Cir€AUX 1098-1998

1998 CJSr€~CJAO SrU<)J€5 con-F-tR-tnc £ THE INSTITUTE OF CISTERCIAN STUDIES College of Arts and Sciences • Western Michigan University ·1-10 mAy 1998 in conjunction with the 3Jrd Internationctl Congress on Medieval Studies S€SSJOOS


0€ £gR€SSU CJS1:€RCJ€nSJUm monAcnoRum

Unity, Unanimity, Uniformity: What Were the First Seeking? Michael Casey, ocso

They Left with Their Abbot Armand Veilleux, ocso

Thurston of York and the Founding of Clteaux M. Basil Pennington, ocso

PRESIDING: E. Rozanne Elder 1040/ 50 Fetzer THURSDAY I :30 PM


Spiritual Ideal and Economic and Social Realities: The Example of the Breton Cistercians (XII-XIII Centuries) Andre Dufief

Cistercian Nuns and Sephardic Jews: Las Huelgas' Multicultural Setting Andrea Gayoso

Historical Fact, Theological Construct, Spiritual Truth: Cistercian Ideology and Propaganda Javier Perez-Embid ·

PRESIDING: Edward McCorl

ARCriUS 0€1nC€.pS ArQU€ .P€RF€CriUS 1nt1A€R€R€

Early Vallombrosa and Early Citeaux: So Alike and So Unlike Hugh McCaffery, ocso

A Living Sacrifice: Cisterciap Influence on the Ordo for the Profession of Lay Brothers in the Order of Sempringham Janet T. Sorrentino

Citeaux-The 'New Monastery': Facet of a New Crystal M. Colman O'Dell, ocso

PRESIOING: Benedict Simmonds, ocso 1060 Fetzer



The Architecture of the Cistercians in the Southern Baltic Area Christine Kratzke

Hidden Witness: Saint Mary and Saint Gertrud in Hedersleben, AD 1253-1810 Cornelia Oefelein

Salt and Wine Within Cistercian Life and Economics Klaus Wollenberg

PRESIDING: Meredith Lillich 1040/50 Fetzer Center

Wisdom and Fire: Cistercian Charism in the Writings of Gilbert of Hoyland M. Pamela Clinton, ocso

Sisters and Patrons: Jeanne and MargUerite of Constantinople and the Cistercian Order in Thirteenth-Century Flanders Erin Jordan

Sint Servaas in the County of Utrecht: The Oldest Monastery for Women in the Northern Netherlands Geertruida de Moor

PRESIDING: Jane Patricia Freeland 1060 Fetzer

3 FRIDAY 10:00 AM pR1m1 nu1us €CCL€SIA€ FunoArOR€s

The Vim of Robert of Molesme: Fact or Fiction? Neil M. Mancour

Was Alberic The 'lkal' Founder of Citeaux? Brian Patrick McGuire

Alberic of the New Monastery as Jeremiah of Anathoth M. Chrysogonus Waddell, ocso

PRESIDING: John R. Sommerfeldt l 040/50 Fetzer


The Thirteen Monks Who Left Saint Mary's Abbey York }ens Rueffer

Layers of Meaning in the Foundation History of Fountains Abbey Elizabeth Freeman

Cistercian Antecedents in Britain: An Aelredian Sacramentary Marsha Dutton

PRESIDING: Brendan Freeman, ocso l 040/50 Fetzer

4 FRIDAY 3:30 PM


Vim prim11 Bern11rdi: Portrait of a Spiritual Journey? Tyler Sergent

Echoes of the &ordium P11num in Bernard's Ad clericos de conPersione Luke Anderson, o. CIST.

Le discernement bernardian entre celui des peres du desert et celui d'Ignace de Loyola Dominique Bertrand, SJ ' PRESIDING: Aage Rydstr0m-Poulsen 1040/50 Fetzer

AaaAS €"t" SUI AUC"t"ORI"t"A"t"€ f"R€"t"l

The Feminine Abbot: Smaragdus and the Cistercian Fathers Daniel M. LaCorte

Visual Representations of Saint Bernard: Patterns and Developments Gerhard Jaritz

Cistercian Theologians at the Late Medieval University of Paris Thomas Sullivan, O SB

PRESIDING: David N. Bell I 060 Fetzer Center


LOQU€~AO"CUR~ COOQU€R€~AO"CUR~ conrRisr-t~AnruR. ..

