MAIDAGI Aissatou (Miss / Dr) Management Specialist / Project Development Specialist Economic Evaluation of Development Programs /Health Specialist Nationality: Marital Status / Gender: Single / Female


• Thesis (Doctorate) in Economic Evaluation of Development/ Health programs - GRECQAM - Aix Marseille II University (Faculty of Medicine – Public health Laboratory) France, 2003- 2006. • Master in International Economics “Analysis and Modelisation’ of Economics Policies” at University -Paris x. France, 2004 – 2005 (Pr Jean Mercenier). • Master in Economic Evaluation of Development/ Health programs at Aix Marseille II University (Faculty of Medicine – Laboratory of public health), France 1999 – 2000 (Pr Jean Paul Moatti). • Master in Economics Sciences (option: Management of Enterprises) at University, Niger 1994 – 1995 (Pr Jean MATHIS). • License in Economics Sciences (option: Management of Enterprises) at Niamey University, Niger 1993 - 1994. • BAC D (Maths and Sciences) at Lycée DAN BASKORE, Maradi, Niger 1988.


* Perfect Knowledge of: RATS, SAS, EVEIWS,WORD, EXCEL, BPP, LOTUS 123, POWERPOINT, ECCESS, DBASE, MS PROJECT, CLARIS WORK, FOXPRO,, SPSS, EPI INFO, SHZAM et INTERNET. • English lessons (Conversation level UPPER WAYSTAGE 3) at Wall Street Institute in Marseille, France. • Econometric implicated to epidemiologic and public health at CESAM/ University PARIS 6- France. • Training of trainer “CREE” of ILO “How to create your business” • Training of trainer “GERME” OF ILO “How to manage your business”.

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Technical knowledge

Principal qualifications in Community based Development, Management, Monitoring and Evaluation:

· Knowledge of grant management and community needs assessment, participatory development/ monitoring of an assistance activity under a grant or cooperative agreement; · Compilation and analyzes data to inform the policy and the strategies for formulation of recommendations to the decision makers; mobilization and the strategic use of the resources;

·Implementation, follow-up, evaluation, strategic and operational planning of the activities in accordance with the applicable procedures of the structure;

· Definition of new approaches, methods and practical of management particularly centered on results (GAR) and human rights approach;

· Methods and procedures of development of Communal Plans of Development (PDC) with integration of the approach human rights; · Monitoring and evaluation of the activities: making of a grid of follow-up and evaluation (choice of the criteria, analyzes and interpretation of the data, formulation of recommendations and measurements corrective if necessary, etc).

· Site Visits and supervision of the activities in accordance with the specifications; execution of the activities contained in the scheme of work; follow-up of the budgetary plans and allowances of the resources for a better rationalization, certification of the disbursements of funds and tender of the financial reports/ratios;

· Technical aid and councils as regards planning and formation for durable reinforcement of the capacities and the plea for the speakers;

· Collaboration and periodic meetings with the actors and other structures which intervene in the Community development;

· Drafting of document and progress reports/states of activities.

Principal qualifications in Economy and Communication:

• Economic evaluation of programs; • Cost – utility Analyses, Cost-effectiveness Analyses, Cost benefit Analyses of Health programs; • Experiments as regards economic evaluation of programs of development, of research, analyses and modeling of the economic policies and statistical work in economy and econometrics. • Communication/social mobilization for the HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Survival and Development of the mother and the child, Nutrition, etc (Research, Planning, Formation, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reinforcement of the partnership, Mobilization of resources… etc); • Communication for a change of behavior; Information management.

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• Author of evaluation research titled ‘ Harnessing the private health sector to achieve global Health care in Niger’ December 2007, AFRO - World Health Organization (WHO)

• Co-Author with Pr. Jean MATHIS from. PARIS DAUPHINE University for research titled “Impact of the CFA franc devaluation on the modern manufactory sector in Niger: analysis of accounts and performances” published in 3000 exemplary by the French University Agency AUF (ex AUPELF-UREF) under the reference n° 95/16.

