I Weather Forecast Guide for Readers Cool, windy today. Fair tomorrow, Page. Page. moderate temperature, low humidity. After Dark.B-t Lost and Pound, A-S Amusements ..B-8-9 Obituary ...A-8 Temperatures today—Highest. 73, at Comics .B-14-15 Radio .B-15 noon; lowest, 69, at 5:10 a.m.; 71 at 1:30 Editorials.A-8 Society ..B-3 Editor! A-9 .A-10-11 p.m. Yesterday—Highest, 89, at 10:46 Articles. Sports Finance .A-1S Woman’s B-lf a.m.; lowest, 67, at 8:32 p.m. Page,

Lote New York Markets, Poge A-13. An Associated Press Newspaper

* City Horn* Delivery, Dally and Sunday K /''<'l7''Vrrnci * O. 92d YEAR. No. 36,574. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1944-THIRTY PAGES.**** 80c a Mo.. Whan 5 Sunday*, »0e X

4 ! J _ Bricker Gaining Yanks Miles From Cherbourg, MVEHIKM HEADQUARTERS As Backers 'Put' and Push On Capture Valognes in Race 1 Dewey As Offensive New York Supporters Bradley Steps Up Say Governor Would-

Is1 Nomination Ii1'il : Accept Germans Also '40 Invasion Ended Before Nazis By the Associated Press. of 300 Jap Planes CHICAGO, June 20.—New York Cleaned Out backers lifted the wraps today Could Embark, Churchill Says on Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, the , leading contender in the Repub- Heavy Concentrations of Ships and Men lican presidential race, but Gov. Bagged; Saipan * BULLETIN. Were to Leave, Commons Is Told John W. Bricker of Ohio picked NEW YORK England Nazi Position in damaged. would vote for Gov. Bricker on the boys seized Valognes and pushed a Italy; Hit Robot Plane Bases By the Associated Press. (Imperial Japanese headquar- From 9 Miles 24th Since War There were some mile beyond, and cleaned the Ger- Away Began first ballot. signs ters declared, without confirma- SUPREME ALLIED HEADQUAR- others in the 16-vote delegation mans out of by-passed Montebourg, tion, that 300 American planes June 20.—A few second: follow this lead. 4 miles from Valognes. Allies Enter Reports Reaching Swedish TERS, Comdr. John A. Moore might Perugia And Targets in Reich were destroyed and a battleship, The Germans were back after shooting the last bolt into Representative Carroll Reese, Re- falling two cruisers, a destroyer and one Source Say Finns Was of Craft, on the inner of Cher- on a Skipper publican, of Tennessee, a National perimeter Major Communications Oil Aircraft submarine were sunk during the place 40-millimeter gun des- bourg’s defenses, Associated Press Refineries, Have Yielded Committee member, said here Gov. battle. A broadcast enemy com- City tined for , an alert United Presumably in Pacific Correspondent Roger Greene said in Center Is 85 Miles Plants and Tank Bricker undoubtedly had made a munique also said Japanese air- States maintenance crew used a dispatch from American field Depot By the Associated Press. Army By the Asiociated Press. good impression on speaking tours North of Rome men were still attacking the the last week to what headquarters. He added the Ger- Attacked by Air Fleet MOSCOW,'June 20.—Big guns weapon bag Loss of the submarine Gray- and was showing new push. American ships. is thought to be the first pilotles: mans fell back from Valognes “with- of the Red 9 miles in "But," he added, "it is difficult (Pictures on A-2.) By the Associated Press. (This Claim may have been a Army, only shot down in Southern back, presumably operations out a stand.” Page plane attempting major to a broadcast from the Finnish seaport of Vii- the in the Far to say whether any of this has been SUPREME ALLIED HEAD- follow-up Tokyo England. against Japanese The power drive directly south of By the Associated Press. translated into delegate strength.” promising ‘‘that the Japanese puri, poured salvo after salvo A direct hit was with the Pacific, was announced Cherbourg carried the 9th Division QUARTERS, June 20.—More scored today by ROME, June 20.—Allied forces navy in the near future will win into its outskirts today. second round after Albert the Against this, some of the delegates, battering ram nearly 6 miles north than 1,500 American Capt. Navy. heavy a great naval in the a reliable in and in for of pressing northward on the Ital- victory (Reports reaching E. Reuning, Jackson, Miss., com- The submersible carried drifting singly pairs captured Bricquebec. bombers, the Central 1,475-ton Platform ian mainland have entered possibly greatest Pacific.”) Swedish source said today that a the opening session of the Drive North of Quineville. Peru- manding officer, spied projectile an estimated personnel of 65 officers force in history, today simul- the Finns have yielded Committee tomorrow, brought along On the eastern of gia, major communications cen- Seabees Prepare Airstrip. Viipuri hurtling toward the field. and men. coast the trap attacked rocket bomb of back- ter 72 miles airline southeast of taneously With the land battle still raging to the Russian Army.) The American 9th Air Force i: reports widespread Dewey tightening steadily on Cherbourg, She was commanded by Comdr. platforms in the Pas-de-Calais to their north and southwest. Sea- Izvestia’s Correspondent Ivan Os- producing a new type of fighter ing. an American column drove 2 miles Florence and 85 miles north of John Anderson Moore, Lowell, Ariz., and an array of objectives in bees began preparing the newly- sipov said the speed of the “remark- “aces" who have joined the skj Senator Thomas, Republican, of north of Quineville. Rome, after the German position who is listed as missing in action. Central from captured Aslito airstrip, on able” offensive was increasing. patrols waiting to shoot down Ger- Idaho told a reporter his State’* Montebourg, won and lost by the in the north had been weakened ranging Saipan's Comdr. Moore’s Mrs. southern coast—the first American MaJ. Nikolai Shvankov, the Red man rocket bombs. wife, Virginia 11-vote which was un- Yanks in bitter street and oil refineries to airplane and delegation, fighting by the conquest of Elba Star declared costal S. Moore, lives in Memphis, Term. then in by air base within Japan's Central correspondent, Mustang Pilot Lt. Lewis Powers instructed, was solidly for Gov. by-passed the push to French Colonial tank plants. Comdr. Moore was on duty in the troops. Pacific middle defense arc. Its cap- defenses of the Finns along the Gulf Alguquerque, N. Mex., shot down Dewey. Valognes, now has been completely The armada at least Bureau of here in 1940. The French crushed the last stub- giant equaled ture climaxes the long drive toward of Viipuri have collapsed and Soviet two and shared another with ac Navigation occupied, supreme headquarters said. loss of "Every Idaho delegate is a Dewey that sent out last to at- air sailors are to cut off The the Grayback, officially Toward the eastern flank of the born resistance on Elba Wednesday bases strategically dominating threatening RAF fighter last night in addition man," Senator Thoouu declass*. yesterday. numbers of the in listed as overdue and presumed lost, long Normandy front, British forces tack french airfields, bridges and the oceanic approaches to Tokyo. large enemy to one he nailed the previous night “Personally I’m for Gov. Earl War- The swift campaign netted 1,800 little south of the brings to 24 the number of Amer- a Pushing through tangled cane peninsulas city. ren for President. battling against wall of Nasi armor the Emmerich oil refinery In Ger- Lt. Powers sighted the first com- ican submarines missing since De- of California Vice •truck 2 miles prisoners, all but a small portion of fields and awamps, American ma- Outside Viipuri the Russians de- southwest of Tilly- ing in at about 2,000 feet. He dived cember 7, 1941, Of that total, two We’re going to draft Dewey an* the many. rines and Army troops travered the feated the 18th and 10th Finnish •ur-Seulles and seized Hottot-les- enemy garrison. on lt, gave lt several bursts and were sunk in the Atlantic Ocean draft Warren even if Warren doefot Two With its big fighter escort, the island on a wide front to reach Infantry Brigades, a fresh cavalry Bagues. Na«i counterattacks Organized resistance on Elba col- watched it crash. and other maneu- want to run.” unit and a crack Finnish “Yellow during training aimed at the town entire fleet totaled of Magicienne Bay on the east coast, retaking were lapsed with the capture of Porto upward 2,000 vers and one was destroyed to pre- West for Dewey, KeBaa* Says. beaten back. , 3‘i miles from the western landing Regiment.” Longone, on the eastern shore. The planes. vent capture. The others all are the convention American on beach. In this 1'A-mile advance There were no indications in Gov, warren, key- forces the west coast as from and garrison of about 300 there surrend- Moscow that Finns are i listed overdue patrol noter, has said he does not want also made progress north of Oil Plants Attacked. since Friday some Japanese forces the seeking Individual Bond Sales Barne- ered. of materiel presumed lost. ville, where the Large quantities were cut off in Nafutan Point, Sai- to reopen peace negotiations. The any delegate to vote for him for any first break-through were The heavy bombers blasted syn- The never tells Where sub- abandoned by the enemy. soon Navy Federal office. was made, off pan’s southeastern extremity. general view is that the Red sealing the top of thetic oil plants and oil refineries marines operated on their last war Peninsula. Spotty Resistance. Army will be at the 1940 Russo- Clarence Budington KeQand, Cherbourg Opposition in around Hannover, Hamburg, Magde- Guam and Rota Strafed. Reach 20% of Quota patrols. However, most action by this sector was Finnish treaty frontier, which is Arizona national committeeman, reported light. Perugia was entered by 8th Army and Politz, a tank near burg depot The Japanese aerial thrust—their 16 miles American submersibles has been in voiced the in a inter- The Germans have which were beyond Viipuri. opinion lobby three semi- troops, encountering and an — Magdeburg, airplane wing biggest since Midway included A Red Fleet said the Pacific, many of them operat- view that the West is circular defense lines around Cher- spotty resistance On both dispatch Rus- “predomi- today. repair and parts plant near Bruns- some based on With shorelines planes apparently sian are Finnish $700,000 Boost ing along Japan’s against nantly for Dewey.” bourg. with the biggest stretching sides of the city, however, Allied wick. ships pounding distant carriers and using nearby craft in the Gulf of and enemy shipping. On the other hand Senator out 6 miles from the port. Lt. Gen. troops advanced a considerable dis- Viipuri Taft, The Germans reported the Amer- shore bases for shuttle landings, the the Gulf of two Series 'E' Purchases Against the total of 24 submarines of Ohio said the true Omar N. Bradley's offensive has tance, an Allied communique said. Finland, sinking Republican, ican air fleet was attacked by large United States communique said. tons. In lost since the war started, the sub- of Bricker has not pierced deep through this line and Despite rain which interfered with transports totaling 14,000 strength Gov. formations of fighters and that It added that systematic Ameri- Gulf two other Finnish Are Lifted by $400,000 mersibles have built up a record of been shown. apparently has reached the second the movement of troops and trans- Viipuri yet heavy air battles were fought. can bombing and strafing of air- were 758 Japanese ships sunk, probably a defense wall. port, the 8th Army advansed all transports sunk, in addition In New Ia radio speech backing Gov. Stockholm 21 of the fields on Guam and Rota “sharply Report sunk or damaged. The total in- Port its front in the reported to smaller craft. Heavy ships of Bricker, Senator Taft said in Wash- Being Demolished. along face of re- the of heavy bombers today made forced limited” effectiveness the the Baltic Fleet are cludes 607 definitely sent to the last that Air reconnaissance disclosed the sistance at key points. moving up District subscriptions in the ington night "popular landings in Sweden, the greatest Japanese shuttle land fields. Desig- the Gulf of Finland and bottom. are unreliable” and Germans have been demolishing the The 5th Army advanced more adding Fifth War Loan Campaign polls naturally number to land in that neutral nation of these two islands, approx- their to the assault on the Among the enemy vessels ac- that unreliable are news- port of Cherbourg and that it is in than 9 miles north of Grosetto, some weight reached 20 cent of the "equally country in a single day. imately 100 miles south of Saipan, * per $61,- counted for by subs are a number of accounts of the attitude of bad had 22 miles beyond Qrbetello. city. paper shape, indicating they giv- were 000,000 individual bond sale Sixteen came down at Bulltofta indicated enemy carriers some goal warships, although the submersibles’ various State delegations.” en up holding it for very long. Perugia, 14th century city and a of Cabinet Airport at Malmo, on the southern distance from the Marianas. Revamping today when an additional $700,- activities have been directed princi- The that Gov. There were indications the Ger- provincial capital with a population Senator, arguing American forces hold a 5-mile- 000 was reported for yesterday’s pally against enemy supply lines for Bricker would make the mans were weaker on the western of 88.500, has been more troublesome (See AERIALTPage A-2J In Finland Predicted strongest long coastal strip on the western sales, raising the individual tota! Japanese garrisons in the Pacific. candidate for the Republicans, said side of the peninsula than in the to Allied forces in Italy than any LONDON, June 20 UP).—As the fall shore line, where they have expand- The subs have been credited that not over a of the con- east. has other town north of Rome. to $12,200,000. by fourth Heavy fighting raged in Abandons Plans ed their beachhead at of Viipuri appeared imminent, a Navy from original still or Admiral Ernest King, commander in vention actually are com- the Montebourg-Valongnes sector. Nazi Casualties London News-Chronicle Reports are unavailable delegates Heavy. Agingan Point. correspond- chief of the United States to one man. new from corporation purchases, which com- Fleet, mitted any Drawing strength other The villages of Ripa and Civitella To Refit Normandie ent with the Russian troops de- with sectors almost 43 per cent of the tota operations that could determine conten- of the beach- d’Arno, northeast of were the clared that of prise Preserving Gov. Dewey’s Normandy Perugia, By Associated Press. today spearheads the course of the war in the Pacific. head. Gen. Thurston En Route Here of $107,000,000 sought in the Dis- tion that he is not a candidate, Mr. Bradley sent his troops captured by troops of an Indian di- NEW Marshal Leonid A. Govorov’s forces YORK, June 20.—The Navy trict. The surging northward in w’hat vision and considerable NEW ORLEANS, June 20 <£>).— were in the suburbs. Grayback, built by the Elec- Sprague told a press conference it supreme casualties says plans to refit the former French fighting city's Walter Ambassador to Included in today's report wa: trie Boat Co. at Groton, Conn., was was the of New York Re- headquarters called “co-ordinated were inflicted on the Germans when liner Normandie have been Thurston, The correspondent said the Rus- opinion ; luxury $400,000 in series “E" bond commissioned in attacks along the entire north front.” a Salvador, arrived here last night sians will be in a pur- 1941. She was publicans that the Governor would they attempted counterattack. : canceled because of a shortage of “shortly position Over the heads on the Pan-American from chases, sending that total to $7,- christened Mrs. Wilson come to the convention to of the advancing Farther west British troops and critical materials. Clipper to dictate terms” to the Finns. by Brown, accept manpower or 22.4 cent of the doughboys American reached the Central America. He was en route A that the 600,000, per $34,- wife of Rear Admiral Brown, naval a proffered nomination. big guns southern shore of Lake The ocean giant, which burned prediction Finnish hurled streams of shells to 000,000 series "E’’ quota. aide to President Roosevelt. “We’re here to represent the Re- into Cher- Trasimeno and approached the road and rolled on her side here in Feb- Washington. cabinet would be revamped came from the Stockholm Warning that sales to date fal 1 bourg. along its western shore. ruary, 1942, was raised at a cast of newspaper Comdr. Moore, 34, a native of (See POLITICS, Page A-4.) (German Britain Strike-Free below those of the corresponding pe broadcasts todav ac- Citta Della Pieve, where the Ger- $3,750,000 last fall and was towed Svenska Dagbladet, which said Pre- Brownwod, Tex., had taken sub- riod in the Fourtn War Loan drive knowledged that the AUles had mans had offered strong resistance to the Todd in BARNSLEY, England, June 20 (/P). mier Edwin Linkomies and Finance ■ marine warfare deep into enemy shipyard Brooklyn. John A. for as Minister Vaino Reilly, chairman of the Dis 'See A-5.) two days, was by-passed by 8th The cancellation announcement was —Britain was strike-free today Tanner, the two territory and was officially credited Kills 0 INVASIONrPage trict War Finance Committee, 1 Crash Brine, Army troops, who headed for San made the De- 500 miners here ended a 12-day men largely responsible for Fin- urge< with the sinking of an auxiliary yesterday by Navy volunteers “to after Litardo to the northwest. land’s rejection of Soviet armistice go the littl< cruiser and two He partment. work-stoppage. fellows.” freighters. re- Believed terms three months ago, would re- ceived the Navy Cross for heroism Endurance Changsha tire. Urges Personal Calls. in the action. Flyer “This campaign cannot be a suc- Yanks on Stricken Balked in he He and Dale Jackson Set LCI cess,” “unless we To Have Fallen Landing declared, roun« lokyo Fears Saipan up the small investors. It Is a mat- Allies in Northeast India World Record in 1930 Dead and ter of doorbell ringing and persona 50,000 Japanese Destroy By Dying Clogging Ship's Ramp solicitation. We have no timi By the Associated Press. n lie following was writ- calm Other to Advance 17 Miles in story I itself seemed enough. Will Be B-29 Base lose if the result of this campaigr Day EL PASO. Tex., June 20—Capt. Suburban Defense Works ten a member The on the beach and the by of Star j ships were is to hs^ve maximum morale-build- By the Associated Press. Forrest E. O’Brine, 48, who teamed staff on com- area off the beach wTas crowded on By ’he Associated Press. military leave, | just Could Be Used for Shuttle ing effect our fighting forces.” SOUTHEAST ASIA COMMAND with Dale Jackson to establish a mander of a Coast Guard- with craft. As I was concentrated Sales in the national CHUNGKING, June 20.