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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-14-1901 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-14-1901 T. Hughes

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Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-14-1901." (1901).

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rmu .1 1. 1 mt I x ALONG THE . w n lltM.' ' tim' n .mmIii.. follow, excepting Otero and Cuadn- - RAILS. " "i toora locked. Nevertheless g tobber Captain A M Brooks arrived aa It should be. In n measure tkay lupe counties, which have not yi t re nnu appearance NEW MEXICO TOWNS, h, ii"i ,ipi n.'d in the saloon thnt tarn" bis and th-N- ew had de lHnver (o is posit!. m with . aaem to have been nverlookatl by our ported for thin vcar aad the new coun nertflwt aicept n'l.'H- - in. nnm lence and nerves Mexico Tie A Timber Co Cup otisinesa men, and yet exhibits or On I ties of Mi Klnl. v and I.una. which Investigation FSnm7 tii' i.'itiuin hKiid io eommlt Inhuman Interesting Information oradn .mH Further revealed thr tain Brook was adjutant lo the I'lmt - Rigardlnf manufartHmra nihnr wnl make their flrst antesament returns me wno was i. urta roubl be advantage tsn mat reiiow. evl 8nnln Lm Farmingtsn Colorado regiment and had the hon x made with Klght countleH Hhow actual gain dentlv well acutislnieii with tt smmi F, Vtfnt, r MHS RALPH II ILL, Railroad Officials and hoisting the flrst American flait in V i Employos, io me inuusirien represented. The while one. tiinnt county, shows a ici ises. had entered the blacksmith shop r.i .1 nr ie Reporter W. C. T U. many . and AUmaHortlfl, Manila. ., attendance of Colorado people atlve gain. Kildi nunty leads with ;i from a rear window and than made Vmld hari. It; Ita lalrall gain i f $ ('.! . then romea Chaves m- - way tarongn mc snnp OFFICIAL MATTBRS. drawing New Mexico and into the Mershantt Protest. NEWS IN AWWCMATEl) fORM. and thia ata'e couniv wllh a asm of $157,657. Ran names nepanmcni. tnenca U tn mnnv eiiwfMjr Hon. r. A. Kdlt-.- r . V mio sympainy wim earn Miguel a gain of Valencia. office. Here he used his chisel hxr flrst IIWT WIEMFJTIM6 I'ARASlMI'lil. Iluhbell snd I'KNSION (IRAMTHD. K ' tftar. We naggest to our Albuquerque 2I2.M)0. Lincoln IIB.20B, Colfax. pr Ing open tor Monloya, who were at Santa i tin t ..niiett of Saa Astasia, So It the m(t4le drawee of the Meads that would be a aood plan Han .luan. flfi.uo Honta Ke. wnere on matters of Interest brore tin "i nut), hs been gitMttad a sen- - Track Ikying hi being pushed hi fast ror til Ml. J. air, ne round oniy lasmrsacf iaeu to come to Henv.r during 0.296 Nine (ountlea show losses, papers and territorial board of equalisation re high-cKn- ..i,,n i.r xh a month. n poioi on urn umw rosu. me ! is which he did nejr want. 8ANTA FB. A t reeiivai w mouniain and plain, be olhiws Mora. .s0; Union. $.- - then the third ilrsvnr mihHimIiiIi turned to the oH$r laat aiaht and re prepa- I'OHTMASTMt APPOlctTSJO. W It. PbllHr. thaeheeper m the iaulna the 1st of Ocinhsr ml tr. twT.w, merta. tTS.74l.: itlo Arrtba Money. This drawer he tool along norUtd ibnt a raaolatloa had been in ration In t very wixy. I Pollard haa bem local rwpaflad Uts mane acquaintance From the Mew Xleihaia. troducatT the meeting bout t . t a4ausl shop. It m steh their la this rlty IBI.Mfi; Socorro, 12ft!, TM; tJoaa Ana. wim mm, sner throwing nil at of the i....iii,MM. Kspanola. mm Fa oat the 1(1 elotjanr dressing. . vtolt An - list lo Albaawwae duriag the week iiwi.pis; Taos. I3M.BIt; Clraat, $122 aan aner rontnng ta aountet Rev W. Hayes Moore hnw returned Iworsaae the aaaessed valuation ...iii'v i.i iiiceed M. S. nroia rw- I of the - nroperty In 16 N novo had Ml Mi rcHM. Ntaahed Territorial fair. Denver fte- iwM.wm; uernmuiio, TBI cash drawer. He evidently Rift the from a trip to Dearer. i"' cities to jht .nt Alvty.. pn l.VTti. Mr 91 K. snd In country restoros ""'i'oSTOKKICM lv biting a cylinder head mil on II oiican. show gains of $3,761.SM.26 and losses premises by the same way he goi tr. Sidebottom la reaoverli t precincts in pr cent MTAM4tUIMI-- 1 i color o nt the local shops yesterday. or s2.niT.mi7. R. sbowtag a net gain ror he dropped at intervals algjig the nicely fnai an attach of paralysis when the resolntlon was submitted rJJiyhtJr,tho poauiffice haa boas ssjhllshsd st THR AnVBRTWINO CAR. for 19 counties out of the 21 since Hhiip Olouso B. McMttbn of Albuqaerqu. ' Hoa. J. M. Saademl en- - iidefonso. in Saata ra cAWaajr, I. Ii II Robinson and It. C. Clark of last en route to the opened window rp,i tttxrk, rich color it aad tie Albuquerque shops are visiting The management of the twenty-A- year or i 8 1.169.60 In the assessed vsl bits or paper which Mr. Raft reeog was in the i apltal on business. ' a vigorous protest aad made K tlomex has been a4njajMM post- - K. 1.. ' Bae point In his usod to TKo T'i'.hn tciatlvea and friend. annual Territorial ratr to bv held at nation This will be considerably In nixed as having been in the mssslns Medler of Albuquerque was w,m' talk against , ho.vo. IIISKtl'l Albuquerque from 19 t ressed, It Ih bell-ve- d. bv the asses in tbe city on legal baslaess. he adoption of the resolution A NKW PAMPKLdsT. K. V Hpemer, who I October It to afe drawer. lmir fjrows rthvpidly, employed tt inclusive, Ih making ttients of Otero (luadalusw K air. ann Mrs. w. II. a numner m The immigmtlaa the local railway hospital, reports all the effort of their a:id conn Mr. other reported the mgflt r ti Honors aad iiw ieiesrain stops iiureaii f has just lives to muke this event eclipse aad ties, probably bHnglng the total aa-- Marshal MrMlllln aa smm as IS.II.I. daughter of Ccrrllloa are visitors In from merchants and cltlien of AH u comlnjj out, IhkiknI a sixteen page pagltSllal de-- the pstlcnt getting along nicely. rm. qnerque have liei-- n sent I urpass all previous fairs held In New sfnumtent of the territory up to almost after the robbery was dta-nveM- snd saata to the ten becomes soft jxnd iiptire of tbe resources aad the An order haa been posted iwnuir-in- $ A. IMgn to torlsl board of equalisation. Santa Fe Mexico. They have adopted olrcns t7.oon.nnn against laat "mm a nan nnur ail itut pOTHSl ma ratiiraed from Socorr progiess of Colfax couaty. The edi- t . protesting Ii smooth, evil engineer attach their oaajlne methods of advertising and a eaectal year. hlnery of the city waa working In here be did conaMorable fresco against the Injustice mil and dan- tion ih coplee aad will ha Judi t i - - a ml nil thirty Mlaute before lenv- car nannaomeiy decorated with Taking the figures of th.- last rensu unison to kwste a man who It ande work for the Maw Mexico school of resolution would rendr to the tit druff disappear. h.usiv distributed by the buraaa of iik time. streamers and lithographs, the capita assessment iiNplclon by miaee. les and asking that It be not pa I the Topaka containing ihi of each both Mr. Rorber aad hl If T ' . . 11.1 rt Atcataon. A I - BOO Mrs. It. RUham It la the opinion of St here an- now about can of ma a ran corne of billnoatera. arrived hen, county, including the railroad assess iiookki'eper. aad Miss JaHn it several ,4 II simtH t. Railway rompaay, the I - known attorneys l.tlai in In- yards at laming for thf last ereaiag aad haa posted and billed ment Is as rollows: Chsves $r.u per The man suspected has iHsfn si de forest of New York prominent in that the board would Yi.iiu.ii am i ompaay aad nltlsea be acting by Un- IiIhIm ) mail anl a largo form of man tha town. head: l.uns. $6M; Rddy. 61:1; Sierra. work at Rnrber'a for the iwsl few tae taeatrtcai worn, left for the en it Illegally ad'PtliiK if k ii hi Copies rsa bo had free if km i.u at work unloading the name The races will uadoabtedly be the $414; Colon $41.1; (Irani. 2811: Col weeks, but he fslbxl to show J thi; after spending a fe days In this said resolution. hut. ih.ii applbation to the bureau IHik Morris, the engineer, spent nest ever witnessed la the southwest fax. $270; McKlnley. 2(i; Mm oln. mornlnit. He hss a "nal" heral wllh lty. "f iniuiiaralion . The half-mil- e I. $221: Dona OuadaiitH-$19- 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. II. f. ! with hi relatives here and vol track In the su Ana. $192; htm and It la learned by other! not Jack of Silver PRELIMINARY TRIAL 8BT. INCORPORATION. Hast t ity apent ii i Ik tit ftirbs of the city Is In perfect condl vesri, Kan Miguel. $17.1; aw., I .iiy in tbe ilty ami !eft ALUS Farmlngton Times laeor-i- v to Allmqucrque In early part &u. ill tbtd ' the iihh.' gjj.i:.' ror VGDat&ble I ,n - $16(1 tin- w.-- k, iion and gallopers and harness horses Hocorro. Otero, (last year): tory. that both men were lookQBI union count), where they will re Maggie te Hnve a Hearing at Sliver Sic! t' (taper in the otSco of the nf says the Gallup Repulll flf. fot a ( llll ire daily exercising on it. The grand Hernalllln. $161; Valencia. $121: San ni ii ouisT ai a past poor main month or six weeks on Mr Olty en September It. iiH'itsl secretary, J. W. RayaoMs. iime taa K, taml is latge and conmodlous. (a Ke. fiiN: Ran Juan. $109: Mora hour today. Jack's ranches near Folrnnt. .ipltal is $6,000. divided 1.- - Th.' rianta Ke PscISc haa made an with "Antonio Magsbi. who claims t.. t. Into a aeatlag capacity of Mat aad la sur $93: Rio Arriba. $62; Taos. Mt. !t It is considered almost certathlthai iion. rrana. a. n.intii, county an anarchist, la In close . onAnetii. nt ''te The headquarters at tha of $92,000 for Improv- v MiniiriaMnu louniied by Mae shade trees and must lie remembered however, that the right man will be captured hool aunerintendent of Itenml'ilo In the Orsnt county ni, ai Farmlngton, Sa ing tlK ii wntar A wait will 1 oav Jail at Hih.t Juan service. green grass, thereby making It a very Hero, Han Juan and Uok.lalupe coun- time today. louuty .mil chairman of tbe republl '.mill) The M. lute Immediately City." said Deputy United Hut. KENEWER directors are Fraak )' at Uuam. nai pteaaant anu cool ties have no railroads to assess aa can torrltoilal central ommlttee. is in 1'ii'n. Thomas J ('mil. 'h rmu h. place. vei Marshal Koruoff, who arrived tils Arlington. Monroe One thousand dollar la good and that the railroad mileage in Ml Vtmtaim mImmmI te' - tne capital from Albunuoroue on Held James M . a Chaves Waali morning from tbe south. Palmer. Fraakttn T. I i nii-- y of Denver, agent fur official ' e lax round SUM for the first nrlae lu the county wuirn la assessed is very m evemoaj sasr an anaenoe s business. "Yesterday Ihe ters' Iik.U. f idhet propi II. .1 Arnot William lie Ma.. Inks W A rew at Aftraooa. ihi sd ill th. Denver lllo Oraade Railroad liaae ball tournament, aad MOO for small. of these flaunts are sub vesr la Charleston, g. Nestor Montova of AlbuiiHernue. vice of the attorney nn described fit, Ti; $Imi, Brown. James B. Athcroifl, Brwtn A. i v, C. acraMmtal district and windmill. in pit n wan In Santa Pc to rearc "roan prixc Is not to be aneeaod at. lerl to correction owlna to the Inner- - 'd by her aunt. Mrs. eilitor of U Handera AmerKsana. an Information filed with the nltllllK mil hlneii $l!:fii: (.., huhli, Loonor (larola, D. J. Dona run. In., i RettnertiVad Ctiit.d tout mipany before tha terrlto and it will bring to the territory the feet assessment returns of a number cousin. J. I.. Rennedy. influential Spanish Hapar, ami nlso Stales authorities," coailnMed Deputy works tKiin .voatSBKMSiPll rtui.l. USI.ATBU. mil liom i of equalisation. leverest and fastest ball ntavera In of coNnttes. deputy assessor of Bernalillo county Fornoff, " swore to a I. UNA COUNTY Joaauln I lull lart- - naj Bdwsrd Rosenwald aad wlf, who In complaint the atrived the capital on business as-K- H. ! alupe county, I'hi' iiuixfitKir engine which ha) buainaaa. O were in New York on be cnarging Antonio Maggio. who waa ar The I baa written Territorial , roping buainaaa and rore the board of ctiunllaa isluntion of .una W I" it iiiiuiiiu from Raton through The contest will ba stirrlav 8TRI0KBN WITH APOPLEXY. pleasure, territorial rested at Santa Rita and tailed at 811 county ih 11.3711 mm nr. - Auditor ii Sargent that tha aSana ri a returned to tha ch last tlon. from which ar- Ali.uqin up." will henceforth ran t" handsome puree of IMS Raring been night. While east Mr. ver City, with conspiracy to murder deducted $2fi.nn of exemptions Then llient rolls In .lunllral.. aava, tmj I a- - V. n Roaald James MrCabe. a well known vouna neen Tin' long run will Ir mil meren. twh Mexico vaqueroa with Wert J. Klabt, an Old Citizen ef San purrhssed the fall and winter stock the president of the United Rtntaa. are 12.263 irri'i nf ri..,.ii...i i forwarded to the territorial aad La Vigaa to I Junta. he picturesque costumes, fancy aad n, nusiness msu ot mis ciiy. waa mar preliminary In county, Pur on account uf Ihe ilula naaaul kv fim ine visum. of goods for the well known dry fgodi rled Wednesday me healing of the prla Luna valued at $22,300. on Last Tuesday .les and bridlea an.) skilfully trained Ward was t.t Arm of Rosenwald Bros. at 10:0 o'clock fore oner wss Immediately set for mere aro a mistake made by the board of coun- tha mountain train on mustangs hrnnchl inw noon at the cathedral to Miss Satur wnicn improvements valued ty ki Northoaatern In chars-- will be on hand to rum pet., 9 .to Saturday West lii Miss Mlnervs day, September 21." at $2n.lito; 6.9U9 acres of coniniissiouers of OuadalaPe coun- iho that J. Right had Anns Becker, daughter A John Hosch of Minneapolis. .Minn., who ar pratoral ty In making i f i .tulu. tor .lark Ryan waa thrown vim laoee rrom rexa. New Mexic on Becker Helen, Deputy Foinoff. in bin conversation land valued at $.n.i. improvamaaU. the lax levy, but that Uih ind tw siricaen wim apoplexy wnile of has been vtsRtng rived Tuesday evening. Vicar Oen- - finf, the track by a land slide fllllu. Arlsona. his way to Dnranao with s ,.t Miss wim mc now noieu prisoner, obtained 29.927. n,03 town IoIh valued $21. assessment roll would be ami to San Blsnrhe Owan for the paat tow Anthony - at tip tlx pits on If ever there waa a time when New eral Forchegn was the alllclH- the Information that Antonio Maggie 096. ImprovementH ta re in the course of thrr. day. tha switch bank. fruit, and was now lying at the point lays. The young lady left this worn H. $102,000 117.13 Mexico should mako a superb ting prelate, lion J. Vaughn, was twenty-fou- r l (HKIuATIOff. II Hnyklna. Italian, exhibit of death at tbe home of 8. W. Mc Ing to attend the M tar born about years agt miles of telegraph lines valued at OMMiMitiN Or of Texas, ar if state academy rltortal treaaurer. waa the hast maa The - the intolrt resources of the terrl Oulie, Durango. Colorado Springe lu 8lrlly. about forty eight miles from Irrigation ditches, $20; 126.81 territiwlal enmmissloa of Irri- ini'1 ni Mumoanrito to accept a pnxl i.m). that time will be the and was accomnanl and Mra. C. V. Dudrow altOMdail the the city Ition Will meet at Ihe eanllnl la aV.. tiMi, wmii tli KI Paso Northeastern at fair this From Willanl (Nix. who hmMkl -- d by her brother, Hans, who will also of Palermo, and that he came miles of stsndsrd gsuge railroad. mil, when a number of national con urine. to the United about yoarr 2d99.3fiii. ta Ke on September IT The members n t.ii.arspher He waa In the em down the word, we learn that Mr iter the Institution for the session States ten rallrosu billdln:r. .c . $27. and senators will be pre ago, following the occupation Ofei, of are. Hon. (I A Rlchardana ii Ham. li..v of th.- t n Jk ParlRr at Dalhw Right and 8. I.. Harwood were eating Dr Mceaga, president LAS VtlG of i value the product of mines, K t. The men who can see the rain dinner Friday, of the Aoad A3. musician and barber About two 21.930, noics aud book well. Him Frank Springer,' of Rast ! about sevoa miles this my accounts $!; I A Onllup Rcpubllcnn nay h H agricultural of Medicine at Mexico ORy. As Hun w - . 1li' tral and aad other re side of Bowman's saw mill, Mr. years ago, white residing in Kansas aleam engines, 2M0; 1.06.1 Vena ... Hnuliliuin " v. r mi i t hut Kim-- when passed through Aliniquerque From tbe Record. hnrse.i, I .in., Cashier of the rail ources of New Mexico fittingly and Klsbt comulalned of faellnv ill tat City, where ho has a brother living $l,7Hi; TO mules. $796, IU.336 Alsmoaordo. Cnl la. j W Vui,kl l lu-t- ly nt morning, cattle iitttx will take charge or th presented must strong accompanied by ten otfeei Miss Miss Maggio 1110 of Santa Fe, Hon. tt. A. Mlarn, Al- - become aroae to go towarda his wagon; soon hyslcians Rebecca Roland and So became a most anient snar 9314.091. goats, $476; S swine, of Wuisiow office aoou and that Hornet bamaiona of the territory s claim -- ne negan connecteil with the same phia nilchrist loft for Alhtimiitruue chlst through the reading of the "Con $120; 20 $23, nuquerque. ( link Mill in' appointed .Jew to stagger and would have institution. The party la sfl route rew " titirros. vehicles, $6,692, ()KViC oaahlr her Mexican. Ullen and Mr. Harwood not caught tr on a days' business. quest of Bread "Anarchy" and othei sewing mschlnes, 3946; saddles, $t. LAND BUSIMIfMI. 'I lev Ixttli deserve promotion. c- - iitiffalo to attend the medical The folloattna Ufftigi I asm La ax. him. Kortunatelv ahnut ibla ilmu imma Blair .Moutajomery. son of Contrac seditious books, and the hearing ni 727; mi rchsndls-- . $42,170. capital In hudsaa. oon to be held there. Several I - .Iiiim-- ti Rrtce, a telegraph opcr MATTgRS. H. I. of tie tor W. T. Montgomery, of Santa Itnsn. Ittntna Ooldtnan and other manufactures. $600; acted at the feilera! sad oUtoa In fan- OFFIOIAL (leorge Itrowne and W. DauneU '.ntVincn were accompanied by anarchists farming imple- nt .i n- - taken to St. Vincent's hot w on way th4ti went to Albuquerque on a Pleasure deliver their ted handed speeches ments. 2:1.046. nmnnv tir.ii' ta re during the week aadlHK sap-temti- aiung meir to Duranio wives. i,i,. 1 1 : 1'iial .atita K thia week, suffering f'RNHION ORANTFBD. Mr. Right was put rtP- - Maggio Joined the Andrews Oners $260; wati he- - J477; JewwIry.'jgO; in the buggy and III mu with i iiiiniimptlon. He la t(. The base ball team baa company about this Homestead Mulrlaa ' ' I reported Barl A. Kesslor. of P'ort riayard. a wagon sheet wrapped around him REV. disbanded time and toured sicai insiriimenis. J2.S7I; riirnituro, I i low T NOMAS HARWOOD year Junn N Torres ISO Ifa romoa from Sum (Irani county, haa been granted a pen-do- n and Mr. Itrowne. mt li wnnU nni fait for this and the boys will the southwest country as one of the $20,924. stock. $2.1,210. hay, Wktrotis. nariM I $0; Miguel - iiMnili.'. la.. t'Ul latt-i- worked In of a out, In way the old root Iml team. Lust cnmiMiiy's cornet ami mandolin piny blacksmith proper- San toiinty; SantatHbsr I, Ai- flfl month. and this was transported Son tool. $2C; other ton In Mi xli u. BOARD OK BUUAUJSATtON. to uurango ana SeuthAttsnoed Punorals al year's root ball waa a "daley" anil It era, being dlschsrged In Silver Olty ty. $11,673. l.nlau l.aa l'rluilji ian n. placed under a doc Pers'Un and This City. Is February OilBdaliinn Ha.lan.Ka a Vm..' Win I by The board of equalisation lor's care. Mr. hoped Ihsl this year's team will lie Inst for aimearlna abusive eminlv nn lvd hre Thomas lh territorial Danuela drove Mr Rev. good tura Duran. Pinos Wella, 'nsras, iiwii i Khix the Information Uut lertnrday discussed the advisability Right's team on to Durango. Thomas Harwood left laat one. and threatening townrd the manager OQRRILLOS COAL OUTPUT. lao 1 1 for a sout hum Itinerary, A petition Is county; 1 ii m ii formerly of passing a resolution to Increase - i me cox Dumtig-- j lltt where lielns circulated sIkiuI ne reiuaineii in silver citv for a few Tsienns Dorsuten ltodtlta t)ntirelt. em time Mr. left t" will be gone ror Duran. (imsrron. lii.iv.'.l Mt tin- - local akopa, waa badly th" aaweeoed valuation of property In Mr. Klaht had liartlv for several weeks. the city the purpose of getting a mouths, tlllim the position of s What Cosl Mine Imwseter iu neiw. nifu r runlnul Sheridan . : He apent count: Heptemher 7. I'm iiy molten braaa at the Man It les 16 rer cont and outside of cltlea nrlaiianess. but the doctor last Sunday at Peralta tnny man between Uts Vuims mid saloon musician, and when Hants Rltr Haw te toy. Htflria Youna. had little In waa Ro-- Raton. Hill acres Ii, hopa, : per cent, thua nddtag 5, .tope recovery. .1. called down to visit an aged Hants There are at the urea took on a boom a short time ago Mag It t'..lav uutriiiiio, Cal.. where he had almost of his Mrs. W. I waa dlacnvenwl thia m. iU.i H a year ago. hiii.ihk) to of Right W. ok maa. Jose Rafael Mlrabai. He nt time :'ini nomas on tbe list. It is Rio showed up In that camp, when teiaber .lullo lUtrriu IHutuila ISO fx ni.ont the aasoased valuation and N. Right left here about coat veins near rvrrftloo changml to . (he noon eachasl lHsraua la to admlalstwr. pad that the parties with the ntl- - lie bad aa a close friend a woman for acres. Ouadalupe ounty. DbiOon KoioNUM R. U. CHbbeaa territory. Saturday for the sick man's bed tn good coking coal at a depth of 2.1Mb) .'l - side, honing .he fxtra's supper to the aged Chris Hon will tie successful. tfterly of tbls city. Resides a brothel Final Homestead rOntrlee Sstttam-he- r l o ku Iiah annouaved laylag for the hast. feet, says the repe t i f .Ion Sheridan, I. that I an veteran. Mr. Mlravat died Hun 81m Hlnkley. who was In In Kansas City, be acknowledged t Maria Oregorla 0. Mnrtlnw, i hi, September II th'o MCtd Hebrew west itigbt, a he waa familiarly shot the coal mln Insp. . it wit hi permlitrloa or r porting ay :t The Cerrtllos hi widow year. I . night at k o'clock, aged years. leg some time ago. since which time having a brother at Baton Rona of Pedro Martinet. Saata Fe. f, luti ut inataad of 7 a. m., v ): iew It commences on the eve known. one of our mini Mshlu luminous mine In HitnaieH Uimu mii atom-men- avlng a wife and quite a he has In the hospital, .Miss. i;l.S Itlo Arrlha PiimiLv Mnr. I , y f the day t number of been whs down pmiisii, ii by a lay-of- f Un thirteenth. The of pected cllixen. and haa a large cir- south .'f CerrttloH and la by ti :rown up children and a large nnm town shaking hands with his many "Whst did ho my about the consulr owned the tin O'Connor, Raton. 100 acraa. On I lii In-- urti'itav iM'cur Meptemhor 22. cle of friends, who wilt anxlousb Colorado Fuel A iron company. and dUinlatal fot er of grandchildren. He was Mends, who were pleased to him cy to President McRin The fox county. Virginia Ohbmus. Snktilo. tit- W If. Oreer Demlng await more definite tldlngs.)armlng burled see assassinate slope Is In 2.900 fc, t 3 "4 hii'iiml. aad wire of it Peralta Monday at 2:30 p. m. about agalu. He manages to get ley 7 asked the reporter. The vein Is 160 acre. OuadaluiM. ooumIv ' Paiim who were In Santa Ft- - the paat few ton i lustier. feet thick It lirodileml 7fi 2K Ijik' iiI,. It. OallcgOH m Three of his sons-in-law- . all preacher, around with tbe aid of crutches. "lie tieniea aur knowledge of a enn year l..l J. Trujlllo. Colmor aeraa, Col- - !u-la- Iush having btiaineaa before ter and gave employment to 94 ia- front thf lUo creek the o v.'t-- there. Revs. Rsihll Chavex. San splracy to murder tbe president," re men ia iiiuniy. . Itorlal board of equalisation, re Oraln Swept Away by a Mem Fleed. nays. ,ti,,u with the information that the have lago Chaves and R. c. Salassr. From the Optlo. mnrxati Mr, rornoff. "but said he war Coal Dei Isratory Statement ita tries t. Isiiuwi tw turned to their K.ime at Demlhg. On mat 8unday afternoon the Jergn These, The Cerrlllo anlhraelln mix. Septcmliei- - 7. J'.k track in laid to th with the pastor and Mr. Har- Jose (1. Montnno hss an anarchlat and aays that everybody ownml b Margaret B. Coyto. t 'tti.iiliiui aro coming Kllaa (tarda, senior of the sheer ranch, which atl loins th.. o.. wood snd prayer a else would be an the Colorado Kae Iron Raton. Sadie Marty. rtr. other, held a meet opened butcher shop near his real anarchist after rend company Its vein Is Frank UaJosy. In fmni i wry illioctlott and wool buying Arm of HI las Oar Ranch company's property, In Han Ml Ins In ing tne three feet thick John K. Wnter. ,l P. Dontavy, and thf romt guel county, the church. The special ob denre on the west side. literature he baa read tbe pat and it p: .Minced ITIraeh t in inpiiiiv filling up with pt'opl.' la Co. on West Railroad avenue was badly floodod, caus of which was to pray O. K. Benedict, who few years. He also at.741 tons of coal Rats. John Marty, Ida KvefWart, ing for tne waa a printer doniee havlne laat year valued al $20,077; employ- I. Dunn, ns a westbound passenger last night conaiderabb damage to grain and recovery of PrcHlilcnt McKlnley. In this oMtce some years ago, Is now made any kind of a remark referring Amelia laffs. Rva Lackey. J. A. Dan mi. fbb f oiiginevr of th" goes hay. All grain was cut lie ment was given to T2 man for 990 S.n tu iv in tiia prlvat" No. 217 where he to receive a big flock of and shocked nH It waa really touching to hear publisher of tbe News at Ilobart, O me tact mat president McKlnley law Trinidad. Colo, each ltjf aarao iar. ready lo Ih. stacked, but day. - ni t iKh sheep. sll that war the prayer In Spanish or these simple T. would be killed, but there are hair a in northern (v.ifax- JMlfi In.. the cltv last night fot the river was nwept The Anthracite Nn it I. eousi: ll I . neai away by the hearted peonle. If dosen or more iu Bell aad Carl. II. rsch, Santa , 120 i'i-- on an Inspection trip. He Huperlntendent Rosa of the Presb. noon, the president could Prof. J. Alex. Kdwards of the cltlseus of Silver City southeast nt Madrid aiuf'la K v in many places tnc shocked have I D. who heard blm sere each In noiitbern Hxsts Fe ni t"t,,iii m a few day a and Inspect .run miaslou school, opened hi grain heard hem and understood the Washington. ('., school of corre make such nredlctlons the Colorado Fuel Iron comaanv forty-Av- e was swept away and down th county. tv ', ii.iiio on the bridge .chool yesterday with Spanish It would have pleased him apnndence. who has been III with snd are willing lo so testify. He Is I ant , river for a distance Afty Its vein Is feet thick and the slope I ,. i. ('bolai-K- of from to very much. tit ue un or a I in p:irho canyon, whfre then, quite an Increase over open 160 pneumonia at the sanitarium, Is con- fellow, not morn than In 120 feet. It produced 1,612 i yards from the river wela-hln- tons Tbe srlll u- i ut ng day of laat year. The superintend--n- t l.nhs. The Rev. Harwood. with Mr. Bunker, an valescent and will soon Ave feet four Inches, and Risbee rallrtuui haa waahuuts. loss la considerable. be himself last year snd gave employment to 14 long expects to Increase the enroll isted In the funeral service of Miles again. about 110 pounds. He la very faslldl men. sidetracks for the stofSUM of (i",ii, Station a rnr repairer at Pat-sha- ll it is a new mine. ment In a very short time. l yesterday, which was Seraplo Romero Is expected to re- ous as a dresser, smart as a whip and In Its yards in tha western part of tii. liniiiiu Hhopa, had hl anhle badly Cemlng to Albuquerque. The lllock eiial mlm.a I. is .11... Doming. I i larfcely attended. rrom ICansas shows In his conversation i n on Wudncaday by a track Prof. Joh ti P. Owen, who mid aalde turn (ity with k carload that he has aat of Madrid and Is by W. S. Ward, fleld director nt (V 'O of flne horses, which lie will resn snd familiarised himself, owned the f, mi. riiiiinK on It. Another car re school room dutlea and became Inter plnce on on mur i oat company its 2 to iiepartment or mining, will visit Al A Renertsd Killing. the stage Hue of Kugenio Romero and many Important n 'est Ions. He aavs vein is I'iiiki .in.tiano ttlsncros, accidentally .sted In mining aad alao life Insur buauorque feet thick A 300 snd a 200 foot t .. during the Territorial fair A Mr. Smith, Margarlto Itomuro. that be is a subscriber to many pub nreanoa several new inamhort ware H ,i "u Mow in the face from u itice. has returned to the city from and conrer from Bland, arrived slope have been driven. It prod lined of, with the New com on anarchy, i' k liiiitiim r. Rlsuorox I'ennM) I ania, where he haa been lu uerc last night snd he reports that Nathan Jaffa of Roawell baa sent to ncsiion treating bat 2 tOO tons last vnar valiuut ml taSnA- - Inltmtad. had Just re mlssloneri.. 1 . It Important to New the university n owing to his roving I :t. i r.n ii capitalists to "move on" to lust bcfot.1 leaving Bland yeatert!n normal nwelmen of around has failed It employed I 300 W. 8. after navltir Uueti laid reati'ta Mexico (but is men day. Hopewell, vice nriskaniit of .var; New Mexico. good mineral exhibit lx 'he news In Charlex the rhinoceros beetle, ilynaatea tltyus. io get nis man reauiariv." nil ,lli U l.u llv .pilllU. il tliuuib. made nt rant" that Jones Today the Albuquerque astara rtmOmtl. the Territorial fair. 'rmerly of this cltv and Bland, now I'ollerted In Lincoln county. Tbls 's United States Marshal For. who was In Tin- fiuiHti i. Hon of th" new Hi The Wlnslow Mall says: "Miss one aker telegraphed to "Prinsea ef Patches." Saata re oa btuMtaaa. Iao 'ii the saloon business Santn of ihe largest beetles snd has Sheriff Ooodell at Ihl-Mi- . K .Hi. hospital, Alamo-K.'- i Hrewer of Albuquerque, who has been al Rosa In fiavii nf evairtfli.raffMil .M.j..fw bere last night lie sgnaets u.i"in at William C. Itotter. mining nglnecr had he. it shot and killed by his partner. two enormous horm. nrojectliig In wiver city to let no one talk to the in. i t Is now as--n- t engaged to tench the present term of and ImiMxslbio drama It Is pleasant (d Henamr Andrews rrom .'". an of tbe industrial department of the '. N. Wallace. A of pa front. It will shoitly lie exhibited In pusoner and to keen him In close fmUkki i 1 reporter this in mm I'i l(l. Udily in public arrived on No. - chronicle tbe coming of a play snout ten days. nl oh Thurs Atchison, Topeha 8anta Ke railway iet- called ou Mrs. on.' of the wsll In the ronAnemcnt until his preliminary which i i Jones at bar real cne normal. Unit i l 'unday morning last. She a very possesses pbmtv of pure L. W. 911 HsriJj-easter- n n,i autho.iK-i- lu building who went nut to Tecolote yesterday lence on West avenue, Upon bis passage through tbe city hearing. comedy and Jones, tha Paso A ju-- 1. TUcras but plot 1 mm an thi plans ware com pleasant young lady and comes welt ha a which Is not alone conductor, passed IkraMjLh l with Jack bach to look at the i be lady, up to pross utter-(Ki- for Santa Ke, Ogden II. Peltiers, su- natural pi. t.'.i I'm' recommMUded as a teacher." Iu hour this but Is artistically worked out. Alanngordo way etwtion of a building bach copper claim, brought In with had received no newa conArm preme chancellor. Knights of Pythlss, Opera House r'renUtln. Such oa hi from fcH., UK.- i lux ih ! guarantee a play Is "Princess of Patches." Cob... u mioib of the Noa and Umls llfeld, who are now him specimens from eight different ng or denying the report. will be met at the depot by Ave mem Tuesday nlcht a meetlna of the Re which Carrlaoso. Us ana boaa rm Mrtinht . mil I permaai net. of Auxmtv among the extensive sh'ep raisers claims. In all sixty pounds, of In hss been chosen aa the openlag bill Ing hi family, who are at SaRde. wRn wbloh ite hers the civic society tbU city tail Merchants' association was bald ror appearance or K""l" taB thn Advertlaer. 'if central New Mexico. tvtjrr.eJ last sent In to Chicago to hnve assayed. in the persons or T. II. McNnlr, C 2. tne the Ruble Thea- Mr Jones' mother and waa on hU tpcclal to The Cltujea. and after considering various mailers tre company Monday night way Th. raimliigton Hustler says: Th.' night from their ranges lu im ounty He left for HI Paso, from which point IS Herrv, O. 0. Schaefer, M w II. coming In fore back to Carriseto to retgra to KAI.HK R PORT. and the association th This ooasedv dratna la H.&.I..L work f.i' t thut the survuy baa baen com They report plenty of good rains and he goes Into Old Mexico on mining Kaat Vegas, N, I.. Browne, whose combined weight Is oners was u runaing a train out of tsmt Us M.. Sept. 12. house iustlon raised and peals to all clasaee. Original In con place. ji, t..,l noui liuiango to and through line grsss snd stale positively tha. business. l4i Vekaa Record. N. Wallace, who haa sold over half a ton. It's a heavy delega discussed fully from all points, result Juat even numan - J'aiiiiiiiKKin a I per grade. the sheep never were In better con hip Hon. outside of Its rvolrdupols, mg a irucuon. ii is nature. The Wlnslnar Mall aava- on cout O saloon lo Charles Junes, says that too. in unsuimous consluslnn thst The strenath of mire In v., tr. nJuu. Iiim mi lltl m thsn now. Tbe Demlng Headlight says ')" i he prouer rrl..i Sblnaer will leave for Buffalo mil) improvud the chaaecs After was enjoying his usual good health method of nrocednra wanld ship and devotid self ea Mm .n i'i iihIiik lion that It required but N. IS. many delay m. caused wv the xaany when FARMINGTON. be to sacrifice are as ! 'muer i io ISKii IB ex 8tevens has received Informa he left Santa Rosa yestarSay form a stock company and can- iruiy d. picie.1 aa emo- la n Kiiirl.' to a fn-- Hon changes of their agreement made by vas are the baser Mrs Skinner will utt'inoon aecurt that his daughter Mrs. Mabel morning. the cltlsens for sul. rlttlana to tions and frailties of humanity. secoeoi right way from Bug-lan- the Hunt hern Pacific company, the From tha Hustler. l."ir.,t of Hoods to Hlntoe. Helled this morning from o stock, a limit being placed on the Throushout runs a vein of pure "" wi" remain at noiau. lie I'uriuitiKton. and un to Ignited will Hlstiee road has at laat made a connec A The fruit evaporator I drying up number com sav there wilt he an - tbnce fruit for the States and un Marrow ffecape Fraw Drowning. of share that any one Indl edy. whi'-- h leavens the whole ham Inn. I. it of twenty i tlon wllh both the Southern Paclfli over 7.000 pound of fruit par day. vldual aad of president crosses Mts iiitaiii'ti soiue railca .loui.lodly arrive In Albuquerque lu Two men named Relly and Norton could take. Such a propost makes of Princes of after he tha hImi a twi-tit.- t depot site In th' few weeks. The lady has been study and the Santa Ke roads at thia point vvbo left ror Two hundred and one school child tlon If Patches thst slsslppl Ansrchists will acic Santa Ross bound Us consummated would ba a good ideal drama which never tall to boat lhlr ("Vili or I'm; luington. Our pople well Ing muHlc under famous Gorman and the laying of track is now active- voga yesterday morning bad a nar-o- ren have been enrolled In this pre- business ent urn and a more holes aad pull It In after thorn. ly bring puahed. sails please aad is aovwr forgotten whei lnn' n rlKbt to fonl proud of the pro teachers at Iterlln. escape from death while crossing cinct. fsctorv snd equitable arrangemnai The Alamoffordo Mews says.' "ff. - once seen. mid-strea- John Hunt, brother-in-la- f!i. sHvi- plilt displayed by those wbi A short time ago The Clllsm an the Pecos river. Whu In of George than to ask the buslneaa men of the & .7,"ff'- - " sadRor ter the wen. ! i laaaed Ruble Theater Cempany. Compton. who came to Karmlngton community t put Wella-Farm- i aa mo" bucks, but iiounced the departure of rred X. Cot- the current overturned the buggy, and up ih ir signature Mew Mexico Mining SlosH. Banraaa l. nh In proven mat fall for lung trouble, a as, - ri'.ilit have ii 'uselvea to ton for Colorado Mprlngs to take a h This excellent urganlsalion of tmst-e- the struggling men snd horses wore but like n donation enterpr'se which would At the Boston came up the Rl Paso Mtt.kjwi- many others came too late, Sat- mine nxchaage lst in mi most enterprising clUsona xltlon as private operator to W. 0 players, numbering fourteen, will an led down the river. AJter a few died result in maklna some one individual week ninety Ave bara of the Coch!il rm ui ioob sner tnu nusinaas of W. F. 1 i. Mil IS11SIS n urday night at bis residaace on the a present of an opera Powers, Oils t o. night Mrs. Cotton "immenre limited engagement at minutes ir frantic efforts Kelly, who house in r. turti Oold Mining w-- ie traveling auditor for taa lHt mesa, surrounded by family 'ompaay's stock THE THRRITORIAL FAIR. snd left for Colorado Muring Colombo ball on Monday. Septentber could not swim succci ded In reaching his and a for one performance. The q...tion I. 12 ante company in New Mexico, who Is children brother. Sold at from to $6 60 per shai which city lu the future will be th lu. Its popularity baa been earned by the shore, and he turned his attention one that will receive further coaaid Of the Santa Oold now st Rocky Ford. Colo., lookiag ait O. H. Comfort' pi slide snd Copper Mln The Fair Next WetttbAdvertlilng home and headquarters for the Cotton an honest endeavor to give the pnb to his comt anion, who was yet in the schoole r set ration and aa it will ho a strictly Ins company Mock 246 er the shlpplag of melons from that lie sail Tuesdsy morning tor Oallup with business proposition there1 share were place. Car at Santa Fe. family. the best obtalnsble and at a moder "tream. Finally Norton wan rescued is IMtle sold at from $7. 9 to $7.78 per share. ate price of when i 1. .Lad ;,m He (l L. Taylor, family and house room to doubt Albuquerque will soon On i ho nfttx.nth of next month the admission. The repertoire from exhaust Th employe of the Paso A e and frlghi In hold goods aboard. Many were the hsve a flrst opera house, deslr-sbl-y ll nnntml T nltorlal lair will lie opened THE AS8B8SMNT RETURNS. coun!ta of new and come- th meantime the horses rises 0OLUMK. Northeastern at Rl Paso ctiwulatad a dies and by man- hail rca hod the shore con well wishes offered the revereu'1 gen located. In Ain(.erifie, N. M The Hrat of dramas secured tbe with the paper the other moralag tor tha pur- - agement on royalty, one having veysnc and in- - arrived In tleman and his estimable wife ou the tin ni fuii H was held in the autumn Thsy Thus Far Shew a Small Inerease each travelers The attempted Maassiaatloa of taa acquired a phenomenal the city si .i hi u o'clock last night eve of their departure for fur off COUNTY ASIKMMBNT ROLLS. i ( mill Hince then they hare for th Terrltery. iuces in president haa aSMsed tbe nation by the east aad north- - An taanful u.e having escaped where thoy contemplate locat- grow n In Importance and Interest so Tbe relative standing of the coun acting com with their It Infamous darttkg. white all poHtlcal dkm roosaRly a deeoot iMsrtal. a been com- lives. (.as Vogas Record. ing The Showing Mat! Ry aevarat Is uow fair la according to re-- rny ha. secured which is ef tit part lean antagonism Ik merged la one few m tastes about $M that the Albuueriue the ties the assessment petent to give a perfect Pursuant to order, the Aral board of ooawttes. hn-- f In county presentation oouiwern common sentiment of sSdsajiatbm President Rddy. who miiuunI exposition that turns la aa follows. HernMltllo of No expense Lasles town trustees were duly elected last wauX irt with taxnble assessment; them. has been sparec. Maacahe ffntertsln. SIRRRA COUNTY. agslsst the perpetrator of the crime. preps rlag to go up tlw Ihts. paTBssS of the houthweat ta.till.aiu to make scenic and mecbanh al The Udiea of the Maces bees Saturday to aerve until the flrst Mon county Thi- - ekblbila ar chiefly from New Man Miguel county, t3.IOB,772; Orant effects held Rlerra shows an assessment That the populate should ualt In a name dowa for fit. Tt otfigr absolutely comet. Without any s niei ting last night and as was dsv In April next. Two tickets were if 31.SS7.lfll.SS. Mexico and A rlions. They embrace IS.I0S, 127.60; Colfax, S2.7IM02; Chav there Held, (rem which are de- unanlmoiik cry of condemnation is not amounts subscribed raaajed trow St doubt this Is the best popular priced no business to li disposed of In the sad although nuy caadl $&0,60 2 H great variety and they have proved es. Dona Ana. M i6,l7o, the luded etomBtloas. leavlnn s etraage. f rtbn receat atrocity cesu to $l,6,mtt; organisation I ever susslon lasted imt a whorl dste on either ticket would have baeu lo be an oxcellent means o( advertls Rocoiro. IRi); Valencia. $t.ll.-Ilii- . hat has visited this time. Aftet tenable asement of tl.SOOIS a without precldent aad every husxan The Alamogordo Advertiser gpaw: fl.:'2 part - adjourning It waa a credit In the town, the followlN Ke. of the oouniry- soon made apparent Ions of $7r..643 since illOO There are Instinct outraged Fifteen oar of a Uig tram lug the resources of the two terrl Union. ll.x9.Ha: Hants fl the ladles had somethlag Ave received the largest number of la atsfttfo ai la-le- that on the 2,131 acres of agricultural laud in For s Coadnetor Moore torten. There is usually u large at 7:'7u6, Kddy. $1 u67.ok.6. McK votes aad were A. the when flourlahlag. eosjtoatod weal off tha 5aak BAVLISHT ROISXRY. tapis, which aciounted for the bust elected It. IUS county $12,930 Is . h near 12 80 t.'ii.Kuif. ami un ti Mioirlim to meet in (l.lTH.os't; l.iucoln. $1.1 HI. 769; tin George II Browne. valued at and lm nation hrstlng its prosperity mil post st ll ThsraaW ness meeting terminating so speedily. W Danael.i provwmeala d $11 og; night gang n pli flBsni ami convenient way a (liimlalupe. nil. (last year) K M thereon vslu si with holidays snd rejoicing, surh sn The of Metieaas who ar lari fl The Safe ef Jaeeb Kerber & Rob A number of guests were present Pierce. T. J. Arrlnglon 377.101 S essployed in In-- r of pwipl.' living In different Mora. $4l,til'ii. HI. i Arriba $7BI. C. sad 'os of uastoral land valued vent comes with the discord of n oa the asctioa did abt raitsii mi hsa sf A bent the lia.ll waa speedily cleared of ait O at $9,122 iiolag parts of can And no (Hero. tin i last Han $00. Baprovenients thereon thunder bolt to Jar the harmoai of called out at that lata soar to the aouthwist $7lt.l2 ,.'r). lietween 12 lo and 12:46 movable furniture and decoratad ALAMOaORQO. sd lietfer npiMirt unity than that pre Juan $.',ii!i.Tn:i. Taim $m,ti:.k this slier with vsiuea at rrussg; l.ioi city lots val- the fcstlrltbm. dear up the track and refuseM to noon the safe of Jacob Rorber Co. tramers of various colored ribboas. ued at m.m; ramr $260; That work heace It waa necessary aenled i lite Alliutitierquu fair. AccorillnK t Ih xslnn and limss From the toll toad. tbe dastardly attempt was aot lo wave waa robbed of about $390 In gout and arraagsd la such a manaer as to Iml Adverser. 127 mile of taltaamasi. four m is the siaiuj. C'olorailn Iihh been as well rep (he KtattdltiK of the run lit leu h an . mm essful due lo tha Oivtae Direr donllod cars aad boons silver cola aad carraacy, tale an immense spider web. cross Mrs. J II. Uurie aad ttaaajrta-- IrrlgaHon dttchsa, fltfl; roservolr. tor. sad our law sxaker aro loaJas ao lag aatil Friday morning The mm When Mr. Rorber and the bookkeep sections aad all. The aasetabted Mis Olive, who have been oa a visit rsi. ni muea of stshsSHN gauge rail time m weaving a bxaai ab lo stv aad alae cars accompaaled by the M wests were r. Hoy Ball, returned from din placed la the axaae ar to relativea and Meads la Petrols, risn, 3o7. is; aunaoa KstaforstaiinU snsre otaors of th. saate murderoos traia crew cam on In. The trash ww tier they noticed a number of bank rangerocat aad the fun begaa After ('at. ids. returned hoa. of miner $lt.2tS; aet ggastuet ot propaxanda aot osMNjKd up astn Friday aooa. R hecks Kiatlered ou the office floor all had followed the Intricate J Nolan was areas 127.022; Ii i t, winding tad at Cloud mine. saw aad flaaw mill. Ik the supposition that Amerleaa Susae hang' bt the onVbll oriHSl-"allo- In of the . roft by III 1 1 ; anil front of Hie safe Suspicion ribbon web and worked their Constable aa a warrant $t notes aad book $2,-U4- or ih way accounts. snn hlsi raordv their fatal order si Paso NorttwiSsn LEVI &t CO wh si once aroused that shb parson out the mase waa replaced lo worn out b" W W. B. Bracken, steam engines. SM; tim from me rhlef hstcbrv of aaarehy In 'lit go int.. wffscrt the IMS Of ttttS STRAUSS hail called during on card table aad games, i banrtag him with the interval aad other the com Juwplaa a board horse- - 140 mules, 12. 20; Hom but the Hboral laws of this BH'titli ii. A. N. Brown, lately of iiii.HtlKatlng further discovered a imny generally having a good time i.lll He was Aaotf $26 sad costs 21.402 cnttt.S,$421,211; 10.912 shoes. country off greater raaHtceaseaU ant Arksn.H, ctty. Kaaaaa. wftl ussamn ' bifid with tbe handle broken, also Dancing vm alo indulged in aad ou Thursday Count v Superlatond $13,214; Un-- goata. 212.212; 222 ooportunlties to develop their the position of general freight aad i ' Mus ii the door snd one of the cab delicious d ipper ki rved The l4eile' eat Ndgtagtoa sppointci WllUam swlao. $ :"7 burros, Mtt ve- passenger agesI, and of , aot that traf SPRING BOTTOM FASTS disweiH of the safe ml-.- ing, sis of the Ms'tabu are good eatertala Rbba lo 111 the vs am y In the school hicles. Ji'uiit fig aawlag$;asachlac', The most effective mean for lie manager as has boa siisasnaslj that the counter cash drawer had rs aad to attend of their ea hoard of district N.. i isused ay the t2.SM: saddh- - K'lM; sterchaadb thene "iaatruments of dar stated rite position of gesorat saner been op ned and relieved of Its Joyable affairs Is to live la antldpa removal of Ooloai Uwls from o 714; farming impbments. 11.24'. aess' from puiaoaiag the fnuatatas of intendent ami trafll. maeager la ta he hsnsi ti mosey lion of their aext ut . A SStareH tt money. public opinioa wherefrom onr free dished snd A Orate wtll ha pro-iquIi- II U M. i4. the instoM of the aroprtetO' John WaU. cssbier at the Mrat ssksds f.'. tihes. $l,att; hook . people drink, lo protect frotn di tci the .sn i' of gaosatast aad employes to lock aad SSl' all doors u all Moaraa is hare Nattoaal baak. left for a vaeailoa trip Il.ttO; .il4: maalaal Isatrii aster our astff at state Is to fgisist rai manax' T Harry Aleasador, the departments of the rsaosi-tor- y the Paclflc over the I (TVwf Hsf IvjTT '"'f""m I i carriage las Mutual ea ttae of the exieosioa. a mwits, $:m i' u bold furaR'i e, ajMla- -t tha sataoa aaitant n. rai fretaht sad imirwtu '"Wrtil v" sad blacksmith shop the employes' orgaa-Isatlo- n win ha abas two weeks. R. r u-- k i J", tl.t- durlaw scchteat lasuraars about $IT,tt9; shares in L.Mkk . isluuu la Ike rendesvoas gr aawat of tha raadT rstaala la tUa niMin hour snd whi n Messrs. Korber Mrr. Bourne was a former B Thomas will tak" Mr Wystt's place corporations. $ixihhi hsv $14 Imn when in ihelr deadly plots are present iHiaitloa a nasiatnat ta Mr Ke e ' snd Hall ii iniued they found all Santa engineer. st the bank durlnit his l.eii-- Imr, ' i ! . It I - $2"'). nt. nd the uiadd- i.inii iir.twn l( J i R PARAGRAPHS, leaa aaae too amd, aatl the hrtbit of ACCACCIM'C MOUNTED NFANTRY, eyes IH CUflTC The Oldest and Rest.1 a riding man. His were bluish PIMPLES a gray, ills ehla. so far from being And iHlirr trttuttons which mar tha akla 1JJ1JJI 0 JIlUI J Some Reasons luna il BiMi drfiu u norenw nmi ar mrr thn a Mjpiiniit aad an n combination ot ronte SHvar OIlV to Ormiiilt-latafletl- nir potnled. were large nnd Why Yoti Ths Apprwchinf Pir BMnf Wall Bail Ill leelh IlDrNHM VcrHllO 'T. inntsa najranre; they afv a fmeHive dttfttnnit HtouM mh on Hvm of grant curative rxrwrra. projecting, the teeth of a rarnlror. t tha hufltotm HHttaaU ami sovial auc Atlvsrtlstw try Stnt Fa una taken into the tircttUtlon Gtittlo Ontr to Im TrittJ. Providence alone knows through what MiMCtHITION BTgB. ceae-a- of the man EUREKA HARNESS OIL gagithsa oat ami remove nil manner miscarriage In the aeons of evolution (Kb Kill fur-of- they mark Plan nod to the ii. .n.ilil iij nnt nthwf the soul of name Merce nnd f 1, Fair Oflklirt, of fwteoti Imttt Ute Mood, without rr tlllllK'i Ixitlg . 11 Imnl lit- h leu her soft. IMt brawl attack or Immi aystcra. camIvor got into tbe body of thla thi' man . 1,1 It to tbe ONAKT COUNTY DOCTOM OMANtZC. tijiwl, President, ! ( J" tMrcd. tle maa. this boy. thla (lend In tight smoiitr) . Oh Uw aantrarv. the general Malta NATION IHOCI'.. 0. with j out wiiti r boete aad broad bat. Ho died at the 'kin "'id rlmr A Nutted ml. MICF NOTES ABOtn ATTHACTKWfl. bag ina te rmprmc In .01 the ftrat doaa, age of 91. A man for every yea: -I- cowardly attctnp. i an n a ! omiplmton will for H. S. H. is n 't ily n hlcxl parlfter, Hpnclal Correasioadeace ndeed, bad Hilly lived, he might hi ve ! MMlltiMii' 1'ic- idenl M. til it tMuaar to aa gactlU nt tonic ami mraogta grown Annr-oht- bat aWvwr CHy, M. M Bawt fl. -f- to be a bad man n- -i n fffuKl In n it Iarness rllvar BBS Shocked Hi' people of III' Mat. Danaa Crowd, tho Ln excellent twcrrvatle. It Is now a fotaffuga conclusion, raa ami the t nutitutioti g ' O ti' ' ot a - mU City la going tn have mounted la. country. Mine' fnnd 'flure ot you- MfMaa. which waa reached Ih conference wblW mirginK I' bWM nf imparl HIS Net the '.v ' faatrr mmaaHr. vrhttm will ne a nan ORHATBST SPEECH. than tlx Firod to Kill. r ; a( IT Oarfleld have tic ever tmrmi the icaUK-- tta afternoon, that there will be lies. 8. A 8. run all diacnira of n of the New Mexico National Ouard Prealdent McKlnley has never been in in whoac fare iiu Is - icn mmc midway . Ht ii.. . iaiou- - liretaed. ir.terestlaa attractions bkml ri!xin on;- 11. Cttnrcr. S rofula, The matter haa beea talked of in thla known, during all of his extended pule PeBWt bOOB bo deeply stirred. Tie 'he ure le4 farvtee. nnd the secretary la using the wlre. of hi Mobd. into , t hr .tic Horca ami city for some time paal aad tat week lie career, to make a tame, unimpres- tor th president Id Blniot-- l niv A (nt. hi-- kept ffvHi breaking. very at- Rhcurunt to capture some of tha beat I'lcefs, ltc;cmn. pMoriaia Rait when Adjntaat Oeaaral Whltmaa waa sive, unmeaning address, but It la at v. ho The miserable being tractions Krmtnt. I'i'H'Wf tronMra, la town ha raaaagsjd to get a jarnbar least an open quest Inn whether he i.iiii imimMi Oil. Hcrf f"'' of the voaag men lateroated in past the crime unfortunate in ImkI. Aad lor Flnrd Tv Slrtti, wi. in alt The t'ltlsen baa not been Informed nnd ta n infstlliM" t tir- - and the only the has ever In the excited the grest - officially forming of a company. A meeting haa h it very iwaatM I.- when the privileges of the - speech delivered at the killed on thr spot. No pun .mailt nntbtote for 1 1 t liorrlblc diaaasa, trratmaat MaeafMbaiiiltir fair will be put on sale, hat atebly of that been called to itcet In Newcomb'a (position on the day before he was can be mot out to him ! mi Hlanilnril till Vnitirnnr. Cord ngkma tfkintl t'oiaon. w ulm h I deaiirn-- t'me will he given prospective parelv hall on next Wednesday uvealHg, shot by an asasln. It Is as nearly to his cowardly deed. aV,,i the victim aenwa well. aaera to get Into the sain. Taara A record of tH.uly fiftv yaaM af when atena will be taken to perfect a masterpiece of earnest expression, torlranm the t ! The dispatch give hope that the 1 km moat llt he some rat-claa- s privilege aad accc .ful curen in a rccor to ptuad a panaaaeat orgaaiialloa. The meet-ra- t deep thought and clear enunciation f i concessions to offered. rf. R a 8 Is more pc.m Iar todstf will In all probability Ik ad broad, patriotic aa It praaldsBt will reouven The wishes rieauar iwe a chair and seated himself, at tin ba of Anierleanlam I ABMot-late- im.v es- ever. nttmlKta fikmlg by dreaaad by Major Llewellyn, who baa possible conceive. prayers n Mood. T'c Preaa accoaat f name lime temoving his nat aui The newspapers of the territory, than It iu lo aad of a great nation ar t it enrre bewa Invited to be present A paper The address ha in II every line Ir. Pwtca' the dastardly awed to aHaasalaate in hi head in hands. In an in pecially at im Vegaa aad ffaau ra. tha tbotauods Our etc! tered about th had of tha stricken OoMea MatMeal ftant Secretary t'ortelyou and Prowl are to be commended for publishing p.iidx'ttc; N larrr r than ever In tlia haa been circulated among the young the ring of the most lfwaMawl MeRlatoy la aa follows men of the city and quite a number sighted statesmanship, lis ex amative aad all that kill oan do the hloni from tha dent Mllbtirn were at Ms aide. Ilia the announcement of aeeretary Mc liiMorv of t'ie 1.1 lidttc Many wTlta far and bfaad N. Y . ws - have algned their natae a willing presslon of the policy of lite admin ha brought to bear to preserve his akamtaa immiiitle which ana Rafalo. fwat. tt waa a few waistcoat hunledly opined, thn.canna of the Territorial Pair aasorla- to f'.t 1 rc;rt p.