A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Dialectica
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A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Dialectica Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 19 June 2020 Version 1.08 Title word cross-reference 1 $50.00 [2147]. 10 0 [319]. ◦ [1515, 1527, 1533, 1539, 175, 401, 480]. e [198, 22]. th [1504]. r [128]. · [535, 382, 599]. F [1639]. -glycohydrolase [1064, 1064]. /Closed [1612]. /Functional [1612]. 1 [1390]. 17 [1515]. 18 [1090, 1527]. 18th [1090]. 19 [1533]. 1945 [24]. 1949 [233]. 1953 [198]. 1954 [245, 253, 247, 255, 246, 254]. 1967 [626]. 20 [1539]. 2002 [1629]. 2006 [1734]. 2008 [1802]. 2e [264]. 2nd [264]. 4 [2147]. 43 [1262]. 1 2 7 [2144, 2146]. 7th [1012]. 9 [2145]. 978 [2144, 2145, 2147, 2146]. 978-0-19-871632-7 [2144]. 978-0-19-871662-4 [2147]. 978-0-7456-8906-7 [2146]. 978-1-137-54180-2 [2145]. 978-1-137-54181-9 [2145]. Ecole^ [176]. ^etre [317, 1102, 921, 68]. A-Theory [1651]. A. [1071, 640]. Aarnio [1692]. Abgeschlossene [88]. Abhandlung [869]. abierta [757, 757]. aboutit [1284]. aboutit-elle [1284]. Abraham [1163]. Abschied [1219]. Absences [2046]. absorption [1059]. Abstract [546, 1442, 1361, 249]. Abstraction [1635, 859, 859]. Abstractions [1920]. Abstracts [481, 535, 607, 593, 606, 693, 724, 704, 705, 711, 751, 778, 378, 379, 304]. Abstrakte [1953]. absurdit´e [132]. absurdity [132]. Abusing [1414]. academic [988]. Acceptance [1479]. Access [2163, 1691]. Accommodating [1142]. According [1761, 963, 1102, 1355]. Account [2189, 1226, 1764, 1909, 1666, 1734, 1895, 1537, 2037, 1756, 1798, 2111]. Accounts [2082, 1215, 1387, 1223]. Accuracy [1963]. achievement [313]. Achievements [1996]. Achille [1884]. Achinstein [1198]. Achtung [1035]. Acoustic [767, 150]. Acquaintance [2053, 1271]. acquired [618]. acquis [618]. Across [2207]. Acta [1112]. acte [1310]. Actes [320, 626]. Action [1116, 1076, 2054, 1251, 399, 1200]. Actions [1730, 925]. activit´e [370]. activit´es [374, 977]. activities [374, 146, 977, 146]. Activity [2147, 370, 1185]. Acts [1113]. Actualism [1643]. actualit´e [33, 21, 10]. Actually [1893, 1828]. Actually-Rigidified [1893]. actuel [635]. actuelle [366]. actuels [633]. Acyclic [1834]. Ad [961]. adage [575]. ad¨aquate [281, 280, 250, 282]. addition [210]. address [19]. Adequate [281, 250, 282]. Adjointness [749]. adjustment [148]. administratif [572]. administrative [572]. Adopt [1342]. adresse [19]. Advances [2135]. adventure [292]. Advertisement [25, 477, 727]. Advices [1180, 1206, 1233, 1263, 1294]. Adzi´c [2168]. Aesthetic [1729, 1036]. Aesthetics [70, 73, 70, 762]. Aesthetik [70, 73]. Affairs [1739]. Affective [1730, 1725, 1724, 1727, 1729, 1726, 1728, 1731, 1724]. Affirmation [2071]. africaines [528]. After [1851, 76, 1875]. Again [1759]. Against [1808, 2193, 1765, 1217, 2167, 2098, 1534, 845, 1818, 1832, 2034, 1011, 1984, 1618, 2120, 2124]. age [186]. Agency [1716, 1746, 2127, 2140, 1732, 2085, 2001]. Agent [2037, 1853]. Agent-Relativity [1853]. Agential [2029]. Aggregates [1696]. Aging [938]. Agnosticism [1663]. agreement [1190]. Aim [1880]. Aims [1058]. AKRASIA [833]. Alan [2091, 1709]. Albert [233]. al´eatoire [457]. Alethic [2035, 1902]. Alexander [281, 611, 281, 611]. Alexandra [2144]. Alexandre [280]. Alfred [302]. Algebra [1812]. Alien [1681]. Alienated [1870]. alla [1632, 1633, 1630, 1910, 1631]. allegansg [575]. allemand [499]. allemande 3 [2050]. Allez [843]. Allgemeine [846]. allucinazioni [1884]. Alternative [1397, 818]. Alternatives [1386]. altri [2060]. am [769]. am´ericain [904]. American [904]. Amie [2123]. Among [1004, 1177]. Amoral [2127]. Amore [2060]. amplifiante [105]. Amplifying [105]. analisi [150]. Analog [1957, 558, 557]. Analog/Digital [1957]. Analogical [555]. Analogie [969, 548, 558, 550, 551, 612, 556, 561]. Analogies [554, 555, 553, 554]. analogique [550, 555]. analogiques [558, 557]. analogue [550]. Analogy [1327, 552, 559, 969, 1004, 558, 550, 551, 553, 556, 561, 548, 612]. Analyse [1429, 368, 1064, 1165, 1119, 537]. Analyses [1061]. Analysis [699, 896, 1937, 1439, 1308, 971, 1754, 1543, 1109, 833, 891, 1056, 829, 1429, 517, 1120, 150, 1064, 368, 1165, 1119, 1223, 537]. Analytic [1515, 1527, 1533, 1539, 1892, 844, 375, 1629, 2011, 1478, 1431]. analytical [1368, 708, 1434]. Analytically [1009]. analyticit´e [1429]. Analyticity [1042, 1071, 1318, 1647, 1429]. analytique [1368, 844, 708]. Anaphoric [1894]. anatomical [189]. anatomiques [189]. Ancient [950, 974, 273, 900]. and`linguistic [614]. Andrea [2169, 2060]. Andreas [1747, 2049, 244]. Andrej [1720]. Anfangsgr¨unde [1486]. Anhang [1953]. Animal [1851]. animal [144]. Animalism [1965]. Animals [1077, 1822]. Anjum [2003]. Ankn¨upfung [308, 315]. Annabelle [1967]. Annahme [1034]. Anne [1777]. ann´ee [330]. Announcement [939]. annual [33]. annuelle [1262, 1293, 1317, 33]. Anomalism [1871]. Anomalous [1444, 1466]. anomaly [89]. ans¨atze [475]. Answer [2182, 663, 2016, 282, 518, 194, 197, 640]. answers [671, 679, 642]. Anthony [2038]. anthropological [166]. Anthropologie [275, 184]. anthropologischen [166]. Anthropology [275, 184]. Anti [1643, 1789, 1255, 1387, 1678, 1244, 2166, 1742, 1237, 2194]. Anti-Actualism [1643]. Anti-Kant [1789]. Anti-Naturalism [1387]. Anti-Nihilist [2166]. Anti-Realism [1255, 1244, 1742, 1237, 2194]. Anti-Realist [1678]. Antid¨uhring [76, 76]. Antike [1218]. antim´ecanisme [1176]. antimechanism [1176]. Antinomien [290]. Antinomies [573, 570, 574, 572, 580, 567, 577, 571, 566, 568, 581, 576, 569, 290, 578, 567, 571, 573, 581, 576, 570]. Antinomy [1831]. Antique [900]. Antirealism [1239]. Antiskeptical [1048]. Antwort [643, 657, 282]. Anweisungen [1182, 1234]. Anwendungen [1950]. any [372]. ao^ut [198, 264]. apercu [1139]. Apologies [1161]. apparatus [178]. Apparent [1796]. apparition [136]. Appeal [500, 503]. appearance [234, 136]. Appearing [1679]. Appendices [690]. appendix [235]. Application [848, 603, 558]. applications [359, 2103, 2134]. Applied [1065, 344]. appliqu´e [1065]. appliqu´ee [803]. apport [435]. apprentissage [427]. Approach [2035, 1804, 1245, 1215, 1241, 1119, 165, 1358, 796, 151]. Approaches [1888, 475]. Approaching [2102]. approche [1119, 796]. appropriate [344]. Approximation [1012]. Apriori [765]. apriorism [512]. Apriority [1031]. Apt [1785]. Arapinis [2144]. Arbeit [207]. Arbeitshypothese [819]. Arcangeli [2204]. archetypal [285]. archetypischer [285]. Argue [2193]. 