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EDINBURGH : J. MENZIES X; CO. GL.\.SGOW: DAVID BRYCE .t CO. Reprinted by Stirling District Libraries 1988


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1 8 n ' ? • 1 fP^^FACE.

The want of a suitable Directory for such an important as Stirling has long been felt, not only by those engaged in business in the tovra itself, but by persons living at a distance, and others who visit the neighbourhood occasionally. It is hoped that this little Work will be found useful in supplying this necessity, and aford a ready reference to all v:ho nmy have occasion to consult it.

Considerable pains have been taken to furnish correct lists under the several divisions; and the

Publishers will feel much obliged by being made auure of any changes or alterations that m/xy take place, and vjhich may be reclconed necessary to be noted for correction in future yearly editions.


S Upper Craigs. STIRLING, July, 1868. . .

INDEX TO DIRECTORY. Stirlikg— DospitiU, 65 , 1 ....

Goneial Directory, S 1 Inland Revenue, . 67 Sick and Funeral Soeietien.

Biiaiiiess Directory, 24 1 Justice of Peace Court, . 66 Stirling Agricultural Society,

Street Diioctory, 37 J. P. SmaU Debt Court, . 55 Stirling Art School, Mifwellaueous Directory— Lieutenancy, .... 54 Stirling Castle, Agent! fur liiaiirance Cum Mactarlane Free Library and Stirling District liUnacy Boanl, p,iiiio:i. rf4 Museum 63 Stirling RiHo Volunteers. Artillery Vuliuitcera, 60 Members of Parliament, 54 Stirling .S\ibscriptioii Library, Athonisutn Reading Room, &i MUitia 60 Syno

Auxiliary to National Dibit Municipal Officers, 54 Telegniph OiKces, .

Suciety of ScotL-ind, . C3 Newspapers 58 Water Works Commis-sioners, Banks 53 Omnibuses, .... 05 Weekly Markets for Corn, 4c.. Building 9ocietieB, 57 Farocliial Board, . 67 in Stirling and Neighbour- Carriers, .... 65 PoUce (), 55 hood, .... Churches, 61 Police (Couuty), 56 Toung Men's Christian Asso- Cominiasary Cuurt, 56 Population 54 ciation, ....

Conimidsiuners of Forth Kavi , PostOlBce 59 Dannockbum Directory,

gatiun. 56 1 Presbyteries 60 Dlairlogie Directory,

CuiQnii;i.iioner3 of Supply, 56 1 Prison 57 Bridge of Allan Directory,

Conveyance by Water, . . 65 i Railways, .... 58 CalL'inder Directory, 56 Religious Society, 62 Cambusbarrun Directory, Faculty of Writers, 1 Tract

Fairs and Marketa in Stirling; River Forth District Salmon Causewayhea«l Directory,

end Neighbourhood, . 65 Fishery Board, . 57 Deauston Directory,

Fire Drigado, . 55 .Sacramental Fast-days, . 64 Doune Directory, .

Has Ounipauy, 57 ! Savings' Baukj, 58 Dunblane Directory,

(iuUdry 55 1 School of Arts, 6-i St. Ninians Directory, .

High CoiuUibles, . 55 1 schools 61 Whins of Milton Directory,


Alexander, .Mr. .V., professor Gavin, H.,

of music, Alloa, 116 Gillespie, William, bootmaker, US MiUar, James, tailor, . .123 Anderson, William, coal and Gould, Smith ii Co., iron- Millar d Sons, James, bakers, 94 lime merchant, I '.^5 founders, .... Miilor, Peter, ironmonger, . 105 ' Baird ik Co., Wra., butohei-s, Sd Grant, Andrew A., baker, . .Miller, Robert, smith, . . 102 Sons, Alex., umbrella Gray, James, saetUman, Mitchell, James, Uilor. 104 Haird i: i

makers 119 I Hanlio, J. ^ J., plumbers, Mitchell, John, bootmaker, 90 1'26 Uahl, Rolwrt, painter, 94 I Qardie, Robert, plumber, Murdoch, ^Irs., baker,

B.'\nks Brothers, smitlis, 107 ' Hart, Andrew P., chemist,. M'Oregor, David, slater, SiJ

Bauchop, George, baker, 113 I Hay, John, bootmaker, M'Kinbiy, Jumes, tailor, IIU Baxter, David, auctioneer, 114 Heoilridge, W., photographer, 124 M'Lean iSi Son, James, tailors, IIS

Bett. Peter, tislunonger, V22 I Henderson Rrothers. drapers. 104 Oswald, Andrew, slater, 127 jun., George, smith, lO.'i Droivn, Robert, giocer, 119 I Henderson, J., photographer, 110 Owen,

Brycd, William, cabinetmaker, Oi ' Henderson, J. &: G., grocara, 113 Peacock, T. &, D., ilrapers, . 130 j Burrows, Stephen, 127 ' Henderson, Thomas, cabinet- Penman, David, grocer, 123 |

I 102 Rolierlbon, John, cabiuet- Carmichat:ra'rera|>eruiicehutel,12.i m:iker 1

Carson. William, painter, 94 • Henderson & Co., R., clothiers, 111 roaker 120

Coru-F,.i[uhaM'^o Hotel, 90 ' Hepbuni. A., ft.=hmonger, . 100 lUdjortsim, Mrs., fishmonger. 94


' Cr;iig, James, rag roorcliant, 92 clockmaker. . .100 ScotLoiid, Thomas, painter, . 116


makers 97 Insurance— Genileman,sen.,B. 100 Sho.trer, R. S., bookseller, . 91 I

J. bootmaker, . 121

Cumming, W., bootmaker, . 111 ! Johnston, James, baker, 115 Smith, James, grocer, . .121

Davie. Brown ii Young, iron ' Johnston A: .Vnderson, joiners, 107 Smyth, Mr. , .surgeonnleiitist, 114 12'> foundei-s, . . . . 102 Kelly, J. D., auctioneer, 112 Steel, John, plumber, .

li; jewellers, Dowily's Temperance Uotel, lOo I Kemp, .Murray & Nicholson, Stewart, D. J. , 112 Doweil, W., t.ailor. 116 implement makers is jolliers, lOS Stewart, J., china merchant. :

Drysdnle, ,1. it W., auctioneers, 122 ' l^iiig, Ale.xander. joiner. 121 Swan, Andrew, jeweller. 111

Duncan, A., china mei-chaiit, >9 ' Lawson. Robeit, draper, 126 Tait. John, glazier, OJ

'J.i Dunui-.n A: Jamie.son, printers, 12S I Liildel, Rolwrt. ^-ocer, 122 The Stirling Tract Entenirii^e.

Duncanson. Wm., chemi:3t, . 'Ji Lum3den'ARi:£resiuuentRooms,127 Thomson, ijeorge, coach and |

Ferguson, II., bootmaker, 1 10 Macdunahl, II. S, watchmaker, 109 harness maker, . 130 hosiers, SS Fleming, .lames, auctioneer, 124 I MacKwentCo.,D.iJ., grocers, 114 Trotter. W. i J., Forrest, .V. ii W., cabinet- ' Mackison, Francis, architect, 115 Valentine, .Mrs., grocer. 96

makers l24iMaUman, WiUiam, cabinet- Walls, James, bl.icksmith, . 125 9S Fraser, lludi, brewer, 121 i maker, .105 Young, Samuel, bootmaker. Frater, RiiluTt, plumber. Mo Mur:ih.iU. Robert. b.ttter, 96 Young, 'lliomas. csirver and

II coal I'x) W . milliner, . 120 giKler, 104 Qoninur, , agent. Meiklejohn, Gur


Abercromby, Arch., gardener, 30 Port at. Atfaenasum Rending Room, 8 King street Ackford, John, clerk in charge. Electric Eben. Morrison, secretary and treasurer. and International Telegraph Company, Athenaeum Subscription Library, 8 King 2 Wallace street. street —William Young, secretary; John Adam, Robt.,corkcntter, 8 Dumbarton rd. Macforlane, treasurer; Andrew Jack, Adams, David, agent, Wordie & Co., 4 librarian. Maxwell place. Auld, Mrs., smallwares, 17 Friars street. Attken. John G., shipowner, Shore road. AJexauder, Rev. George,The manse. Glebe Baird, James, publican, 13 Baker street. park, 4 Park terrace. Baird, Mrs., 7 Clarendon place. Alexander, James, 15 Park place. Baird & Co., William, flesliere, 76 Port st. Alexander, Thos., governor. Poor-house. Baird & Sons, Alex., fancy warehouse and Alexander, Mrs., matron, Poor-honse. umbrella makers, '2^'j Murray place. Alison, James, tailor, 2 Broad street. Baird, James, 7 Clarendon pi.; William, Allan, A., paymaster-sergeant, Stirling- 14 Park place (of Alex. Baird & Sons). shire Militia, 46 Broad street. Baker, Leonard, teacher of drawing. High Allan, James (P. &R. Paterson), foreman, School, house 2 Park place. 25 Upper Craigs. Bald, Mrs. A., lodgings, 34 Queen street. Allan, John, game dealer, 63 Fort street. Bald, Mrs., lodgings, 23 King street. Allan, Peter, hairdresser, 65 Baker street. Bald, Robert, painter. IG Murray place. Allester, William, tea and cloth merchant, Balderston, John, 9 Princes street. 13 Cowane street. Balderston, Wm. H., assistant-surveyor of Anderson, Jas., road snrTeyor, 3 Park ter. taxes, 16 Wallace street. Anderson, John, lessee of fishings, river Baldie, Misses, dressmakers, 34 King at. Forth, 19 Wallace street. Balfour, Mrs., 12 Victoria place. Anderson, Mrs., dairy, 18 Upper Bridge at. Balfour, T., cabinetmaker, 40 Spittal at. Anderson, Mrs., lodgings, 18 Friars street. Bank of Scotland—Robert Curror, agent, Anderson, Mrs. Dr., 8 Melville place. 73 King street. Anderson, Mrs., publican, 50 Baker atreet. Banks Brothers, smiths, iron bedstead and Anderson, Mrs., 26 King street. perambulator makers, 66 King street. Anderson, Robert (of Johnston & Ander- Banks, Edward, 66 King street; John, 31

son), 11 Princes street. Queen street ; William, 40 Queen street Anderson, William A., 10 Park terrace. (of Banks Brothers). Anderson, jun., William, coal agent, N.B.R. Bannatyne, William K., assistant, High station. Shore road. School, house 69 Port street. Angus, J. & J., dyers, 65A Port atreet. Barclay, J., tobacconist, St. Mary's wynd. Angus, James, 81 Upper Craigs; John, 73 Barclay, Mrs., broker, 83 St. Mary's wynd. Cowane street (of J. & J. Angus). Barclay, Wm., sculptor, 13 Bamton place. Angus, Mrs., 8 Queen street. Barnes, John, hairdresser. 28 King street, Archibald, David, baker, 27 Broad atreet. Barnetson, David, evangelist. Queen st. Archibald, Mrs., I Viewfield place. Batty & Sons, wool spinners. Abbey mill. Armstrong, Andrew, 15 Wallace street. Bauchop, George, baker, 17 Port street. Armstrong, Thomas, Railway Clearing- Bauchop, James, boot and shoe warehouse, house, N.B.R., Shore road. 17 Murray place. Armstrong, William (Tract Depot). Baxter, David, auctioneer and appraiser, Arthur, George (Menzies & Melrose), 25 outfitter, furnishings, and boot and .shoe Broad street. warehouse, 12 Baker street. Arthur, Robert, wood turner, 64 Port at. Baxter, Miss, lodgings, 27 Queen street. . .


Baxter & Co., James, ilrapcrs, 13 Broad st. Brown, Mrs., 4 Cowane street.'

Baxter, Jnmes (of James Baxter & Co.), Brown, Mrs., publican, I St. Mary's wynd. 15 Brond street. Brown, Mrs., 27 Upper Bridge street. Bayne, David, grocer, .">3 Cowane street. Brown, Ralph (W. Vost), clerk, 2 Bruce st. Bean, Alex., (jas Cutnpuny's mechanic. Brown, Robert, grocer, 3 Broad street. Thistle street. Brown, Robt., publican, 09 St. Mary's wynd. Beath, Andrew, surgeon, Craigs house, 58 Brown, William (of Davie, Brown & Upper Craigs. Young), 98 Baker street. Beath, James, 6 Queen street. Brown, William, 1 Maxwell place. Beattie, George T., commission agent, 51 Bruce, David, 13 Clarendon place. King street. Bruce, John, clerk. Inland Revenue; office Beith, D.D.,Bev. Alexander, Free Church 12 Queen street. manse. 24 Allan park. Bruce, Mrs. Jas., lodgings, 102 Baker st. Bell, Mrs. Dr., 2 Allan park. Bryce, J., veterinary surgeon, 46 Port st. Bell, Mrs., Southfield. Bryce, Wm., cabinetmaker, 54 King st. Bennet, J., musketry instructor, Stirling- Buchao,D.(of Lamb & Buchan), 7 Orchard shire Militia, 33 St. Mary's wynd. place. Bennie, David, currier, 1 Upper Bridge st. Buchan, Edward, 30 Queen street. Berrie, David, teacher, Industrial School, Buchan, Henry, superintendent burgh 12 Spittal street. police. Castle wynd. Bett, Feter, fruiterer, iiGbmonger, and Buchanan, Alex., weaver and bill-poster, game dealer, 1 Friars street. 11 Upper Bridge street. Binnie, D.D., Rev. Wm., 25 Albert place. Buchanan, Mrs., 26 Nelson place. Binnins, Thomas, saddler and coal agent, Buchanan & M'Millun. Misses, milliners 43 King stree(. and dressmakers, 16 Port street. Black, A., bootmaker, 10| Upper Craigs. Burden, Mrs., brewer. 52 St. Mary's wynd. Black, Mrs., provisions, 52 Cowane street. Burden, Mrs., 5 Irvine place. Boos, Frederick, teacher of languages and Burden, William, 5 Irvine place. music. High School, house 9 Albert pi. Burgess, Miss, 38 Murray place. Bortlnvick, Robert, 1!) Wallace street. Burnett, James (Robt. Walls), 32 Port st. Bowie, Andrew, bugle-major, Burnett, John, mason, 3 King street. Militia, 53 Broad street. Burns, Mrs., of Garvald, 68 Broad street. Bowio, Thomas (Stamp and Tax office), Burns, William, wood carver, 94 Baker st. clerk, 10 Wallace street. Burrows, Stephen, evangelist, 11 Wallaces! Boyes, Ed., maltster, 59 St. Mary's wynd. Burt, Andrew, grocer and weaver, 23j^ Brnkenridge, William, assistant, High Cowane street. School, house 35 Baker street. Burton, Mrs. and Misses, boarding and Bridgett. John, grocer, GO^^ Cowane st. educational establishment for young Brodie & Co., wine and spirit vaults, 1 ladies, 13 Allan park. Orchard place. Brodie, Alex. D. (of Brodie & Co.), 16 Caddel, Mrs., 26 Allan park. Nelson place. Caddis, Jane, matron, Stirling prison. Brown, Charles (Menzies & Melrose), 5 Cairns, John, corn merchant, 23 King st.- Dambarton road. Cairns, Peter (J. & A. Drummond), St. Brown. James, letter-carrier, and lodgings, Ninians.

()(] King street. Caledonian R.ailway Goods Office, Thistle Brown, Jas., White Hart hotel, and dairy, street—William Grcig, agent. 24 Tort street. Cameron, Angus, foreman locomotive de- Brown, Jus. (J. & J. Mathie & Macluckie), partment C.R., 73 Cowane street. law clerk, 27 Upper Bridge street. Cameron, Donald, gardener, 66 Baker st. Brown, John (D. <& J. MocEwen &. Co.), Cameron, Ewan, clerk in charge, Railway grocer, lOj Upper Craigs. Clearing-house, Mill entry, 30 Cowanest. Brown, Jolin, confectioner, 51 Baker st. Cameron, James, upholsterer, 116 Baker Brown, John (W. & A. Johnston), 27 street. Upper Bridge street. Cameron, John, horse dealer, 2 Union st. STIRLING—OENERAL DinECTOHI'

Cameron, Miss, straw liat maker, 45 Chrjstal, James (of Chrystal & Macfar- Spittal street. lane), 8 Allan park. Cameron, Mrs., lodgings, 10 Friars street. Chrystal, James (James Millar & Sons), Campbell, Alex., superintendent county vanman, 4 Viewfield street. police, 20 St. John street. Chrystal, John, publican, 34 Port street, Campbell, Archibald, Royal hotel, 1 and hosier. 08 Upper Craigs. Barnton pl.ice and 21 Friars street. Chrystal, Miss. 5 Viewfielil place. Campbell, Duncan, Qolden Lion hotel, City of Bank— Chrystal & Mac- 51 Iving street. farlane, agents. 36 King street. Campbell, Miss, 1 Abercromby place. Clark, Jolm, dairyman, 82 Upper Craigs. Campbell, Miss, 37 Cowane street. Clark, Mrs., lodgings, 7 Bank street. Campbell, Misses, dressmakers, 69 Port St. Clarke, William J. (Wm. Drummond & Campbell. Mrs., 8 Victoria place. Sons), seedsman. 10 Nelson place. Campbell, Mrs., lodgings, 66 Baker street. Clink, Stewart (Gonld. Smith &Co.), fore- Campbell, Robt., procurator-fiscal, writer, man blacksmith. 2 Vicwfield street. and county rates collector, 39 Port St., Clugston, Mrs., lodcings, 09 Port street. house 21 Allan park. Clydesdale Bank—James Drysdale, agent, Campbell, Wm., wood merchant, Park lane. 9 King street. Canby, Christopher, engraver, 5 Friars st. Cochrane, Neil, Comely Bank, 29 Upper Carmichael, John (Mrs. Burden), brewer, Bridge street. 10 Barn road. Cochrane, William (of W. & A. Johnston), Carmichael, Michael, farm. 11 Pitt terrace. Carmichael, Peter, confectioner and Tem- Colquhoun, Andrew, brewer, Burghmuir, perance hotel, 2 and 4 Murray place. house 25 Nelson place. Carnegie, John, agent N.B. Railway, 64^ Colville, Jas.. provisions, 9 Upper Craigs. Cowane street. Combination Poor-house, Union street. Carson. William, painter, 29 Port street. Commercial Bank of Scotland— J. & J. Cathcart, William (of Hill & Cathcart), M. Morrison, agents. 13 Spittal street. 2 Irvine place. Comrie, James, tea tnerchant, Raploch. Chalmers, Geo., builder, 46 Lower Craigs. Condie, Robert, joiner, 72 Cowane street. Chalmers, James, reed-maker, 5 Friars st. Convery, P., broker. 89 St. Mary's wynd. Chalmers, James, tailor, 85 Baker street. Cook, George (G. Ilandyside), 40 Baker st. Chalmers, John, M.D., chemist, 59 King Cook, Joseph, quarter-muster sergeant, street, house 68 King street. Stirlingshire Slilitia, house Esplanade. Chalmers, Johnjflesher, 21 St. Mary'swynd. .Cooper, Miss, milliner, 12 Bow street. Chalmers, Miss, dressmaker, 85 Baker st. Council Chambers. 49 Broad street. Chalmers, Thomas, bellman and bill- Coutts, Mrs., lodgings, 2 Wallace street. poster, 13 St.' John street. Corbett, Thomas, Viewforth, Pitt terrace.'

Cherry <:il:i Son, Alex., skinners, 13 Lower Costello, James, steamboat porter, 13 St. Craigs. John street. Christie & Son, brick and tile makers, Stir- Cowan, Dougald, coach wheel maker, 54 ling shore aiid'. King street. Christie, John, Forthbank; George, 10 Cowbrongh & Co.. James, grocers, 7 Port Melville place (of Christie & Son). street, 93 Baker street. Bridge of Allan Christie, James, 3 Victoria sqnare. and Callander. Christie, James, dairy, 63 Cowane street. Cowbrough. James (of James Cowbrough Christie, John, ironmonger, 14 Murray & Co.), 6 Port street. place, house 7 Melville place. Cowen, James, publican, 9 Bow street. Christie, Miss, 34 Shore road. Cowie, Andrew, hostler, 8 Maxwell place. Christie, Mrs., lodgings, 30 Castlehill. Cowie, Robert, gardener, Newhouse. Christie, William, watchmaker, 18 Partst. Craig, James, rag and china merchant, Christie, William (Commercial Bank), 9 Spittal street. accountant, 3 Victoria square. Craig, Mrs., 12 Park terrace. Chrystal & Macfarlane, writers and Craig, S., broker. 6 St. John street. bankers, 37 King street. Craigic, John, 66 St. Mary's wynd. 8 STinLIXG—OENERAL DIRECTOR V.