Why Can We Know So Little About the Early Cistercians? Constance Berman

From Molesme to Clteaux: The Earliest 'Cistercian' 'Spirituality' David N . Bell


PRESIDING: Chrysogonus Waddell, ocso 1040/ 50 Fetzer

Other sessions of special interest: SATURDAY-1:30PM The Influence of Monastic Sprituality on Medieval Literature Patricia Quattrin 304 Valley III

SUNDAY-10:30 AM The Influence of Cistercian Spirituality on British and Continental Literature Patricia Quattrin 304 Valley III



Les Cisterciens et le fer au Moyen Age: nouveUes recherches Paul Benoit

Partage d'un territoire: les rapports de l'abbaye de Vauluisant avec l'archev~che de Sens au Moyen Age (Yonne, ) Josephine Rouillard

Medieval Environmental Change: The Monastic Machine of Bordcsley Abbey John E. Broich

PRESIDING: Terryl N. Kinder 1040/50 Fetzer

ror Cl€RICOS llrr€RA"'tOS €"'t 00Btl€S

William of Saint Thierry's Citations of Scripture in his Expositio ad Romanos Steven Cartwright

The Chief Motifs in the Writings of Guerric of Igny Paul E. Lockey

Desiderium Qpod: The Cistercian Vodtion of Men and Women Lillian Thomas Shank, ocso

PRESIDING: Martha Krieg 1060 Fetzer


€CCl€SIAm ... lA€t"lf"ICAR€ €t" CORROBRAR€ CO€P€Runr

The Virile Bride of Bernard of Clairvaux Revisited Shawn Madison Krahmcr

The Invention of a Tradition: Early Cistercian Homiliaries and Marian Piety Louis I. Hamilton

Nailed by Obedience: Monks, Lay Brothers and the Imimtio Christi Martha G. Newman

PRESIDING: Charles Cummings, ocso 1040/50 Fetzer

€t" CA€t"€ROS QUI €X €1SO€m f"U€RA0t" €XORt"l

The Re-founding of Citeaux and Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard (1858-1935) Gilchrist Lavigne, ocsp

Notre-Dame-do -Saint-Esprit ( 1862): The Material Conditions of Citeaux Revisited Andre Picard, ocso

The First Trappist Foundation in Brazil (1904-1930) Jose Pereira da Silva

PRESIDING: Evelyn Kaehler I 060 Fetzer Center

8 SUNDAY 8:30 AM

~€n€OICrlon€ oom1n1 1n OI€S CR€SC€~Anr

New Aspects of the First and Second Cistercian Reforms Charlotte Ziegler

From Medium to Large: Changing the Alignment of the Thirteenth-century Refectory at Villers-en-Brabant Thomas Coomans

PRESIDING: Emero Stiegman 1040/50 Fetzer


monAsr€Rium I~IO€m ... consrRu€R€ CO€P€Runr

Cistercians in the Yonne: From the Cradle of Citeaux to a Microcosm of the Order Terryl N.Kinder

The Reconstruction of Esrom Abbey ]ens Anker ]0rgcnsen

PRESIDING: James France 1040/50 Fetzer

9 €V€n1ng PROQRAmS

THURSDAY 7:30PM Early Citeaux and the Founding Fathers in Medieval Art James France Author of The Cistercians in Medieval Art 1055 Fetzer (reception following)

Cistercian Life and Prayer: An Experiential Program M. Basil Pennington, ocso 1040/50 Fetzer

FRIDAY 8:00PM Treasures Old and New: Nine Centuries of Cistercian Music The Scholars of Cambrai Gail Gillispie, Artistic Director Saint Augustine's Cathedral, Kalamazoo 7:15PM: Bus departs from Valley III forSt Augustine's

Sponsored by: The Institute of Cistercian Studies, Western Michigan University The Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo

10 \VORSntp S€RVIC€S

EUCHARIST Th/Fri/Sat 7 AM 1040/50 Fetzer Sunday 7 AM Roman Catholic Fetzer Auditorium 7:15AM Anglican-Lutheran 1040/50 Fetzer

VESPERS Th/Fri 5:15PM 1040/50 Fetzer Saturday 6:15 PM Latin Vespers Cathedral of Christ the King

mAOUSCRtpr AOO 13ooli £xnal3ar

The Cistercians-Nine Hundred Years: An Exhibit of Manuscripts and Books in the Obrecht Collection of the Institute of Cistercian Studies Library, Western Michigan University (on permanent loan from Gethsemani Abbey)

Curator: Dr Thomas Amos, Institute of Cistercian Studies and Special Collections Librarian

The Fetzer Centre Lobby

11 SJ)€C1Al €V€nrs

SA"CUROAY 7:15PM CISTERCIAN CONFERENCE DINNER Undercroft of the Cathedral of Christ the King ReserJJations required