4 Argument [1455, 1229, 1582, 1872, 1939, 1556, 983, 1918, 1832, 1555, 1030, 2174, 2116, 1954, 1550, 1671, 2034, 2099, 1958, 1043, 1655, 1987, 1669, 1818, 2185, 2016]. Arguments [1955, 1489, 1664, 1534, 2158, 1573, 1984]. Arianna [2120]. Aristoteles [211]. Aristotelian [1710, 1349, 1968]. aristot´elicienne [1349]. Aristotle [1628, 211]. Arithmetic [1256, 1252, 1100]. Arithmetical [1610]. Armchair [2163]. Armour [2134]. Armour-Garb [2134]. Armstrong [1847]. Arnaud [294]. Arrow [1418, 1876]. Art [1461, 720, 773, 1969, 920, 467, 552, 169, 987, 720, 2070]. Artbegriff [27]. Article [1478, 440, 280]. articles [378, 379, 304]. Articulated [1932]. articulation [656, 659, 679]. Artificial [554]. artificielle [554]. Artiga [2190]. Artistic [1752]. arts [16]. Arvan [2145]. Ascent [1485, 1210]. Asia [902]. Asian [905]. asiatiques [905]. Asking [1940]. Aspect [367, 279, 903]. Aspects [560, 902, 982, 1367, 90, 291, 297, 780, 801, 1369, 203]. Aspekte [297]. aspirations [1462]. assay [1054]. Assent [1479, 1355]. Assertibility [1907, 1906]. Assertion [1800, 1914]. Assessment [1078, 2103]. Assignments [1817]. assimilation [64]. Associated [2162]. Association [939]. Assumption [1074, 1034, 1322]. Assumptions [864, 1076, 181, 1214, 1085]. ¨asthetischen [1036]. Asymmetry [957, 1694]. Athanasios [2012]. Atomenlehre [1789]. Atomic [366, 14]. atomique [14, 366]. Attachment [2071, 185]. Attack [2121]. Attention [1592]. Attitude [1036]. Attitudes [2025, 1113, 2100, 1565, 343]. attributes [31]. attributing [156]. Attributions [1817]. Attributive [1928]. attributs [31]. auditur [575]. Aufbau [141]. Auffassung [838]. Auflage [1953]. August [198, 264, 266, 265]. aujourd'hui [1404]. Auseinandersetzung [203]. Aussagen [473]. Aussagenlogik [1169]. Aussagenlogische [423]. Austauche [55]. Austin [983]. Austro [2050, 2050]. austro-allemande [2050]. Austro-German [2050]. Auteurs [1181, 305, 329, 361, 393, 1232, 1263, 1294]. Authenticity [1725, 1936, 2124]. authentiquement [877]. author [378, 379]. Authority [1445, 1108, 1168]. Authors [1180, 1182, 1206, 1233, 1234, 1263, 1294]. Autofondation [771]. Automatic [795]. automatique [795]. automne [245, 253]. Autonomie [195]. Autonomy [1992, 2095, 195]. Autopsie [1062]. Autopsy [1062]. Autoren [1182, 1234]. autour [1383]. autres [518]. Autumn [245, 253, 247, 255]. Aux [1181, 1280, 1232, 1263, 1294, 31, 4, 148, 573, 793, 803, 142]. Avant [909, 496, 565, 856, 872, 1344, 1126]. Avant-propos [909, 496, 565, 856, 872, 1344, 1126]. Avertissement [57, 114, 477, 727, 25]. avocat [502]. awareness [173]. Axel [2093]. axiological [1156]. Axiom [1484, 424]. axiomatic [372, 1121]. Axiomatics [271]. Axiomatik [271]. axiomatique [372, 1121]. axiomatiques [972]. Axiomatizable [774]. Axiomatizations [1666]. axiomatize [214]. axiomes [1186]. Axioms [930, 972, 1186, 1535, 424]. ayant [618]. 5 B [2134, 236, 44, 651, 642, 632, 561, 1651]. B-Theory [1651]. Bachelard [1127]. Background [1641, 629]. Bad [2030, 1892, 1886, 2142]. Bader [2005]. Bailey [2091]. Banana [1735]. Band [1262, 1293, 1317]. Barcan [1482]. Barnes [1339]. Barry [1810, 1339].