Hidden Europe 9 (July2006): Post Haste Through the Åland Islands

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Hidden Europe 9 (July2006): Post Haste Through the Åland Islands issue 9 — july 2006 € 7,00 / £ 4.85 hidden europe the magazine exploring Europe’s special spaces the Georgian Military Highway Istrian interludes Adriatic small states features Åland Islands www.hiddeneurope.co.uk source: hidden europe 9 (July 2006) © 2006 Nicky SC Gardner, Gardner & Kries GbR feature www.hiddeneurope.co.uk post haste through the Åland Islands he little port of Grisslehamn is an the Swedes have an appetite for ground tobacco amiable enough spot, but scarcely a unmatched by any other nation in Europe. T travel destination in its own right. Its The Ålands are a complex archipelago of claims to fame are slight; some interesting more than Qve thousand islands, rocky islets associations with Albert Engström, Sweden’s and skerries that lie between Finland and Swe- hard hitting satirical cartoonist, and a handsome den and, although part of the European Union, mid-eighteenth century postmaster’s house that this scatter of islands lies outwith the EU’s Qscal looks out over the Baltic. regime — a little accounting curiosity that the The morning Eckerö Linjen ferry leaves Åland Islands share with Mount Athos, the tiny Grisslehamn with its customary very Swedish theocratic polity on a peninsula that juts into the punctuality. Naturally, there is entertainment northern Aegean (and featured earlier this year for the kids, so the under-aged are detained by in hidden europe 6). a clown and conjuror while their parents rav- The crossing from Grisslehamn to Eckerö age the duty free shops. The ferry is bound for is an exercise in Scandinavian comfort. A dozen Eckerö in the Åland Islands. And because it is variations of pickled herrings on the smörgås- headed for the Ålands, that means duty-free. bord! This is a far cry from the open rowing Cigarettes, aquavit and snu! — yes, snu!, for boats that used to leave Grisslehamn, carry- hidden europe 9 / july 2006 36 ing over to Åland the mail that was eventually bound for Russia. For the modern Eckerö Linjen ferry plies one of the most historic of Europe’s old mail routes. From 1638, this was part of the postal route from Stockholm to the Swedish city of Åbo (now Turku in southwest Finland). After Sweden ceded Finland and Åland to Russia in 1809, the Åland mail route became one of the main arteries for conveying post to St Petersburg — the safe passage of the mail was entrusted to scale 1:5m Åland’s farmers and Qshermen. scale 1:1.6m the thick broken line delimits the boundary between the autonomous Åland region and Finland proper Once in the Åland Islands there are every- The Eckerö Linjen ship arrives at Eckerö where reminders of the old postal route. The two hours after leaving Grisslehamn. Eckerö is ÅlandstraQken ferries that provide lifeline links an impressive introduction to Åland, as it was, to the remoter eastern islands in the archipel- for over one hundred years, the western gate- ago, and on to Finland too, all carry the Rag of way to the Russian empire. It was here that the the Åland postal service. Though nowadays, it mail boats docked, bringing the post from Swe- must be admitted, on the ferry from the Ålands den bound for St Petersburg. So travellers on across to the Finnish island of Kustavi, one is the modern ferry from Grisslehamn expecting much more likely to encounter a Russian refrig- to Qnd in Eckerö no more than a remote island erated truck taking Qsh to St Petersburg than a pier will be surprised. For Eckerö is the Baltic’s sack of mail for Russia. On two of the smaller is- answer to Odessa. True, the few steps up from lands in the Åland archipelago, Vårdö and Kum- Eckerö’s pier cannot match Odessa’s Potemkin linge, there are wooden signposts which are de- stairs, yet in both places there is that well man- nominated in Russian versta (верста), a unit of nered civility of a port that set out to proclaim distance measurement that was used in Tsarist times. One versta was slightly more than one opposite: boathouses along the shore of the island of Lappo; kilometre, and St Petersburg is recorded as be- top: the Åland Islands lie in the Baltic at the southern end of ing some seven hundred verst away to the east. the Gulf of Bothnia (maps © Collins Bartholomew Ltd) hidden europe 9 / july 2006 37 within the Nordic Council. But when it comes to the European Union (EU), the parallels between the Faroes and the Ålands end. While the Faroes have studiedly kept their distance from the EU, the Åland islanders voted to join the EU — but only after their neighbours in both Finland and Sweden had already opted for membership. But the canny folk on Åland have a very special posi- tion in the EU and retain a valued tax free status. Hence the snu! on the boat over to Eckerö. The Ålands’ unusual Qscal regime has prompted a few quirky oddities in the Baltic ferry timetables the Åland Islands have their own postal administration, a (see ‘context’ opposite). mark of the archipelago’s autonomous status In the days when the mail from Sweden to Russia went via the Åland Islands and on across the water to the Finnish island of Kustavi, it fell its status as a gateway to the empire of the Tsars. to the locals to transport the mailbags through Eckerö’s post and customs house in Storby, just the islands. Plotting winter routes across north of the modern pier at Berghamn, is a neo- icebound waters was no easy task, especially classical extravagance, designed by German ar- at the start and end of the season when thin chitect Carl Ludvig Engel whose better known ice conditions made for treacherous journeys. buildings include Helsinki’s Lutheran cathedral Nowadays, ferries