climatE : Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Paris Region

Overview of Propositions for discussion at the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP21)

Solutions for the preservation, sustainable use and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity, with the dual objective of mitigating climate change and adapting Paris region to its effects. INTRODUCTION

Today, climate change is an undeniable reality. Caused largely by human activities and the greenhouse gases emitted as a result, its effects vary great- CONTENTS ly in both their nature and intensity. The consequences of climate change are already being felt through heatwaves, droughts and the emergence of new pathogens. The evolution of the problem has become a major cause introduction 3

Nature-based solutions Decemberof concern 2015, for both the thecity scientificof Paris will community host the and21st the Session public of and the privateConfe- for urban areas 9 rencesector of organisations the Parties tryingto the toUnited find solutions. Nations Framework It is in this contextConvention that on in Nature-based solutions Climate Change, also known as the COP21. This event with gather almost for agricultural areas 19 50,000 representatives and delegates from 194 different countries, with the Nature-based solutions for forests 25 - cularlyaim of establishingin regard to the strategiesfirst binding being global proposed agreement and adopted on climate for change.climate Conclusion 31 changeAn event mitigation of this nature and adaptation carries a (seesignificant insert, weightp.6). of expectation, parti Overview of Adaptation and Mitigation Measures 32 Bibliography C. Climate change in Paris region (Île-de-) is only one aspect of a wider mutation; the region is also seeing unprecedented losses in biodiversity, and the two phenomena are inherently linked. Biodiversity is changing in reac- tion to the impacts of climate change and other pressures, while retroactions occur and can amplify the effects of climate change. Biodiversity itself can also act as reservoir of potential solutions - well-maintained ecosystems contribute to both the mitigation of climate change (by capturing and storing

CO2 from the atmosphere) and also help us adapt to its effects, which include

the increased risk of storms, flooding, landslides and soil erosion. - ture and Biodiversity in Paris region, is working to propagate nature-based solutionsIt is with theseconcerning considerations the preservation, in mind thatrestoration Natureparif, and creation the agency of ecosysfor Na-

in both urban and rural areas, enhancing the effects of other, more technical measurestems in our that local may areas. already These have solutions been put may in beplace. applied Given in the various fact that contexts, these - diversity, climate and quality of life, they merit priority status within our overalltypes of regional solutions strategy. have the potential to generate multiple benefits for bio

NatureparifThis booklet itselfaims tobut explain also those and illustratewho participated our interest in inthe these Natureparif solutions. / Its contents draw upon the work of several different bodies, including held on September 29th-30th 20151. The recommendations drawn from GIS Environment-Society / Seine-Normandie Water Agency symposium

this collaboration will serve as a basis for future reflection on the issue, but are by no means exhaustive. Acknowledgements and nature in Paris region! Natureparif would like to thank all those who participated in the symposium "Climate and Biodiversity: Nature-Based Please help us build credible, efficient and ambitious solutions for climate Solutions for Paris region" which was held on the 29th and 30th of September 2015. We would particularly like to thank Ludivine Conte, Charline Hue, Anaïs Kermagoret and Marine Kuperminc for the summary of information they provided Liliane Pays, as part of their MA in Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution, and their thesis entitled "The place of biodiversity, ecologists Paris region Councillor, and ecological engineering at the COP Climate Conference in Paris 2015". President of Natureparif

Publication Director Liliane Pays Edited by Marc Barra et Gilles Lecuir Project coordinator Julie Collombat-Dubois Editorial coordinator Ophélie Ricci Graphic design by David Lopez ( Cover Illustrations by Hervé Nallet 1. See the presentations from the Natureparif 2015 symposium: "Climate and Biodiversity: Nature, Impression Iropa Imprimerie A Source of Solutions for Paris region", (in French) Published in Paris, Novembre 2015 colloque-climat-biodiversite

introduction 3 What is the relationship Climate change is a reality in between climate Paris region (Île-de-France) and biodiversity? Scenarios and forecasting models indicate a num- patterns (with certain years seeing very harsh winters, Climate affects biodiversity… ber of imminent changes for Paris region. According to Météo-France, climate change will result in an increase in overall global temperatures, an effect Thefor example). scenarios being presented also suggest threats to biodiversity (in addition to the impacts of which will be particularly noticeable during the sum- consequences for ecosystems, such as the likely arrival humanToday, climateactivity), change and its iseffects among are the likely most to grow significant in in- mer months (with increases in the numbers of very - tensity over the coming decades (Leadley et al., 2010). hot days, especially in built up areas affected by the tions more amenable, as well as migrations and changes The direct consequences of climate change are seen of new pathogens and species that find the new condi

temperatures will also lead to reductions in air quality release of CO2 from plant matter, biogeochemical cycles, overall rise in average air and sea temperatures, ocean phenomenon of Urban Heat Islands). This change in- in ecological rhythms (including pollination, flowering, in environmental modifications of varying intensity: tion, annual rainfall will be lower, something that will or decline of any particular regional species to climate more local scale, these changes will have an irrevocable alsoand abe fall particularly in the number noticeable of cold during days in the winter. summer In addi and changeetc.). While alone it (asideis difficult from to certain attribute species the disappearance of sub-moun- effectacidification, on the biodiversitymelting ice thatcaps, shelters etc. (GIEC, ecosystems, 2014). On lea a- in early autumn, leading to the prolongation of the dry ding to the displacement of animal and plant species, mid-year period and an increase in droughts. Rain- their normal biological range), it is this trend combined certain types of habitat changing or disappearing, and fall may also increase over the winter months, which withtainous other flora anthropogenic which were, causesin any (suchcase, growingas urbanisation, outside physiological changes in the species that inhabit them. in general terms could lead to increasingly intense the fragmentation of habitats by transport infrastruc- meteorological activity (heavy storms, etc.). These tures, intensifying agricultural activity) that further wea- there is no way to precisely predict how a given spe- underlying trends, which of course become more or ken the health of ecosystems. The accumulation of these These kinds of impacts can be difficult to mitigate, as less noticeable depending on the scenario, do not pre- various impacts will severely effect biodiversity and di- the most vulnerable species are already under severe Climate change has consequences for nature, and nature in turn clude the possibility of highly variable inter-annual threatcies will from react climate to such change. changes. A significant number of influences climate change. © Creative Commons lute the benefits it brings to local residents. ...and biodiversity reacts to climate.

However, as with all natural phenomena, the effects of climate change, it is essential to consider the impact onclimate biodiversity, change arebut not also unequivocal. how biodiversity In discussions may itself on climateinfluence change the climate,may react in in both such positive a way as andto in negative turn in- ways. In effect, biodiversity that has been affected by- oceansfluence acidify,its surrounding populations climate. of zooplankton There are areseveral reduced. me Zooplanktonchanisms by whichform thethis basis may occur:of the forprocess example, by whichwhen oceans absorb CO2. The lack of CO2 absorption by the oceans leads to an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, which in turn affects the climate1. This interdependence adds a new dimension to climate negotiations, making it necessary to take into account the methods by which living organisms and ecosystems adapt (or fail to adapt) to climate change2.

between climate and biodiversity at: http://www.fondationbiodiversite. fr/fr/documents-frb/comprendre-la-biodiversite/videos/585-climat-et-1. View the findings of the GIEC – IPBES conference on the interactions

Pathsbiodiversite-rencontre-avec-des-experts-francais-du-giec-et-de-l-ipbes.html to Solutions" (in French) at Zooplankton is an excellent example of the biological "feedback 2. View the latest ORÉE publication "Climate and Biodiversity: Challenges and loop" between biodiversity and climate. © Creative Commons Extreme climate activity such as torrential rain will occur more frequently, and with greater intensity. © M. Barra 4 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region introduction 5 Which climate strategy What are Nature-based What do we mean The Green Infrastructure should paris region adopt? by mitigation and adaptation? Solutions? concept

