drawing Is June 1st!) * MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEW^V Life Quiet WHAT T H E S IG N A L T D S T A R T WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI WAS SS5VING DINNER] THAT?; avg. weight l'M ODMINQ.' IF ■iCIuD LET A»E B ut B usy C COV\INQ.'|3t cago, Los Angeles, Cincinnati Guaranteed prize: $400 plus chance to increase it to and New Orleans and around \h )ib MORNINS- the world. $100,000 in the Mighty Oaks Finals, Norwich Rose Arts SGT. STRIPES ... FOREVER BY BILL HOWRILLA HIGH e r r y His desire is to “ conduct as Festival, June 23rd. many .orchestras as possible. I Cut. wea.ppfid and quick frozen to Tour Speclflcatlaaa at Ni9NseMS6! gp ice. want :to make as much music No Extra Charge. Alao available H of a Hind and H of as I can.” LITTLE ACORN SEMI-FINALISTS: Must match all four digits inecficut VJe AAAY Lose THI-S ELECTION !., W Hef?e ACfe SQAAE OF TPte a Bide at Above Prices. MeSter's love for the Louis­ of the Quarterly number. (In example above: 9876.) Guar­ Ffeoae TFKF SUPftPf?]^ ville orchestra after 12 years anteed prize: $400 plus chance to increase It to $10,000 i t e Master Charge Welcome on AU Freezer Orders. Me IN the U f ^ EL&TToNf* teaching at JulUlard in New In Little Acorn Finals, Norwich Rose Arts festival, June 23rd, LITTLE SPORTS B Y ROUSON .York was instantaneous. Her/ “ I Yvas attracted by the name Special consolation prize: If you only match the first three e»«C*a>. elVI Oaai»u CM *iw»iit c**a o^) tC-' of the orchestra. It is known digits (987) you win $40 and you are not eligible for Little' FISH DEPT. AT extremely well around the world. Its records are often Acorn Finals. Come down and s w our new low prices on the fol-- played on Ehiropeen stations." lowing strictly fresh fish: Shad, Genuine Blue- 'n iat love has never dimmed fish, Haddock, Filet of Sole, Scallops, Salmon, although Mester says he won’t ? r Halibut, Swordfish, Small & Jumbo Shrimp, stay forewr. Check All Your Tickets. You Co^ld Be A Winner This Week! Cherrystones & Steamers. ■' 1971 kr NfA. lac “ We (the orchestra and him; self) don’t have to discuss,” he says. “ Things Just happen.”

— . rvi r ' c.. •


By E A R L Y O S T on Mound Sporu Editor H e r e ‘'!» There Red Sox but the Bronx club did Just that MILWAUKEE (AP) — alxth-lnnlng single by Rusty Lockwood sail). "He also told member a ons-Utter a long said.. "Ha halpad m * on the It didn’t take Wendy EhrUch long to on the weekend. The Red Sox had 18,866 By DICK LEDBETTER and ninth Innings. They got to and only two men reached sec­ Skip Lockwood feels a debt Torres, a teammate of . Lock- us you should have fUn at what time. I know Lockwood will." basMwU fuld and off. r u bo a estobUah horseU as toe No. 1 women’s Sunday ' and 15,486 p&yeea Monday.. . Darien pitching for eight hits. ond. BUodeau retired 14 batters Hart, lb wood’s in the Puerto Rican win­ you’re doing, that baseball;has bottor porson for It and a bottor There are no squad cuts with toe base­ “Russ did an excellent The eventual winning nm to a row during toe middle in­ Brameler, If 1 6 5 5 6 of gratitude now impossible Lockwood, who had shut out golfing member at tbe BlUngton Ridge Seyfetto, 3b 4 0 0 0 0 to pay deposed Manager ter league two years ago. Tor­ to be played that way. I had a the Detroit Tigers In his last baaobaU pliqror." Oountry Club. Since Joining the club this ball team at Cheney Tech. Every boy. job again today,” comment­ scored to toe third when Dan nings. He also got toe last eight Vaaone, Sb 30110 res' grounder behind second lot of fUn tonight" n o Browois, who haw M who comes out gets a uniform. Despite Socha reached on a Darien error batters to succession. The crafty Hairington,' as 3 0 0 0 0 Dave Bristol, so the outing, credited Bristol for Spring, Mrs. Ehrlich has been a consls- ed East Catholic Coach Jim Iflcteli, rf, p 3 0 0 0 0 base barely eluded a diving Crandall, one of the most helping him mature as a person hlU In tholr last four gamos. ' tent weekend 'winner with all her rounds this situation, Cheney Just managed to Penders. “It was like a re­ and moved to.second on a fleldT hurler struck out five and didn’t Nadrlcxny, cf 3 (1 1 0 0 young ’ lunge by Ron Theobald, re­ popular idayers in Milwaukee soored Oo doolstva run la tbo finish the season with a dozen player* er’s choice. Tom Sapieiua' walk a batter. This shutout was CoetaUo, c .8 0 0 0 0 right-hander did the next and a pHoher. under 80. She’U represent toe Club in peat of the Northwest Copeland, p 3 0 0 1 0 stored to the lineup by Cran­ hlstwy during his U years with third when Theobald shjgled, state tournamOnt compeUllon this sum­ but had to cut short Its final gome when Catholic game last week.” bunted a stogie to put Socha on his fourth of toe season. Wrisht, rf 1 0 0 0 0 best thing Tuesday night. dall, and scored Thurman htun- "When I came to the big took second on a passod baU It ran out (rf pitchers..The athletic pro­ third. Socha raced home 'with East’s defense backed up BUo­ the Milwaukee Braves, was mer. . .Russ Kathlason, former local He was referring to toe great Totala 30 0 3 3 0 Lockwood saved the beat son. .... loudly cheered by the 4,1TS tans leagues three years ago I was a and oame all tbo way homo athlete, 1s now on toe custodial staff at gram at Cheney nee^ a closer look. pitching effort of Russ Bilodeau toe first nm on a lined single to deau with a sound performance. Eaat y 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1—3 pitching pertcrmaace in the 3B: ScKeon, Hart: SB ; Soucier, who showed up In 44-degree pretty cooky kid," Lockwood wbon Ooorga Soolt boat out a C2ieney Tseh and also serves as toe bus There Is only one way for It to turn-up- and his 8-0 victory over Darien center by Ron Soucier. On offense, Soucier was the history of the SeatUe-MU- CrandaU, promoted from the Gorman, Nadnezny: SAC: Saplenza, ohiU when Introduced before said. "You can't ever say a hopper b e h ^ sooond. driver when the school’s athleUc teams w aril.. .AUitty Cheney baseball mentor, High. East scored Insurance tallies big man as . he coUected three Homat; DP: Harnnston to SeWerth waukee franchise — a one-hit­ Brewers' Evansville farm club manager la your friend, but stogies and one RBI. to Hart; LOB: East 9, Darien 3; the game. Besieged by report MHwaukoa’s first run off hw- play on toe road.. .RockvUIe LitUe Vin Kaseta Is up and around following It was East’s first tournament to the sixth and ninth. John Me- B B: Copeland 3. Hlcieli 1; SO; ter—for the major league man­ when Bristol was fired Sunday, when you lose someone who ers later, he gavb the credit to •r Mike Kskhdi earn* In tho league touched all tbe bases when it of- back surgery.. .When orchids are pass­ victory and puts them into first Keen powered a doubfo to deep icart CotlwUa (3) Bilodeau 5, Copeland 4; Hits off: agerial. debut of Bristol's suc­ officially took over Tuesday taught you a lot you feel a AB R H B RBI Copeland 7 for 2 runs in 8 Innimrs; his coaches and to Lockwood. first on slngloa by Billy Oon- . flclaUy named its lush Little League ed out for coaching Jobs well done, Kas­ round CIAC Class C action center to lead off toe sixth. Pete Mlciell 1 for 1 run In 1 ImUns: l : cessor, Del Crandall. The night and held a team meeting loss.” Banning, 3b ■, ;$ 4 0 1 1 Copeland. "Pm very, very pleased and IgUaro and BlUe Rodrlguoi . baseball field at flemy Park toe Jedm eta and Bob Pintavallo, 'who too)r over against thlrd-rated Shelton High Hornat sacrificed him to third Brewers backed Lockwood with before the game. Saplen^K’n r S' - 0 1 $0 0 biHPpy about it." Crandall said. "Dave and I had no love lost sandfrlohed around a walk. Sin­ GUU Field In honor of toe league presi­ for the last five games, rate pats on toe this afternoon on toe latter’s di­ and McKeon scored mi a groimd FOB HOME STANDS a lO-hlt attack and beat the back deqdte losing records. There is not Pinto, Sb 1 0 0 0 0 "Del said he wants us to "It’s Just a beginning, but It's a between us because I was gles by Soott. John Brlgga and dent, OU has been the No. 1 In toe amond. stogie to left by Jim Lehan. Soucier, tf AMITYVILLE, N.Y. (AP) — New Torit Yankees S-1- 5 0 3 0 1 have the same kind of respect win and that’s what's Impon cocky, but in three years I Mike Ferraro produoed an in­ circuit for nearly two decades after th tamings game time, powered NOnnesota « " York rounds from Pebble BsaMt, Calif. Cover­ Northwest l»ld a c o m m a n ^ ^ poeltlon. ------latter’s diamond. Thompson, Min, 9; R.Jackson, ly anyone, Baltimore m m ^ into first . * nm-scoring Mi^ea h y S e over Kansa. Oty with tala flrM SScn age of 18 holes is planned, plus a spedal 11 stroke advantage over boat * * .„ a r tr . Mrs. Foyt said her huhband Dwight Landmann’e single to place in the American League’s Eastern EIUIANT PITCH—^New York Met catcher Jerry Grote chases wild pitch ^ iie Oak, 9. im e n b e r a oop-tiitter for a nodrivuajit Qooivo Bcoit two hoaie ruDa of tho mr»weiiw»de Friday night, June I f , riiow tracing toe Xavier High to team scoring. came to for fuel and some of Jacklin, Casper the fifth toning tallied toe de­ lonff time.*' CraadaM aald T^iea- ^ ^ 2 a v^e. lOhraukoo ^ Philadelphia pitcher Steve (Darlton, with bat, watches ball roll on the ground. TRIPLES—McCraw, Cle, 3; ^ Mike Ferrara *Itiat waa more a<^ abota in the aoeond and Dlvtsfon standings on Mem«1al D ay.. . history of toe course, |rius second round The Indians fired a combined ^ ciding run. total of 829 whUe the Falcons McDonald, John Sldorowlci and the fuel spilled on toe hot tail­ Rudl, Oak, 3; 10 Tied 3. day ^taking over aa thim. enoua^ for Lookwood. fourth tnninn. It waa the firit Mortarty’s will launch defense of their highlights. . . Balloting for toe starting pipe. Return to Tour HOiME RUNS—Duncan, Oak, Hartford Twilight League baseball title, lineups in toe aU- Ed Mathews went too route the m w a u ^ Brew- though the 35-yeerold time In the oatcher’a 14-year (3HARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — 10; R.Jackaon, Oak, 9. Thursday night, a t 6 o’clock at S t Thom- star game July 25 in Atlanta started li^ hMione went to Toin WttlA and Bob KosilCf "He Jumped out immediately for the Purple Kidgtats and also N W right-hander struggled with his pro carreer that re U t two Chicago Tony Jacklin of England and knoecked tWo hits akuig wMh STCXiEN BASES—D.Nela available at the Xavier’s Mott OoUigan with a OatooUc^ Tomciuk and toe car ran over hla left centre*, losing hl» shutout in homera In one game. Roof may ctibtomla ^ » globetrotting BUly Chsper make Landmaito and Court Homed, Matlack Hurls Win Tex, 14; P.Kelly, Chi, 10; Mad­ Falcona. Now it there will be ball parks. Each ballot lists 94 fiayen fine round of 88-89-76 oh toe ankle," she said. ^ the sixth when Torres singled have been embarrasaed by the their return to the American Ellington clashea with Putnam dox, Tex, 10. Yankees’ only hit. from each league with special spaces for par 72 6,800-yard Lyman course. _ to d l^ n al Foyt also suffered first and ftSlowing two wfOks. fact that Jim Perry, the Twlna' city . eight teams operating, four In each divi- tour this Week as two of the fa- this afternoon in cui away con- NEW YORK (AP) — among Meta' hurters behind nlng with a two-run double off PITCHINa (4 Decisions)- Lockwood, who tauried a six- alpn.. .Vernon Mayor Frank Mc(foy will Write-Ins votes. Three mllHoo votes are <3atooUc’s fine golfer, ^ JtSlw second degree burns on his • * • starting pitcher, had a .313 bat- Taeadajr** E s m Ib Ken T h m c « * , waa f i f t h to toto- ^ D o ^ N o r t h w e ^ vorites to the very strraig field test. John Matlack considers Seaver and Gary Gentry, loser Steve Carlton, 5-9. Kaat, Min, 9-1, .867, 128 Lee, hit riiutout egalnat Detroit last again coach toe Vernon Oritdea.. .At the expected to be cast. face, hands and legs but toe RED SOX • OBiOLES ting average. Boston 9, BaRtaaors 0 burns weren’t considered arrayed for toe $175,OQP Kem-' In other Class 8 action, himself No. 3 on the New ^ Phils hlUess until Lar- Staub, who has played in ev- Ban, 4-1, .800, 3.96 Fingers, Tburaday, said he felt badly moment the New York Yankees’ trade vidual «mring wUh « . Team- per Open Golf Tournament. Wheeler High trimmed Coven- Meta’ nitrhino- ^ Bowa hit a clean single to ery inning since Joining the Oak, 4-ir .800, 2.69. when Brlefal was fired as man­ Boston’s Ray Culp throttled • • • Texas 3, Osklaad I End of the Line serious. York B&lUmoce on three hits and of Stan Bahnsen to Chicago last winter Tomezuk, Eaat 48-89—81 Arnold Palmer, South African try High, 5-1, to playdown ac- hilt ho noi-f/vmoA liL-o KTo’ ^ fourth inning. iMets this season, boosted his 8TRIKEOUTB—Lolich, Det, ANGELA - WHITE SOX MUwaukaa S, New Yock 1 ager three days later. rtarte,-. m.k we. for Rldi McIOnney looks like toe White Records are made to be broken and It Flanagan, St. Bernard 41-40—81 He was flown to Ifouston Gary Player, Lee TYevlno, tion. In the CSass L Dlvtskm, 1 ® ^ “P ea«*> *n the average to .358. 