5:45PM Bus departs from Valley 11-front entrance 6:15PM Vespers Please note: bus does not return to campus after Vespers 7:15PM Dinner 9:20PM Compline 9:45PM Bus returns to campus

sunOAY 2:00 PM TEA AND TOUR Edwin and Mary Meader Room, Waldo Library

Cistercians and Cistercian-scholars are invited to the Edwin and Mary Meader Room ofWaldo Library, on the third floor of the entry rotunda. Tea will be served and visitors will have the opportunity to see the (still relatively) new home of the Cistercian Studies Rare Book and Manuscript Collection.

6:00 PM-SUNDAY COLLATION The Commons, Walwood Hall ReserJJations required 5:40PM: Bus departs from Valley II front entrance for Walwood

12 100€X

NAME ...... •...... •...... • SESSION( S)

Anderson ...... Friday, 3:30PM

Bell ...... Friday, 3:30 PM ...... Saturday, 10 AM Benoit ...... Saturday, 1:30 PM Berman ...... Saturday, 10 AM Bertrand ...... Friday, 3:30PM Broich ...... Saturday, 1:30 PM

Cartwright ...... Saturday, 1:30 PM Casey ...... Thursday, 10 AM Clinton ...... Thursday, 3:30PM Coomans ...... Sunday, 8:30AM Cummings ...... Saturday, 3:30 PM de Moor ...... Thursday, 3:30PM Dufief...... Thursday, 1:30 PM Dutton ...... Friday, 1:30 PM

Elder ...... Thursday, 10 AM

France ...... Thursday, 7:30 PM ...... Sunday, 10:30 AM Freeland ...... Thursday, 3:30 PM Freeman, B ...... Friday, 1:30 PM Freeman, E ...... Friday, 1:30 PM

Gayoso ...... Thursday, 1:30PM

Hamilton ...... Saturday, 3:30 PM

Jaritz ...... Friday, 3:30PM Jordan ...... Thursday, 3:30PM ]0rgensen ...... Sunday, 10:30 AM

13 Kaehler ...... Saturday, 3:30 PM Kinder ...... Saturday, 1:30PM ...... Sunday, 10:30 AM Krahmer ...... Saturday, 3:30PM Kratzke ...... Thursday, 3:30 PM Krieg ...... Saturday, 1:30PM

LaCorte ...... Friday, 3:30 PM Lavigne ...... Saturday, 3:30PM Lillich ...... Thursday, 3:30 PM Lockey ...... Saturday, 1 :30 PM

Mancour ...... Friday, 10 AM McCaffery ...... Thursday, 1:30 PM McCorkell ...... Thursday, 1:30PM McGuire ...... Friday, 10 AM

Newman ...... Saturday, 3:30PM

O'Dell ...... Thursday, 1:30 PM Oefelein ...... Thursday, 3:30 PM

Pennington ...... Thursday, l 0 AM ...... Thursday, 7:30PM Pereira da Silva ...... Saturday, 3:30 PM Perez-Embid ...... Thursday, 1:30 PM Picard ...... Saturday, 3:30 PM

Rouillard ...... Saturday, 1:30 PM Rueffer ...... Friday, 1:30PM Rydstr0m-Poulsen ...... Friday, 3:30PM

Sergent ...... Friday, 3:30 PM Shank ...... Saturday, 1:30 PM Simmonds ...... Thursday, 1:30 PM Sommerfeldt ...... Friday, 10 AM Sorrentino ...... Thursday, 1:30 PM Stiegman ...... Sunday, 8:30 AM Sullivan ...... Friday, 3:30 PM

14 Veilleux ...... Thursday, 10 AM

Waddell ...... Friday, 10 AM ...... Saturday, 10 AM Wollenberg ...... Thursday, 3:30 PM

Ziegler ...... Sunday, 8:30AM

Scholars interested in presenting a paper at the 1999 Cistercian Studies Conference are invited to submit an abstract to the Institute of Cistercian Studies. Abstracts must be typed, double-spaced, and signed, and posted to be received at ICS offices no later than 15 September 1998. Requests for audiovisual equipment must accompany the abstract. Papers are strictly limited to twenty minutes. The submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment to attend the Conference if the paper is accepted. Papers are not read for absent scholars. Letters of acceptance/ rejection are sent out in early October. All participants in the Cistercian Studies Conference are automatically participants in the International Medieval Studies Congress, and will receive information on transportation, housing, and meals from the Medieval Institute.