The strategy that has been adopted by the regional go- Mitigation and Adaptation are two of the main The notion of "green infrastructure", as popularised by the European Commission, vernment is detailed in the Regional Climate Plan (Plan strategies for dealing with climate change, combining a range of disciplines, technologies and ap- each complimenting the other. Mitigation aims highlights the economic advantages of natural Régional pour le Climat, or PRC1), laid out and approved proaches.Various mitigation Certain strategies, and adaptation especially strategiesthose pertaining exist, to reduce the causes of climate change (such assets (flood zones, for example, are much less in 2011. The strategy builds on the notions generated as the accumulation of Greenhouse gases in to geo-engineering (trapping carbon in soil, construc- costly than dykes or levees when it comes to - the atmosphere), while adaptation deals with tackling the effects of flooding). adjusting existing systems in order to limit the etc.) focus on technological solutions to climate change, by the Regional Air, Climate and Energy Scheme (Sché effects of climate change. While the benefits of whiletion of others dykes andaim reservoirsto use nature to protect itself (revegetation against flooding, ini- Green infrastructure attempts to reconcile ma Régional du Climat, de l’Air et de l’Energie d’Ile-de-- mitigation are global, those of adaptation are tiatives in cities, restoring waterways and riverbanks, ecological issues with the requirements of sustainable development during a time of France, or SRCAE), which was jointly developed by the- felt on a local level and according to regional economic crisis. It is an innovative conceptual state service’s Regional and Interdepartmental Environ specificities. Both aspects are essential, since 1 , nature- framework for reconciling environmental ment and Energy Group (Direction Régionale et Inter even if significant mitigation efforts are made, soilbased preservation, solutions are etc.). those According which use to theecosystems International (and climates will continue to change over the concerns with human developments such as 24départementale actions and focus de l’Environnement areas pertaining etto deboth l’énergie, mitigation or Uniontheir inherent for Conservation regulatory ofand Nature productive (IUCN) systems) to urbanisation, road construction and energy DRIEE), the Regional Council and the ADEME, and lists coming decades, thus making it necessary for and adaptation. The regional priorities for mitigation of societies to adapt to these oncoming changes. combat climate change, aid global food supply and im- infrastructures, which too often damage and climate change focus on mobility, transport of merchan- prove economic and social development. One of the key fragment our precious ecosystems. Nature- dise, energy instability, agriculture, eco-construction attractions of nature-based solutions is that they may based solutions, whether focused on cities, be equally applicable to both mitigation and adapta- water management, agricultural and forestry the regional economy and policies for greenhouse gas tion. They are useful both in terms of reclaiming nature production or even energy, are much more economically viable than falling back upon reductionand sustainable remain purchasing. priority issues, While it de-carbonisationis also necessary to of Regarding adaptation to the effects of climate changes, and the establishment of practical climate services, all traditional engineering, or "grey infrastructure." prepare to adapt to effects that can no longer be pre- proposals are notably focused on mitigating the impact while incurring relatively little cost to local authorities. They also contribute to job creation and The possibilities for biodiversity-based solutions are stimulate growth at a local level that is assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures in terms quality, vulnerability of urban services and infrastruc- varied and practically innumerable: they include op- sustainable and non-outsourceable. vented - as such, it has become particularly difficult to of Urban Heat Islands and their knock-on effects on air of overall CO2 emissions. As the result of a globalised tures, ecosystem resistance to damage, water quality and tions for every form of ecosystem and for various scales In France, the existing concepts of the "trame economy, large amounts of CO2 emissions (and other of action, whether aimed at mitigation or adaptation environmental impacts) end up in other territories (of- (improving biodiversity’s ability to resist the effects of verte" and "trame bleue" (green and blue "frameworks") fall within this ideological availability, the risk of flooding/drought and associated- climate change). Natureparif actively support a more health risks. While the measures proposed in the PRC are framework, but their scope is often limited The Climate Action Network (Réseau Action Climat, or cance of the link between climate and biodiversity, no- systematic and broad-scale approach to the develop- to creating connected ecological pathways, ten referred to as "imported" or "exported" emissions). tablyvaried, highlighting they share thea common need to recognition"reinforce the of robustnessthe signifi ment of these kinds of solutions, in accordance with whereas the European idea applies the notion to climate change are partly ineffective because they of our ecosystems." The RCP also points to biological so- of green infrastructure to all aspects of nature, impactRAC) points only outa portion that existing of a country’s public policies emissions pertaining (those lutions for adaptation, such as green city initiatives and forests, etc.). whether they are connected or not. which are directly emitted within its borders), and do ecological water management. Finally, the PRC is linked local and area-specific contexts (urban, agricultural, not account for the levels of greenhouse gases emitted Regarding mitigation as a result of that country’s consumption levels. This - to theestablish Regional continuity Ecological in terms Coherence of the Scheme ecological (Schéma mea- Regarding adaptation port and renewable energy, whose production can have suresRégional being de undertakenCohérence Écologique, across the regionor SRCE), (also which referring aims C02 could potentially be stored using biological miti- isserious the case, effects for on example, ecosystems with outside so-called Paris "clean" region trans(such to green and blue infrastructures), which is an essential gationIn 2002, methods the GIEC - muchestimated more that than 370 we billion can avoid tonnes emit of- By the same token, preserving biodiversity can rein- as the manufacture of electrical batteries, or mining for strategy in terms of adapting to climate change. force a given environment’s ability to deal with chan- rare materials used in the technology). Similarly, though vital that we understand that the role of biodiversity insulation for buildings can be an effective solution for Building on the work of the last few years, as well as isting not using simply current aesthetic: technological in fact, biodiversity means. It is carries therefore out now been demonstrated that high levels of diversity reducing the emissions from a given accommodation evolving knowledge bases and practices, Naturepa- important regulatory functions that we have tended to (bothging circumstances, genetic and intra-species) especially in give climate ecosystems terms. Itgrea has- unit, the emissions produced during the manufacture rif suggests prioritising new solutions using natural ter long-term stability. This in turn renders them more of the insulating materials should not be overlooked. the proper functioning of the carbon and water cycles - - inoverlook, a given sucharea2 as stability of gaseous exchanges and - tion units should therefore also aim to encourage the use tingmethods, measures as well at every as extending level, including integrated the approaches Territorial solutions combining elements of natural and technolo- capable of providing benefits for human populations. ofPolicies renewably-sourced pertaining to energyinsulation efficiency materials, for accommodaproduced as linking Biodiversity and Climate issues within exis- gical methods, provided. It is also that possible physical to envisagestructures "mixed" do not ThisIn effect, is due when to the faced fact with that diversea given threatspopulation to their or group exis locally as possible in conditions that do not pose any threat 2. impede natural processes. tence, only diversified ecosystems are able to survive. Climate/Energy Plans (Plans Climat Energie Territo them better than others, thus allowing the ecosystem to riaux, or PCETs) of species will find the changing circumstances suit save CO2 without generating disproportionate levels maintain itself. This is most notably the case in agricul- ofto emissionsbiodiversity. or Itdamaging is important ecosystems to prioritise in other solutions areas. that tural areas: while monocultures are fragile in the face

such changes and adapt. Biological diversity is akin to lifeof change, insurance diversified for environmental cultures allow changes. a system to absorb

Other criteria than diversity may also come into play at 2. View the Climate Action Network (RAC) report: Les émissions importées - 1. different levels, including heterogeneity, connections between ecosystems and levels of self-regulation and 2. EU strategy prioritising nature-based solutions: maintenance. Most healthy ecosystems display a natu- Le passager clandestin du commerce mondial (Imported emissions: the FinalReport.pdf ral resilience to traumatic events, provided these are stowaway of global commerce) - ( 1. :// IMPORTEES_RAC-Ademe-Citepa.pdf) 6 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region introduction 7 not overly drawn out or constantly repeated1 - tical terms, this means that it is useful to preserve any The following pages outline some of Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Areas . In prac the main solutions being proposed to meet the requirements of these dual strategies. and to restore those that have lost them due to environ- existing ecosystems that possess these characteristics, Measures for mitigating and adapting mental degradation. New urban, agricultural and forest to climate change are often one and the same ecosystems may also be created in accordance with - for example, a green roof acts as a carbon sink, these fundamental principles. The increased presence and even contributes slightly to the building’s of nature in both urban areas and in the countryside, insulation needs, but also plays a role in notably in agricultural areas which are currently suf- adaptation to the effects of climate change fering serious declines in biodiversity, would have the by slowing the flow of rainwater and reducing effect of reinforcing the ability of these environments the effects of urban heat islands). to withstand climate hazards. These will be denoted by the symbols opposite :


+/- Carbone Rising Oceans sequestration sea level acidification

Mitigation of extreme Increasing frequency climate events of particularly violent On a local level, urban areas affected by the Urban due to the inherent population density in towns and weather events cities. Global warming is therefore a major issue for Climate, water and higher average temperatures than their surrounding towns and cities, in terms of both reducing the impact soilregulation Changes in areasHeat Island(Oliveira (UHI) et al. phenomenon, 2014). The phenomenon are characterised is partly by of climate change and adapting to the changes already environmental conditions the result of the materials used in the construction of being faced (Gómez-Baggethun et al., 2013; Gill et al., +/- Albedo (rain, temperatures, pH) buildings. More globally, cities are known to emit signi- +/- Evapotranspiration 2 and solutions are currently being put forward. Amongst +/- Surface roughness Alteration of methane, as well as suspended particulate matter. On them2007). is In the the preservationcontext of this and realisation, restoration a number of green of current flows ficant quantities of greenhouse gases such as CO spaces in towns and cities, proving popular because

global CO2 average, urban zones represent between 53 - 87% of As a result, emissions cities are (GIEC), feeling 2014). the effects of climate of the additional benefits offered in terms of public change in the form of heat waves, reductions in air attributeshealth and andwell-being the generally (including positive oxygen use production, of public Biodiversity / environnemental quality and the increased incidence of problems lin- spaces).carbon storageThe solutions and particle taking their filtration, cue from recreational this idea ecosystems Conditions are often much less costly than alternative measures, These impacts are all the more worrying in that they both in terms of initial investments and eventual ma- affectked to extremedisproportionately weather such large as droughts numbers and of flooding. people nagement costs.

Modifications in Increasing species species phenology vulnerability to stress

Habitat Shift in species Invasive species loss distribution proliferation

Feedback loop between climate change, environmental conditions and biodiversity. Adapted from GIEC and IPBES sources.

