2006-07 Business Plan Builds on the Department’S Accomplishments Over the Past Number of Years While Responding to Priorities Identified in Pinasuaqtavut
22000066--22000077 ISBN# 1-55325-084-2 February, 2006 Government of Nunavut Foreword In this document are business plans for the Office of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut, the ten Government of Nunavut departments and the Nunavut Housing Corporation, to support the Government of Nunavut’s 2006-07 Main Estimates. Each business plan is organized into six sections: Introduction, Strategic Commitment to Pinasuaqtavut, Inuit Employment Plan Environmental Scan, Core Business, and Appendices. The Introduction provides an overview of each department's mission, vision, principles and values as well as a brief description of current language initiatives. The Strategic Commitment to Pinasuaqtavut provides an opportunity for departments to describe in general terms how they deliver programs and services in accordance with the principles of IQ and guidelines that are set out in Pinasuaqtavut. The Inuit Employment Plan provides information on each department’s Inuit employment goals and initiatives. In addition, statistical data is provided on each department’s Inuit employment representation. The Environment Scan provides the context, or setting, for the operations of each department. Their clients, challenges − constraints and pressures − and opportunities are described. The Environmental Scan concludes with the Critical Issues for each department − what is critical to keep in mind or do, given the current status and environment, to accomplish its mission. The Core Business section describes what each department does. Each program is briefly described and relevant budget indicated. For each line of business, a status report is provided on the priorities that were identified for the 2005-06 fiscal year and new and/or continued priorities are identified for the 2006-07 fiscal year.
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