ply the island routes all year (Helsingin tuomiokirkko) and the main building round, complemented in the hardest winters by and library of the University of Helsinki. ice roads, which allow adventurous motorists Few of those who disembark will venture to drive between islands across the frozen beyond the comfortable tranquillity of Eckerö sea. But winter travel of yesteryear demanded and the neighbouring island of Fasta Åland. a detailed understanding of the ice; nor was ‘Fasta’ means mainland and that gives a clue, for summer navigation much easier in this puzzling Fasta Åland is by far the largest of the Ålands, and home to the territory’s capital at Marie- hamn, a homely place founded by Tsar Alex- There are commonplace threads to island life that we encounter in island communities all over Europe. ander II, and named in honour of his consort One is the problem, in very remote island communi- Marie. Yes, these islands really do have a capital, ties, of disposing of cars that have given up the ghost just as they have their own parliament, Rag, car after a lifetime of service. The interlinked islands that licence plates and their own postage stamps. The make up the community of Brändö are no exception, Åland Islands are one of Europe’s real geopoliti- and there are, scattered across the islands, but par- cal curiosities. Swedish speaking in the main, ticularly on Torsholma, some Qne examples of 1960s they are an autonomous territory of Finland. automobile design rusting away in ditches. The modern Ålands manage to keep in touch Medical services are always a challenge in some communities, and although Brändö has a resident with the ebb and Row of life in Finland proper, nurse, for more serious illnesses and accidents a and yet somehow Åland is cut adrift from the medical team has to be brought over by speedboat detailed currents of Finnish politics. Uniquely or helicopter from Finland proper. Dr Janne Castren, privileged under international law, the autono- the local doctor, must surely be one of Europe’s more mous status of the islands was Qrst recognised interesting general practitioners, with a responsibil- by the League of Nations in 1921. The modern ity for providing medical services to several dozen position of the Åland Islands with respect to island communities — some part of ‘real Finland’, Finland is in some measure comparable to that others, like Brändö, in the Åland autonomous region. Not many doctors get to spend their professional of the Faroe Islands vis-à-vis Denmark. Both is- lives being ferried in a chic Marino speedboat from land groupings have their own parliament, and island life one patient consultation to the next. both have the status of autonomous territories hidden europe 9 / july 2006 38 archipelago with its thousands of skerries and Åland ferry connections shallow seas. That onward journey, eastward from Eck- context erö across the islands and on to Finland, can be f you have ever combed the Baltic ferry retraced by the modern traveller in just a couple schedules — the sort of thing we do on of days, but few who embark on the old Rus- I winter evenings — and wondered what sian mail route ever complete it that quickly. impels the Viking Line (www.vikingline.Q) Whether it be summer or winter, the haunting night boat from Stockholm to the Finnish port beauty of the Ålands’ minor islands is seductive. of Turku to stop o! for Qve minutes at three in In planning an Åland journey, Brändö, for ex- the morning at the tiny port of Långnäs in the ample, may look like no more than a port of call Åland Islands, think duty free! For tax free shop- along the way. Once ashore, Brändö’s rocky land- ping is still available on all ferries between any scapes of Qrs and lichens, convoluted coastlines two EU states that include the Åland Islands on and eerily silent bays are apt to confound the their itinerary.
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  • Radioactivity of Fucus Vesiculosus Along the Finnish Coast in 1987
    STUK-A83 May 1988 RADIOACTIVITY OF FUCUS VESICULOSUS ALONG THE FINNISH COAST IN 1987 Supplement 9 to Annual Report 1987 (STUK-A74) Erkki Uus, Seppo Klemola, Kirsti-Liisa Sjöblom and Tarja K. Ikäheimonen Säteilyturvakeskus Strälsäkerhetscentralen Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety Helsinki, Finland STUK-A83 May 1988 RADIOACTIVITY OF FUCUS VESICULOSUS ALONG THE FINNISH COAST IN 1987 Supplement 9 to Annual Report 1987 (STUK-A74) Erkki Hus, Seppo Klemola, Kirsti-Liisa Sjöblom and Tarja K. Ikäheimonen Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety P.O.Box 268, SF-00101 HELSINKI FINLAND ISBN 951-47-1474-1 ISSN 0781-1705 Helsinki 1988. Valtion painatuskeskus 3 ABSTRACT Samples of Fucus vesiculosus were collected along the west and south coast of Finland at 25 stations in June-October 1987. More detailed surveys were conducted in the marine areas surrounding the nuclear power stations at Olkiluoto and Loviisa. The samples were analysed for gamma-emitting radionuclides and partly also for 90Sr and transuranic elements. From the twelve gamma-emitting radionuclides detected in the Fucus samples, 40 K, 106 Ru, 110" Ag, 134 Cs and 137 Cs were found in nearly all samples. 54Mn and 65Zn were almost regularly detected in the sam­ ples from the Olkiluoto and Loviisa areas and commonly also along -che whole coast, whereas 60Co was rarely found at the coastal stations outside the immediate vicinities of the power stations. The activity concentrations of l3 7 Cs varied in the Fucus samples from 80 to 670 Bq kg*1 dry weight. The highest values were found in the Loviisa area and in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and the \ lowest in the Archipelago Sea.
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