Hilda Graef Chapter One

The Old Testament Prophecies

- protogospel Gen 3:15

Good “exegesis” needed mistranslation of the Vulgate … “she” replaced “it” connection to Rev 12 ??? LXX “he” replaced “it” => “seed” / the messiah Eschatological combat In Hebrew: words addressed to Eve J tradition: serpent=demon / seed = messiah / Documentary hypothesis Today’s thoughts => Hebrew ishah = woman (both Eve and Mary or all women) Mary and “hidden” in the OT

- Is 7:14 ca 735 BC Judah threatened by Israel (divided kingdoms) and Syria Prophet advises Ahaz Hebrew word almah “young girl turning woman” / marriageable girl Ancient reference to goddess Birth of Hezekiah, son of Ahaz Sign * Two-layered meaning Greek word parthenos Interpreted by Matthew 1:33 Micah 5:2ff Jer 31:22 corrupt translation of the Hebrew

- Wisdom books and Song of Songs Symbolic or “typological” sense Patristic interpretation = Ark of the covenant = rock not falling = Jacob’s ladder

New Testament Need tradition … for example, Luke was a friend of the family Hail Mary is mistranslated **** Greek word chaire rejoice! Charis = “joy” not gratia See Zephaniah 3:14 ff Rejoice with all thy heart, daughter of .. The king of Israel is in the midst of thee” See Joel 2:21 “be glad and rejoice” See Zechariah 9:0 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion … shout for joy.

- Kecharitomene - the translation is NOT gratia plena Is it the same as charitoo in Eph 1:6. Not exactly. The grammatical forms are different Like the call of Gideo Judges 6:12-24 “new name”

“vow of virginity” VERY QUESTIONABLE ! Not Jewish anthropology Why does Mary question? (will be seen in the iconographic tradition) Seen in the PJ Importance of parallels to see the typology ! Descent of HS like the cloud in Exodus 40:32ff “shekinah”

Visitation and Note the difference between Matthew and Luke’s birth narratives “rising up” (like David taking ark to Jerusalem) Mary is “the true daughter of Zion” and the “ark of the covenant”

The magnificat … a song (from the circles of the poor – the anawim?) of thanksgiving for first born Laurentin: great exultation of the lowliest Son of Hannah – 1 Samuel 1

Mary, Joseph and the Virgin Birth

Luke – Mary’s viewpoint Matthew – Joseph’s viewpoint Jewish laws of betrothal and marriage Angel appears to Mary and an angel appears to Joseph “took her into his own home, knew her not until she brought forth her firstborn son …” MT 1:25 “until” has Hebrew meaning “firstborn” Who were the brethren Mt 12:46, Mk 6:3, John 7:3 ? Half brothers and sisters or cousins?

Virginity in partu [two dogmas so far: virgin conception and remaining a virgin] “virginity in parturition” Virgo lactans breastfeeding mother Problem of Docetism Purity in Jewish tradition “clean” and “unclean” - Presentation in Temple (purification)

Mary is the representative of Israel Mary’s pondering … 2:18ff

Presenting child in temple – what was Mary’s sword? Finding child in temple


Wedding and washing in the jars – Hebrew meaning “woman” – reference to Eve Institution of ministry of Jesus Shows Mary’s intercession “time not yet come” … completed at cross in John’s gospel “the hour” Some patristics … Mary’s spiritual growth beyond doubting “Who is my mother” Luke 11:27

Mary at cross

John’s gospel Jn 19:26 Origen’s opinion “woman” – motherhood extended to all Reference to Gen 3:15 … debated Second Eve Jn 13:27 Or Mother of many children - mother of Zion Is 49:14-26 / 52: 1-2 / 54: 1ff / 61: 1 ff 62: 1 ff “spiritual motherhood” Therefore … more than just a provision of care for his mother !

