n Page 2 Editorial n Page 3 "What defines us Focus – what unites us," n Page 4 the Konrad-Ade- nauer-Stiftung 2016 DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL POLITICAL Political Dialogue motto raises the DEVELOPMENT: DIALOGUE: DIALOGUE: n Page 8 question of a com- Federal President Dr Hans-Gert During a visit to Democracy and Development mon identity, which is more topical than and Pöttering welcomed at the in- n Page 11 ever before. The President Michelle Mauricio Macri, the vitation of the KAS, Dialogue on Values and influx of refugees Bachelet opened Argentinian president, former Federal Presi- Religion and the debate about migration the German-Chilean due to present his dent Christian Wulff n Page 12 pose enormous chal- congress on demo- reforming agenda at praised the country’s KAS Panorama lenges to cracy. the academy. political consolidation. n Page 14 and Europe. All the pieces in this volume European Policy that relate to the n Page 16 topic are marked Economic and Social with the above logo. Governance n Page 18 Rule of Law n Page 20 1. #AFRICABLOGGING: Energy, Climate and Environment Policy BLOGGERS IN DEMAND n Page 22 Media n Page 23 Ignored for a long time and suddenly in News from the Department demand – this is what is currently happen- of European and Inter­ ing to a great many political bloggers in national Cooperation Sub-Saharan Africa. Businesses and political n Page 24 parties have become aware of the social Newly Published media influencers in this part of the world as well and are trying to suborn them for their own purposes.

This was sufficient reason for making the bloggers’ independence and their susceptibil- ­ity to be bought one of the key topics at this Ruth Aine, ugandische Bloggerin und Sprecherin des year’s #africablogging get-together. That said, Netzwerkes #africablogging, mit dem die KAS zwanzig politische Blogger in Subsahara-Afrika unterstützt. the twenty bloggers from nine African coun- tries, who receive support from the Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa through this getting involved in secretly sponsored articles network, were largely agreed on this issue: and paid-for likes. This augers well for us being anybody who takes the social media currency able to continue reading unbiased opinions and of “trust” seriously and wishes the number of honest views published on the joint website their followers to grow sustainably will avoid africablogging.org. 2 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 3

Podium discussion about the influence of the so-called "voto latino" on the US election. From : Dr John García (U. of Michigan), Professor Stefan Jost (KAS Mexi- co) and Dr Gustavo Martínez (Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales).


DEAR READERS, INTERNATIONAL TRUMP VS. CLINTON FORUM: BRIDGES OR WALLS IN The outcome of the US elections is an event with far-reaching conse- IMPRINT INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS? quences. For the first time, the person elected to the office of US presi- Published by dent has never held political office or a leadership role in the military. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Neither has there ever been a candidate from a major political party in Department of European and The results of the US elections will have major reper- sidad de Guadalajara, Universidad del Rosario and the International Cooperation recent US history whose electioneering statements have had such a Klingelhöferstraße 23 cussions for international relations. The KAS Mexico Wilson Center. polarising effect. Yet Donald Trump has a clear mandate. He won six 10907 Berlin and the Center for International Rela-

federal states that had voted for Barack Obama as recently as 2012; Editor-in-chief tions and Security Studies (KAC-RISS) invited experts not since George Bush Sr. in 1988 has a Republican candidate received Dr Gerhard Wahlers from the USA, Europe and Latin America to a confer- as many elector votes; and contrary to most forecasts, both chambers ence aimed at analysing the scenarios potentially Editors of Congress remain in Republican hands. There are a great number of questions arising in con- n Paul Linnarz developing from the 8 November onwards. There were nection with the change in power, particularly where foreign and security policy is concerned. (Overall coordination) four key questions on the agenda: What effect might n Annika Joß As a candidate, Trump railed against free trade, described NATO as "obsolete" and questioned n Philipp Huchel the election of Trump or Clinton have on relations the USA’s treaty obligations in Asia – particularly towards Japan and South Korea. His genial between the USA and Latin America? How might it n Winfried Weck, overtures towards Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un have raised concern in the countries that affect the bilateral relations between Mexico and the Christian Rieck would have to rely on US protection if it came to the crunch. However, in his first few appear- (Democracy and Develop- USA? Which scenarios are likely to develop with re- ances since the elections, Trump has shown a more conciliatory mood. The first appointments ment) spect to the Transatlantic relations? In what way could n Jasper Eitze, also indicate that he is likely to act more moderately in government than he did while campaign- Vedrana Lemor the "voto latino" be relevant to the election? The con- Group picture of the experts. From the left: Dr Gustavo Mar- ing. As former New York governor Mario Cuomo once said: "You campaign in poetry. You govern (Energy, Climate and ference offered a unique opportunity to obtain assess- tínez (CARI), Andreas Ross (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), Environment Policy) Dr Henning Riecke (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Poli- in prose." n Olaf Wientzek ments by international experts from the Brookings tik), Dr Jessica De Alba (U. Anáhuac), Dr Tedd Piccone (Brook- (European Policy) Institution, Colegio de México, Deutsche Gesellschaft ingsInstitution), Dr Carlota García Encima (Real Instituto Elca- n Rahma Janetzke Germany should demonstrate to the Trump government that the USA too reaps tangible ben- für Auswärtige Politik, Embry-Riddle University, Florida no), Dr Stefan Jost (KAS Mexiko), Dr Abelardo Rodríguez (U. (Media) de Guadalajara), Dr John García (U. of Michigan), Dr Thomas efits from dependable international cooperation, such as the Transatlantic Treaty entails. After n Dr. Patrick Keller, International University, Real Instituto Elcano, Univer- Field (Embry-Riddle University). all, the USA also has to rely on a predictable and stable international environment. And we Dr. Kristina Eichhorst (Political Dialogue) need a strong USA at our side in order to master some of the crucial challenges of the future. n Marie Schönitz To be able to shape this cooperation, which is both pragmatic and value-based, we must inten- (Rule of Law) n Dr. Patrick Keller SCENARIOS OF US MIDDLE EAST sify our political, social and cultural contacts with the USA. We need to counter the sense of (Focus) alienation – between nations and between different social strata within countries. Dialogue, n Dr. Otmar Oehring POLITICS AFTER THE ELECTION exchange and a serious quest for the ideas capable of gaining most widespread support are (Dialogue on Values and Religion) what is needed now. n Paul Linnarz The Middle East policy pursued by the Obama gov- Five experts from the USA and the Middle East spoke (Economic and Social ernment attracted frequent criticism. The election in about the potential US foreign policy scenarios after Governance) The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is well equipped for this task. International exchange at all social November 2016 was going to be one of the most the elections and the repercussions for the region – and political levels has always been a hallmark of our international work. It is therefore fitting Contact: momentous of the last twenty years and could have particularly for Lebanon, Syria and Iraq – at a podium [email protected] that we have opened a second office in New York in addition to our established country pro- far-reaching repercussions for the relations between discussion organised by the KAS Syria/Iraq office in gramme in Washington, DC. The new office will be devoted particularly to matters involving the Translation the USA and the countries of the Middle East. Beirut on 14 October 2016 in collaboration with Mai- United Nations. We thereby hope to make a contribution to protecting and developing the liberal RedKeyTranslations son du Futur.

international order – working with friends and allies in Europe, the USA and the rest of the world. Design Auslandsmitar­ SWITSCH beiter Nils Wörmer The experts were all agreed that an election victory KommunikationsDesign, Köln eröffnet die Podiumsdiskussion by Hillary Clinton would make for greater continuity I trust this issue will make for an inspiring read. © 2016 rather than a stronger engagement. A Trump victory, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. alternatively, could mean a further US withdrawal from the region. The USA will continue viewing the Middle East mainly under short-term, security-related Dr Gerhard Wahlers aspects and refrain from seeking a major role in the Deputy Secretary-General long-term stabilisation of countries such as Iraq. Head of the Department of European and International Cooperation 4 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 5


