Manichaean Imagery of Christ as God’s Right Hand Johannes van Oort* University of Pretoria
[email protected] Abstract The article examines the conspicuous references to God‘s ‗Right Hand‘ in Manichaeism by analysing texts from both Western and Eastern sources. The analysed texts prove that the eye-catching imagery (directly or indirectly) refers to Christ. Perhaps this imagery of Christ as God‘s Right Hand also had its place in Manichaean art. The article aims to function as background for a subsequent study of Augustine‘s portrayal of Christ as manus or dextera Dei in his Confessions. Keywords Manichaeism – Christology – God‘s Right Hand – imagery – metaphorical language – Manichaean Christian art Introduction The past years have seen an increasing number of studies on Christ in Manichaeism.1 One striking aspect, however, is still to be explored, sc. the * I would like to acknowledge Jason BeDuhn, Zsuzsanna Gulácsi and Anne-Maré Kotzé for their attentive reading of an earlier version of this article. The study was completed with the support of the National Research Foundation (NRF) in South Africa. 1 Apart from overviews in general publications on Manichaeism, the main topical studies include: I. Gardner, ‗The Docetic Jesus—Some Interconnections Between Marcionism, Manichaeism and Mandaeism‘, in: idem (ed.), Coptic Theological Papyri II: Edition, Commentary, Translation, Wien: In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek 1988, 57-85; N.A. Pedersen, ‗Early Manichaean Christology, Primarily in Western Sources‘, in: P. Bryder (ed.), Manichaean Studies, Lund: Plus Ultra 1988, 157-190; Gardner, ‗The Manichaean Account of Jesus and the Passion of the Living Soul‘, in: A.