WINTER 2016 l ISSUE 16



A message from our 04 | Rollercoaster ride to world record success Vice-Chancellor 06 | Plastics research under the microscope I mentioned in my speech at Graduation this summer 08 | History Tales of the Unexpected how our academics are pushing the boundaries of knowledge. This is supported strongly by the stories 10 | The launch of iSPER 06 in this edition of CONNECT. The research into marine litter and in particular microplastics is helping to 12 | Robot Home brings together tackle one of the most serious and often hidden family of research environmental dangers that the planet faces. We also 14 see how, through Project Nevada, staff and students 14 | A vision of Optometry combined to push the limits of achievement and break a world record. 16 | The sky’s the limit for Planet Earth II doctor Lucy The University’s mission is to transform lives and there are numerous examples across the campus 18 | Sian Davey: Picture perfect and beyond of our success in this regard. This issue features an MFA Photography student who, on 20 | Spotlight: Professor Tom Hutchinson; completing her masters degree, has gone on to win Dr Haya Al-Dajani; Guy Stevens, Clare Nasir a series of national and international awards. We also learn how empowering women refugees in the Middle 28 | Campus round-up East to be entrepreneurial can alleviate poverty. I am sure many of us have been captivated by the Planet Earth II series on television and this issue features an associate lecturer who was lucky enough to work alongside Sir David Attenborough as a medic in the hot air balloon for the opening scene of the series. Of course, we go into 2017 facing the challenges of both Brexit and the Higher Education and Research Bill but these will not detract from the core of what we do. We are in a good position with a refreshed strategy 18 and a focus on working together as one team. I hope you enjoy this edition and would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff, students and partners for continuing to inspire and achieve great things. I extend my very best wishes to all for the 22 festive season and for 2017. Judith Professor Judith Petts CBE Vice-Chancellor 20 NEWS NEWS: ROLLERCOASTER RIDE TO WORLD RECORD SUCCESS

The University’s association with Sarah Piercy, below, and on her record handcycling started just before it breaking run (right) shot to popularity at the London Paralympics, following an approach by Alan Grace, former chairman of the Handcycling Association of the UK. On the back of that, work started in earnest with a view to taking a University team to the 2015 World Human Powered Speed Challenge.

Gaining support from local, national and international businesses, the team designed and built an eye- catching bike, and teamed up with Liz McTernan, ranked in the world’s top eight in her sport, to try and beat the then women’s benchmark of 21.39mph. Human Sciences. In testing at RAF hard work and very little sleep was When it came to the record attempt, St Mawgan, in Cornwall, she was rewarded when Sarah crossed the however, a pre-existing injury meant close to world record pace, and so fi nish line with a maximum speed Liz was unable to compete at full heading out to the United States, that looked to be just over world power, although she was able to set the team were in a positive mood. record pace. But there was still an a new record of 24.72mph on her agonising wait for it to be confi rmed. own conventional racing bike. Adam, More than a day of travelling did who himself proved the design’s little to deter their spirits with the Surrounded by her team, and effectiveness by piloting it to speeds team (who consisted of students fellow competitors, the tension was in excess of 30mph, recalled: “Having Matthew Sharman, Matthew Pearson, palpable. But when the organisers spent many months on the project, Louise Kiero-Watson, James Haslam, read out the mark of 24.85mph, and it was obviously disappointing not Daniel Bristow, William Kemp, Oscar confi rmed the wind speed was also to see it pushed to its full potential. Whitmarsh, and Bradley Smith, and legal, the project’s ultimate dream ROLLERCOASTER But testing gave us enough data to technicians Julian Seipp, Richard of setting a new world record was calculate what might be possible, and Cullen, Rick Preston and Neil Fewings) realised, drawing a standing ovation for an untrained and inexperienced arriving in the remote community of from everyone else in the room. RIDE TO WORLD pilot to reach more than 30mph Battle Mountain to join the rest of the showed us what it could achieve.” competitors who were competing Adam said: “We were all absolutely for leg-powered (rather than arm- thrilled that Sarah broke the world RECORD SUCCESS With that in the back of their minds, powered) records. They included record. It was an incredible effort the team decided to try again in Canadian Todd Reichert, who would and the result of sheer determination 2016, teaming up with Sarah – who go on to set a new overall recumbent on her part, and the whole team The Guinness Book of Records has inspired countless people to strive won the women’s wheelchair race speed record of 89.59mph and 17-year- has worked so hard on the bike to in London in 2000 – and Help for old Florian Kowalik, from the US, maximise its performance. It is that for some of the most iconic – and outlandish – feats of achievement Heroes ambassador Chris Jones. who powered his way to 65.93mph. hard work that has ultimately made They improved the bike, and began the difference between world record and endurance. Now, to that exalted roll call of record breakers, a team a programme of testing to ensure In her fi rst run of the week Sarah success and disappointment.” of academics and students from the University can add their names. both athletes were happy with it. reached more than 23mph, but In July, however, there was another then a succession of technical Sarah added: “Becoming the setback when Chris had to withdraw diffi culties – coupled with inclement handcycle world speed record holder Led by Adam Kyte, in the School of On the long, straight roads of Adam, Lecturer in Mechanical and Marine from the project for family reasons. weather – limited the number of runs has been the greatest sporting Marine Science and Engineering, and Nevada, USA, in a machine designed Engineering Design. “Sometimes it felt they could do. Over the next few challenge of my life. Just a year Undeterred, the team put their full spearheaded – almost literally – by in the workshops of Plymouth, that it was an impossible dream, while at days, she continued to push herself ago, I would never have believed the existing record was beaten other times it has been one of the most support behind Sarah and to ensure and the bike to the maximum, but this could be possible but I owe former London Marathon winner by 0.1mph, and a certain amount fulfi lling projects I’ve had the pleasure she was in the best possible shape when the times came through they everything to Adam Kyte and the Sarah Piercy, the team overcame of cosmic karma was restored. of being involved with. But it has for the record attempt, she worked were consistently below 23mph. Plymouth University engineering near Hollywood biopic levels of enabled hundreds of students to learn closely with physiotherapists, students who have made this happen. disappointment to set a new speed “This record is the result of a fi ve-year about real-world engineering through nutritionists and sports psychologists Going into the fi nal day, it was a real They have been such a wonderful record for women’s handcycling. rollercoaster ride,” said project lead the example of handcycle design.” from the Faculty of Health and case of ‘now or never’ but all the team of people to work with.”