The concept of dual Parliamentary State Secretary Dr education was one with delegation, Ambassador Dr Ingo Winkelmann, of the topics covered Party President Pedro Munoz, Secretary-General TH Speech by Argentinian President Mauricio Macro at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Academy during a question Rodolfo Pizo, Parliamentary Group Chairman Gerardo 6 NATO-ASIA/PACIFIC DIALOGUE and answer session. Vargas and the KAS representatives in Venezuela "WE WANT TO BE PART OF THE WORLD" But Macri was also and Costa Rica, Henning Suhr and Dr Werner Böhler On 15 and 16 September 2016, the 6th NATO-Asia/Pacific Dialogue took asked about his place in Tokyo. In the sixth year since its inception, the dialogue examined thoughts on the out- On 5 July, speaking at the Berlin Academy of the Kon- Macri promoted his reforming agenda and stressed come of the - DR RALF BRAUKSIEPE IN COSTA RICA the subject of "Asian Security Dynamics and NATO Partnerships". The an- rad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Argentinian President Mauricio Argentina’s willingness to take its role as a member pean Championship FOR POLITICAL TALKS nual event is organised by the Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia final. of the international community seriously. This was and the Pacific in cooperation with the Public Diplomacy Division of NATO. Macri’s only public appearance during his state visit The parliamentary state secretary at the Federal NATO member states depend on peaceful developments in Asia and the in Germany, which lasted several days and saw him Ministry of Defence, Dr Ralf Brauksiepe, travelled to settlement of intra-regional differences there and they see their own secu- meet with Chancellor Merkel among others. Before his Costa Rica for two days of political talks, starting 12 rity as closely linked to the situation in Asia. The dialogue facilitated inten- speech, he received warm words of welcome from the September 2016. The trip focused on the region’s sive talks between NATO representatives, experts and government advisors chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Dr Hans- security challenges, particularly those caused by from Germany, Australia, China, India, Japan, Mongolia, New Zealand, the Gert Pöttering, in front of a packed house. After his the political developments in Venezuela and Nicara- Republic of Korea and Pakistan. The two-day "Track 1.5" conference offered speech, Macri took questions from the audience, with gua. During his stay in Costa Rica, Dr Brauksiepe a unique opportunity for an intensive Dr Gerhard Wahlers, Deputy Secretary-General of the met the country’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, exchange of views about NATO-Asia KAS, moderating the talk. Alejandro Solano Ortiz, as well as the leaders of the relations and common interests. All Christian-democratic party PUSC to discuss the participants agreed on the need to WULFF PRAISES POLITICAL regional security structures and the political situa- build robust partnerships to over- CONSOLIDATION IN MOROCCO IN BRAZIL tion in Costa Rica. come future security challenges. PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL

On 30 May 2016, following the tradition of the annual Euro-Mediterranean UNDERSTANDING Intensive discussion of NATO-Asia relations th "While the Olympic Games have to INTERNATIONAL ICT CONFERENCE – during the 6 NATO-Asia/Pacific Dialogue in meetings, former Federal President Christian Wulff gave a talk on Moroc- Tokyo. co’s relations with the EU in Rabat at the invitation of the KAS Morocco cope with doping allegations, gi- THE BATTLE AGAINST TERRORISM IN gantism and corruption, they offer EUROPE AND THE USA office. Wulff and the Moroccan head of government, Abdellilah Benkirane, A COMPARISON OF MIGRATION REGIMES: emphasised the common goals, calling them more important than tempo- above all a unique opportunity for enhancing rary differences. international understanding". This opinion Against the background of the recent terror attacks SADC, EAC, COMESA was voiced by MP (CDU), in Europe, the KAS office and the Institute

Two days later, Wulff spoke about the "strength of the regions" in front of speaker of the working group on sport and for Counter-Terrorism organised a joint panel dis- The issue of migration and the representatives of the regional council of "Marrakesh-Safi". The mayor volunteering of the CDU/CSU parliamentary cussion on 14 September 2016 for the first time refugees is also one of Africa’s of Marrakesh and the wali (the King’s representative) for this region were group at the German and former as part of the main agenda of the institute’s inter- greatest challenges. In a dis- also present. Wulff not only praised Morocco’s achievements in decentrali- Olympic athlete, at the opening of the KAS national annual conference, which is one of the cussion involving experts and sation to date, but appealed above all to the political decision-makers of action day in the German Olympic pavilion in most renowned “summits” of its type. During this representatives from domestic this region to continue pressing ahead with Morocco’s regionalisation. In Rio de Janeiro. Over two days, the KAS Brazil podium discussion, experts from Israel, Germany and foreign ministries and gov- particular, he recommended that the state’s obligations be made more office took the opportunity offered by the and the USA debated and analysed the challenges ernment authorities, one of the predictable for the citizens and the Olympics to acquaint over 3,700 visitors with terrorism poses to the respective countries. One KAS’ partners, the South Afri- administrative infrastructure more its work and to showcase pioneering partner important objective of the debate was to identify can Institute of International "citizen-friendly" as well as invest- projects in the midst of the massive political ways of cooperating in the joint battle against ter- Affairs (SAII A), presented re- ing substantially in the education crisis affecting the country. In innovative for- rorism. The participants stressed the need to sults from its research into different migration regimes in Africa. Besides a sector; he gave detailed answers to mats, speakers and audiences discussed Bra- address the issue of terrorism in Europe not just look at the legislation in the area of migration and asylum, the presentation a number of questions in the follow- zil’s role in the world, the meaning of (party) at the political and military levels but also at the focused in particular on the vulnerability of the African countries where there ing public discussion session. political engagement as well as best practice level of civil society and to strengthen awareness was a growing potential for uncontrolled flows of immigrants as a result of of sustainable local politics. In addition, of the threats within society. In addition, demands regional crisis situations. Topics that need to be investigated more thorough-

From the right: Helmut Reifeld, head To conclude the proceedings, he MP (CDU) and Verena were voiced for a more intensive exchange of ly in future according to the scientists include not only security aspects such of the KAS Morocco office, Rupert Joy, was joined by Ahmed Akhchichine, Bentele, Federal Government Commissioner information between European states as well as as rising terrorism but also, above all, issues to do with the so-called "brain EU ambassador to Morocco, Abdelilah for Matters relating to Disabled Persons, better cooperation between Israel and these drain". Relating the results from the detailed analyses, the speaker expand- Benkirane, Morocco’s prime minister, president of the regional council, in Christian Wulff, former federal presi- formally opening the "Académie debated the topic of inclusion with Brazilian countries. ed on individual countries, including Ruanda, where migrants make up one dent, Abdelkrim Bennani, president of Konrad Adenauer" located at the experts. And a picture wall with the slogan third of the population, and South Africa, which attracts economic migrants the Association Ribat Al Fath, Zakaria "Politics for us, with us" allowed people to from throughout southern and eastern Africa. Abouddahab, vice-doyen of Mohammed region’s training centre, the "Maison V University de l‘Elu". display ideas on ways to overcome the crisis. 6 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 7

Young leaders from Germany with a Muslim background visiting the Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem.