67; Coleman, Det, 98. "You can’t ever aay a man- Cortto Flak ^ ^^amy Mtam^sota 8. Kanasa O ty S ______Bob Oliver drove In four runs OaUfonda 9. Ctaheago 0 Sox got toe better of toe move. Bahnaen took 84 y ean before Fran Leary’s CXHL Knqpski, Northwest 42-89—81 Monday for treatment of the George Archer, 'Jerry ‘Heard, New Canaan halted further ac- 1 lu e s a a y nignt. eighth and ninth atanxaa when Willie Mays and Bud Harrel------ager Is your friend." Lockwood record, set in 1988, for the mile of 4:24.7 ankle, and doctors discovered Iia toe Red Sox ended toe Ori- a homer and aingle to aup- Detroit a t Cleveland, rain IS; pitching winning ball with a 9-4 record Kozlk, South 41-40-c81 Bob Lunn and Tom Weiske^ tivity for South Vfindsor with a The 22-year-old southpaw he began to tire. son walked in the third, Staub NAT10NAL LEAGUE said, "but vtoen you loae some- «» ™ *«««« - —r was wiped off toe bocks last week by ligaments bad been tom, re­ Tefiny*! Gaases . and the Yanks shipped McKinney off to Forltoe, Xavier 42-40—82 also are to the 144-man field 4-1 victory over the Bobcats, tossed a three-hitter for his " I really wasn't sure I was singled In a run and Clein BATTTNQ Syracuse in the International League. Gary DesJardins of Maloney High. The quiring surgery. that begins a 73-hole test Thurs- This afternoon, fifth-ranked slxtti victory as the Mets going to finish. I was really Jones sacrificed to give the Torre, StL, .872; SangulUen, Boalan (SlatMit S-3) at Baltl- Petrone, East 42-41—88 mora (McNally 5-8), N MoKhmey’s-play at third base had been Meriden miler stei^ted ett the distance Cummings, St, Bernard 44-41—86 day on toe ()uall Hollow Coun- Rockville High MriH host Stms- banked the Philadelphia tired.” Matlack said. . Mets a 4-0 bulge. The Meta Pgh, AOS. defeat In toe last six games. erratlo and his hatting average waa just in 4:22.9. Leary was one of Coach Pete Third baseman Joe Torre and try (31ub course, a vast track bury High, ranked isto. These Phillies 7-0 and widened their Rusty Staub drove In tour chased Carlton In the fifth as RUNS—Morgan, Cln, 39; Detroit (Oolainiui 7-S) at Strand, St. Bernard /44-4S—87 I was a cocky Ud. But In tores over the .300 mark. Wlgren’s boys at Manchester High who Team scoring — Northwest outfielder Lou Brock are co- that stretches 7,278 yards over two clubs meet twice during toe Nattonal League East lead over runs to lead the New York on- Harrelson led off with a trljde Bonds, SF, 34. years T learned from blm and advantage of,an Clevelaad (O. Fany 8-9), N went on to greater fame at ForiBiam 829; Xavier 840; Sotdh 942; St. ctqitalns of the St. Louis Cardi­ roUtog hills and plays to a par regular season with toe Rama Pittsburgh to four games. slaugfat, giving Matlack all the and Staub, Jones and Jim Fre- RUNS BATTBaj IN-4Clng- got to understand Shint ’Stuff . University. .'.The Detroit H gen have Bernard 851; Etest 857. nals. 72, winning both matches. Matlack, who says he’s No. 3 runs he needed In the first. In- goei singled for two more runs. man, SF, 35; Stargell, P|d>. 30. helped me on Have you noticed the attendance fig- traded Dalton Jones to toe Texas Rang­ HITS—Torre, StL, 65; Sang- and oft and ers for minor league pitcher Norman uillen, Pgh, 54. son and a better ballplayer for ’ urea for home gamea at Fen'way Park Culp squeesed home toe first OaMand (Buntw 4-3) at TMcaa this season tor Boston Red Sox games? McfRae.. .The SoftbaU Marathon, with Oriole Bullpen Finally Gets Some Work DOUBLES—Agee, NT, 11; having played for him." proceeds to the Drug Advisory Fund In Montanea,. Phi, 11; StargeU, E u S etoS i'“ ta toe “ American and Luis Apartclo singled The Mianchester Army A Navy (Bosnian 9-4), N The team is far behind tbe pace set in 19tk H o k League. Beaton trounced BalU- t*® more. Club wlU stage Ita aeoand an- Ctaioago (Bndloy 9-9) at Oall- recent year* for a like number of home ManbhesteV, has been reset for this Pgh, 11; Maddox, SF, l l; weekend with play starting Saturday M A R K n 3 U Ttecas nipped Oak- * • • nual Early Bird Slow-Pitch fornia (CSarii 4-4), If , didea.. .On the attendance kick, rarely EUXNGTON BODGE Bonds, SF, 11; Speier, SF, 11------^ moRiing at 9 o’clock at Mt. Nebo. TRIPLES—Tolan, Cto, 4; 10 land S-2,8-2, MSnneaota edgedodged Kan-Kan­ BANGERS - A’S C t i ^ r nmnda]r*a Gamea ' do the New York Yankees outdraw the ' Two Man Best Ball Red Sox W ork over'Cuellar Boatoo at Bammore, N ;a* ______D O N O H U E Tied With 3. sas aas City City 8-3 8-3 and and California CaUfomla Texaa’ Rich Hand allowed Oak s FUegerald FIMd on June Tt V.’rilf f Class A •— first net — Wolff- HOME RUNS—Kingman, SF, whipped toe Chicago White Box Oakland only three hits In 8 1-8 17. 18. »*. » . Detroit at Clevdaad, N SchUler 62; first gross — Lem- 13; Colbert, 8D, 10. 60. Detroit and Cleveland were innings but needed a strong re- First game each day Marts New Yo(k a t MUwaufcaa^ bo-Oordon 69; second net — Un- W IN S INDY Kansaa O ty a t MtspeeotA inCTORY STCM.EN BASES—Morgan, rained out. Uef Job by Horaclo Pina to pre- at 9:30 a.m. gua^ReynMds 67; second net — In Whitewashing Baltimore Cln, .18; Brock, StL, 19. • • • serve hla first victory of the The tournament is AflA sanc- ,r I -1 . >0. MdRory-Goodman 97; second net NATUMfAli UULGUR' Eastern Starts Late 5 0 0 ON PTICHINO (4 Declalans)— BREWERS ■ YANKS aeason. season. DaVe Duncan homered Uoned endand a field of 33 teams — Keatoig-O’Brien .Claas B BALTIMORE (AP) — ‘ta first workout in almost 'a "I waa thinking mainly of j.R ay , Htn, 7-0, 1.000, 8.79 But- Only 4,176 fans saw Cran- for the A’s -h ls lOtta—and Ted is expected. Eaat — first net — TartagUa-Bhrllch The visiting Boston Red t*reek. Roric Harrison, Mickey. Juat getting, ahead,” Boston ton, LA, 7-0, 1.000, 1.27 Matlack, dan’s managerial debut In 44- Ford for the Rangers, who got Trophlea wUl be awarded the ■ ^ W. L. -B p t< l3 . 64; first gross — Kalts-Brown i G O O D YEAR Grant Jacksons- Manager Eddie Kasho aald of NY, 6-0, 1.000, 1.88^ Marshall, degree weather with gusts up the winnldg run off Ken Holts- winner*. ( . » II • # - 76; second net-;Deane-Kaprove Sox worked over Baltimore t i M pitcher Mike Cuellar Mon- *®pped toe Sox the rest of the the squeese play. "I didn’t Mon, 4-0, 1.000, 1.30. to 26 miles an hour. It waa man In toe seventh on a single Jim Mendltto Is serving aa Plttibuign 34 4 65; third net — Rlggott-Naktenis TIRES Hnv niirhf hnnHino +ho >“> runners to ad- want to leave that inning with STRIKEOUTS—Carlton, Phi, warm Inside toe Brewers’ chib- by Ken Suares, a sacrifice, general chairman. He may be O n o ^ 20 IT AM 7% To Turn Back Tribe 66; third net — Pasternack- Montreal 17 33' .489 UH • 1 - loss behind vance past first base no runs." pg; HcDoweU, SF, 68. ’ ’ house, though. plncta runner Daw Nelson’s contacted for details. team’s three hits. Manchester’s Wtocze 66; d e s s C — first net-^ Qnoles a ^0 lop behind Brooto Robinson- Philadelphia 19 24 ,.400 19 . By DEAN YOST to left centerfield as Eastern Sheldon-Pasternack 62; first Brooks Robinson’s error pisk launched his fourth sea- 15 25 ATS 14 sped around the base paths. attack 'Was ted by Wlggto’s two R ^ v p itch in g o f the door to tluse Boston ao„ homer in the fourth and a t Louis gross—^Perracchlo-Robtoaon 80; West Huriing a no-hitter for It z^ppMid that toe locals hits. . . . runs In toe second Inning and jjarper slammed hU sixth to Bristol KastoTB_<5) . second net — Hebert-Raybum SALE were going to ervqit for more The loss in toe opener of a Carlton Flak and Tommy Har- hnock CueUar out of the game, Loe Angeles 25 16 .(DO — five fuii umings, it appear- AB R HE RBI 65; Class D — first net — Chan- ON Houston 24 16 .900 % ed'*that Manchester H ite’s but Bristol dosed toe door Alderman, cf 4 3 1 0 0 nto-Sherwood 65; first gross — three-game series, dropped the per slammed homeruns for the ..j never thought it waa gotaig tighUy after this and allowed to a nwwsM e mm Orioles into an American visitors. ..j th o u ^ it Cincinnati 22 18 A50 2% Frank Granato might go nSyi. 8b Baum-Cusfama 91; second net — Atlsifia 17 22 .498 7 rally one runnrar to reach third Kotowald. p Buraiicontl-Cheesari 67. League East first place Ue with Rico PetroceUl walked and ghort hop against toe the route, but two singies to toe remaining eight innings. Davis, rf toe Detroit Tigers. Doug Oritfin singled to start fence'' San DlefO 18 25 A80 9 Therrlen. c San Fraadsao 16 20 .889 12 .in the sixth frame spoiied Bristol picked up toe victory Whitcomb, 3b iLAJHES MONDAY The shutout was Culp’s first toe second Inning barrage. Fisk Us bid as host Bristol Eastern with four runs to toe bottom of CaHalian.Tt Low net — Class A — Kay Tnesday's Bestdls Lundquist, lb of the year and was the first followed, with a grounder to , , nwerv Rettaimiind’a New York 7, PhMadelphta 0 High went on to turn bock toe the dghto on one hit, two walks, Nalctenis 9927-69; second — Del time toe Sox zii^>ed the Orioles third, but when Robinson , third Mark Belanger’s In Tribe, 5-1 yesterday to a COIL two sacrifice fly balls and an Totals 37 6 3 3 4 ' HartuMum 9929T1; toiiil — Etoes' Cincinnati 9, Houston 6 aport at home since Jose SanUago de- booted the potenUal double play in Los Angelas 5, San IVanolaeo contest. The Lancers an error, Haaeksstor (1> Warmtogton 9927-73; GM a B — feated Dave McNally in ik s. ball, toe bases were full. ** 99-1 mark while Manchester Is Tim Callahan started toe AB R a BRBI Irma Menschell 107-89'tl; sec- 9 Eastman, cf 8 1 0 0 0 The victory evened toe Bos- Culp then squeeie-bunted the 8t,, Loaie at Ctaioago; ooM struggling at 914. frame with a walk. While Gran­ W lnln. ss 8 0 3 3 1 raid — Mindy Kaplan 1198977; ton righthander’s record to 4-4 first run home, and after Har- Sonny Slebert, 3-2, was sched- Ban Diego at Atlanta, n ln This afternoon '' Manchester ato was working on Skip Lund- Blombsrv, lb turd — Doris BeUer 1199982; and left CUellar with a 2-4 per drew a two-out walk to re- uled to pitch for Boston tonight, Buixer, rf putts — ElUe Chatoe SO, Dora Ptttafaurgb at Montreal, tain winds up Its schedule to Willi- qulst toe boU got past catcher D. PaganL 8b mark after 3 1-3 innings. load toe bases, Luis Apartclo The Orioles were countering ErardC (b Kellner 32, Wendy BbrUch 82. Todays Gamts BUI Davis and Callahan very Cuellar's faltering perform- drilled a two-run single to cen- with McNally, who is 6-3 for toe mantle against ’Windham High M. Pagonl, If BLACKWALL S t Louis (Cnbson lA) a t Ctal- at QuUd Fldd. alertly went on to third. Grana­ Davis, c HEN’S TWODAIX. 111 ance gave the Orioles bullpen ter. season^______Box. Ph cago (Jenkins 6-4) to finally loot Lundquist via a Oransdo, p First — Matt Rtol, Ctaaries Los Angdea (Downing 9A) at The crafty Granato had walk and toe latter went to UcCurry, ph Reyitolds 896-i82; second — POLYGIAS Eastern eating out of his hand.. • why buy unknown brands when you can get Goodyear Power Belt San Francisco (Bryant 2-9) second on a . Alder­ Totals_____ ^ 83 1 6 8 1 CUck Edwards, Jim MoOartoy The hosts had three baserun- man’s hot Uner to Don Pagan! BrisUd ob o 0 0 1 0 4 Z—6 41-983. Poylglas at these prices Sports Forum Ptttabuigh (Briles 9-1) at Mon­ Manchester 1 0 0 00000 0—^1 • 'Two fiberglass belts . . . today's most preferred ti're body cord. You get Dodgers Gain First treal (MoAnally OA), N ners to the. first five frames, at third was hobbled and Calla­ 3B: Blombei*; SB; WIXKln: SB:. 4 plies under the tread for strength — that’s the Goodyear Power Belt 4 FltUadelpida (Ctatinplou 9A)| two on errors and .one on a han strolled home. Przygocki’s Alderman. Pnycocky, Lundquist, Dayton, Ohio’s Exhibition walk. sacrifice'talUed Lundquist and Wliraln. M. Pacanl; SAC: Prsv- Center win be the scene of the Polyglas tire. LETTER OF THANKS at New Ywfc (Beaver 7-3), N Koraqr 3; SF : Pi^socky, KolowsU; (*4 body plies, 6 plies under treed in sizes H78-14, H7B-1S, )78-14, J7B-1S, San Diego (Norman 4A )' at Bristol’s Cl&k Anderson sin­ Floyd's stogie brought to Aider- LOB: Eastern 3. Manchester 13; 1975 American Bowling Con­ g.OO-lS and L791S.) Thanks to Robinson I would like to take this op- Atlanta (Reed 3A or Nldoo 9-4), gled to left to lead off toe sixth man. Kolowski helped his own B B; Granato 8, Kolowski S; SO: gress chami>lonriiips. Granato 5, Kolowski 3. to break up Granato's no-hlt- cause as Floyd scored on a portunity, through your column, N \ NEIW YORK (AP)—The Los Angeles Dodgers against Onclnnafi (Nolan 9A) atv ter. lOke Przyocki tmrlflced sacrifice fly to center. e San Francisco Giants? To Frank Robinson, it’s just to thank Mayor Thompetm and Houaton (Rotaerti 8-3), N Alderman to second and Ed The nine toning contest was another ball game. But he’s got other incentives, toe Board of Directors for hav­ Tkunday'a Ganea Floyd singled up toe middle to played to less, than two hours MICHAEL J. MORIARTY CO. ■ “I haven’t' been around here ing two six-foot fences erected St. Loula at Ctaioago tally Alderman to tie toe and was a credit to toe two 1731 PARK STREET, SUITE 202 long enough to get any specific Giants managed to get at our Little League fields. Wad- Loa Angelaa at San Francisco, game at 1-1. pitchers, Granato and Kolowrid feeling over the Dodgers-GWanta through tt without a run despite dell and Yerplanjik. H Manchester put Its lone tally who bad near-perfMt contrM. HARTFORD, CONN. 06106 Tei.: 232-4597 rivalry,” the Lea Ahgeles right three singles and a hit bats- .Not too long ago I wrote a , dtpendini • Clean sidewall design, radial registered may do so -at toe Assumption College.