that are inside those bags. And He says: “It was a Tuesday after crew out on Plymouth Sound to considering microbeads in cosmetic the May Bank Holiday. I came collect water samples. They then products represents the best step into the offi ce and the red light returned to the Marine Station to toward addressing these products.” was on my phone – there was a fi lm some testing in the labs. dozen messages from journalists. I The summons to the select committee turned on my computer and there “It was a long day for the youngsters, was Richard’s third appearance in were two pages of emails with but the weather was good to us such a forum. Communicating the more enquiries – from the Today and we were able to showcase our outcomes of his team’s research to programme to the World Service. research,” Richard says. “Hopefully policy has become an increasingly the programme will be useful to important aspect of his work, not That educational side of our work students considering studying marine just in the UK, but globally. From is really important, but you need biology, but it also helps us to get the addressing John Kerry, the then US to take care that the message is message about marine litter out to a Secretary of State, to the climate communicated accurately. I believe young audience. If we can achieve a bodies of both the UN and the EU, I have a far better chance of doing small change with a large number of his expertise and knowledge is in that if I work with the media and people then it will have a big impact.” high demand in the policy arena. external bodies. Sure, there is a risk that someone will misinterpret With new avenues of enquiry The government made the something you say, but the topic opening up all of the time, including announcement in October 2016 that is too important to disengage the testing of entirely new product it would be introducing legislation to from. It relates to everyone.” lines such as paints and sunscreens, ban microbeads, which are commonly Richard’s work with microplastics used in products such as facial scrubs It certainly struck a chord with shows no signs of slowing down. Professor Richard Thompson and shower gels. It is one of many the BBC, who approached the product areas that Richard has been University in September to ask if they “There is an overarching philosophical testing, with recent work expanding to could collaborate on an episode discussion to be had here,” he synthetic fi bres released from textiles of their popular programme All concludes. “The majority of our during laundering. This research Over the Workplace. The show, plastics come from oil, which is led by PhD student Imogen Napper which features two young people non-sustainable, and 40% is single PLASTICS RESEARCH showed that hundreds of thousands exploring a chosen career, focused use and disposed of within a year of plastic fi bres could enter the water upon marine biology, and having of production. We need to design column with each washing load. considered the full spectrum of the these single use items so they can University’s expertise in the fi eld, the be captured via recycling at the end UNDER THE “Someone said to me after the producers asked if Richard’s plastics of their life. This will help reduce the announcement was made on the research could be a key topic. accumulation of waste and at the same cosmetics ‘You must be really time reduce our use of non-renewable MICROSCOPE pleased’. Well I am, but on its own, So Richard and two skippers of the carbon sources. So there are certainly it won’t solve the problem of marine University’s Falcon Spirit research aspects that justify legislation, but it is It has been quite a year for Professor Richard in 2004, in which they fi rst coined litter. It’s an important step because vessel gave up a Saturday to the scientifi c evidence that helps us to the term ‘microplastics’, he has been it’s an avoidable source of debris, take the youngsters and the fi lm prioritise what needs to happen fi rst.” Thompson, marine biologist, and the man at the forefront of a huge scientifi c, but we have a long way to go to ecological and socioeconomic push substantially reduce the accumulation Richard on board whose research over the last decade has put to do something about the problem of litter in the environment.” Falcon Spirit with of plastic waste in the environment. presenter Alex Riley microplastics pollution on the global map. and the two budding As well as the scientifi c advances, marine biologists “The single use plastic bag is an iconic Richard has done a huge amount There was the summons to provide ‘microbeads’ in cosmetics. And if symbol of our disposable throwaway of work with the media in recent evidence to the Environment Select that wasn’t examination enough, society,” Richard says, assessing the years, and has contributed to Committee in the summer, which October found Richard playing a scale of the challenge during a rare documentaries and books. And put the topic of microplastic in starring role of a very different kind, quiet moment on campus. “In many he can vividly recall the moment the environment placed under a in CBBC’s fl agship career discovery senses it is just the tip of the iceberg in 2004, when a research ‘side line’ ministerial microscope. Then in the programme All Over The Workplace. in terms of the quantity of plastic, but that had been in his words “he had autumn there followed numerous is very symbolic of our wasteful use been steadily chipping away at” via national and international media In truth, it has been quite a remarkable of resources and was a very good undergraduate and postgrad student calls in the wake of the government’s number of years for Richard. Ever place to start with legislation. But if projects suddenly ignited through announcement that it would since he and research colleagues we really want to make progress, we fi rst a Leverhulme Trust grant, and pass legislation to ban the use of published a landmark paper in Science have to start to look at the goods then that paper published in Science.


The History Boys: James HISTORY Daybell and Sam Willis TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED We believe this is the way to get history to give you a buzz of excitement as you come to realise how everything links together in unexpected ways. What links zebras to the Second World War? What connects partying to mental illness in Victorian Britain? What ties the bed to the expansion of the British Empire? What’s the history of hair? Toilets? Oranges? Zombies? Paperclips?

Well, they are all topics that have been history, a fusion of object biography “We pick four topics and then we go “One of the most memorable of BMW and Sky Atlantic as well as linked to dogs, the invention of explored by Professor James Daybell let us say, with a form of history that off to research them on our own,” podcasts was on the history of the cinema releases. They were one of the clinical trials and modern medicine.” and Dr Sam Willis in their Histories of requires you to make connections adds James, “We don’t tell each other box,” recalls James. “I’d had a student banner headlines on iTunes shortly the Unexpected podcast series, which temporally and geographically.” what we’re doing so when it comes to come up to me with this velvet after launch, an editor’s choice, and But does this success – and the has rapidly gained a national following recording the programme, there is a covered box that had been found new and notable on iTunes USA. Each success of Dan Snow’s other since its launch in September. It was Sam, an Honorary Research genuine sense of mystery about what on a skip, and inside there were 500 episode is currently averaging over programmes – signal the curtain Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and is going to happen. We introduce the letters dating back to World War II, 10,000 downloads, and they achieved call for traditional modes of Backed by Dan Snow’s History Hit Humanities, and an award-winning topic via a freewheeling conversation which transformed it into an archive.” over 100,000 downloads in their fi rst history, via television and radio? Network, the series of 20—40 minute BBC TV presenter, who fi rst came up around how you might think about six weeks. They have also been invited “No, I certainly don’t think so – Sam’s shows, recorded as a conversation with the idea of a history podcast, an unexpected history. Usually we “I then showed James a picture to do a live podcast at the Chalke between the two friends and have prepared two or three case that I had found of someone lying success is a prime indication of the and in conversation with James, the Valley History Festival in the summer. colleagues, were among the top studies, but the rest is improvisation in a box, holding a rope attached enduring popularity of that presenter- concept of a series of alternative 15 most downloaded podcasts on and seeing where the story goes.” to a bell” adds Sam. ”It was a safety led tradition of history programmes histories began to take shape. Very “We believe this is the way to iTunes at launch, and have regularly coffi n, something that came into on television,” adds James. “This quickly they had brainstormed get history to give you a buzz of been inside the top 40 since. Having experimented with various existence during the 18th century, and is about engaging new audiences, excitement as you come to realise a list of 150 potential topics that locations, the duo now record their it’s fair to say that the conversation and being at the forefront of new “People may think there’s nothing covered everything from objects and podcasts in a soundproof studio took a left-fi eld turn at that point.” how everything links together in digital channels. Studying history at unexpected about the past, or about animals to themes and phrases. using professional equipment used unexpected ways,” Sam says. “Take university is more than ever about history,” says James, Professor of by Sam in his previous television The pair have recorded more than 40 the orange: we do not want to teach thinking of opportunities to share Early Modern English History, and Sam says: “To give an example of how work – including programmes such as podcasts now, and a total of 52 weekly you who was the fi rst to discover your knowledge and enthusiasm for a Director of the Arts Institute at the these topics arise, we were talking Operation Grand Canyon, Shipwrecks: shows have been scheduled, with it, or grow it, or import it. And we’re particular subject, and the possibilities University. “But this series adopts a about the Olympics and we began Britain’s Sunken History, Castles and a history intern from the University less interested in the fi rst person for doing that are almost endless.” new approach to exploring our past to consider where the phrase ‘blood, The Silk Road. It’s an intensive process providing technical support in addition to make orange juice. But we want arguing that, in fact, everything has a sweat and tears’ had come from. What in which they shut themselves away to the professional production team to tell you how it was used to make The Histories of the Unexpected history – it is just about unpicking it. does it represent? So we’ve focused a from family to do four or fi ve episodes at the History Hit Network. They have secret ink and was instrumental in the podcasts are available to download It’s cultural history meets comparative podcast on each one of those three.” back-to-back, each in a single take. also attracted advertising in the form Gunpowder Plot, and how it is actually free at


There is recognition that action is needed to address social inequality, relative poverty, stalling economic growth and community divisions at an international level as well as at home.