Podium discussion on federalism in Mexico and Ger- "STRENGTHENING MULTI-ETHNIC SOCIETIES" many. From the PRESIDENT OF THE BUNDES- NATO ADAPTING TO left: Stefan Jost, RAT AND PM STANISLAW THE NEW SECURITY DIALOGUE SEMINAR FOR MUSLIM YOUNG LEADERS KAS Mexico, Fran- cisco Domínguez TILLICH VISITS QUERÉTARO CHALLANGES Servién, governor After last year’s successful pilot project, the KAS gaining an insight into the diverse facets of the coun- of Querétaro, Israel office once again ran the dialogue programme try. The purpose of this event was to reduce mutual Stanislaw Tillich, In mid-September, the city of Querétaro was expecting During an international conference in Sofia on 4 president of the for young German leaders with a Muslim background, prejudices and establish a sustainable network com- Bundesrat and some high-ranking visitors. Acting in his role of presi- October 2016 organised by the KAS office in co- inviting another group of high-ranking parliamentar- prising Muslim Germans on one side and Israeli deci- prime minister dent of the Bundesrat, Saxony’s Prime Minister Stani- operation with the Sofia Security Forum, Bulgarian ians, journalists, academics and businesspeople to the sion-makers on the other; and this purpose was of Saxony. slaw Tillich travelled to Mexico with a 70 strong busi- Minister of Defence Nikolay Nenchev and some recog- Holy Land. In the course of an intensive five-day pro- achieved: the participants expressed the wish to con- ness delegation. The itinerary included the economi- nized experts reported on the results of the NATO gramme, organised under the motto "Strengthening tinue the dialogue upon their return to Germany and cally strong federal state of Querétaro, where an event summit in Warsaw and their relevance to Bulgaria Multi-Ethnic Societies", the participants were able to to promote German-Israeli relations. jointly organised by the KAS Mexico office and and the Black Sea Region. Some 130 MPs, ambassa- exchange views and ideas with Israeli decision-makers Querétaro’s governor and government officials under dors, young politicians, representatives from minis- from politics, religion, business and civil society, thus the motto "Current Federalist Tendencies. Perspectives tries and NGOs, academics from Mexico" took place on 13 September as part of and students attended the the German-Mexican Year. The invited guests included conference and illustrated not only decision-makers from the region’s political the benefits of NATO mem- , MP, IN TUNIS GERMANY-COLOMBIA and business spheres but also many students of Inter- bership to Bulgaria. GERMANY WILL ASSUME FORUM 2016 national Relations, who participated enthusiastically ITS RESPONSIBILITY! in the discussion with the speakers. On 2 June, the third Germa- ny-Colombia Forum was held at the Academy of the Kon- GLOBAL CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: GERMAN REUNIFICATION From 4 to 6 October 2016, Roderich Kiesewetter, MP, rad-Adenauer-Stiftung under visited to attend a political dialogue event the motto "The Colombian TRANSATLANTIC RESPONSES EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Mr Kie- Path to Peace". The topics TO INNOVATION AND IN DIVIDED KOREA sewetter met with key actors of Tunisian politics and covered included the current TRANSFORMATION civil society to exchange views on the situation in the state of the peace negotia- While Germany was able to celebrate the 25th anniver- country. During a round table discussion at the Tunisian tions between the Colombian sary of its reunification in 2015, the unity of the Korean Institute for Strategic Studies (ITES) with experts and government and the FARC Front row, from In June 2016, the and Washington offices nation is still a long way off. However, German unity high-ranking military representatives, Mr Kiesewetter guerrillas as well as the impact of a potential peace the left: Michael brought together 25 experts from the USA, Europe gives some hope and is consequently of continuing high Lingenthal, Roland outlined the new White agreement on politics, society, business and security in Jahn, Padre Darío and Israel in Cadenabbia to discuss present-day cri- interest to many South Koreans. CDU District Chairman Paper on German Security the country. The agenda also covered ways of coming Echeverri, H.E. ses as well as potential future challenges. Besides Timo Lübeck and District Administrator Dr Michael Koch Policy and the Future of the to terms with the committed crimes, restitution for the Juan Mayr Maldon- contemplating the current challenges of international from Hersfeld-Rotenburg found that this was the case dado, Colombian . At the same conflict’s victims and ways of conducting a national ambassador, Mon- terrorism, the conference focused on the presidential when they attended a Kon- time, he underlined Ger- process of reconciliation. Besides high-ranking repre- señor Darío Mon- elections in the USA. The debate covered above all rad-Adenauer-Stiftung sym- many’s commitment to sentatives from Germany, guests from Colombia joined salve Mejía, Arch- the potential foreign policy implications that the posium in Seoul from 5 to 8 bishop of Cali; North Africa and praised the three rounds of discussions. These included high- second row, from election of each of the two candidates would entail. September. The event fo- Member of Parliament Roderich its efforts to further ranking representatives from politics, the Church, busi- the left: Former Transatlantic The attendees emphasised the importance of the cused on the development Kiesewetter (CDU) speaking about strengthen its internation- ness and the military, individuals representing victims Minister Carlos conference, exchange of views as made for better mutual under- of the areas along the inner the Bundeswehr White Book in Holmes Trujillo, Cadenabbia front of security experts and mili- al partners. The Tunisian associations, museums and memorial sites as well as MP Tom Koenigs, standing and an intensifi- German border before and tary personnel in Tunis attendees showed particu- scientists and journalists. The Colombian ambassador, Envoy of the Fed- cation of relations. after reunification and indi- lar interest in the method- Juan Mayr Maldonado, also took part. Together with eral Foreign Minis- cated potential lessons for ter to the Colombi- ology employed by the White Book editorial office in Frank Priess, Deputy Head of Department European an Peace Process, the Korean Peninsula. The Germany and in the wide-ranging consultation process and International Cooperation, he opened the forum further members two CDU politicians also visit- that reached out beyond the classic actors involved in that the KAS had organised in cooperation with the Co- of the audience. ed the DMZ, the de-facto bor- From the left: Timo Lübeck, Dis- security policy. lombian embassy and that had attracted an audience der to North Korea. trict Administrator Michael Koch and Stefan Samse from the Kon- of over 200. rad-Adenauer-Stiftung Seoul office in front of the Korean par- liamentary building. 8 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 9


President Michelle Bachelet and Fed- RESEARCH PROJECT MOVES INTO ITS SECOND PHASE eral President Joa- FEDERAL PRESIDENT GAUCK ATTENDS chim Gauck open- ing the Chilean- PEOPLE’S REPRESENTATION AND POLITICAL CONGRESS ON DEMOCRACY IN CHILE German Congress on Democracy on PARTICIPATION IN THE GULF 12 July As part of his agenda visiting South America, Presi- between the state and the market, the influence dent Joachim Gauck attended the Chilean-German and role of the media in democratic systems as well It was against this background that Regional Office congress on democracy held on 12 and 13 July 2016, as the requirements for a democratic constitution – Gulf States and the Gulf Studies Center of Qatar Uni- organised by German political foundations with the a highly relevant topic considering the current pro- versity brought together local experts from the six Gulf KAS taking the leading role. Together with President cess of drawing up a new constitution in Chile. In monarchies, Iran, Iraq, Yemen and the Autonomous Michelle Bachelet, he opened the international forum, view of the numerous cases of corruption particularly Region of Kurdistan to analyse the working practices emphasising the trust and closeness between Chile in Chile in recent years, one of the rounds of discus- and efficiency of parliaments and consultative assem- and Germany established over many years. sion concentrated on the relationship between money blies (Shura Councils) in a wide-ranging research proj- and politics and potential preventative measures. ect. During the second project workshop on 21 and 22 In four panel discussions, Chilean and German ex- September 2016, the analysts presented the insights perts analysed the current challenges facing democ- they had gained and the progress they had made in racy both in Germany and in Chile. The discussions their analyses to date. focused on the appropriate type of relationship Experts on parlia- mentary represen- The Gulf countries do not conjure up an image of Subsequently, they discussed how the research design tation assembled to discuss people’s political diversity with respect to the way they are could be refined and developed. The ultimate project representations in governed. However, closer inspection reveals some goal is to combine the individual case studies in a joint PROSPECTS FOR PEACE AND "WAYS OF OVERCOMING THE IMPACT OF the Gulf variety in the legislative remit of people’s representa- publication, intended to serve as a reference work DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH SUDAN TOTALITARIAN REGIMES" (CROATIA) tions, ranging from an advisory role to genuine legis- about people’s representations in the Gulf to experts lative power, making remarkable case studies for as well as parliamentarians in Europe and throughout The Catholic University of Croatia and KAS staff or- In July, almost precisely five years since gaining independence, research. the Arab region. ganised a conference on "Ways of Overcoming the South Sudan was once again hit by violence after a fragile cease- Impact of Totalitarian Regimes". Appearing beside fire had obviously broken down. To offer a platform for dialogue, the president of the Croatian parliament, Professor the KAS Uganda and South Sudan office organised an all-day Zeljko Reiner, former GDR civil rights activist Vera ASEAN PARLIAMENTARIAN FRIENDSHIP GROUP OF THE symposium on the subject of promoting peace and state building Lengsfeld spoke about her experiences with the totali- BUNDESTAG ON A VISIT TO MANILA in South Sudan on 25 August 2016. Aiming to identify practical tarian regime in the GDR and discussed approaches approaches and proposals for action, the event at Makerere Uni- to coming to terms with the past with Dr Karsten On 6 October 2016, the KAS Philippines office wel- tion in the Philippines. Above all, this enabled the versity in Kampala brought together representatives from the Dümmel and the Croatian expert Višnja Starešina. comed a delegation of the ASEAN Parliamentary MPs to gain a good insight into the complex situation South Sudanese diaspora as well as key figures from politics, Friendship Group of the German Bundestag in Mani- in "Asia’s oldest democracy" and pose some specific academia and civil society, including the world-renowned political la, including CDU MP Erwin Rüddel and the chairman questions to the Filipino and international experts. scientist Professor Mahmood of the group, Dr Thomas Gambke (Alliance 90/The Mamdani. The contributions Greens). by the experts and the dis- cussions offered an opportu- In a round table discussion, the MPs were able to nity to systematically analyse discuss the peace process in Mindanao, the upcom- the factors that caused the ing constitutional reform, federalism, democracy and renewed outbreak of violence human rights with Filipino and international experts. in South Sudan and to deter- Guests attending the event included the German mine where measures could ambassador designate Dr Gordon Kricke, Michael be taken to sustainably pro- Hasper, Chargé d‘Affaires, and the directors of the mote peace and development From the left: Professor Željko Tanjić (rector of the Cath- Manila offices of the political foundations. The main Professor Mahmood Mamdani, well- in the world’s youngest state. olic University of Croatia), Dr Karsten Dümmel (KAS Bos- purpose of the round table that KAS had organised Caption: (from the left) German MPs Erwin Rüddel (CDU), nia Herzegovina, former civil rights activist), Vera Lengs- known Ugandan political scientist, open- was to facilitate a productive exchange about the (Die Linke), Dr Thomas Gambke (The Greens), ing the discussion with his analysis of feld (former GDR civil liberty activist and former Member Petra Ernstberger (SPD), Elvira Drobinski-Weiß (SPD) and the situation in South Sudan. of the German Bundestag), Višnja Starešina (Croatian above-mentioned policy areas and the current situa- the head of the KAS Manila office, Benedikt Seemann. publicist and film director, Centre for Democracy and Ac- tive Remembrance (CDAS)) and Dr Michael Lange (KAS Croatia). 10 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 11


