Wigginton and Council



Present: Cllr Stevens (Chair), Cllr Croft, Cllr Moore.

In attendance: Mrs M Jones (Clerk), District Cllr Leytham

Open Forum

1. To receive and approve apologies. Cllr Biggs had apologised for work reasons, Cllr Shirtliff had apologised as he was attending a funeral.

2. To receive any Declarations of Interest. None received.

3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 10th November 2016. RESOLVED to approve the Minutes as a true and accurate record.

4. To receive the Clerk's Report. Drains in Hints Road – Highways had been contacted to report the frequent flooding and asked what could be done to prevent it. Green Lane – the gate across bridleway 14 was still locked and ’s rights of way team had been informed. Overgrown signs and lighting columns at Wigginton – Highways had confirmed that they would not clear ivy from these unless there was any danger; the speed limit sign on entering Wigginton from the direction was completely obscured so it had been reported. Defibrillator checks – Keith Dawson had advised on how to check the devices.

5. To consider any planning matters. The Clerk had been given information by the Planning Department on how CIL payments would be made to the Council following any developments which may be approved in the parish. No information had been received on the Arkall Farm application.

6. To consider a plaque for a tree commemorating HM Queen’s 90th birthday. Cllr Stevens reported that Cllr Biggs was dealing with the purchase and planting of the cherry tree at St John’s Churchyard. Cllr Stevens had obtained details of a suitable plaque. The wording to be engraved was agreed and this would be ordered shortly. RESOLVED.

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Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council

7. To consider maintenance. Clearance work and repair of the gate had been done at the old church yard. It was agreed to repair the fence at Hopwas Playing Field. The bark replacement would be done after the winter. The hedge along the path to Millennium Green would be trimmed, but the edging to the bark around the slide would not be repaired as it was rarely used. Quotes for maintenance of the verges along Tollgate Lane would be requested. Highways had been asked to cut the verge along the main road. Quotes for grass cutting at Sill Green would be obtained and would be informed that the work this year had not been done to a satisfactory standard. RESOLVED.

8. To consider proposal to remove phone kiosk outside Tame Otter. As only 2 calls had been made over the last year from the kiosk no objection would be sent to planning on the proposed removal. RESOLVED

9. To consider purchase of goal posts for Hopwas Playing Field. It was agreed to request further advice on the type of goal, best site and how to secure it from Lichfield’s Leisure Services department. This would then be discussed further at the next meeting when the Hopwas Councillors should also be present.

10. To receive Councillors’ reports. Cllr Leytham had received complaints from some Wigginton residents about parking on the pavements near to Wigginton Cottage, and he would contact PCSO Costas Karpi about this. Cllr Stevens said that an abandoned car had been left opposite the war memorial and Cllr Leytham offered to find out who could tow this away. Cllr Leytham reported that Council’s Planning Department were now taking action against developments being made without planning permission, including a property in Syerscote Lane which had to remove dormer windows installed without permission, and a property in Tamhorn which was to be demolished after being built without planning permission. He continued to receive representations against proposed developments north of Tamworth.

11. To receive correspondence. SPCA bulletins PCSO Costas Karpi, VIP scheme to assist vulnerable people in the villages.

12. To consider the draft budget for financial year 2017-18 Discussion took place on the proposal to install traffic calming chicanes in Main Road, Wigginton and how best to fund this. The Clerk would contact Highways for further information. RESOLVED to defer a decision on the budget until the next meeting.

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Wigginton and Hopwas Parish Council

13. To approve the Financial Report Bank reconciliation – this was noted. Audit – the Clerk reported on a meeting with auditor, who had advised on best practice on updating the council’s website to ensure compliance with the Transparency Code. RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.

14. To approve payments as listed on the payment schedule. RESOLVED to make the following payments: M. Jones, salary, pension, and expenses £520; Peak Cashflow, M & GB Ltd, Hopwas grass cutting, £120; Arborcare, tree trimming, £336; Staffordshire County Council, room hire, 10th November, £12 L. Watkins, Greenlands, Hopwas playground maintenance £99.30, Comberford maintenance £55.

15. Items for next meeting Draft Budget Traffic calming in Wigginton Welcome Pack for new residents

16. Date of next and future Meetings: 5th January, Thomas Barnes School, Hopwas 2nd February, Wigginton Church Hall 2nd March, Thomas Barnes School, Hopwas

17. Date of next meeting. Thursday 5th January, Thomas Barnes School, Hopwas 7.15

The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.

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