University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-14-1901 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-14-1901 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-14-1901." (1901). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/376 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 10. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEjgCO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMHKR 14, 1901. NUMBER 44 rmu .1 1. 1 mt I x ALONG THE . w n lltM.' ' tim' n .mmIii.. follow, excepting Otero and Cuadn- - RAILS. " "i toora locked. Nevertheless g tobber Captain A M Brooks arrived aa It should be. In n measure tkay lupe counties, which have not yi t re nnu appearance NEW MEXICO TOWNS, rt.im h, ii"i ,ipi n.'d in the saloon thnt tarn" bis and th-N- ew had de lHnver (o is posit!. m with . aaem to have been nverlookatl by our ported for thin vcar aad the new coun nertflwt aicept n'l.'H- - in. nnm lence and nerves Mexico Tie A Timber Co Cup otisinesa men, and yet exhibits or On I ties of Mi Klnl. v and I.una. which Investigation FSnm7 tii' i.'itiuin hKiid io eommlt Inhuman Interesting Information oradn .mH Further revealed thr tain Brook was adjutant lo the I'lmt - Rigardlnf manufartHmra nihnr wnl make their flrst antesament returns me wno was i. urta roubl be advantage tsn mat reiiow. evl 8nnln Lm Farmingtsn Colorado regiment and had the hon x made with Klght countleH Hhow actual gain dentlv well acutislnieii with tt smmi F, Vtfnt, r MHS RALPH II ILL, Railroad Officials and hoisting the flrst American flait in V i Employos, io me inuusirien represented. The while one. tiinnt county, shows a ici ises. had entered the blacksmith shop r.i .1 nr ie Reporter W. C. T U. many . and AUmaHortlfl, Manila. ., attendance of Colorado people atlve gain. Kildi nunty leads with ;i from a rear window and than made Vmld hari. ..aw.l It; Ita lalrall gain i f $ ('.! . then romea Chaves m- - way tarongn mc snnp OFFICIAL MATTBRS. drawing New Mexico and into the Mershantt Protest. NEWS IN AWWCMATEl) fORM. and thia ata'e couniv wllh a asm of $157,657. Ran names nepanmcni. tnenca U tn mnnv eiiwfMjr Hon. r. A. Kdlt-.- r . V mio sympainy wim earn Miguel a gain of Valencia. office. Here he used his chisel hxr flrst IIWT WIEMFJTIM6 I'ARASlMI'lil. Iluhbell snd I'KNSION (IRAMTHD. K ' tftar. We naggest to our Albuquerque 2I2.M)0. Lincoln IIB.20B, Colfax. pr Ing open tor Monloya, who were at Santa i tin t ..niiett of Saa Astasia, So It the m(t4le drawee of the Meads that would be a aood plan Han .luan. flfi.uo Honta Ke. wnere on matters of Interest brore tin "i nut), hs been gitMttad a sen- - Track Ikying hi being pushed hi fast ror til Ml. J. air, ne round oniy lasmrsacf iaeu to come to Henv.r during 0.296 Nine (ountlea show losses, papers and territorial board of equalisation re high-cKn- ..i,,n i.r xh a month. n poioi on urn umw rosu. me ! is which he did nejr want. 8ANTA FB. A t reeiivai w mouniain and plain, be olhiws Mora. .s0; Union. $.- - then the third ilrsvnr mihHimIiiIi turned to the oH$r laat aiaht and re prepa- I'OHTMASTMt APPOlctTSJO. W It. PbllHr. thaeheeper m the iaulna the 1st of Ocinhsr ml tr. twT.w, merta. tTS.74l.: itlo Arrtba Money. This drawer he tool along norUtd ibnt a raaolatloa had been in ration In t very wixy. I Pollard haa bem local rwpaflad Uts mane acquaintance From the Mew Xleihaia. troducatT the meeting bout t . t a4ausl shop. It m steh their la this rlty IBI.Mfi; Socorro, 12ft!, TM; tJoaa Ana. wim mm, sner throwing nil at of the i....iii,MM. Kspanola. mm Fa oat the 1(1 elotjanr dressing. vtolt An - list lo Albaawwae duriag the week iiwi.pis; Taos. I3M.BIt; Clraat, $122 aan aner rontnng ta aountet Rev W. Hayes Moore hnw returned Iworsaae the aaaessed valuation ...iii'v i.i iiiceed M. S. nroia rw- I of the - nroperty In 16 N novo had Ml Mi rcHM. Ntaahed Territorial fair. Denver fte- iwM.wm; uernmuiio, TBI cash drawer. He evidently Rift the from a trip to Dearer. i"' cities to jht .nt Alvty.. pn l.VTti. Mr 91 K. snd In country restoros ""'i'oSTOKKICM lv biting a cylinder head mil on II oiican. show gains of $3,761.SM.26 and losses premises by the same