The group of par- The participants of ticipants from Ca- the dialogue semi- racas, Venezuela nar "Religion and A STRONG NETWORK FOR LATIN AMERICA after the video Politics – Faith in DIALOGUE SEMINAR: RELIGION AND POLITICS – conference on the Times of Uphea- FAITH IN TIMES OF UPHEAVAL peace process in val" visiting the Colombia. Knesset It takes a while for the connection to stabilise. On this and enables them to help each other, drawing on their The Jewish-Christian dialogue was at the centre of the the aegis of the Commission of the Holy See and IJCIC evening in August, young politicians are working meticu- own political experience. The enthusiastic comments and four-day seminar for young leaders of both religions, was the first one to take place in Israel. The KAS had lously at establishing a digital connection and on shaping greetings posted via WhatsApp groups that evening in which had been organised by the KAS Israel office in already become involved in the third such conference, the future. In real life, they know each other through parallel with the event bode well for this initiative. collaboration with two rather exceptional partners, which was held in Berlin in 2014. The young Christian training events organised by the KAS regional pro- namely the "Commission of the Holy See for Religious and Jewish laypeople, clerics and rabbis, 25 on each gramme "Political Parties and Democracy in Latin Amer- Launch of the Relations with the Jews" and the "International Jewish side, are engaged in promoting interreligious dialogue ica" based in Montevideo. They are driven by a passion #Somos LA KAS Committee for Interreligious Consultations" (IJCIC). in their respective home communities and travelled to ("We are LA KAS") for politics and a better future for their countries. The network via video From 26 to 30 June, the 50 participants, who had con- Jerusalem from around the world. In view of the fact regional programme has recently set up a new alumni conference and vened in Jerusalem, discussed their faith, the interrela- that many surveys indicate that there is a trend for the network for them. The name "Somos LA KAS" ("We are live stream. tionship between religion and politics, and points of younger generations to become more religious – at L(atin) A(merica) KAS") is already becoming familiar interaction between Judaism and the Catholic Church. least outside Europe – greater efforts must be invested to the young as a brand that pops up in social media in The fourth "Emerging Leaders Conference" held under in the dialogue between the religions for it to have any innumerable hashtags. In a Facebook group started a chance of making a positive impact. few months earlier, a number of campaigns have been organised already, such as "#Vernetze dich mit der TRANSCARPATHIA: MODEL REGION CONFERENCE ON THE KAS in deinem Land" (network with the KAS in your OF PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE IN country) or "#Debate LA", to spark interest in political REINTEGRATION OF YAZIDIS WESTERN UKRAINE issues with short videos. The programme has since IN SINJAR been expanded to include an internship scheme in pol- Federal Commissioner Hartmut Koschyk attends symposium itics and some topical video conferences. Kristin Wese- Images of the massacres of Yazidis perpetrated by the on religious and ethnic minorities mann, who heads the regional programme, emphasises so-called Islamic State shocked Germany and the world two that being part of a network makes people stronger years ago. Hundreds of thousands of Yazidis had to flee Transcarpathia, a model of coexistence – that was the conclusion their homes. The liberation of the city of Sinjar in November reached by the symposium organised by the KAS Ukraine and Hun- 2015 has raised hopes for a return in the near future. At the gary offices in the city of Uzhhorod in western Ukraine, which was conference organised by the KAS Syria/Iraq office and the attended by representatives from the German, Hungarian, Roma- Women Empowerment Organisation (WEO) for 22 August in 50 YEARS KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG IN GHANA nian and Slovak monitories and reli- Erbil, high-ranking participants examined the opportunities gious communities. With over 200,000 and obstacles regarding the reintegration of the Yazidis in It has been 50 years since the Konrad-Adenauer-Stif­ of the opposition party NPP for the presidential and Sinjar. This conference was preceded by a series of work- members of ethnic and over 1500 tung set up an office in Ghana with the remit to pro- parliamentary elections due on 7 December, Nana shops involving representatives from local authorities, politi- members of religious minorities, Tran- mote and help shape the development of democracy Akufo-Addo, was also among the numerous guests. cal parties, armed militias and displaced persons that the scarpathia is a multi-ethnic and mul- and a social market economy. To mark this occasion,­ In the picture WEO had conducted in the liberated areas of the northern ti-religious region with very close links from the left: the Accra office, headed by Burkhardt Hellemann, The presence of Dr Helga Kleinkowski, who had Iraqi province of Ninewa with support from the KAS. to the neighbouring countries of Roma- Nana Akufo-Addo, organised a one-day anniversary conference on 22 opened the Ghana office in 1966 as the KAS’ first NPP, voted to the The main obstacles to the return of the Yazidis are the lack nia, Slovakia and Hungary. The Federal September 2016 under the motto "Good Governance – resident representative in the country, provided a office of president of reconstruction in Sinjar, different militias competing for Government Commissioner for Matters in the presidential yesterday, today and tomorrow". link to the past. influence, and uncertainty about the region’s political future. Related to Ethnic German Resettlers and National Minorities, MP elections in Ghana The conference attendees – including Vian Dakheel, the only on 7 December, Hartmut Koschyk, emphasised that society as a whole benefited A public lecture at the University of Ghana on the sub- with the inaugura- Yazidi MP in the Iraqi parliament, – called upon the interna- from a successful minority policy. He underlined the importance of tion scheduled for tional community to help with efforts to overcome these ject of "Development and Democracy in Ghana" with acceptance by mainstream society. "The members of the national 7 January 2017; problems. subsequent discussion was followed by a joint recep- Frank Priess, minorities must feel that they are literally "accepted" by main- tion with partners and friends. Besides Frank Priess, Deputy Head, Iraqi experts discussing the opportunities and obstacles stream society. (…) True acceptance engenders (…) confidence in Department Euro- Deputy Head of Department European and Internation- for the reintegration of Yazidis in Sinjar. members of religious and ethnic minorities not to have to hide or pean and Interna- al Cooperation, who had flown in from Germany spe- tional Cooperation; even deny their cultural roots." On the second day of the event, cially for the occasion, several other guests of honour John Kufuor, NPP, the participants visited a cemetery that had been restored as part former Ghanaian spoke at the event; they included former Ghanaian of the KAS project "Restauration of Jewish cemeteries in Eastern president from President John A. Kufuor as well as the German am- 2001 to 2009. Europe". bassador to Ghana, Christoph Retzlaff. The candidate 12 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 13

Selected Events (The numbers in squares denote the offices abroad organising the event; D denotes events in Germany)


LATIN AMERICA EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA 30 Trilateral conference  (Europe- Latin America-USA)  4 Review of US Elections "Migration and Public Secu- Brussels, 15 November 2016  rity – Challenges at a Global,  23 Lecture event on "Ger-   Regional and Local Level" man-Russian Relations" Panama City, with Secretary General 1-2 December 2016  Michael Thielen,   74 Workshop for Political  Moscow, 12 December 2016   Leaders of Tomorrow  1 Politics and Bargaining   Workshop   Simulation game  Resistencia, Chaco Province,   Shkoder and Korca,  2-3 December 2016  3-12 December 2016     81 2016 Scholarship Holders     13 25 Years of German-Hun-     Conference: Entrepreneurship   garian Friendship Agreement  and Ethics  Budapest, 6 February 2017  Panajachel, Guatemala,   1 Political Academy   3-4 December 2016   Workshop  78 Family Businesses in Latin   ASIA AND PACIFIC Tirana, March 2017  America  14 The Future of the Security Conference with book launch 67 Local Government Dialogue in the Middle East Santiago de Chile, February 2016 Congress on Issues of Cadenabbia, 9-10 March 2017  Decentralisation and Local   Self-Government  with Professor Paul Witt AFRICA AND Ulaanbaatar, 6 December 2016       MIDDLE EAST 58 "Human Rights   Protection"   33 Israel Energy and Business International symposium   with the Judges Academy  Convention   Conference Taiwan    Tel Aviv, 21-22 November 2016 Taipei, 6-7 December 2016 33 Jasmine’s Annual 60 RECAP Hong Kong  Businesswomen’s Conference  Financing climate change  Conference impacts Herzliya, 8 December 2016 Hong Kong,  36 International Symposium 12-14 January 2017 "Religious Diplomacy" 63 Basic Rights Protection in  Rabat, 15-16 December 2016 European and Asian Legal  33 Working Poverty in Israel Practice and Doctrine  and Abroad Symposium of the Network  Conference of Germany-Alumni in Law  Jerusalem, 11 January 2017 in East Asia 33 Back to the Future – Kyoto, 24-26 March 2017 100 Years of the Balfour   Declaration   Conference  Jerusalem, 14 February 2017