15 mos, Thomas aron, Ann Marie, RSM AWestern Michigan University CSt Joseph College Waldo Library Asylum Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49008 West Hartford, CT 06117

Anderson, Luke, o.cisT. Cartwright, Steven St Mary's Priory Western Michigan University RD I Box 205 1124 Newell Place New Ringgold, PA 17960 Kalamazoo, MI 49001 H. ell, David N. Casey, Michael, ocso I;' Memorial University of Tarrawarra Abbey Newfoundland Healesville Road Department of Religious Studies Yarra Glen Victoria 3775 StJohn's, Newfoundland AUSTRALIA CANADA AIC 5S7 Clinton, M. Pamela, ocso Benoit, Paul Mount Saint Mary's Abbey Equipe d'Histoire des Mines et 300 Arnold Street de Ia Metallurgic Wrentham, MA 02093 9, rue Mather 75181 Paris, Cedex 04 Coomans, Thomas FRANCE Universite Catholique de Louvain Berman, Constance 20 rue Fauchille The University of Iowa B-1150 Brussels Department of History BELGIUM 280 Schaeffer Hall Iowa City, lA 52242 Ae Moor, Geertruida Vw. Bilderdijkhof 62 Bertrand, Dominique, SJ 2624 ZG Delft Institute des Sources NETHERLANDS Chretiennes 29 rue du Plat Dufief, Andre F-69002 Lyon Universite de Haut-Bretagne FRANCE 6 Avenue Gaston Berger 35000 Rennes Broich, John B. FRANCE 433 South Seventh Street # 1602 Dutton, Marsha Minneapolis, MN 55415 Hanover College Department of English Hanover, IN 47243-0108

16 1der, B. Rozanne Jordan, Erin € Western Michigan University University oflowa Institute of Cistercian Studies 333 Finkbine Lane, #12 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Iowa City, lA 52246

Lrance, James J 0rgensen, J ens ~ker T . Cottrills Esrum Abbey /Helsinge Blewbury, Oxon. OX11 9DP Gymnasium ENGLAND Plantanevej 11 3200 Helsinge Freeland, Jane Patricia DENMARK 6 Chestnut Court Amherst, MA 01002-1827 .L aehler, Evelyn n DePaul University Freeman, Brendan, ocso 409 Florence Avenue Evanston, IL 60202 6500 Melleray Circle Peosta, lA 52068 Kinder, Terryl N. Citeaux: Commentarii Freeman, Elizabeth cistercienses University of Melbourne 17 rue Rabe Department of History 89230 Pontigny Parkville Vic 3052 FRANCE AUSTRALIA Krahmer, Shawn Madison ayoso,~drea St Joseph's University g Universidad de Ia Republica, 8 Raleigh Drive Uruguay-University of Iowa Downington, PA 19335 310 N. Gilbert Street, #A Iowa City, lA 52245 Kratzke, Christine Universitat Leipzig amilton, Louis I. Geisteswissenschaftliches tlFordham University Zentrum fiir Geschite und Department of History Kultur Ostmitteleuropas Rose Hill Campus Luppenstr. 1 B 441 East Fordham Road D-04177 Leipzig Bronx, NY 10458-5159 GERMANY

aritz, Gerhard Krieg, Martha lnstitut fiir Realienkunde 252 Carriage Way J Kornermarkt 13 Ypsilanti, MI 48197-6412 A-3500 Krems AUSTRIA

17 acorte, Daniel M. ewman, Martha G. L Fordham University nThe University ofTexas 1547 Kickapoo Court Department of History Kalamazoo, M1 49006 Garrison Hall Austin, TX 78712 Lavigne, Gilchrist, ocso Our Lady of the Mississippi 'Dell, M. Colman, ocso Abbey O Mount Saint Mary's Abbey 8400 Abbey Hill 300 Arnold Street Dubuque, IA 52001 -9501 Wrentham, MA 02093

