Friendly Endeavor, April 1928

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Friendly Endeavor, April 1928 Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 4-1928 Friendly Endeavor, April 1928 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, April 1928" (1928). Friendly Endeavor. 81. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Friendly Endeavor Volume 7, No. 3. PORTLAND. OREGON. April, 1928. Confrrence ^Banquet ^pril IStlj P S A L M T W E N T Y - F O U R . (Continued.) It was earlier stated that the infinite Caster glory of Jehovah is the fundamental idea of the entire psalm. This was set forth in the first section, verses 1-2, in the Only a man, so some folks say, light of His creative acts. Was born in Bethlehem on that day. In the opening of the second section, No different was He than all the rest verses 3-6, the question is raised: O f b a b i e s b o r n t o t h e i r m o t h e r ' s b r e a s t . 3. Who shall ascend into the hill of Unwise were the meii who traveled far Jehovah ? Bringing their gifts to the foot of the star; Just part of the story, the angel throng And who shall stand in his holy place ? The interrogation immediately referred to Singing to shepherds their Glory song. t h e p r o p e r c o n v e y o r s o f t h e a r k a n d "They have taken away my Lord from me ministers in the tabernacle. David's And I know not where they have laid Him." first attempt to bring up the ark on a cart had proved disastrous because the Grew to be man, was freer from sin divine order had not been observed (2 Than the rest of mankind had ever been. Samuel 6; 1 Chron. 13.) The Levites had Protected and fanned His spark divine been chosen to carry the ark and later To a more flame than yours and mine. bore it successfully to its appointed place His words were borrowed, nothing more, (2 Samuel 6; 1 Chron. 15, 16.) From teachings of men who had lived before. The tabernacle on Mt. Zion was The miracles? none of them true, they say. Jehovah's dwelling place amongst His We know better than men of that day. people. The psalmist here, however, by a "They have taken away my Lord from me sudden transition apparently enlarged his And I know not where they have laid Him." thought to include the qualification of those who may be worthy to ascend to We come to the cross where Jesus died the highest dwelling place of One so Twixt heaven and earth, hanging there, he cried. glorious—to heaven itself. The Levites "It is finished." What is? Your salvation, man? were purified for their service in the Ah no, they say, just revealed the plan (Continued on Page 4.) He would have us to follow, not get but give. Sacrifice always, not selfishly live. A M A C E D O N I A N C A L L . But a martyr was He; nothing more nor less Removing no part of man's sinfulness. Come over into Sunnyside and help us "They have taken away my Lord from me eat. Y'es, sure we are going to eat. Why, And I know not where they have laid Him." Sunnyside, Lents and Piedmont say they can feed the biggest crowd in history and Sad we come, find the open grave they'll be disappointed if the crowd isn't Of Him who in faith we had hoped should save; there. Broken in spirit, crushed by sin; Now folks, surely we won't have to Shut out of God's kingdom, no way to get in. urge you to come. I luiow you are all Lo, turning, a Person with thorn-pierced brow excited about the banquet. Let's make it Stands there in our path. "Why weepest thou? the biggest one yet. Last year we had Whom do you seek?" then speaks our name. about 350 at the banquet. We will have "Rabboni," we cry, our heart's aflame, to go some to heat that, but we can do it. A quietness comes, a holy peace. L e t ' s b r e a k a r e c o r d t h i s y e a r . W h i c h We have found the Lord, have seen His face. society will have the biggest percentage —CLAYTON S. BROWN, of its membership at the banquet? Will American Sunday School Union Mis.sionary, it be yours? Greenleaf, Idaho. The date—oh, yes, April 14, 1928, Saturday night at 6:15. Where? — Sunnyside Friends Church, East 35th and Main Streets, Portland, Oregon. Say, here's a little secret. Don't tell T H E R O U N D - R O B I N . way you surprised us at Springbrook! We anybody. The program is going to be GOOD. never forget those who live farther away, We have just loads of interesting news D e a r S i s t e r s N e w b e r g , but are delighted when we can see them. to tell you. Oh, my, but I am getting excited about the banquet. I can hardly Salem, Tacoma, Boise I understand that we are to go to wait, can you? and Portland: Sister Sunnyside's house this time and Don't forget that we all voted to bring A family reunion! Doesn't that sound that Sisters Piedmont and Lents are help ten cents to the banquet. Bring your fine? I'm so anxious to see you all again, ing her get the dinner. dime. I can hardly wait until April 14th. It Let me remind you to send in tlie seems like a long time since we all took Let's all make a sincere effort to be number of people coming to the banquet our vacation together at Twin Rocks, and present for oh, what fun we have when from your society. Send that to Wilfred I expect after the reunion we will be all all the family are together. Pearson, 2904 75th Street S. E., Portland, on "tip-toe" waiting for next vacation Oregon. time. Goodbye untill 6:30 p. m., April 14, at All set for a great banquet. Will vou Tacoma, will you be able to get here Sunnyside's in Portland. be there? WALTER P. LEE, President. this time? I have never forgotten the Yo u r S i s t e r, Page 2. T H E E R I E S D L Y E N I ) E A V O R April, 1928. April, 1928. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 3. MAY 6, 1928. Quarterly Meeting held in Boise, on Rosalie Hendrickson Barthlow and the Perry home. It was quite thrilling March 8. QUIET HOUR FOOD TOPIC—How to Choose a Life Work. Gladys Terrell Kern are being congratu for them, especially for the "old married Mrs. E. Bevan Horn is in St. Luke's Quota for 1928 Eccl. 9:10; 1. Thess. 4:9-12. lated on the arrival of new little women" who possibly may never enjoy BY BELL G. BADLEY. What are my gifts? I. Cor. 12-4. hospital, Boise, recovering from a serious daughters. such freedom again. These little parties operation. Our Sunday School contest is proving are very beneficial for most girls as they Some types of work— About thirty-five of our members were S o c i e t y — Q u o t a P a i d Christian Endeavor Topics M u s i c — P s a l m s 9 8 : 1 - 9 . very interesting and attendance has seldom ever get their choice. First Friends $35.00 $ in attendance at Quarterly Meeting held increased splendidly. The first prize in Revival meetings are now being held by Piedmont 20.00 Architecture — I. Chron. 28:11-21. at Greenleaf, on February 25. The the Senior Department is $10.00 for the Misses Batchelor and Springer. The Crafts — I. Kings 7:13-22. Second Friends 15.00 10.00 message delivered by Miss Huff was very series will close March 25. APRIL 8, 1928. A u t h o r — A c t s 1 : 1 - 9 . winning class. The winning Juniors will S e c o n d F r i e n d s 1 5 . 0 0 in.spiring, and a solo by William Murphy, visit Newberg Sunday School avith a V a n c o u v e r i n v i t e d P i e d m o n t o v e r f o r a Cai-penter — Mark 6:1-6. of Boise, was greatly appreciated. Highland 15.00 TOPIC—Why We Believe In Immortality. square meal afterward, and a nice joint social. All who went reported a South Salem 10.00 5.00 I. Cor.
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