FOREIGN AND LIASION OFFICES OF KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG | EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA 1 Albania, Tirana 2 Armenia, Yerevan 3 Belarus (located in: Lithuania, Vilnius) 4 Belgium, Brussels (European office and multinational development policy dialogue) 5 , Sarajevo 6 Bulgaria, Sofia (country office and regional media programme South East Europe) 7 Croatia, Zagreb 8 Czech Republic, Prague 9 Estonia, Tallinn 10 France, Paris 11 Georgia, Tbilisi (regional programme Southern Caucasus) 12 Greece, Athens 13 Hungary, Budapest 14 Italy, Rome 15 Kosovo, Pristina 16 Latvia, Riga (regional office for the Baltic States and Scandinavia) 17 Lithuania, Vilnius 18 Macedonia, Skopje 19 Moldova, Chişinău 20 Montenegro, Podgorica 21 Poland, Warsaw 22 Romania, Bucharest (country office and regional rule of law programme South East Europe) 23 24 Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg 25 Serbia, Belgrade 26 Slovakia, Bratislava 27 Spain, Madrid 28 Ukraine, Kyiv 29 United Kingdom/Ireland, London 30 31 USA, Washington D.C. (country office) and New York (United Nations office) MIDDLE| EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 32 Iraq, Erbil 33 Israel, Jerusalem 34 Jordan, Amman (country office and regional office Gulf States) 35 Lebanon, Beirut (Lebanon office, Syria/Iraq office and regional rule of law programme Middle East and North Africa) 36 Morocco, Rabat 37 Palestinian Territories, Ramallah 38 Tunisia, Tunis (country office and regional programme political dialogue Southern Mediterranean) 39 40 Turkey, Ankara and Istanbul | SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 41 Cameroon, Yaoundé (regional programme energy security and climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa) 42 DR Congo, Kinshasa 43 Ghana, Accra 44 Ivory Coast, Abidjan (2 regional programmes: political dialogue in West Africa and security dialogue Sub-Saharan Africa) 45 Kenya, Nairobi (country office, programme on devolution and regional rule of law programme for Sub-Saharan Africa) 46 Mali, Bamako 47 Namibia/Angola, Windhoek 48 Nigeria, Abuja 49 Senegal, Dakar 50 51 South Africa, Johannesburg (country office and regional media programme Sub-Saharan Africa) and Cape Town 52 Tanzania, Dar es Salaam 53 Uganda/South Sudan, Kampala 54 Zimbabwe, Harare | ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 55 Afghanistan, Kabul 56 Australia/Pacific, Canberra 57 Cambodia, Phnom Penh 58 59 PR China, Beijing and Shanghai 60 Hong Kong (regional programme energy security and climate change Asia-Pacific) 61 India, New Delhi 62 Indonesia, Jakarta 63 Japan, Tokyo (country office and social and economic governance programme Asia) 64 Kazakhstan, Astana 65 Republic of Korea, Seoul 66 Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 67 Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 68 Myanmar, Rangoon 69 Pakistan, Islamabad 70 Philippines, Manila 71 Singapore (3 regional programmes: politics, media and rule of law) 72 Thailand, Bangkok 73 Uzbekistan, Tashkent (regional programme Central Asia) 74 Vietnam, Hanoi | LATIN AMERICA 75 Argentina, Buenos Aires 76 Bolivia, La Paz (country office and regional programme political ­participation of Indígenas) 77 Brazil, Rio de Janeiro 78 Chile, Santiago (country office and regional programme social and economic governance programme Latin America) 79 Colombia, Bogotá (country office and regional rule of law programme Latin America) 80 Costa Rica, San José 81 Guatemala, Guatemala City 82 Honduras, Tegucigalpa 83 Mexico, Mexico City 84 Peru, Lima (country office and regional programme energy security and climate change Latin America) 85 Uruguay, Montevideo (country office and regional programme political parties and democracy in Latin America) 86 Venezuela, Caracas 14 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 15

German and Hungarian par- ticipants of the seminar in Cadenabbia



From 5 to 7 July 2016, the KAS Hungary office and a very frank and sometimes controversial exchange 23 students from Germany and France took part in tle for Verdun, which took over 700,000 lives within the Foundation for a Civic Hungary (PMA) organised of views. The participants emphasised the need for the KAS summer school in Strasbourg from 9 to 23 a few months exactly 100 years ago. For most of the the fourth annual exchange of ideas, this time under reforming the EU and a joint approach in the Euro- September, which the KAS France office had organ- young people, it was the first visit to a military cem- the motto "What defines us, what unites us". Against pean policy towards the East, particularly towards ised in collaboration with the scholarship programme etery. On their visit to the , the the background of the refugee crisis, high-ranking poli- Russia. This series of seminars is aimed at expanding staff. Besides numerous talks and discussions on the participants were able to discuss their questions on ticians from the Hungarian EPP parties and represen- political cooperation between Germany and Hungary challenges currently affecting the European Union, Europe’s future directly with MEPs Herbert Reul and tatives from partner organisations discussed first and and improving the exchange of information. the highlights of the encounter seminar included a Alain Lamassoure and sit in on a plenary session. foremost the future of European integration with Ger- trip to Verdun and a visit to the European Parlia- man experts. Further topics on the agenda included ment. While walking through the former battlefields – populism and right-wing radicalism in Europe during through trenches and bomb craters – military histori- an Markus Klauer illustrated the enormity of the bat- CONFERENCE ABOUT KONRAD ADENAUER KAS SUMMER SCHOOL UNITED FOR THE BETTER - IN BUDAPEST In collaboration with the MY EUROPEAN WAY Századvég Foundation and the German-language The chairman of the Konrad-Adenau- In collaboration with the Scholarships and Cultural Andrássy University Buda- er-Stiftung, Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, Activities Department, the KAS Hungary office organ- pest, the KAS Hungary office launched the Hungarian translation of his autobiog- ised the annual KAS summer school from 11 to 17 organised an international raphy at the Budapest Business School. The Hun- July 2016, taking place in Budapest for the first time. conference on the life and garian version of the book titled "United for the Bet- ALBANIA’S PROGRESS IN THE The over 30 students and young professionals focused work of Konrad Adenauer in ter – My European Way" in English is published by on issues relating to the European identity and com- Konrad Adenauer, Budapest on 3 October. This CONNECTIVITY AGENDA the Antall József Knowledge Centre. The event was munity of values in the light of the current challenges. grandson of Fede- event, which was part of a series named attended by over 150 guests from politics, government ral Chancellor "European Values" organised by the On 28 June 2016, just one week before the Paris summit, a administration, academia and civil society. The Minis- Konrad Adenauer ter for Human Resources, Zoltán Balog, paid tribute to One highlight was the oppor- (photograph: Századvég Foundation, was attended by round table was held to present the results of the shadow report Balázs Szecsődi, the political life’s work of the former president of the tunity to exchange ideas with over 100 guests from politics, government "Albania´s progress in the connectivity agenda: Transport and prime minister’s European Parliament. Europe needed more politicians Gergely Gulyás, Vice President cabinet office). administration, the diplomatic corps and Energy Sectors". The guests included Edmond Haxhinasto, Minis- like Hans-Gert Pöttering as he was always eager to of the Hungarian National civil society. The exchange of ideas was ter for Transport and Infrastructure, Milva Ekonomi, Minister for cooperate with his partners eye-to-eye, explained Assembly, in the Hungarian opened by the Hungarian Deputy Prime Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Enterprise, Majlinda Minister Balog. parliament. The agenda also Minister and chairman of the Christian Bregu, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee for European Inte- included a one-day excursion Democratic People’s Party Zsolt Semjén. gration, as well as representatives from the diplomatic corps in During the subsequent podium discussion, Pöttering to Sopron, location of the Konrad Adenauer, grandson of the first Tirana, the EU delegation, experts in the Western Balkans Invest- stressed the importance of maintaining a constant dia- Pan-European Picnic of 1989. German federal chancellor, spoke as the ment Framework and industry experts. logue with each other in view of the current crises. He During a workshop on the representative of the Adenauer family. was "strictly against" any region or group of countries European Community of Values, The participants of Konrad Adenauer himself had repeatedly Ardian Hackaj, Director Shtetiweb portal, Cooperation & Develop- isolating themselves within the EU. Based on common the participants devised the "Budapest Declaration on the KAS summer made the point of stressing the Hungar- ment Institute, presented the results of the report. This initiated values, the different countries in Europe could and had school in front of the European Identity". They had also gained a good ians’ heroic actions in the name of free- a lively discussion among the participants about the progress to find ways to devise solutions. Konrad Adenauer insight into Hungarian politics and expressed their memorial in the heart dom 60 years ago. As one of Europe’s made with respect to the objectives of the "Agenda of Connec- Following the book launch, the chairman of the Kon- intention to stay in touch via social media. of Budapest founding fathers, he could not have imag- tivity". Members of the CDU delegation, who were in Albania on rad-Adenauer-Stiftung held talks with Hungary’s Prime ined a politically unified Europe without a fact-finding mission at the time, spoke about the role of the Minister Viktor Orbán behind closed doors. the countries of Eastern Europe. The Bundestag in monitoring the reforms in Albania in connection event, held in this anniversary year of the with the accession negotiations. Hungarian 1959 revolution, underlined that thought. 16 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 17

Nalin Kohli, speaker of the Indian governing party BJP; MP , Parliamentary State Secretary Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, Neeru Singh and the Indian Ambassador Gurjit Singh (from the left) (Photograph: Praxisnah Kommunikation).


