Oct REV6

Basingstoke Gateway Youtube Live Q&A

Question Answer Currently Amazon deliveries are made in a fleet of • The AQ Assessments considers nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Mercedes vans originating from a depot near Particulate Matter (PM10 & PM2.5) as these are the pollutants of Windsor. How much CO2 could be saved by concern when considering vehicular emissions (approach agreed consolidating these parcels into 44 foot wagons to with the local authority). Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant be broken down at that depot onto smaller delivery you would consider for an assessment of this nature. vehicles? • The team cannot comment on a specific retailer’s fleet and operation as it has no relevance to this application

• Full response will be provided by the team following the Youtube live event

Could these small delivery vehicles be electric • We cannot comment on this as an occupier has not been being recharged at an onsite charging station? confirmed yet, but any electric delivery vehicles could be charged on the site

• Site will currently allow for provision of 10% of all vehicles to be charged with a priority parking location near entrance of the buildings to promote their use. Could that charging station be accessible as a new • This is self-contained development and therefore the charging M3 service area to enable other electric vehicles to stations will only be available to users of the site. recharge? Your green area on the other side of the M3 could be the southbound charging station fed by green electricity generated from the nearby biodigester? Oct REV6

The site will be operational post Brexit so what • The Distribution sector has seen significant growth in recent years, bonded or freeport status could it benefit from to and this has increased during pandemic. Online sales currently make it more viable? account for 30% of all retail sales and this is a trend that’s only set to continue going forward. • This trend is symbolic of amount of interest we’ve already had on site at all levels. The submission of this application underlines that we have one particular occupier who is already ready to take this forward to the site. Subject to approval, we are committed to be on site early next year to begin delivering a significant employment provision to the local area What local high tech industries (promoted by the • See above Enterprise M3 quango) would this be the export/import delivery hub for? Potentially a new hospital for could be • We expect to be in discussions with HCC around the P/T package – built close by. What eco friendly transport systems, fixed / drt bus. Scheme proposals doesn’t prejudice any Rapid Transit such as a tram network, would the developer be system on the A30 prepared to co-fund or be made to fund via section 106 contributions? • As part of this full application we will enter into discussions with council on enhancing public transport; the exact means of the enhancement hasn’t yet been decided yet, but whatever is proposed will have wider benefit to the area. We can’t comment on specific nature of the hospital because it has no formal status. Another consideration is the potential for a rapid transport system on the A30 • S106: All the way through the process, we have been working collaboratively with landowners and the council, to ensure the development proposed wider benefits to the South-west corridor of . We believe that the proposed development will only help other developments that may come forward in future and would not prejudice their delivery. Does your local employment tally include the • Direct net jobs expected to be in the range of 813 - 1103 FTE jobs. potential vacancies generated by the local Between 236 – 320 additional indirect and induced jobs generated deliveries or transport links facilitated? by the proposed development at the district level. Oct REV6

• 1300 new jobs will be created- this reflects outline planning application assumptions, 1933 indirect jobs could be brought into the area; significant level of job creation; additional provision through RM plots potentially • Sustainable measures to enhance access to site for all users pedestrians, public transport, EV provision etc; all of wider benefit to existing community

The site is within the Enterprise M3 development • Whilst we are not involved in discussions directly with others in quango area. What applications could Basingstoke regards to their input at the Enterprise Zone, we do recognise that and Deane Borough Council make to this quango this provides an opportunity for growth from London, mid to north to support this development? Hampshire and South West Surrey, with Basingstoke identified as a ‘growth town’. How is this facility likely to be impacted by a • Road Safety Audit will consider all highway conditions and the Basingstoke Freeze as it is at the summit of the hill? physical works will be adjusted accordingly. Road Surfacing will be in accordance with HCC statutory specification unless HCC suggest What additional road treatment and resurfacing is otherwise the developer or future tenant(s) able to support? • All of roads design to accommodate decent weather; we can’t comment on specific of road freezing at this time, but all highway proposals will be subject to road safety audits. If any physical works are required to make the highway proposals acceptable then the Council will fully pick up on this; this goes for road surfacing too. The communication regarding the last consultation • A second round of consultation has been organised in relation to was dreadful. What are you doing differently this the full proposals- this Q&A session forms part of that consultation. time? Can you confirm that these consultation • Our consultation website for the outline planning application sessions have been advertised to a wide area? received over 14,000 views, and 3,000 people providing comments, over 100 people also attended the Youtube live event/watched the YouTube live recording, we hope to reach out to the same amount, if not more, people during this second round of consultation, inviting feedback via email and the purpose made feedback forms. Oct REV6

• We have done a postal notification this time in response to the concerns that were raised. On the website there is a specific feedback form to address concerns going forward Can you comment on the hundreds of letters of • With any planning application, members of the public, stakeholders opposition and just a handful of letters of support and other consultees are able to comment on the proposals within that have been sent to the Council? the 21 day statutory consultation period. • The proposals have been designed in line with the aspirations of both the adopted local plan, and aspirations of future sites through the SHELAA; of which sites are identified for future sustainable growth. The rumours are that the tenant is Amazon – can • Contracts have not been finalised and signed and therefore you please comment on this? the occupier is confidential at this stage (see answers above)

Wouldn’t this be Amazon’s biggest warehouse in • Iterative design process; we have looked at visual impact from Europe – over the double the size of their current inception of design; visual impact already low due to built in largest warehouse? Won’t this be visible for miles? mitigation; landform rising from this view point in combination with existing planting; we proposed additional strategic planting along southern edge of site which will provide further screening in time • Second view form higher end of footpath; from western edge of Dummer looking towards site; mostly hidden by rising topography and existing tree line along M3 embankment but there will be glimpses of the building beyond; Why can’t you lower the building or lower the • Comprehensive landscape and visual impact assessments have plateau to make it less obtrusive? been carried out in accordance with approved guidance and as part of this we’ve looked at zone of visual influence and have modelled the development in 3d and have produced a plan which shows the potential extent of views. We then go out on site and look at most sensitive viewpoints e.g. views from residents from houses and footpaths; also looked at views from road users. We then produced photomontages and superimpose the proposed development. The proposed building is sizeable; however, the design has sought to mitigate for any significant impact on visual amenity so by the time that planting established those impacts are Oct REV6

reduced to acceptable level. So, the development is well enclosed and contained by existing and proposed planting Isn’t the bund on the south of the M3 just a cheap • This application excludes bund area and as such no bund is way of dumping unwanted spoil from the main proposed as part of this full application. construction site? • The bund is specifically included in the outline to mitigate the impact of zones 2 and 3 and will mitigate and provide ecological enhancement for Zones 2 and 3 and is therefore beneficial; • Looking at key views (such as north of Dummer), our visual assessments show that development on zone 1 is only just visible at year zero (post development_ What guarantees can you provide that jobs will go • We looked at the amount of direct and indirect jobs as part of the to Basingstoke residents and not be advertised outline scheme initially. Now looking at full application we have nationally? been able to run this calculation a second time round in more detail. This scheme in particular will provide 1,300 direct jobs, and a higher GDP increase than we were expecting from outline predictions. In light of this, we will likely be able to exceed the delivery of 1500 jobs predicted by outline application. • In addition, we will be able to provide circa 1,933 indirect jobs on site e.g. cleaning, catering etc– which is again a higher number than we predicted as part of the outline application. • Local demographics of employment was a key consideration – so in terms of the range of jobs, it we will be providing entry level jobs to engineering, IT specialist, office and management positions. As such, there are considerable opportunities for people at all different levels. We will also be providing jobs at construction stage also. • The submission of the full application shows our commitment subject to approval of being able to get on site early next year and provide jobs in the immediate future, including local employment. Won’t these new jobs just displace employees from • Unemployment is rising nationally and also within Basingstoke. other companies across the Borough? Currently there are 4,500 individuals claiming benefits. We don’t believe that this facility will take away jobs from other occupiers, but instead will serve those who aren’t in employment presently, which there is an identified need for. Oct REV6

How many shifts will there be? Will employees be • We cannot answer this in full currently as there is no confirmed driving to and from the site in the middle of the occupier. Presumably they will follow typical industry shift patterns, night? including some night work but we have sought to maximise the travel options to site by alternative means than just car travel. The local plan supports the need for 122,000 sqm of • This need is identified by the Local Planning Authority and reported warehouse/distribution space. Your own analysis in the form of the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability supports 185,000 sqm. This proposal is for significantly Assessment. more than that. How can you possibly justify that, • By its nature the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability particularly in the current uncertain economic Assessment (SHELAA) is a broad assessment of land capacity and environment? applies 'industry standard' metrics consistently across all sites it assesses to get an understanding of capacity within the borough. Whilst some site-specific conditions are taken into consideration the approach is not tailored in the same way as a site specific masterplan. • The SHELAA also considers 'general’ demand trends and space needs, rather than occupier specific needs. As sites are brought forward this more detailed knowledge allows the land to be used in a different way than the SHELAA imagines. • The uplift in space largely comes from a relatively new typology that enables greater automation of activity to create more capacity without a parallel impact in terms of vehicle movements etc • The variation allows the borough to therefore respond to and accommodate new forms of demand in the sector that will have wider benefits for the borough's residents and businesses. • The sector (following the current pandemic) is evidently a robust one, and this is now recognised, particularly with the level of job security that this sector can offer. Did the tenant look at alternative brownfield sites in • Storage and distribution- the local plan accepts that not enough of the region? – there are some large sheds available these facilities have been delivered previously, therefore this to rent in Andover and elsewhere in Basingstoke. development will be acceptable subject to a number of tests which must be met in line with the Local Plan. Oct REV6

• A full assessment of all brownfield sites, and conclusion as to why these sites are not suitable will be provided in an Economic Assessment which will be submitted as part of the full planning application, in a similar manner to that submitted as part of the outline planning application for the wider site. • Buildings of this nature are increasingly becoming more bespoke to end user. Therefore, older existing buildings aren’t necessarily fit for purpose anymore. In addition, whilst there are available local buildings they are on the smaller scale, in both Basingstoke and further afield. This is the only possible site for the proposed development in this respect. It’s rumoured that J7 will be selected as the • We can’t comment on the prospect of the new general hospital, preferred site for the new general hospital and a however we believe that the proposals are an enhancement to possible science park – do you believe that that a South West Basingstoke and will complement a variety of large warehousing/distribution development can neighbouring uses rather than prejudice them. co-exist with a hospital? Have you thought about/modelled the traffic • We have undertaken a comprehensive transport assessment as implications of a general hospital being next door? part of this submission. The general hospital has not been factored into our application, however, we have assessed the impact of all committed and some non-committed development in the immediate area, as well as the projected traffic increase by 2030 into our models to understand the local highway capacity of the area. It will be up to any future application for hospital development to demonstrate there is adequate capacity on the highway network I have heard that local MPs, Kit Malthouse and • The project team have been undertaking pre-application Maria Miller oppose the development. Have you discussions focused with local Councillors and stakeholders. We spoken to them? have already begun reaching out to local stakeholders in this respect and we will continue to reach out to more MPs over the application timeline to get as full as view as possible on the application. Oct REV6

It appears that very little of the electricity being • 15% of the site’s energy demand is being generated from air source used is from renewable sources. Have you heat pumps and solar PV. This is far beyond policy requirements. considered incorporating more solar panels? • Site is completely moving away from fossil fuels. • The remainder of the roof has been made ‘solar-ready’ – and will have the structural loading ability to take a full roof of PV over the coming years as we transition to zero carbon in line with B & D’s 2030 climate emergency ambition. • Wider sustainability: holistic approach; building targeting overall BREEAM excellent rating – really pushing the energy in terms of renewable and energy efficiency of the building; EPC A rating; provision of EV charging; BREEAM excellent rating for water use – lots of measures in building to reduce water use on site. Promoting element of well-being through travel plan de-carbonised travel, green spaces around wider space; sw corner biodiversity zone; very good daylight into building; noise will be mitigated; indoor and external air quality Are you talking to Wasdell Group who have just had • Talking to a number of occupiers, both national, regional and local their planning application in Swindon turned down? occupiers at a whole range of building sizes; we are aware of They mentioned that they might relocate to Wasdell requirement and recent issues and this is something that Basingstoke? Next to a hospital, wouldn’t a medical continues on with their retained agents company be a more appropriate tenant than Amazon? How are you going to compensate the owners of • The project team are continuing to meet with the residents at the Ganderdown Cottages? Ganderdown Cottages in regard to the development proposals. • A noise assessment has been carried out for the proposed development, and a lighting strategy will be included for the project- the scope of both these documents has been discussed in detail with the local planning authority. • Noise assessments: above and beyond outline requirement; take into account potential impacts of all affected residents, including Ganderdown cottages; covid has been a challenge; in response to residents request additional monitoring has been undertaken to Oct REV6

ensure we are working at most accurate figures; we are liaising with Councils EH team who will ensure robustness of assessment You say that HGVS will all use J7. The motorway • Can’t predict or design for motorway being closed. In the event of between J6 and J9 is often closed due to this happening HE and HCC will put diversions in place for all accidents. In these circumstances, how will you vehicles, including HGVs prevent HGVs from using unsuitable routes through • Fully expect HGVs to predominantly use J7 which is why the site fits local villages such as Dummer and North Waltham? so well for logistics and distribution Have you considered the extra HGV traffic on the • Accident analysis considered in TA. This junction not in scope but dangerous (A303/A34) junction (very short slip following outline planning app consultation – we have investigated roads) at Bullingdon Cross? and whilst there are some accidents these are considered to be normal for a junction of this nature. Not a junction HCC have specifically asked us to look at which by inference means they are not concerned that this development will impact on its safety record The M3 between J7 and J8 is short and is known for • Weaving is sufficient and wont adversely affect highway safety; dangerous “weaving”. Surely 100s of additional analysis in transport assessment, will be reviewed by highways HGVs will just make this worse. Dummer is a “dark skies’ village with no street lights. • The lighting will comply with the Institution of Lighting Professionals’ Won’t the development create awful nigh time light recommendations for rural areas, and will be aimed down towards pollution? the areas that need it. This will minimise all forms of light pollution. From locations in Dummer with clear views of the north horizon, some sky glow will be discernible in the direction of the Development on misty or hazy nights, but this will lessen on the clear nights. The remainder of the night sky will remain as dark as it is now. For all other locations in Dummer there will be no effect • This information will full part of this application and will be explored in more detail during application process How are you proposing the support ecological • The landscaping proposals mitigate the losses through providing the biodiversity on the site. Surely this can’t be better development and provide additional ecological features to than leaving open fields? increase biodiversity so that the Governments BNG requirement of 10% is met (we are going beyond this). The proposals therefore provide greater biodiversity than the current agricultural use. Oct REV6

• Habitat value of open fields is relatively low; the wooded habitat at the perimeter will be more valuable in this respect. The only species that needs to be considered include ground nesting birds • We are proposing significant biodiversity enhancement; because majority of existing wooded vegetation is being retained; any removals will be mitigated for new proposed hedges and green infrastructure in site; wildflower meadow included in proposal How can you justify building on strategic buffer zone • Policy position: This planning application has considered the polices identified in the B&DBC Green Infrastructure set out in the Local Plan and relevant Supplementary Planning Strategy? Documents, including the Local Plan Policy maps. The site does not form a strategic gap in line with the local plan and therefore does not impact on this • Views: unobtrusive in terms of viewpoints as covered above. Despite size, fits well into site due to levels of site. Viewpoints have been considered from a range of perspectives. No direct impact on people’s access to countryside, no impact on experience of wider countryside experience • Wayfarers walk – enhancement because we are proposing crossing facilities The proposal will affect the Wayfarer’s walk. What • Looking at the Hampshire County Council website it looks as though assurances on safety can you provide walkers using the published route for this walk goes to the north of the site so is not this historic path? directly impacted. Considering that the Council has announced that is • Please see previous comments in relation to planning policy preparing a proactive strategic vision for land to the aspirations. north of M3 junction 7, isn’t this planning application premature? Newlands is funded by an anonymous South African • Newlands has a joint venture partnership with Equites Property Fund investor. Why should non-UK tax paying entities Limited, a specialist investment property fund listed on the benefit from this development? Johannesburg Stock Exchange in South Africa. They have 350 million pounds worth of assets in the UK, and this is a scheme that goes into that fund, therefore we have a very vested interest to ensure that our scheme is future proofed, both in terms of our development but also working collaboratively with surrounding landowners. Oct REV6

Comments received on 11/09/2020 I note that the overall height of the building is 25.3m • Consistent with outline planning application and the visual impact (83ft) When looking at the elevation shown on page done 10 there seems to be a discrepancy in the view as a • We propose to predominantly retain the existing vegetation. Where building of a height of 25.3m Is ,according to my there is a gap between the existing vegetation, we have sought to calculation , equal to at least an 8 storey block of site office development in this position rather than industrial uses to flats. ensure an improved appearance. Further west, there is continuous This would create a blot on the landscape and vegetation which contains the development. Where there is a gap totally out of keeping with the rural area. present, native planting is also being added and will further provide screening • Existing view – junction A30 and trenchards lane looking across to entrance to oakdown farm • The full application proposes a building that will sit a couple of metres lower than approved at outline. The building has also been set back from the site boundary and the A30 which will reduce its visual impact. Once again, existing and proposed tree planting will screen the development. Visuals submitted with the application, demonstrate that the proposed building will be almost completely screened once these trees mature (15 years in accordance with national guidance). As such, while you will still see the building from some views, it is considered that they would offer minimal intrusion to the surrounding area. The current position is that fields absorb surface • Our modelling shows that current site drains into the ditch network, water. It was said that the ponds will reduce existing and into the A30, we are undertaking further investigation into this flow ditches. How can that be the case? ditch network. Our modelling has shown that the discharge that is currently going into this ditch will be reduced with the measures we are introducing on site. We are discussing this with the LLFA at present.

What is the red line in the image shown? • Red line – requirement for planning application; area that’s included as part of the planning application that is being proposed as part of full development of unit; red line includes area to south of m3 – landscape buffer zone – this planning application will not Oct REV6

include this area because the bund it a mitigation impact for other parts of the development • Photo montages – red line shows if site was to be built out as per the outline app – but this isn’t realistic scenario because this would mean building right up to the A30 and there is a significant requirement for infrastructure; full application provides greater certainty on visual impact Will the cycling infrastructure proposed meet the • Infrastructure will be delivered according to the Council’s Government's standards given in "Cycle requirements / Standards where possible infrastructure design (LTN 1/20)", and the guidance in "Gear change: a bold vision for cycling and walking"? People working at or visiting the site could • Part (i)- yes from Up Street – see plans and along site frontage reasonably be expected to cycle from Dummer, A30 North Waltham, Basingstoke, , or Oakley. • Part (ii)- no, we have targeted main residential areas A major development such as yours will need to • Part (iv)- yes connecting to Hounsome Fields and Golf course provide for the needs of site workers and visitors. site connecting PROW Your development will increase the number if lorries • Part (v)- there will be improved connection to, including crossing and vans along the A30, making it less safe for both and then via golf course existing cyclists and those cycling to work on the Basingstoke Gateway site. Many lorry drivers like to There are a number of infrastructure upgrades proposed as part of the take a bike so they can get some exercise when application proposals, particularly to make pedestrian an cycle not driving. Will you provide cycling links:- accessibility to the site safe and easy to use. I. To Dummer (along the A30 between Up Street and Down Street) The above questions will be answered in detail offline. II. To North Waltham (along the A30 to Popham Lane) III. To North Waltham by upgrading the existing public footpath known as Level Lane? IV. To Basingstoke along the A30 to join with the existing cycling infrastructure V. To Beggarwood/ Park via Peak Copse Oct REV6

VI. To Beggarwood/Kempshott Park using the public footpath on Down Street south of the M3 (right of way Dummer 6)?

Have you consulted with Cycle Hampshire and • Not directly, as comments are expected as part of cycle officer Cycle Basingstoke, both local campaigning groups, consultation (Highways team)- we are waiting a response on this and with Cycling UK Right To Ride? from the Local Planning Authority. How will drainage be dealt with? Such as surface • Please see full Youtube recording (session dated 15th September) water? for full response • The proposed scheme allows for a significant betterment of existing drainage provision in terms of surface water; • Foul water- this is all discharged to point beside the routable to the north and then to a dedicated pumping station and discharge point (agree with Thames Water)- in line with guidance. • Localised flooring issues are being dealt with through a legal agreement- a S278 agreement, in relation to the outline planning application. Construction to start Spring 2021 and Completion • Offsite highways works and plateau works are due to begin March Feb 2021. Is this realistic given the extent of the new 2021 highway works required?

Will the development team use local • Please see responses above in relation to job creation; expertise/companies for the design and • There will be a plan relating to employment skill provision specially construction such as ours? We are M&E relating to this development should planning permission be Consultants/designers and are located only a granted. couple of miles from the site. We would strongly suggest local companies are used to help appease local residence and assist with support for the scheme. Doesn’t the existing traffic light junction need to be • There are a number of options that have been considered here, changed to a roundabout given the amount of with a roundabout not considered to be the most efficient use of traffic and queuing down the A30 towards this junction. ? Oct REV6

Why only install a fraction (about 1/6) of the • We need to ensure that he building is futureproof- please see potential number of PV cells and an even lesser Youtube recording (15th Sept) for full response; fraction of the potential number of EV charging • Newlands have a long term interest in ensuring that these buildings points with "provision" for future installation? The are ready for the future, and developing a product that is fit for project has a clean slate as no upgrade of existing long term use infrastructure is needed and therefore has an opportunity to lead the way in sustainable energy. Go the whole hog up front. "Build it and they will come...". One of the constraints to buying an EV is the hopelessly limited number of charging points so not putting them at first delays the uptake and 'justifies' not putting so many in.

The traffic already queue at the traffic lights back to • The scope of traffic modelling has been agreed with HCC and HE; the M3 junction and other directions at peak times traffic modelling considers committed, future development. and this development will make this much worse. • Please see Youtube recording (15th Sept) for full response.

What will the tenant’s operating working hours be? • This will be a 24 hour/ 7 day week operation; Have dark skies/light pollution been considered? • There has been a full assessment of lighting strategy undertaken by Vanguardia, the impacts of lighting are considered to be minimal, please refer to Youtube Live event (15th Sept) for full response.