Craigie, John, plasterer, 9 Dumbarton road. Dull, William C, delivery clerk C.R., 10 Craigic, Mrs., lodgings, 15 Allan park. Lower Bridge street. Craise, Miss, lodgings, 2 Port street. Davidson, Ale.x., Militia Staff, 06 Baker st. Cram, William, publican, 11 Cowane st. Davidson, Andrew, smith, 91 Baker street. Craniond, Samson, traveller, Newhouse. Davidson, John, writer, and distributor of Crawford & Watt, cabinetmakers and stamps and collector of taxes, 10 Port furniture wareroonis, 34 and 35 Baker st. street, house 16 Albert place. Crawford, John (of Crawford i. Watt), 35 Davie, Andrew (Post office), clerk, 72 Baker street. Cowane street. Crawford, Alex., tinsmith, Dalgleish court. Davie, George (Robert Lawson), cutter, Crawford. Andrew, writer, 10(j Baker St., 44 Murray Place. house 13ellHeld, 04 St. Mary's wynd. Davie, Brown & Young, iron and brass- Crawford, Andrew, commercial traveller, founders, millwrights and engineers, 60 Baker street. Stirling Foundry, 11 Orchard place. Crawford, Hugh, guard, F. &. C. R., 27 Davie, James (of Davie, Brown &. Young), King Street. 12 Forth place. Crawford, jun., Hugh, clerk, F. & C. R., Davie. John, coal agent. N.6.R. station. 27 King street. Davie, John, traveller, Newhouse. Crawford, James, night-sergeant burgh Davie, Miss, lodgings. 111 Baker street. police, 46 Broad street. Davie, sen., Richard, sheriff-officer, 13 St. Crawford, John, shipowner and farmer, John street. Springkerse. Davie, jun., Richard (Sheriff-clerk's office), Crawford, John F.,bookseller and stationer, clerk, 13 St. John Btreet. and agent Telegraph Dawson, John, publican, and Custom- Company, 39 King street. house, New Bridge. Crawford, Robert, Inland ReTcnue officer, Dawson, John, publican, 60 Broad street. 21 Nelson place. Dawson, Miss, lodgings, 34 Queen street. Crawford, Thomas, publican. Donne road. Dawson, Miss, 3 Clarendon place. Crawford, Wm., grocer, 54 Lower BridgesU Dawson, Mrs., publican, 37 Spittal street. Cribbes, Robert, publican, Newhouse. Dawson, Mrs., lodgings, 10 Baker street. Crocket, David, currier and leather cutter, Dawson, W., furniture dealer, 1 Castlehill. 43 Spittal street. Dempster, John A., tobacconist, 5 Port st. Crowe, Alex., photographer, 33 Murray pi. Dempster, Mrs., 6 Albert place. Culross, D.D., Rev. James, 6 Park place. Dewar, John, inspector, F. & C. J. Rail- Cumming, Wright, boot aud shoe ware- way, 3 Bruce street. house, 17 Bow St., house 3 Victoria pi. Dewar, Mrs., dairy, 52 Upper Craigs. Cunning, William, agent, Reform Friendly Dewar, Peter, King's Park farm. Assurance Society, 68 St. Mary's wynd. Dick, James, town-officer. Castle wynd. Cunningham, George, superintendent of Dick, John, of Craigengelt, writer, 6 Mel- cemetery. Castle wynd. ville place. Cunningham, John M. (of ^lorrisoa &. Dick, Mrs., provisions, Newhouse. Cunningham), 5 Allan park. Dick, Robert, saddler, 1 Dumbarton road. Currie, Robert, joiner and burgh assessor, Dick, Robert (Geo. Hall), clerk, 39 Queen 13 Port street. street. Curror, Robert, Bank of Scotland, 73 King Divine, C, chimney sweeper, 74 Baker st. Btreet, house 72 King street Dobbie, John, hoot and shoe warehouse, Cuthbertson, Mrs., 22 Park terrace. 15 Friars street. Doi^, Mrs., lodgings, 48 Upper Craigs, Dalgetty, John, bootmaker and leather Dollin, W., pawnbroker, 7 St. Mary's wynd. cutter, 3 Bank street. Don, William (D. & J. MacEwen & Co.), Dalgleish, G. & D., candlcmakers, 5 Baker 40 Queen street. Donaldson, Mrs., lodgings, 28J Murray pi. Dalgleish, Peter (of G. & D. Dalgleish), 6 Donaldson, Mrs., lodgings, 19 Nelson pi. Pitt terrace. Douglas, Mrs., The Elms, 28 Park terrace. Dall, Captain Robert, 10 Park tcrrncc. Dow, James, dairy, 73 Upper Craigs. STIRLING—GENEliJL DIRECTORY.

Dow, Miss, 12 Albert place. Dudgeon, Mrs., provisions, C Barnton pi. Dow, Robert, publican, 70 Upper Craigs. Duhan, Thomas, provisions, Raploch. Dow, William, grocer and flesber, 10 Duncan, Archibald, china merchant and Broad street. coal agent, 68 Port street. Dowdy, sen., William, Temperance hotel, Duncan, Mrs., lodgings, 100 Baker street. 40 King street. Duncan &Jnmieson, steam-machine letter- Dowdy, jun., William, Temperance hotel, press; printers. 5 Upper Craigs. 40 King street. Duncan, George (of Duncan & Jamicson), Dowell, Peter, provisions, 2G Castlehill. 11 Burghmuir. Dowell, William, tailor, G3 King street. Duncanson, William, druggist, 19 Port Downie, Andrew, 25 Park terrace. street, house 16 Port street. Downie, Benjamin, 7 Wallace street. Dunlop, W. S. (John Christie), iron- Downie, Mrs. John, 16 Park place. monger, 4 Bruce street. Downie, William, cooper, 66 Baker street. Dunn, Miss, dressmaker, 29 Port street. Doyle, Mrs., broker, 91 St. Mary's wynd. Dunn, Mrs., outtitter, 3 Bow street. Dreghorn, Mrs., provisions, 35 St. Mary's Dunsmore, Alexander (leader of psalmody, wynd. Free North Church), grocer. 14 Portst. Drumniond, John (Kemp, Murray & Duthie, Alex., tailor, 4 Broad street. Nicholson), foreman smith, 15 King st. Duthie, Mrs., 3 Melville place. Drummond, J.& A.,clan tartan warehouse, 42 King street. Eadie, James, Crofthill dairy, Castlehill. Drummond, Andrew (of J. & A. Drnoi- Eadie, Mrs., 10 Upper Bridge street. mond), Tredinnock, 5 Park terrace. Eason, Miss, 49 Port street. Drummond, James (of J. & A. Drum- Edmonstone. Miss, 11 Park terrace. mond), 4 Melville place. Electric and International Telegraph Drummond, James (James Gray), seeds- Company, Railway station—J. Ackford, man, 42 Port street. clerk. Drummond, Robert, surgeon, G Broad St., Erskine, E. C, toy shop, yarns and small- house 9 Upper Bridge street. wares, 41 St. Mary's wynd. Drummond & Son, R., goldsmiths and Erskine, George (A. Thomson & Sons), jewellers, 5 Murray place. manager. 41 St. Mary's wynd. Drummond, Robert and Gregor (of R. Erskine, James, publican, 8 Bow street. Drummond & Son), 2 Melville place. Erskine, Lord, Annfield, Pitt terrace. Drummond & Sons, Wm., nurserymen, Esam & Williams, Misses, boarding and seedsmen, and agricultural implement educational establishment for young warehouse, 48 King street; nursery, ladie.0, 9 Melville place. Coneypark. Esdon & Son, Robert, cabinetmakers and Drummond, Henry (of Wm. Drummond & furniture warerooms, 64 Port street. Sons), Glenclra lodge, 1 Park place. Esdon, Henry (of Robert Esdon & Son), Drummond, Peter (of Wm. Drummond & 10 Irvine place. Sons), Tract Depot, Murray place. Ewing & Co., V>'m., fleshers, 4 Barnton pi. Drummond, William (of Wm. Drummond & Sons), Rockdale lodge, 7 Park place. Fairbairn & Macnab, A. & C, builders, 3 Dryden, IVlrs., provisions, 15 St. Mary's wd. King street. Dtysdale, Duncan S., grocer, 80 Baker st. Fergus, Robt., gardener, 3 Barnton place. Drysdale, George (Robt. Campbell), law Ferguson, Daniel, surgeon, 15 Barnton pi. rierk, 23 Queen street. Ferguson, Daniel (National Bank), ac- Drysdule, James, Clydesdale Bank, 9 countant. 14 Queen street. King street. Ferguson, Hugh, boot and shoe warehouse, Drysdale, J. & W., auctioneers and ap- 1 King street. praisers, mart. Orchard place. Ferguson, John, bootmaker, 9 Cowane st. Drysdale, James, lessee of tisiiings, river Ferguson, John, leather cutter and Ijoot Forth, 48 Baker street; William, 41 and shoe warehouse, 2 Bow street. Baker street (of J. & W. Drysdale). Ferguson. John, publican, 33 Baker street. Drysdale, William, 1 Melville place. Ferguson, John, publican, 50 Cowane st. 10 STIRLING—OENERAL DIRECTORY

Ferguson, Mrs. Thomas, Dalgleish lioiise, Forrester, G. N., agent L'Extinctcur, 108 Baker street. Snuthiield. Ferguson, Peter, 14 Queen street. Forrester, Mrs., of Craigannet, SouthGeld. Ferguson, William G., grocer, 107 Baker Forrester, Mrs., 12 Wallace street.

street, 72 St. Mary's wynd, and 21 Port Forsyth, Hugh (James Millar «Sb Suns), street, and dairy, 108 Baker street. clerk, Mill Entry, 30 Cowane street. Feriiie, Thomas, factor for Sir Alex. C. Forsyth, Jas., clothier, 3 Upper Bridge st. G. R. Maitland, 1 Albert place. Forsyth, John, grocer, 2 St. John street. Ferrier, Robert, county police clerk, 15 Forsyth & Co., J., grocers, tailors, and Upper Bridge street. clothiers, 3 Cowane street. Findlay, David, M.D., surgeon, 3 Port Forth & Clyde Railway Office, 1 Forth pi. street, house 12 Princes street. —R. Young, manager and secretary. Findlay, James, druggist, 3 Port street, Foster, Walter, 51 Cowane street.

house (J Pott street. Fotheringham, Richard ( Wm. Drummond

Findlay, Rev. William, 1 1 Clarendon place. <& Sons), clerk, 14 Wallace street. Finlayson, Duncan, IG Spittal street. Frame, John, colour-sergt. Stirlingshire Finlayson, James, Heslier, 38, 39 Baker Bt. Militia, 47 Cowane street. Finlayson, James, Burghmuir. Frame, Robert, 7 Maxwell place. Finlayson, John, saddler, 47 Port street. Fraser, Captain Thomas, 12 Allan park. Finlayson, John, 2 Spittal street. Froser, Hugh, xratcd water manufacturer, Finlayson, Miss, milliner, 2 Spittal street. 65| Port street. Finlayson, Rol)ert, glazier, 23 King street. Fraser, Miss, provisions, 16 Broad street. Finlayson, Thomas, tea dealer, Torbrex. Fraser, Miss, 1 Victoria place. Finlayson, Wm., slater, 6 Orchard place. Frater, Robert, plumber, brassfounder, ond Fisher, Alex. (Chrystal & Macfarlane), gasfitter, 29 Murray place, house 20 law clerk, 25 King street. Murray place. Fisher, D., bootmaker, 15 Lower Craigs. Frew, D.D., Rev. Robert, 12 Melville place. Fisher, Mrs. D., 5 Maxwell place. Fulton, Jehn, , , Fisher, Peter, publican, 76 Baker street. and post runner, 2 Broad street. Fitzpatrick, John, inspector S. & D. R., Fulton, Mrs., Berlin wool repository, 8 9 Burghmuir. Port street. Fitzpatrick, W., clerk C.R., 9 Burghmuir. Fulton, Mrs., 7 BurghDauir. Fleming, A. H. (T. & D. Peacock), 24 Nelson place. Gaff, Thomas, Goosecroft Chemical works, Fleming, James S. (John Davidson), law Thistle street, house 23 Nelson place. clerk, 17 Queen street. Gaflfney, E., publican, 4 St. Mary's wynd. Fleming, James, auctioneer and valuator, Gulashan, David, Agricultural inn, IIG and sheriff-officer, 32 Baker street. Baker street, and upholsterer and fur- Flemiug, Misses, milliners, ^4 King street. niture warerooms, 115 Baker street. Forbes, John, bookseller, stationer, and Galbraith, John, china merchant and rag circuliiting library, 55 Baker street. store, 22 Spittal street. Forbes, iMrs. Colonel, Snowdon house. Galbraith, Mrs. and Misses, Park lodge, Forbes, Robert, corn merchant and horse 24 Park terrace. dealer, 11 Queen street. Galbraith, Thomas, wright, 5 Cowane st. Fordyce, George, Beechcroft, 8 Clarendon Galbraith, T. L., town-clerk, Town-house, place. 47 Broad street, house Park lodge, 24 Forfar, Miss, dressmaker, 21 Baker street. Park terrace. Forgan, David (James Graham), piano Galloway, .James, farmer, Clayslaps. maker, 2 Bruce street. Gardner, Alex. (James Reid), clerk, 69J Forgie, A. (Wm. G. Ferguson), Newhouse. Cowane street. Forrest, xV.& W., furniture warerooms. 17 Gardner, Henry, coal agent C.R. station,

Broad st. ; cabinetmakers, 7 St. John st. and toy warehouse, 26 Murray place. Forrest, JMiss, 27 Upper Bridge street. Gardner, John, bootmaker, 4>> Cowane st.

Forrest, Wm. II., surgeon, 1 The Terrace. Gardner, James, cooper, 25 King street. Forrester, Alex., fishmonger, 62 Broad st. Gardner, Lawrence, smith, 74 Cowane st. ] STIRLING—GENERA L DIRECTOR '. 11

Gavin, Iluqh. draper, 22\ Murray place. Gould. John (of Gould, Smith i^ Co.), 19 Gentleman. K. &. E., writers, 17 Baker st. Lower Oaigs. Gentleman, sen., Ehenezer, 17 Albert pi.; Gourlay. Helen, provisions, 4 Burghmuir.

Ebenezer. Jan., 5 Forth place (of E. & E. Gourlay, .Mrs , publican. 57 Port street. Gentleman). Gow. James, publican, 1 Lower Bridge st.

Gentleman. ^Irs., 7 St. John street. (!tow. ^Irs., "(I A Cowane street. Gentles. William, slater, t)Oj Cowane st. Gowanloek. I'.ev. J. T.. 15 Melville place. Gibb. -Mrs.. 14 Allan parlc. Gow;ins. John. 8 P.-.rk terrace. Gibson ci llctldie, plumbers, brassfounders, Graham. Charles 11., il.D., surgeon, 15 and crasntters, 17 King street. Nelson place. Gibson. Charles. M.D., surgeon, Bellevue, Graham. J as., music-.^eller and pianoforte 12 Clarendon place. warehouse, 3 ilurrav place, and Bridge Gibson. T., gardener, 41 Lower Bridge st. of Allan. Gilchrist. Alex., {gardener, 21 Spittal st. Graham. .John, teaciicr, Allan's school, Gilchrist. .Tohn, tailor and clothier, 104 10 Spittal St., houi'j > Abercromby pi.

Baker street. Graham, J. oc J., j miners and cabinet-

Gilchiist. J. i!i J., roppspinners, 19 Baker st. makers, 11 Banitou ]>lace, house 21 Gilchrist. Miss, straw hat maker, I'J Baker street. Baker street. Graham, blisses, 4 York place. Gilchrist. Miss. 2 Dumbarton road. Graham. Mrs., 1 Cl.'.rcndon place. Gilchrist. ^Irs., 49 I'ort street. Graham, Mrs., Iod2ins?. 15 King street.

Gilliilan. \) H , Bcv. .James, 10 Irvine pi. Graham i»c Son, Thomas, lathsplitters, 20 Gilltilan. John, 2 Union street. Shore road. Gilltspie. James, builder, (19.4 Cowane St. GrahamiL- Morton. ironmongers. KiKingst. Gillc?pie. John, sawyer, Newhonse. (lraliam.Wm.(o(Gr:ihami^ci\[orton).l\oyal

Gillespie. Mrs.. 9 Park place. Bank. .']il King street, house 29 King st. Gillespie. Thomas, fishing-tackle maker, Grant. Alex., watchmaker. 1 IJow street. Newhouse. • Grant, Amlrew A., baker, 59 Baker st. Gillespie, Willi.am, boot and shoe ware- Grant, James, smith and inspector of bouse. 105 Baker street. weights and measures. 2.S Murray place. Gillespie W. (J. Fullar i Sons), 35 rort st. Grant, John, forwaruitig clerk C.B., ID Gillespie, William, Mineral vale, 8 Park King street. place. Grant. John, weisher (J.R., 11 Broad st. Gillies. James, weaver, Torbrex. Grant. Mrs.. Baiiv.ay and Commercial Gillies. Mrs., sick-nurse, Newhouse. hotel. 77 I'ort street. Gillies, Thomas, 37 King street. Grant, Mrs.. 14 Wallace street. Glasgow Crated Bread Company, 103 Grant. W. M., teacher of gymnastics, and Baker street— S. Napier, agent. janitor, High scho'd. Glass. .John, carter. Baker street, Grassam. Mrs., nurse. Newhouse,

(jlass, Misses, dressmakers, 1 7 Baker St. Gras.som. ilrs., 3 Voric place. Glen. A. (Post oilicc), clerk, 7 Nelson pi. Gray, .Janics, missionary, 54 Broad street. Glen, William, letter-carrier, 4 Broad st. Gray. .James, seeusiiiau. corn merchant, Glove*-, James, tailor, (19 Port street. feeding stutTs and manures, 3 Upper Glover, William, boot and shoe warehouse, CraiL's. 117 Baker street. Gray, Mrs., 4 Queen street. Goodfeliow. Robert (Gould, Smith vt Co.), Gray, Ilobert (itiidm Oh'iervrr), 2 Princes clerk. 91 Baker street. street, Goodsir. Misses, 17 Park place. (jireig, Miss, china merchant. 112 Baker st. Gordon. Miss, teacher, intant school, Mur- Grei;.'. W.. goods a^'erit C.ll.. 14 N(ls

Gould, tjmith i<; Co., iron and brassfounders, Guild. Mrs.. 4 Prince^ street. engineers, millwrights, boiler makers, Gutiirie. James, caoinetniakcr and joiner, and blacksmiths, Burnside Foundry, 9 Ujiper Bridge .-trcot. 20 Lower Craigs. Guthrie, John, publican, Baplocli. 12 STIRLING—GENEILIL DIUECTOR Y

Jlaldanc, Eobcrt. !()'. Baker street. Henderson, A.M., Rev. R., 16 Allan park. Ualket. Captain J. C. aJjutant Stirling- Henderson, Thomas, cabinetmaker, joiner, shire Militia, 27 Park terrace. undertaker and furniture warerooms, 5t) Halkct. J., ropespinner. 30 Murray place. I'ort street, house 45 Port street. Hall, George, corn merchant, Thistle st. Henderson, Thos., publican, 92 Baker st.

Hall, Robert, engineer. G'J j Cowane street. Henderson, William C, 1 1 ^ Victoria place. Hamilton. Alex., tea and cloth merchant, Henderson, Wm., joiner, 20 Broad stree:. 5 Spittal street. Henderson & Co.. J. & G., grocers. ."3 King Hamilton, Miss, 11 Melville place. street, 13 Bow st., and Ikidge of Aliuii. Handyside, Geo., boot and shoe warehouse, Henderson, James and John (of J. & G. 40 Baker street, Henderson & Co.), 7 St. John street.

llanratty. A., broker. 32 St. John Btreet. Henderson & Co., R , tailors and clothiers, Hardie,Jas.. teacher. 3Iill Entry. Cowane 28| Murray place. street, house Queen's hotel. 55(1 Murray pi. Henderson, Robert (of R. Henderson & Ilardie, R., J. & J., plumbere, brassfoun- Co.), 2 Barnton place. ders, and pasfitterv \'^ Port street. Henderson & Patterson, land valuators Hardie, Robert, lo Rnrphmuir; James and surveyors, 20 Murray place. and John, 45 Port street (of R., J. &. J. Henderson, James (of Henderson & Pat- Hardie). terson), Bellfield, 65 St. Mary's wynd. Hardie, T.. dairyman. 44 St. Mary's wynd. Hendrie, A., tinsmith, 72 Port street and liare, Stephen, barrack sergeant, 18 St. 64 Upper Craigs. Mary's wynd. Hendry, Ebenezer, 40 Murray place. Ilartey, James, sherift'-oflicer. C Friars st. Henrj', Bridget, brok3r,93St.Marys wynd. Hart, Andrew P., chemist, 1)5 Raker street, Hepburn, Aliss, fishmonger and game house 21 Baker street. dealer, 10 Upper Craigs. Harvey, John, 2G Park terrace. Hepting, Lambert, watch and clockmaker, Harvey, Miss, 14 Dumbarton road. J)4 Murray place. Harvey, Misses. 4 Albert place. Herald,' Capt., Bellfield, 04 St. Mary's wd. Harvey, Thomas (Saiine office), law clerk, Herdman, Airs., nurse, 72 Cowane street. 8 Albert place. Herron, Adam, cabinetmaker and furni- Harvey, AVm.. watchmaker, 02 King street. ture warerooms, 13 Port street and 03 Hassel, William (J^jtin Todd &, Sons), King street. Forthvale coitape. Hewit, Misses, 5 Queen street. Has.sel, Thomas, clerl;. Forthvale mills. Hill, Miss, 4 Viewficid place. Hay, Bart., Sir Artlmr G., Southtield. Hill &, Catlicart, writers, 14 Dumbarton rd. Hay, John, boot and shoe warehouse, 82 Hill, Alexander (of Hill & Catlicart), Baker street. Bridge of Allan. Hay, Mrs.. 2 Forth place. Hill, John (Hill &. Cathcart), Bridge of Hcadridge. Wiu., iihotoprapher,34 Kingst. Allan, Henderson, Alex., joiner. 10 St. Mary's wd; Hill, Mrs., lodgings. 7 Murray place. bookseller and stationer, 7 Broad street. Hill, R.ilph (John Todd &, Sons;, loieman, Henderson. Alex., joiner, ."1 Queen street. Forlhbank cottaue. Henderson Brother;, drapers. 31 King st. Hodge, John, publican and dairy, S Lower Henderson, Archiijald (of Henderson Craigs. Brothers), 20 Mehille place. Hogg, Alexander, 13 Victoria place.