^ Once again Jh e Legion la In on si:t, and old In the rest ol- the NatlonEl chalked up vlctwy No. 6 by parentsirTito anda™ ^^torolspectators) join(^m me e toss of 184’6" to toe discus, best­ scltteUie (K), Higgins (B) PRICE darts on shoulder League’s weather-wrecked limiting toe Phillies to Just i„ th„„kinc Mayor Thompson tryout. Zone Eight. Ttapre ar* aevoa tiia. Add $3.00 a Triple-tempered nylon cord Bob Petersen wUl again be toe ed Ms own school record by l l 38’9%" BLACKWALL TUBELESS lot wliltewilla. schedule, toe New York Mets three harmless singles. and the Board of Directors for ***“ BllUe Jean King of Long construction team manager, a post ha has feet. Javelin—Wagner (B), Proven­ beat Philadelitoia 7-0 and Cln- Rusty Staub got more than helping us look out for the Solomen earned his No. 10 Beach, Calif., is toe loilS Amer- held f o r ^ ^ u m b e r r t years. » c M e wlto toe a e a « cher (K), Barron (B) 127’6’’ clnnatl defeated Houston 9-5. that all by himself for New health and welfare of our young- ranking in the United States woman survivor. Mrs. Bennet now sports a 7-0 mark Paul GUha wlU handle toe scor- t ^ ^ V with toe final meet coming up 660 relay—^Byrnes, Moody, Rain postpemed the San Diego- York, d rivi^ in four runs with aters. through a long series of vie- King wlU face Mrs. Helga Mas- Irg and pubUclty. Tim Dlgan KeUer, Yarborough (K) 1:44.8 3 WAYS a Our Om Cueloimr Cradll Plan Sports Slate Friday against crosstown rival TO CHARGE a HMlar Clursn at-Atlanta and Plttsburgti-at- two doubles and two singles as Thank you, ■ tones in sateUlte tournaments, theff of West Germany Thurs- G O O O fVEAR a aankAnwrlcerd Montreal games and c■ w STt af


TONIOarS GAMES '^wtth two man on and had ^ W^poo vs, PoUc«, Wfeddall nm s Imttad in. For Disgruntled Athletes Madloa va. Bonania. Buoklay BUI Modaan fiaei homand get the job done

__ B os- fadaral oouit aulta pand- Cumntly. pn footbaU plap- Playen Asaooitlan, Woolf said hia tdg iwt ^ . BOSTON (A P )- mana^mant and tha piayan . IMnaNATIONAL UBAOVB Bright offanalvo show for tha ton attorneyy whowh( makes ^ a*ai^ raaarva an may alact to ptay out ttalr livimr DMOtiatinir con- prolaaalonal footbaU option by not aigidi« a c o ^ t must ban "a ootnmon meeting QatUng off to an ll-k edge Vats was Dan WUaon who had his oWi others could sohre the dl- in any given year, for which ground’’ on tha iasua. after ona inning, Stevenaon’a two hits, ona a hoinsr. , M I»BM y. Potating PoporiBg 21 trMts for athletes proposed they taka a lo par cant salaqr Ease want on to trim tha I«aw- M orlarty’a Mk kW4 M -kM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS He said Ida propoaal was not 8:80 AJM. to 5:00 PJt. OrMsmoUiig 19 today that pro sports end athlete would be bound cut. They are than free to nago- an attack on RoaeUe’a perform­ yan Ipat night at Vaiplanok VTW OIS 00 0 S- Tfi INSIDE AND OUTSIDE poin^ Order Your the escalating arguments for five yean to the «—»" Unto with any team. But if ance aa commiaatoner. "I think Field, iOA. White and KaUy; K0t|ra. K. BERRY'S WORLR CUSTDM made ladles dresses, ing. Floor sanding and r^ HAPPY ADS ova* reserve clauses ' by which drafted hhn, hot U attar thayn algnad. tha team algn- he’a dene a fantastic Job,” Tha win waa the third in eight Wilson, Quantal and HaU, COPY CLOSING T m E FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. suits, bridal gowns and veils, finishing, specializing in older I ' agreeing to bind athletee to that Uma ha ia unhappy ho Ing them muat glva up a player Woolf aaid. "It’a just tha ays- starta fo r tho Bssomen whUa Malla. Also hand set fashion jewelry, floors. No job too small. John “ Happy the service of one team t m could plaea hla name la a vat- or playara daaignatad by Na- tam. It’a wrong." tha Law yan a n wlhlass In AMBBIGAN UiAGBB U*$9 NOON DAY BBTOBB PUBUOAnON 649-U88. VerfalUe, 646-8760, 873-2223. Uonal FooUwU Laaiua Oommla- Woolf said q^orta ia going to starting and andhig with a only five years. m aM pool. eight games. DssdUM for Dsturday sad Monday Is'U iS i Noon Friday NAME your own price. Paint­ „ . „ „ ^ , ... —Teams would draft from alooar Fata RoaaUa. ban to find a better ansnr to baiw . DUlon Word trimmed Moving - Steve AgosUnaUl homarad and ing, paper hanging removal, Thought” .2? the pool, tho team with the clause aystema, par- Pat FUagarald and Lou Man- Sean last night nt Waddall Thiekfaig - Storage 20 ^ t aaalstanta 1 ^ ^ wont noonl gattti« tha flnt ‘H m playaia oan't nacoUata Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea­ affaottvaiy aow beoauaa many Ueularly IfU thame Supnma Court aoUUo each alnglad and doubted Flald, U-S. ^ PLEASE READ YOUR AD sonable. Prompt service. 638- tlaUng hammer for MO athtet- end so on. rulaa faveraMy in tea oaaa in fgr the winnwa. Bob Oaughsey Blavon waUm and six base MANCHBSTEB — DeUvery — T oday! 0779. said athletes should ha _ jf eneble to coma to terma toama a n afraid of whom they which Cu^t Flood ia aaaklng to was tha shlnlag light for the hits aided tha winning lun-pro- flasslllsd « "W M Ads" nr* teksn over the phona as • light trucking and package de­ may ha«a to gin up," Woolf aUowad to be ia>drattad tt they wim Ida new team In a SO-day have tha haaabaU reserve Lawyen with two atnglos and a duoing. The only extra mK^^i!**?^.^?^?*^*****” rssd Us sd the V O tm livery. Refrigerators, washers T. J. FLANAGAN A ^ said in remarka pnparad for a BBPOBT EKBOB8 in time for the a n mdiapiiy attar woridnf for period, the player could plaoa olauaa daolarad unocn- douhla. blow for DUlon was B rio and stove moving specialty. Painting and papering. Fully GALL 643-2711 ona team for five yaara. mondag nawa oonfaronoa. “At n ^ Usiitien. T^ W in M is responsible for only ONB to- • BVildlng chairs fo r rent. 849- Ida name hack In tiw p o d and sUiuUonal. Btevanaon’a U 1 0 1 0 x 10-104 Hntsla’s double. No playar on tesaetiott for anr advertisement and tiien insured, workmen’s compen­ “Tlia propoaal ia aimed prt> tha aama tliaa. only tha liohaat He also proposed ttuU ax- Lawyan 3 12 0 10 e- B-2 eMhar atda had m o n than one 0763. sation, liability, property dam­ be drafted again. K unable to ehiba oan openly aagotlata for •My 6s ^ extent of n "make gM ” IneerHon. B m n which marUy at pro footbaU, but it reach agtaament then, he could penaas for tha NFL Oommla- Biokford, Buxka and Andno; hit. do not Isjsun the value of the advertisement will not be age. Call 643-1940. M anchester Um lili^iast ^ oa d talent. ... Somaon* should work for avaxy qpoit, be drafted once m on but would sionar ai^ hla offtca be home Damko, Stevenson; Xurlowloa Steve Sulota executed aa un- fay "make goed" tneertlon. RtInring - Popoiing 21 "Ih la w ay (Um n ta ra n HOUSE pointing by teachers, 12 may kav* mrI ye« bacauae they an have that oom- be bound to the third team for e yean experience, fully Insur­ o happy a4l one year. An athlete could m- interior and exterior. Expertly ed, qyallty work. Save $. Call Woolf aaya ha baa diamiaasd peat the drafting eycia yaarty couldn’t buy aU tha playara, complalnte la that the com rale- S e s n 000 030 k 4 -l M3-2711 H erald playen wouldn’t ban to taka a NATIONAL LBAOVE done. Free estimate. Tim 743-8784. hla proposal with mansgamant after playing hla fifth year. sloner ia paid by the ownon," Hutela and Funks; Fador- Conaty, 683-7516 alter 6 p.m. 10 par oant aalaty out Juat to he said. "Tha cwnen and tha araMng 30 base bite count to t diak, Currier and RuasUo. representattves of moat profaa- ‘"Ihe team te making a large 38 runs, Mortarty B rothen J. P. LKWTS A SON, custom atonal footbaU teams and with invoatmant when It drafts a make a change, and teams players should equally shan INTERNAnONAL FARM CEilLING speolalist — expert decorating, interior and ex­ couldn’t tamper with other trounced VFW last night at Happy Birthday Happy 10th Birthday many of 1^ cUente. "Nona of player, and deaarvaa to ha com- ^ - the — . aiqianaea * . and w should • have Stavonson’a vdilppad tha Law­ HERALD workmanship. One celling or terior, pc^MTfaanging, fully In­ Buoklay Field, 38-S. yan at Charter Oak, IM , with all your ceilings repaired and TRACY-LEIGH them Uka tha plan In Ite anUra- pansated foe Its tnvastmant and playen bacaiMa ***J"'*‘® *** **' Cbrag Holmas led the attack HERJULO sured. For tree estimates, call JEANNIE ty” he said, “but they aU for devdoidiw tho pli^ar’a wh«n they could draft. •Then the commlaeloner wag Hoimas leo mo ausu Oirto Lea and Brick lOavlna LOW-COST painted. Also interior painting 649-9668. It no answer 843-8362. HUMMEL agree ll’o they could akUl," Wbt« aaid. “But tha m a tetter to RoaaUa and Ed would bo truly npnaantativo irith atarrlng at hat Mika Brarnsn and wallpapering. Call 389- Love, Woolfsald. Siam homer. Ha also homarad »nher wmw heat In da- BOX LETTERS 0778. RICHARD E. MARTIN. FuU from jurobably Uva with." lUayw also has some rights" Garvey, praaldent of tha NSL of the qwrt,______CLASSIFIED ADS Mom, Dad, Kimberly ------feat. For Your professional painting service. Joyce and Charlie BOODE LEAGUE TWO local teachers — Exterior- Interior-exterior. Free esti­ and Cindy Infonnatioii Interior, vpalnting. Quality mates, fully insured. 649-6411. National GoU Day Scores Off Leone Ties, for Third TTie Braves ouUaatod tha 15 words-8 woric. Reaecnable prices. In­ Happy Birthday Knights Shift giaate, 304, at VaHay Flald. I .r THE HBRATJJ wUl not INSIDE—outside i^olnUng. Spe­ ; disclose the , Identity of $ 1 .8 ^ sured. Free estimates, 648- SUNSHINE Congratulations Chrte Johnaon homarad twlea 1048, 743-9438. cial' rates for people over 66. On Your OenfirmaUon BAOBBSTOWN, Md. (AP) for Uie Bravea, one wtth the any advertiser using box from — The Baritord BsigMa af > letters. Readers answer­ 15 word^G days Call my competitors, then call bases loaded. Jon Brown also BJa. MAGOWAN, JR. A SONS, me. Estimates given. 649-7888. Nutf, Freckles and CATHY, BRIAN, Duffer Gets Break the Atlaafte Oanat Langue In CCIL Golf Match homered for the winners and ing blind box ads who 3.24 Interior and exterior , desire to protect their o tm k|r NIA Ik .' someone who loves and WILLIAM have Jalned tha Sanbaard painting, paper hanging. Thir­ EXTERIOR painting— College Prafnaakiiial FeafbaB Leagaa The COIL’S regular season titleholder, Wethersfield R sy Ideutlte can foUow this' from procedure: 15 wdids-10 days "Actually, I'm riding a bike to work for the exercise, lo ty years experience. Fbur gen- student will do bettor job for ______you!______a a i win play n MD U-gasM HigSr walked off vritt team honors y f^ r d ^ h id S S The Egans. 84.50 reduce air pollution, and because my car was recalled erittions. Free eetimates, fully less. OaU 849-8676. Ask for F romW eathenuan (SPFL) aehadnle aext fall, in tti fifth annual CCIL Field Day at the Wethersfield Enclose your reply to Insured. 648-7881. 648-8263. Richard. Belated Hugh Wyatt, an efBdal af the box In on envelope - words-2 6 dajfs by the factory!" BEARING DOWN — Jim Kaat, veteran Minnesota CLEVELAND (AP) — The nation’s duffera got a Country Club under windy, wet conditions.______Happy Birthday pitcher, chomped down on his tongue while huriing tha eight-team SPIT., an- address to the Chiasified Fointfaig - PoperiBg 21 Folnring - Pcqmtag 21 break frean the weather—^it Was terrible— in their hopes aaimead Tuesday sight. The Ba^ea fired a oombinad ' TTT Track Merit Pofkpfmed ‘ Manager, Manchester $14.56 DON Rip OfF his sixth victory of season Sunday against Texas. score of 316 to. win by nine Manchestora' next match la . Evening Herald, together from of bating scores prated by pro champions Jack Nick- It waa leaned today that Friday at Middletown’s Lyman MONTREAL (A P ) — A Btrlke 1’’ Happy Ads strokes over MakXMy High of by city manual worker* arid a with a memo listing the laus and Kathy WMtworth. tha Attentki Oeaat League Meadowa aa host VInal Tech ..oompanlee you do NOT' Lil and John, Meriden and Canard High of conflict with a Montreal Bxpaa’ $1.50 MIKEL NIckUua, the PGA diamptan, T West Hartford, which tied for aponaors tha Middlesex Invita­ 'want to see your letter./ Motoreyclef-WqfciM 11 Hpiisehold StrvieM'13-A B. H. MAOOWM JR. t SONS Bev and Danny and MIbs Whitworth, the LPGA 62 In the women's competition. tional tournament. National League baaeball game Your ' letter will be de (BDOKY) second at 823. Manchaster High has. forced a on»4ay poift- 1971 BDNDA 100 cc's. excellent CARPENTRY, repairs, oM tiUdiolder, had scares of 72 and TTkmw missing acorea, 73 for came In fourth wtth a 8M round stroyed if the odverttor Happy 7th Birthday IndtvtthMl Roerea ponement of the OanadspUB. is ' one you’ve mcnUoiied. Bftective June ISt, classified comtttion. Under 8,0(X> miles, jobs, light trucking. Phone 849- INTERIOR - EXTERIOR PAINTING 80, respectively, In establishing men and 80 to r women, wlU be PepiUme May Return score. deadline will be 12 Noon the CaU 6464777. 