Jacqueline Aitken was born in Bath on 17th December 1945. She became Jacqueline Wilson when she got married in 1965.

When she was young, Jacqueline used to enjoy playing with her grandma. They made outfits for all of Jacqueline’s dolls!

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock Although Jacqueline didn’t have any brothers or sisters, she didn’t feel lonely because she enjoyed being on her own.

Jacqueline’s father used to read stories to her. She loved going to the library to choose new books, but got frustrated when the ones that she wanted weren’t available.

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock Jacqueline had a difficult time at school when she started because she was ill quite a lot. She had measles and whooping cough and she had to have lots of time off school.

At breaktimes when Jacqueline was young, she used to make up and act out games. But her friends sometimes found them very strange and couldn’t join in!

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock At school, Jacqueline was excellent at English, Art and History. But she wasn’t very good at Maths and Science and she hated Games!

After she left school, Jacqueline saw a newspaper advert asking for teenage writers. She sent one of her stories and the company bought it. Later, they offered her a job!

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock The company who bought Jacqueline’s stories launched a new magazine for teenage girls and they named it after her. It was called ‘Jackie’ (which is what her friends called her).

Jacqueline first started writing books for adults but publishers didn’t want to sell them. When she had a daughter, Jacqueline wrote a children’s story called 'Ricky’s Birthday' which became her first published book.

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock Jacqueline then had five adult crime novels published but she knew that she wanted to write stories for children.

Jacqueline likes to write stories from a child’s point of view. She often includes difficult issues which affect many children such as bullying, divorce and poverty.

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock Many of Jacqueline’s books are illustrated by .

Jacqueline has won lots of different awards and some of her books have been turned into TV programmes and plays.

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock The Story of made Jacqueline really famous and it won some top awards, including the Carnegie Medal and the Smarties Prize.

When she isn’t writing, Jacqueline likes to swim, read, dance, watch films and visit art galleries.

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock Jacqueline starts her day by swimming 50 lengths of her local pool so that she can exercise and have some time to think.

As well as writing, Jacqueline visits schools, gives talks at bookshops, goes to meetings and opens her readers’ letters (she gets over 200 each week!).

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock Jacqueline buys a new piece of jewellery every time that she has a book published. She wears lots of rings!

If you are interested in writing, Jacqueline recommends that you read lots, keep a diary and enjoy your writing!

www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock www.teachingideas.co.uk © Images: © ThinkStock