National Tracking Poll #2010176 October 30 - November 01, 2020

Crosstabulation Results

Methodology: This poll was conducted between October 30-November 1, 2020 among a national sample of2200 Adults. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Adults based on age, gender, educational attainment, race, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of of plus or minus 2 percentage points. Table Index

1 Table MCSP1_1: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Sports ...... 4

2 Table MCSP1_2: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? (MLB) ...... 8

3 Table MCSP1_3: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Dodgers ...... 12

4 Table MCSP1_4: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? ...... 16

5 Table MCSP2: About how many M LB games did you watch during the 60-game regular season from July 23 through Sept. 27? ...... 20

6 Table MCSP3: And, about how many games did you watch during the MLB Postseason, Sept. 30 through Oct. 27? ...... 24

7 Table MCSP5: Given the reduced number of regular-season games to 60, was winning the 2020 title a less meaningful achievement than in a typical season with 162 games? 28

8 Table MCSP6: Which of the following best describes your opinion of the MLB Postseason? . 32

9 Table MCSP7_1: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Once a game advances to , both teams will begin each inning with a runner on second base ...... 36

10 Table MCSP7_2: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Each pitcher who enters the game must pitch to a minimum of three batters before being replaced ...... 40

11 Table MCSP7_3: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? The adopting the designated hitter instead of having pitchers bat ...... 44

12 Table MCSP7_4: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? If weather forces a game to be cut short prior to the end of the fifth inning, it will be continued at a later date rather than started from scratch ...... 48

13 Table MCSP8_1: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I enjoyed watching the 2020 MLB season played amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) just as much as previous regular seasons ...... 52

14 Table MCSP8_2: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB teams and players did a good job handling the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) ...... 56

2 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020

15 Table MCSP8_3: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I am only interested in watching a regular-season MLB game if my favorite team is participating . . . . 60

16 Table MCSP8_4: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Watching an MLB game in person is a better experience than watching on TV at home ...... 64

17 Table MCSP8_5: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? The typical 162-game MLB season is too long ...... 68

18 Table MCSP8_6: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB games last too long ...... 72

19 Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics ...... 76

3 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_1 Crosstabulation Results by Respondent Demographics

Table MCSP1_1: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Sports Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 24%(525) 43%(939) 33%(736) 2200 Gender: Male 34%(360) 45%(474) 21%(227) 1062 Gender: Female 15%(165) 41%(465) 45%(509) 1138 Age: 18-34 26%(170) 42%(272) 32%(213) 655 Age: 35-44 27%(98) 40%(144) 32%(116) 358 Age: 45-64 24%(178) 44%(328) 33%(246) 751 Age: 65+ 18%(80) 45%(195) 37%(161) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 29%(67) 38%(90) 33%(77) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 25%(149) 43%(259) 32%(191) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 27%(151) 42%(238) 31%(177) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 20%(142) 44%(314) 36%(262) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 25%(201) 44%(354) 30%(242) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 20%(133) 41%(267) 39%(252) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 26%(192) 42%(318) 32%(242) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 39%(125) 44%(140) 17%(54) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 16%(76) 45%(213) 39%(188) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 27%(95) 45%(158) 28%(98) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 13%(38) 36%(109) 51%(154) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 36%(141) 45%(176) 19%(75) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 14%(51) 40%(142) 46%(167) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 27%(171) 42%(264) 30%(189) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 23%(150) 45%(290) 32%(207) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 21%(156) 46%(335) 33%(239) 730 Educ: < College 21%(318) 43%(645) 36%(549) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 27%(121) 45%(200) 28%(123) 444 Educ: Post-grad 35%(86) 38%(94) 26%(64) 244 Income: Under 50k 20%(233) 42%(480) 38%(436) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 25%(177) 44%(309) 31%(214) 701 Income: 100k+ 33%(115) 43%(149) 24%(85) 350 Continued on next page

4 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_1

Table MCSP1_1: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Sports Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 24%(525) 43%(939) 33%(736) 2200 Ethnicity: White 22%(376) 43%(744) 35%(601) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 27%(93) 44%(155) 29%(101) 349 Ethnicity: Black 36%(100) 40%(110) 24%(65) 274 Ethnicity: Other 24%(49) 41%(84) 34%(70) 204 All Christian 27%(274) 45%(448) 28%(281) 1003 All Non-Christian 34%(39) 35%(41) 31%(36) 117 Atheist 17%(20) 42%(52) 42%(51) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17%(97) 45%(262) 38%(221) 580 Something Else 25%(95) 36%(136) 39%(146) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 33%(44) 36%(47) 31%(41) 132 Evangelical 24%(136) 41%(235) 34%(195) 567 Non-Evangelical 29%(221) 43%(333) 29%(221) 775 Community: Urban 30%(187) 43%(271) 27%(172) 630 Community: Suburban 23%(239) 44%(447) 33%(335) 1021 Community: Rural 18%(99) 40%(221) 42%(229) 550 Employ: Private Sector 31%(200) 43%(274) 26%(167) 641 Employ: Government 26%(35) 43%(58) 30%(41) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 27%(54) 48%(96) 25%(50) 201 Employ: Homemaker 14%(20) 39%(58) 47%(70) 147 Employ: Student 33%(43) 44%(57) 23%(29) 129 Employ: Retired 17%(82) 44%(214) 39%(192) 489 Employ: Unemployed 18%(57) 40%(129) 42%(134) 320 Employ: Other 25%(34) 38%(52) 38%(53) 139 Military HH: Yes 22%(77) 49%(172) 29%(100) 349 Military HH: No 24%(448) 41%(767) 34%(636) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 26%(193) 44%(330) 30%(224) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 23%(332) 42%(608) 35%(512) 1453 Trump Job Approve 24%(221) 44%(401) 32%(295) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 25%(299) 42%(504) 33%(399) 1201 Continued on next page

5 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_1

Table MCSP1_1: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Sports Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 24%(525) 43%(939) 33%(736) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 26%(133) 40%(207) 35%(181) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 22%(88) 49%(194) 29%(115) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 27%(60) 41%(90) 33%(72) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 24%(239) 42%(414) 33%(327) 980 Favorable of Trump 24%(220) 43%(390) 33%(294) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 24%(280) 43%(501) 33%(393) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 26%(147) 38%(215) 36%(201) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 21%(73) 51%(175) 27%(93) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 24%(46) 46%(89) 30%(58) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 24%(234) 42%(412) 34%(335) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 26%(190) 46%(330) 28%(202) 722 #1 Issue: Security 28%(68) 34%(80) 38%(91) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 26%(121) 42%(197) 32%(146) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 21%(61) 43%(124) 36%(102) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20%(28) 45%(63) 35%(49) 140 #1 Issue: Education 18%(15) 55%(48) 27%(24) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 16%(14) 42%(37) 42%(37) 87 #1 Issue: Other 17%(29) 35%(60) 49%(84) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 29%(198) 45%(309) 27%(184) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 26%(164) 42%(263) 32%(202) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 6%(3) 51%(28) 43%(24) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 28%(185) 44%(291) 28%(181) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 26%(189) 44%(313) 30%(215) 717 2016 Vote: Other 12%(13) 52%(58) 36%(40) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(137) 39%(277) 42%(297) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 26%(318) 45%(546) 28%(341) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 21%(208) 39%(393) 40%(395) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 28%(225) 45%(360) 27%(215) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 22%(114) 45%(229) 33%(168) 512 2012 Vote: Other 16%(10) 51%(32) 33%(21) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21%(176) 39%(317) 40%(330) 823 Continued on next page

6 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_1

Table MCSP1_1: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Sports Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 24%(525) 43%(939) 33%(736) 2200 4-Region: Northeast 27%(106) 43%(171) 29%(116) 394 4-Region: Midwest 25%(118) 42%(196) 32%(148) 462 4-Region: South 22%(182) 42%(345) 36%(296) 824 4-Region: West 23%(119) 43%(226) 34%(175) 520 Sports fans 36%(525) 64%(939) — (0) 1464 Avid sports fans 100%(525) — (0) — (0) 525 Casual sports fans — (0) 100%(939) — (0) 939 MLB fans 39%(464) 54%(647) 7%(85) 1196 Avid MLB fans 66%(272) 32%(130) 2%(9) 411 Casual MLB fans 24%(192) 66%(517) 10%(77) 785 Dodgers fans 44%(263) 49%(296) 7%(39) 598 Rays fans 46%(214) 50%(235) 4%(18) 466 Watched regular season games 45%(440) 48%(469) 6%(61) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 63%(179) 35%(99) 2%(6) 285 Watched playoffs 47%(399) 48%(406) 6%(47) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 57%(108) 38%(73) 4%(8) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

7 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_2

Table MCSP1_2: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Major League Baseball (MLB) Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 19%(411) 36%(785) 46%(1004) 2200 Gender: Male 27%(289) 41%(440) 31%(333) 1062 Gender: Female 11%(122) 30%(345) 59%(671) 1138 Age: 18-34 18%(118) 31%(205) 51%(332) 655 Age: 35-44 19%(69) 39%(139) 42%(150) 358 Age: 45-64 20%(148) 37%(276) 43%(327) 751 Age: 65+ 17%(76) 38%(165) 45%(195) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 16%(38) 31%(73) 53%(123) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 19%(111) 33%(197) 49%(292) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 21%(118) 36%(204) 43%(243) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 17%(122) 40%(286) 43%(310) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 19%(154) 36%(287) 45%(355) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 16%(102) 35%(227) 50%(323) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 21%(155) 36%(271) 43%(326) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 32%(101) 43%(137) 25%(81) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 11%(53) 31%(150) 58%(274) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 21%(75) 40%(139) 39%(136) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 9%(26) 29%(87) 62%(187) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 29%(112) 42%(164) 30%(116) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 12%(43) 30%(107) 58%(210) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 20%(128) 36%(225) 43%(271) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 14%(88) 43%(275) 44%(282) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 21%(150) 35%(257) 44%(322) 730 Educ: < College 17%(261) 33%(505) 49%(746) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 20%(88) 41%(183) 39%(173) 444 Educ: Post-grad 26%(62) 40%(97) 35%(85) 244 Income: Under 50k 17%(194) 31%(356) 52%(599) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 19%(136) 40%(282) 40%(283) 701 Income: 100k+ 23%(81) 42%(147) 35%(122) 350 Ethnicity: White 18%(311) 37%(633) 45%(778) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 21%(75) 38%(133) 41%(142) 349 Ethnicity: Black 22%(60) 32%(87) 47%(128) 274 Continued on next page

8 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_2

Table MCSP1_2: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Major League Baseball (MLB) Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 19%(411) 36%(785) 46%(1004) 2200 Ethnicity: Other 20%(40) 32%(65) 48%(99) 204 All Christian 23%(234) 38%(386) 38%(383) 1003 All Non-Christian 25%(30) 36%(42) 38%(45) 117 Atheist 11%(14) 38%(46) 52%(64) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 13%(74) 35%(205) 52%(301) 580 Something Else 16%(59) 28%(106) 56%(212) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 26%(34) 34%(45) 40%(53) 132 Evangelical 16%(93) 36%(203) 48%(271) 567 Non-Evangelical 24%(189) 36%(279) 40%(308) 775 Community: Urban 22%(140) 39%(248) 38%(242) 630 Community: Suburban 19%(194) 36%(364) 45%(462) 1021 Community: Rural 14%(77) 31%(173) 55%(300) 550 Employ: Private Sector 22%(139) 41%(264) 37%(238) 641 Employ: Government 23%(31) 40%(54) 36%(48) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 23%(45) 30%(60) 48%(96) 201 Employ: Homemaker 9%(13) 27%(40) 64%(94) 147 Employ: Student 17%(22) 40%(52) 43%(55) 129 Employ: Retired 17%(83) 38%(184) 45%(222) 489 Employ: Unemployed 16%(50) 29%(93) 55%(177) 320 Employ: Other 19%(27) 28%(39) 53%(73) 139 Military HH: Yes 21%(73) 39%(135) 40%(141) 349 Military HH: No 18%(338) 35%(650) 47%(863) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 19%(144) 38%(287) 42%(316) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 18%(267) 34%(498) 47%(688) 1453 Trump Job Approve 19%(177) 38%(348) 43%(392) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 19%(230) 35%(418) 46%(553) 1201 Trump Job Strongly Approve 20%(105) 35%(183) 45%(233) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 18%(72) 42%(165) 40%(159) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 21%(46) 40%(88) 39%(87) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 19%(184) 34%(330) 47%(465) 980 Continued on next page

9 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_2

Table MCSP1_2: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Major League Baseball (MLB) Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 19%(411) 36%(785) 46%(1004) 2200 Favorable of Trump 19%(176) 37%(331) 44%(398) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 18%(210) 37%(431) 45%(533) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 20%(115) 34%(190) 46%(259) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 18%(61) 41%(141) 41%(138) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15%(30) 47%(91) 37%(72) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 18%(180) 35%(340) 47%(461) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 21%(154) 38%(276) 40%(292) 722 #1 Issue: Security 22%(52) 30%(71) 49%(116) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 21%(100) 36%(167) 43%(197) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 14%(41) 40%(115) 46%(131) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 16%(22) 29%(41) 55%(77) 140 #1 Issue: Education 17%(15) 31%(27) 53%(46) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 4%(4) 38%(33) 58%(50) 87 #1 Issue: Other 14%(25) 32%(55) 54%(94) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 25%(174) 37%(256) 38%(260) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 20%(124) 38%(237) 42%(267) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 6%(3) 40%(22) 54%(29) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22%(146) 39%(254) 39%(256) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 21%(150) 40%(285) 39%(282) 717 2016 Vote: Other 18%(20) 34%(38) 48%(54) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(92) 29%(208) 58%(409) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 22%(270) 39%(470) 39%(464) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 14%(141) 32%(315) 54%(540) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 23%(185) 40%(318) 37%(297) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 20%(104) 36%(186) 43%(222) 512 2012 Vote: Other 20%(12) 36%(22) 44%(27) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(110) 31%(258) 55%(455) 823 4-Region: Northeast 23%(89) 37%(146) 40%(158) 394 4-Region: Midwest 20%(94) 38%(177) 41%(191) 462 4-Region: South 15%(122) 33%(275) 52%(427) 824 4-Region: West 20%(105) 36%(187) 44%(228) 520 Continued on next page

10 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_2

Table MCSP1_2: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Major League Baseball (MLB) Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 19%(411) 36%(785) 46%(1004) 2200 Sports fans 27%(402) 48%(708) 24%(354) 1464 Avid sports fans 52%(272) 36%(192) 12%(62) 525 Casual sports fans 14%(130) 55%(517) 31%(292) 939 MLB fans 34%(411) 66%(785) — (0) 1196 Avid MLB fans 100%(411) — (0) — (0) 411 Casual MLB fans — (0) 100%(785) — (0) 785 Dodgers fans 38%(226) 55%(329) 7%(43) 598 Rays fans 41%(190) 51%(239) 8%(38) 466 Watched regular season games 38%(369) 54%(527) 8%(73) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 69%(196) 28%(79) 3%(9) 285 Watched playoffs 39%(336) 53%(450) 8%(66) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 61%(116) 34%(65) 5%(9) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

11 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_3

Table MCSP1_3: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 7%(146) 21%(452) 73%(1602) 2200 Gender: Male 9%(94) 25%(266) 66%(702) 1062 Gender: Female 5%(53) 16%(186) 79%(900) 1138 Age: 18-34 11%(74) 20%(134) 68%(447) 655 Age: 35-44 7%(25) 24%(86) 69%(246) 358 Age: 45-64 4%(32) 19%(143) 77%(576) 751 Age: 65+ 3%(15) 20%(89) 76%(333) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 15%(36) 20%(47) 65%(152) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 9%(56) 22%(135) 68%(409) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 5%(27) 22%(125) 73%(413) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 3%(24) 18%(129) 79%(566) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 7%(57) 23%(180) 70%(560) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 6%(39) 19%(126) 75%(487) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 7%(51) 19%(145) 74%(555) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 12%(37) 30%(97) 58%(185) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 4%(20) 17%(83) 79%(375) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 7%(25) 22%(78) 71%(248) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 5%(14) 16%(48) 79%(238) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 8%(32) 23%(91) 69%(269) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(19) 15%(55) 80%(287) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 7%(47) 22%(135) 71%(443) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 4%(28) 24%(158) 71%(460) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7%(53) 17%(122) 76%(554) 730 Educ: < College 6%(97) 18%(278) 75%(1137) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 6%(26) 24%(108) 70%(310) 444 Educ: Post-grad 10%(24) 27%(66) 63%(154) 244 Income: Under 50k 5%(56) 19%(220) 76%(873) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 8%(53) 22%(157) 70%(491) 701 Income: 100k+ 11%(37) 21%(75) 68%(238) 350 Ethnicity: White 5%(92) 19%(329) 76%(1301) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 13%(46) 30%(106) 56%(197) 349 Ethnicity: Black 10%(29) 25%(69) 64%(176) 274 Continued on next page

12 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_3

Table MCSP1_3: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Los Angeles Dodgers Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 7%(146) 21%(452) 73%(1602) 2200 Ethnicity: Other 13%(26) 26%(53) 61%(125) 204 All Christian 7%(68) 21%(214) 72%(721) 1003 All Non-Christian 16%(18) 26%(31) 58%(67) 117 Atheist 14%(17) 14%(17) 72%(89) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 5%(29) 18%(107) 77%(444) 580 Something Else 4%(14) 22%(83) 74%(281) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 14%(19) 28%(36) 58%(77) 132 Evangelical 5%(27) 22%(125) 73%(415) 567 Non-Evangelical 7%(51) 21%(159) 73%(565) 775 Community: Urban 12%(77) 26%(163) 62%(390) 630 Community: Suburban 5%(53) 19%(198) 75%(770) 1021 Community: Rural 3%(16) 17%(92) 80%(442) 550 Employ: Private Sector 8%(51) 25%(159) 67%(431) 641 Employ: Government 7%(9) 21%(28) 72%(96) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 9%(19) 18%(36) 72%(145) 201 Employ: Homemaker 3%(5) 15%(22) 82%(120) 147 Employ: Student 18%(24) 21%(27) 61%(78) 129 Employ: Retired 2%(11) 20%(99) 78%(379) 489 Employ: Unemployed 6%(18) 18%(56) 77%(246) 320 Employ: Other 7%(9) 17%(24) 76%(106) 139 Military HH: Yes 10%(33) 16%(57) 74%(259) 349 Military HH: No 6%(113) 21%(395) 73%(1342) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 8%(60) 21%(160) 71%(527) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 6%(86) 20%(292) 74%(1075) 1453 Trump Job Approve 8%(73) 20%(182) 72%(662) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 6%(73) 21%(258) 72%(870) 1201 Trump Job Strongly Approve 5%(28) 18%(95) 76%(398) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 11%(45) 22%(88) 67%(264) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 9%(20) 21%(46) 70%(156) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 5%(54) 22%(212) 73%(714) 980 Continued on next page

13 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_3

Table MCSP1_3: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Los Angeles Dodgers Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 7%(146) 21%(452) 73%(1602) 2200 Favorable of Trump 7%(64) 19%(176) 73%(665) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 6%(67) 22%(256) 73%(851) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 6%(31) 18%(101) 77%(432) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 10%(33) 22%(75) 68%(233) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 7%(13) 22%(41) 72%(138) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 5%(54) 22%(214) 73%(713) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 6%(45) 22%(161) 71%(515) 722 #1 Issue: Security 8%(19) 16%(39) 76%(181) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 9%(43) 22%(102) 69%(319) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4%(13) 24%(68) 72%(206) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 4%(6) 20%(28) 76%(106) 140 #1 Issue: Education 9%(8) 25%(22) 66%(58) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 11%(10) 14%(12) 76%(66) 87 #1 Issue: Other 2%(3) 11%(19) 87%(151) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 8%(56) 24%(166) 68%(469) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 6%(37) 20%(125) 74%(467) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 3%(1) 23%(13) 74%(41) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 8%(55) 22%(144) 70%(458) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(47) 21%(151) 72%(519) 717 2016 Vote: Other 4%(4) 19%(21) 77%(86) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6%(40) 19%(134) 75%(536) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 7%(81) 23%(273) 71%(851) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 7%(66) 18%(179) 75%(751) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 8%(66) 24%(189) 68%(546) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 6%(31) 18%(93) 76%(389) 512 2012 Vote: Other — (0) 13%(8) 87%(54) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6%(50) 20%(161) 74%(612) 823 4-Region: Northeast 7%(27) 23%(90) 70%(277) 394 4-Region: Midwest 5%(25) 16%(76) 78%(362) 462 4-Region: South 4%(33) 17%(144) 79%(648) 824 4-Region: West 12%(63) 27%(141) 61%(316) 520 Continued on next page