- - I R. R R. tlmnk tta organisa- I and cure frimpfea, holla, 4 prnstnaat meanwhile admonishing regarding the advertising car. ' to become members Tbe lutrntlon o clear. o explicit and rf40laa, momenta after o'clock hla after tlon. hn3 dorm trum. otlu . ,ire cck aaa other wnwa nave those shout him to remain calm and What advertises Albuquerque, adver- tion will be known as Company U, so generous Ciat It cannot but tne t iteet noon, McRlnbly waa . AM their cane In impure hloori. white President telling them not to lie atanned. and this kind ing mlvire arxmt their im mounted Infantry, first regiment, X. tbe approval of all men of thought, la receiviag a so I holding a pabRc a In the great tises the whole territory, The note mntivf for mtlMtitutmn lata "flat you are wounded." cried Ms of a motto Is being well observed this letters reerivc pr'uitiit and carcftti M. N. fl. Taa rompaay will im under unbllnded by partisan prejudice Not ) Temple Music Ameri ib in united mate. aartnlt the dealer to itaki he IHtle mora of at the tan secretary. "Let me axamlnt." year by tbe territorial exchaages. attention. Our ph in hivenmde tbe command of Major Vaa Patten. one word In It, from beginning lo end, at gr nind. that the cowardlv attack I lifc-liwtf- f f ! ! lHa-cnic- One of Interesting ca to be by aay l Imagina- Btotit paid by the aale rt meritorloin "No. think not." answered the At a recent meeting of the a atodv. .uidHttin the can. retch of the Tha enterprising business man of upon him w.-- made, with what mi. " I aa-- exec'i tried at the present tetm of dis- BWrihinea He gain. You lave, There- president. am not badly hurt. tlve committee It was voted to give nmi Ixitct ti'ii' r ..nut .iicltr.ica the tion, be ontrued Into anythliia but toar Uttjr a line exhibit time alone can tell , trict court will bo a Intensely au tcuriac fore, accept no Bnhetitute lor "OaMea es Mire you." ao ti.i ih. best decorated float in than the oHiti.i-- 11. tit n.nor who the rase of the the utterance nf man ajr taw Territorial (air. nmroeery " Th? t.reideni was standing la ihc Nevertheless, hi garment were a Campbell Cattle company and profoundly patriotic MiRtkal tbe Kor tbe paat few mnkin a f tt 1 .to American miim, numbering I g trades' arade. sfHii.t'tv ltacw. against a im I have med 'naMen Medirat mermen midst of crowd thotiaand hastily o. icned and thea (tickling i a number of the smaller cat Mr. McKlnley'a of the won m " years there parade have been 'nt r Wc .ttc iimiivt Rn-d- ananiilst acwapapcr of the to mar it miftiU. mt mrnt it write Mr nnd utirrounded by every evidence if stream of 1 rimaon waa eea to wind tlcraen on the Olla river The case derfttl progrea of the nineteenth cen Writ D Nattofl .stlbg feature of fair week aad some I 1 1 MiatntiUn Berny Cttrrnbae good v.111, preastcd by a rootle- - throng way trMi to ntt arose over dispute u aon stripe should ha It (m my tta down hi breast, spread Ing Ita tiering the of the cattle- turv on Ihta. the threshold of tho Mt TrirHiin ! link Ar bolle have been brilliant nnd up date but e II' 1. l cxpre i: liiiui ini y thmogn men whoce ram-h- lay C . appeal Mnnll I hurt rHwW'irm .in Bit and I WihiM of people, showered with the telltale ittaln over the white anrface I back from the twentieth will well hear th" "Ioh. iMl It the Intention of the fair man - aaam. barn thrm i4t tarftlw) wonlit mmr right twrk. idocH of lovo and loyalty. feleged by of the linen and their worst foars were mi 1 .11. tilting dc- river an that they wore com polled If attidy. HI tribute to the cnlcrprim- of were on I itutameaeetl agement to make the parade of tad tkey re wketi twin! to claap hla trade' Ut rtltd iw they did any irrigation to pre I 'OuMta tttrttatl IMwovery wafeli tnofc tare) multitude, all Cr conflrmed. approaching pre sss illlli. i'c run their the of the United Htale hut the fair ontahlae all tii be I 1 In these anr A force of exposition guard were through by an na Without bamboo China would my aad kaecn teen boOwml aaymnr hand. the midst of vions efforts, gad of course It wilt be you t write ur if 'n hin' itny Wi ditence the land owned chronicle events almost soon wall Mgb bvlpiee. Ibe bamboo pro cleanav rottndli: and with the ever.recurrlng soon on the scene .'nd aa etfatt wa trotiMc Vic tiiakv no the Lyons a Campliell people. The they occur, no matter In what part of Dr. Plerea'B niraaaat rVllet done. ot nltn ihara company vhfca tbem with many varieties of fowl, bowalt aad ttlmaiata the ilamjawi plaudit of the army of sightseer made to clear the bu'ldlng. By 'hl wll.ltCVrr lor l1ii- - M'tviiT haa alao brought ult for the world they may hapiien. waa MNMUaetarad Into dry good, JjK ringing the n- of the time the crnah waa terror. Tho nrv-- c W. H Rlnipion. who has charge of damages, as It claims It has quite and certainly most thorough- la in his ear, bi- rwC ant a. lot araceful I the advertising department of tho twin tfCcrw ca an a ravBMare, ships aad houses. it Kin came and In an lntant plea tat or crowded down tve stairway a numlier of cattle in taa ditches by ly deserved. Ill tatenient thai no Ke company, in- j.a r w tire gave way to pain, admiration to from th" galleries, the crowd on the tteata Railroad ha hocomina ttogavd In the mud. A nation can longer be indirr. n nt to fifth lx prinrl struction from General Paaaenger oth-r- Now Beaten 1 governmeat haa, son. aad ril and agony, follv gave wav to fury and floor surged forward towaro t'ie m corporation 115,000; 7" hearing waa recently had by pi a tariffs any sonnds the kcvm.i. of ie fba pal. Mia Hltaaboth llughim. third and Agent Black to see that every station bank and dawka the mat elx eara, bought back pandemonium follow d. trum. while, despite the si'muom ef ton of hay 13.1; 211.000 f "t nf lum- aad defendant In the cam before rent repnhllcnn ptinrlplea, tirousbt to fourth Mlaa tlatberlbe police gaaraa. agent along the Hanta Ke from ti wli- tmmrmm 991,000 grade; Tonight a trgiag. swaying, eager fort of the and the the tout" aad rariK-ntc- Judge Fraak W. Parker, tterfectlon by the triumphal titran.o oriftaal settlers arm Bcrnnd grade. Mlaa U11U Denver to junta, to ber I7R: btackamitb' iauel Of Man. TMa toad waa used original Adam. mnttltude thronga la cttj a main throng without struggled madly to o' iJt theme south b injunction against the defendants of the t'nlted Rtetea Into the n nt Keepera, wa Paso, and from Albuquerque t i tool M7i. ljr tor aheap now, ut is now farmed trat arade. choking the streets In tain admiarion. According to aa approximate cah u from using the ditches until the case ixmltlon of preeminent world' po. 1, W. K. fifth Cal . Is fully provided fir 1 Third Ward Fwatoa. front of the principal nrwraaxpera The president 'a aaaallant In th. Needles. with iifflec of tbe had been tried at tbe present term of and l In aharpeat contraat to tb.- nut 480 lamUtaa. grade principal; Mlaa by poMter advertising lation mde lu the lerrl aad alith and canning the bulletin with analog meantime hail been hnatled tie tbe fair and rail torlal the offlctal asaaaament court. TBe matter baa coaatd row excluslvenes of Mr M Klnb a Jeaafa MctMIIK.. ::.!: . and r.uuth exposition guards o: road rate to and from atatloas, aadttor raud n. Mexico, is a place of la- - even and groaning or rh"er!ng In turn to the rear tin their for Valencia eowatv are eraioe tronaw aad III fceiinc aaaona recent iNilltlcal opponent tlaaialin aradefl, Mlaa Rdlth Nile, aecoad building, where be was held wt :le tec Mr. aimpaoa will also send to the fair rottirns tatwat It each succeeding announcement, a 91 1 atacc test year the cattiemea Involved bcHtde doing BBW. to all American tourist. Ml Ma grade. at building wa maaanyment a post 1,40, aa Incroasa Mexican cougTeae rade; flrt ant are of the meaeage sinks or being cleared, mi nt big bundle of fair fcat thoaa tgures are eoaaMerablc damage to them In not MURDIRBD HIS Wa there that the I It. the wa of t!42.m, WIFE. I'aiWad treaty Fourth Wan! linker fifth ksMma. turned over to ftuperlaloadt'tit era. dnpttratc getting any water througb their tha with the United graleH prtnilpnl. Ml mtovs their Ball to correction as the MMaa by which all of the ter- Ibd xUth and pone headquarter. ur of tho Uuffalo police danarUaaat. The Hanta r"c railway, through (lea da not show th ditches. Put Twa Mullets Into Her Head la till Daiav I'oyn third and fourth Rradra; flown at who took the prisoner to Mo. 13 potlci returns nnd ritory aad of the Rio rounded hv etern-face- laqnlattora 01 eral Paaaenger Agent Black, haa prectneta nor eoaaty. The doctor of RHvar City have or Burled Her In a Shallow aaat aorth Mii'.i Kdyth aerond Kin.le: station nnd afterwanla to police totals for Grave. (Iraadfi ceded to the UulteJ Rtrarltt. lav., Ik n medium sixed man of bead Its rates for fair visitor, aad ganlsed a Oraat Ooaaty Me ileal so- we Ml "i Margaret Newman Bret arude. th' quarter. they cheap, ciety, composed One of the most datar.llv u,.l dtetee. commonplace appearance, with a are much better tbaa atav IMJNA OOUtfTY. of tha phy) Inn of ( ntral- - A. R. Stroup. principal f A soon as the crowd in the Tempb lag ANA thla county. hatnon crime ever committed in thin flted gas' directed on the floor, who at home. Here are the rate from Thy win hold a uieeting section occurred near Tenipouil. the High achonl. MIm Mahal Andor of Music had been disperaeil uffl some of the cities named In Doaa Aaa county for mil show an twice a month, will ore me h! Una firmly together a the clrcu la which the. dis Hit "IftaT MtUUION. won. prtnelpal; Mian KV and clently, the president 'p 18.08.27 from whi n twenty mites north of here, last Hat BNltant i removed iar Thornton, $1.15: Oerrillos, BB4Hiamcnt of cuss profeaalocal for Mr. A. Htunrt of Marshall, Mich.. ten with an aaaumed Indifference tf.M; matters the ben urday, when a Mexican rancher nu t r. Poltrane and Mrn. flllbart War. an automobile ambulance aad taken Hants Ke; Vegas. t itaton ar aabracted tt ao'i of exflr.iptbms efft of the members. Made ftrut i la Bin ye.m '11 the constant stream of qneetlnn aheepherdnr named Oarela. llvlnit it. ,ir hi lahth gradea; Mlaa Kdlth stevi iif to the expedition hospital, where ai $T:i. I os I una Oft cent; Hocorr i leaving tho taxable aasusiiment fi. Clyde Alhea, junion member by bbIi- - of a leimdy which he dl mviiment. objurgation anil adtnonl of tbe Three Rivera, murdered hi Vilf" the and Mlnit rctlBBbeth ithlmer rewntl examination wa made. The bast Magdai- - na. 11.88; San Mardal !iS6,47o, a dieteane since btet year of drug Arm of Wllllama Is Which hi captor ti Aiken. In 11 Bewared. When asked the cause gradeK. rttil Mra O'Conor H'l'ieit-- i 'Ion with seek medical skill a summoned and txao.Pia. The asacctfmcnt return He Induced his wife to ko m , $3.10: laa Cmces. fn.JS; Lake Voile a very low condRlon at the Rhetors' auct-esH- compel to bis In replied: "Adver rtpanlab nu l Induce or him talk. within a Brief period several of Buf Rhow arc In the county 24,-4- ! trip overland with btm in a waicoti librarian. $r..5i; Oemln. 7. Silver Ottv. tMu. that there nospttai. being knocked out with 11 t dally newspapers." In tMMtnl in It waa tnat after the dally program talon known wer re agrlcitltuial laud, lo a They camped out tbe Brnt niiclit . la tie The meetlnga will be held lest practitioner Rl Pao. Tetai fT.fiR; Trinidad, n in of a hemorrhage the other day. but I Im year he spent all bo had the Central building. The Htipei in ;'i the aplendid Temple of Mimic that ui the patient's side of 7.1'iin xieee laat year, valued provlag a potat between Three ni.rn hik! lllehlo. Colo.. flf.Sfi; Hcuver. ft 6.15 urif at the present time i the attempt wa mane - tm- - Temporal and next umrtitiiK Oari t CfMiMO) lor advertising, aad thl tndent'n odlee l. rt the name pleee datardlv The prcxident retalnei) th" full cxi Ttiene Hi.- round rates. at .Un r.4'i a loae of ttS.OOu; with - ingnnu . trip O Ii-:- be will pay 9400.000 to the aews- HI olBi-- hoiim from to S o'r)n''k manned with all th diabolical of his faculties until placed n iiroveni.-ii- t valued at IS, 470. a lo if betag seen procuedltiK on hb. ale Ie Tbe advertising car with Its load of PUAAHT ANH'VtftaARY. m asteera. H uses only the leadlng a. m and from I t h o'ehx--k p. m. ditr lt and nneiiKe of which anarchy or nl tne operating table and mtbi. ted ti iin.oiKi aiiordlog to teat year' oOtc-la- l aloaa, suspicion wa aroue. and fair posters and smaller literature vs.m mnr avwapaponi. and never postora. inn whool day. hlllrin Is capable the would be aa nn. Hthi'tlcH. Dptm the flnt xamlna ti4tirn which however aeem to b" vwatlgatton result. d The trail and In charge Col. The WaaWIng I olroalara or any method. n carried out hla work without a tii n it wa one but of Scott Knlaht In 811,039 of pastoral Tnty tmh Day of Mr. followed from the utertlnx point an othr o ascortaned that will pull out for error; acres hitch, and should hi design fall and lei had taken effect in the rlahht the northern towns landtt, gain of 10.UOO acres, and Mra. P. a, Pratt. Bear the flrnt nlght'a ramp it in s A BIA $HW OCMIMaJ. Tuesday. An article published olm a valued th" president snrvlve onlv to divine breast Just below the nipple, rausln. at 168.!'27. a gain of with The twenty fifth anniversary of made mound was observed ThU w.n PCUTICAU UKAOBR. iv here In by the t, Frnrldcnce can be attrtbttted the ben a comparatively today's Oitlsen. written n ftS,SQ. wedding Mr. (1. dug Into and at a depth of f. A lattar frow Senator Vwat Is pal Rlngllng Brae. Werltl Paeaaaa Circus barmieaa wound. xentleman who good improvement valued at a loss of and Mrs. P. Pratt to "fflcent result. The tooff -I- f-- In "! uaderstaads the J,4t)0; lot waa the hotly of the murdered w.uuan vim Hatred la which, after apoakiaa kindly ether the a and genial man of 1478 city valued at celebrated teat night In a very te KxhlWt Her. The prealdont. though well guardcl tie 11. about (our Inch"- - btlow 1. 1 had dualities of the agreeable A found. Bbe had been nhot to mv, of Mr. Bryaa. whom h aa a the agctr the car. sav $63.60 aad Improvi mcnt thereon val- manner. number of their Itlagllng nro'. faawns combineil hv tlnlted Mate secret nervine rletec ripple, four inches to the lift of of aiivrtiing ued 1tW,25B; 151 miles of telograpn menos garnered borne on one bullet going through tin good apvakrr but a leader, b "Mr. Knight I a eacyclopeilla at at the Hart nit circus, menagerie and hippodrome tlve. wa fnRy exposed 10 t.nck an uavui aim about on a level with it rhole mile of auo Iron xvenne and tnng and another kMlgtiiK in ti, aajra: of infoMiritlon on fair matters, and t M.itt; 13H standard wtebed the worthy lp la a pfcullar aad ran will exhibit In Albnntterque Frldav itteck a occurred. He atood at the I'pon the arrival at the exposition hoi. railroad valued at ISIHI.U45. buildings couple many happy returns of tho day. shoulder. "Laadarar r r Merrod with the dis- Saptemb'-- 37. This will be pleaslnr i'dre of n raised dla upoa which pitai tm second nuiiet woajtd wa kind of 124. Mm, Improvements on n September 6. 197ti. K. O. Tbe justice of the peace at Threa talaat. A bmui may be aa orator, law position which makes It ideaaant to surface Ptalt aad ywr atataamaa, not nrcnaaarlly newx to the pnhllr. for Rlngllng Bi''. tan Ih the great pipe organ at the probe.i. The walls of the ab.tom mines ISk.lsri, saw aad flour mltu Ktiaabetb A. Woods nl were united hi Rivers was notified, but for mimo and bat 11 -- mm to taia t" tho public. The r elrctiH la not only the larget arenlc in ant wide of the magnlllcent Hlrtielure re opened. Imt the ball wa not In fS.300; aotua iiook acowttnts ll.-1.2- ; marriage at Baaton. N. Y raaaoti rafuaod to tu t, a good laadar. Jofffraoa, Van Rnron. tlve commltti e made no mistake In It.i and and their lihieoln McKlnlwy tltutlon In the entire world, but It I" Thronga of people crowded In at th catetl. The Im t'or. waa haatlly closed steam eaglneg l.00i, a.ur.l voyage on the sea of matrimony The murderer haa not yet been ap- aad haw betn the (election ef s m Kniattt haa -- gase upon a n for this im : prehended. Otero County HfwMMt political and matiag run upon such a high moral dIkii i various entrances to their ami after hattv consultatlun it portent dut.. byirsea f40.004; li.'.t mule t2,K&r, been a life of pleasure ami ueefuh Advert!' dM to country, Mr. McKIhImj to win the approbation of every com chief execnilve and perchance to claap decided to remove the patient in M I3.I6C; 8,416 cattle f:)U,U0, a dc reaio ness. Blncu 1999 tbe family has been O this aad way Tbe present xcaon, wtth U nrvor had a sopetlor In that ro muBlly In which It exhibit. A vialt hi hand, and then file their oat muiDurns home mis vtaa doti", an abuml of almost 3,000 h iul . sboep residents of Albuquerque and aaav WILL HAVG CXHIBITS. good-nature- d .1 ramo. good cropa, lard." of Rlngl'nK nro'. cirru I alwayr. In a mob that evcrv mln automobile ambulance being for aat fat stock and flSJft. aa liureno of (M bead; Iter their Mends by thousand. They gala i1mv, without any of the unptoa ute swelled and multiplied at tb the purpoae. newer itmn n:i. gool prices for every 1.727 goat tiS.riL'i;. un Increaaa of I .too have been bleeaed with an Int. Otere County Will Make a Showing at ; roattef N Ingreen At 3 a. ra. thing. hi urey pat tha m or ant featur-- which the public JimIv imtnt f nnd egreaa to the the following uiletin raters head; rr4 awlne 91.104: 80 burro family children that are par-ent- Albuquerque. WHAT ADVaftTlhlNG DOBS. was raacnmtn an i people awneraRy with many other building. lamieri: "rTeslifenl ewatliiiieH t la 1178; 714 vehicles 911.000; sewing pride. Mr. and Mra. - ,i K la oplakxt or (Iroeery aasorwtes trareliiiK Sit Pratt are Otero county will not i.- unr. tha the picture nv The president wa in a ehe-rfu- l cut well, tetnperatun . 101.0. pulse better humor than for aaveraf year machine S3.K1A; saddle 98,S:i; mer- to tie congratulated upon tb !r exblbltlon. The of the 1 atlvor at tbe coming WofM that advertlelug la new, dace 110, respiration. paat. an tin so facts, coupled with sentd Territoiml ruir Klng'.lng brothcrn. which eonatltnti mood and waa enjoving to tho full the U: tb chandise 9&r..3iKi, capital In manufac- wedding nnnlveraary under mont hap- at Albuquerque. Through the tit. It tatta the people of the exUteaca of i ts.-074- py I . the trademark of the big how. when hearty evidence of good will which "O nidrrnaiion mai ina iair aasociatlo-- tured 924i; farming impllment : auaplcea. Hiring tbe act-in- n prise of A J. King aatoa daeirable arth le and from whom wilt again give hor racing and exhl of the mpr... seen in the press or upon the wall everywhere met hi gate. Upon hi THE AS8A8SIN KNOWN, fixtures in stores and saloons a pokeman for thoee preat. ment company, a splendid . f aad what prlre nald artlnu may be hitton of n sinurceg Mr Kidney " is an absolute guarantee even M.'ht atoo'l fohnO Mllburn of Buffalo another trio' ;.:.. money i,UM; bond Houghton, in a pleaaant . Aa proper place that ought to together 9!; the fruits aad other prndm u .f ti obtained. new the promise p""ddi nt of the expo! H the brln at the ful. watch. H I1.6SC; bonk 99.61.1; Jewelry speech, presented the couplo Im made In advance of the giera te Immi Geldman with a county will be made a a (or ailvertUlni; in the newspaper, nxt month a tremendous crowd from - a hlbltton will be faithfully kent 'I'm. ehattlna with the prealdent and Tribe af Danaeraus Anarohlitc. ITSii, gold aad stiver plate II 5n; mual- handaome silver pudding ilth aa a tlon of tbe poaalbllltlcH ,,f n,i.-tio- n aad it 1 to the nuwapaper peopb aiii all tw r the southwest country. that Introducing to special person U'l ai iastrtimente 94,091 ; 92't, token of thei esteem. I tnat the perform aace will be the hi him of Buffalo. N. V. Sept. ti - Tha police i furniture In the way of agrli nitui, an tank for It. While advertising docv ever; im coma the horse racing, 4 Hotute perfection of aronlc imtertnln note who approached. I'pon the have learned jo; share in baaka and corporation Tbe following friends were pnwnt: horticulture. Visitors to tb- - f v. I Ml orwate need, it doea often make that the real name of the i.ihmjv tournament the Indtan Rev. ile mont. Rlngllng Uroa. are never eon prealdont's left stood M. Cortelyou the would-b- e aasaaalu la l."oti f'xol ITSn. wool 90d: lumber 91,su; aad Mra. C. A. Bunker, Mr. open their eyes In surprise in n lb rteon) aware of their need. Th deare, the tase iiall game and tb.' and Mrs M. tent to rest tame upon the hl private secretary, goss. He was lwrn In biuiksmlths' and carpeatera' tools Houghton. Mr and Mrs. see the MUnptes of produi - ( tb 1 nwwa which call to an art I their lJttrolt and dtsplBy of leHotircea Navajo H. H. attention of past t It waa shortly after I p. m. when came and 9at; other property 2,99; 901 hlvoa Ives. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mc- county In n cla also makoti the tha achievement the nnd hl here from Clevemml. He baa oiaBKetH win pinv" intorcMUng offered compM'i. v.itli under renllie Im from among throng which signed a aad In of hoiiej be- - 11 J0J. Donald Mr and Mrs. R, V. Bliort. Mr. those he want II. in'f exhibition bigger anil the stir confemiion covering ix Mtructtvc In ev..r particular. from other part of tii, t.ut grander than ever befor- - the prertdentutl partv a me tmgaa of foolaiap and O aad Mr. J. W. Anderson. Prof, aad tory. m . There tin which stat an x aln-ad- - Mrs. M. K. HIekey. Mr. Mrs. Wee-le- y . more'' rider, more acrobat Hum alxed man of ordinary appear that he la an anarchist and that be A haa bean offloiall- an Baylor Shannon, ex sheriff of aad J. C. Dunn ban Iihh hkhk"'! mi nior Foster, Mr. clowriM nnd more clever pectattl" of ince and dressed In black, approached became an embu. iamb member nounceii, tbe baaa ball games will ba fIrani county, paaaad np the n ml for and Mm Thomas getting together the exhibit uud limt Hughes, Mr. Mm. H H - Commiaalouer deneral Hennaaa' every dnacrlptioa than ever hofure to greet the prealdent. Both Beerc that boily through the Influence of Played by professional teams and If .Hants Fe thla Btorniag. where he goes aad Oraat. visited many portloo of n.t- gilt-eoga- Mr. Mrs. W. H. aaaaal report, which baa juet baaa and the three Haga, double tar" Cortelymi and "ronident Mflburn Rmma tloldman. whose writlmxs h in y n't put up d piaytng R n iiusl aad Jenne. Mr. aad already In quasi of fruit ami ,, taae Mrs. John Muna, Mr Mrs o ahow that the amount dt land aerial spaees and huge noticed that the man a hand waa had read nnd whose lectures he had win ne no rami 01 ta prealdent sec-letar- and Kin tables, securlag some paitii uium im,. fourthmlle Mrs. Praak Kinder wilt leave this man. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. dtopoaed of aa homeHteadN exceeds all racing track are fairly alive with dl "wnihed In a bandage or a handkc listened to. He denies havlna an and executive committee of th evening for la., Holman. apcciawaa from Tuhtroan. I.a t.u m, 1 s riarkavtlle. wbara aba figure for many preeeedlng chief, report hyatander t-- fair. Hffort Three . ai verting performances of a haract- -i of th .llffer confederal and says be decided on have been made by let goes to visit a few weeks wtta her o Rivera Those wno but. m The land diapoaals amounted to 1.1 never before wen with an arenlc as to which hand. He worked hin wt' tne act three days ago and bought th tern and by iiemonal reprusontatlon, age.) mother. VALRNCIA COUNTY COURT. doubt of tbe saltabilfty of thl- - Hiiwit.i acre for luoi. aa agalnat amldht Ktrnam of people up ! revidvir with which the wa 10 secure Mime or and soil to tbe growth of ti iit STJf7 blidtion. The world has never neon th" deed the heat ball nlav Kobcrt Kubna, worthy naafJaye of ant S.1M.413 the previous year, the in the edge of the dais until he wa with committed In BnffBlo. He has seven era In the National league, aad tney a Jaeebo Perse Aawuitted of Murtter nut of a enjl tropic rbarai t.-- r xh ,u anything to compare with Riagtia tn- i'ir NBuoaai rjawt. aaa gone to eraanii being ovr i.oon.noo acro. tweaty-elepban- 1 two feet the president brothers and sisters In Cleveland, an. nave agreen to come. OlUaan la Otfeer Uhc a glimpse of the flg nn ,ilm..i. H uroa . wonderrul t :. t if Taa lib ago. where be WW eajoy a two Csa Court Next Monday. Tbaro were nearly 10. 000 more bome-aica- President McKlnley Iiowed the Cleveland directory in receipt of a Ray-nio- r taken Inmi trees at Tulai.-- n Mr the liekhart elephant comedian smiled. has lb" letter from Fred wi . vacation. At tbe Valeoolk county t m of tbe oBtrle yoar or acknowleilgiag k' Dunn will go . t- rerortHl lat than ataty-oa- e nnd extendeit his baud In that spirit of named about that number living on marked copy of Irwlbe mount m lav onrten horse act n. I district court several case were tried daring the prevloua year, an Oeorge A. Oamidtelri. who now on to i aad the one of great f trenlallty which the American people nuanicr sireei and AcRiand avenue anirie putnisntKi in Tbe Cltlx-- prior adjournment aecure additions to the xlubit acraagv these trained tinimnl an n the road for a St. !oul hardware lo taken Friday limjuatoart amount to over lures would be Hiifftclent to cm, so well know, when suddenly the wnicn join. some tbem are the tettirn of the junior member afternoon Advertiser. IJHtitpO rrom a a hriuae, has returned a mora aer than for any one nh-- sharp crack of a revolver rang out uutcners and others arc employed in himinc trip to Chicago, aatl after ttcccsi yamr atauaction upon a ti m nt ful trip out of town. In the caae of the territory vs. Ja- aface the pasagr of the home mid-ai- uinerent iraues. He is now ne state iHtMuveiv Wad daring d performer, th. ni isi loed and clear above the hum of detained that he with cobo Per aad LeaflM Oarwkt, VOLUNTDBR FIREMEN. ataad art la 1MI. shuffling n at police headquarters pending the den, tii ceii. ii.utiw.dl and Chance, William Noedcl Bornalill.i irrsceful of lady aad gentlemen i t voices. he of myriad of of of has chargoil with murder, a v. i.iii t of ac- up result of the president's Iniiirlm tne mirage, :idi Powell, Kruger r turned home attending A Including Amelia rVealey. the t feet and the vibrated waves of and after court quittal waa readered by Circular Issued by th Local Com. (treat. Ciolgoax does not app-a- r In Mcuann of the Ht. Louis ui wan a Inxtructloas IMIMVIMINTt IN TSLIQRAPHY oqin Ktriennc ever pro plauxe that ever and anon nwept here the letift team, will be l.unaa, waere he witness of the court. Tbe accused m n were mltte on Arrangement. the world baa over degree uttrany or pen tent fur hi on hand to represent thn Albuquerque in the jacobo Perea marder cose atogse eighteen n new diifed 4nd Mmc Noble, the moat fin aad there the aaaembtage. ic represented by Attorney o N Mar-ro- To the Firemen of New Mevn month ulnce waa lion. Hv say he wa Induced by bin lirown. Mctlniiii graduated from tln et I I There Instantly almost a com the .dm. R. K. IxHMheimaa, wife of Dep system of telegraphy waa introduce noeii of all menage rider; and the 10 Hhelliyvlll' Ky lag: aiieniion Kmin tloldman' lecturca club, aad I n 1 plete silence treetdont Mclflnley that the uty united mates leather-ma- An M , lie-- i la Hungary, by niemiH ot which, it mimt astonishingly expert acrobats ami writiugM be Is Marabal IndlcUnent waa returned agalaat 1M Vegas, N. Bcptemb. i j to decide that tha pre called '"Old Kentucky." a antd, . an lx- - and KymnaMta, gathered stood stock Htlll. with a look of hed ha joined her husband at Ran-t- or Oriego from Maaaano. T1ia annual nf that iur trunvmlt from the taney. nt form of government In Ibis coun n ur uBBemaa ne nas row equaia. who convention the na tad and dellven d In a printed principal Europe armot bewilderment, on hi whore he is attending court was tried aad found guilty or bUton of volunteer ii ! . form at circuses of and try is all wrong and be thought th granuatctl rrom tBe Albuauur assault nreiii. uill face Then he retreated a tep, while itarmer and battery om person I -- aatoBlahlag ran of Humki wordH mclally imported for Rlnghng Br.m. bot way to end It waa by kllllaa th iue Browns a few years Attorney Springer of Cot fax count v, the of aa held In a Voga. k. M.. I a pailor liegan to steal over hla fee after Secre. boy waa aw hoar, which certaluly faater than clretia. unite In a program of nrenb president. He no 1. tary who was down In aoaMtam New Mex- and aaataace'd te tha Baptember U, ltot. Th- - f..ii..ttln shows signs of In McCanna aud Bcott Kniai I ture. The multitude only full f . law? ctmra dc spoken or road by a sin excellence atieh an bo other ein uH nartlallv Ih v..rv ico on some legal baarae naaaed un limit of four moatbs iu jail aad synopsis what may be .( i hat-pene- sanity, but reticent about trum ma I aware tha nomethtng serions had i.iiu aiamoaa neid, aad he g Aaed fio. program: gle peraob. The proeea said to be tnanagement baa ever offered the mum I the road homeward bound this morn-la- a Monday vvnuim .' i' paused in surprise, or ni career. Whlie anknowl considered today one of tbe best A an ingenlntiK combination of the tel American pontic An Innovation in while neck edging Hhortatopa number of Indiotmente wer ra. in connect)'..i with tbe KniKbt i.f 1 himself an anarchist, ha doe and third baae players j 1 were craned and all eyes were turned la turned by tbe grand jury, M thtaa lodge Ht gtmpii. telephone nnd a photograpbl trod iced by this great show this year not state what branch or orgaotsu stetionai league. T P. Home, representing the whloh to all visitor tin t n 1 aa one to the rostrum where great still In I I aaparatua. The aygtem Is now said t" an entirely new system of nroOd the Hon he belong to. O Wrought Iron Range company, with session no at the Montnsuma htHi TIuk vi be In operation ftom Budam1! to Ing for the comfort of patrons. trngeny waa being enacted. Then headquartere The court tried the case f Rol ba the real thing. Tuesday iewitoj The O Hon. Bmlliano Hutierrea h at Daaver. la In the city Bio. k Plttme, a distance of 37A mllea, and '. number of ticket office have in came commotion. Three men threw rarei. ut v. Patrlrloo Oarela . Plaintiff tbe ptocea of Interest of II." lt ai, 1 been Weal Items. d notice from the City misineas conaaotod wtta the abov give entire satlafaf tion. Uermaay 1 creased, several new entr wea have thesaeehrea forward as with one Im Oklahoma ompaay. claimed some 900 on account of note the Oalllna canyon. Tinieliiy t vitt pulse sprang I or paat few College or l.uw that open to laatalt a line Iterlln to CVtl been added, in to and toward the would he the woelu A. J. Craw he haa beea elert ( and account and defendant Ing grand complimentary ball i- fnm order handle the nas ed a coIIok' apiHdnter 'hart.. Uiier and family of B'.lver pleaded into and the 'reach Kovernment bat rrowda more expeditiously a isassln. Two of them wore United ford been picking un aaana in for this county an offset on account of a nception at the Montesutna Imt. I and drea wool, and la duly Clt , who enjoyed the summer months beep under Ing and toilet rooms, Rtaten wee ret service men. who were until he has accumulated and authorised to appoint one contract, amouatinir t avan neanay, io a. m, buHlne hi khi.ih, h.I cinideratioa. with Mite at i my n tbe Pacific r. on the lookout waa tored in this city over 300.000 oouiuIk wutiig man and one yoaag wo toast, have returnel. waa - and whose duty it juagmeni renoered 'iress of welcome by Oeorx- tendants and lavatories, have been man from county going south to thetr Oraat county la defendattt's r Mom 1 guard it nut He stated this thla daalrona nt provided. This a to mil Jut snob a calamity mornlna that on next ri cow major, and response by J. I. Vim i TMt tCHOOUt. denartmtiT as Monday be would big studying law either with a home laat fteturdar alabt At adjournment fHlttlC gteatly appreciated by the pn- - had here befallen. transfer thla view to the cam. of mine 'doll, president of the a iaiiu H.n 01 practicing the lirofeaaloe. oe In Ixiulse WutHton. who Plrem-n- ilc A superb menajseria. lacludlng Men Hhottted and fought; women aata wool ut the Albaanarquc Mts haa YrilT v: r,,p,B,,n Phaveu. unit forita Ke ; 2 pm."H n. . Bcourtng Milts, tbem to a career, liarge of CoaaragaUoaal 4.000 I .... Iiiisrsaaiaa Infarmatlatt Neaartling the living giraffe, and a moat exciting creamed and children cried. Home of where It will bo aoour bualneas or aa h part ibe uburob aad Interest on account nf ion. elet iion nt .,M....r. of a re- - i PMbtia aeheet af Thja City. those nearest the doors fled from the ed and put in condition for shipment liberal education, to a free law mission schiMil In this city, baa fromlsory note signed by I fendant. Joitrnmeat nrholarahlp In tbe above college Any lurneu rrom tier vacation among east alleaes in. .M.t A All aaaeath. eighth ninth and tenth apoH aad racing content of im- odlace In fear of a stampede vfhlle in ior eaaiern maraeu. that n rallrued m.. ,.t nnu un.i .... grade puplhi will h.tndred of others from the outalrte While in the city Thurday. one desiring to take advantage of this m relatives and Meeds. tlM) haa bean granted k. to the Central perial Rome are Importaat Incidents John I 2"?: " being from all paitH ..f tii. ktruggleil llecker of Helen opportunity to aectire an i n-- w blindly forward In the effort sold to the Raourlng education The Vegas Reounl savs. "Iflaa weaa over unt next including TTialdaii. Colo of the great show, while the all should addtesa Mr. (Initereaa. las """J"". ami Tb olghth grade pupils Booth of free street parade which tnauguriita to penvtrate the crowded building and niiiB au.iKiu pouri'iH or wool, gag rtoar tiila Blanche Mtoner returaod home tela a.1 caao. 'I'exaa. aood from the ititi i,. Clold nue, m ive mystcri enwau Brothers th- - day, city. aneriKHin rrom Albuquer- the 91 at. avt lmth aide of the elrcim day Is the moat Korgemialt r.'-p- tti" of the excitement other sold btr trip to traaba. win ao u Mlaa OoMrane. and ndent gratultouH display and pnulc which every moment grew i ine mm in, '"hi pound. que, where be bad been visiting her LRTTBB LIST. The flremau aad cltlxenn of t.u, i'ut i " thaaw aoftti Uold avenue will go lv n In nm land or age. worse and swelled within the congest MesMea these xtenMlve cllaa, the AaaiaaMBNT RBTURNa. father for the past month Vega extend a cordial Imitation in mm nave pun . ed Interior of the edifice. Inside OR a hosed maller aatfait, It Im understood that H. f) Hallatk. Koltowtog Is a Hat af letterr t umala firemen und friends to vllt tb. itv ,.t, thoaa seventh arade pupllH liv slightly tain. I data waa enacted with and will he kept running for many All the Returns Bstaeat frem Pmur for years in the furniture bte uaoallod for la the poto at this time. The smoker gU'tt INDIAN SCHOOL NOT Kg, now aad atetlou tag amtth of Oold avenue will go to In those few feverish moment a luoiiinu irom on. Counties Hav Been Raaalvasl. cry business on Oold avenue, la here AlbUHuerque, New Mexico, for tbn will be the "r.-n- l thlnpr MM week Stevens The rel of the aevoatb ttrticidv ho dramatic in character and O W. O. on a visit, coming iu from his Call for ending Kept, mbcr 7. Coll. The ball which will be gu. u m in. Will go MIk Mia lknnlwn. one of the axatron In II Terrltotlal Auditor aavswat to abiater. It amy be Intoaslty that few who looked on ov. i nla home Maturdav Montexuma hotel will be on .un of of the local government Indian achoot noar ox oRtvaft. nas ree.'iM-.- me aaaeasmeot dun - morning. un. tb. naeeaaary to make some cjiaacea In It will ever be abb to give n aucclrnt W. iaiim' beat floor In tbe west and m be fill returned Thurday alghl !) eaten ft mi all the cottatlcs of the ter H. flni i, manager of the vitl aJu HlaJKlll!.. b W. Mi thvae grade aftar aebool bagla. from of what renllt did H Drevs Overland tram m- Kilswoiib excellent opportunity to m e Mi ml but Bance bringing mi mint tranaplre. Wleeanata la ritory c pt those of McKlnlev. (liia.l- - rla land and Cattle 1 onipau of -' ttu A the H with bar six Navajo atti-nde- Luna fM!. la tha beat dlvtakm that can be rvven 1 nose wno preal- - rvawaas forty Year county, , raww tmrcla Jiumi. iow City' fair women aud mm Indian children for the school here taa ovr Aaa. alupe ot. ro and Rocorro coaatlos. accompanied by hi Wv hrate maia at araaent. tent came out or it wtta ( ten.MiCm at tbelr lMHt. The acenery l Mlas Steele from Inlay City. Mi h blanched John K MaaUII. manager 0 Ua Be The UHHeasment return of Union paaaed through the it) gat unlay Mny. Mm.. .. nriiuh abwh of the four ward bwtdlag face, trnmldlng limbs aad lieailng njiaggii w. ... thl city rival iti best anvwhero I i ha arrived and la new klade.-i.-i- i unity Collection Agency, oiinty received which show a morning from Darning for H:ate Pe mm wilt hare the ata The tha hearts, sajna. UiaaiHa TravnteiHl. Mi. m the Rocky i am trad. whin their brates throbbed met by a f'ltlaen rcpreaswiauve otai anxeHament of t1.Ht.4tS. nxemet- - lame A. Mahoaoy, mountain and Ibe chhi ten learner at the acbool, she taking tint big hard aaaebvi. MIm lofu j terrHorr far the Wrat ward Ilea east of "ti psm-ent;.'- !' eat of access, in place Mlaa with a tumult coaMoUas emotlotiM n train miir tbai arty Ion aiuoiiiitlng to Mt.tlOO. leavtne a v. mi.- Deming, connection with thw or om taacaa ave- - the of Nolaad, lranfened m.i.hant of passed ll"3ffTLMaWf U8T meeung aad north nf oii.i which could mil be ctarllod Into a In the other )ev. and an liMH.-Kn- Of XI tbe grand lodge of tb" uaa. the lhoenlx Arlioaa. Indian school after Inlrodue uixann XBB.tSB. or t' "nub the city this mornlnu on lil Aleasadsi, Jmn Aiaaua. Knight rid narrative if the event a th. y Hon aad the presentation cards, fi,i;7 or 1, Kg year. I'eni H: of Pythias will lie held. Tie StM-oa- n Mis Hayae one of than laat Tbe to Uuffalo where will AtaTlo, i of the Indlaa be attend i.r! - the ward xntwn really traaaplred. Alboaaer-Mile- . yni ui. MoateauBM hotel, unt of tin- flm-.- t NcbtMit tearhm dctalnail at h r Mr Raatall said: "PYom aiimmarv of the return In detail Is tb Pan American oipoaltion for gov. tmfiii A)CX"d-r- l.i;.ii itn and oaat of the tracks, Out of the mult II 11. 1, a hi. h wit N. M. Why, I know Q. at. fnllowa: ii V ince hoattdries lot ween Chicago uud ti,. Base , ' Hot. Pa.toral land eral c in f week. Before Ajfvjlwo - home Omaha. on account . IN.ttl returning to New (Trlli- Pat-it- ward eoatalaa that terrl-tor- Nb neaaad or bore part In nil I f. Bin-- Ubeo. .Miaat ba granted a pc. i scene of Ross of your town. wax a kid valued at l.'.'T 'ail with Imimiea. Mexico will n. lylaar aleknes Hhe I'xpeet to be able . laaat bo aUn other eat-e- tfr.m tiui.ii woat of the track and turmoil and tnrbul. n. th. re waa 40 i " rate of 99 par day for the return to her duties bare alunit the but odd year ago. nnd .ivn tha ox rnnit thereon valued at telMtt aa cltioa. . kmMswtUo biivub! ii miioih. Booth of aakt avenue. one toted which m.-- to fJov In11.11 raill n Yery truly your. last of the month. retain Its team that took a nereaa tlia of abnost I' acre hut Tomorrow ur. aim .AM of n.ild . 1 Roderick aatth aveaae and west afBeBWtam. one t,.u.,i which raaMdaed oouatry Irom Wln.mln t. lwfwatm, a ii. ci in the valuation IM.OoO. Htover. (jdtTpari i Tbe OaexmRte on Arraug. tnt ut Ueioag Rnperlnteadent Oorttns state that of aaa of Oovrraor Mra. H a. , Momuajo ofgtba trawka to the fourth a&ajhy. an-- 'vi ulmh gated with un Kaa. I know th very wwlt, improvements aad Htov. r, CHAR LRU BCHI.OTT, the Kchool oaeaad last Mondav wltJh 'be of over wftl - anwbing oirnn nd JTlif ' leave for the east, when- be will 1J4 scholar from Ibe various vlllaaaa oaa voloe and know, during th r ring llisea ui" which tookM like a mistake eater the H?aai.hl? b (t) Chalrmaii. watch tehiiii.-- it4 1 Columbia UBIvimily mid w in i ri.n tenor aad of Kaaaas fionti. r iif in wga aon-alder- la th. filial compilation of last nerMi LUUWItl WM ILKKLI). v ih one " "" elco and Artsona. twaaty m ' take a raurn la eteetriral euglner rhm of not . . aBHea because ih.. mort critical Jaaatara. one of th" ajwtf 1 year ' town Iota $14. m retarv. ( Mti fonr more than the estimated caaaetty I". "rirtr valued at Ing. la- - ike crowd Mtlon of i itrlmary Thev Mi -- I Roderick haa aaland iiutt a -- l. the mind aad batel aaa ngbi'TK oi that ti.te Mtid aaa&l ha 141. a. luiiirovemeate thareon vni- - graues. of the eehor.1 The sanerliatBasVnt vole. al reputation aa a Bret-da- s .dw tri-da- .( ft i.icnt McKlnley. made ii " f ih" bent o! Ib-- r Bgwstaff ed ai t k :7 aa laaraaa of almost rViWw aeneeir Qpned. Mhf'ibi Hi in state that im pupiia. not aa 11 Isrenti notii narlliu Wh. the iu nidi nt wa shot be (ell for lie uiii' ii In I aaa !ti,oi... . Taa aahllc sehooU of the city larl - !U(i Leg tnatan canon n. tmt was trtaa o aanw catire Ksasa ntii of telegraph val ha imtiti will - into tin atniH of IMeeilve Oaary hIhii iiMii will acquaint' d with twa d at V. k 1 m of ' The two Rllver (!lty editors aad nub-- ' nitii I i atMjali thla morning with about J.oou 1. iU thaaaaclve off a aeb. ware raf un d mites Btendar.i VV. after riiptember s whom he coolv asked "Aw I aaat?" Mhuqm edttora- - W H aage rat 1. a. b r. B. Walton of the lade--inten- t SBtliTiiRfi' IT'll scansars la attendance. At tbe (An- ' Barka valued at 41,tr,ii, ii H m .in ptipllx a4mlsaka. T. ". argxi vhn e (lar unbtittomd the areaMoat'i Hid Thomas Hugaa having met both railraail inni.imitu etc.. - aad A Buah of the Mater-i"i- Watte. lay. tral acbool there were about a doxen to attim P !'M( HI hoolH to w through aiatelara Hr4 nletrunt and ecng Mooa. replle.t 'ii. genttesaea at thei, aad coup., us t;i. ; pacd the ciiv this (or Uw morn than aoata aud llin II H D. gad Wtta, merchant I leaiMetlve 7i adttaf above numed aater the a, f'M Barker I aie ui 'iilng cxwld 'IllM M,, von Mr -- im for Ke, hot be irt feiir are. lreliet I'nii im homes twent o.t.i team ago nmi. ;t iV; RnttU where tbay will tetters wtU accommodated. tuniity nnd I I of leleta, were on a ffatt to the I" saaji c,l ii.l i.uit, The would aasaaia trod throuaii ' ' former at UaWenwnith nnd ibe !; Ht' Ibe media of tbe territorial and -- !. dai ., Ittw year. last latarday. a U...U I ,.f ' handkenbief arfchra eonrealed tie at Marysvitie Khi,-- u. Tell 1.471 goat f vr.x n; ,wtSmo uuallxation and do palltieal H W IIOPKINB naomptlsn Threatened. The aaalvtiiiii 10 1 v.111 Mrs. R W. m k on eng . ttacbvr te Darts aad mother are waKin Iketeettve IfWtaad wa. otih ''m that John Bjastali ah,, the, Ut burros ft!M. v, hick U4.IN; the aide. Poatatastar. r. r, 213 Maple afreet t'ha.i HH tallows: la city Vega on a '; IMllgn. IlltnoU. "1 the froa vlit two feet away kaa Mte sboti ' team for (lav Ho. IM sewing mm blue t.-- st Attorney write. wah Iriiub. ! r I relative- - la saddles lleorge W. Job II. tea and Ward to aad friend immgMMitv jam pi a ' WMm 1 M,l7T led with a cough l'r Mutt. nrt ""si ii.. 'M la atoag p "ti . 11 in men band t7'i ii teeakliia wife v.h.( . Appaaraac. baiklng for u year ' the tMt; mil on sumbici' vtslt i i I I UlH'li rmd It.' . hltu 1 uud tbougbt Mla Ktiaabetb f!harbwi HoaaaM ha turned th asala aaa) fatcbd . - bad cuuaumptton. ( ' h from la 'In. mo iinpiimiuia luim. in their oh; hoim. r"rom Kvetybudy's Will'-- ' aeon i- - gre t tores at Boonevltle, Mo., and, Maaatlui- grei-- t Mls Kue Lead, R. II, and iHI urobablv roasalu ind salooaa um.h.-- tried a many reined Ioh and wa and 9r. ,... n t pr.-xe- Hii mum r th- 94.49: ...i luim tun io iwratto io Near the of pat Oder th- - - abirti aui ' i"b arades; here ladennH Iv li riport ead th" Aft. the Ifiat abaek - H. T. ta- -t Mm ,, b k - I home ar rare of physician se.-- aVafh left watches aad pleatvd li 1 IT ' ' 1. ni,,t f trt. th. mu " fiieri.1i. I I Miee ''I1 l ei . r '1 j .ii". hb.'t he f i i ''97lf.. ht r.'tt th" Ktave of tllllv th. Ki mouth ' one l.otil, ,,f Xaaa txth K'.Ht. i!i " retreated tit. Philadelphia nmi lewelry gubl I iu h'ol llSft: im plate returning to tb. ut.-b- t i f , il I . ,1 I II 1' il II ' " the ..f ti,. i h v (iradaa. H ill Il lit II" l"'"l'ltVCH b ! .' i ' ;i,.iu Hun. nmi II il ue- Hill w'll ii ,,, HX I I'm. al ii. in $ ' v.ii '''ar cui. and M mul Till ' 1 l '.'fi"1 ii I I I ',11 .! 1. t 111 il " ' ,Ml..My ' " " elve.t ,l not b. i n .1 . tfucond Cboi ill l'l I. ,1,1... I ' , 'It . . ' "" t""1 lime ti..ubl Him li.Miaelinlil fill lilt Li lis - III greatlj bvavatk-d- a a Uot, BUlxWteUwa JUIU4 'Hindu WaiWHVi., Iwttndad north by J. Peren, by xouth vnraa; bounded nuith by J. J. fJonxa 1 J. A. IVrea. enat by U. by ty. $170. Taxaa, $U.7. pen-- , 0. PsdMm. mat Uy road, waat by ty. Iaren, waat le. nOHth by C. I.ucarn, mat by J. J, iy. I centa coela. teAal. id ral 1 SUPPLEMENT J. II. J It eanta; tasiAt. UNHTrl. I JtH.1 1M K tUI mAsm. m t tl.lfi d Value of peraonnl property, 170 PreclaH la ion by M raraa. I'aran. Thraa room houaa. Value uonaaiaa. waat hy J cta, $i.i, br V) $10 tnd. wait Fathers. fin. in Tate It; MMHy II bonaded by I or property o $ iwo-riMi- ;x by varng north Clement snrre no eroiml Tnxra. ID, itottaa Vnlua of tiorsonnl pmiiw. south bounded aortk b C garhi.1 coala $1 06. total $11 tfi Tn Till. 22 ST"" 1 south by Herrere raat hy J. $t. Cha penalty, centa. c.wtn, $i.os, total, proiierty. tin. Put a tmnaltv.i "' m aoiiia, weax oy u out by river, eaat by A 8am hex. PRUCINCT NO. 6. Phdllla. 30 llareia. Manuc -- Land, ion by ion ves, wrat Ity pnl II road of Q... b centa. coata, Und. hy 100 vara; weat by II Monloya. Value of per Value ii.oa, total, flt.SO Amra T. by A. vnraa. hounded tortu by amrth peraonal pmpertv $46 If. Weekly I'arra, Manuel Antonio Unit. 80 0 Netthwrat qua rear JMgded north J Chares, south soaal arofierty. $t0 $1 mad. Tasra II Alboprqae Cilia by section by M. Tase. 6t, by J. Munlx. by M A. hero, penalty, erata $1.10. 1.000 vnraa, boumlail north by C. 1. townehln No in N . rahm-- Pdll!a eaat by niad. wrat by psnarvy, s ead Par it reai total PltMCINOT NO. 4. nat, 1 rent; coata. II centa, to by n. $6 77 Ooimlaa. aouth by A. CJoHMiIra, aont by to acre. Taxra Ilttt: nviml rnivnr iann value or H tal, Ol.fl. weat Ubato Taxra. $7 71 P. Itomaro waat by Kraut Ifmltfl. Apwlaon. y 1 Pedro Lninl, MVt ty. $116, coats. 36 emit; total. riy. io Txra. $181; penally, 5y, is cant, cost. 36 centa; total, Saavedra. Juan Pablo lam. 7 by U K R by to vnms, -- centa. ! is 160 by NOT TO Uml. by too varaa; ItoumlaO north bounded north by a. Out. AMMnrn. Hdel Und, 5ttVt by MM coats. $1.06; total. $I.7T. PRUCINCT NO. 7. vara, bounded north Lux San by I,. lorrw. aonth by I). 8aiisIik, by norm oy v. ches, aonth by Hlo Orande. eaat hy Imliert. aonth by C. (lotiMtaw, mm '"I"". mn AKHinca chavex j uana M. Uud. too bv too rsacH, Ainiao uu (to varaa aaat or M. Morn, waat by C. Ortaao. U111I. OtVi mraui u i apooara, ny .wannai und. 100 rams wide; bSMtMeit by A. Rodrtguex Hen Ito saavedra. wrat by Mr. Hall Parra. waal by (trant llw mat Aceejaw vara, bounded notth by road aoulh wine, nouaaed north by north Ita. ") v" varaa. ny wtwi oy aa 2-- Pino Qaale M by Value of peraonal properly, $10 Tax Value of paraoBnl prtitiarly. $TI. nouuaetl lioflli a. flltt river unit, vnraa by road, raat by M. Padllla. weat by south by Mm east by aoulh bf Her, enat road, wrat . south by D. Hanohax, by iKHindtai by Manuel Cms by Arenal Taxes, ra, $171, prnaltv 13 centa, roata, 1", quentTaxp ayers I.nat hair taxea. $1.21; iiennlu-- 3! lerrsr. oast north 8eymor. aonth by road Und, 200 by 8M vara, bound pin. weat by $7.71. penalty. 3. cauta; 70 m. Jintii, wnet by M. Mora. v. AinniHca. eaat ny Juan nut lerrex and houe centa; coata .16 $6 16 enta, total, $ 11 coala. cuita; total. It.tfl. Und, 75 Araquia. wrat by ed north by road, south by J. Padllla, 101 varaa wide, icnta; total, - oy u varaa, I). nmu. a ny und. bounded north Saavedra. Nenii- o- I to ity 30.1 I'erra, Naaarlo- Und, to by too bonmimi north by San rrecinct 75 too varai bbbh ny j. rnavet, weat by J Ma achat; ny cnaves. Vicente I And. 60 by 60 Und. cmox, 11. naievan Had. aouth by Miguel 1 varaa, I lm-bcr- south by ttouitdial by 8. I varas hounded ortb by pa. OF 7118 S'LKOP PROJBRIY. honuded north by .on la UnllSRO. east by north Armljo. south by Land. 76 by lo varaa, bounded north eaat hy vnraa, bouaded north by Mercedes Urbano 1.. .M.iiuoyn. ny AlOIHoyn. L. Armljo, eaat by p unra. Cut hllla, wrat by Freo south by Hlo (itande. by Rio aouth by 8. t,'. (Iniiaalea, by weai r. VHl Armljo. wrat by by J by . cnavra. by raat aaat ue Cbam. aouth Padllla, raat river Nairn r personal properly south Juan 8nrhe. east by aeenula. weal by M. A. an-- l or iieraoual property, $16. Taxea, nmu. vatue or personal property oy roan, by by Orande wrat Isidro SaB(oval and I'area wrat road. Vnlm? or per $i.ia Taxes laat half. $1 76. penalty Polireralo Armljo. weat by nubile honaa. Valua or f I tenia; COSU, $1.06 u. insra, xn. penally i auiia property roan, or honae Und. 60 by 60 vnraa, bound iraoal proparty. i, cnta in. na, .60 s rents, coala. 70 centa, total. $1.61 value prraonai property, fan Notice In hereby given tllMt $lo half 1.7(1. imai, coats, ii.oa; total. $1 18. s 10 ed north by Sanchet. south bv till' fill Uat taxra. f rwnalty, penalty, cents, coat. $1.06; total Miguel - too by 100 Taxes. rents; penalty I centa lowing S 35 Armtjo. Parfaeto iHiunilad AiHHlHca. Franclaco y Molina XV.7S. uarcia. Und, publh road, raat by Severn Sam he iui contains the name of nil centa. coata tent; total, $1.10. Uml. Uml varaa; by A. costs. 16 cents: total, 77 cent. property upon Mounter. norm uy .. snwinni. aonth hy A 113 by 400 varaa. bounded by bounded north Marlines, wrat by Seveni sanche Value of which (tie taxes levied Joaeph IhU, 56 by I.iuhi 8a north M. y v. Chare Uud. 6t souin ny unca. by Chavex, Mercedra Und. 66 hy 310 In I mora, eaat by Four Hi by .1 ny una.67 raat Cucbllla, wrat peraonal pronertv $76 Taxes, $3 29 the yMr too. in and for tliw eoiintr varaa; oouhhihi north by J. I.ueoro strrat. waat inimeiana. aouin it. tfarela by varaa. bounJvd north by public oy iijo. nut varaa. hounded north by J. O. Lucent of by M. imihiic roan, or prop ensi ny by und. by 100 varas penalty, 16 centr. coata, 70 Hernalhiln. amounting to Iras than aonth Mattln, aaat by river value iwraonni smuihter houae wrat rlr ana, bouib ny rrmit, raat rty road weat A south by public load, oaat by J. M. Al rent no 1 bounded north by Martla. south hy -- nave ny eny, HHir iHXaa. S,70 er. by 60 varaa. ItoumJail uy I total. $1.16. .ion lieenme delinquent, to weai nun and houae Value of und. public land. Und. to by 260 var ( derate, west by madre penalty. lai a. i.ine east ity urniiia. weat by acraitla Und - seiner wlin h description - perannai xwi. It reiiH; wn, 35 cants norm iy j Ataidnca. aouth by Mr. a; 100 by Oallegoa, Juan Und. M by 80 var of tlie prop- proMriy. Taxoa, $12.17 oounueri north by J. A. Chave 1 'jo 30 ny 300 varaa; bound no raraa; laiunded north by mm oenauy. i total, $10.62. uoruie. eaat by railroad. Valua by M. inu, aa, bounded notth by T. Sanchex ''i). me Mmouill 01 tftXes, cenia; coata. 