But as nations come to terms with the has already proved successful in but its public launch took place in shifting political, social and economic academics from across the University November 2016. And plans are already landscape, so it is perhaps creating securing funding from the Global being drawn up for a range of public opportunities for those outside the Challenges Research Fund.” events and networking sessions, political elite to potentially infl uence designed to encourage academics the global agenda as never before. With its members drawn from fi elds to engage directly with each other, including business, criminology, experts from other institutions and “If Brexit has shown us anything, it is economics, government, law policy makers, businesses, charities, that we have a divided community,” and tourism, the ambition for NGOs and other key infl uencers. said Charles Dorr, Manager of the iSPER is that it can leverage its new Institute for Social, Policy and considerable expertise to achieve Another of its key focuses will Enterprise Research (iSPER), at the a measure of potential infl uence. also be around providing support University. “In light of this, there is And its founding research groups for individuals, to ensure there is recognition that action is needed are aiming to build upon previous assistance available to boost their to address social inequality, relative research successes and generate work and profi les regardless of what poverty, stalling economic growth even greater impact. They are: stage they are at in their careers. and community divisions at an international level as well as at home. • Crime, Justice and Society; Professor Xu added: “In order to • Maritime Logistics, be outstanding, researchers at any Academic expertise can be hugely Business and Policy; stage of their career – from PhD important in helping to meet those students to professors – need to challenges, and if we are going • Markets, Innovation be supported. The beauty of having THE LAUNCH OF to tackle them we need to do so and Competition; an institute is that you can build a through the kind of interdisciplinary • People, Organisations and Work; research environment to meet those collaborations that iSPER can foster.” • Product and Service Value needs, while creating something Chain Innovation through that facilitates new conversations iSPER Based within the Faculty of Business, and collaborations. It also gives us Advanced Technologies iSPER joins the University’s seven a brand with which to associate existing research institutes, spanning • Responsible Entrepreneurship our research and to bring the It is fair to say that the past six the spectrum of marine and earth and Social Innovation. excellence we have across many sciences, arts, health, medicine, subjects under one umbrella.” months have seen a pedagogy and sustainability. And it will Professor Jingjing Xu, Associate succession of seismic shocks share their core aims of encouraging Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Professor Nikolaos Tzokas, Dean collaborative research of the highest Business and iSPER’s Director, said: of the Faculty of Business, added: that have shaken the Western quality, building on existing areas “We have had research centres in the “In many respects, the launch of world to its core. Brexit, the of excellence highlighted by the faculty before but there has never iSPER is the fi nal piece of a jigsaw. Research Excellence Framework in been great synergy in terms of the We have always had outstanding triumph of Donald Trump in 2014 and assisting in the delivery collaborations we are pursuing. There academics within the faculty the US Presidential Election, of research-led teaching. has always been a lot of potential conducting world-leading research, but it has not been maximised to the but perhaps without the coordinated and the growing momentum “iSPER will seek to foster academic full. Having the institute and bringing support and encouragement to of the right wing in many other collaborations internally and academics all together under one engage with a wider audience. The The launch of iSPER: (From left) externally, ensuring that when a umbrella gives us a means to do that, new institute provides that vehicle countries, have left many Professor Nikolaos Tzokas, Charles Dorr, national or international funding and creates a more enabling and and will enable us to celebrate Professor Georgy Shapiro, Professor facilitating research environment.” leaders wrong-footed and Simon Payne, Ben Rhodes (Chief opportunity arises, the networks our current successes and ensure Executive of the Devon and Cornwall Business Council), Professor Sheena and support are already in place to plenty more follow in the future.” many more commentators Asthana, Professor Jingjing Xu. meet the funder’s requirements,” said iSPER has been up and running asking ‘What’s next?’ Charles. “And this kind of approach behind the scenes for some time,


Ray Jones, in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, as co-investigator, Angelo welcomes elderly people from a care home in the city to the centre, where they interact with ‘Pepper’, the newest addition to the family, courtesy of Japanese company Softbank.

“We were among the fi rst in Europe to receive a Pepper, and ‘she’ will be at the heart of a number of projects,” Angelo says. “In MoveCare, we will be able to study how people interact with her in a more realistic home-like scenario, rather than a laboratory with white walls. There is a great deal of interest in Professor Angelo Cangelosi researching and developing robots to be used as domestic home helps for the elderly and the disabled.” Tony. “It is not a straight line from A–B, but that is part of MoveCare is one of nine current projects, representing the challenge and excitement. We are still a number of an income to the University of around €4 million, and years away from robots being able to interact with people which have some 15 PhD students, and fi ve post- on a deep level, but we’re making progress all of the time.” doctoral researchers attached. Among that PhD population are seven funded by the Marie Curie L2Tor is already generating huge interest in both the scheme, each working on one of three projects: APRIL, educational and robotics sectors, and entertainment ROBOT HOME BRINGS SECURE and DCOMM, covering the topics of personal giants Disney has even invited one of the project robotics, safe robot interaction, and communication academics to work with its technologists in a bid using gestures, respectively. It is an indication of to improve the experience of its theme parks. TOGETHER FAMILY the importance being placed upon the subject of ‘collaborative intelligence’ – where humans and The presence of Disney – and the likes of Honda, and robots learn from one another to achieve a task. the US Airforce, with whom Angelo is working on a OF RESEARCH project called THRIVE, looking at the issue of trust “Industries are moving into AI and robotics, particularly with robots – is a very important one. At a time when in areas such as deep learning, which uses deep Google has purchased the company DeepMind, neural networks,” Angelo says. “We have been commercial interest in robotics and AI is at an all- working in that fi eld for a number of years already time high, which creates new avenues for funding. For the past decade it has been one of the undisputed research so this gives us a signifi cant advantage. Indeed, we have undoubtedly contributed to this growth.” “One area that I think we can move into is human–car success stories of the University: a relatively small team, interaction,” Angelo confi rms.“We have a growing successful in bidding for multi-million pound grants, leading Robot learning has been at the heart of a number relationship with Honda, so we have applications of Professor Tony Belpaeme’s projects over the in the pipeline that focus on AI and cars.” some of the biggest collaborations in the fi eld, and establishing past decade, and his latest, L2TOR is transplanting that principle to schools and language learning. With Brexit on the horizon, the change of funding itself among the most respected peers in the sector. The three-year Horizon 2020 initiative is focusing landscape will be especially challenging for robotics on teaching English to native speakers of Dutch, research, and will call upon every competitive advantage German and Turkish, but also teaching Dutch and we can muster. And that’s why Robot Home is an From ITALK to ALIZ-E, the advancement of robotics at “Robot Home could be considered a 2.0 or 3.0 German to children whose fi rst language is Turkish. important asset in CRNS’s continued evolution. Plymouth has been anything but science fi ction. for us because it marks an important change for the way we work. It signals a transformation from Using the Nao robots from the ALIZ-E project, children “Plymouth is now among the main players in the fi eld, Now with the creation of a new ‘robot home’ on independent projects each focusing on a specifi c topic are invited to take part in a language game that and we make a major contribution to the Engineering campus, the work of the Centre for Robotics and Neural – such as iCub looking at language acquisition and involves learning numbers, spatial language and basic and Physical Sciences Research Council Robotics and Systems (CRNS) is entering a new phase. Located manipulating objects, or ALIZ-E on social interaction and vocabulary through storytelling. Even in its early stages, Autonomous Systems network,” adds Angelo. “The on the fi rst fl oor of the Portland Square Building, communication – to having a full-blown experimental L2TOR has found that the most cutting-edge speech difference between us and the likes of Bristol, Edinburgh and it is more than just an academic offi ce with some setup, a living home for the elderly and robots.” recognition software cannot cope with the grammatical Sheffi eld, is that they can draw upon multiple universities IKEA furniture: it’s an interdisciplinary hub where an idiosyncrasies of children aged 4–6. It has also revealed to create a bigger critical mass. But with our links to international team of researchers can study human A great example of this is a new EU Horizon 2020 project a number of new avenues for enquiry, including the industry (for example, strategic partnership with Aldebaran- interaction with the University’s ‘robot family’. focused on supporting independent living through use of ‘deep learning’ to help the artifi cial intelligence SoftBank Robotics), and our focus upon interdisciplinary robotic companions. MoveCare: Multiple-actors overcome its inability to read emotion in faces. projects, we are able to run innovative studies on social and “We have had three big waves of multiple project Virtual Empathic Caregivers for the Elderly is being learning robots, create and test more realistic scenarios, funding to get to this stage,” says Angelo Cangelosi, coordinated in Milan, with Plymouth leading a €440,000 “As was the case with ALIZ-E, we are exploring the and this helps us with future grant applications, impact Professor in Artifi cial Intelligence and Cognition. strand on social interaction. Working with Professor possibilities and the boundaries of AI and robotics,” says case studies, and commercialisation opportunities.”


On a flight home from holiday in 2010, a University senior leader had a chance conversation with a local eye care specialist, who questioned why – when the South West urgently needed eye care specialists – Plymouth didn’t offer an Optometry degree.

