State Water Plan Subbasin 07B Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Franklin and Cumberland Counties
Updated 5/2004 Watershed Restoration Action Strategy (WRAS) State Water Plan Subbasin 07B Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Franklin and Cumberland Counties Introduction The 524-square mile Conodoguinet Creek watershed drains the northern two thirds of Cumberland County and the upper third of Franklin County and flows into the Susquehanna River at West Fairview across from the city of Harrisburg. The subbasin consists of 682 relatively small streams, many of which are unnamed tributaries. The subbasin contains 838 stream miles. The largest tributary watersheds are Middle Spring Creek with a 47.7 square mile drainage basin and Muddy Run at 42.1 square miles. All the other tributaries have drainage areas less than 25 square miles. The subbasin is included in HUC Area 2050305, Lower Susquehanna River, Swatara Creek, a Category I, FY99/2000 Priority watershed in the Unified Watershed Assessment. Geology/Soils The majority of the subbasin is in the Ridge and Valley Ecoregion. Blue (North) Mountain forms the northern border in both counties and South Mountain forms the southern border in Franklin County and southwestern Cumberland County. The limestone valley in the lower half, the shale ridges in the northern half of Cumberland County, and the long, narrow ridges and valleys in the Franklin County portion, result in an unusual drainage pattern and watershed outline. The upper third of the Conodoguinet Creek watershed is constricted between Blue Mountain and Kittatinny Mountain in a narrow, forested, low gradient valley, called Horse Valley, which resembles a tail. Small, high gradient tributaries originate on the ridges in the tail portion. Farther east, Blue Mountain is twisted into a large, steep fold called Doubling Gap and a smaller fold just east called McClures Gap.
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