Henderson, Janie;. publican and ferry- Hogg, ,T as. iStirlinrf Journal), 8 Princes st. man, Cainbuskeniicth Abbey. Hogg, Robert, manager Anderson's fish- Henderson. J., photo'jr.npher. 7 Barnton pi. ings, 15 Lower Bridge street. Henderson. Jcdin (l!oi

Henderson. Misses. luilliners and dress- tive department, S. iS: D. sect. N.B.R., makers, 15 Bow street. 22 Shore road.

Henderson. Mrs., it Forth place. Houston, David (John Todd & Sons), Henderson. Mrs., lodyings. 5 Burghmuir. foreman, Forthbank cottage. STinLIXG—GEXEIlAL DIRECTOR Y. i;j

Humble, Mrs., 8 Forlli place. Johnston, John, brassfounder, 4G St. Hunter. Geo., wool merclinnt. II Irvine pi. Mary's wynd. Hunter, John, puhlicnu. 52 I'ort street. Johnston, Mrs., dressmaker. 14 St. .John st. Hunter, Mrs., 40 Queen street. Joimston, Peter, wood merchant, C4J Hunter, Mrs.. CO IJroad street. Cowane street. Hunter, Thomas, colour-serfieant Stirling- Johnston. Thomas, tailor, 71 Baker street. shire Militia, 11 liroaJ street. Johnston, AViliiam, M.I>., surgeon, 3 The Hunter, Wni., wool merchant, Park lane, Terrace. house 17 Allan park. Johnston, W., publican, GC Upper Craigs,

Huicheson, Andrew F., rector, and teacher Johnston, W, cl; A., drapers. 71 King st. classical department, High school, house Johnston & Anderson, builders, joiners, \) Alhert place. and undertakers, 4.") Port street. Hutclieson, Mrs., lodgings, 2 Barnton pi. Johnston, James (of Johnston & Ander- i Hutton, Andrew, writer and commissary son). 10 Princes street. clerk, Murray place. Johnstone, George, The Haugh, Cambus- Hutton, And., cabinetmaker, 8G Baker st. kenneih Abbey. Hutton, Ebenezer J. (Wm. G. Ferguson), Johnstone, Mrs.. 20 Murray place. clerk, CO Broad street. Johnstone, William, foreman, Forthbank Chemical works, 16 Abbey road. Inglis, John, clerk C.R., 3 Bruce street, Justice of Peace Court-room, .fail wynd, luglis, Thomas (W. & A. Johnston), 28 off St. John street and Broad street. Queen street. Justiciary Court-house, 49 Broad street. Ireland, Mrs., sick-nurse, 38 St. Mary's wd. Irons, John, superintendent, Itaihvay Kane, James, china merchant and I rag station, Parkhouse, Shore road. store. 48 Broad street. Irvine, Miss, 12 Irvine place. Kav. John, smith. Kaploch. Kay. Mrs., provision";, 44 Lower Bridge st.

Jack, Mrs., publican. 23 Murray place, Keir, J. (Gas AVorks), clerk. .'i7 Queen st. .lack, IMrs., publican, 52 Broad street. Kelly, Joseph, auctioneer, 3 Princes st.

.) afiraj'. Miss, dressmaker. SO St. Mary's wd. Kemp. Murray & Nicholson, joiners, agri- Jafiray, Mrs.. smallwares..^O St. Mary's wd, cultural implement and reaping machine

Jamieson, James, joiner, liaplocii, makers, and engineers. 1 Dumbarton rd. .lamieson, John, clothier, CO King street. Kemp. John (of Kemp, Murray &. Kichol-

Jamieson, John (of Duncan & Jamieson), sonj, fi Kelson place. 40 Tort street, Kenny. Mrs. Captain S.. Mar place. Jamieson. Mrs., lodgings, 21 Queen street. Kerr, Ale.'w.. smith, o Friars street. Jiirdine, Edward, cash clerk. C.Ii. station. Kerr, Alex., bootmaker, 72 C'fiwane street. Jardine, Miss, V.) Melville place. Kerr, James. .1.1', clerk, Soutlillfld. Jarvie, Miss, dressmaker, 5 Spittal street. Kerr, Bobcrt. flesher, IIS Baker street. Jenkins. Alex., writer, 2j King street, Kerr. Samuel, gatekeeper C.l!.. Craigs. house St, Kinians. Kidston, John, carter, dairyman, and pro- Jenkins, Jas., carter, 28 Lower Bridge st. visions, CC St. JIary's wynd. Jenkins. Robert (Union Bank), accountant, Kidston, Miss, 1 Irvine place. St. Niiiians, Kidston, Misses. 15 AVallace street. Jenkins, William (Daniel M'Ewen), clerk, Kidston, Mrs.. 4 Victoria place. (JOj Cowane street. Kidston, Wm.. GU St. Mary's wynd. Jenkins. Wni., general dealer. OS King st. King, Duncan, farmer, Kildean. Johnston. Andrew, painter. (iC Baker st. King, John, cabinetmaker, Castlehill.

Johnston. Jas.. shi])owner, 11 Abbey road, King, Mrs.. Tredinnock, r> Park terrace, •lohnston, .lames, baker, Dalglcish court, Kinnaird, Wm., tailor, 3 Baker street. lOS Baker street, 37, 3S I'ort street, and Kinross. George ami James, 20 Shore rd. 7 Bow street. Kinross. AVra.. coach-buililcr, C.'ij Port st. Johnston. .1.. wood merchant, Bnrghmill. Kirkwood, Hugh M. (Jou/h«/ office), over- Johnston, John, thrashing machine engine seer, 31 Queen street. keeper, 11 Upper Bridge street. Kirkwood & Walker, chcniislE, 7 King st. —


Kyle, Tlioniixs, secretary of the Stirlinir- Lindsay, Wm. (George Thomson), fore- shire Friendly Assuiance Society (Re- man, 31 Port street.

gistered), i5(j Cowanc street. Lindsay. Wm.. Scripture reader, Garrison, 19 Queen street. Lnidlaw, Thomas, 4 Xelson place. Linklatcr. William (Peter Carmichael), Laiii);, Alexander, joiner and undertaker, confectioner, 2 Burghmuir. 81 Baker street. Livingston, Andrew M., publican, and Lain?, James (John Jnmieson), clothier, Custom-house. 5J Port street. C9'| Cowane street. Livingston, Gavin, agent for the Royal Lainaj, John, publican, 10 Broad street. Liver Friendly Society, 33 (Jueen st. Laing, Miss, Park lane. Logan, Dr. Robt.. architect. 7 Allan park. Laini^, Mrs., 12 Queen street. Logan, John. 3 Nelson place. Laiiii^, Win., ;rardener, ol Baker street. Logic, 1). W. (Robert Canjpbell), law Lainir, Wni., tailor, 17 (7o\vane street. clerk. 8 Albert place. Lainir, Win., painter, '_•;) IJroad street. Lone, Francis, china merchant and rajj

Lanil), .!., provisions, 1 1 St. ."fary's wynd. store, ."), G Bank street. Lamb, T.. provisions. 11 Lower I'ridu'e st. Loughran, ^L, pawnbroker, GO Baker st.

Lamb v<: Bnclian, lath splitters. Thistle st. I.oughran, R., broker. "Jl St. Mary's wynd. Lamb, William (of Lauib o; Buchan), 10 Low, LL.D., F"lctcher Read, 3 Viewticld

, Spittal street. place. Law, liobcrt. letter-carrier. 11 Broad st. Low, Thomas, boot and shoe warehouse, Lawrence, William, restaurant. 1 I'rinces 121 Baker St., house 2 Abercromby pi.

street and 'J Barnton place. Lucas. James, Abbey tower orchard, Cam- Lawson, .las., ironmont^er. I'l Baker street. buskcnneth Abbey. Lawson, -Markf Bank ofScoilaud), account- Lucas, Miss, Whinweil house, G3 St. ant, 11 Wallace street. JIary's wynd. Lawson, Robert, draper and clothier, lO'J Lnmsijen. James, sawyer, and refreshment Baker street. rooms, 101, 102 Baker street. Lawson, William (Robt. Lawson), draper. Lyons, il., provisions, 24 Broad street. 18 Upper Bridge street. Lcarmontli, ,\.ndrew, lodi^ings, 10 ilax- Macdonald. Henry S., watchmaker and well i)hice. jeweller. Port street. Leask, Mrs., teacher, 13 Friirs street. Macdonald. J., i)ipe-major, iSIilitia Stafl", Leathly, Gillard. broker, 11 :*t. John st. 11 Broad street. Leckie, James, publican, 7j Baker street. Macdonald, John, I Allan park. Leckie, .Mrs., lodtjinfis, 10 Queen street. Macdonald. Mrs., 10 Wallace street. Lejigat, Mrs., lodgings, 42 Murray place. Macdougall. Duncan, teacher, commercial Leiicny, John, clerk. Railway Clearing- and mathematical department, Ili;..:h house. IH Lower Bridue street. School, house 21 Alliert place. Leitch, Mi.'^s, 7 Albert place. MacEwen, Jas., prcivisions. Castle wynd. Lenno.x. .John, ;j;rocer. lii l!o.v street. .MacEwen. .Mrs. Peter. Hi Melville place. Leslie, Mrs., toliaceotiist, 114 liakcr street. MacEwen i Co.. 1). & J., grocers, 20 Port Leslie, Thuuiaa (J. R. Sinclair), boot- street. !•< Broad street, Bridge of Allan maker. 04 Cowane street. and Callander.

Lickrish, John, bootmaker. .> Vicwfield st. ^lacEwen. .John, sen., and .John, jun.. 14

Liddcl. David, currier, •> Spiitul street. Melville (dace : Daniel, 3 Abercromby

Liddel. Ceurire (.Johnston w Anderson,). place (Of I) i^c J. MacKwen i. Co.; clerk. Hi St. .Mary's wynd. ^lacfarlane. John (of Clirystul & Mai;far-

Liddel. .Mrs., straw hat maker, (j Spittal st. lane), 23 Park terrace,

Liddcl, Kol)ert, grocer. (i',j Kiiij street. ilaefarlane. Jidin (Tract Depot), clerk, Liddcl. William, urocer, ll'.t Baker street. 10.1 Upper Oraigs. Lindsay, Alexander (Davie. Brown i Jlacfarlaue, Mrs., lodgings, \Q\ Upjier Young), toreman litter, 4.j Lpper Craigs. Craigs.

Lindsay, (ieorge, bootmaker. 53 Lower Muefarlanc Free I^ibrary, 1 1 King street Bridge street. John Yorston, librarian. ;


Macgregor, David, lessee of Corn-Ex- Mathie, John D. (of J. & J. Mathie & cbnngc and Shore dues, Macluckie), 67 King street. iracgregor, William, Corn-Exchange inn. Mathie, James,, grocer and manufacturer. Jlackenzic, Kev. Colin, Arrochur Free High street, Abbey. Church, 20 Allan parlc. Maxton, James (J. & A. Drummond), 43 Maclvie, A., grain merchant, 9 Victoria pi. Queen street. Mackie, P. C, teacher. Trades' hall school. Maxion, Robert, mason, 19 Cowane st. Muckie, Peter, plasterer, G4J Co wane at. MetFcn, ilrs., lodgings, IJO Baker street. Slackieson. John, hairdresser, tobacconist, Mciklam, W., Binallwarcs, 70 St. Mary's and fancy warehouse, 5 King street. wynd. Mackison, Francis, civil engineer, architect Meiklejohn, Alex., wright, Raploch. and surveyor, 7 Murray place, house 3 Meiklejohn, Wm., furnishing warehouse

Allan park. and outfitter, 9 Baker street ; millinery, 31aclagan, Miss C, Ravenscroft, 9 Claren- 20 Baker street. don place. Meiklejohn, Wm. (of W. & A. Johnston), Maclean, J. G., accountant, stockbroker, 5 Park place. and insurance agent, II King street. Meldrum. P. (R. L.awson), 39 Cowane st. ^lacluckie. Robert (of J. &. J. Mathie & Melrose, William (of Menzies & Melrose), Macluckie), 12 Park place. 17 Queen street. Macmillan, Mrs., 17 Melville place. Menzies, James, grocer. 76 Cowane street. Macnab, Duncan, writer, 41 King street, Menzies & Melrose, drapers, 65 King st. house 2 Park terrace. Menzies, Thomas (of Menzies & ^lelrose), ^lacnie, Duncan, gardener, Newhouse. 3 Irvine place.

Main, J., bootmaker, 42 Lower liridge st. Menzies, Thomas, Star hotel, 1 22 Baker st. Main, Thomas, bootcloser, 1 Barn road. Mercer. James, Newhouse. Makgill, Misses, 4 Clarendon place. Mercer. Robert (Jamca Cowbrough & Co.), Maloch, Andrew, gunsmith and cutler, Gl Newhouse. King street. Merrilees, Archibald, plumber, 82 Upper i\Ialoney, Miss, teacher R. C. school, Irvine Craigs, house 2 I'ort street. place, bouse 33 St. Mary's wynd. Merrilees, John, otlicer of Stirling and jMaltman, Wm., caliinetmaker and furni- Bannockburn Caledonian Society, 34 ture warerooms, 7 Friars street. Cowane street. Manii, John, boot aud shoe warehouse, 96 Michie, Geo. (A. Maloch), 17 King street. Baker street. Middleton,David,cattle food manufacturer, Markland, Rev. James, prison chaplain, 54 King street. 18 St. John street. Middleton, D., H.M. inspector of schools Marr, John, baker, 79 Baker street. for the Western District of Scotland, Marshall, James, fleshcr, G7 Port street. Southfield. Marshall, Misses, milliners, 8 Queen st. Millar, James, tailor and clothier, 12 Marshall, Robert, hatter, 35 King street. Murray place. Marshall, Robert, smitii, 1 Union street. Millar it Suns, James, bakers, 6 Kinpr street, Marshall. Wm., bootmaker, 13 Friars st. 67 Haker street, and 33 Port street

Martin, A.. Southfield. grocers. 20 Friars street ; and millers, Martin, AVm., overseer to Water Commis- MillofTorr. sioners. 3 Orchard place. Millar, James, William. Samuel, and Alex-

Masson. Norman, sergeant-major Stirling- ander (of James Millar >si Sons), Sca- shire ^lilitia, ilar place. forth house. Shore road. ^lasson, Misses, teachers, 1 Allan paik. Jliller, Alex., bookseller, stationer, and Masson, Robert, bookbinder, 43 Spittal st. circulating library, 1 Port street, and Master of Works Ollice, 4!) Broad street. Bridge of Allan. ^latbie &. Macluckie, .1. & J., writers, Wolf Miller, David, joiner. Newhouse. craig, 14 Dumbarton road. Miller,G.,chimneysweeper.3St.JIary'swd.

Mathie. James (of J. & J. ]MathIe & Jliller, .J., superintendent locomotive de- M:K-luckie). Union Bank of Scotland, partment, S.C. sect. C.H.. 38 (iucen st. house 19 Allan park. Miller, James, weaver, Newhouse. ;


Miller, John, commercial traveller, 42 Morton, David (of Graham & Morton), 17 Port street. King street. Miller, Miss, dressmaker, 10 Maxwell place. Morton, James (J. M'Kinlay), 2 Bruce st. Miller, Miss, 12 Wullace street. Morton, \V., hat renovator, a Barnton pi. Miller, Misses, dressmakers, 10 Spittal st. Mouat, Alexander, 3 Forth place. Miller, Mrs., dairy, Batterilat. Mouat, George, commission agent and wool Miller, Mrs., provisions, o2 Lower Craiijs, merchant, 5 Melville place. Miller, Peter, ironmonper, 33 King street. Moyes, David (Kemp, Murray & Nichol- Miller, Roliert, smith, (il Port street. son), foreman fitter, 60 Upper Craigs. Miller, Thomas S., engineer. Park lane. Muir, Andrew L., 10 Viewfield place. Miller, Win., publican, 30 Shore road. Muir, Thomas, coal agent, offices C.R, Miller & Son, David, booksellers and station and 10 Viewlield place, house stationers, -4 Baker street. 6 Clarendon jilace.

Miller & Son, John, bakers. 55 Port street. Muirhead, John, writer, 23 King street. • Milnes, Miss, 13 Albert place. Muitliead, Mrs. (Robert Kerr, flesher), 118 Milroy, Rev. Andrew, Forthside house, Baker street. 25, 2ti Shore road. Munnoch, Alex., of Cringate, South lodge. Milroy, Andrew W., of Forthside, Shore rd. Munnoch, Mrs., South lodge. Mitchell, Jas., coach %vTight, 5 Vievvfield st. Murdoch, Alexander, saddler, 12 King st. M itchell.Jas., tailor and clot hier,H King St. Murdoch, Geo., ClifFside villa, 11 Park pi. Mitchell, John, boot and shoe warehouse, Murdoch, George (J. Cowbrough & Co.), 51 Port street. 69 Port street. Mitchell, Mrs., lodgings, 21 Baker street. Murdoch, Mrs. G., baker, 23 Baker street Mitchell, William, Woodlands, Pitt terrace. and 18 Murray place. Moir, Miss, dairy, 55 Broad street. Murphy, James, Canteen, Stirling Castle. Monteatli, Mrs. Alex., G Abercromby pi. Murray, Geo. A., Inland Revenue officer, Monteath, Mrs., Enclosure house. Park ter. 33 Shore road. Moodie, Alex. L., surgeon, 50 Port street. Murray, Henry (James Millar & Sons), Moore, Wm., agent for the Scottish Legal 18 Friars street. Burial and Loan Society, 20 Brood st. Murray, John (of Kemp, Murray & Nichol- Morgan & Co., drapers, 21 King street. son), 5 Nelson place. Morgan, George and David (of Morgan & Murray, John, tailor and clothier, 1 Broad Co.), Ill Baker street. street. Sauchie house, 81 Baker street. Morison, Miss, 16 Park terrace. Murray, Miss, 2 Victoria place. Morison, Patrick G., writer, 3 King street, Murray, Peter, groceries, provisions and house 10 Allan park. meal store, 9^ Murray place. Morran, Michael,potatodealer,52 Baker st. Murray, William, publican, 1-4 Broad st. Morris, Hugh, grocer, 68 Baker street. Murray, W., Hesher, St. Mary's wynd. Morrison, J. & J. M., Commercial Bank Murray's Hall Lime Works—James Mor-

of Scotland, 13 Spittal street. rison, lessee ; Peter M'Intyre, clerk Morrison, James, of Wester Livilands; office Wallace street. James M., 13 Spittal street (of J. &. J. M. Murrie. John, National Bank of Scotland, Morrison). 46 Murray place. Morrison, John, superintendent Coney- park nursery. M' Allan, John, 74 Port street. Morrison, Miss, 15 Wallace street. M'Allan, Miss, milliner, dressmaker and Morrison &. Cunningham, writers, 17 King outfitter. 73 Port street street. M'Alley, Mrs., 11 Allan park. Morrison, Ebenezer (of Morrison & Cun- M'Allister, A.,publican, 1 7 St.Mary 's wynd. ningham), Wester Livilands. M'Alpine, James, brick and tile maker, Morrison & Sons, John, joiners and under- 37 Upper Craigs. takers, 6 Dumbarton road. M'Alpine, Mrs., provisions, 31 Castlehill. Morrison, John, 17 Nelson place; Alex- M'Ara, Duncan, refreshment rooms. Rail- ander, 3 Bruce street; William. 11 way station, house 7 ^[urray place. Nelson place (of John Morrison & Sons). M'Aree, C, dairy, 10 Upper Bridge st. STIRLING—GENERAL DIRECTORY i; lI'Aree, David, mnson, Upper Bridiie st. M'Gregor, Misses, milliners and dress- M'iVree, Airs., lodgings, 23 Queen street. makers, 5.*) Baker street. M'Arthur, M. (late Forgie), outfitter and M'Gregor, Robert, basketmaker and toy (rencral furnishing warehouse, 3fi Port st. warehouse, 64 Baker street. Jl'Callum, Alex., missionary, 2fi Broad st. M'Growther, Alexander, Newhouse. A['Cartney.Jeremiah,poulterer,7'ilJakerst. M'llvean, John, shoemaker, 3 Baker st. Jl'Cormick, Alexander, trunk maker, 20j M'llvride, Peter, shoemaker, 17 Cowane st. Cowane street. M'Innes, Robt., artist. 10 Clarendon place. M'Cowen, Henry, provisions, 40 Cowane st. M'Inlosh, James (J. G. Aitken), clerk and M'Craeken. James, Crown inn, 58 King at. storekeeper, 22 Abbey road. M'Crae, Mrs., lodgin

M'Elfrish. Jas., 16 Queen street ; Andrew, M'Kenzie, M.A., John, teacher and chap-

Causewayhead (of J. & A. M'Elfrish). lain. Poor-house ; 5 Maxwell place. M'Ewen, Dauiel, iron merchant, 68 King st. M'Kenzie, John, shoemaker, 4 Broad st. M'Ewen, Mrs., provisions. 21 Lower Craigs. M'Kenzie, Wm., ropespinner, 74 Port st. M'Ewen, Robert, grocer, 22 Baker street. M'Kenzie, Wm., sergeant-major S.R.V., M'Ewen, Robt., mason, 21 Lower Craigs. 5 St. John street. M'Fadyen &, Co., agents and goods carriers M'Kerracher, Daniel, carter, 8 Orchard pi. to the North British Railway Company, M'Killop, John, hawker. 56 Broad street. Shore road—Thomas Thomson, agent. M'Killop, William, Old Bridge. M'Farland, Misses, dressmakers, 37 Queen M'Kinlay, James, tailor and clothier, 18 street. King street. M'Farlane, A., shoemaker, 10 Cowane st. M'Lachlan, Andrew, millinery and furnish- M'Farlane, James, carter and dairyman, ing warehouse, 8 Murray place. Goosecroft, 27 Craigs. M'Lachlan, Arch., coal and commission M'Farlane, J., Militia Staff, Esplanade. agent, 10 Queen street. M'Farlane, John (Wm. Drumraond & M'Lachlan, Daniel, grocer, 54 Port street. Sons), seedsman, 42 Port street. M'Lachlan, John, bootmaker, 4 Upper AI'Farlane, Miss, staymaker, 85 Baker st. Bridge street. M'Farlane, Mrs., Wolf cottage, 49 Lower M'Lachlan, Misses, dressmakers, 28^ Mur- Bridge street. ray place. M'Farlane, Mrs., 9 Princes street. M'Lachlan, R. F., Wallace Arms tavern, M'Farlane, Parlane (Wm. Drummond & 10 King street. Sons), warehouseman, 12 Murray place. M'Lachlan, Rev. Paul. 9 Irvine place. M'Farlane, Parlane (J. & W. Robertson), M'Laren, Duncan, publican, 71 Port street. grocer, 7 Murray place. M'Laren, James, bootmaker, 60 Broad st. M'Gibbon. John, carter and dairyman, 60 M'Laren, Jas., publican. 13 Murray place. Upper Craigs. M'Laren, William, tailor, Newhouse. M'Gibbon. Mrs., dairy, 3 Friars street. M'Laren, Mrs., lodgines, 27 Queen street. M'Gilvray, Mrs., 25 Queen street. M'Laren, Mrs., provisions. 10 Friars street. M'Gloan, F., provisions, 101 St. Mary'swd. M'Laren. ]\Irs., lodgings, 17 King street. M'Gregor, David, slater, 72 Upper Craigs. M'Lea, Mrs., provisions. 7 Spittal street. M'Gregor, Miss, 14 Dumbarton road. M'Lea, Wm., clerk, 22 St. John street. ;;.