1. DRR_fr.pdf 8 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for urban areas 9 ’’ Greening streets, squares and ’’ Diversifying urban green spaces roadsides in order to reduce the effects via the systematic application of Urban Heat Island (UHI) and improve of ecological management methods, water management or "non-management" The presence of vegetation reduces of vegetation are useful in this regard, from urban trees Between recreational spaces, zones left raised (10cm or greater) and frequency of grass mowing temperatures by way of shade and eva- (whether isolated or not) to gardens, parks and large potranspiration, particularly during the open spaces. Particular attention must be paid, howe- beds and meadows, as well as gardens avoided altogether, with spaces left to develop freely hottest months, and as such acts to miti- andto evolve areas naturally,dedicated urbanto urban forests, agriculture, flower (wildernessreduced. In someareas cases are importantcutting and reservoirs trimming forshould urban be gate the presence of urban heat islands a wide range of nature-based solutions is biodiversity, complementing the role of large parks). (Gill et al. et al. inver, open to the ground, choice as of well species as eschewing (encouraging species a mixture that may of Plant life also contributes to improved air belocal allergenic varieties or and emit avoiding large amounts monospecific of volatile plantations orga- produce effects that are advantageous in maintaining green spaces, as the light impact of ani- quality and, 2007; diminishes Oberndorfer the concentration , 2007). nic compounds), as well as how they are looked after termsavailable of climateto towns change, and cities. a certain In order system to mals’Grazing footfall has been does proven not impede to be growthan efficient and theirmethod faeces for

of atmospheric CO2 by photosynthesis (without the use of pesticides, non-intensive manual of responsible ecological upkeep must be also nourish the soil. Reclaimed green waste and residue (Azam et al., 2012), as well as reducing upkeep, etc.). However, refreshing the face of a city with observed for such spaces. This includes from clippings and trimmings can be used for compost concentrations of suspended particulate matter via plant life requires water in warmer months; a sensible, zero use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, both of the biological mechanisms of absorption and depo- measured watering system drawn from trapped and which are not only environmentally dangerous but also be re-used in gardens. Finally, where the proliferation sition to foliar surfaces (Azam et al., 2012). All forms stored rainwater may therefore be required. create greenhouse gas emissions in their manufacture. ofand invasive in ramial species chipped has woodoccurred, (RCW), the whichoptimum may response be then Mechanical maintenance should be prioritised (for appears to be increasing biodiversity and reducing frag- sweeping, manual uprooting, pruning and trimming); mentation in order to give the ecosystem the capacity to trimming should be done once or twice a year and self-regulate. Grazing is also an effective curative solu- offcuts reused as mulch; the cutting height should be tion when dealing with certain invasive plant species.

A number of types of mineralised spaces can host vegetation. © G. Lecuir Managing less can mean managing better! A "refuge zone" for flora and fauna, left to develop naturally in Nantes © G. Lecuir 10 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for urban areas 11 ’’ Greening roofs and facades, ’’ Developing urban agriculture in order ’’ Create links between green spaces using systems with low ecological to shorten food distribution channels through urban ecological corridors impact (such as climbing plants and increase planted surface area in cities and roof meadows) rather than irrigated able to move around in urban environ- and industrialised systems, which are not spontaneous forms of nature, urban agri- ments,In order habitats to ensure and that ecosystems all living havethings to are be proven to positively affect biodiversity cultureWhen allowed shows realto cohabit potential with for wilder, reclaiming more or aid the fight against climate change biodiversity in cities, in tandem with other can have many forms (green spaces, parks measures such as revegetation of building and gardens, temporarylinked. In urban wilderness, areas, green trees infrastructure and rows of Vegetation projects for rooves and walls surfaces and ecological green spaces, etc. trees, buildings with green surfaces, etc.), and each one allow cities to reduce the effects of urban can serve as a mini reservoir for biodiversity or a biolo- heat islands, as well as improving buil- urban agriculture is capable of preserving gical passageway or corridor. The functionality of green ding insulation while restoring habitats geneticSeveral biodiversityexperiments through have confirmed the choice that of areas also depends on the use of applied management and natural environments. endemic plant varieties, and can host a va- - riety of other species including wild pollinating animals. cide use and the adoption of recommendations regarding - ecologicalmethods. It management is for this reason methods that theare abolitionessential ofto pestitheir tive effects for climate and biodiversity, new life into damaged ground soil. On a broader scale, success1 plantedIn order or to "green" ensure rooves they engender must be posiqua- urbanWell-thought agriculture out can plant also combinations contribute to can systems also breathe of blue pertaining to urbanism, particularly in order to ensure litatively designed. Depending on the si- and green infrastructure. However, in order to effectively that green. It and will blue be necessary infrastructures to revise are takenpolicy into documents account tuation and the roof’s load-bearing capacity, ecologists shorten distribution channels, such activity must take in the development of local urbanism strategies (plans recommend trying to reproduce a natural ground layer, into account the life cycles of the resources required 2; also essential is the esta- (seeds, substrates, energy and water) in order to ensure blishment of systematic ecological diagnostic criteria3 stones and local soil with +/- compost added) and tar- they remain "ultra-local". locauxprior to d’urbanisme, the outset of orany PLUs) urban development project. getingadapting a structure the composition and height of that organic will allow matter the (mixingfeature to store more CO2 and rainwater as a means of tackling global warming (since more heat leads to more intense

- culentrainfall). and It herbaceous) has been demonstrated allows them thatto improve green rooves water planted with a mixture of different species (both suc properties during heatwaves (Dvorak et al., 2010) than retentionareas planted during with flooding sedum monocultures. and present better cooling

For walls, in most cases it is preferable (and often much using and designing walls and facades as support struc- less expensive) to prioritise the use of climbing plants, install, climbing plants create a microclimate around theirtures forhost vegetation. wall, regulating In addition temperature to their beingand relativeeasy to humidity. This also contributes to a reduction in the effects of UHIs during the summer months. Walls without windows and gable walls can host climbing plants, which protect the building against extreme weather, cooling the air and providing a habitat for small animals. © M. Barra

Urban agriculture is also a way of making use of spaces that are temporarily unused. The R-Urban project in Colombes. © G. Lecuir

1. Certification criteria for ecological management and green spaces, using communicationthe "ÉcoJardin" labelpurposes: for example, is an effective tool for supporting urban authorities in their reactions to climate change, as well as for external

documents):2. View the guide: Prendre en compte le SRCE francilien dans les documents 3.d’urbanisme View the methodology (Taking SCRE for guidelines urban ecological into account diagnostics: in urban policy

12 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for urban areas 13 ’’ Replace impermeable surfaces ’’ Identify surfaces that can be unpaved ’’ Encouraging natural water infiltration (except for roadways) with natural surfaces in cities in urban spaces (school yards, via natural ecosystems (rain gardens, and preserve soils integrity apartment buildings, roadways) pervious areas, ponds, limiting the risk in tandem with revegetation policies of water runoff and flooding Soils are the headquarters for a number surfaces in urban areas. Other areas favour the use of biogeochemical processes that are of porous materials providing drainage in pedestrian Soil and surfaces in urban areas are often essential for climate change mitigation restoration becomes necessary. Urban highly mineralised, preventing the natu- and adaptation. They are capable of sto- water into the soil (drainage materials, non-cemented areasWhen inconservation Paris region is nohave longer high enough, poten- ring large quantities of carbon (more cobbles,or low-traffic cellular areas, paving in order and grassto facilitate paving). the On flow a re of- tial for natural development, provided management of water also leads to vast so than surface vegetation) and, when gional scale, impervious surfaces are a blight on the they are able to transform impervious infrastructureral flow of water costs cycles. for Channelling local councils. and kept intact, can also ensure the healthy surfaces (concrete and asphalt) on a Vegetation helps limit the harmful effects caused by - measures discouraging construction on arable land broad scale and in an organised manner. ris region, ground surfaces are heavily landscape - one that refuses to die out. Only financial water on the surface of the leaves, plants reduce the functioning of local water cycles. In Pa in terms of carbon capture and storage, quantitiesextreme phenomena of water that such reach as flooding; the soil. byThey intercepting also help density)and encouraging will be capable population of reversing density (taxesthe trend. on empty Aside restoringThis would water constitute cycles a significantand increasing asset to reduce water runoff thanks to the structural function opting for solutionsartificialized: that limit almost soil 20% compacting compared and to accommodation units, financial support for increased green surface area on the whole. Reducing imper- of their roots, particularly in the case of trees. Revege- the2.77% use nationally.of impervious More ground and more surfaces. local Certain councils towns are for buildings and infrastructures, as well as methods viousness can be achieved in the public sphere, for tation measures should be applied in tandem with mea- such as Montreuil already apply imperviousness coef- forfrom reversible halting urbanconstruction expansion, that preserves eco-design underlying measures - sures aiming to improve the quality of ground soil in tain wide pavements, with the active participation of such as Rennes, penalise the use of overly impervious be developed. localexample inhabitants by creating who want new to planted be involved spaces in alongthe future cer and reduced levels of compacting, in order to improve ficients in their urbanisation projects, while others, surfaces (buildings on stilts, for example) must also cities, achieved via the reduction of artificial surfaces public support, the private sector can also be made ground more freely. Rain gardens, swales, ponds and upkeep of these new natural spaces. With the right resistance of plant life and allow water to flow into the - tion,to adapt, renovation for example or enlargement via the application projects. of a cap on basins are some of the main examples of areas that can percentage imperviousness (PIMP) for all construc serve as water receptors. When heavy rain or flooding- occurs, these areas act as expansion barriers, allowing- monthe water urban to biodiversity. infiltrate the soil and return to groundwa ter tables. They also provide excellent habitats for com Though concerns about the propagation of pathogens and mosquitoes may be legitimate, these kinds of na- tural wetlands are usually able to self-regulate via the presence of predatory species.