25 centa. to la...... of south Chavex. eaat by river Ity A. public road, aouth by V eaat -n Wtl ed north Martin, aouth by Cu Chave. by anil I ONI II Ue opposite imrera, roncmilo umi. 171 varas perai.tmi protmrty. $tlo. Taxra. $16 wrat by road Und, 170 by too var ny P Armljo, wrat by public south mad. eat hy h. Ourule, west oC wme; 08; 78 rhllla. east by 8. A. Line, weal by OJo road by T. nam" and description, together Tenorto. 25 by 1 tHjunded. north by Publk llti iwualty, centa; coata. 70 centa; aa;, hounded by P. Cba vex Value of sanche Value ot peraoaal . with I'etrfinlloUnd. north J. Tssra. it.17, penalty. 16 centa; coat. perao,! roarty Ta uy iranre. aouth by A. Hell wax. aaat by toiai. fis.ia. by aa, 77 1 $. property. $to. Istra. penalty tiKc atatement nf the tn.ra due m imunow norm ,i. ji. sando aonth J. aanchex. eaat by roa.i 11 on; total, cents; peftatty, cenu, roeia (1 '"". limits or Itlenn (InlldKOs Apodhca. Rafael y M.- - -- una. centa; coats Jr. IHTwnml property, where the vai, aonth ly tsilaa Tanoilo, eaat by tlrniit. waat Und, Imuml weat by road Und. 180 by 196 varaa i 70 cents, total, ft 60 cnte; total, $136 - rarer! by eil by arc in. ren und. 90 by 300 var taxra an- dim . m the name puioic roan, waat ny nmtta of Chainlanl Ditch. House. Value of north 8. Tafoya aonth by 81m nonmimi by F Cbavcx. Franco Id -- mtijriNiT no. to. owhw or grant uorth J. Chavex. south a. bounded north by public domain Und. bounded A owner imcreai in gram, liaraonai protmrty, $70. Uat hair tox jner. eaat by alley weat by railroad oy ,1. m. by public cun. v de Manuel Improvement valua of peraonnl Chaves, east by rtatd. wrat h aouth by east by J. M Sallu north road, aouth by seven i ra. $3.1; penwlty. 16 canta; costs Value of peraonal property $16. Tax '. .v. ;mi. snttcbes. eaat l y im government land, lot acre. Vain-- of pniriy, iiat uair lavea sail ( minneu. value or nr aa. wrat by publi. domain. 85 nevro sanche PRISTINCT 1. penalty. Ill centa; cents, tola). $t.7B. ea.; penalty. 81 centa, coat Und, ny peraonal property. $111. Taxra ;ti NO. coata. 70 ceiita: to ami nrooenr, 10. Taxra. Sill by 1.000 vara; bounded north by pub weat acerfnta. value of i . i it imreia. Hitlogl- o- 100 by 700 sn centa; total. $13 7t. cents; pennlty. rents, costs, v., Cameron. Robert 100 by 600 tai, j Und penalty. It centa; coata. 31. Mi; total ue ny property. $56. Taxra. to rents, penal I Uad. - vnraa, trauniled north by 8. Varum naca, Pablo - nomain. aoutn road, eaat by own cents, total. 76 sraa 2 lota, taxoa, IS p. lenorio, j. rtamon- jnd. 17 by .loo Und. bounded north .37. ty. l cent, cost, 26 centa; total. 66 'enta. and nnti; ny g. ny .1 nr. wrat by L. .laramllkt Value ot per :i varaa by aouin varela, eaat by V. Ouada cnavec. until h by P Apodaca Aragon. Jraua Maria Claim to gov nity. . coats. 55c; $1.08. .bounded north C aanduvitl ('naves, Joae Antonio Und. 60 bv property, centa. total. I). weal by public 61 eaat by P. Apodara. by sonal ito Taaos. 16.8t, pen ernmenl land and hnuuae, I ho- A outh by Tenorto. aaat bv river iuie. road. Und. wrat 0. Out lift varaa; bounded north br P. Chav 16 cnave. uranso Ijsnd. to by 60 Ito area hVC. Victoria - hoHM of two uy a 10 varaa, alty. centa. coats, $1.10; total Value of weat ny acequla. bounded north by Old lerrex. Value of naraonal property . aouth hy R. $il vara, boundml by II personal property, $5 Tax rooms and lot; laxea. $1.17; penally Ilouae Value uf ortl aaat br road Outlerres. y Juan Maria -I- mprove- torth Oarcla 76 pcraonai property, $66. on. aouth by P. Armllo, eaat by nub fio. Taxea. 82 centa; penalty. I centa: wrat ay n. 60 south by public read, by ra. rente; penalty. 3 cent; ota Hide, coata. 86cts; total. $1.71. Taxra, $l.o. Ortls. Und. by 16o menia on governmeni land Taxea eaat ft. Oar 85 lienary: v centa; coata. 70 centa; lie road, wast by N. Armljo Value or coatB, an cents, total, si SI. vara, Imunded north br It. Montova rta, west by nceatiia. 300 rente; total. $1.11. unego, Julian- - Und III by 100 to Peter-U- penalty. ::t cents, 15 Und br 50. Itaraonal property. $136. hair Imlley. nd, 82 by 216 va 11. libl. coat. Frnncler. Franc ra-- Und. 160 acre arna. bounded north by Juan Orlego, tal. ?z Uat aoutn by Chaves, eaat by river cents, total. $6.87. 4'w varaa; nounaed north by public L. laxoa, ia.ll. penalty. 30 centa, coata. aa. Imunded north hbv II oy anus, oy Value of peraoail property, $60 Tax ,,r vernier. Itugenc Utnd, 30 by weai road. 61 by 77 varaa, 1 1 aoutn uannai cnave nnum rvirruer, east by i mi by M. uud. .op. Migne- i- Juki, too varaa ra. 19 1 ilr i" varaa, oouiiiimi north bv M. (Jar centa. total. 17.11. south Montoya. eaat by M. Mon imuafleii north by public road, ny public road, waat by public lands, ceata. penalty, rant, coat Perea, wm by Rlo Orande; l oy south wide, bounded nortn by public en 36 centa; 56 Ihmim... cla. aouth by N. Martinet, by iiustamwntc, Fianclac- o- Und. 23 ioya. west Aceqma. Und. 7 br ny roa .eaat by by A vaiue or peraonal property $10. total, centa. three room. taxra, $1.19; mn eaat pub road, weat P. irance. aouth by tVrro, oaat by publl. Ta y no road, weat by 13 by 3iai varaa. bounded north by C varaa, nounneo north bv H imi llubbell Value of ra. 77 centa, penalty. 3 Herrera. (tarda Vicente- - Hons. liln liiiH. uwii. Tocla; total, $1.96. ditch. Und by peraonal property entrance, hy 100 ceata: wait a. I . by M. lerrex. south by R. H weal Cuchllla iJind. 22- - I nd. loo liinii-rift- Apolonlo- - mm varaa. oonnoan nnrtb bv K. Man uarcia. aouth Oonaalea eaat by Upe, eaat by xao. raxea. 97 centa. penalty, r. 7o centa. total. $1.50. r.rinil vnraa wld. Und. 15 by 5n by R. vara wide, bounded north br II. Sal by nrnu. toya, aouth by uabllc road, hv puinir roau. weai ny Acequla. Und Uipes. aouth Outlerres. Value enta; coata, $1.06. total. $2.07 cnaveg. oabrtai a.- - Und. 100 bounded north Cerro. aouth l.v bounded o tithe north by Dona . . . 1 . . nui. aoulh by F. Ilael. by I.. br men, ny 50 by 60 varaa; laiunded north by .1 of personal property. $75. Taxea. 17. laat Jaramlllo. Juan Oarcla. east by Juan Oar. la latin Nlctn, mtiith by public entrance; wai alien, iniarrat bv Ala. Lope. Jesus Und. 30 by 3o varaa weat by cuchlllo. peraonal ju varaa. nounm u north by L. Chav meda grant. R. I.ucem. aouth by Juan TruJIIIo 13; penalty. 36 rente, coata. 70 centH. V Value of ex. liy weat Joae Herrera and bona. Hon .. ' " raiiroau, wrat by public Value of neraonal um iHtunden north by Cba vac aouth by property. 76 aoutn rrtix Sanchet. raat hv road eaat by Actwula. a eat by nubile road total. M.IB. V. 10. Taxra cent; twnal la precinct No. 10 Value of personal mm House hi by 2mi rty. nio. raxoa. $3.00. penalty, it ('have, eaat by J. Pad HI, wrat by ty, 3 70 uwic roan, weat ny public land Uml vara - centa; coata, cent; total, $1.49 property '( : enta; coata. $I.o&, total. $4.30. "as( iwir taxes. $3.36. lMimltv. 18 imrreraa. Trinidad- Und, .10 by 126 iv i.aavex. iJind. 30 nr varaa Value of peraonal property. $7o. Ta axra 87 ceata im.h iHiuiHifii norm by A. Lund. Huulh by centa, varaa; by ltu alty. 1 casta; ny x. coata. $l.0b. total, J6.0V. bounded mirth M. Chavea. bounded north by , aouth by V. ra. !(.; penally, 33 centa, crala, 36 coata. 36 cents, total ' wuTo. eaat Hunches, weal CandelwrlH, v (1. south by MlttlPlcr. bv PRItClNOT NO. I. 95 m ma 3. Anibniclo Und eaat railroad. cnave. eaat by river, weal br ace centa; total 11,1 rent. puitn. road. Taxra. 83 centa I'ltlttMNtrr NO. ny ny $1 I an 1,000 varas. iMmndeil bv wrat r. (labelrton. 1 Oarcla, Andrea Und. 60 by too var Ubarm Joae - l north Taxra. ta oi num. Mi by 160 varaa: hound tiaraidon. Hpiraalo ljuid. 30 by 15 And Prwin. naiiy t cents, crala. 70 renin; to ISplmenlo und. . IWca. Uml. to by 160 m. ue .una, aoutn by Antonio de l.u 15 centa. coata 36 epnla 1. ed by bounded .101 tn by Y. Oallenm. varaa. bounded J J No 31 Und. 1000 by 1.090 vapv tal J.l CeillS varaa; .1. north rlTer. aouth by J Marino, north Jaramlllo hounded north by Apmlncn, an, hy $3.61. by by K. tH'iinded , eaat Max (larcla. weal bv ttlo tai eaat of river, weat by dllch. Value of ao'iin Perea. eaat Marea south by M Oarc la. eaat by river, weat north and east . aout dutlcrrc. C. rlauo Und, Itto by iuth hy Y. by 1 Oonulra. aaat P. Iaa. l! ramie Ilouae. Value of personal anoemrin Peiftiio Und. 5u bv west hy Katem Und. 60 by 5iki varaa: oy I B0 by U Merred. eaat and went by 1" varaa, botindid north by fnbln weat ny a personal property. $60. Taxra. $1.16. road And. 233 varaa uonsale iJind. bounded property, $65. Taxea. $2.13; penally. i raraa; noiinneo IMinn bv ! Vrla 6 $1 bounded north by It Candelarla. by H. Precinct 10. Und Value of ta.rson .1 Sun. Miuth by Sam-he- penalty. centa; coata. 06, total bounded north J. Apodara. aoutb her. Amedo north hy J by P. property. . . Anodaca. aouth Oon a tenia; coaia l cents, total, 13.25 arn. aoutn by a Hanrhet, eaat by $117. aoutn by Juan (iarria. raat by ace ny 1 65 1 axes. 57 eaois tu... Hhi by ('amino Mad, by Rio VI by Ainuquerque aad Company, rant wrat salea eaat Jttner. weat by It (?or Candelarla. de 11. Oregorla Three (Irani, wrat by A. H. tHaatim. - quia, wrat by p Onreta. Und. 60 by by H aHy. 3 centa. nuts 36 rents t,,ia' i I" Ilouae of live Value Montoya, ICutemlo- Und lo by 186 Anodncn. wtst by II Qnbaldon room. Taxra. dora. Taxea, $5.03. penalty. 36 centa; Uicta or land an I house (No oound ot mreonai prooeilv 1136 260 varaa. Itouuded north hy main en cant. . " penalty, tu cents, coata. 7n IStM varaa. hounded north by , aouth Value of peraonal property. $60. Tax t $I.W, oata. centa, total. $6.t. ares.) Taxea. $IH..11; Kinnlty. 86 ti ix; itewaiiy. 55 centa: 86 ny trance, aouth by A Oarcla. eaat hy Juaa trovernment t t ..'ii I $!i.8. coata. roHa, east by road, wrat by J. San 4193. penalty. 10 tenia, coats. 70 Inaw. isn Haidonado. gi.acio UMi hy canta, $1.06; ; - Oarcla, by I.. OonsaJc- - pre iM.undod by Kir.hni-r- . .- Ixnd. coata, total. $21.31. emits total. $12.02. che- Und. 36 by 160 varaa, hounded cents, tidal. $1.7.;. north aovernmeal Ian Ncstora L- Uinl, 110 by Hoo varaa. bounded hy I., 11. y 23 r.. Cat-o- n. north J. Candelarla. de Oulrlna Uud. 13 Caudemrm. Jesua Chavea Uud norm ny acequla. aoulh hy grant, clnct Und vnraa. wide iHtund uanaidon. Cornello- - Und a-- i hv south by T. H. enat by govern V"'i varaa, hooiid.rt by It. Macn. P. enat Cr.-apl- north (larcla. smith by A. OarclH. eaat by by 6on varaa: Imnnileil by An- uy iuu varaa: iMmntita bv ed north by M. south by arm .m men! land. West by government l h K. north mi uitriii by C. .Moya. weat by J. A. Padllla varaa: uounnoii north bv Trial lan width Nteto. raat by Im I. I) OHrabaJnl. weat by J Clou II. yo. 1 M. 1 160 . Uina salea tonio Monlann, aouth by Juan Joa Outlerres. aouth by P. Anodaca. Value or personal pniierfy, $10. aat ht J Oarcla. wrat Perea dad (iabaldon. aouth by public road, acre) and louae. Value or by Mania Ana Indiana. Taxes, 17 Uy 17 varaa; en by M. Tax r,o Und. boundeil north Montauo, eaat by Hllla, wat by lake Candelarla. wrat bv river 10 cents: penally. 3 und. varaa wide, bounded nirth eaat hy puhllr road wrat by T. Halt aonal property. $166. Taxea. 15 it, i .i. penalty. :.2 cenia; coata. 35 by Ii. I.ucero, aouth by M. Value rants: coata by srroyo, by Montoya. and houae. Value of peraonal proper of personal property. $0. Tax 70 cents; total. $1.12. south Mean del Jaane. aldon Und 11m uy 200 varaa. bound penalty. 16 cents- coats. 36 ceata 1.. centa. total. $1.91. eaat by rlvar, weat by ty. ea, $5.1MJ; ,10 uy ,m $6 77. Itlo I'uerco. $10. Taxra. $1.27; penality. 21 penalty. centa; ciMta, Montoya, lomliiKn--Uii- il. loo by oust rerea. weal by .1. U. oarcla d north by Manuel 8. y Tapla. tai. l.pex. Joae dp Jesus 15 by raxes, $.1.87. watnlly. 30 aouth Und. centa: coata. cents; coata. 35 cents: total. $1.88. 36 centa: total. $0.56. swo varaa. iMtunned north ty v. San Value of peraonnl property. $10. Uat by Severn Sanrhei eaat h Jose N Luceio. Jose Franrlaeo Imorov. i... vara. tNiundnd north by .1. Yrta 70 centa. total. $1.77. Ksplln. 62 by 100 Chavex. 11. y ball taxea. $2 72. penalty. 13 mcnta on government UulrlnoUnd. Chavex Und Ihiuu.i he south by grant, eaat by M. Cna- - centa. Oabaldon. west br Joae N. (Iabaldon land. Preclm ur Hnuih by Paula Sllva. by Hasan, I r. 3011 I. iaat t'rhano .ami by v.i varaa; boundiil north by lOtitrad.t eil north by Itaca. aouth by J. Chav I coata. $1.75; total. $i 60. Ilouae Value I. Und. bv 16 varaa. hnun.i. ,1 i w-- t loreno, weat by Padllla Und ol peraonal nrumirtv. Ill Btlva. by num.' and : iHiundcd north hy It ( de liaxau. I'll b! Ich, by It by x. eaat by railroad, weat bv C. M. Oarcla. y Oarri.i Juan - 26 b $7u aorth by Mlaa by . I aouth Sandoval, enat de 60 by too varaa, hounded by M. Und. Taxes, in penally. 1 Yrlaarrl. south Mi b'.'i-- And. iw by varaa. nouth by M I) north rents. i.ounl (loncalea. eaat hy Cba Fourth atrcot a eat by Sam hex Value of peraonal proper 11 loo varaa. bounded north hy public Yrlaarrl. raat bv Juan Artea t,v i t5 Chamlaal Awmara. sou: ny sandier., enls. roata. $1.0:., total. $1.17. ninth i) HVII)" aoiitb ditch, by M I), $.'iri. i. (aat r.i Man. mlaal weat ilonsalea. ditch. Land. 2" by loo varas; IhmiikI-e- Taxea. 82.43. wnaltv u by A. A. Monl'iya. wrat by roa. south Ity I.. Oarcla a estate, eaat Oarcla. Urn ulano- - 300 lir Juan Arlaa. Value of peraonal pi 01. nlln Mar. m, iant l.v Indian ditch, I 50 l. Und. erty. wtwi .and, by 650 varaa; bounded north north by J. ISspaliii. by M. cents, coala, 36 cents, total. 23.00 f.n by L. Oarcla a eetate weat by public liio - $to. Taxc ta.o.i; pi :'. W.M, aouth Uml tn by varaa. bounded nortn varaa. bounded north Albunuer- pennlty nnttiiown aa. IS by P (lonsalra. aouth by M. I). Uowsal Romero, eaat by A. by ('haver. I). I estate road 2iai by ;m'mi varaa. bound cents: i oats. 70 total, 13 mIh Itoinero. weat t'nknown llelra . aouth by I.. Padllla. eaat hv Und. que Und Company, aoutb by T. I.uce nts. la i. . 7'i ,.,nla. toUI. J4.2I. by N. or I A eaat flarcla. weat by P. Mar public ditch. by 190 va- Und, by 800 varaa; T. eil north by public road, south by pub . Montoya. Juan Crlatoval Imiirm, Ijind, Uud, 10ft bounded Padllbi, weat by It. sanches. Tax ro. east by weat br N. l.ucnra l.und Klchard bounded titles. Ilouae. or by He hy 1 ments oa 160 Value peraonal raa; bounded noith by Nlcanor Mar north Montano, aouth by J. F. Cha es. s cenis. imnalty, 5 centa; coata, mail, east Yguaclo Candelarla. Und. loo hy 60 varaa: bounded north acrea tit vtnrrn noiih in iiubin iad. Mnutli by i'. Man property. $o. Taxea. itenalty. tin. south by rCapallu. by vex, eaat by Hllla. weat by weat by C. (lama. Ijxnd, 26 by 61H) by T. land. Vnlue of peraonal tn If by $l.3. lleatiix eaat ditch. Val XI. 06; lolHI. X2.08 I.ucero. aoutb bv rood, east bv nranertv iant rail load track, weat by I centa; costs. . l.or; total. 12.61. rallroail. west by I). Martin and ue or peraonal nrowertv. S611 varaa; bounded north by L. Oarcta'a T by Taxra, 31 cent, iwnaltv 1 William NimmIcI .Montoya. It. Und. laiunded north Sanchex. wrat acoqula Value and houae. 'fasw. Candelarla. Joa M. y Uud. S2 bv hoiiBc. Value or iienMitml pninerty. $I2.1. itenalty, U rent a; eoata.t 36 by eatate, south by L. Oarcla 'a estate, of pcraonai 3136 rata. 36 cenu, total, tl.36. 1 T. Padllla aouth by M. Contreraa. bntlertv. Taxea. itenalty. coiita, 85 100 varaa: 1 $ii;. cnta. bounded north bv P. Our 76. Tiixi. $1.17, penalty. 22 cents, enta; total. $12,1.5. eaat by road, weat by L. Pndllln. enat by L. Oarcla state, weat by pub- $31.06. penalty. $1.05; coata 7u centa. Uulntnn. Rcea Prarleet :it total. it.W. la, hy R. F.- - Uml. ('lit, south J. Oarcla. eaat bv (' oats. $1 Hi; total. $6.n. Clmvex Joae Houae ami lot 50 by 200 vnraa; liouided north by M. lic mail. Value or personal p" eriy. total. $22.80. Peraonal property. $30. Taaa. $1 3:1. Momlragon. Juan l.ot. 13 by 25 weat by or - I.ucero. Adolo Sandoval Oarcla , Muxliniuno Uud, KW by Value itersoual proMrty. $80. Tax Itarela, by T. by $70. Taxea, $3.87, penalty, la cents; Ourule, Donactnuo- - bv ss tutal. Mi. ii and houac Tanwi. $1 Mi; or aouth Uiltato, east Und. Ill $171, cts, Mwnlt' Value personal property. $lo. Tax 6hi varaa, iMiunded north by P. Tru 's. $8.36, penalty. It! centa: roata M. Sanches. wrat by public laud. costs. $1.06; total. $6.11. 298 varaa. boum'mi north by Albu IT'- .. iiIk, cuatH, 7 , Und. jsaVtirl imta. total. l.5. $3.12. penalty. II cents; costs. 36 JIIIo, south by J. Cnnilmjul, eaat hy 36 cents, total. Slo.lfi. 880 by ISO varaa. Itouuded north by Outlerrex. Justlitiau- o- Und, 50 by iiuorque Und company, south by J. Skinner I.eonnrtl I stflfi tsar libit MomlraRon. Riy I Nu by CailoK-in- . -- I varaa; And. enta: total. $t.S6. Aceiiula. weat by II. Oarcla. Und. John Unds lu N. J. Jn-he- I. Sanchet, south by Kraut, eaat hy 2Mit varaa, liounde north by Soto Ar- A. Candelarla. aaat by acenula Mail re. bounded north by , aoulh viiiMH ixiuiiiitMl north by K (lutlcrn Oordova. formerly (100 (176 - hy I.. by - -- Antonio Und. by vnraa. bounded north by Addition. Taxoa. 330.31: naniil- grant, wrat by grant. Value of ner mljo south Candolnrta, enat by wrat by public uad. Value of iter- - Martina, llroe.. eaat by ii!h ty imlilli by J. by - by roail. "aat Mini owned h'ellp) Sanchex aa ahown by A. Sunchea aoutn by I). I.ucero. .mil ly. $1.01: coata. 35 centa; tola!. ?8I.C7. aonal pmiterty, $7u. Taxea, $2.71. nreiiiia de Maielaa. weat by Mrs. Utck- sonal property. $60. Taxes. 36.30: wrat mountains. Value of itersoual totn h by Itoxqui' road. lloua the reconta of lleruHlllln cotinly. Pre- - by Aceiiuhi. weat by 0. Ornulto. Rafael -- Houae ami hit hart. Value or (tereonal property, $1.67. imnalty. 29 property. $t.7o. Taxes 111 15 ...... Cnnilelarla. Itenalty, 13 centa, costs. $1.06; total. cents, coata. 36 rents; to 1.I..IHH Tavia, 13.27; Hnalty, Ifin-nu- lucl l,r uud bounded north by A M. Vnlue or tiaraoiuil property. $120. Value or iteraounl property, $60. Tax $3.b9 Tuxes, $11.96; tcnally, 75 cent; coala, tai. $6.11. alty. To rants; 36 eeut: total 7" ; IS $15,10. ot. centa total, ft. Orlogo. aouth by A. Sandoval, eaat In Taxes , $1.71: penalty, 8 cents; routs. ta. in'iialty. 31 cents; 36 Moraga, 18 36 cunts; total, $13.05. -- 120 by 300 - coals, Joae 0. Und. by 30 Jaramlllo. Juan Und. IVi. a. .Iob- Muma y liid. fi b itio Puerto, weat by government html. 0 centa; total, $2.62. centa. totnl. OiitlerrH. Joae I.. Land. 260 by 600 varaa; laiunded by J. M. Tapbt. Iemetrlc- - House atul Ihii.I $.7. vnms. hounded north by O. Apodncn. north Jara 10 aran bounded north by M. Orb-- Value persona! $126. - UtM'x. - i. varna; by acres. Value of properly. Uat Onrclu. y C. Ramon- Und, K8 by Ciecenclo Uml I'm hy 02 va south by A. Mot-am- by M. Apo hounded north J. Samum, inlllo. south by nad. eaat br A. Oabal of tteraonal nronertv b H. l east $43. .' xoiitli N. (iiitlerroa. eaal half taxea, $3.31 iwnalty. Hi 600 IkhiiiiIimI II. Apo-dnca- , ras; Value or iirwperty south by public road, by It. by Taaaa, peanltr. 40 renin. varan north by iiersotml !(. daca west by II. .Montoya. Lund. 90 east J. Ar don, west Arenal. Und. Ito bv $.oi. cenia JMi by IK 7 12 omits. 36 i.i .( Rrant. Mnd. vara imt. .enta. total. $1.21. south by T. Ranches, east by I'ttxes. centa: imnalty. 2 centa: by ton yarns; bounded north hy road, mljo, weat by 8. Alexander Uud, 10 190 varaa. bounded noth by R Oabal cent; total M.Tt. wi i. -- - iiiiimdHl north by P. Mouloya. Bagle. Mary tt Und. 67 Ncrea: I.oiiihs, west by M. Sunn ami osts. 35 centa; Intnl. 70 centa. - by 2 varsK, IkiuiiiIi d north by P Urn- aout it ny PRUCINCT NO. It. -- loa south by P. Sanches, eaat by 8. (' Inn- ion. Armljo eaat by road. nth by llkawaa. aaat by l. ora. bounded north n Uicaio and Paaho- - or (lersoiml praparU'. I.ucero. T. A. 66 by 260 vn go. 1 N11 other tKiundariea given ) Four west by Chave. y Padll'a F. Und. loo l.v huusu. Value Und, ex, weat by tulilic road. of imr-aon- acoqula. Value of personal - ..t i.) a M by Value 160 varaa. U (tallitoa. eaat railroad, aouth by I.. 8. Pe $10, Taxea. $10.86; penalty, 56 cams: ms; iHWiiiltal north Uy A. Ilratiim, property, $1.00. Tuxoa, $0.96; riMim liouae. Value or itersoual proper property. $26. Taxea, $1.11, iwnalty hlh bounded m.rt'i I" nalt cnnlM, oata, 70 weat by arroyo. by ty, by J. Padllla ii oewta. to rea. Precinct 12 Lot costs, 35 cants, total. $11.75. aouth hstero. oaat hy public rimd. penalty, 60 centa; costs, 70 centa; to $tlt. Taxra, $6.70; penalty. It 17 centa. coat, Tu QOeVU; total. $10 61 south br road, anal i,v mi .i 23. I, block J. M. It. and It. addition. Al Oonsules. Juan Jose Uud. Ill by wesi by river. Value or iteraounl prop tal. $11.16. centa; costs $1.06: total. $10.11. I.ucero. Joae V. Und. 115 by 300 road, waat by rued Jaad. to by 260 Suit. Juan- - Ijind. 30 by 70 l.iiiiuerqiie Valui' rty. $7o. Jaramlllo, 60 100 varaa: itouuded by varaa of nerKonal itroti 300 varan; bounded north by estate or Taxea. $lo.7: itenalty. 56 MnraKn. Ramon -- Land. ISO by 130 Manuel Und, by varas; bounded north Ity J Lucent. north F. A. Hub i... in. I. .1 by A. Oallogoa, by 1.. north aonth rty $66. Mat half taxea. $10.03: Auto. Joso Ooux.ilns. south by ICtilo centa. coata. 36 rents, total, $ll.i7. varaa. bounded by II. Montoya. varas, Itouuded north by J. C. Sarnora. south by J. II. jHraoilllo eaat by ace neii. south Jaramlllo. east hy l.v .1 notth river, west by Lilian, faai by J. I. Hal. wt penally, to cents, roata, 65 centa; to alo llareln east by road, west by McKlnney CoMdand - Saw mill south by Pueblo boundary, oust by J. south by public land, eaat by a con u la, quia. wel by N. I.ucero. Und. 100 ainiiiln. Und, 16o liy l.v r.m.l. Taxpa, centa; $17.38. .100 by C loo varaa. P. 2t penaJty. tal, ditch. I.wnil. 25 by varaa; lnmml Taxra, $15.22. itenalty, 7fi cents; Marino, wrat by J. Marino. Lam!. 138 weat J Snmora uud house. Value hy 3on varaa; Itouuded north hy Lu bounded north by Cha W or ves. by .ntH, coata. ranta. total (larcla. Kranclaco A. Uud. 32 by ed north by ScIom Moiitnno, aouth hy coata, 35 centa; total, $10.33. by 3S0 vnraa; hounded by itersoual property. $80. Taxes. 40 cero. aonth by I' lajxe. eaat by river aouth J. O llubbell eaat by o north Juan M. 'IllH 0n varaa; bounded north by It. Cot- - Seve.-- Ilarrla, east by ditch. wt hy McLean, John - Und. 25 by 126 va Sanchex y Pena, south by T. Pndllln, cent; itenalty. 2 rent; cost, 36 wrat by N Oarcia Value of personal Char, wrat by F. Cnave. Valu.t Vail.' iM FraHio- - iJind. 30 by txi dnva, aouth by M. Martluex, eaat by arroyo. Value of personal projierty. raa; lionmlr.l aoulh by AMa)aca. eaat cent; total, 77 cents. property $5rt 11.32. of peraonal property. $76. Taxea. east by J. Padllla. west by I.eanilro Txea. nenallv. $7.24; wiui. iMiumlfd north by ('. Tapln Uia limaa. weat by aceuuia. lind. $70. Taxea. $8.12. iially, 10 centa; by railroad, weal by alley. Value or House. Montoya, Jose ClrlSo Und. 90 by 21 i'.iiIh. loKta. 70 renin, total. 15.2.1 penalty. 30 o nts; costa. $1.06 -- Padllla. Value of iiereouat bv Valla, 11 H00 200 varus; Ity total. $166. ..Hi! j. del oaat by ditch b varaa; bounded north hy P. coats. 70 cents; total, $9.22. personal protarly, $80. Taxes. $11.62; proiterty $135. Tnxra. 30 centa: ,wn- laiunded north nceula, Lurero. NIcoU Und. 78 by 101 w. hi i. c. Tapla. by Oordova, 63 by Chave. C. - Tnaaa.; ucn Pals, aouth It. enat by l.o I.ucero, y AHxlnca Mrs. Peil ro penalty. ceuls; riHtt, 35 centa: to- ally. 2 centa; costa. $1.06. total. $1.27. iiareias, aoutn conira Acequht de varaa, bounded north hy Jose Luc ro. Candelarla Und. .17. (HI by .178 varaa; (in, St weat by 113 14 tal, $13.00. A.-U- Armljos, eaat by Abram hy bounded north by Cha icita. cr4l, mrU; total. limaa, Knncboa ditch. House. und hy varaa. hounded north Padllla. Juan ml. 80 by 200 lts Montano. aouth road, by road, wrat br (1. weat by 63 by vex, south by 11 (Hero, by Value of peraonal property, $60. Tax by Outterrei. ninth by I). Sanchet, Nuanea, Manuela Uud, 30 by 60 varaa, bounded N Arena). 8. Arenal.i:. latitro Auodaca. Und, Jose I.ucero. Und. 100 varas wide: rant rosd. I 700 varaa; houn-lo- by wrat by P. person n I ea. 7s cents; penalty, rwita. coata enat by M. Morn, weal by C. Orlego. varaa; bounded north by J. Y. I.ucero by J. Montoya. west by M. Padllla. north Pedro bounded north by public land, aoatb Per. Value of . I, OrloKo, b property, $100. IRMCINOT NO. $1.05; tola $1.37. Und. 83 "A by 1'H varaa; bounded south by J. Animate. Taxee, $1.23; Value of tteraonal property. $310. aouth Amndo Orlego aaat by A. Oarcla, eaat by A. dart la. want Txra. $; penal Viiiiijn. 200 I. 76 I). 0 by Ilarebta, wrat by by ly. canta; 31 eanta; lariWBdo by Oarcla. v Chavea It. hand, by north by 0. Oullcrret. south by Itenalty. centa; coata, Sf rants; to- Taxes. $8.91; itenalty, 15 centa ; coats, Acenula Itlo river Valm or personal property It cost. total, - by 136 $ 18.51. wi ran; bounded twrUild by K A. too varaa. boiindtHl north by 0. Oil- Sanchex. eaat by C Orlego. wet by tal, $1.81. 36 centa; total, $H.7I. Orande. Und. 80 varas. bound $50. Taxes. $3 IX penalty. 17 cents; by R. 11. ed by C. by Mar- Chave. y C. Joae 100 by r...,i Koutb Martin, oaat by tlerrei, aouth by V Montoya. eaat by Orlego. House Value of personal O'llannon. Felipe Uml. acrea. Padllla, Manuel- - 30 by 300 north Oarcla. aoutb coata. 7o cents, total. $136. Und i Und. cos by varas: bounded north by A :t. by hllN. lAat half tasiM. W. Iewia. weat by P. nutlerret. properly. $10. Taxra. $107; itenalty bounded north by Althtfinic r. aouth by varaa; by J. Murltio, Oarcla. eaat PelldUs Cauda I.ucero. Creceudano Und, 10 by Cbavx ' ii 78 n bounded mirth hy south by A Chat. a. by i nalt. cnta; coau. Taxea, $7 72: penalty. 38 centa; coata. 2o cents, coat.. $1.05; total, $6.32. public road eaat by itubllr road, wrat by by .1. laria. weat Marcos Oarcla. House lo varaa, bounded north by acenula. w.t road. . . -, south road, east gauche . in- total, 16 P.- - l I and cortal. or peraonal prop by A. Chave, Value of personal pr. l.78. centa; total. $6.16. l.tiroro. V. Land by 600 va by river Und, ncroa; Value or wrat by public land. Und, 60 by 300 Value south by road, east by acenula weat i M.-U- erty. $10. 77 . lull. Kim. Antonio y B. -l-AHd. 55 tlarcln. y Chavea unl. 71 by raa; bounded north by .1. .Montoya. personal proiMtrty. $80. Taxea, 11.77; erty. $60. Taxei. $176; penalty. 9 by T. I.ucero. Value or personal prop Taac rents, punaii . varas; laiunded north by II. Chavez. 3 wii".-- m 177 11. (lutlar-rex- . 68 to- cents, costs $1.40. total. $8.81. rty. $76 97 centa; coat. 35 tenta, total. $1 ir, aiii in (Via. bounded north vaaa: hoiiniH north by aouth by P. (larcla. eaat by rallroail. centa; coats, 70 centa; south by II. Padllla, east by 11. Chav- Taxoa. cents: nenaPv. in M Pi'iva. aouth by A. J. Martlnoa. outh by M Montoya. by M. by ('.ramie Precinct 2 tal, $13.06 Nuanea. Ramon Uud. Inn by li. 5 cents: coats. 3 cents; total, $1 .17. Chave. Plo U nd. 170 by 378 v. 11 , east weat Itlo ex. west by road. Value or peraonal ii- -i i rlvi-i- w. t by and t'havea weat by aaroe. Value of par 25 vnraa wide; hounded north Qiilntatm. Joae Doloroa 50 varna: bounded north by J. M. Mares. Marquex. Oeorne- - 10 by 60 as. bounded north by C 8arre !h" Ia t'Ja Uutl, Uml, projierty, $80. Taxes, 78 centa; pen Und. by M. ii.Mi. 17 $50. ry by loo . south by road, east by A. Candelarla, varaa; by sooth Pena. raat by I. perm ra8 M, penalty. sonal proiwriv. 'I'axra, $7.7t; P. A. Perea, aouth by P. Miintnno. feet; Value of ieraoual proter-ty- ny. I centa; costs. 36 total. laiunded north J da la . .:r ceuls: by 60 by wrat by T. Oarcla lit total, f !. penally. 3S ceata; ciwta, 35 centa; to- east by Itlo (1 ramie, west by Armiutu. $46. Taxea, 62 centa; iHOialty. $1.17. west road. Und. 600 varaa; Sanchex, south by J. It. Hauler, enat Value of personal & IMiunded north by M by by property, $ta. Taxra 77 rants, p. n i lioiuabi. Jov Antonio Ijind. tal, $S.I5. Precinct 7 Und. 50 varaa wide; centa; crate. 36 centa: total. $1. Pmlllm. Mariana Uud, 70 by 160 Chavra. aouth 7. Savedra, wtat by public road . by - ly, 3 centa; coata 36 ' wiras; boundml north by .VI. OousaleH. Iltbtrio Und. 60 by AiMi iHMiudcil north by .1. Montano. south 8aavedrn, Nicolas Houae and varaa; Itouuded north by M. Chavex, Andrea Perea rart Tomaa ditch, Value of peraonnl property. $50. Tax- rents. i.t..i J. weat by A. Oarcin a, o $116. uiith by It launaclii, caat by varaa: houtnttd north by I'athers, by P. Perea, eaat by mean, west by laud. Value of iteraounl proierty. Kouth by A. Chavex, eost by road, and bouae. Value centa; penalty. 1 cent: coata. by l4i Paja. 20 by Mouth hy .1. by (Inn-aalc- $85. $1.12; 7 or peraonal property. llOo. Taxes, 35 total. 77 Chavea. Maauela Und. Mo by 4 "i u.r h..i Ind. Marlines, onat J. by mean. Value of iieraonal proiwr Taxra. penally, centa west hy O. Aiodef!U. Value or par-aon- cent; rents $8.70, imimlty. rents; costa, $1.05; - varaa. bouaded north by L. ." viirn; bounded north by ('. (Ion went by Chare. Three rootn ty. $66. Taxea. $1.16; lanmlty. 22 36 centa; total, $1.81. proiterty, $80. Taxra, 78 centa; It lge, Candldo- Und. 66 by 119 var Jnramlli.. - total. $1.91 south by J A. Huigoa, eaat by . .ii.'t. mmth by T Oomalas. wtat by house. Value of peraonal proHrty, enta; coats. $1.05; total, $6.73. Hedlllo. VeneramlH Uuid, 63 by penally j centa; coata, 86 centa; to- as, bounded north hy Anastaclo Ana riv -- Perea,. wrat by ditch. Kin Cianb. .:t by urant liralla t6o. Taxoa. $0 05; peually. IS centa; Martlnex. Innl-- I Uml 30 hy 600 nat varaa: IMiunded north by M. Hedll Andres Und, 50 by 100 var ya. south by acqnfa raat by I'rbano Vatue of personal prop tal. $1.17. aa. by NoamM. erty. $10. half taaaa. II..ik. I Taxca. 80 rnta; coala. 70 rents, total. $10.83. varus; bounded iorin ny .Manuel to. aouth by V. Hedlllo, eaat by Ace 160 bounded north Ramon Page, west hy Albuquerque Und Com lsst Mil; Padllla, Auaataclo Unl. 60 by I M - . ;i D.-U- tnl, south by Mar- eaat by arcoui-i- puny. alty. II cenu; rrart. 38 total ii.iu.liy ntM. roata. fl.i5; total Oousalea Joae 60 by 300 na. sou tn ny Aiiiaite AiMMtacn eaai quia, west by river. Uud, 6v by 200 varaa; '.Hiuuded north by J. A. Pa- Value of peraonal uronertv. 11" cent; II f.K varaa; by 1). by varas, hounded north by It. weat by 1CI ICatero and houae. Und. Taxea, $1.32: peu.ilty. 1! rents; coats, $4.11 laiumled north J. tlurulti, by Chamlaal ditch, west Fourth AihhIubu. dllla. aouth by V. Clmvex. eaal by (Ml liili-ao- , I by 300 varaa: by A 6 Cnave. Adolfo 60 by Croallno Ijind. 1 vama aouth by J. (1. Pena. eaat by J. M. I.u- atroet. Und. 80 hy too vnraa; bound- south by A. 8anllo, eaat by Acwiula. grant, west by J. M. Padllla. north cents; total. $2.78 Uad. 1u Uml. Anaya. aouth by II. Ituppe, eaat by pub-H- e - varaa; bouadad north hy R. will., to itrant lltnlta; bonndad on cero, weat by river. Value of ieraoimi ml north by AbundlH de llarelu. south weat hy river. Taxes. $6.10; iwnalty. 60 by 71 varas; bounded north by ace- Page. Urbano- land. 60 bv too var Chavez li;, II road, west by A. M. I.ucero. Und, aa, by by aonth by H Chavex, aaat by imitii r Uiuao aonth by T. property. lo Taxra, $6.18; Mnalty. hy A brain Oouiex, east by Fourth centa; costa. 35 cents; total. $6.76. iiula, aoulh by Padlllna, east by , laiunded nortn owner, aoutb arrqul 30 by 200 varaa; laiunded north by - wrat by rand 60 by 100 I'.ifuvH. aat by liio tlrnnda. wst by .11 rentH. oata. 35 cents, total. $ M at reel, well by Santa Anltu (larcla. TruJIIIo. Andrea Precinct i Und. wrat by V. Cbaver.. Und. 300 vnraa road, eaat by j. sanche. wrat by aro- Und. raru I uu llarclaa ditch, by Smith, bounded bv A. Chaves, ' v n t'.'ja. Ijind. 32 varaa wide to llotinan. J. II 33 acrea of land at Uml. 27 by 2Ho vnraa. ImihihIihI north hy 200 varaa. bounded north by K. wide, bounded north by road, aoulh aoulh east quia. und. 25 by 100 varaa. bounded aorth south Oallegoa. by W. by M candelarla wrat by acenuta. by road, by II A. Chavra. aaat by aeeaula. weef b I Kraut lintlta; botiu4d north by It. Uanchoa de Alb'iiueriue, known aa by M. Martlnex, aouth ly (la relax aouth C. Uwla, eaat by road, eaat by river, wrat by . north south savedra. .'ii by &011 varaa; hounded north Chavea. to by 180 varaa; t tlutli'iT... wiutb by r (Irlngo.aaat by the "llolwan tract." Taxea. $11 5tf; road, enat by Chamlaal ac iula, weat hy ditch, weal by rallrtmd. Precinct loo by too varaa Itouuded north Und. east by river, wrat by J. L. Sanonra. Und. bonn Uud. by J Yrlaarrl. south by llfeld , ed north by A. by A lti (lrand. w.nt by I OJm. penalty, 6t centa: coata. 86 centa; to- hy Martlnex. Vsiue of 6 Und.' bounded north by ICverhardi. by I), by M. llros Value of peraonal property. $'(0. Tax Chavra aoutb F Itld, Nlcanor ier ('have, aouth J. Chavex. eaat hy Kslero. w.'Bt hy Oeaague Huhbell, eaat by by limit., four rooma. Value (wraonal tal, $12.52 property. $llo. half tax weat by street. Value of peraonal by V. by Und. ea. $9.27; penalty. 16 cent; coat 70 n uia. weat roa.i aonal east Padllla wrat hill. 60 by 300 varaa. by Taxra, $317; penalty. 31 ii.,MMty, t7iit. at half In hy 3,on 1 es, $8.73; itenalty. IS utcents, cimta. property, $15. Taxea. $3.66; itenalty. boundedd north cent, toUI. $10 1.'. reaU; comik tnmi l.uecro. Andrea Uud. Taxra, $1.93; penalty, 10 centa, cosH, m $1 i IS Urensn Orlego. i.lh by Soto Armljo. 06; total, $5 !, . penalty til conta; coata. 11.10 raraa: bounded north by J. Italdona-d- $1.06; total. $3.91. ceuls; coata 70 centa, bKal, $1.61 $1.10; total, $1.18. Sanchex. Ambn do loutd. 66 by 800 I), east hy Harelas dltrh. weat by Contra varas; by Chave, rrabeisco 2nd 1.1 (oial lh II. south by I). I.ucero east by moun- Martlnex, Tranatto uno n uy iiki Wilson. 8. (mute) Unknown (adllla, Joae Antonio 1 10 by bouaded north Pedro Oar Uml Uml. area uta Value of peraonal property. by too varaa; bouadad by A Marline, lbni"o ljuid. It by 500 tains, weal by river. l4tnd, 10 by too varaa; tamnded norm uy W iwpaiin. Helm of Illocka 161 tUi 170. Albu 180 varaa; bounded north by 8. San- cla. south by F. llx Apodaca, raat by aorth F $66 $8 57. penalty, 38 llubbell, by 1 wiraH. hounded north by A. vnraa. north by .1. Ourtile, by public entrance, eaat by querque, Palrvlew Addition. bair Tasra. cents: public road, weat by J. B. y Oarcla. aoutb N. Chavex, eaat , Uarcla. hounded south Uat ches. south by road, oaat by Padlltn coata. $1 78. Rlo K.iuili b A Ban h val. by by J. eaat by J. Ourule, oy Antonio Perea. taxea. $7.31; penalty. 36 centa; coils. or total. $1.66. Value of personal property, $IT0 Taa Orande wett by publh road river. south Ourule. ditch, weat und estate, weat by road. Value per A 100 Iry I Xamnra. Jraua 110 bv 1. Und. too varaa. wi-h- by Im C'U and houw. Taxra. weat by Pathera. Und. 30 by 100 17 by 09 varaa; bounded norm ny 36 centa: total. $ 03 sonal property, 130 Taxra, 77 centa; Und. ra. WII; ponaHy, 36 centa; coata, 38 bounded n.,niv 500 varaa, hotimtod north by I.. B centa; $1.14 by F. Outierrex. Mtulh by H in ri-ii- penalty. 2 rcitla; coata 35 varaa; latitude! north by P. Uicem, C. Luccro. south by r. Martina. penalty, 3 centa; costs, 36 centa; total. total, Chav ' Putney, aouth tv Jeaua Orteaa, east I eaat by public road, weat by jr. . i i nli". total. 77 ci uta. south by P. I.ucero, oaat by I). I.ucero. eaat by M. J. Marlines, weai uy r. PRMCINCT NO. 6. $1.15. Sanchex Jose do la Us- - And, 61 Outi. - by hllla. weal by Putney 40 bv 61 ret. Value of peraonal i Maitlnei. Trlmula-- Uud. 22 by 100 weat hy I), l.uecro. Value of person- Marlines. Value or peraonal Itarela. Manuel - Und. 10 by 100 Padllla. y Joe.) Marino Und, 60 Und by varar: bounded north by road, property. $i I), by I.. I'acbeco, varaa. lioiinle.i north by P. Lit aouth by T Savedra. eaat by if. Page, Taiec. lit i p,nKy. a eanta; cost ... aran iHtiinded north by Martina al property. $60. $1.61; pen- ty $30. Taxea.; penally, is vara; hounded north by M0 varaa; bounded north by J. C. 70 Tax. - rero. aouth by :' Luc ro. eaat by J. by l I cents, total. south Uy ('. Martlnaa. tat by Httbllc alty. 60 centa: coats, $1.06; total, centa; coata. 7o cents: total, $6.60. south by H. Montoya east by P. Pa- Cnaves. aonth by II. J. Marino eaat wrat road Un in by 6O0 varaa Jtt tt. ft. Armljo. weat by hills Value of . llubbell. J. Frtlpc .mA, too by x.mi I ..Mil. t by arunt llwlta. Ilouae $ I I.St. Montano. Felipe 32 ny i"on lilla. west by public land, laid, l.i by J. Sanchex. weat by ft. Beaches bounded north Sanchex; south und. personal property. $100. Taxea. $1 ST C p varas; bounded by II Vuliii' Mraonal piopcrty. 7u. THaa, Martlnex. Melaquladea Uud loo by varaa; bounded norm ny r. i.ucvni, by ion varaa; bounded north by 8. Und, 60 by 300 varaa bounded north by ftam hey east by road went north F tlubl.. peaalty. 8 cent . 70 cent : total. by v and F by $1 17, Mnatty centa ; coata, 7o 1 ihm varas; hoitndetl by P. A. by C Perea. eaat by railroad rtanihex, south by V Pedllla, by H. II. coat. bills Vain. personal proper' Chave. south Barbara llut north aouth by Chavex. aouth hv Padllla. $1.36. iieli tnd pubUc . .iiIm total, $1 w;i (tarda, south by N Manrbes. east hy went by Chamlsal ditch, uml, uy Aroqula. weat by road. Und. 60 by by II. Chaves, weat by 75 Uat half t,t ... ftS": penalty. road, cast by puhii. si eaat road. Xantora. Juan Cerllo-- Usui, to bv 13 road west by P. Miirlliii.4. Nlcanor IauiI. 51 by o,i railroad, weat by public road. Und, 7oo varas. bounded north by 8. (I de 100 varaa. Itouadrd north by F A Und, 60 by ion varaa laiunded north cents, coatx. 70 rents; total. $3 41 Chaves. Ua4. loo by 60 vara: bounded north by I). Ortago, y Nh-otb- a At 300 varas, bound. wl vaiaa, hounded north by IV Martinet, 30 by 600 varaa; houn'ded north by Lurero. south by C. Perea. eaat oy llubbell. aoutb by Acauw. by by O. Apodaca. south by J. Sanchet, Sancaes. C. Uad. i.v north, aoulh, .shI. south by P Orlego east by M. Oriagti, too varaa; by nd west by public I Ju l mmth by 8. Oairla. Mat by river V A. (tarda, south by P. Pala. eaat Puebllto ditch, weat by river. Und. A. Ubato, weat b J. Ita rets Value eaat by IB. Monloya, wrat by road bounded north P. Ar navl. And wrat by areuta. Und. 16 by II var- - mijo, ny y. by 200 vnraa. b M went by public road. I .and. 21 by 100 by M Trtijillo, weat by II. Montoya. 20 by 1200 varaa, bounded oy or peraonal property. $10. Taxea. 77 Value or peraonal prop. ;ty, $70 Tax- south stsmiia, eaat by bounded north J. ur.ii itouuded north by Main road - Sam-he- t y varaa. bounded north by I'. Martlnoc. 60 by floo varaa bounded north c. aouth by Iteyea Sandoval centa; penalty. I centa; crate. $1.06. ea. 77 penalty. puonr roa'- wrat ny pumxc road south public ditch, eat Und. Perea. rent; I rant crala. aouth by S (lard, east by Value of peraonal property, by river, wrat hv public . nil h liy M. Montoya. eaat by river, by J. Marlines, south by M. Oonaalea. eaat by ditch, wrat by river. Precinct total. $1.16. 16 rente; total. II. 1 6. acul, $M. Tss navl. Land weat by J (lull, r re. Und. 100 by l. ea. in 19, 100 by too by 1 i Mi by public 51 by 7 by (1. went by M. 23 -- by 3oo vara, bounded Chaves, de Padllla Dolorea- - Und. y 50 penalty. II rents; coata, M vara, bounded north utad. rait Parhec Oonsal Uud.60 Sanches. Juan Perea Und. ooo bound-i- d by 00 by 60 IMiunded by C vara, north A. (trie cents; total, tax a Hubbell, aouth I, J u. . a ' M . hounded north by I'. Marline cm. Und, to by 200 varaa; bounded north by J. C Lurero. south by i in varaa. north by 100 varaa lamnded north by sanches. go, aouth by C Sarnora. eaat br ace Sanche 3nd -- by by river, weat by Metagar M M Kooth by M. Mouloya, eaat by ditch, north by M. Oardu. south by M. Mar rea, eaat oy meaa, wrai 1 Turrieta, aouth by K. Chave eaat b) aouth by L. Savedra. eaat by Antonio Und IT and quia, weat by river Imu4. 60 by 10 25c (J nls. Value of perioral went by Alameda grant and houae. line eaat by Jraua Martlnex. weal hy Value or jaraoal property $7 Tau ditch, weat by J. M. Cbsve. Und. K. Vigil, west by public road. Und. vara, tamndiil north by J property. $22'. varaa bounded notth by J. C. Saaao-ra- . Lucero, south by public path by l4Ut half flTJO; Valuua iiroparty, $1.16. I .aat M. Oonsalra. Ilouae Value or es. $8 08; iHtnally. 16 rents;cosls. 110 by 160 vnraa; bounded north by 50 by Pat varaa. bounded north by J. eaat laxn penalty, xi ieraonal south by main road, eaat by ac at. Nuanra. wrat by cents. C4tsta $ 40. $10.01. half tasea. $3.U; penalty, IB cants; properly, $95 Taxra. $7 22 $1 10. total, $I0.3. It. Padllla. aouth by Indiana, eaat by ('bsve. south by H Montoya, eaat by Vletorlaao total. quia, wrat by Juan t larcla Value of I no Sarraclno so v,- roata, $1 u5, penalty 36 rants; coau, $1.76; total Sefora -- Und, 160 by 300 X. Padllla. wrat by . Value C Montoya. weat by J. Padllla. Uad, II bv varaa; bouad citt lnd, by total. $l.3. ' Montano Und. personal proper! v, vara; 200 north by Orenorls of peraonal prop-trt- $10. Taxes. by by $. Tasra, $.04; ed north by J. 0. I.ucero, Mmth by bounded uorth by CaaUno Ra. Meataa Itafnel Und, 20 by $U.31 varaa; bounded too 100 varas, laiunded north penalty, 25 ceata: coata. $1.10. south by 1 1 .1. $8.1 16 70 - total. Juan Alderete, cast by public road, Contra sceouia, aaat by Ki varaa Uiiimleil north hy II Araaou Montoya, Oeaario Und, by SOU Oarcla south by J. Oonsalra. aaat 1; penalty. cents; coats. road, south by . raat by R. Vigil, $66t. want by M Nuanra vlr Jaramlllo. wrat by I aouth by A. Hati loval, eaat by J. Mar va !"; boundwd north by Max Chaves, by ditch, wrat by arroyo and house cent, total. $l.s. wrat by J. F Chavex. Und, 30 by Value of personal nubile roa. -- property, $30 pen- Value of peraonal waat ny htllu. by R. MonUiya y eaat ot personal pruiterty. $to. Tax- Chave. VIdal Und, loo by loo 300 varaa; bounded north by J Padll Taxra, to cent; property $81. Tax tin, Value iieraoiial aouth Anodaca. Valua PRUCINCT NO 9. I TO ea. 1 by M. y 81 costa. To varaa: bounded north by ditch, aoutb by by alty, cent; coata, cents; lotai. tl to centa. penalty. cent; eoets. 36 inkirt). $to Taxra. $1.17, itanalty, by Alameda ditch, weal It. es. $t.7. itenalty, cent: hi. aouth J. Morlno. eaat river, Anaya. A. do- 164 by ; by by 1. by . Dolores - laad, ceata. cent total. It cuats. t. centa; roata. :I5 renla. total. $1,641 Apodaca. Ilouae. Value or personal cents; total. IT to. Orant. east Padllla, weat wrat by road. Value or peraonal prop-arty- v varaa: (!undlar4ft--Un- d. 10 .1. bouided aorta br sanchex. Matlaa IM by 1, Montoya. Juan M. - Und, 1 by too propa'ty. $66. T'txra. 58 cents; penal Perea de L. CatorHB. Und. 31 by loo vara $lb. Taxra. $1.17. penalty. 0 l,ad, I.. by aonth by P. Anaya east hy river 7i" varaa. bounded north by c P. PRRClfcCT NO. varaa. lajtinded forth by I', ('ha vex. ty. 3 centa, coata, 70 cunta; total, by 000 varas; IxMiniie! north by J bounded north by Idllw. aouth canta cost. $110; total $2 83. oy a. It. by Baacbec Value of peraonal tbtnebes. aouth by 8. naaebes, east by Aaiya. 10 aouth by A. tUtuJoval. aaat by rtvar, $1.11. M10.1..VU uuth br P. Oarcla aaat public land, tmal by river, west Sanchet, rtofael Und, to by 100 property. Aatonlo-- by MO varas. 38 by 100 bound- Taxea. $1 08. penalty Hlo Orande. weal by Im Lotnaa. land In city. weat hy end or grant. 200 by Pala. Podn Und. HW by M var by railroad, wrat by river Precinct ditch. Und. vara; varaa, bounded north by CbHo Tur 6 It.. Und. Value of peraonal pro,, laud. by rent, coata. St ceata total. 11.41. ion by 51m vurao- by erty. T0 too varaa; by I'. Ten-rlo- . aa; by J. 1- 26 varaa wide, bounded ed north by J Sanchei. aouth J. rleta. by A. J Cnavra, eaat by bounded aorth Taes. PanaJty 20 lioonde.l north bounded north Anodaca. - Und south Armljo. Salvador Und. Mi hy 270 public roud soti;h by till; I y by M. by P. A. south by P Mob Padllla, raat by public hind, west by Dotorra Oalle cents; coata, II total. $4.10 aouth I'. Vandoval. eaat by rh aouth by P. Oonsalwa. eaat Her north Para, acenula. wrat Luis sanche varas boundml north by M rngon. gos. by cat; by by river, west by hllla by Hills. VaJue of peraonal proper UMi by 100 eaat liraldeHo Sadlllo, wrat Armljo. A R I -- Ha 11. II. block it er. weat h' end ot grant. Pour room rent, weal by P Itaca Und, 0 toya. aaat Und. varaa. bounded aoulh by M Padllbt. enat by ! by $136. , 16 I road acenula. Ui.d lot by 100 varaa; P Armljo y bouae. Valuue of naraoual pronarty. I 000 varaa; houudad north by J. A. ty, Tfee' $3; penalty. rents north by Beaches, aouth by P by M A Otero addition. lavH half Praciaci Oarcla. m 1 Taara. U.B7. a bouaded aorth by M Cbavra. aonth by 11 Tl ; 6 $ftt. Taxoa peualty, U centa; Tafoya, aoutb P. (larcla, aaat by bwumiad north by J """Montano, aouth coata. $106, total. $t.2o. Turrttttta, eaat by Rlo Orandi. west Ity. 19 taxra. peaalty. taenia; coats $a.t, br cent, coats, M total J M Oallegua. by W $1 by by P. eaat by meaa. weat by ('haves, y Joae Apodaca Uud. by HI Arroya Value peraonal eaal Joae Saaebs. centa, total, $11 Tl. coata, 05; total. railroad, waat Itancboa dltrk. Perea. of $4 II. weal by pubUc gar I or peraonal property, 60 by iuu hounded north hy J navl Value of Hadara.ri. pete ljuid. 26 by Meraa, Ygnai lo And, 3 aoraa; Ilouae. Value or peraoaal propert v. ueaa Value var, pronarty. $136 rase,; peaai Kara RobinariM I 14' penalty. by M. hy .and. i m by IT sonal limp rty. $o Taara, $1114; feet, bounded by boundail north by .loaua l'erea. aoatk $IM. Taxra. $7.!t.; peaaHy 36 centa; $50 tMt hair taxea. $650. Padllla. aoutb Chaves. ty. It rents nana, To centa, total varaa by mirth Ttjerae roml. total. $1 S3 It. Montoya weat by M etChavex miaaded north P. xrwlio. 77 rents coat. $1.06; total. by opera bona, enat by by llnvld I'erra. eaat by acaajuHt. waat coats. $t 06, tout t.T 3T rents; is)U. $106; JI64. south by road, eaat by 6. (taal. waat rraalty. smh Third perferto-Un- 31 by lull by 7o varaa: bounded iioiih Mac-bra- . street, wrat by A. Vtvlann. by .1. ferea Taxra. $3.70; penalty. Tafoya. d. lu by 300 Haneheg. Andrea Und. 'ii Uud. Vencratao Und 16 by by V Armljo ft.tT; penalty. Tax J hy Y Mancher by M ('have aouth hy II Moutoy. Tttea Saavedra Pertilio It by 60 $10 v. penalty. 66 ceata coats, r. centa, eoat 35 centa, toUI, varas. hounded north hy Tafoya, aras. laiunded north 60 varaa; bouadad north by II. Pa coata, 14 iad. It I I It centa II rant. tiMal. varas noiih by T OabaldoH W hy .1 (liirul by N Tafoya. h public road rani In Manic eaat by Actinia weal h road .and by C Chavex by 11 rents total. $1191 $113 aouth eaat aouth dllla. aouth II A 60 by so var- weat l.v name I nud 162 I." 1 on varaa wl.i. laiunded north by Moatoya. west by public south by Tomas surra, eaat by Rlo Vterker M U 1MB, 19 to In. In tvrea. Iiavld y Mlera lud. bound went hy J Arlax Und. Chaws, Und Camel Und. Ian by MM var II .1 d i V Hon Ai bxnd by liar. oraade weai bv public rtaxd. slve. Mock K M. tW. n. ad on north by Yguaclo Cerea aouth as. hounded north uy M I.ucero. $1 SiK) varaa. laiUU'b u.nib equla aouth by public .raat Urn by 100 varas. bouaded north by J by C. Iad addition bounded north BaaV'h''f. IMI by 184 vara by X by by M. M aaat by 1). uiea. south by publh road eaat hv A UbaUt wrat by A Padllla Und. Chavra, bv K Moraga. by bouaded north S Tasra. $16 6a, perarn sta; by J. hi SandovaJ anal a'iUla. aouth Hoasalea. south eaat south hy M lima, eaat by V Ilael. south iv rraia by A. 'I'aloya Vain. t In M (lnnsrl. Uu I60 by 2'Hi vara, bounded north by II wrat i.y saw-he- Sanchex ratal of Pablo 10 torsi $i ft) waat by A. Per.-- Value uf peraonnl I'bavex. weat J. entrance aanrhei ii west hv - tl by Arenal $JT. peaai Anaya cast hy M 8 Otero, wt- t bv Mr ... . t, , t $1.13; tanl-I- t of oersoual untierty. $10 Taxra hi bv ISO vara bounded norm " road south by M Chaves, eaat 86 by too varaa lammled north by nr c v. hi, I. Mock petty, $186 'faxra. ty. 19 canta; ",u r I renin n,,,ieT.II total Severo Sanchex IxR'l i,t I,". II. 1.I111 $8 KM; 41 centa; coata, 70 road aouth hy Venerailo Ha a river, weat by J Mar eta Value or per by grant east by c Iw .l i. 4, I'tU, 22 centa, 36 cents, totiu, penalty. public aula, south Mora $ -t II cota. II .,.. ,. M went I $1.71. aa. Inninw u. ,,,n a I I . east l.v Roberto farabajal soaa property. $66 Taxes ga. by J il m ' I14I08. Value r$4.06 renu mtal, $1003. xar wrat L baio Und. lo by Itaca. Salved... 60 by i L, Uad. Mroa i " Phi $1 l total, uutaa by pubilr .1 property I I t by lou var Miguel lV JM l. IHcgo Itoinero 7n by vara' penalty 0 centa. roalx so varaa. by M I O peraoaal $M. Taara. $7 5". f. i. a lr ii m TlllJI'lo Unit bounded north Pa ill varas t. n .nh hy H. S Hod. t road west by A .1 $.1 1 .i rnal Und Ito by - nalty 38 1 m i .1 l xouth l.v Imi inde.l 11 In J (lolixa Im. muled north by Tomaa Oanli. 23 la. by II enat by rents oata. 60 oeau to ml, i.i.ntali-- xaiun rth south 'haws road. south by P rtav.ira. eaal hv t ha lMHia le.1 liv I .1 flu hy by Lai 7n v.iiaa ni.Hli oa Ar $8 5.1 i . u ( . ul. Iii on mmth h east iy T IC. aoutb by Oarcla east aann Chavex. Joae M. Und !"" Weat by J Padllla Value uf personal tai i. a ii. road weit vex 3rd Wat i.v r. nal ofimijoa aoutb by Miguel A v .y 2n by ISO by i.ucero. Value of varas, lH.umled 1.1 load south property i..u. lis a hv Brown !..! H 22 and by. U Cvjtt. t,J l 4't ft'tt, Tnililh' weat Land west Jo iersoii nnit $jo Tax i.nts, penal rooms or A I.) lts ' lite i.i.m b"ui and 'uli Malic Vial public ra4. Nii bol tc Ik.wdon addition Value ol . perumaM rroaerty, $176. laat half iantlaaii.UHd; bomiiftM) PRBCINCT HO. II. M. Ortlt. Undivided Interast la la (' $11. north by I Itaca. son lb by A. Mora, oalmaoa, fftcctas lloose and land, arty, t centa; costa. SO ceata; total, titmm. 111 IS; BonaRy. 78 cents, costa north by road, ronth by L. F. Kuhna, Armljo. Anxostln land, SOB by oo Jada grant. Undivided iHtjreat In n lacero. Mart 'inn. Adwr. land, west br t). Been, eaat br neeoHla Mn. Value of peraonal troperty, $tS0. Tax- - $l.6t. 40 rents, total, r, 67 oaat by J Orlfa, weal by J. ortl. varaa; bounded north by J. Oarcla, estate of tl c do (iaea. h.u -- i ounded north bv M c Laero aoaOi ore Houae. tbtercat in ltoretrn grant. es. 76 ceata, penalty, I ceata; costs. Chaves. J. Antoni- o- Lots, bkwk P, .1. I t pcraona: Tat-ea- . by M by M. f'o R. Rramlett. H of ami 2. block Value of property, f8ln aonth timet, east Ahss, Value of personal property, $6o T i i.v Raca, rai by Indiana, Weat bv Interest In laa PiactUts grant Valne 86 rents; total. $1.16. Bars Armljo addition, laat halt $7 87 88 M. BOO i -- M, R, X. T. (' i ddltlon Value of per 12. penalty. centa. coata. waat by Ansvn land. 808 by cs. $6.22; penrtii;, SO CeHtS; con) i nbllc animate nnd. boaHdetl north of iieraomtl pn petty, $70. Taxe. Valdet, Wnrtuuea House and land. tax. 82.19: penalty. It cents; eoats, tonal properly. I tin) Taxe. $W9P: centa, total. $8 14 varaa; bounded north by P. ObaVet. $1 10. toUl. $6.8S. i.y J. Lucero, south by S. C. da Raca. tin, penalty, j reata; coaU. $1.10; vame or peraonal pi open y, fan. Taxes, zo cnu; total. Suit iK 40 liott-e- (' V j by M caat by M. Orant ejty. cent coats. not. I" r. Peraonal property, aonth Oram Baca. Paclflco C da Laad. Ido lo nst bT iteeeuU. weat by ft Raca Intnl. $8.37 $.26; penalty 15 cents, coate. 86 Cloulhlcr, II. A -- Lot t. block 37. talTriiM value Ttlft. Taxea. $8.87 ; penalty. Ml , waat by M. tlrant. Value of peraonal i and 8M ynrda; bennded noflh, Romero, Juan J. Laad, 16 8.1 b. Hunlog 18 varas, oundcd north bf it. Lucer aonth. varas , cenU; total. HlaHlanl addrUoa Value of H. W p-l- oti. to. 18. property. 7o. 78 cents; penal by MyMi. l and centa. coata. U eta; total. $lo Isxes. south by Cnchl't xrasi. aaat by u eaat aad waat Cochltl Indian wide, bounded north by Lata Hne. personal properly, too. laat half Mock R uaca Armljo Ta Bowland. John-Rlo- cx So. Rrowneli ly. t centa; coals. TO centa. total. Value of person n $80. Tax south by 8. C. by SI addition. Lucero. west by Itmtta. Hon-Val- ue (troaerty, de Raca. eaat ltlo PRRTIHCT NO. taxes, 18.47; pens cents; coats. M to 17. p $1.61 ea, penalty. wan. costa, tall addition. Taxea, $4 nalty. nmsxs in. $0.99; petiett). 