Pentecost Acts 1: 13ff

Revelation 12

Israel as a woman Is 26:17 / Is 66:7 ff Paul – Gal 4:26ff Shepherd of Hermas Star Joseph”s dream Gen 37:9 Mary = Israel … or the Church … or herself OR ALL THREE

CHAPTER TWO - Early church tradition up to the Nestorian Controversy

Goddess worshp: Rome …. Magna Mater Phrygia … Cybel Palestine … Ashtaroth Egypt … Isis (and her son Horus) Ephesus … Diana

Paul’s only reference to Mary … Gal 4:4 (she is not a goddess)

Ignatius of Antioch +110 Gnosticism … Docetism Letter to the Trallians “out of Mary who was truly born” Letter to the Ephesians 7.2 ekyoporethe “carried in the womb” hidden from devil 19.1

Apocrypha Assumption of - (Jewish Christian, gnostic) Virginity in partu like the haggadah on birth of Moses Odes of Solomon – childbirth with no pain, like a man (pagan influence of Magna Mater)

Protoevangelium of James NEW TO GRAEF … studies on first century mysticism (see VK article) Tradition is at work – names of her parents Was it influenced by Platonic philosophy – test by the midwife

Justin Martyr +165 Dialogue with the Jew, Trypho (ref to Is 7:14) Neanis - young girl Parthenos - virgin Eve / Mary parallel 43 ff, 67

The Early Theologians: Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origen

Irenaeus +202 Against the Heresies Links Eve/Mary to Paul’s recapitulation Eph 1:10 anakephalaiosis re-circumlatio Answer to the angry feminists who think the E/M blames Eve 3, 21, 10 3,22,4 3, 10, 2 3, 16, 7 5 (19,1) Emphasizes virginity and obedience parallelisms (popular patristic method) Did Mary have faults?

Tertullian 220+ Wrote in Latin Became a montanist More E/M Rejects in partu denied aei parthenos De Carne Christi Some imperfection in Mary

Clement of Alexandria + Stromateis 16 remained a virgin in birth

Origen 253+ Denies virginity in partu then affirms it later Strange commentary on Mt 25:35 Homily 8 and homily 14 Contra Celsum 1: 34-37 Aeiparthenos Commentary on Matthew 10:17 E/M Homily 1 on Matthew Magnificat a prophecy Homily 8 on Luke Sword = during the Passion of her son Not in partu if she is presented in temple on 40th day

Cyprian of Carthage 258 + Related Is 7:14 to Gen 3:14ff

Peter of Alexandria 311+ May have been first to use aeiparthenos

Gregory the Wonderworker 270+ (miracle) Dream of Mary and John the apostle

Sub Tuum Praesidium - hymn New scholarship places it much earlier Uses the word “

Feast of Hypapante and Letter of Egeria the nun Presentation of Jesus in the temple

Eusebius 340+ Commentary on Isaiah 7:14 = Mary and Is 8:3 = Mary The title panagia “all holy”

Bishop Alexander (of Alexandria) +328 Against gnostic and Manichean heresies, defended the humanity of Jesus by noting his human mother – she was theotokos, “bearer of God” “Mary is the type and image of the life that is proper to heaven” – peace of Constantine and the rise of monastic life for women

Coptic church preserves a document from – Council of Nicea 325 Gnomai, proverbs of the Council (a wise woman – the ideal of the 4th c. age)

Athanasius +373 Defender of Christ and coined the word homousios – “same substance” against Arians (council of Nicea 325) did not teach “virginity in partu” “he who was born opened the womb.” Christology and go together Wrote On the Incarnation He claims “perpetual virginity” for Mary Mary is not perfect 1 Cor 7:25 may refer to Mary as the model virgin

Titus, of Bostra +378 Defended real motherhood of Mary against the Manicheans Homilies on Luke She was sanctified by the Holy Spirit She is a prophetess and speaker of God theologousa Taught virginity post partum

Marcellus of Ancyra + 374 Exposition of the Faith Mary is = achrantos – “undefiled” re: Jer 3:22