19 January 2016 Ngati Hei Iwi Authority Whitianga 3542 Attn: Joe
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Postal P0 Box 218, Whitiariga 3542. Ph 07 867 1087. Fax 07 867 1086. Email [email protected]. Website www.plonnersplus.co.nz. 19 January 2016 PPL Ref: 150/045 Ngati Hei Iwi Authority P0Box 245 Whitianga 3542 Attn: Joe Davis Dear Joe Re: 116 Pa Road, Hahei I write in relation to a subdivision proposal currently in the process of being prepared for 116 Pa Road, Hahei. Thank you for meeting the applicant on-site to discuss the proposal. More recently the applicant has received a finalised copy of the landscape assessment and the Tonkin and Taylor (TnT) engineering report. As discussed on-site, it would be useful to obtain written comment from Ngati Hei and/or a cultural report. I have attached for your information, the following: - The consultation document; - The subdivision scheme plan; - The TnT engineering report; - The archaeological assessment; and - The landscape assessment including the management plan for the subject site. The proposal is to create two additional allotments (i.e. a total of three allotments). The subdivision application would be assessed as a non-complying activity. There are several matters that need to be addressed as a result of the application and one issue is the location of the build platforms. The two build platforms on proposed Lots 2 and 3 would be located no closer than 5 metres from the south-eastern (rear) and north-eastern (side) boundaries. The District Plan requires buildings to be located 15 metres from these boundaries or 5 metres as a restricted discretionary activity. The main reasons for the location of the build platforms are the following: 1. The topography of Proposed Lot 1 would not easily provide for build sites (i.e. very steep part of the property); 2. As recommended by the applicant's engineer, pushing the build sites back as far as practical enables sufficient areas to be located in front of the build sites for the on-site disposal of wastewater; 3. The selected sites enable build platforms to be created whilst limiting the potential earthworks. To offset the potential adverse effects of the location of the build platforms from the exterior boundary of the property, the applicant has engaged an experienced landscape architect to prepare a landscape concept plan. The landscape concept plan would incorporate a dense native vegetative backdrop of landscape amenity planting of at least 5 metres adjacent to the site's south-eastern rear boundary and also undertake additional landscape planting within the adjoining reserve to enhance the proposed 'great' walk track experience that has been illustrated on both the subdivision scheme plan and the landscape concept plan. The applicant looks forward to your response. If you have any questions or wish to discuss please call me. Yours sincerely Planners Plus Limited I •' - David Lamason Director 2 Ngati Hei Mãori Values Assessment 25th February 2016 116 Pa Road Hahei --- & .. :. : .. .9 Hereheretaura Pa and Te Pare Pa Prepared for David Lamason of Planners Plus on behalf of: Mike Grogan: Property Owner By Joe Davis - Ngati Hei Manawhenua Representative Ngati Hei Environ on behalf of Ngati Hei Trust 1 Preamble This Ngati Hei Maori Values Assessment (MVA) is only for the has been commissioned by the owner Mike Grogan of 116 Pa Road Hahei for the explicituse of consent processes in relation to the subdivision, planning and installation of 2 building sites within the boundaries of the current owners property (adjacent historic Te Pare Pa reserves) as it currently stands. This MVA is specific to this property and is not to be utilised for other developments, building projects, public use, commercial or otherwise. This MVA is for the express use of the current owner or Mr Dave Lamason of Planners Plus who acts who acts on behalf of the current owner unless the o current owner expresses otherwise. Any Ngati Hei historical information shared in this report is between the current owner for his interest in supporting this MVA. This MVA is to improve the owner/tangatawhenua working relationship while ensuring the quality of RMA (Resource Management Act) issues that may arise. It is to inform the owner of Ngati Hei resource management practice to provide a better understanding and increasing the awareness of, and better integrating, Mãori values, knowledge and aspirations (matauranga Mãori and tikanga Mãori) into resource management processes and activities relative to this property while: • contemplating proposals in the context of Maori values • weighing evidence that is based on Mãori values • mitigating, avoiding or remedying effects on Mãori values • imposing appropriate resource consent conditions in relation to Mãori subject matter • accommodating tikanga M5ori in hearing proceedings if required • identifying whether or not sufficient information is available to ensure well informed and balanced decision-making in respect of Mãori subject matter enclosed. Prior to any earthworks taking