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MAKING MONEY with YOUR COMPUTER PLAYBAUI Bats Meet Bytes PROGRAMMING for Nine Computers CHILDREN ' S TELEVISION WORKSHOP· MAY 1984 $1.75 TM THE WORLD OF COMPUTERS AND NEW TECHNOLOGY MAKING MONEY WITH YOUR COMPUTER PLAYBAUI Bats Meet Bytes PROGRAMMING For Nine Computers PLUS: Software Reviews Biary of a Game Designer If you own 0 Commodore VIC 20 or 64, a Texas Instruments 99/ 4A, an IBM or Apple II, we've got what you've been waiting for! The biggest arcade hits ever, the classIcs. DONKEY KONG by Nintendo, CENTIPEDE~ PAC'MAN, DEFENDER, ROBOTRON: 2084, STARGATE and DIG DUG. IOn the T199/4A you can also ploy Protector II, Sl10mus, Picnic Paranoia and Super Storm.! Md the hits will keep on coming. Soon you'll be able to ploy JOUST; JUNGLE HUNT: MOON PATROL; POLE POSITION; MS. PAC·MAN" plus others on your home computer. Some games also available on Colecovision and Intellevision. "m 150 FT '" The Arcade ClassiCS from ATARISOFT." They could be playing where you live. Today. NOW your computer filS Ihe arcade hils. DONKEY KONG O'lCl NINIENDO ore rrooemOl'ks O"'IC C NtnlenOo 1981, 1983. OHfNQfR l!> a tro:::iemorl:.. one! C W~hom5 1980. ffiCI"IVlacrurea under hcen:.e hom W llllOms ElecrrQnI(5. In< ROB01 RON 2084. /v'()()I'.J PATROl and JOUST ore Irodemorks ClOd <0 ofwlll+om~ 1982. mO"lufoclI.. red lS'lder bc ~ from W dhoms tectrorucs. Inc DIG DUG ~ creared ond deSIgned by NomCO. lIc. rnc.nJIoClured unoe r hcense by AlOft. IOC llOdemOft end C No:nco 1982, PROlEC10R n. ~S and PICNIC PAAANOLA are rrooemorks o f Synapse SoIr.vcre CoIOOlOlloo. fTlO"1JiccM eo lKlCIer lIC ense by AtOll, lne: SUPER STORM ~ engneered CI1d oe!.lgned by Synapse Sof/v"'Ofe COfporol1()(l, maufoClured under lICense by ,IoI0f!, Inc JUNGLE HUN! ~ a nodemofk. and C ol1ool0 AmefJCa C:>rp JQ82 POtE POSlIION 150 englfleeled Old deslgned bY Nameo lid mon.Jocrured I.nCIeI 'ICE!IUe by AlOfl. Inc. lrodemOfit and C NameD SIARGAT{ 150 a uooemork CJ1d C W IIIICfIl5 1981, moltlfocnxeo I.J'Ider 11(er't$e rrom WlnlOm~ UeelrO'lICS, Inc MS, PAC-MAN, PAC-MAN one choroCler~ ore !rodemor ~ of eaaV Mld-....ov Mrg Co ~lCemed 10 Alali, Inc by NOmco-Amenco, IflC. AlARtSon - ore mcnJfaClUfed by A1arl. InC. 'Of use ()'1 me abOve leferencea ffiO(n.nes croo ae nol mooe, Icenseo or opprovec t::I( me moouloclUfer~ Of 1I'1ee mocnrles C 0':, VIC 20. IfXAS INSIRUM£N1S 99/41>.. 16tv\. APPlE. COLKQVlSION OncllNlfLUVlSION ore repe<llveIy IIQdemor;.s of Commodore ElectronICs l1mlteo. 'exo~ If'I$Uumef'1IS, In:errorrOOOl Buslnes .\NXhmes Corp, AOple Computer, Inc, Cdeeo 1 1 1C~trre, 11"1( crro MOllel, tnc A O lA'Otnef Communrc.Ohons COmpcny C JQ63 ATOll. Inc Alllighls reserved VOLUME 1, NUMBER 7 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS MAKING MONEY WITH 18 FEEDBACK: Our readers write. 3 YOUR COMPUTER Th is ENTER list of computer job BITS: A byte of news briefs. 4 ideas could give you a head start on a high-tech career. Plus, RANDOM ACCESS: 6 tips from young computer Computer conversations. store workers on how to get­ and keep-that first job. ASK ENTER: Our Help-Line. 8 DIARY OF A GAME DESIGNER 26 USER VIEWS: Play to learn. 9 Eric 8abinet, 16, tells how a year of work turned his school programming project into POI Software's game. Star Crystals NEWS BEAT: Computer News. 10 SOFTWARE SUCCESS: IT'S HARD 30 SHOW BEAT: Entertainment 12 At 15, Kay 80rzsony learned how tough selling software can be. News. COMPUTERS COME TO BAT 36 PACESETTERS: 14 Computers are a hit with big league baseball teams. Plus a video Real Whiz Kids. ball game, and a program that lets you rate the best players. CONNECTIONS: 16 THE MYSTERIOUS FLOWCHART 42 Resources. News to use. You 're hot on the trail of a pilfered program in this flowchart adventure. PENCIL CRUNCHERS: Word Hunt. 46 Anagrams. 50 GAMES GONE GONZO 47 'Punkey Kong ' 'Tootsie-Tron ' and other crazy game ideas. BASIC TRAINING: 51 Programming for nine computers. STATE OF THE ART: TV enters 58 the computer age. INPUT: Tell us what you think. 63 NEXT: Coming attractions and 64 answers. Cover: Photo © Stan Fellerman MAY 1984 ENTER - ~ <l<I< ____ VOL. 1. NO. 7. MAY 1984 © 1984 Publisher Nina B. Link Editor Ira Wollman Art Director n the front of every magazine, there is a long list of names Jaye Medalia Senior Editor and titles called a masthead. Very few people-outside of Jim Lewis , Managing Editor the families of the editors-ever read it. After all, who really Au ra Marrero Technical Editor cares who the junior assistant contributing copy checker is? Richard Cheval Unless you're related to somebody at ENTER (Hi, mom!), Associate Editon Palricia Be rr ~ Susan Jarrell you've probably never read our masthead, which sits next to this Assistant Editor Ellzabelh Hell ich column. But we've just added something