Nabonal Tourism Organisabon of Serbia

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Nabonal Tourism Organisabon of Serbia Welcome! Naonal Tourism Organisaon of Serbia Linz, 19th November 2012 PhD Kris8na Kujundžić Larsson Interna+onal and Regional Cooperaon of NTOS Strongly related to the European Strategy for the Danube Region and the Danube 588 km of the Danube in Serbia - unspoiled nature, diversity of cultural sites, intangible heritage and more Hiking in Serbia Ø Mountain routes and trails in Serbia are recognized as objects of sports and tourism infrastructure by Law of Sport and Law of Tourism Ø Mountaineering Associa+on of Serbia is regula+ng the marking of the routes and trials Ø Categories: ü Mountain trails ü Big mountaineering routes ü Transversals and regional mountain routes ü Internaonal rambling routes ü Demanding high-mountain routes adequately equipped and structured The Danube Offer Ø Unspoiled nature: natural parks, nature reserves, protected areas Ø Ac+ve holidays: hiking - E4 and E7 walking paths, biking – EuroVelo6, fishing, bird watching, photo safari The Danube Offer Ø Hiking I+neraries: ü Na+onal Parks: Fruška Gora and Đerdap; ü Nature reserves, protected areas: Obedska bara, Zasavica, Deliblatska peščara ü Cultural heritage: fortresses, monasteries, pre-historical sites The Danube Offer Ø Hiking I+neraries: ü NP Fruška Gora: E-7 walking path, 500 km of marked and unmarked hiking and mountairing routes ü Mountain marathon: including many routes along 115 km, record number of par+cipants 11,500 ü Fruška Gora Transversal: 190km cycling and hiking route The Danube Offer Ø Deliblatska peščara – last con+nental sand land of Europe, special nature reserve; moving sand with rich biodiversity Ø Labudovo okno – largest colony of sand mar+n * sand swallow breeds The Danube Offer Ø Hiking I+neraries: ü NP Đerdap: E4 walking path ü Iron Gate The Danube Offer Ø Cultural Ineraries: ü monasteries ü medieval fortresses The Danube Offer Ø Cultural Ineraries: ü Roman Emperors’ Trail ü Pre historical sites The Danube Offer Ø Wine Routes - wine regions and gastronomy City–break Belgrade Ø E4 walking path ü Veliko ratno ostrvo – geological, biological and hydrological special treasure site ü Corporate responsibility iniave – campaign: Meet and join Us! Social Networks and website: .
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