Reversing the imperviousness of concrete and asphalt surfaces

is a key driver for rediscovering nature in cities. With local Car parks, pathways, and fire access areas are all spaces that can residents in Strasbourg. © H. Natt be developed without the use of impervious surfaces. © G. Lecuir 14 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for urban areas 15 ’’ Encouraging phyto-purification ’’ Daylighting and restoring urban rivers, ’’ Carrying out full carbon assessments ’’ Encouraging the use of organic of grey and black waters used in cities, restoring embankments, redirecting (covering the entire life cycle) of solutions insulation materials reducing the need for water treatment water flow being adopted for energy efficiency - plants (which are costly and can damage Operations aiming to restore and even Too often we focus on the reduction of ced materials (produced via agriculture surrounding soil) reopen urban rivers are necessary in greenhouse gases in a single aspect of buil- andIn terms forestry) of insulation, form part organically-sour of the solution order to improve water quality in cities, ding construction or equipment use, wit- for successful energy transition, while prove useful when it comes to mana- reduce runoff and create new habitats. hout considering the gases that are emit- also favouring biodiversity. Choosing to gingIn cities, rainwater, the creation but also of wetlandswaste water; can ted in the sourcing of materials, as well as use these materials reduces the carbon the process involved is known as phy- restoration of the Petit Rosne has provided interesting their manufacture, recycling and eventual destruction. impact caused by conventional mate- In Sarcelles, a town north of Paris, the perspectives in terms of how to go about this process. rials, which emit large amounts of CO2. - energy when assessing our efforts to reduce greenhouse Opt instead for organically-sourced in- to-purification. Whether independent ration of a portion of the banks of the river Seine using emissions.We must learnBeyond to " grey systematically energy ", we include should thisalso "grey"consi- haveor linked been to shown existing to waterbe particularly treatment In Paris, the Espaces association has overseen the resto der the impacts of materials on biodiversity on the entire wood wool, etc.) over petrol-based materials (such effectivefacilities, in cleaning phytopurification organic pollutants basins rivers are not only advantageous for biodiversity, but value chain. This is what we call "grey biodiversity" or as polystyrenesulation or polyurethane).Plants (linen, hemp, recycled such astextiles, hemp from waste water. Certain combina- alsovegetation in terms engineering of allowing techniques. species to move Naturally-flowing freely along "embodied biodiversity". For stakeholders, reducing and linen have not only been proven to be technically tions of plants are particularly effective: phragmites their banks, which is a key element of adaptation to the the impacts on "grey biodiversity" implies to support viable for these purposes, but also fit in with forms of effects of climate change. - agriculture that respect biodiversity (crop rotations, - wetlands(reeds), carex help (sedges),limit the bulrushesnumber of and trenches duckweeds, required for islocal also production important andto diversify certified building sectors materials that are used preser in rage the sub-industries that produce these materials, example. Apart from their ecological benefits, these construction,ving biodiversity for instanceand ecosystems by using during more bio-basedproduction. ma It- notreduced forgetting use of that inputs, their etc.). use Itmust is necessary be carefully to encou consi- basin that is connected to other contrivances such as terials from sustainable agriculture (see after). dered in terms of specific local conditions. pondsfor network or urban passage. swales In can addition, contribute a phytopurification to the creation of sewagea functional water blue towards infrastructure. anaerobic Where digestion sewage plants is thatconcerned, will produce one option biogas, consists a form of of directing energy thatthe flowmay be used locally to heat homes (an ecological solution - tions (particularly depending on the space available) ithelping is also to possible mitigate to climate treat this change). kind of In material the right by condi using stabilisation ponds and phyto-purification.



The reopening and redirecting of subterranean urban rivers bring positive results in terms of water quality, reducing flood for enlargement or renovation of waste water treatment facilities. risk, preserving biodiversity and recreational access Natural purification avoids the heavy construction required

© L. Pagès for citizens. © SIAH Compressed straw has been proven to be an efficient, naturally-sourced building material and insulator. © M. Barra 16 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for urban areas 17 ’’ Encouraging the use of materials that ’’ Improving energy efficiency make sense from the point of view of in construction via increased presence Nature-based solutions ecosystems (locally-sourced, where possible of vegetation on walls and rooves of new from renewable sources and produced public buildings, as well as industrial for agricultural areas according to rigorous specifications within and commercial properties the limits of local availability) Sustainable construction should become Paris region consumes more building an integral part of a wider vision that materials than any other region in France incorporates more than just energy (mostly in the form of aggregate used in the composition of mortar and concrete). construction can also bring positive efficiency.effects in terms Nature-based of climate change; solutions this inis imported from other regions, and even the case for building vegetation schemes, Everyfrom abroad. year, 45% This of requireddemand ismaterials continuing are which are an asset for reducing energy to rise: the Grand Paris (Greater Paris consumption and improving insulation. Rather than setting the two approaches - against one another, they should be combined, gate, or 2.6 millionurban cubicexpansion) metres project of concrete has forecast per year. the The opening ofuse new of quarries, 4.7 million the extraconcept tonnes of "interregio of aggre- nal solidarity" and the use of marine aggregate are some simultaneously.following the example of buildings which have installed of the areas being looked into by industry professionals solar panels and plant beds, benefitting both objectives to source this material; nevertheless, these measures ’’ Intelligent Consumption are not capable of delivering the necessary quantities and will have negative impacts on natural environments. On an individual level, such as when we are required to establish or validate a and biodiversity include: supporting the recycling and public or private tender, we should choose reuseSolutions of materials that will taken be beneficial from demolition both for climateand redevelop change- projects with light carbon footprints, ment projects, and embracing production methods for using as few non-renewable natural raw materials with less environmental impact (renova- resources as possible and in conditions that do not ted quarries for aggregates, managed forests for wood, harm the environment, produced as locally as pos- agro-ecological systems such as polycultures/crop rota- sible and ensuring fair pay for the workers involved. prioritising use of eco-designed, non-processed mate- on an individual basis consumers can opt to choose lo- tion within those species1. This kind of farming makes rialstions/agroforestry will make them for easier organic to recycle materials). and Inretain addition, their cally-grownFood production organic is a powerful produce, fieldsubscribing of action to in a this CSA regard; (com- - little use of the inherent ecological functions of natural value without the need for industrial treatment. Finally, munity-supported agriculture). On a collective level, sionsIn France that today, result 20% directly of greenhouse or indirectly gases from are changes produced in ecosystems, which produce their own ecosystemic re- we must also minimise the quantities of materials used the choices made by canteens and large-scale catering by agriculture; a figure to which we must add the emis gulatory patterns, replacing them instead with chemical by choosing suitable architectural designs. inputs (pesticides and fertilisers) and heavy mechanisa- soil use (CITEPA, 2014). Most of these emissions come (CH4 tion, all while limiting the growth of habitats that shelter are also significant. from field fertilisation (NOx) and animal husbandry , NOx). In Paris region, agriculture is responsible 2 agricultural landscape is mostly made up of large-scale for "only" 7% of greenhouse emissions, or 3.5 million- farminganimal lifeoperations (hedges, (averaging ponds etc.). 12 Inhectares Paris region,per opera the- TEQ CO (the national average is 20.5% of emissions). totalHowever, farmland. the region emits 3% of the nation’s agricultu of low-diversity agricultural specialisation, particu- ral greenhouse gases from only 1.8% of the country’s larlytion). in According terms of tocereal Jean-Marc production, Meynard, is accompanied INRA, this type by - sions, the agricultural industry is also feeling the effects While it is responsible for a portion of greenhouse emis- Facedshortened with and the simplified threefold rotation challenge cycles. of reducing agri- cultural factors such as changes in soil use and intensi- cultural emissions, ensuring ecosystems are able to of climate change (which is exacerbated by other agri withstand the effects of climate change and retaining

infication agricultural of farming areas. methods). The industry These effectsis also include threatened lack seems to be an essential strategy. byof water,the movement extreme weather, of species, and especially increased the temperatures pests that sufficient productivity, renewing links with biodiversity

literature on the subject often aim to adapt crops to a reducingfeed on crops. biodiversity Intensified and agricultural leading to increasedpractice has vulne also- The strategies for adaptation outlined in scientific rabilityresulted to in unforeseen the extreme threats simplification (such as the of ecosystems, emergence carefully controlled growing conditions, technological of pathogens and parasites that leave agricultural sys- changing climate (using genetically modified cultivars,