Panel members discussing family businesses. FAMILY BUSINESSES - THE ECONOMY‘S BACKBONE First Indo-German Business Dialogue at the Indian Embassy in Berlin

On 28 June 2016, just one week before the Paris sum- in the Western Balkans Investment Framework and industry OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDIA’S FUTURE mit, a round table was held to present the results of the experts. Ardian Hackaj, Director Shtetiweb portal, Cooperation On 8 June, the first Indo-German Business Dialogue shadow report "Albania´s progress in the connectivity & Development Institute, presented the results of the report. a country that is experiencing rapid economic and took place at the Indian embassy in Berlin under the agenda: Transport and Energy Sectors". The guests includ- This initiated a lively discussion among the participants about demographic growth. With an economic growth rate motto "SME – Make in India". It was organised jointly ed Edmond Haxhinasto, Minister for Transport and the progress made with respect to the objectives of the "Agen- of 7.9 per cent in the first quarter of 2016, India is by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Indian embassy Infrastructure, Milva Ekonomi, Minister for Economic da of Connectivity". Members of the CDU delegation, who were considered Asia’s growth engine. and the office of MP Mark Hauptmann. Development, Tourism, Trade and Enterprise, Majlinda in Albania on a fact-finding mission at the time, spoke about Bregu, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee for Euro- the role of the Bundestag in monitoring the reforms in Albania Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, Parliamentary State Secretary The event brought together over 200 German and pean Integration, as well as representatives from the in connection with the accession negotiations. to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Indian representatives from politics, business and civil diplomatic corps in Tirana, the EU delegation, experts Development (BMZ), assured his Indian partners of society and enabled a comprehensive exchange about the fact that he had heard the clear sound of India the possibilities of closer German-Indian cooperation knocking on the door of German business and that he in diverse sectors of industry. Speakers from politics would ensure that this overture would be conveyed to “THE NATURAL RESOURCE BOOM WAS and business described the challenges facing German the right circles. AN OPPORTUNITY MISSED” companies doing business in India, but also illustrat- ed the opportunities offered to German investors in On 10.08.2016, a book titled "Socialism of the 21st century – After the Natural Resource Boom" was launched in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The publication deals with the current economic policies 30 YEARS OF DOI MOI and their impacts in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela TUNISIAN ENACTUS TEAM AT and was written by a team of experts from these countries. In NEW PATH IN VIETNAM THE WORLD CUP IN TORONTO front of an audience with a special interest in the subject matter, the authors analysed the situation in their home countries with In 1986, Vietnam had introduced comprehensive reforms with This was already the seventh time that a Tunisian respect to socialist politics, falling natural resource prices and the the so-called Doi Moi policy, resulting in some elements of the team participated in the international ENACTUS correlations between political decisions and economic outcomes. market economy evolving and some significant changes in social, competition, which was held in the Canadian city of Thanks to extensive agriculture and the second-largest gas reserves education and foreign policies. Dr Stefan Kaufmann, Member of Toronto (28.-30.09.2016). ENACTUS is a programme in Latin America, the city of Santa Cruz with its population of the Bundestag, described the significance of this reorientation that introduces students to entrepreneurial thinking three million is Bolivia’s economic centre. This is therefore where for the development of the strategic through concrete projects in the area of social entre- the regional programme SOPLA organised a discussion event that From the left: MEP Davor Ivo Stier (political secretary of partnership between Germany and preneurship. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has been was intended to illustrate social and political correlations and that the HDZ), (member of the KAS executive Vietnam at a conference organised by board) and Dr Michael Lange (KAS Croatia office). a partner of ENACTUS Tunisia, which mentors student focused on the question: resource boom – curse or blessing? In Vietnam National University in Hanoi groups at 37 universities, for many years. In Toron- their efforts to provide an answer to this question, which could on 8 October 2016. Former Deputy to, the team from the ESPRIT School of Engineering, also apply to other resource-rich regions in Latin America, the OTTO BERNHARDT, MEMBER OF THE Prime Minister Vu Khoan, who had been which had already won the national ENACTUS com- study’s authors Mario Napoleón Pacheco Torrico (Bolivia), José KAS EXECUTIVE BOARD, IN ZAGREB involved in devising Doi Moi, confirmed petition a few months previously, presented both its Hidalgo Pallares and Felipe Hurtado Pérez (both Ecuador) and FOR POLITICAL TALKS his agreement with the view – shared projects. One was the virtual trading platform "I3bi2" Asdrúbal Oliveros by other national and international Dr. Stefan Kaufmann und der ehem. for smartphones, which enables tradesmen and farm- (Venezuela) were in Otto Bernhardt, a member of the KAS executive experts present – that Vietnam would stellv. Ministerpräsident Vu Khoan ers to market their products at no cost. The other broad agreement as board, visited Zagreb on 26 and 27 September to need to continue the reforms in a "sec- project involves an app named "IRIS" designed by they reviewed devel- meet, among others, Bozo Petrov, party chairman of ond Doi Moi" with the aim of creating a social market economy the team, which evaluates the results from a thermal opments over the past MOST, and MEP Davor Stier, representing the HDZ and engaging in political and social modernisation to be able to camera and provides women with a simple way to decade: the resource leadership, in order to learn first-hand about the cur- hold its own in the international arena as well. During a preced- examine themselves for indications of breast cancer. boom took away the rent political situation in the country. He further par- ing expert discussion, Dr Kaufmann and representatives from Even though they did not win first place in Toronto in incentives to diversify ticipated in a round table discussion and an economic the German embassy had described Germany’s experiences with the end, the Tunisian students were visibly proud to and initiate reforms. policy forum (EDP) on the topic: "The Economy and education reforms and the initiatives by German business to The study’s authors Mario Napoleón Pacheco (Boliv- be able to present their innovative strength and social ia), Asdrúbal Oliveros (Venezuela), José Hidalgo Pal- Elections" and discussed the country’s economic situ- improve vocational education in Vietnam. engagement to an international audience. lares and Felipe Hurtado Pérez (both Ecuador) with ation with business experts. experts from Bolivia and the head of the regional project SOPLA David Gregosz (in the centre). 18 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 19

60 members of Public Protector staff, including the Deputy Public Protector, Advocate Kevin Malunga, participated in training sessions on public procurement.


