Name ______Date:

Companions of the Prophet

Circle the correct answers.

1) Who is called a companion of the Prophet (S.AW)?

a) A companion is he who saw the Prophet (S.A.W) and believed in him and died as Muslim b) All Muslims are considered companions c) No one is a companion

2) Who were considered as the closest companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)?

a) Al-Siddiq and ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab b) ‘Abdullah Ibn Masud and ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar c) Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed and Salman Al-Farsi

3) How many of the companions have been promised paradise?

a) One thousand b) One hundred c) Ten

4) What is the word for companion?

a) Sawda b) Sahabi c) Shabbun

Name ______Date:

5) Who were the four Khalifahs?

a) Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Yusuf b) Dawud, Sulayman, Musa, Isa c) Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘, ‘

6) Fill in the blanks using the correct words from below:


Every Prophet of Allah has a group of ______who helped them spread the ______of Allah. Our beloved Prophet ______also had a group of followers who sat in his company, learnt from him and obeyed his every command. These people are known as ______. They are the most excellent people in this ummah. They are regarded to be the best of people after the ______. The most excellent amongst the Sahabah are the four ______. Their rank is according to the sequence of their khilafat (leadership). It is COMPULSURY to show ______to all the Sahabah and to refrain from speaking ill of them and criticising them. Any person who speaks ill of any Sahabi is a great ______. There is a fear that such a person will lose his ______.