Combining solar energy and plant life brings mutual benefits: the vegetation cools the panels and increases their productivity, while they agricultural practices are based largely on reducing the numbertems less of resistant cultivated to climatespecies change).and genetic In fact, homogenisa intensive- dpenv/pdf/C60Goldringer.pdf 1. Papy F., Goldringer I., 2011. "Cultivating Biodiversity", provide shade and habitat diversity for surrounding flora. © 2015 Green Roofers Ltd 18 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for agricultural areas 19 innovation, improvements in irrigation, etc.). However, - ’’ Encouraging diversified agroecology ’’ Reintroducing genetic and in Paris region inter-species diversity in crop systems to practice alternative agricultural methods based on for example) and finally reductions in the use of synthe the scientificmechanisms community already athas work long in held natural that itecosystems. is possible Agriculturaltic mineral fertilizers.Policy (CAP), While it remains the region’s within agricultural the scope As opposed to intensive monocultures, This approach signals the emergence of major changes oflandscape the regional is largely council shaped to support by the initiatives European promoting Common the implementation of agro-ecological the agricultural industry (climate threats, in farming practices, such as the reintroduction of high a system of climate-smart agriculture that prioritises inputIn light reduction, of the future etc.), challengesthe increasing faced of inby- levels of genetic and special diversity, especially via biodiversity. Various measures may be applied in this and elongated crop rotations, alternating ter-species diversity (polycultures, rela- - regard: organic farming, bio-dynamics, conservation of winterpractices and aims spring to crops maintain with pulses diversified and ted crop types) and genetic diversity (mul- pable of sheltering wild animals (hedges, trees, grassy traditional species, permacultures, agroforestry, conser- legumes. This style of farming also in- ti-varietal crops) are effective methods of riverbanks)crop mixing and rotation,the reduction the restoration of ploughing of habitats and tilling ca vation agriculture, and many other concepts (globally volves covering soil, at least before spring intensity. Other methods include increased lifespans referred to as agroecology) all signal the possibility crops are planted (using residues from diversity have been well proven, in par- for temporary meadows, longer grazing times, areas of wide agricultural diversity, using methods inspired old crops or interspersed cover plants), ticularaction. Thefor wheatbenefits and of increasingseeded meadows, genetic that are permanently planted (with vines and orchards, a preference for mechanical weeding and controlling bio-threats, and maintaining organic methods in place of phytosanita- wild biodiversity around crops, but also by nature in localised contexts. ry or herbicidal treatments. The presence of for production stability and maintaining - tions, which provides essential nitrogen compounds for crop areas. Other research has shown that growing se- legumes facilitates nitrogen fixation in large crop rota veralbalance species among and the cultivars species togetherthat are increasesplanted in biomass mixed- matter of the soil becomes rich in forms of nitrogen that yields and reduces water requirements (Litrico et al., mayother be crops. used When by other legumes types are of cropsintroduced, (including the organic wheat, - mland used for legumes therefore reduces the need for 2015). In these cases, the various species involved are- mineralrapeseed, fertilisation and barley). and Increasing saves energy the amount(since the of pro far- cialchosen for thefor structure,their ability quality to coexist and productivityand complement of the each soil duction of synthetic fertilisers requires large amounts other in terms of resource use. This practice is benefi of energy). Crop rotations also allow farmers to diversify cereal and legume crops have shown proven potential, production and respond to changing consumer needs. butand dependentother combinations biodiversity. are In undoubtedly Paris region, waiting combined to Faced with growing demand for raw materials pro- be discovered over the course of further research and duced by agricultural that are not destined for dietary introduce cover crops, catch crops and grassy patches wood and biomass), diversifying agricultural processes (Chenuscientific et advances. al., 2014), It since is also in recommended meadow-type that ecosystems farmers appearsuses (such to asbe organica suitable building response. materials, This is, textile notably, fibres, so- carbon capture and storage increases along with diver- mething that has been forecast by the "Afterres2050"1 scenario, based on the predicted needs of the French 2012; Huyghe et Litrico, 2008). However, storage people in the year 2050 (and residents of Paris region levelssity of alsospecies vary present depending in the on area how (Amiaud meadows et are Carrère, used. area in its regional breakdown). Finally, water-saving irrigation measures are essential in order to deal with to produce positive interactions in primary production, The technique of mixing crops has also been demonstrated choice of species to be cultivated and the patterns in et al. whichmore severe they are and sown frequent should droughts. be more In tailored this regard, to local the specialityin cases where was pulsesshown and to minimisegrasses were attacks mixed from (Kirwan bio- climates, even if this requires new agricultural policies , 2007), where the introduction of "doses" of multi- in order to incentivise farmers. diversity within a given species. threats. This is also true for mixed varieties and genetic

Genetic diversity in seed plantations is essential in terms of Reintroducing genetic diversity, diversifying crop rotations, improved soil management and the conservation of landscapes are also 1. Afterres2050: un scénario soutenable pour l’agriculture et l’utilisation adapting crops to the effects of climate change. des terres en France à l’horizon 2050 (A sustainable scenario for agriculture and land use in France in 2050): significant assets in terms of rendering agricultural systems more resistant to the effects of climate change. © L. Pagès Mixed varieties of wheat cultures. © G. Lecuir 20 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for agricultural areas 21 ’’ Protecting specific habitats and ’’ Preserving or re-establishing flood ’’ Reinforcing carbon storage in soil ’’ Reintroducing arboreal diversity conducive environments (ditches, hedges, expansion zones in rural areas, acting and biomass via adapted methods in crop cultures using agroforestry grassy patches, field edges, isolated trees as "stoppers" to mitigate the effects Meadowlands can store as much carbon Agroforestry works to reintegrate trees and bushes, ponds and boggy patches) of flooding - - The observance of increasing pest popu- tare), compared to 43 tonnes/hectare lands. The presence of trees has several lations in large monocultural plantations the amount of herbaceous areas in Paris foras forests farmlands: (70 tonnesit is therefore of carbon important per hec advantages,in or around notably crop fieldsincreasing and pastureprimary also underlines the need for alternatives In recent years we have seen a decline in to ensure that regional policies encou- production (Chenu et al., 2014), which to chemical pesticides, which are proven useable farmland in the region. This is the rage the preservation of permanent mea- to be ineffective in the long term. Among region - they represent no more than 4% of dowlands, whether used for grazing or soil and better retention due to reduced the nature-based solutions on offer is biological control, which are essential areas for biodiversity, carbon storage not; this includes planning their resto- soilleads erosion to more (also efficient limiting carbon soil capture and river in which involves dealing with pathogenic organisms case for flood-prone meadow wetlands, pollution). Moreover, agroforestry can - vastly reduce the "standardisation" of ru- tablishing the function of natural food chains in agri- Suchand climate areas oftenadaptation, constitute especially the last in termsnatural of refugeflood riskfor for traditionalration meadowland where necessary. growth wouldIn fact, increasewe may ral areas by recreating a mosaic landscape of heteroge- via natural predation. Essentially, this involves re-es species(as these that types were of meadows not originally act as adapted flood expansion for this kindzones). of overall capacitynote for that carbon in this storage. context Results converting are nega land- neous environments. The technique must always be habitats and zones set aside for biodiversity that are environment, such as the Corn Crake, which disappeared tive when converting forests into crop land, but posi- applied with due awareness for local conditions, parti- capablecultural ofplots. sheltering It is important these animal to protect species, neighbouring with the aim from Paris region in tandem with the decline of alluvial tive when converting crop land into meadowlands (for cularly in terms of the varieties of trees chosen (which of re-establishing fundamental biological interactions meadowland habitats. They are often replaced by plan- - (reproduction, suckling, predation, etc.). This agro-eco- tations of poplar trees, in varying degrees of density but dowlands = +0.49 carbon storage). According to Le The implementation of this particular agricultural logical infrastructure can consist of various types of ha- always with lower amounts of biodiversity. Finally, over example,et al. going, in order from tocrop maintain growth year-round to permanent biodiver mea- practicemay be further does not diversified imply any within major a givenchange plot to ofproduc land).- bitat: grassy patches (providing they are large enough), sity in farmlands, the area would have to consist of at tion systems, but increases relative amounts of carbon over the future of the Bassée, a natural area in the east Roux stored in soil and adds to direct production (wood, bio- bushes, riparian woodlands, drainage ditches, ponds the past several years there has been significant debate - field edges, trees, hedgerows, copses, thickets and- in Paris region is well-noted, but a major development ecologicalleast 20% semi-naturalobjective would herbaceous restore lands46,000 (compared hectares toof rience improved fertility (Boukcim, 2010) and levels of ration of 60,000km worth of hedgerows in Paris region projectpart of theis also region. being This planned: area’s role this in would controlling involve flooding chan- an average of 11.6% in France overall). Achieving this mass, etc.) Farm plots in which trees are present expe and bog patches. It is interesting to note that the resto nelling the course of the lower Seine and creating around 2 being captured and stored every year. As is of- to control groups where no trees were present). The tons of carbon each year (a single hedgerow stores an tenadditional the case, meadowlands, solutions aiming resulting to improve in an extra biodiversity 80,000 reintroductionorganic matter ofmay trees increase provides by up shelter, to 50% food (compared sources averagewould enable of 125kg the ofcapture carbon and per storage metre perand year). 75,000 Hedge extra- areTEQ the CO same that allow us to combat climate change. rows are not only useful in terms of farm biodiversity, ten artificial chambers capable of storing water during pollinators and crawling insects), enabling biological but also provide habitats for a number of dependent exceptionally high flooding. The project would impact- controland refuge of pests for numerous and pathogens, auxiliary thereby species limiting (including the species of birds and insects. They also serve as greatly upon local biodiversity, which is an exceptional reduce erosion, it is recommended that farmers adopt essential ecological pathways for the movement of challengesof the region’s and naturalobjectives heritage. and the This methods example that clearly must de be cropElsewhere, management in order methods to store such more as carbon reduced in ploughing soils and Though currently underdeveloped in Paris region, species, which is a considerable asset in terms of climate implementedmonstrates the in difficultiesorder to achieve that lie a incommon reconciling goal, varyingsuch as appliedneed for agroforestry artificial agricultural could capture inputs between (Le Roux, 1 2008).and 4 change adaptation. 1 - combinedintermediary with crops direct should seeding be encouraged and superficial during tillage. rota- protecting people and properties from flooding. Furthermore,tions, and that ADEME the spaces specifies between that vinessoil covering and orchard using Schemeextra tonnes (Schéma of carbon Régionale per hectare de Cohérence per year, écologique, contribu ting significantly to the Regional Ecological Coherence- temporary meadows is also recommended. mlands. Owing to their deep roots, trees also help regu- rows should be kept grassy. Elongating the lifespan of lateor SRCE) humidity by reinforcingin soils without arboreal pitting land crops patches against in one far