89(M. DEBBIE DEHORE Happy Slow Pitch the targets for amatetir playera the targets for UiouiAnds of Crandall, Wathersflald 3649-76 women’s track meat *eheduted If not it will be handled MedaBat honors were ahaied day before puMlcation. Dead­ 25th Anniversary throughout the country. players throughout the country CHICAGO (AP) — The Chi­ here tto weekend. In the usual HAVE TRUCK wUl travel. Odd PAPERHANGING frQ m by Wethwatleld’s Qary OTandaU King, Malonsv 87-37-74 line for Monday is 12 Noon on BusilMM ScrVKM 13 ’fhey were hampered by a in one of golfs largest annual jobs, clean attics and cellora. DORIS and GENE cago Sun-Hmea reposted In to­ and Makmey’a Wayne King. Leone, Manchester 38-37-76 Friday. 89 Yean* Experience — Four Oeneraftons Dad, Mom and Eddie steady, heavy downpour as charitable programs. ______^ __ ’nUBE Service (Soucler)—Trees Tree removal. ETee estimates. day's edlthma that recently re­ Crandall had a 3649-76 on hla Stack, Wethersfield 4046-76 with love Your Friend, they bested U.S. Open dhamp cut, buUdlng lots clear^ trees OoUege student. 876-8066. FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED F w a n *!*»<*' Chloago CUhs fhret^iiase- 6,232 yard home course Murray, Canard 88-89-77 LoCToad 1 Aatomotoes For Solo 4 Russ Softball Lee Trevino and women’s open can attempt to beat manoutftelder Joe Pepltene where per is S6-SS-T1 and King GUARANniD totted. Got a tree problemT scores In relation to p v—one WeU worth phone caU. 742- champton Jo Anne Camer In w ill meet today with Ctahs gen- turned In a pair o f 37s tor t o 74. . Zieky, HaU 4048-78 IRAKI JOR FOUND — JlfWte and tan male 1968 VCKKSWAGBN SEDAN, 643-7361 646-8262 Happy Anniversary to the nntiimi Nalicnai Golf Day over for men, six over for luMilig Coniraettog 14 eral manager John BoUand for Scott L m su of Mancheater Downey, Mancheater 40-39-79 mcogrel dog. GaU Dog War- beige, sun roof, good condition, EVANNIE and RUDY Congratulations oa activities at the Canterbury women—at any pubUo or pri­ I Pnmlnm'VooM UM bi taika on t o pondhie return to tied tor third wtth Rod Stack of den, 84^4665.^ 67,000 m iles. $ m or best offer. your Confirmation vate course In the country. All RobUns, HaU 8843-80 VAUET IRONWORKS — LEON CIBSZYNBKI buUder — love, T O N ioanra g a m e s Qustalson and B. Hennequln; Country Chib course Tuesday. active play. hoot Wetherofield. Both goUers > T m Wet* OraoM Trevino, bundled in sweaters amateur* use their eataWlahed Morytko, Maloney 894140 r FOUND — Black and tea male ^**^**^'______Wrought Iron railings, fin es­ new homes qustom buUt, re­ Orv, Pat, Karen and ROSANNA ^xuce vs. Pero’s, 6:16 Pits- Edwards, Christowskl and Mc­ fired 76. modeling, additions, rec Ronds - Help Wonted-Female 35 and rain gear, played the front handicaps in their efforts to The Sun-Times said Pepitono, dog. OaU Dog War- capes, spiral stairways, truck Love, gem ld Dowell. Brad Dodmey held down sev­ Oberg, Canard 41-6041 rooms, garages, kitchens re­ Robbie nine In 89 en route to a flve- beat the champs. Those Who do who rerigned suddenly May 3, 6566. 1967 SIMCA, 1,000 DLX excel- racks, porch columns, flag­ Stocks -• Mortgages 27 Mom, Dad, Kathy Fogarty'a vs. Lynch, 7:30 Fltr- enth poeition with a 79. Team Totala — Wethersfield modeled, both tile, cement ALL FEES PAID P.8. Sony we're late CANDLEUGHT LEAGUE over-par 76, loalng to Nlddaus wiU receive, a certificate stat- saying he had lost intmvst In H9.9S —;----- . ...— Isnt condition, $800. 743-8639. poles, trailer hitches, 1-466- gerald “If all four player* can put it 8 16 ; Maloitey >33; Conard 833; work. Steps, dormers! Resi­ MORTGAGES — 1st, and 2nd and Nanny In a protested game by Nas- b y four strokes. Miss log that tfa^ beat Jack Nlck- baseball, intoid* to aooorppany >UND-Block and white Sbeltie ______0664. Honda vs. Gorman’s, 8:46 Fitz­ the Cub* on their upcoming together next Monday, we can M anchester 836; HaU 828; Bris­ Amatlean I tJT** ju tt e Oog. OkU Andover' 1966 BTAT 110(H> station wagon. dential or commercial. Call mortgages — Interim financ­ JOBS GALORE Happy Birthday gerald siff Arms over a ruling on an in­ Whitwortfa beat Mias Oarner SO- laus or Kathy Whitworth. tol B astom 840; Windham 862; US ToUaadteiidT^ke-. B8. V JANIS ANSWEIRING SERVICE ing — expedient and confiden­ field fly, Wyman OU won out, West Coast rood trip and make •till win the State champion­ Dog WuAen', 743-7194. $800. Phone 649-6648 after 8 649-4291. DAVID Mote. vs. BA's, 6:16 Keeney ship,’’ Tom KsUey, golf coach BrlottS Central 867; Penney 886; p.m . — 24-liour coverage. 743 Ehc tial service, J, D. Real Estate The choice Is yours. Let us Love, 10-8 . to first start against Pitts­ Place e "Happy Ad" AnmilU's vs. Pizza, 6:16 Nebo burgh on July 2. at Mancheater High, noted. Platt 870. FOUND— Light brown female change only. F or details caU DORMEHtS, garages, porches, -A ssoc. 6484129. match your skills with the many Mom', Dad, Klock vs. WINF, 7:30 Nebo Wyman’s Woody Claik had a particOHle' dog. Call "Andover 1963 CADILLAC, good "running 743-6903. ~rec’ rooms, room addlticns,' positions we have avaUable. MCHtTOAOES, loons, first, sec- Methodist vs. MulU, 6:16 Rob­ perfect 4-4 night foUowed by Harrelsou Still Hopes Dog'Walden, 743-7194. condition, $800 or best offer. kitchens, add-Orlevels, roofing, Clerical openings include: Pay- Sherry and Mark, for only... 11.50 ertson Bud Minor, Bob Ooloumbe and ' ' ' ■ OaU 649-1811 atter 6 p.m. TWO YOUNG married men wiU siding, general repairs. QuaU­ ond, third. AU kinds. Realty roU, bookkeeping, typists, rat­ Goldie and Spooky Rick Peck with two hits. Minor LOOT Black cat, holda head » y- • do smaU repair j< ^ and point­ ty workmanship. Financing statewide. Credit rating unnec­ essary. ReasonaUe. Ocsiflden- ers, receptlonlsto ate. Also CHARTER OAK stroked a two-nm homer. crooked. Hickory HUl area of 1971 DAt Gu n , Sport coupe ing, also cellar cleaning and l^avaftshle. Econom y BuUders, openings for secretaries and oth­ Bdiind Jim Mistrette's hom­ Nasslfra Dave Slbiinas,’ Matt To Qualify for Tour Andover. Reward. Phone 743- green needs some milHir body light trucking. CaU 646-3693, ' 1 ^ ) 643-6169, 872-0647, eve- tial, quick arrangements. Al­ er professional positions. AU of­ Help Wonfed-Femoie 35 Help Wonied-JMcde 36 646-$;ra6. vin Lundy Agency. 627-7971. er end two douUes, Norm’s Cat­ Vallnaky, Chet Fortin and John 8646. <^'^wock and point. $L17V.'Phone h i ^ - fer good benefits and salaries. ering edged F\iUer’a Package, Golangoa collected two blows ATLANTA (AP)—"I’ll make it, I’U make it yet’’ ------m' -— 649-8686. ■ ■ ■ 100 Censtitution Plaza, Hart­ Call Barbara Page, 627-2661 or FEMALE for various light DISHWASHER wanted nights, each, fiibrlnsz belted a solo fawn­ LOOT — P aw book' No.’a . 96-36- . ■______. SHARPENING Service — Sawi, NBE^N H. Smith A Sons- Re- ford. Ehrenlngs, 288-6879. office duties, fuU-tlme, East over age 40. A]q>ly Cavey’e 11-7, at Fitzgerald Field. A wry smile craved the craggy face of Ken &Drrel- knives, axes, shears, skates, vlsH our office. Buzz Keeney banged out two er. E9001-E8166 Saving Bank o f U71 M G Midget, mint oomUUon, modellng, repairing, additions, Hartford otflee. No experience Restaurant, 46 East Center St. ^^hon, but the eyes held the hungry glint of a hunting Manchester AppUoation mode extremely low mUeage. 742- rotary todes. ()uick service. hits for the winners. Wyman 6 3 0 2 0 0 x—10-16-6 rec rooms, porches and roof­ l w 5 n « M Oppertnnlty28 SNELLING & SNELLING necessary. Apply Precision Op­ hawk. for payments. 9089. Cqpttol Eiquipment - Co., 88 ing. No job too smaU. CaU 640- tical, 11 Bragg Street, East ALL AROUND carpenter want­ The losers’ Tim OursU went Nassiff 1 0 1 b 0 3 S— 8-13-8 WII pay you THREE coin pool tables, ice Main St., Manchester. Hours ed steady work, 40 hour week, 3-3 with Bruce Fltti stroking Holland and Hunt, Oolangoe "Pm gning to be the first card. If you don’t have the 3144. 242 TrumbuU St„ Hartford. Hartford. player to make $100,000 a year card, you can play In only LOOT — White gxSd lady’s TR 6, 1970, low raUeage, very dally 7:804, Thursday; 7:30-9, cream and food bar. Pin balls starting end of May. (Jail after . two singles. and Vallnaky. HamUtnn watch, sentimental clean, exceUent condition. $3,- Saturday, 7:30-4. 648-7966. and arcade machines, lent out EIXPERIBNUEl) secretary 6 p.m ., 643-1446. Norm’s 2 0 1 3 0 2 3-11-12-4 in one qwrt, shift over to an- three events. ROOM additions, dormers, ga­ value. OaU 6494784 after 600. CaU 6484608. rages, add-Orlevels,. roofing, on 60-60 basis. Three tables, RNo o r LPNs, 1 to 3 p.m. or 11 muat have automobUe knowl­ - - J - Fuller’s 0 -i 0 0 0 0 0— 7-11-1 DU8TV LEAGUE oUier sport and m ake $100,000 a “ T ve {dayed In tw a The othr STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, MALE for stock and deUvery 5 p.m . Reward. siding, foundations. Low, low $1,600. Buy the business, $2,- p.m. to 7 a.m. Apply at Rock- edge, must type, some book­ Keeney and Carlson, O’DeU Scoring heavily In the latter year there," he said. er one wlH piebahly be Cleve- 1970 LAND CRUISER^ 11,000 fireplaces, flagstone terraces. at once, 8-3 Monday through innings, the Ang^ tripped up He’s just a little over $99,000 land.” prices. Bank financing. Add-A- OOO. 10 a.m . to 6 p.m ., 742- vUle MemorUl Nursing Home, keeping. Aiq>ly Chorchea Mo­ and Buder. LOOT — SUver-gray, fem ale mUes. Asking $2,600. CaU AU concrete repairs, both In­ 22 South St., 876-0771. Saturday. A|^ly in person North End Fire, U4, at RobeiL short. The SS-yearold Haiielaon, 1-637-6406, after 5 p.m . level Dormer, 389-0449. ,.7786. tors, Inc., Mancheater, 648- SILK CITY miniature poodle, purple col­ side and outside, railings, 2791. only. Weetown Pharmacy, 466 son Park. Harreiaon has been consider- stlU whippet-lean as he was lar, vicinity Green Rd.', chUd's landscaping. Reasonably pric­ SWIMMING POOL money mak­ HOUSEKEEPER — fuU - time, Hartford Rd. Manchester. Seven big runs in the-first in­ Producing three hits for the ably le** than qpectacular since when be was dubbed “^le 1966 COLONY Paik wagon, tun­ WEIS ROBBINS carpentry re­ ning, three coming off the bet pet, reward. 646-1428. ed. CaU 648-0681. modeling specialist. Additions, ing opportunity. Best pool m ay Uve in. To care for five BABYSl’IT'EB—One child, 7:30 winners were Bob Penons and he abandoned an eight-year Hsadt” as be roamed jha major ning condition. $160. Phone 649- MAN to work in our mill, Davis of Rich Beledowlcz, powered $42.76 ’ rec rooms, dormers, porches, dealership and location. 1-228- yea r old girl, while mother a.m .-2 ;80 p.m ., five days 1089 after 8 p.m. ______to Tom Ifite with two coming baseball career as an out- league outfields, admits he TWO Handymen want a variety 4460. works. Car and references weekly, Keeney St. Glaston­ and Bradford Lumber Com­ DiUon Ford to an 18-8 victory ^ Vallone and Vince flelder-ftrst baseman wtth Bo» “wasn’t ready when I first POUND— Poodle, vicinity Oak­ cabinets, form ica, buUt-lns, over Manchester Honda. of jobs, by day or hour. Yards, bathrooms, kitchens, 649-8446. necessary. Vernon 876-1030. bury area. 646-4426. pany, 200 Tolland Street, East Trucks - 1 roc ton 5 THRIVINO PIZZA shcq> In the Belekowlcz patted DiUon’a at­ LUnaree. Vallone also blasted tnr» and Cleveland to try and tried to oome out, land St. OaU 649-7069. attlcks; cellars cleaned. Lawns Hartford. center of town, weU establlrii- WOMAN for part-time work — DENTAL ASSISTANT — Chair tack with a homer cuid single. an inaide-the-park . conquer the demanding world Predictably, he’s a hard hlt- and gardener’s Mrvice. CaU CARPENTRY .— Repairs, re­ ed, good equipment, good attending laundromat Tuesday side — tor busy Rockville of­ SET-UP men, second and third Bert BemcervlUe and Jim Mc-__ Tom Papasian, Paul Kelley, of tournament golf. ter. He won a driving contest— raSoBcZr ■5 1967 CHEVROLET, van good 648-6306. modeling, additions, roofing. lease. CaU BIU R ood at T.J. and Thursday, 6^9 p.m. Inquire fice, experience not necessary, shifts. Individual should have A^ev’^^itributed three hits with Ken Flood, 'PbU Oements and He once ted the American with a brit of 801 yard^ condition, $800. 