important. See where it Assistant Art Director says "Youth Advisors" (around the middle somewhere)? Well, Joan Endres Contributing Editon those six names are all kids, and an important part of our mag­ Bernie DeKoven. Fred D·lgnazio. Mike Edeiharl. David f't7Ml 1i. Phil Wis l'oell azine. And we need four more reader/advisors. Maybe you could West Coast Editor Susan Meyers be one. Editorial Consultant The "Youth Advisor" board began when we noticed that we'd Andrew Gulelle been talking to a lot of kids who were doing interesting things with RESEARCH Research Director/Publications Madeline Boskey·Olsen computers. We found that those kids had a lot of smart things to Assistant Director Michele Freck say about computers, and about ENTER. We realized we wanted Researcher Andres Henriquez them to be a part of ENTER on a regular basis. BUSINESS Business Manager John G. Col son So we asked Bela Selendy, 16, Greg Trautman, 17, Elizabeth Circulation Director Lynn Russolillo Disney, 13, Eric Babinet, 16, Dan Lhamon, 13, and Cynthia Elias, Subscription Fuffillment Manager Lucille Friedman 13, if they would join us as advisors and contributors. We wanted Production Director Carlos N. Crosbie Assistant Production Manager Kalh y Lee to know what they thought was exciting in computers and games, ADVERnSING SAILS ". and what they liked and didn't like about ENTER. We promised to AdVertising Director Myles Grossman hook them up to a telecomputing network, to consult with them Advertising Representallve Debbie Silverblank Advertising Coominator Jayne Porrazzo about articles, to have them write for us, and to bring them to ADVISORS New York once a year. Joan Targ We've been pleased with their help. They come from New York, Presitlent/tnteractive Sciences, lne. Dan iel H. Wall, PhD New Hampshire, California and Connecticut. But we'd like to Author/Educator Youl1t Advlson add four more kids, making it an even ten. Eric Babinel, Elizabelh Disney, Cynlhia Elias If you'd like to be part of our Youth Board, drop us a note. Dan Lhamon, Bela Selendy. Greg TraJlman. Tell us ( 1 ) what your experience with computers has been, (2) how CHIUJREN'S TEILVISIDN WORKSHOP President Joan Ganz Cooney you would make ENTER better, and (3) why you'd like to be on our Executive Vice President David V.B. Brill board. Send the note in by May 15. We'll pick four kids, and tell you President/Crw Products Group William f Whaley Vice President and General Counsel Chrislopher W Conga lion by June 15 if you're one of them. Vice Presitlent/Execullve Producer David D. Connell Write to us at ENTER ADVISORS, ENTER, 1 Lincoln Plaza, New Vice President/Finance and Administration C. Sue Cushman Vice President/Community Education Services Evelyn P Davis York, NY, 10023. We'll be looking for you! Vice President/Public Affain Roberl A. Halch Vice President/Produclion Allred Hyslop Vice President/Periodicals Group Nina BLink Vice President/Research Dr Edward L Palmer ADVERnSING SAUS OFRCES Western Sales Representalive: Myles Grossman/Ad verlising Direclor George O'Caliaghan Inc. ENTER Magazine 616 Ramona SI. #20 One lincoln Plaza Pa lo AIIo. CA 94301 Ira Wolfman New York. NY 10023 George O'Caliaghan/Don Farris (212) 595-3456 (4151327·4100 Editor Applied lor membership, Audil Bureau 01Ci rculalions. EN TER is a pubficalion 01 the Children's Television Workshop. published ten times durinQ the year. VQlume 1, Number 7. May (l 1984 Children's klevision Workshop. AU rights reserved. No contents may be reprinted Without permission or Ihe Children's fe tevisicn ~hOp. EN TER is a tradernarl ~ the ~hildrens Televisioo Workshop. Application 10 ~nd IS pending York. York ma ~ l . al class poslaQe rale at New New and at aCldilional mailing otlrres. Postage paid al N~ York, N.Y., am:! al additionat mailing olllces. Prrnled in the U.S.A Editorial olhces. Illncotn Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10023. Sind lubscription ~~ ~322, ::~I~~~ r:~~~i~~ ~~~"~':~rll:~ ~.~~IB~~'J::~~~~e Subscriptions: 1yea r: U.s.A. $14.95. Canada and oUler countries S22 95. 2 ENTER MAY 1984 / EEDBACK gotten very interested in synthe­ differences aren't major. Just sizers. The models I currently own make sure you carefully read the LET ME ENTER-TAIN YOU are a Roland Jupiter 6, SH-101 , manual first. Before long they'll Drumatix and a Korg Poly 800. think you 're a "whiz" on the I'd like to thank you for helping I bought the Dec./Jan . '84 issue Commodore, too. -Ed. me keep my head above water of your magazine because of the when I'm around my hacker promise on the front: "Thomas Dolby, The Police ar]d Others CONTEST CRAZE Make Computers Rock-And You Can, Too!" Your magazine got me In future issues, will ENTER started on computerizing music ..
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