1. Al Otro Lado 2. Alianza Nacional de Campesinas 3. American Friends Service Committee 4. American Immigration Lawyers Association 5. Amnesty International USA 6. Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP) 7. AsylumWorks 8. Bellevue Program for Survivors of Torture 9. Bend the Arc: Jewish Action 10. Cambridge health alliance 11. Center for Gender & Refugee Studies 12. Center for Human Rights & Constitutional Law 13. Center for Victims of Torture 14. Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) 15. Coalition on Human Needs 16. Columbia Law School Immigrants' Rights Clinic 17. Detention Watch Network 18. Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel 19. Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries 20. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 21. Families Belong Together 22. Farmworker Association of 23. Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project 24. Freedom for Immigrants 25. FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University 26. Haitian Bridge Alliance 27. Hope Border Institute 28. Human Rights First 29. Immigrant Service Providers Group/Health 30. Immigration Hub 31. Immigration Justice Task Force at First Parish, Concord 32. International Institute of New England 33. International Refugee Assistance Project 34. International Rescue Committee 35. Justice in Motion

36. Latin America Working Group (LAWG) 37. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service 38. Mass Jobs with Justice 39. Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition 40. National Council of Jewish Women 41. National Day Laborer Organizing Network *(NDLON) 42. National Immigrant Justice Center 43. National Immigration Law Center 44. National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) 45. Neponset Health Center 46. NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice 47. NISGUA 48. Immigrant Alliance 49. Oxfam America 50. Physicians for Human Rights 51. RAICES 52. Refugees International 53. Rian Immigrant Center 54. Save the Children Action Network 55. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team 56. SPLC Action Fund 57. Sueños Sin Fronteras de Tejas 58. The Advocates for Human Rights 59. The Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) 60. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee 61. United Stateless 62. United We Dream 63. Witness at the Border 64. Women's Refugee Commission 65. Workers Center of Central New 66. Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights