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AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MADRAS GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. IN INDIA. A. c; BARRAUD. & Co. (Late A. l· ·coMBRIDGE & Co.), Madras. R. CAMBRAY & Co., Calcut"ta. E. M. GoPALAXRISHHA KoNB, Pudumantapam, Madura. HIGGINBOTHAMS (Ltd.), Mount Road, Madras. V. KALYANARAMA lYER & Co., Esplanade, Madras. G. C. LOGANATHAM BROTHERS, Madras. S. MURTHY & Co., Madras. G. A. NATESAN & Co., Madras. Jhe Superintendent, NAZAIR Kt.uuu HIND PRESS, Aliababad• .1'_• R. RAMA IYAR & Co., Madras. D. B. TARAPOREVALA Sons & Co., Bombay. THACKER & Co. (Ltd.), Bombay, THACKER, SPINK & Co., Calcutta. S. & Co., M;adras. IN ENGLAND. B. H. BLACKWBLL, so and sr, Broad Street, Oxford. CoNSTABLE & Co., ro, Orange Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C. DEIGHTON, BELL & Co. (Ltd.), Cambridge. • T. FISHER UNWIN (Ltd.), r, Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C. • OiiiNDLAY & Co., 54. Parliamen\ Street, London, S.W. KEGAN PAuL, TRENCH, Tau&NER & Co. (Ltd.), 68~4, Carter Lane, London, E.C. and as, Museum Street, London, W.C. HENRYS. KING & Co. 1 6s, Cornhill, London, E.C. P. S. KING & Sou, 2 and 4o Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, S.W. LUZAC & Co., 46, Great RuS&ell Street, London, W.C. B. QuARITCH, n, Gr'\fton Street, New Bond Street, London, W. W. THACKER & Co., o, Creed Lane, London, E.C. ON THE CONTINENT. EaNBIT Laaoux, oB, Rue Bonaparte, Paris. 1\l.a.aTI•u• NIJ1IOPP0 The Hape, Holland. MA P D DAPA~ "'~IST RI CT 0 0 cu 1916 Sca le of M•lu ,, REFERENCE District h"ad<I>- Q uartors D ivision do. PRODDATUR T aluk D eputy T •hsoldar 's statio n Koduru V llh\Qes nbovo 5000 In h a b itants / / O r .
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