From the left: Wal- ter Glos, head of the KAS Tirana office, EUROPEAN ASYLUM LAW Professor Migena TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR THE OFFICE Leskoviku, Deputy Dean of the Faculty OF THE SOUTH-AFRICAN OMBUDSMAN of Law at the Euro- "European Asylum Law" is the title of a series of "European Asylum Law" that was run in Vlora, Shko- pean University of (PUBLIC PROTECTOR) events organised by the KAS Tirana office and the dra and Korca. With this event, we intended to clarify Tirana, Ina Xhepa, European Centre, which attracted increasingly large the key terms used in the current debate about refu- Director of the Euro- pean Centre, Tirana, audiences from April to June 2016. gees, asylum, right to remain and deportations for the Michael Gumprich, The first training units of the "Public Procurement" also examined at an international level, among other young people and students and explain how European BAMF. training programme took place in the offices of the things by providing examples about potential correla- The number of refugees from Albania had soared asylum law is applied and how it works. Public Protector in Pretoria in the form of a kick-off tions between public procurement law and environ- the previous year. But they had little chance of being workshop. In all, 60 members of the Public Protector’s mental protection. Germany is at the vanguard in this granted asylum in the European countries. In coopera- The participants were also handed an informative bro- staff received training in four two-day training units, area. The remaining units concentrated more on the tion with the European Centre and the BAMF, the Kon- chure on the subject. which the KAS helped organise in cooperation with the issues of corruption and ways of exposing it, which rad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised a workshop on African Public Procurement Regulation Unit (Stellen- are particularly pertinent to South Africa. In addition bosch University). The participants included the Depu- to these training measures, the KAS South Africa also ty Public Protector, Kevin Malunga. The first training collaborates with the Public Prosecutor’s office by sup- units covered, among other topics, the distinction porting its outreach efforts as well as providing further TEN YEARS OF THE RULE OF LAW PROGRAMME ASIA JUDICIAL DIALOGUE between public procurement law and other areas, in-house training. MAKE THE LAW COME ALIVE GERMAN AND RUSSIAN such as general procurement law. The issues were FEDERAL JUDGES MEET Together with some 60 guests from fourteen countries FOR THE 15TH TIME in Asia and Pacific, the Rule of Law Programme Asia marked its ten-year anniversary with a symposium RULE OF LAW TRAINING FOR STAFF OF THE titled "Rule of Law in an Asian Century" held in Singa- As the 15th meeting represented an anniversary, OFFICE OF THE KURDISH PRIME MINISTER pore on 27 June 2016. The Deputy Secretary-General the judicial dialogue between German and Russian of the KAS, Dr Gerhard Wahlers, opened the event supreme court judges was held in Cadenabbia this after words of welcome by the German ambassador, time. The fact that the judges did actually meet in The KAS Syria/Iraq office and the Euro- Dr Michael Witter. 2016 says a great deal about the significance of this pean Technology and Training Centre dialogue and the trusting cooperation – despite the (ETTC) organised a rule of law workshop The symposium ana- mounting differences of opinion and rising political for 15 representatives of the office of lysed the development tension between Russia and Europe in almost all the Iraqi-Kurdish Prime Minister in Erbil of the rule of law in relevant areas. from 4 to 8 September. The purpose of Asia over the previous the five-day event was to provide train- years, examined cur- Apart from the traditional law-related question re- ing in the meaning of the rule of law rent practical chal- garding the organisation of the judiciary and how its principles as well as imparting commu- lenges and looked at efficiency can be increased, the topics of discussion nication and negotiating skills. Following the question of how included exciting questions regarding the impact of three successfully completed rule of law best to continue supporting the development of a the decisions by the Euro- workshops for Kurdish security force per- solid rule of law culture in Asia in order to keep the pean Court of Human Rights sonnel in early 2016, the KAS and the rule of law and democracy alive. on national legislation. The ETTC thereby continued their training for The German consul Marc Eichhorn and representatives judges also devoted time to Kurdish officials. from the KAS and ETTC with workshop participants. Besides high-ranking guests from the KAS partner questions about the protec- environment in the upper echelons of the judiciaries, tion of social rights, particu- The workshops were aimed at enhancing the skills reform and development efforts. Training for 45 law faculties and NGOs, attendees included Professor larly in connection with the required to engage in peaceful conflict resolution members of the council of ministers was scheduled Rudolf Mellinghoff, President of the Federal Fiscal highly topical issue of the and mediation within the autonomous Kurdistan for October, to be followed by a series of workshops Court and former Judge of the Federal Constitutional refugee crisis. Region as well as between Erbil and Baghdad. for staff from the office of the Governor of Dohuk. Court, who has been involved with the KAS global Among others Professor Tamara Morshtshako- The KAS and the ETTC will continue delivering Rule of Law Programme for many years as a knowl- va, Vice President of the Russian Constitutional their rule of law training to support the region’s Court, Bettina Limperg, President of the Federal edgeable expert well versed in intercultural issues. Court of Justice, and Professor Rudolf Melling- hoff, President of the Federal Fiscal Court. 20 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 21


Experts from Viet- nam, Germany, Spain and Malaysia VIETNAM: EU EXPERIENCE NEEDED consulted about MEXICO: CHRISTIAN-DEMOCRATS WORKING ways of strengthen- TOGETHER FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ASEAN Non-Interference Principle Hampers Efforts to Overcome ing NTS. the Problems of Non-Traditional Security In 2016, the Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), KAS’ It took until 2003 for ASEAN to start addressing the gained by the EU countries. A joint approach by the Christian-democratic partner party in Mexico, set up rising challenges of non-traditional security (NTS), ASEAN states would encourage consultation efforts a coordination office for sustainable development in such as those posed by climate change and the impact and strengthen cooperation. Currently, however, the order to contribute to climate and environmental pro- of economic globalisation. At a conference held by the principle of non-interference within ASEAN is hamper- tection. On 7 September, its chair, Senator Silvia Gar- KAS and VASS, the Vietnam Academy of Social Sci- ing the formation of a common regional security strat- za Galván, assisted by the KAS Mexico office and the ences, on 8 September, Vietnamese and international egy, precluding a coordinated response to NTS prob- PAN’s environment network, sent out invitations to a experts agreed that Vietnam was strongly affected by lems. symposium on this topic. The event was attended by NTS problems and could benefit from the experiences over 200 senior political figures from around the coun- The reception panel comprised high-ranking decision-makers try. They discussed environmental and climate-related from the PAN, including Ricardo Anaya, party chairman, Sena- challenges affecting the country, determined key tor Silvia Garza Galván, Damián Zepeda, Secretary General of the PAN, Marko Cortés Mendoza, chairman of the federal par- areas on which to focus party policy and compiled SOUTH AFRICA: RENEWABLE liamentary group of the PAN, and Marcelo Torres Cofiño, chair- initial ideas for a joint party-specific action plan. man of the regional parliamentary groups. ENERGIES IN RURAL AREAS

At a political dialogue event attended by represen- tatives of the Departments for Energy and Environ- LATIN AMERICA: ELECTRICITY mental Affairs as well as the ISRAEL: ANNUAL CONFERENCE MARKET SECURITY AND BILAT- KAS RECAP HONG KONG: state-owned energy com- ON SUSTAINABLE BUILDING ERAL ENERGY COOPERATION CLIMATE AND ENERGY-RELATED pany ESKOM, the Mandela JOURNALISM IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Institute, a KAS partner, Acting once again as co-organiser of the presented the results of the annual conference of the Israel Green Build- Professional journalism plays a key role in edu- joint project "Renewable From 24 to 26 August ing Council, which took place in Tel Aviv on cating people about the causes and impacts of Energies and Community 21 September, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stif- 2016, the Regional Pro- climate change. The Regional Project Energy Impacts" on renewable ener- tung succeeded in sensitising experts from gramme Energy Security Security and Climate Change Asia-Pacific there- gies in rural areas in South politics, industry, academia and civil society and Climate Change in fore conducted a three-day seminar for journal- Africa. The research project to the topics of sustainable building, a key Latin America of Konrad- ism students and young professionals from the of the Mandela Institute area of the adaptation to climate change. Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. Cambodian media in Sihanoukville. Together investigated the impacts of The conference offered participants a plat- (EKLA-KAS) and GESEL, with trainers from Germany and the region, the climate change by means of form for jointly developing coherent strate- an electricity sector study participants discussed key climate change issues field research in the prov- Professor Tumai gies for the purposeful handling of scarce group from the Univer- The GESEL team (Electricity Sector affecting the region of Southeast Asia. The young Study Group from the Universidade inces of Limpopo and Northern Cape. The objective Murombo, Director resources for sustainable building. By invit- sidade Federal do Rio de people were also introduced to current methods of Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)), of the Mandela ing the architect Pascale Klaunig (German was to determine the extent to which the promotion Janeiro (UFRJ), organised a KAS partner investigative journalism. On the basis of what they Institute, and of renewable energies could contribute to rural devel- researcher Edith Sustainable Building Council) to lecture on the international seminar had learnt, the participants carried out field stud- Kiragu during the the subject, the KAS Israel office continued ies throughout the country and compiled reports. opment and the extent to which these energies could "Integration and Electrical presentation of the its efforts to further the German-Israeli ex- Their work focused on topics such as the reper- ensure a secure energy supply. Another key research research results Security in Latin America", which brought together change of experience in the area of green cussions of climate change on agriculture as well topic was the impact of renewable energies on the with KAS trainee energy experts from politics and industry from the dif- Tilmann Feltes. building. as the sustainable restructuring of the Cambodian economy and people’s living standards in these areas. ferent countries, plus some from Germany, to facilitate energy supply system. The fruits of their labour The final results were due to be published in a joint an exchange of experiences and opinions. Participants were due to be presented to a wider public in early paper at the end of 2016. included the Bolivian Deputy Minister of Energy Joaquin December in cooperation with the KAS Cambodia Rodriguez. The discussions focused on bilateral energy office. There are now plans to extend participation cooperation projects in the electricity sector between in this successful format to young people from the Brazil and Bolivia among others. neighbouring states of Southeast Asia. 22 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016 | 23

Three Pulitzer prizewinners, one Resident Representa- tive: Esther Htusan, Martha Mendoza, Torben Stephan and Walter Robinson (from the left).