that may cause damage to the soil. Finally, agroforestry cananother, help toand diversify therefore farmers’ avoid revenues, saturation as and trees overflow are va-

lued for timber, firewood and fruit production.

Improving biodiversity in soils increases their capacity to trap and store carbon. © L. Pagès Hedgerows play a crucial role in controlling crop pest in the future due to the impact of climate change. They will need Flood expansion zones will become more and more necessary Returning trees to crop fields has several benefits for both carbone-2p-bd.pdf climate change and biodiversity. © P. Monin / Bergerie 1. populations by sheltering their natural predators. © M. Zucca to be expansively restored. © N. Flamand de Villarceaux 22 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for agricultural areas 23 ’’ Encouraging a return to husbandry in the valleys of the Île-de France region Nature-based Solutions for forests and polyculture grazing Livestock farming currently represents and equine) helps to alleviate pressure on vegetation, region (Agreste, 2013), and yet animal Mixing species and breeds (bovine, ovine, caprine farmingonly 7% (or of grazing agricultural more activity generally, in theso- Paris region, a return to grazing and livestock farming metimes without food production objec- as consumption habits vary between species. In the tives as in the case of horses and ponies, tree plantations. On the hillsides it would be possible toin valleyinstall floors temporary would bemeadows, an improvement for harvest over or poplar gra- climate change and biodiversity1 zing, in rotation with food crops. Orchard meadows forlivestock example) farming can is bring often benefits cited as fora major both are another possible choice, whereby grassy plains source of greenhouses gases (especially. While are planted with high fruit trees. The presence of the methane), it is also a method for preserving the region’s trees stabilises slopes, limits soil erosion, improves permanent meadowlands, which are essential for carbon animals’ quality of life, contributes to production di- storage (see p.23). Generating the desired effects for bio- diversity and climate requires large livestock populations, wild species. Finally, in terms of maintaining produc- so it is therefore important to accurately assess the capa- tionversification quality, initiativesand, finally, of thisacts kindas a couldshelter focus for certainon rai- sing breeds known to be suited to this kind of lifestyle - due to their easy birthing and resistance to disease - litycities (as of their each faeces area areand absorbed not to overload into the its ground). ecosystem. In addition, grazing herbivorous animals benefits soil ferti examples include .

- Forest environments therefore have high potential for tive species. They also play a key role in air and climate mitigating, and adapting to, climate change caused by regulation.Forests are Forestshome to are 65% carbon of France’s sinks, documented contributing na to human activity.

biomass. The amounts of carbon stored in forest eco- However, forested areas, like other natural spaces, are both storage and fixation within living and deceased already being affected by the impact of climate change. on climate, species present, and types of soil and land managementsystems are difficult programs to quantify;in place. Nevertheless,they vary depending resear- is likely that climate change will push the biological chers estimate that adult, temperate Boreal forests in rangeThough of researchcertain plant is not species yet complete anywhere or between definitive, 200 it the Northern Hemisphere store 2.4 tonnes of carbon - 1200km to the North by the year 2100, which will per hectare per year1. The older a tree is, the more car- have a knock-on effect on the biological diversity they bon it captures from the atmosphere so it can conti- become more intense and occur more frequently. The help create. Droughts and forest fires are expected to older forests and poplar plantations (Luyssaert et al., increase in atmospheric CO2 could also lead to a rise 2008).nue to grow,Forest which ecosystems confirms in themainland benefits France of preserving capture in tree density, which in turn would lead to greater

the equivalent of a third of the country’s CO2 emis- competition for light, impeding growth and reducing

sions every year, or 32 million tonnes of carbon (MtC) trees’ capacity to capture and store CO2. This would per year. Carbon is stored in biomass (both elevated also have serious consequences for species living on the ground. Finally, the likely increase in the frequen- in mainland France, and in soil, which contains almost cy and intensity of heavy storms raises the question and subterranean) at a rate of 1,147 MtC for forests of how forests will stand up to violent winds. vegetation plantations, soil protection is an essential policyhalf the aspect total stock, in terms with of 1074 protecting MtC. As forests is the casefrom with the effects of climate change. relativeAccording terms to the is DRIAAF,not far offthe theamount national of surface average area of covered by forest in Paris region is 23%, which in remains as forested as many other French regions. asWide-diameter in agriculture, trees solutions absorb favouring the largest biodiversity amounts are (in Moreover,26%. Despite as inits other obvious parts urban of the character, country, Paris forests region are Extensive livestock farming has almost disappeared in Paris region, even though demand for its products is highest there. © RR alsotheir those trunks, which branches, prioritise large carbon roots, storage etc.) and In forestryadapta- gaining ground despite being unevenly distributed tion to climate change. across the region: a few very large forests (principally 1. View the report: Élevage et biodiversité en Île-de-France, des synergies those of Fontainebleau and Rambouillet) stand out à encourager. Le cas des vallées franciliennes (Livestock farming and among highly dispersed areas of forested land around biodiversity in Paris region: positive synergies in the region’s valleys): the rural areas of the wider region around Paris and elevage.pdf 1. its suburbs. Two thirds of forests in the region are

24 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for forests 25 or those which had not spread far via natural means: ’’ Promoting adaptive methods from the central urban area outwards: in Paris and the these include deciduous species such as chestnut, and of forestry management that favour biomass in its entirety, and leaving a portion of cuttings privately-owned, with this figure changing gradually conifers such as Scots pine. Though forests in Paris re- Finally, ADEME recommends not removing the upper- biodiversity - gion are not heavily farmed, scientists and forestry ser- tility and reduce the risk of compacting, which contri- derablyimmediately in outer surrounding regions. area, almost 90% of forests vices are currently researching ways to ensure they are "Adaptive management" is an ambiguous buteson the toforest increasing floor to carbon preserve stores. chemical These and warnings mineral ferare are publicly owned, a figure which diminishes consi able to cope with these various challenges. Forests are term that may signify several things; for all the more pertinent today as wood-energy develop- - also a source of interest for those hoping to increase fo- our purposes, it means practicing a form ment policies are being established with a real risk of culture) practices (depending on the options chosen) rest cultivation for construction timber and wood fuel. of forest management (which may also - canIt seems have evidentan effect that on a forestry forest’s management ability to capture (or sylvi and Such policies should be required to prioritise mana- amount to non-management) that takes ling, clearcutting is to be avoided, and researchers have store carbon and its overall biodiversity. Human inter- gement methods that respect biodiversity and climate local, changing climate parameters into highlightedover-exploiting the factforest that resources. reducing When the density it comes of fellingto fel change. As is the case with agriculture, it is apparent account and gives the forest the best pos- more so in terms of the upper stratum than of bushy or that solutions for mitigation and adaptation are often sible chance of withstanding change and both in terms of carbon capture and storage but also for vention has profoundly modified climax vegetation, one and the same. According to researchers, forest ma- preserving itself in the long term. This operations to 8 trees/hectare would also be beneficial, techniques (by simple felling or for timber production) nagers should elongate forestry cycles, conserve dead type of adaptive management should of 35 metres between felled trees. Finally, trees whose hasgrassy favoured flora. Forestry species or that sylviculture will regrow that usesfrom thinningstumps wood and mulch, avoid vast felling and instead aim for also focus on forests’ organic potential and diversity as diameterexisting biodiversity, is above 100cm maintaining should nota minimum be felled, distance as they (such as oak, hornbeam, teal and birch), to the detri- careful and steady interventions, prioritising species a means of adaptation. According to Frédéric Gosselin, are capable of storing the largest quantities of carbon. ment of beeches. Such methods also led to the wides- variety and giving precedence to irregular treatments pread introduction of foreign species to the region, with continuous plant cover. forest species to optimise their capacity for adaptation ’’ Encouraging species variety in forests inIRSTEA the face researcher, of climate adaptive change. management He recommends should combi allow- (mixwoods of native species and structural ning several forms of forest management: a mosaic of diversity) plantations covering all types of surface, young and old, Planting a hectare of temperate forest can and varying borders. This ranges from the ultra-natu- store between 2 - 12 tonnes of carbon ralexposed (non-managed or shaded, forests) with differing to the most degrees intensive of humidity forms of forest care, taking into account forest dynamics, able to adapt to changing circumstance, conserving dead wood and biological ageing areas, li- especiallyper year. Mixedclimate populations change (Legay are betteret al., miting soil compacting, etc. populations more resistant to both biotic This type of approach could suit forests in Paris region. and2007 abiotic and 2008). hazards Moreover, (Dhôte mixing et al., 2005);makes The frequent occurrence of natural regeneration in the - forest ground layer helps preserve the genetic and intra- tures, one effect of which is to allow roots species potential of the plantation, and guarantees high to take hold thisat different is due to theirlevels complex and therefore vertical strucmake