Fast forward to 2016, and two onto the campus itself, with a second to paediatric care, they experience optometry cohorts have graduated, practice opened in November everything encountered by a real- student numbers have more than 2016 tin the Wellbeing Centre. life optometrist. Most clinics are doubled, and nearly £1 million has free of charge, and customers been secured in research funding. Both facilities, which follow a model receive 20% off the list price of any It’s safe to say that Optometry has similar to the Dental Education spectacles if they sit for a student. been an eye-opening success. Facilities, are home to advanced instrumentation and used by As well as welcoming people It’s amazing what has It took less than nine months from that undergraduate and postgraduate genuinely looking for eye been achieved in such a original meeting for the Optometry students, with qualified optometrists examinations, the centres have a course to be professionally approved, on hand to supervise students and number of volunteers who kindly short time, and the same with the first students welcomed in deal with more complex patients. sit for the same test with several can be said of our academic 2011. And as the University’s School different students, and new and teaching endeavour of Health Professions celebrates the Phil said: “We welcomed 32 students patients are always being sought. course’s fifth anniversary, Dr Phillip in the first year, with a view to over the last five years... Buckhurst, Associate Professor in reaching 72, but wanted to take our To complement the hands-on learning, Optometry, reflects on how far it has time in order to roll out the course the 13-strong team of academics come since the very beginning. comfortably, ensuring quality. This prides itself on teaching both theory year we had our full intake of students, and transferable skills. For example, “Optometry is only offered at 11 with 13 full-time staff, up from the a second-year module delves into universities in the UK,” he said. original four of us five years ago.” entrepreneurship, with emphasis on in areas such as binocular vision is responsible for more than 80% life. Such has been its level of success “Plymouth was the ninth to introduce investigating the legal and ethical and neurophysiology and a range of of input to the brain, so research that 95% of its 2015 graduates it. And there had long been a need Students, particularly in their final issues around managing a business. eye diseases. Around £900,000 has encompasses how we see, what we went on to full-time employment nationally for an eye health training year, spend a lot of time with members been secured in research funding see, and in turn how these processes centre in the South West, and as or study within six months of of the public: from contact lens The team’s research activity has in in its five years, with specialisms affect other parts of the body and soon as the idea was adopted, leaving, and its NSS scores show clinics and spectacle dispensing turn fed into its teaching, including in myopia (short-sightedness), mind. It really is a multidisciplinary everything moved very quickly.” that 89% of its students found the glaucoma and vascular disease, area that is hugely important to our course intellectually stimulating. The course, like many of those in visual psychophysics, and understanding of many other aspects other health professions, is a balance cataract and refractive surgery. of health, and its findings can have “It’s amazing what has been achieved a significant impact on patients.” of research-informed teaching and in such a short time, and the same can Interdisciplinary projects have also clinical practice. From their first be said of our academic and teaching been undertaken by the Eye and The course is also currently year, students observe and assist endeavour over the last five years,” Vision research group in the Institute overseeing seven PhD students local opticians, and in 2013, the added Professor Graham Sewell, Head University opened its Centre for of Health and Community, with looking at various aspects of vision of the School of Health Professions. Eye Care Excellence (CEE), based studies alongside psychologists on science, including one investigation “And it demonstrates once again near the main campus on Gibbon how variations in vision can affect into how the use of smart technology Street. The practice offers students cognitive process, and research affects the eyes and vision. just how central the University is to the chance to carry out supervised alongside other health professionals building a healthy and sustainable training on members of the public on how vision affects balance. This research topic of choice sums health professions workforce both and such is the success of the up what many students have praised in the region and further afield.” initiative – and the growth in student Professor Paul Artes, leader of about the course – its relevance to numbers – that CEE has expanded the research group, said: “Vision the real-life profession and everyday

14 CONNECT l FEATURE: A VISION OF OPTOMETRY CONNECT l WINTER 2016 l ISSUE 16 15 FEATURE FEATURE: THE SKY’S THE LIMIT FOR PLANET EARTH II DOCTOR LUCY THE SKY’S THE LIMIT FOR PLANET EARTH II DOCTOR LUCY The BBC’s Planet Earth II has enthralled millions of viewers with its high- defi nition return to the natural world. And among the many people to have played an important role behind the camera in bringing the documentary to television screens is a Plymouth doctor with a head for heights.

Dr Lucy Obolensky, programme lead “Usually we would provide training chime with her long-time interest in for the Global and Remote Healthcare to the crew, but because the Planet global and remote healthcare. Since masters degree within the Plymouth Earth II teams were being deployed 2000, she has completed more than University Peninsula Schools of to some austere environments, they 20 expeditions, including to Africa, Medicine and Dentistry, supported decided that they needed doctors South and Central America, India, Sir David Attenborough as a medic to accompany them. I was the lucky Tibet and Vietnam. She was the medic in the hot air balloon sequence for one who was sent up in the balloon for the Help for Heroes Kilimanjaro the opening scene of the series. with Sir David; my colleague James Summit and she also teaches And it’s just the latest example of Moore, by contrast, had to spend advanced medical skills to explorers Lucy’s long-running engagement 16 days in sub-zero temperatures and expedition leaders at the Royal work with the broadcaster. camping in a penguin pool!” Geographical Society and the BBC.

“I’ve been working with the BBC For the island-focused programme, Lucy has helped to run hospital intermittently over the last decade, Lucy spent fi ve days with Sir partnerships in Kenya, setting up Sir David’s popularity spans mostly teaching advanced medical David and the team at Chateau primary healthcare services and generations and he was an skills to crews visiting remote parts d’Aix in Switzerland – and it all initiating programmes such as the of the world,” says Lucy. “On this went smoothly up to a point. Kenya Orthopaedic Project; the absolute joy to work with. occasion, I was asked to be a part Nanyuki-Torbay Partnership; and of a team of doctors seconded to She says: “Everything up there was founding the charity Exploring Global different programmes in the series. phenomenal, the most amazing Health Opportunities, an umbrella views. We had a bit of a bumpy charity that supports health and social landing though – the basket tipped programmes throughout Kenya. the opposite way to that which we work overseas, and the training is to any doctor looking to make a for life-changing research and were expecting and rather than She has a close working relationship available for them to hone their skill contribution overseas is to go for sustainable projects in health and supporting Sir David I actually ended with The Northern Rangelands set to suit the clinical, physical and it – it makes such a difference to the social care in countries where they up on top of him! Luckily, no harm was Trust, an organisation that supports cultural challenges they may face. For communities we work with, ourselves are needed. And that clearly extends caused to our national treasure!” communities and conservation in an me, the opportunity to make a real as professionals and, indeed, our to working with – and safeguarding – area of north Kenya which borders difference to communities in Kenya patients back here in the UK.” one of the world’s most popular and In the programme devoted to Somalia, and over the past fi ve years over years of visits has been humbling respected television presenters. ‘the urban environment’, Lucy has helped them to implement a and an honour. I fi rst visited those The University’s MSc Global and accompanied Sir David to the top of healthcare system where there was communities as a newly-qualifi ed Remote Healthcare programme “It’s an indication of the broad appeal The Shard for a two-day shoot. “We previously nothing and where people doctor and since then I have visited was one of the fi rst of its kind in the that Sir David has that everyone in walked right to the top – 300 steps live at least six hours away from on a regular basis, even taking my UK and supports the continuing my family, from my nine-year-old and Sir David barely stopped for a the nearest functioning hospital. children as the years have gone by. professional development of doctors nephew to my husband and my breather. He was quite amazing.” working around the world, from granny, was as excited about this She says: “We know that there My family and I are now a part the heat of Sub-Saharan Africa to opportunity as I was,” Lucy adds. “His It is quite a contrast to her daily duties are hundreds of medically-trained of that community and words the extreme cold of Antarctica. As popularity spans generations and he Lucy and Sir David above The Alps as a GP and University clinician, professionals out there who may cannot describe how special and well as its remit in education, the was an absolute joy to work with.” albeit the planetary focus does be thinking about taking time out to life-affi rming that is. My advice programme is also the incubator


She has become one of the most decorated and celebrated SIAN DAVEY: emerging photographers in the country, with a focus upon the quiet and intimate moments of family life. Lauded by critics and subject to commissions from international organisations, it is fair to say that PICTURE PERFECT Sian Davey’s world has changed dramatically since she enrolled on – and graduated from – the MA Photography programme at Plymouth.