50 cents, costa. ttranne want ny kills, value of per - O.- - by SO cnta; total, f fit; - of ncrninsl tim. lific Ansures Jos.- laad. ilM too jet cnata. $ 7 Armljo. AndMK- 77 by 37 -- cent . total, "V St centa: is 40: total. land. 25 fi 06; total. $11.64. sonal property. 1V85. Taxea. 13.88; raraa. hnnnHxil i nrtti Hln Punn-- Cramer. Little S and east half M. Taxea, IIBO; pecsltv. ceula; costh hr tat Batman. W. c Personal property, Caedelarla. I'etioalla de Martinet--I varaa; bounded north by Oaltexos, 70 85. Lucero, y Aatoulo Land penalty. 16 centr costs. 36 cents; to- lot 4. bloch P.. N T. Armljo No 8 ad ft) cents; total, lotx. aouth by Meaa. eaat by P aalado ch. penaRy , .and. 300 by 780 varaa: bowaded I sooth by iirroyr., eaat by nubile road, bounded sonlh, weat $8.82. J-o- A value tJ75 Ta Ivor.. t aorth. eaat and tal. weat by N. Analln aad house. Value dm"n "x,th "f by 38 M Reca, Antonio de-- land beand I I mat; coats, .Itttnte; L tal, 18.60. north by J ftomeio, aonth J. Gar- went by lullan Pats. land. by li;. Indian Ihitda. Valne of personal flams. Tomes - and. to br 160 va- of personal 00 70 ,0. W "Vstfra addition. Valu no by cd north by M. C. . Ilaea. sonlh by M prcpeity. Taxea, Caao. Rodrlgo by 60 feet, cia, eaal by J A. wcat by flrant. varaa; bound H north J. Ontlarrat. pioperty $110. Taxea, $to.i7. penal raa; bounded by J. T. aams. I prop tand. Ie. Armljo. aaat by same weat byR. muth cents; penalty. cents; costa, 31 ' PrsonM rty, $136 Tgxea. C. by Taxe 17; penalty. 21 , Aouth by P (loRxalea, aaat by Cncbtlla. 11 cents; total. by L. A. taunted north Iv Orande. aouth tl tenia; roU. e i). ceata; coals, St aouth Orttr. eaat by Orttx. cents; tout. $i.i5. 816 00; penalty. 80 coats; coata. $l; .1. ;ir, 14.73. wi t by J Ast van "aloe of personal ptoaeity $ 1 .OS. Romero, east by cano. west by n centa; toUl, Arrhlbtouc. Ilouae. Valne weat by Indiana. Value of peraonal Pelipe-Ln- ,utl- - j 15.',. Taxes. tt Sa; paaalty. 6 ceatx. Ateaelo, ud. 280 by M " cano. Taxes, $8 05; penalty, to cenU; Carnbajal, Vivian i; bounds; of personal prop rty. $10. Taxaa. 88 Laearo, Andrea land; bounded property, Jloo Taxea, $6.11; paaalty. varaa: by Rio plxmoad. J. P. Peraoaal propertv, I coata, 86 centa; total, $1.67. bounded north Puereo, costa 8 cenU; total, north by araqubt, aouth helra of crntn penalty centa; coata. $106; north by II. OrllB, sanlh by A. Ortlt, 16 cents; obU, 16 centa; total. $0.95. by by "loon and 8x1 urea. Taxea. ! aouth laa tamaa. east It. 8mado ft II; ; bound-- l by n t by M. M. total, Itaca. Juan At.tonto C. N Oaao. Jnltanltouse and lot Montoya. eaat road. tl da Land. .sat by A. Raca neat by aame Valne Raias luan 280 by 890 rsras; vat, tanjoe. 87 v"Mn- - owiiU; to- - I weat by 0. Marllu aad P"ji'r .1 . Teodiw-i- 198 by 188 500 by 5oo yards by A north bjr south by S de Artnljo. Taca $9.77 pennlty. 48 Chaves, land, otinded north of personal property, $00. Taxes. bounded north by J. Moqulno, aouth bv Valoe of peraonal property, $00. Tax-- , u firm. per- 8ft $10.88. varaa. by 11. M. Montoya. by Indtatta, by $1 , UL Morris, seat by R Cano. Value of centa; coata, t enia, total. bounded north Arrhl soutit eaat 68; penally 8 cents; coata, 86 J Mooulno. eart by P. Qulntsna, west es 38 cents, pennlty, 8 oenta coata, SB "M,r,,07 MJ.W 1- - 7 to proper-ty- , beonp. Miuth by P. Armljo, eaat by J. same, west b Rio Orande, 800 ,s- aoaal property I'.'' Taxes. $4.01; pan. Orvaotea. Jnllan Peraonal land cents, total, $8.09. by M. nallegoa. Value of peraoaal cents; 75 - (M'loalve, block R, M. B. A It. add I by 160 H total. csnU. , alty, M rent, kwu, 36 enU; total, value $16. Taxea. 68 centa; penal- Pal, west by ditch. Interest la laa yards, hounded north by Marlines, jaeobo. Land; bounded property. $68. Taxea. 11. 26: penally, Diego R P'1 Mt 11,1 7B; l by Armljo. -- Value of paraonal !"! Hr. $5 54. ly, I canta; eoeta, 36 centa; tout Hitorta xraflt. Valna uf peraonal lattdm Mares ast Ban Domingo north by P. Mares wroth by J. A. Oar 6 rente; costa, .16 centa; total. $1.80. itroperty. $4.81. Tatoe, $IS.SC; penal 88 cents; coats, $1.80; total, $15.68. $1.01. property. $10. Taxea. $4.86; panalty, ditch, weat by House. Ltt tmmn. Anna Maria Land, 1H by Mme. Value rla, caat uy J. Ix.pex. weat by M. Randoval, Aftunto Value of per- ly. 61 cents, roata. 35 ceata; tout, uarcla. Juan 0. House and lot vara, hounuod north by Alexan Iftimn. Juan It land, to by 300 23 tents, rosta. 70 cents; total, $8.58. of peraonal proocrty $lo. laat half cer. Taxtte $105; penalty, 6 ceula; sonal property, $810. Taxea. $1.67; near Barelas road. Value of peraonal v $6. In; 27 $ltJI. south by lan,hardo. east by feet; bounded north by 0. Uaca aouth Rcktrt.Chae Ilouae. Value of taxea. pon.ilty, centa; coats. oats. 86 cents: total. 81.16. penalty. 8 cents; coata, 36 centa; to- l troperty. $70. $8.86; der bill, Archlbeiu. . aho Land. 100 by Txea, ttenalty, wini h array, praenrt I J. Land by road, caat by L. Ilunlck, waat by personal proper!). $ro Taxea. $2.86; $1.05: total. $6.72. Martinet. Luis land; bounded tal. 12.10. too varaa: boondtrf north by J. T. Lo, '8 centa; costs. 16 cents; lotal. $4.39. coats, 36 cents; to- Baca, y Jose P. 10 by to 1 20 by lr.o varat: bounded norUi by txia Iima. Valne of peraonal prop- panalty. II ceht land, north by U lapei, aonth by 8. Mares, Rena. Hlninia M. de land. seres: halo, aouth by Juan Perea. eaat by rlv .,r"?.n H1"" K. M Lot SS, block 8 18.86. varas; boundei by M. Baca, A. by Marea, by D. C. N M T- - c- erty, $80. Taxea, $1.16; penalty, tal. north oaat by J. Oarcla, weal Ii bounded north de Itaca. south er. west by meat and houae. lreclnct - Add. Laat half tax e- aouth by M Armljo. by same, II. gel, treat iv l.iioro. rata of aerta. canta; coata, II tenia; total. 11.87. Ourule Jos- land; bounded north eaat Houae. Value of personal propertv by Itaca, east by I). and J. tHtca, I. Ilouae; boundei'. north by M. Aao $n9; pennlty, tt cenU; costs, SO 1 new-sltO- rtory, Aaron--L- o 10. It. by road, by road, eaat by com- weat br A. Uacb. Interest In lla. 61 Hi aroert 1 4". Taia.; block I. A snutk $30. Taxea, cents; penalty, west by Indian lands. Houae. Value dsxn, south ami taat by P. Cbtvet rents; total, $11.74. land, weat by C. xraut. House Annie--Person- centa: 70 cents, total, L. addition. Value of peraonal proper, mon Illva. land; Jada and land. Vahtc centa; coata, 70 tenia; total, $1.88. of peraonal property. $46. Taxea, by railroad. Value of peraoaal' leorge, al property, ty. $85. Taxea, $3.56; penalty. IS bounded north by public ditch, soath of peraonal pr.p rty. $66. Taxea 86 Mllas Value personal $7 09; : : centa; 70 Marttnea. of penalty. coats. property,rt i.'io Taxes. 21 cents; pen- - luralturc and rooming bouse, value, -- So by arrovo east waat by Handoml. cants; penalty. I centa; or.; if. Henrietta H. Lota 11.1.'. blocs centa; coata. centa; total. $3'3 and coata. fl property. $36. Taxea. $1.16; iwnaJty cents; total. 18.11. alty, I cent, coau. 70 ceata; total, 98 'M Taxea, $10.18. penalty, So cents; ;. Croeao.i Kennedy Oarcla. Juan Nuama Peraonal Land, hounded north by T Lucero. total. $L9I. 7 centa; coata. 35 tenia; total $1.87 Rena. Jose N. - liounded 85 add Tum, land, north cents. i "t". ceata; total, $11.03. .", pr-anna- l Mouth property, Raca. y - flu to, tensity, centa. costs, 10 property, waxona. etc. Value of by public east and Plor Valentine laad; Martinet, t'le .fa-s- land nnd three- by .. Armljo. south by II. Artnljo, Cavet, Pranelsco Houae. Value' Oranlng-- r. William Precinct r, by puhlb' property. Tract of bounded by H. Martinet, prop rent, total I II. so. property. $80. Taxea. $2 50: west north south room houae. Volue of personal east by J. B. Aragoa, weat by J. R. of peraonal property. $30 Taxea, ' freettoaal lot 13. block 2, by P. Ba- by public by I xfi Prcehnc. n r. - Una 8 and block penally. 13 centa; roata. .16 centa, to- land, land: founded north mad. eaat U. Montoya, erty. $76. Taxes. 59 cents; penally, Aragon. land: bounded north by J. 11.32; penalty. 9 conte; eancnex ana. i. 23; - Ch-ivi- ooeta. 8s Taxes. tn- 4. 8198. ron and 0. aonth by public west by public ditch. Hoaee. Value cents; 86 centa; total, $1.88. Raca, by M Raca. by 6 and lotl. 20 and 21. block r. Worth tal costa. south east cenU. total. II 7.1 hlty. cenU; coata 40 eents; coata. 40 and. property, east by T. ftalaa, west by T. of peraonal property, 176. m addition Value of personal prop- rtarcla. Joac 50 by 75 Taxea. Martin. Pram Isco land; bounded acomita. west by tiorego grant House Perea. Rnerlo- -1 and. too by 110 var- cents; total, $1.08. i nn by 18 30; penalty. II centa; 70 erty. tllR Tax. i (laat half),; feet, bounded north by P. Armljo. TruJIIto. I. bounded north coata, north by J. A. Usca. aouth by Value of peraonal p operty. $115. Tax- as; bounded north by public domain, Ottoman. Uiuls Lot 2. block 18. by same, east by C. Ill- centa; $8.11. A lenalty. 72 cost. $t,on, total. aouth by R. iedlllc. eaat by P. Armljo; acequla. south total. eaat by Hantn Domingo, weat by J. ea, $1.67. peualtv. cenla; coats, 70 aouth by J. Domlngucx. eaat by river Hunlng Highland add. Taxea. $6 61; unl. va. weat oy P. tlnrnle and house, Creeptn. -- 80 by 100 o( property 15. IS III. weat by lnlo, et at. land bounded lautr land Baca. Value pcraoual cents; total. $2 try mesa penauy, 27 ceau, coaU, 20 cents; t- - l.-.- waat and house value of -- I north by arroyo, aoutb varaa. bounded by A. Creeptn. $115. 1 Oarcla Miguel House and lot. Val north by owner: aonth by Loa: hounded mrth Taxea. ill centa; penalty, ftcgura. Anionic land. So by too property. $46. Taxea, 19 by L. by C. by mpila. t ast by amtyo. weat by aouth by 1C Raca. eaat ny Indians, 35 $1.01. by rnMftl id of personal property, tilt. Taxea, eaat T. Mata. weat lawta. si cents; costs. rents; total, varaa: bounded north A. Jaramilio, cents; Henalty, I cent; coata, 88 cenU, Outlerrct, Mtas J. J. 26 hv loo feet 7 P Mora. Value of paraonal property. weat by ltlo Orande. land, 1 1 by too rvupe I acrea; by R. Blen, by !. $1.38; penalty. rvUi; costs, 86 cenU; Value of pcraonb property, $0; taxe?. Marea land. south east !.! Oraade, of lots 1. S. 3 and 1, block 7, N. M. 8 centa; total, w cenu. T. .an. 7 centa; 70 t4o Taxes S8o. pnatty. rama; Imundel north by It. north by arroyo, aouth by n west by grant. per- M.-L- total It $ penally. coata. t,t, rises liounded Nouse. Value of Randoval. B. and; bouaded co. land, in pn cinct 4 last half Ux. Lot centa. total. $St.l coats. $2.4?; totel, $8.00. aonth by M. C. de Baca, eaat by Rio lionet, eaat by mad. weat uy r. gam sonal property $195 Taxes $t.o:,. $17 Oarcla. Ambrocto hounded north by H W'ikfnaon. south by C. J. , 98. penalty 90 cents; cosU, -- bound- Orande o cent-- , north by Tt)era load, aoutb by allay, Oarcla. Stmor '.and, 50 by 142 var. Ourule. lose Andres land; wat Indians. lloaae. land; bounded mirth by penally. 6 coata, $1.05, total. Oontalee, east by fxtja, weat by rtver 'AS: ,0,", ,9M ed by N Archlbeqne, aonth by Value of pera nal property, 10. by P. Mnrcs, oast by $3.15. east by J. (tarda, wrtt by J. P. (tarda. aa; bounded tii.rth by Alexander, north ft south Indian and hoaae. Value of personal proper - Hadley, W c. Kstat-o- I to 12, by r. ttnlan, tat common ditch, weat Txies. $3..V; penalty. 18 cunts; costs. lands, wcrft by J. B. Montoya. land, to Regura, uta Valne of personal property. (So. Tu aonth road, cam by A'exander weat Vmado Value of persnndl ty. $400. laat half tagea, WF. pen- '"elualvc. block 18. Terrace add. Tax. va. 8 rents, coau, 31 by road, land, ; bounded by .1 Arcnlheque. Land, bounded $1.05. total. $4.78 acre (no bonndartea.) Valne of per property. 6o. Taxes. $2.08; penalty, $10.40, 68 fl.W; pena'i, tl vara' OuchlHo, alty. 40 cents; coata, 86 cetrta; total, peaalty, centa, cosU, ci'uU; total. II St. njrth by K. Peiea aonth by V, Ch north by P. Varna, south by Crcapln. Jose If. Value of peraonal aonal property. $480. laal half taxea to cents; coata. 7') cents; total, $t.S8. $1.71. 12.10, total. $18.38. Mpr'rujpv weat by M Mar-tines- . proH-rty-. $26. penary. Oarcla, Jnan A. Lota 6 and , block vet. eaat by (JntnJ. weat by railroad. aaat by Bear Taxea $1.00; 112.16; penalty. '0 cents: crista. $1.10 Valdet. Andres Value of personal Heacock. 10. C Precinct 4: 40 by Houae. Value of peraoaal prop 5 centa; coata. '16 tents; $1183. 54. N. M. T. Co. addition. Taxes, Precinct St. Lnud; 140 varaa; bound total. $1.16. total. $11.16. property. Taxea. $1.08; penally. PRRCINCT NO. SS. 80 "MMl; bounded north by 0. M M. crt, 1146. half taxea, Of ccnU; On ran. .Vianuela a. de 5ti by Mares, Houae. of 6 centa; ,i"; penalty, to emu. coata 10 ed north by fiarcla, aouth by laat Iand Value coata. rente; total. $1.48. y fwlelarla. Precinct 8: Land, bound. Baca, by by penalty. 6 centi; coats. $1.08; total, 100 varaa: hounded north by road, peraonal property. $16. Tuxee, $1.87: Welsh. ot bv Soo centa; total. $19.14. eaat tlrant. wtat Orant Jobf Valne personal varaa; oua.t;,? north JVl by kT by 26 12.01. aouth by n. Baa, eaat by M. A. Baca, S cents; coats 36 property. 181 b7 Pubi; ,n! i? Aniii0' Ilalberkan. Alvln lata I to 10 In Precinct IS. laud. by lo feet penalty. oeiite; total Taxes, $1.06. iienalty mavH MHlh Tth.,,y bv by Lucoro, Toms' land. 116 by 168 weat by J. .Vrmljo land. seres; $2 lo. 6 centa: coat; centa; ww aad taat by oreeu, west ,,,,';h' cluetve, block II. County addition ttouadad north Alexander aouth 84 total. by public 8 Jll.;lu d, road. bouaes. Valpe cenui 1. 8 10, A. Aaaya. eaat b road, weat by varaa; bounded i.i.tth b J Montoya bounded north by J. M. Itaca, aouth Marea, Mncaruaclon--laa- 188 by ofl Lota I. . and 7. block Brown ditch. peraonal property. 980. Taxea. 18.18: 70 cents; toUl. 12 70. c". ell A Lall addition. Taxes. 19 31: pan Value of peraonal properly, $80. Tax- soath by public toad, east by acequla. by P. Montoya. eaat by M. Armljo. 223 varaa; bounded north by J. Oarcla PRrtCLS'CT NO. 18. Helde, Henry Precinct ioo by 800 weat by L. M.mtoya. per- penally, it cents; coau, TO cenu to- t3: Iits ceaU; coau. Woo, total, ea. $5.76; penalty. 28 canta; coata, waat by public road. land, Value of aouth by tmc. eaat by acenula. weat Rarroe, .lose I. land, 71 varaa 11 aad IS. block 48. Hunlng Highland alt, ft varaa; bounded north by M. Armljo. aonal property. VI86. $16.70; by same, 103 tal. $7.19. 11.10; total. $7.41. Taxes, varaa wide; . $12.78. wl'.ie; bounded north by C. It' ros, Carpenter, J. K. laad, 160 acres, add. Taxea. $8.21; peaalty. tl cents, W.itlaee 100 br Oarcla. Martin -- land, 7 by SB var- south and ast by arroyo. weat by pub penally. 93 cents: coats. 70 cents: to- bounded north by N. Marea, south by by S. costa. to Itesselden. lattd 7. S80.38. south Archuleta, eaat nnd west (precinct 7.) land, 100 by 100 varaa. eents: total, $9.05. by A. He road. In precinct lrwelBl tal. J. Oarcla, aat by acequta, weal by n at 170 fact; bouaded north by M. I aa. bounded notth Armljo, aouth 1. by grant. Value of peraoaal property , by I.rkly. Margaret--t- 4. block HI, Borra-dalle- . 3oo vara boundaries), Oallegos. 18 by 82 bounded north Cerrlto, south by Btamm, aoutb by It. B. Hnnlou. caat by road, caat by toad weat by land. Lwr (no Luciano land, Mares, value or peraonal properly $46. Tuxee. $9 71 penalty. It cents; Hunlng Highland add. half tax Valne of personal varaa; boundei i by A. Montoya. Chamlsoso. east by . weat laat by north Rlgbth i treat, waat by I'reclwt .(" land. 300 by 100 Strati nx lous". orth 180. Taxes, Jl.Oi. penalty, 5 centa roats. 86 centa: It.ial. $10.87. ea. $13.74: penalty. 70 cents, cont.i, 20 IH'i Taxes, $S.t2: pxnalty. by A. by II by Pablo Ramlret. Hoaae. Valne of avenue Taxrf., t5.32; penalty varaa, bounded north by road, aonth property south Rene weat Hurtado. costs. 70 cents, total, $1.80. Carltu. C. P. J -- Lots 9 to 16 Inclu- cents; toUl, $11.64. M..U. to; total. W.fiJ. Ilouae. Valne of peraonal property, 15 by 10 va personal properly. $tt0. Tasea i.'. c nU; costs. :ir. ents; total. $ltu.! by A. I'erea. eaat by road, weat by ace II cents. Marea. Kuloal.. land sive. Archileta addition. Jentez Hot Jacoby. Denlre- - -- 8Wm, acc. S. twp, John tota and I. $176. Taxes, $213; penalty. 15 cents; by Marea, $12 80. penalty, 61 ceata; costa, $1.06; Hoffman. Klla i:. l.ot 31 ami aoutb quia. Value of peraonal property, 110 Mottcntacker. res; bounded north P. aouth Rprings. Taxe i. 18.08; penalty, 10 s. ngc. ;i too acrea. lfi.90; ( I Rn-- . total, k. Taxea. K A i Taxea, $8.88: 33 centa; coata, h. twp. 8 8, tOH acres tats coata. 70 centa. total, xa.78. by R. Marea, east by road, weat by P, ii.i.ib. ' half lot 33. blcx k mljo y Otero penalty, rents; costs. 11. fio, $i7t;. -- - cott, 10 i.r:o--Ian- lotsl C n cents; 1 on-- ri. Oontalea. Joae 6 pnJiy cnt'- - 8. 8. SOtfc Oatlegoa. NWt, acc Addition. ValiK- of property centa; total. 1711!' 2. ec. 2. twp. Re Mat IS by 180 Mares. Value oi personal property laddy, Chariot - Value ,t peraoaal pronal 55; penalty. 7 cents by 17 N. Rae. 1 M. Value of nersoaaJ "i46 1M. ma hatr tuxca. 2i.t; penalty Oleaaon. Pat land; bounded north acrc. Taxes. It. varas: hounded forth P. Qulntaaa. $386 Taxea. $a t , penalty, cenu. property. $1.68. Tasea, penalty, nroner,lr by by Trimble, eostK. 70 cents; total, $3.32. Houin by aame. enst by j. aaix west costs. 35 cents: total. M0.27 fi :'; property. $40. Taxea, 76 centi; penal.1 . ,l'"w'" ,r JOBB'T!'',OB1 $1.10; coata. W r. nta, total Railroad avenue aouth 10 cents; cnata, K'. 1S.70. - tl3.ll 101 SO cents; total. ty. I costs, 36 ,,?,74; P"1"1- " Bali-ra-n by by Ratnora, Joac d Jesus by same, land, by ioo varaa Marea. Pablo Value of person ill cent; cenU: Jaramilio, Land. 15 by 10 e&at aatae, wt at Mualo. Land. Martinet. Llbt ado land. 100 by too $1.15 """"'i cents; coata, 86 cento; toUl. $11 1 by J. 90 by 60 by by ioo varaa: bounded north bounded north '.y 8. Cordern. south property. $2I Tax en, 62 cents; penal l- fact: boaadM north by f'rleata; aonth varaa: mitided north varaa. bounded north by grant, ' - i'- -jf - N ar-t- o aouth Orlego i T wcat by T. Value Palx. south by P. Chacx. eaat by bv J. Alatl.TO eii.t bv B. Corriero wi-b- i :i centn. st., 36 cents; total, 90 Rafad land. 160 acres; . ,,ttww- h(ZkJ' by u. aranda. caat by acaquia: waat Torrea. of t. by J. L. ttaros, eaat by I. Meatas, by .1 "lx' ' , vs. by I.. Montoya. too by same. hounded north T. Orlego. south by iTS by Uroadway. 'aluc of paraonal nrop-Kry- peraonal property. $t3o Taxea. $1 :t; wit land House Value of personal cents. weat by J. L. Barms. " tot) by K Value of neraon government land, eaat by Llbrado Orl- - ,M; .?!?.',ltr,7 cBt'' e'"u 7o Taxra, M centa: penalty , penalty. S' centa. coata. $1.or; ttrtnl by varaa; hounded north property, 1180. Taxes. f.86. penalty Mares Kutetu! laud, luo by 600 al property. $65. Taxes, $8.80; M. penal ego, weal by Aotonlo Orlego. Houae. c,u,: 2 canta. roata. &5 centa: total, $81.:t. Handoval. south by J. Oalegoa cast II centa; costs, XI.06; total, flo.1l varaa; liounded north by taa Rome ty. 43 35 , , , n by y cents: costs. cents; total, land. 50 oy lOd varaa; bounded ,,l," k " Judd. P. L. bounded north by arroyo, west J. tendovs). land. Oarcla. Antonio ArmlJo land. ros, aouth by Heguraa, eaat by ltlo north M No- cinta. land; Vi",S. aad aouth by government T: JJ'ii,Arw,J0 - V'oe of p. r 19 by P. uy A. laad. 7, by M. varaa wide: bounded north bounded north J. Oarcla. south Orande. west I.y 8. House -- east br aXaSBaexl Bltaaiaa 48 at Ta, tr I Kramer, Joau- - 15 and 1(. bkwk Chaves, i.outh and eaat by Da Ortlt. Montoyu. 100 by it f 1 . lota M. by C. Jose land 500 Anionio west bv vivlea oer. ""- - v 21. Paraa Value of personal moia. weat by M. Chaves. Taxea. rtsmora. aouth b j. Oalktaos. east Montoya. ;xat by J. Oarcla, weat Value of peraonal property. $116 varaa; uarcia. addition. M. ttounaen north by 1. Montoya, cla. Valne of personal nronerty. penalty. ".";.St cents; costs, 20 cent'. $16, penalty, 01 85 nd west by J Oallegoe. land, by J. A. Oarclv Value of personal Taxea, $1.40; penalty. 7 centa; coata M. laa. ti property. Ttxee, $4.12; pennlty. tlo:tfi. cnu. coat. south by T.ujltlo. eaat by public Taxea, $1.81; 8 Ul. 84.63. $11 a;. ioo varaa vide; bounded north by ar property. J66. Taxes, as cents: pen i cents; $2 17. penalty. cents; coata, 2i centa; coata. 10 centa; total, 11.72 entn: total. total. Innd. weat by 15. Montoya. Value tif Nuanea. - 1 royo. aouth by lueanla, eaat by P. alty t cents; cents, 36 centa: Hlginio $1.06; total. 11.74. Doner lano land in . B. I'praonal prop Henry land. ace. 35. total Marea. land; laiunded personal property. 1120. Taxes 13.2:1. by ( lAUdnalacer. Sandoval, waat by OJo Value $1.01. Orlego. Antonlo-NW- Vi. sec twp. vara, bounded notth J Hit crty, furniture, valuo 1830. Ta twp. 10. Taxe. $8.12; panxlty. It river. north by E. Artnt.o. aouth by J. Baca penalty, 16 centa. coata, 36 cents; to it, by T. personal $80. Taxea. $3.S7; Oarcla, Adun Houae land 9 N., Rge. 6 K. lbO.48 scree. Valve of rldg. son:h Apodaca. .aat mil ck. IT.10; penalty 26 centa: coata. 35 cents; coata. .15 t nta: total, $9.08. of propl aad eaat by public road, west by P. Raca tal. X3.TI. west by A. Homer), t:t " ttenalty. 19 centr. coats. $t 10; total. Value of peraottul property. $40 Houae. peraonal property. $100. Taxea, $4JI; laad, In centa: total. 7 st Manca. charlcH (KaUUa). Unknown Tax Value of peraonal property Murray. Hugh-- tots aad building varaa, by N 16.48. cs, HI 4 2 peaalty SS cents; St ceata; to- bounded north On..'' JAMnbardo, o- tioundod ltelra of- - Precinct 26.- -11 6. block C ceata; penalty. centa; eoats 1180. Taxea. i. penalty 9 centa In ArcbuletH coaU. by AiiroI- 35 :ir, addition: hounded north Ul. 18,11. soutt t Oontalea, eaat b i) M.. , Joaquin-la- nd. 80 cents. cents, $1.33. cents; $2 73. I- by II. Mayo by L. spriim-or- A. P addition. lot 10. block TruJItU. 325 by total. 7i l'tai. by 7 1 north aoutb NH. Misslu.i atreet. south by - Jtelll Horrent. Jon 700 tlnex, we.t by acequla. Taxea. $1! w-- t L. 34. highland iKtundetl by arroyo Oarcla, Juan A Land aad orchard Mvstas. ManrL i 76 by 250 Laad varaa; aaat by bllli. by Armljo. Hunlnx addition. Taxea, varaa. north land. hoffer. eaat by Archuleta, weat by penalty. 7o cenU; 70 I by I bounded uoi.h arroyo. aonth by costs. ceuth. S, bloi-- 12. HunlOK Hlaland a.MI $12.38; penalty., ri cents; coata. to south by William Noodel, oaat and bounded north Cesarln Arnxnn varaa; bound i th by Ctichltl In Ma.n atreet. value of peraonal prop Ul. 814.11. i Cerro. eaat by J. A by lt taxea, $7.98: total. $12.39. west by arroyo. land, 8o by 90 varaa; aouth by nouse eaat by Rafilgiio l.o dtans laudf. oaat and weat by $90. Oarcla. weat J. tlon. laal half ienaM,y. erty. half taxea. $10.93; Nichols, W 19 : i . laat Oarcla. o. J. LoU aud :.r $8.91. Martin. Vlcentt 60 by 50 by arroyo. pes. west by R Lopes, laad, bounded same. Value ( persoaHl property Value personal property, to canta; coata. cn'a: total, land. bound iiorth and south penalty, 85 canta, coata. 70 cents; $90. block 4, Baca add. Taxes. $10 lx. -- - by llcnlgt.n by n 17 21 Tax.'. $5.42, penalty, 29 cents, Canilllo lauii. 17 by 50 vitr- varaa: bounded north aoutb and anat east by 4. Truldlo. west by arroyo. north Uipes. aouth $186. Tuxm. tl inalty. cents: total. 118.18. 61 lpat y by coatt. 35 mats; total, 86.06. penalty. canta; cosU, 40 cents; t aa; bound, il north by Ouardlola, aotltH by P. Camlehtrfa. wcat by road. Vntao land. Too iiy loo varaa; iKtundcd north tonlo Oarcla Aimljo. east num. coata. 35 cents; total. 15.73. naranjo junti land, let) varas tal. $11.09. by Hon-.- -- Nuanes. KranclMo 160 by by A. vlviani. by A. .Narrna, weal of peraonal property. $10. Taxaa, 46 by Cur hlllo aonth by Johquih, east by west Vlcentt Oarduno. ' .Montoya. Mactltico value or ier wide; by M. P. land. at bounded iiiih de Mon 30o varas; boundei by , Polaen Mary Preetaet 6: IM xn by arroyo two rooms. Two lots. Value of property. 1136. IB.S0 ,1 north by road. Value of paraonal proiwrty. cents; total, i. nta. arroyo. weat and two rooms aonal Taxes toya. south by 0. y Romero, east by R H 6. block Him pier No. 2 laco--lan- ir; south by canon, eaat by road, weat by C. add. 710. Taxea, 5a ranta; panalty. 3 ceuUi: Marlines. 'Priini ISo by Value of personal properly, $76. Tax sowal property. bo. Taxes it cents peHHlty. 20 eetil' costs, 38 cents; to Ousdslupe river, west by grant HutUx. Taxes, penalty. 3 Cuchltla. Valu of person al proper Ly. $3.04; penalty, 16 cents; coet . coata, IB centa; total, centa. 100 varaa; Iwuinbd north by 8. Oallc es 8 $8.91; penalty. 20 cents; coats cent" costs. $1.76; total tal, $6.41. Houae Value of personal property, 40 II 18.20. $40. Taxea, 19.17; penal t It cenu; centa; toUl. $8.60. Maarlno. II. Q --Hall Int-- r. nt eaat ros, south by W. It. Chlldera, eaat by fl.oS. total. M lb. .Montoya, Joa Value of Mrsonsl raxes. R. tzzb. xs7; penalty, li centa, cosU, 36 centa : Proppor, A. Peraonal propertv. 10 I , Oarcla. Joac P. land; bounded property. 886. 81.10; penalty toUl. tt ?n 8Wt. rcr. 27. twp. N.. Hfv. K.. weat by Cblldera. IJonse Taxes. eots. 70 cents' total, ItO.oi. horses, wagona. etc. $21 17, north by I. a. Oarcla, by M 5 15 Rult. Mariano laud, ton va- Taxea. SO aorea. Value 'if peraonal property. and lot. Value of peraonal property 17. aouth cents; costa. cents; total, 11.60. Peres. Prank - land. 1$ acres: panalty, $1.08; 88 PRBCINCT SO. Baca, A. 5- - raa; bounded north by aceu iin cosU, cents; hti1, $70. $11. penalty, 57 centa; $16. Taxes. $ penalty. 49 centa; eaat by Oarcla. west by A. O Mtntoyi. (Motsrlo P. -- land. , by M. uttb Taxea. '4. I 'Miunded north A. Mesta. aouth C - . $22.57. 70 Armljo. ream tatereata In y Armljo. VhIiic of peraonal proper .1. C. . by Banc net. east and w.- nri-y- roata, 15 centa; total, $12.26. i oats, cents total, JJ.ot. M.6 acn. bounded north by de Baca by I.. Osr.-ls- and weat hv hills. Rath, Rmlly 10, Ciiihttl land srxnt. Value of peraoaal ty, $85. Taxer. $1.08: penalty, 6 by P Mitdoya. by earl Value of net aonal prop $6... lat block 2, Baca Martin, Joaoulnl-and- , 12 by 200 Marline. Antonio land, 60 by 60 aouth eaat gant' land, n acres; bounded north by rlv add. 10.51; 27 property, tso. Taxes, centa; peaai lit. ,M. last half taxiN $2.01; pern , 10 Taxea peaalty. cents varaa; by varaa; bounded by road, south si cents, coata. 36 tenia: total, ft Domingo went by Armljo. Value er, M) bounded iurth Joau Martin, north south by hills, eaat by R. Jaramilio. centa. coats, 30 t'tnts, eoaU. ceata: toUl. $0.18. uy M. by (Jons lea, en .; by road, weat by 8. ty. 4 coats; costs, 36 tonIs; total Oarcla, Mart cs land ; liounded of personal property. $50. Taxes. toUi, U douui Martin, caat by acotiuln, weat by C. Randoval. Romero, -- Rogers, 4 r. 1.2J. P. l land. fielva. Mr. Mrs. 0. R. lata and wuat by Capt. Vohc. Oontalee. Tasea, $6.26: penalty, 31 north by J. Oarcla. south same, 11.20, penalty. 21 cents; coats, 36 50 o'l I 0 NW'i. KW. Valu' of pcraoual acrew. Value persons property. 8vV-t- . block 0. Armljo No. S add. property. $4f. Tuxoa. I2.4K; cents: coats. :ih $6.91 Aimi' Manuel Land. 76 by i east by vamn, weat by A. Oarcla cents; total. $l.7 RKi. NW'4. sec. 2. twp. JO N.. lift penalty. cinls; total. C. iao. raxes ut; penalty. 45 cents, Rge. I R. Uxea, $16.48; tteaalty. 11; ioMk t" c varas; bounded north by M. de $1.08; 5 COH, land measuring 26 vards 12 renta. coata, i uta; total 12.05. McOulnness. William land 37 by Taxea peralty, centa; Montoya. J. M. Land; bounded costs. $1.10; to'.Al $10 79. by A. by wide from public i ad to river; bound- - total. $ Mort.UI ,Mra. I .anil, 50 by 142 feet lioun i .1 north by at Uaca. south Bscs, east J. Ar 36 total, il.tti. north by V l.tircro, south by layba Julia l' reel, - Hmllh. Calletnno land; bounded iwl nnpth I iw h.M VI. Hanchet PoHcnrpIo I in- .1 rolju. by P. C one- -- M.ilk Lot it k lttei; bounded north by C. A. (Irando Houth l Oarcla east by entrance, weat Baca. land, Oarcla. Uarlo Value of iereonal ami Uaca. b ditch, weat by hy .MchIsm. by at north south by Juan Oar tsente Hedillo. by public K "sea Armljo add. laat half t Moutl: by west by .1. Valm of hnir acre; booniad north ncequia property, us. Taxes. i3 cents: nana! . 90 by 300 varaa eaal road. A'aahinfton avenue, caat by Oacla. porsoaal land, cia, east bv rasln road, west by river, p l coat-- . ay, $16. Miuth by J. IJa's. eaat by church, wcat ty. 3 centa; coata, 35 west by river. In precinct 5. land. i"1' Pnity. cents, Jlniadw waat by OenUla. property $6.ofi; penalty. rent, total. bounded north J. Montoya, south r4t-18- Vnlue of Taxes. lv land, bounded uoith by It. Archuleta, 300 '"'"'i' . property, 30 cents; 36 S.7o. by It. nin'uyu. land, a acres $l.o by H. Baca, by river, varaa. land, tt yarda Precinct ,n,B!i IKtraonni TI5. Taxa. 111.91; coats. cants; total, eaat weat south by school property, east b Inuuclac-o- land, i.v 7s lHnlty, 1. coata. IB total, Montoya. I.ult. -- loo by 190 bounded north by P. Montoya, sou.h OoHsales. Diego -- House. Value of House In Cuber.i. Value of personal land: bounded north by Booth L centa: land, va Main atreet. west by river house. i by R. eaat I ) A. Mares, west by $4)6. and western brewery. ontb by Jeault fath 'ot; bounded north by c j..u. $21,211. ras. bounded notth by M. Ortlx. south Ortis. peraonal property. Taxes. $4.1 property 134". Taxes. 118, penalty I Value of peraonal property. 1130 .aat era, RI NO,ltn v R- - tJedllm. east by V.-I- xH Indiana. Interest In ttajada grant. pennlty. 20 costs, 36 east Rstero. west by railroad. Rm.cUn Otero. Miaa B 66, blook 7, by c. Soto, eaat by C. Carahajel. wcat cent, cents: to 75 cents costs. $i.06: total. $18.80. w,-!- " ,,v 1I90, half Uxea. lis.i. penally, 21 centa: Value of personal $76. Taxes - Rsdlllo. Valu. of p. r Armljo Broa' adlttou. Taxea. 112.71; by J H. Lund. Value of personal prop- Value of personal property. tal. 14.73. Montoya, Csndldo-lan- d. 80 acres 70 iropcrty. Tiix.-s- . coata. cnta. total, 16.77. $11.81; penalty, ",,n"1 Property, $100. half tux. IHinaKy, 68 to- erty. $60. 10 $2l.o; penalty. $1.06; costs Oontalea. Mlgit"- !- Value of personal by P. Bare, by il cents; costs, $1.75; last centa: coata. 40 centa; Tax.. $2.o; panalty. bounded north south Smith, .lanie A. laud: bounded toUl, $lfi.i,7. $17 18. penalty 6 cents; costs, tal. $ cents; coau. ,ir total, $2.68. tl.4o: total. $2:.'.l. property, inn. Taxes J.05; penalty ,.M( ,y icequla, west by t.nts; north by R. by L. - A i 109 ,'iS . Archuleta, soulb Taylor. William II. SOO byeoM- toUl. $18.39, ml Jo. Ellseo land. 96 by 30 cents; costs cents; total, $6.70 . Tn-iii- 21 land, Otero, Mr. M. K. 13. block Moytnya. U. A. Land 21 by $117; penalty. : lot I'.. Joe m by M. Zeillboffer east by Main atreet, weat 200 varas; bounded by 9mith. Rhmperd-- S, W '4 s c. : - :!.'. .1 varsH- Itoitnded rlh Armljo Hurtado. Candldo 80 by too ::r, north dlteh. Arm! Jo Broa.' add- Value of peraottnl varaa: liounded north by H. Salt', land. cent"; coats. iei.tM. lotsl, $1.73. ny or I prop 10 N- s acequla. Value hereon by by i lwP H S6 acres. Val i property. $100. $11.85; aouth by T). Montoya, by lane, i.imth by N. de In O. east by J. It. Ara varaa; bounded north br Indiana Montoya, Pell. Uno -- 16 acrea south and eaat main road, weat - Taxee penal eaal land. rty. 1195. half tajtes, 91 cent i "; personal property, $10o. ty. 51 by M. i.ii west by J Itaca. House. Value aouth by Lucero. eaat by A. Home M by last Franco Samora. Value of personal Tax centa; coaU. $1; 'total. $18.12. weat Neraerti Valne of per bounded north bv Armljo, aouth penalty, 5 86 cents, 17 13 n. cenla, losta, total property. 815. Taxea, 57 penal- - j pennlty, cenU; ..tH l'attr-ao- H. 11 $10. uf personal pionerty. $06. Taxes. west by f'ochlti land. cenU; ' l'3": J. lxHa and 12. aonal properly, Taxes, fit uf Value of J. It. Lucero, by aceuula, west by 11 37. 1S-9- - 70 eat ty. 8 cents; coau. 86 cenU; lo,al' Mock 18, K Am:jo y nddlUcw. penalty. 15 rents, :is cenU; I... penalty, II centa; eosis. annal property. $165. Taxes. $9.11:ir ditch 12 acre i rating land. Inter total. L"1: ' Olero costs. to Wenborn. J. Peraonal property, TruJIIIo, RernAno C. de K. Hi r Taxaa, $20.82; tal. $8.58. int ". ttnal. $9.:7. penalty. 17 cenU roata, 36 cents; to est In grunt, In Cn cenU. l"i pasaHy, $1.08; ooatk. to Cubcro interest rurnituru, warum and loots, vsine block F. J. Apodaca $1 Montoya, ('. -- A i axon, Oreaot ',o land; bounded tal. $10 3d. add. Taxes. is. ct nU; total, IJ8.07. Tommh Precinct nada grant. Hoiim. Value of personal ISIS. Tuxee, 82 cents; iwuaity, 1 peaalty. 7 SO 25 by north by V Arm1 Jo. south by O. Luce- - Hurtado, Manuel 170 by 130 PRBCINCT NO. SS. cenU; roata, centa, t I'rauaner, rrtl. Lot 17, block SI, land. 78 varaa. Value of uer land. property. 186. t aes $16.21; penalty. cenu: coats, 35 tcnu: total, si. Ul $1.66. ro. east by ,i equts. weat by A. Lucero varas; bounded by II. -- y, Jose 90 by 100 II unlnc addition. aonal property, JO. $T: oen torth Hurtado. 31 cents, 76; total, Ooiierret. Land. J.--- Hlthland Taxea. ft TaAa. ota. lli.iO Williams, Oeorgt land. 900 by 300 Tway. W Iat 19. block 2C N M. $..H7; penalty, 16 cent.; coau, 10 ally. 36 centa; tftata. 88 eanta; land 68 :y 167 varaa; bounded north south by L. Pals eaat br L. Palz. waat Montoya. LuIh- - - Interest In Cottbiti uy raraa; bounded north by R. Marea, total. I..' M. varaa; undel torth v. Posts T. Co. add, half taxes, $22 s $4 31. by Baca, south by Lucero. eaat by H. Hurtado. Mud. 180 varaa wide grant. Lot In s Imnca. Value of aouth by J. Oarcla east and weal by laat 'iila: 7.7. south hy JHce, cast by foothills, wcat penalty, 11 13; costa. SO cent-- . t tui (! Moore, II.- 6, 7. by Indiana, west by acequla. Value to grant; oouudd north by II. Hurts propcMy. $25. M. Ralatar. Value of peraonal proper Itlnbarlt. AiHfuat Urto lilt and tl. - Itlocka 8 80 and personal '''axes, 19.3; by river, land, 160 by 300 $14.01. r $0- - SI H. vara, imi, 12. -- l. Ounb-t- of personal properly. Taxes. do, aouth by Ortls eaat ami woet Hi cents, 70 to- ty. $10. Taxea. $8.40; penalty, IS block Armljo Mroa.' addition. addition. Taxes. $80.Ki. ponalty. coats, canta; iKiuiided north by sulphur banks, Augusta--la- t cents; penalty. I cents; coata, 70 by It. 36 Vallln. IS and siv.ii'i Tax, $6.51. prfralty. 27 inta; coata, penalty. $1.01; costs. $1; total, $18.86. Ortlx. Houae. Value of per tal. $lo.5i. aouth hy aod rprlnga, eaat and west cents; costs, tents; total, $9.17. -- cents; total. $1.6K. property, -- H lot II. block 16. Maatern add. LsM, 2i cant; total $4 Oltu. I. N. IaiIs 3, I, 8, 8. Held 10, aonal fto. Tnxea. $8.17; Montoya. Mlx'iel -- laud, 50 by 20 by - Romero. Julian land, too by 100 . n. -- foothills. Vslu.- of personal prop hall tax.-a- $4.10; penaRy, 22 centr liodey, ". proper- block io. H. & I. Araxou. Victor Value of peraoaal penalty. 17 cvii: .. coata. $1.08; total vsraa; I by N. Luoerti, varaa ; bounded 1 orth by Ramon Ba- Mlnnl.' IVraonal addition. Value of liounde north erty. 115. Taxes. $188: penalty. !l costs, 40 cents; 18.01. property. 12.10. Taxea, II cents; pen s, total. ly, furniture $16.50; penaRy, personal properi,. fSitO. laat half lto.9 aouth by J. M Montoya, enat by public cents, costs, 70 rn" rs, south by J. Ortlt. eaat by J. Ta, 2 coats, 36 -- cenU; toUl, 18.66. Yrtaarrl. Paul J. 6. block 4 t2 ceaU; coau. 35 canta; total, $17.87. taxea, B.r.; penally, 80 centa; coat ally. cents, ceuie; total, leyba. Maardo Value of peraonal ditch weat by I. M. MtiHtoya. Valu-- t weat by .lese Crespln. Laad, lat 81 Klllhoffer, Unna I.ota 5 aud r. N. M. T. Co. add. Taxea $6.51. penal cinci $1; 16.16. centa. property, 86 by 25 varaa: by Sandoval. P. No. total fxn. Taxes, si cants; papal of iersonal proirty. $60. Taxea block I, Areuulatti addition, Jemea H it liounded north 87 Baca, -l- ty. I ; ty. cer.U; coata. 20 ennta; total, PaxtoM. Roman bounded north rents; cists, 86 costs total K. 86 8h-Imk- Juan Otero, south by Outlerret, The Ban Prancifcu Mprinna and lau Charles Half lntmat lots and; $8.11; ttenalty. centa; costs, land: botimlad north by I.. Juaa $6.9t. iKiJolalag IS to 81. ulock by P. Sandoval, south by M, Baca $1.22. cents, eaat by Manuel Crcapln. west by Ran Valu of peraonal property, A. County addition. total, 13VJ. A. Judd, iimth It. M. Archuleta, eant Wallte, H. 18 $2 $8.08; 10 eaat by Indiana. eat by I. Ilaea (6 Vlrginio land, liounded Moutoya. ISO 150 Anton)to. Value peraonal property. II Precinct NR',, $200. Tasea. .'r: wnalty. II cenU; Taxea. penalty. canta; costs. Alfredo land, by by acettHln, wtvt by river. Piece of of 27, 3 acres.) In Cocbltl land grant by J. J. Montoya, M $140. sec twp 10 N.. Rge K 150 n. r. 70 total. $8.59. $2.20; toUl. interest north south br varas; ttounueo ttortn ny b .vtarea, fifty-roo- t Taxea, $8.82; penally. II cents; (aia :ntx, t imwsjhmiI land, front tm Malu street: SWH, RWM. sec. SO. twp. 10 N.. I(r. AlHtn - David - 15 ; House, rooms. Value of llacs. eaat and w at by acenum. Value by by costs, 70 I'eniR. lotal, $3.80. Hahdovsl. iMd. 82 by 186 fVrea. land. 26 by reel aouth Raca eitate, eaat Indian houndoil east and t.orlb by Mrs. Smllh. 3 R.. 36 acrea. Taxea. uraa, bounded b I. C. $86. Taxea. $1.69: penalty, of personal $10. Taxes ditch, weat by A. N'. Montoya. Ill II; iicnalty, boundul corth by Overman, north Ierea. aouth by froperly. prorty land south by ArchuleU. weat by sceouls. 78 70 $15 coata. $i 06; total. 11.82. $8 95 : penalty, cents; 86 84. seats; eoaU, cents: total. Si Houtb by A. Aaat a. oaat by M. Martftt. Oirard. east by (rleata. wvat by road, i" coau. loo by 2S6 varaa, bounded north by vame or (tersonsi pniiierty, $tw. Tax- PRRCINCT NO. Itaca. iCatevnn - House. Value of 1 1. so Williams w. T. Lot so. block 10, wt at by . Land, 26 I y 50 land. 12 by 88 I. it, bounded north by cents: total. M. C. de Baca, south by A. C. de Raca. es, 18 imjsU Oarcla. Lorento laad, 300 by 300 property, 36. 86 $R.; Hnally. cents; N. M. T. Co. add. Taxea. $20 62; pen varaa; bouadeq i.oith by 1. Cande-larla- . I. Perea. south by U. Perea, ec " by personal Taxes, Myba. wotaea Value of peraonal east by estate of Y C. de Baca, west varaa; bounded north and aouth by 1 $1.10; total, $9 19. alty, $103; coaU, 40 cenU; total, aouth by K. Mania, caat by !. Prleats, weat by V. Hsntlllanea. Value cents: penalty. cents; coats. 86 properly, jxao. Taxea, 11.08; leoalty, by J. A. C. de Hat u. House Value of Brant, eaat by M. Banchet. weat by cents; total, 5 coata, .".1 $1.11. ft. $22.08. Candalarla. weat by road. Precinct of personal property. 880 Taxes. fl.oi. centa: centa: total. personal properly. $155. Taxea, $12.06 PltHClNCT KO. 19. Martinet. laud 300 by 600 varaa; M -- Williams. 9, l. Land, to by ioo $1.88: penalty, 9 cents, costs, 70 Baca, Juan land, 17 seres; I.erbn, Naaarl"- - latW. tfounded penalty 60 costs. $1.10; total, bouaded north b P. Delar. south aad Charlotte Block Pun varaa: bounded een'a, Dow. It. A lot) acres of land In bar add. Taxes. $6.23; penally, 20 north by Alexaudc r. aouth by H. Mar- cents, total. $2.r.7. bounded north by M. It. Montoya north by M. Mor.'oya. aoutb bv M. 0. $1 1.06. eaat by same, west br J. Oarcla. Value .1. Pino eanon. Value of tMtrsonal nrooer- - centi costs, 30 cents; 15 fi). tinet, caat by wcat by Romero, Pellx 38 by 87 var- south by Basis, eaat aad weat by J. de Baca. "Mat s:m weat br A. lavba. Ortlt .Roberto -- land, 190 by 100 of peraonal pt operty, 1166. Taxaa. total. Aloandr. road. land. M prop- Ir. 16. Taxea. 61 11: nenaltv. 6 cenU: Value of peraoral property. $106. Tax-e- aa. bounded north by J. Candelsrls, Montoya. Value of neraonal Value of personal proiterty, $M. Tax- varaa: bounded north by M. Ortlt, 1.77; penalty. S3 cents; coata. 70 erty. $80 S coata, 86 cents: lotal, 11.68. PRRCINCT NO SK $1.75; panalty. 14 centa; coata. aouth by road, cast by J Caadalarla Taxea. 66 cents, peualtv. ea. $1.66: penalty centa: coats. 86 south by A. Mare, eaat by ditch, west cenU; toUl. 17.. I 36 ; labato. jose I' -l- 236 hy 600 y $1 i)5. toal $3.4 west by J. Retirees Precinct 86. -- eenta: eoats. cents: total, ft cents: total. M It by L. Itaca Value of personal proper- and layba. ditto-- land. 800 vara wide Armljo, Jaramilio Jeans Land I 17 -- varas; boundei north by A. Archl- - D- Land, to by 640 varaa. lim a. David land a r. l.cyhs, Kiilauno- - House In ly, $110. $6.10; 27 to grant limits, liounded north by M 100 n 400 raraa; bounded uortb l Kuna. - Iac.I 28 by 88 Umt; bounded north Iena Taxes. penalty, mm ,. hounded north by O. bv iMtotie aouth tnd eitat bv in wxal M. A. bounded north by J M. Baca, by by A. Caadelarla. aouth by Mcaaul, Ilaea. aouth Rlanca. Value of peraonal property, ceata: costs. 36 cents; total, $0.08. Ranches, aouth by T. Mares, eaat by , rraaco Oarcla, south 'y Jarw aouth M by J. Castillo 86 by 60 ' (V A. (Irando, by road, want by aaat by same went by arcqula. land, f id Itsi a. east by dlti h. west b fldn Taxes, $11.10. penalty. 4, Ortlt. I'rescillano Value of per land. varas: grant, weat by Rio Orande. Value of "10' nst by Arena! Pedrtgoso. wet t ratt Uaca bounded north hy .1 L. Perea, aouth by by ( A Urande. I'asaa, 13 paauUty. 39 by 135 varax bounded north by J tl Value of personal property. centa; coata. 36 cent, total. $11.10. sonal property, $180 Tasea, $7.78; peraoaal nroaertr. ltt. Taxea. 85.40 hills, land. 86 by 800 vhthh. N; $ Tax.-a- . v. Mlcra. nasi by ditch, weal br M. B. $8.80. Iirenxo H.iutb by ruatl. ast by arro-ya-. 8104. penalty, lo cent .; layba, Atallno Land, six aerea; penally. 38 cents; 36 centa; penalty. 87 cents; roata, 86 to- hounded north by D. Chavet. south a li centa; coata. n casta: lotal. coata. lo 1 renU. . ;U. I Otero. Value of persons orottortr. Ktmpaon, Clara G. dc - land. 25 by weal bv aceoula. Value uf person obIh, centa; total. $8 39. bounded north bv J Montoya. aattth ir I $8.4. tal. $0.08. Pullcarplo A.mljo eaat hy s. ..ii.'i. 1180. Taxea. 11.98: neaaKr. 98 ceala: L- ho teet; Itouadoft north and aouth by al property, $26. Taxes. $7.30; pensl Baca. Kran U 16 by It by M. Baca cuat by ac quis, watt by Ortlt. M .. u.l Iclo -- laud 50 by 900 v Morris. J. - Value of ncrsooal west by Atrisco hills. An undivided Pa-dlll- 70 cents; $6.18. 1 varas: bounded by J. It. y R. Vslu- - csls. toUl. $S6o. In twner. oaat ami went by Loin bar do t. ie tents. costH, l.05; total, f41.7 north l,opet of personal property a; bounded nfrlh by L. Ortlt. south property. Tatea. $10.00; paaalty, interost the Luis Jaramilio K'f't Taxek, $2198, inalty. Ji coata, Marraclno, Mari. de laa Nlevas tea ' sotith. .'SKI aad weat by ensue, $20. Taxes. $1.17 penalty 7 canta; by aame, east by L. c. Ilaea, weat by peaalty. 68 cents: coata. 26 cents: to (6.000 acrta ) Value of personal ti"ii ll; so by so IMtltCINCT NO. SO. erty. $136, r. i cnu; total. $;.: 44 tale). Unknown helra of Two acres' land, varaa: bounded north coata, 36 cents total. $1 99 Indians land, bounded north by a. Ul. $11.57. Taxos. $21.83; peu,.ir M Isco--Hou- ae - by Armljo, aouth bv J. It y I... I I mo AtencJo. Pram 1107; $1 06; $31 76 Jo.- M - Land. It by 80 of land; boundei north by N. Chaves lyba, lata-- ..nd. by 180 ra- Raca. south by R. Ortlt. east br M. and costs, toUl. varaa; bounded north by at reel aouth aouth by j. Hatches eaat by road, certi. ast by aceouia. est by J. II. ms, bounded no i i Mid south by SbtudotHl. st by It. Itaca. House, t laud. Value ot peraonal property, PRRCINCT NO. 25. Rorboa, Pedroland, 5t bv 270 v A - I SI 10. 7 t i' I. by weat by M. Taxaa. 110.81,' rax in Value m pernonal uroperty. - . eaat by Ilaea. west by 0, rooma. Interest In Rajada grat.t. Taxea f centa: nonallv Ouevers. lligln Value of noraonal ras; bounded nortu by R. (iitha!iln Chavci. .' atruot. weat by Cbaet. la :(.' ; $2f. Taxea. 11 id. penalty 6 seats; Raca 52 bv 62 centa; coate. cents; $1.10. property. $10. by public entrance, by u b y. Taxoa, $l.'.-m- penalty. 6o centa; penalty. $1.01; roats. 18 cants; toUl land varaa. bounded Interest in la Canada grant, valna total. Taxea. !!.!: nenaltv. south eaat P costs, 7o $6.51. I A :;r by ,HtM. 86 canta; total. 18.o(. cents: cento, total. north by Tafoa, south by II. QrUs. of property, $186. Taxea, Archlheoue Jii Ilouae and 10 centa: coata. centa: total, is.36 Oabaldon. weat P. Ramhex. Land. I 70 by 100 var- w.-- t vidal-la- y S 1. Smith. Kernando 8; Baca. Pcttlno au est by road, by aceuula. VxlHa $16.14. pennlty, 90 cents; coata. $1.71; land. Value of peraonal property. Mora. Jose nd aad Im os varas; uoundeit north tv Turner, frank 1oU and block lreoin't land. - 160 by as: bnundeil north by acettuta, south of persons! property. 'fsjxaB, 1116. 'fa Yea tl Iwuall t 7 fu.ula- provrmenu. public entrance, south, eaat and west r'j New Mesl"o Town Uo. addition 250 varaa. bounded north by , f):i" total. $2o.79 Vilue of personal prop 'Uxa, $11.17: penalty 80 canta; roau. 0. rtutterret, aouth br J. Ortaiau, east b) R. Bat, cat I y K. taaaoval. west $.. si penalty, 30 cents: rosta 70 0, de la Mariano laud: bounded costs, 35 cents; total, $1.96. erty. $600 last half taxes. $6.20; pen-- , by J. J Manrhet. Value of peixmitl by M. - to ceau; total, $13 37. by J. Aaaya. wed by R. Crlegu. Value Haaloval. laad, 60 by 35o var i tun, total. $4.S3. aorth by J de In O. aouth br Ramos de Chavet, Prauci AnloMlo Houae and ally, II cenU: costs, 36 cenU; loUl, froperty. fgo. Taxes. 11.93; iicnalty, as, by M. Lcyba, nd $Mio. penalty, t 70 Vai Blata BroiDg to. I And by of persoaal prtiarly. $15. Taxes,, bouaded norh Ortlx smith v'lctoiiuno-la- 6 uerees In 0 oast by Man Ikimlngo ditch, wast Tnxos. 4t cents: 4B.SS. coats cents: total. 1273 by by M. Baca by 36 87 -l- faai of mltroad froniagi In block $1.56; penalty. 7 cenU, coaU.36 ceaU; Indians, east st bounded north i.y A. layba. soaUi W to' Rio Orande f acres.) House, rents; costa. teuU: total. ceula. Mora. Jose Rafael-la- nd aad Im Bishop. P. D and. 60 by 485 vnr J. $1.59 (loumalna lanit - xa; r' AraBljo addition. 120.08; total, $1.97. Baca. Taxea, p.uulu 22 P Marea, eaat by A. layba. watt lay value of personal property. $90. 'Pitx- - I.ucinnn lloiian and provements. Valut of peraoaal uron- hounded north hy M. A. Jaramilio it 70 - naHy. Ti, Valla, del Anastaclo 1 centa; coata, tints, tntul Iftfil P. Arc hi beau Value of paimiisil 47 neuslty. 2 Value of peraonal proieriy, $8S0. Tax- erty. $07o. .m half Uxea. $11.98; aouth by 0. W. lawla. eaat by An nsl l fl.W; coata. 36 ccata; toUl Praclact ,,r cents: rents: costa. $Jl'.0. 80 varaa laad; Nmadad north br J M. Baca. C$av1n Vslu. peraonal property. J12. Taxes. II 20; mm TO cenu. total. $119 xit.iv penauy. si tents: coau. 35 penalty. Ao cuntb, coata, 86 ceaU; to--, west by acequla. Taxea, $1 91. renal VHIe, property . fio. . paanRy. :tr, centa: toUl, $17 16. ly. to coata, 36 WaMoa, J. W. -- Patiwijti propurty. aonth by 1. darcta, aaat by lsx. n ay, s cetiis; ccata. ents: taittl, O. d Is Ramve-- land; bounded ul. flt.SS. ceau; cents, total 6 ceaia; coats. ''' . ut toUl, $1.87, $1.87. Martinet. Msn.iel - House and laad. Mora, y 1. $2 futiiltare. Tax'w lt.8; penally. ditch, want by A. atutficf. Value of north l Mariano de la I). aouth hv Pe. Juan Chaves Ian 800 by . Imaa. CeUtin., ih.iono laud, 70 layba. - lloili.i or Valuu of tmraonal SIS0. Tat. 800 d by w. L. Chavet, Venceslado ion c $l.o8: coata, 86 rmU; total. 111 12 peraoaal proart) $1io. 'rtxaa, $8.66: Iantn- Value Hpe Mux ' eaat by Ban Ikimlngo run; bound north Pe laad. vs-a- - t. t I 18 a-ta-l. uroH-r- $1 7'i es, 19 eaaU; penaHy. cent: costs, 36 res, by P. P, t 800 hy penalty, caata; coals 88 cents; kf 10 iH,,ii.d north ff sraonal Tuxee, f I aouth Handoml, eaat by raraa: bouaded north Antonio i ditch ti by ltlo (Inutile 12 a. res. k?o 18. to.M. south H Itaca. eaat by P. turn-iava- l penalty 16 cent CIIHl - t.i neaie cents; total, 6'. cents. Oarcla, west by I'.lo Orande, In pre-- Jose Chavet. south by M. A. PtaXJINlT t i, (louse nine of raMVOUMl property. we m $8 to - rtuu No. 9. 160 - y A. Randoval lotal. $'10. Tax - 67: peaHlty, 8 cents- Moaloys, ualdo Ilouae. Pre dart land. acrea; hound- J. Ouavua. weat by Las I.ik A.loaandrl, Af'llNA-iJ- id 27 l. by . H .- :iri bounded north by M. layba Kuniutu. Value d peraoaxl . clnci 11- Ilouae Value of peraoaal ed north by Jt;te V. Mora, south and mas land, 1.o by too varas; bound, I o7 , PRUUIKin MO. II. easts. 7" lit total, $1.11. feci hound"! north by rua.l aoutb Ortl ..uih by fochitl ladhtaa. aaat prop, rit fir, T.UCM xx. penalty, property, uin Taxes, an centa; paa- mat by public lard, weat by Jose V. ed north by A. J Chavet. . uth by b (' by w. . : Iii lo,. f Loni. tKt J. Hadllla at Araada. Pedro laad, ion vans by M limn and K Ilaea. waat bjr J. s cciiIk umIk , cent n. $f. St. 0. de Maria An undivided alty. 8 centa, i.i Im. 7o cents; total, Mora. Value of peraonal property, dro Perea, cast by Predleanda Oar by P C Tasea. 48 pen wide; basmdod by J. lotsl right In luii.tx longing n ltpet icnta. north llorrera. Bars l.ucero I aat half Uxea. $; MbH. i'iik i... i land, itvi to the late Jl .13. 1866. Loat half taxea. $11.88: penalty, ela weat by B Hpltx House. Valu.. I tUty. ctwtH. o.i- ;t6 ao south by 0. t'l.aves, eaat by Mibltc Maria Am Taxe-Ramlre- t nti, total pennltv II enH coata, 10 centa; to bouuticd north by It Mar.s xotitb by lain r Para. undivided Padllla. Cesarii. Houae gad laud. 78 renin; coats, 70 ceaU; total, $16 $0. of personal property, . road, by In i i centa. waat Mils sad hoaae Value tal lo V Mui.-- by A. C. de weat right the iun eionaina ta taa Isle Vslne of personal property, $110. Tax Martin !"0 varaa. 132.04; penalty. $t to; coeti. $105; I It .aat Ma.s. Joe-f- : laad. t" Uab i. 72 by of $170. te.i KliM-la- t - a Ha. fj. glae ;t Araalio. lajnd lk2 araeal properly, Taxea Race. C. de I tracts or lo Value of pciwonal prop Marls de la of en cents; penalty. 3 cents; coats Value of property. $210 last tal. 684.19. b A Vak-ncla- . peaauy teata; coats,85 peraonal pr..H ii $30 fet, honuded noiih !; ci nix land and intpnivi llouia Value in t:,.. Taxes. iienalty. 8 Taxes l.6; :?. i ul tidal. 7 ceata. half Uxea. $4 61; penaltv. 23 ceata; Chsve,, y 0. J. - 50 by xu :im mai, $l.t . . land. by reap). by entrance, . t total, r . penalty, fi 7u J aouth rt tl of 40. f2 in- - u. ceula; total. pianctatw 38 $5 22. uy , lu rsonal prtipwrty. faxes, "Sis tenta; total $167 I Romero Houae and coata. cents: raa; boundetl north by (1 .85 utal. fJarcta Vale... of peraonal pn.. penalty is centa coata. To ceata in I ' MeHtoa-- Qrr hsnl Taxea, 11.01. land Value of peraoaal property. south by road, Mt by R. Oath-go- t $1 PKUC'IMfT Mtl it, .tii. orty. $48 Tax. it; penalty tal, 18.23 pesjajtjr. f. eenlx. O. de la Mcoiti l.ami. ioo by 100 $228 Taxs. $2 tl; peaalty, IS eenU; PRRCINCT NO. SO. wi st by hills. Value of naraoaat prop coata, 3( . 2 neta. II oanta; nu total lo Cordova lllxhlnlo Honsi. Vatn ftaa r' lts t!. da Laad. bound, d ' us, total. $1 14. varaa; uonnocn n uin ..uth eaal coats 36 csuta: total. IS .96. Adams, R. P Valu ' of personal erty. $156. Taxes, 111.01; penally, 6k b 30 - Hart, Juae lnu vara, of peoraaal property lU'f. Taxes, north by i lacsnro aaanVh by A (Sm l ucero v Aatanb. i umi ro by weat by Inaiaa isuua Land Ml by 100 Romero C II. lloaae sad laad. proaeny, itun axes,; jwnaHr. cents; costs, as ceau : unai, jijbi. Itoundaal by toad, mmiiIj by tA.lfi. 2 i M W. ' north rntb penalty. iitti coats 31 ela as4 by acoaoht. waat by i '' varaa. honcdrd north lo I flnx. varas; banitdail north .'.rmljo. Value of personal property, $1 'fax- It ceaU; cost. cents; total, $011 Chavet, Mateo l.nd. to by 201 by i K Honi' $.' - I ' 7 ora. caat lul.ii. "i I'CllU. tot si. t Km iiini- of pi tsimal propcrt i " 'tli by csi-- l ht It ilv.i M, I south by II. Arte Jo u Ia K de la O. es $1 63, pcnaltN cents: costs, 88 Archer. Jane Lots 4 6 and fl. vnm bounded 11" tb bv I I I ! I ; -, t ' ii "i I . I m ' I.- .' . . . i ' . TO. Pp clni 'i Vnlii. of !. 