14 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_3

Table MCSP1_3: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Los Angeles Dodgers Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 7%(146) 21%(452) 73%(1602) 2200 Sports fans 10%(145) 28%(414) 62%(906) 1464 Avid sports fans 17%(88) 33%(176) 50%(262) 525 Casual sports fans 6%(57) 25%(238) 69%(643) 939 MLB fans 12%(143) 34%(412) 54%(641) 1196 Avid MLB fans 24%(98) 31%(128) 45%(185) 411 Casual MLB fans 6%(45) 36%(284) 58%(456) 785 Dodgers fans 24%(146) 76%(452) — (0) 598 Rays fans 19%(88) 52%(245) 29%(134) 466 Watched regular season games 12%(113) 36%(353) 52%(503) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 14%(40) 33%(95) 53%(151) 285 Watched playoffs 13%(113) 38%(322) 49%(417) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 21%(39) 35%(67) 44%(84) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

15 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_4

Table MCSP1_4: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Tampa Bay Rays Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 4%(84) 17%(383) 79%(1734) 2200 Gender: Male 5%(51) 24%(250) 72%(761) 1062 Gender: Female 3%(33) 12%(133) 85%(972) 1138 Age: 18-34 7%(44) 18%(118) 75%(494) 655 Age: 35-44 3%(12) 18%(66) 78%(279) 358 Age: 45-64 3%(22) 18%(133) 79%(596) 751 Age: 65+ 1%(6) 15%(66) 84%(365) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 6%(13) 25%(60) 69%(162) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 6%(37) 16%(97) 78%(466) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 4%(21) 17%(98) 79%(446) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 2%(12) 15%(111) 83%(596) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 5%(36) 18%(146) 77%(615) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 3%(21) 16%(103) 81%(527) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(27) 18%(134) 79%(592) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 7%(21) 25%(80) 69%(219) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 3%(15) 14%(66) 83%(396) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 3%(11) 23%(79) 74%(261) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 3%(10) 8%(24) 89%(267) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(19) 23%(91) 72%(282) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 2%(8) 12%(43) 86%(310) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5%(30) 18%(112) 77%(483) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 2%(13) 22%(139) 76%(494) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 4%(26) 16%(115) 81%(589) 730 Educ: < College 4%(53) 16%(237) 81%(1222) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 3%(13) 21%(92) 76%(339) 444 Educ: Post-grad 7%(18) 22%(54) 71%(172) 244 Income: Under 50k 4%(44) 15%(171) 81%(935) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 4%(25) 20%(141) 76%(535) 701 Income: 100k+ 4%(15) 20%(71) 75%(264) 350 Ethnicity: White 3%(46) 18%(306) 80%(1370) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 7%(25) 23%(81) 70%(244) 349 Ethnicity: Black 8%(22) 17%(47) 75%(205) 274 Continued on next page

16 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_4

Table MCSP1_4: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Tampa Bay Rays Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 4%(84) 17%(383) 79%(1734) 2200 Ethnicity: Other 8%(16) 15%(30) 78%(159) 204 All Christian 3%(30) 21%(208) 76%(765) 1003 All Non-Christian 8%(9) 25%(29) 67%(78) 117 Atheist 5%(6) 20%(24) 75%(93) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 4%(22) 12%(71) 84%(486) 580 Something Else 4%(16) 13%(50) 83%(311) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 7%(9) 25%(33) 68%(89) 132 Evangelical 5%(30) 17%(96) 78%(441) 567 Non-Evangelical 2%(14) 19%(151) 79%(610) 775 Community: Urban 6%(40) 23%(147) 70%(443) 630 Community: Suburban 3%(34) 17%(172) 80%(814) 1021 Community: Rural 2%(10) 12%(64) 87%(476) 550 Employ: Private Sector 4%(26) 22%(142) 74%(473) 641 Employ: Government 7%(9) 14%(19) 80%(106) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 7%(13) 20%(41) 73%(147) 201 Employ: Homemaker 2%(3) 13%(20) 85%(125) 147 Employ: Student 8%(10) 29%(37) 64%(82) 129 Employ: Retired 2%(8) 15%(73) 84%(408) 489 Employ: Unemployed 4%(12) 10%(33) 86%(275) 320 Employ: Other 3%(4) 13%(18) 84%(117) 139 Military HH: Yes 2%(7) 22%(77) 76%(266) 349 Military HH: No 4%(77) 17%(306) 79%(1468) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 5%(36) 22%(165) 73%(547) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 3%(48) 15%(218) 82%(1187) 1453 Trump Job Approve 4%(40) 19%(172) 77%(705) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 4%(44) 17%(202) 80%(955) 1201 Trump Job Strongly Approve 4%(21) 15%(79) 81%(420) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 5%(19) 23%(93) 72%(284) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 5%(11) 22%(49) 73%(161) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(33) 16%(153) 81%(794) 980 Continued on next page

17 Morning Consult Table MCSP1_4

Table MCSP1_4: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Tampa Bay Rays Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 4%(84) 17%(383) 79%(1734) 2200 Favorable of Trump 4%(36) 18%(161) 78%(707) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 3%(38) 17%(202) 80%(934) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 4%(22) 16%(90) 80%(452) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 4%(14) 21%(72) 75%(255) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6%(11) 22%(42) 72%(139) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 3%(27) 16%(160) 81%(794) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 6%(44) 16%(118) 78%(560) 722 #1 Issue: Security 2%(5) 14%(34) 83%(199) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 4%(18) 21%(98) 75%(348) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 1%(4) 18%(51) 81%(232) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 3%(5) 16%(23) 80%(113) 140 #1 Issue: Education 5%(4) 17%(15) 79%(69) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 1%(1) 29%(25) 70%(61) 87 #1 Issue: Other 2%(3) 11%(20) 87%(151) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 5%(35) 20%(135) 75%(521) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 3%(18) 19%(117) 79%(494) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else — (0) 18%(10) 82%(45) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 4%(28) 18%(120) 78%(509) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(29) 19%(139) 77%(549) 717 2016 Vote: Other 1%(1) 19%(21) 80%(89) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 4%(26) 14%(102) 82%(582) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 4%(51) 19%(225) 77%(928) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 3%(33) 16%(158) 81%(805) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 6%(46) 19%(149) 76%(606) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 2%(12) 18%(92) 80%(407) 512 2012 Vote: Other — (0) 16%(10) 84%(52) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3%(26) 16%(131) 81%(666) 823 4-Region: Northeast 4%(17) 19%(76) 76%(301) 394 4-Region: Midwest 2%(11) 16%(75) 81%(376) 462 4-Region: South 4%(35) 18%(149) 78%(640) 824 4-Region: West 4%(21) 16%(83) 80%(416) 520 Continued on next page

18 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP1_4

Table MCSP1_4: Do you consider yourself an avid fan, casual fan or not a fan of each of the following? Tampa Bay Rays Demographic Avid fan Casual fan Not a fan Total N Adults 4%(84) 17%(383) 79%(1734) 2200 Sports fans 6%(83) 25%(366) 69%(1016) 1464 Avid sports fans 9%(49) 31%(165) 59%(312) 525 Casual sports fans 4%(34) 21%(201) 75%(704) 939 MLB fans 7%(83) 29%(346) 64%(767) 1196 Avid MLB fans 14%(57) 32%(133) 54%(221) 411 Casual MLB fans 3%(25) 27%(213) 70%(546) 785 Dodgers fans 11%(64) 45%(269) 44%(265) 598 Rays fans 18%(84) 82%(383) — (0) 466 Watched regular season games 6%(56) 32%(312) 62%(602) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 7%(21) 36%(103) 56%(161) 285 Watched playoffs 6%(53) 35%(295) 59%(505) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 12%(22) 32%(61) 56%(107) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

19 Morning Consult Table MCSP2

Table MCSP2: About how many M LB games did you watch during the 60-game regular season from July 23 through Sept. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 56%(1230) 21%(461) 10%(223) 5%(119) 8%(166) 2200 Gender: Male 42%(451) 23%(245) 14%(154) 8%(84) 12%(129) 1062 Gender: Female 68%(780) 19%(217) 6%(70) 3%(34) 3%(38) 1138 Age: 18-34 58%(380) 22%(142) 10%(64) 4%(27) 6%(42) 655 Age: 35-44 47%(168) 26%(94) 12%(42) 6%(20) 9%(33) 358 Age: 45-64 56%(418) 20%(151) 10%(74) 6%(45) 9%(64) 751 Age: 65+ 61%(265) 17%(74) 10%(44) 6%(26) 6%(27) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 62%(146) 21%(48) 9%(21) 3%(8) 5%(11) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 53%(319) 24%(145) 10%(58) 5%(28) 8%(50) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 52%(295) 23%(127) 11%(63) 5%(29) 9%(51) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 59%(421) 18%(128) 11%(78) 6%(45) 6%(46) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 53%(425) 23%(180) 9%(74) 5%(40) 10%(76) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 64%(415) 16%(105) 10%(67) 4%(26) 6%(39) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 52%(391) 23%(176) 11%(82) 7%(52) 7%(51) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 36%(114) 28%(89) 11%(36) 7%(23) 18%(57) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 65%(311) 19%(91) 8%(38) 4%(17) 4%(20) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 54%(189) 17%(59) 15%(54) 6%(20) 8%(28) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 75%(226) 15%(46) 4%(12) 2%(5) 4%(11) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 38%(147) 25%(96) 16%(63) 10%(41) 11%(44) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 67%(243) 22%(79) 5%(19) 3%(12) 2%(7) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 51%(320) 22%(139) 10%(65) 7%(42) 10%(59) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 53%(345) 26%(169) 10%(63) 3%(22) 7%(47) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 57%(417) 19%(141) 10%(76) 7%(48) 7%(48) 730 Educ: < College 60%(913) 20%(302) 8%(122) 5%(71) 7%(103) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 48%(214) 23%(101) 14%(63) 6%(28) 8%(37) 444 Educ: Post-grad 42%(103) 24%(58) 16%(39) 8%(19) 11%(26) 244 Income: Under 50k 62%(713) 20%(228) 8%(86) 5%(57) 6%(66) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 51%(358) 23%(163) 12%(87) 5%(35) 8%(58) 701 Income: 100k+ 46%(160) 20%(70) 14%(50) 8%(27) 12%(43) 350 Ethnicity: White 57%(975) 20%(351) 10%(168) 6%(100) 8%(129) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 55%(193) 21%(72) 13%(44) 6%(20) 6%(21) 349 Ethnicity: Black 50%(138) 22%(60) 13%(35) 5%(12) 11%(29) 274 Ethnicity: Other 58%(118) 25%(51) 10%(21) 3%(6) 4%(8) 204 Continued on next page

20 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP2

Table MCSP2: About how many M LB games did you watch during the 60-game regular season from July 23 through Sept. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 56%(1230) 21%(461) 10%(223) 5%(119) 8%(166) 2200 All Christian 49%(490) 24%(236) 11%(112) 7%(67) 10%(97) 1003 All Non-Christian 41%(48) 27%(31) 11%(13) 5%(6) 15%(18) 117 Atheist 64%(78) 19%(24) 13%(16) 1%(2) 3%(3) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 65%(375) 18%(105) 9%(51) 4%(25) 4%(24) 580 Something Else 63%(239) 17%(65) 8%(31) 5%(18) 6%(24) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 44%(59) 24%(32) 13%(18) 5%(6) 14%(18) 132 Evangelical 56%(317) 22%(127) 10%(58) 6%(35) 5%(30) 567 Non-Evangelical 51%(393) 22%(170) 10%(76) 6%(49) 11%(87) 775 Community: Urban 48%(300) 25%(155) 13%(81) 6%(38) 9%(55) 630 Community: Suburban 55%(558) 21%(216) 10%(97) 6%(62) 9%(88) 1021 Community: Rural 68%(372) 16%(90) 8%(45) 3%(18) 4%(24) 550 Employ: Private Sector 46%(293) 25%(157) 14%(87) 6%(40) 10%(63) 641 Employ: Government 49%(65) 21%(28) 17%(23) 4%(6) 9%(12) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 46%(93) 25%(51) 11%(22) 9%(18) 8%(17) 201 Employ: Homemaker 69%(101) 17%(26) 3%(4) 3%(4) 8%(12) 147 Employ: Student 62%(80) 27%(35) 7%(9) 3%(4) 1%(1) 129 Employ: Retired 61%(298) 17%(82) 9%(43) 7%(34) 7%(32) 489 Employ: Unemployed 68%(217) 17%(55) 8%(25) 2%(5) 6%(19) 320 Employ: Other 60%(84) 20%(28) 8%(11) 5%(7) 7%(10) 139 Military HH: Yes 52%(182) 26%(91) 9%(33) 5%(16) 8%(27) 349 Military HH: No 57%(1048) 20%(370) 10%(191) 6%(103) 8%(139) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 50%(375) 24%(183) 13%(94) 5%(39) 8%(56) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 59%(855) 19%(278) 9%(130) 5%(79) 8%(110) 1453 Trump Job Approve 53%(488) 24%(223) 11%(101) 5%(45) 6%(60) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 57%(683) 18%(222) 10%(117) 6%(73) 9%(106) 1201 Trump Job Strongly Approve 54%(284) 23%(119) 11%(55) 5%(28) 7%(36) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 52%(204) 26%(104) 12%(46) 4%(18) 6%(24) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 51%(112) 21%(47) 15%(34) 4%(9) 9%(19) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 58%(571) 18%(175) 8%(83) 6%(64) 9%(87) 980 Favorable of Trump 54%(484) 24%(215) 11%(99) 5%(46) 7%(60) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 57%(665) 20%(230) 9%(105) 6%(72) 9%(101) 1174 Continued on next page

21 Morning Consult Table MCSP2

Table MCSP2: About how many M LB games did you watch during the 60-game regular season from July 23 through Sept. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 56%(1230) 21%(461) 10%(223) 5%(119) 8%(166) 2200 Very Favorable of Trump 55%(312) 22%(125) 11%(60) 5%(29) 7%(38) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 51%(172) 26%(90) 11%(39) 5%(17) 6%(22) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 52%(100) 23%(44) 13%(24) 5%(10) 7%(14) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 58%(565) 19%(186) 8%(81) 6%(62) 9%(87) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 53%(382) 21%(153) 8%(59) 7%(53) 10%(74) 722 #1 Issue: Security 56%(135) 14%(32) 16%(39) 6%(13) 8%(20) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 50%(231) 23%(105) 15%(69) 5%(22) 8%(37) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 60%(171) 22%(63) 8%(22) 3%(9) 8%(22) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 65%(92) 22%(31) 7%(10) 4%(6) 1%(2) 140 #1 Issue: Education 53%(47) 35%(31) 8%(7) 2%(2) 1%(0) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 74%(65) 16%(14) 5%(4) 2%(2) 3%(3) 87 #1 Issue: Other 62%(108) 19%(33) 8%(13) 6%(11) 5%(9) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 51%(350) 22%(149) 10%(71) 6%(43) 11%(78) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 51%(323) 22%(137) 13%(80) 6%(39) 8%(49) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 64%(35) 17%(9) 8%(4) — (0) 11%(6) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 51%(338) 22%(146) 9%(60) 6%(40) 11%(72) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 50%(356) 24%(169) 13%(97) 6%(44) 7%(52) 717 2016 Vote: Other 61%(67) 15%(16) 7%(7) 5%(6) 13%(14) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 66%(466) 18%(128) 8%(59) 4%(29) 4%(28) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 51%(611) 22%(260) 12%(142) 6%(76) 10%(115) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 62%(619) 20%(201) 8%(81) 4%(42) 5%(52) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 51%(405) 23%(185) 11%(86) 6%(46) 10%(78) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 54%(275) 21%(109) 11%(58) 5%(28) 8%(42) 512 2012 Vote: Other 54%(34) 20%(13) 9%(5) 10%(7) 7%(4) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 63%(515) 19%(155) 9%(74) 5%(38) 5%(41) 823 4-Region: Northeast 52%(205) 24%(94) 11%(44) 5%(21) 7%(29) 394 4-Region: Midwest 55%(256) 17%(81) 10%(45) 6%(27) 12%(53) 462 4-Region: South 60%(497) 21%(177) 8%(67) 4%(36) 6%(47) 824 4-Region: West 52%(272) 21%(109) 13%(67) 7%(34) 7%(37) 520 Sports fans 38%(556) 28%(415) 15%(215) 8%(117) 11%(161) 1464 Avid sports fans 16%(86) 28%(146) 22%(115) 12%(61) 22%(118) 525 Casual sports fans 50%(470) 29%(269) 11%(100) 6%(56) 5%(43) 939 Continued on next page

22 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP2

Table MCSP2: About how many M LB games did you watch during the 60-game regular season from July 23 through Sept. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 56%(1230) 21%(461) 10%(223) 5%(119) 8%(166) 2200 MLB fans 25%(300) 34%(412) 17%(208) 10%(117) 13%(159) 1196 Avid MLB fans 10%(42) 22%(89) 20%(84) 16%(66) 32%(130) 411 Casual MLB fans 33%(258) 41%(324) 16%(124) 6%(51) 4%(29) 785 Dodgers fans 22%(132) 34%(201) 22%(132) 9%(56) 13%(78) 598 Rays fans 21%(98) 32%(150) 20%(94) 10%(49) 16%(75) 466 Watched regular season games — (0) 48%(461) 23%(223) 12%(119) 17%(166) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games — (0) — (0) — (0) 42%(119) 58%(166) 285 Watched playoffs 8%(66) 38%(323) 24%(203) 13%(107) 18%(153) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 4%(8) 8%(16) 17%(32) 14%(27) 57%(107) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

23 Morning Consult Table MCSP3

Table MCSP3: And, about how many games did you watch during the MLB Postseason, Sept. 30 through Oct. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 61%(1348) 21%(466) 9%(196) 5%(119) 3%(71) 2200 Gender: Male 49%(519) 26%(273) 12%(131) 8%(84) 5%(55) 1062 Gender: Female 73%(829) 17%(193) 6%(65) 3%(35) 1%(16) 1138 Age: 18-34 61%(401) 23%(149) 10%(63) 4%(27) 2%(15) 655 Age: 35-44 52%(187) 27%(97) 9%(32) 7%(26) 4%(16) 358 Age: 45-64 62%(465) 19%(146) 9%(69) 6%(42) 4%(30) 751 Age: 65+ 67%(294) 17%(75) 7%(32) 6%(24) 2%(11) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 62%(146) 19%(44) 13%(29) 4%(9) 2%(5) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 58%(347) 25%(149) 8%(51) 5%(32) 3%(21) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 60%(340) 23%(129) 9%(50) 4%(25) 4%(22) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 64%(463) 18%(127) 8%(60) 7%(49) 3%(19) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 58%(464) 24%(191) 8%(63) 6%(47) 4%(31) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 68%(442) 18%(116) 9%(62) 3%(19) 2%(13) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 59%(441) 21%(160) 10%(72) 7%(53) 4%(27) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 42%(134) 30%(95) 11%(36) 10%(32) 7%(23) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 69%(331) 20%(96) 6%(27) 3%(16) 2%(8) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 59%(208) 22%(76) 12%(43) 4%(14) 3%(9) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 78%(234) 13%(40) 6%(18) 1%(4) 1%(4) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 45%(177) 26%(102) 13%(52) 10%(38) 6%(23) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 73%(264) 16%(57) 6%(20) 4%(15) 1%(4) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58%(360) 25%(154) 7%(42) 6%(39) 5%(29) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 59%(380) 24%(156) 10%(61) 4%(25) 4%(24) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 62%(455) 19%(136) 10%(72) 7%(52) 2%(15) 730 Educ: < College 65%(989) 19%(283) 8%(116) 5%(80) 3%(45) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 54%(240) 26%(113) 12%(55) 5%(20) 3%(15) 444 Educ: Post-grad 49%(119) 29%(70) 10%(25) 8%(19) 5%(11) 244 Income: Under 50k 68%(783) 17%(200) 8%(88) 4%(48) 3%(30) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 56%(394) 24%(170) 10%(70) 6%(43) 3%(24) 701 Income: 100k+ 49%(171) 28%(97) 11%(39) 8%(27) 5%(16) 350 Ethnicity: White 62%(1061) 21%(362) 8%(144) 6%(97) 3%(58) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 56%(197) 18%(62) 12%(42) 10%(34) 4%(14) 349 Ethnicity: Black 56%(154) 23%(62) 12%(33) 6%(17) 3%(8) 274 Ethnicity: Other 65%(133) 21%(43) 9%(19) 3%(6) 2%(4) 204 Continued on next page