place appropriate Karakia (blessing) must be carried out to ensure Ngati Hei cultural safety and protocol. These measures are important to the local Iwi Ngati He! as Kaitiaki (Caretakers) of Hahei and the surrounding environs. If there is any further information required to further understand the content of this MVA please do not hesitate to contact me on: Joe Davis Ngati He! Representative Ngati Hei Trust Registered Collector ofTaonga Tuturu (No 2208 Ministry of Culture & Heritage) Email: 1 Mobile: 027 296 2581 Home: 07866 5323 Address: 14a Wharekaho Road Whitianga 3542 2 The Brief: 116 Pa Road Hahei Subdivision 116 Pa Road Lot 1 DPS37052 Owner: Mike Grogan Consulting Planners: Dave Lamason of Planners Plus In October 2015 Planners Plus on behalf of Mr Grogan had submitted to me a proposal to subdivide his existing property with the addition of two more lots (2&3) each with a right of way that adjoins with the main RoW behind Lot 1. The proposed Lots 2&3 as per the scheme plan are positioned directly adjacent then Conservation and Historic Reserve known as Te Pare Pa. Lots 1,2 and 3 are within the total Pa promontory however the house sites referred to were Part of the early land transactions of the mid to late 1800's. I met with t the owner Mike Grogan and Dave Lamason (Planner) on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 at lOam on site. We walked the site during which Dave explained Mike's plans to subdivide his property. In particular the siting of the two proposed house sites and where they are to be positioned. They are described in the scheme plan as lots 2 and 3. It was noted and assured during conversations that within the design brief of the subdivision that: Figure 1 1. That absolute recognition of the cultural aspects of the adjacent Pa sites and ConsetionResenesabuthnggansiand. 2. Considerations in respect of the adjacent planned Hahei walkway proposal. 3. That by planting native trees and shrubs to a standard that will enhance his property, the Reserve and walkway. 4. That sufficient Planting buffers between the house lots 2&3 and the conservation/walkway zone is implemented that would meets or exceeds required council/Ngati hei/DoC standards. S. There is a 5 metre set back or buffer between the proposed house sites and the Doc/Ngati Hei Te Pare Pa Reserve and coastal walkway zone. Refer scheme plan. 6. That the buffer zone will be planted to "'soften" the visual impacts of his subdivision in contrast to the adjacent indigenous Pa Sites and Conservation reserve and control any development run-off 7. Sufficient storm water retention and controls were taken into consideration which includes flow & relevant flow velocities and silt controls. 8. That sufficiently designed approved sewage systems will be installed to prevent contamination spreading into surrounding waterways i.e. in the case of heavy storm events 9. If a concrete or sealed driveway is installed that every measure is taken to prevent cement or additives reaching the creek below i.e. catch pits where required to retain cement runoff during expansion joint installations and/or exposed surface concrete chemicals and additives and blow off. Concrete Trucks are to "washout" into their own receptacles and take it with them. 10. That every effort should be taken to enhance the aesthetics of the proposed subdivision to enhance and accommodate the unique cultural, archaeological and conservation values incorporated within lots 1,2 and 3 Te Pare and Hereheretaura Pa T11/68 and T11/67 The Pa sites of Te Pare (the tallest of the two) and Hereheretaura Pa are ancient cultural sites that according to Ngati Hei historical accounts date back over 1000 years. The Pa sites and their immediate environs are of high cultural value to Ngati Hei. These values include: 1. Natural heritage and the environment, 2. Historical accounts and associations 3. Archaeological values 4. Taonga and human remains 5. Future Co-Governance arrangements with Crown agencies- in this case D0C 6. The Treaty Of Waitangi Cultural Aspects: The environment: Te Mauri 0 Hahei Ngati Hei are acutely aware of the effects of High and low densitdevelopment accretion along the coastal environment. For generations the beauty and isolation of the eastern seaboard of the Coromandel Peninsular provided the ultimate escape from the day to day grind of the inland pastoral towns and cities of Auckland and Hamilton. Today It is the very reason people from all over the world now want to experience the unique features and natural beauty Hahei. The transition from those early years of "discovery" from the classic 1950's family batch to holiday home to full subdivisions and developments has seen most of the Coromandel beaches lose the very essence of what draws people to these areas in the first place. Hahei has lost most of its natural character but through the Resource Management, Conservation and Historic Places Acts, crown and local government agencies, lwi and property owners can still protect, enhance and add value to the landscape for future generations to come.