Receiving a visit from CONNECT at “At that moment, photography who was born with Down’s syndrome, her home on the Dartington Estate was a necessity,” Sian says. “But and chronicles her development, in Totnes, Sian is – as usual – doing whatever I do – family, work, her place in the wider family and, a myriad of things at once. She has whatever – I throw myself into it perhaps most poignantly, Sian’s own been up since 5am to get her children and am completely committed. As struggle to bond with her as she had ready for the day ahead and has with many things in my life, I quickly with her other children. Over the past just returned from her daily yoga realised this was a spiritual path I two years, the project has helped class which, she admits, is the one had to go down and that spirituality Sian to connect with Alice, using time she can truly slow down and remains an integral part of my her camera to capture the personal switch off. Now though, she is back work and keeps my heart open.” and emotional development of their at full tilt and as we talk, is packing mother-daughter relationship. up copies of her book Looking for Even then, Sian’s path was not a Alice to take with her to another straightforward one. Having decided With it has come a string of accolades, awards ceremony, this time in Paris. to re-enter university education to including a New York Photo Award, the learn more about photography, she Lens Culture Emerging Talents Award, “I’d had quite a turbulent upbringing struggled to fi nd a place, with one and Best Emerging Photographer and wanted to put the world to rights,” institution telling her that her portfolio at the Pingyao International she says, looking back to her fi rst was “not sophisticated enough”. But Photography Festival. And the experiences at university, when she after a number of setbacks, she met book itself was named one of The enrolled on a fi ne art degree at the the programme leaders at Plymouth, Observer Books of the Year 2015. University of Brighton. “So I switched and in what she describes as “one to politics and social policy, but then of the best days of my life” was Sian adds: “When I started out, I when I got to my graduation, I realised given the chance to prove herself. never thought my work would be that I didn’t want to go into social received as it has. It has been quite work or housing like my fellows on the During the course of her MA diffi cult to adjust, not only because degree. I knew that in order to fi nd and subsequent MFA, she has of the accolades but also the learning my path, I fi rst had to fi nd myself.” worked closely with Professors of new skills. But I also recognise Jem Southam, David Chandler how privileged I am to be doing This Sian did by taking herself away and Liz Nicol, something she says something I love, and I hope that from family and friends to enrol at as being “a true privilege” and an whatever happens in the future that a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in enormous infl uence on her work. is something I will be able to retain.” Scotland. It enabled her to refl ect upon life and spiritual practice, “I once took a series of pictures to helping her to respond to the David, taken as I was tearing around world around her, rather than the country with a young baby just railing against it. Indeed, it in tow,” Sian says. “He reminded shaped her career for the next 15 me that what I do best is to work From that moment, my years, as she began to practise as intuitively. From that moment, my a humanistic psychotherapist. immediate world opened up and I immediate world opened up and realised I had everything I needed I realised I had everything I It was only after a series of traumatic right in front of me. Those words personal events that she picked continue to inspire and support me needed right in front of me. up her camera and started taking to this day.”It is her book, Looking for pictures, realising that it was helping Alice, that has really propelled Sian to relieve her personal pain. In her to the current level of international words, how she saw the world was attention. Her most personal work, in the pictures she was producing. it follows Sian’s youngest daughter,


It was on a working family farm in East Yorkshire that Tom Hutchinson fi rst began to form an appreciation of the environment and its impact upon human health. It wasn’t just the cattle, the sheep, or the crops that triggered the process, nor his father’s careful maintenance of the landscape with traditional hedgerows, fi eld borders and meadows full of curlews and other wading birds. It was also their proximity to major urban areas on the Humber and Tees estuaries, with their polluted waters entering the North Sea, which frequently made media headlines during the 1980s.

It’s an interest that has come to College London that set Tom on his based upon chrysanthemums). defi ne his career, one that has taken way, although he would soon return This involved extensive travel him around the world, through as a research scientist, working for around the United States, and the commercial and governmental ICI on a project to tackle the ‘legacy forging of Environmental Protection As the company evolved through delivering his inaugural lecture his chairing of the Ecotoxicology science, before landing in academia. chemicals’ that were contaminating Agency and University contacts mergers – from ICI to Zeneca and on the subject of ‘Endocrine Working Group of the NC3Rs (which Now the University’s new Professor the environment surrounding major that he now uses to support AstraZeneca – so Tom’s role shifted Disrupting Chemicals’. works to fi nd alternative practices of Environment and Health Sciences, industrialised centres. placements for Plymouth students. into the pharmaceutical healthcare for animal use in research), and his in the School of Biological Sciences, sector, and he began to consider “The overarching theme was that membership of scientifi c advisory Tom is looking to use some of that “The pollution from cities, particularly Tom’s association with the University the environmental impact of natural and synthetic hormone- groups to the OECD, he is still experience, and the connections he in the North East, was so great that actually dates back to 1991 when he medicines and the manufacturing mimicking chemicals are a serious working to bring people together, has made, to enhance his teaching there were lots of human waste enrolled on a part-time PhD, funded facilities required to make them. It challenge for protecting human and raise awareness of issues, and and research at Plymouth. and toxic chemicals, with hardly any by ICI, on the effects of organic took him off to AstraZeneca’s R&D wildlife health,” he says. “But if we improve understanding of those oxygen in the rivers,” he says. “But chemicals and metals on the immune Headquarters near Stockholm for two invest in research to screen out the environmental roots for human health. “From my scientifi c training, I feel thanks to the scientifi c work and system of marine life. He completed it years, before he moved back to the problem chemicals, we can improve there is an absolutely fundamental link industrial investment in clean up, fi ve years later under the guidance of UK to become Head of Science for things, and the evidence is there with “I was back at the farm in August, between human health and wildlife we’ve seen a huge success story: the late Professor Margaret Manning. Environment and Health at Plymouth the recovery of ospreys and otters.” helping to bring in the harvest with health,” Tom says. “And that has the otters are back, the osprey and Marine Laboratory. Two years later, my siblings, and I realised I was direct implications for the sources other fi sh-eating birds have returned, “Margaret was a pioneering scientist he joined the Centre for Environment, With a full teaching portfolio across listening to those same birds in the of our drinking water, the quality and we have seal populations again. in the fi eld of wildlife immunology Fisheries and Aquaculture Science undergraduate and postgraduate meadow,” h e r e fl e c t .s “And it made and security of our food supplies, We have brought these rivers and and an outstanding mentor,” (Cefas), one of Defra’s science courses, including animal physiology me think that, even though we have and the wellbeing of children and UK coastal waters back to life.” Tom says. “She was President agencies, where he advised on the and endocrinology, ethics in biology, many environmental problems today, families and individuals in being able of the International Society of environmental safety assessment of ecotoxicology, and the use of aquatic and some are very challenging and to enjoy and connect with a healthy Based at Brixham, in the laboratory Comparative Immunology, and her chemicals in marine and freshwater animals in biomedical research, global, from what I’ve seen from the natural environment. That has been that years later would effectively huge contribution to the reputation ecosystems and fi sheries. and a growing research presence rivers and the sea – if we use science my driving principle in a professional be given to the University by of the University should not be through his lead of the Environment, and technology, if we draw people capacity: people cannot be healthy if AstraZeneca, Tom also investigated underestimated. But spending time Already an Honorary Professor at Food and Biotechnology Research together from different disciplines the world they live in is not healthy.” the use of chemicals in agriculture, in the South West also gave me a Exeter and Brunel universities, Tom Group, it is remarkable that Tom still and the public – we can be optimistic the impact of pesticides on the perspective on the opportunities applied for the post of Associate fi nds time for his extensive external for the future. We can make progress It was the opportunity to study environment, and the search for less here in relation to the environment, Professor of Ecotoxicology at engagement work. But, through his based on evidence and engagement.” environmental biology at King’s harmful alternatives (such as those particularly freshwater and marine.” Plymouth in 2013, and three years involvement with the government’s on he has been made Professor, Expert Committee on Pesticides,