24 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP3

Table MCSP3: And, about how many games did you watch during the MLB Postseason, Sept. 30 through Oct. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 61%(1348) 21%(466) 9%(196) 5%(119) 3%(71) 2200 All Christian 54%(544) 24%(238) 11%(112) 6%(64) 5%(45) 1003 All Non-Christian 51%(59) 27%(32) 6%(7) 8%(10) 7%(9) 117 Atheist 64%(79) 16%(19) 12%(15) 7%(9) — (0) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 69%(403) 18%(106) 7%(41) 3%(18) 2%(12) 580 Something Else 70%(262) 19%(71) 6%(21) 5%(18) 1%(4) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 53%(70) 24%(32) 8%(10) 8%(11) 7%(9) 132 Evangelical 61%(347) 25%(140) 6%(33) 6%(35) 2%(12) 567 Non-Evangelical 57%(439) 21%(164) 12%(93) 6%(45) 5%(36) 775 Community: Urban 51%(320) 26%(164) 12%(78) 7%(45) 4%(23) 630 Community: Suburban 63%(639) 21%(212) 7%(74) 6%(58) 4%(38) 1021 Community: Rural 71%(389) 16%(91) 8%(45) 3%(16) 2%(10) 550 Employ: Private Sector 51%(328) 27%(170) 13%(82) 5%(32) 4%(29) 641 Employ: Government 59%(78) 25%(34) 7%(10) 6%(8) 3%(4) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 52%(104) 26%(52) 10%(21) 6%(12) 6%(12) 201 Employ: Homemaker 76%(111) 10%(15) 8%(12) 1%(1) 5%(7) 147 Employ: Student 58%(75) 26%(33) 11%(14) 5%(6) — (0) 129 Employ: Retired 66%(322) 18%(87) 7%(33) 7%(33) 3%(13) 489 Employ: Unemployed 73%(232) 17%(54) 5%(16) 4%(14) 1%(4) 320 Employ: Other 69%(97) 15%(21) 6%(8) 9%(12) 1%(2) 139 Military HH: Yes 59%(207) 18%(63) 13%(45) 7%(24) 3%(10) 349 Military HH: No 62%(1140) 22%(403) 8%(151) 5%(95) 3%(60) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 55%(411) 24%(182) 11%(85) 5%(38) 4%(32) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 65%(937) 20%(285) 8%(111) 6%(81) 3%(39) 1453 Trump Job Approve 58%(532) 23%(215) 10%(94) 5%(45) 3%(32) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 62%(750) 20%(241) 8%(98) 6%(73) 3%(39) 1201 Trump Job Strongly Approve 61%(320) 22%(117) 10%(51) 3%(18) 3%(16) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 54%(212) 25%(98) 11%(43) 7%(27) 4%(16) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 60%(132) 20%(45) 9%(20) 6%(13) 5%(11) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 63%(618) 20%(196) 8%(78) 6%(61) 3%(28) 980 Favorable of Trump 59%(535) 23%(208) 10%(88) 5%(42) 4%(32) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 62%(725) 20%(239) 8%(97) 6%(74) 3%(39) 1174 Continued on next page

25 Morning Consult Table MCSP3

Table MCSP3: And, about how many games did you watch during the MLB Postseason, Sept. 30 through Oct. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 61%(1348) 21%(466) 9%(196) 5%(119) 3%(71) 2200 Very Favorable of Trump 62%(348) 21%(120) 10%(54) 4%(23) 3%(19) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 55%(187) 26%(88) 10%(33) 5%(19) 4%(13) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 54%(103) 24%(46) 12%(22) 6%(12) 4%(9) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 63%(622) 20%(193) 8%(75) 6%(62) 3%(30) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 60%(434) 20%(146) 9%(66) 6%(47) 4%(28) 722 #1 Issue: Security 58%(137) 21%(49) 12%(29) 6%(14) 4%(9) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 57%(264) 25%(114) 10%(44) 6%(27) 3%(14) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 66%(190) 18%(51) 7%(19) 4%(13) 5%(14) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 66%(92) 27%(37) 5%(7) 2%(2) 1%(2) 140 #1 Issue: Education 57%(50) 24%(21) 11%(10) 8%(7) — (0) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 67%(59) 20%(17) 11%(10) — (0) 1%(1) 87 #1 Issue: Other 70%(121) 17%(29) 7%(12) 5%(8) 2%(3) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 56%(383) 24%(165) 10%(66) 7%(51) 4%(25) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 59%(368) 21%(132) 11%(67) 6%(36) 4%(25) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 63%(35) 17%(10) 3%(2) 5%(3) 11%(6) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 56%(370) 23%(151) 9%(61) 7%(49) 4%(25) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 57%(407) 24%(169) 11%(81) 5%(34) 4%(26) 717 2016 Vote: Other 66%(73) 17%(19) 6%(7) 5%(6) 6%(7) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 70%(494) 18%(125) 7%(48) 4%(30) 2%(13) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 57%(681) 23%(275) 10%(116) 7%(83) 4%(49) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 67%(667) 19%(191) 8%(80) 4%(36) 2%(21) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 55%(441) 24%(191) 10%(81) 7%(59) 4%(29) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 61%(310) 21%(105) 10%(50) 5%(27) 4%(20) 512 2012 Vote: Other 64%(40) 19%(12) 9%(6) 3%(2) 4%(3) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 67%(554) 19%(159) 7%(58) 4%(32) 2%(19) 823 4-Region: Northeast 58%(228) 24%(96) 8%(32) 6%(22) 4%(15) 394 4-Region: Midwest 60%(278) 22%(102) 10%(45) 4%(18) 4%(19) 462 4-Region: South 67%(553) 19%(153) 8%(63) 4%(34) 2%(20) 824 4-Region: West 55%(288) 22%(115) 11%(56) 9%(45) 3%(16) 520 Sports fans 45%(659) 30%(439) 13%(185) 8%(116) 4%(65) 1464 Avid sports fans 24%(126) 36%(192) 19%(99) 11%(60) 9%(49) 525 Casual sports fans 57%(533) 26%(248) 9%(85) 6%(56) 2%(17) 939 Continued on next page

26 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP3

Table MCSP3: And, about how many games did you watch during the MLB Postseason, Sept. 30 through Oct. 27? Demographic None 1-5 6-10 10-20 More than 20 Total N Adults 61%(1348) 21%(466) 9%(196) 5%(119) 3%(71) 2200 MLB fans 34%(409) 36%(426) 15%(180) 10%(117) 5%(64) 1196 Avid MLB fans 18%(74) 31%(129) 22%(91) 17%(71) 11%(44) 411 Casual MLB fans 43%(335) 38%(297) 11%(89) 6%(45) 2%(19) 785 Dodgers fans 27%(163) 36%(214) 19%(116) 11%(67) 6%(39) 598 Rays fans 26%(119) 35%(164) 22%(101) 11%(51) 7%(32) 466 Watched regular season games 19%(184) 44%(429) 18%(175) 12%(112) 7%(69) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 9%(25) 21%(59) 23%(66) 26%(74) 21%(61) 285 Watched playoffs — (0) 55%(466) 23%(196) 14%(119) 8%(71) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games — (0) — (0) — (0) 63%(119) 37%(71) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

27 Morning Consult Table MCSP5

Table MCSP5: Given the reduced number of regular-season games to 60, was winning the 2020 World Series title a less meaningful achievement than in a typical season with 162 games? Yes, the 2020 World Series is less No, the 2020 World meaningful than in Series is as meaningful Don’t know / No Demographic other seasons as in other seasons opinion Total N Adults 26%(578) 29%(636) 45%(986) 2200 Gender: Male 35%(371) 34%(356) 31%(334) 1062 Gender: Female 18%(207) 25%(280) 57%(651) 1138 Age: 18-34 17%(110) 30%(196) 53%(349) 655 Age: 35-44 26%(95) 33%(120) 40%(143) 358 Age: 45-64 28%(214) 27%(205) 44%(333) 751 Age: 65+ 36%(159) 27%(116) 37%(161) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 12%(28) 28%(67) 60%(139) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 22%(129) 31%(186) 47%(285) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 26%(148) 29%(166) 44%(251) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 34%(244) 27%(194) 39%(280) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 25%(197) 34%(273) 41%(326) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 22%(145) 24%(155) 54%(352) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 31%(236) 28%(209) 41%(307) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 33%(106) 42%(133) 25%(80) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 19%(91) 29%(140) 52%(246) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 30%(105) 29%(101) 41%(145) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 13%(40) 18%(53) 69%(208) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 41%(160) 31%(122) 28%(110) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 21%(76) 24%(87) 55%(198) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 26%(160) 33%(204) 42%(260) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(159) 33%(212) 43%(275) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 35%(252) 24%(177) 41%(300) 730 Educ: < College 23%(342) 28%(418) 50%(752) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(140) 32%(141) 37%(163) 444 Educ: Post-grad 39%(96) 32%(78) 29%(70) 244 Income: Under 50k 19%(224) 27%(305) 54%(620) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 32%(224) 30%(212) 38%(265) 701 Income: 100k+ 37%(130) 34%(119) 29%(101) 350 Continued on next page

28 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP5

Table MCSP5: Given the reduced number of regular-season games to 60, was winning the 2020 World Series title a less meaningful achievement than in a typical season with 162 games? Yes, the 2020 World Series is less No, the 2020 World meaningful than in Series is as meaningful Don’t know / No Demographic other seasons as in other seasons opinion Total N Adults 26%(578) 29%(636) 45%(986) 2200 Ethnicity: White 29%(496) 28%(475) 44%(751) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 20%(68) 35%(121) 46%(160) 349 Ethnicity: Black 15%(42) 38%(104) 47%(128) 274 Ethnicity: Other 20%(40) 28%(57) 53%(107) 204 All Christian 32%(322) 33%(334) 35%(347) 1003 All Non-Christian 31%(36) 28%(33) 41%(48) 117 Atheist 25%(30) 23%(28) 53%(65) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21%(120) 26%(149) 54%(310) 580 Something Else 18%(70) 25%(93) 57%(214) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 28%(37) 27%(35) 45%(59) 132 Evangelical 26%(149) 31%(177) 43%(241) 567 Non-Evangelical 30%(232) 31%(239) 39%(304) 775 Community: Urban 26%(164) 33%(208) 41%(257) 630 Community: Suburban 29%(295) 30%(305) 41%(421) 1021 Community: Rural 22%(119) 22%(123) 56%(308) 550 Employ: Private Sector 30%(194) 33%(209) 37%(238) 641 Employ: Government 22%(29) 34%(46) 44%(59) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 33%(66) 26%(53) 41%(82) 201 Employ: Homemaker 18%(27) 22%(33) 59%(87) 147 Employ: Student 10%(13) 31%(41) 58%(75) 129 Employ: Retired 34%(164) 29%(140) 38%(185) 489 Employ: Unemployed 16%(52) 26%(83) 58%(185) 320 Employ: Other 22%(31) 24%(33) 54%(75) 139 Military HH: Yes 33%(116) 28%(98) 39%(135) 349 Military HH: No 25%(461) 29%(539) 46%(850) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 32%(237) 27%(206) 41%(305) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 23%(341) 30%(431) 47%(681) 1453 Continued on next page

29 Morning Consult Table MCSP5

Table MCSP5: Given the reduced number of regular-season games to 60, was winning the 2020 World Series title a less meaningful achievement than in a typical season with 162 games? Yes, the 2020 World Series is less No, the 2020 World meaningful than in Series is as meaningful Don’t know / No Demographic other seasons as in other seasons opinion Total N Adults 26%(578) 29%(636) 45%(986) 2200 Trump Job Approve 33%(302) 26%(241) 41%(374) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 23%(274) 32%(381) 45%(546) 1201 Trump Job Strongly Approve 37%(191) 23%(118) 41%(212) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 28%(111) 31%(123) 41%(162) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 26%(58) 32%(70) 42%(93) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 22%(216) 32%(312) 46%(452) 980 Favorable of Trump 34%(307) 25%(229) 41%(369) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 23%(267) 32%(371) 46%(535) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 35%(196) 23%(128) 42%(240) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 33%(111) 30%(100) 38%(129) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 25%(48) 32%(62) 43%(82) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 22%(219) 31%(309) 46%(453) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 28%(205) 31%(221) 41%(295) 722 #1 Issue: Security 28%(67) 25%(59) 47%(113) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 28%(130) 31%(145) 41%(188) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 32%(91) 25%(73) 43%(123) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12%(16) 34%(48) 54%(76) 140 #1 Issue: Education 10%(9) 36%(31) 54%(47) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 22%(19) 19%(16) 60%(52) 87 #1 Issue: Other 23%(39) 25%(43) 53%(91) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 29%(201) 35%(240) 36%(249) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 37%(231) 28%(178) 35%(219) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 22%(12) 20%(11) 58%(32) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 28%(181) 34%(221) 39%(254) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 37%(267) 27%(193) 36%(256) 717 2016 Vote: Other 22%(25) 36%(40) 41%(46) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(102) 26%(182) 60%(426) 710 Continued on next page

30 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP5

Table MCSP5: Given the reduced number of regular-season games to 60, was winning the 2020 World Series title a less meaningful achievement than in a typical season with 162 games? Yes, the 2020 World Series is less No, the 2020 World meaningful than in Series is as meaningful Don’t know / No Demographic other seasons as in other seasons opinion Total N Adults 26%(578) 29%(636) 45%(986) 2200 Voted in 2014: Yes 33%(403) 32%(387) 34%(415) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 18%(175) 25%(249) 57%(571) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 31%(245) 35%(283) 34%(272) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 34%(176) 28%(144) 37%(191) 512 2012 Vote: Other 37%(23) 26%(16) 36%(23) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16%(133) 23%(192) 60%(498) 823 4-Region: Northeast 34%(135) 24%(94) 42%(164) 394 4-Region: Midwest 28%(131) 28%(128) 44%(203) 462 4-Region: South 22%(180) 28%(234) 50%(410) 824 4-Region: West 25%(132) 35%(180) 40%(209) 520 Sports fans 33%(484) 37%(539) 30%(441) 1464 Avid sports fans 37%(195) 45%(235) 18%(96) 525 Casual sports fans 31%(289) 32%(305) 37%(345) 939 MLB fans 39%(464) 40%(477) 21%(255) 1196 Avid MLB fans 39%(162) 47%(192) 14%(57) 411 Casual MLB fans 38%(302) 36%(285) 25%(198) 785 Dodgers fans 34%(201) 45%(270) 21%(127) 598 Rays fans 34%(160) 46%(213) 20%(93) 466 Watched regular season games 39%(378) 45%(436) 16%(155) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 38%(107) 53%(152) 9%(25) 285 Watched playoffs 38%(322) 48%(406) 15%(125) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 36%(69) 57%(108) 7%(13) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

31 Morning Consult Table MCSP6

Table MCSP6: Which of the following best describes your opinion of the MLB Postseason? MLB should keep MLB should return the 16-team MLB should to the 10-team expand the playoff format it used for the playoffs to more used prior to the shortened 2020 than 10 teams, but Don’t know / No Demographic shortened season season less than 16 opinion Total N Adults 18%(398) 16%(356) 7%(148) 59%(1297) 2200 Gender: Male 26%(277) 21%(226) 9%(96) 44%(463) 1062 Gender: Female 11%(122) 11%(130) 5%(52) 73%(834) 1138 Age: 18-34 12%(80) 16%(107) 9%(56) 63%(413) 655 Age: 35-44 21%(77) 22%(77) 6%(20) 51%(184) 358 Age: 45-64 18%(136) 16%(122) 8%(59) 58%(434) 751 Age: 65+ 24%(106) 12%(50) 3%(13) 61%(267) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 11%(26) 15%(35) 4% (9) 70%(164) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 14%(85) 20%(117) 9%(56) 57%(342) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 18%(102) 18%(100) 6%(36) 58%(327) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 23%(166) 12%(89) 6%(41) 59%(421) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 19%(153) 17%(134) 7%(57) 57%(452) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(94) 12%(79) 6%(40) 67%(439) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 20%(152) 19%(143) 7%(51) 54%(407) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 31%(100) 23%(74) 9%(29) 36%(116) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 11%(53) 13%(61) 6%(28) 70%(336) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 22%(76) 17%(58) 9%(31) 53%(185) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 6%(17) 7%(21) 3% (9) 84%(253) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 26%(100) 24%(94) 9%(35) 41%(162) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 14%(51) 14%(49) 4%(15) 68%(245) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18%(115) 18%(112) 8%(49) 56%(349) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 17%(107) 16%(105) 9%(57) 58%(377) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23%(168) 17%(121) 5%(37) 55%(404) 730 Educ: < College 16%(240) 14%(210) 6%(87) 64%(975) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 22%(96) 19%(84) 10%(43) 50%(221) 444 Educ: Post-grad 26%(62) 25%(62) 8%(18) 41%(101) 244 Continued on next page

32 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP6

Table MCSP6: Which of the following best describes your opinion of the MLB Postseason? MLB should keep MLB should return the 16-team MLB should to the 10-team playoff format expand the playoff format it used for the playoffs to more used prior to the shortened 2020 than 10 teams, but Don’t know / No Demographic shortened season season less than 16 opinion Total N Adults 18%(398) 16%(356) 7%(148) 59%(1297) 2200 Income: Under 50k 14%(166) 14%(159) 5%(60) 67%(765) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 22%(151) 16%(113) 8%(59) 54%(378) 701 Income: 100k+ 23%(82) 24%(85) 8%(29) 44%(154) 350 Ethnicity: White 19%(330) 15%(265) 6%(111) 59%(1016) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 18%(64) 21%(74) 7%(25) 53%(186) 349 Ethnicity: Black 14%(38) 18%(50) 12%(33) 56%(153) 274 Ethnicity: Other 15%(30) 20%(41) 2% (5) 63%(128) 204 All Christian 22%(224) 18%(184) 8%(78) 52%(518) 1003 All Non-Christian 21%(25) 21%(24) 9%(10) 49%(58) 117 Atheist 20%(25) 18%(23) 5%(6) 57%(70) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14%(79) 13%(76) 6%(35) 67%(390) 580 Something Else 12%(47) 13%(50) 5%(19) 69%(261) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 23%(30) 20%(26) 8%(10) 50%(66) 132 Evangelical 17%(96) 19%(107) 7%(42) 57%(322) 567 Non-Evangelical 22%(168) 15%(116) 7%(52) 57%(439) 775 Community: Urban 17%(108) 22%(140) 9%(59) 51%(323) 630 Community: Suburban 21%(213) 14%(145) 7%(72) 58%(591) 1021 Community: Rural 14%(78) 13%(71) 3%(17) 70%(383) 550 Employ: Private Sector 19%(124) 20%(131) 9%(57) 51%(328) 641 Employ: Government 14%(19) 19%(26) 11%(15) 55%(74) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 22%(45) 19%(39) 8%(17) 50%(101) 201 Employ: Homemaker 16%(23) 8%(12) 3% (5) 73%(107) 147 Employ: Student 15%(19) 17%(22) 6% (7) 62%(80) 129 Employ: Retired 24%(117) 11%(53) 7%(33) 59%(286) 489 Employ: Unemployed 10%(33) 16%(51) 3%(10) 71%(226) 320 Employ: Other 13%(19) 16%(22) 3%(4) 68%(94) 139 Continued on next page

33 Morning Consult Table MCSP6

Table MCSP6: Which of the following best describes your opinion of the MLB Postseason? MLB should keep MLB should return the 16-team MLB should to the 10-team playoff format expand the playoff format it used for the playoffs to more used prior to the shortened 2020 than 10 teams, but Don’t know / No Demographic shortened season season less than 16 opinion Total N Adults 18%(398) 16%(356) 7%(148) 59%(1297) 2200 Military HH: Yes 23%(81) 19%(68) 5%(18) 52%(183) 349 Military HH: No 17%(318) 16%(288) 7%(130) 60%(1115) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 21%(154) 19%(139) 8%(57) 53%(397) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 17%(244) 15%(217) 6%(91) 62%(900) 1453 Trump Job Approve 20%(188) 19%(171) 6%(58) 55%(501) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 17%(208) 15%(183) 7%(90) 60%(720) 1201 Trump Job Strongly Approve 22%(113) 16%(82) 7%(38) 55%(287) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 19%(74) 22%(89) 5%(20) 54%(213) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 16%(36) 21%(46) 5%(11) 58%(128) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 18%(172) 14%(137) 8%(79) 60%(592) 980 Favorable of Trump 20%(180) 18%(166) 6%(57) 55%(502) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 18%(213) 15%(175) 8%(90) 59%(696) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 21%(116) 16%(91) 6%(36) 57%(321) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 19%(64) 22%(75) 6%(21) 53%(180) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 22%(42) 19%(37) 6%(11) 53%(102) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 18%(172) 14%(137) 8%(78) 61%(594) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 19%(139) 15%(109) 10%(70) 56%(405) 722 #1 Issue: Security 19%(45) 20%(48) 6%(15) 55%(132) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 17%(78) 17%(80) 7%(31) 59%(274) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 21%(62) 16%(47) 5%(14) 57%(164) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 10%(13) 16%(23) 4% (5) 70%(99) 140 #1 Issue: Education 8% (7) 29%(25) 6% (5) 57%(50) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 24%(21) 14%(12) 4% (3) 58%(51) 87 #1 Issue: Other 19%(33) 7%(12) 3%(4) 71%(123) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 22%(155) 17%(117) 9%(64) 51%(355) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 23%(142) 18%(115) 6%(40) 53%(331) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 13% (7) 2% (1) 6% (3) 79%(43) 55 Continued on next page