'I'nv tl .'nltv in V (' tie Rues Int. Sm, wcat by J It. Ai.iji'.n .,i "f r cents, t.itnl $1 Mock II. II1111I111: addlt:.i MUHll b M II. M'-- t b U . i Mi . I . - ' by in.) il l. i. II i otlHl I M . I Mi i i ,iMl ! ' in- i ,1 , I II I. ' him " iv, "i. W It lit lilt ' cl I', i''i 'I nt hinisl propertv 81' 1 R.iiucr.i I. iIihim,' Hh'l Isli'l lawt bslf I' .'i i.nfi It iilll lll'i, ,,f i . ,) okI-- . ' i' Mi' i .1 t i ' .. i - rela al I'l i' ll, mill t,i tola) r in'. " i iii Piljiil. ,i r iinlt ti i elllH Iii ul Value "f per"oi-- i'iui. itt $ir. Tax cenla: iiM'. i'.ii 1. k ii in $Tir, I Mil 't' !' I '" $! ' i,i i , . . T !' - ' " i, i i, - I'-.- i p I m i I I ' load T.M. I.'.- i" fi .lit ...nil, ii. il pi ..p. r ..'..$ I" i elH .'It ul uatH. 1'iirl K'ii; ii' ul : I.Uick II ii t In Ml '1.1I ."I ' III 7 . nt $x l I I li I l 1 l coki. total l' .Ull. i i, .it 1. ". ' ti la Muii'i. iil.i jo centa, total, ib touts A Armljo addition Taxea, $1 it. ihii 'i (i 4'fSeV Cnndolnrlft, Transit Land, 160 by cents j totnl, 66 oont. nerkmnn. B Improvements on ty, 76 sent: costs, 36 eenta; tetnl, quia del Piieblo. west by rlror. Itnd, BJtJo bull Ung valua, $100. Taxes. Mverhari, C. Matsie ef. Unknown 36 cenu. total. $90 13 ion vara: bounded north by J. P Can. Uacft. Clrrnro c. de Land. 190 narea land Taxes. $ir. J8. pennlty. $10.38. 160 by 6P0 vnrns boundeil north br $67 49. peiialtt II ST: costs. 36 rents Heirs of land Value of personal .( 1 delnrla, ssuth bv A Chftvcx. enst by nml house. Vnlue of personal projier 77 renta. routs, 36 cent", total, $16.10. AniVrson. T. M Improvements on tstdro Sarrhet south by Jose Ooa total. J" fropertv tlto Taxes. $5 78. nenattt PRaKINCT NO. 31 arequla wmI tiv M Orlenn land. 16 ly. $67u. Tnxee. $17. 12. ennlty, 87 Holdnn-ki- r. J. H. - Improvements on Rovernment land. Taxes. $1147 pen sales, ens' bv Tomne Oarcla y C , Oxenditu 'I latal. 88 by 60 fe.-- t I 36 cent total. $87 10. Price, j W Personal property, by I'fi U I varas. bounded north nml south cents, costs, 36 cents, totAl. $18.61 government land Taxes, $7.04; pen-nlt- nlty, 67 cents; costs, 36 cents, total. west by a Chameeal and house boundei north by Mirelll. south Triililio lesus IVwelHag house an aw mill wagon snd homag. rnme, by rmd cst by 1. Cnndelarla, west Ham. Pnrnndn C. de land nml 38 centa; rosti, 36 cents: total, 12.39 land. 30 l Mm vara; bounded north Washlngion avenue, east hy P J land slue of personal propert $7lu Taxes 83XI pewnRy $169. lr roud Value of personal property. house. Value of personal property, $8.33 lliinnum, Mrs. J Improvements mt by VenarnndoHnlasar, south hy Jns Mack, west by Srhut. land. 16 by 11 '1 nxes, $74 13, penalty. 18 7 costs 36 total.$ 38.36 , llixo ' ints. $n. Taxes. 11.10, penalty to renin; $128. Taxes, Taxes, $, penalty. 6 llrown, Henry Hoflno on mining government land. Tnxes. $6.71, pen- - nontnlea, rast by arequla del Cbaml fiM-t- bounded north by tJaaarracr,, eot. nl total. 78 18 Jntasilllo. Renltno-- ImarovemsHta costs, 7n cents; totai rents, costs, 26 38 1,000 gran by hy rents; totnl, $1.10. claim Tnxae, $1.82; pennlty, 18 cents; cents; conta. 36 rents: totnl. tal. west iy T Oailegos south owner, eaat owner, oast on government mnd Valaa of per-las- t Proet, Max. laud, mIi land being Ilufltue. Annaarli land nnd house. costs, 38 cents; total, $1.30. Usartne vi. es Value of personal prop by Ilroadway, West by Oentllle. UH 1 RSXMNCT m. 80. sonal prjprrty, 45. naif tnxes, In the precinct of Atrlero. In the Atrhv Value of iierennal proierty. $106. Tnx-is- . Cnllender. W. 1$. Improvement on Kovernment and. Taxt. $8.88, arty, $2 Taxes, $6189; penaltv. 1, block i. Northern addition. Taxes. Rtrhwald. a ana sag adobe $88.67, netalty. $1 17, coats, 36 easts, m grant In HernRlllJa rounty. 19 penalty. 1 $62 to- fnrnietlv rents, emits: rot to. novernment land Tnxes. $19.11; pen- Dunentt, Jftms Imwrovsmeats on 18.91. rosis. $t to. total, 89 $37.78; penalty. $1.88; costs, $1.16; house. Va'ae of pi jsronarty, t, totai. $86 09 Vega; formerly .15 56 - ron1 known m la of Jttnnn rents; total. rents. alty 96 rente, rotta, 36 cents- total, government land. Taxes, $8.83, pen tal. 180.61. 7tn Last aair tases,, jmaaity. Chavet. who dniMtcd mhii to her son. llerrera.rrlsantoa-- land and houxe. $20 41 ny, 30 centa, routs, 96 cents, PRBCINCT NO 6. Perea. Mr J. M 10. U, 13. i total lata $1.98; . .15 renU; total. $40 M. I'nhnown owners f tho Antonio Se. Miguel personal 68. N. M. Antonio Onrrln on the 30th Value of properly. $96. Tar Chase. M. on gov- lis. McKlnn. v o. A. land. 97 varaa block T. Co. adnitloa. Tama. dllto Crant. dHy of September. bounded es, 39 cents; pennlty. 2 $16.88; Improvement $13 98. penalty. $3 19; rosts. 69 cents, 186. rents: rosts. ernment land. Tnxes. iieaalty, Frnmu. Oeorxe on bonndcl i.orth by J. C. Tor res, south PRBM'INCT NO. possess I on, of ptib-M- II. The right possession, north by aeeqnln Mad re. by r 36 rents; total, 78 cents 18 Ity, 30 36 1 76. east rents, rosts, 36 rents; totnl, IMS. cent; cents, seats; total, by J 11U. eaat by hills, wast by river total. $!! aad Interest or of, In road, by Jnra-tnlllo- . Sandoval, llllarlo Precinct 18: Un ail equity sad to aonth Manuel A. Martinet. Transits House and land Cole, M I, Improvements on kov 1.28. varaa; by C Phelan Martha Uot 83a. 33b. block II land. i7 hoanded north ' 17. bbH k H M R A, R. a4dlUM to Al that grant or tract of laad known Contain from north to aonth Value of personal property. $160. Tax- ornment $11.47; iiennlty, Hnrtney, ta ou 3. Armljo Rros addition. Varus of land Tnxes. Montoya. south by owner, east hy Hills 81. and railed the Antonio Sedlllo Orant. 20)1 varas anil 2 feet nnd 108 ynnla es. $2 08. penalty. 10 centa; costs. 26 fH cents, 36 centa; $12.10. government land. Taxes, $9.66; pen- personal property, ItO. Taxes, $67.70; buquerqus. Precinct Vslne of costs. total. gad west hy river Taxes, 2I8S; propertv, $1,600 Taxes, sltusie in thhe rounty of Heraalliln wide Taxes. IS.S7: penalty. 18 rents; $2.61. black-smit- alty. 60 35 penalty, 18 38. 10 cants; personal rtHU, total. Coleman W. II - House ami rents; costs, cents; total, aeaally II IK costs. 86 reals; total. coats. total. and Territory of New Mexico, com- roat. 38 cents; total. $111. Mlera. V. S land: bounded north shop on Inm! Vnlue 10.40. 160 98 $10.30. I'i naltjr, $3, costs. 66 eents; Rovernment $16.86 4 prising aad containing 37,038 acres, Onrrln. Vnleri- o- land, to by 60 yar- by Jemec mountains, by II. of property. $76. $S. 60, Rodey, M S 13. totnl. f St south J. itersnnnl Taxes. lRincock ft Powers Improvement Precinct Undlvld more or less, snd comptsxed of gruilng ns, bounded north by franclsco A. rchlbetiuc, east hy public roaml. west penalty. 13 centa; 36 to on government land. Taxes, $9.68, I ed half in lot R, Rnl tract in rosts, cents; RRCINCT NO. 8. interest 88. lands of ihn value of Pi rents ner acre. (Inrrla. aonth by Manuel A. Jamtnlllo, by government land. Value of twrsnn- - tnl. $9 38. lieimlty, 60 cents; costs 36 centa: to ill de Albuquerque grant, as par PRBCINCT NO. OuUeni-r- . Maximo--land-. 180 by -- The said lands to aat b public ronil. went by annd hltla. al itroiwty. $140. Taxes. $9.82: penal CrelKhton, Mrs. John Improve tnl, $10.40. Simpson thin map of Decembor 19, Sandoval, Marts 3 pieces of land weie ronflrmed the 160 varan bounded north hy It I., n room Taass, $18 93, pen legal representatives of lanlx Hun land on main ditch of Atrisco. Value ty. 48 cents; roata. 86 rents; total, on -I- mprovements 1887 In fx-orl- o oalce, and hoaae menta aovernment land. Value of Jameson. Thomas (lutlernr by C. Csndelarla, recorder's Ing snd are owned i.y some person or of Nraonal property. $8i,1. Tnxes. $10 18. personal properly. $160. Taxes, $8.81: uovernment Innd. Taxes. $11.17: south Undivided half Interest In Rodey ally $l 16. coats. $1.06. total, lit 13. east by hi", west I y T. Padllla land. 1 of persons unknown, and are owned ami $10.01; HnaHy. no 70 Homero. .1. 18 18 tc-tn- l, 67 36 vVhlic.imb. tl. 6WU 6Ws, rents; costa. land nnd house. penalty, centa: eosta, 36 centa; in roily. eents; rosts, cents; to lira tine I. eaat of Sandhill addition 1 I 60 by .omi varaa. bv . 5 . 10 11 met by persons having cuts; total. 23. Value of personal properly, $115. Tax $1.30. tnl. $12.80. bounded north as squared out by exchange deeds less sec. 15. Iwp. 10 N Rge K acre several or Ill road. Hutu h by Mfeld and others, 10 claiming undivided therein Oarrla. y Jose Ckavec-laa- d, 60 by i7 renta, penally, 3 cents; roata. nichenberger, A. improvements Kelly, re- d- Improvements on gov est portion sold, all as per map of iaa7. NW, of NW. sw 23. twp N.. interest by rsllroed. west by aceqnla land, 10 personal For a more complete description of Bo varaa. Ihiu tided north by Manuel .15 renta; total. 96 tenia. on Korernment land. Taxea. $10,11; ernment la ml Taxes, $11.17: psalty. and Novmber 8. 1991. Precinct 18 Rue IK, acres Value of hi), 60 hy Mm araa, Imunded north by M propertv. ttia. Taxes. $36 54. penal- the said tract of land reference I Aim south by public road, east by Sandoval. Xenon land, ion nrrea penalty. tt6 renin; costs. 86 cents; to- 67 rents; coats, 36 cents, total. $13.89. 50 by 100 feat, lots 8 and 6. Archuleta hereby given II. nlano Oallegoe, west by Vnlue hounded by H. Keisaey, Improvements on Cnndelarla. south by J. Oullerrex es hot springs ty, $1 itists. 7o tenls, totsl. $37. 2. and made to the deecrlp hill. north domains, eomh tal. $30.11. PntHk by west by nee addition. Jemet Precinct i. 1 Ion and boundaries on Die of iMTMonal property. I UK). Taxes, by II. Sanehri, west Uy Itlo I'uerco. Plnrh. Mrs. Mnry Improvements government laud. Taxes, $1.91: penal late, east .is Small undivided interest In OJo thereto in quia. 5.1 bv too varas. hound PHKCINCT Nfl :,1 the ofllni of the Surveyor enseal of $;U2. penally, 16 cents; coxis, 36 east by punllr land Value of ttersoiinl on government Innd. Velne of iierson- ty. 10 rents; costs. 86 cents; total. land. l l liorego grant Precinct 9 An un 0 ed by estate, by - the Territory New Mexico, 1 renin: total. $3.88. property, $80. Taxes. $0.12; penalty. property. $50.1. pen- $2.38. mirth Oullerrex south ill v In Watson J. C- Si much of the hvil of whlc al Tnxes. $11.08; I,. by died interest land hounded north eld description .laramlllo. Pedro 100 by 200 II rents; rosts. 86 rents, totnl. 18.78. alty. 58 costa, 36 MrCrny. Henry Improvements J. Csndelarla. east and weat by P. hy J M. of the San Pedro grant as Is situate! nnd boundaries sro land. rents: renta; total, on ditch, 80 hy 300 varas; Saaxedra. east Chavet. hereby a pan bounded north by A. Montoya. Handoval. ICnrlques - land nml $13.69. government $3.9.1: pen land. bound west hy river; 300 by 100 varaa. in the rouitly of Bernalillo, said grant made of tbla description. irs. land. Taxea. ed north byM. Oullerrex. south by land Taxes. $131.12, penally, $2120, aouiiiny it oabaition, by arequla house. Value of personal property, 8. II. Improvement gov- ny, 80 costs, I to I. block t.1. N M. T. Oo. ad- having been made hy the Mexican got cosle, east Pnwlea. on wots; 36 cents; total. nst by hills, west hy c Ixits .ir, rents, $14697. west by A. Montoya. Ian). 20 by $115 Taxes. 67 cents, penalty..! rents. ernment land. Taxes. $9.66. penalty. 1.38. road. Candels dition. Tasea. $171 91. penalty. $8.80: ernmenl to Joae Ramlres and otherr Intnl. of peraousl property. 26, I vara, hounded north, east, anutb anil costs .15 rents; total. 96 cents. 17 cents, roets, 86 rents; total, Hlllberaer. Henry Merchandise. rla. Value It. coats. $S.r9; total. 1192.91. Novembei 1146, and confirmed a nknown owners of Agua Saluda 890. $97 penalty, $4.86. by rougrca 1 wi-a- t by IV .laramlllo Value of Seeches. Vicente land and house. $10.37. Taxes, $9 56; iieaalty, 60 cents; costs. Tsxia. of; Samaitiego. Isabel I. de Lots 20.1 a private Innd claim the land Orant. costs. $1.75; 1103.6. I'm! 21, property, $56. Taxes, $7.92. land In laa lagunltea. Value of per Oavln. Vm. Improvement an nov- 86 cents, total. $10.40. total. and 2o Armljo Itriw addition, In of the ted States, Jane l8o. The possession, r.gbt of posseauhMt. 40 costs, 70 sons I property. $136. Taxes. 39 cents; block 17. Taxe. $2 886; penalty. 111.116. rosts. and all interest or iquity of. in and In cents; rents; to ernment land. Taxes. $6.71; penally. I Taxes. $3r7. penaltv. $, RltCINCT NO. 9. i 86 13.94x1.60 tal, $6.02. penalty. 2 cents; costs. 86 renta; total. 18 cents; rosts, 86 rants; total. $6.87. Notice it further given that the un rosts. to cents, total. $.-l- r.:i cent, total. all that grant or tract of mnd known S.-I- Ranches. Carlos P. 160 by lapet. Pranclsc... and, 100 by in renta. OreenAeld. Wm. Personal property, dersigned tax collector tor Bernalillo land. Simpler. A. - Half Interest In the fol and railed the Agua Maladn Uraut alt 1.600 vara, bounded north by J. I.ux I RBCmrjT NO. 2r.n varaa; bounded north by It. Oabal horses, mules, etc. Taxes. $6.97; ien-alt- county, v .11. on the nrst Monday of lowing lot situated on the south side 38 uate in ta.t county of Hernallllo and Benches, south by Prank A. Hubbell. - Hon. south ny roan, east ami by I'KWOIMC'T NO. 31 15 rents; costs, 36 cents; totnl. November. 1901. offer for sale at pub- - of Tljera road between Third and Burns. Isidore- Personnl prtiperty. Territory of New Mexico, comnrtsln Land", wt east by .1. Saachet, weat by las merchaiidlre val'ir. $660. Taxea, and containing :.7)7.7k acres, T Uahablon 61 by 800 varaa; tiechechl, Salvador land. I SOacres. $9.77. auction at the front door of the lat fourth streets, being 26 feet from east more . tenuis, land, ton by 2,700 varas: bounded north by road, woulh by J Value of personal property. $120. fllles, II II Improvement on gov- ourt hoiih of salo county. In the man to west, rod feet from north t.i $80.31; penalty, $1.61; coats, 36 cents, or lees, aad compost d of graslHg lamia Tat hounded north by Pedro C Oarcla. lu $33 lo. an Ranches, wxst y T Ranches, weat by 7 peats; nemeitv. I ernment land. Value of personal prop ner provldid li) law, ho property set south Uit 7. block .1. Melvldere add I total. of the value of cnu per acre. rents: rosts south by M M. Sanrhet, east by Rio - r. A naya. or personal property 36 erty. $16. S foregoing Pre-rltic- t Cnllderr a Dmlson lats, 18. II. 11. The said .and weie to thj value rents; total. $1.15. Taxes. $1.78; penalty. forth and described lu the Orande, weat by grant Value tlon. Men handlso $960. ronrmed J:tn $1.66, penalty. 7 pent 36 $1.16. 1st. 01 mav limit 26 I, 16, bloev. 18. N. M. T Co addition. legal reprusenlstlves of Jesus Armiju Tate. CoyaRo. y Ratevaa land. by loo reals; costs, cents; total. so n.uch thereof as lei ner. personal $416. lalll. block lawns 70 : of property, Taxes, PracOnct 18 of land, y Jaramlllo, font a. rents total. $5.32. taras. bounded north by .1 M. Mun Ooodwln. Thomas Improvements essary ti. realise the respective Simmon addition Precinct 6: Hall 8H acre et al sail are owned by -- $83 58; penalty. $3.18. costs. 70 cents, by Montoya. Aban 200 by :ino - on government In IS bounded north Mountain road, some person or persons unknown, an I land toya. south b) M. Mora, east by Mer- land. Taxes. $6.74; amounts due. and that said sale will $87 18. Intereal varas from north to total. by Fathers, east by are 1 aran. bounded north by Arml I west by penalty. 28 rents; costs, 86 cents; to be rontlneed from day to day. not exc and loo varas eaat to west . south Mountain owned and laimed by several Jesus hills, arroyo. Value of per va- - south from Sanchex Severn- - land. 88 by 78 I J Mouth by n Montoya. east by A sonal property. $l3u. Taxes. 76 cents; tal. $1.37. eeding lxty days, until all of said bounded Perth by Althelmer Sim road, wet by J, Morrl last half persons having or claiming undlvld" ! ran: bounded north by road, south and ' A 1 taxes. $.!i26. penalty. $1 16. ostf. Sanrhet. went by K. rial Jo. 60 to- Hood Win. J. U. I. block 8. proopcrty haa been disposed of. I pier, south by S. Ranch., east by rsii interests therein For a more coin land. penalty, rents; costa, 36 renta; M Reals east by A nayas, west by arequla Mn- - l.v Jim varan. bounded north by N $1.15. townslte Value of personal property. CHAR. K. NRIVHAul., road. wo by river 25 hy ton $1.15; to al $31.86. plvte description o( the said tract if tal. dre I (Ml by 800 yarns; bound land, Ham hey.. Kouth by I'ahlo $80. 39 penalty. 2 treasurer ex OMrlo of land by M. Montano, Cloiithlir A McRae Personal prop innd reference l hereby given nnJ .laramlllo Oalleco. Manuel land, ion by loo Taxes. rents; cents; and Collector ed by .1. M. varss. hounded north east Ity name, weat hy 36 71 County. New Mexico. north Sanchex. south hi by erty, merchandise, value $1,300 Tax madi to the iptimi and boundar arequla. Pre vara, boinried north by public road. coats. rents; total. cents. llernallllo I ego A. Armljo, eaat by same, west bv south Althelmer Simpler, enst bv let einrt r: land, bounded north by M Henry. Shuddlck Improvements on First publication August 17. 1901. railroad, west by river. Tsxc $48.68: $g5ti penalty. $3 .10, rosts. .13 ios thereto on file In the utflce of tho south bv I'rudenrio Maldonado. eajt public rood I 52 by 285 varaa: Apodaca. south by UmlU of grant, part government peul-ty- , owners Angostura and. $1 15. cents; totsl, $69.59. Surveyor Oeneral of the Territory of by Mra. Koliert M Pie. west by land. Taxes. $9.65; 'nknown of land 1 penalty, 1211. usta. total. Nlr:. . bounded orth hy .. Sanchex. south by by Itarcla. west by acequla. Value of nor land, ion by 200 varas 17 cents; costs. 36 cents; totnl. Oram. $63.61. Codrt'ngtiin. Hannah K lats I. 5 New Mextao, whlrh said description la1llH. by S. Sanchex. ea.'l by P. Saavedra. S. H iHonal property. $66. Taxes, $2.99 bounded north bv ( htlllll grant, south $10.37. Water Supply Co.--l- at 1 2 3. I, blork Hunlng Highland sddltlnn. and bonmjarlee are hereby made a uj 1.. west ny Aeenuta. lana. mo ny 13 In penalty. 16 rente; costs. $ 1.0ft; total by I laroara Mora. .Met by Mon Hoffman. John Improvements on ..iT. . .Jj in blork A. I. D. P. addition. Machinery Precinct Undivided Interest par' of this description Taxes, $157 Manuel .in.. J varaa; boundeil north by M. - 19. governm.-n-' grant or Sanrhet. lot n, Utile- trart as per Simpson :. paaaRy, $7 at. t 35 $t toya west by Nestor Torres. Taxes. land. Taxea. $9.66; init- all that tract of land known south hy Carlos east by Itlo boiler, engine, pumping plant, wells, tis, cenu. Clements- - 100 ially. 17 centa; and the Angostura Snncher. distributing lo Dun map Value of personal propertv total. $166 88 Sarracino. land. bv 18 cents; penalty 2 cents; costa. 70 rosts. 36 cents; totnl. callel Orant sit Orande. weat by IVdro C. Oarrla. pipes and reservoirs, by M. $10.37. uate In th" county of llernallllo on throughout A I $75 Tsxes. $6183; penalty. $2.73 vara, bounded north Jara rents; total, $1.11. and 12s by 200 varaa; bounded rsted ald lots and t'nknown owner of Jlartoiomn Per inllln, south M. llaca, by C 1'. property. Territory c,f New Mexico, comprising land. buquerque, llernallllo coounty. New rosts. 95 t nts; totsl, $69. ly east Arc Jones. - I'ersonal by K. by M. San-rlier- . nsndea Orant. 1.551 seres, north Sanrhet. south Cramer C. R 2. 4. block I. nal. weat by hills value of feraonal ritwciNrrr no. 36. vnlue $300. Taxes, $11.17; psnalty. nnd containing more or y Tnpln. eaat by Amiyns. west by Mexico Value of iiersonal property, lats The possession, right of posseeetnn. 57 compose I of Hara add. tlon I'reclnrt K 60 liroperty. $20. Taxes. 7s cents: pen v rents: rosts, 85 rents: total. $12.39. Irss. and grating lands 270 609 181.600. Taxea. $1,933 85; penalty. land. and all interest or equity of, In and ( Armtjo, Carlos Oarrla e-- Arequla Madre. land. by ally, 4 land. I .1. f value of 30 The $3 36; $1,988.12. by 591 vsras; bounded north by 1. rents; coats. 36 rents; total. 70 by 6oo varas; bounded north by Krlrk. John at I. block Itnglo the iter a.'re varas. hounded north by II. Saavedra, $9.82. com. total, all that grant or tract of land knot , $1 17 townslte. Taxes, $7.64; iieualty. 3S said lands were confirmed to the legal Nuane. south hy M. Nuane. east Wy and called the VI. Ijopei. south by J. Armljo, east by south by J. I) la lux Sanchez, east by I Martolomo Pwrnnnd"! Haavedrn. - 1IK by 36 total, IS. 37. representatives of M. Castillo. NO. 13 arequla. west by Oalegos Iaat liernu-Itll- Anaateelo- land. P Bars, weat by Arroyo, land. 100 rents; costs. cents; Jesus Kmllla Cm vex, west by public road PRBCINCT Orant. altuate in the county of 4'to varan, I). 1" et al are owned by some person -- half taxes $22 96, prnatty. $1.14; bounded north by J. Arm! by 3hi bounded north hy P. lamb House nnd printing and and hous Value of iiersonal proper Oennlaon. James P NWV sec. 2J. and Territory of New Mexico, v vtras. or persons unknown, nnd roata, $1 'I . total. 126 09. j Koiitn by same, naat by J. M. Armtjo. by by ogjee. Tnxes, $18.38: pennlty, 66 rents; are owned ty, $4,126. $809.28: twp 10. hge 8 R. SRWand NRV.. comprising snd containing 36,424 south intthers. eaat 96 by persons having Italanc" due taxes. :4 Donahue Hardware Co. tersonal Jsi.tintllo weal by J. Mora. Value of weat by Fathers, costs, route; total. $11.89. and claimed severs! penally. $16.16: 18.10; BffiV sec. 22. twp. lo N. Rge. :i fc! acres, more or lesa.and composed nt Alexander, land. - costs. totnl. 1 $607 74 ; personal property. $130. Tarns. $1.2! l.ucero. Pablo K land. 200 varas; r claiming undivided Interests thcre- XV,. s. c 15. twp In property, errhandlse. Taxes, grastng land of the value 3u to by 8on varas: bounded north by $826.81. HKi.and SMU. $'.'5.36; 36 of reiit.i p niiliv t; roata, east, west Por a more complete description :l 1 1 penalty coats, cants; total. per renin: 36 rents; to P Armljo. south by Fathers, east hy bounded north, south and N . Rge IC Sarres Taxes 11.08 arre. The sltl Isnds were roll tal. $1 hy Cochill Indians. Taxes. $11.17. iif the said tract of land reference Is $61.1.14 Krmed to legal fi. Xcequls. west by i Armljo. Value of I ltKCINCT NO. 10. penalty. $3.20. cost. $1.05: total. x the representative nf rt- - - 36 to-- hereby given to Oorniim J. J. North feet, lota illllo, Juan- iJind. 60 by 60 varas. 42 penalty. 67 centa: costs, cents; and made the desrrlp $88.33. Roman A. Mat snd sru owned bv personal property, $10. Taxes, Crespln. Pablo land. 200 by 400 I 6. p. A. P. Val lioun'lPil north by Manuel Montoya al. $13.89. Ion and boundaries thereto on nlr In Mr U. I -- 3 lo block and addition. some person or persons I rents: peaaity. 2 cents. oats. $1.05; varas; bounded north by Vivian Oar lackhart, ai res of pe. unknown, bp by M. I) by 8. 3. 6. the office nf the Surveyor Oeneral nt ue or sonal property, I " 1 ninth Sidillo. east Anto total $1 19 Madden. 0. lat block ltanl rla. south by P. I'Vnnco. east by land. 11 seres of land. Precinct 32' lai are owned and tainted by several tier ,)ok i. li (larriii protierty. the Territory of New Mexico, whlrh la half taxes $7180; penalt. $3 69 tiedlll west Catarlna "are. Isldro land. I'.' by K7 townalte. Value of iiersonal Canada, west by same Precinct No. 6 acrea of land. Iterturt 18: lata 29 sons having or claiming undivided In 61 IP 8 desrriptlon rosts. $1 "; total. $70 59 jtiil. by 177 varaa; bounded north Taxes. $178; penalty, cents, said and boundaries ai" 7 , .1. to .11. block 11., Springer terests therein. Por a more complete varaa: bounded north by A. Martin. land, boundeil nort I). id 1 I.iiecni. Orant. . A. Precinct I'.i. 21 by Anto Jiuie l.'havet, by saw costs. 36 total, $2.16. herein made a iart of this description. I . south south by A. VIvlanHl, east by Acequle. rents: south bv .leans Cnno, ast by Joe Mai-tin- . lltloil. lels 3, I. block 39. N. M. lrt description of the said tract of land by hy M (). nml Improve Taxes, $17.76' penalty. SS rents, blork I. Homestead Oardcn Spot add: esxt t'atarlno Oarrla, west J. value of personal property. $10. Tax Marsh. House west by A. 86 hy Co. addition, last half taxes. $30. inference is hereby given ami iimdu 13 rosts. 36 $18.09. oadeiius. land. tlon Lo to. block 21. lot 5, block Id, llerrera. Land. hy 353 varnt; -. ments. Value of personal irowrty. rents total. - penalty. $1.8"; routs, $3.85. to the description es. J 10 .w; penalty. fn cents; cost- 300 vara: boundel mirth by Jtmti 01- total. I and boundnrlea iHiun nknown owners of Canon Colorai.o Lots 19. 20, block lo N. M. T. Co. mill - led north by J. A. Oandelarla. 15 cents, total. $11.16 $9u. Taxes. $3.41. penalty. t7 cunts: guln. Aoutl. by Leon Jnrnmlllo, enst by $ 10.06 thereto on flic in tin- offli t of the llur Hoiiih by by Areoqis costs, 35 cents; totnl, $8.90. Orant tAnron.i tlon. Taxes. $810.13. penalty, $17 02' veyor J. Haavedra. eaat Chaves. Melqulades- - Precinct I arroyo. west by public road. Vnlue nf Sandoval. Oahln.i M. de. Uatate Oeu iral of the Territory ot New weat by Mulligan Improve The iMMtsesslon. ilglit of rosts. !l L0; total. 368 86 Mexico, Mailre. nubile road. Value of 11 Marrlman ft iiossesslon t'nknowi. of-- House lot. which said description nml laud. 60 by 187 vsras: bounded port personal property. Taxes. $8.1.63; Heirs and -- all or equity of. In $o. Ilellwe,; . R. P ft Co Personal peritonei property. $66. Taxes. $l.9f. X. by t)r. menta on novernment html. Value of and Interest and to $1.0.1. costs, Prerltirt 19 land. 10 by 90 booundarle are hereby made a part by Armljo. south Harrison. II penalty. $1.06; totnl, varai, property, merchandise, $t.uoo. IH tialty. 10 renta; costs. $1.06. total Iiersonal rroperty. $200. last half tlmt grant or tract of laud known lKiutiilml by ! by P. value of Ihls description Taxes, by Armljo. west by $38.31. i.orth Hara. south 1 $266.91: east I. road. land. grant. half tsxes. $27 tx. penally. 1 --17 $3 08. IC. nxes. $11.38; penally, m cents; costs. and called the Anion Colorado Ialmto, by west by roar. last penalty. 36 oenta; 32 by 160 vsras: bounded south by PItltCINtn' NO. 12. east bills, 3.'. $i8.e. cost. total, 36 cents; $1 1.80. tltuaic lu the count of RraMHwv I rosts. cents, totsl. $39.20 $370.06. R. Chaves, earj by road, west by Aee- - totnl. ar Ilrault. Mrs J. M. 60 by 80 Laud. 20; y 300 vara, bounded north McOowan. II. It. Improvement on errltory of New Mexico, comprising land, lamb ft Stone Personal open v. Unknown I'KIJCIKCT so. n. qnla. 19 by BOO varas ; bounded feet ; Imiui.iIihI north by Currolt ave- by J. Miinloyn. south by Arrhlbeuue, owners of Uncn I.ocnlloj land. r .mil containing son acres, more or inerchandire, etc., vslue of $1,170. Tax. t rim-vex- . Kovi.-n- tint Intnl. Taxes, TI5.3H; ien letv. (Nist by by C M. No. Orant. lot north by r. Arias, south by v. 11. nue, aoutl' by llrosdwny. enst by Pnth fad. west Interest $3 MrOmtber. 0. U'.Hohm and nlty. 10 cunts: costs, 35 cants; totnl. and comMied of grating Innd of th $81.30; penalt , 25. rost. 35 The right possesHlon. of nratwrty. east by Aeeo.nln, west by river. ers. wi st by areouln. land. 50 by 1 12 In Utm de Onto grsnt. Interest In las possession, of Value Mrsotml $tti. $10.39. value of .lu cents 1 er acre. The said cents, totsl. $67.90. 1ft 7' 300 by 15on varas. feet, lioimiled by ncequln, lliirtns t;raut. Interest In iOsplrltti aad all Interest or equity of. lu and to Tanes. $21.26; peaaHy. $1.06; easts. I'reclnrt land. V. are not ninth aonth, I) J. ft Co Personal by Queatn. by McCoy. I). Improvements on amis lontlrnieil nor patented, by Miirquette nveuue. by alley, Hanlo iir.tnt. Interest In las lamltax an that grant or t.act of and known cents; total, $226. hounded north south Mr- - unit merchandise, II.ihhi government Intnl. Tuxes. $19.11; lieu and are owned h rome iieraon or In Tejon grant In- - propertv value. aad called tin llaca No. 1 Curhlllo. east by Arroyo, weat bv west li.. Mroodwny. Lots 7 to 10 Inclu urant. Interest 18; lacntlnu ally, 96 cotts, 86 cents; total on unkuown. nnd are owned and 1)1 last half taxes. $97 mmlt. In cents: , turust lu Snn ego grant Value ot Orant. sltuaf. the county of Horn VKIICWCT NO. 81. Cnrblllo. I'rerlnrt 36: land, hound- by sive. Ida Dclvldeie add. Uit 9. IiIock $1.38. costs 36 rents; total. by $30.11. laimed several Mrsons having or 3, per- personut pnnterty. $65. Taxes, $22 85; $8T ailllo and Territory of New Mexico. Fermaooa UaiHl, 300 ra ed north A. Ooittrera. south nml lalmlng undlvlde.l Interests lielvldeie nddltlon. Value of Peart O. A. A r. I. 12 block allien east hy Stevens, west by road Vnlic MclaiiKhlin. James Improvements therein. sonal lircperty. $7'. half tnxoe. penally, $1.11; costs, $3.15; total, lat comprising and ciinlalnlm; 71.107 thh wide; bounded north by .lose luwe. on government laud, nml sa Pur a more romplete description of the last 16. lot 11 block 15. WS. bit 7, blork if personal property. $iu. Tuxes. residence J .'.1 ill: iiennlty. $3 00; costs. $1.70: to- $87.11. acrea, more or less, and composed of Mouth, by A tali! I IS. 10 fee lo' Iiloch 18, lot 7. eaat and west San Vsldr loon. Tnxes. $222. (lenalty, 91.1 . trart of land reference herebv Wakefield. Porter Personal proper Wtt. grating land of the value of 30 cents land grant penalty. M 112.65: penalty, 82 rents: rosts. $1.76 tal $58.2i. block 21. lot 8. I.I". It .1 Hunlng High Taxes. $7fi; costs, 35 cents: totnl. $21.12. nlven and made to the description and -- ty, consisting theep, 1,600 per acre The said in nils were con-Srme- d ; total $15.02. Chaplin. William Lot 23. block of head. t costs. rents, total. $3.37 II- - Ilium! mill nml tioundnrie thereof on flic In the t. laad lat block . A. ft P. 36 by McParland. three offlie S M. T. Co. per- - value $3.00. Taxes. $96.01; penalty, to Ibe lenal representatives of Jose M. 2IMI by to Confreres, mbrorlo land. if surveyor general addition. Value of addition Value of personal property. ilareia. land. IK houses. Taxes. $22.92: penalty, $1.16 the of the terri . $1.76; 38 cents; total, $101.11 lauls M. Uara snd ure by somu n varas: bounded north by Arequla, Minal proiK-rty- $l.oon Taxes. $317.29, cost. owned varas; bounded north by I1. OrleR-- coats, 86 cents; total. $23 12. tory of Now Mexico, whlrh said d $420. last half taxes. $91.2il. penalty, person or persons unknown, and nr Hoiith by A Vlvlannl, eaat by Arequla. lienalty. $12.88; routs. 20 cents; totnl, l 18. south by I'' (' itc Hara. east and wext Myers ft Smith Improvements on crlptlou and Isiundurles are hereby 16. f 66. coi.iii. $1 10; total. $98 west by road land, 82 by I no varas MtUCINCT NO. owned and claimed i,v several persona l,v . Value of personal prop made n part of description Tax Rcbdor. Mr. Mary North 92 1 government land Known as Myers ft this iert having or claiming undivided by .1. sotit . W. II. Lot 21, block. 15. 31 acres; 1 Interests erty. $76. $2 to. Mnalty. 10 bounded north Itodrluucx, or s. $9.17: IV 13 Chllder Setnorn, I'ellx land, lota I, 2. I. block 37. N M T Co ad Taxes. .1. Smith saloon nml residence. Value penalty, cents; coals, therein, ror a in re complete tl . by M. Chaves, east by T. Arngon, N. M. T Co. addition, lats 20 In 21 ImhiuiUmI north by Arroyo Tecolote, 3 I. I.IikW 38. renin, rusts, 35 rents, totai. $2.65. personal property, $160. Taxes, $22.02; cut; totnl. $10.01. dltton. lluning -- west liy road land. too by 250 varas: block 31, N. M. T. Co. mldltlim Pre- - south bv OJo Tecolote, east by Juan lit srrlptlon of the aid trail of land, Oarrla. Oavlno ;ihi varas Highland idditlon Last half taxes, I land. by I. llunlrk, south by pennlty. 1.15; costa, 36 cents; total, l:; 52 acres; lio.inle.l Chavet, west by Arroyo Principal. Val teference hen iiy given and madi IioiiiuIihI north by J. Hara, south, east bounded north rlnrt land. $88.91; H iiahy. $8.30; cost $1.20; to- M H. Otero, eaat by Aceoula. west by $23.12. north by J. A. Wllllatnaon, south ly ue iHtrs.ittHl luoperty. $15. Taxes, to the description aud boumtarltn weat by -I- $70 14. and Value of tieraonal - Myers, V. H mprovements on kov IC ut. on Mo In oHIce o K'nt I . So by 80 varas- NOT II A. 36 thereto the flhe Stir proiH rty. Taxes, penalt M. Oarrla. land prop LESS THAN $86, Crary, east by J VVIIHinion. $26.98; lienalty. $ rosts. cent, ltllcv. A. 4. hair or N. w reel. t" $lii2l: north by N south by ernmenl land. Value of personal west by areiiulH. land; tHiiiiiiled $27 86. veyor Oeneral of the Territory of New X costs. 36 rrnts, total. $1719 laiunded Oarcla. 2S total. lota 19 to 24. Inclusive, blot k 22, N. M. eiit: Arcqula. east by load, weal by Ad' erty. $60. Taxea, $7.61: Iiennlty, Notice Is hereby Htveii that the fol north by road to Indian achool, east Mexico, whlrh eid description ami ulleiNi, Juan Frabrlsro land, cents; costs. 36 cents; total. $6.27. P. Co. addition. Precinct 12: lat 10' boundaries are hereby made pert of uuta Value of peiHonal protierty. lowing list contains the names of the b arequla. Value of personal proper. 1RKCINCT NO. 17 1 IioiiiuIihI north, south ao.i east by pub- las II Improvements on block 1. P. Armiii y addition. description $891 no. pen half taxes, sr; penalty. 30 Overhuls. J. owner of all property uikhi which the ty. $190. Taxea. $193.72: tunalty. llaca, Marcus C. de land, 17 tbls Taxes. li land, west by K. Valiyi of last acre. Tases. $31.00; penslty. $158; coats. $41.66, ioki-- i ir. -- him, lnran $1.10 $S.05. government land. Value ef iiersonal In year 1900. $808.1 1. by road, alty. totm p. rxonal property. $21 rents, rosts. total. taxea levied the In and $909; costs $1.70; totnl, lKiumletl north public south 31 10; total. $.11 58. Taxes. property. $120. Taxes. $8.51: imnalty. 1 8938 50. JIM: Oalaldon. Rafael land. .126 by too for the Cruuly of lleruallllo, amount Chtldem, Caroline M. -- lata to 9. by Jesus C de liars, east by arequU. H. sec p. null). 71 rents: roata, 36 renta: to 83 costs, 36 total, $7. IS. , Smith. James is. Unknown owners ( Monlsr i raras north ny it. .mum centa: rents: ng to not less than $26.00. have lie- - block 59. N M T. Co. addition. Ta-u- west by J C. do Uses 10 acres wi person itmshc tal. 115.83. bounded I'hllpot. Mrs. K. A. Improvements land. iwp 10 N , Kge 3 B, .15 acres, Orant. south hy 0. Anaya, eaat by Are lime .lel'IKiitent. together With U ilc- - T6I.96; penalty, $2 75; costs. $1.60; tr. bounded north by J. A. Oarcla, south ttrlesei. Jesus M - land; bounded on go 111. 17; al protmrty furniture, value of $100. The possession, right of aula, west by river I mil. 70 by 100 ernmenl mini. Tnxes, Hcrlpllon of the protierty, ami the tnl. $6i6o. by J. A. C de llaca. oast by grsnt poai'loii north by K. Orleaxi. sooth hy ,1. M. Oar pennlty. 67 centa; (lists, 36 cents; to faxes, $24 90; penalty, $1 25; costa, ri and all Interest or equity of, in ami 11 varas. bounded north by II. I'unuv amount of taxes, iienaliles and costs Clark, ltd ward-l- als 206. 206 an I west by J. A c. de uaca. land, rj i In. eaat and weat by Kraut. Value of rents, total. $36.85. t 1 larla. south by Owner, east by Ate tnl. $12.39. hie opposite each niuno ami lew rip .'i7. blork 18 Armljo liros.' addition. cres; iHiunded north by S. Illea. south all that grant or lrs of Innd know personal property. $36. Taxes. $1.1 W. II. II. Improvement Btutnpf. Conrad lats s. btocn called M MmiUn quia, west by It. Martinez. Vnlue of Plowman. linn, log"! her with a seiwrale stilt" Taxes, t.l ..(((., pennlty. II.8S; cosim. C by M. A. Crespln. easi bv river, west and the penulty. 10 rents; 36 rents; to on government m ml. tuxes, 2o. llunlnr; lllghlsud sddttion laal ftraait. In county of ) personal properly, 350. Taxes, last mill, it.oi ment of the taxes due 011 rents, total. $40.13. by I tract or lanu. s.lunte Ue tnl $9.92. :.8 iiersonal lamas land. half J3t.7l; penalLy, 1138; nJIIwi M $5.20, pcualty. 26 70 tienally, celnts. costs!! 35 cents, to property P V. 47 mid IS by H Uxn and Territory of New xi. (Irtefo, Kmlterlo- - 3Wt varas rents; rosts where the several taxea arc Clancy. lata acre; Imiinded north urespiu roata. 11.40: total. 138.87. land. $8.15. tnl. $S..17. 9. Ko by hy west comprising and containing by C Sandoval rents, total, due from the same owner or owners liK'k Perea eddllhiu. Preolnct south 7 llaca. east river, Toeaer. Means 9, Stt. lot 1, acres, lti wide: bounded north y Pareutl ft Oniiillno So loon ami tlx I I lat more or less, and composed f by OrleRo, bv Oarrla Nicolas Arngon Uiml 2ii. its to 12, block II. N. M. T. by lauisi. Undivided Interest In Hor block 9, ii( 9. block 16. Hunlng 1 1 lab Mouth T. ast and west Taxes. $6.71: penalty. 27 cents. I grating laid of the value of 30 rent4 r.n by 7o varaa: boundet! north liy 1,. tines. PltUClNCT NO- - I. Co addition, to 18. block 12, reao land grant. interest in Santa $38.38 Itrant. Taxes, $3 S3; penalty. 19 cents costs, 36 cents; total, $8.86. lata land addition, last half taxes. per arre. The said lands wore con Hi lego, by A. Contrerns. east by Castillo. Peilm-lan- d. 65 N. M. T. Co. nddltlon. II and VI Crux grant. Vi Interest In Kl Oqulto tota-- , costs. 35 nts; total. $1.37. south T. 8. Improvements on vm.ii lats penslty. tl IS, costs. 80 rents; Armed to the legal representative ti nublli laud, west by 1). Aragott. Vnlu I'ulllnm. wide; Ikh nded ninth hy II. M. Mouto block o. N. M. T. Co. addition. V tlii.i Krant. I'rcclncl 12 9. 10. bloc Mont as, Bllseo - ; sec. 11, twp. $8.&S; lats $86.11. Charles w am ! land of personal prnHrty, $80 Taxes, $.07; Rovernment land. Tnxes. ieu vn. soutli by I'edro I'erea. ttat by of iiersonal property. $3,015. Tnxes 12. Perea idditlon. Albuquerque. Value iwl and ownml I h, . Rki 3 K Value of personal 19 some person h ally. rents; costs. 25 cents; total west by I ml Ian $290.55. penalty. $11; to or periions unknown, and $11.02; iennl penally. rents; costs, cent mouutalns lands coats. $6.6i. of persons! properly. Il5u Taxes PRMCINOT NO. 31. properly, $)'" Taxes. $8.10. $1.37. by Wm. No tsl, 1.12.23: costs. $3.15, to are owned and claimed by several P'l" ty. ns cents: roata, 35 rents; tntnl. laud, bounded north $ iftalty. JIM Abousdltnan.Molses -- Personal pmt tnutl IMednil C. d 00 by Heed. 0orge Merehmidlsc. Tnxes lei. south by M. J. de Castillo, eaat by Clllford. Oakey-lan- d; boundeil tal, $8ii 99 sons naving or claiming undivided in Oarcla. land ttrtv. merchandise, horses, waatMS and 1 $12.56. $9.66. iMMialty, 10 cents; coats, 36 - tereats therein Por a more omplet 80 varas: hounded north by Con mountains, west by public road. House north by J Itadnrraco. south hy Oxen Hara, y Jimm- laeero- - land, Hu by Vain- -, Tsjss. I'edro ISO arre totnl, $10.87. furniture. $, description of the trat t inn I Mrate. laud. treras. eaat by I. Cwutrems. Vnlue of rents; of 5 rooms, land; boundeil uurlh by dine, east by Ilroadwuy. west by noe-- 200 varnt bounded north by Cnehltt said of 26 varas; bounded north by pub on $190.78; vaaKy. $t.60; coata.3l eaais hereby given . land. personal property. $10. Tnxes. $3 33 Ittley. minimi improvements P. Castlll'i. south by .1. P. de I una, qula. I Ati 5 and 1. block 2. Itelvldero Indians, by same, eaat by IS. refetenre is ami made lie road, south by T. CkHimlMs, mst government pen south total. $fo 67. the description nenaltv 15 cents; costs, 86 rents; to land. Tnxes. $11.47: east by mnuntaltis. west 1..' river, half addition. Value of personal property llaca. wt st by Oorhlti Indians icon snd boundaries there ami west, by grant limits. Value of ally. 67 costs. 36 cents; total of on 81c ti the offlre ot the Surveyor tal. $3. S3. cents: interest. Value of personal iroporl 126 Taxi h, last lalf. $38.16; penalty Ulnlug 6 acres.) Land bounded north 86. ttersonal property. $0. Taxes, $1.33 $1339. PHUCINCT NO. Oenersl f the Territory of Now Mi x Marin land, too by $900. Taxes. $62.16; penalty. $8.61 1 1, in. costii 75 cents, total, $30.30. by IC. Anr'jo. south by I). C. de Baca, SJ. 70 pants; Oarrla. Jesus J. 18 acres of laad l'-- de-- n I penalty. 6 rents: costs. to Itublrhard. Preil Improvemeats oh IC ilallhews. whi h ssld rlptlno and boun so varaa. Iiouudeil north by A. Con costs. $1.40; total, $59.10. Pram. I)., ittstate) Unknown eaat by arequla. west by J. S. y (tar bounded north by A Csadebula, south tal. $2.09. html. Taxes. 11.17; I X 1 srle are hereby made part of th h south by seen Mia. eaat by A Hoovernmeut hii Heirs of ots and 9. block 10. N. M cia 1.1 acres 1 sou by :fto v west by P Naranio. Manue- l- Ixvumled treras. ally. 67 rents; costs. 36 cents; totnl laad. hy Menaul. enst by niad. description Tsxe.t. 1192 72 wiittlt-- land: Con west by J. harem. Valu PHI6CINCTNO 3. T. Co. aili! it Ion Precinct 36 IS ras; lion nded north by P. Montoya Uxnil north by J. Casados. south by J. M. Ar treras. $12.39. lat Romero 12 acres of bounded an. imls, .ir. cents, toUl $202 7 of personal WPiUierty. $60 Taxes. $8.08 Allow, .luanita d land. 118 b M block 17. K M. T. Co. addition Iaat south by .1 M. Montoya east hy ace V. by owner, men! a. naat and west by public land Sayers, m- Improvements on north by Mares, south Unknown owner of Canada de ua penalty, centa; costs, 25 to Wllllu- feet; boundeil uorth by I.. Oarcla. half taxea, $112:;, lienalty $8.11 quia, by A (luriile House Vsl .1 personal property. $20 Tax in rents; $19.11; pen wet east by hi equls. west by Nstero Alamo Value of $2 53. government land. Tnxes. south by II. Carllto, east and weat by rosts, 80 cents: total. $18.81. ue of pc. .ions) property $7.36. Taxes Orant 7l I 34 tal. ; seres of land, bounded north by es rents; penalty. rents: rosts. - ally, 96 cents; costs, 36 renin totnl -- 1 las The iHsnesslon, right of possession .lose- 132 by Value of personal property, Oolden Rule Dry Ooods Co Psrso- $13.37; p nslly. $2 21. costs. lu, to t, Oarcla. Antonio land. road. I! It-i- south by owner, east and weat by rents; total. $1.16. $80 II. 035. Value, aud all Interest or equity of, In and In 161 varaa: hounded north by I.. I.lire last half Uses, $16.16; penalty lial property, merchandise tal. $16.98. Precinct 6. 3 acres of laad . Sandoval. Hernardo laud. 3o by Shell. J. C Improvements on tsov $21.60 arequla. all that grant or tract of land know 1 ro. south by 8 Savedra. west by A. J 13.30; coals. 36 cents; total. $18.81. $9,000. Taxes. $190.96: penalty Oalegos. Douaelaao bounded ay t- - 6on varaa; bounded north by V Han eminent land. Tnxes. $7.61; penally laad: botw4ei north ay owner, sown ur aad ralhd the Canada de in Alamo Oareln. land. 10 by !r vuras: hound Imbert. Uiuls. liBslate of:) Un rosts. 86 "cuts; total, $615 80. north by arroyo. south by J R. Ara ry. ny sceauia, weat uy iloval. south by P. Uniterm, eaat by 38 eents; rosts, 36 centa; total, $8,37 1 east usaai sRuatw in the county of Bernalillo an i by .1 Ihtnlel, south by J Dee known Heirs land, bounded north bv Orant. A. A. and 8, block gou. east by 0 Onllegos. west by are 19 by of personal ed north S. on govern latT rla. Precinct If: Lata to tl, block Territory New Mexico, river, weat hills. Value .1 .1. Smith, Improvements by Armljo 73 In Oailegos of romprlsln by A Oarcla. west by I.ure Pablo and Celso Orleau, south llioa.' addition lata an quia Irterest Helena . liroperty. $17o. Taxes. $8.83, peaaity esst Utid. $19 11; penalty E M. n R. addition. Albtwoerque and containing 4.109.60 acres, more or ornment Taxes. Imliert deceased, east by Itlo 7.1. blork 7. Lota It and N and 11 grsnt in Oonsalltas grant - 35 ro. land nnd house. Vnlue of tieraonal liuls it.ieiest Value of laraonal property. $486. la- t ess or is renta: rosts. rents: total, $4.15 96 cents; coals. 36 cents; total, $81.41 vest by Ceja. Value of per to US, b!'Mk 13. 469 and 460 t room and mill Vslue of pet ami fompoasi graslux land property.. $76. Taxes, $8.88; penalty - Orande. lata h'.usi' tax- -. $39.83, penalty. 11 is Haadoval. Cornel to m. 10 ra J. I) Improvements on . half of the value of .10 rents per arre. Th laud. 31 costa. $1.06; total. $8 87. Suvder. sonal property. $129. Tasea. $48 93 block 16. 0 and 191 to 303 Inclu sonal protM-rty- $9 to Tases. $47.01. ras, bounded north by P Sandoval cents; governiviaiit $19.11. pen lat custs. $1 v, total. said land were eon 8 to legal Oullerrex. Jose y Oarrla-- - land. 32 land. Taxes. peaaity. I.' 18, cost 36 eents. total. slve. block 17 lat P. 188. 187. block peaaity. $116; coat. $140. total, rued the smith by (' ttandoval, bat and west ally. 96 renta; costs. 86 rents: total yr.6. 258. 367. 83. or J W A hers and b) varas. hounded north by S. l.n 17. lats block lata $6o.l"i I RtW INCT NO 37. by araat limits lrerlnet IS. land. ir. $80.81. I. sre owned by some person or person t cero. south by C itlnl.. eaat by same, Imbert. Units M . Kstate; Unknown IS4 and m. link 21. lat 811. 848 Mare, SeraAn Land , bonndel 11 Maw uo t 76 varaa; bounded north hby II. Oar StUMtrs. J. Improvements on Heahn. Dr tl. mill uubnowu. and are owned and bv I1 Value of personal C Heirs of land. varaa wide block a I 361. 361. 366, 366, 379 north by Cleocin MarUa. Jesus - 'laimed by V eaat west west Mlralcs. pen 9l3t at Latt, lumber Taxis. $67.11. penali- by persons hsvlng i la south I'erea. and Taxes, $3 76; penalty. government land. Taxea. $19.11; bounded N. lauls Imbert, deceased. H block .13. tats 198 to I'M Inclusive, east by Kun noMlago dltrn. Santa by sevral or claiming by arant limits Value of personal properly. $1" nlty. 96 costs, 35 rents, total $3 87. lists, 36 rents, total." undivided Interests n 18 costs. 86 rents, total. $1.38. rents; hy Mann i Perea. east by Itlo Orandi snd ton ti. 116. Inclusive, block 37. Ar A Montoyri, wast by Oarcla. Value of therein Por ptoperty, half taxes, cents, llkteher, Marnan L. three house.. more omplet.. description of I $65. last Matthews, T. J. land. 10 by 70 $20.11. weat by I a Ceja. Value of personal mllo Bros addition lats 6. 7. 8. bloc personal 'iroperly. H39. Tasea. $85.32 the sal 61 70 gov Value f personal era party, U6u land, 1 $liHi7; penalty, cents; costs, C. II. Still. 8 A Improvements 011 property $170. $37.11; penalty 21. I lo 6 Inclusive, blork 21 penalty. $1 16; coats, 36 cents total treat of reference hereby varas: bounded north by Chavet. prop Taxes. lats Taxes. $10188; neaaitr. 8.a8, coat, rents: total. Ill 2. by same, east by srenutn. west ernmenl land. Vnlue of personal $1.87; costs nr. cents; total, xg9.s. lats 13, 14. 15. 16, block 10 lat 4, 116.81. Elven aad made to the description and KWVl, south $100. $88.98; penalty 11 u6, unsl, $107.31. on 8le in Valverde. lIAmIC, 11. 90 by 800 varas. erty. Tuxes. block lb, N. M T Co. addition, Orttx, laad, 9o by sou va - thereto the ouV. 1 by road. land. aanloa Ktournov. Plcsrd Co tmpfore- 8Rt4. see. II. Iwp. S X., Itae. 3 tl 60 $111: rosts. 36 cents: total. $81.11 10, laa8, of I he Surveyor Oeneral of the Terrl hounded uorth by Chaves et al . I'RNOIMCT NO. 8 6. 10, It. 12. block 6. lot block ras. bounded nort.i by the satate of ou tots IS, is. block 1, tsbfts acres. Value of penmnal pranerl)' J. C. Drug store. Tuxck 1 menls tory of Now Mexlm, vihich by Morgan, eaat and west Thomas. Uticero. Pranrlseo land. 160 by 4 lluning Higbhtnd addition, and II OrtM, south by M. Ofita. sast by I, 8. '1, said 'In ; south J J. AS lat townslte, Improvement, lots $06. Taxes. wenajty, a aeats $16.38; penalty, H renU; costs. 111H) I C, 1 scription and boundaries sre herei.y by 418 by 900 vhihs varas, Imunded north by Prann 2. blork li and lot and 2. block ditch, waut by laduin hxaas. Laad IM. 86 cents; total. $1.11. road. land. cents; total, $10JO. 7. 19. 30. block 8 Ragle townsRe made a part of this desrrtpUca costs. bounded north by road, south hy M ro Uaarher. south byP. Lurem. east snd I) frontage, lat 5. block It, U. D. 65 'by 190 varas. bounded north b personnl rroperty mercnaadlae. etc Tax Valverde. Ksfaslo land. 240 vnrn Thomas. Henry Improvements on property. 11. se. 4.H, peas Ity $9.31; costs, 36 Chaves, east by C Chaves, west by by ditch, west by P. Seniors and frontage. Value of personal OrtU. sonla by same, eaat by ditch. value. 13.175. Taxes. $101. S3, penal iMtuaded north, south, east ami west government land. Taxes. $7.61; peu 11 cent, total. $19 89. Value of itersoHHl property. house, land. Mi by 300 varas; bound 1125. Taxts. penalty, $108. west by OrUi laad. 2Hi by Sao vs 16. bv Value of Heraotial 36 cents; 36 cents, total. ty $608. loosis. $3 total, $10818 Unknown owoner of nublk lands. $10. $12 98; pennlty. 06 rents. ally. costs. ed north b it l.ucero. south by A. ists. $1120; total. $8,191.81. ras. ununited norcn ny a. urtis, sonm Caaada de loi $6. 67 iieaalty. Taxes. $6.37. la - Olden James Improvements oa Apaches Orant. liroperty Taxes. rents: east by hills, west by Johnson, Cora li. and hous i.y (l A M- . by A. M011 96 rosts. $103: total $10.21. rem. rhr land lats estate east nubile binds, personal property, mer possession, right 8 rents: rosts. 86 iMtnts: total. 160 by Tyrell. Mnla-r- Improvements on 16 300 varaa; bounded north, south part lot Nichols ft llowdsn addi toys, weat b I.. Raca House. Value The of possession. Martinet, Prnneleco land. br chaadis- - etc , value. $660. Taxaa. twnts. Oalle-g- government land. Taxes, $8. S3, ien property. aad all Interest or equity of. In and to 160 varas: hounded north by S. raat and west hy public land. Valun tion Valm of personal $101. of perioral property $605 Taxes 8o 56, penslty. l.u&, costs, 86 cwnta, by ally, 20 cents; costs. 36 rents; tots). property, 3 J T 21: penalty, $176; costs, 61 $1 10; ait iaat grant or tract or land known . hy V. II. Chtlders. west of personal $8,131. last Taxes, $51.31, $2.67, insta. to TrTBCINCr XO. 88. south $4.68. total $1: M and called the Canada de lo rues V. II. CWIders. I'rerlnrt IS: House. half taaen, $68.96; penally, $265, cent?: total. $89 61. tal. 145:.: - Improvssseats Ah Wallace. J. N.-- Uts C. 7, 8 and 10. Hofbeln John Orant. sRuais In theh rounty of Herd (lurule. duvljen land ad howse. Value of iiersonal proiierty. $10. Tax coats. $1.06; total, lltl.M. lambardo. Aurella lats II, haft Or tit. Hi rcuwao Vslue of personal on rtavernnxant land. Tajes, ?II as - '. liable townslte. Value of personal 11. M It. arlllo aad Territory of New Mexico, Valua of personal property. $00- last en. $91; lenalty. 46 rents; costs. Martinet, Donartaao land, 60 by block II ft add. Iaat pronarty. $700. Taxes $Su.l8. naaatty oeaattv, coats. 36 eeats: total, $189. Taxea, $17.10; peaUv I l3l; comprising and containing 35.332 halt uuaa, $12.17; penally. 08 rents; ceaU: tola!. 11019 iiropetty. 400 vara, boundml north by Marre- tases. $87.10; penalty. $186; cast . 6 II 60; mm.Im. 81 cent, tots IJ8.4M 1. ; coats. 80 cents, total. $19.11 $618 acres, more or less, and composed of costs. 36 coats, total. $18.1 Rambs. Jaco- b- land, 6 by 200 var lino Aragou. south by Joae M, l.ucero. cents; to. si. $89 36. OrUx, Asttoalo laad bramdetl utleoge m Charles- - 1 lot. Tases. $1.91 to, Rt Joe Imaeovssseat grasiag lands of the value of 30 cents Ijvato. Pamftlo land nad bouse. boundeil north by J. I Has, south by Wralln. east by las lamas, west by railroad langwich. John lats 9 and north hy llanniiwlr south by gftlli. Valtt'i as: 1 20 -!-t-. to Ilas goveramt laad saw Sic. per acre. The Vsiae at personal property. $166 Tax M west by Iieaalty. cents; rosts. r land, so I y 800 varaa; bounded north block 8. N. M. T Oo. additloa. Valns QrUg, bv public road ssld lands are not con M. Armljo. east by Aiiaya. ilerrulsim east at nersonal peonerty. $8.4941 Taxes, . ; $8 21 Bnned or patented and sre owned es 3 68; penalty. 18 rents costs, river. Taxes, $2 9. penally. 1o rents: tal. by Pedro Martin, aonth hy Manuel of persoaal property. $16 last half west hy P.HM4 of Aatoalo OrtU Vain peaaHy. 17 99; costs, 36 West. (Iwirwe- - - ImproveiacMls ou bv 1169 91: sssne person or person unknown, and renU; total, $4.12 costs. 86 rents; total, $2 61 Chavet. east by las lamas, west uses. $49 86. peaaity. $2 60: costs, lu nf perstmul prugsuty, ISX". Tax- - $168 35 lead. Taxes. $16 28. peu $1(9 ts. sre owned nad claimed by several per- Hendoa. Martin land Valua of llutt. NacMM land. 30 by so varas: Soverawent railroad and house Value of personal cents, total 78. 2k60. neiially. $1 19. cost r. '.nt WismI. Henry Improvssseats on nlty. 78 cents, cos's. 6 cents, total. - sons having or claiming undivided in peraoaal prot. rty $16. Taxes. $8.05 bouarfed north hy M. A. Martin, south prooertv. 