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NORTHERN GOLDFISH & PONDKEEPERS SOCIETY Our NORTHERN GOLDFISH & PONDKEEPERS SOCIETY Our Diamond Jubilee Open Show & Auction RESULTS th September 14 2019 CLASSES No. FIRST SECOND THIRD ADULTS 1 COMMON Ian Ian GOLDFISH Mildon Mildon under 3” 2 COMMON S.W. Ian Ian GOLDFISH Moores Mildon Mildon over 3” 3 COMET under David 3” Ford 4 COMET over J.D. 3” Roberts 5 BRISTOL Phil Phil Riley SHUBUNKIN Riley under 3” 6 BRISTOL Phil Phil Riley SHUBUNKIN Riley over 3” 7 LONDON Mick Mick Mick SHUBUNKIN Smith Smith Smith under 3” 8 LONDON Andrew Mick Mick SHUBUNKIN Barton Smith Smith over 3” 9 CALICO Craig Craig Andrew VEILTAIL Clinton Clinton Barton 10 METALLIC Andrew VEILTAIL Barton 11 CALICO Gary Gary Gary FANTAIL Malpas Malpas Malpas 12 METALLIC Nick Nick Nick FANTAIL Swales Swales Swales 13 MOOR Pat Davis 14 ORANDA J.D. S.W. S.W. Roberts Moores Moores 15 LIONHEAD S.W. Andrew S.W. Moores Barton Moores 16 CELESTIAL Craig Craig Tom J.D.Roberts Clinton Clinton Bell 17 BUBBLE-EYE Craig Craig Clinton Clinton 18 POM-PON No Entries 19 PEARLSCALE J.D. J.D. J.D. Roberts Roberts Roberts 20 RANCHU Nick Swales 21 RYUKIN Michael Grahame Kirkham Draper 22 WAKIN S.W. Ian Moores Mildon 23 TOSAKIN Andrew Barton 24 JIKIN Ian Mildon 25 AOV J.Pedley J.Pedley J.Pedley GOLDFISH . BRED THIS YEAR TEAMS OF FOUR 26 COMMON GOLDFISH No Entries 27 COMETS No Entries 28 BRISTOL Pat SHUBUNKINS Davis 29 LONDON SHUBUNKINS No Entries 30 VEILTAILS No Entries 31 FANTAILS Gary Malpas 32 MOORS Pat Davis 33 ORANDAS No Entries 34 LIONHEADS No Entries 35 CELESTIALS No Entries 36 BUBBLE-EYES No Entries 37 POM-PONS No Entries 38 PEARLSCALE No Entries 39 RANCHUS No Entries 40 RYUKINS No Entries 41 WAKINS No Entries 42 TOSAKINS No Entries 43 JIKINS No Entries 44 AOV GOLDFISH SINGLE TAIL No Entries 45 AOV J.Pedley GOLDFISH TWINTAIL WITH DORSAL 46 AOV GOLDFISH TWINTAIL NO DORSAL No Entries 47 NEW VARIETY No Entries . SINGLE FISH BRED THIS YEAR 48 COMMON GOLDFISH No Entries 49 COMET No Entries 50 BRISTOL Pat Phil Phil SHUBUNKIN Davies Riley Riley 51 LONDON David David SHUBUNKIN Roberts Roberts 52 VEILTAIL Craig Craig Craig 1,2,3,4,5 Clinton Clinton Clinton 53 FANTAIL Gary Gary Gary 1,2,3,4 Gary Malpas Malpas Malpas Malpas 54 MOOR Pat Pat Pat Davis Davis Davis 55 ORANDA No Entries 56 LIONHEAD No Entries 57 CELESTIAL No Entries 58 BUBBLE-EYES Craig Craig Craig Clinton Clinton Clinton 59 POM-PON No Entries 60 PEARLSCALE No Entries 61 RANCHU No Entries 62 RYUKIN No Entries 63 WAKIN No Entries 64 TOSAKIN No Entries 65 JIKIN No Entries 66 AOV GOLDFISH SINGLE TAIL No Entries 67 AOV J.Pedley GOLDFISH TWINTAIL WITH DORSAL 68 AOV GOLDFISH TWINTAIL NO DORSAL No Entries 69 NEW VARIETY No Entries OTHER CLASSES 70 EUROPEAN J.D. PONDFISH Roberts 71 NON- S.W. S.W. S.W. EUROPEAN Moores Moores Moores PONDFISH 72 MATCHED Mick Mick Ian PAIR SINGLE Smith Smith Mildon TAIL 73 MATCHED Mick Ian Gary PAIR Smith Mildon Malpas TWINTAIL 74 NOVICE CLASS No Entries JUDGED ON COLOUR ALONE Sponsored by Aquarium Home Services 75 BEST Gary Gary Mick NACREOUS Malpas Malpas Smith 76 BEST RED Ian Mick Mildon Smith 77 BEST LEMON Mick Smith 78 BEST BLACK Mick Mick Smith Smith 79 BEST J.D. VARIEGATED Roberts METALLIC PHOTOGRA PHIC CLASS 10 GOLDFISH 01 VARIETIES - 10 GOLDFISH 02 BREEDING - 10 PONDS 03 - 10 GOLDFISH 04 PEOPLE 10 Any Fish David 05 Roberts Best in Show was Andy Barton’s London Shubunkin – which also won Best London Shubunkin. Best Bristol Shubunkin was Phil Riley’s Bristol Shubunkin. Best Breeder was Craig Clinton’s Bubble- eyes. Highest Pointed was Mick Smith. .
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