• Many feasibilities studies of creation of micro Project (MPE) in Niger with my position at « ENTREPRENDRE AU NIGER ».

• Author of economic research titled “Determinant of access to modern health care by Niger’ indigent population in cost covering context” under financial support of UNICEF/ French Cooperation and French Development research institute (IRD).

• Co-author of research on trade exchange between Niger and Nigeria financed by PASPE/USAID.

Participation to many seminaries organized by ILO at Ouagadougou, Turin, Niamey and by UNICEF at Abidjan and Niger. I have been to divers’ forums, conferences and training on poverty, health and publications about economic questions.


• French, Good spoken and written level • English, Good spoken and written level • National languages: Hausa and Djerma , Good spoken and written level •

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Since September 15, 2011: Project Development Officer at Maptech, partner of USADF in Niger: - Receipt of grant applications; - Conduct initial screening and sorting of applications; - Conduct site visits and prepare site visit reports of selected application; - Orient new grantees to the USADF Country priorities; - Participate to the monitoring and evaluation of project financed by ADF; - Participate to the reviewing of grantee quarterly reports ( QR part I and part II); - Develop new project (EDI or EEI) according to ADF rule and procedure ( Due diligence, FARQ, Financial assessment, Budget and narrative, Project description summary, Cover sheet, Environmental screening, Activity and performance, Appendix A, etc); - Participate to the implementation and follow up of new project financed by ADF - Participate to all activities of Maptech according to the partnership with ADF.

June 15 to August 10, 2011: Consultant (In collaboration with a Sociologist Aboubacar Garba) for « Programme d’Appui au Secteur de L’Elevage » (PASEL/SNV):

- Evaluation of Genre in association pastoral and agropastoral environment in Niger department of Dosso, Gaya,Loga, , et Guidan Roumdji.

- Recommendation formulation to improve partnership between PASEL and communities based organizations;

- Identification of activities generating income that generate significant social benefit.

November 15 to February 23, 2011: Consultant in Social Policy Program at UNICEF / Niamey:

- Support for Knowledge Management and inventories.

July 12, to November 11, 2010: Consultant for Operations / Administration of UNICEF/Niamey:

- Administrative management of the Office and Sub offices; - Cost analysis and Supervision of the activities of providers.

May 15 to July 15, 2010: Consultant (Cabinet BNIC) for “Kandadji” a Program of Ecosystems Regeneration:

- Monitoring and Evaluation System initialization; - Training of users.

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April 7 to April 21, 2010: Consultant for SWISSAID ‘Office of Coordination in Niger/Niamey:

- Evaluation of the level of achievement of objectives, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the NGO to forecast and assessment of their relevance and their efficiency;

- Identification of the forces and weaknesses of the NGOs supported by SWISSAID; - Evaluation of the overall strategy of implementation of project, its adaptability, acceptability by the beneficiaries and durability.

- Evaluation of the level of ownership activities and transfer of skills to the level of the beneficiaries to assess to what extent sustainability achievements can be reached at the end of the intervention; - Evaluation of the partnership between NGO and its main partner in case mutual ASUSU DENDI.

- Lessons from the assessments made and formulate recommendations and proposals for corrective action for the design of a new project or partnership; - Drafting of a report.

November 19, 2009 to January 30, 2010: Consultant to the World Bank in Niger/Niamey:

- Realization of a situation analysis of access and quality of action enjoyed by young children in matters of education, health, nutrition and protection in Niger. - Recommendations for implementing the DIJE and to boost the sub sector of education early childhood; -Writing a report.

October 27 to December 15, 2009: Child survival and Protection of UNICEF/Niamey Program’ consultant:

- Final Evaluation of the activities of an NGO (ONDPH) in the fight against STI/HIV/AIDS in the Lazaret, Koira Tégui, Banifandou districts and Dar es Salaam Commune II and Komabangou (terabytes). - Evaluation of activities conducted within the framework the mutual health BANI MATE Komabangou (Tera); Writing a report.

