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SWIM-MASTER VOL X - No 1 USA NATIONAL PUBLICATION FOR MASTERS SW IMM ERS JANUARY Once upon a ti me many years ago - way back in Masters Swimming Program was launched! As an the 60 1 s - there was a dreamer by the name of AAU program it was given identity, and a network Ransom J. Arthur, M.D. Dr. Arthur learned to of volunteers to help promote and officiate at swim at the age of four and has always loved meets all over the country. The program was de-· aquatics. For over 20 years, he swam competi s igned as a phys ical fitness program to encour tively for the iJavy, competing in bo th armed age people to swim on a regular basis and to be forces and AAU meets. concerned about their physical fitness. Most of the top swimmers in our country are usually For a number of years Dr. Arthur attempted to through with competition when they graduate from interest officials in what later became the college and so as not to conflict with our other Masters Swimming program. His efforts met with swimming programs the starting age for the Mas no success until John Spannuth, who was then ters program is 25. The age groups are current President of the American Swim Coaches Associa ly broken down into 5-year groupings with 90+ tion, took an active interest in the proposal being the last age group. Summing up the reasons and together they launched the first Masters for the Masters Swimming program - first is Swimming Championships in Amari !lo, Texas, in HEALTH - physica l fitness; second is FUN - social May 1970. A team of eight Navy doctors made aspect; and third is SPORT - compet· extensive tests on t he part ici pants . Swimming was found to be one of the most healthful forms Masters Swimming has room for all types. It al of exercise and regular exercise results in l ows long-term competitors to continue a career benefits to the cardiovascular-respiratory sys that may have begun long ago. It encourages old tems. The aging process can be slowed down by competitors to return to the sport . And it re a daily exercise program and regular exercise serves space for those who've never competed . lowers the level of serum cholesterol. Swi m All three categories have contributed to the ming on a regular basis can help prevent coro records. Apparently it 's never too late to atone nary disease. for si ns of over- indul gence and under-exercise. In 1971, the second Masters Swimming Champion Dr. Arthur served as chairman for 1972- 73. June ships were again held in Amari I lo with three Krauser followed as Chairman for 1974- 75-76-77. times the number of participants in the first Our current chairman, Ted Haartz is serving his meet. Mr. Spannuth contacted June Krauser and fourth year. Not many changes have been made in asked her to write up a set of rules for the the original program. Many swimmers still do not Masters Swimming Program that could be present know that the program exists but with promotion ed to the AAU Swimming Committee. Having ex and publicity more will be informed. We have perience as National Chairman of the Swimming continued to encourage foreigners to enter our Rules Committee, the Age Group Rules Committee meets in hopes that they will promote the pro and the Junior Olympic Rules Committee, June gram in their countries. wrote up the first set of rules for Masters Swi nvning which were presented at the AAU's Na Since the Athletic Act of 1978, 'swimming' has tional Convention in lake Placid, New York, in been in a turmoil. The UNITED STATES AQUATIC October 1971. The Joint Swimming Committee SPORTS, INC. has been formed \vh ich encompasses voted to adopt and promote the Masters Swimming Swimming, Diving, Water Polo and Synchronized Program as an official AAU Activity. Dr. Ran Swimming . The 1 new 1 name for swimming is U.S. som Arthur was elected the first Chairman of Swimming. Masters Swimming is a l so in the pro the AAU Masters Swimming Committee. cess of change. However, the program remains the same - encouraging people to swim on a reg And so on January I, 1972, the official AAU ular basis - so for 1981 - CONTINUE VIGOROUS SWIMMING FOR HEALTH. FUN ANO SPORT! ALL-AMERICAN MASTERS SWIMMING TEAM FOR THE YEAR 1980'.. WOME N 25 - 29 WOMEN 50-54 MEN 25-29 George Worth i ngton Walt Pfe i ffer Jacalyn Hirsty Ga i 1 Roper Robert Dalrymple lance la rs on Bill Grant Patti Baier Anne Adams James Griffith David Gi