34 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP6

Table MCSP6: Which of the following best describes your opinion of the MLB Postseason? MLB should keep MLB should return the 16-team MLB should to the 10-team playoff format expand the playoff format it used for the playoffs to more used prior to the shortened 2020 than 10 teams, but Don’t know / No Demographic shortened season season less than 16 opinion Total N Adults 18%(398) 16%(356) 7%(148) 59%(1297) 2200 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 21%(139) 17%(112) 8%(55) 53%(351) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 24%(170) 18%(131) 6%(42) 52%(373) 717 2016 Vote: Other 19%(21) 6% (7) 12%(13) 63%(71) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10%(68) 15%(107) 5%(36) 70%(500) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 24%(286) 18%(214) 8%(92) 51%(612) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 11%(112) 14%(142) 6%(56) 69%(686) 996 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 23%(188) 19%(150) 7%(57) 51%(406) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 24%(121) 18%(92) 6%(32) 52%(267) 512 2012 Vote: Other 22%(14) 11% (7) 9% (5) 59%(37) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9%(76) 13%(108) 6%(53) 71%(586) 823 4-Region: Northeast 20%(80) 16%(61) 9%(36) 55%(215) 394 4-Region: Midwest 19%(87) 16%(72) 5%(23) 61%(281) 462 4-Region: South 17%(141) 14%(115) 5%(39) 64%(529) 824 4-Region: West 17%(90) 21%(108) 10%(50) 52%(272) 520 Sports fans 24%(349) 23%(335) 9%(133) 44%(647) 1464 Avid sports fans 29%(151) 30%(155) 14%(76) 27%(143) 525 Casual sports fans 21%(198) 19%(180) 6%(57) 54%(504) 939 MLB fans 28%(338) 26%(307) 10%(125) 36%(426) 1196 Avid MLB fans 32%(131) 32%(130) 13%(55) 23%(95) 411 Casual MLB fans 26%(207) 22%(176) 9%(70) 42%(332) 785 Dodgers fans 26%(155) 30%(177) 11%(68) 33%(199) 598 Rays fans 30%(138) 30%(140) 11%(52) 29%(137) 466 Watched regular season games 29%(282) 30%(290) 13%(125) 28%(273) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 31%(89) 31%(87) 20%(56) 18%(53) 285 Watched playoffs 29%(244) 32%(271) 13%(112) 27%(226) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 28%(53) 38%(72) 18%(34) 16%(30) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

35 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_1

Table MCSP7_1: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Once a game advances to extra innings, both teams will begin each inning with a runner on second base Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 9%(200) 14%(318) 12%(263) 21%(455) 44%(964) 2200 Gender: Male 13%(134) 17%(179) 13%(135) 28%(295) 30%(319) 1062 Gender: Female 6%(66) 12%(139) 11%(128) 14%(160) 57%(645) 1138 Age: 18-34 13%(85) 17%(114) 11%(72) 12%(79) 46%(304) 655 Age: 35-44 10%(37) 19%(67) 13%(45) 17%(60) 42%(149) 358 Age: 45-64 7%(53) 13%(97) 12%(93) 24%(184) 43%(324) 751 Age: 65+ 6%(25) 9%(40) 12%(53) 30%(132) 43%(186) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 12%(29) 18%(42) 9%(22) 11%(26) 49%(115) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 13%(77) 18%(107) 12%(71) 14%(85) 43%(259) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 8%(45) 16%(91) 13%(74) 18%(103) 45%(252) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 6%(42) 10%(69) 12%(90) 30%(212) 43%(306) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 9%(72) 18%(144) 13%(100) 18%(140) 43%(341) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 8%(53) 9%(56) 13%(86) 18%(117) 52%(340) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 10%(75) 16%(119) 10%(78) 26%(197) 38%(284) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 14%(44) 21%(68) 13%(42) 25%(79) 27%(87) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 6%(28) 16%(76) 12%(58) 13%(61) 53%(253) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 12%(41) 10%(35) 15%(52) 24%(85) 39%(137) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 4%(12) 7%(21) 11%(33) 11%(33) 67%(202) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(49) 19%(76) 10%(41) 34%(131) 24%(95) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 7%(26) 12%(43) 10%(37) 18%(66) 52%(189) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11%(68) 17%(109) 12%(74) 17%(106) 43%(268) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 9%(59) 16%(103) 15%(99) 18%(117) 41%(268) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(62) 13%(92) 11%(82) 29%(209) 39%(285) 730 Educ: < College 8%(120) 13%(197) 11%(163) 20%(300) 48%(732) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 9%(39) 17%(74) 14%(64) 24%(106) 36%(161) 444 Educ: Post-grad 17%(41) 19%(47) 15%(37) 20%(48) 29%(71) 244 Income: Under 50k 8%(94) 12%(132) 11%(122) 18%(204) 52%(596) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 8%(58) 18%(127) 12%(87) 23%(164) 38%(265) 701 Income: 100k+ 14%(48) 17%(59) 16%(55) 25%(86) 29%(102) 350 Ethnicity: White 10%(167) 14%(235) 12%(206) 22%(379) 43%(734) 1722 Continued on next page

36 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_1

Table MCSP7_1: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Once a game advances to extra innings, both teams will begin each inning with a runner on second base Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 9%(200) 14%(318) 12%(263) 21%(455) 44%(964) 2200 Ethnicity: Hispanic 15%(51) 19%(68) 12%(41) 15%(54) 39%(136) 349 Ethnicity: Black 6%(17) 15%(40) 11%(31) 18%(50) 50%(136) 274 Ethnicity: Other 8%(16) 21%(43) 13%(26) 12%(25) 46%(93) 204 All Christian 11%(107) 16%(161) 13%(129) 25%(256) 35%(350) 1003 All Non-Christian 13%(15) 20%(23) 10%(12) 21%(25) 35%(41) 117 Atheist 6%(7) 17%(21) 13%(16) 18%(22) 47%(58) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 9%(53) 11%(63) 11%(62) 17%(98) 52%(304) 580 Something Else 4%(17) 13%(51) 12%(45) 14%(54) 56%(211) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 12%(15) 18%(24) 9%(13) 23%(30) 38%(50) 132 Evangelical 9%(49) 15%(83) 13%(75) 19%(106) 45%(254) 567 Non-Evangelical 9%(72) 16%(122) 12%(95) 25%(193) 38%(294) 775 Community: Urban 10%(64) 20%(127) 13%(81) 18%(116) 38%(241) 630 Community: Suburban 10%(104) 13%(133) 12%(126) 22%(227) 42%(431) 1021 Community: Rural 6%(32) 11%(59) 10%(56) 20%(112) 53%(291) 550 Employ: Private Sector 12%(79) 20%(128) 12%(79) 18%(118) 37%(237) 641 Employ: Government 10%(13) 16%(21) 20%(26) 16%(22) 39%(52) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 9%(17) 18%(36) 15%(31) 24%(49) 34%(68) 201 Employ: Homemaker 9%(13) 8%(12) 7%(11) 19%(28) 56%(83) 147 Employ: Student 9%(12) 23%(29) 17%(22) 12%(15) 39%(51) 129 Employ: Retired 6%(29) 10%(50) 11%(52) 31%(152) 42%(206) 489 Employ: Unemployed 8%(25) 10%(32) 8%(27) 16%(51) 58%(185) 320 Employ: Other 8%(11) 6%(9) 11%(15) 15%(22) 59%(83) 139 Military HH: Yes 9%(30) 11%(37) 13%(45) 32%(113) 36%(125) 349 Military HH: No 9%(170) 15%(281) 12%(219) 18%(342) 45%(839) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 12%(87) 17%(126) 11%(81) 24%(183) 36%(272) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 8%(113) 13%(193) 13%(183) 19%(272) 48%(692) 1453 Trump Job Approve 10%(96) 16%(144) 10%(89) 27%(245) 37%(343) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 9%(104) 14%(162) 14%(172) 17%(208) 46%(555) 1201 Continued on next page

37 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_1

Table MCSP7_1: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Once a game advances to extra innings, both teams will begin each inning with a runner on second base Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 9%(200) 14%(318) 12%(263) 21%(455) 44%(964) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 11%(58) 12%(64) 9%(46) 29%(152) 39%(201) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 10%(38) 20%(80) 11%(43) 24%(93) 36%(142) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 8%(17) 16%(36) 24%(52) 16%(36) 36%(79) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 9%(87) 13%(126) 12%(119) 18%(172) 49%(476) 980 Favorable of Trump 11%(98) 16%(141) 10%(91) 27%(240) 37%(335) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 8%(89) 15%(171) 14%(164) 18%(208) 46%(541) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 12%(70) 12%(67) 10%(57) 27%(150) 39%(220) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 8%(28) 22%(74) 10%(34) 26%(90) 34%(115) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 6%(12) 20%(39) 22%(42) 19%(36) 33%(64) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 8%(77) 14%(133) 12%(122) 18%(172) 49%(477) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 8%(60) 17%(121) 11%(81) 22%(160) 41%(299) 722 #1 Issue: Security 10%(24) 14%(35) 8%(18) 29%(68) 39%(94) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 10%(48) 14%(64) 16%(75) 18%(85) 42%(193) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 11%(33) 13%(38) 10%(30) 21%(61) 44%(125) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12%(17) 15%(22) 11%(16) 10%(14) 51%(71) 140 #1 Issue: Education 12%(11) 32%(28) 10%(9) 9%(8) 37%(33) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 3%(3) 9%(8) 20%(17) 15%(13) 53%(46) 87 #1 Issue: Other 2%(4) 2%(3) 10%(18) 27%(46) 59%(102) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 9%(63) 16%(113) 14%(99) 21%(143) 39%(272) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 11%(69) 14%(86) 13%(80) 29%(181) 34%(213) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 18%(10) 2%(1) 13%(7) 10%(5) 57%(31) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 7%(43) 15%(102) 14%(93) 21%(136) 43%(282) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 11%(78) 15%(108) 12%(89) 28%(202) 33%(240) 717 2016 Vote: Other 17%(19) 8%(9) 10%(11) 21%(23) 44%(49) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9%(61) 14%(99) 10%(68) 13%(91) 55%(391) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 10%(119) 14%(174) 14%(163) 26%(318) 36%(431) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 8%(81) 15%(145) 10%(101) 14%(137) 53%(532) 996 Continued on next page

38 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_1

Table MCSP7_1: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Once a game advances to extra innings, both teams will begin each inning with a runner on second base Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 9%(200) 14%(318) 12%(263) 21%(455) 44%(964) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 10%(78) 16%(127) 13%(107) 22%(179) 39%(310) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 10%(51) 12%(62) 13%(65) 31%(161) 34%(173) 512 2012 Vote: Other 14%(9) 8%(5) 11%(7) 28%(18) 39%(24) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8%(62) 15%(124) 10%(85) 12%(96) 55%(456) 823 4-Region: Northeast 8%(32) 20%(80) 10%(41) 20%(79) 41%(161) 394 4-Region: Midwest 11%(49) 12%(58) 13%(59) 22%(103) 42%(194) 462 4-Region: South 8%(66) 12%(99) 13%(108) 20%(166) 47%(384) 824 4-Region: West 10%(53) 16%(81) 11%(55) 21%(107) 43%(224) 520 Sports fans 13%(188) 19%(284) 15%(223) 25%(360) 28%(410) 1464 Avid sports fans 19%(99) 23%(121) 15%(78) 25%(133) 18%(95) 525 Casual sports fans 9%(88) 17%(163) 15%(145) 24%(227) 34%(316) 939 MLB fans 14%(164) 21%(252) 17%(203) 28%(333) 20%(243) 1196 Avid MLB fans 19%(78) 20%(83) 15%(61) 33%(137) 13%(53) 411 Casual MLB fans 11%(87) 22%(169) 18%(143) 25%(196) 24%(190) 785 Dodgers fans 18%(108) 26%(157) 15%(90) 20%(119) 21%(124) 598 Rays fans 22%(102) 25%(117) 16%(72) 23%(105) 15%(70) 466 Watched regular season games 15%(148) 24%(236) 17%(163) 28%(274) 15%(149) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 22%(63) 21%(59) 14%(39) 33%(94) 10%(29) 285 Watched playoffs 17%(141) 24%(208) 17%(145) 28%(238) 14%(121) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 18%(35) 23%(44) 13%(24) 33%(62) 13%(25) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

39 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_2

Table MCSP7_2: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Each pitcher who enters the game must pitch to a minimum of three batters before being replaced Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 17%(367) 22%(484) 8%(181) 9%(199) 44%(969) 2200 Gender: Male 21%(219) 26%(273) 11%(117) 12%(129) 31%(324) 1062 Gender: Female 13%(148) 19%(211) 6%(65) 6%(70) 57%(645) 1138 Age: 18-34 14%(94) 22%(144) 8%(50) 7%(45) 49%(321) 655 Age: 35-44 13%(46) 29%(103) 10%(37) 7%(26) 40%(144) 358 Age: 45-64 19%(144) 22%(161) 8%(57) 9%(71) 42%(318) 751 Age: 65+ 19%(82) 17%(76) 8%(37) 13%(56) 43%(186) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 10%(23) 19%(45) 8%(19) 9%(21) 54%(126) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 15%(90) 26%(157) 8%(48) 7%(39) 44%(265) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 17%(96) 23%(133) 8%(46) 8%(43) 44%(247) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 20%(143) 18%(131) 8%(61) 12%(86) 42%(298) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 16%(130) 23%(186) 8%(62) 8%(67) 44%(352) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(94) 19%(123) 8%(55) 7%(45) 51%(335) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 19%(143) 23%(176) 9%(65) 12%(87) 37%(282) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 21%(68) 27%(86) 11%(36) 9%(30) 31%(100) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 13%(62) 21%(100) 5%(26) 8%(37) 53%(252) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 18%(64) 22%(77) 11%(39) 10%(35) 38%(135) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 10%(30) 15%(46) 5%(15) 3%(9) 67%(200) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 22%(87) 28%(110) 11%(41) 16%(64) 23%(90) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 16%(56) 18%(66) 6%(23) 6%(23) 53%(192) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16%(98) 24%(153) 9%(57) 8%(50) 43%(266) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 17%(110) 24%(157) 8%(53) 8%(51) 43%(275) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 19%(138) 21%(156) 9%(66) 12%(88) 39%(282) 730 Educ: < College 15%(234) 20%(301) 7%(109) 9%(134) 49%(735) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 18%(81) 25%(110) 10%(42) 11%(49) 36%(161) 444 Educ: Post-grad 21%(52) 30%(74) 12%(30) 6%(16) 30%(72) 244 Income: Under 50k 15%(169) 18%(209) 7%(78) 9%(103) 51%(591) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 19%(131) 25%(174) 8%(58) 9%(65) 39%(273) 701 Income: 100k+ 19%(67) 29%(102) 13%(46) 9%(30) 30%(105) 350 Ethnicity: White 18%(307) 22%(384) 8%(142) 8%(146) 43%(743) 1722 Continued on next page

40 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_2

Table MCSP7_2: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Each pitcher who enters the game must pitch to a minimum of three batters before being replaced Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 17%(367) 22%(484) 8%(181) 9%(199) 44%(969) 2200 Ethnicity: Hispanic 17%(59) 25%(87) 8%(30) 10%(33) 40%(140) 349 Ethnicity: Black 13%(35) 22%(60) 8%(21) 13%(36) 45%(122) 274 Ethnicity: Other 12%(25) 20%(41) 9%(18) 8%(17) 51%(103) 204 All Christian 22%(217) 25%(254) 8%(82) 10%(95) 35%(355) 1003 All Non-Christian 20%(24) 26%(30) 12%(14) 4%(5) 38%(44) 117 Atheist 9%(11) 25%(31) 12%(14) 5%(7) 48%(60) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 13%(73) 17%(99) 8%(47) 10%(57) 53%(305) 580 Something Else 11%(42) 19%(70) 6%(24) 9%(34) 55%(206) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 20%(27) 23%(31) 13%(17) 4%(5) 40%(53) 132 Evangelical 17%(95) 24%(134) 7%(42) 9%(50) 43%(245) 567 Non-Evangelical 21%(160) 23%(182) 8%(59) 10%(74) 39%(301) 775 Community: Urban 17%(107) 25%(155) 11%(71) 8%(52) 39%(244) 630 Community: Suburban 18%(187) 22%(225) 8%(77) 9%(95) 43%(436) 1021 Community: Rural 13%(73) 19%(104) 6%(33) 9%(52) 52%(288) 550 Employ: Private Sector 18%(118) 28%(177) 8%(53) 7%(48) 38%(244) 641 Employ: Government 10%(14) 24%(32) 12%(17) 6%(8) 47%(63) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 18%(35) 21%(43) 13%(26) 12%(23) 37%(73) 201 Employ: Homemaker 16%(24) 19%(29) 2%(2) 6%(9) 57%(84) 147 Employ: Student 9%(11) 30%(39) 12%(15) 8%(11) 41%(53) 129 Employ: Retired 21%(103) 20%(97) 7%(35) 13%(63) 39%(191) 489 Employ: Unemployed 14%(46) 13%(43) 8%(27) 9%(28) 55%(177) 320 Employ: Other 12%(16) 18%(24) 5%(7) 6%(8) 60%(84) 139 Military HH: Yes 23%(81) 20%(69) 7%(24) 13%(44) 38%(131) 349 Military HH: No 15%(286) 22%(416) 8%(157) 8%(154) 45%(838) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 19%(138) 24%(176) 8%(63) 12%(89) 38%(281) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 16%(229) 21%(308) 8%(118) 8%(109) 47%(688) 1453 Trump Job Approve 19%(174) 23%(210) 8%(76) 11%(103) 39%(354) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 16%(189) 22%(267) 8%(101) 8%(96) 46%(548) 1201 Continued on next page

41 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_2

Table MCSP7_2: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Each pitcher who enters the game must pitch to a minimum of three batters before being replaced Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 17%(367) 22%(484) 8%(181) 9%(199) 44%(969) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 20%(107) 19%(100) 7%(39) 14%(71) 39%(204) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 17%(67) 28%(110) 9%(37) 8%(31) 38%(150) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 13%(29) 26%(57) 15%(33) 7%(15) 39%(87) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 16%(160) 21%(210) 7%(68) 8%(81) 47%(462) 980 Favorable of Trump 19%(175) 23%(205) 8%(77) 12%(108) 38%(341) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 15%(178) 23%(269) 9%(100) 7%(84) 46%(542) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 19%(107) 20%(112) 8%(46) 13%(75) 40%(224) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 20%(68) 27%(93) 9%(30) 10%(33) 34%(117) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 11%(22) 28%(54) 17%(32) 6%(11) 39%(74) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 16%(156) 22%(215) 7%(68) 7%(73) 48%(468) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 14%(103) 26%(187) 8%(60) 10%(71) 42%(300) 722 #1 Issue: Security 19%(45) 17%(40) 9%(22) 15%(35) 40%(97) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 16%(76) 23%(108) 8%(38) 7%(34) 45%(208) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25%(70) 17%(49) 7%(19) 10%(28) 42%(121) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 11%(15) 27%(38) 9%(13) 7%(9) 46%(65) 140 #1 Issue: Education 23%(21) 26%(23) 10%(9) 4%(4) 36%(32) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 12%(10) 21%(18) 6%(5) 5%(4) 57%(50) 87 #1 Issue: Other 15%(26) 12%(22) 9%(15) 8%(13) 56%(97) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 19%(134) 24%(168) 9%(63) 9%(61) 38%(264) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 21%(130) 22%(136) 9%(55) 13%(82) 36%(225) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 7%(4) 15%(8) 9%(5) 8%(5) 61%(34) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 19%(122) 25%(163) 8%(55) 7%(48) 41%(269) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 19%(137) 25%(177) 10%(69) 12%(86) 34%(247) 717 2016 Vote: Other 19%(21) 18%(20) 5%(5) 12%(14) 46%(51) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12%(85) 17%(123) 7%(52) 7%(51) 56%(399) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 21%(247) 22%(269) 10%(116) 11%(137) 36%(434) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 12%(120) 22%(215) 7%(65) 6%(61) 54%(535) 996 Continued on next page

42 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_2

Table MCSP7_2: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? Each pitcher who enters the game must pitch to a minimum of three batters before being replaced Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 17%(367) 22%(484) 8%(181) 9%(199) 44%(969) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 20%(163) 24%(196) 8%(67) 10%(79) 37%(296) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 20%(102) 23%(117) 10%(49) 13%(66) 35%(179) 512 2012 Vote: Other 14%(9) 21%(13) 12%(7) 14%(8) 40%(25) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11%(93) 19%(159) 7%(57) 6%(46) 57%(468) 823 4-Region: Northeast 16%(65) 24%(94) 8%(31) 7%(28) 45%(176) 394 4-Region: Midwest 19%(87) 21%(97) 10%(46) 9%(41) 41%(191) 462 4-Region: South 14%(116) 22%(185) 7%(59) 9%(72) 48%(392) 824 4-Region: West 19%(99) 21%(108) 9%(45) 11%(57) 40%(210) 520 Sports fans 22%(317) 29%(424) 11%(161) 10%(146) 28%(416) 1464 Avid sports fans 27%(144) 29%(155) 11%(59) 12%(64) 20%(103) 525 Casual sports fans 18%(172) 29%(269) 11%(102) 9%(82) 33%(314) 939 MLB fans 24%(291) 32%(383) 12%(148) 11%(127) 21%(247) 1196 Avid MLB fans 32%(133) 29%(118) 11%(47) 14%(56) 14%(58) 411 Casual MLB fans 20%(158) 34%(265) 13%(102) 9%(71) 24%(189) 785 Dodgers fans 25%(150) 32%(191) 11%(67) 10%(59) 22%(132) 598 Rays fans 24%(111) 32%(147) 14%(63) 13%(59) 18%(86) 466 Watched regular season games 26%(256) 33%(321) 12%(119) 12%(120) 16%(153) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 31%(89) 33%(95) 9%(25) 15%(41) 12%(35) 285 Watched playoffs 28%(237) 33%(280) 12%(105) 12%(99) 15%(131) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 34%(65) 30%(57) 10%(19) 12%(22) 14%(26) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