October 6 to December 31, 2008: Consulting in the section communication of the UNICEF/Niamey:

- Data collection, design and realization of tools of communication (repertory and cartography of ONG and media in Niger) for the development within the framework of the scaling of the Essential family practices (PFE).

August 10 to September 30, 2008: Consulting in International Care in Niger:

- Final Evaluation of Micro project the “finances and medical education ZONTA NER 070 ”, 67 p, October 2008.

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April 20, 2008 to June 30, 2008: Consulting taking over temporarily the duties of the Specialist under development Community/Section DC/ WASH in the UNICEF Niamey:

- Technical and financial Analyses of the offers; - Analyses of the requests of the partners, - Follow-up of the execution of Plane Supply; - Missions on the ground; - Supervision of the activities; - Participation in the development of the Communal Plans of Development (PDC) by integrating the approach Human Rights; - Compilation and analyzes data, drafting of the reports/ratios; - Execution of the administrative tasks related to this station.

March 18, 2008 to April 18, 2008: Evaluation Consulting with UNICEF Niger on Essential Familial Practices (PFE):

- Data collection; - Compilation and verification of communication tools ;

- Treatment of Data;

- Analysis and interpretation of Data; - Oral presentation and report writing.

November 5, 2007 – March 15, 2008: Consulting with UNICEF Niger, in charge of the organization of a Symposium on the nutrition in Niger under the topic “Durable’ control of malnutrition in the children in Niger”:

- Administrative and logistic preparation; - Meeting facilitation; - Participation to “Conference call” with LANCET GMBB and others partners.

October 22, 2007 to December 22, 2007: Consultant for WHO / Regional Office for Africa: - Evaluation of Health Private Sector in Niger “ Harshening Health private sector to achieve Millennium Development Goals in Health”

September 23, 2007 to October 10, 2007 (13 days): Consulting at office UNICEF Niger within the framework of the development of the PIC (Integrated Program of Communication) on the exclusive breast-feeding and the implementation of its phase controls in Maradi:

- Workshop animation and training of communities based organizations on Brest feeding; - Pages volt testing; - Negotiation of partnership between Unicef and NGO.

August 2006 - March 2007 (8 months): Evaluation Consulting at Office UNICEF - Niger/In charge of mission for the preparation and the organization of the IV rth conference of the African Association of evaluation AfrEA having gathered approximately 800 participants left again between 15 simultaneous workshops of formation of the 14 in January 16, 2007, the

CV Aissatou MAIDAGI 7 plenary one and 7 operations of commissions of the 17 at January 19, 2007 and 1 workshop post conference from the 21 to January 22, 2007 (All M& E officer meeting - UNICEF):

- Participation to the UNICEF M&E officer Meeting in Niamey; - Assistance to the M&E officer; - Participation and logistic and administrative preparation for African Evaluation Association’ conference (guaranteed rooms of the workshops and conference, restoration, transport, lodging, reception, tourism, cooling, Kits and badges for participants, negotiation of the reduced Fees and preparation of the tender documents and consultation of the suppliers, active participation in the meetings of the 8 committees set up while taking care of the functionality of these under committees; information of the participants on the questions relating to the conference; development of schemes of work for the preparatory phase, during the conference and post conference, followed execution of the services,… etc),

- Financial and countable management of the activities at the level National (preparation of the budgets, calls of funds, reports/ratios financial and countable, preparation of audit. Etc, in accordance with the procedures applicable to the conference).

- Drafting of the management reports.

July 2006: Consulting at UNDP Office/ Niger for the request of financing World round 6 of the Funds (financing for the VIH/SIDA, malaria and Tuberculosis):

- Development of the financial arrangement starting from the detailed plan of the activities of these tree components for tender with the backer; - Analyze of GAP and chronogram of the activities.

2004-2006: (2 years) consulting in Health economic and econometric at GRECQAM in Marseille, France:

- Studies’ about cost-efficacity, cost-benefit and cost-utility of health programs and cancerology; VIH- AIDS; Tabagism and Alcoology. - Data’ collect and analysis with econometric logician RATS, SAS and SPSS.