- acknowledged by researchers and forest managers that tationlevels to of the resistance effects of to climate extreme change. circumstances (violent greaterbetter use diversity of water of reservestree varieties in the within soil. It a ispopulation generally storms, fires etc.) as well as optimum capacity for adap makes the forest more resistant to drought in certain - circumstances. All of these are reasons to adopt a "tree- by-tree" management approach, rather than viewing theAccording forest ecosystem,to Daniel Vallauri, elongating Head sylvicultural of WWF forest cycles pro is the plot as a whole. thegram, optimum if we are management trying to maximize choice. This carbon can storage also help in to optimise the production of quality timber, which is ’’ Preserving or increasing genetic diversity of forests species forest plantations with multiple stratums are better for storingeconomically carbon, beneficial as lower to thelevels forest can owner. intercept In addition, carbon - that is not captured by the soil. This structural com- cher at the National Agronomic Research According to François Lefèvre, a resear both in terms of resilience and biodiversity1. the "fuel" that is necessary for adaptive plexity is generally more favourable for forest health, forestInstitute, evolution, (INRA), whether genetic achieved diversity via is - dual cultivars, genetic diversity allows more resistant individualsnatural or to cultivated emerge, the same way Even as within diversity indivi wit- hin species helps prevent populations from disappea- ring when certain individual varieties are eliminated. These are the key factors behind the resistance of indi- vidual cultivars to climate change.

1. Rossi M., André J., Vallauri D., 2015. Movements of forest carbon. Food for

thought in terms of wood value policies Lyon, Rapport REFORA, 40 pages. The Rosny-sur-Seine forest. © A. Muratet 26 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for forests 27 ’’ Preserving related environments ’’ Leaving dead wood in situ, preserve ’’ Reducing forest fragmentation ’’ Limiting poplar plantations of forests biological refuges, old growth stands and and creating ecological corridors preserving a framework of freely-evolving - Forests can shelter a multitude of other Fragmentation of forest systems is emer- blems for biodiversity, especially in allu- mature forests ecosystems, such as clearings, heaths ging as a major concern, though the mar- Monospecific poplar cultures pose pro and grasslands in dry or humid areas, gins for error are probably more limited meadows and even bodies of water framework of mature wood, whether this than those for intra-forest management. vial valley areas, representing maximum (such as ponds and coastal wetlands), consistsIt is essential of isolated to preserve trees (micro-habitata region-wide Despite the region’s uniquely dense various speciesbiological of the Melampsora simplification. fungus Moreover, is proof the of as well as streams, springs, and seepages. These areas trees, dead trees, etc.), "biological ageing transport network, the level of countryside fragmen- monocultures’damage lack of doneresistance to European to environmental poplars by theha- contribute to the rich biological fabric of a forest and islands" (areas left to evolve naturally, as tation of forest landscapes in Paris region is equal to zards (Pinon et al. opposed to standard "ageing islands" in which trees are have been particularly damaged by poplar plantations: fauna. They are also necessary for the reproductive cut later in age/diameter than in common cultivation hectare). This fragmentation is also due to the multi- the Bassée and the, 1998).Ourcq valley.In Paris These region, poplar two sectorsplanta- cyclesconstitute of many "open" species environments of forest animals.for various These flora areas and - the national figure (averaging 50 linear metres per tions are home to only very low levels of biodiversity, are also habitats for natural predators, which is bene- tive, these various parts of the freely-evolving mature in private hands); at the same time, it is recognised that and do not display the characteristics of a normal func- woodmethods) framework or entire must reservations. be connected In fromorder an to ecological be effec thisplicity system of forest of ownership owners (⅔ can of forestsbe an asset, in the since region many are point of view (which is what we mean by the notion of a owners do not put their forests to commercial use, change, it is necessary to protect alluvial forests in tan- ficial for biological control. - tional wetland. In the context of adapting to climate- ageing islands affect 1,810 hectares of forest, which may"corridor"). be added In toParis the region, total surface the policies area classed for maintaining as a bio- largeleaving infrastructures them to evolve and as urbanisation conservation prevents zones. In natu cer- dem with extendible agricultural practices such as gra logical reserve. Locally, certain private property forests raltain processes contexts, ofisolating emigration large and forested immigration areas byof speciesway of zing in valley floors. have not used their forests for commercial purposes or between forests, which are necessary to maintain popu- hunting for several years, and these may also play a role lations (especially of fauna). Almost all the forests situa- (albeit non-statutory) as biological reserves or biologi- ted within 20km of Paris are completely enclaved; this cal ageing islands, even if their longevity is not assured. statistic should lead us towards an improved apprecia- These kinds of properties are estimated to occupy seve- tion of forest "frameworks" when writing urban policy ral hundred hectares in the Rambouillet forest. documents, as well as reforesting operations aiming to

According to Jean Claude Génot, ecologist in Vosges- the creation of natural passageways for fauna can prove du-Nord Regional Natural Park, it is important to toestablish be an effectivefunctional solution forested (road corridors. crossings), In certain especially cases, preserve old-growth forests, but also to avoid mana- for larger mammals; such passageways must, however, ging them - instead leaving them to evolve naturally. For Génot, conservative management intended to in- crease biodiversity only serves to promote species that be of sufficient size to operate successfully.

leaving them much less diverse than true wilderness orhave wooded been artificially areas having maintained evolved in naturally open environments, over time. - ries for climate change adaptation. Finally, certain large When evolving naturally, forests act as living laborato

theseareas ofplay forest a crucial existing role on inslopes protecting and hillsides, environments as well fromas on thevalley effects floors, of watershould runoff most definitelyand landslides. be preserved:

Certain parts of the forest should be allowed to evolve naturally,

without human intervention. © M. Zucca Fields of monospecific tree cultivars are vulnerable to external threats. © J. Birard 28 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Nature-based solutions for forests 29 Focus: Preserving and restoring wetlands Conclusions around urban, agricultural and forested areas

In Paris region, wetlands represent around 2.8% scope of the national program for the study of of the region’s surface area (compared to 5% wetlands (PNRZH) showed that carbon emissions mitigating climate change and adapting to its effects. Not all these ideas are nationally), including all wet woodlands found varied from one peatbog to another: alkaline atAs thewe havesame seen, stage there of maturity, exists a widenor equally variety easy of "nature-based to implement, solutions" but each for of

in valley floors and even poplar tree plantations bogs produce more CO2 than sphagnum (peat the solutions outlined in this dossier has been implemented at least once (not counting poplars, the figure would drop to moss) blankets. In anaerobic conditions where by a stakeholder in our local region. 2.1%). Over 50% of wetland areas have been lost particularly degraded peatlands are saturated in the last century, and a significant portion of with water, methane production may occur. In Natural solutions have the advantage of being able to generate multiple those which have survived are formed around all cases, however, peatlands capture significant proportions of carbon and store it persistently artificial bodies of water, often in old quarries. public spending than solutions based on civil and traditional engineering. Wetlands are among the most vulnerable types (for several thousand years), preventing it from social and environmental benefits, while at the same time requiring less of environments in terms of climate change, re-entering the carbon cycle and thus from incurring damage and losing ground faster than contributing to global warming. Riparian forests any other kind of ecosystem (GIEC, 2007). And are also able to trap carbon for relatively long impediment to their application resides in the means by which they must yet, in both urban and rural areas wetlands carry periods of time in the oldest parts of their trees beWhile implemented. measures employing biodiversity bear undeniable appeal, the main out essential natural functions including flood (trunks and branches). This carbon cannot return prevention, water purification and carbon storage. to the ecosystem for at least several decades, First of all, these measures require changes in the way we think as a society, if not several hundred years. requiring us to abandon habitual practices such as intensive agricultural Wetlands are also biodiversity reservoirs and methods and replacing them with systems that may seem less advanta- important sites for the reproduction and nesting For Paris region, the main challenge is preserving of a number of animal species. Preserving diversity existing wetlands and related flood-prone areas in wetlands is a major concern in terms of both (wetland meadows, riparian forests) of all sizes amonggeous in relevant the short parties, term, evenas well though as opportunities they are much for more dialogue beneficial and confron overall.- biodiversity and combatting climate change. (especially ponds and marshy forests), as well as Another essential step forward is the distribution of scientific information Moreover, protecting wetlands is less costly than placing limits on overly intensive management tation between groups whose interests are divergent, through legitimate constructing dykes and levees. However, only of these areas: measures to be avoided include on an individual level. wetlands in sound ecological health are capable conversion to poplar plantations, commercial of playing their role as a "natural sponge" for the cultivation of alluvial forests, destruction of wood Furthermore, we must remember that ecological engineering is a new effects of climate change. colonies and topsoil inversion of peatlands, science still in development, whose procedures we have not yet mastered. digging of ponds that have become non- Wetlands can be both sources and sinks for functioning, and the removal of dead wood. In carbon. When functioning naturally, they generally addition, it should be noted that adherence to rapidThis kind responses. of discipline requires scientific advances that will take time to act as carbon sinks: vegetation forms peat and agroecological policies would allow us to reduce achieve, despite the fact that the fight against climate change demands the combination of the two is capable of storing pollution and, at the same time, avoid putting Finally, these types of measures generate collective economies, reducing carbon. When disturbed, however, they become undue stress on wetlands via unsustainable levels carbon emitters. A study carried out within the of water consumption external interests rather than individual benefits. of ecological engineering with traditional green technologies such as wind, solarIn the and context hydraulic of the power,COP21, in it orderis therefore to bring important about real to combine adaptation elements to cli- mate change. However, the development of techniques for mitigation and adapting to global changes, particularly targeting carbon emissions, should avoid inviting a slew of projects that lack consultation or are limited to one