refugees in Jordan and, increasingly, “It was clear that the crisis in the entrepreneurship as a sustainable other Middle Eastern countries. With non-profi t sector was not going means of poverty alleviation for Civil War in Syria and turmoil in Iraq away, and if anything was getting Palestinian, Iraqi and Syrian refugee displacing millions of people, it’s worse,” Haya says. “So I decided to women in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. work that might seem topical and of train in a business discipline, rather the ‘now’, but is actually rooted in a than a development discipline, The second project began in 50-year history of refugees in Jordan. because I could then work to inform November 2016, and was awarded the sector. The idea that you rely on by the ESRC and the Arts and “I’m interested in looking at how the funds and the donations rather Humanities Research Council under entrepreneurship can be a vehicle than having a sustainability model the Global Challenges Research Fund and catalyst for social development,” was, in my opinion, a problem.” programme (involving colleagues she says. “Under that, my main focus from both the Business and Science is on gender; people who need to be Born in Copenhagen, and having and Engineering faculties), and is a entrepreneurial to have some form lived in Australia, Italy, and Bahrain two-year study that focuses on the of livelihood or addressing poverty in addition to the United States resilience of Syrian male artisans alleviation. And it opens up all sorts and Jordan, it was not until Haya displaced to Jordan. Both projects of questions for governments and joined the Norwich Business School have interesting socio-political and aid agencies. How do you manage in 2007 following the completion cultural heritage implications. refugees in such ways that it gives of her PhD that she fully began to them hope? It is not simply about put down some roots in the UK. Haya says: “It’s such a fascinating the food and the vouchers and area, because there are social, the accommodation, but giving “The PhD was a comparison between cultural and political dimensions. them the hope there is a future, a women-led NGOs and women- Entrepreneurship can help the potential livelihood. If we don’t do owned SMEs in Jordan, and how refugee artisans to develop genuine that, things don’t work for refugees they empower their home-based transferable business skills and or the host community. We need producers,” she says. “Both of them individual and community resilience. to work with them as partners.” rely on products that are made by Also, their microbusinesses are displaced Palestinian women in their preserving heritage through the That work fi rst began for Haya when, homes. And the assumption was that arts and crafts they produce – so having completed a masters degree it would be the NGOs, who do not the production process itself in social science research methods treat women purely as producers or has far greater meaning than at Bath, she moved to Jordan and set suppliers, but as benefi ciaries, who simply an economic benefi t.” up her own research consultancy. would be the more empowering. But Despite knowing very little about my research was showing that the Aside from these projects – which will ASSOCIATE running an enterprise, it proved to be small fi rms were investing heavily in also include the delivery of a social a very successful venture, and she their home-based women producers, enterprise training programme to PROFESSOR won contracts with organisations treating them in a more professional Jordanian mentors here in Plymouth, such as the United States Agency manner, training them, and ensuring who in turn will roll it out among the HAYA AL-DAJANI for International Development and they continued the relationship in the refugee communities, Haya is also UNICEF. So in demand were their longer term, rather than regarding playing a leading role in the masters services that within two years Haya them as short-term benefi ciaries.” programmes in Entrepreneurship, and For many people there occurs a moment – or series of moments – when felt she needed to conduct her own Entrepreneurship and International inspirations and infl uences coalesce into something resembling a career choice. research rather than follow someone Over the last decade, Haya has Development. She also leads the else’s agenda, and so sold the continued her research, and Responsible Entrepreneurship For Haya Al-Dajani, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, of the Futures enterprise to take up a prestigious collaboration with her doctoral and Social Innovation Research Entrepreneurship Centre, that formative experience was the start of a war. Senior Fullbright Fellowship, fi rstly supervisor Professor Sara Carter Group, and co-chairs the at the University of California – and (Strathclyde University) and examiner University’s Women’s Network. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, at the end of the placement, three the time I got back to Jordan after subsequently at the University of Professor Susan Marlow (Nottingham Haya was a psychology and sociology weeks in Iraq itself working as an those three weeks, I decided I Chestnut Hill in Philadelphia. University). She has secured nearly “It’s been an interesting journey – not student at Bath University on a interpreter for a Harvard study team. didn’t want to be a psychologist, £2 million in research funding from the all of it planned!” she refl ects. “But year’s placement in Jordan with the I wanted to be a researcher.” “Hooked on academia”, Haya EU, UK and other funding bodies, and looking back, so much was infl uenced National Centre for Mental Health. “A placement focusing on clinical embarked upon a PhD in currently leads two research projects. by that visit to Iraq. That was where What followed was an extraordinary psychology became one of crisis Working at the intersection of gender entrepreneurship at Strathclyde The fi rst began in July 2016 and was I fi rst saw the people who would experience: a ground-level view of the psychology,” Haya says, refl ecting and empowerment, international University, via a further stint in Jordan awarded by the Economic and Social become the refugees of tomorrow.” evacuation of the centre, the sudden on the experience. “It was the development, entrepreneurship, and to assess how the development Research Council (ESRC) Development relocation of mental health patients fi rst time I learned about the cultural memory, Haya has focused sector had progressed in the Frontiers Research Fund call. This is a back into the community, and then aftermath of a human crisis. By her research upon the plight of two years since she had left. three-year research project analysing


GUY STEVENS: and so he began to conduct research says. “They are targeted for their gills, with some other students to the THE MAN AND on the population in the Maldives. which are used in Chinese medicine, university in Grenada to do a study THE MANTA RAY Within two years, he founded the and unfortunately that has resulted of the symbiosis of cleaner fish and Maldivian Manta Ray Project, the in a big decline in populations. There their clients on the tropical reef – it first full-time study of manta rays in are also secondary issues such as was an amazing experience.” the territory, working closely with by-catch and climate change affecting the government, local communities plankton, their food source, which are It was this willingness to head and business stakeholders to harder to measure in terms of impact.” overseas to undertake project raise awareness and introduce work, combined with experience protective measures. The project Born in Penzance and raised in volunteering at the National has now documented more than Dorset, Guy said he felt he was Marine Aquarium, and his PADI 40,000 sightings of more than 4,500 destined to ‘work with fish’ from the Dive Master qualification, which mantas, making the Maldivian manta moment he was given an aquarium made Guy the ideal candidate ray population the most intensely at the age of 11. But leaving school when the role at the Four Seasons studied anywhere on the planet. at 16 with three GCSEs, he found arose – and the rest is his story. that there was more than just glass In 2011, motivated to replicate its separating him from the marine His conservation work has now success globally, he founded The environment, and his early career featured in more than a dozen TV Manta Trust, a UK- and US-registered was limited to working for companies documentaries for the likes of the charity dedicated to the worldwide in the ornamental fish trade. BBC, ITV, National Geographic, and conservation of mantas and their Australia’s 60 Minutes programme. close relatives. It now has 40 project Guy secured a couple of vocational And he has also become involved leaders in 20 countries, each qualifications at local colleges, but with scientific research off the coordinating collaborative research realised that he needed a degree if Chagos Islands, funded by the and conservation efforts. In the he was ever going to break through Bertarelli Foundation, and which Maldives alone, this has led to the to the career he craved, and after has seen him reunited in a virtual As close encounters with nature go, it takes some beating. A distressed manta creation of several Marine Protected speaking with an admissions tutor at sense at least, with his former course Areas at key manta aggregation the University, he was given a chance leader, Professor Martin Attrill, now ray, three metres in wingspan, approaches a lone diver. Fishing line binds sites, most notably at Hanifaru Bay, to prove himself on the degree for Director of the Marine Institute. its mouth and gills, cutting like a ligature. The stricken ray allows the diver to which has also been declared a core Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology. protected area within the designated With a new book set to be published remove the line before it wheels away and disappears into the blue. Two days UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. “It was a steep learning curve to thanks to the support of the Save later, at the same spot, the diver is back, this time with a group, and all are suddenly be in full-time academia, Our Seas Foundation – Manta “The biggest threat to mantas and but I loved the practical stuff,” Rays: The Secret Life of Devil Rays, watching manta rays feeding in a gyring whirl. Suddenly, one of the rays breaks mobula rays is from fishing,” Guy he says. “In my final year, I went completed in partnership with away and swims towards them, before it circles repeatedly above the diver’s another Plymouth graduate, National Geographic photographer Thomas head. It suddenly becomes clear that it is the very same injured manta ray. Peschak (“the greatest underwater photographer in the world today”) – With memories such as these, is it same animal to pick me out from a Guy says: “I started to see manta Guy is hoping to share some of those any wonder that marine biologist group of divers was amazing. How did rays on a daily basis, and I was struck remarkable encounters beneath and University alumnus Guy it know and what was it trying to say?” by how charismatic they were. They the waves with a new audience. Stevens has devoted his career to are beautiful and graceful in the researching, studying and helping to Such questions have been a feature way they move through the water, “You get a true sense of connection conserve these iconic creatures?! of Guy’s work ever since he first and when you look into their eyes, with these majestic rays,” he says, encountered the creatures in 2003 you get a real sense that they are “and that is what drives me on every “There’s a tendency to when, having graduated from his pondering what you are. That is day in my work to conserve them.” anthropomorphise these things but Plymouth degree, he landed the backed up by their behaviour, which there was no doubt that that manta extraordinary job of marine biologist is curious, social, more like a dolphin ray sought me out for help,” says at the Four Seasons in the Maldives. or seal. In fact, to describe them as Guy, Founder and Chief Executive of Working aboard the luxury vessel a fish is to do them an injustice!” the global charity The Manta Trust, Explorer, Guy was responsible for recalling their meeting in the Indian leading snorkelling and dive trips, What surprised Guy from the outset Ocean several years ago. “That in as well as presenting to guests was just how little was known about itself is quite remarkable. But for the on the local marine ecology. the behaviours and habits of the rays,