2004-2006: (2 years) Pedagogic collaborator at Higher Professional Institute (FORPROF at Avignon France): - Training supports conception in math’s applicated to econometric for student of higher level. - Training for more than 20 students per level.

2001-2003: (2 years) Trainer at “Cours LEGENDRE” (8 rue Republic in Marseille and in Paris, France): - Training of math’s; economic; econometric and gestion for PREPA’students. (Bac+ 2 and Bac+ 3) and (Terminal and1ére S; ES); - Correction of exams copies and training at distance.

1999: (more than 7 months) Consultant at UNICEF in Niamey NIGER/ In charge of socio- economic research project of « Urban area health ». The project concerns 5 African towns

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(Bamako; Dakar; Conakry; Niamey; and Abidjan) and is financed by UNICEF, French Cooperation in Niger and IRD (ex ORSTOM):

- Identify solutions to improve equity in access to primary modern health care; - Identify the indigent populations with restraint significative indicators of socio- economic level; - Analyze the determinant of access to modern health care. - Realize all the procedure of recruitment and training of investigators; conception of data collection supports and methodological guidelines; Data collection; informatics’ treatment of data; redaction of report; - Participate to regional meeting for restitution at UNICEF regional office in Abidjan).

1996 -1999 : (2 years and +) Technical Encadror at EAN“Entreprendre au Niger” a structure of creation and development of MPE according to private sector promotion financed by UNDP/ILO in Niger:

Work carried out: I contributed to the preparation of the Situation Analysis to prepare the National program including the monitoring, evaluation and research plan. I have also participated in the development of the private sector in Niger under the financial support of UNDP/ILO. Further more I have assisted government authorities to plan and organize private sector training programs, I have identified training needs for the purpose of capacity building in private sector. I have prepared methodological and training supports for accounting and management training of promoters and chiefs of micro enterprise (MPE); I have made feasibility' studies of micro projects. The most important direct pleasure for me was the permanent contact with the promoters of MPE such in rural and urban areas that allows me to understand their real needs and concerns.

1995 - 1996: (12 months) Contribution to many studies and investigations for the organization in charge of analyze and follow-up of the economic policy of Niger for the account (PASPE/USAID) and to many socio-economic’ research at French Development Research Institute IRD (ex-ors tom) in Niger:

Work carried out: I have analyzed and evaluated economic programs in order to propose alternative options of economic policies within the framework of the project of analysis and follow-up of economic policy PASPE/USAID, the formulation of effective and efficient strategies as regards economic policies resting on the basis of knowledge of the had aims (Millennium Development Goals), of the socio-economic context ( a good compilation and interpretation of the economic and social data) and means or resources available or to mobilize in order to reach the anticipated results. An inventory of all of possibilities with to the key the probable results of each of them and the related constraints y would make it possible to the decision makers to make a best alternative as regards planning. From where need for a decision maker for having councils warned like fundamental technical support. I carried out socio-economic research for the French Institute of research for development (IRD) bearing on trade between Niger and Nigeria; modes of accumulation of rich nesses in Niger, the economy native of Niger...etc.

1995: (5 months) Consultant at Technical Appui Unit « UTA »:

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Work carried out: Realization of research titled “Forest product beneficiation in Niger”; “Use of the hearths improved in Niger” and other studies within the framework of the countryside against deforestation financed by ONG German GTZ in Niger.


1. Dr Maman SALEY, Director Cabinet BNIC Niger Email : [email protected] / Contact : (00 227) 96 89 35 05/ 90 49 37 70

2. Dr Kalilou SOULEY OMS Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire Email : [email protected] / Contact : (00 225) 025 021 25

3. Mr. Gregoire Yapo , Operations Chief UNICEF Email : [email protected]

4. Mr Robbert N’Damobissi : Chief of Planning & Monitoring au Bureau UNICEF ZIMBABWE Email : [email protected] Tél : +263 470 3941 Mobile:+263 772 124 258

5. Mr Isselmou Ould Boukhary : Deputy Representative au Bureau UNICEF Niger Email : [email protected] Tél : 20 72 30 08 ext 402