742-6629. OaU David Patria, South Vdnd- to go to meetings w a n t e d — Ride from Ard­ CARPEINTER avaUable eve­ Crocket, Realtors, 648-1677. at Laundromat In Manchester good opportunity for mature )tet-up experience and be wUl- Bor, 644-1796. Hon Anderaon g e ^ two hits. ^ laced three safeties League In ^ ^^o^ more Rd. to BUbbps corner. nings and weekends. No job Basken’llle also h ^ red . with Paul Gwort* adding two home runs with Boston one sea- laiit^'’But ttiat has been some 1970 TOYOTA, Hl-Lux, truck, Farkade, mornings. person. Write Box “K ’ Man­ ing to learn plastic st-up oper­ West Harilord, hours 8-4 m or­ too big or too smaU. CaU Ste­ Honda’s Tim Kearns and Mike hits to the Fire attack. son, and, at one time, had a of to 18,000 mUes. For Information, MASONRY — All types S MANCHESTER chester Herald stating qualifi­ ations. Apply Personnel Dept., ning preferred. CaU 648-4488. phen Martin at 646-7296 after2 SALESWOMAN — Pilgrim Mills Oormler punched out two Wts. Angels 100 008 2 U-16-2 $100,000 annual salary. J ^ 648-6171, Tuesday-Friday, 9-9, stone, brick fireplaces, walls, RESTAURANT cations In full. Iona Oo. Regent St. Manches­ p.m . ^ concrete steps, sidewalks. No Fabric Department store is ter. Dillon’s 7 2 0 2 1 6 0-18-18-1 014 000 1 6-184 Hls Uggest che«* In golf has know_where tta S^^to There’s more money today at your lcx:al Saturday, - befwe 5:80. BUSINESS said Bob TosU, a former tour- AutomobAM For Sole 4 jopb too small. EYee estimates. locdcing fo r mature woman, SECRE7TARY — Experienced jjo n d a 0 0 1 2 0 0 0— 3-10-2 Vallone and O’NeU; Lukas been Just over over $ W . ‘ ' ' LOAM for sale, top quaUty, Including aU equipment, fix­ fuU-time, part-time. Apply 434 REAL ESTATE Career —Grow­ He failed to make It throuBh Ing pro and now one of the Over 30 years experience. Af­ preferred for summer. Reply Goehring and McAuley, Morian- and Gworek. 1964 VOLKSWAGSIN Sunroof. Trailen - also fiU and gravel. Licensed tures, etc. WeU established Oakland St., Manchester. ing office! room for advance­ the ’TOurnamont Player* Dlvl- game’s moat respected teaoh- Army Reserve. Because we’ve received a pay raise. ter 5 p.m . 643-1670, 844-2976. Box “EE” Manriiester Herald. os, Bykowski and Oormler. Dependable transportation. Mobile Hemes 6-A for aU types sanltaiy work. business, good Income. An ment. Must be personaUe, sin­ Morlarty Brotiiera bombed Blon school last faU, ptekhig up era. Asking price, $296. Phone 648- Dozer, backhoe, pay loader, N.J. LAFLAHMB — Carpentry ideal famUy operation. Very SALES Representative- Out­ CLERK-'TYPIST, small office, cere and willing to work. For Gorman Brothers, 23-3, in the In disgust before completing With to necessarily restrict- For exam ple, a private w ith o v e r fom : m onths 8676 after 6 p.m. 16’ TERRY TRAVEL. TraUer, rental and site work. LatuUppe contractor. Additions, remod­ I'eaaonabiy priced. Call tor going personality and public diversified work, aptitude for confidential interview, caU Cora Anderson the testing grind that enables ed playing schedule, Harrelsou nightcap at Fitzgerald Field. heater, stove, oven, refrigera­ Bros. Inc., 873-4366 or 74^9477. eling and repairs, 876-1643. details. contact experience a must. EV>r figures, capable of working Amedy Realty, Realtors, 876- MB’s Tim Coughlin started the Spring Champ young i^ayen to comiwto on has to content hlmaeU with service used to earn $19.16 per weekend meeting. 1971 TOYOTA Cortrila, exceUent tor, porta-potty, sleeps 6, $1,- Elast q f the R iver poeition. No alone. CaU 643-1177. 6283. fireworks with a three-run hom­ the lucrative pro tour. playing In smaU, non-sancUan- condition. Asking $1,660. CaU 896. Includes hitch, electric ROTOTTLLE gardens, lawns, (M B B ^ ^ AMEpY REALTY cold clients. Fee paid. Rita er in the first inning. John Spring G- ner ett the Mancheater Oountiy ^ , __ NEED CAR? Credit very bad? 8727. BIDWBLL Home "Improvement mano and Ed Kowal poked three club was Cora Anderson with hasn’t comideted either falling working <» hi* game, Bankrupt, repossession? Hcm- Ck>. Expert installation at alu­ SShodhcmTc^ BOOKKEBPESl — Diversified safeties followed by Ron Amaio Florence Barre runner-up in the to qualify fw: the final two “Right now my goal is the MBTZENDORF IF trailer, LIGHT trucking, odd jebs, also It’s always paid to go to meetings in the est Douglas accepts lowest with a homer. Ctess A Division. rounds in bolfa the Doral-Bast- the Players Schoci in electric brakes, gas stove and moving large appliances. minum siding, gutters and poeition in apartment manage­ down, smaUest payment, any­ trinu. Roofing Inatallatlon and ART CLASSES ment office, typing and ma­ Gorman’s John Socha, Merle Marion Zamaltis copped Class era and tho Atlanta Oasalc. ' Oallf., tto foU," he sahL That s refrigerator, sleeps 4, excel­ Burning bcurels deUvered. $4. MANCHESTER GAffBIDE GOq INC. Army Reserve. Now it pays more. For all Reservists. where. Not smaU loan finance lent condition. CaU 742-8213. 644-1776. repairs. 6494496, 876-9109. Professional Instruction in print­ chine accounting experience Shaw and Don Bergln slashed b laurels with Maryiou Plerro "Tve had a lot invltatians where you got ywir company plan. Douglas Motors out two singles each. second. to plxy,’' Harrelson said. "But the right to compete. s me valuable. EbcceUent working 27 HILUARD ST., MANCHESTER 1968 VOLKSWAGEN camper, CEILING and ceramic tile, spe­ GUTTERS and roofs repaired making: EUching-woodcut. AU conditions and company bene­ MB’s 610 1 16 1 0-28-28-1 The Women’s Divlaloo opening since I didn’t get through the Uggeat tournan^t ta the 846 Main. Check into it. Call toll free, 9 AM 'to 8 PM. pop-up roof, sleeps 6, exceUent cialist, one celling or aU, re­ and replaced. EbcceUent wmk- faculties. June 6-80 in (Coventry. fits. salary open, 40-hour week 0 10 2— 3-184 day tournament found tbe team school, I don’t have a playera’ worid for me right now. Gorman’s 000 1964 RENAULff*, automatic, condition, ^ cm e 876-7460. paired or rejriaced. Rooms re­ manshlp. Reasonable prices. with paid hedidays and vaca­ Has Openings For: Ostrout, Oiar- Write: Printmaklng, c/o 20 QuagUa and of Roiy Simon, Rita Creed, El­ good running condition. Eco­ paired or remodeled. No job EY«e estimates. 646-1899. tion. CaU Mr. Greenough, Bychotekl fuid Dial 800-225-1733. In Mass., call 800-882-1647. 1964 16’ SHASTA, sleeps 6, gas- George St., Saratoga Springs, rone; Denley, sie Crockett and Lorraine Dem- nomic second car. $300. Ptxme too smaU, special rate. Work Brentmoor Management Co., Dowling. ko deadlocking the team of Tina 649-1246 after 6 p.m . electric refrigerator, beater, done on weekends and eve- New York, 12866. Or mail this coupon. Reese hitch, cany, good c«i- 648-8177. TOOL MAKERS INDY LEAGUE Mlkolowsky, Lou Garvey, MUUe Battle of Minds nlngs, anytime, 647-9282. Roofing and ALSO High-scoring Bemle’s TV to<* Dennison and Agnes Atherton, 1966 IVTD, 2-door hardtt^, V4, dttion. 649-4166. ■ B H Or call 618-687-0608 after 6. KITCHEN AIDE In modem automatic, power brakes, pow­ Chimneys 16-A Man with carbide die finishins: experience. over sole poeseaslon of first 'Hed for second jdace were 19’ FAN, Travel Trailer, self convalescent home In Etest er steeri^., aii>conditioned. ROOFING — Specializing re­ place with a 164 victory over the teams of Florence Barre, contained, many extras. Seen, Hartford. Burnside Convales­ Gunver Stampers a t K eoiey EUeen piodsUi, AUce AnaalcU, Marks British Golf Commanding General After 6 p.m ., 742-6206. WAiSHINO machine repairs, pairing roofs of aU kinds, new cent Home, 870 Burnside • GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS 94th U.S. Arm y Reierve Command ^ Oak St., after 8 p.m. Rose Kaipuska and Janet RCA, Whirlpool, Kenmore, roofs, -gutter -work, chimneys, Avenue. Apply in person. An SANDWIC3H, England (AP) — Veteran Walker Cup Boaton USAR Center 1971 ' SATELLITE Sebring Maytag. Reasonable rates. AT ONCE, earn $100, free in • LIBERAL BENEFITS For Bernie’a, ktike Rlccio, Shaw, Rika Horvath, Marlon Plymouth, purple, 2-door, half- 1971 — 22’ AVENGER traUer, cleaned and repaired. 80 years merchandise wtth only $160 In equal portunity employer. Corky Oxighlin, Rich Goes, John Zamaltis and Harriet Horan. golfers, Joe Carr of Ireland and Ed 'Tutwiler of the 666 Summer Street Owner of Pike Coin Wash and experience. FYee estimates. Boaton, Maas. 02210 white vinyl roof, white Interior. sleeps 7, exceUent condition. sales. Plus more profits In Apply ONLY if you are willing to work and FiUoramo and BUI Manning all ------United States, meet today in a battle of wits on one of $2,928. CaU $46-7879 after 6;80. Dry Cleaning, 276 West Middle CaU Hawley, 648-6361. GIRL Friday-East of the River. Attn: Recruiting Officer Phone 643-9402. Turnpike, next to Stop and cash by demonstrating Lau- Immediate opening for girt went 34 with Steve Hassett go- • th e m o s t d«nanding urses in the world. renG's fflffai Ami tov linG. Call grow with a young progressive company. ^ ______The wUy old campaigner*— ------TeU ma all the reasona %diy h paya to go to meetings. MUSTANG CkmvertiWe, 1966, Shop, 648-4918, 647-1719. with outgoing personoUty. ing 2-2. Dave Hassett contribut- J\0W YorK XCflltl MeSSray^^ H eating and Pfumbiiig 17 couect 1 -491-2100 before 6 p.m. ed two hits including an inslde- /-I . AS -wmrrv . ' Carr U 60 and Tutwlter 62— style against young opponento. I understand Fm under no oUigation. standard. Best offer. Transfer­ Figure aptitude and ex­ LIGHT trucking, cellar and at­ ______— Laurene Co., Goshen, Conn., perience necessary. Good the-paik homer. S ipfllft A 1 Vr h 1 1 0 were paired in tbe third round carr bonded Mickey Van red to west coast. Must seU. 1969 HONDA CL860, good cfmdi- NO JOB too small. Immediate 06786. Unn, low mUeage. $600. ITione tics cleaned, odd Jobe, lawns, . starting salary. Never a fee. Ft>r Gunver, Bob Bradshaw ^ ntof thathe British Amateur Cham- Gerbig of Palm Beach, Bio., a CaU 646-7888. trees cut and removed. CaU service on service calls. Free and Dave Gunas produced two NEW YORK (AP) — Tlje plooahlp on the R oyal leseoo in driving and hitting Mr/MnyMa- 647-9690 after 6 p.m . SEXJRSn'ARY—Must have mini­ R ita Girl, 99 East Center SL, 1968 CORVAIR, $100, exceUent 643-6000. estimates gladly given on hits. New York Raiders of the Worid George’s link. and won, 6 and 6. heating or plumtog. E%ucets mum 2 years experience, Mancheater. 646-8441. GAS STATION Attendant, pai^ PLUMBERS and plumber’s Addreu- eiwtoe, automatic transmis- FOR TOUR motorcycle Insur­ Bernle’s 3 3 4 4 2 0 x—16-21-8 Hockey AaaociaUon announced The expoeed 6,833 yard, par Tutwlter, without making a ) POWER mowers, hand mowers repaired or installed. Water shorthand required, mathe­ time, fuU-Ume. Apply in per­ helpers wanted. Must be ex­ siad, bucket seats. In the proc­ ance caU the Crockett Agency. PUBLKI Relations Representa­ Gunver 0 0 1 3 0 2 0— 6-10-8 today the signing of right wing- 8648—70 course always U tUffi slna^e birdie, moved steadily to sharpening - and repairing ser­ pumps worked on. Complete matical qptitude derired. West- son at main office, between 8 perienced. Benefits amd over­ Current Employment- ess of restming. Needs front Ask for (Betty Turner, 643-1677. tive — CoUege graduate with Hassett and 8. Hassett, WUaon er Alton White, one of only two cult becouM of Its deep and a 6 and 6 vtcUny over Peter vice. CaU “Sharpall.” . Free heating systems, rec rooms, Inghouse Major Appliance a.m. - 8 p.m. Balch Pontiac time. ca ll after 6 p.m., 646- and Plzso. cross member, 649-4012, days. some P.R. or sales experience, Buick Inc., 67 Post Road, black lUayers in professional cunningly placed Holt of Britain. Phone. HONDA CB 460, 1970, Wixom pick-up and deUvery. 6484806. etc. CaU 8^ A M Plumbing A Sales, Contact, R.J. Kennedy, for customer contact position. 4623. BEC LEAGUE hockey. but tto week i high wind, Dick Diderowf of Westport, Fairing custom point job, $900. 628-4791. An equal opportunity Warehouse Point, Conn. 1969 MERCURY station wagon, AMBITIOUS coUege students, Heating, 640-2871. Good starting salary. East of MALE help w^ted, experi­ Manchester OU scored a mUd White, who celebrated to eometimes approaching gale Oosm., who jdayed on the 1969 Military Background Uf anyk. employer. aiivcondltloned, $996. Reposses­ 649-8679. experienced in indoor-outdoor the river location. No agency WANTED — machinist with enced only, back hoe amd bull- upset, last night at Mt. Nebo as 27th Urthday today, has spent force, has turned it Into a U.8. Walker ciq> team, faced (Rank) (PMOS) (SMOS) (DueofSaparaiion) SAM Watson Plumbing and sion.’ Savings Bank o f Man­ painting, lawn care, window WANTED — Keypunril opera­ fee. Rita Girt, 99 East Center good lathe background. Must dozer erator, year ’ round they nipped front-running Telso, the last three years with Provl- nightmare. Gordon Hyde of Britain today. COMPETITION Cycle Accee- heating. Bathromn remodeling L J chester, 646-1700. washing. CaU 648-0066 o r 646- tors, experienced only. FuU- St., Manchester, 646-3441. ^ p ly in person toT>e consider­ work guauranteed. Please call 64. dence of the American Hockey “ My friends at home never Siderowf won to first two sories. Spectalising in traU- and repairs. FYee' estiinates. 