When you went into the Is that your key message to the Do you follow research trends CLARE NASIR: Q Met Office, did you have Q postgraduate audience tonight? Q or particular scientists? FROM any idea that you were going to be in front of the camera? There are two core messages, really. I tap into good science all of the MATHEMATICS TO The first one is that you have to aim big time because there are always Yes. I had to do a screen test as well as and be bold. And secondly, you work stories there. I steer clear of making METEOROLOGY the scientific interview, and I’ve always your arse off. There is no getting away scientific comment on climate enjoyed talking about the weather. from that. You can’t be complacent research, and when I do films, I Even when I was an undergraduate, I in this environment because there bring in experts because there are was teaching maths to psychologists, is too much competition and too so many great scientists out there. so I’ve always felt I can communicate many clever people out there. I’m in an amazing position because difficult subjects in a way that people I have some of the greatest minds understand. With broadcasting, you You must be passionate about working alongside me and giving have to be able to bring the subject Q people going into science – me advice as to what is going on. down from the technical level, so and women in science as well?! perhaps I was always better suited And finally, how does to that than being a PhD student! Yes, I do a lot of talks to schools, and Q it feel to be back at write books for kids on weather. I go your alma mater today? What does an average in and try to ignite their interest in and Q day look like for you? passion for the weather. I think at that It’s brilliant. I’m going clubbing age, they simply don’t see any gender later – Union Street beckons! The day starts for all of us with a barriers. When I was at university, we briefing from the Chief Scientist had a ratio of something like one girl Clare Nasir is one of meteorology’s most recognisable faces, having fronted about the weather, and we then go to every nine boys – and our degree off and make films. So, for example, was genuinely hard. Lots of students GMTV and ITN broadcasts for many years. A Plymouth graduate in Mathematics, there has been a lot of warming dropped out. I come from a mixed and at masters-level in Applied Marine Sciences, she has recently returned along the eastern side of Scotland heritage and a poor background, so to the Met Office, where she began her career in the early 90s. She is a recently, something known as the for me, it really was about staying Foehn effect, so we filmed a piece to focused and working hard. filmmaker and author, and still presents the weather daily on Channel 5. In explain that. We do the broadcast for November, she returned to the University to speak at the Postgraduate Open Channel 5 from the studio, and that then gets sent to London. I media train Evening – and sat down with CONNECT for a trip down memory lane. forecasters, so that they can bring out their ‘stories’ editorially rather than When did you first become do a masters in oceanography – and What are some of your getting tied up in the jargon. And we Q interested in the sciences? the mathematics of – and that was Q most treasured do a lot of social media alongside it. a perfect set up to study maths memories of being here? Probably when I was at primary but with a discipline attached. You must have seen the school. I loved maths and geography, I really loved the lectures and the Q discipline, and the organisation, and I’ve always wanted to study Why did you choose to do diversity – I could have chosen to change a great deal since you them – and still do. You are as Q a masters at that time? have gone down other routes such started there?! good as your teachers, especially as computing. I loved the teachers in those early years, and so when I The masters was actually a step and tutors and found them to be It has rationalised over the last 25 came to Plymouth to study maths towards a PhD, so it was a no-brainer really accessible, and that helped to years. There were lots of different at the time. I had a high maths grade I pretty much ‘struck gold’. cement the knowledge you got from centres around the country, but and there was NERC funding for a the lectures. I loved the campus even now it’s all centralised with some What attracted you to the masters so I applied and got the only amazing facilities. And there are many in the late 80s/early 90s, because University at that time? place. I had a lot of support from my opportunities for undergraduates Q everything was within walking professor at the time, Phil Dyke, and I and postgraduates because the distance. And I love Plymouth as a city; I wanted to study fluid dynamics, was going to carry on to the PhD, but Met Office recognises the need for and so I needed a really strong it was money that stopped me going the backdrop is absolutely beautiful. ‘fresh blood’. And that’s great for department in that field. I was able further. So I set my goals on joining So from my point of view it was a me, being here in Plymouth for the to combine my love of the natural another scientific institution – and that wonderful place to be and I never postgraduate event, to be able to say processes with mathematics was the Met Office. The odds were wanted to leave. You sensed there was that there are good jobs out there – in as a language. I specialised in something like 1 in 800, but because magic going on, and to this day some science, technology, engineering, applied maths and my degree of my maths degree here, my masters, of my best memories are from here. as well as design and graphics. was the mathematics of the upper and my thesis in both, it pretty much atmosphere, and I then went on to pushed me to the top of the list.