way he goi tr. Sidebottom la reaoverli t precincts in pr cent MTAM4tUIMI-- 1 i color o nt the local shops yesterday. or s2.niT.mi7. R. sbowtag a net gain ror he dropped at intervals algjig the nicely fnai an attach of paralysis when the resolntlon was submitted rJJiyhtJr,tho poauiffice haa boas ssjhllshsd st THR AnVBRTWINO CAR. for 19 counties out of the 21 since Hhiip Olouso B. McMttbn of Albuqaerqu. ' Hoa. J. M. Saademl en- - iidefonso. in Saata ra cAWaajr, I. Ii II Robinson and It. C. Clark of last en route to the opened window rp,i tttxrk, rich color it aad tie Albuquerque shops are visiting The management of the twenty-A- year or i 8 1.169.60 In the assessed vsl bits or paper which Mr. Raft reeog was in the i apltal on business. ' a vigorous protest aad made K tlomex has been a4njajMM post- - K. 1.. ' Bae point In his usod to TKo T'i'.hn tciatlvea and friend. annual Territorial ratr to bv held at nation This will be considerably In nixed as having been in the mssslns Medler of Albuquerque was w,m' talk against , ho.vo. IIISKtl'l Albuquerque from 19 t ressed, It Ih bell-ve- d. bv the asses in tbe city on legal baslaess. he adoption of the resolution A NKW PAMPKLdsT. K. V Hpemer, who I October It to afe drawer. lmir fjrows rthvpidly, employed tt inclusive, Ih making ttients of Otero (luadalusw K air. ann Mrs. w. II. a numner m The immigmtlaa the local railway hospital, reports all the effort of their a:id conn Mr. other reported the mgflt r ti Honors aad iiw ieiesrain stops iiureaii f has just lives to muke this event eclipse aad ties, probably bHnglng the total aa-- Marshal MrMlllln aa smm as IS.II.I. daughter of Ccrrllloa are visitors In from merchants and cltlien of AH u comlnjj out, IhkiknI a sixteen page pagltSllal de-- the pstlcnt getting along nicely. rm. qnerque have liei-- n sent I urpass all previous fairs held In New sfnumtent of the territory up to almost after the robbery was dta-nveM- snd saata to the ten becomes soft jxnd iiptire of tbe resources aad the An order haa been posted iwnuir-in- $.tfl.2l.ffll.tg A. IMgn to torlsl board of equalisation. Santa Fe Mexico. They have adopted olrcns t7.oon.nnn against laat "mm a nan nnur ail itut pOTHSl ma ratiiraed from Socorr progiess of Colfax couaty. The edi- t . protesting Ii smooth, evil engineer attach their oaajlne methods of advertising and a eaectal year. hlnery of the city waa working In here be did conaMorable fresco against the Injustice mil and dan- tion ih coplee aad will ha Judi t i - - a ml nil thirty Mlaute before lenv- car nannaomeiy decorated with Taking the figures of th.- last rensu unison to kwste a man who It ande work for the Maw Mexico school of resolution would rendr to the tit druff disappear. h.usiv distributed by the buraaa of iik time. streamers and lithographs, the capita assessment iiNplclon by miaee. les and asking that It be not pa I iinmlKinti.in. the Topaka containing ihi of each both Mr. Rorber aad hl If T ' . 11.1 rt Atcataon. A I - BOO Mrs. It. RUham It la the opinion of St here an- now about can of ma a ran corne of billnoatera. arrived hen, county, including the railroad assess iiookki'eper. aad Miss JaHn it several w.li ,4 II simtH t. Railway rompaay, the I - known attorneys l.tlai in In- yards at laming for thf last ereaiag aad haa posted and billed ment Is as rollows: Chsves $r.u per The man suspected has iHsfn si de forest of New York prominent in that the board would Yi.iiu.ii am i ompaay aad nltlsea be acting by Un- IiIhIm ) mail anl a largo form of man tha town. head: l.uns. $6M; Rddy. 61:1; Sierra. work at Rnrber'a for the iwsl few tae taeatrtcai worn, left for the en it Illegally ad'PtliiK if k ii hi Copies rsa bo had free if km i.u at work unloading the name The races will uadoabtedly be the $414; Colon $41.1; (Irani. 2811: Col weeks, but he fslbxl to show J thi; after spending a fe days In this said resolution. hut. ih.ii applbation to the bureau IHik Morris, the engineer, spent nest ever witnessed la the southwest fax. $270; McKlnley. 2(i; Mm oln. mornlnit. He hss a "nal" heral wllh lty. "f iniuiiaralion . The half-mil- e I.
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