4486 tor free estimate. - Ume and part-time, days and ed. M etrcnlcs Inc., Route 6 A 876-1807. The winners were paced by t xapie and scored 30 gocUs for believed me when 1 ttUd them matches without having to play 1966 (FORD, LTO, counfry motocross accessories. 161 CaU 649-3806. “AT LAST! . . .I’ve found a way nights. Good starting salary. 44A, Bolton. squire wagon, very clean, fully Pine St., rear, Manchester. to earn extra money and care ------Ron Carr, Jim Granato. MUce the Reds last season. hoWs hard it can blow hers,” past the 16th bole. REWEAVINO of burns, moth- B O m Heating and Plumbing Aiqily Mr. Smith, (Joca Cola Manning and T6d DeLude with The (mly other black in pro said Tutwlter, a car salesman Two otiier Americans, Marty -equipped. Iftiat sell, price re­ Hours daUy 64 p.m., Saturday for my famUy, too!’’ Aa am SERVICE STATION attendant, 555 MAIN STRICT h(Ues, zliqiei* repaired. Win­ — Prompt, courteous service. BottUng Co., 461 Main St. East H i e ^ ___ duced. 6484680. 104 p.m . Avon Representative, you cw experience desiraUe. Eve­ For Employment two safeties apiece. hockey is WiUle O’Ree of tbe from Inrtlmspolle West of Chevy Chase Md., and dow shades made to measure, CaU 648-1496. Hartford. Telephone’s Clem Langlola San Diego Gulls in the Western , Both men played in the 1987 Kemp Richardson of LaGuna choose your own hours to nings and weekends. Apply In MANCHESTER. CONN. Ch EVRCKET 1968 Im polo, 1969 HONDA, CLdTS, and 1970 aU size Venetian blinds. Keys Opportunities — person. SurwiU’s MobU Sta­ and Wayne Johnsem pounded Hockey League. He lUayed 46 Walker Ciq> ,match, but they NIgual, Calif., xoached the third fouiHkwr honSop, vinyl roof, Honda C7T90K, traU Wke. Both made whUe you wait. Tape re­ GRANTS Plumbing Service — make money for the things you tion, 1063 Burnside Avenue, Read The Herald two singtes. games for the Boston Bruins of did not face eatdi oilier. round- low mUeage. ExceUent through- mint condtUon. Oan be seen at corders fo r rent. Mariow’s, 867 . jF ree estimates, plus quaUty NURSE’S AIDE 11-7 only, Lsui- waint <^t the facts by cadllng, Bast Hautford, Conn. Classified Ads Oilers 3 0 0 0 0 2 X— 6-104 the National Hockey League In On Tueeday, both won aecond tHx Americans hod to play out. 14OTd0e0. 6*0 T aylor St.. Vernon. Main S t, 6494221. worfc. 6484841. ral Manor. 6494619. 289-4022. Telephone 0 0 0 0 0 1 8—4-10-4 1967-68 and 196041. round matches m convincing second round matches today. rm m fm n r ’, v • r-' ..r;. -,,? r ' : m

PAGE THIRTY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEEIER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 81,1972 •MM THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW 71 BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Out of Town H o u m s For Scdo 72 H o o m s For Sate 72 O u t off Tavni Woofod - Bool Bnola 77 d3 For Ront Manchester Area H MANCHESTER •— ImmaoulAj <— Wlgt>l«»A For Sate 7B HAino quallfieii buyer lor 8 or CBT Will Service 1 ■■ .vrLT:; 7-room older Colonial. Must Qffimd bf tlM 1 '... ry. 1 W hen m e l/ r k s a r e clean , -m e auplex. two ROCKVILLHi- 0 rooms, luwn., $160;**eu; . . mtan.a Batates. 6 Toom V * B Coloni­ 6 famll3r home. ObU Paul W. t CLASSIFIED al. Four bedrooms, Uraig room yKRMOir-ManelMster line -— Youths Arrested f rock- groups sing ' em loud BUT FORtNE"UNOERORDOHO''8nmFFf bedrooms, 1% batbi, eaipsU, 4 rooms, 1116; 8 rooms ♦106: -| X iS AssSsJ^S-lM O*^ Dougan, Realtor, 08640N. dtaint’ room, fireplace, kitchen 8-8, two-family, new jUumblng M Q T C L S A R ______appliances. Full basement utlUUes not included. 873-0869 k PHILBRICK with buUt-taa, baths, plush end wiring, dty sewers and ’ Student Loan Plan ♦383 m onthly. P aul W . D ougan, 7:80-9:80 p.m. MANCHBSTBR — New llatlnc, After Disturbance oeipettag, aluminum siding. water, separate beating, larga NOTICE 1 I -S'- , ! ADVERTISING R ea ltor. 648-4638 ^or 646-lOM 4 bedrooms, llvlnf room, On- country lot yet minute* from ■Two-oar garage. Low Ode. The Connecticut Bank and Ti’ust Co. announces the , VraULINaTON: 1 and 3 bed- we. eAt-ln kltohan, AGENCY Vernon arolo. 888,000. Owner, SeUtag your property? CkU us Two Manchester youths and a VERNON * 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS THREE rooms, tU* bath. bMt, room apartments located near *"* onn irmehat. Frechette and Martin, Real­ 6467048. first “ ■ .. We’U...... a ^ p ^ your prop- south Windsor youth were ar- Vernon poUc* arrested three service v^enier wiucn 8:30 AJtf. to 5:00 P.M. hot water Included. Middle- Exit lOlead University of Con- 1700 TOHtxHn Oolgaial. Former tors, 847-OOOS. erty at no com to you. We’U - i ^ t by South Wind t**«M re»..y6derday afternoon pRiaHy will offer a student loan accounting and serv ^ a ^ adUlta. SecuHty depoelL necUcut Range, dtobwaaher, te A Martin «*ei , , ^ Pebaeck Tkvera wttti (ourOn* BOUTON Lakefronb— SOO* front­ buy your iftlfriffHlillt^ly All nipit oy oOUUl WlnCl* and charged them _^at.with Ulegai « inor’"K lYVnart'ampvogi’am f/kto oilall lonHovalenders npUanoee, with dtoh- ed. Oarage with electric eye <1 plaoe, dm. betha, 4 bed- winterised home, new furnace, ago* For prompt friendly ear- jum.’jed by Begin end Graham Ave., RockvlUe, was arrested “itaary market tor these loons, ports tor internal accounting and door* Quiet residential area . rooms, garage, aluminum sid­ non-Bolton Lake area beautiful new bath, Ideal for summer vl^ea, caU lioula Dlmook Real- nMmes, 19 of 66l Mata St., yesterday and charged with op- The state measure,’ recently control. In essence, it performs Male or Female 37 SPOTS before your eyes, on |] lot. 84,800; Andover, overlook­ ^Sn c l^ t o *h beeement a J lm ^ 'f^ garage. Iln S your own private carpeting, tor- yet close to bus, schools, ing. good ndgUiorliood. 887,900. or rental, $8,600. Hayes Agen­ ty, 6469688. Manchet’ er and 'WlUlam Rice, eratlng under the influence of **l8pted by the State Legtsla- all important funcUona neces­ EXCELLENT opportunity full­ your new carpet, remove them l churcli and shopping. 840,- ing take 88,600; Coventry cy, 64601SL Uquor, reckleea driving and op- tare, makes It possible for lend- sary tor successful adminlstra- Walking distance to Parkade. race tn a country eettlng. ALL CASH tor your property “ ^ “ Deepwood Dr., South time or part-time, servicing with Blue Lustre. Rent electric ^ O U » R HOME — Six rooms in Treed, $6,600; Hayes Agency erattag vrfth unsafe Ur*#. ta tacreaae their parUclpa- tlon of a student locm program. CaU 648-6710 o r 6494)811. F rom 8160. S orry, n o pets. 689- OQD. W indsor. our customers. Appiy Ttie Ful­ shampooer fl. E. A. Johnson | good eoodlUoB. Won’t last at 6460U1. . BOUTON — 7 - room Oolonlel, w .. Edmund A. BlaU, 66 of Tun- »tace they wUl now be able _In______announcing„ .„ g toe program, 6866, 878-746e. CHARLES LESPERANCH ler Brush Oo., 219 Spruce Paint Com pany, 723 M ain i>' NEWER duplex, five rooms, 881,600. ^ m baths, tamUy room, fire- tape. Instant service. Hayu B«a;ta was ctaarpd mth Vernon, w m charged reU excess loans to the State cBT President Walter J. Oon- I g E S ^ ^ ICAMCUBh’i'aiK — Five aorsa breach Street, Manchester, S-S p.m., Street, Man^ester. 349-4501. Jg‘ stove, large yard. Parking. ______649-7620 ptaoe, two-car attached ga­ Agency, 6460181. taterfertag yesterday with operating under “ ConnecUcut. nolly Jr. said, "Providing low LARGE Ooloalol-Oape—8 rooms, H*P>tadmately 8 aeres bual- an officer and assault, ------— ------Monday to Friday. A dults. S ecurity deposit. 8180. rage. 884,900. Hutchins Agen­ the Influence of Uquor and Interest long term student loans CLEANINGEST carpet cleaner 648-8368. torroal dtalng room, modem ness n sons. 280’ frontage. cy, Realtors, 6460884. WANTED—Hbme, Itawshester, second degree. Holmes was evading responsibility. The ar- For Rent 67 W EST SIDE or vicinity, low 20*. Phone 1- is a vital community service In b o o k k e e p e r — Office man­ you ever used, so easy too. Get Mteiim with buUt-lns, first-floor WiUverton AgOnoy, Realtors,‘ charged with tapering with ,ggt. poUce said, was made In 426-8068. About Town which we beUeve aU lenders ager, 3-5 years industrial back­ Blue Lustre. Rent electric FIVE-ROOM apartment, air- CAPE OOD — Dennlsport, 8 tamlly room, tour bedrooms, 64688U. COVENTRY — New Listing. an ofnear and Rice with lntar> ccnnection with the inveatlga- Qambolatl built — 6-room Seven room Oepe, flreidace, should participate fuUy. Our ground, salary commensurate sham pooer fl. Plnewood Fumi- AnHc|U6S 54 Apartments - Fiats - Apartments - Flats - conditioned, paneled rooms, bedrooms, all conveniences, ^gorog*. 886,600. taring wIUi an officer and as- tlon of a two-car accident on Rt. Second OongregaUonal Church new servicing program wUl Ranch with full basement, large country kitchen with wlU have a general meeting on wiUi experience and back- ture ^ o p . M arlow ’ s , 867 M ain St. off-sea son rates. CaU 878-0682. K T o # Tcwifii sault, second degree. AU three gs. Thg driver of toe otoer car make toe handling of student BASKETSHOP Antiques — Tenements 63 Tenements 63 fireplace, c o m b l n a t i o n RAMCH — Flva rooms, on large breokfaet bar. Only 817,000. ChrisUan educaUon tomorrow .ground. Apply Pioneer Sys- were to be presented In Gtocult was Karen Hagen of Lanz Lane, loans virtually effortless, thus Primitives, glassware, china, ...... V_~ ' ■ ' ' MHHHPHHMI MISQUAMJCUT — 4-room cot­ storms and screens, immac­ lot, 800KS08’, with large covered______For Sate 75 Pasek Realton, MLS, 8867476, at 8 p.m. at toe church parlor. INVrrATlON Court 18, East Hartford, today, sutagton. enabling many banks and otoer l a r g e dog house. $35. After 6 furniture, and brie - a - brae. DEL^ 3 - bedr^ ap^- Fnmhlied tage, walking distance to ulate condition. Selling to 743-8348. 644-1681. An equal opportunity „ . IOI. floor, 3-room apartment. Heat, ment, wmll-to-wall carpeting, • - *^**l2l J2*****' HARTFORD — 7-room South W indsor poUce are to- DennU J . B urlelgii, 19 o f 180 lenders to increase their com­ u . .KOI » _ 1 742 8 Open Saturday and Sunday, beach, fam lU es only. 8160 settle an estate. Priced at The Army and Navy Club will em p loyer. ♦123.20 family unit. Security. 2 Mpmimvnfg 63-A wonubop. 889,800. Raised Ranch, 8-car garage, ------T O B I D vesUgattag----- m-----w breaks Into two— Tayior iw w * St.. TalcottvlUe,AMwuvbvuxa wasw u ar- mitment to this wortowtale ef- Basketshop Rd., Hebron, from complete appliance*, w eekly. CsU 843-0491. $29,000. T. J. Crockett, Real­ ------USEJD stereo components, ex- CaU 646-3425, 9 to 5 p.m . conditioners, fuU basement, THREE • ROOM RAISED RANCH - 6a mnniB *~v*> ^• ««« «a. CAU«^*u jo u a^ver- COVENTRY — ------(NORTH)------tat**®® RIEFU8E REMOVAL schools which were r^iortod ,ggted yeitorday by vimon Po- o* ® T n fort HAIRDRESSERS — Route 6 on to Route 316, four ______furnished tor, 643-1877. E xperl- cellen t condition. Phone 649- washer-dryer hook-up, vanity apartment, second floor, w .i" PRIVATE cottage Cape Ood. lu g * modem aat-tacat-ta iUtehan, S n ! jjjf.n ^tatamaUcnal ^ ™ * * * * * * Associate*, SHE’S REALLY BUILT!! Bolton Board of BducaUon yesterday. The schooU had Uce and charg^ with larceny, ' ® P ' " enced preferred. Good working m iles. clubhouse. There are' presenUy 210 lend- 7844 a fter 4 p .m . FOUR rooms, stove, refrigera­ type bath, glass aUdlng doors rtwet at Center, over bakeryt CanceUaUon — magnificent formal dtalng room, 3H baths, **^'**^‘ ______TTils dreamy 8 room Raised Bolton, Ooon. been closed for too three-day tourto degree. The arrest was conditicHis. Part or full-time. THE BIRCHEIS Antiques re­ tor, heat, hot water, parking. sandy beach, all uUlities, MANCHESTER— New on mar* a flriplaees, 4 bedromns, waU- VERNON — Saorifle* o ; ; ^ R*nch. I^wclous bedrooms, car- Bealad proposals tor reiuse r»- nouoay. At me wapping aonooi, made In connecUon with a com- Apply 757 Main Street, Man- OOLEOO POOL, 12x3’, ladder. onto patio. 8220. p e r m onth, p riv a te entrance. 8185 m onth- ' ** locating at Twin HiUs Drive, Security. 8166 m onthly. Phone Robert D. Murdock, Realtor, ly m 6-0399 avaUable August 26, - Sept. 9, ket, four - bedroom Oolotilal. tnwwll eupeUng, 8 -w garage ready to move from 6 ^ 0 6 Pottag. f l S ^ c a l l t a g cenmio moval contracts tor the 19^78 enUy was gained by jimmying puunt from Grant’* where Bur- ^ S Z a m ^ toem Chester. cover, filter. T w o years .old. Two baths, garage, rec room, C oventry, Conn. H ours 643-0030. 643-36981 8140. weekly. CaU evenings, with aleotrio doors. Many otoer lonlal In non • devslopmant, bath . . .with ekyllgjit. . . . large W-level echool year wlU he recMved by toe lock on a basement door, {righ was employed. He was re- X 'll ——— ------:— Best offer, also fence avall- convenient location. 