—Indicat- | campaign t< HEADQUARTERS, Kandy, Ceylon, : world endurance flight record in manned LCI destroyed on a Nor- on our beaching I saw little raise ing that Changsha has fallen, the problem, Missions Over $6,000,000,000 in individual bone l June 20— Parallel columns of Im- August, 1930, was killed in the crash beach on Un- Japan mandy D-day. of what was happening to others. purchases stand at $854,000,000 foi south from of his A-26 Chinese high command said tonight By the Associated Press. ■perial troops striking ] two-engined plane yes- loading of this LCI finally The obstacles could be seen the first week of the 14 the situation in the capital of drive, pei Kohima toward Imphal have ad- terday at the El Paso Municipal Air- stopped because the living could They were thick over the Japanese fears that Saipan Island, cent of the Hunan Province was obscure after plainly. individual quota. Tin vanced 17 miles, the greatest single- port, the 9th Ferrying Service Sta- not climb over the dead piled of the beach, with small where American invasion forces are overall | destruction of suburban defense goal in the national pro- | day of progress in the counter- tion here announced. jw’hole .iow will be before them.) Teller mines attached to most of engaging enemy forces, gram is The announcement said works by more than 50.000 Japanese $16,000,000,000. offensive to knock the Japanese Capt. them. Some were some used as a base for shuttle bombing Radio contact with submerged, Victor Borge, comic concert pian- from the Northeastern India border O'Brine was flying one of the Army's troops. Chang- By LT. (J. G.) C OIT HF.N'DLEY, Jr., missions over B-29 half out of water. Tokyo by Super will be on :new on a de- sha was broken. United Coast Guard Reserve. ist, featured tonight's shov regions, it was announced today. “hot” combat ships States Fortresses from the island to was to flying at the Air It cracked and The attacked the The only thing to do pick Army Forces “Shot Fron The plunge narrowed to 29 miles j livery flight. up , Japanese sub- ON BOARD A NAVY SALVAGE China were in a Berlin ram The expressed the exhibit with a i burned on the take-off after one en- urban defenses under a cover la likely spot and through. Sky” presentatlor the gap between forces fighting be- of TUG, French Coast (Delayed).— broadcast of a around 12 knots. Tokyo dispatch today. of Gershwins failed. war planes, the command said. of ship headed in at "Rhapsody in Blue.’ low Kohima and those advancing gine high Taking the beach to the east the “Competent Japanese sources are The thud of underw'ater obstacles He will be accompanied by the 90- north from Imphal. The two Capt. O’Brine was rated a senior (Tokyo radio said earlier that Carentan estuary was a grim affair conscious of the seriousness of on the bottom and fully School of Music Band service in the division Japanese imperial and the could be felt piece Navy strongpoints are 60 miles apart. pilot ferrying headquarters for the American troops the situation,” the dispatch said. ! As had sides of the ship. As the bow ( See Headquarters estimated 3,500 Ja- of the Air Transport Command. announced the complete amphibious craft transporting them "American heavy bombers, V/AR a mine ripping especially LOAN^PagejA:2.)“ have been killed in a former pilot with the Chicago capture of Changsha as —an affair of blood and death. This grounded, exploded, panese this Sunday, those of the B-29 type operating he had non- well the a hole in the forward part of the sector. Southern Airlines 7,075 as taking of Liiing, 40 is the story of one Coast Guard- from airbases, would have Nazis Saipan Reported Shipping The southern military hours of flying time. miles southeast.) on June 6. the the ship. push seized Mao manned LCI day no difficulty in launching was in St. went and a sea- systematic The airman’s home A Chinese communique announced sea-borne in One ramp over, Poison Gas to East Fronl Songsamg, brushed the enemy aside landings began. attacks on Tokyo, only 2,500 kilo- Louis, but his wife was said to be in that Gurkha went down it to the beach with in Tuphema. and continued to