the key to success. sector, domain or type of stakeholder. In policy as in nature, diversity is



A flooded alluvial forest, the Refuge marsh in Lesches. © M. Zucca

1. 2. According to A. Schnitzler - 30 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region introduction 31 Overview of Adaptation and Mitigation Measures Non-Exhaustive Bibliography


Actes de la conférence " Climat et biodiversité : Rencontre avec les ADAPTATION http://www.fondation- J.M. Meynard, A. Messéan, A. Charlier, F. Charrier, M. Farès, M. Le Bail, COMBATTING THE EFFECTS OF AC units Revegetation of streets expertssions-publiques/international/ipbes/ipbes-rencontre-ipbes-giec- français de l’IPBES et du GIEC " - M.B. Magrini, 2013. Freins et leviers à la diversification des cultures. URBAN HEAT ISLANDS Street watering and buildings 6-nov-2014.html Etudedes-cultures-comment-la-promouvoir au niveau des exploitations agricoles et des filières. Rapport d’étude, INRA, 226 p. Zucca M., Birard J. & Turcati L., 2013. Diagnostic de l’état de l’état de changement global - - santé de la biodiversité en Île-de-France. Natureparif, Paris. 84 p. - COMBATTING THE RISK OF Dykes and artificial runoffs Restore functionality of urban Barbault,ries/jr/jr12/5-biodiversite-et-climat-barbault-weber.pdf R., Weber ; J., 2010. Biodiversité et climat : le janus du - FLOODS AND HEAVY RAINS water cycles bycreating ponds and basins to collect rainwater teurs/2013/Natureparif_diagnostic_biodiversite_WEB.pdf Adopt a program of Schéma Régional du Climat, de l’Air et de l’Energie d’Ile-de-France et al.. Complementary effects of species and genetic demineralisation in urban (SRCAE) - Ivandiversity Prieto, on Cyrilleproductivity Violle, andPhilippe stability Barre, of sown Jean Louisgrasslands. Durand, Marc France_version_decembre_2012_vdefinitive_avec_couverture_-_v20- surfaces (school playgrounds, Plan Régional pour le climat d’Île-de-France - http://www.ilede- Ghesquière,Nature Plants, 2015, 1 (4), pp.1-5 - apartment buildings, 12-2012_cle0b1cdf.pdf articles/nplants201533 roadways) in tandem with Réseau Action Climat France, Les émissions importées : le passager http://driaaf.ile-de-france.agricul- revegetation policies clandestin du commerce mondial - DRIAAF,cle0ebbaa.pdf la foret francilienne - Bruno Locatelli, Les synergies entre adaptation et atténuation en COMBATTING DROUGHT Intensive watering Agricultural practices in EMISSIONS-IMPORTEES_RAC-Ademe-Citepa.pdf Seed selection accordance with local climate ADEME, Carbone organique des sols : l’énergie de l’agro-écologie, une conditions quelques mots - CIFOR : solution pour le climat, Juillet 2014 - 27 p. - COP21 & Agroforesterie : Du nouveau sous le soleil avec l’agriculture cobam/FRENCH-Definitions%26Conceptial-Framework.pdf sites/default/files/assets/documents/7886_sol-carbone-2p-bd.pdf environment/nature/info/pubs/docs/greeninfrastructure.pdf du carbone, Association Française d’Agroforesterie - Juillet 2015 mitigation Green infrastructure, European commission - - foresterie-COP-21-du-nouveau-sous-le-soleil-avec-l-agriculture-du- CARBON STORAGE Carbon trapping using Increasing amounts of biomass Bellard C., Bertelsmeier C., Leadley P., Thuiller W., Courchamp F., carbone.pdf geo-engineering present in urban and rural 2012. Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity - Luyssaert, S., et al., Old-growth forests as global carbon sinks. areas University Press - Policies aiming to prevent synthesis-syr/english/front.pdfIPCC, 2001. Climate change 2001: synthesis report. Cambridge Nature, 2008. 455(7210): p. 213-215 - the use of impervious ground Natacha Massu, Guy Landmann, coord., 2011. Connaissance des Le changement climatique à Paris, collectif, Météo-France et l’Agence nature/journal/v455/n7210/full/nature07276.html surfaces parisienne du climat - impacts du changement climatique sur la biodiversité en France 180 p. - - ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN HOMES Insulation using classic petrol- Use of organic insulating Rapport sur le climat de la France au 21e documents/accede_document.php métropolitaine, synthèse de la bibliographie. Mars 2011. ECOFOR. based materials materials M. Déqué, M. Jouini, S. Planton, R. Vautard, sous la direction de siècle Volume 4, G. Ouzeau, Rossi, M., Vallauri, D., 2013. évaluer la naturalité. Guide pratique, Revegetation of buildings nale_112011.pdf http://www.foretsan- (rooves and facades) l’Énergie - Jean Jouzel, Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de version 1.2. WWF, Marseille, 154 pages - et al. REDUCING GREENHOUSE Green transport Transport methods with ONERC_Climat_France_XXI_Volume_4.pdf génétique et adaptation des forêts. Forêt Méditerranéenne, 29 (2), Lefèvre, F., Collin, E. (2008). Changement climatique, diversité EMISSIONSIN URBAN AREAS reduced carbon footprints, -T. Elmqvist (eds.), Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem - 243-246 - using non-carbon energy Services: Challenges 175 and Opportunities: A Global Assessment er sources and infrastructures Villes et adaptation au changement climatique ; rapport au Premier system_services-challenges_and_opportunities_2013.pdf Zones Humides Infos - n° 67 - 1 trimestre 2010. 2. ZH. Infos - conceived in accordance with ministre et au Parlement. Observatoire national sur les effets du SRCE policies réchauffement climatique. La Documentation française, Paris, 2010, All Natureparif publications can be accessed 224 p - at:

REDUCING GREENHOUSE GMO, selective species growth Reduced tillage Watch our latest video (5 minutes 33 seconds) - EMISSIONS IN FARMLANDS Increasing biomass using cover ONERC_ville_et_adaptation.pdf crops and related crop choices and Services (Oberndorfer et al. Climat: la nature source de solutions en Île-de-France Green Roofs as Urban Ecosystems: Ecological Structures,Functions, at: Planting trees in or around 2007) - crop fields (agroforestry) doi/pdf/10.1641/B571005

RENEWABLE ENERGY Renewable energies that have Renewable energies whose not been ecologically designed component materials or processes have a reduced biospheric impact, organised in cooperation with local areas and authorities and working towards energy self-sufficiency in local regions.

CARBON STORAGE IN FORESTS Species selectively-chosen for Conservation of older trees, rapid growth Adaptive management prioritising biodiversity

32 cLIMATE: nature-based solutions for climate change in paris region Natureparif A non-profit organisation as defined in the French law of 1901, Natureparif was created by Paris region with the support of the central government. Acting for nature and biodiversity in Paris region, its mission is to gather existing knowledge and information and distribute this information via appropriate channels. The organisation also identifies regional action priorities and maintains an inventory of biodiversity preservation best practices, as well as working to ensure their widespread implementation.

Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie (Seine Normandy Water Agency) The Seine-Normandie water agency is overseen by two government ministries: the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy and the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry. Its purview is the Seine drainage basin and the coastal rivers of Normandy. Its primary objectives are the preservation of natural heritage and the streamlining of water management practices.

GIS Climat-Environnement-Société Created in March 2007, the GIS initiates, supports and coordinates interdisciplinary research pertaining to climate change and its impacts on society and the environment. Its work builds upon the expertise of a collective of research laboratories in Paris region, working primarily in the domains of climatology, hydrology, ecology, health and social sciences.