880,900, police said. Accwdlng to police leased Wednesday, Ihursday, Friday, ------BOLTON NOTCH— Two - room 644-0783. extras. Three years old. $44,900. country location nearVemon------: ^ deck. lama famllv room. lower the Bolton Boerd .of Bduoathm police said. According to police , . g ^ on a $100 non ^ m e ! MO “ v- ESTATE SALES —Am - 643-2363. B el A ir R eal E state, 648-9833. until IKX) P.M ., June,?, 1972. the ClvU Defense supiUy romn ))oiui. Utious energetic person In- ______10-3 p.m., Sunday 1-6 p.m. Oth- FOUR - ROOM, smaU apart- efficiency tor older person, rnr;— — - — — ------Clrole. Four badrooms, aat-ta level study, garage, beautiful er Umes by ^>pointment. 742- ment, stove, refrigerator, sec- NEW and beautiful contempor­ larga treed lot. Jon Jennings, ^^teolflcatioas for same may was entered and several giaaa AUm Lund 21 of „ Mata St., to conduct a’ me- '"«» *»»»>“ - “avings and terested In learning the real es- LIVE BAIT — Open 24 hours nicely furnished, bath and Wlnnepesau- :Ui.pnnM waneii w»n. Uteben, first-floor laundry, VA yemon morlal service tor toe late Her- associations. 6607. ond floor at Center and Main V ILLA G E R shower, private entrance, *'«*'• * *26,900 -6-ROOM Itoch, ^ ary home offered tor the young 6468806. be obtained U ta* Ofllm ^ tta and plastic syringes were ^ve.. RockvlUe. wa* charged___ , tate fleld. Will train. For con- daily, ring bell for service, to-waU carpet, baseboard heat, anil modem oriented family. baths, 88’ flreplaoed Uving W agner, adjutant and M arch 1972, $140 m ll- HHnHMNnnnBnsnaaaMMnnHkM^ street. Heat included. $180 paridng. Phone 643-3228. *^I^aced, heated Buperimendeat of Schoeda, Notch taken. ,rito larceny, third degree In lion has been granted ta stu­ fidential Interview, call Jan Shiners, crawlers, etc. 144 APARTMENTS w alk to lake. F illin g fast —643- screened porch, garage, trees, Abeointe top of Manchester with room, overslsed gangs, ex­ Road, BoMon. Conn. post commander cf toe post. Wonted - To Buy 58 m onthly. 646-0299. • • At toe high schod, entry was connection with on attempted dent loans to Oonnecticut resl- CJrbanskl, Village Charm Real- Demlng Street, Manchester, THREIE LARGE rooms, com­ 0189. sew ers. H utchins A gen cy, 049- vlaw tor mllaa. Loto of glaarto tras. Low 80s. Prlnolpi^ only, B&W Joseph P. Ghstagna ty, 643-1509. Route 30, South. Immediate Occupancy caU 876-8774. gained by prying a wtadew ta tiidt of two tires at a local serv- WANTED— 3 - speed transmis- FIVE-ROOM apartment. 8 ^ fortable furaiahed, first floor. 6324. enjoy view of toe outside fr o m ______The Superintendent of Bchoids The VFW Auxiliary wlU have ______slon to fit 1965 Dodge, 6 cylln- mimthly, including hrat uid *11 iiUiiHoa *mnL. CXIVBNTRY Lake — Watervlew toe cafeteria, tanlght at 7:80 CLEAN, dark, rich loam, five S-Room Townhouaea, the t a i ^ . Qoigeoue q d n l rtalr- COVENTRY-- Fhw-room Cap*, BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. chines were pried open and an AU of those charged are „„ SitiiotioAs Wonted - d er. 633-9637, 6-9 p.m . hot w ater. CaU 875-7807. ~ r yards, $22.80. Sand, g ra v el. tUed bathe, complete O .E .. 272 Main siroST^LiSS^; Idt^eT"^ ease ^ t o akjdlght, 8 or 4 bed- bedrooms, tandly room Realtors — MLS undetermined amount of money scheduled to appear in CSrcult , . sandy beach. Phone 742-6169 Colonial. New kitchen, two rooiQS, flrstfloor famUy room, Female 38 stone, manure, pool and paUo WAOTED — anUque furniture, 466 MAIN STREET, roar, 6- " kitchen, waU-to-waU car-^ with fireplace, garage. Treed w a . takw v P dlc. sdd. Omrt 12. RockvUle, June 20. petlng, private basement,' AVAILABLE June 1st, S-room before 8 p.m., 742-9327 after 8 baths, large rooms. Enclosed tesroal dtalng room, kitehen Manchester Parkade, Manch. WANTED C E R T IF IE D teacher wUl tutor ®And. 643-9604 g la ss, pew ter, oil paintings or room apartm ent, heat, $133.25. funilAed i^iertment. Rental In- p.m. porch. Aluminum siding. Dou- lot Needs painting. Only $16,- NOTICE washer-dryer hookup. with aU buUt-lne, first floor mud 900. Frachetta and Martin 649A606 Junlor and senior high school USED 18" Toro rotary push other antique items. Any quan- Family unit, secu^ty. 646-3436 Charles Lesperance cludes heat and electricity, - , ' ' ------;; ble garage. Hayes Agency, 646- room and laundry. This fine NEWSPAPER ♦166. Security deposit required. Heights — 69 oi81. Realtors, 647-9999. PUBLIC HEARING English, reading at aU grade ,av»m mower, good running tity. The Harrisons, 643-8709, »-6 p.m. 649-7620 home buUt by o m of Manchiw- VERNON — Manchester Une, 6 15,000 Motorists Use CARRIER 165 Oakland Street. Mr. Undaay, 8t»S u . ' Edgewood Road, four-room bedroom Ranch, fireplace, rec .TOWN OF MANCHESTER, levels and elementary sub- condltirai, needs muffler, $25. NEW 3-bedroom Duplex, appU- cottage, sleeps 7, sundeck, two TWO-FAMILY, cehtraUy locat­ tor's master buUdara. Has to be bhAiINOTON Fire Calls IN jects. Please contact Miss q j j 6*3.2230. OONWBCTIOOT ances,, carpeting, IH baths, ed. Live practlcaUy rent free. room, IH hsths, % acre lot D odge at 643-1616. ANTIQUES, dolls, furniture, an­ THREE-ROOM fuTOlshed apart- baths. $125 weekly. Mrs. Gar­ ***^ SECLUDED AND NICE swimming pod. Asking 839,- PROPOSED REVIBIONB TO Project CoHee Brake MT. VERNON APTS. tique clothing. Jewelry, clocks, fuU basem ent, $225 m onthly. m ent, h eat, hot w ater, stove, ter, 742-8142, 742-8637. Only $32,500. CoU noev, June OOZY 4-room apartment, RAISBD RANCH - 7-room, 6 nua big brand new 7 room 900. C on Mitten Agency Real­ TOWN OF MANCHESTBUt MANCHESTER glassware, household contents, CaU 643-6700. 643-7761. refrigeratm:. Apjriy Martow’s G ood, 289-7475, P asek R ealtors, WOMAN with toddler will baby­ ajdults, no pets, references. In­ years old with cathsdral ceilings HabMd Randi on an aero pIut, tors, 6466960, 6469680. FIBNSION ORDINANGE More tiian 16,000 motortsta Ernest L. Kearns d 147 Birch Today, 9:09 a.m. — amaU CALL Boats & Accessories 46 any amount. Antiques and M LS, 280-7476, 742-8243. sit in my home, full or part- cludes heat, hot water, appU- 867 Mata Street______Woillwl To Rmt 68 ta Uving room and dtalng room, 2 car garage, 2 firoplac*.,^ stoDoed for free refreshmenta 81- called toe hospitality vlgU a P «*s fire off Oomatock Rd. MR. CORDERA Things, 643-2504, 457 M ain St., ■ E H M E M Ume. 649-6739. 15’ LYMAN outboard, new can­ onces and parking. Walking MANCHESTERr- New on mar­ 8^ garage femUy room, two- bathe, buUt-ta oven and range, frwd mcce...^^V^selS^rtor^l TOLLAND Manchester^ Herald HHUUBUUaBBUUUBBBm^^ vas cover, 36 h.p. Johnsen Manchester. The CHARLES of the Town CSiartor. Notice U “ ^ motartet. t Ttiesday, U:2k a.m. truck distance to hospital, on bus Busteess LocoHoos WANTED to rent — Manches- ket, 8 family 4-4-4, central lo- •taU hares ham and corral on dl(itwasher.r Excellent value at W o E lE d - R M l is f o t * 77 «___ «____ *___Atir.* I. 'tVietiltn TT«w ttAWWareas WOr over the JIEVUMJrAOAMemorial i-WUrDay motoriaU - travdtag—W.-—^ ...p... from as ...far electric start motor, trailer. 647-9946 Situations Wanted - Une. 649-9258. ter area, minimum 3 - bed- caUon, aU city litiUtles, S-car WMI treed lo t 868,900. only 884,900. TUs Is a one-cf-a- fire at Ebdt 100 on Wilbur Cross ExceU ent condition. 649-8418. APARTMENTS Mote 39 RofNns Without Boend 59 ______;______ZZ room single or multi-family garage, Bel Air Real Estate, kind value. OsU Tony WosU, sored by toe Oonnedlcut CStt •!«*« *« tae country^ tadudtag ” ^k****y- THREE rooms, aU utUlUea, ap- OF'FTviES — Two large singles home. References provided. iXnm iM buUt Itandi with 8 179-116 E. BOddle Tpke. 643-9332. 6466806. pay you a fair price fw It. Mr. ran Band Oonference emd the Aleeka and Hawati. We fotmd MAN experienced In carpentry, COMFORTABLE furnished pUanees, bus Une, second floor, and two - room. Heated, pturk- Please caU 688-9077. - fuU baths, first floor ponalsd mg, en uemer ntreei, manenee- nuMS neonia luth atoni*h«i and family room, doubt* raised gctiod 8tu- people both atonlahed and dry wall, cabinetry, formica, ALCORT Sunfish, excellent con- sleeping room, for older em- Open tor Inspection DaUy 1-4 8165 m onthly, secu rity re - tag. Phetae 643-0030. a j a a a a a * MANCHESTm Raised Belfiore, 647-lUS. tor, Connecticut, June 6, 1972, ****** diUon, $460. 649-8678. • • l • • grateful to toe State of Connect- roofing, concrete work. Inter- ployed gfentleman. 272 Main quired. AvaUable immediately. ■ ------. — —------HOttSM FOC Sote Ranch, 7 rooms, 2H baths, two hearth flrsplae*, beautiful cus­ B& W at 8:00 P J f., on propoeod re- **®"^ Ctamdl. or By Appointment tom oouatry Utehan, 8-car ga- tout tor its thoughtful ness. Moot ested la working with someone i*- LONE STAR Hberglas, run- St-. Manchester. Flano Agency, 646-2677. NEWLY remodeled store, 100 fireplaces, beautiful recreation The TOWN ADVERTTBEMENT vlstoas to Town of Manchester About 160 volunteen ..v .— . n g d . aU. w* found that Juat too construct^ or remodeling trailer. Excellent ANDOVER- Large furnished 4H-Boom i^fwitaieiito ______per/cent location. Ideal for any MANCHESTER 6H-room Oolo- room, two-car g^arage, patio, BARROWS and WALLACE Ck>. Pendon O r d ii^ e . botogreup. manned hom es. P lease w rite to P .O . condlUon. $380. C all 643-4333. MANCHE3TER — New three- type retaU store. For taforma- nial, garage, 1*4 hatha, new trees. Hutchins Agency, 649- DOG- OWNERS A copy of the proporaU revta- highway rest area* round toe reem, working gentleman only. Hot water. Individual thermo- OQLDNIAL — oftortng charm Realton — MLB • B ox 1134, M anchester, Conn. bedroom duplex, 1 ^ batha, ficn , caU 1-S62-06T7. fu rn ace, p orch , exceU ent con- 5324. SECTTON 22-888, General Bta6 taOa to ^ ^ fr t« , mMWgl* Friday un- hanstoSuto oentowe.’’ Quiet hom e. P arking. $60 and apadausness. Ten rooms, Mandteater Parkade, Manch. SKI BIRD hydroplane, 9% h.p. etaHnally cootroUed heat, sepeuute basements, 8225. No- _ ------^- dlUon. Only 823,900. GoodchUd-______utesas of to* State of Connecticut, raen ta the Town aerk ’e office tU 1 o.m. 'Diesday. nauswo ” c«»nnw>- m onthly. 742-8161. utUlUes. Frechette and Mar- CALL T.J. C r^ett, Realtor at BarUett Realtors, 648-2096, 643- MANCHESTER — Desirable 8M bathe, modem Utoban with Dogs - Birds - Pels 41 Evlnrude motor, full controls. Hotpolnt kitchen, range, re­ buUt-ta*. Two large enclosed 6466606 Requires THAT A IL IXKM . Cost ot tho food MtA dilnk Phone 649-6643. HEBRON— Room for rent, pri­ frigerator, disposal, dish­ tin. Realtors, 647-9993. Bowers school ares. Ste-ropm OVER CDX MCMITHS Anthony F . Pletrantonlo was borne by Oonneotlicut'B ma- 'f i r i n g ToKear B a te FREIE KITTENS, two Calico fe­ shapes and alxes and prices. pasdias, 8'Car garage. vate home, kitchen privileges, washer, 2 air condUlonerB J I Colonial. ImmacuUito. Patio. VERNON — 6 - famUy home, Secretary, Jor donxesUc Insurance compa- NUKUALOFA — The “flying male, one red Tabby male. EVINRUDE outboard motors, DBILUXE oLe-bedroom Town- New and old. Let us know your MANCHBiSTER — Eight - room Fireplace ' garage! MUST BB UCBNSBD ON OR parking. Werking gentleman. VWM ROOM contemporary completely redeoarated, and BEFORB June 60to, 1072 or at Board of Dtreotora tiles. Tile Oonneettout National foxea’' of the Tonga Islands are Phone 649-0116. Holsclaw and Mastercraft each apartment, IH colored house, fuU private ba^ment. demands, we will do every-- home -with • Income Jrateiitlal, ,,, ’onn •ond. Interna­ Mandieater. f w i nance may be seen ta the Town (Hackwalls) KITTENS Four frisky 8-week MOVING to CalifonUa^ Every- guest rates. LARGE two - bedroom Town- PontlceUl, 6469644. Raymond PROBTISSIONAL office. WELLS ST. - Older 2-famUy 646-4200 tional A ssociate*, 647-1800. four- Three bedrooms, living room, aerk ’s office during bustaera • 6 0 0 X 1S sin for laraor VW aad old kittens, box trained, look­ thing must go. Major appli­ house, 1^ baths, full basement. PonUceUi, 6460800. rooms, exceUent location, ox- need ot a general face Uft- ances, bedroom sets, living LARGE furnished room to kltctaen with stove, garbcQ^e hours. otkor Fprtifa cart. (Ilacicwali) ing for good homes. FYee. 643- Includes appUances, heat and ceUent decor aU faculties, 8176 Excellent incenne poten- Dated at Manchester, Oonnect- 7983. room, dining rcom and miscel- male only, parking, $16. week- carp ets. $240 mcmthly. Paul W. tial. 2-car garage, big lot. T.J. cruncher, i^ baths, treed lot. MANCHESTER — DeslraUe COURT ORDERED SikLE laneous p ieces. 6465194. ly . Call 646-0223 a fter 5. mcmthly. 6461680, 6468649. Only 842,900. ETrechette and wynsdlng HIU area — Large icut, this 26th day of May, 1972. D ougan, R ea ltor, 643-4536 or C rockett R ea ltor, 643-1577. Anthony Pletrantonlo FREE — Kittens, 8 weeks old, 646-1021. WOODUND M artin, R ea ltors, 647-9993. ovenisad 6 - room Raised Property located at 9 High Ridge Road ta EUtagton, fluffy, healthy. 