26 CONNECT l ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: INNOVATIVE, ENTERPRISING PEOPLE CONNECT l WINTER 2016 l ISSUE 16 27 YOUR STORIES RESEARCH GRANTS, AWARDS AND DEVELOPMENTS AROUND THE CAMPUS GRADUATING STUDENT CHALLENGER WINS SOUP EVENT FELLOWSHIP It was a double celebration for one budding vision for a site that brings together engineering FOR MARINE entrepreneur this year as they picked up consultants and clients. He won a grant of £750, their degree on the same day that their as well as a package of business support from SCIENTIST business graduated with honours as well. GAIN, Devon Chamber of Commerce, City College Plymouth, and the Formation Zone and the Futures Josh Playle was awarded a package of grant Entrepreneurship Centre at the University. Dr Nick Higgs, Deputy Director of the Marine service to the marine science community as it was funding and business support to develop his new Institute, has been recognised for his research my own scientifi c achievement and promise.” digital startup, Conclient Ltd, after winning the Soup events were pioneered in America, and see four work with the award of a prestigious Challenger fi fth Soup event organised by GAIN (the Growth entrepreneurs spend four minutes trying to impress Fellowship. Bestowed by the Challenger Society for In the same month, Nick was also recognised by the Acceleration Investment Network) at the University. an audience with their enthusiasm in a bid to win Marine Science, the fellowship is handed out to just International Deep-Sea Biology Society for a paper He then had to rush from the event, being held funding to help them take their ideas to the next level. three early career scientists on a biennial basis. written with Professor Martin Attrill. The society in the Graduation Marquee, to the robing room The audience listens to the pitches over a bowl of named the paper – Biases in biodiversity: wide-ranging so that he could get ready for his ceremony in soup, and at the end, each votes for their favourite by Nick received the award in Liverpool at the society’s species are discovered fi rst in the deep sea – as their Mechanical Engineering, just minutes later. laying the empty bowl next to one of the contestants. conference. He said: “As an early career scientist, landmark paper for 2015. In the work, Nick and Martin it is a real honour to know that your peers and conducted a novel meta-analysis on all deep-sea “It didn’t sink in that I’d won until after my graduation, GAIN has brought the practice to the South West, seniors value your work. I have been bringing species records found in the Ocean Biogeographic as I was so preoccupied with not wanting to miss and has enjoyed signifi cant backing from the together other researchers in my fi eld to establish Information System. Their conclusion was that species the ceremony, but I’m really happy,” said Josh. business community over the fi rst fi ve events held. an annual meeting for deep-sea biologists within richness is probably being underestimated in the “The money we’ve won will be a great help for the society, the fi rst time that the UK researchers deep oceans because the discovery of new species us and go entirely to paying for advertising and Richard Adams, Corporate Projects Manager for in this area had met together as a group. So I is biased towards those that are easily found. marketing costs to promote the new website. the University, said: “Soup has proved to be an think the award was as much in recognition of this enormously popular business crowdfunding event Our overheads are at an absolute minimum for the South West so far, mimicking the success the so this will really help. The access to business events have enjoyed worldwide, and it’s fantastic to support and networks will really help us get see so many entrepreneurs in the region being able going as well and be an ongoing morale to access the tangible business support they need, booster for the team, so I’m very grateful.” as well as enjoying the positive experience of directly PRESTIGIOUS APPOINTMENT pitching their ideas to local business experts.” Josh was chosen from four pitches, all from FOR FUNDING EXPERT new or growing digital businesses, with his One of the University’s most inequalities and evidence-based honour to be given the opportunity respected public sector researchers public health, and health services to use my expertise to guide all those and commentators has been evaluation. She has also been involved who are being impacted by that.” appointed a Non-Executive Director in research examining education and of NICE (the National Institute for equity in the UK, local government NICE was originally set up in 1999, Health and Care Excellence). resource allocation and national becoming a Non Departmental Public funding formulae, such as those used Body (NDPB) in 2013, and its role is Professor Sheena Asthana will bring for healthcare provision and policing. to improve outcomes for people more than 20 years’ experience in using the NHS and other public health policy and health services “NICE has a broad remit across health and social care services. research to the role, which supports health policy and guidance, and I am Rich Adams, Corporate Projects the organisation’s work by providing delighted to have been appointed as It does this by producing evidence- Manager, GAIN, Plymouth University; Pauline Hands, Director national guidance and advice to a Non-Executive Director,” Sheena based guidance and advice for of Marketing, Corporate Relations & improve health and social care. said. “From medical technology practitioners, developing quality Enterprise at City College Plymouth and co-sponsor of Soup event; Josh and digital products, to guidance standards and performance Playle, founder of Conclient Ltd and Sheena, who has been an applicant on treatments and how to manage metrics and providing a range Soup winner; Martin Atkins, partner at Francis Clark LLP and co-sponsor on more than £5 million of funded conditions, its work and the potential of information services for of Soup event. research projects, has specialised effects of that are huge. But this commissioners, practitioners and in four broad areas: NHS resource is also a time of great change for managers across the spectrum. allocation, healthcare equity, health the NHS as a whole, and it is a real


The University’s remarkable record of success in Hilary and Jennie will be presented with their awards the Higher Education Academy’s National Teaching at the National Teaching Fellowship dinner in January Excellence Awards has been continued in 2016/17 with 2017, at which a third academic, Dr Cathy Coelho, another two new fellowships awarded. Senior Lecturer and year 4 Lead in PU PSMD, will fi nd out if her team has won the Collaborative Award for Professor Hilary Neve and Dr Jennie Winter became Teaching Excellence. Cathy has led a team of fellow the 22nd and 23rd National Teaching Fellows (NTFs) educators and academics, and dental hygiene and in the University’s history – and the eighth in just fi ve therapy students, on a project which is an exemplar years – in recognition of their innovation in teaching of the unique relationship between the Dental School and learning. and the local community, and how that relationship Samantha Price (middle) receives the results in innovations in dental teaching. BPTA from Mary Nightingale and Jon Andrews, PwC UK Executive Board Hilary, Professor of Medical Education in the Member with responsibility for Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine The partnership saw the development of a unique Technology and Investments of the National Audit Offi ce. and Dentistry (PU PSMD), has championed the communication aid for stroke survivors with aphasia, development of small group learning activities in the for use in dental settings. The team comprised fi ve faculty, particularly as a setting for students to refl ect dental therapy and hygiene students, four academic upon and make sense of their clinical experiences. She staff, a Stroke Association speech and language has also led major redesigns of the professionalism therapist and eight stroke survivors with aphasia, who GOLDEN SUCCESS AT THE and Problem Based Learning (PBL) programmes and met at the support group Chatterbox. undertaken pioneering audio-diary research exploring GREEN GOWNS threshold concepts within medical education. Professor Pauline Kneale, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Teaching and Learning at Plymouth University, said: It was success at the double for the University industry. Instead, it presents a clear assessment of our Jennie, Associate Professor in Academic Development, “My congratulations go to my colleagues who have in November as it secured two national prizes progress against recognised sustainability metrics and has worked to raise awareness and change practice won and been shortlisted for these important and in recognition of the quality of its sustainability demonstrates our genuine commitment to be a leader.” in a range of inclusivity issues in higher education infl uential higher education awards. Their success reporting and the achievements that represents. including unconscious bias, internationalisation, refl ects the emphasis we place as a University on the The Green Gown, awarded by the Environmental widening participation, mature students and the highest standards of teaching, and to the investment For a fi fth time in the past six years, it won a Green Association for Universities and Colleges, was a fi fth for progression between college based and higher and commitment we make to ensuring that our Gown, the education sector’s blue riband event, Plymouth in just six years, following successes in 2011, for education. teaching colleagues can develop and thrive.” for its Sustainability Report, a biennial exercise in the University’s continuous improvement approach, and which the University reveals how it is performing three in 2014 for enterprise, courses and food and drink. across a number of sustainability measures, and shares this externally with stakeholders. Its success at the BPTAs, on the other hand, was the fi rst time that any academic institution had won the Following on from this, the University triumphed award, with Plymouth ranking alongside fellow winners in the Sustainability Reporting (Public Sector) on the night including Unilever and Marks and Spencer category of the Building Public Trust in Corporate Group. In addition to refl ecting the success of the Reporting Awards (BPTA), presented by Sustainability Report, it also echoed the University’s PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Audit Offi ce. commitment to sustainable development and how that is factored into core business strategies, as well as Dr Samantha Price, Sustainability Manager, picked up evidence the organisation understands the material both awards and said that they were in recognition issues and impacts of embedding sustainable practices. of the honesty and openness that the University reported its progress through the report. The 2016 Sustainability Report is the fourth to be released by the University, but the fi rst to be based “It is great that the University has won these accolades upon the Global Reporting Initiative, an internationally Professor Hilary Neve, Dr Jennie Winter, and Dr Cathy Coelho and they reinforce what makes this report important,” recognised framework for sustainability disclosure. she said. “This is no attempt to ‘greenwash’ how we’re performing, which was a comment from the judges about some of the reporting that exists in the

30 CONNECT l RESEARCH GRANTS, AWARDS AND DEVELOPMENTS AROUND THE CAMPUS CONNECT l WINTER 2016 l ISSUE 16 31 Image: Anthony Rowe / Squidsoup. WINTER 2016 l ISSUE 16 CONNECT WITH Visitors to the world-famous Christmas at Kew celebrations this year were treated PLYMOUTH to a mile-long trail of visual art – with the work of one Plymouth academic UNIVERSITY ‘blossoming’ among it. Professor Chris Bennewith, the new Head of the School of Art, Design and Architecture, played a lead role in Bloom, an installation of 1,000 swaying ‘fl owers’ with each head delicately fl ickering and changing colour. It comes through his involvement with international art and design collective Squidsoup.

The deadline for editorial submissions is 15 FEBRUARY 2017 Please contact Andrew Merrington on 01752 588003; [email protected]

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