43 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_3

Table MCSP7_3: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? The National League adopting the designated hitter instead of having pitchers bat Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 15%(330) 18%(403) 11%(239) 9%(197) 47%(1031) 2200 Gender: Male 23%(241) 21%(219) 13%(139) 12%(125) 32%(337) 1062 Gender: Female 8%(89) 16%(185) 9%(99) 6%(72) 61%(694) 1138 Age: 18-34 12%(79) 18%(118) 13%(86) 7%(46) 50%(326) 655 Age: 35-44 16%(56) 23%(84) 10%(37) 7%(26) 43%(155) 358 Age: 45-64 15%(116) 17%(130) 10%(77) 11%(80) 46%(348) 751 Age: 65+ 18%(78) 16%(72) 9%(39) 10%(45) 46%(202) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 11%(26) 15%(35) 12%(29) 9%(21) 53%(124) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 14%(85) 20%(122) 13%(78) 6%(38) 46%(277) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 14%(77) 21%(118) 10%(54) 9%(50) 47%(267) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 18%(127) 15%(111) 10%(72) 11%(79) 46%(330) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 14%(108) 20%(163) 11%(86) 8%(67) 47%(374) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 13%(84) 15%(95) 10%(64) 8%(50) 55%(357) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 18%(137) 19%(146) 12%(89) 11%(80) 40%(300) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 22%(70) 23%(74) 12%(40) 11%(34) 32%(101) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 8%(38) 19%(89) 10%(46) 7%(32) 57%(272) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 19%(65) 18%(64) 12%(41) 10%(37) 41%(144) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 6%(19) 11%(32) 8%(23) 5%(14) 71%(213) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 27%(106) 21%(81) 15%(59) 14%(54) 23%(92) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 9%(32) 18%(64) 8%(30) 7%(26) 58%(208) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16%(99) 19%(118) 11%(67) 9%(58) 45%(282) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 13%(84) 23%(152) 11%(71) 7%(48) 45%(292) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 18%(131) 16%(117) 13%(98) 11%(79) 42%(305) 730 Educ: < College 14%(211) 16%(247) 10%(151) 8%(127) 51%(776) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 14%(61) 22%(96) 13%(56) 12%(51) 40%(179) 444 Educ: Post-grad 24%(58) 25%(60) 13%(32) 8%(19) 31%(76) 244 Income: Under 50k 14%(164) 15%(169) 8%(96) 8%(97) 54%(623) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 14%(102) 21%(150) 14%(95) 9%(64) 41%(291) 701 Income: 100k+ 18%(64) 24%(84) 14%(48) 10%(36) 34%(118) 350 Ethnicity: White 16%(274) 18%(315) 11%(183) 9%(158) 46%(791) 1722 Continued on next page

44 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_3

Table MCSP7_3: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? The National League adopting the designated hitter instead of having pitchers bat Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 15%(330) 18%(403) 11%(239) 9%(197) 47%(1031) 2200 Ethnicity: Hispanic 15%(53) 22%(78) 16%(56) 9%(31) 37%(131) 349 Ethnicity: Black 12%(32) 17%(46) 11%(30) 9%(25) 51%(141) 274 Ethnicity: Other 11%(23) 21%(42) 13%(26) 7%(14) 49%(99) 204 All Christian 17%(175) 22%(223) 11%(115) 9%(92) 40%(398) 1003 All Non-Christian 18%(21) 25%(29) 9%(10) 10%(12) 38%(44) 117 Atheist 13%(16) 15%(18) 19%(24) 6%(7) 47%(59) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14%(80) 14%(81) 9%(55) 9%(51) 54%(313) 580 Something Else 10%(38) 14%(52) 9%(35) 9%(35) 58%(217) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 16%(22) 23%(30) 8%(10) 13%(17) 40%(53) 132 Evangelical 17%(98) 18%(103) 11%(63) 7%(40) 46%(263) 567 Non-Evangelical 14%(109) 22%(168) 11%(84) 10%(79) 43%(335) 775 Community: Urban 16%(101) 25%(158) 13%(80) 8%(53) 38%(239) 630 Community: Suburban 15%(154) 18%(180) 11%(113) 10%(98) 47%(476) 1021 Community: Rural 14%(75) 12%(66) 8%(46) 8%(47) 57%(316) 550 Employ: Private Sector 18%(118) 22%(139) 11%(73) 8%(49) 41%(263) 641 Employ: Government 11%(15) 14%(18) 17%(22) 12%(16) 46%(62) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 19%(39) 17%(35) 15%(31) 14%(27) 34%(69) 201 Employ: Homemaker 8%(12) 20%(29) 4%(7) 6%(9) 62%(91) 147 Employ: Student 6%(8) 27%(35) 16%(20) 6%(8) 45%(58) 129 Employ: Retired 20%(96) 16%(76) 10%(48) 11%(54) 44%(215) 489 Employ: Unemployed 9%(28) 16%(50) 6%(20) 9%(28) 60%(194) 320 Employ: Other 9%(12) 16%(22) 12%(17) 5%(8) 57%(80) 139 Military HH: Yes 15%(53) 20%(69) 13%(46) 15%(52) 37%(130) 349 Military HH: No 15%(277) 18%(335) 10%(193) 8%(145) 49%(901) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 18%(137) 18%(137) 14%(107) 8%(63) 41%(304) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 13%(193) 18%(267) 9%(131) 9%(135) 50%(727) 1453 Trump Job Approve 17%(157) 19%(174) 13%(122) 10%(90) 41%(374) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 14%(167) 19%(222) 9%(114) 9%(105) 49%(593) 1201 Continued on next page

45 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_3

Table MCSP7_3: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? The National League adopting the designated hitter instead of having pitchers bat Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 15%(330) 18%(403) 11%(239) 9%(197) 47%(1031) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 18%(95) 18%(91) 11%(58) 11%(59) 42%(217) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16%(62) 21%(83) 16%(64) 8%(31) 40%(157) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 15%(33) 20%(43) 17%(37) 8%(17) 41%(91) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 14%(134) 18%(179) 8%(77) 9%(88) 51%(502) 980 Favorable of Trump 18%(162) 20%(177) 12%(112) 10%(93) 40%(360) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 13%(154) 19%(223) 10%(117) 9%(101) 49%(579) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 20%(110) 16%(93) 11%(64) 11%(61) 42%(237) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15%(52) 25%(84) 14%(49) 10%(33) 36%(123) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12%(24) 19%(37) 20%(38) 9%(16) 40%(77) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 13%(130) 19%(185) 8%(79) 9%(84) 51%(503) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 16%(112) 18%(133) 11%(82) 9%(67) 45%(327) 722 #1 Issue: Security 18%(42) 17%(41) 11%(27) 11%(27) 43%(103) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 15%(68) 19%(88) 12%(56) 9%(40) 46%(212) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 19%(56) 17%(49) 7%(19) 10%(29) 47%(134) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 5%(7) 19%(27) 14%(19) 9%(12) 54%(75) 140 #1 Issue: Education 14%(13) 33%(29) 10%(9) 3%(2) 40%(35) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 7%(6) 17%(15) 17%(15) 1%(1) 57%(50) 87 #1 Issue: Other 15%(26) 13%(22) 6%(11) 11%(18) 55%(96) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 16%(108) 21%(145) 10%(72) 10%(69) 43%(296) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 19%(119) 18%(113) 13%(81) 11%(69) 39%(247) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 11%(6) 11%(6) 6%(3) 6%(3) 65%(36) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 15%(98) 22%(144) 11%(71) 7%(47) 45%(297) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 19%(134) 18%(130) 13%(96) 11%(82) 38%(275) 717 2016 Vote: Other 12%(13) 11%(12) 8%(9) 15%(17) 54%(60) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12%(83) 17%(118) 8%(60) 7%(51) 56%(398) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 17%(209) 19%(231) 12%(145) 11%(134) 40%(486) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 12%(121) 17%(173) 9%(93) 6%(63) 55%(545) 996 Continued on next page

46 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_3

Table MCSP7_3: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? The National League adopting the designated hitter instead of having pitchers bat Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 15%(330) 18%(403) 11%(239) 9%(197) 47%(1031) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 16%(127) 21%(169) 12%(96) 10%(78) 41%(331) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 20%(103) 17%(85) 12%(63) 13%(64) 38%(196) 512 2012 Vote: Other 13%(8) 13%(8) 10%(6) 12%(7) 52%(33) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11%(90) 17%(142) 9%(72) 6%(49) 57%(470) 823 4-Region: Northeast 15%(59) 22%(85) 10%(41) 8%(31) 45%(178) 394 4-Region: Midwest 14%(66) 16%(73) 15%(71) 9%(41) 46%(211) 462 4-Region: South 14%(118) 18%(147) 8%(67) 9%(77) 50%(415) 824 4-Region: West 17%(86) 19%(99) 11%(59) 9%(49) 44%(227) 520 Sports fans 20%(297) 24%(345) 14%(211) 10%(141) 32%(471) 1464 Avid sports fans 31%(164) 27%(143) 15%(77) 9%(45) 18%(96) 525 Casual sports fans 14%(133) 21%(202) 14%(134) 10%(96) 40%(374) 939 MLB fans 23%(276) 27%(322) 16%(197) 10%(114) 24%(286) 1196 Avid MLB fans 32%(130) 26%(105) 16%(65) 11%(45) 16%(66) 411 Casual MLB fans 19%(146) 28%(217) 17%(132) 9%(69) 28%(220) 785 Dodgers fans 24%(147) 27%(164) 18%(109) 7%(42) 23%(137) 598 Rays fans 27%(126) 27%(125) 17%(79) 11%(49) 19%(87) 466 Watched regular season games 25%(246) 30%(286) 17%(166) 10%(98) 18%(174) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 39%(110) 23%(66) 10%(29) 15%(43) 13%(37) 285 Watched playoffs 27%(232) 29%(250) 16%(138) 10%(86) 17%(145) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 37%(71) 23%(43) 14%(27) 13%(24) 13%(25) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

47 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_4

Table MCSP7_4: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? If weather forces a game to be cut short prior to the end of the fifth inning, it will be continued at a later date rather than started from scratch Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 23%(496) 24%(518) 8%(176) 6%(121) 40%(889) 2200 Gender: Male 29%(311) 26%(278) 9%(94) 5%(56) 30%(323) 1062 Gender: Female 16%(185) 21%(239) 7%(82) 6%(65) 50%(566) 1138 Age: 18-34 19%(127) 19%(126) 11%(71) 6%(41) 44%(290) 655 Age: 35-44 21%(76) 28%(101) 8%(28) 7%(23) 36%(130) 358 Age: 45-64 24%(183) 25%(188) 6%(46) 5%(38) 39%(296) 751 Age: 65+ 25%(111) 24%(103) 7%(31) 4%(19) 40%(173) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 22%(52) 17%(40) 9%(20) 5%(11) 48%(112) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 18%(108) 24%(142) 11%(65) 7%(44) 40%(241) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 22%(124) 25%(139) 7%(39) 5%(29) 41%(234) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26%(189) 25%(176) 6%(46) 5%(33) 38%(273) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 21%(169) 26%(206) 8%(61) 6%(50) 39%(310) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 18%(117) 22%(140) 8%(54) 3%(19) 49%(320) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 28%(210) 23%(171) 8%(61) 7%(51) 34%(259) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 30%(96) 30%(95) 8%(27) 5%(14) 27%(86) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 15%(72) 23%(111) 7%(34) 8%(36) 47%(224) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 24%(86) 24%(86) 9%(32) 4%(12) 38%(135) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 11%(32) 18%(55) 7%(22) 2%(7) 62%(185) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 33%(129) 25%(97) 9%(35) 7%(29) 26%(102) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 23%(82) 20%(74) 7%(26) 6%(22) 44%(157) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 24%(149) 24%(149) 10%(65) 4%(25) 38%(235) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 21%(136) 29%(186) 6%(37) 7%(46) 37%(241) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 26%(187) 22%(162) 9%(62) 6%(45) 37%(273) 730 Educ: < College 21%(320) 21%(319) 7%(112) 6%(88) 45%(674) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 24%(105) 28%(123) 10%(45) 5%(24) 33%(147) 444 Educ: Post-grad 29%(71) 31%(76) 8%(19) 4%(9) 28%(69) 244 Income: Under 50k 23%(259) 18%(207) 7%(84) 5%(56) 47%(543) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 22%(155) 28%(193) 8%(57) 7%(48) 35%(248) 701 Income: 100k+ 23%(82) 34%(118) 10%(34) 5%(18) 28%(98) 350 Ethnicity: White 24%(407) 24%(410) 7%(125) 5%(92) 40%(688) 1722 Continued on next page

48 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_4

Table MCSP7_4: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? If weather forces a game to be cut short prior to the end of the fifth inning, it will be continued at a later date rather than started from scratch Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 23%(496) 24%(518) 8%(176) 6%(121) 40%(889) 2200 Ethnicity: Hispanic 28%(97) 23%(80) 10%(34) 6%(21) 34%(118) 349 Ethnicity: Black 17%(47) 21%(58) 10%(28) 8%(22) 43%(118) 274 Ethnicity: Other 21%(42) 24%(49) 11%(23) 3%(7) 41%(83) 204 All Christian 28%(283) 27%(272) 8%(80) 5%(54) 31%(314) 1003 All Non-Christian 23%(27) 30%(35) 9%(11) 4%(5) 34%(40) 117 Atheist 24%(30) 24%(30) 8%(10) 2%(3) 41%(51) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 17%(99) 20%(113) 7%(38) 6%(37) 50%(292) 580 Something Else 15%(57) 18%(68) 10%(37) 6%(22) 51%(192) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 25%(33) 28%(37) 8%(11) 3%(5) 36%(47) 132 Evangelical 25%(139) 22%(124) 9%(51) 6%(35) 38%(218) 567 Non-Evangelical 25%(192) 27%(207) 8%(64) 5%(37) 36%(276) 775 Community: Urban 25%(158) 25%(160) 10%(65) 6%(36) 33%(211) 630 Community: Suburban 23%(236) 24%(249) 8%(86) 5%(54) 39%(396) 1021 Community: Rural 19%(103) 20%(108) 5%(25) 6%(32) 51%(283) 550 Employ: Private Sector 24%(157) 28%(180) 7%(48) 6%(36) 34%(221) 641 Employ: Government 20%(26) 27%(36) 9%(12) 6%(9) 38%(51) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 22%(44) 22%(45) 16%(33) 8%(15) 31%(63) 201 Employ: Homemaker 13%(19) 23%(34) 9%(14) 7%(10) 48%(70) 147 Employ: Student 16%(21) 30%(39) 11%(14) 4%(6) 39%(50) 129 Employ: Retired 27%(133) 24%(120) 6%(29) 5%(23) 38%(184) 489 Employ: Unemployed 20%(64) 15%(47) 6%(18) 4%(13) 56%(178) 320 Employ: Other 22%(31) 13%(18) 7%(9) 7%(9) 52%(72) 139 Military HH: Yes 28%(98) 24%(86) 10%(36) 3%(12) 34%(118) 349 Military HH: No 22%(398) 23%(432) 8%(140) 6%(109) 42%(771) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 26%(197) 23%(173) 10%(73) 5%(38) 36%(266) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 21%(299) 24%(344) 7%(103) 6%(83) 43%(623) 1453 Trump Job Approve 26%(238) 24%(221) 9%(78) 6%(55) 36%(326) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 21%(252) 24%(286) 8%(96) 6%(66) 42%(501) 1201 Continued on next page

49 Morning Consult Table MCSP7_4

Table MCSP7_4: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? If weather forces a game to be cut short prior to the end of the fifth inning, it will be continued at a later date rather than started from scratch Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 23%(496) 24%(518) 8%(176) 6%(121) 40%(889) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 28%(146) 19%(99) 8%(42) 7%(38) 38%(196) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 23%(92) 31%(121) 9%(37) 4%(16) 33%(130) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 20%(44) 26%(58) 12%(26) 2%(5) 40%(88) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 21%(208) 23%(227) 7%(70) 6%(61) 42%(413) 980 Favorable of Trump 27%(246) 23%(212) 8%(74) 6%(55) 35%(317) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 20%(235) 25%(296) 8%(93) 6%(65) 41%(485) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 29%(164) 19%(107) 8%(43) 7%(40) 37%(211) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 24%(83) 31%(106) 9%(31) 4%(15) 31%(106) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15%(29) 34%(66) 9%(18) 6%(12) 35%(68) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 21%(206) 23%(230) 8%(74) 5%(53) 43%(417) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 23%(169) 24%(171) 9%(62) 6%(42) 38%(277) 722 #1 Issue: Security 29%(70) 20%(49) 9%(21) 5%(11) 37%(88) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 23%(106) 25%(114) 8%(39) 6%(27) 38%(177) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 22%(64) 26%(74) 6%(16) 5%(16) 41%(118) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 15%(21) 19%(26) 10%(13) 6%(9) 51%(71) 140 #1 Issue: Education 23%(20) 30%(27) 3%(3) 7%(6) 36%(32) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 11%(9) 29%(25) 11%(9) 1%(1) 49%(43) 87 #1 Issue: Other 22%(38) 18%(32) 6%(11) 6%(10) 48%(83) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 26%(177) 27%(184) 7%(49) 6%(39) 35%(242) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 26%(161) 26%(162) 8%(51) 7%(47) 33%(209) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 20%(11) 20%(11) 3%(2) 1%(1) 55%(30) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22%(143) 29%(193) 7%(46) 4%(28) 38%(247) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 27%(194) 26%(189) 9%(62) 6%(45) 32%(228) 717 2016 Vote: Other 23%(25) 23%(25) 3%(3) 15%(17) 37%(41) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(133) 16%(111) 9%(65) 4%(31) 52%(370) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 25%(304) 28%(332) 7%(87) 7%(82) 33%(401) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 19%(193) 19%(186) 9%(89) 4%(39) 49%(489) 996 Continued on next page

50 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP7_4

Table MCSP7_4: As you may know, MLB instituted several changes to the rules of the game for the shortened 2020 season. Now that the season is over, do you have a favorable opinion of each of the following rules? If weather forces a game to be cut short prior to the end of the fifth inning, it will be continued at a later date rather than started from scratch Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t know / Demographic Very favorable favorable unfavorable unfavorable No opinion Total N Adults 23%(496) 24%(518) 8%(176) 6%(121) 40%(889) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 24%(192) 28%(225) 7%(56) 7%(54) 34%(273) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 29%(148) 25%(129) 7%(35) 6%(33) 33%(167) 512 2012 Vote: Other 16%(10) 26%(16) 10%(6) 7%(4) 41%(26) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18%(146) 18%(148) 9%(78) 4%(29) 51%(422) 823 4-Region: Northeast 20%(77) 25%(100) 12%(48) 4%(15) 39%(153) 394 4-Region: Midwest 24%(111) 25%(114) 8%(38) 5%(25) 38%(175) 462 4-Region: South 22%(182) 20%(168) 8%(64) 6%(52) 44%(359) 824 4-Region: West 24%(127) 26%(136) 5%(27) 6%(30) 39%(202) 520 Sports fans 29%(424) 30%(445) 9%(135) 6%(83) 26%(377) 1464 Avid sports fans 39%(205) 29%(154) 10%(52) 5%(25) 17%(90) 525 Casual sports fans 23%(219) 31%(291) 9%(83) 6%(58) 31%(287) 939 MLB fans 33%(400) 33%(398) 9%(111) 5%(65) 18%(221) 1196 Avid MLB fans 42%(173) 29%(121) 9%(38) 6%(23) 14%(56) 411 Casual MLB fans 29%(227) 35%(277) 9%(74) 5%(42) 21%(164) 785 Dodgers fans 31%(185) 35%(210) 10%(61) 3%(20) 20%(122) 598 Rays fans 32%(150) 34%(160) 11%(52) 6%(26) 17%(79) 466 Watched regular season games 35%(338) 35%(341) 11%(110) 6%(56) 13%(125) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 45%(129) 33%(93) 9%(25) 5%(14) 8%(23) 285 Watched playoffs 35%(300) 36%(304) 10%(87) 7%(58) 12%(103) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 48%(91) 30%(57) 9%(16) 2%(4) 11%(21) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