Lillich, Meredith Oefelein, Cornelia Syracuse University Freie Universitat Berlin Department of Fine Arts Giesebrechtstr. 12 Syracuse, NY 13244 10629 Berlin GERMANY Lockey, Paul E. Rice University ennington, M. Basil, ocso Department of Humanities St Joseph's Abbey 5615 Morningside Drive PLantao Island Cistercian Abbey Suite 409 PO Box 5 Peng Chan Houston, TX 77005-3218 HONG KONG tnancour, Neil M. Pereira da Silva, Jose ' ' .J.vycliffe Hall, Oxford Universidad de Taubate 42 Court Place Gardens Rua Francisco Marques Oxford OX4 4EW Toledo Pinto, 56 ENGLAND CEP 12031 -650 Taubate-SP McCaffery, Hugh, ocso BRAZIL Mount Melleray Abbey Co. Waterford Perez-Embid, Javier IRELAND Universidad de Huelva Departamento de Geogratia e McGuire, Brian Patrick Historia Roskilde University Campus del Carmen PO Box 260 Avenida de las Fuerzas Armadas 4000 Roskilde 21 007 H uelva DENMARK SPAIN Picard, Andre, ocso Abbaye N.- D. d'Oka 35 Blvd Saint Raymond Hull, Quebec CANADA J8Y IRS

18 r'louillard, Josephine Sorrentino, Janet T. " Universite de Paris University of North Carolina Equipe d'Histoire des Mines et Department of History de Ia Metallurgic CS 3195 Hamilton Hall 9, rue Malher Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3195 75181 Paris, Cedex 04 FRANCE Stiegman, Emero StMary's University Rueffer, J ens 515 Piggott Lake Road Humboldt-Universitat Mount Uniacke, Nova Scotia Sophienstrasse 22A CANADA BON IZO Berlin D- 10178 GERMANY Sullivan, Thomas, OSB Conception Abbey Rydstrom-Poulsen, Age Conception, MO 64433-0501 University of Copenhagen- Western Michigan University eilleux, Armand, ocso 100 Western Avenue V Casa Generalizia Cisterciensi E-12 Elmwood Apartments s.o. Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Via Mrica, 33 1-00144 Roma (Euro) ~cholars of Cambrai, The ITALY ~ Gail Gillispie, Artistic Director 28 East Rose Street l t /addeD, Chrysogonus, ocso Glenwood, IL 60425 W Gethsemani Abbey 3642 Monks Road Sergent, Tyler Trappist, KY 40051 -6I52 Western Michigan University The Medieval Institute Wollenberg, Klaus Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Fachhochschule Miinchen Flurstrasse 11 Shank, Lillian Thomas, ocso D-82256 Fuerstenfeldbruck Our Lady of the Mississippi GERMANY Abbey 4002 Inverrary Blvd ~iegler, Charlotte Apt 1-A L Stift Zwettl Lauderhill, FL 33319 A-3910 Stift Zwettl NO AUSTRIA Simmonds, Benedict, ocso Holy Cross Abbey Route 2, Box 3870 Berryville, VA 22611

Sommerfeldt, John R. The University of Dallas Department of History Irving, TX 75062-4736



7:00AM Eucharist 1040/ 50 Fetzer {coffee, tea, and b1· pastries an a:rmilable following Mass)

7:00- 8:00 Breakfast Valley III Dining Room

10:30-12:00 Sessions

11:30-1:30 Lunch Valley III Dining Room

1:30-3:00 PM Sessions

3:30-5:00 Sessions

5:15 Th, F Vespers 1040/ 50 Fetzer

6:00 Th, F Dinner Valley III Dining Room


7:00/7:15 AM Eucharist Fetzer Auditorium 1040/ 50 Fetzer

7:00-9:00 Breakfast Valley III Dining Room

8:30- 12:00 Sessions

11:30-1:30 Lunch Valley III Dining Room

20 sp€CIAL €V€nrs QUICii guiO€

THURSDAY EVENING: 7:30PM Early Citeaux and the Founding Fathers in Medieval Art (reception following) ...... I 055 Fetzer Cistercian Life and Prayer ...... 1040/50 Fetzer

FRIDAY EVENING: 7:15PM Bus departs from Valley III forSt Augustine's 8:00PM Treasures Old and New: Nine Centuries of Cistercian Music ...... St Augustine's Cathedral

SATURDAY EVENING: 5:45PM Bus departs from Valley 11- front entrance for Cathedral Please note: bus does not return to campus after Vespers 6:15PM Vespers ...... Cathedral of Christ the King 7:15PM Cistercian Conference Dinner (reserJiations reiJuired) ...... Undercroft of the Cathedral of Christ the King 9:20PM Compline ...... Cathedral of Christ the King 9:45PM Bus returns to campus

SUNDAY: 7:00A-M Eucharist: Roman Catholic ...... Fetzer Auditorium 7:15 Eucharist: Anglican-Lutheran ...... 1040/50 Fetzer 2:00PM Tea and Tour ...... Waldo Rare Book Room 5:40PM Bus departs from Valley 11- front entrance for Watwood 6:00 p~ Cistercian Studies Collation (reser11ations reiJuired) ...... Walwood Hall