today troops and Going into the beach, this craft |man meters (1,550 miles) away. By the Associated Press. just Kachin levies la heavy line. This line was to as- i west of Maram. Two other towns Memphis. have the a — captured | hit a mine, careened through “Contrary to their former attacks NEW YORK, June 20. Radic Capt. O'Brine and Mr. Jackson heavily-defended LT. (J. G.) COIT T. the troops as they waded ashore were taken. Japanese strong- j jumble of beach defenses, finally got sist on Japan from Chinese bases, the Fiance at Algiers said today in a set their endurance record of 647 hold at 40 miles through the waist-deep water. Tiangzup, north of \ her ramps down for the troops to HENDLEY, Jr. I American pilots w'ould have the ad- broadcast to French areas that the hours 28 minutes and 30 seconds Myitkyina in the Port Hertz Valiev ! I The soldiers started down the disembark. Before the unloading vantage of having to over Germans had Nazi Guns over St. in the air. troubles fly ground transported “large Big Open Up Louis, refueling of Northern Burma, thus a Lwas a cross fire the to hit the beach. On board ramp and began. ending completed, of Ger- ship only while actually dropping their quantities” of poison gas from Ger- Mr. Jackson was killed January 6, six weeks' siege. and was a mixed of Navy and The 88s began hitting the ship. fman 88s, machine guns sniper group bombs,” it continued. “The ap- many into Hungary “with a view tc Across Dover Strait 1932, in a crash at a Miami (F7a.) At the same the The shells tore into the com- time, bulletin i fire blew one ramp off, killed 15 Army men whose job was to get troop and return proach flights would be using it against the Soviet Army By the Associated Press. air meet. said, Chinese pushing down the Mo- wounded another and set the beach cleared of obstacles partments. They exploded on the j men, 40, made across the sea, and thus there from whom they dread a new and The two flyers’ first endurance ?aung Valley about 40 miles west ! her mark beach and handle the exposed deck. They smashed LONDON, June 20.—German blazing in three compartments exits | would be no danger from Japanese powerful offensive.” big flight shattered the record of the if Myitkyina have advanced 5 miles I was the craft through the massed men trying to j commanding officer of that unloading of amphibious interceptors. It is, moreover, fea- The broadcast, reported by United guns in the Cape Gris-Nez area on Army’s Question Mark in 1920, from captured Kamaing. Chinese and I want to describe as they came into the beach. get down the ramp. Machine guns j ship what sible that American bombers attack- States Government monitors, saW the French coast flown by Maj. Carl Spaatz, now Lt. and Gen. W. D. A. Men were hit and men opened up shortly troops Maj. Len- happened, without exaggeration, so Approaching the beach from the I opened up. ing Japan from Chinese the information had been received Gen. Spaatz, commander of tha proper after 2 a m. and for 15 minutes taigne's Chindit forces, can know our area iwere mutilated. There was no such today meanwhile, you wljat soldiers and transport no sign of trouble bases might return to base on Sai- from the Balkans via Ankara. It United States Strategic Air Forces were reported continuing beach was seen. were as a minor wound. When the hurled shells across Dover Strait. pressure Navy battalion suffered in There flashes from thing pan, where they could be refueled added that a “German official pa- in Europe, and Capt. Ira C. Eaker, against the enemy around that beach shells hit blew off arms, Mogaung, taking and getting it i the warships, ferreting out gun they legs more easily than in China. per” on June 2 had published “de- Later the German radio said the now a lieutenant general command- have taken and heads. No important changes organized. j emplacements. There were the “In view of these facts, it is safely tailed instructions concerning the Nazi batteries had shelled several ing Allied air forces in the Mediter- in Two The place the situation around Myit- hours after the original as- usual black puffs of shellfire on | guns seemed to concentrate assumed that both sides will and of Allied in the strait and ranean. They established the record j ~ fight transport handling poison large ships tvina, the bulletin added. sault was the scheduled time foi | the w'ater's edge itself. The beach I (See HENDLEY.'Page A-5.1 bitterly for possession of Saipan." gases." had forced them to flee. j that stands in their next attempt. Your $100 Investment in War Bonds May Fe Soldiers at the Front for One Day