51 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_1

Table MCSP8_1: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I enjoyed watching the 2020 MLB season played amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) just as much as previous regular seasons Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 11%(233) 19%(417) 13%(287) 12%(257) 46%(1006) 2200 Gender: Male 13%(141) 22%(238) 17%(178) 14%(148) 34%(356) 1062 Gender: Female 8%(92) 16%(179) 10%(109) 10%(109) 57%(650) 1138 Age: 18-34 15%(96) 17%(112) 13%(84) 8%(51) 48%(312) 655 Age: 35-44 10%(37) 25%(89) 12%(42) 12%(43) 41%(147) 358 Age: 45-64 10%(73) 19%(142) 13%(99) 12%(91) 46%(346) 751 Age: 65+ 6%(27) 17%(74) 14%(63) 17%(72) 46%(201) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 15%(35) 19%(44) 13%(30) 6%(13) 48%(113) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 14%(81) 20%(117) 12%(73) 10%(59) 45%(269) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 10%(57) 20%(114) 11%(61) 13%(71) 46%(262) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 8%(55) 17%(123) 15%(111) 14%(102) 45%(326) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 11%(84) 24%(191) 13%(100) 9%(74) 44%(348) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 8%(50) 14%(91) 12%(81) 11%(74) 55%(355) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 13%(99) 18%(136) 14%(106) 14%(109) 40%(303) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 14%(46) 31%(98) 15%(48) 11%(34) 29%(94) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 8%(38) 19%(93) 11%(52) 8%(40) 53%(254) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 11%(37) 16%(55) 15%(53) 14%(49) 45%(157) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 4%(13) 12%(36) 9%(28) 8%(25) 66%(199) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 15%(58) 22%(85) 20%(77) 17%(65) 27%(106) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 11%(41) 14%(50) 8%(28) 12%(44) 55%(197) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12%(77) 23%(145) 13%(79) 9%(59) 42%(264) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 9%(59) 21%(133) 14%(89) 11%(71) 46%(295) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11%(84) 16%(119) 16%(117) 14%(103) 42%(307) 730 Educ: < College 10%(149) 16%(249) 13%(196) 11%(169) 50%(749) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 11%(48) 22%(98) 13%(59) 14%(62) 40%(177) 444 Educ: Post-grad 14%(35) 29%(70) 13%(32) 11%(26) 33%(81) 244 Income: Under 50k 11%(122) 16%(185) 10%(118) 11%(129) 52%(595) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 10%(69) 21%(144) 15%(108) 14%(97) 40%(283) 701 Income: 100k+ 12%(41) 25%(88) 17%(61) 9%(31) 37%(128) 350 Ethnicity: White 11%(184) 18%(315) 13%(228) 12%(215) 45%(781) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 19%(65) 21%(73) 12%(43) 11%(38) 37%(130) 349 Continued on next page

52 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_1

Table MCSP8_1: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I enjoyed watching the 2020 MLB season played amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) just as much as previous regular seasons Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 11%(233) 19%(417) 13%(287) 12%(257) 46%(1006) 2200 Ethnicity: Black 11%(29) 25%(69) 12%(33) 7%(18) 46%(125) 274 Ethnicity: Other 10%(20) 17%(34) 13%(26) 12%(24) 49%(100) 204 All Christian 13%(135) 19%(196) 16%(159) 13%(132) 38%(382) 1003 All Non-Christian 14%(17) 21%(24) 18%(21) 7%(8) 40%(47) 117 Atheist 4%(5) 19%(24) 17%(20) 10%(12) 50%(61) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 7%(42) 17%(100) 10%(56) 10%(58) 56%(323) 580 Something Else 9%(34) 19%(73) 8%(29) 13%(47) 51%(193) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13%(17) 19%(26) 17%(23) 8%(11) 42%(56) 132 Evangelical 14%(78) 17%(96) 12%(71) 11%(63) 46%(259) 567 Non-Evangelical 11%(86) 21%(166) 15%(114) 14%(109) 39%(300) 775 Community: Urban 15%(95) 27%(170) 13%(83) 9%(54) 36%(227) 630 Community: Suburban 10%(99) 18%(185) 14%(142) 13%(130) 46%(466) 1021 Community: Rural 7%(39) 11%(62) 11%(62) 13%(73) 57%(313) 550 Employ: Private Sector 13%(82) 24%(155) 14%(87) 9%(55) 41%(262) 641 Employ: Government 11%(14) 22%(30) 14%(18) 14%(19) 39%(53) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 12%(23) 19%(37) 17%(33) 17%(33) 37%(74) 201 Employ: Homemaker 11%(16) 17%(25) 6%(9) 11%(17) 55%(81) 147 Employ: Student 16%(21) 15%(19) 17%(22) 8%(10) 44%(57) 129 Employ: Retired 9%(45) 18%(87) 15%(71) 16%(79) 42%(207) 489 Employ: Unemployed 7%(24) 13%(41) 10%(33) 9%(27) 61%(195) 320 Employ: Other 6%(9) 17%(23) 9%(12) 12%(16) 57%(79) 139 Military HH: Yes 11%(39) 19%(66) 15%(54) 13%(45) 42%(145) 349 Military HH: No 10%(194) 19%(351) 13%(233) 11%(212) 47%(861) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 13%(94) 20%(146) 15%(109) 14%(107) 39%(291) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 10%(139) 19%(271) 12%(178) 10%(150) 49%(715) 1453 Trump Job Approve 11%(105) 18%(164) 15%(141) 14%(127) 41%(380) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 10%(125) 20%(245) 12%(143) 11%(126) 47%(562) 1201 Continued on next page

53 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_1

Table MCSP8_1: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I enjoyed watching the 2020 MLB season played amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) just as much as previous regular seasons Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 11%(233) 19%(417) 13%(287) 12%(257) 46%(1006) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 11%(55) 18%(92) 14%(74) 17%(86) 41%(214) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12%(49) 18%(73) 17%(67) 10%(41) 42%(166) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 13%(29) 22%(49) 15%(32) 6%(13) 44%(98) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 10%(96) 20%(196) 11%(110) 12%(114) 47%(464) 980 Favorable of Trump 11%(102) 18%(162) 15%(136) 15%(132) 41%(373) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 10%(116) 21%(243) 12%(144) 10%(118) 47%(551) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 12%(67) 17%(94) 15%(83) 16%(92) 41%(229) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 10%(36) 20%(68) 16%(53) 12%(40) 42%(144) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 10%(19) 24%(46) 17%(33) 6%(12) 43%(83) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 10%(97) 20%(198) 11%(111) 11%(106) 48%(469) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 11%(78) 21%(149) 15%(107) 10%(71) 44%(316) 722 #1 Issue: Security 10%(25) 16%(37) 12%(30) 16%(38) 46%(109) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 13%(59) 19%(89) 11%(52) 13%(60) 44%(205) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 7%(19) 21%(59) 13%(37) 14%(40) 46%(131) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 5%(7) 23%(32) 12%(17) 12%(17) 48%(67) 140 #1 Issue: Education 18%(16) 21%(18) 10%(9) 7%(6) 43%(38) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 8%(7) 15%(13) 16%(14) 4%(3) 57%(50) 87 #1 Issue: Other 13%(22) 11%(20) 12%(20) 12%(22) 52%(90) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 10%(71) 22%(155) 16%(110) 12%(80) 40%(275) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 11%(69) 19%(121) 14%(88) 15%(96) 41%(255) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 13%(7) 14%(8) 8%(4) 11%(6) 54%(30) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 11%(70) 22%(146) 16%(105) 10%(66) 41%(270) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 10%(68) 20%(141) 16%(116) 16%(112) 39%(280) 717 2016 Vote: Other 14%(16) 12%(14) 11%(13) 13%(14) 49%(55) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11%(77) 16%(117) 7%(53) 9%(65) 56%(398) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 10%(125) 21%(247) 16%(187) 14%(169) 39%(475) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 11%(108) 17%(170) 10%(99) 9%(88) 53%(531) 996 Continued on next page

54 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_1

Table MCSP8_1: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I enjoyed watching the 2020 MLB season played amid the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) just as much as previous regular seasons Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 11%(233) 19%(417) 13%(287) 12%(257) 46%(1006) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 12%(97) 22%(177) 16%(132) 10%(82) 39%(312) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 9%(47) 18%(94) 14%(71) 17%(90) 41%(210) 512 2012 Vote: Other 6%(4) 14%(9) 19%(12) 17%(10) 44%(28) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10%(85) 17%(136) 9%(72) 9%(76) 55%(454) 823 4-Region: Northeast 8%(33) 20%(78) 16%(62) 12%(48) 44%(173) 394 4-Region: Midwest 10%(48) 17%(81) 17%(79) 13%(60) 42%(195) 462 4-Region: South 9%(78) 20%(168) 10%(84) 11%(90) 49%(404) 824 4-Region: West 14%(74) 17%(91) 12%(62) 11%(60) 45%(233) 520 Sports fans 15%(213) 26%(381) 18%(262) 11%(167) 30%(441) 1464 Avid sports fans 24%(124) 34%(178) 16%(83) 13%(69) 14%(72) 525 Casual sports fans 9%(89) 22%(203) 19%(180) 10%(99) 39%(369) 939 MLB fans 17%(203) 31%(369) 20%(243) 10%(125) 21%(256) 1196 Avid MLB fans 27%(109) 31%(127) 22%(88) 11%(43) 10%(43) 411 Casual MLB fans 12%(94) 31%(242) 20%(155) 10%(82) 27%(213) 785 Dodgers fans 22%(131) 31%(186) 19%(116) 7%(44) 20%(121) 598 Rays fans 25%(117) 34%(158) 18%(85) 7%(34) 16%(73) 466 Watched regular season games 21%(201) 37%(361) 22%(214) 9%(86) 11%(107) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 33%(93) 39%(110) 19%(53) 8%(23) 2%(5) 285 Watched playoffs 23%(195) 37%(316) 21%(181) 9%(73) 10%(87) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 35%(67) 39%(73) 14%(27) 8%(15) 4%(7) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

55 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_2

Table MCSP8_2: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB teams and players did a good job handling the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 17%(364) 26%(578) 8%(177) 7%(151) 42%(929) 2200 Gender: Male 21%(224) 31%(324) 10%(103) 8%(89) 30%(323) 1062 Gender: Female 12%(141) 22%(254) 7%(75) 6%(63) 53%(606) 1138 Age: 18-34 16%(103) 22%(144) 8%(51) 5%(34) 49%(324) 655 Age: 35-44 15%(55) 30%(106) 9%(33) 8%(29) 38%(136) 358 Age: 45-64 18%(136) 27%(200) 8%(64) 7%(53) 40%(298) 751 Age: 65+ 16%(71) 29%(129) 7%(30) 8%(35) 39%(171) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 13%(31) 23%(54) 3%(6) 8%(18) 53%(124) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 17%(99) 24%(143) 10%(58) 6%(34) 44%(265) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 18%(103) 26%(149) 10%(59) 7%(39) 38%(216) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 16%(116) 28%(203) 7%(51) 8%(55) 41%(292) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 15%(122) 28%(226) 10%(81) 7%(59) 39%(309) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(92) 23%(147) 7%(43) 6%(42) 50%(327) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 20%(150) 27%(206) 7%(53) 7%(51) 39%(293) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 18%(58) 37%(119) 12%(39) 6%(21) 26%(82) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 13%(64) 22%(106) 9%(42) 8%(38) 48%(227) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 19%(65) 24%(84) 9%(33) 9%(30) 40%(139) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 9%(27) 21%(63) 4%(11) 4%(11) 63%(188) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 26%(100) 31%(121) 8%(31) 10%(38) 26%(102) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 14%(50) 23%(84) 6%(22) 4%(13) 53%(191) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14%(90) 30%(188) 10%(64) 7%(45) 38%(237) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 18%(119) 28%(183) 8%(50) 6%(41) 39%(252) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17%(128) 26%(190) 8%(59) 7%(51) 41%(302) 730 Educ: < College 16%(235) 23%(355) 7%(112) 7%(105) 47%(706) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 17%(78) 32%(140) 10%(44) 7%(31) 34%(151) 444 Educ: Post-grad 21%(52) 34%(83) 9%(21) 6%(16) 29%(72) 244 Income: Under 50k 15%(175) 23%(266) 7%(75) 7%(78) 48%(555) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 18%(129) 27%(187) 9%(65) 8%(54) 38%(266) 701 Income: 100k+ 17%(60) 36%(126) 11%(37) 5%(19) 31%(107) 350 Ethnicity: White 16%(280) 27%(469) 8%(137) 7%(119) 42%(718) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 16%(56) 31%(108) 8%(27) 12%(42) 34%(118) 349 Continued on next page

56 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_2

Table MCSP8_2: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB teams and players did a good job handling the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 17%(364) 26%(578) 8%(177) 7%(151) 42%(929) 2200 Ethnicity: Black 22%(60) 20%(56) 7%(20) 5%(14) 45%(125) 274 Ethnicity: Other 12%(25) 26%(54) 10%(21) 9%(19) 42%(86) 204 All Christian 19%(192) 31%(314) 9%(86) 6%(62) 35%(350) 1003 All Non-Christian 21%(24) 29%(34) 7%(8) 6%(7) 37%(43) 117 Atheist 8%(9) 23%(29) 10%(12) 17%(21) 42%(52) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15%(85) 21%(123) 8%(45) 4%(24) 52%(304) 580 Something Else 15%(55) 21%(79) 7%(26) 10%(37) 48%(180) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 19%(25) 30%(39) 7%(9) 5%(7) 39%(51) 132 Evangelical 21%(120) 21%(121) 10%(58) 8%(43) 40%(226) 567 Non-Evangelical 16%(122) 33%(254) 7%(52) 7%(56) 38%(291) 775 Community: Urban 19%(121) 30%(187) 8%(53) 8%(50) 35%(219) 630 Community: Suburban 15%(151) 28%(286) 9%(90) 7%(70) 41%(423) 1021 Community: Rural 17%(92) 19%(106) 6%(34) 6%(31) 52%(287) 550 Employ: Private Sector 21%(134) 31%(201) 8%(51) 4%(23) 36%(233) 641 Employ: Government 14%(19) 28%(38) 13%(17) 9%(12) 36%(48) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 15%(31) 25%(49) 16%(33) 9%(18) 35%(70) 201 Employ: Homemaker 14%(20) 23%(34) 5%(8) 2%(3) 56%(83) 147 Employ: Student 15%(20) 20%(25) 5%(6) 13%(17) 47%(61) 129 Employ: Retired 18%(87) 28%(136) 8%(38) 11%(52) 36%(176) 489 Employ: Unemployed 12%(40) 20%(64) 6%(18) 5%(17) 57%(182) 320 Employ: Other 10%(14) 23%(31) 5%(7) 7%(10) 55%(76) 139 Military HH: Yes 17%(60) 28%(97) 7%(25) 11%(38) 37%(130) 349 Military HH: No 16%(305) 26%(482) 8%(152) 6%(113) 43%(798) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 19%(145) 27%(202) 9%(69) 6%(45) 38%(287) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 15%(219) 26%(377) 7%(109) 7%(106) 44%(642) 1453 Trump Job Approve 18%(169) 28%(253) 8%(72) 6%(59) 40%(363) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 16%(188) 27%(321) 9%(102) 8%(92) 41%(498) 1201 Continued on next page

57 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_2

Table MCSP8_2: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB teams and players did a good job handling the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 17%(364) 26%(578) 8%(177) 7%(151) 42%(929) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 18%(96) 26%(137) 7%(38) 8%(41) 40%(209) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 19%(73) 29%(116) 9%(34) 5%(18) 39%(155) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 19%(41) 29%(65) 9%(20) 3%(8) 39%(87) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 15%(147) 26%(256) 8%(82) 9%(84) 42%(410) 980 Favorable of Trump 19%(169) 28%(256) 7%(63) 6%(58) 40%(358) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 15%(172) 27%(312) 9%(108) 8%(91) 42%(491) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 19%(108) 27%(150) 6%(33) 8%(44) 40%(228) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 18%(61) 31%(106) 9%(30) 4%(13) 38%(130) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 15%(29) 32%(61) 12%(23) 6%(11) 35%(68) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 15%(143) 26%(251) 9%(85) 8%(79) 43%(423) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 18%(130) 26%(190) 9%(65) 5%(38) 42%(299) 722 #1 Issue: Security 18%(44) 26%(62) 6%(14) 5%(12) 45%(107) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 19%(88) 27%(127) 9%(41) 8%(35) 37%(172) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 14%(39) 32%(91) 6%(17) 8%(22) 41%(118) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9%(13) 21%(29) 13%(19) 11%(15) 45%(63) 140 #1 Issue: Education 16%(14) 33%(29) 4%(4) 2%(2) 44%(39) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 5%(4) 21%(18) 10%(9) 12%(10) 52%(46) 87 #1 Issue: Other 18%(32) 18%(32) 6%(10) 10%(17) 48%(83) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 17%(118) 30%(207) 12%(81) 7%(51) 34%(233) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 20%(124) 28%(175) 7%(46) 8%(49) 37%(234) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 7%(4) 24%(13) 2%(1) 10%(5) 58%(32) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 18%(117) 29%(193) 10%(68) 8%(52) 34%(226) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 18%(128) 30%(217) 8%(56) 8%(54) 37%(262) 717 2016 Vote: Other 19%(21) 22%(24) 8%(9) 5%(5) 46%(51) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(96) 20%(144) 6%(44) 6%(40) 54%(386) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 18%(221) 29%(348) 10%(118) 8%(94) 35%(425) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 14%(144) 23%(231) 6%(60) 6%(58) 51%(504) 996 Continued on next page

58 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_2

Table MCSP8_2: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB teams and players did a good job handling the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus) Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 17%(364) 26%(578) 8%(177) 7%(151) 42%(929) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 19%(154) 30%(239) 10%(83) 7%(59) 33%(265) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 18%(90) 27%(139) 7%(35) 9%(44) 40%(204) 512 2012 Vote: Other 12%(8) 35%(22) 11%(7) 5%(3) 36%(23) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(112) 22%(178) 6%(53) 6%(45) 53%(434) 823 4-Region: Northeast 15%(58) 30%(120) 9%(34) 4%(17) 42%(165) 394 4-Region: Midwest 16%(73) 27%(124) 8%(37) 9%(42) 40%(186) 462 4-Region: South 18%(146) 23%(193) 8%(63) 6%(50) 45%(372) 824 4-Region: West 17%(88) 27%(141) 8%(43) 8%(43) 39%(205) 520 Sports fans 23%(334) 35%(515) 10%(145) 6%(88) 26%(384) 1464 Avid sports fans 35%(183) 38%(202) 8%(43) 6%(29) 13%(68) 525 Casual sports fans 16%(151) 33%(313) 11%(101) 6%(59) 34%(316) 939 MLB fans 25%(301) 40%(477) 12%(140) 5%(62) 18%(215) 1196 Avid MLB fans 33%(137) 39%(160) 11%(47) 4%(17) 12%(50) 411 Casual MLB fans 21%(164) 40%(317) 12%(93) 6%(45) 21%(165) 785 Dodgers fans 27%(164) 40%(238) 10%(60) 6%(35) 17%(101) 598 Rays fans 32%(147) 36%(166) 11%(50) 7%(31) 16%(73) 466 Watched regular season games 29%(276) 44%(431) 12%(114) 4%(43) 11%(105) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 38%(107) 42%(118) 9%(25) 6%(18) 6%(17) 285 Watched playoffs 30%(259) 43%(364) 11%(94) 5%(45) 11%(90) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 36%(68) 38%(73) 12%(23) 7%(14) 6%(11) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

59 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_3

Table MCSP8_3: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I am only interested in watching a regular-season MLB game if my favorite team is participating Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(305) 22%(487) 13%(293) 9%(207) 41%(908) 2200 Gender: Male 16%(167) 26%(281) 17%(178) 10%(108) 31%(328) 1062 Gender: Female 12%(138) 18%(207) 10%(115) 9%(99) 51%(580) 1138 Age: 18-34 15%(97) 18%(118) 14%(92) 6%(42) 47%(306) 655 Age: 35-44 14%(51) 27%(96) 13%(48) 9%(34) 36%(128) 358 Age: 45-64 13%(98) 24%(178) 14%(103) 11%(82) 39%(290) 751 Age: 65+ 13%(58) 22%(94) 11%(50) 11%(49) 42%(185) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 14%(33) 13%(32) 17%(40) 5%(11) 51%(119) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 15%(88) 23%(139) 12%(71) 8%(50) 42%(252) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 14%(80) 23%(130) 13%(73) 10%(54) 40%(229) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 13%(93) 23%(164) 14%(104) 11%(80) 39%(277) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 15%(116) 23%(181) 12%(95) 10%(83) 40%(321) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 10%(62) 18%(119) 13%(87) 7%(47) 52%(337) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 17%(126) 25%(187) 15%(111) 10%(76) 33%(250) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 17%(53) 28%(89) 14%(45) 12%(39) 29%(93) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 13%(63) 19%(92) 10%(50) 9%(44) 48%(228) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 12%(42) 22%(77) 17%(59) 8%(27) 42%(146) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 7%(20) 14%(42) 9%(28) 7%(20) 64%(191) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 18%(72) 29%(115) 19%(74) 11%(42) 23%(89) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 15%(54) 20%(73) 10%(38) 9%(34) 45%(162) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16%(99) 26%(161) 12%(74) 8%(53) 38%(237) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 14%(88) 21%(135) 14%(93) 11%(74) 40%(256) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15%(109) 23%(167) 16%(118) 9%(67) 37%(269) 730 Educ: < College 12%(181) 20%(295) 13%(203) 10%(144) 46%(689) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 17%(76) 27%(118) 14%(61) 9%(39) 34%(151) 444 Educ: Post-grad 20%(48) 30%(74) 12%(29) 10%(24) 28%(69) 244 Income: Under 50k 13%(152) 18%(212) 11%(128) 9%(101) 48%(556) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 15%(105) 23%(164) 15%(106) 10%(71) 36%(255) 701 Income: 100k+ 14%(49) 32%(111) 17%(58) 10%(34) 28%(98) 350 Ethnicity: White 14%(248) 23%(401) 13%(224) 10%(167) 40%(682) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 17%(60) 21%(73) 18%(63) 7%(26) 36%(127) 349 Continued on next page