111.V Taxes. $17 01. im nai Merrimen. I. land, too by lotsl 330 28 mining cteim Taxes, $43.64; saaalty so $18.99. feet 700 by tOO In tereats therein Pur s more rompleH Iieaalty. ia penis; cnsis. rents, to by A east by A. Vlvlanl. west tv 12X5. tusts. 70 cents, total $M si also feet northeast unit Viitoitio Rstnie of, Unhuowi 2 total. $14.M. lere'i. Wilson, It I) - Improvements ou Albuque-ijit- e, SI ints. description of th sld Irsrt of land, Sal. $3 66. prop part of of bounded Heirs of Antoi in (mis, . R by A Martin. Value of iiersonal Jr aad i4i sw. H W. Improvements oa gov I v land. Value ofo personal 4 s reference ben given and ma.l erty. 3110 Taxes, m centa: peanuy HvernMent PltUClNCT NO. aorth b r t'anfteiarta, aonth by m Im'i-- m de tmix. Administrators pemuMU prop $60. $6.71; ernmenl land. Vftlae af to the descriptlo 1 Taxes. penalty, by 501 by 1 and boundaneeu no. as i t 85 cents; sz Marela. Severn land. lOo Msrtlne west Nona Vane land, tmi by aim bonssSssI mmmcr eeats; costs. total it rperty. rosts. 35 total. $6.39 lat ysrd. sort .trti 8940 Tases. 148 33; peaail thereof im In tin. onlee of Surveyor - - 131 bv reals, vara boo nded by Severn Mixa lu. II sad blte k 61, N. M. T. Oo. ad by Montoya others, . ile Arasna. Joae II House and lanJ Saavedra. Praartsro- land W.- - north Psbl" aad south 82.10, 36 renU: total. $498 Young. S. Persoaal propert v. K 1 isrt. Oenernl of the Teirltory of New Mex oT nmaerty. $66. Tac-ra- . north by Dee. south taao. smith br R Marela. union zi. mors 1. r. A. y Otero b Haa mix of Value persoaal 611 (eel; bounded $260 Taxes, $9 56: penalty. VI i'i iro which saM lewnptloa bond I 86 west by J. Iters. value. liarcla west bv nubile road fisad house, additloa. I ot 2 block 17. Hunlng Ortlx 1 by Indian land and paaaHr rent; by J. lllsti I R8W 88 19 easts; rosts. Haea. east and cents, costs. 36 rents, total, $10 lu TINCT NO. dartes are h. t.y made a part of personal property. $16. Tax- S3 by I.2011 vsras iMrandel laad adsition vaiae or persoaMl prop .', room. Interest In graai -- this cesjto: lelsl. 66 reaU Value of laad. tlraaam Brothers IsjisroviHaeats description I axes. $403 79. penal 161 S 87 cents; easts. aorth by KuluaHo llarela south by erty $116. last lalf iaxas, $8101. Value r personal Arralietiue, Joae de J. land. es. cents, peaaity, PRaXMNCT Nt 18 $l.ia oa government land Value ot per $2U Ik c.i-- . .18 cents; totnl. $134 1.' by V. Mlera, 86 total, $1 01. Mtauel tUum. east bv Miguel A Oar peaaity. $190: cost, $179; taUI. Tsxei $iii fii penalty $189; costs. varaa; boaaded aorth reals: on per snnal l' Taxes. $.75 Unknown .,wnrs oi Csnon d Carnnel aouta by J Arasoa. aaal hy road, Adamark. Joe ImprovemeNt cm. west by public road Value of $N6I. $1,711 lo'm 1154 8 rnnRy iimu. 36 ranis, total 1 7 tl Ji. Orant f prol-erty- . IT uovarnwent land A litems rte mlne.l sonal 1990 Take 11 2S T lats to $8. 1m?In. : Jm-- i P uastivMed l.i west ay hills Value of persowal I'SltOIKtrr NO. oruierlv. Whim As 198.31 rhe possession, right of possession, -- Magle Iowa Tases. $191 penalty. 10 rents, tusts, nenaltv. $.'54: 7u total slv- - i.itH I. r,r,. N M T Oo. aadUlag. No 1 55 reals Taxes. $t lo, peaaity. Ilarber. I. J. Iat 1. rust. teat, lerest Mss Itxatioa tin and all Interest or iquity of, n 9. 86 cent, total $2 38. 161 18 Taxes. (':'. 19 iieualty. $137; owls, 17 8349 07. penali v la and Jo iints osts .!', .int lot at $2 36 site line house, hseh of lot Value SIS Taxes FRBt'lNCT N0 12 sll grant or of I 11 ic Improvement on K to by 4o'i $1 $:i" '. ' that tract land knowr I tj, I I' ill Stlil It ll of iwrHiiiial property $3oo last half Auilersoii ltoilart. Jtisli Land lotsl $18 in. .rt ' i nis total $344 Montoya, and house, s llnlisr . Town laud and called the canon d Cernuel t io ' $ .111 land Value nf iiersonal in M Oontales. owt-u- c P personal property, fur grant .1 tiii of .nlllll pnipi $1 u iHVi-- ellll renlS. rosts goviinmeut varus iH.i.ndetl ninth Vslie ' personal $196, ii - - ..pirt. situate u he oountv of Ilarns.lllo su.l I $15 28. penal by hotel, N. T. Ar- IX . tit 1 .(' 1 $7 property $oo Taxes. south by rami- east ace nlture tirutid Central IKKCIM.V N iii i" null out, nts. total rubllr nil Taxes. $11.38, peaaRy. $110. roets, J territory t,r New Mexico, coruprlilns; aVSS l H ot ABinqoeniue A A 1 Junction. Chav nsnt raMlliiHM 8.764I nefea, n" rltory nf rfew Met lco. comprising and callel the OJno de la Cnbrn Orant. All that grant or tract of und and cnlhnl th Kin. Santft Ann and Mil's rddlUfln. Taxes, oanla; to rants: totnl. ft St. miff I to- I M. MltchMl. Wlngale Ogllup and Mm Um, nod inmpuMv) of grating Innda nd cont lining RRosiM acres moie situate in the county of fwrMtlllo an I known and en lied the Santa Ann l Jepiex grant, tit uate In th eotinty of tiennlty, mnto; ensfa, M cents; xtt 9, block Itastern addition o" ' ' of $7.oon per mib S . . Meslpo. pomitrtaftig grant, In county of lt Barnnllllo, Mexico. tal. 80 cents. Taxes. $2.03. penalty, lo cents; costs ulita at Ihe rate of the value of mi per acre Th or leaa. and composed of grating Innda lerrltor) of Nea aliitaiv the territory of New tb 1 SP cents, total. $233 muking a lolal of $612.ooi. or said lands ctcll.ied liy the legal III'" tr O'. . HIV pn W 1" I sad containing 1.320 scran, wore or lllo. leirlmry of New etlco, compn " t omnrlaln and contnlnltig 382, in IaiI No. 7. block No. 88, iirawnnwell tie tl .' Month lot 2 block M. Nac Mime s mi tint $30,000 Is assessabb f" mpiaatatatlvcs of PaSlo Crespln an I lands were confirmed to othe e ess, and composed of grating lands and containing IT.380.841 acres imi ncraa. more or leas, nnd comported l 6 Milt siidltmn. Taxes. 68 cants, fractional Taxes. $l 02, penalty. 6 ' Ity and chtml purposes in tie dinars MM are mru1 it) some person Ml represenlatlvea of Donadano (I t of the value of no t ents rf The in leas, and composed of grating line' grating mtMla of the vnlua of 90 cent iwnnlty, 2 cent; eoata, to canta; to- ern addition i h 843 coots. 20 cents; total, $1.27 i.i Albuquerque, and 116.565 Is ii' ir parsons unknown, and ar owned tule. and i re owned by some perron or raid lands are not confirmed nor pat- of the value of 80 centa per acre er ncr. The anld lands not con tnl. cant. centa. ! lot 8. M. Hast al'l for team In thi- town f by I persons Imv sons are claimed by ented, an I are owned by some person Mid lan.l ware conflrited to thi l hi met) or patented, nnd are owned by &, South fractional hutch pursises and rmtnd ret u.tknnwn. and IaiI No. block No. SS. Ilrowwowell f . persona having or ilalmlng persons unknown, and are owned teprest ntatlves of the saM linliinii rome perm i, or paraona unknown, and ern addition. Taxes. $1.02. penalty. 5 Gallup, nnd9A.I30 Is assesssbl. lag or claiming undivided interests several Mil's nddltlnn. Taxaa, M cants, Im it ' coats. 2o total. $1 27 schtMil purposes In the (tal'itp Knr m r. complete descrlp undivided For a and claimed by several persons having nnd are oaned by some peraon m nre owned and claimed by several , to- cents, cent, therein a interests therein penalty, 3 canta eoata, 10 cents; t I Sonlhei-- lot 8. block :.o. district Taxea, $16 860 ul pet .in Inn of the said lr.KI of land reference more complete description of the unld ot cislml.ig undivided Intereata ther nuns unVnown and are owmni mid iH rsons having or plntmlng undlvlde 88 centa. fractional tal. Taaea, 61 centa IXIlHo, 1 xits. total Id' I hereby glvan ami made to tha de tract of land reference Is hereby glvct in Kor a more complete descrlp lalmed by scleral persona bavins interests therein. I'or a more and ISoalern addition $66; (Ait No. S. block No. St. HrowKWWell 3 Santa ! Failfli Railroad srrtpfloa houiidurhv thereof on and made to the description and bonti Hon of the aald of land, reference laiming undivided Interests thci hi i duplet.' description of (he said tract (ents. ciatta to cents, total. uiiiiin rnd trad & addition Taxaa, AS cauls; Additional assessments fm He . th- - purveyor gen-ora- l ii on Hie in ogtcc of is hereby given nnd made to the de-s- i ror a more comnlete descrlpt io:i u I land, referent la hereby given and Milt fTlt flle In the nfllcr of tries thi the S posts, 10 centa; I 1 iwnnlty, cants; to I 1698 of Santa Fe Pacllb Italln of of New jtfettrn, I he. surveyor general of New Mexlr , rlptlon and boundaries thereof on the said 1 act of land referenc. i'iad tn I ho description nnd boundar- Ah lo. block 60. rtnatern addiiioon. the In' territory tnl. 88 cauls. $1 The was 1 omcc or nurreyor l.erehy glvf n nnd In i on lite Taxaa. IS: penalty. 6 cents; costr. (company: follawln onnif which Mid description anil boundaries which aald description and hotimmrlrn hie in ln. the ten made Ike desi n ies thereof In the olllre of th" - Ml No. 10. block It, llrowtiawcll $1 fn m the made by tin- are hereb made a part of thia de- are hereby made a nart or this descrlp ernl of th territory of New Mexico. lion and tonndari thereof on fib 'i hurveyor Oenarnl of the territory of 20 cents' total. 29. return hiuh.i rdilltbni. Taxaa, lit emits; 1 1, company th scription Taxes, panaltv tion Taxes. I02n7. pen.iltv. which said description and boomlti the oKic. of the stir vc or general if New Mexico, which anld descrlpt lun i Mil's North li actional mt block iso. rv raclfle Railroad for fioio. I pants; SO peats; to- 'ht-fe- d penalty, costs. addition, a, 11 peats; year I8H8 and Is hereby assessi $a.M. mu. 86 cents; totnl. IIM.II. oate. ill i eats, total. Mt" M li s arc he eby nude a part of this the terri. try of Nsw Mexlpo. whi. li nnd bouHilarlna tire hereby made n lUistern i.eserlption Taxes. IIP. IB; penalty. said dooiptlnn and tMinndarles of (his description. Taxsx, tnl. 8A cents. penalty. 3 cents: totsl. SI canta. and against said Santa F" I'm in I attftown owners of eitlo li NnvaJ i I'nknnwn owners of the recline Tafoya a' I Ait No. No. SS. 47. ;tr. cents; total, hereby a purl of rirt 3 II. block Ilrewnewell Southern rrartioMi km x, nwma av. Railroad 'omimny for the year ivi. grant. j costs. made thta descii; penalty. $21010, costa. OS -- Orant. A Lull's addition. Taxaa, cents; I 81 cenU; 78.118 miles or right of wav of .n 1 tloti., $19108; penalty. cents; total, vast ern addition. Taxes. possession, right of ten, The iHissesalon. light of posseaalon. Unknown owners of O)o del lor rego $l.OZ.78. S centa; In .( Tin imiw MMtr. 35 cents, total. $108.28. $!' IM'tmlty, centa: eoata, to to penalty. 3 cents; coat, to canta; totnl, railroad umpany the coiiui Ml r equity of. In ami to and all Interest or equity of. in nnd to Orant. UNKNOWN OWNKHS. S New M-- and Inl. centa. M i ents Bernallll" territory of grant or tract all that gr.tnt or tract of land known The right of posse ssloi . Unknown owners of the Town of Han V. I all that of land known Lot U. block A., A & addition, Ait No. 12. block No. SS. Brownawall I Ait I. block 60. lOnttern atMHloon. Ineiudlng nil improvements crosHii. ('III . de Nnrajo gram. the fclipe Tafoya grunt, ami all interest or equity of. In and lo Ysldro gram. AS and rall'l the ind cnllel Albuquerque. Taxes. $18 72; pannlty, A Mil's addition. Taxes, canta; Taxea. $l 13. penalty. 6 cents ; coat, rails, Oxh bar plates, bolts brblK nn-- l i It uate in the county of Bernalillo anil all thai or tract of land known The por session, light of HOMeaalon. .1 Nituatr in the county of Hcrnalllm trant Ci centa; roeta, 20 cents; total, $11.01. iN italty. centa : wwta. 20 canta; to- 80 cants, total. $1.19. culverts nnd structures, togetb. t wt'n Mexico, territory of Xew Mexico, comprlalng and mile I the UJo del Borrego Orant, and all interest or equity of, In and to I territory ot New comprising it 18. block A.. A. & V. nddltlnn. tal. 88 (i nts. lot 5. no, Ibe telegraph line erected upuu ami l.ltn,27x It in county or an I grant or tract known North fractional trtoci uml containing tonnoo acres mow or and containing acrea. moore uate the Bernalillo all that of land Albtiquenine. Taxtw. $12.72; ponnlty. I Ad No. 7 block No. SI, llrownswell Taxes, Al cents; constructed over the right of w.i f of territory New Mexico, comprising nnd Town of YsldtV Mnstorn addition. ess, and composed of graatng land ot leaa and compoaed grating land of calbi: the San dt' cants costs. 20 oenta; lotal.$ A. Mil's addition. Taxes, 88 cents, 3 coats, pants: the said railroad company, also Mir t 7m penalty. cents; to f So per acre The l h aluc of so centa per acre The and containing ifi in acres, more arant. situate in Ih" county of Bernal .1 I to- -- tlii' value of cents Ut 25. Block A.. A. Al'. Addition. penalty. cent; cos a. to centa; total. 8 1 centa. Ion houses, shops, depots wlt'h patent-- I were legal or less, composed of grating lllo and let rltory of New Mexico, com- id land src not tonSrmcd or aid lands conflrmed to the and Allmanerque. Tnxws. $18.72; penalty tal, 80 cents. South fractional lot 9. block 19. water tanka and all Improveni. ul- - i' A Bacn. for of so cents per acre prising and containing ll.IT8.dn cares, I ami arc owned by some person oi representatives of Roman lands of the value tit cents, coats, to cents; total, fll.fll Ait No. 6, block No. II, Brow M well ISaatern addition Taxes 81 cents, Albuquerque. A A P .lunctbui rlun squar league, b The said lands were confirmed In the more or less, and composed of grat I i.cison unknown, nnd are owned and ne and are owned 1nK 21. block A.. A. KrV nihil ion. A Mil's addition. Taxaa, flt rents nenaltv. 3 centa. total. 84 centa. or htltihell. Wlngale Gallup uml by persona at. me person or peraons unknown, legal representatives of Jose Albino ing lands of the value of 30 cents per SO clalmsd several having r Albuquerque. Tnxas, $18.72; penaltv, penalty, cents; costa, cant; to 3. block 49. ( ulita at the rate of $7. win i mi' o by Baca, et al owned by some perao.i ncre. Ianda were con Mr me I i South fraci tonal lot claiming inillvidel Interests therein i ml are ned and claimed several and The said (9 cents; tosts, 20 rents; total. $11.01. tnl. Hfl cent. 61 caata, ntitklng a total of $RI2.o"i of lb person unknown, are owne I to of Raxtcru addition. Taxea. For a more rotnphtc description of persons hiving or claiming undivided in aad the legal representative Ikilmea l,ot 18, block N . A. .V 1' addition. I Ait No. 0, block No, 21. Ilrownewell alHive amount tSo.ono Is'b fuc com d by persons having p natty. 3 casta; roata. to caata; total. lb enM tract of land reference la her nterests therein, ror a more snd c'alm several rerea. Francisco Sandoval and other Alhuouerqtic. Taxes $8.KS; penult v. A MM's ail ill lion. Taxaa, 8S canta. dty and school purposes in lb- - t - 84 cents. iv plete dear-Ip- Ion of the said in- i lalmlna tindUldcd Interests there helm of Antonio Armenia and Salva- , - by ffvrt and mad" to the description trac' tf rents, (osta. 20 cents; total $7.11. penally, I cents; costs, 20 cents; to IAit I, block BaMattrn addition. ot Arbuquerajne, aad $t6.6;r, h In Is hereby given an I in Kor n more complete description dor Sandoval and are owned by some It. nnd boundaries thereof on file th land reference Fractional lot 12. block O.. A. St. V. tal. 88 cents. $1 23; penalty. 6 centa: coats, able for town purposes In th. ...'tip bonnd-- i of tract of land, person o.' persons unknown, an- - Taxes. imml of th'' pttrvevor general of New made to the description and the said referenc and addition. Albuquerque. Taxaa. $8.30 I Art No. lo. block No. SI. Brownewcll to cents; total, Gallup. andSAA.180 Is asse'.Hiii. r,.r ; m.1 les there. if on in th omee of the I hereby given and made to the de owned and claimed by several go wii'ih description and r'c iiersons penalty. '5 pants; costs, rant Mil's addition. Taxes. 68 rents; I Ait 10. block 19, tmatertt addition. school purposes In the Gallup i, Mirvevor general of the territory of script toft nnd boundaries thereto on having r claiming undivided Interests t .(it art hereby made a part total. $3.45 lnalty. I cents; coat, to cent, to A coats, district. Taxes. $21, 165. sr. pen - Taxea. $133: penally canta; I $1,116; New Metlco, which aald description flle In the ofllce of tbhe Surveyor Oen- therein. For a more complete descrip- of wriptlon. Taxes. Fractional lot II. block O.. A. tal. S cent. 20 total. $1.49. 11,058 8P: costs. A66; totsl $ . .10 cents; end boundaries are hereby made ernl of thi territory of New Mexico. tion of th- - said tract of land referenc cents: peni '30; costa. total. i addition. Albuquerque. Taxaa, $1.86 IaiI No. 8. block No. 16. llrowoewell fi lot 6. block 48. 280.79 part of description 119 nr sai l desrrlptloon and boundar- is hereby given and made to tha de North actional this Taxes. which mnally ccnu; costs, to centa; total. A Mil's addition. Taxaa, canta; 61 penalty. costs. 3ft cents; totit, ies are be, eby made a part of this de scription boundaries on flle In the it ISaatern addition. Taxes, cents, known owners of Canada de Co UW. tnd 82. penalty, 3 cents; eoata, 10 centa; to SO Notice Is hereby further tn it In tftS.ft! rlptlon Taxes. $181.32; penally. of the surveyor general of tha ft. penalty. 4 cents; costs. cent; totsl, kiwi ebhl Orant. n nine Fractional lot 10.. block W.. A. &(. 86 cants. undersigned tax collector r t H r 36 $193.88 of New Mexico, which tal. 61 cents. the Thti possession, light of poesesatou. t'nknown owners ul Kellpc (lutierr.i f.2l. costs. cents; total. territory said nddltlnn, Albuquerque. Taxes. I Ait No. 1. block No. 17, Brownewcll nslillo county, will apply b tb description and boundaries are hereby $!6; North frnrtionnl lot II. block 19. ih i. iid all or eqnlty of. In and to rant. Unknown owners of o)o del Baplrltti pennltv, il. cents; costs, to cants, Mil't addition. Taxes, 68 rents 61 court In and for said ni' mi interest made a part of this description. Tax- Bastern addition. Taxea, cants, trlrt all grant or trgvt of land known The possession, i ight of possetsloi . Santo Orant. total. $5.10. cants; eoata, to canta; to SO the day of f r tiat es, $I27.M. penalty. $0.38. costs, 88 lnalty, i penalty. 3 cents, eoata. cents, total, seventh Oitobcr l''i and cnlle.i the Canada 1. Cochin and all Interest or equity of. In and t i The no. session, tight of possession. IxH S. block 2. A 6 I'. addition. tal, ceuta. 4 Judgment against the .,. cents, total. $111.33. at cents. lands ichi Krant. annate In tho county of Herat all that grant or tract of land know i and all Interest or equity of. In and to Albttquerq e. Taxes, $4.85; iiennlt). I Ait No 2, block No. 17. Brownawell South rrartkaMl lot 8. block 18. and personal propertv ! rib. i grant of Unknown owners grant. ( llllo and territory ol New Mexico, com nnd called the Felipe Oittlerrei nil that scant or tract land known of Atrlsro 28 cents. osta. 20 cents; total. $5 in A Mil's addition. Taxaa, 88 cent; eastern addition. Taxea, At cents, the foregoing Hat. togeth. i nii U prising and containing r. mm acre, tit uate in the county of Bernalillo and and callel the l))o del Rspirltu Santo The possession, right of possession Ixit 9. block 2. Baca addition. Al penalty. 1 centa; eoata. 241 cents; to penalty. 3 centa: coats, to canta; total, and penalties, and for an onb r t.. .. ii Mexico, t more or taut, and pompom d of graaing territory of New comprising tlrant situate in the county of Ber aud sll Interest or tqulty of, In and to luqnerqu" Taxes. $1.85. penalty. tal. 86 cents. 84 centa. the tamo to satisfy such ludgitii ut , I anda of th" value if no .,it par acre. and containing 3,40 1.7 arres. more allllc an.l territory of New Mexico all that g'ant or tract of land known 25 caata: costs. 20 cents; total. $5.l'i. I Ait No. :, bkVk No. 17. Brownawell South fractional lot 9. block 48. an that be will within thim lavs The aald :vnda were confirmed to the r less, and compost d of grating lnnt lomprlslnj nnd containing ll2.uo und i ailed the Town of Atrlsco grant, Iiot 17. block I. llacn addition. Al - Mil's addition. Tttxea, 8S cents Kastcn addition Taxes, 81 rent after the rendition of such juiikdi at or .to per acren, leas, In . 1 SO legal representatives of Joel P. Whit- or the value centa acre. m more or and composed of situate the county of Bernalillo and t'nquerqu Taxaa, $1.98; pannlty. 2i tienally . cants: costs, centa; to- pennlty. : cents; costs, to cants; total. agalnat property described In si i i pntent Mexico, i ney, and art.' owned by some person aid lands were confirmed and grating Innda of the value of 80 oena territory of New comprising ('Nts; costs. 20 rents; totnl, $5.10. tal, 86 centa. 81 cents. aad after having given notice u the legal representatives of I'el tier acre. The said lends are owned and containing 82.728 72 acres, more or persona unknown, and are owned id lo Uit No I, 'dork No. 17. Brownawell I ax I, block It. Raatern addition. hand Mil posted at the front do f persons n- and claimed by several persons hav to I'erea rnd are owned by some per by some iiersou or unknown. or less, ami composed of grating lands IMtWOINCT NO. 5. A Mil's addition. Taxaa, ranti. $1.83 penalty. 6 centa; coats, he building In which the - t persona own by 30 it Taxes. ing or claiming undivided Interests son or unknown, and arc and are vned and claimed several of the value of cents per acre. The 20Vt. block F. Imca & ArmlH penalty. 3 centa: eoata. SO canta: to- SO J1 19 court for said county la held at by persona claiming legni M cents; total. tberatn. Kor a mori complete descrip- cd and claimed several uvrsons navlng or undlvldel lands were conflrmed to the centa. addition. Taxaa. $2.44. pan tal. 86 cents. iO.bioek 16, addition. ten days prior to the d.iy of ale .f having claiming a more com Uvea of :i Mt astern tion of the aald trad of land referenc or undivided Inter interests therein. For represent;' the town of Atrlsco a!ty, 20 centa: coats. 20 cunts; total IaX No. 6. block No. 17. Itrownewell Taxes, 11.28; penalty. 6 cants; cost. for sale at public auction In fnmf t eata a more complete plete descilptlon of the aald tract of are by person or per p. Is hereby given and made lo the de therein for and owned some $2.78. Mil's addition. Tax, At cents; i cents: total, aald building, the real estate mi.i description of the said of land land, la hereby sons own. ami arc to- t xertptlon and boundaries thereof i tract reference given and unk. owned and IH I. block 3. 8. Apodncn addition Iiennlt)'. 3 cents; coat, to canta; North fractional krt 6. block 48. sonal property desert tied In this ti i hereby given description by i file In tho Ostee of the surveyor gen reference Is and made mode to the and boundar claimed several iiersons having or Taxes, $1.23; penally. 5 cents; costa tnl. 80 cents, ISaatern nddltlon. 81 cents, agalnat which Judgment may In i' d "tcrlptlou les on Ale in the otPee ofo the ( miming 'faa. p- - u . eral of the territory of New Mexi' i. lo the and houndari' thereto undivided Interests therein SO cents: total. $1.10. Lot No. 6. block No. 17, llrownewnll penalty. 3 tents: eoata, SO cants; total, tiered for the amount of taxes, which aald description and boundarlct thereof on flic In the olHee or the aur Purveyor tleneral of the territory of For a more complete description of 8. Apodttcn A Mil's nddltlon. Taxaa, At cants, ties and costa due thereon. . I, block 8. addition total. $S.7ii general territory of New New Mexico, description ttnet of refci-n- Is Iit SO are hereby mane a part of thia da cvor of the which said the said land here Taxees. si.23. penally. 8 cents; costs. penalty, i cents; roata, eauti.; to North fractional lot 11. block 46. CHAS. K. NBWIIA1.1 Mexico, description hereby made a by to description boun- Tasea,; penalty which said and and boundaries are made the and ;(. cents: total. $1.10. tnl. 86 rent. Knatern addition. Taxes, 61 canta; Trecxurcr and ex Officio Collub houndnrlp are hereby made a pa part of this description Thxos. daries th roof on flle In the omee ol k I fl.ll; roata, an cents: total. W.7o. t I a 7. bliM-- 2. S. ApodncH addition. Ait No. 0. block No. 17. Brownawell penalty. 3 centa; costs. SO cents, total. Bernalillo County, New Mcxb of description penalty. $41. IT. coau.35 Ihe surveyor general of (he territory AS 1'nknowd nwnera of Cochltl land this Taxes. $1X162. Taxes. $l."3 penalty, ft cents; costa. S Mil's addition. Taxes. cants 81 cents. First publication August 17. r.'" penalty, costs, 3lt rents, total $1,328.04. . f New Mexico, which said description Orant. ll.ttl; ictit. total. l:u cents, total. $1.18. penally. 3 canta; coats. 20 centa; to IaH io. block 17. Bastern addltiot.. Ml 2ft. and boundarlci- - hereby made a t Hm Tko ptMiMalon. tight of posseaelon Unknown owners of lueblo de Ha.i aie Uit x, block 2. S. Aiiodapa addition tal. S6 rents. Taxea. 1 1 2.x penalty, 6 cents; coats. The latest reports made of. to t'nknown owners of .lemei land gra' i pwflpf- - Orant. part of this description. Taxes Taxi's. $1.23. penally. 8 cents; Ml No. in. bo No. 17. Brownawall tieneral Wyman of the maruu i. and all Interest or equity In and 1 costi. :o canta; total, ai penalty. $41.38. costs. all thai grant or t of land known All that grant or tract of land know t. The possession, .ight of possession. 35cents. cents, total $1.18. K Mil's addition. Taxea, 88 cants. North fractional lot ll, block V, al service show that tnben total $11' 33. SO to- i. and called the Cochltl land arani. att nnd callel the Jemex land grant sit i. ml all Interest or equity of. In and to Uit P. block 2. X. Apmlaca addition. Iienalty, 1 cent; coats, canta; Raatern addition. Taxea, 61 cents, causes nbiut to per cent cr tin uate In tb count of Bernalillo an I uate In the county of Bernalillo and ill that giant or tract of land known Unknown owners Town .V Atrlsco Taxea, $1 23: penalty. 8 cents; costa. tal. SA cents. penalty. S cents, coats, SO cants; total. r i ported. Only deaths fnm territory ot New Meileo. territory ef New Mexico. cntnpriHlng and calle I the Pueblo of "lan Keiip" grant. 'in cent; total. $1.19. Ml No. 11. block No. 17. Brownewcll 84 cant. glous disease are tabubil'il and containing W acrea. more and containing l7.M".lr acrea, mon Orant. sltunte in lite county of Bern The possession, right of possession Lot 12. block 2. 8. AimmIch itddltlon Mil's addition. Taxes, OS centa; Month iractlonal lot I, block 47. where deaths these sub. i or lean, an I compoaed of grating lamia t less, and composed of grating land allllo nnd territory of New Mexico. bnd all Interest nr equity of. In and to Taaes $128. penalty. 8 cents; costs. IMtnalty, 3 canta, costs. SO cents; to- ISaatern addition. Taaea. Al cents, reported in every Install"' tul" n ft :to per 3i.7sH.mi 8A of the value of so cent per acre, tih he value of cents acre The omprlslng and containing all that or tract of land known lit. cants, total. $1.19. tal. centa. penalty, 7, centa; eoata, 80 canta: total. losin is in the lead. I r' ttatd ianda were confirmed and patent mid lands were (onntmed and pat n res. more or lesi. ami composed of and called the Town of Atrlsco grant lot 5. b'ock 2, S. ApmlHPn nddltlon Ait No. It. block No. 17. Brownewcll M centa. ed to the legal representatives of th inted to the legal representatives f r i axing Ianda of the value of :iu centa situate in the county of Bernalillo and Taxes $1.23. tienalty. 1 canta; costt. Mil's addition. Taxaa, AS cents, North fractional lot 6, block 47. Pueblo de Cochltl. and are owned b- - the iiucblo of .lemcx. and are own. i ier arre. The said lands were con-llrme- territory of New Mexico, comprising 20 cents, total. $1.19. penalty. 3 cunt; costs, 80 centa; to- Hasten addition. Taxea. Al renin; some peraon or peraons unknown, and I.) Mime '.'crson or persons unknown an I lented tn the legal rep hint containing X2.72s.72 acres, mor 1H 8. Block 2. 8. Apodaca addition tnl. Si cents. Penally. 3 cents; total, I cents. arc owned and claimed by aevert.1 nnd arc owned and claimed by several resentatlves of the said natives .ind i.i less, and composed of grating land Taxes. $1.23; penalty fi cents; costs Mt No. 4, block No. 18. Brownewcll petaona having or clatmlnK undivided li rsons having or claiming undivided are owned by some prson or tcrsons ol the value of 3U cents Jier sere "Hie 20 cents; total. Ji lt. A- - Mil's addition. Taxes. 68 ceuta: PRHCWCT NO. IS. (herein. For a more complet are were lyot t SO to- InWeata therein. Kor a more complex interests unknown, and owned and clalmo'l mii lands conflrmeil to the S. block I. 8. AikmIhch nddltlon. lenalty. cants; coats, canta: Unknown owner Undivided hulf description of the aald tract of land by several persons having or claiming representatives of the town of Atrtsc $1 fl SO of the aald tract of land Taxes. 23; penalty cents: corns. tnl, cents. Interest In land bounded north by An is hereby given and made Tor a by person per 11' 18. reference Ir hereby given and made I" reference undivided Interests therein. and are owned some or :'( cents: total. $1 Mt No. b. block No. llrownewnll Sandoval, south by Ap.ia to the description uml boundaries more complete description of the said unknown, and owned and addition. Taxaa, AS (touts, dtea Juau the description and boundaries lUereoi ions ate Mil's cs, east by Bare las road, woat by riv-- i thereof on file In the omcc of the aur of land, reference is hereby glv (lalmed by several persons having 12. penalty. .1 SO centa; to on lie In the onice or the surveyiti tract I'KKCINCT NO. emits; costs. Taxes for the pears 1807. ivm, I eyor geni ral of the territory of New en to the description and ot i iHimliiK tin r 387 SA I89. Hanaro of the territory of New Mei and made undivided interests Fractional tot south of lot No. tal. canta. 1(99. Taxes. $16.60; penalt .Mexico, vvlitoh said description and boundatle thereof on Die In the in. For i more complete description I No. fi. Iitoak No. IS. Brownawell ico. which said dea'Ttptlon nnd IhhiiuI block 21. Arm Jo Bros.' mlilltlon Lot 80 lo.costs, $1.76. $11 IT. btiundHrlea aro hereby made a part of of th.- - Surveyor or of e At cents; cents, total. The ncncral liralth of a are hereby a part of tbl Oeimrnl of the the saol tract land referent is penalty. 25 cents; costs tl Mil's addition. Taxea, ( arias made Taxes. $1.9.. (lurule, Tomaa A - No I v itvSpI woman Is InsriKiralilv ro-- 277. 90; this description. Tuxes, 5J00.7I; territory of New Mexico, which an Id hereby given and made to the desciiii $6.10. Iienalty, 2 cents; costs. 20 cents; to- redact deaenptlon. Taxes, f iienttlty iiti 20 cants total. Mud. 69 varas wide from Barelas Isted to the local womanly enuta; I blty. tio.iil. costs. .18 cents; tout. descriptlo.i and boundaries are hereby tiou nnd boundaries thereof on fib in 77. 7. Armtjo S6 cents. n. 91S.SI; eoata. 35 total. ?aZ.l Ittttt halt lot block tnl. to end of Albuquerque grant. All hi .lth When the 1211.13. made n iar I of description. Tax- the of the surveyor .if penalty I Ait No. 7. block No. IK, Itrownewell iMl I ti known owners of Cenolleta grant this owe aonernl Ilrna. addition. Taxes. $8.20. the unaurvoyed portions of libs k K t.iti organ $3B8 43; ..'HHlly. IIS.H2: costs. ihe territory of New Mexico, 16 ; ; K Taxes, AS cents, womanly itm Alt that grant or tract of landknoun Unknown ownera ol hula (larcla html is. winci cents costs, tn cants totnl. Mil's addition. ISaatern to is iliM'useil, 35 cents, total. $1IS. laid description and houudnrti arc penalty, 3 cents; costs, 20 canta; to- and S. of the addition th" the liody losci ant' called the CelullatM grant, ultuat- - Krant. 7. ilM. town of Albuquerque. N. M. Mnd. r" j.lmii(im-- , the cheeks Ight Hereby a part of A S6 loe In tb county of Itertmllllo and terri The posMiaalon. of iHissesslon. Unknown ownets ot llnneho del Chlno nude this dser!itlon. IM 73. block 7. r mlJo llnm.' aildl tal. cent by 25o vat as and house, bounded innili their roses, snd a ncrvom ami Taxes. $1118.12, pcuHlty. $17.10; costs. t $8 90; 36 Lot No. !t block No. IS, Itrownewell tory of Now Maxlco, coinpiialiiK nnd all Interest or eiully of. in and to Tejauo (lm tit. Inn. Taxes. iienalty. cent; by K. B. Mill, south by Ignarlo .nul fretful condition i .Ih centa; total. 20 $7.16. f, Taxes, OS caata, i oHtalnlHg M,6U acres, more or Isstf. all tlint grant or tract of land know The iMiHseaalon, right of possession, $ft.!7 costs. o'UU; totnl. Mil's addition. H. Ml i 80 to- east by Apodaca addition to bsbitual. composed or gtatmg lamts or anil callel the I.His Oarcia grant, sit aud all interest or equity of. In and to Unknown heirs or Town of CtitMII Fractional lot 8. block 1. ArmlJ penalty. 8 centa; costs, cents; west by TiirmssiHlsof sick women and iiu ' SA qu.'rque. ftlo Grande l'b uate In the county of liernalillo ami grant or of grant. wdd'tlon Tuxes. $1.38. penult; tnl. cents. . i value of 30 ceuta ur acre. The aald all that ttact land known Pros ol land I feet 2 bound" unnu who licen cured of of New Mexico, comprising nrnt i :ille I del Te-jnn- n 7 (osta. 20 cents; N;t. 0 blook No. IS. llrownewnll hc lauds are connrtned and patentel to territory the Rancbo Chlno trie possession, right of miss salon cents: total. $l.f5 Mt b) K. Vigil, south by Hevero Apii.i . peculiar to tha and cont'kinlng H.b7l acres, mon or (Irani, in county of lot 7. blocu 1, Armljo & Mil's addition. Taxes. 62 cents; the legal leprwaentatlvea of the Inualt situate the and all Interest or equity of. in and to Fractional east by L .intra arttquia, west In h x by the of Dr. ess, composed grating land New M l $1 3K. penalty, canta; costs, to cent; to- uk It aula of Cebolleta. and are owned by and of lb malltlo nnd territory of no that siant or tract of land known ios addition. Taxes. i Iss road. Improvements OJo del in IVire's Favorite Preterm of the value of 30 cents per aere. Th no. comprising aud containing 33.i'Ui mi l euii.,1 Town of Chlllll grant. ? costs, 20 centa. total. $1 85. tal. SA pent. aome piraon or (teraona unknown, and the finis, nte I'rei iiict No. it Mnd. to in -- lieu have testified to the1 i.ld la nd v are not confirmed or pai acres, less, composed ot In III an-- S. block 1. Arinijn I Art No. lo. block No. 28. Brownawell ire owned and claimed by several iter more nr and situate thi unty of Benin l. l Fractional lot varas. bounded north by Kafa' restoration of the general i filed, by some 30 ory 1 1 New Bios, $1.38; penalty A- addition. Taxes, 63 cents, S'' (lit-- sons having or claiming undivided In and lire owned persoi grating lauds of th value of cents !..". Mexico, comprising addition Taxes. Mils chet, south by Rafael Hauchet " In nHli when the local e or unknown, and owne I per rejec- ;n i 7 20 cents, $1.86 penslty, 3 rents; posts, 20 cants: to- tat - teresta therein. Foi a more comttleti itersens are acre. The aald lands were unit containing in acres, more m cents, costs. total. public ma t of Atrlsco. west by Mauu in- was cured and claimed by several persons having by lJn-- tot '.. block 1. tsl. SO cents " descrtpttoit of the na!d tract of land ted the court nfiTlvate less, and ((imposed of grating lauds Fractional Armllo Baca, No. h. Mnd. li. b i r.ivorile 1'rrscHptlnn IC - No. block No. 2U, t'icclnei reference la hereb) isHcit and tuad' or cialmliiK undivided interests there Claims, Cassandra llaird. petition- of the value of 3u cents per acre. The Bros addition Taxes. $1.88. penalty IaiI lo. Brownewcll Mm c"'..' e rcgtilsntv, dries A-- varas. bounded north by Max n . 7 $1.(15. Taxaa, I to the Jeacriptlon and Itoumlarb in. For more complete description i and are owned by some person or lands were conflrmed to the legal rents, reals. 20 cent; totnl, Mil's addition. at cents' by by ; iinbc.iltliv drams, lirsW in I south Marcos Garcia, east i I AH 21 A . M. It. & 11. F. A. penalty. ceuta; eoata, M cents; to j tberaof on flle In toe otnee of the aur fthe sai tract of land reference is persons unknown, and are owned and tejireseutatlvea of the inhabitants of block 2. gorlo Torres, west by Anna M. tlrli g" fluniiu.itiou and ul. rrution veyor general the hereby given and made too the d lainied b several ptrsous having or the I'own or Chlllll are by y Otenio addition. Taxes. $80.82. tal Xfi cat ts. and frniule ' of territoo of New and owned Precinct No 26 Mnd. 12 by fee . cults Mealoo, script Ion and boundaries thereof on laiming person persons p iialty. 20 cnHts; total Lot No. 10. block No. tn. Itrownewell ' whkh said description and undivided Intereata therein. otne or unknown, and $i.3. costs. bounded north by A. A IV addition, " I amr hattlts "f Vtyrr file In the omee of the surveyor gener For a more complete description of by SUM. &. Mil's addition. Taxea. 63 cents ' lMundarles are hereby made a part of are owned and claimed several south by W S. Htrickler. east an I tlr rirrii4iannl mil one "I al of the New Mexico, I Ait 22 A., 2. M. II. & penalty , cents; costs. 80 cents; to- CkiMm . Mrs. HI this description Taxes. territory of the aald tract of land, reference la persona having or claiming undlvldel block It. aud i 1 "wrllo f78.X: in west by A. A 1. addition, l'lece of lan n . ( 3& which sal I description and lioundarlea hereby given to descrip- !' A. v Tnxee. $2o 82 tal. SO cants. Hit hhrsrn Mouninnps..i.' LniMrr Co nlty, IM.IO; coats, cents, total. aud made the interests therein For a more comulet Otero addition. house, 60 by 100 Ps "an. I ran a (hil I ul thsl drrsit hereby de- I Ait No. 2. Ilrowiewwoll and feel im rami IS00.T4. are made h part of thia tion and boundaries thereto on flic i.eserlption of the aald tract of land lenally. $103; costa. 20 cants; total block No. I. north, west by Fidel Apo td ll ' in. tliir trMibl Am In Wltrr limlih 133.71 68 south and U I. t nkaown owners of Canon de gnu scription. Taxes penalty. In the oAVc of the Surveyor tleneral leference is hereby given and made I2t .86. ft Mil's addltiou. Taxea, cents 1, ihau rtn t. Hrnim wis. ktinwa inc n daca. east by Barelas road. Mta 2, I..M- mr I. .k mi writ In tfc.flS, coos, 36 cents, total, $110.71. of New Mexico, to desi 23 A., 8. M. B. K-- It an l penalty. I centa; cistta. SO canta; to- tStrfiUr.l Junv wlirn Diego grant. the territory of which the rlptlon aud laiuudarles ot Utl block :t. I. 6. 6, 7. 9. block 1. S. Apodaca I snot l "U. I !., mi Mint la hMlih that at said description and boiindurl arc in aurveyor A y 2n.82. tal. Sfi (ents Haws IcnMM Ypu my Ail that grant or tract or laud I'uxuown ownera of Majada grant. hie the omee of the Otero addltioN. Taxea. I ' wulk anaorirrf ttt Ix xn I addition. Albuquerque Arts 3. I, block nt I ( Att No. 1, C. County ad- 1st and lohl mr what to So. 1 (nll. wnl ur hereby made a part of thia descrip- (ml of New Mexico, Malty. $1.03; costa. 20 cents; total. block No. , known and called the Canon de San The poasesslon. light of possession, the territory of ;i. S Apodnca addition, Albuquerque. sdrii-c- Taxes, J3SH.H4; penalty. $21.3.1. dition. Taxea, OS canta; infinity, a sad loilay nm tutri t nil I'lego, situate In the county of rler and all Interest or equity of. in and to tion which said ilescriKloii snd boiindnries tai.sB. 6, block S, Apodaca ibm wttn ncrce ctlly1t1r.11. ier M. costs, SO canta; S6 Mt J. addition. mii nti, tir nallHo ani territory of New Mexico, all that grant or tract ot land kiinu i .mis :t5 centa: total. $111 32. ure hereb made h part of this descrln- - Fractional lot II A., block 2. It. (nts, total. cent. personal property. $1,100. cstnt in If thn lew wnrds air of any n lo - S. C. Value of yim wrlcnnii- - In uar hl comprising- and containing Us.2Su.tW and called I Majada grant y Na- - tlou Taxes, $358.60; penalty. $I7.S3. A It, and I'. A. y Otero addition. Ti Mt. No. block No. County mi sir thsSJ Thry lalf the sit Unknown owners of San I'ablo costa, t- " 'lnxea, AS cents; 8 Taxes. 9ti.2l, penalty. $4.S0; btlp snr othrf - iiflvrlna woasaa sterna, more or leas, and compoose.i i. ate in the county of ibmalUlo and clmlent i Orant. costa. 35 ii nts; lolal, $371 7K. es. $20.b2 penalty, $1.02: costs, in penalty. i So 6 $36. total. $I08J. f graaHu mads of the value of 30 territory of New Mexico comprising The poresslon. tlgnt of possession, Unknown owners of the town of Tejo i cents; to.rtl $21. S6. cms; costs. cents; total, cents. IH. Pierce's Common Sense MeoVnl No. 8. C, tents p .jracre. The said lands were and containing 36, Lift to acres, more or ind uil Interest or equity of, In and to grant. South 12 feet lot 0. block C. liMrttn Lot block No. County ad I'RBjCIKOT Adviasr, tmH large pages, in paper eov - ' XO. It oulrmed and patented to the legal .ess. and comiMMtotl of grating lands of all that grant or ttact of Inud known All tha' grant or tract of html known Alexander addition. Tuxes, $I.UR; dltton. Taxes, A3 cents; penalty, cs, is sent frtr on receipt of il one SO s PRBCIKCT NU. SA. K'presentntives of the town of Canon the value of 80 peiita per acre. The and callel the San I'ablo y N'aclmletit nnd called the town or Tojoii grant penalty. cunts; coti, jo cenla; to centa; costs, 20 cents; total, cent stamps to pny expense ot inailmt; ' ml, $6.10. lAit No. 4. block No (.. County ml AubrlMlit, 8.-- 19. C, mly Addu-M- i Ur. K V. Tierce, liul-ftl- m dan iJlcgo. and are owned by aorne aid lands were couHrmiMl to the legal (Irani Hl'uate i the county of liern- "(tonic In Die county of liernalillo and Lots It. block I). Taxes, 08 i A N V. ! rson or persona unknown, and are lepresentallves of ttetilguo Orlix y Sal- - alillo and territory of New Mexico, territory o New Mexico. comprlsliiK IM 20. block Duron & Aluximilvr dltlon. cents; penalty, A f. addition. Value of narsoUAl iwd and claimed by oeveral persona nxar. and are owned by some person or comprising and containing I1I.0M and containing I2.huI.I0 acres, more or addition Tuxes. JO. HO, psnitlL)', 85 cents, costs. 20 cents; total, 86 ccnt. property. $450. Taxes. $2171; penalty, i. uvtn or claiming undivided interest persons unknown, snd are owned and acres, mo'c or lesn. aud composetl of Ur.t. and composed of grating lands of cents; costi.. 20 cents; totsl, $7.45. IaiI No. 6, block No. C, County ad- 1 1.26, coats, to cents; total, $SA.S0. i herein. a more onip.t t. i(.m rip lalmed several ersiua having or grating lands of the value of SO cents the value of so cent per acre. The Ut 2. block 3, Northwrn audition dition. Taxes. 08 cents; itenalty, I Hon of the said trn t of laud r fereui laiming undivided Interests therein. per acre. The said lands were not nmIiI land were conflrmed nnd patent 'taxes, $3.30, itenalty, 18 canta; costs, (nuts; costs, 20 cants; total, 86 cents. PHKOIKCrT NO. 6. v rrby given and mai.i' to ibv d I 'or a mre complete description oi confirmed but still pending In court. cd to the legal representatives of .lose ll cents: total, $3.86. Lot No. (i, block No. C. County ad- Albuquvrqun Hrtek Co.- - Value of - r. ton end boundarlea thereof ou the said tract of land reference is Homan Garcia, et al. petitioner, and u i'erea und are owned by some r l.ol 12. block I. Northern nddltlon. dition. Taxea. 02 centa; iienalty, personal property. $1,000. Kant half J rents; coAtt, Jto iil' the ofll'r of the surveyor gvn-a- hereby given and made to the descrip- are owned by some person or person i 'on or persons unknown, aud are own Taxes. $8.30; penalty. 16 cents; coats. cants; total, as cent. taxes, $41.30, iienalty. $1; costs. :t' T th- - territory of New Veslci, tion and boundHrlct thereof on flic tn unknown, aad are owned and clalme.1 in ami claimed by several persona 20 cent; total. $8.86. Mt No. 1. block No. A. County ml eats. loUl, $21.66. "lib sail dearrlntion and boundaries the ogpe of the surveyor general ot by several peraons having or claiming having or claiming undivided Interests I Ml No. y, block No. 80, Ilrownuwall dltlon. Taxaa, 08 canta; iienalty. :i SO ' wby made a art of this descrlp the territory of Ntw Mexico, which undivided Interests therein, for a therein. I or a more complete deserln (t Ijtlls addition. Titxea, 08 centa; centa; coats, centa; total, S6 cnnls. PRKCINCT NO. 12. SO Lot No. 2, No. A, ad- i.ou I ..., 1,276.32 3 7r, t.ald description and boundaries are more com i let e description of the said lion of the said tract of land reference h unity, J emits; costs, centa; to block County W. M. Weaver, Muriguee of Cbarl. ' out 6 cents; total, $U:r v: hereby made a part of this description. Iract of land, reference Is hereby Ir hereby given and made to the tal. $8 cents. dition Taxea. 02 cents; imualty. 1 Stclger -- S. half Iota 13, 11, block x N. Mg&wsjgf ttawaatal i n rn ownera of Kl Hhiu hit., land Taxes, 14 IS III; penalty. 20.71, cost. given nnd made to the description and description and Ixuindarles on flle In I Ait No. f, block No. SO. Ilrownewell cents; costs. 20 cants; total. SA centi. 5. M. T. Co. addition. Ijiud. bouinb-- i grant 36 cents; total. I8.7I boundsrln thereto on flle In the of- the olllce of Ihe surveyor general of & I.all s adilltlon. Taxiat, 08 ceuta Lot No. 3. block No. A. Couuty ad- uorth by U. Uarcla. south by acciiuiu In thr bin lr. w . IMiualty. costs, SO to dition. Taxes. 03 cents; penalty. 3 by In pr l 1 T possession, right of poeseaaloti Unknown owners of las imltaa Iwirl fice of th" Surveyor General of lb" the territory of New Mexico, which i puts; cents; eaat lt rea addition Ijtnd ili i i .ir mid I or equity of to Mexico, said ilescilptlon tal. 88 rents. (Hits; costs. 20 centa; total, 86 cent I. 6: 307 by 731 d Interest In and grant. territory of New which said and boundaries are cltict varaa: liiin.b rn l Yi nil at grant or tract of laud known description iHiundaries hereby hereby made a part of thia description. IaiI No. 10, block 30, llrownewell Lot No. I, block No. A. County ad- north by railroad, south by J. tut xtn ntfs. The posseaalon. right of possession, and are . Outiu ;.mi iallc I the Kl Ramblto grant, sit-t- i and all interest or equity of. In and to made a part of this description. Tax Taxes. $Hfi.. penalty. $7.83; coats ft I Jill s addition. Taxaa, (IS cents-tx'ualty- dition. Taxes. 03 cants; iienalty, I let, east by acequla. west by railroad. il" hp ii ih. ti is iid v I costs, 30 (ents; com a, 30 ceuta: total, 83 a. la the count) of Bernalillo sail all that .;rant or ttact of land snow i s. $l.l.V. 13, penalty. $72.77; coat. in centa; total. $151.37. etiuts; csnts; to canta. Taxes. $72.36; penalty, $3.02. cost tn Ik crt.iin nf rrttory New Mexico, 3,'i owners of tal. 88 cents. I Ait 4, block 0, U. I). F. Kdltlon. Tax- $77.07. of comprising and called the l.lmltas grant, cents, total, $1,528.55. Unknown Ysleta land grant $.!. total. ill!,' I SO, es, $17.08. iienalty, Bo il' i 'lltill ;h. uid containing l,ji ss acres, more ot In the cotintvls of Bernalillo Unknown ownera of Santo lMmlngo All that grant or tract ot land Ait No. II, block llrnwuawelt 86 cants; costs. ani (IS cents; khi, and eamaosed of gracing lanus territory of New Mexico, comprising I .and Orant. known and called the Valet land Ijtll s addition. Taxes. cants total, $18.08. Santa IV 1'aclHc Kailroad company M?iialty, 1 - IaiI C, U. I). F. Tat-cs- , Tht in of tba value of ao cents per acre. Tic and containing acres, more or All that grant or tract of lan I grant, altiatc In the county of Iter cants; costs, 20 cants; l.block adilltlon. Additional assesamenta for Ihe ejr caldron i $17.(13' i aid tands were cuuflrmed to the legal less, and composed of grating Innds known an I called the Santo Domingo t allllo and territory of New Mexico. tal, m centa. penalty. 86 cents; costa, 30 Uttt of the Santa Po laclfl. Itallroad v hit h t c be r i prwaentattves iiimprlalng aM No 12. block No. SO, (.nts; total, $IS.0t. company: d I ' of the pueblo of aanut of the value of SO cents per acre. Th Orant alMate Inthe county of Iterna and containing llo.MO llrownawell The following was oniltti i vi .in kept st r Ana, and owaed by some person od raid lands are not confirmed nor pat llllo and territory of New Mexico, acres, more or leas, and composed of . Mils addltiou. Taxes, (IX cants; I Ait 0. block I), u. i. F. addition. from the return made b the Santn $10 17. 61 i .ind im raons unknown, and are owned an I ruted an I are owned by some person comprlsln and containing 71.713 11 graxlng Ianda of the value of so cants penalty. J cents; coats, to canta; to Taxes. penally. cents; costs, l''e l'aclflc. ttnllroad company for th.t lean 20 1, tainted by several pemous having or ci person unknown, and are owned H les more or less, and composed of per acre. The aald lands were conflrm isi. xii ccnu. cents; total. $10 88. year 1866 and Is hereby assenscd ti "M r. The air in i cd patented IaiI No. 7. No. 81, Mt 7, block I). U I). F. K 11. laiming undivided interests therein und claimed by several persons liavli.n itrnrliiK Ini ds of the value of 3o centa and to the legal ri nreaan block Ilrownttwnll addition. aud agalnat said Santa I'm v. IikIi is OS $10 17; 61 I the be or a mora complete description i.f i acre The aald lands were con- tallrna of the Indians of said pueblo, fr Mil's rdditlon. Taxaa, cents. Taxes. penalty. cent; eosU, Itallroad l ompany for the year huh. it claiming undivided interest the ler Ii (I Um- - i s SO 20 is filh red. aald tract of land reference in Kor i more complete descrlptloM flrmed and patented to the legal rep- ana are owned by some person or pr-inn- Wnalty. J cents; cost, cants; to cent total. $fl.St. 7Mia miles or right of way of said lieraby given and made to th of the said tract of land reference Is resentatives of th.- Indians of Santo unk.iowu and are owned and tal. 86 cent. I Ait 8, block I), V. I). F. addition. railroad omimny In the count) of ilcni I Ait $10 17; 61 'I I" i. Is in whii h ion and ioundarl"B thereof on file in hereby glien and made to the descrip- liomlngo i.nd are owned by some pe-so- (lalmed by several persons having or No. 8, block No. SI. Ilrownawall Taxes. panally. cents; costs, 1'cruallllo, territory of New Mexico, iin the oftce of the surveyor general of tion and boundaries there, f on Me in or jwrxooos unknown, snd are (taimiug undivided interests t herein A. I Jill's addition. Taxaa. 82 cants; 20 cents; total, $10.SS. Including all Improvements, cross tie", II - ion (I 'ire i li .ilb d the oof New Mexico, I by I'or a more complete f penalty, 3 centa; coats, 84) to- Ml . block I). U. I). F. rails, Ash plates brldg territory which the omee of the surveyor general f owned an Halmed several persons description cents; addition. bar bolts, si. ,ir.) ,uid -- ihI.i, iald description ajid or (laiming tne tract or land tal, 81 cents. Tuxes. $10 17; penalty. 51 coats, culverts nnd structures together unit boundaries are the territory of New Mexico, which hnvlna undivided interests sain reference It cent; wltb (I hereby made a part of this dew rlptloi.. said description and botindnrlos a.c therein For a n.ore complete de hereby gUi n and made lo ihe des rlp- IaiI No. ;. block No. 31, llrownawell 20 (ents; total. $IO.a8. Ihe telegraph Hue erected upon uml tin n nl,ii with i"Mii K US Lot 1. block s. I Tasea. Ifii.SI; penalty. tx.TT; costa. hereby mad a part of thia descrlptio, h rlptlon of the said tract of land, ref tlon and biMiundarles thereof ou Hie Mil's addition. Tnxmi. cents; 'urea addltiou. Taxea. constructed over the right of way of I'o Mi ido, I tit n r. .1 "i. coats, total, IBS.To. cost-fl.- ll Is hereby given in the omee of the Hurvcyar aanatml lnalty. cents; costs, SO ounia; to- $115; penalty. 25 cents; costs, 20 the company; ' Taxes. 11.375 20, penalty 14 75; rence and made to tald railroad also slat ' 1 80 cents; hi. 'I ; iin. In t'nknown owners of the Kl Valltalt I 20. the description aud boundaries taerei i cf the lenilory of New Mexico, whlflll tal, ceuta. total, $6.10, Ion houses, shops, depots, swltchc, IaiI No Id, 21, 2. 8. t ' - il Unknown owners of Nnaatra lienor i on flle In the ofttcc of tha Surveyor description aud boumlailea are block No. llrownuwell Mt block I'tiroa addition. Taxea, water tanka and all Improvements at llh lie fb .. - & fl.'l $126; K unity. 