SAN TA C RUZ BI OTEC HNOL OG Y, INC . ACTG2 (m): 293T Lysate: sc-118229

BACKGROUND CHROMOSOMAL LOCATION All eukaryotic cells express Actin, which often constitutes as much as 50% Genetic locus: Actg2 (mouse) mapping to 6 C3. of total cellular . Actin filaments can form both stable and labile struc - tures and are crucial components of microvilli and the contractile apparatus PRODUCT of muscle cells. While lower eukaryotes, such as yeast, have only one Actin ACTG2 (m): 293T Lysate represents a lysate of mouse ACTG2 transfected , higher eukaryotes have several isoforms encoded by a family of . 293T cells and is provided as 100 µg protein in 200 µl SDS-PAGE buffer. At least six types of Actin are present in mammalian tissues and fall into three classes. α-Actin expression is limited to various types of muscle, whereas β- APPLICATIONS and γ-Actin are the principle constituents of filaments in other tissues. ACTG2 (Actin, 2, , enteric), also known as ACT, ACTE, ACTA3 or ACTG2 (m): 293T Lysate is suitable as a Western Blotting positive control γ for mouse reactive ACTG2 antibodies. Recommended use: 10-20 µl per lane. ACTL3, is a 376 γ-Actin that localizes to both the cytoplasm and the and, like other Actins, is involved in various types of cell Control 293T Lysate: sc-117752 is available as a Western Blotting negative motility and structural maintenance. control lysate derived from non-transfected 293T cells. Muscle Actin (4i346): sc-71625 is recommended as a positive control anti - REFERENCES body for Western Blot analysis of enhanced mouse ACTG2 expression in 1. Miwa, T. and Kamada, S. 1990. The nucleotide sequence of a human ACTG2 transfected 293T cells (starting dilution 1:100, dilution range 1:100- smooth muscle (enteric type) γ-Actin cDNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 4263. 1:1,000). 2. Miwa, T., Manabe, Y., Kurokawa, K., Kamada, S., Kanda, N., Bruns, G., Ueyama, H. and Kakunaga, T. 1991. Structure, location, and DATA expression of the human smooth muscle (enteric type) γ-Actin gene: evo- lution of six human Actin genes. Mol. Cell. Biol. 11: 3296-3306. AB 3. Ueyama, H., Inazawa, J., Nishino, H., Han-Xiang, D., Ochiai, Y. and Ohkubo, 55K– I. 1995. Chromosomal mapping of the human smooth muscle actin gene 43K– < ACTG2 (enteric type, ACTA3) to 2p13.1 and molecular nature of the hindIII polymor -

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