M'Lean, Alex. (J. & A. Druraraond), M'SulIy, Edward, Militia Staff, 38 Broad st. clerk, 37 Queen street. M'Vean, John, greengrocer, 11 Port st. M'Lean, John, superintendent Wallace M'Whiunie, J., publican, 99 St. Mary's wd. Muuument, 3 Bruce street. M'Lean & Sons, Jas., tailors and clothiers, Nairn & Todd, drapers, 1 Baker street. 88 Baker street. Napier, Joseph, fruiterer, 7 Baker street. M'Learie, John (Gould, Smith & Co.), Napier, Joseph, watcher of fishings, 87 clerk, 8 Shore road. Baker street. M'Leay, M'Neil, artist, 9 Lover Bridge st. National Bank of Scotland—John Murrie, M'Leish, John, coach wheel maker. Mill agent, 48 Murray place. Entry, 29 Cowane street. National Security Savings Bank—J. M. M'Leorl, Archibald, commercial traveller, Morrison, actuary; Peter M'Intyre, 15 Upper Bridge street. clerk, 13 Spitt.al street. M'Leod, Col., 4'2nd Regiment, 15 Allan pk. Neil, J., publican, Stj bt. Mary's wynd. M'Leod, \V., Lieut.-col., 26 Albert place. Neilson, Leslie ( Observer ofBce), overseer, M'Leod, Wm., wright. 1 Burghmuir. 19 Spittal street. ]iI'Lintock, John C. (Tract Depot), clerk NeilsoQ, Mrs., lodgings, 3 Dumbarton road. and insurance agent, 40 Murray place. Neilson, Mrs., 10 Abercromby place. M'Luckie, John, joiner, 77 Upper Craigs. Neilson, William (R. Henderson & Co.), M'Luckie, Thomas, boarding establish- cutter, 38 Queen street. ment, 19 Albert place. Nicholson, Chas., colour-sergeant Stirling- M'Mahon, James, waste dealer, 33 St. shire Militia, 50 Broad street. Mary's wynd. Nicholson, Peter (of Kemp, Murray & M'Mahon, P., broker, 23 St. Mary's wynd. Nicholson), 6 Queen street. M'Menemy, P., pawnbroker, 27 St. John st Nicol, David, postman, 35 Broad street. M'Micking, Mrs., 22 Allan park. Nicol, James, joiner, 39 Queen street. M'Millan. John, lerated water manufactory, Nicol, James, slater, 12 Shore road. 8 Dumbarton road. Nicol, John, 12 Nelson place. M'Nab, Mrs., toy shop, 11 Friars street. Nicol, Joseph, furnishing warehouse and M'Nab, Thos., joiner, 8 Dumbarton road. outfitter, 47 Baker street.

M'Nab, Wra., lieutenant county police, Nicol, Wm , bootcloser, 7 Bank street. 6 St. John street. Niddry, A. (A. Crowe), 10| Upper Craigs. M'Nair, Alex., iron merchant. Thistle st. Nimrao, Mrs., 9 Princes street. M'Naughtun, Mrs., provisions, 49 Upper NoUan, Andrew, publican and provisions, Craigs. 31 Broad street. M'Neil, Mrs., lodgings, 5 Dumbarton road. North British Railway Goods Office, Shore M'Nellan, Alex., steamboat porter, 20 road—John Carnegie, agent. Broad street. Norwell, John, contractor, 2 Wallace st. M'Nicol, Robert, brewer, 42 Broad street publican, 24 Murray place. Oatt, Francis, 38 Queen street. M'Nicol, William, publican, 34 Castlehill. Oliphant. Major, 18 Allan park. M'Nie, D., dairy, St. Ninianswell green. Oliver, Mrs. (James Millar & Sons), 33 M'Nie, Thos., baker, 43 St. Mary's wynd. Port street. M'Nie, William C, brick and tile maker, Ormond, Mrs. A., grocer. 19 Broad street. Bttlfron, house 8 Pitt terrace. Oswald, Andrew, slater, 8 Spittal street. M'Nie &. Son, D., publicans, 90 Baker st. Oswald, James, 28 Queen street. M'Pherson, James, collector Stirlingshire Owen, sen., George, 79 Upper Craigs. Friendly A ssiirance Society, 20 Broad st Owen, jun., George, smith and machinist, M'Pherson, James, refreshment rooms, 58 79 Upper Craigs. Baker street. M'Quade, Jas., pawnbroker, 34 Broad st. Page, James, bootmaker, 33 St. John at. M'Queen, J., refreshments, 2 Friars street. Page, John, bootmaker, 4 Church wynd. M'Ritchie, Misses, boarding and educa- Panton & Co., maltsters, Park lane and tional establishment for young ladies, 7 Irvine place. 10 Pitt terrace. Parlane, J., fruiterer, 27 Port street. STIRLING—GENERAL DIRECTORY 19

r.ite, Davit], boot and shoe wnrcbouse, 18 Proudfoot, J., drill instructor S.R.V., 102 Baker street. Baker street. Paterson, James, builder, 13 Wallace 8t. Pryde, John (William Robertson), 9 St. raterson, !Mrs., grocer, llaploch. John street. Paterson. P.& R., tanners, 25 Upper Craigs. Pullar & Sons, J., dyers, 40 Port street. Paterson. Robert (of P. & 11. Paterson), 17 Park terrace. Quin, Miss, dressmaker. Go Broad street. Paterson. Nelson, colour-sergeant Stirling- shire Militia. 33 St. John street. Rae. James, M.D., surceon, 9 Pitt terrace. Paterson, W. K., wool merchant and In- Railway Booking Offices, Railway (pas- surance agent, 2 Shore road. senger) station, Murray place. Paton, Alex., quarrier, 65 Upper Craigs. Rain, ^Irs., matron. Industrial School, 12 Paton, John, H Upper Craigs. Spittal street. Paton, John, ham-curer, 34 St. John et. Raines, T., proprietor travelling thrash- Paton, Misses, teachers of white seam ing machines, Bridcehaugh. Old Bridge. sewing, 15 King street. Rankin, Mrs., teacher. Episcopal school, Paton, Mrs., 32 Queen street. 74 St. Mary's wynd. Paton, Robert, tea dealer, 70 Cowane at. Rankin, Robert, tailor, 15 Cowane street. Paton, R.N., Walter, 11 J Victoria place. Rankin, William, Provost of Stirling, 1 Paton. William (Royal Bank), accountant, York place. 29 King street. Rankine, Wm., boot and shoemaker, Cam- Patterson, Robert (of Henderson & Patter- buskenneth Abbey. son), 24 Queen street. Rattray, Misses, 7 Queen street. Paul &, Steven, Misses, dressmakers, 17 Reddie, David (of Gibson & Reddie), King street. 14 Albert place. Paul, Mrs., lodgings, 2 Port street. Registrar's Office, Town-house, 47 Broad Peacock, T. & D., drapers. 20 King street. street—Adam Steel, registrar. Peacock, Thomas and David (of T. & D. Reid, Alexander G.. 38 Murray place. Peacock), 3 Albert place. Reid, Daniel, 74 Port street. Peddie, George, tinsmith, 8 Baker street. Reid, James, wood merchant, Abbey road. Peddie, William, news agent, 2G King st. Reid, James, provisions, and Dunmore Peddie, Wm., fort-major, Stirling castle. letter-carrier, 10 Shore road. Peet, Rev. Major F., 36 Queen street. Reid, James, provisions. 29 Lower Craigs. Penman, David, grocer, 113 Baker street. Reid, Miss, lodgings, 14 Park terrace. Peter, Robert, 6 Park terrace. Reid, Miss, furrier. 2 Port street. Peter & Co., David, cabinetmakers and fur- Reid, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, niture warerooms, 77 St. Mary's wynd. 6 Port Street.

Peter, jun., David, cabinetmaker, 4 Barn Reid, Mrs., 1 Lvine place. road. Reid, Mrs., lodgings. 29 Lower Craigs. Phillips. William, 11^ Victoria place. Reid, Mrs. Daniel, grocer, Newhouse. Philp, James (Morrison & Cunningham), Reid, Nicol (leader of psalmody, West law clerk, 2G Allan park. Church), tailor, Raploch. Piper, ilrs., lodgings, 42 Port street. Reid, Robert (Stamp and Tax office), Piatt, Leon J., dentist, 44 Murray place. clerk, 10 Forth place. Police Offices, County and Burgh, Jail Reid, William, 6 Baker street. wynd. off St. John st. and Broad st. Reid, William, brewer, 39 Murray place. Police Court-room, 49 Broad street. Reid, William. 4 Park place. Pollock. James M., flesher, dairyman, and Reoch, Mrs., 22 Nelson place. coal agent, G5, 6(1 Cowane street. Richardson, James (Younger & Co., Alloa), Pollock. J. & J., publicans. 27 Baker st. commercial traveller. 16 Wallace street. Post Office and Savings Bank, 10 Murray Riddell & Robb, tinsmiths, 28 Broad st. place—Wm. C. Stevenson, postmaster. Rigg, James, publican, 44 Baker street.

Pow, M , sick-nurse, 24 Cowane street. Risk, John, gardener, 02 Lower Bridge Prentice. Mrs., 15 Broad street. street. Pringle, iliss, 5 Victoria place. Ritchie, Lachlan, baker, 75 Port street. 20 STIRLING—GENERAL DIRECTORY

Ritchie, Thomas C. (Henderson Brothers), Ross, Miss, 25 Allan park. IG Wallace street. Ross, Rev. James, Dalglcish house, 108 Riichie, William, grocer, !)9 Baker street. Baker street. Kubb, Alexander (Davie, Brown & Young), Ross, John, bootcloser, 44J Broad street. foreman moulder, 35 Port street. Ross, Wra., Trininallan house, Southfield. Robb, Jas. (of Riddell & Robb), 26 Broad st. Roy, Mrs., 7 Pitt terrace. Robb, John, maltster, UG Baker street Rov, W. & D., fishmongers and game Robb, James, tailor, 94 Baker street. dealers, 78 Port street. Roberts, Robert, lleslier, 110 Baker street. Royal Bank of Scotland—Wm. Graham, Robertson, Alex., publican, 33 Cowane st. agent, 30 King street. Robertson, Andrew, coal agent, N.B.R. Runciman, Miss, 7 Viewfield street. station, Shore road. Russell, George, coal agent, C.R. station, Robertson, James, tailor, 26 Broad street. and lodgings, 8 Wallace street. Robertson, James, Gas Company's collec- Russell, James (Gould, Smith & Co.), fore- tor, house Union hall. man millwright, 19 Lower Craigs. Robertson, James. 63 King street. Russell, Miss, teacher of music, 49 Port st. Robertson, J. & W., grocers, 44 Port st. Russell, Mrs., 6 Burghmuir. Robertson, John (of J. & W. Robertson), Russell, Richard (Morrison iScCunningham), 19 Park place. law clerk, St. Ninians. Robertson, John, governor, Stirling prison, 18 St. John street. Sampson,Benjamin,inspectorofpermanent Robertson, John, dairyman, 3 Orchard pi. way, S.C. sect. CJl., 22 Shore road. Robertson, John, cabinetmaker and furni- Sampson, Misses, teachers, Rose cottage, ture warerooms, 120 Baker street. 22 Shore road. Robertson, John, Eagle hotel, 43 Murray pi. Sampson, Samson, overseer surfaceman, Robertson, Joseph, mason, 39 Cowane st. 2 Bruce street. Robertson, Miss, Beechwood. Saunders, Thomas (of Young & Saunders), Robertson, Misses, 27 Albert place. 6 Fort street. Robertson, Misses, dressmakers, 3 Dum- Sawers, Misses, 2 Clarendon place. barton road. Sawers, R., Bellfield, 65 St. Mary's wynd. Robertson, Mrs., fleshcr, 46 Baker street Schofield, M., publican and provisions, 37 and 19 Friars street. Broad street. Robertson, Mrs., 19 I'ark terrace. Schofield, Peter, St. Ninians and Bannock- Robertson, Mrs., 22 Queen street. burn post-runner, 21 Lower Craigs. Robertson, Mrs. Captain, 5 The Terrace. Sconce, Robert, Sheriff-Substitute, Spring- Robertson, Mts., fishmonger and game bank, Pitt terrace. dealer, 66 Port street. Scotland, Robert (R. Henderson & Co.), Robertson, Mrs. and Miss, milliners and 89 Queen street. dressmakers, 44 King street. Scotland, Thomas, painter, 2j^ Shore road. Robertson, Peter, collector of Corn-Ex- Scotland, Wm., engine driver, Burghmuir. change and Shore dues. Scott, Alex., confectioner, 70 Port street. Robertson, Rae & Co., ropespinners, Park Scott, James, provisions, 50 Lower Craigs, lane. Scott, J., chimney sweeper, 20 Spittal st. Robertson, Charles (of Robertson, Rae & Scott, Major, 42nd Royal Highlanders, 8 Co.), 14 Wallace street. Melville place. Robertson, Robt., coal agent, C.R. station. Seaton, Peter, Drip Moss post-runner, 15 Robertson, Robt., Militia Staff, 53 Broad st. Bow street. Robertson, William, hatter, 41 King st. Shanahan, Michael, colour-sergeant Stir- Robinson, Edward, sub-inspector, Railway lingshire Militia, 20 Broad street. Clearing-house, 7 Walloce street. Shand, George, Forthbank Chemical works, Ronald, Tliomas (F. & C. Railway office), house 7 Victoria place. accountant and cashier, 10 Irvine place. Sharp, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, lOG Ronald, William, sculptor, 8 Cowane st. Baker street. Ross. George, potato dealer and dairy, Sharp, Robert (Kemp, Murray & Nichol- 534 Lower Bridge street. son), foreman joiner, 74 Port street. STIRLIXG—GEXERAL DIRECTOR Y. 21

Shany, Daniel, waste dealer, Mar place. Steel, Thomas. 4 Irvine place. Shearer, John, Thrushville, Pitt terrace. Stein, Misses, 2 Allan park. Shearer. Rohert S.. bookseller, stationer, Stephenson, J. B.. ooal agent. N.B.R. and circulating library, 24 King street, station, and 11 Forth place.

house I Queen's road. Stephenson, Robert, wood merchant, II SherilF Court-rooni. Jail wynd, off St. Forth place and Wall.ice street. John street and Broad street. Stevenson. John, publican. Castle wynd. Shields. J. (T. & D. Peacock), 21 Baker st. Stevenson. Mrs. .lodi.'in2S.10A Lower Craigs. Siiiira. James, 8 Albert place. Stevenson, William. 21 Lower Bridge st. Simpson, Mrs., millinery and furnishings, Stevenson, William, writer. 3 Kintr street. 12 Friars street. Stevenson, Wm. C, postmaster, 13 Park pi. Simpson. Wm., architect, 11 King street. Stewart, A..millwri:,'lit. IS Lower Bridge st.

Sinclair. ,J., engineer and shipowner. Shore. Stewart, Alex., Sun inn. l.j King street.

Sinclair, .1. R., boot and shoe warehouse, Stewart, Captain. Suuthfield. 1.5 Port street. Stewart, D. P., assistant surtroon .Stirling- Sinclair. Mrs., publican. Newhouse. shire Militia. hou?e Kirkintilloch. Sinclair, Mrs., lodgings, 17 King street. Stewart, Duncan, fawycr, 2 IJruce street. Sinclair. William, coal agent, N.B.R. Stewart, D. i J,, golJ=miths and jewellers, station. Shore road. 25 Port street, Sinclair. William, newspaper reporter, 2 Stewart, John, boot and shoe warehouse, Barnton place. 42 Baker street. Sinclair. Wm., provision and dairy, 33 Stewart. Miss, china merchant, 23 Port st. Broad street. Stewart, ^Misses, dressmakers. 09 Port st. Smart. Geo. (A. Crowe), C4i Cowane st. Stewart, .Mrs., lodtrinss. G9 Port street, Smith, Andrew (Jas. Cowbrough & Co.), Stewart, Mrs., dressmaker, 31 Queen st. clerk, (i9 Port street. Stewart, Robert, boot and shoe warehouse, Smith. James, grocer and tobacconist, 67 30 Baker street. King street. Stirling Co-operotire Society (Registered), Smith, John, Rose cottage, Newhouse. groceries and provisions, S3 Baker st. Smith, Mrs.. 6 Allan park. Stirling Journal and Advertiser UIBce, 40 Smith, Mrs., Randolphfield. King street—James Hogg. Smith, .Mrs.. 9 Park terrace. Stirlina Observer Office, 22 Murray place Smith. Rohert, provisions, 7 Upper Craics. —Robert Gray. Smith. Thomas (of Gould, Smith & Co.), Stoddart, Mrs. and Misses, boot and shoo 14 Upper Craigs. warehouse, 28 P'Tt street, and white Smith. Wm., master of works. Town-house, seam sewers, IG Port street. 40 Broad street, house 8 Nelson place. Strachan, James, tailor, 19 Kine street, Smith, William, carter. II King street. Strachan, .las., provisions, 48 CNiwane 't, Smyth. A., dentist, at 2 Barnton place on Struthers, Robert, contractor, r>\ Broad st. Fridays. Summers, .Tames (Wm. G. Ferguson), 71 Somcrvilie, Miss, 21 Albert place. St. Mary's wynd. Somervillc. W. (of W. & J, Somerville), Sutherland, Mrs., muslin sewing and Bellfield cottage, Newhouse. stampintr, 12 Port -trcet. Somerville, W. Y., clerk. St. John street. Swan. Andrew, jeweller and watchmaker, Soutar, Rohert, Inland Revenue super- 4 Port street. visor. 17 Wallace street. Symon, James, 32 Murray place. Speirs. Misses, Laurel hill. Symon. Misses, milliners, straw hat and Stamp and Tax Office, 10 Port st.—John dressmakers. 32 Murray place. Davidson, distributor of stamps and col- lector of taxes. Tait, John, glazier, 1=^ Port street. St. Clair, Hon. Mrs., IS Park terrace, Taylor, Daniel, publican, 18 Shore road. Steedman. Rev. John. 7 Abercromby pi. Taylor. E., publican. 30 Broad street. Steel. Adam, registrar. 40 Broad street. Taylor, Jas.. wool merchant. 14 Burghmuir.. Steel. .John, plumber, brassfounder, and Taylor, sen., John. Springkerse.

gasfitter, 8 Friars st , house 18 Friars st. Taylor, jnn., John, clerk. Sprinckerse. .^TIRLiya—dEXEllAL MRECTuI: V.