60 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_3

Table MCSP8_3: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I am only interested in watching a regular-season MLB game if my favorite team is participating Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(305) 22%(487) 13%(293) 9%(207) 41%(908) 2200 Ethnicity: Black 15%(42) 20%(54) 12%(32) 6%(16) 47%(130) 274 Ethnicity: Other 7%(15) 16%(32) 18%(37) 12%(24) 47%(96) 204 All Christian 16%(157) 25%(250) 15%(152) 10%(100) 34%(345) 1003 All Non-Christian 11%(13) 25%(29) 18%(21) 6%(7) 40%(47) 117 Atheist 8%(10) 23%(28) 16%(19) 10%(13) 43%(53) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14%(83) 19%(108) 10%(60) 8%(45) 49%(284) 580 Something Else 11%(42) 19%(72) 11%(41) 11%(43) 48%(180) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 10%(13) 22%(29) 19%(25) 7%(9) 42%(56) 132 Evangelical 15%(83) 20%(114) 14%(81) 10%(59) 41%(230) 567 Non-Evangelical 14%(111) 26%(201) 13%(101) 10%(81) 36%(281) 775 Community: Urban 15%(91) 25%(159) 17%(107) 8%(51) 35%(222) 630 Community: Suburban 15%(149) 23%(237) 12%(124) 11%(108) 39%(402) 1021 Community: Rural 12%(65) 17%(92) 11%(62) 9%(48) 52%(284) 550 Employ: Private Sector 16%(105) 28%(179) 12%(75) 7%(45) 37%(236) 641 Employ: Government 16%(21) 26%(35) 13%(18) 10%(13) 35%(47) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 14%(28) 22%(45) 19%(39) 14%(27) 31%(61) 201 Employ: Homemaker 12%(17) 18%(27) 9%(13) 12%(17) 49%(73) 147 Employ: Student 19%(25) 7%(9) 22%(28) 9%(12) 43%(55) 129 Employ: Retired 13%(65) 22%(109) 13%(62) 13%(62) 39%(192) 489 Employ: Unemployed 10%(32) 20%(63) 11%(35) 5%(16) 54%(173) 320 Employ: Other 9%(13) 15%(21) 16%(22) 9%(13) 51%(71) 139 Military HH: Yes 17%(59) 20%(69) 17%(60) 9%(32) 37%(129) 349 Military HH: No 13%(245) 23%(418) 13%(233) 9%(175) 42%(779) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 18%(132) 23%(174) 15%(110) 9%(65) 36%(267) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 12%(173) 22%(314) 13%(183) 10%(141) 44%(641) 1453 Trump Job Approve 17%(152) 24%(217) 14%(130) 9%(79) 37%(339) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 12%(148) 22%(261) 14%(163) 11%(127) 42%(502) 1201 Continued on next page

61 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_3

Table MCSP8_3: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I am only interested in watching a regular-season MLB game if my favorite team is participating Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(305) 22%(487) 13%(293) 9%(207) 41%(908) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 19%(99) 23%(118) 14%(70) 9%(45) 36%(188) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 13%(53) 25%(99) 15%(60) 8%(34) 38%(151) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 12%(26) 28%(63) 17%(38) 7%(15) 36%(79) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 12%(122) 20%(199) 13%(125) 11%(112) 43%(423) 980 Favorable of Trump 17%(155) 24%(215) 13%(120) 9%(83) 37%(332) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 12%(141) 21%(251) 14%(164) 10%(122) 42%(495) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 18%(104) 22%(123) 14%(78) 9%(52) 37%(207) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15%(51) 27%(92) 12%(42) 9%(30) 37%(125) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 10%(18) 27%(53) 22%(42) 6%(12) 35%(68) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 13%(123) 20%(198) 12%(122) 11%(110) 44%(427) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 13%(95) 24%(173) 15%(107) 8%(55) 40%(291) 722 #1 Issue: Security 13%(32) 24%(57) 9%(22) 14%(34) 39%(93) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 13%(62) 26%(118) 12%(55) 12%(55) 37%(173) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18%(53) 18%(51) 13%(37) 10%(29) 41%(117) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14%(19) 11%(15) 17%(23) 9%(12) 50%(70) 140 #1 Issue: Education 24%(21) 21%(19) 8%(7) 6%(5) 41%(36) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 9%(8) 17%(15) 22%(19) 2%(2) 50%(44) 87 #1 Issue: Other 9%(15) 22%(38) 12%(21) 8%(15) 48%(84) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 15%(101) 26%(177) 14%(94) 11%(78) 35%(241) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 17%(107) 24%(148) 14%(91) 11%(67) 34%(216) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 4%(2) 6%(3) 19%(10) 7%(4) 64%(35) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 14%(89) 26%(169) 13%(87) 11%(72) 37%(240) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 15%(109) 26%(186) 16%(115) 10%(74) 32%(232) 717 2016 Vote: Other 10%(11) 18%(20) 14%(16) 13%(14) 46%(51) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(94) 16%(112) 11%(75) 7%(47) 54%(382) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 15%(186) 24%(288) 15%(182) 12%(141) 34%(406) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 12%(119) 20%(199) 11%(111) 7%(66) 50%(502) 996 Continued on next page

62 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_3

Table MCSP8_3: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? I am only interested in watching a regular-season MLB game if my favorite team is participating Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(305) 22%(487) 13%(293) 9%(207) 41%(908) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 16%(132) 25%(202) 14%(112) 11%(88) 33%(267) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15%(79) 23%(120) 16%(82) 12%(62) 33%(168) 512 2012 Vote: Other 8%(5) 24%(15) 20%(13) 6%(4) 41%(26) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11%(89) 18%(149) 10%(86) 6%(53) 54%(445) 823 4-Region: Northeast 16%(64) 26%(104) 12%(45) 9%(34) 37%(147) 394 4-Region: Midwest 14%(63) 22%(100) 15%(71) 10%(47) 39%(182) 462 4-Region: South 13%(105) 21%(173) 12%(100) 9%(73) 45%(373) 824 4-Region: West 14%(74) 21%(111) 15%(76) 10%(53) 40%(206) 520 Sports fans 18%(262) 30%(435) 18%(258) 10%(143) 25%(367) 1464 Avid sports fans 22%(116) 31%(164) 21%(110) 14%(72) 12%(64) 525 Casual sports fans 15%(145) 29%(271) 16%(149) 8%(71) 32%(303) 939 MLB fans 21%(249) 34%(410) 21%(248) 8%(98) 16%(191) 1196 Avid MLB fans 20%(83) 29%(121) 26%(106) 14%(59) 10%(42) 411 Casual MLB fans 21%(167) 37%(288) 18%(143) 5%(39) 19%(149) 785 Dodgers fans 21%(127) 32%(193) 21%(127) 10%(59) 15%(92) 598 Rays fans 20%(94) 29%(137) 26%(121) 10%(48) 14%(67) 466 Watched regular season games 22%(209) 37%(358) 22%(215) 9%(89) 10%(98) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 17%(48) 33%(94) 28%(80) 17%(49) 5%(14) 285 Watched playoffs 21%(178) 35%(299) 23%(196) 11%(92) 10%(86) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 19%(36) 26%(49) 26%(49) 20%(37) 10%(18) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

63 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_4

Table MCSP8_4: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Watching an MLB game in person is a better experience than watching on TV at home Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 22%(493) 22%(480) 10%(210) 6%(135) 40%(882) 2200 Gender: Male 27%(284) 26%(271) 12%(126) 6%(67) 30%(314) 1062 Gender: Female 18%(210) 18%(209) 7%(84) 6%(68) 50%(568) 1138 Age: 18-34 18%(115) 21%(139) 9%(62) 5%(33) 47%(306) 655 Age: 35-44 29%(102) 25%(90) 7%(24) 5%(17) 35%(124) 358 Age: 45-64 24%(179) 22%(165) 9%(68) 8%(56) 38%(282) 751 Age: 65+ 22%(98) 20%(85) 13%(56) 6%(28) 39%(170) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 10%(23) 21%(50) 8%(19) 9%(20) 52%(122) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 24%(144) 23%(139) 9%(54) 3%(18) 41%(244) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 24%(137) 23%(127) 9%(53) 6%(36) 38%(212) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 24%(171) 21%(149) 10%(69) 8%(54) 38%(275) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 22%(178) 22%(178) 11%(87) 7%(58) 37%(296) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 18%(118) 19%(122) 9%(56) 5%(30) 50%(326) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 26%(197) 24%(180) 9%(67) 6%(48) 35%(260) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 29%(91) 27%(85) 13%(42) 7%(22) 25%(79) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 18%(87) 20%(93) 9%(45) 7%(36) 45%(216) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 21%(73) 22%(77) 12%(43) 5%(18) 40%(140) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 15%(46) 15%(45) 4%(13) 4%(12) 62%(185) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 31%(120) 28%(109) 10%(41) 7%(27) 24%(94) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 21%(77) 20%(71) 7%(25) 6%(21) 46%(166) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 24%(147) 24%(150) 10%(61) 6%(40) 36%(226) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 22%(141) 22%(145) 10%(64) 7%(46) 39%(250) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 26%(192) 22%(159) 11%(78) 5%(39) 36%(262) 730 Educ: < College 19%(283) 20%(308) 9%(138) 6%(94) 46%(689) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 30%(133) 24%(106) 10%(46) 6%(28) 30%(131) 444 Educ: Post-grad 32%(78) 27%(66) 10%(25) 5%(13) 25%(62) 244 Income: Under 50k 19%(213) 20%(225) 8%(92) 7%(81) 47%(539) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 25%(173) 21%(150) 11%(80) 6%(40) 37%(258) 701 Income: 100k+ 31%(107) 30%(105) 11%(38) 4%(14) 24%(85) 350 Ethnicity: White 24%(417) 21%(365) 9%(163) 6%(106) 39%(671) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 17%(60) 26%(90) 9%(32) 12%(41) 36%(127) 349 Continued on next page

64 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_4

Table MCSP8_4: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Watching an MLB game in person is a better experience than watching on TV at home Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 22%(493) 22%(480) 10%(210) 6%(135) 40%(882) 2200 Ethnicity: Black 18%(50) 23%(63) 11%(30) 5%(15) 43%(118) 274 Ethnicity: Other 13%(27) 26%(53) 8%(17) 7%(14) 46%(94) 204 All Christian 26%(256) 25%(250) 10%(102) 6%(62) 33%(333) 1003 All Non-Christian 31%(36) 22%(26) 14%(16) 2%(2) 32%(37) 117 Atheist 13%(16) 21%(25) 18%(22) 10%(13) 39%(48) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19%(112) 18%(105) 8%(49) 4%(23) 50%(291) 580 Something Else 20%(74) 20%(74) 6%(21) 9%(34) 46%(173) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 29%(39) 23%(30) 12%(16) 2%(2) 34%(44) 132 Evangelical 22%(125) 22%(127) 7%(39) 9%(49) 40%(228) 567 Non-Evangelical 26%(198) 24%(185) 10%(79) 6%(46) 34%(267) 775 Community: Urban 22%(136) 26%(164) 12%(73) 6%(40) 35%(217) 630 Community: Suburban 24%(240) 22%(226) 10%(104) 6%(66) 38%(384) 1021 Community: Rural 21%(117) 16%(90) 6%(33) 5%(29) 51%(281) 550 Employ: Private Sector 29%(183) 27%(174) 7%(42) 3%(21) 34%(221) 641 Employ: Government 22%(29) 24%(32) 17%(22) 6%(9) 32%(42) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 16%(32) 24%(48) 15%(30) 11%(22) 34%(69) 201 Employ: Homemaker 18%(27) 17%(24) 7%(10) 6%(8) 52%(77) 147 Employ: Student 8%(10) 22%(28) 12%(16) 13%(16) 46%(59) 129 Employ: Retired 22%(109) 20%(97) 11%(55) 9%(42) 38%(185) 489 Employ: Unemployed 22%(71) 18%(57) 9%(29) 2%(6) 49%(156) 320 Employ: Other 23%(32) 14%(19) 3%(4) 8%(11) 52%(72) 139 Military HH: Yes 23%(81) 23%(81) 11%(40) 7%(24) 35%(123) 349 Military HH: No 22%(412) 22%(399) 9%(170) 6%(111) 41%(758) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 25%(184) 24%(180) 11%(81) 5%(36) 36%(266) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 21%(309) 21%(300) 9%(129) 7%(99) 42%(616) 1453 Trump Job Approve 25%(232) 22%(203) 11%(98) 5%(44) 37%(339) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 21%(258) 22%(265) 9%(111) 7%(88) 40%(478) 1201 Continued on next page

65 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_4

Table MCSP8_4: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Watching an MLB game in person is a better experience than watching on TV at home Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 22%(493) 22%(480) 10%(210) 6%(135) 40%(882) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 28%(147) 20%(102) 10%(52) 5%(26) 37%(193) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 21%(84) 26%(102) 12%(46) 5%(18) 37%(146) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 20%(43) 32%(71) 8%(18) 2%(5) 38%(85) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 22%(214) 20%(195) 10%(94) 9%(83) 40%(394) 980 Favorable of Trump 26%(231) 23%(206) 10%(86) 5%(48) 37%(332) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 21%(250) 22%(259) 10%(113) 7%(84) 40%(468) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 29%(166) 18%(104) 9%(49) 6%(32) 38%(214) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 19%(65) 30%(102) 11%(38) 5%(17) 35%(118) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 22%(43) 29%(56) 13%(25) 2%(4) 34%(65) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 21%(207) 21%(203) 9%(88) 8%(80) 41%(403) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 23%(164) 23%(165) 10%(71) 7%(48) 38%(275) 722 #1 Issue: Security 20%(48) 20%(48) 10%(24) 10%(23) 40%(96) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 25%(116) 25%(117) 9%(41) 6%(26) 35%(163) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23%(65) 19%(54) 11%(31) 7%(20) 41%(116) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26%(37) 16%(22) 7%(9) 7%(10) 45%(62) 140 #1 Issue: Education 22%(19) 27%(24) 6%(6) 4%(3) 41%(36) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 14%(12) 16%(14) 20%(17) — (0) 50%(44) 87 #1 Issue: Other 18%(31) 21%(36) 6%(11) 3%(6) 51%(89) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 26%(178) 26%(182) 11%(75) 6%(41) 31%(215) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 29%(184) 20%(129) 10%(65) 6%(36) 34%(215) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 8%(4) 12%(7) 11%(6) 8%(4) 61%(33) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 25%(164) 25%(164) 12%(79) 6%(37) 33%(213) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 28%(200) 24%(170) 10%(75) 5%(37) 33%(235) 717 2016 Vote: Other 20%(23) 17%(19) 8%(9) 9%(10) 46%(51) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15%(104) 18%(128) 7%(48) 7%(51) 53%(379) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 28%(334) 23%(273) 11%(132) 7%(80) 32%(385) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 16%(160) 21%(207) 8%(78) 5%(55) 50%(497) 996 Continued on next page

66 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_4

Table MCSP8_4: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Watching an MLB game in person is a better experience than watching on TV at home Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 22%(493) 22%(480) 10%(210) 6%(135) 40%(882) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 29%(230) 23%(184) 11%(90) 6%(50) 31%(247) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26%(135) 24%(122) 9%(48) 6%(31) 34%(175) 512 2012 Vote: Other 16%(10) 31%(20) 16%(10) 3%(2) 34%(21) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(117) 19%(155) 7%(62) 6%(53) 53%(437) 823 4-Region: Northeast 19%(76) 21%(83) 13%(51) 6%(25) 40%(158) 394 4-Region: Midwest 29%(134) 20%(94) 9%(42) 5%(25) 36%(167) 462 4-Region: South 20%(165) 22%(177) 9%(71) 6%(51) 44%(360) 824 4-Region: West 23%(118) 24%(126) 9%(45) 6%(33) 38%(198) 520 Sports fans 30%(434) 28%(403) 12%(180) 6%(94) 24%(353) 1464 Avid sports fans 39%(205) 30%(157) 10%(52) 7%(36) 14%(75) 525 Casual sports fans 24%(229) 26%(246) 14%(128) 6%(58) 30%(278) 939 MLB fans 34%(406) 29%(349) 14%(167) 5%(60) 18%(215) 1196 Avid MLB fans 43%(176) 29%(118) 14%(57) 3%(13) 11%(47) 411 Casual MLB fans 29%(230) 29%(231) 14%(110) 6%(46) 21%(168) 785 Dodgers fans 32%(192) 30%(179) 15%(88) 6%(33) 18%(106) 598 Rays fans 34%(157) 28%(131) 15%(71) 7%(31) 16%(76) 466 Watched regular season games 35%(339) 34%(325) 14%(135) 5%(53) 12%(117) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 39%(110) 34%(96) 13%(36) 8%(22) 7%(21) 285 Watched playoffs 36%(310) 32%(274) 14%(117) 6%(52) 12%(101) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 37%(71) 32%(61) 11%(21) 10%(19) 10%(18) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

67 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_5

Table MCSP8_5: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? The typical 162-game MLB season is too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 13%(288) 18%(401) 14%(311) 13%(284) 42%(917) 2200 Gender: Male 15%(155) 22%(234) 16%(174) 17%(180) 30%(319) 1062 Gender: Female 12%(133) 15%(166) 12%(137) 9%(104) 53%(598) 1138 Age: 18-34 13%(83) 13%(84) 16%(103) 12%(76) 47%(310) 655 Age: 35-44 8%(30) 28%(99) 13%(47) 11%(40) 39%(141) 358 Age: 45-64 16%(119) 19%(142) 13%(99) 14%(106) 38%(286) 751 Age: 65+ 13%(55) 17%(76) 14%(63) 14%(62) 41%(180) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 9%(21) 11%(26) 17%(39) 12%(29) 51%(120) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 13%(76) 19%(115) 14%(82) 11%(65) 44%(262) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 14%(82) 22%(123) 12%(69) 14%(79) 38%(212) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 14%(101) 17%(123) 14%(103) 14%(101) 40%(290) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 15%(120) 20%(157) 13%(105) 11%(92) 41%(323) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 10%(65) 15%(99) 14%(89) 11%(72) 50%(327) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 14%(103) 19%(145) 16%(117) 16%(120) 36%(267) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 16%(50) 26%(83) 17%(56) 13%(43) 27%(87) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 15%(70) 15%(73) 10%(49) 10%(49) 49%(236) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 12%(43) 18%(62) 16%(56) 15%(54) 39%(137) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 7%(22) 12%(37) 11%(34) 6%(18) 63%(190) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 16%(61) 23%(89) 16%(62) 21%(84) 24%(95) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 11%(41) 16%(56) 15%(54) 10%(36) 48%(172) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 15%(94) 22%(139) 12%(76) 13%(78) 38%(236) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 14%(90) 19%(124) 17%(109) 10%(66) 40%(257) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14%(100) 17%(124) 16%(114) 16%(115) 38%(277) 730 Educ: < College 11%(174) 16%(244) 13%(197) 13%(202) 46%(695) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 15%(67) 21%(95) 17%(74) 12%(53) 35%(156) 444 Educ: Post-grad 19%(48) 25%(62) 17%(40) 12%(29) 27%(66) 244 Income: Under 50k 13%(144) 15%(171) 11%(125) 12%(134) 50%(575) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 13%(90) 20%(138) 17%(119) 15%(104) 36%(249) 701 Income: 100k+ 15%(54) 26%(91) 19%(67) 13%(45) 26%(92) 350 Ethnicity: White 14%(234) 19%(327) 14%(241) 14%(233) 40%(686) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 12%(41) 21%(72) 18%(62) 11%(37) 39%(137) 349 Continued on next page