26 A The posassalon. I'gbt of possession. d la de las Ijurunltaa grant Oetieral tf the territory of Naw Mex hereby mule a part of this deserlii- Mil's sildlliou. Tax on. OHiiti, emits; coats, Id Albuquerque, a. I. Junction, Chcvcs s H Ii iit' prt'catitinii, and or equity of. ico. description houu lion Taxei. $1,201 M. penaltv J 83 fwnalty. I rents; costs, SO centa; to- rents; total, $ or Mitchell, VVliigate, Oallup Mau all InUrest In and to The possession, i Igai of possession, which aald and ' of. and i 35 $1,321 ii 88 1, i an mm Irani or tract of land known and all Interest or equity of. In and to iiarlcs ar hereby made a part of tbu "Ms. c "nts; total. tal. (.nts. Mock I'erea addition. Taxes. aullla at the tale of $7.0410 par mil , ill u fill t r the Ih i r, and egllad Kl Vallocito grant. on penaltv Unknown owners of Sla land grant. IaiI No ll. block No. 31. IlruwnmvuU $12.71; iienalty, 69 cents; 20 making a $618,001. Of the it all that giant or tract of laud known descrlpt Taxas. fMI.AI. coat. total of tin. -- I lib ii i. lilizv uate In the county of liernalillo and and called the Nuestra Senora de la $14.73: coats. SB cents, total. $!ii!i 7J. All that grant or tract of land all k addition. Taxaa, 08 cents; coiits; total, $11.62. above amount $ is itaaaatablc fo fvtry t I 1, 11. I territory of New Mexico, comprising l.ut de las grant, sltuat Unknown owners of Randin laud knovp and called the Ma land grant, penalty cents; mists, 20 cants; to- Ait block J. Apodaca addition. city aud bi IumiI purposes In the cltv uli . Im the tlif htct i.nd coauinlng 4mi acres, more or in the count) of Bernalillo and terri- grant. situate In the countr of Bernalillo and tal, SO ii nts. Tnxua, $8.76; intimity. II cents; coats, of Albuquerque, and $16,566 Is asscn h .iitlini ss ' sg, grant of New Mexico comprising Iai-- No 1.', bbKJk No. 21. 20 cants; totnl. $8.09. taints nad osaposc'J of grating lands tory of New Mexico, comprising and All that or Iran of land known territory Ilrownowell able for town purposes in tha town of ill all-uat- e H ill. win ihkIiki. It f the value of ' Ots per acre The containing 12, room acrea, more or and called the Sandia laud grant, and containing 17,51 l.x't a rex mora Mils addition. Tnxua, 08 cents; Lot IX, block It, Iwstrtui addition. Oallup. and$t.180 is assessabb for l i i aid lands are not conflnmd or nat lets, composed graaing In the count) of Bernalillo ami or was. and comnoaed of Hiimlns loads mtlty cents; oosts. SO cants; to- Taxea, $8.30; iieualty. 16 canta; coats, scliool purpotes lu the Oallup school iii t hi nc ways that and of lauds nn 88 nted and are owned by some perso i of 30 per acre territory of New Mexico, com pel sing of the value of cents per m ie. The tal. cents to canta: total. $8.66. district. Taxes, $ll,n6 penalt. s. 1.1 lite tal.ic of cents The 7 8. li' d i person unknown coatalniiiK :.'t more or saw land were conflrmed uml pa IaiI No block No. 38. Ilrownewell Itust It feet of lot 7, block 18. Itnat-er- $711,76; costs. $6.66; $15,751 7f. and sic owned said lands were cunt rmed lo the lognl and U7.r acra. teat total. - OS it- iiu,iti(in lor jmr-- " und cltmHi by several ix ranns having i epresent of M S. Otero leas, and imposed of gratlag lamia of ed to the legal representatives of tho L Ull'a nddltlnn. Tnxttn, cents addition. Taxes. 08 rents; paal Santa I'acltc Kail road couumny: stives and are .1 ie riatming undivided Inter, si k then Miwned oy soome parson or parsons the value of :iu cents per acre. Tha aniH innians ami arc owned by soma lieimlty, cents; cost, SO cunts; to I). S canta; total, 91 canta. Addltiouxl assessments for the ctr ii i in, oh Milvi.ui- - in Kor land- - o' pciKona unknown, la I. 88 eel ts lot I. - lfli a more complete complete d. unknown am! are owned and claimed aald were conflrmed lo the lasMl rrso' and ara South fractional 1h "'. the Santa I'm liailroul I I o ( No. 2. llln.lls. iirintinn of the said trai t of land r. f by several persooos having or cmlm represent' ves of said Indiana uaO rwned lalmed b several peraons lot block No. St. Ilrttwnewoll Iftuatorn addition. Taxes, $I.K; pen- i.impnny The following was onuib i erogpe la hereby ulven and inad I. ing Kor are owned by some m rson unknown, raving i laiming undivided Interests k Mil's addltiou Taxaa, OS souls alty. 7 cents, coats. SO cants; total, from the return made by the Hunt i undivided Interests therelu I'" M' HI .' I iii". i by Sev- therein For a more complete descrip- iHaky, J ceuis: .osta, SO to- $i 65. ' ' be 4ecripUoii and iMtundarles thereof n more lompleie iiscrlptiot of th" and are owned and lalmed nnta; I'e i'svoltr Itallroad company for tie I l I umll-iiin- i tion of ih tal, Sa .1 I ' , ll n Ma in the omi of the survcyo-kcnerg- tald I rai l of land, teference la hereb. ern iiersons having or claiming said tract of land n ferenci rents. Mouth trnrtlonal hit 7. block 1'). year 1188 and Is hereby assert t Hi. I,, in herebv I Ait No. 8. bbu k of th tortiiory of New M given ami made to the description an I mi rests therein. For a mo." Kiven and made to the dm No. 82. Ilrawnawoll ICnstcru t.idltlon Taaes. ll.Sfi; pen- and agalnat said Hanta i'c I'm "i M lco, which aald description and Imiihi uouadariei thereof on flic In the of (ompleic ii. hi i tption of the aald tract iiitii,n nnd boundaries on tile In Ihe Mil's addition Taxes. 88 ctmts, alty 7 i ents . costs. SO cents; total, Itallroad enmpauy for the year Isiiv 1 'arlc are hereby made a part of tint nee of th" Hit rveyor Ueneral f the f land i. fi rence s hereby given and titce of i be surveyor general of the penalty. 4 cauls, nwts. 20 canta; to f 65 7J I 111 miles or right of way of ' I 88 . deaertptloii Taxes. 5ii.0t. territory f New Mexico, which said made in the description and bound i oi New Maxlco iiih tal. cenU. South fi actional lot , block 18. rallrtavt company in the couui. i ; Osfti Ko. 10. block No 32 . M.-- m U V eos'. n cents total, tta ll. description and hannamrlea are hereby lien thereof on flle In the e of tlic and baaadarlcK me hereby lAt BrowiHtwell ICaatarn ai'dltlou Taea. $1.88, pen-lly- liernalillo. icrritoit ,r New I 'nkaown owners of Kb na tlalleg m made a part of this description Tax nun cyor gnieral of Ik larrltory r i, rub a pail of tMa description Tax-- ' K Mil's addltlun Taxes, as rauta: 7 cants, coats. SO cants; total. Including all improtcments. cross ti. tSHUiky. & grant es. MbbtM, penalty $34 5.'. cimmMm. New M 'xieo wkmb npin decrlpli..i. flonl ...sis :H MHMlty. cants: costs, to cents; to- flJI. rails. Ash bar plains, bolts, brblir s $11 I IS 88 The aoaiesslon tight of iMatseaslmi & cents, total, fntf. ha aud wnii darli-- are ban by made ,i total. tnl. cent. North fractional hit 10, block M, culverts and struciures together wii i i I . ul. wn of Xla No No .T.' I I and nil iat rest ipnis oi in itud i I'usnowii owners of iii. I.i I'abu pitii of this description Tnv in. owners Vint Ml II, block Mrownewell Itnatern Taxes. $loi. ueu the telegraph In. elected upon n .-; . i : 1 gram i,:i I nil that ui ni ( i mm i ,i i. ii. i,ii.,uu n ' - nsitv $ts x'. Jemex Mil's i.ddlltoii Tsxes .cuii. ally. 6 i ents. costs. 'u cents total, 'll Hi t n t nvei Hi. ilulit nr mi i ' l .1 i Ik- - i iii i unity cents costs ),,' I . ' .il-.- i Mini ill ed I'.i' ii i i ..i 'I le- mi I"i li' 'I ..i- M ul .in $'.'! :tl iiiMcaelon ilxlii .i I" .o i.,t f 27 ll sHId ihiIii.ioI ii it .i i I I i .1 ' ' I ii i vs.. or Muni it ii .ill Hit. test or I In I xii k M III go triHIil in ili I. till ,lll III'' M'lill "I III .111.1 til wiiiis ii, lllll tal eiits Lot bio' Kaslcru mMilloii ..f ill l..,, il. inh In f I kll' . ' Unit 1. 1.Hit or i.u No 12 block No toUUl) 'f llcitiulilli. .ni l t. nil tlist i'i nit ' ti.i't "f IuIhI Kiimv.1i KHint trait Hi..ftti .ol Ur'Wu wi, Taxes, pvualt), lu 'tuts, wsW, p utt, taukK uud till impruM niiuta u( - doeean Is greeUy 1 tn hnve her aid Ufo Aramranr rw t w. it. Mima- - sea pV wno tn IwM confers at K. J mlkw" in the "very briak of whet n heat poeslbte Mrawae. Thiy return NEW MEXICO TOWNS, rNw earletr tjm. "tw- TuF WESTERN TOWNS canyon greatly heaeSlled In henlta and ne staters ami neice ,n Her. rdcdto 'rycinems ' and weal down in a Wnjfr l " m TWIor probably the moat marvekms - " knowledge gratRnde to Jadgn Mlat Mntm Millard of Hutchinson, the home otaco on August SI. anlv- - loo defeat to the lane nf 2d tn I. Tim i Atioraey Atrrea nati mm win- or la the world Strange that ao much laatr Kns., Saturday morn and monev hnve been consumed McQulllla through whoa Instni bos arrived here ami has lio IM there September 4. and eh. eh for "Cyclones" hud atrengthened almost St. Johns left here time power elected Itrlnrliml of the nubile schools. tl.non in settlement waa received by every in the nine and wton In building ten mite of track. The meataltty the heallag of thin Corrillos, Bland, Socorro, San Mar ixition Plngltflff, KlHtmah, Hdbrook and waa known to -- Bee. Miss Millard it a young woman of ex the lot al otgee this MwrHlrvK. Seateni the nnsophlstiated "War from Trtn TZ Joaraal Democrat had better send that water made thorn. Ave man oat so may gather a few Fe Pa 10c Railroad com clal, Las Cruoos and Hillsboro. cellent qaftllnrattons na a teacher. The her . showing the claim wa iwM the Idad presented themaelvm for pwy n VVlllinmc rXTS&I'hoealx to eater a yearn' coarse here be Th Santa achoot hoard or Man Marrlnl nre for- - very nay same reached in notne or-- 1 tae diamond they ran up agatjaM. facta before publishing such state paay transferred the land department fig meats to general public Williams company Los An Innate In securing her services. flee I snag io toe extent taat tney were ui titled to a great deal of credit In the offices of the from A matt namwl Younx. mi hi return On the same day. muiMy. Annual mt an almost pmfesslonal team, to nrlng out that the ANceators of these News. galea to Topeha September I. The of Onl-lun- . PARAGRAPH. In SHORT INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS, from l I'oIohih nn hla way tn 91. iiroofa of death of the mte Oeorge man a loan story short the "Mare" hatch or WTdonwa children had at some time Indian Ace were formerly located thla whore he formerly entidBetml a IV Owen of thi city were nleo d wer." ovtclasseil at every stage of tho Mood In their reins Thla wldena the A Night at Terror. city aad were removed l" t.u An aaloiiH. ttwt hla wagon. attHMllM nud to the home oMee and cheek gajie with Martin exrellent players avenue to the ladle school MHNewhet "Awful anxiety waa Mt for th wld gele when the tranafer waa mado worn-lug- . A Pnclfie m.mpanv, oho or hla hnfMM while pmwlHK the la settlement came to hand Ihla t4 the visitor completely at their PLACSTArF. and Superintendent McCowan might 1 w of the brave cjeneral Baraaem of from the Atlantic OERRILLOS. rtw wot ween. The mat or hla htihI- - worry. lo have a full attendance in the fu Mac hla. Maine, when tha doctors said and under the present more Ik of ble iioaaeaatotiw. the other home, ho There are many good emuMMlea, la a dispatch in Manager McOatfny From the lure she would die from pneumonia before fires will be consolidated witn the I'Ynm tit Hn$tar. aow Bore Imt only oae boat rtqnflahle Brown Hon. W R. Sh. s. land depart miint nf th Santa for im. the tte of the Martta nf it, blrtk f?lagsTllr, morning" writes Mrs. ll. Mmaw, ti concert Mi Mm Methodist The railway lireoeNled atroageet In the world moat Fe iir J. Nraaaen rnaarhi the II. W. Pnrsell, Penney who night, company The atntlon h and the the Santa "Cyclone.'' ask for a of a Ctrl at the reaWawcn of Mr. atteaded her that fenrfal i hurrh WM greatly enjoyed by those lively appearance prompt to pay Ita clnlma. game here next Sunday. I bane aays he suffered M years wttk begged ror Dr. King's new dls O the other morMlm. he visitors tn and Mrs Joseph BraM at Oreen but she who heard it end it waa tmwttdered rarent and mna wore tMHltuc imve o receive ft per cent of the gate re piles aad rouUI obtain no roller until tovery, which had morn than once AS8B88MENT RETURNS, a ancreaa. of a number of imnlla ktHhr rwh- - tn Open Air Meeting. cotftta, Thi propowltlon wilt be law mill. DeWltt's WHrk Unset Salve eHect! n saved her life, and cared her of eon N sl (Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. All .1 I acnooi. jiinoea llonn and .Mamie The union open air religious meet at a meeting of the Rrowm. senna homI care. Countarfetta are sumption. After taking, ska slept all the Returns Bxaept from Four lorler left tor Albemnrle. R ) Clark, who had I wo or three Miaw. Kny flnney and Jame Illtrh- - I mr yesterday afternoon at the corner which will lie held tonight. wsytSiaaa, it. Rupee. Onanmpallvan night. Further uae entirely eared Counties Hnve Been Reeelved. where he hM accepted a poatllon for nperutlons performed on him rev-enl- family rork were bound for the ajriirttlUinil nf Rallr.ted and avenues wan her." Thla marvelous medicine s Territorial Auditor W. 0. tnrgeut the fall and winter. Ills will lad O In San IVandao, Is Improving aad will open remain here for awhile before mov- rolleav at Moallla; Mlaooa Uln Klrh welt attended. The ministers present "I had t mnnlng sore on my leg far Ulcers, or obstinate sores, guaranteed to cure all throat, cheat haa received the atttttmant dnpli ing. ola km Annie iioehott wont to tho delivered prayer for the ri"oovery of fttvea years," writes Mrs. James For sea Ida aad pile, quickly cured by and long diseases. Only 50 cents and cates from all the munUe of the ter Wisconsin, William F. Detmoat. general man Banner Salve, the most heating nted- - O'Reilly McKtnley. A I Vlaltntlon aendemy at m Prneoa nnd President McKlnle). Mt of Chippewa Falls, $1. Trial bottles free at J. II. rltory except those of R. II. Thomaa ami wile left for ager or the Saginaw Manistee Lum 1 liar-ma- ami ICddlo - O" "agd spent hundred of dollars In try-la- a Irlne Im the world. Alrarndo c A drug store. Oaedetupc. conn htiqiierquo. Mra. Thomas and lock llarlan Xlrbola company Williams, came In Co.'s Otero aad Sooorro where Journeyed I (o get It ber at the y. daughters will tn tn tho trot hern' colleno at AOVttRTniIJa CAR. healed. Two boxes of of week In company tlea. reside this winter NnntM Fe. Baaaor Salve entirely cnretl Be find the and with He Owe Life ta Forethought COLFAX COUNTY. ad- It." W. It two gent;.1 o Ilk the glv the fount ladle the school ware of substitutes. Alvaradn Pierce and other ef a demponlan, vantage of that place. O To Leave fer the Nerth, Oayly Dteaf men went out In the dlrecttna of the WILLIAMS. Colfax county shown, a total usees I'mf. Ollluer relumed from n trip las cnucca. ated, Temermw Merntni. Orand canyon. While on c camp lag trip In Web- ment fnr this year of i,MIJgg, from I New M Terri- Fmtn Iho Now. S. I. i i hi Saadla moiiatalHe, where be Car No. of the eaten Robert Ricketta. who bitten ny ster county. Mr. Stump, of Nor w.iich exematlona are deduct Henry Braydon. Harris. North oar tw Vs. han cxtcnerve mining I uteres ta. He From ltt Qmnda UnjHiWIItnn. torial Fair association which haa a skunk a few weeks ago in Milton, Oeorge W Mathews Is rushing to mnntowa. W. had a severe attack ed. leaving the taxable nasaasment aMetrarhod at the local depH lino, says: "t took medicine M years of bloody He ays, "1 firmly e year o.tinl.lrm that the rlcheat district In tnrvovtM" A. C. Tvaon. Cotonol been and who went to Chicago for medlc-- l completion his new store building and ttuv iJ 7ljloj, a gain aince laat of lolt. for asthma hat one bottle of Oae Mia I this part of the country and thin ha H the past few days, where Ir decora treatment, returned Sunder. Me is expects to he doing business In the tbat owe my life to tha fore- ill. MS. There are in the county id. , ttta Coagh Dure did me mora good xg i fu- lions hnve been favorably observer! looking aaya same within the next two weeks. The thought of one of the company who a acres of agricultural laad aesess will a bl producer In thi near return) from the Organ, where they than anything else daring time. well nnd he doesn't feel ture. have Jum "Mailed urviya for a tele will leave for Santa Fe and other thai any Imd effects from the bite fire was a hanl blow to Mr. Mataewi. bad tnhett along a bottle of Chamber ed at ll.tfi. r.t I, Improvements thereon In Bast cough cur?. B. Ruppe, Cosmo Minx Mny Reader nn of thi llnr I'd one line from Ijw nruro to tho northern town tomorrow morning Charles Moer. living a few mile but he Is again In the procession on talu't Colic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea valued at I7H.IM. 1, 197, II seres of charge II. S. Knight a potttan. Moral. a 9 v" house girl at I .amy. wan out Murine mine and to the Torpedo nf and coterie north of town. I fnrnlshiag our Ht the fair road to success. Remedy." Procure bottle latoral lands valueii at and walking th other evening ami ceoi nilnoa. of billposters, whose fame wa made Wlft liens with fresh veawtahfea of a Martin Ruggeln haa purchased J W nf this remedy bofore leaving home. Improvements thereon valued at It 16 year ngo In hriitert 0?ebrete, n I.A1 being by a Mevral Cwllnn todenta aro In col- - while the employ of clr onallty. which ahowa that the Thnrlier's Interest Ir the stage line, It can not tie obtained when on hunt- 114. city lots valued at aA7tn tiiai hittcn rattlesnake cue Al.yad II wu Mllcd by Knglncer Reed and lege thla year. Mia Hldrldge and cow panic. Ballot temple M.stlr Shrine soli In this locality Is adapted tn the trail ft nek. He. at the Bright Angel ing, fishing or prospecting trip. Nelth and Improvements thereon valued at proved in have thirteen rattle. Ray Aldrleh are two of thoao, and On being naked how much fair lit held a regular meeting last night raising or the snest navort.ii vege hotel, and Is now sole owner Though er enn it be obtained while on board m.nt; Tt miles of telegraph tl waa away m-n- h Mia Ma Harney started for m other are exported later. The col eratnre he carrvlna with after a rccc of three The table in the world. the erection of a Harvey houae la n tho cars or atsamshlp. aad at such 5M, water storage reservoirs $iwm, Cnicea, where she will attend tho New lege nan more student rrnm th him the colonel tatd tha' the ques- preliminary tcp were taken for hold question of only a few month, ge time and places It Is moat likely 1 1 Iuhi mile of standard gunge railroad was Impossible for answer, aa the Ing a grand iwnston during up wny I to It Mexico College of AgrlcuRnre an I northern part of the territory than tion cremonlal i'lom the Sua. and trail stock will he kept be needed. The safe have tlHl.nil. building tllB&ft. surface aa to In 1 Mechanic Art. Mlaa Harney la one unnal. a gratifying atfta of the ap capacity of the car actual ton the fair week Oi'tnlier. The dat Ml-- Creola Black returned from for the beaeftt of travelets along the with you. Thousaads of traveler Improvements st mines 0,000; saw of the brighten yonag ladle In Or proem! Ion of the college by dlatant nage waa unknown. fixed for this event wa Haturdav Idaho aad resumed her studies In thi brink of the chasm. never leave home oa a Journey with and flouring mill fMIlt, steam en lilliw and wan one of the beat routining. Mr. Knight said: night. October in. at which time on Northern normal. The public school opened last Moo r.ut It. For sale by all druggists. glnestinnu. 1 .7S horses tis.ltm. scholars In fine condition, my weight tin- - "I am nf the largest meetings nf the kind The alarm of Are Friday at noon day with a full attendance and the SI.I07 cattle Hti,:tttt. a deeraaae nf in Cerrlllos achoot etas of INI The oarontnoHt In all dotmrtmcnt Tn Hhf wa to Prueo of the college m murfa largor thla having been reduced the paid few ver held thi ilty will be carried wa cam ed by a small blase In the outlook for the coming year Is he Alvln Pnhl csllrmat The Cltlxen of I 000; 111,010 sheep Jill UK), an III U( yr many I lv her mother and awtor. who re than before. On tho third day after months pounds, and will see out with spcrtacttlar featurr. From am of T J Coalter The fire was brightest The teachers have all re flee thla morning and, at first, It waa ereaae of almost Mn.non, no goats ami turned Wed) .penina the enrollment waa nearly to It that every town visited by car now on the officer and member ot auaed by spark fn m a locomotive. turned from their summer vacations thought th gentleman hail called to no burros; vehicles $7.7 M, sewing flfiy t intent more than on the same No. 1 thoroughly placarded for the th" temple will work to make it n John Clark ha lift fur gwllgman. and will devote their entire time to Inquire (he price for the printing of machines 1100; saddles and harnesn iippioM'hlng Territorial fair." graad ancesx. it i xpcctcl that the advancement of the pupils. J. R. wedding Invitations, as he stated a ntift. farming BUAND. day laat year, la th stenography where he will take charge of the prop II. merchandise department eaporlally the enrollment The car will leave hero conspicuous largo numbei of candidates will b rly nf J. Q. Adamsnn. deceased, of Hint on Is principal; L. R. Olfford ha short time ago that he Intended to get impllmootn WJMin, ffxturtl.; In storen la heavy, and ahowa an Increase of ly decorated. On the two sides are Initiated and that Hi. m will be a larg. which he has been appointed admin charge of the first and grammsr de married Thla morulng, however, he ami saloons I? .too, money Kioni th Mi raid. "Twenty-flra- ftjft par coat over paat year, Now these words In big letters: t gathering of Shrlnern and Mason latratnr. nerttncnl. Ml Rtbel Marine, sec said his mission was not on that ui bonds $2,000, book no, Jewelry Mr and Mra. R. II. Andorooti r ftqulptneal and mor d4Mha are Territorial Fair. Albuquerque. from alt over tho territory, as well ar Charles Canal! has his long dlstanc. ond primary, and Mian Alice Mclnlyre this lime, but to announce that III, 500; musical Instruments ll.Tmi n pleaaant visit to IK, IK. IT, IS Id. outside The hospitality Hal iect turnixi home from to aceommodale thla Increesed October and I0l. (mint. of telephone loop from William to Flag first primary. had pun based a lot on High street furniture $3 1.S7R . sharea of stock In It. Ahyad Is A Roger ranch. attsMMHc. OrandeKt Rvor Meld: Ifcin't Mlaa lut well known and Its ialtla stag bum to within three mile or peculiar accident occurred near and Hold avenue, and would build a banks aad corporations $10,000 , hnr Moaara. Jack and Ooarge Addomr Iurae- - iS.Oofl for horse, $1.Wm for Hons are accepted with avidity. town. The cost of construction, ma- the Bright Angel hotel Wtotnesdtv modern two story brick residence in A,mu) pounds nf wool IR hav- - work saMfjyaMMw Bane 1.000 for Exhibits. Iftofl for q graders were work a lomtletod the aaaoiwmeat HIULSUORO. Ball. terial and telephone ha not been While the at clear wry short time, after which he mh. lumber ii.oon. blacksmiths' and on the Orphan Halm, located In Cotta! Onwhoy Tournament." On one end nf Steed Death Off. considered to make this loop one of Ing the right or way a large blast that would settle down and live a quiet life carpenleca' tools $M0; other property (Htiyon. Ute car la these words: "Statehood M. B. had been placet) under a mammoth suriouiided by a beautiful wife. Krnm Advocate. Munooy. a lawyer of Henriet- the finest tslhlng circuits in the ter tixlou. Itland wan vlalted by another very the Convention. October IB. Albuquerque." ta. Tex., once fooled a grave digger rltory. Mr Canal! will have hla y Htump ahot the Mump Into the air T J. Curran and wife have returned CHAVRS COUNTY, rain and Mra. A. d. Kennedy ha loft Al and on the other ead : "Indian Ounce, says: 'My vory until It wa a mere speck In the aky to the city from the oaat, whore Mr. county tiwre halltont Ttieda .ir " He l.rothor was low tern ready for hualneas within the The assesament for Chares tilKhi. but no ilamace waa dono to buouerque. Oraari Midway, Albuquerque with malarial fever and Jaundice. I next ten day. It descended into an unoccupied tent Curran was successful In getting cap- this year amouata to IMTR.GOO from P'ak of There waa wf oao oannidaie. mis O persuaded htm to try Klectrlc Bitter, William R. Jone and M. It. Harlan. near (he hotel, completely demolish- italists Inteected In th mining In- which exemptltma amouutlHK to 7.1. Mra. Coli and her two bright aan. Maude Andoroon. bofore tho touchers' William Duntwr, the sheen raiser nnd be was soon much better, but con general organiser fnr Aritona for the ing It. It then bounded across the dustry of thla count and In other sec 601 are deducted, leaving the taxable Ilmmle and Mart Rlaad for Inn Imard of eaaminers laat week. out In the CklHH neighborhood. Is in tinned their use until ho waa wholly cnlted Modern, a fraternal Inaur street, tearing up another tent. lor tions of New Mexico aaseesment U 59.!9y a gain or $117 i Kn. where the Iwom will altand the Wilt .1. Uay. who has long been the city today. cured. I am sure Riectric lkKtoio aace organisation have been In town tunately no one waa hnrl. Mrs. A M. Bergere arrived In the K6T since 1900, the greatest gain made I trot her' colMfe. connected with J. W. Orchard' stage Morrl It. Bowie, from Oailup. oatae saved hla life.' This remedy expels for the nast ten days and have sue Ity last night from Hani Fe and la by any county whose returns have Ray Myom. aon of W. K. Mvera. ami line, ha left for lllsbe. Arlaonn in last night and will enter the New malaria, kills disease germs and pu cei'ded In organising a lodge of United Chamberlain's Pain Halm applied to the guest of Hon and Mra. Netll B. come In thus far There are Ifl.Al'i tin I Li- - tall aycamore of the Coehltt 41 where he has charge of a livery busi Mexico university. Hos the blood; aids digestion, regit Modern here They Intend organis a cut. bruise, burn, scald or Ilka In- Field. acres of ngrtruRurul land In the rutin i H t left Wmlnevday for Hardy. Nob. ness. latea liver, kidneys and bowels, euros ing a lodge in every town in Aritona. jury will Instntly sllay (he pain and O ty valued at $110,271, and the Imprnv-men- ts I H. !'. Treet and family of Thoreau. wh-- n Colonel doing parte Darling, 1 1 A he will atatend aehool. Itarrls west, In night enjoy a constipation, dyspepsia, nervous dls having recently Instituted a lodge In win ueai the in less time than Sid toll Howard street, thereon valued at III I. fill, HiMidrlrh work on the famnu Illinois mine and nut came last to any Michigan, "I of Oailup. a drat coiu day or In the metropolis. eases, kidney troubles, female com Wlnslow. Messm June and Harlan other treatment. Unless the Port Huron. writes. 870 acres of pastoral land valued at r Al It I hoped wilt be Hinceasful .o Is very severe It will n many hi KWt of the Flnrt National that he I ww wilt organise the Flagstaff lodge at lh- not leave have tried pills and lasltivaa Ill.'tl7!t and Improvements t hereon on- it..- - ti.i.ii...... ,k. Biini; aie Bwnm ntmivn. whit bank of Albiiqiirqui. arrived In Rlami in opening up a new bodv of The " M,"","i::':L. cents at J. H. O'Reilly Co.s drug Hlk hall on Wednenday night. Sen- - scar. laln Balm also cures rheuma ml Hewitt's Little Harly Risers are at $6i.30. 1.7 II city Iota valued at Mania Fe. was a naaaenger for points 1 Tui"ila ami left the following morn retlmberlng of the main shaft on the store. lembcr 11. and all those who have ex- tism, spralrx. swellings and lameneas. far the best pills have ever used." lio tan and Improvements thereon world-fame- on morning's train. net for the sulphur Monaska mine has now been com north this pressed a willingness to join the ordir For sale by all druggists. They never gripe. N. Itupe. Cos mop valued at $101. ini: loll road $10. MH lng. pleted to a depth of 100 feet The W. 8. Hopewell, one of the director Don't watt until yon become chron an requested to Tic present O ottian. wind mills ta.or.r,, ui mile of tel.-grap- h Ike II Oinhatn. one of Albemarle' uhaft waa In very had condition and of the tlhuqnerque Raatern A Santa tcally constipated but take DnWttt' Dr. P. (1. Cornish of Albuqerque, N. Oeorge P. Itne, Pewamo. Michigan, o valued at ll.StO, SOI inllea of most popular bnniin nh men. aceom will require quite an outlay of money Fe Central Railway companies, Is in Mttle Rarly Risers now and then. They M pcnt a couple of days here aa eon. writes: "Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure The September American Soy. wire fence $l,fi0; prtntlnK plantd piuiletl hla brothei. Tom and IVrry before finished so that the pump can the city. will Keep your liver and noweis in suiting physician In a ease of a young la the liesl remedy for Indigestion nnit The American Hoy (Spragiie Pub $105,000: buildings ot railroad $sr.0. who have been making him a aaort be started Mr. C. K. I'ltt of Toneka. Raa., is good order. Kaay to take. Safe lilts man from New York, vho Is suffering stomach trouble that I ever tisod. For lulling company of Detroit), for Hep electric light plants $3,505; saw nnd lit. aa far a Orrlllo. The younr The recent strike In the HI On. I . here nn a visit to her daugblor. Mrs. U Ruppe, Cosmopolitan. from tuberculosis I)r Cornish was years 1 suffered from dyspepsia, .it tem tier, contains a spirited editorial Hourlng mill Idim, notes and Iwnk nr no n will ronilnm m to their home In htg aa ever and Is the talk of the day .lames Otueon. and will remain about for many years a suectMsfttl medical times compelling me to stay In lied a follow "Three Hoy Itictaolnn rounls $16,005. Hteam aud gnsollne en llllnnl. Those who have seen it say It haa the a mouth. Rave Ball. practitioner here and left here to take and causing me untold agony. I am a follow' "The Omcnr' Teat." "A glnes $1,700; tt.171 horses $81,170; (Ki3 appearance son completely by ICodol M.k I. W. Carnentor of thla place of placer ground few Oeorge Schneider and wife will Ball In the amount of tl.iMiu foi each charge of the Santa Fe Pacific railroad cureil Dyepepsia Proper Penance." "Three Boy In the millee $11.(100. 87. Ml rattle $671,781, below i.urface. The company will cure. In recommending to " 1.HH9 lift for Albu(iieriui with her aon the In a for Dallas. Tex waa fixed .n the ease of the I'nlted midoyes' hospital at Alhuqueniue it friends Mountain "Rob's Gymnasium tick 173.3X7 sheep $156,813; ontn om-- leave short time who Indigestion I always I'llin. and dniigbter. Mlf Minnie. Th iroceed at to sink the shaft down where they will visit the parents of Htate v. IWro Sanehes and Marl which poMltlon he resigned nfter three suffer from et" am! "Mrs very That Made His fl.M; 111 swine JI.IOI. Ill burro niiMir people will attend uchnnl In thi it least mo feet deeper. The mill I aim F Sena. Indicted for making falsi vear and Is now building up a lucre-liv- offer tn my fnr It If It falls. Thus tory " leading articles bear the tl $007, 7NI carriage ftO.Bll. 177 sew - Mrs. Schneider, ' now running full htaat. hut the pro- 1 fur I have never paid." II. Itunpe, Ing $1,172: liar liTrltorlal niitropoll thi term. Mr young rt Wester Ball In each case har practice for hi profeaalon it Al Ilea "Notable Naval Cadet. "How machine snddlc and row luction of the mine I much greater The name of the gentleman Coittiopolltan Drawing." "A Boye" Build- 17.61.1; t'arpentcr will return home In a European during furnished and the defendants arc buquerque. lie Is frequently called to liarn ness merrnnlliliae hin.uiz, titan It rapacity. at Sturges' hotel tin at liberty.- - New consulting physician ' In cases In ing St. Imposition Pro- capital In msnufacture $500. fnrmliiK ilnv. I F. Mexican. is at the luil I.. Waymaa night hours W. Cummlnga. tic !'' After the first or January the Arl posed," "Boys a Money Makers. ' implement $l,BOU; lUltirea 'ieorge Smith. and lan O nil right na towns slong the line of the Santa Calendar, who went out boat WADDELL, and Sam Stevens are hotel Oeltl, Pacific. xotm & Utah railroad will bo built to 'Turning In a Hoy's Ufe," "The money I15.HBX; waicties nun ciock with the "RUSH" clerks. Prom Met to Points li'iiitlna exnitltlnn a wk ago Sat Dysentery Is prevalent everywhere O the Colorado river near Rlortlle. Mo ltoy'n Library." "A Rowing Shin ror $1,305: hookN SI.Kfi. Jewelry $77f. iirday returmil to Bland yeaterdav Famous Southpaw Whs WMI Pltth fer Oeorge A mot. the well known wool In summer and la duo tn miasmatic When you want a pleasant physic have county. The work will lie done Ikiys." The Order nt the American musical Instruments $7,181; furtilturn Vegas, was by 3 tree & Luak. a ot for pmvlaUm Wayman Callendar Brewnt During Fair. and sheep buyer of laa "ilsons, and logins abruptly with In try the new remedy, CliRinborlnlii i ter turn railroad Hoy." 'The American Boy Shut-i- So f3 (.!; share of stock $10,318: corn anil John O'Connor have so far auc In the city this morning, being Intro riMtmMltnM r.f It. A miirniM HmIm tf Stoimx h and Liver Ttthlets. They are contractors In Chicago. There la no ciety." "Hoys' MxcuaMge," "Boy Stamp $'.; ha $407. wool $110; lumber I alters did luv tor trim the Rods. or i la killing three of tho big fel queen at rne omee uy wionei tWJ ,n Am,.rr,i rtt. any to take and pleasant In oftect. doubt Its ultimate connection with and Coin Collectors." "New Orleans $1.15; mohair $0. blacksmiths' nnd 'anse why? Cause the name itv thet ,,r0 lh. - Iowh. .VlesHin. Callendar mutt! A. M. Dlaekwell. I common, properly t'rlc... 35 cents. Samples free at nil the Hliort line and Its completion to Home ror Wair lv,- The Boy Pho carpenters' tools $S,n7: well drillltiK and rule taowa tickles my tongue when I ac but treated Mill join hunting party agatn In n will lie a regular meeting ot In drug stores. IIih coast. tographer," "In. Itun Hoy and Their machines si.&mi ; m nivea ot noney the try ter t.ay It. -- From the Pastorals of There ioe not result as erlouly as thi r k iay. but It la feared that Henry the Women's Relief corps tomorrow tropics. Perry Davis' Pain Killer I O Hand. The Ho Journalist nnd lieea $(1. "Rube" Waddell In Chicago Chronicle. you or In Hiowti will either have all the afternoon at it o'clock sharp In K. nf best known remedy and the most Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Have a sense fullness tin Printer." "The Agassis Association f O bcar Rex the waiter ter me last night. the region or your attar eating? " K i licit or aearen to death before m, v P. hall. By order of president, tflha Indent In the treatment of dysentery. Thirty Years of Suffering. stomach Young Naturalist "Sentemlier In OFFICIAL MATTER9. "Will you have some veal an cause ao you will lie by using Put-xle- a i nn reach camp. secretary. 1 I. lienentml American Hlatorv." "Tar;.la and their I "1 (sherwood. O suffered for thirty years with dl role?" Hex ter the waiter- don't Stomach " slxtv-sl- x 1 Chamberlain's and Uver There are Illustra- It A Item."lot I. a well known A Little Known Past, aud thought waa past being Land Olflae Chnnos Land Context yew roll or lead It. Thomas - irrhuen are whuther Tablets. They also cure lielehlng and tions, a year- - Sprague Publish- That the majority nf serious dlsea- Hallowny, - fl AeeeMment Duplicates. soaoRito but bring it In-- " From the As itla Fe railway official, was here cured," says John 8. of Pastorals s originate In disorder kidney sour stomach. They remilHte the lion- ing company, Detroit. Mich. "Rube " In Chicago vesterdav on official hnalness. He of the French Cainti. Mis. "I had tpent so 1ft INDIAN SCHOOL APPOINT.MIJNT8 if Waddell. Foley's Kidney Is guaranteed. els too. Price, cents. Sold by all From the Chieftain. went south to San Marrhtl, thenoe to Dure much time and money and suffered so druggists. Charles C. C. MogeHtan or laiven Re sure to get FoleyV 1 The Harvey house at Kingman will John It. Terry has gone to the ual The Chicago playert- - have a novel HI Paso, last night. Alrarndo much that given up all botie worth. Kaa.. haa been appointed hiirI Pharmacy. I be opened tn the public about Ootober aaancy, Dulce. N n itv of California for a three-yea-r way of gating good work out of A. A. Sedllln. a young attorney of of recovery. waa so feetiie from the Stratford, New neer at the Jlcarilla I do Norrls Sliver. North II. i oiirxc of study. "Rube' Waddell. The night bofore and Santiago came o effects of the diarrhoea that could M. Chbea. Insolvent Rank Dividends, Hampshire: "I purchased n bottle of Williams, special officer on th Mr and Mrs A. B. Rwtaoad are the game takes place one of the In this morning from the south with no kind of labor, could not even trav One Cough Our a lien NOTARY APPOINTHD. I Minute when suiter Fe, waa W Ilay Holds entertaining th Ir nelce. Mlaa teart bunch rushes tn the hotel, seemingly three young girl scholars, who were The comptroller of the currency ha el. but by accident waa permitted to Ing waa Santa a uortubonnd ttaaaen Acting Oovernor J. with a cough doctor told me ger nlghL IHIar Abevtia of Im VegtlN, of m Angeles. Cat nut of breath, aad makes a bee line left at the Har wood tnduatrlal school leclareil dividend In favor of the find n bottle nf Chamberlain's Uoll Incurable. One imttle relieved me last - fol Remedy, nnd OH In ooarse San Miguel county, a notary public Horn. FrMay morning September inr th- billiard or writing room, where Relief corps will meet Tuesday, Sep creditors of insolvent bank aa Cholera and Diarrhoea the second and third almost cured. and water tanks art r. one-hal-f per cent, taking I am en Heckberry by the The Bernalillo tin company 01 inn i.r the wife of James O. Fitch, n Rube" nnd some ot the tea hi are at p m. Rvery low: Five and after sevoral bottles Today I am a well man." II. Itupe. f construction at tember to. J:0 o'clock Demlug. N. M of trouble. I am a Fo brook. Arlsona. has appointed .In men ilaiiahter. Mother and child are doltip lounging, and say: "They are bet Is urged to be present, as the First National bank. tlrely cured that Cosmopolitan. Santa railroad. member 13 per Sti or wno C May IU New Mexico agent, witn w. II ting up town 10 to to that "Rube meetings have lieeu closed for two K cent. First National bank. anxious that it m in raneit an It la reported that thu Saata Fe M 1 by all 0 headquarters at May's store, two I A. Marcelllno has a Bne poar Inso tomorrow." "Rube" then chips I ver city. N. snffer as have.' Ifr sale omuany Is to build a ir.,0O0 club month. Rachel J. Johnson. 'real There la now no doubt that a mil of Wlngale, In Mc Klnley orchard four or uvc mile un the vsl In aad declares he II pitch hla arm off. dent. druggist. road will soon be built to Searchlight house in Wlnslow. miles north and fruit thereof is good to the goes early, Many nhyslrlaas are now preacrlb county. the and in bed dreaming of br either the Santa Fe or the Qoar The Baal Fe baa twrchaaed ground RQ1I LIGATION. too to to. Judge J. W. Crumpacker left this ng Kodol Dyspepsia Cure regularly. KINGMAN. BOARD OF tnte Sporting News. for Los to reopen tettw comiMtuy. The lack of fuel in lu 1,0a Angeles for a due new railway met yen 1'iof F. A. returned from !i morulng Lunas having found that it Is the beat pre Th board of equaUantlou Jonei county. gran t the camps along the river makes tt hoapitai. Work will bo begun vary 1 ten days' trip In the western part of court for Valencia The eriptloa they can write because It Is traay afternoon at o'clock at the INVSSTINQ IN MINES. jury will probably be discharged to From the Miner. Impel all ve that a railroad should 'ie soon. trenturer lu tlo uunty on United genlogi the onu which contain A lu Chloride, by power would office of the territorial State win many un bouse ownhl John built In. IDIectrlc ob L. Fisher, tormerly a conductor realises i day anil court adjourn the elements necessary to digeat not It anU Fe The board that lit si work. Up -- At. Charles, waa destroyed by fire laat vlate a road into (hat country, but It ' Saetern Men Who Will Put a th next egular term on vaijey or eon, waa in work year Is or tha utmost Im Captain H Klrkpatrlck left (or only some kinds of food bnt all kind content I In the uuie this Large Plant at Seme Central Point. Wednesday. The entire rather hard to Interest capital Hillsboro shaking haadt with ow ao- - to the territory, but the tim Moaxdlou ft i a ntav of three week Samtiol Rdgrlngtou. who has visited and It therefore cures Indigestion the biiltdlua were consumed. any electric undertakings In a new portanre - r eight days. Is too short In ttneorro In st ten dance upon th A. K. (tlbsou, who was to have ac- the past few months In Aritona, came und dyspepsia, no matt.-- what It Last Monday the Kingman public country. The river will eventually qualntaneea. allotted to It. 7.. I night rail- to so over every assess mis Nt return tiormnl Institute and examination. ompanled William McDonald of home yesterday and will remain here cause It. Ruppe. cosmopolitan. itclionl commenced tne inn lerni. Mian furnish power fur all purposes, but On next Moaday at the - s -- Prof, as should be don under the Colonel K A. U- v expe-t- to speail New York, nud I). A. Walker of Colum- until after the far. lie has pleas O- feiallv Ftnlcy Is principal and Mrs. M mlnlug companies cannot await the way reading rooms. tmuaigart In detail do- - y will deliver existing eircumstaacea. it wi k with relatives and friends In bus. Ohio, south lat evening. ws ant rooms at Mr. and Mra. lu Davis' No relief for Twenty Years. '!. Hggers Is lu charge or the Installation. Muhavu County Miner ner of Lick observatory, I twenty LAND COKTPJtrtB. Albuquerque He will then return to tained but will leave this afternoon on North ttecnnd street. had bronchitis for yaar.' department. Thorn Is a good an address. bidding Join gout lent en at Albu- - Mrs. Danville (1. The contest over a small Hocorro and remain two or taree aad the il. F. flllmore, the well known dec iald Minerva Smith of attendance of scholars, but less than Mr. A Stlllman. a merchant of Fred Paraona sustained a painful A I Albuquerque or Towns wtH-k- before ivmimlng bwetnaa In tueruue. says the New Mexican. oratm at the dry goods store of H. Illinois, aad never got relief until In previous years. Tainplco, Illinois, writes. "Foley 'a to hla evo while at work In tha claim at I wife vs. Francisco Aim. JiiHrac. From there they will go to ICI Paso to M tn Co., Sunday morelag for imed Foley's Honey and Tar. which son or wonaer ahopa, by a small pleee of hot Ctarule and llf. left Fiances Clark, waiutnai Kidney cure is meeting wuh Raton y waa before R. Mlas Aanie W. Fitch arrived tn the a twrty of mlnlag men who are Mo., where his died a sure enre for taroat ana lung ui Charlie, who haa benn visiting bis some cnaes Iron hitting the ey snail. dace Mollaa. heard mt Jonlln. father i ml sucesa. It has cured R Hobart and Register M city to enter ewsa the duties of th Interested In the Collins leaching pro few days ago. It la understood that Acases." Alvamdo Pharmacy. parent lu Kingman, departed for here physicians pronounced u reiver F that Charles Wellington, the conductor K at the federal land oflkw in posit tou tn which she waa recently I'ess which tv claimed to lie the mot i be remainder of the family will ac Phoenix, where be will attend acnooi. I. myself, aw able to testify oar op a Otero opened curable. on the Lake Valley hraaca. is Fe. elected ny the trustees nf the school conomlcal treatment for the produc Mr. Fillmore lo this city and MUm Ada Phltbrlck her Clark Is one of tho brightest and moat to Its merit. My face today la a II v few dava leave of absence. He Is stay Saata or A iiun a The conimlKaloncr of the general of mines. Miss I'ttck spoat laat year tlmi copper. plant at Summer reside here In the fnture. kindergarten school yesterday vlth nttemauly young men In the country luv tilcture ot health, and Foley's ittd Ing out at D. Taylor'a ranch near N. now cosafully handling t land office haa dismissed the home In Mtudy at a tate normal school at vllle. J., sui Mr And Mrh W. II. Matson n i;tod attendance nnd the people of Kingman aro finite nay Cure has made It such." Alvar- Hillsboro. (I. Hall v N. sulphide. ContoJI'la- - or aon. stead contest of John Oewcgo. Y. The American turned thla morning from a two The regular monthly meeting the proud of their educated native adn Pharmacy. Maav oil burning engines are now Involving a norm M. ted Copper company In which aeverai will be Kingman gentlemen n Harry D. Hoemur Prof. J. White of Teiaa has been months' visit In the Pacific coast r Retail Menbant' association Several ne running through Klngmna, says tha near Albuquerque in Magdaleaa of these parties are Interested. Is mak- secretary In an exploration company A cuts, stead nwnaiino elected principal nf the sorts. Mr. Motion nay he enjoye.i held at the office of the nrannlse never railing cure for burn, Miner. The abaonte isf cinder ana eoot county. I ing a careful examination of this and 8 even which will operate In Mohave county s public school. Prof. WhKe attende every minute he wa In California and the fleaat block at o'clock thla scalds, ulcers, wounds and sores is la one notlcMble thing about Urnae other systems deciding whutl o new company over A ABSKHHMBNT nm'l,li; rns. Hi.. Institute rereatly held In this cllv before that be had a good time generally ng. Matters of importance win me win niso iaae Witch Haael Salve. itMMt lociHttotlvea. W. Sargent 1. tn new Territorial Auditor 0. lie will doubt ss Rive good satlsfhi to tnatall its plant which It is ar He reports meeting a number of Ainu ittnauierea. and develop nroDerties of merit and toothing and healthy remedy for all ranging to build a point te. put John Cook, formerly roundhouse hail received aaaeasmeHt dupltrates tli ui In th position to which he ha at central , .niferenl polnta. A. J. Lamb, who was In the flsb them on the market. The wbeme akin affections. Accent only the gea territory the properties now being developiMl. I ,rn, Ih good promoters ought foreman at lantern, but who ha been from all the counties of the been elected. assembly of the uu I sbni lsssatlMaasiai taaasr for several a one tnd the nine. R. Ruppe, OoswoptiRtRN. Ouadalupe coun Mr C. o-- The opening foreman at l Jantn far several excepting Otero and I'mf. and Francis Lincoln verslty. will occur at 16 o'clock rears and lately clerk at the grocery Inia O laat two naaeaataant rolhi In city Boston nud which he 'MVeWatV a Agent. months past, hna resumed hit fomer ttea. The nrrived the from OIL DISC0VURY tomorrow morning, wmnlaea lo be of more if lames L. Bell Co., eapecU ?torrU Seaclal Land to be received were those of McK. 1 now Ib-- Mmlth world of undeveloped wealth that position at Raton. arc ilomb in the houae All old students leave tomgni mr iienvvr. wuvre or A. J. Hobb. special agent or the ley county and of Socorro county. Th. - much Interest. amnio capital to (lour (Heaxildt and hht on tin- coim r of McCutcheon avenue Between Perolta Canyon and La Jaro engage needs bnt a small amount of general land oiuct. at Roswell and foreman Is $1 rriend i f the university are Invited win in mwineae In way Ias of local aaaessment of McKlnley county and I 'ark street I'ruf Lincoln sue ny Meeers. rvteuewan and Hansen. put It a to produce dividends ( ruces districts, has been transterreo force of paint department tha fall to be present The Cltlxen under Chsrles - McDonald, for the past operators wav hoi are resBoasiwie ror I7.rrf. but the aasesament rolls c imk lrnf. Fhalen In lU chair of J. R. McCownu Albuquerque and Interesting program for the to a liuislana district. Foieat Mc ml in summary different of stands that an everal venre In the real estate and The C. O D mine is showing up hand ome deciratlona put upon the to a of the chemistry at the school of mines. a gentleman by tno name ot a. n. arranged. Oovernor Stover tit in Klnley. formerly ot the Albuquerque te county hae an as- Im has been insurance iii,iner itoaweii. win wonderfully with late work. A body advertising car of the Territorial Fair schedules Socorro The Chieftain requested to give Hanson, have located 2.000 acres of new president In city. Mrs. First National bank. New Mexico, ok year of $1,003,150. from will will Inlr.aluce the the flit me rrsdde thla of on. three In width has been association. sessment this notice that no student hereafter ll land between PeraRa canyon aad Mlv Is cv lahoMa aad Lou la Iaaa, and for exemptions - McDonall Inland. ft t which are deducted Im- Sheridan, deputy county col re runs over S.ion ounces sll allowed to enroll or do laboratory J. J. 1 trurk that couple on susKial duty la Houadaotuwi I'oremaa H. J. Bennett La ahould thla prove what r in I of uumths ring tho Jara. and Fe his neeted to .i!n hi hiinbaail here m i some gold. The mill assura amounting to $U8,oo. lea work at the school of mines until aftet lector, whn wa at Santa with snd Washington, 1 sunt taae nis piace. of Rata hna resigned hla position aad Mr. Hanson lalraa for It, It will mean few day. as it Is com to taxable assessment ii.tii.tau. wnicn matriculation and laboratory fee arc - wife returned to the city laat night ins shage and as soon McKtnley Is talking of starting a it Is understood will nontax a position a great deal fur thla camp. The ra- a printer who Hour to Mr. la $151. 71 less than laat year. I mid. All patron of the srhool are and he says thai the base ball game Ward Thonin. nli ted work will hagtn the In New Mexico as engineer. Its hna gone lo IMtrt ha created considerable years I stock ranch southern Tok. requested to bear thia matter In mind vesterdav sflemoon between tne Ishod Ir Albufinerque several Krsde ores, of which there Is a vast where It is said he will take th re- In Bland. Mr. Hanson claims to ago nd who waa a n'earner of the amount la sight. The high grade on DEATH OF M. F. PARSHALL, and act accordingly. know what oil Is when he sees it. as Santa Fe "Cyclones" and the Trial A Shacking Calamity. quired examination Rev. John M. Ferguson, who baa dad "Stars" was s frost from begin Albaam rune i.ras nana, waa marri. will ho shinned aa they coma from the ' he has been In the business for many I "Lately a railroad laborer, A party of angineers are now at Olty Died PToaby to the score standing at th other day lu Springer, N M , t mine. Podgy there Is no mine that befell An Old Resident af the tilled the pulpit at the First years and he aeyK that this Is the nlns end. write Dr. A. Kellett, of WIMUarl, work south of Oriix station, about Lt of Socorro for the paat the conclusion 30 to I lu favor of the Mrs. L. II. Clarke or ias vega. tne Hhows such wonderful ore bodies aa Nlflht. terlan church d ornan Cerrlllos. loonting proper stuff. Ilerrcra A Itbeln of the " ceremony being pet formed by does the C. O. D. aad we are pleaaw-- Arkaaaaa. MIIU foot waa badly twelve mile from Miles F Parshalt. tor eighteen al months and who has dunn that "Cyclones Mrs Sheridan remains UW Oeatrai rail- King Oil company. Kl Paso, Texaa. are F. Baker of the Methodist church. to note the fact that work Is proving mI but BwohNn's Arnica galea the grade of the SanU Fe years a realdeat ot this city, tiled ut time oadearod himself tn so many of It Is at the capital for a few day. y simply woeularful way which Is to be built at onee. Interested with these imrties and 1 he we put on the property oared blm. It's 11.10 o'clock last night at bin real our people because of his ability and O ttmate - easy oao understood they have all Kinds of moy William A. Handera whn y are ago yesrs ago. The paay hag oae fas- bums usdla. nllea aad all a They say the Hae will be aa No. TIT South Arno street, after Christian character, leaves for the ey setf Preteetlee etna champion way. dence. back of them. Bland Herald. waa the general southwestern agent ' 1 eruptions. It's tho world's Ui build most of th oast next U'ednesils) for the purpose demands that you be on tho alert lo he wonderful hoaaax mine of the an Illness of several months. O - the Rou table Life Assurance societv Qjb-n-a haalar. Cure guaranteed It east". .1 haa reelgaed hla Boui Wyoming at resuming bis ct miles at the et that you get Pali. Killer ( Perry west, not even the famous Motile T littler IMHtUHWd was bora la l.e "MASHER" CLARK HERE. came In from the west this morning. you of Colorado rivaling It In Sold by J H O'Reilly Co irug llon aa foreman of the carpenter county. New York. In August. 