.Taylor, ^liss, 1 Vicnria square. Valentino, Sirs., giocer. 12 Upper Craigs. Tnylor, Mrs., pu\)lican. 1 Cowane street, Valentine, AVni. (Graham & Morton), and dairy, 1 Wali.tce street. clerk 3 Bruce street. Taylor. Mrs. William. l.T Itiir^linmir. Vance, John, boot and shoe warehouse, Taylor i Sons. Uooert. woollen manufac- 4."( King street. turers. Uurfilnnuir. Verri, Aristides, teacher of music, 9 Wal- Taylor, Kobert. 1:! Burphmuir. lace street. Taylor, Hev.Wni.. euuor. British Messenger, Vest, William, surveyor of taxes, 12 1 Victoria square. Murray place, house 20 Park terrace. Tliom. Misses, U Viewficld place. Thomson ic Sons. Andrew, wood merchants, W^alker, Alex., assistant. High School,

f'l Ahbey road. house G!> Port street. Thomson, George, coach nnd harness Walker, Alex., teacher, Cambuskenneth

maker, l.'i Orchard idace. Abbey school. Thomson. John and Duncan (of George Walker', John, Militia Staff, 8.". Baker st. Thomson), The Linii. 2d Park terrace. Walker, Miss, dressmaker, 4«St.M.iry'«wd. Thomson. E. (brodie t: Co.), 2 Cowane st. Walker, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, 2 Thomson. Miss (Mr-;. Fultpn). C'.i Port st. Barnton place. Thomson. Mrs., lod.'incs, CI Upper Craigs. Walker, Robert, boot and shoe warehouse, Thomson. .Mrs.,Tlii- Elms. 28 Park terrace. 47 St. Mary's wynd. Thomson. Mrs., 2 ViL-wtieUl place. Walker, Robert M., sheriff clerk-depute, Thomson. Rev. Robert. 7 Princes street. GO Broad street. Thomson, Thos., agent, M'Fadyen &. Co., Walker, Thomas Cof Kirkwood & Walker), Abbey road. 7 King street, house 2 Maxwell place. Thomson. Wm.. valu.itor. 42 Port street. Walker, Wm., horse-dealer, 42 Murray pi. Thomson. W. &, J., fieshers, 22 Port st. Wallace, Mrs., tobacconist, 4 Bow street, Todd, Captain John. H Park place. Wallace, Peter, auctioneer, Hock cottage,

Todd •sL .Sons, John, wool-spinners, Forlh- Irvine place. vale mills. Old BriiL'C. Wallace, W., commercial traveller, 4 Todd, John (of John '1 odd &. Sons). Whin- Broad street. well cottajje, 211 U|iiii'r IJridpe street. Walls, James, publican. 15 Baker street, Town-house, 47 and 4.t Broad street. and smith, 14 Baker street. Tract l)epot and BriiisU Messenger Oflice Walls, John, painter, 31 Murray place. — Peter Drninmond. 40 Kin? street. Walls, Mrs. and Miss, 18 Nelson place. Train. Mrs., provisions and dairy, 2G St. Walls, Robert, grain dealer and meal store, Marys wynd. 32 Port street and Kerse mills.

Trotter, Mrs , 3 I'ark place. Walters, Isaac, basketmaker and toy ware-

Trotter. W. i>l .1,, husiers. plovers, outfitters house, 49 Baker street. and shirt makers. ,j) Kin;; street. Wands, John, china merchant, 40 Kingst. Turnbull, David, jeweller, watchmakerand Warner, L.. Avood turner. G Lower Crsiigs. optician, 22 Kiul' ;:.. house 2'.l Kin<.' st. Waterson, Mrs. E., 2 Albert place. Turnbull, John (leader of psalmody. North Watson. Andrew, St. James s orchard, Church), painter. 07 Cowane street. Cumbuskenneth Abbey. Turnbull. Mrs., sick-nurse, 85 Port street. Watsou, John, collector of Inland Revenue, Turnbull. Thos., builder, 3 Maxwell place. 12 Queen street, house 10 Victoria place. Turner, Misses, dressmakers, 15 King st. Watson, John II.. 1 Park terrace. Tytler, Miss, 21 Park terrace. Watson, P., manasier, GasWorks. Thistle St. Watt, Archibald, baker, 3G Baker street, Union Bank of Scotland— J. & J Aluthie, and dairv, 10 Spittal street. agents. 50 Kin<.' street. Wait, lleiiry (ot Crawford & Watt), 41 Union Hall, Thistk- street —Peter Drum- Upper Craigs. mond. Tract Depot. 4G King street. Watt, Miss, dress and cloakniaker, 3 Kingst. United Kingdom Electric Telegraph Com- Watt, Mrs., 5 Albert place. pany (Limited), :i:' Kinjj street —John Waugh, William, veterinary surgeon, 27 l'\ Crawford, agent. Murray place, house 7 Alaxwell place. ;


Webster, Ciipt. Wm. E., barrackmaster, Wood. Thomas, locomotive superinten- 15 Albert place. dent, F. & C. J. Railway, New Bridge. Weigh-house and Butter Market, 51 Wordie h Co... agents and goods carriers Broad street. to the Caledonian Railway Company, Weir, James, saddler, 1" Upper Bridge st. Thistle street— David Adams, agent. Weir, Jolin. purser, Stiilint; and Alloa Wright. Hugh (James ^Millar i Sons), Steamboat Com|)any, 02 Upper Craigs. vantnan, 4 Orchard place. Weir, ^Irs. J., \\\ Upper Biidge street. Wright, John. 13 Park terrace.

White, Adam, \ The Terrace. Wright. John (A. Duiican), .'5 Spittal st. Wiiite. ArcliiliaUl, colour-sergeant Militia Wri«ht. ilisscs. Clitfonl park. Statf, 3G Broad street. Wright. Mrs., 7 Park terrace. White, James, provisions. W Shore road. Writtht. Peter, tailor. Bow street. White, Mrs., provisions. 22 Broad street. Wright. Win., of Brconi. 2 The Terrace.

White, Tiiomaa. 2 York place. Wright

White lie Son, Alex., builders, lOj Upper Kinu' street. Oaigs. Wright. Miss (of Wr:?ht vC Co.), 18 Friars Wiiitehead. Mrs., 4 Allan park. street. Whvte, George, 45 Spittal street. Wylie. Alexander, commercial traveller, Whyte.Jas.fO. Miller & Son). 45 Broadst. 14 Upper Bridge street. Wliyte, ^Irs., lodgings, 14 Wallace street. Wynd, A., clerk, X.B.R. station. Shore rd. Wilkie. David, commission agent, 58 Cowane street. Ycllowlees & Sons, D., tanners, I and 3 Wilkie, James, gardener, 4:i Lower Craigs. Queen street. ' Wilkinson, Geo., ticket collector, Railway Ycllowlees. David and John (of D. Tellow-

station. Thistle street. Ices !.<: Sons), 2 Uprer Biidu'e street.

Williams. George, publican, 4 St. John st. Young, Andrew C. 1 1 Victoria place. Willis. Captain, Viewtield lodue, Pitt ter. Young, James R. (Kemp, ^lurray & Willison, Wni., engineer. 8 Maxwell place. Nicholson), clerk. 40 Queen street. Wilson. James, painter, 15 Murraj' place. Youni;. James, captain and adjutant. Stir- Wilson, John, gardener, 34 Castlchill. lingshire Rifle Volunteers. 23 Albert )d. Wilson, Mrs. Captain, 28 Upper Bridge st. Young, John, writer and commissary clerk- Wilson, Mrs. Dr., 13 Queen street. depute, 34 Murray pi., house 41 Queen st. Wilson, Mrs.. 2 jMaxwell place. Young, J. & D., bakers and confectioners, Wilson, sen.. Uobt., shipowner, 10 Cowane 2 and 07 Baker strtet, and Oii. 'J7 St. street. Mary'.s wynd. Wilson, jun.. Robert, sailing master, 16 Young, James. 1)8 Bai;er street; David,'.)?

Upper Bridge street. St. Mary's wynd (of J. ..<; D. Youne). Wilson. M. A.. Rev. Thos., G Victoria place. Young, Henry, cabinetniaker.and lodgings, Wilson, Wm. (City of Glasgow Bank), 2 Barnton place. accountant, 2 Maxwell pl.ice. Young Mrs., 8 Viewr.elJ place. Wilson. Wra., boot and shoe warehouse, Younc, Robert, mauairer and secretary, 10 Barnton place. F. & C. J. Railway. 1 Forth place. Wingate. Charles, writer, 2 I'ort street. Young, Samuel, boot and shoe warehouse,

house Forgleu cottage. Bridge of Allan. . 9 JMurray place. Wingate, Jas. T., writer, and clerk to com- Young, Thos., carver and gilder, 13 King st. missioneis of property and income ta.x, Young, Thomas tleauer of psalmody, 12 Murray place, house 7 Viewtield pi. Viewtield U.P. Church), coachwright, Wingate, John, smith. lOi Upper Craigs. 10 Spitt.il street. Wingate, Miss, 40 Murray place. Young, Thomas, potter. 08 Baker street. Wojenski. X..teacherof modern languages, Younj;, Wm.. teacher. Eii-.'lish department, 13 Melville place. High school, house .1 Upper Briilge st. Wood, Hugh, storekeeper. Stirling cnstle Young, Wm. (of Davie. Brown & Young), Castle hotel. Esplanade. 08 Baker street. Wood, James C. R., teacher of music. 74 Young i Saunders, ercccrs. 2 Kinz street. St. JIarvs wvnd. Yule. Miss, ilrcssmaker. 15 Wallace street. STIRLING-BUSINESS DIRECTORY,


^RATED WATER MANUFACTUEEES. BANK AGENTS AND ACCOUNTANTS — [Sec Banks.] Fraser. Ilucb, C>o\ Port street. ^I'Millaii. John. 6 Dumbarton road. BASKETMAKEES. JI'NicoI. Robert, 4o Broad street. M'Grcgor, Robert, 51 Baker street. AGEICDLTURAL niPLEMENT MAKERS Walters, Isaac. 49 Baker street. Drummoiul & Sons. Wm., 4S King street. BERLIN WOOL EEPOSITOEIES. ^Murray Nicliohon, 10 Dutu- Kemp, i Fulton, Mrs., 8 I'ort street. barton road. M'Arthur, M. (late Forgie), 3G Port street. Miller, Kobert, G4 Tort street. Trotter, W. &. J., 33 King street. ARCHITECTS. BILL POSTEES. Logan, Dr. Robert. 7 Allan park. Buchanan, Alex., 11 Upper Bridse street. Muckison. Francis. 7 Murray place. Clialmcrs, Thomas, 13 St. John street. Siiupsou, AViiliam, 11 King street. Londres, Christopher. 38 Cowaue street. ARTISTS. M'Donuld, Robert, 35 Port street. M'Innes. Robert. 10 Clurendon place. BLACKSMITHS. M'Leay. JI'Ncii, 1) Lower Bridge street. Banks Brothers, (iG King street. AUCTIONEEES. Bryce. John. 45 Port street. Davidson, Andrew, 91 Baker street. Baxter. David, 1 1 Baker street. Davie. Brown & Young, Stirling Foundry, Drysdale. J. & W.. Orchard place. 11 Orchard place. Fleinintr. James. 32 Baker street. Gould, Smith t^ Co., Burnside Foundry, Kelly, Jo'i'ph, 3 Princes street. 20 Lower Craigs. Wallace, Peler, Hock cottage, Irvine pi. Grant, James. '2H Murray place. BAEIES. Kay, John, ll.ijiloch. Kemp, Murray &. Nicholson, 10 Dumbarton Archibald. David, 27 Broad street. road. Baucliop. (ieor(;e, 17 I'ort street. Kerr, Alex.. 5 Friars street. GlasfTow iErated Bread Company, 103 Miller, Robert, C4 Port street. Baker street Christina Napier, agent. — M'Intyre, I'eter, '2't Murray place. Grunt. Andrew A.. ."«!' Baker street, Owen, jun., George, 79 Upper Craigs. .lohnstoii, James. Dal;:leisb court, 108 Walls, James, 14 Baker street. Baker street, aa I'ort street, and 7 AVaugh, William, 27 iMurray place. Bow street. Marr, John. 70 Baker street. BOAEDING SCHOOLS— [Sec Schools].

Millar & Sons, James, 'i Kinp street, 07 Baker street, an.l o?> Port street. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS.

Miller iSL Son, John. ')7> Port street. Crawford. John F., ?,'.\ King street. Jlurdoch. Mrs. G.. 23 Baker street and 18 Drunimond,Petcr,Tract Depot. 40 Kingst.

Murrity jilace. i Forbes, John. 55 Baker street. M'Nie. Tliomas, 43 St. Mary's wynd. Hcndersoti, Alex., 7 Broad street. Ritchie. L;ichlau. 7o Port street. Miller, Alexander. 1 Port street. Wiitt. Aifhiijiild. r.'i Baker street. Miller & Son. David, 4 Baker street. Y'jiins. J. & D.. •-' and 97 Baker street, Peddie, William, 20 King street. and Sitj. 07 St. Mary's wynd. Shearer, Robert S.. 24 King street. sTuiLiya—BUSiyicss diiuxtui: r

BOOT CLOSERS. Vance. John. 45 Kinir street. Walker. Robert, 47 St. Marys wynd. Tliomiis. I road. ^[iiiii, Bam Wilson, William. 10 Bariiton place. M'liityre. Maurice. 81 Bakor street. Young, Samuel, t) Murray place. Nicol, William, 7 Bank street, lloss, John. \\\ Broad street. BREWERS. BOOT AND SnOEJIAKERS. Burdi?n. Mrs. Ann. 52 St. ^Lnry's wynrj. Colqtdioun, Andrew. Bur<:hmuir. Black. Andrew, 10^ Upper Craigs. M'Nicol. Robert. 43 Broad street. Fer.^ C, 3 Kint; st. Wilson. Juhii, iV King street. Gillespie, James,

Ferijuson. Hiiirh, I Kins,' street. Crawford & 'w'att. 34 J'aker street.

Ferituson. .Tohii, 2 Bow street. Esdon iV- Sm. Robert, ill. (il Port s;rccl. Gillespie. William. 105 Baker street. Forrest. A. oc W., 17 Broad street. Glover, William, 117 Baker street, Galashan. David, 115 Baker street. llandyside. Georpe, 40 liakcr street. Graham. J. i J., 11 ]5iiriiton place.

Hay, .John. c^2 Baker street. Guthrie, James, i) Uppi-r Bri(li,'e street.

Low, Thomas. 121 Baker street, Henderson, Thomas. .''J Port street.

^iaun, J<*hn. 'J(j Baker street. Hcrroi). Adam. 13 Port ?t. and

Sinclair. J. 11., 15 Port street. Maltiiian. William. 7 Friars street. Stewart. Juhn. 42 Baker street. Peter li Co., David. 77 St. Mary's wynd. Stewart. Bobert, 30 Baker street. Peter, jun.. David, 4 Barn road. Stoddart. Mrs., 2S Port street. Robertson. Juhn. 120 Baker street. 2G STIRLING—BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y.


Campbell, Archibald. Royal Hotel, 21 Craig, James, {> Spittal street.

Friars street and 1 Barnton place. Duncan, Archibald. GS Fort street. Campbell, Duncan. Gulden Lion Hotel, Galbraith, John, 22 Spittal street. office, 50 King stree;. Greig, Miss, 112 Baker street. Menzies.Thoma'.St.ir Hotel, 122 Baker fit. Kane. James, 4^ Broad street.

Walker, William, 6u Murray place. Lone, Francis, Tt and « Bank street. Stewart, Miss J., 23 I'ort street. CARTERS. Wands, John, 49 King street. Brown. James, 24 Port street. COACH BUILDERS. Crawford, Thonias. Donne road. Giliiilnn. .John, 2 Union street. Kinross, W^m., G5j Port street. Grahaui. .Tohn, 120 Baker street. Thomson, George" 13 Orchard place. Hardie, Thomas, 41 St. Mary's wynd. COACH-WHEEL MAKERS. Hodpe, John, Lower Craifrs. Jenkins, Jas., 28 Lower Bridge street. Cowan, Dougald, 54 King street. Kidston. John, fiG St. Mary's wynd. Kemp, Murray & Nicholson, 10 Dum- MTadyen & Co., is.B.Ii. goods station, barton road. Shore road. Kinross, William, Go J Port street. AI'Farlane, James. Goosecroft, 27 Craigs. M'Leish, John, ftlill Entry, 29 Cowane St. M'Gibbon, John. (JO Upper Craigs. Thomson, George, Orchard place. M'Kerracher, Daniel. 8 Orchard place. Sinclair, William. 3 Baker street. COAL AGENTS. Smith, William, II King street. Anderson. W^m., N.B.Il. station, Shore rd. Wordie & Co., C.U. goods station, Thistle St. Binning. Thomas, 43 King street. Davie, John, N.B.K. station. CARVERS AND GILDERS. Duncan, Archibald, GS Port street. Gardner, Henry, 20 Murray place. Burns. William. *,i4 Baker street. Young, Thos., 13 King street. Muir, Thomas, 10 Viewticld place. M'Kean, John, 24 Queen street. CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS. M'Lauchlan, Archibald, 10 Queen street. Pollock, James M., C.R. station. Gaff, Thomas, Goosecroft V'orks, Thistle st. Robertson, Andrew, N.B.Il. station. Shand, George, Forthbaak works, 17 Abbey Robertson, Robert, C.R. station. road. Russell, George, C.R. station. CHEMISTS A^^) DRUGGISTS. Sinclair, W^illiam, N.B.R. station. Stephenson, J. B., 11 Forth place. Chalmers. John, M.D., fij> King street,

house .")t< King street. COMMISSION AGENTS. Druranioud. Robert. G Broad street, house Beattie, George T., 54 King street. y Up])er Bridge street. F'orrester, G. N., Southfield. Dnncanson, William, ly I'ort street, house Hunter, George, 11 Irvine place. 16 Fort street. Hunter, W^illiam, 2 Park lane. Findlay, David, M.D.. 3 Port street, house Mouat, George, 5 Jlelville place. 12 Fiinces street. M'Lachlan. Archibald, 10 Queen street. Hart, Andrew F., lio Baker street, house Paterson. W. K., 2 Shore road. 21 Baker street. Wilkie, David, 58 Cowane street. Kirkwood & Walker, 7 King street, bouse 2 Maxwell place. CONFECTIONERS. Brown. John, 51 Baker streeL CHIMNEY SWEEPERS. Carmichael, Peter, 2 Murray place. Divine, Charles, 74 Baker street. Johnston, James, 38 Port street. Miller. G., 3 St. Marys wynd. Millar & Sons, James, G King street and Scott, J., 20 Spittal street. 33 Port street. STIRLING—BUSIXESS DIRECTOR V

JfurJocli. Mrs., 18 Murray place. Ross, Georse. 53i Lower Bridge street. Scott. Alexander, 70 Port street. Sinclair, Williani, 33 Bro.ad street. Younp. J. Jc D., 2 and 97 Baker street, Stewart. iMrs.» 12 Barn road. and 1)0, 1)7 St. Jlary's wynd. Taylor. Mrs., I Wallace street- Train. -Mrs., 26 St. Clary's wynd. CONTHACTORS. Watt, Archibald, 16 Spittal street. Norwell. John, 2 Wallace street. M'Kay, lliiah, 10 Wallace street. DENTISTS. Strutliers. Robert, 54 Broad street. Piatt, Leon J., 44 Jlurray place. Wallace, Peter, Hock cottage, Irvine pi. Smyth, A., 2 Barnton place [Fridays]. COOPERS. DRAPERS. Downie. William, (JO Baker street. Baxter & Co., James, 13 Broad street. Gardner. James. 25 King street. Drummond, J. & A., 42 King street. IM'Donald, John, 54 King street. Gavin. Hugh. 22t JIurr.iy place. CORN MERCHANTS. Henderson Brothers. ;jl King street. .Johnston, W. & A.. 71 King street. Cairns, John. 23 King street. Lawson, Robert, lO'.t Baker street. Forbes, Robert, 11 Queen street. Menzies & Melrose. 05 King street. Gray, James, 3 Upper Craigs. Morgan i Co., 21 Kintr street. Hall, Georqe, Thistle street. Nairn Jc Todd, I Baker street. Mackie. Alexander, 9 Victoria place. Peacock, T. i D., 20 King street. Middleton. David, 37 King street. Murray, Peter, 9^ Murray place. DRESSMAKERS. M'Kcan. John, 'lb Murray place. Baldie, Misses, 34 Kin;? street. Walls, Robert, 32 Port street. Buchanan & M'Millan. Misses, 16 Portst. DAIRIES. Campbell. Misses, (ill Port street. Anderson, Mrs., 18 Upjier Bridge street. Chalmers. Miss, .">5 Baker street. Brown. .James, 24 Port street. Dunn. Miss, 29 Port street. Bruce, John. Old Bridge. Forfar, iliss, 21 Baker street. Christie. James, 03 Cowane street. Glass, Misses, 17 Baker street. Clark, John. 82 Upper Craiga. Henderson, Misses. 15 Bow street. Crawford. Thomas. Doune road. Hogg, Miss, 15 Lower Bridije street. Uewar. Mrs., 52 Upper Craigs. Jaffray, Miss, 80 ^t. Mary's wynd. Dewar, Peter, King's Park. Jarvie, Miss, 5 Spittal street. Dow, James. 73 Upper Craigs. Johnston. Mrs.. 14 St. .John street. Eadie, James, Crotthill, Castlehill. Miller, Miss, 10 Maxwell pl.ice. Ferguson. William G., 103 Baker street. Miller. Misses. 10 Spittal street. Ilardie. Thomas, 44 St. Mary's wynd. M'Allan, Miss, 73 Port street. Hodge, John, 8 Lower Craigs. M'Fatland. Misses. 37 Queen street. Kidston, John, GO St. Mary's wynd. M'Gregor, ^lis3es, 53 Baker street. Kinnaird. Philip, Castlehill. M'L.achlan, Misses. 234 Murray place. Laing, John. 38 Broad street. Paul & Steven. Misses. 17 King street. Miller, Mrs., Batterflat. Quin, Miss. 65 Broad street. Moir. Miss. 55 Broad street. Robertson. ^Misses. 3 Dumbarton road. Moves. Janet, Upper Craigs. Robertson, Mrs. and iliss. 44 King street. M'Arce. C. 10 Upper Bridge street. Sharp, Miss. 106 Baker street. il'Cullocii. .Mrs., 70 St. Mary's wynd. Stewart, Misses, 09 Port street. ^I'Farlane. Jamc.-, Goosecrot't, 27 Craigs. Stewart. Mrs., 34 Queen strert. M'Gibbon. John, 00 Upper Craigs. Symon. Misses, 32 Murray place. il'Gihbon. Mrs., 3 Friars street. Turner, Misses, 15 Kin? street. M'Nie. Duncan, St. Ninians well green. Walker, Miss, 46 St. Mary's wynd. Pollock. James M., 05, 0(i Cowane street, Walker. Miss. 2 Barnton place. • llaiues, Thos., Bridgehaugh, Old Bridge. Watt, -Miss, 3 Iving street.