6469358 eve- 1 BUY anything and everything. FTIRNISHED room for gentle- Houses For Rmt 65 NEWER 4-Toom Ranch, tm- Im------, ------; ----- Ranch. Four bedrooms, 8 fuU ~Cannectieut Secretary, 5 6 0 x 1 5 nlngs. WUl deliver. Furniture, appUances, house- man, all conveniences, park- MANCHESTER — Grove Street maculate condition, full base- baths, family room, firej^ace, Consisting of a dwelling house and a parcel of land and Board of Directors Oar R tf., wares, bric-a-brac, etc. House­ tag. Near bus line. 6466914. Apartments, deluxe one - bed­ MANOR ^ 'ment, lovely lot with brook, bedroom Colonial in F(x«st Is more parttodarly bounded and described os toUowsr Manchester, Ctemeoticut 10.99 BOLTON NOTCH. ’Three nxnn living room, dtalng room, eat- • Extra starting pswsr for ^ SS191 FTIMALE beagle-terrier pups, 6 hold lots wanted. CaU 6467679. room, carpeting, available pond, dead end street, $21,900. Hills Fireplace, dining room, ta Uteben with built-tae, 3-car A certain piece or parcel of land known os Lot No. 19 weeks tad, 3 left, $10 each. CaU Apartments - Flats - winterized cottage, 1-223-4460. 2^ baths, 2-car garage. Only as diown on a map entitled, “ Propoeed Sub-Dlvlston Prop­ taamisrdriving w ■ ■ tkra iMUST aF.T iT.— 3 rooms of furni­ now , $150, J.D . R ea l E state, APARTMENTS H ayes A gency,' 646-013J. garage, price 889,600. Frech­ erty of Natick Home* ElHngton, Conn. Scale: 1“ equaU 80* 6468716. 643-6129. $43,900. FYechette and M artin, NOTICE • Ntw patontod powtr poak ■ S K ' 1966 ture, .various pieces of old ma­ Tenements 53 LARGE eight - room Otaonial, ette and Martin, Realtors, 647- Jnfy 1966 t o : (jlarmce W. Welti, Associates Ortifled Sub­ HOMESTEAD ST. fireplace, large lawn, parking Realtors, 647-9098. The Reglstrara of Voters of 6 0 0 x 1 5 Reg. 2 0 .99 n7 platedatiga I 6vsh hogany, appUances, excellent NEWER one -bedroom apart­ NORTH SIDE — 2 family, 4-4, stantially (Sorreot; Accuracy A-2 All Lota ta accordance FREE kittens. PhOTie 6468963. OtEV W . MDNM.E TP K E . area. Pleasant ccmvenlent lo­ QUALJTYrbullt by Gambtaatl. with EUtagton Zoning Code Clarence W. Wdti, which map the Town of Manchester, Conn., • rail 3 year raplacsmsat guar- | syttsai condition. Much more, very ment, second floor. Includes $23,600. Owner, 232-3075. MANCHB8TBR will be ta eeeslnn in the Regis­ reastm able. CaU 643-2879. MANOHESTEB cation. W orking adtUta. 643- Lovely 7-room GarriBon' Oolo' Is on file In toe Ellington Town Clerk’s Office. Said jurem- ante* policy heat, ai^Uances, and caipet- 2880. laes are bcunded: \ trars Office at the Munte^Mti FREE INSTALUTiON tag. $180 m onthly. Paul W. 1, 2 and- 6bedroom luxury „ LAVISH LIVING ROOM nial. Desirable locaUon in (u:«a CREAM PUFF $22 for 1967 to 1972 12 voli 42 TWO living room chairs, has­ NORTHEBtLY: On Lot No. 18 on said map, One Hundred BuUdtag, Friday, June 9, 1978, Live Stock Dougan, R ea ltor, 643-4636 o r apartments. Features wall-to- Great fireplace, spacious wind of fine homes. Two fireplaces, Put on your white gloves and and Sixty-One and Twenty-Five On6 sock , and studio couch. $20. Out off Town ows. An 8-room Ftanch you’ll fall 2-car garage. Finished famUy from 6 p.m. until 8 pjn., for the HO TRADE-IN NEEDED •INSTAUEDFRH • NO TRADE IN NBDBl 6461021. wall caipetlng, vanity tUe taqiect a (Jotonial styled, 7 room . Hundreds (161.26) feet; purpose of making an enroU- BAY GELDING, l6 hands. In- phone 649-8606. bcUhe, buUt-in oven, range, For Rent 66 for. The flreplaced rec room Is room. Landscaped lot. Plas- Ckpe. New and desirmble neigb- EASTERLY: On High Ridge Road, Seventy-Five (76) termediate rider, western. —:------—^ IMMEa>IATE occupancy—new dishwasher, refrigerator and la rge, the kitchen is g^reat. tered walls. Truly a fine value, ment of electon who ar* enti­ Must sell, best offer. Phone Ki'IXJHBN SET, washing ma- bortiood. Urge treed lot. Flrd tled to vote at any pmmary or Complete 5 Point 3-bedroom ' duplexes, aU sep­ disposal, electric heat, 2 air* Manchester-Hebron Area Three big bedroms, and 2 full Etarly occupancy. Mr. Zinsser, floor family room, attached 2 SOUTHERLY: On Lot No. 30 on said map, One Hundred 649-4461 a fter 6 p .m . chine, g old shag rug. 12x12’ . arate. u t ilit ie s , base­ ' conditioners, glass sliding WELLSWOOD VIEW baths. Etaclosed porch with it’s B elfiore A gen cy. * 647-1408. car garage. Exquisite decor, SUty-Five and Seventy-Two One-Hundredths caucus of the Town of Manchs6 Be Sure to See Engine Tune Up Good condition. CaU 6463296. doors, all large rooms. Etou (166.73) feet; and ter and for the purpoee of mak­ Quoktr State HORSES — Willlngton S tables.------ment, driveways, 1V& baths, APARTMENTS jalousied windows ctffords year carpeting. $89,600. OaU Mr. e (hsdi um finkm , Igskiee 6 S itilh Hw basement stotage area, am­ Wholesome famUy life In the round Uving. Plus a lovely land- SPECIAL " WESTERLY:* On Lot No. 23 on oald nuv, Seventy (70) ing such changes ta the enroll­ rentals by the hour. Scenic CLEAN, used refrigerators, $216. monthly. Security and p le p a iifin g . Starting a t $176. LewU, 6466806. OilChoiifie ■Wm, bettwy 6 rir Skw. lea se. 643-4966. Country, yet minutes away from scaped yard. Pwler St. area, 3-famlly house vrith 6car feet. ment list last perfsetod. Appil- * lartsl hraad siw tonsplis sr AC isarii trails. Boarding, sales. Dale- ranges, automatic washers Handy to rtKMlng, achoota, Said premieea are subject to easements aa of ree.>.d Our Complete the city. Elegant two-bedroom Priced in low 60s. « garage in central locaUon. catiens for the admission of it Lube Spedoli rite*- vlUe Rd., off 44-A, half mile with guarantees. See them at FOUR ROOMS, first floor, cen­ bus and religious facilities. • S B&W • s appear. Model ^lartment open tor apartments featuring: FhUy _ AU city uUlltles. Quick akle electon wUl also be accepted, * laslal 8iss< stw prieli, rster A esafte*- east of Route 195; Storrs area. U. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Halil premises ore subject to any and aU provlsloas of •r. tral, older people. No pets. $96 taspectlcn 12-6 Saturday and equipped kitchen Including 1^ IH I I j—| wanted to setUe estate. In­ The any ordinance, municipal regulation, or pubUc or private ■igned; 1-429-4177. M ata S t Call 643-2171. a month. Westside Realty, 646 Assortment of • V rfvmHievnnj t w wm Sunday, other times - range, dishwasher, diqiosal, re­ quiries invited. BARROWS and WALLACE Oo. l&w. Frederick B. Peck, 4342. poin tm ent frigerator. WaU-to-waU carpet- Real Estate Herbert J. Stevenson, Articles For Sale 1971 NEOCHI-Alco sewing ina- ELEGANT FIVE-room apart- BEL AIR REAL ESTATfi Realtors — MLS To be sold at publle auction by order of toe Superior * 1st dwsS teeinwtecftwvn is iilOnSlisi i ohine. Unclaimed lay-away, ment, 20x30’ living room with or Tr*n*»pr a » tag and air cMidltiontag. Sltuat- 6461922 646-4126 6469382 Court Tolland County, by Committee Deed, subject to Reglstrara of Voters Bultt by tor n ever used,iioaH originr.niflrinaiiv a lly $149.50ti*Q SO firop la ce. L argc foTm al dining partm , Manchester Parkade, Manch. any taxes due the Town of or Internal Revenue Manchester, Conn. Volkswagen Parts 9CREE1NE1D loam , g ra v el, convenient suburban location, ed upon 18 acres of land. ChU- vr*Nr6nrwrFR terVWi. now $69.80. Buttonhole^, m ono­ room, two bedrooms, includes dren w elcom e. $190 m onthly. M AW caiESTKK Sbe-room Co-,MANCHESTBIR — Price ito 649AS06 Service and subject to any and 'encumbrances of record. naM,V«ga processed gravel and fill. ai^Uances, basement, like pri­ U & R Housing Corp. laclefet pert* grams, hems, sews on buttons, everything. $255 m onthly. Paul lonlal with 3 huge bedrooms, duced to $29,900. Seven-room m f G eorge H. O rifftag, In c. 742- vate home. Woridng adults, etc. G uaranteed. 522-0476 deal­ W.Dougan, toaltor, 643-4585 or bath, generous kitchen and din- Colonial in exceUent cmdlUon. MANCHESTER — 6 • room DATE OF SALE: Jam 17, 1972 Indian College fqAcen 7886. 6462880. Rentals by D. ]. HENRY & Accessories er. • 646-1021. R ob ert D . tag room, 15x24’ Uving room. Ready for occupancy. Tliree House, IVi baths. Urge Utoh- TIME OF SALE: 11:00 AJIL Immaculate craidiUwi. $29,900. bedrooms, Uving room, OANADO, Arts. (AP) — The OIL BURNER and new tank, GARDEN type two - bedroom JA irdeek ex. Immediate occupancy, bus FOUR-ROOM apartment, fuU Wtaverton Agency. Realtors, room, eat-ta kitchen. Urge PLACE: On Premises CMlege of Ganado is a two-year OcyLcois ^]|4 Msrti with controllF Good condition. apartment, first floor. In­ CXDMPANY lune, dty utUlUes. Oni^ 883,- in both Auto St'fvice Cnntf'r and mom ESTATES and householjd lots to sized kitehen, , self-cleaning Realtor 6462892 INSPECTION OF PREMISES: Open to PnbUe community collage serving In­ $25. Phone 6460430. cludes heat, appliances, car­ Tamlly room, two garages. 900. Hayes Agency 6460181. buy. Bob Fluckiger. 8463247. stove, 2;4oor refrigerator, fuU dian populations ta Arlacna and lattal ap te 5 gts. ttaokor Slate 10W30 stem (luto dept Volkswn^rn Ports by 8 cyl. cars laef Mgcan pets. $200 m onthly. Paul W.’ ______FOUR tamlly with five rooms Frechette on date of sale at 10:00 A.M. <18 TAG SALE — Huge, 10 families tile bath, garage and laundry MANta m STER — 6 famUy, 6 6 New Mexico. ON w satM r al. Coaiplotely lalHicati oil D ougan. R ea ltor, 648-4580 or BOLTON — South Ridge Paric each, possible assumable Martin, Realtors, 687-9998C TERMS: $1,800.00 deposit ta cash or certified cheek or EAAPI CAL Custom ond other fomous ■mIMw ftat* Eguly hl|hw treasures from basement and • • » faculties, heat and hot water 8, dove end refrigerator ta visihte groaso fittings. Chock oil and oir 6461021. ^igltoents. Deluxe on6bed mortgage with second flnanc- XIANCHESTBR — Near usMi bank oaitoi^a check at time of sale. Balance to be Fifteen of the 19 members of A l riM n sslra M smM attic, braided rugs, black and MUSICal InStTUinCIITS 53 Included. $’ 80 per month, lease ______eodi apartment Modem ce­ paid upon Mproval cf sole by the Siqierior Court. the governing board of regents flh on , PCV vokro, too.' monufeu tu r»TS now m stock room. Carpettag, alr-condlU«i- tag avaUable to right ...... party...... Hartford, newer sU - room “ *** Ak CsoA Cart U 6 w ife wdiUe TV, auto lu g ^ e rack, vTTO aartaet. Uke new. asking and security. AvaUable July DELUXE one-bedroom apart- NEWER two - bedroom Town- ramic baths, permanent vinyl Dlreotiona: Thlw Route 88 North toward Ellington. Turn are of American Indian heri­ tag, diabwaaher, private base­ CentraUy located. Ask for Ranch. Will trade to a smaU* 15th. CaU 6462497. ment, waU-to-waU carpeting bouse, Ineludea iq;)pUances, siding, 8-car garage, conve­ right on IRddia Butcher Road. Take second i M t (onto tage, according to Dr. Jantes fTr f T »!«>• Bicludes case and music ment. AvaUable Inunediatoly Earie Everett, InternaUonal er house. \ acre wooded lot throughout, complete appU- heat, carpets, fuU baaement. nient location. Char-Ban Agen­ Farmstead Lane) and then first left onto High Rldjge Road, N. Moss, cMlege preatdent. ■ n H call 6460803. MANCHESTER — Royal Arms 8160, J .D . R ea l E state, 646 Associates, 647-1800. 2 - car attached garage, 1% SALE: family like new. Wednesday ances, vanity bath. CentraUy and patio. $2K monthly. Paul cy, 6460688. to No. 9 (on the ilgM side of the road). 2 Ways te Charge 2-bedroom townhouse apart­ 7581, 6465871. ^ For Further laformationt _____ A Navajo, Roger Wilson, is and Thursday, 145 G reen loca ted $176. m onthly. R . D . W. D ougan, R ea ltor, 648-4635 M ANCHESTER, New U suiig! ***'*®®- ^ regents’ president and WUmer kUuun’ R d. OfRce and ments. FuUy equipped kitchen, MANCHBSTEat — Brand new JONATHAN L KAPLAN. ESQ.. fklMBIlTICE WED. thru SAT. Murdock, 6462692. or 6461021. EAST HARTFORD — Adult W ashington St., 6 ro o m O o l ^ - ^ tacom be R ea ltors, 644-1286. boiltlns, one full, two Kavena, a HopI, ta vlee presi­ 1% baths, carpeting, private ______couple, no chUdren, no pets. ONE EILINOTON AVENUE MANGHESTER-1145 ToHand Tpke. M on. thru Fri. 9:90 o.ro. to 9:30 p.ne. ALUMINUM sheets used aStore s Equipnjient______54 al, new kitchen, new roof. MANCHESTER — 6-8 hatt-batliB, fir^tace, J and 8 dent. paOo with barbecue, conven- AVAILABLE four-room apart- IMMEDIATE occupancy—Spa- Four rooms, heat, hot water. BOOBVUXB. CONN. 96968 printing lUates- .009 thick, 23x waU-to-waU carpettag, 2-car near schools, shopping, bus buUt Excellent area. Only ’Hm college was founded ta Saturday 9 a.m. to 9:30 pto. lent location, chUdren wel- ment. . Heat, appUances, cen- clous 4 • room apartment, Near bus and stores. CaU 626 n X B F iiO N E : 6 7 6 t » k ^ 6466689 82’’, 25 cents each or 5 for $i. NORELOO dictation equipment, garage. Only $81,900. Freeh- Une. Ask for Earie Everett, In- m u m . Frechetto and MkitiB. 1970 by thp National Mtaaiona of com e, $215. 644-1619. D . J. Hen- trtil locaUon. $180. m onthly. Se- Adults, n o pets, utiUUes extra, 0596 w eekdays, 6 9 p .m . Satur- 5868711. M r. Badeau, 646-0894. ette & M artin R ealtors, 647- tornaUonal A ssoda tea , 647*' Realtors, 647-9096 the Presbyterian Church. ry Co. curity deooalt. 6463340. 8135. Security deposit. 0865026. dsiys, 16 9 p-u>. 9993. 1300.