1810, theological seminary of Cincinnati wife and children at Davis'), when ask fnr It; some ahaga after visiting his dealers will try and persuade you to tore. of the local railway aad had passed bis 7lst birthday. For The Singer Sewlntj Machine Qmbeu- - Santa Crux. Cat. Mr. Sanders Is now O and A. I.. Newtoa aapolBted la km maay years he waa employed at the take something else, claimed to be Math-odll- t SAN MAMQIAL. tne nars, Msiaral manager for the above ex , sexton of the I wife will leave ler ueninu th Just aa good; insist uoon getting Pain Rbnrlea Keplogia of AtwaUsr, 0 II. 0. Walkias. steed Mr .aw ler aad local railway ahopa. but for the past Deputy Sheriff Newcomer bftHigfit celleat company at Detroit. Mich., aad, kid- harek. Sprlnglleld. Pennsylvan Foa-d- Wis , where Mr. r owing to faille health, Killer, the remedy wnicn ana anew was una hie to work on aeeouat of very for lc. two years, I'. otM the ilea. with lilm from California II. 8. Olark although he would like to remain here family doctor for ataxy years. ney trouble. After uetag l'otey's ItlJ m. My wife hr been will enter the employ of the Wis haa been doing odd Jobs at carpenter Is in Albuquemiia to an few days, finds he wilt have to mi: and triad eat Ales. W. H. Howard and her who wanted a that R nearer to stop niasraoea, grip ney Uura rwr 4ays ha waa cured. Al- Lad with kNnef trouble cousin Central. Ing la the city. swar to a charge of etalwaantiK from to Detroit umigni fails era! doatera vvtiheut benefit. After waa a Mile, are home (ram euiuylng the continue north In or bowel , rado Pbarmasy. A railroad to th mines of the Bill His aon, Al Paraball. who company lag pales the stoaaneh ts y s Kidney wuitM of the show. the Singer Manufacturing While rtfltna aast oa Railroad ave 'lyaentery. etc. notlea, snd o- - taking one bettJe al I'nb William Fort would one an a won- well known engineer, died large - com-lletel- I I was ovor on requisition tic waa tar, was Mtesaa Pearl and Helen Ford. wo Olark turned a nue F. J Wendell's home slopped In Warklna Day and Night. Cure, waeh bat and derfully rich mineral oo try- - Th laat February from paralysis of the - governor four hut very companionable young ladles 1 the of Utls territory In the street and fell lo The W anient aad mightiest. Rule cured attar taaiag ores carry big value In nonpar, bat hraia while being brought her for Mlk some dlfft 0 soft place a " IM Paso, are visiting with Mr. Stu Newonmer exuertenead up Ceuali Rtmsdy s ; thlag that ever waa mad !. Dr. Klng-- t'cs Alvarado Pkarwaer. in Uudr Isolation R W ImBS treatment from ot th SanU Fe Pit 1 hl knees on getting ine unssi Chamberisle'e 1- ..tit aaltv an was subleclad to consider re e Hoekett fell over ob Its right side and in rtat reverite. w meao pn oaaaae .iht. to handle them prottnbly. wKh I In getting bis man rm Up far Cerreetfen. I Frank tilt, brother of Mra. J. II. able delay turned lonsegnence the right loot or Mr. Th., Mnthina ami haaHasi Bmarties waahneat lata attwnaHh. Rttlstsnei belt, r fsHHttes the mines will become Deceased survived by am nail Ileaaoa, makes the third bay who left over. Clark Is now safely lodged In was caught underneath the into energy, brain tag Into "The Saata Fe will have Ka new Drodneera as any mines m wife aad daughter, Mrs. Joauab. T preliminary Wendell ..I this remedy. Its pmaaant taste and wfntxl i.iu ua lu enter law Brothers' college at (he county Jail pending a horse. He was painfully hurt and will prompt and cures have power, 'ffaey're wtmdarfgl In bwlMlat Hae of road in the Oraad caayon of A.imna Johnston, to whom Tha Otttaaa ex peace or e Fe. trim before a Justice of the Im- - days. ua health Only M tmnM par Colorado In Aritona nngjgilttsd Santa a cripple fur a few made it a great lavonie wtta th hoc the Hat u 1 day th grade on the by grand Jury, which will & op-- idii tho Mlaa Mingle MeConeh haa been action the It Is prise I ny J. 11. OTteltly Co.'s drag gad for tragic nn September Jl K caayea The funeral will UN at HI. will be O - eaneetallv Snnu Oraad railroad de quite III since har return from So meet September Clark . line te the Orand canyon la only t residence of tha danghlar. Mo 715 highroller who BASS BALL TOP 10. by mother of email children for cold The was completed to the eaayo. Th corro The examining beard granted remembered as the roup and whooping cough, as It al- about ten miles long, bul it enables Taring la nVMth Arno street, tniiinrraw after on made himself obnoxious In Albuquer- to very work of the steel 0grt her a first grade certtnrate a show The Brawns Wan Yesterday Trial ways afford cick relief and at Hj H0LBR00K. passes " '" r,le in ears the Ing rapidly hut about two mil yet aooa ut 1 o'cloek. MS que laat w.nter and escaped being r i in proiiahly the eesBwassmBBawasaaBsie sassaaa la of nor cent Defeated at aants re. no opium or other harmful krbxk ot it i"i ! At preasat the out town, u- - m Stars lontalns remain "vhH I Mr Nellie rarriHii na wni in uer horsewhipped ot iaaa di It mav - aa to From iho Argua, marvel'." 'siimh in itie world' train six mOe trom Wee Market. Itose-dgla- . In the yesterday afternuon it dtuit. trivsn rondntl luifin meet th. (or Issuing worth leas hsiih' - posimistri s at tan city Jail company saipeed i resignation as - triumph mr in an adult. For sab- by ill The Atter Catile Journal the on t i will b redaed Boston, Sent, to Th demand for camp becks, which frle.4a wade good for the fai n! the Browns f . Monday. who penn. d th .an. tn The resident of the HmicIhh 'l UggUtN .iii rtiH af cattle The k i"' i'inn tie- t'logreHBea. wool haa been somewhat on the de- - ed o He teaaa to the aeon d usllastlns Ho- let aim. . I i i.r ' " ou Id talk over mailer and -- v. s- - .ie- Hufman Wtlllama above pm.-- ''' daring paat week, hut val at Of I" to 1 I lie Hire - O Kkkiii-- i i sti'l hare a cline th M I' - ' j-- rti.i wfe tbetr nu.-- i whin Twtegjate B and the aame m i. The UugiuU aovnucnt has alii n'UlfHt the raayua 'Hii...i from Mineral nee show no signs of weaboninK. The Prompt Payment. aided i.d,..l l..-e- f Bros fe It Is turaed to San Marrlal decision regarding her succtsMor it waa uninterestingi.. through out to the Amerlian for cattle from Bowb wrote those lines straeti speat several market for territory wool osatinuiM daughter. Josi nli R. Korntii wno came to that tn ( of Ht was the sUndtug WolU Tex There they Mm Lewi Haiii.'K and mule aud borat-- a uhlppiil '." New harle. JarvU Johas that a aewspap. 'h water from the etroag aad buyers la Beed of uull4 1)1 T F New Mexico about two years ago for out town Crowley n should .111 ploy week drinklag the C, ile from lnl"'nin sad Mr. t "ne bun to meet Apoll' of the Jnurnsi " .! paying full forme ratcf I At IV flay afternoon Orleans to the Transvaal t using to are and whn recently died at Santa !. -' ' u n and the baths Or (.an V. urn. visit Iuk Mr. his health - ( McMuitsy "f "s'l well po. in only ten Clsv of aie - - h- d ! !i ' .uch 11 ' 111 lOqUlt- tin- nun h raided TrlnldS'i Colo In aigo. hav nd Mi Caleb Anderson Mrs. An t'errtllos. WB inrn'ed the t ' Asaemlily of tha LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. fraction of tola and I. In UkMk A. THG HEALTH EXAMINER. oils. tad., with her lyenr-h- l son w (iUEATIW (TOIIVR !'() of lb Letialntlrn In Simpler addition, No. 1; IfO. i tnrted on a ewmptng trip about AMFRirA' AWQUKRQUE, Irrrilorr m Mew Mexico, entitled. ' Cooperative ttnlldlng A fnen aaao-elatio- Dr. Taseher Has Ss Par Examined days ago. had to stop at mtat. n Art to prorldf for Ihr rtfundtnn It. J. Stone, Mlcman for the Arm to William Klnhe, lot tl, in Forty Tsnshera. town on account of tho Illness of t nf th laindr--d Indr-btrdn- o of tha Meases. Mall left for 1 1 . Mr-xl- of l.earnnrd. Mock II. In lining' Highland nddl IV-- Tnsrher la the regnmrly ap- little imy. The .'klM became rapi'1 of Mew and lh rarbnta IMaad this morning. Hon: l ton worse and died Augnet ft, a few m lonntlea and the innnk,lpalltl, thre-..- f pointed physician for thla cotttiW to and lion. H. M. Itoughctty. the attorney Chnries Myers at at to Thoma . exanlne and issue certlflcatea of good otcs after hit father arrived from apnror.d Marrh 1. It in of 8oeoro waii m the city today look Lister, the Texa mining claim In San health to schoid teachers, city and dlnnapoll. The body was bne.i in t of aald IMrlalatlvo Asspmhlv. on-ti'i- i In nfler legal business for his client dla monntalas. $1. ponniy. to Raton and sin helmed HSd tb 'i "An Art to anthorlf th' t N. C M Mar-- f i ling nf d of C T. Oof. vie president of tho Collier and Wife to O The doctor waa aeon this morning rowing parents left with fl for tie tin Imndi lfiddd 'ln'a WhrlueyUoff Hardware compear ron. north in if lota IS, it. IB ml by a ritlaen repreaenUlUve and staled hnme Saturday sight. iiniiitl mi l innnl''lia,ltii' In th' t."1 I or N-- approved wu a noiihbonnd pa rnjjrr this l, in block it , In A. A P. addition, f that about forty I etchers have so far iltmv Mi'ileo" morning Nelll 11. Field, execntnr estate of complied with the law, to whom cer SPRIHSIR. Manh l' vmi. and l lasit' I ondor M Sanchps. to in with the piovlslona Blyi Hock agetlt Raffaew Oranltn. frac tlflcate have been Issued. and anoiiianci. II. 8 Van k. the live tion of lota I and S aqd lot S, bfo. a of an ordlnanr.. of snltl rttv of Allm for the Seats Fr. down thl way, waa n When s ked If the toucher should Prom the Sentinel I. In N. J. Shweket addHlon.: Itoo. have received cert I tea before th in rouo. relating lltarelo, and diiiv hero yesterday from hli heaaqaarier Mary K. Hrigga to w. W. Beckett Father Hattertoan. who for a mw WORLDS and adopt oh September ' opening day of school, the doctor i 1 el In in Paso. l,i r nf rears waa the pastor of laed tot 7. In block ?. In Brownwell A Ull "winked the other eye" and MMHMlly I'lOl Will Mallett wmM ap to lb Coehltl addition; 10. Catholic chnroh th SOringer. pp And It la hereby certlSed. reritut remarked there dime .ra and I mm that are re vers day en Tuesday to mil oa tk Jose Montoya Mi i laat week with frl.n deelared, Thai the lerm an I district Juaa to llrnlgao otheia In auihmiiy who have not com I ami merow Batman of Mandell A Omus toys, a piece of land In preelgot :r. ere lie now hsa charge of c miilltlone of the aald act have lie n piled with the provlskNia of tlte ter v.ork at Santa Cnie. GREATEST fold, the clothier. 5x60 yards; $100. rltorlnl law on the auhject." SHOWS fnllv compiled with hjr the authorltl k ' Mr. F c. Mor and son. l.on MaMano Armljo will vlaH with Mr. Perferto 8. de Valo and huabnnd to "The health of thooo examined. 'inmerncd In the laananre of this family Hllarto Snndovnl. a piece of land in of Rlliahf thtown. left for Rat' bond, and that all ondlllon ManderSetd and la Santa fo aid Dr. Tascher. 'la remarkably will nr, omMBy Willi art. few l he hating loft for Um precinct S, In Bare lis feet wldo; good vherc NOTHING LIKE IT ami thing require'! to be done, for a la, and only one ao far wa found i elt Itcll, N and I cRpltal morning. TS. mch lral iftnim rrmi ltr: hnpHn an be performed pren ili i.t thl in a condition aa to preclude the r. rman, jr.. to lt.iwell where th' EVER SEEN ON EARTH BEFORF . JssualU B. Km in. r anl hnstmnd .i Issuance of a to nnd In tin lttenre of thl bond, After i ill attempt Roderick health certlflcate. ill enter thi military inetltut t lot -- i'nierty done. hmi i got away night carlou Oarda, ir. and la bio k have be'ii elti.( Stover final iMt fur O- place. n 21. In tv-e- a addition; 00.t. that pened an t l"-- performed In n gnl ir New Vurk whore h will take an If Oeforaoe Mrinq Team. Palmer, - i Fram Hunlng and wife to A. J. J. W. who nrriea the mi and due form and time aa requited liv ( UMtrltal rourae Hi the Colombia unl Vlt ArrangemitH are being mid by to Chlro, was obliged to return ' THE BIG ONE AND WHY. chrll. lot 10, in block W Hi A. IV law; thnt lite indaMenneas rifuinl.-- I vcralty. some the te I M n ?ft. of local base hall tdnver Hprlngir ani wait until Thuroda THF.QC FflP.T.Q un EinilPCQ TCI TUP 3TARV iiilMilssr $3, heretiy h and waa at tho addition: Colormdn Springs t Mop I I I WW I W I 1 UlmV, " Wallace Rowfe mm la thl taorn Jose Jaramlllo have tkc am on finding be cortld not cros the R. UUVk IUUIILU INVESTED lime It was inrnrrM a and wife to Nwavlo off here and play aa exhibition game t Ing and urniinued in Terr Hunt, In Peres, a piece of wnd a lamise river on hi iihusI route, he went 1000 Penplf. 10 Clowna 00 "'sMnBfBjMrK kiiI viiiid binding and niiift wtui local tanm on septemoer Maxwell City, thinking might b c---t - illaaa, when hr will Mtfwl the Rose known a Hiacoa del OmMho tse it he In (iraiid Popular Preliminary Concerts. lliu IHsoBoTaoTfli1 ''WPEomHWls' Ann im- Indetii. lift. h of said rlty nf Mim Ho la a aon n la when eg route to Albuquerque. Lee able to oroea the Iron bridge ' ISitytechnlc institute of the Rio fuerco: Arenas. 'l Atllc Kace Track. 06 Hatlroa i que nnd that the total Indebted lo. Vega i I J log. Alex. Bowie, of Onllup. Becofn. but found that. too. had been wahe Dons, Lit Irs nnd of 'ri. - inelmtlng Imn.l Suaan O. Stover and hnaband to A. away. Cnr. 100 Cncs Rare ti. of ii.i it, thl coamU-nloaer- s . . , . ' . i'ihI The attention of (he county J. Mitchell, lot SO. In block V., In . wiia iiAia. m Acre of lent. in. not ii anr limitation ir Coming Prom Pennsylvania. noy corroapondent In - la railed to Up miserable con- A P. addition; Our writes: ilhed ' the m il Of the PongreHH of Ittai. loot l no It wa ACTUALLY STAR dition of the roar, to the university Mary It. Ilogan O. V. W. II Carrothem. who Is the man the of the Sentinel 300 PSIU'OMIinS. tin t'nlted States, or by the mt f to Marron. lot agcr reported some damage was done from the city It It la bill shape 5, In block 4n. map of the town of At of Senator Andrews' mines In that Hi., l Aanembly of the t I I to Knplesedo bridge, which n hnI ought to tie Sxcd aa soon aa poo huquerque; $000. Sierra county. in the city today. the 60 AERIAUST8TS2STWI 'tnrv nf New Metlcn. by mlv to the piers. Friday night f slblo. noaa m. Merritt and wire to M. J. being Introduced around Hon. H. laat in wltneaa whereof. The ald lt v M. Dougherty of Socorro. Mr. Car- - August 30, all of the bridge waa wwept tiM,qii,.rtue A meetiag of Albuqueroue lode No. aicAiee, iota s. io. u ana ii. in moc away, a severe HOLLOWAY TRIO. has rauaed Ita torpmati' 3ft. In New Mexico Town rotkera will remain here until tomor which proved loss to Th .MrlHn lrHirmr re pW A00 a Wttk. 'ii) ti he hereto affiled. Ktl. -- t t 386. I. O. n. n.. will be hold tbla. Wed- Comwnv'i row night, meeting a party P nimpson, who was trying to pull s Mkw .aw r lioo lor Pmiui Act. S addition ; here from l' it t'lerk, and this bond to be kIki nesday, at o'clock at their wagon 1 Weed Pennsylvania and accompanying the across with a on which he hs IIWJ hy KtaUng 'I t' Its Mayor, rounterslgned nnd lmll oa dolii i. inuo. All members are Anna and husband to Dall new range. Im- - gentlemen south to county. a cooking He lost the llrlSfa' Liwt 1 Hen-stadt- . Scruggs, lot In Nrcols A Sierra ACROBATS - by the Treasurer of requested to bo present. Bam tl. Bowden bridge, wagon and range, and had 4 60 rwwutten. th liwn- ir addition; When asked It the party coming south i lithographic slgnatur. f . ecrttary. lio. narrow escape from drowning." (Mrtel Arnk AlhM, lb and the la senator Andrews. Mr. carrolners I Treaaurer to appear upon the. At last a carload of tiling for too : " Gl N remarked "The senator may be with c NINE ArCI ETTIS. i attached, flrnt day roof of the new dowot arrived here SRIIF PAIR NOTBS. any IHrrtt frmM Italy l'IJ Ih Khmhimk Sum 1 11000 a 'imn hereto tht the party." la event. Senator An ROSWBLL. week. N. mini h cihiM p t September. 1M1. en Twsday night, Bad no doubt the dews Is due here and that Is the rea lurlh nwh remainder of the ataa will reach here Sxhlhita Prem South Santa Fe Oeur son, ways n few of the wise ones, why lft MHtin llif From Ike Heoanl. - it orponito Jonl.) Mayi In a lew daya. When tho work of and Frem San Juan. W. S. of HlllMmro Is re Sn P.RFAT RIRFRS tlrMlrt cm- Hopewell Charles Itrown, manager, has pur l llorw sum laylag on th roof once begin. It will The advertising of the '. fi Ity t'ountayglgjiail rtftatered tar fair malnlng in the ' and Scoctary Joe chased the Interest of 8. S. Manden Htm sad H.irwwnnwn fcr Organlftil. and IntrmjHtlni' lie poshed with all rapidity. Cerrtlloa early morning I IT thla for Lam Saint of the new rnllroad companv. d in I nmr in nmrric and Santa Fe. thoroughly billing halt tn the Roswell secood-han- tore lr Attest: CHUT Treasuri" Nestor Moritoy, editor of Iak Ban after la looking ao pleasant these days. and will hereafter conduct Its pro MISS AMtLIA FEELEY the towns of Bernalillo. Thornton and KlJr-th- r dars, Americana, anil alao dep .1 perou business. Tllf IllMl.' ,rJ hat Kvtf Prmluccit iV Cerrtllo yesterday. HHhw h ii I City ft. uty county aaaeeaor. waa a Batter Beads Needed. The Roswell postomre haa been In uiarr 4lurv In cmr Fa laat The Ias Vega Record aays: e lih ihu Hwtwli n.ilrinn (Form of Coupon.) imseenger for Santa Passenger who tcturnod laat night deep mourning thl week Postmaster 'll - J(I III! night, where he will appear lie fair will have a mldwu from Bland and Albemarle report the Monday direct from Buffalo, Mathews forrot that was ta - TUB CITV AUBUQITKItql i:. fore the territorial ttoard of equalliu which will i..t roads aa in a dangerous condition imr day a legal holiday ELEPHANTS- Or be too naughty, but v and and tb 30 ,JS$lfit!T In count t Hon oa tax assessment matter. Just naught lnce thi heavy talus In that district. rflce open the of liernallllo and ir enough. It will be a waa kept as usual. Aim ew las T'ifihr al dnc Time. In On Hint, umltr ti.ry of New Mextoo. will nay to In r veers a real-dert- t hummer and The water baa washed the from "'On Win Hi at. Oeorge II. Browne, for dirt Ocorgc Causey .welt known here th lNttt lnemiiKIIn nllh lnltr 1 1 every bald head in the territory will I II u twenty dolwrs, gold coin of the int. of thla city and who waa well the rocks and the ditcher are from w.i fatally hurt at the Yellow House ndlMHI'IV want to sec it." ! States of America of tho known aa the otHclcnt bookkeeper three to six feet deep It la said three rnnc-- Tuesday by his horse falling LOCKI ART COMEDY ELEPHANTS prtetit The San Juan County Index aays: i Ktannanl of weight ami flnene on at Ui wholesale of h. II. Putney or four cutvci ts are needed and that a on him. A meaaenger came for taedl 'iiiif 'iim Im. Ihlrtl Mnv hQe "Tho vice president of the fnir foi I, , at tho hnnkinn goInK Ban county, ha few clay' work by a small foce of once Dr. ft. L. tlrnilley t In it before te Juan San Juan county. 11. si aid at and IHI'r.l llir llfnJrt boirne N. W. Juat been ateateu a member of the 0. Mcltewry and mi n filling In the low places and re left Wednesday night for the Yellow nl all l!quln Ill.pUtl, of ilarria ft Co.. In tbo i nave 500 HORSES Um l elty atntc New York. or. i.. iirove, arrange with th moving large boulders la all the re I lHlii.Hnit ammm and of at tho llrst bonrd of trusts of the town of Hyde Hxpedltlon company Houae a few minutes after tietnK not Ptormtngton. to trans pahx that need Immediate attention fled. 61 - option of the holder hereof, at the f port alt exhlblta county O'aniEN'S HORSE ACT, llee of the City In from this ant They estimate the coat itf puling At a meeting called by all tho me, A C4.m.l Intf Si. 'i .oeclwl. MOMI. IN Tltl Treaaurer of and The base ball game between the me mill-growe- r are ' I u said cjty of Albuquerque, fini-annu- invited to coop tbla road In p""able condition at a - hants of the city the ogtce of Hate VI!.W "I 'i'l m ClrtiM nd n'lmn. for llrowna and Santa Fe ton ma next Son crate." at i.l ii and M. il lit- on It nominal figure. A petition will be pre- - wood A Uat email Wodnesday. an or SMlfr n.i.m. Intrrest due that date ilny promises to bring out the largest A few daya ago X. S. Rime, editor county general refunding bond, dated S. pt' tn of the sesson. There la much Dented to the board of commie KanltattoH waa formed, to be known crowd of the Cerrlllita Register, was here n Nioners, ashing the members to appro Imt l, IWl. No. . at atake from the ball playora' atand conference a the Retail Merchant' association with President Marron of prlate a small aum of money for the nf Ho well. The association appointed BIU PARADE ' 3 Hlut. and the game will le fought t the fair. Todn he writes that street SGTIONS City Trenour. ' south necessary repairs on the county road a committee of Bve to draft a const I m ffff a nniab. About mum reana win Hants Fe count v would be I 3o represent" between Thornton and llland. lutlon and aa follows: M ONH 5..': IICKH.T ADMITS TO RVHUVI HINti. TWO C0MPM:TU liMlllilTIONS DAILY, twtlou 6. That said bond Hhiill b aenoMpany the vlaltora at the fair ly a fine ore exhibit n, ami J. F. H .1 ChlM.-.'- kiooer Mnlf Price. At 1? P. M Omtr Higned by the Mayor of It. R. thin he for apace in Price. PaUeraott. Jaffa. lii Year. and M Open One Hour llvirllor. ni ri Tbowaa arrived hero asks which to make ELIZABiTHTOWN. Foratari. U. HoeenwaJd. They are to iiiiintersigned and regtsteieii in morning from Magdalen and apent he exhibit. every thereof, and the , family, who now The Silver City moot aevond Tuesday or eacn SPECIAL POPULAR CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS. urixiraio the lay with hla are Independent iik From the Miner. A seal of said city, attested by It CI' i k. .1:13 If month at the ottire. of Oat ewood Wll.l. KXIIIHIT AT rosily No North that Indication count anything , domiciled at for high peaks llateman. The assoclstlon elected M affixed to each bond, and the cotimn rnoroaa v. the Orant county The around Ktlsabetb -- SKK Firth atreet. Mr. win lea mineral exhibit at wore snow Wedues Simon as manager for one year. thereto attached shall be cxc. ut. tonight for I'errlltoa. where be will the territorial fair at Albuquerque in town covered with AI,BUaUBKQ,im Friday, Sep. 27 la., morning. The very first of the the lithographic i Ignsture of hni l look Hfter the imurovementa whtcii 'Vtober will ho the flncat collection Treasurer appearing thereon of peclmeua beautiful for thla season. From the Register. Ressrvsd numbered seats and admissions thow day at O. A. Watson & are being made on the now amelter ever gathered together E GIHUFFt 0. ipU II. 11. Argue broke away from th S. D'LV SOS Setion That Wien all Consolidated Mining and rrom mat section. And the agri ul Samuel McCaituey bought T 1 Ce.'s book ators, West Railroad svsnus. Unlike ether shew, prites at of the n and coupons have executi-,- I attraction of the long rt. five-acr- e ten aii Smelling ominy. turn exhibit will not be far behind. Roach' tract and dwell downtown offices are sxactly th same as charged at regular ticket wag- registered, enough to pay a Hying viall to camp ing $l,fmo. He bought A V as aforesaid. th kIiiiII t"i I'. A. who wan man Tomorrow morning Sheriff Thomaa for alo KNOWN I t) KXIST. on en shew groundc. Mhlnuer. the Ho arrived Saturday and will return property for $1.uo'i deiuercd to the purchasers tlf icnf it nger and typnaetter of the llland Her h. (lubbeii nnd rVrretarv P. F. Mc (ogjur residence accordance with the Urm of Canon will leave for to the east In a few days. The gathering and packing of can h.uo aid the pant few montha, returned t T.oroton i.n.l work heretofore agreed upon, .ind th. s from there they will John has returned to tilnupes, tomatoes and other product K. HBnk. mm lial hi Wlnnlow, aaklng Tient for purposes is one taken of ald option, and said the elty laat night to rlett hla oioth.'i visit the San at the spending territorial that arising from tho sale m,,i i Douilllgo Indian Denver mine after ba made anch a demand for worker ret t of n Mexican burglar t. Ill four-tent- higher. -R- epub-ilrau. a nf for a abort time. It la quIUt likely rlllaae. where thev for the at aud bond be refunded at lower rate livery thertnif shall be used oi. i r. p will visit the Indian governor aome time with hla family In Springer. that It ha been dtlllcult to And help by thu oi Mul.i Apodaca. who Interest; that Mr. Skinner wilt return to tlx and hln Mm. one nanio and. the purpose of refunding sml pirni. council and make arrangement I.amb and tho little have .if any kind about Roawell for week was uppo-- i l to he coming east on Corbltl mining district after liia vlalt for been very alck, but Improving In Whereas. The holders of the said the said outstanding bonds nf Hin me corn or Ute are (lathering appbx commenced thin No. 1 In was Stage here, for the puritoae nf developing uaiicera village to give train It. n.iln scorched Oarpenters Retorned. bond have failed, refused or neghw city of Albuquerque, date I .Inn, xhlbltlona of the famous health. week and that makes labor atlll mor on Its at.iMil tut the Mexican had ', wiiiie mining proiterty which lie ae dance at Commllouer Harry llralnard re. Oeorge U. West and Vernon ted to surrender the same under the IXiio; and In any event, upon the I cured while m the Itlaml Herald. me Territorial fair. In demand. changed oft to a local train follow Coomb, rtage cBrpenter and scenic provisions of the acta of the territory livery of refunding any S turned from the special meeting of J. 11. Charles was taken 111 said bond, or Iast night at o'clock while I'nwl Ing and was arreted about midnight have ret uri;(i to the city and of New Mexico in behalf of Kgid All member of tht) Maceab4H lodg the commlaeuMier. The contract Saturday on the round-u- came'it artist, that made them, a like amount of the dent Marron. 8cer tary McCanim and t, ami by Derm t Mniabal MvCoy. An officer employ by Zlr-hu- t are rettueated to be present at the the Ponll bridge was lot to tho Itutlcn to He grew rapidly have been ..I Manager and provided; ami. outstanding bond, to be refund. I il few invltnl friend were teal Inn in town. worsi nrrlved fr ni Wlnslow and look the In setting in meeting at Odd Felhiwi' hall thla eve Bridge company of Pueblo for Jl Dr. pronouMOetl the Ootambo I Whereas. Said Ik ids have been du thereby as aforesaid, shall be mtim,! some aample of redllght firework and Parkhurst hi prisoner back the same evening. hail, wIM nlng. At the eloae of ahort buainwc ISO. be appendicitis thought which have on the hoard, ty caned for payment, aad refunding, taneoiialy paid nnd cancelled. tl I" aent here by W. II. William trouble to and the-entir- e noors will open of the o romnSmclBg next Monday, for lentlon being to change but not tn in aesakm the be thrown Angelas inreworkrf factory, the fir. J. It. Wheeler of Colorado lias a Wednesday that an operation would bonds of said city to the anregate to public, a will by a Watermelon week, the eelebrated and re- crease the Indebtedness of ity i f th and cobweb aoclal department enjoyed a lively run. The quired possession aale of nave to no performed, lie wag bet amount aforesaid dnly awarded anil aii t .1111. I I. nowned Ruble Theater company. A Albuqnorjue by the I tip hem. The cobweb will be aure nroworaa were set to burning the rrench, Henry. Jack and er later ami now thought to be and cholera arv eaally aesoclatc sold to N. W Harrla A Co.. of Chicago. Issuam nf .iu IroiKrly everybody who on ih Montnxuma. grave nw program for every performance , III. refunding bond, or any of tin m catch attend, vacant lota at the corner of Fourth Hull of the Wood and out of danger. This dn aded trouble of the at not lea than their par value, liverybody Invited to come and aev the lltnmtuke mines and the fifteen-tam- Klsa White, who haa been Ink lug bowels ran.e murh suffering, painful O wnii i, nam remaning nonns, ll is Section 7. That all ordluam r nreci and Railroad avenue. An ex cramps, Shooting at Portalaa. parts of In ujtii uat what fine people the Maccabeea Itable Individual, seeing glar mill known aa the Fletch r an artcnlftu well for J. J. HagermaM piofuve sweating and intense agreed, "hall be of the date, denomin- ordinances. rontlirt are. the mill. are In with vomiting, purging Wilt Carson, a snloonheeper the provisions of thl orditium h of the blase and not mopping In These properties situated on i. ilralfa stock farm near Oreen thirst aad at Por ation and description hereinafter pro- i to Ponll dis- tales, was Instantly kllbMl and the same are hereby i. t Frank A. Whltteii, one of Uncle quire tho reason, pulled out ptst-- the I'te creek and mining field, struck a good How Tuesday evacuation Trat vigorously with shot aad vided: Now, therefore, rci. his Killer. ohY by Adopted September B, l!)ui San' haadaome military cadet, ae and flred several In tricts and have been closed down for a nigiit at 97A reel tkm It spouts lerry Imsli Pain It Is at lortabe evening He it ordained by the City Council shots rapid sue thlr I long on one-hal- f naf It n Htsnrfarri one Thoma oBgacre. Approved September 9. I9n curwl a leave of abaenr? and arrived reunion. Captain Sutherland heard time account of dlaaentloa and teen and Inches above the cient and rem' of the city of Albuquerque, as follows: litigation. five-eight- edy. 2fi 50c. shooting 1 O. N. MA It It ON' lat night on a ahort viait to hi tbo hot and thinking a fire aa live and Inch casing. At Diiigglst. and The occurred in the saloon Section That there Is hereby or- that s were, mo parenta. Mr. and Mr. T. A. Whltteu In progre insile a lightning hitch at least Son feet of thl well has been O of Carson and there wit dered to be issued the negotiable lie haa attended three aeMluna ni md Ktaitdi out SAN MARCIAU quicksand and at least Arty wagon OPPICIAL MATTBR8. coupon bond of the city of Alhuquer Attest: of the department Longacre wa C. W. MKDI the Annapoli" military academy and house at a lively speed. The flremn loans nave nee hauicii away. arreated by Deputy que, to the aggregate amount of flfty Kit uuriHff tne pnat ywar. with other returned to their quarter rtprclal Correapoudenee. o Postmaster Appointed hoard of Stolt, making no particular attempt to ihoitand dollars, to he used solely for Clt fb iic, dlagustol get away. Mr. Hair, t Flint publlintiin Seplciubi 11 cadeta. cruiaed to many foreign itorta but nevertheless enjoyed run Kan Marclal. N. M.. Sept. -!. R. It Self Gatehinn a,uallrllon Pereat Suasr- - StoH aad I. hold the purpose of refunding a like S'lnl He la In the brought Mjagacre to Roswell este. evidently love with hla rboaen O U. Miam. dentist, has left here for Ml on to popular favor? It seema to be interwsni. amount of the bonded fndebledne profession and la gaining In Paao. day and placed in Jali to await of said city, evidenced by Ita Sewer- avolrdii Methodist English Missions. A noticeable Increase In sales of I 'Bin POSTMAHTBR8 APPOINTED. hln height. the ellting Of the court the week age ISOfl. Iola and Succea to Albuquer 8. A. Olai. alfalfa king, haa left on fourth-clas- s thlid Bonds, dated June l. nnd The New Mexico Itnglish miSBlo.i Killer comes from golf district The The following postmas of jiip'b naval representative of a vlalt to hi old home In Ohio, and la clear, Now October. more particularly described In the pre the MethodM Fplscopal church loaaon for this as I'errv Da ter have been appointed In Mux No reason foi the trouble is gtvon, Hoi Hlork, the general merchant and nearing the of very will alao go to New York on bualnua vis' !alu Killer Is the oldest Ico; W. II. Hough, Hobart. Hanlu amble hereof close a auccfs and best at being Ho ! aheep buyer at Urauta. railed at Tb fill year. Superintendent connected with the stock exchange remedy extant for sprains, re county, Mr. I. F. Prevoat. loagare retlcei.t. caatc Section 3. That said bond hn A. P. Mor J. H. strains at orfajnallv from Stevenvllle. Tex., and directed to bo be t'lthlaen office thia afternoon and rlson, who ha Tweed has returned from l!a briilaen and soreness, all of which are Kingston, hli rra county ; V Caaa'M, Issued shall nftv in iU Jut returned from i.i ley City for a few days. waa went to the ponltoaitary from number. numerated consecullv, I. ted that he expected In a very fcbort extended trip through l of common occurrence, In rig at Caaaue, Ouadalupe eounty; R central an Alfredo Armljo either Mr. there for twenty yeara for murder rrom one upward, oach to be time to become a has taken n lay off orous play or through , oormanent ritlsen uortnern part of the territory, report accident J. Galucla. at Osctira, Socorro county being oat. H of Albuquerque, will new . to go to Rosedale on business. Everywhere W. afterwards paroamd aa a "Oeaerel Refunding Homl tie return ti one church llnlahed and paid the standard llnament J. Uvckei. at Lynnc, Colfax conn Is HHy. --Roswell Dyspepsia Cure (I rant a tonight and next week aend hb one new parsonage bought lay Walklns haa started to build a and Imlni. ty. married aad has a of the City of Albuquerque. In th alao: fU idi ycle and repair shop Record. County of Bernalillo. Territory of New wife and children to this city, ao tn new preaching placed openeil between the FORKS T SUPHRINTISNDSNT. i dur n d- - Mexico." to be In Dincsts what vou cat. latter can attend the nubile achoola the anmmer; SRo a lice office and Southgate'a old house. K. C. denomination nf cnnteralona; Poreat Suporvlsor McClurc 1 I .am Friday a GALLUP. RKOSIVSS A MBDAU 1 ooo each, and to be payable to bear- HM.illv tllgeit s Hie food ami Mr. lilock will then dlapoae of hla to the hunh and night burglar triad to will duriBK the absence, of llou. I. H. Itart nlds genual er, I rcion-etritctl- nuainoaa anu uopea to remove to thlo Itroenerttr attendlna the work not do Homo robbing In the .Maine hotel, llanna be acting forest supertntcn.1 and to bear Intereat from and after rtnttiro In strenui hetiuiK a Front the Itsimbllcan. Dr. O, a, Crolekshsnk Honoresl Sy tl,.. i xli.iiiHte,) r-- lty by January 1. 1WH. ing the year two old but all that he got was a little cash nt for New Mexico Arlsomt. their date nt the rate of four per (U( .tivc r debU of long George Koeaig gone I and ttllM-otC- that had been left In the drawer, and haa to Am An BOARD OK th Caoasllan Owvorwmewt. centum pec annum, pavaldn eml an- fc(UW. It Htlie'.lti illllK' St-- Hlugllng lints', adverllaiug ar No. sutoaing nave oeen jiein and many ISgUAl.iATION. " ffdes to be for aupendleitle. ti i - N'n 2 reached th city Hubatantlal Improvement a pair of pants that belonged to a treated The board of equailsatlou A few day stare. Pon 'i. nually on the Srat day of March and antitml i ft in r ri !,iniU"U tbi morning from made. fireman, who Messrs. Saunners, nnd Hill, orgmiied Hapten can ii It ICI laao and today the of bill The annual roomed there. Untb Monday nftcmoon by electing lion. Crnlchshauk from tbo Cn bar. iippMn in inicleiicy, It force hcou of the mlaalon Mr tlreot, who employe of the Colorado Supply com government Section 3. That h p poster were busy putting up the act will be held In Santa Fe. on October haa taken the re J. S. Duncuti president and lion. Wn nadlan at Ottawa an .r said bonds shall idi. ttimnenttr curch port of patty, have gone to Colorado. dated September 1. ISO I Dynpoiw-lii- , I -- llejirtlnirn, ond Installment of lithographs Front hi Hisbop Jame N. Fltsgenld, D. I), the river here for the laat coslao Jaiiunlllo aecrotary Hon. Jose tlstti'Blly designed olld stiver medal and become i.nt:t Hon, two Ml It. Slurgll. pit bona at Catnlpa, has payable 1. KlHttileino, jNittit-cit- here the car will go to Ijmi Vega, presidlug. The New Mexico SlMnlnh weeka. has returned to aeo. li. Sena wa appointed Interpreter. for services rendered In 18T0. waring due and on September 1931, Nmr Momucli, I.. M. Lanley wont resignen ma once as deputy sheriff or, at Rick 1 Icitiliii'hc. t iuHt t thence to the Colorado cities. mUalon of the Methodist Molaeoiwl tu Rosedale thl The Itoard corrected the return tr Kentan . Tho dietrfbn the option nf aaid city, at any mlg la. rnni iiti'l morning on mining Price Pipkin has been appointed la time before aald laat nllntlierrcMilUtif liiiN rfoct It. A. Levy, In church will meet at the same time and bulnosa. from San Miguel county upon the At tlon of these mmlals chronicle the mentioned date dioUon. for rears the general Rev. Mrs. L. L. hla place. 1. 11 pmcc. Mauy general church officer and Oladney have chison, ToyekR Santa Ke railway enforcement of the provisions of a on or after September 1SI1; and IVhteaV. mill,H!nl.ilii4 times taeesMUMiae Duaines at 8Mmh. So moved back for good to live Charle Hlcken has bought out the bill ahfill be to smallM. ..ii, u.uiUhKitu corro county, now are expected to lie press nL with rel In accordance with the valuation Used passed by the Canadian parlla there attached each of said I'ikum. iniivi la the buaiaoaa at atirea. Koenig saloon at the nibson "nead neat a couple of yoars ago. earning bonds coupons evidencing the everal Pro pared by C C. DcWITT A CO , Chicago .limres. Mexico, In city i by the board at Its January meeting is the on line" and In connection will run a with it an appropriation to thu Installment of interest due cml an- J.C.llierry an 1 CoaniopolltondruRBtorc. TERRITORIAL FIRE rat-clas- s The iMMrd of county visit to frlenda. He will remain FIGHTERS. OPENING OF THE fl lunch counter. oommlaslonera nually thereon a few daya and i SEASON. of Colfax county waa sustained In the ward all tb volunteer engaged In aforesaid and both then return south. An Myers. Able A Co. of Albuquerque urtlve aervlco during the spasmodic principal and Intereat of said bond o. fteiuM, Effort Being Made te Seeure Albu- run an on property nptaml of Mrs. R. 0. itngledow against Charles the advance rep querque Signatures. Th Ruble Theatre Csmpsny Will De attachment the of the board making final attempt of the Fenian forces to in "ball be pavablo in gold coin of th" the bmsossuJ u., nll, l,A,llli, I I of the Ruble com iteorge waacmcn or uataipa to so Vint.. i pres- LJ.t Ik. 0MIi Theater 11. Here Next Week. Kngledow Canada from the United State t'nlted Slates of America, of th,e r , , imny, la In the city, being Ituppo, chief ut the AlbuiHerqu cure imyment on a note of 8fi. valuation of Mr. lii.tuo. priNble, lun l,lrlc,l, Introduced .1. In In- The medal ha the picture of Que-- n ent standard of weight and flnene. Unm. Tliu,nl.of paid department, who Manager W. Xlrbut haa leased th a number of other appeal. i around by Maugur Xlrhut of the Col ire also served Mr. Tammonv and her two ebll banking I I li time as a Columbo - cluding one of the Victorlo I Victoria on one able; oa the other at the house of N. W Han Is vPl Kn.lxM.lbr In. I i . ,. ombo compauy volunteer fire fighter, is hall and having the ani drcn left for th They will And and o.V.S.1 I te.rmii II hall. Thla will b east visit Cattlo comimuy from the Union Js k and laurel wreath Co.. in the city and state of New MlMl..rlattM Mil. I.,.,., here nest weak. anxious to make tht forthcoming N- w tilted out with new tage, new acen me exposition at and re. the action of Mexico cry and new ami iiurrio imy the board or ounty of vtitb bin name enaiaved on the edge York. or. at the option of the holder hi, I ' MtMMMI.MnhUIrli,ll.iil Volunteer Firemen aaaotU chair, has secured main east all commissioner I 0. W. Ilutslnger. who ha oc winter. Urant by with bis ruglmeiit uiimbcr and the hereof, at the ofSon of the City Trea- - bn tlon. which convenes in l. Vega for the opening attraction the Ruble Uncle Hilly Crane hi count, one the territory of ' cunyiag clerical poattion in of Guam feel m usual nror of and In said city of Albuquer- the dry ueU week, a big success and hat. Theatre company, an organisation of lug pretty young New Moxbo ii to the assessment if ah and ribbon. The Kenlaa department these daya. He Kloei-Mhei- que. xoodf of the Hyde K placed the following fourteen eastern players, will Solomon from tho ounty raid recall an Incident In the career ploratlon petition at hi which thought he was SI years old, but he Section I and Hkpedltlon company at drug store for algnalure: commence a week ettgHgoment of Colfax, an apieal by Dr. (l. W. liar of another popular ritlsen of Socorrc That each of aald bonds .in rouuo an om mule the other day which , coupons Farmlngton. haa arrived In thl city "We, Monday. September 10, wRn rlson from the of the of county not generally known. Captain and shall be respectively m the undersigned, active and a change cut him down seven years. union board " ' M Coony, Socorro's distinguished KiibsUntlally the following forma, to t " . I' W. Slmmerman, the courteona exempt members ut the present aud of plays and apectaltle each night. By report county commissioners of Ouadalupo V press the last from the llsrwv county, mayor, took an active part In this In u: and enlcient claim adjuster of the former Are department of Albnqucr The speaks of this organlxa llllo Oil company they are down aome and of Fred Seholle from the 1 vaaion nf the dominion of Canada, (Korm i Haata Fe system between Ha ton and que, agree to Join an aasocuutoa to Im Hon In tho mot favorable manner thing over 000 action of the board of county commls-- of bond.) l ii. feet with their well and but be was I I Needlea, Oal., left yenterday for the known aa the New Mexico Firemen Their appearance here will undouht everything working alom r of the county of Valencia oa the other side, aad, UNITRD STATBS OP AMMHICA. nr.' north la the edly a large amoothlv. with Snal action was while Dr. Cruickshank waa heroically I.' . Interests of the company association, charging not more than draw attendance during good proapecta of atrlklng oil In the deferred until a later OBJNRRAL R FUNDING BOND OF M. the week. hearing. parading the Canadian fraaUor ami ft I' Harroun. the hydraulic rufin it Initiation fee. not loss than $1 per near future. pinking TBK CITY OF Al.BUQUIORQI'R. IN eer, year due and paying Prleea for thl will be a Keulan at every opportunl TICK COI'NTY left this morning for Santa P not less than attraction Johu It. Keyser, a deputy sheriff ty, Captain Coouey a displaying OF BWINA1.II.I.O. anu inen tu Kmbud izfi death benefit and charging not 26, 35 an I ftp cent Seals ou aale at Seen Haeharwh. TRUR1TOHY OF NRW MRXICO. aanaitom and i rum rocanonia Ark arrived with Jaat aa much beroUm In an attemm to measure the water In the HI lens than lb cent ou assessment upou Mateon's. requisition paper for J. 0. Monday, Next Kihlay evening at aunaal bo-gl- No.- - - ft.oim Urande for the the death of a member." llasbanah, to swim the Niagara river and found Koverument who wa in jail nere charged with In Roh tho Jewish new a new and more advanced Ireland on now nit men bv thi present. IMiputy United tl I'p to dalv the volunteer boys have RATON, ceal K.n.niltted lu Arkansas. He laft year, whirl, observed throttglHMit ThglI tales Marshals not signed any this continent San Marclal Bee the city of Albuquerque, in the John Campbell, it ti. iatherman and with degree of rapid with hi primmer the same day. tho whole Hebrew world a a aaered coanty of Bernalillo, and the territory ity and only about ten names From the HeooHer W. C. aeaaon. dining Frank Hall finished their labor at have Moidl. the rcataiirant man oa which the evoata of ORDINANCE, . trt..-jj'- ) of New acknowledge been placed on paat ) NO Mevbo Santa Ke today and thla evening they the petition. Chief Mii Virginia Rdmund went Ut Railroad avenue, loft with his family the ur are roviewed ami raanln to owe, aad, for value received, hcrci.yiuf will RuptMt, however has not lost heart where he will an for Kansas City A mortsnge lloua nre foi the future, la thia reach the metropolis. make chattel An ordinance providing for the Is promises to pay to bearer the sum of OAVEATS, TRADE and Intends to make a personal call extended visit. held by Henry Hihrader for IIM on city, a .U. hrre, Saturday will b refunding one MARKS. Workmen are now engaged in build on all volunteer paid obaerveii suance nf general bonds of thousand dollsr on September I. COPYUICHTa AND DESIGNS, j y aud Are Agbt Two runaways on Saturday two the stock was hh u holiday and a day of a seven-rotar- baheovta Um and forcclocd ami the slier the city of Albuquerque New Mexico, 1611. with Interest on said mini from Sf ml i "g for ineir signal u roe. ou Monday sugget Iff took iMWHesHlon special woiRhlp. jinir liiilurilirrf I.i it.liiiiKtnn, J kitchen of the Alvarado hotel. The that the ofdlsoace of the property. to the aggregate amoutit of IBO.OOO. the date hereof, until paid, at the rnto im,.', . .it ,irr . ire, i requiring Im- - rigid-l- i ! work la being it purls by A. loams to hltehed bo muni State Marshal Furnker Whereas, Tbla city outstanding of four per centum per annum pa Wiriv.tMttT s r.iwtca leaded ' Preahs sf Lightning. ha T l4Ul m Ally Jrrcr4ii' "Hi Mlifl 4 Fish of Obleago. enforced. came om .rrom Aiimquei(i.. in the The Postal Sued. l& of Sewerage Bond, bearing able e nil annually on the first dii if lb The houae of HnlfaHto OolleexHi neai A heavy hall felt oa Johnson mea. enrl pr it of (he week to HUnii.iog Ave Hev. W II. Johnson haa 111m! .V4VAbh.l.MI,H P .ol NlVk.H.nilll,, ' I .ull Interest ut the rate of six per cent March and September In each yw- , Km. u,m u o the court house was struck by light Friday, doing im n to Ui ii tu mi t,nm,4 i ninwa ! considerable damage in serve on the United States the district court against tho Poatnl per annum, being No, l to r.o innlu evidenced by. and upon the prccnta MMln tpxltlriulf, IM Ill ibi REAL Q&TATE -- .M. TRANSFERS. nlog during the lorm yesterday aft groin crop. The heaviest i gtand Jury, Telegraph - uffen which meet at Albuquer- cotupan.v for failure to de- Ive. and for J I, mm each, all dated tlutt aad uin iidi-i- of the Ind ic t emoow. The heavy :ihock which cann were the Floyd lame, Relislo que on IT- - liver a mcMHsge. INVENTiVEI ACE llroa. tWtemlier The riUm it sterns that when Juno I. tSSO. due June 1. IMO. coupons hereto attached, as thi ev EMtklr UwnU ! j List ef Reeilty and Traaiat-tie-n and re tl ftu Mlnkta ahont !:S wa the one which stru k and John Uttoa. were Peter Kitchen. T. N Hlnch, J. 0. the onng daughter of Rev. Johnson deemable, option orally become due: Roth principal - 8lk Last Rsnert. the houae. it wa slightly damaged Mtaa Murphy Moloney. urge Might (Tied, at the of this cltv, c n o nncoo r' Marv who taught In 0 and Felipe 8a niiiingetaent foi ihu funenil at any time before mentioned and Interest payable In gold coin nf u. awijTrw- fkMk Armljo y wt luckily no one was hurt. the Raton school rn K. morn. iwrly v, ,(. ti ist oiuucno.wVsHiNoVoN, o otero and wile to verai years, made before the boily was dale ator June 1. 1900; aud. the United States or America, of (be ii. v UaaiMo a. ArtBiJo. lot and to Saturday afternoon while Oeronlnu waa In the city lam Friday Sat- The public ichool In WOTO brought Ke. p. t awl lliillup (,ni Santa The tele Whereas, All of aald Imnds are tho present standard of weight and line Vloch , M y Archlbeque was gathering crop m urday visiting gne t mh-Id- h Armljo Otero addltloa; his fri.nd will opeoed on SepioMhor with S74 umm wim was sent concerning It ness. banking N. Y. tno. oats a valid ami legally blading obligations at the house of at bis place at Snpello a stroke teach thl term at tlallup, aad full curp of laeeaers, Ruled to iinivu null I after the bed oHy, Harris Co., In of lightning A young of thia and it Is tor the best Inter, the city aad state of SO YEARS' Klliaboth 8. Cuulon to Alphoqa.) struck blm and hi toam man. n match and a wngte whose name ate a foiinw' Mrs, Brno. ii,,,,,. the aolt. s elaims eats of this city, that advantage New York. or. at the option of the Clarion, dead He was gathering aheaj bpeiiet. Smith, Mclm-r- i !s zxpsmetics. half intereat In tract of land. the but all mblned. started a Are w Mlei Hrown. OWy damages ih sum of fl.uoo. Ia holder hereof, at the nihee of the city 7h'ta aud was driving a team )B Trov x to-.- . Murph nnd Vegas f.t, situate on went side if of the oil eigsr store which, bqt (or MeNailen Mr. i!o4s-O- iptii Treaaurer of aad In said oHy of Al- am-sume- d will Third mtreet between Tljeras canyon horses which formerly drew street Hs llmeh diacovery, might hare haw charge of the school iU :.asICtlrii..;.Uyi.: pay- In buquerque; and for the prompt load .and Marquette avwuue. U.inm. cars tht elf Iju Vegas Optic ki veral biilldiags Aa It wm, Olarkviii. The hoot at (lli aon and MaKlnlsy County im.i by Kly s i : . ui whkb ta . AtseMment. ' ment of tbla bond, with Interest as FraaclMo tUca u William P. alei the on I) damage done wag to a tie-phon-e Catalpi will open u, H f,.w wwk. 'Phe comilt i iiinmlsaiouasa kll n f arasnulls. : I l'.roij( n , aforesaid, at maturity, tho fall faith, A ! Dilatory Bi , . , i ' i calf, to4klrd of giautors' Interest in ssesesr, and the Interruption at boat iiuin of the sJsmal eortiM i tu meetiHg on i hnHday. la aaglUou jOJ V: credit and resources of said city of tke flalmiTeliM I ami neaa on Nat I. um I iu,-- , tl Upon the Informatton of Territorial the Portal telegraph wires for Uusrd waa orgar.liie here to rputTne transacted, W. W. v.4h Arhaquer.iue are hereby Irrevocably 'jw ftogar A Aattoa Ftiiry (1. a-- few on September 3. : n fK'O. i . 1.1". . f ! HT.B and wife to Isaac H Auditor W Sargent a citation was minute It Is composed of iilsMUH wmi in, iiucihi io BJBge a MMP plmlajod. This bond ia . le-m- i . redeemable t a Cox, tot 10. In block U. In Browns ll by Judge I) II e The attached Ui the city gar th. following wambera l leutengHt of McKlnley . I it . USOtc Issued McMillan i.ninn fBP vaiaoof 'I'.' the option of the city, before Its ma-torit- ' A 1 7 .', hagc wagon l H Noting; I.i. ireoUu.jje ' IM addition. teroey commanding Joaquin Outlet raa away Mosoay mom serseOMts. KI QmImh uroporir ""H 11111)' retwaol hy as aforesaid, n .iii.I R on and after twi 1.' J. R Carpenter and wife to Fmnk res. of Ouadalupi luy but Hiatn cante to grief. They IjUMlsMH; corporal UaiiatMli t'ir Ihly vaymr la 41 . oiinu ( WL ty years from the date hereof. A A A-- i Mw r C. ITS.0SS. r ,r ! -- A. lgbbtll. block in the 'I and Thomaa'or Ptcmlag. aasessor f .tarted from the aliey at the rear i and 0. Rimm li. iMimpet The rate th.. town nt rial. 'l r r l a Thla bond limited by said city of Mendelwm h gwlBg south, WIIIiium la ItTS. .m, to I. , RieMu IT60. (Herj county, to BPP' ar lirfore him store, turn MeSpgrrou prhut.n John Ian Tin rr m,. nallup 'I Vlbuquerqwc for the purpose of pat ing fUBWut dc Vi-- i in k v t'havc and show why they bhould not Ing est.1 n Saugdsrs and im. ' "imo. . W. Oomtrich I iiordon, school dltrl( t i ut ui,. ,,f i I... .tl,.. I mm ' uitup. Is oft refunding n llhe amount of it piece )f i n I t niiiK into large pole In fi n.t r "Us Myers, W. C. 47TS. Tin for k 1 im a load In of ta relax he punished according law for fall the Moiiironi. w ll aie ti.e nmnt) t uirma valid aad hmdtBg ladebtedne evi- I thi i li phone oStce. I'rl-- e 1 1400. Ing to have with Hi territorial an The wsion John (Wo. Orln Nuillnrd. F. la Sfbk. The rate lu.t MHr was I'.o. lb :i- - i denced Iuf.iii iwHiied and i but horweH Roth C M. I. 51'! i t . . Juan J atonUno fjni lf. in ui.e, Itoi for liiKiMM't n I,, il, lerrltm il wrwkeii the Sabln. I' smith I. R?. .md The Hit. Ml liend tieailtiK a higher I ' ' ( I i i m'e a piece in ln t Itolllil iiiIKi n II f l imy W Tauimoiit sessmeut for the n i.r i Tloniero of laud nf l.l' ae stn.r i;.,n,,,, of iiii 'him in .a . v vkn. . nii uik I I - I HoilKeS vuf .um I, r. i mail. Tin ...I inn. . ,ii. ii,.. i ,,, i. N adera UtiriUi .m.- fl the axxenMii M i. l' .f their aild im ir.. m inline mm. i'.. .1 . I la vik .,mhtl 0. Uhiii in maul tn in,, in full i MUWN It t . ililliW h ' op i i,,,. ioinril wf tbu New f urfc ti. ;. am im.r to RuifHtia ; tlM I, until r Nl. lid Hod( nf h, ,i,n ; 'ipilii .'"dii' im ' ii..iu 1 1. tlun It was last ui wn. ii, h jirvMirii hulid i.rvMraui. Alth. &Coti4e,B'" :i' the IihIhIuUS ut gu act OttMiii. iJOHm. is, i . ., WMuuHvu, It C