Robertson, John, 3 Orchaid place. I Yule, Miss, 15 Wallace street. ss ^iTIRLISG—BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y.

DYEES, FRUITEEEES AND GREENGROCERS. Angus, J. & J., 6oA Port street. Abercroniby, Archibald, 30 Port street. PuUar i Sons, J., 40 Port street. Bett, Peter, 1 Friars street. Cameron. Donald. 00 Baker street, ENGINEEHS, Fergus, Robert, 3 Barnton place. Dnvie. Brown & Youn;.'. Stirling Foundry, Fraser, Miss, 10 Broad street, 11 Orchard place. Gilchrist, Alexander, '1\ Spittal street, Gould. Siuiili & Co., Burnside Foundry, Gilchrist, J. c^ J., W) Baker street. 20 Lower Craips. Laing, William, 31 Baker street. Kemp, Murray L }sicbolson, 10 Dum- Miller, Mrs., Batterflat. barton road. Morton, William, 50 St, Mary's wynd. Maekison. Francis, M.ixsT.c.E.,7Murray pi. Moyes, Janet, G Upper Craigs, Miller, Tiionias S.. Park lane. M'Vean, John, 11 Port street. Sinclair, James, Shore. Napier, Joseph, 7 Baker street. Purlane, J., 27 Port street, FISHING TACKLE, Sinclair, William, S3 Broad street.

Gilchrist, .7. & J., lit Baker street. GAME DEALERS. Gillespie, Thomas, Newliouse. Allan, John, 03 Port street. Maloch, Andrew, CI King street. Bett, Peter. 1 Friars street, FISHMONGERS. Hapburn, Miss, 10 Upper Craigs. Robertson, Mrs., 00 Port street. Friars street. Beit, Petjr, 1 Roy, W. & D., 78 Port street. Forrester. Alexander. C2 Broad street. Hepburn. !Miss, Id Upper Craigs. GARDENERS, llobertson. Mrs., CC Port street. Ahercromb)', Archibald, 30 Port street, Koy, W. i; D., 78 Port street. Cameron, Donald. (iO Baker street, Cowie, Robert, Newhouse. FLESHERS. Fergus. Robt., 3 Barnton place, Balrd & Co.. AYilliam. 70 Port street. Gibson, T., 41 Lower Bridge street. Chalmers. .lolin, 21 M. Mary's wynd. Gilchrist, Alex., 21 Spittal street. Dow, \Villiain. 10 Broad street. Laing, William, 31 Baker street, Ewing i Co.. Wni.. 4 liarnton place. Macnie, Duncan, Newhouse. Finlayson. James, 3rt Baker street. Risk, John, 52 Lower Bridge street. Kerr, Robert, lib Baker street. Wilson, John, 34 Castlehill. Port street. Marshall. James, G7 6ASFITTERS, Murray. William, St. Marv'swynd. 21t Jlurray place, Pollock. James M.. <;".. HO Cowane street. Frater, Robert, Roberts, Robert, 110 Baker street, Gibson & Reddie, 17 King street. Robertson. Mrs., 40 Baker street and 19 Graham &, Morton, 17 King street, Friars street. llardie, J. & J., 43 Port street. Thomson, W. & J., 22 Port street. Ilardic, Robert, 45 Port street, llendrie, A., 72 Port street. FORTH FISHINGS. Merrilees, Archibald. 82 Upper Craigs. Peddle, George, 8 Baker street. Anderson, John, lessee of fishings, river Riddell & Robb, 28 Broad street. Forth, i!» Wallace street. Steel, John, 8 Friars street. Dryadale. James, les-see of fishings, river Forth. 4> Baker stn.et. GLAZIERS. Ilogg, Robert, manager Anderson's fish- Finlayson, Robert, 23 King street. ings, 15 Lower Briiise street. Tait, John, 48 Port street, Macgrepor. William, lessee of fishings, SPIEIT BIERCHANTS, river Forth, Corn E.\change hotel, 1 GROCERS AND Spittal street, CoAvbrouph & Co., James, 7 Port street Napier, Joseph, watcher of fishings, 87 and 03 Baker street. Bilker street. Dow, William, 10 Broad street. STIJILIXO—BUSIXLSS DinECTOR Y.

Drysflale, Duncan S., 80 Bnker street. M'Cowcn, Henry, 40 Cowane street.

Forsyth, John, L' St. John street. M'Ewen. Mrs.. 21 Lower Craigs. Henderson, jun., John. L",l Baker street. MEwen. Hobert, 22 Baker street. Henderson ic Co., J. & G., 53 King street MGloan. Francis, 101 St. M.iry's wynd. and 13 IJow street. MIntosh, William, 28 Shore road. Lennox. Jolm, KJ Bow street. MKilloji, John. 50 Bro.id street.

Liddel, Robert. (Jit Kin-: street. MLaren. Mrs.. 10 Friars street. Liddel. AVilliam. lli> Baker street. MLea. ilrs.. 7 Spittal street. MacEwen & Co., D. & J., 20 Port street M'Naughton. Mrs., 4!t Upper Craigs.

and 18 Broad street. \ Nollan. Andrew. 31 Broad street.

Millar iSL Sons. James, 'JO Friars street. 1 Paterson, Mrs.. liaploeh.

Morri>, lluuli. GS JJaker street. ; Beid, Janie?. 10 Shore road.

M'Lachhin, Daniel, 'A I'ort street.- . Beid. .Tame>. 29 Lower Craigs.

Ormond, Mrs. A., I'J Broad street. ' Schofield. M., 37 Broad street.

Penman, David, IK' Baker street, i .Scott, James, 50 Lower Craigs. lieid. ilrs. iJaniel. Nenhonse. Sharp, John. 3 Lower Bridjie street. I Biichie, William, D!) Baker street. Sinclair. William. 33 Broad street, Bobertson, J. & W.. 44 Port street. Smith, Bobert, 7 Upper Craigs. i Smith. James, 07 Kinji street. Stirling Co-operative Society, 83 Baker st. Young & Saunders, 2 King street. Strachan. Jaroes, 48 Cowane street. I Train. Mrs.. 2G St. Mary's wynd. GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS. I ! Viilentinc, Mrs., 12 Upper Craigs.

Allester, "William, l.J Cowane street. I Walls, Bobt.. Kerse mills store, 32 Port st.

Bayne. David, "i,! Cowane street. ' White. !Mrs.. 22 Broad stieet. Black. Mrs.. 52 Cowane street. White, James. 14 Shore road.

Bridfjett. John. (;(1| Cowane street. i Williamson, Mrs., 3G Spittal street. Brown, Bobert. 3 Broad street. Burt. Andrew, 234 Cowane street. HAIRDRESSERS. j Campbell, JMiss, 37 Cowane street. Allan. Peter, 65 Baker street.

Colvillf. James, J( Upper Craiijs. , Barnes, John, 28 King street. Crawford, 54 Lower Bridge street. Mackieson, John, 5 King street. Wm., I Dick. Mrs., Newhouse. Dowell. I'eter, 20 CURERS. Casilchill. I HAM Drephorn. Mrs.. 3."» St. Mary's wynd. ; Henderson. John. 20 Baker street. ' Drydeii, Mrs., 15 St. Mary's wynd. Liddel. William. 119 Baker street. Dudgeon. Mrs.. (! Barnton ])lace. ! Baton, .John, 34 St. John street. Duiian. Thomas, liaploch.

Dunsmore. Alexander, 14 Port street. i HATTERS. Fcrpn-on. William G.. 107 Baker street, Marshall, Robert. 35 King street. I 7:i St. Mary's wynd, and 21 Port street. Morton, William, 5 Barnton place. Forsyth & Co., J.. 3 Cowane street. Robertson, William, 41 King street. Frascr, Miss, IG Broad street. Gourlay. Helen. 4 Burcliinuir. HORSE DEALERS, Kay. Airs., 44 Lower Bridjre street. Cameron, John. 2 Union street.

Kidston, John, fifi St. Mary's wynd. Christie, A., Braehead (arm, St. Kinians. King. Thomas, 14 Spittal street. Forbes. Rober:. 11 Queen street. Lamb. J., 11 St. Mary's wynd. Walker, William, 42 Murray place. Lamb. T.. 27 Lower Bridge street. Lyons, ^lichacl. 24 Broad street. HOTEL KEEPERS. Macliwen, James. Castle wynd. Campbell. Archibald (Royal); 21 Friars Mathie, James, Cambuskenneth Abbey, street and I Barnton place. ^lenzies. James, 70 Cowane street. Cam]ibell, Duncan (Golden Lion), 51 King Miller. Mrs., 52 Lower Craius. street. Murr.ty, Peter, 9^ Murray place. Grant. Mrs. (Railway and Commercial), M'Alpine, Airs., 31 Castlehill. 77 Port street. 30 STinLIXG—BUSIXESS DIRECTOR Y.

Hardie. James (Queen's), 36 Murray place. LEATHER CUTTERS. Macgrcfror, William (Oorn-Excluinge), 1 Crocket, David, 43 Spittal street. Spittiil street. Dalgetty, John, 3 Bank street. Meiizies, Tliomas (Star), 122 Baker street. Ferguson, John, 2 Bow street. Robertson, Jolm (lCa^;le), 43 Murray place. Yellowlees i Sons, David, 2 Queen street, Wood, Hugh (Castle), Esplanade. LETTER CARRIERS. FOUNDERS. IRON Brown, James, 00 King street. Davie. Brown &. Younf;, Stirling Foundry, Fulton, John (Ciimbusbarron, Gargun- 11 Orchard place. nock and Kippen), 2 Broad street. Gould, Smith i Co., Burnside Foundry, Glen, William, 4 Broad street. 20 Lower Craigs. Law, Robert, 11 Broad street. Rcid, James (Dunmorc\ 10 Shore road. IRON MERCHANTS. Scholicld, Peter (St. Ninians and Ban- nockburn), 21 Lower Craigs. M^Ewen, Daniel. G8 King street. Seaton, Peter (Drip Moss), 15 Bow street. M'Nair, Alexander, Thistle street. IRONMONGERS. LODGINGS. Christie, John, 14 Murray place. Anderson, Mrs.. 18 Friars street. 23 Kin£r street. Graham i Morion, 16 King street. Bald, Mrs , Lawson. James. KJ Baker street. Bald, Mrs. A., 34 Queen street. Miller, Peter, d% King street. Bttxterj Miss, 27 Ciueen street. Brown, Mrs. .lames, GO King street. JEWELLERS. Bruce, Mrs. James, 102 Baker street. Cameron, Mrs., 10 Friars street. Christie, William, 18 I'ort street. Campbell, .Mrs.. 00 Baker street. Drummiiiid & .Son. Itohert, 5 Murray place, Christie. Mrs., 30 Castlehill. f I rant, Alex.. I Bow street. Clark, Mrs.. 7 Bank street. Ilarvcy, William, (j2 King street. Clugston, Mrs., 0!) Port street. Hcptinp, Lambert, '.i^ Murray place. CoutJs, ilrs., 2 Wallace street. Macdonald, Henry S., !) Port street. Ciuigie, Mrs., 15 Allan park. Stewart, I), i J., 25 Port street. Craise, Miss, 2 Port street. Swan, Andrew. 4 Port street. Davie, Miss, 111 Baker street. Turnbull, David, 22 King street. Dawson, Miss, 34 Queen street. JOINERS. Dawson, Mrs.. 10 Baker street. Doig, Mrs., 48 Upper Craigs. Robert, Port street. Currie, 13 Donaldson, Mrs., 28i Murray place. Graham, J. i J., 11 Barnton place. Donaldson. Mrs., I'J Nelson place. Guthrie, James. '.) Upper Bridge street. Duncan, Jlrs., 100 Baker street. Henderson, Alex., 10 St. Mary's wynd. Duncan, Mrs., 3 King street.

. Henderson, Thomas. 59 Port street. Fraser, Mrs., lOjJ Upper Craigs. Johnston & An

Graham v't Son, Thomas, 20 Shore road. Mitchell. Mrs., 21 Baker street.


M'Camniond, Mrs., 10 Friars street. Johnston. W. & A., 71 King street. MCrae. Mrs., 12 liurfrhinuir. Liddel. Mrs.. G Spittal street. M'Doniild. David, U Bow street. Marshall. Misses, IS Queen street. JIDoiijiul. Mrs., ly King street. Meiklejohii. ^Yillianl, 20 Baker street. M'lntyre. .Mrs. Peter, 15 Kin? street. Menzies i- Melrose, G5 King street. M'L.Tren. Mrs., 27 Queen street. M'Allan. Miss. 73 Port street. MLaren. Mrs.. 17 King street. JIGregor. Misses, .'>3 Baker street.

^f•Neil, Mrs., .5 Diiinliarton road. M'Lachlan. Andrew, 8 Murray place. Keiison. Mrs.. 5 Dunibartun road. Peacock, T. 6: L>.. 20 King street. Paul. Mrs., 2 Port street. Reid, Misses. 6 Port street. Piper. Mrs., 42 Port street. Robertson. Misses, 3 Dunib.-irton road. Keid, Miss, 2 I'ort street. Robertson. Mrs. and Miss. 44 King street. Ueid, Miss. 14 Parle terrace. Sharp, Mis;. IOC Baker street. Rcid. Mrs.. 21) Lower Craigs. Simpson. Mrs., 12 Friars street. Russell, Mrs. George, 8 Wallace street. Symon. Misses. 32 Murray place.

Sinclair, Mrs., 17 King street. ; Walker. Miss. 2 Barnton place. Mrs.. Craigs. &, Co., Stevenson. 1(»^ Lower ! Wright 4 King street. Stewart, Mrs.. G9 Port street. Thomson, Mrs., Gl Upper Craigs. MILLWRiaHTS. I "Waterson, Mrs.. 2 Albert place. Davie. Brown & Young, Stirling Foundry, j 11 Orchard Watt, Mrs., 3 King street. I place.

\Vhyte, Sirs., 14 Wallace street. Gould, Smith iiL- Co., Burnside Foundry, I "Wilson. ]Mrs.. 50 Upper Craigs. 20 Lower Craigs. Young, Mrs. Ilenry, 2 liarnton place. Stewart, Andrew, 43 Lower Bridge street.

MALTSTERS, MINISTEES— [5efi CncRcnES.] Edward. 5!t St. Mary's wynd. lioyes, NEWS AGENTS. Rurdcn, Mrs. Ann. 52 St. Mary's wynd. M'Xicol. Robert. 43 Broad street. Crawford. John F.. 39 King street.

Panton t^ Co., Park lane and 7 Irvine pi. i Forbe.«, John, 55 Baker street.

Robb, John, (1(1 Baker street. I Henderson. Alexander, 7 Broad street.

I Miller. Alexander, 1 Port street. MANUFACTURERS. I Mitchell. Jas.. book-stall. Railway station. J. J. (tartans). street, Peddic, William, 2G street. Angus, & GoA Port \ King liattye & Sons, George (wool spinners, NURSES. tweeds. &c.). Abbey mill. I Matliie, ,1anies (tartan and sliaAvls), High Fletcher. Mrsi.. 81 Upper Craigs (midwife). street. Canibuskenneth Abbey. Gillies, Mrs., Newhouse.

Smith & Son. 11. (wincies, &c.), Parkvale , Grassam. Mrs., Newhouse. Mr.^., street. and H.iyford mills. Cambusbarron. \ Ilerdman. 72 Cowane Taylor & Sons, Robert (carpets and Ireland, Mrs.. 38 St. Mary's wd. (midwife.)

shawls). IJurghinnir. 1 M'Neil, Mrs., lOj Upper Craigs.

Todd i Sons, John (wool-spinners), \ Pow, ISI., 24 Cowane street. Forthvale mills. Turnbull, Mrs., 35 Port street. MILLINERS. OUTFITTERS. Baxter & Co.. James, 13 Broad street. Baxter. David, 11 B.iker street. Buchanan & M'Millan. Misses, IG Port st. Dunn. Mrs.. 3 Bow street. Cameron, Miss. 4.") Spittal street. Meiklejohn. William, Baker street. Cooper, Miss. 12 Bow street. ^I'Allan, ilisi, 73 I'ort street. Finlays()n. Miss, 2 Spittal street. M' Arthur. M., 3fi Port street. Fleming, blisses, ,"4 King street. ZS'icol, Joseph. 47 Baker street. Forfar, Miss. 21 Baker street. Simpson. Mrs., 12 Friars street. Henderson Brothers, ,T1 King street. Trotter, W. «c J., 33 King street. Henderson, Misses, 15 Bow street. Wright & Co., 4 King street. STIRLI.VG—DrHTXESS DIRECTOR Y.

PAINTERS AND PAPERHANGERS. PUBLICANS. Anderson, Mrs., 50 Baker street, nald, Rol>ert. 1<> Sliinay place. Baird, James, 13 Baker street. Carson, William, l",» l*ort street. >Sc Co., 1 Orchard place. Jolinsioii. Andrew, (10 Baker street. Brodie Brown, James. 24 Port street. Lairiit. William, L'o Hrond street. Scotland, Tliomas. Ih Shore road, Brown, Mrs.. I St. .Mary's wynd. j Urown, Ivobert. (!1) St Mary's wynd. Walls, John, ;J1 Murra/ place. Wilson, James. 15 Murray place. Chrystnl, John. 3t Port street. Coan, James. '.> Bow street. Cram, William, 11 Cowane street. PAWNBROKERS. i Crawi'ord. Thomns. Doune road. Dollin, William. 7 St. Slary's wynd. ' Crihbes, Kobert. Newhouse. Lonyhran, M.. iJO lJ;iker stree:. L'o., (i(! Broad street. j Dawson i M-Mcneniy, 1'., 'll St. .John street. Dawson, Joiin, Custom-house, New Bridge.

James. ;;4 Broad street. . M'Quade, Dawson, ^Irs.. ;'.7 ."^pittal street. Dow, Uoliert. 70 Upper ("rai'^s. PHOIOGRAPHEBS. • I'2rskine. James, f> Bow street.

Alex.. .;.'} Murray place. Ferguson. John, .33 Baker street. Crowe, i

.'!1 Iluadridge, William. King itrcet. . Fermisou. .John, 50 Cowane street.

Henderson, John, 7 Harmon pace. i Fisher. Peter. 70 Baker stieet. GalVney, E.. 4 St. Marv's wynd. PLASTERERS. Gahishan. David. 11 li Baker street, (iourlay. Mrs. 57 Port street, Craidie, John. 'J Dumbarton road. 1 Lower Bridge street, Mackie, I'eter, iJ4^ Cowane street. (iow, James. (iuthrie, John. Raploch. PLUMBERS AND BRASSrOlTNDERS. Henderson. James, ferry man, Cambus- kcnncth Abbey. Frater, Kobert. 20 Murray place. Henderson. Thomas, 92 Baker street. Gibson Jt lledilic. 17 King street. Hodge, John. S Lower Craigs. Hardie, J. .<; J., 43 Tort street, Hunter, John. 52 Port street. Ilardie, Robert. 4') Port street. Jack, ^Irs., 23 ^lurray place. Slerrilees, Archibald. .s2 Upper Craigs. Jack. Mrs.. 52 Broad street. Steel, John, 8 Friars street. tJiJ Johnston. Walter. Upper Cr.Vigs. . POTATO DEALERS. Laing, John, 40 Broad street. Lawrence, William. '.) Barnton place, Gow. James, 1 Lower Brid^'e street. Leekie, Jamc:^. 75 Baker street. Gray, .lames. 5 Upper Craiys. Livingston. Andrew ^L, 53 Port street. Geortze, Thistle street. Hall. Miller, William, 30 Shore road. Morran, .Michael. 52 Baker street. Murphy, James. Canteen. Castle. l^ower Bri'i.'e Boss. ticorL'C, 53^ street. .Murray, William. 14 Broad street. Sinclair, William, 33 Broad sircet. M-Allister, A., 17 St. Maiy's wynd. M'Cracken. James, 58 King street. POULTERERS, M'Culloch. James. 35 .Murray place. Allan, John, (j;5 I'ort street. M'Culloch, Mrs., 71". St. .Mary's wynd. Bett. Peter. 1 Friars street, MDonahl. .lohn. 55 Kiii'j street. Hepburn, iliss. 1(» Upper CrniL*?. M-Dougall. John. 7 .Vliln-v road. MCartney, Jeremiah. 72 Baiitr street, M-Lachlan. II. F.. 10 King street. llubertson, .Mrs., litJ Port street. M'Laren. Duncan. 71 P"rt street. Roy, W. li D., 76 Port street. M-Lareii, .lames. 13 ^^urray place. .^I•^icol. Hubert. 24 Murrav place. PRINTERS, M-.Xicol, William, 31 Casilehill. Duncan & Jamieson, 5 Upper Craics. .M'Xie i Sun. Duncan, DO Baker street. Gray. Robert Co7n7i'n(7 Observerj.il Murray MPherson. James, 58 Baker street. place. .M'Whinnie. J.. 9'.> St, Marys wynd. Hopg, .las. (^Stirling Journal, ',<) King st. Xeil, J., Sii St. JLuy's wynd. v

.sTinuxa—ju'sixL's.s i>inELTon

Nollan. Anilrpw. ?,\ Broad sticet. SHIPOWNERS. I'ollock. .1. c^ J.. 27 lliikerst. Aitken. Joiin G., Shore road. Hipp. .1 Mines. 44 I'.iiker street. Crawford. John, Sprinpkersc. ]{(>l)citsoii. Alexander. '>."> Cowane street. iJall. Captain Robert, 10 Park terrace. Schoficld. M., 37 Broad street. Johnston. Jas.. 14 Abbey road. I Sinclair. Mrs.. Xewlioiisc. Sinclair. James, Shore. Stevenson. John. Castle wvnd. Todd. Captain John, 18 Park place. !"> Stewart. Alexander. Kinp street. Wilson, seii.. Robert, 10 Cowane street. Taylor. Daniel. 18 Shore road. Taylor. E.. 30 Broad street. SKINNERS.