Matthias Barner Dr Angelika Klein n Has headed the KAS Czech Republic office since n Has headed the KAS Poland office since ASIA’S INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS September 2016 October 2016 n Was previously the KAS spokesman n Previously headed the KAS Kenya office MEET IN NEPAL n Contact: [email protected] n Contact: [email protected]

Walter "Robby" Robinson was the star of Uncovering Pulitzer winners Esther Htusan (Yangon) and Martha Mendo- Asia, Asia’s largest conference for investigative jour- za (Bangkok) published a series about slavery in Thailand’s Christian Bilfinger Frederick Kliem n Joined the KAS in September 2016 as a trainee n Works at KAS as a trainee, due to join the nalists. Every one of the 370 journalists who had trav­ fishery industry which helped to liberate 2000 people. They preparing for a posting to the KAS Mexico office Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia and elled to Kathmandu from 50 countries wanted a selfie reported on their research in several of the some 60 confer­ n Previously studied International Relations in the Pacific in May 2017 with the 70-year-old. ence sessions on offer, as did the Asian reporters who had UK, the USA, the Netherlands and Germany n Previously did a doctorate in International Political n Contact: [email protected] Science and International Security contributed to the famous Panama Papers. The conference n Contact: [email protected] Heading the Spotlight team of the Boston Globe, hashtag #IJAsia16 attracted 10 million viewers on Twitter

immortalised by Hollywood, Robinson had uncovered and generated 70 million page impressions. Uncovering Asia Dr Werner Böhler Lukas Kupfernagel a worldwide scandal of child abuse in the Catholic is a biannual event organised by the KAS Media Programme n Has headed the KAS Costa Rica office since n Has worked as a trainee since September 2016 in Church. Robinson, played by Michael Keaton in the Asia in partnership with the Global Investigative Journalism August 2016 preparation for a posting to the KAS Tunisia office n Previously headed the KAS office in the Czech n Previously studied Political Sciences and Peace and Oscar-winning movie, received a Pulitzer Prize for his Network. Republic Conflict Research in Bremen, Marburg and Ankara work and an invitation to deliver the keynote speech n Contact: [email protected] n Contact: [email protected] at the Nepal event.

Dr Jan Cernicky Nico Lange n Has headed the KAS office in Kenya since n Took over the KAS USA office in January 2017 GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION OFFICIALS FROM September 2016 n Prior to that was Deputy Head of Department SOUTH EAST EUROPE STRENGTHEN THEIR EU NETWORK n Previously headed the KAS office in the Politics and Consulting and Head of the Domestic SOCIAL MEDIA ARE Democratic Republic of the Congo Policy Group n Contact: [email protected] n Contact: [email protected] CHANGING THE POLITICAL The perception of the EU in the context of Brexit and the refu- AND SOCIAL LANDSCAPE gee crisis figured prominently at the SEECOM conference on 6 IN UGANDA October 2016. This was the fifth time that the largest confer- Hardy Ostry ence for government communication officials from South East Dr Holger Dix n Took over the European Office in Brussels in n Took over as head of the KAS Tunisia office January 2017 Over 250 participants, 30 podium guests and thou- Europe was held, this time in Brussels. The event was organised in January 2017 n Previously headed the KAS Tunisia office sands of interested members of the public followed by the KAS Media Programme South East Europe, the communi- n Previously headed the KAS South Africa office n Contact: [email protected] the discussions live on the internet: the conference cation association SEECOM, co-founded by the KAS, the Euro- n Contact: [email protected] on social media, the second of its kind organised pean Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the EU Com- by the KAS Uganda office in July 2016, attracted a mittee of the Regions (CoR). Some 80 experts conducted a live- Sebastian Grundberger Dr Peter Rimmele great deal of attention, not only in Uganda but also ly debate on the EU’s public relations work in South East Europe n Will take over the KAS Peru office in March 2017 n Has headed the KAS office in Lebanon since globally in online debates. During several panel dis- against the background of the refugee crisis. They agreed that n Formerly worked as a Political Affairs Officer September 2016 cussions, the conference attendees, including the the EU would have to find new ways of interacting with civil at the United Nations Department of Political n Continues in his role as Head of Law Programme Affairs in New York Middle East/North Africa most influential voices from Uganda’s traditional society, which needed to include simpler and clearer messages. n Contact: [email protected] n Contact: [email protected] and social media, examined the question of how PR experts and politicians from over 15 countries and European social media are changing Ugandan society. Key institutions attended the conference. During an evening recep- topics were the impact on traditional journalism, tion, MEP Eva Paunova spoke about Europe’s place in the digital Gregor Jaecke Dr Hans Martin Sieg government services, forms of artistic expression world. The event was n Took over the KAS office in the Democratic n Took over the KAS Romania and Moldova Republic of the Congo in December 2016 office in January 2017 as well as the public voice of women in the country. followed by the SEECOM n Previously headed the Program on Devolution n Was previously the Director of the Institute for With the great public interest and the partici- General Assembly, during Kenya European Policies and Reforms pation of central actors from the media, politics which Ognian Zlatev, n Contact: [email protected] n Contact: [email protected]

and civil society, the KAS conference has become head of the European established as a key forum for the discussion of the Commission’s Repre- Thomas Keller Thomas Volk political and social dimensions of social media in sentation in Bulgaria, n Took over the KAS Namibia office in January 2017 n Took over the KAS Senegal office in December Uganda. was re-elected as the n Was previously a Bundeswehr officer and head 2016 n SEECOM chairman. Government communication officials from over of the East Africa Team at the Centre for Operative Was previously the Coordinator for Islam and 15 European countries met at the SEECOM con- Communication Religious Dialogue in the Department Politics and n ference in Brussels. Contact: [email protected] Consulting n © EESC, 2016 Contact: [email protected] 24 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2016


FOCUS ON TANGIERS Tangiers has without doubt acted as the most important bridge between north-western Africa

FOCUS SUR TANGER : and Europe for centuries. While the city can look back on a rich past in terms of politics, business LÀ OÙ L’AFRIQUE ET L’EUROPE SE RENCONTRENT and culture, its current significance for Morocco’s future exceeds all that has gone before.

Sans doute la ville de Tanger peut EdITé PAR renvoyer à un passé culturellement riche DIETER HALLER, STEFFEN WIPPEL et historiquement important ; mais la HELMuT REIFELD transformation économique et politique que la ville accomplit actuellement changera son caractère plus durablement que tout autre transformation auparavant. Pour l’activité d’une fondation politique allemande au Maroc, Tanger offre certains points de départ les plus précieux et les plus productifs. Cela ne concerne pas les réminiscences de l’histoire coloniale allemande, qui sont encore associées à Tanger, mais l’importance politique et économique actuelle de la ville et la restructuration de la région de Tanger- Tétouan-Al Hoceima en 2015. Les deux, la ville et la région, comptent parmi les plus actives, les plus dynamiques et les plus cosmopolites du pays. Elles reflètent en conséquence de manière particulièrement claire le potentiel de développement actuel


“REGIONAL AND GLOBAL IMPACTS OF THE PACIFIC ALLIANCE” The Pacific Alliance, founded by Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru as a new regionalisation project, is beginning to have an impact on the configuration of regional power structures and government dynamics. It is also eliciting responses from the USA, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. This publication was produced to summarise the results from an event on the subject of the Pacific Alli- ance organised by the KAS Mexico office. It encompasses all the analyses by the international con- ference members – academics from Latin America and Asia.


LA FORMATION TO TUNISIA EN ALTERNANCE EN ALLEMAGNE VERS LA PROFESSIONNALISATION PAR LA PRATIQUE ET PAR LA THÉORIE Tunisia is suffering from high unemployment and is intent on reforming its system of vocational

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung AHK Tunisie Bureau pour la Tunisie et l’Algérie er education. Germany is frequently seen as a model and source of inspiration in this area. It is against Immeuble , 1 étage 27, Rue de l’Ile de Zembra Rue du Lac Léman - 1053 Les Berges du Lac 1053 Tunis - Les Berges du Lac II TUNISIE Tél. +216 - 70 01 80 80 Tél. + 216 71 965 280/+ 216 70 014 179 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] Site : www.kas.de/tunisie Site : http://tunesien.ahk.de/ www.facebook.com/kas.tunisie https://www.facebook.com/AHK.Tunesien this background that the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has now published a French version of the hand- book "Duale Berufsausbildung in Deutschland" (dual vocational education in Germany) (by Eva Rind- fleisch and Felise Maenning-Fortmann), intended for a Tunisian readership. Besides the historical devel- opment and legal framework of the dual education system, the handbook examines the current chal- lenges involved. This publication is also intended to support the project work the KAS performs in the area of vocational education in Tunisia.

CONSTITUTION AND COUNTER-POWERS: ANALYSIS OF THE NEW LEGAL AND POLITICAL ENVIRONMENTS IN THE ARAB WORLD Since 2011, the constitutional foundation of many Arab states has undergone fundamental change, and so have the political constellations. In the French publication "Constitution et Contre-Pouvoirs", i.e. Constitution and Counter-Powers, lawyers and political scientists analyse these new dynamics and actors, from constitutional courts to civil society. One of the countries the authors focus on is Tunisia as it has made most progress in terms of the transition to democracy. The publication is based on a colloquium held in 2015, which had been jointly organised by the KAS Tunisia office and the Rule of Law Programme Middle East/North Africa in collaboration with the Research Unit on International Law, International Jurisprudence and Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Carthage.

n All publications can be downloaded/obtained via the internet: www.kas.de/publikationen