68 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_5

Table MCSP8_5: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? The typical 162-game MLB season is too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 13%(288) 18%(401) 14%(311) 13%(284) 42%(917) 2200 Ethnicity: Black 13%(34) 16%(43) 12%(33) 11%(30) 49%(134) 274 Ethnicity: Other 10%(20) 15%(30) 19%(38) 10%(20) 47%(96) 204 All Christian 14%(145) 20%(202) 16%(165) 15%(149) 34%(342) 1003 All Non-Christian 12%(14) 20%(24) 22%(26) 12%(14) 33%(39) 117 Atheist 14%(17) 20%(25) 14%(18) 8%(9) 44%(54) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 13%(73) 16%(91) 11%(62) 11%(61) 50%(293) 580 Something Else 10%(38) 16%(59) 11%(41) 13%(50) 50%(188) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13%(17) 21%(27) 21%(28) 11%(15) 34%(45) 132 Evangelical 15%(86) 19%(105) 12%(69) 12%(70) 42%(237) 567 Non-Evangelical 12%(93) 19%(145) 17%(130) 16%(124) 36%(283) 775 Community: Urban 13%(84) 21%(134) 17%(109) 11%(69) 37%(233) 630 Community: Suburban 14%(139) 19%(195) 13%(132) 14%(148) 40%(407) 1021 Community: Rural 12%(64) 13%(72) 13%(70) 12%(67) 50%(277) 550 Employ: Private Sector 15%(98) 22%(141) 15%(96) 12%(78) 36%(228) 641 Employ: Government 14%(18) 23%(31) 11%(15) 18%(24) 33%(44) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 11%(22) 15%(30) 22%(45) 21%(41) 31%(62) 201 Employ: Homemaker 11%(16) 15%(22) 11%(16) 11%(16) 52%(77) 147 Employ: Student 14%(18) 13%(17) 24%(31) 8%(10) 41%(52) 129 Employ: Retired 13%(65) 17%(81) 14%(68) 15%(74) 41%(201) 489 Employ: Unemployed 11%(35) 16%(52) 9%(29) 7%(22) 57%(182) 320 Employ: Other 10%(14) 18%(26) 9%(12) 13%(18) 50%(70) 139 Military HH: Yes 11%(39) 21%(74) 18%(63) 15%(52) 34%(120) 349 Military HH: No 13%(248) 18%(326) 13%(248) 13%(231) 43%(796) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 13%(94) 20%(148) 17%(129) 14%(107) 36%(269) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 13%(194) 17%(252) 13%(182) 12%(177) 45%(648) 1453 Trump Job Approve 13%(123) 19%(174) 18%(165) 15%(136) 35%(320) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 14%(163) 19%(222) 12%(142) 12%(148) 44%(527) 1201 Continued on next page

69 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_5

Table MCSP8_5: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? The typical 162-game MLB season is too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 13%(288) 18%(401) 14%(311) 13%(284) 42%(917) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 14%(74) 16%(83) 16%(81) 19%(100) 35%(182) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 12%(49) 23%(90) 21%(84) 9%(35) 35%(138) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10%(23) 21%(47) 13%(29) 12%(26) 43%(96) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 14%(140) 18%(175) 11%(113) 12%(121) 44%(431) 980 Favorable of Trump 14%(129) 19%(170) 17%(152) 15%(139) 35%(315) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 13%(153) 19%(220) 13%(152) 12%(137) 44%(513) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 14%(79) 18%(99) 14%(78) 20%(110) 35%(198) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 15%(50) 21%(71) 22%(74) 8%(29) 34%(117) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 13%(25) 23%(43) 17%(32) 9%(17) 39%(75) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 13%(128) 18%(176) 12%(120) 12%(119) 45%(438) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 11%(82) 22%(158) 16%(113) 12%(85) 39%(285) 722 #1 Issue: Security 16%(37) 12%(29) 13%(32) 19%(44) 40%(97) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 15%(70) 19%(86) 14%(64) 16%(73) 37%(170) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18%(52) 16%(46) 14%(40) 11%(32) 41%(117) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9%(12) 13%(18) 10%(13) 14%(20) 54%(76) 140 #1 Issue: Education 13%(11) 25%(22) 14%(12) 6%(5) 42%(37) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 7%(7) 20%(18) 23%(20) 2%(2) 47%(41) 87 #1 Issue: Other 10%(17) 13%(23) 10%(17) 13%(23) 54%(94) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 16%(112) 22%(151) 14%(96) 13%(89) 35%(243) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 15%(95) 21%(129) 14%(85) 18%(113) 33%(206) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 9%(5) 5%(3) 6%(3) 13%(7) 67%(37) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 15%(99) 22%(141) 13%(87) 14%(91) 36%(239) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 14%(103) 20%(143) 18%(127) 17%(120) 31%(223) 717 2016 Vote: Other 17%(19) 18%(20) 8%(9) 12%(13) 45%(50) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9%(64) 14%(97) 12%(89) 8%(59) 56%(401) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 16%(191) 21%(247) 14%(163) 17%(205) 33%(398) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 10%(97) 15%(153) 15%(148) 8%(79) 52%(519) 996 Continued on next page

70 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_5

Table MCSP8_5: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? The typical 162-game MLB season is too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 13%(288) 18%(401) 14%(311) 13%(284) 42%(917) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 16%(129) 22%(172) 14%(113) 14%(113) 34%(274) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 16%(81) 19%(100) 14%(70) 18%(92) 33%(169) 512 2012 Vote: Other 14%(8) 22%(14) 17%(10) 16%(10) 32%(20) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8%(69) 14%(114) 14%(117) 8%(70) 55%(452) 823 4-Region: Northeast 11%(44) 20%(79) 19%(73) 12%(46) 39%(152) 394 4-Region: Midwest 15%(71) 15%(67) 15%(71) 14%(66) 40%(187) 462 4-Region: South 12%(103) 19%(157) 12%(95) 13%(104) 44%(365) 824 4-Region: West 14%(71) 19%(98) 14%(72) 13%(67) 41%(212) 520 Sports fans 17%(243) 23%(341) 19%(280) 16%(231) 25%(369) 1464 Avid sports fans 23%(121) 23%(122) 21%(110) 22%(114) 11%(58) 525 Casual sports fans 13%(122) 23%(219) 18%(170) 12%(117) 33%(311) 939 MLB fans 14%(173) 26%(314) 23%(281) 18%(221) 17%(207) 1196 Avid MLB fans 13%(54) 19%(79) 24%(98) 33%(136) 11%(44) 411 Casual MLB fans 15%(119) 30%(235) 23%(183) 11%(84) 21%(164) 785 Dodgers fans 17%(100) 28%(166) 24%(143) 15%(88) 17%(101) 598 Rays fans 16%(76) 28%(130) 23%(109) 18%(86) 14%(66) 466 Watched regular season games 15%(146) 29%(277) 24%(236) 20%(190) 12%(120) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 18%(53) 21%(59) 21%(61) 32%(91) 7%(21) 285 Watched playoffs 15%(132) 26%(226) 25%(211) 21%(179) 12%(105) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 19%(37) 21%(40) 22%(42) 27%(52) 10%(19) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

71 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_6

Table MCSP8_6: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB games last too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(304) 20%(437) 16%(359) 12%(271) 38%(830) 2200 Gender: Male 15%(160) 23%(244) 20%(208) 15%(157) 28%(292) 1062 Gender: Female 13%(143) 17%(193) 13%(150) 10%(114) 47%(538) 1138 Age: 18-34 13%(84) 17%(109) 14%(95) 13%(82) 44%(285) 655 Age: 35-44 11%(41) 26%(93) 17%(62) 12%(42) 33%(120) 358 Age: 45-64 16%(118) 19%(144) 17%(124) 14%(105) 34%(259) 751 Age: 65+ 14%(61) 21%(90) 18%(78) 9%(41) 38%(166) 436 GenZers: 1997-2012 11%(25) 11%(25) 18%(42) 13%(31) 48%(112) 234 Millennials: 1981-1996 13%(79) 23%(141) 13%(80) 12%(71) 38%(229) 600 GenXers: 1965-1980 15%(87) 21%(120) 14%(81) 13%(73) 36%(205) 565 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 15%(105) 18%(133) 20%(144) 12%(84) 35%(253) 718 PID: Dem (no lean) 16%(126) 23%(183) 17%(132) 10%(79) 35%(277) 796 PID: Ind (no lean) 12%(80) 17%(110) 15%(95) 9%(59) 47%(307) 652 PID: Rep (no lean) 13%(98) 19%(145) 18%(132) 18%(133) 33%(245) 752 PID/Gender: Dem Men 15%(49) 30%(96) 17%(56) 13%(42) 24%(76) 319 PID/Gender: Dem Women 16%(76) 18%(87) 16%(76) 8%(36) 42%(201) 477 PID/Gender: Ind Men 14%(48) 21%(73) 19%(67) 10%(37) 36%(126) 351 PID/Gender: Ind Women 11%(32) 12%(37) 9%(28) 8%(23) 60%(181) 301 PID/Gender: Rep Men 16%(63) 19%(76) 22%(86) 20%(78) 23%(89) 392 PID/Gender: Rep Women 10%(35) 19%(69) 13%(46) 15%(55) 43%(155) 360 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 18%(112) 23%(142) 17%(103) 10%(62) 33%(204) 624 Ideo: Moderate (4) 14%(87) 22%(140) 19%(121) 11%(71) 35%(227) 646 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14%(100) 20%(144) 17%(122) 15%(108) 35%(257) 730 Educ: < College 11%(174) 17%(265) 16%(235) 13%(202) 42%(636) 1512 Educ: Bachelors degree 18%(80) 24%(108) 18%(82) 10%(45) 29%(129) 444 Educ: Post-grad 21%(51) 26%(64) 17%(42) 10%(24) 26%(64) 244 Income: Under 50k 13%(147) 16%(178) 14%(164) 13%(144) 45%(516) 1149 Income: 50k-100k 13%(94) 23%(163) 19%(132) 12%(84) 33%(229) 701 Income: 100k+ 18%(63) 27%(96) 18%(63) 12%(43) 24%(85) 350 Ethnicity: White 15%(252) 20%(346) 16%(282) 13%(221) 36%(619) 1722 Ethnicity: Hispanic 15%(53) 21%(73) 16%(55) 13%(47) 35%(121) 349 Continued on next page

72 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_6

Table MCSP8_6: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB games last too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(304) 20%(437) 16%(359) 12%(271) 38%(830) 2200 Ethnicity: Black 10%(27) 20%(54) 15%(42) 10%(27) 45%(125) 274 Ethnicity: Other 12%(25) 18%(37) 17%(35) 11%(22) 42%(86) 204 All Christian 15%(153) 22%(220) 17%(175) 15%(149) 31%(307) 1003 All Non-Christian 12%(14) 26%(30) 21%(24) 8%(9) 34%(39) 117 Atheist 19%(24) 26%(33) 13%(16) 8%(9) 34%(42) 123 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 13%(75) 17%(99) 15%(85) 9%(52) 46%(269) 580 Something Else 10%(38) 15%(56) 16%(59) 13%(50) 46%(173) 377 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13%(17) 26%(35) 20%(26) 7%(9) 34%(45) 132 Evangelical 16%(88) 18%(104) 16%(88) 13%(72) 38%(214) 567 Non-Evangelical 12%(95) 21%(163) 18%(138) 16%(123) 33%(256) 775 Community: Urban 16%(99) 22%(138) 18%(114) 12%(76) 32%(202) 630 Community: Suburban 15%(148) 21%(214) 16%(166) 12%(120) 37%(373) 1021 Community: Rural 10%(56) 16%(85) 14%(78) 14%(76) 46%(254) 550 Employ: Private Sector 15%(98) 23%(150) 17%(111) 12%(77) 32%(205) 641 Employ: Government 17%(23) 24%(32) 18%(24) 10%(14) 31%(41) 134 Employ: Self-Employed 16%(32) 16%(32) 16%(31) 17%(35) 35%(71) 201 Employ: Homemaker 12%(17) 16%(23) 11%(16) 15%(22) 47%(69) 147 Employ: Student 15%(19) 16%(21) 21%(27) 12%(15) 36%(47) 129 Employ: Retired 16%(77) 19%(94) 17%(83) 13%(63) 35%(171) 489 Employ: Unemployed 8%(25) 20%(65) 16%(52) 6%(19) 50%(160) 320 Employ: Other 9%(13) 14%(20) 10%(14) 19%(27) 47%(66) 139 Military HH: Yes 14%(49) 22%(77) 17%(60) 15%(51) 32%(113) 349 Military HH: No 14%(255) 19%(361) 16%(298) 12%(220) 39%(717) 1851 RD/WT: Right Direction 14%(107) 20%(147) 18%(135) 14%(107) 34%(250) 747 RD/WT: Wrong Track 14%(197) 20%(290) 15%(224) 11%(163) 40%(579) 1453 Trump Job Approve 15%(139) 20%(182) 17%(155) 15%(138) 33%(303) 917 Trump Job Disapprove 14%(163) 21%(248) 17%(199) 11%(132) 38%(460) 1201 Continued on next page

73 Morning Consult Table MCSP8_6

Table MCSP8_6: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB games last too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(304) 20%(437) 16%(359) 12%(271) 38%(830) 2200 Trump Job Strongly Approve 15%(76) 16%(84) 16%(86) 19%(101) 33%(174) 521 Trump Job Somewhat Approve 16%(63) 25%(99) 17%(69) 9%(37) 32%(128) 396 Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 10%(22) 20%(44) 24%(53) 11%(24) 36%(79) 221 Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 14%(141) 21%(204) 15%(146) 11%(108) 39%(381) 980 Favorable of Trump 15%(138) 19%(170) 17%(153) 15%(137) 34%(306) 905 Unfavorable of Trump 14%(161) 22%(256) 16%(191) 10%(118) 38%(448) 1174 Very Favorable of Trump 15%(85) 15%(83) 17%(95) 19%(107) 34%(194) 564 Somewhat Favorable of Trump 16%(53) 25%(87) 17%(57) 9%(30) 33%(113) 341 Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 12%(24) 27%(52) 23%(44) 9%(16) 29%(56) 192 Very Unfavorable of Trump 14%(137) 21%(203) 15%(147) 10%(101) 40%(392) 981 #1 Issue: Economy 14%(103) 21%(150) 17%(124) 11%(81) 37%(264) 722 #1 Issue: Security 12%(30) 20%(47) 15%(36) 17%(40) 36%(86) 239 #1 Issue: Health Care 16%(76) 21%(96) 18%(83) 14%(67) 31%(143) 464 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 15%(44) 19%(54) 18%(53) 8%(23) 39%(113) 287 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12%(17) 16%(23) 18%(25) 9%(12) 45%(63) 140 #1 Issue: Education 12%(11) 16%(14) 14%(12) 19%(17) 40%(35) 88 #1 Issue: Energy 13%(12) 25%(21) 17%(15) 3%(3) 43%(37) 87 #1 Issue: Other 7%(12) 19%(33) 7%(11) 17%(29) 51%(89) 173 2018 House Vote: Democrat 17%(114) 27%(183) 18%(121) 9%(63) 30%(209) 691 2018 House Vote: Republican 16%(100) 18%(115) 18%(115) 16%(98) 32%(201) 629 2018 House Vote: Someone else 3%(2) 22%(12) 5%(3) 7%(4) 62%(34) 55 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 16%(103) 26%(171) 17%(110) 10%(67) 31%(206) 657 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 15%(110) 20%(145) 19%(136) 15%(110) 30%(216) 717 2016 Vote: Other 13%(14) 22%(25) 9%(10) 6%(7) 50%(55) 111 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11%(77) 14%(96) 14%(101) 12%(87) 49%(349) 710 Voted in 2014: Yes 16%(193) 22%(269) 17%(206) 13%(162) 31%(374) 1204 Voted in 2014: No 11%(110) 17%(168) 15%(152) 11%(109) 46%(456) 996 Continued on next page

74 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Table MCSP8_6

Table MCSP8_6: Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? MLB games last too long Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic Strongly agree agree disagree disagree No opinion Total N Adults 14%(304) 20%(437) 16%(359) 12%(271) 38%(830) 2200 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 17%(134) 26%(209) 17%(133) 11%(91) 29%(234) 800 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 15%(75) 19%(96) 18%(94) 15%(75) 33%(171) 512 2012 Vote: Other 13%(8) 25%(16) 19%(12) 10%(6) 33%(20) 62 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10%(86) 14%(116) 15%(120) 12%(98) 49%(403) 823 4-Region: Northeast 17%(66) 21%(84) 16%(64) 10%(41) 35%(139) 394 4-Region: Midwest 13%(62) 20%(91) 17%(79) 14%(63) 36%(166) 462 4-Region: South 13%(107) 19%(155) 15%(121) 11%(89) 43%(353) 824 4-Region: West 13%(69) 21%(108) 18%(94) 15%(78) 33%(172) 520 Sports fans 15%(226) 26%(374) 22%(319) 16%(231) 21%(314) 1464 Avid sports fans 18%(94) 24%(126) 25%(130) 22%(116) 11%(59) 525 Casual sports fans 14%(132) 26%(247) 20%(189) 12%(115) 27%(255) 939 MLB fans 13%(159) 27%(325) 26%(311) 18%(216) 16%(186) 1196 Avid MLB fans 11%(44) 21%(86) 28%(115) 29%(120) 11%(46) 411 Casual MLB fans 15%(115) 30%(239) 25%(196) 12%(95) 18%(140) 785 Dodgers fans 14%(83) 28%(167) 27%(159) 15%(92) 16%(97) 598 Rays fans 18%(84) 26%(119) 24%(111) 18%(85) 15%(68) 466 Watched regular season games 14%(134) 28%(268) 28%(273) 20%(194) 10%(100) 970 Watched 10+ regular season games 12%(35) 21%(60) 28%(79) 31%(89) 8%(21) 285 Watched playoffs 15%(129) 28%(235) 27%(229) 21%(178) 10%(82) 852 Watched 10+ playoff games 17%(32) 21%(40) 25%(47) 30%(56) 8%(14) 190 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

75 Morning Consult Respondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage xdemAll Adults 2200 100% xdemGender Gender: Male 1062 48% Gender: Female 1138 52% N 2200 age Age: 18-34 655 30% Age: 35-44 358 16% Age: 45-64 751 34% Age: 65+ 436 20% N 2200 demAgeGeneration GenZers: 1997-2012 234 11% Millennials: 1981-1996 600 27% GenXers: 1965-1980 565 26% Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 718 33% N 2118 xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 796 36% PID: Ind (no lean) 652 30% PID: Rep (no lean) 752 34% N 2200 xpidGender PID/Gender: Dem Men 319 15% PID/Gender: Dem Women 477 22% PID/Gender: Ind Men 351 16% PID/Gender: Ind Women 301 14% PID/Gender: Rep Men 392 18% PID/Gender: Rep Women 360 16% N 2200 xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 624 28% Ideo: Moderate (4) 646 29% Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 730 33% N 2000 xeduc3 Educ: < College 1512 69% Educ: Bachelors degree 444 20% Educ: Post-grad 244 11% N 2200 Continued on next page

76 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 1149 52% Income: 50k-100k 701 32% Income: 100k+ 350 16% N 2200 xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 1722 78% xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 349 16% demBlackBin Ethnicity: Black 274 12% demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 204 9% xdemReligion All Christian 1003 46% All Non-Christian 117 5% Atheist 123 6% Agnostic/Nothing in particular 580 26% Something Else 377 17% N 2200 xdemReligOther Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 132 6% xdemEvang Evangelical 567 26% Non-Evangelical 775 35% N 1342 xdemUsr Community: Urban 630 29% Community: Suburban 1021 46% Community: Rural 550 25% N 2200 xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 641 29% Employ: Government 134 6% Employ: Self-Employed 201 9% Employ: Homemaker 147 7% Employ: Student 129 6% Employ: Retired 489 22% Employ: Unemployed 320 15% Employ: Other 139 6% N 2200 xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 349 16% Military HH: No 1851 84% N 2200 Continued on next page

77 Morning Consult Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 747 34% RD/WT: Wrong Track 1453 66% N 2200 Trump_Approve Trump Job Approve 917 42% Trump Job Disapprove 1201 55% N 2118 Trump_Approve2 Trump Job Strongly Approve 521 24% Trump Job Somewhat Approve 396 18% Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 221 10% Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 980 45% N 2118 Trump_Fav Favorable of Trump 905 41% Unfavorable of Trump 1174 53% N 2078 Trump_Fav_FULL Very Favorable of Trump 564 26% Somewhat Favorable of Trump 341 15% Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 192 9% Very Unfavorable of Trump 981 45% N 2078 xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 722 33% #1 Issue: Security 239 11% #1 Issue: Health Care 464 21% #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 287 13% #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 140 6% #1 Issue: Education 88 4% #1 Issue: Energy 87 4% #1 Issue: Other 173 8% N 2200 xsubVote18O 2018 House Vote: Democrat 691 31% 2018 House Vote: Republican 629 29% 2018 House Vote: Someone else 55 2% N 1374 xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 657 30% 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 717 33% 2016 Vote: Other 111 5% 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 710 32% N 2195 Continued on next page

78 National Tracking Poll #2010176, October-November, 2020 Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xsubVote14O Voted in 2014: Yes 1204 55% Voted in 2014: No 996 45% N 2200 xsubVote12O 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 800 36% 2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 512 23% 2012 Vote: Other 62 3% 2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 823 37% N 2197 xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 394 18% 4-Region: Midwest 462 21% 4-Region: South 824 37% 4-Region: West 520 24% N 2200 MCSPdem1 Sports fans 1464 67% MCSPdem2 Avid sports fans 525 24% Casual sports fans 939 43% N 1464 MCSPdem3 MLB fans 1196 54% MCSPdem4 Avid MLB fans 411 19% Casual MLB fans 785 36% N 1196 MCSPdem5 Dodgers fans 598 27% MCSPdem6 Rays fans 466 21% MCSPdem7 Watched regular season games 970 44% MCSPdem8 Watched 10+ regular season games 285 13% MCSPdem9 Watched playoffs 852 39% MCSPdem10 Watched 10+ playoff games 190 9% Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu- lated with demographic post-stratification weights applied.

79 80 Morning Consult