Taylor. Mrs.. 1 Cowane street. Cherry & Son. Alex., 13 Lower Craigs.

"Walls, James. If* Baker street. Paterson. P. i.^ R., 25 Upper Craips. "Williams. George, 4 St. John street. SLATERS. RAG, WOOL, AND WASTE DEALERS. Finlayson. Wm., C Orchard place. Gentles. William, 09^ Cowane st. Craig, James. 9 Spittal street. j\PGrecor. David, 72 Upper Craigs. Galbraith. John. 22 Spittal street. Nicol. James, 12 Shore road. Kane. James. 4!s Broad street. Oswald. Andrew, 8 Spittal street. Lone. Francis, 5 and Bank street.

M'^L'lhon, James, 'o.\ St. iMary's wynd. S3IALLWARES.

Sharry, Daniel, ^Lir place. Auld. Mrs . 17 Friars street, Erskine. L. C, 41 St. Mary's wvnd, REFRESHJIENT ROOLIS. Jafir.iy. Mrs.. 80 St. Mary's wynd. Caniiichacl. Peter, 2. 4 Murray place. Meiklain, Walter, 70 St. Mary's wynd. Liimsden. Jaines, 101 Baker street. Murdoeh, Mrs. G.. IS Murray place. STRAW HAT MAKERS. M'Ara, Duncan, llaihvny station. Cameron. Miss, 45 Spittal street.

M'Phersoii, James. TiS Baker street. 1 Chalmers. Miss, 5 Friars street. MQiieen. J.. 2 Friars street. Finlayson. Miss, 2 Spittal street. Lawrence, William, 9 Barnton jdace. Gilchrist. Miss, 19 Baker street. Liddel, Mrs.. C Spittal street. ROPESPINNERS. Symon, Misses, 3'i Murray place,

Gilchrist. J. &. J . 19 Baker street, SURGEONS. llalket, John. 30 Murray place. Beatli, Andrew, Craigs house, 58 Upper iVPKenzie. William. 74 Port street. Craips. Bobertson, Bae i Co.. Park lane. Drummonil. Robert, Broad street, bouse SADDLERS. 9 Upper Bridge street. Ferpiisoii, Daniel, 15 Barnton place. Binninp. Thomas. 43 Kinp street. !• indlay. iJavid, M.D., 3 Port street, house ]>ick, Bohert. 1 Dumbarton road. 12 Princes street. Finlayson, John, 47 Port street. Forrest. Wiu. II„ 1 The Terrace. Murdoch. Ale.\aader, 12 King street. Gibson. Charles, M.D., Bellevue, 12 Clar- endon place. SEEDSMEN. Graham, Charles H., M.D.. l."> Nelson pi. Abercromby, Archibald, 30 Port street. Johnston. William, JI.D., 3 The Terrace, Drunimond L Sons, Wm., 48 King street. Moodie, Alexander L., .">0 Port street. Gray, Jaines, 3 Upper Craips. Hae, James. M.D., 9 Pitt terrace. Lainc, William. 31 Baker street. MacEwen & Co.. D. & J.. 20 Port street. SURVEYORS. Anderson. James (road). 3 Park terrace. SHERIFF-OFFICERS. Henderson ^i Patterson, 20 Murray place. Davie, sen.. Richard. \?, St. John street. Mackison. Francis, 7 Murray i)lace. Fleminp, James, 32 Baker street. Simpson. William, 11 King street. Uarley, James, 6 Friars street. Wallace, Peter, Rock cottage, Irvine place. 34 STinUXG—BUSINESS DIRECTOR V

TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. TINSMITHS. Graham .Morton. Forsyth & Co.. J.. 3 Towane street. & 17 Kinij street. HendriJ*, Giiclirist, John. 104 Baker street. A.. 72 Port st. and G4 UpperCraigs. Peddle. S Hemlerson & Co., R.. 2S| Murray phice. George, Baker street. Jnmieson, John.

IMurray, John. 1 Broad street. Dowdy, sen., William 40 King street. iM'Kiiilay, James. 18 King street. M'Leau & Sons, James, .SS Baker street. TOBACCONISTS. •Strachan, James, 10 King street. Barclay, James, St. Mary's wynd.

Dempster. John A., ."> Port street. TAILORS. Leslie, Mrs.. 114 Baker street. Alison. James. 2 Broad street. Mackieson. John, ,") Kinsi stieet. Chalmers. James. 85 Baker street. Smith, James, (i7 Kinq street. Dowell, William. (i3 Kint;; street, Wallace, ^Irs., I Bow street. Duthic, Alex.. 4 Broad streeu Glover, .lames. (10 Port street. TOY-SHOPS. Johnston. Thomas. 71 Baker street. Baird & Sons. Alex.. 28^ Murray place. Kinnaird. Wm.. .1 Baker street. Erskine, E. C, U St. Mary's wynd. Laing, William. 17 Cowane street. Gardner, Henry, 2(5 ilurray place. M'Laren. Willi.im, Newhouse. M'Gregor. Robert. 54 liaker street. Reid. Nicol. Raploch. M'Nab. Mrs., 11 Friars street. Robertson. James. 2(» Broad street. Walters, Isaac, 49 Baker street. Wright, Peter, G Bow street. TRAVELLERS (COMBEERCIAL). TANNERS AND CURRIERS. Cramond, Samson, Newhouse.

Crocket, David. 43 Spittal street. Crawford, xVndrew, (J(; Baker street. Paterson, 1'. i R.. 2.5 Upper Craics. Davie, John. Newhouse.

Yellowlees .!c Sons, D., 1 and 3 Queen st. Meldrum, Peter, 30 Cowane street. Miller, John. 42 Port street. TEACHERS— [A.e StiiouLs.] M'Leod, Archibald, 15 Upper Bridge st. Richardson, .lames, IG Wallace street. TEACHERS OF MUSIC. Taylor, Henry, 2(5 Cowane street. Wallace, W., 4 Broad street. Boos. Frederick. 9 Albert place. Wylie, Alexander, li Upper Bridge street. Burton. Mrs. and Misses. 13 All.an park. Esam «i Williams. Misses. U Melville place. TURNERS. Lonsk. Mrs.. 18 Friars street. M" Ritchie, blisses. lO Pitt terrace. Arthur, Robert, G4 Port street. Russell, Miss. 40 Port street. AVarncr, Luke, G Lower Craigs. Sampson. Misses. Rose eottasre. Shore road. Verri, Artistides. Wallace street. UPHOLSTERERS. C. II., 74 Wood, James St. Mary's wynd. Cameron, James, 110 Baker street. Craveford & W.itt, 34 Baker street. TEA DEALERS. Esdon & Son. Robert, Gl, G4 Port street. Allester. William. 13 Cowane street. Forrest, A. ct W., 17 Broad street. Comrie, James. Raploch. Galashun, David, 115 Baker street. Fiulayson. Thomas, Torbre.x. Henderson. Thomas. 50 Port street. Fleminix, James, 32 Baker street. Heron, Adam. 13 Port st. and G3 King st. Hamilton. Alexander, 5 Spittal street. Hutton, Andrew, 86 Baker street. M'Allan, John. 74 Port street. Maltman. William, 7 Friars street. Paton. Robert. 70 Cowane street. Robcrtsoo. John, 120 Baker street. STIJlLiyC'—IiUSIXESS DIRECTOR Y.

VALUATORS. Jenkins. Alex.. 2.j Kinp street. Macnab. iJuncan, 44 Kinp street. Baxter, David. 1 1 Baker street. Mathie. J. vc J., & Macluckie, solicitors to ])rvs(lnle. J. 6L W.. Mart. ( (rcliard place. the Forth cc Clyde ItaiUny Co., and law Henderson L I'attcrson, '-'0 Murray place. acents for Midland Counties Investment Kellv. Joseph I).. 3 Princes street. Society f.T. &: J. Matliie, aceuts for the 42 Port street. ThoinsoD, William. ^ Union bank of Scotland: James Mathie, Peter. cottage, Irvine place. Wallace. Hock cha;nbcriai;i for the burgli ; John l>ick VETERINARY SURGEONS. Mathie. ci»rk and treasurer to the (jiiildry incorporation, clerk to Linlithgow bridge, Bryce, John, 40 Port street. to Stirling turnpike road trust, to Kcdrow Waucli, William. 27 Murray place, house and Teathill road trust, and to the Forth 7 Maxwell place. district of .-itirlinpshire statute labour roads), W olf Crai-. \^ Dumbarton road. [5e6 Jewelleus.] WATCnMAKERS— Morison. Patrick G.. 3 Kinp street. Ebenezer Mor- WOOD MERCHANTS. Morri.son & Cunningham f rison, assessor of property and income tax Camy)bell, William, I'.irk lane. for the Stirling district of the county ; John Johnston, John, Burpliraill. M. Cunnnigham, clerk-depute of the peace Johnston, Peter, i'M CoAvaue Etrcet. for Stirlimrshire), 17 King street. Keid, James. Abbey road. Muirhead. John, 23 Kinp street. place. Stepiienson, Robert, II Forth Stevenson. William, J> King street. Thomson & Sons. Andrew, 5 Abbey road. Winpate, Charles, '1 Port street. WOOL MERCHANTS. Winpate, Jas. T., clerk to commissioners of property and income tax, and secretary to Hunter. Geo., 11 Irvine place. Murray's Hall Lime Co., 12 Murray place. Hunter. William, Park laue. Younp. John, commissary clerk-depute, Mouat, George. 5 Melville place. 34 Murray place. I'nterson. W. K., 2 Siiore road. Taylor, James, 14 Burghmuir. NOTARIES-PUBLIC. Cathcart. Wm., Wolf Craig. 14 Dumbarton WRITERS. Chrystal, James, 37 Kinp street [road. Campbell, Robert, procurator-fiscal to Fleminp. James S., 10 Port street. Sher ff and Justices, clerk to the commis- Galbraith. Thomas L., 47 Broad street. sioners of supply, clerk cf lieutenancy, clerk Hill, Alexander, 14 Dumbarton road. the prison nikd hniacy boards, and to the to Hutton. Andrew, 34 Murray place police committee of t lie county, and collector Mathie. John D., Wolf Craig, 13^ Dum- of county rates, 30 Fort street. Chrystal & Macfarlane. apents for the City barton road. of Glab

Burrows, Stephen, evangelist. 11 Wallace Moore, Wni., agent for the Scottish Leiral street. Burial and Loan Society, 'JO Broad st. Canby, Ciiristoplier, engraver, 5 Friars Morrison, John, superintendent Coney- street. park nursery. Chalmers, James, reed and canib maker. Jl'Calluni, Alex., missionary, 20 Broad

.'» Friars street, street. Chalmers. Thomas, bellman. 13 St. John ?t. M'Cormick, Alexander, trunk maker, 20^ Chrystal, John, hosier, (IS Upper Craiu'--. Cowane street. Costeilo, James, steamboat porter, i;} St. M'Elfrish, J. &, A,, soapmakers, 4 Abbey John street. road. Cowie, Andrew, hostler, S Maxwell place. M'Farlane, Miss, staymaker, S5 Baker st. Cunninp, William, ajrent. lletorin Friendly M'Intosh, John, hostler. T>2 King street. Assurance Society, (J8 St. Mary's wynd. M'Killop, John, hawker. 5(J Broad street. Daljileish, G. &. D., candleinakers, 5 M'Lean, John, superintendent Wallace Baker street. Monument. 3 Bruce street. Fernie, Thomas, factor for Sir Alex. C. R. M'Luckie. Thomas, boarding establish- Gibson ISIaitland, 1 Albert place. ment. 19 Albert place. Forrester. G. N., agent for L'Extincteur, M'Nellan, Alex., steamboat porter, 20 Soiitlitield. Broad street. Graham. Jas., music-seller and pianoforte Paton, Alex., quarrier. 05 Upper Craigs. warehouse, 3 Murray place. Paton. Misses, teachers of white seaiu Gray, James, missionary, "it Broad street. sewing, 15 King street. Jenkins, William, general dealer, 68 King Raines, Thomas, proprietor of travelling street. thrashing machines. Bridgehaugh, Old Livinijston, Gavin, agent for the Royal Bridire. Liver Friemlly Society, Jo (.^ueen st. Reid. Miss, furrier, 2 Port street. Maclean, J. G.. accountant, stockbroker, Robertson. Peter, collector of Corn-Ex- and insurance agent, 11 Kinii street. clinnge and Shore dues. Maloch. Andrew, gunsmith and cutler, Gl Sinclair. William, newspaper reporter, 2 King street. Barn ton place. Masson. llobert, bookbinder, 43 Spittal Stoddart, ^Irs. and blisses, white seam street. sewers, IG Port street. JIiddleton,David.cattle food manufacturer. Sutherland. Mrs., muslin sewing and 54 King street. stamping. 12 Port street. Middleton, D.. II.M. inspector of schools Thomson, Wm., valuator, 42 Port street. for the Western District of Scotland. Wojenski, N., teacher of modern lan- Southfield. guages, 18 Melville place. STIRLING-STREET DIRECTORY,


ABBEY BOAD. !.> Capt. Wm. E. Webster, barr.ickmaster. 16 .John Davidson, writer. 4 J. & A. M'Elfrish, soapmakers. 17 Ebenezer Gentleman, sen., writer. 5 Andrew Thomson «& Sons, wood mer- 18 Daniel M'Ewen. iron merchant. 7 John .M'Dougall. publican. [chants. 20 Thomas JI'Luckie. boarding establish- 14 James Johnston, shipowner. ment. 16 William Johnstone. 21 Miss Somerville. 17 Forthbank Chemical works— George 22 Robert M'Nlcol. brewer. Shanil. 23 Captain James Youni, adjutant 18 Abbey mill— George Rnttye &, Sons, Stirlinirsliire Rifle Volunteers. wool spinners, tweeds, &c. 24 Duncan Macdou:^all. teacher. 22 James M'lniosh. clerk and storekeeper. 25 Rev. William Binnie, D.D. James Reid, wood merchant. 26 Lieutenant-colonel William M'Leod. Thomas Thomson, agent, 27 Misses Robertson. ABERCROMBY PLACE. ALLAN PARK. 1 Miss Campbell. 1 John Macdonald. 2 Thomas Low, bootmaker. „ H. S. Macdunald. jeweller. Daniel grocer. 3 MacEwen, ., Misses ^L1sson, teachers. 4 Alexander Crowe, photographer. 2 Misses Stein. William Simpson, architect. „ Mrs. Dr. Bell. Ci Mrs. Alexander Montcath. 3 Francis Mackison. architect. 7 Rev. John Steedman. 4 Mrs. Whitehead. 9 John teacher. Graham, 't John yi. Cunningham, writer. 9 James Mitchell, clothier. 6 Mrs. Smith. ,, ^Irs. Mitchell, lodgings. 7 Robert Logan, architect. 10 i\Irs. Neilson. 8 James Chrystal. ^vriier. 9 William Carson, painter. ALBERT PLACE. 10 Patrick G. Morison, writer. 1 Thomas Fernie, factor. 11 Mrs. M' Alley. 2 Mrs. E. Waterson, lodgings. 12 Captain Thomas Fraser. .3 Thomas and David Peacock, drapers. 13 Mrs. and Misses Burton, boarding and 4 Misses Ilarvcy. educational establishment for young ") Mrs. Watt ladies. 6 Mrs. Dempster. 14 Mrs. Alexander Gibb. „ John Dempster, tobacconist. 15 Mrs. Craigie, lodsings. 7 Miss Leitch. „ Colonel M'Leod. 42nd Regiment. 8 James Shirra. 16 Rev. Robert Henderson, A.M. ., Mrs. Shirra. lodgings. 17 William Hunter, wool mercbanL

., David W. Logic, writer. 18 Major Oliphant. „ Thomas Unrvey, law-clerL 19 .lames Maihie, banker. y Frederick Boos, teacher of languages 20 George Galbraith. M.D. and music. 21 Robert CampbelL writer. „ Andrew F. Ilutchesoo, rector, High 22 Mrs. il'Mickina. School. 23, 24 Rev. Alex. Beith, D.D., F.C. Man.'«e. 12 Miss Dow. 25 Miss Rosa. 13 Miss Milnes. 26 Jlrs. Caddel. 14 David Reddie, plumber. „ James Philp, law-rlerk. 38 STIllLIXa—fiTREET DIllECrOR Y

BAKEE STEEET. 42 John Stewavt.boot and shoe warehouse.

Naini .fi Todd, drapers. 44 James lligg, publican. J. & 1). Younj. bakers and confec- 4(; Mrs. llobertson. flesher. William Sinclair, coal asrent. [tioncrs. 47 Joseph Nicol, outfltter. William Kiiinaird. tailor. 48 James Drysdalc, auctioneer. John Mllveaii. shoemaker. 49 Isaac Walters, basket maker. David Miller i .Son, booksellers. 50 Mrs. Andersou, publican.

G. v'c D. Dalpieisb. candleuakers. .'il John Brown, confectioner. William Keid. 52 Michael Morran, potato dealer. Joseph Napier, fruits and confections. 53 Misses M'Gregor, milliners and dress- Geo. Pedilic. tinsmith and pasfitter. makers. William Meiklejohn, furnishing ware- 64 Robert ftPGregor, basket maker. houfe and outtiuer. 55 John Forbes, bookseller. Mrs. Dawsou, lodgings. 68 Jatnes M'Pherson, publican. Darid Baxter, auctioneer, boot and 59 Andrew A. Grant, baker. shoe warehouse, and outfltter. 60 Mary Loughran, pawnbroker. James Haird, publican. 66 Peter Allan, hairdresser. James Walls, blacksmith. 66 Alexander Davidson, sergeant, Stir- James Walls, publican. lingshire Militia. James Lawson, ironmonger. John Robb. maltster. E. & E. Gentleman, writers. And. Crawford, commercial traveller. Eben. Gentleman, jun., rates collector. William Downie, cooper. David I'ate, bootmaker. Mrs. Campbell, lodgings. Misses Glass, dressmakers. Donald Cameron, gardener. Pate i Son, boot and shoe warchouBC. Andrew Johnston, painter. J. £. J. Gilchrist, ropespinners. James Millar & Sons, bakers. Miss Gilchrist, straw hat maker. Hugh Morris, grocer. William Meiklejohn, milliner. Thomas Johnston, tailor. Commissarv Clerk's Ofiice—Andrew Jeremiah M'Cartney. poulterer. Ilutton, clerk; John Young, clerk- CliarlesDivine&Co.,chimneysweepers. depute. James Leckic, publican. James Graham, joiner. Peter Fisher, publican. James Shields, salesman draper. John Marr, baker and confectioner. Miss Forfar, dressmaker. John Murray, clothier. Mrs. Mitchell, lodgings. John F. Crawford, bookseller. Robert M'Eweu. grocer. James Thomson, watchmaker, Mrs. G. Murdocii. baker. Maurice RPIntyrc, bootcloser. J. 6; J. Pollock, publicans. Alex. Laing, joiner and undertaker. John Henderson, jun., grocer. John Hay, boot and shoe warehouse. Kobt.Ste wart.boot and shoe warehouse. Stirling Co-operative Society (Regis- William Laing, gardener. tered), groceries and provisions. James Fleming, auctioneer. John Walker, sergeant, Stirlingshire John Ferguson, publican. Militia. Crawford & Watt, cabinetmakers, James Chalmers, tailor. upholsterers and undertakers. Miss Chalmers, dressmaker. Thomas Young, carver and gilder. Miss M'Farlane, staymaker. John Crawford, cabinetmaker. Andrew Hutton, cabinetmaker. Wm. Brakenridge. assistant teacher. Joseph Napier, watcher of lishings. Archibald Watt, baker. James M'Leaii & Sons, clothiers. William M'Kenzie. shoemaker. Duncan M'Nie ic Son, publicans James Finlayson. flesher. Andrew Davidson, blacksmith. George Ilandyside, boot and shoe Mrs. M'Dougal, lodgings. warehouse. Thomas Henderson, publican. William Drysdalc. auctioneer. James Cowbrough & Co., grocers. Peier Fisher, .spirit merchant. James Robh, tailor. 7

stii:liX(7—sti!EET director y 3l>

ni William Burns, carver. BARN ROAD. ',)5 Andw. r. Htirt. druirpist, lionae No 21. I Thomas Main, bootcloser. •»(> Jolm Mann, boot and slioe warehouse. 4 David Peter, jun., cabinetmaker. 97 J. i D. Younc:, bakers and confec- 10 John Carmichael. brewer. tioners. 12 Mrs. Stewart, dairy. 08 James Young, baker and confectioner. BAENTON PLACE. „ Thomas Yoiint;. „ Wra. Brown, smith and ironfounder. 1 Royal Hotel—Archibald Campbell. „ Vim. Younp, do. do. Episcopal Chapel — Rev. Thomas

., John .M'Leish, carriage wheel maker. Wilson, SLA. 9!) William Ritchie, grocer. 2 Robert Henderson, clothier. 100 Mrs. Duncan. lodfiinRS. „ Henry Young, lodgings. 101 James Lumsden, refresliment rooms. „ Miss Walker, milliner and dressmaker. 102 Mrs. James Bruce. lodqint:s. „ William Sinclair, newspaper reporter. Company- lodgincrs. 103 Glasgow iErated Bread ,, Mrs. Plutcheson. Christina Napier, agent. „ A. Smyth, dentist. [Friday?.] 104 John Gilchrist, clothier. 3 Robert Fergus, greengrocer. 105 William Gillespie, boot and shoe ware- 4 Wm. Ewing &. Co., Heshers. house. 5 William Morton, hatter. lOG Robert Ilaldane. Mrs. Dudgeon, provisions. „ Andrew Crawford, writer. 7 John Henderson, photographer. „ .Miss .Sharp, milliner. 9 William Lawrence, publican. 107 William G. Ferguson, grocer. 10 Wm. Wilson, boot and shoe warehouse. 103 -Mrs. T. Ferguson, Dalgleish house. II J. i J. Graham, joiners and cabinet-

,, Rev. James Boss. 13 Wm. Barclay, sculptor. [makers. „ James Johnston, baker. Viewtield U.P. Church session-house. „ Alexander Crawford, tinsmith. 15 Daniel Ferguson, surgeon. „ William G. Ferguson, dairy. 109 Robert Lawson, draper. BOW STREET. 110 Robt. Roberts, flesher, house No. 111. 1 Alexander Grant, watchmaker. 111 George and David ]\Iorgan, drapers. 2 John Ferguson, leather cutter, and „ Miss Davie, lodgings. boot and shoe warehouse. 112 Miss Greig, china merchant. 3 Mrs. Dunn, out titter. 113 David Penman, grocer. 4 Mrs. Wallace, tobacconist. 114 Mrs. Leslie, tobacconist. 6 Peter Wright, tailor. 115, IIG David Galashan, publican and 7 James Johnston, baker. upholsterer, 8 James Erskine. publican. no James Cameron, upholsterer. 9 James Coan, publicin, 1 1 Wm. Glover, boot and shoe warehouse. 12 Miss Cooper, milliner. 118 Robert Kerr, flesher. 13 J. i G. Henderson & Co.. grocers. 119 William Liddel, grocer. 14 David M'Donald. lodgincs. 120 John Robertson, cabinetmaker, uphol- 15 Misses Henderson, milliners and dress- sterer and undertaker. makers. „ Mrs. Meffen, lodgings. „ Peter Seaton, Drip Moss post-runner.