I landers Reg Richardson Terry Freerks Cynthia Bruce Bruce Carter MEN 45-49 Herbert Howe Chr isty Hartman Carol Taylor Mel Nash Donald Hill Ben Al len Dot Wise WOMEN 55-59 Randy Whitechurch Graham Johnston Eugene Jenn ings Marcia Middel Dorothy Donnelly Chester Miltenberger Bu rwe 11 Jones Matt Sielski Mary Stevens Shirley Erickson Bob Ha ssett Manuel Sangui ly MEN 70-74 Lynn Skr ifva rs Dorothy lachasse Robert Hansen Wa 11 y Dob 1er Wal l y Spence Suzanne Hewe 11 Jeanne Merryman Michael Heather ~ll 11 i am Yorzyk Arthur Rule Judy Mel ick Minna Hamner Davi d Bede 1 l Phi 11 i p Gay Benton Wood Debra Glassman Dorothy ~Jasn i ak Wi 1son Mi 11 s Don Brown Lloyd Osborne Chris Ruppert Charlotte Costello Rick Kozlowski John Kortheave Art Hargrave Diane Giebeh Jeannette Eppley David Kenyon Ron Taylor Henry Strothman WOMEN 30- 34 Dorothy Ressiguie Pat Harrington Art Welch William Share Gerre Gurland Ruth Stimpson Mark Chatfield MEN 50-54 Bill Stinson Lucy Johnson Joy McDaris Michael Stamm Hal Segel Bi 11 Shott Marianne Brems WOMEN 60-64 Don Anderson Bob Heritier MEN 75-79 Anne Grams Viola Andresen Steve Baxter Bob Miller Maxwe 1 1 Vogt Brooke Camner Jeannette Eppley Wi 11 iam Penn Ed Kerswi 11 Gus Langner Diann Uustal Jane Mccollister MEN 30-34 Ronald Alsobrook P. McCleary Janet Gettling Zada Taft T<. Bo 1ton Edward Emes A1 Ka 11 unk i Stephanie ~/a l sh Merlyn Ewbank Bi 11 Rarthold Charles Moss Fred Lappe Barbara Dunba r Viola Thompson Fred Sehl icher Neal Palmer Pere Deeremer Nancy Ryan Dorothy Gl i dden David Gray Car 1 Yates I rv in Merritt Arlene Henderson Mimi lee Parker Wheat Boyd Johnson Ar t h u r Me r r i t t WOMEN 35- 39 Joan Osborne Tod Sp ieke r Alfred Groh Arthur Rule Diana Todd WOMEN 65-69 Ron Marcikic Ted Haartz Theodore Johnson Carolyn Johnson Dawn Mus selman Rick Morehead Win Wi 1son John Anderson Nancy Ridout Maxine Merlino Terry Robinson John Masters MEN BO+ Jane Katz Susan Haywood Bi-1 Tingley MEN 55-59 Clarence Ross Betty Bennett Mildred Anderson Klaus Barth Ray Hakomak i Tom Lane Ardeth Mueller WOMEN 70-74 Paul Katz Herb McAuley Karl Storz 1 lona Si ke Kathleen Eschmann Keith Be ll John Woods Fred A11 en Becky Richter Ruth Switzer Harold Johnson Paul Hutinger Carol Chidest er Hazel Montgomery MEN 35-39 Skip Mann ALL AAU REG ISTERED Jane Murphy -Sherman Eva Bein Steve Clark Arthur Kob 1 i sh MASTERS SWIMMERS Cece 1 i a Brown Bernice Wayne Tim Garton Frank Piemme WHO ARE HOLDERS OF WOMEN 4o-44 Rose Caplane Ji m Crane Di ck Mi tche 11 FIRST PLACE IN ANY Juanita Correa Jerry Bennett Robert Smith Jurgen Schmidt TOP TEN INDIVIDUAL Helen Buss Sylvia Bailey H. Thomson Mann Fred Taiol i SWIMMING EVENT ARE Carin Vanderbush Edie Goldman Lance Larson Irving Katz DEC LARED ALL AMER- Maggie Land Celia Bal lard Robert tleeves Alan Weeden 1CAN FOR THAT YR. Jan Miller Dorthea Cole Art Smith Ted vonBercksefeldt Milicent Larsen E1 s a Mat t i l a Keefe Ludw ig Perry Rockwe 11 Nancy Brown WOMEN 75-79 Richard Ennis Jim Marcus IF YOU WISH TO Susan Ri ttenhouse Edna Landon Allan Cartwright MEN 60-64 OBTAIN A CERTIFI Charlotte Jenkins Marian McKechnie Walter Grell Jim ~Je 1ch CATE AND PATCH WOMEN 45-49 Sis Fog le John Snooks John Crews FOR YOUR ALL Jayne Bruner Marjorie Bronson Ralph Kendrick Paul Herron AMERICAN HONOR Lavelle Stoinoff Katherine Pelton Scott Guthrie Ray Taft PLEASE SEND $3.00 Ronnie Kamphausen ~/OMEN 80+ Ron Wood Tom Lind WITH YOUR NAME Anne McGuire Pearl Miller Mart~ Hull John Higgins AND ADDRESS TO: Betty Brey Jamie Cameron MEN 0-44 Chet Gosstyla Cindy Baxter Leola Smith Gary laPrise MEN 65-69 TED HAARTZ Betty Kakos Charlotte Kleiss Ed Hinshaw \.Joody Bowersock 155 PANTRY ROAD Ann Pisciotta Ne 11 i e Brown Kirk Canterbury Harold Sexton SUDBURY, MA 01776 Nadine \~hitehall Ruth Deal Art Smith Dave Rowan Ann Kay Edith McMasters Drury Ga llagher Jessie Coon 2 ' MENS 1 METER ,. 21-24 • ,. Ty Kelly 468.10 25-29 K. 0. Crosby 449 . 15 30-34 Dale Wel k 413. 85 John Samuelson 398.50 Norman Evans 354.55 David McKeehan 301. 45 40-44 Fredrick Fox 326. 10 Karl Klemen 297.85 45- 49 Gary Bagley 342.65 Mel Nash 274 .50 Mack Brown 262 .80 Bill Murray 237 .75 Eugene Sikes 222.35 50-54 Ed Craren 253 . 15 Robert Clouse 229 . 60 55-59 Tom Rairabedian 226 . 35 John Crosby 198. 35 60-64 Dal Stauffer 227 . 70 Brud Cleaveland 196. 45 Bill Burgess 179 .80 Ted Kersting 169.65 65-69 Frank McGuigan 207 .10 Don Brand 170. 40 Gene Wade 134.10 70-74 Bill McAlister 158.