., John Graham, carter. 16 John Lennox, grocer. [house. 121 Thos. Low, boot and shoe w^arehouse. 17 Wright Cummiug, boot and shoe warc- 122 Star Hotel— Thom.is Menzics. BEIDGE STREET (LOWER).

BANK STREET. I James Gow, publican.

1 .1. it J. Pollock, publicans. 3 John Sharp, provision dealer. 2 John Henderson, jun., grocer. 9 M'Neil M'Leav. artist. 3 John Dalgetty, leather-cutter. 10 William C. Dall. delivery clerk, C.R.,

."), 6 Francis Lone. china and rag merchant. 15 Robert Hogg, manager of Anderson's 7 WiUiam Nicol, bootcloser. „ Miss Hogg, dressmaker. [fishings.

.. Mrs. Clark, lodgings. 21 William Stcven=ou. 40 STIRLING—STREET DIRECTOR Y.

Fulton. Cambusbarron. Gargun- '11 T. Lamb, provisions. 2 John Kippen post-runner. 28 James Jenkins, carter. nock and grocer. JoVin Bruce, dairy. 3 Robert Brown, William MKillop. 4 Graham's Court. Walker, Charles Grindlay. Wlnchelhaugh. „ Sheriff-clerk's Office—R. M. 41 Thomas Gibson." pardener. clerk-depute. Meiklejohn, outfitter. 44 Mrs. Kay, provisions. „ William William Glen, letter-carrier. 45 J. Hamilton, apenc. „ shoemaker. 48 Andrew Stewart. milliTright. „ John M'Keuzie, Wallace, comiuercial traveller. „ John Leheny, clerk. „ W. Alexander Duthie, tailor. 49 Mrs. M-Farlane. Wolf cottage. ,, Drummond, surgeon. 52 Jolin Risl;, pardener. G Robert Henderson, bookseller. 53 George Lindsay, bootmaker. 7 Alexander 8 David Fyfle. 53 J^ George Ross, potato dealer. Gillespie, bootmaker. 54 William Crawford, grocer. „ William 10 William Dow, grocer and flesher. BRIDGE STREET (UPPER). 11 William Wilson, bootraitker. „ Robert Law, letter-carrier. foreman currier. 1 David Rennie. „ Thomas Hunter, colour-sergeant, Stir- 2 David Yellow lees, tanner and currier. lingshire Militia. do. „ John Yellowlees. „ John Macdonald. pipe-major, do. 3 James Forsyth, clothier. „ John Grant, weigher, C.R. „ William Rryce, cabinetmaker. 13 James Baxter & Co., drapers. 4 John M'Lachlan. bootmaker. 14 William Murray, publican. „ John Scott, tailor. 15 James Baxter, draper. joiner and cabinetmaker. 9 J as. Guthrie, „ Mrs. Prentice. „ Robert Drummond. surgeon. 16 Miss Fraser, provisions. „ Rev. Thomas Andrew, 17 A. & W. Forrest, cabinetmakers and lb Mrs. Eiidie. stair railers. dairy. ,, C. M'Aree, 18 D. & J. MacEwen & Co., grocers. 11 Alexander Buchanan, bill poster. 19 Mrs. A. Ormond, grocer. 12 William Younp. teacher. 20 William Henderson, joiner. 13 James Weir, saddler. „ James M'Pherson, collector, Stirling- „ Mrs. J. Weir. shire Friendly Assurance Society. „ Andrew Swan, jeweller. „ Michael Slianahan, colour-sergeant, 14 John Johnston, thrashing machine Stirlingshire Militia. enpine keeper. „ Alexander M-Nellan, steamboat porter. traveller. Alex. Wylie. commercial „ William Moore, agent. 15 Arch. M'Leod, commercial traveller. 22 Mrs. White, provisions. „ Robert Terrier, clerk. 23 William Laing, painter. master. Ifi Robert Wilson, jun.. sailing 24 Michael Lyons, provisions. 18 William Lawson. draper. 25 George Arthur, salesman draper. Anderson, dairy. ,, Mrs. 26 James Robb, tinsmith. mason. 25 David M'Aree, „ James Robertson, tailor. 27 Mrs. Brown. „ Alexander M'Callum, missionary. „ James and John Brown. 27 David Archibald, baker. „ Miss Forrest. 28 Rlddell iSLRobb,tinsmilli8andgasfitters. 28 Wm. Harvey, Gowanbrae, watchmaker. 30 E. Tavlor, publican. „ Mrs. Captain Wilson. 31 Andrew Nollan, provisions and spirits. 29 Neil Cochrane, Comely bank, [spinner 33 William Sinclair, provisions and dairy. „ John Todd, Whinwell cottage, wool- 34 James M'Quade, pawnbroker. 35 Adam Steel, registrar. BROAD STREET. „ David Kicol, postman. 30 William Dow, grocer. 1 John Murray, clothier. Thomson. 2 James Alison, tailor. „ William STIRLIXG—STREET DIRECTOR V. 41

37 M. Schofield. provisions and spirits. 3 William Valentine, clerk. 33 Edward M'Sulljr,sergeRnt. Stirlingshire 4 W. S. Dunlop, salesman ironmonger. Militiii. „ James Lawson, ironmonger. „ Archibald White, colour-sergeant, do. 40, i1 John Laini;, publican. BUEGHMDIR. 43 Robert M'Nicol, brewer. 1 William Scotland, engine driver. 44.4 John Ross, bootcloser. ,, William M'Leod. wright. James Whyte, salesman bookseller. 45 2 William Linklater. confectioner. Alexander Allan, paymaster-sergeant, 4G 3 Ralph Ilalket. plumber. Stirlingshire Militia. 4 Helen Gourlay, provisions. James Crawford, night-sergeant. Burgh „ 5 Mrs. Henderson, lodgings. police. 6 Mrs. Russell. 47 Town Clerk's Office—T. L. Galbraith. 7 Mrs. Fulton. IJeijistmrs Office Adam Steel. „ — 8 John Finlayson, saddler. 48 James Kane, china merchant. 9 John iM'Intosh. 4'J Council Chambers. ., John Fitzpatrick. inspector. S. & D. R. ., Police Court-room. ,, Wm. Fitzpatrick. cashier, C.R. Justiciary ., Court-house. 10 Robert Hardie. plumber. .. Master ol' Office— Smith. Works Wm. 11 George Duncan, printer. 50 Charles Nicholson, colour-sergeant, 12 Jlrs. M'Crae. lodainL's. Stirlin[;shire Militia. St. Ninians Well Brewery— Andrew 51 Weigh-house and Butter Market. Colquhoun. 52 Mrs. Jack, publican. 13 Mrs. William Taylor. 53 Andrew Bowie, bugle-major, Stirling- „ Robert Taylor, manufacturer. shire Militia. 14 James Taylor, wool merchant. Robert Robertson, sergeant, do. ., Robert Taylor i Sons, woollen manu- Banks' Court. 54 facturers. „ James Gray, missionary. Alexander Grant, watchmaker. ., OAMBUSKENNETH ABBEY. ., Robert Struthers, contractor. 55 Miss Moir, dairy. James Lucas. Tower orchard. 5G John il'Killop, hawker and provisions. George Johnstone. The llaugh. 59 David Anderson, greengrocer. William Rankine. bootmaker. CO Robt. .M. Walker, Sheriff clerk-depute. James Henderson, ferryman and publican. Mathie, „ James Kane, china merchant. James grocer and manufacturer, High street. ., James M'Laren, bootmaker. Andrew Watson, „ James M'Lean. sergeant, Burgh police. St. James's orchard. G2 Alexander Forrester, fishmonger. Alexander Walker, teacher. (J5 dressmaker. Miss Quin, CASTLEHILL. i'.<) .1. Dawson &, Co.. public.ins. 1 William Dawson, broker. 68 I\Irs. Burns, of Garvald. 26 Peter Do well, provision dealer. 30 Mrs. Christie, lodgings. BRUCE STREET. 31 Mrs. M-Alpine. provision dealer. '_' Ralph Brown, clerk. 34 William M'Xicol. publican.

., David Forgan, piano maker. John Wilson, gardener.

., James Morton, cutter. John King. Knockhill.

.. Duncan Stewart, sawyer. James Eadie. Crotthill dairy. „ S. t^ampson. overseer surfaceman, C.R. Philip Kinnaird. dairy. 3 Alexaiuler iNIorrison, builder and joiner.

,, John Muirhead, writer. CASTLE WYND. „ John Inglis, clerk. 1 George Cunningham, superintendent of .. John Dewar, inspector, F. & C. J. R. 2 James Dick, town-officer. [cemetery. ., John M'Lean, superintendent Wallace 3 George Hall, corn merchant. [police. Monument. 4 Henry Buchan. superintendent, burgh 42 STIRLiya—STREET DIRECTOR Y. h John Stevenson, publican. 38 Christopher Landrcs, bill poster. James MacEwen. provisions. 39 Joseph Robertson, mnson.

Military Hospitai. ,, I'eter Meldrum, traveller. 40 Henry M'Cowen, provisions. CHUIlCn WYND. 46 John Gardner, bootmaker. John Pase. bootmaker. 47 John Frame, colour-sergeant, S.M. I'eter Allan, hairdresser. 48 James Strachan, provisions. 50 John Ferguson, publican. CLAHENDON PLACE. 51 Walter Foster. 1 Mrs. Graham. 52 ^Irs. Black, provisions. 2 Misses Sawers. 63 David Bayne, procer. 3 Miss Dawson. 55 Alexander Robertson, publican. 4 Misses ^Iak<;ill. 58 David Wilkie. conunissiou agent. 5 Alexander ycott. confectioner. 63 James Christie, dairy. C Thomas Muir, coal merchant. Free Church Mission School—Alex. 7 Mrs. Baird. Jeffrey, teacher. „ James Baird. 04 James Smith, joiner. 8 Georcc Fordyce. Beechcroft. 64^ Mrs. GoAV. 9 Miss C. Maciapaii. Uavenscroft. „ Peter Johnston, sawyer. 10 Kobert M'lunes. artist. „ Peter Mackie, plasterer.

11 Bev. William Fin Jiay. ,, George Smart, assistant photographer. I'J Charles Gibson. M.D., Bellevue. „ John Carnegie, agent N.B. Railway. 13 David Bruce. C5, 66 James M. Pollock, flesher, dairy- 11 James Taton, jun. man and coal merchant. 6fi{ John Bridgett, grocer. COWANE STREET. 67 John Turnbull, painter. 1 Mrs. Taylor, pul/ncan. 09^ William Gentles, slater.

2 E. Thomson. Eulesman. ,, James Gillespie, builder. 3 J. Forsyth & Cu., grocers, tailors and 09J Alex. Gardner, clerk. 4 ]\Irs. Brown. [clothiers. „ Robert Hall, engine-driver.

5 Thomas Galbraith. wright. ,, \Villiam Jenkins, clerk. 6 J. Jenkins, \v;ipaou-inspectoi,F.&C.R. „ James Laing, salesman clothier. 8 William Ronald, sculptor. 70 Robert Patou, tea dealer. 9 John Ferpuson. bootmaker. 72 Andrew Davie, clerk. 10 Alexander M'Fariane, shoemaker. „ Hoberi Condic, joiner. 11 William Cram, publican. „ Mrs. Herdman, nnrse.

13 Wm. AUestcr. tea and cloth merchant. ,. Alexander Kerr, bootmaker. 15 Robert Rankin, ti.iior. 73 John Angus, dyer. IG Robert Wihou, sen., shipowner. „ Angus Cameron, foreman fitter, C.R. 17 William Lainp. tailor. 74 Lawrence Gardner, smith. „ Tetcr M'llvride. siioemuker. 70 James Menzies, grocer. 19 Robert Maxlon. mason. CRAIGS (LOWER). 20^ Alexander M'Cormick, trunk maker. 23i Andrew Burt, procer. Luke Warner, wood turner. 24" M. I'ow. sick-nursL-. 8 John Hodge, publican and dairy. 2fi Henry Taylor, traveller. \0h Airs. Stevenson, lodgings. 13* 29 John MLeish, coach-wheel maker, Alexander Cherry .s^ ijon, skinners. 30 Huph Forsyth, ci-ik. [Mill Entry. 19 J. Gonbl, millwright and irunfounder. „ Ewun Cameron, c lerk. „ James Bnssell, millwright. 3t John Merrilees. uiiicer of Stirling and 20 Burnside Foundry—Gould, Smith & Bannockhuru C.iledonian Society. Co., brass and ironfbunders. en- „ Thomas Leslie, bootmaker. gineers, millwrights, boiler makers, 30' Thomas Kyle, secretary of the Stirling- and blacksmiths. shire Friendly Assurance Society. 21 RJrs. M'Ewen, provisions.

37 MisB Campbell. g, Kobert M'Ewen. mason. —


21 Peter SclioficlJ, St. Niniiins and Ban- 09 John IM'Millan. rerated water manu- nockburn post-rnnner, 70 Robert Dow, publican. [facturcr. 29 James Ueid, provisions and lodgings. 72 David M'Grcgor. slater. 40 William Reid, brewer. 7.3 .Tames ])ow. dairrman. „ Daniel Stewart, jeweller. 77 John M'Luckie. joiner. 45 Duncan Fisher, bootmaker. 79 George Owen, sen. 4tJ Georpe Chalmers, builder. „ Geo. Uwen, jun.. smith and machinist. fjO James .Scott, provisions. 81 James Angus, dyer. 62 Mrs. Miller, provisions. „ Mrs. Fletcher, midwife. 82 Archibald Merrilees. plumber, brass- CEAIGS (UPPER). founder, and easfitter. 3 James Gray, seedsman, manure and „ John Clark, dairyman. corn merchant. 5 Duncan i Jnmieson, steam printers. DUMBARTON ROAD.

() Janet Moves, green iirocer and dairy. 1 Robert Dick, saddler. 7 IJobert Smith, provision dealer. 2 Jliss Gilchrist. .Tames Colville. provision dealer. 3 iNliss Robertson, dressmakers. 10 Miss Hepburn, fish and game dealer. 4 Henry Gardner, coal agent. lOi Alexander White & Son, builders. iMrs. M'Neil, lodcings. „ John Wingate, smith. „ Charles Brown, salesman draper. „ i\Irs. Macfarlane, lodgings. „ i\Irs. Neilson, lodgings, [joiners. „ John ^lacfarlane, clerk. (J John Morrison tv Sons, builders and „ John Brown, sen., salesman grocer. 8 Stirling ^Erated Water Manufactory „ John Brown, jun., clerk. „ Thos.M'Nab, joiner. [.lohn M'Millan. „ Andrew Black, shoemaker. „ Robert Adam, corkcutter. Craigie. plasterer. ,, George Johnstone, watchmaker, 9 John „ Alexander Niddry, photographer. Allan Park U.P. Church—Rev. Jolin lOj Jlrs. Fraser, lodgings. T. Gowanlock. 12 Mrs. Valentine, grocer. Bowling Club— .Tohn Wands, secy. 13 lleformed Presbvterian Church—Rev. 10 Kemp. Murray i Nicholson, agricultu- William Binnie, D.D. ral implement and reaping machine 14 Thomas Smith, moulder and engineer. makers, blacksmiths, builders,house „ John Paton. carpenters and joiners. „ .John Graham, joiner. 12 D. & J. JIacEwen Jc Co. (storerooms.) 25 P. & R. Paterson, tan works. 13^ J. & J. iNIathie i Macluckie, Wolf

,, .Tames Allan, foreman tanner. Craig, writers. 27 James M'Farlane, carter and dairyman. 14 Hill & Cathcart. Wolf Craie, writers. 37 James JI'Alpine, brick and tile maker. „ Miss Harvey and Miss M'Gregor. Saranel Kerr, gatekeeper, C.U. 41 Henry Watt, cabinetmaker. ESPLANADE. 43 James Wilkie, gardener. Joseph Cook. i(Uiirter-master sergeant, 45 Alexander Lindsay, foreman fitter. Stirlinirshire Alilitia. 48 Mrs. Doig, lodgings. David M'Farlane. Militia Staff. 40 ^Irs. M'Naughton, provisions. William Christie, watchmaker. 52 Mrs. Dewar, dairy. Castle hotel —Hugh Wood. ."i8 Andrew Beatli. surgeon, Craigs house. FORTH PLACE. .'i9 Mrs. Wilson, lodgings. t!0 John M'Gibbon. carter and dairymau. 1 Forth and Clyde R.ailway OflTice— R.

.. David Moycs. foreman fitter. 2 Mrs. Hay. [Young, manager. (!1 Mrs. Thomson, lodgings. 3 Misses Mouat. (>2 .fohn Weir, steamboat purser. 4 William Liddel. LTOcer. 04 Alexander llendrie, tinsmith. 5 Ebenezer Gentlem.an, jun.. writer. (>5 Alexander Paton, quarrier. Hugh Gavin, draper. • (!(] Walter Johnston, publican. 7 .lames Graham, music-seller. •iS John Chrvstal. hosier. 8 Mrs. Humble. 41 STIllLiya—STREET DIRECTORY.

• !• Mrs. Uenderson. Roman Catholic Chapel— Rev. Paul 10 Robert Reid, clerk. M'Lachlau. 11 J. B. Stephenson, coal apcnt. 10 Henry Esdon, cabinetmaker. „ Robert Steplienson. wood merchant. „ Thos." Ronuld. accountant, F. & C. R. 12 James Davie, ironfounder. „ Rev. James Gilfillan, D.D. „ John Diivie, clerU. 11 George Hunter, wool merchant. 12 Miss Irvine. FORTHVALE. P. Wallace. Rock cottage, auctioneer. John Todd & Sons, wool-spinnera. Viewfield U.P. Church—Rev. James Thomas Hassel. clerk. Gilfillan, D.D. William Ilassel, Forthvale cottage. Ralph Hill, do. JAIL WYND. David Houston, Forthbank cottage. County and Burgh Police Thomas Raines, proprietor of trarelling Ofilces. Justice of Peace Court-room. thrashing machines, Bridgehangh. Sherifl* Court-room. FEIARS STREET. KING STREET. 1 Peter Bett, fruiterer, fishmonger and game dealer. 1 Hugh Ferguson, boot and shoe ware- 2 J. MQueen, refreshments. house. 3 Mrs. MGibbon, dairy. 2 Young &, Saunders, grocers. 5 Christopher Canby. engraver. 3 Miss Wright, dressmaker. „ James Chalmers, reed and camb maker. „ A. & C. Fairbairn & Macnab, builders.

„ Miss Chalmers, straw hat maker. ,, Mrs. Duncan, lodgings. „ Alexander Kerr, blacksmith. „ Mrs. Watt, lodgings. 6 James Harley, sherifT-oflicer. „ Miss Watt, dress and cloakmaker. 7 William Maltman. cabinetmaker. „ William Stevenson, writer. 8 John Steel, plumber, brassfounder, and „ John Burnett, mason. paslitter, house No. 18. „ Patrick G. Morison. writer. 9 William Multman. cabinetmaker. 4 Wright & Co., millinery warehouse. 10 Mrs. M"Laren, provisions. 5 John Mackieson, hairdresser. „ Mrs. Cameron, lodsinps. C James Millar & Sons, bakers and con- 11 Mrs. M'Nab, toy shop. fectioners. 12 Mrs. Simpson, millinery and furnishings. 7 Kirkwood & Walker, chemists and 13 William Marshall, bootmaker. druggists.

l.'i John Dobbic. bont and shoe warehouse. 8 Athenseura Subscription Library and 17 Mrs. Auld, small wares. Reading Room—A. Jack, librarian, 18 Mrs. Leask. te.iciier. 9 Clydesdale Bank—James Drysdale, „ Miss Wrij.'hl, millmer. „ James Drvsdale, banker. [agent. „ Mrs. Anderson, loJcincs. 10 R. F. M'Lachlan, publican.

,, Henry Murray, salesman grocer. 11 J. G.'Maclean, accountant, stockbroker, 19 Mrs. Robertson, flesher. and insurance agent. 20 James Millar & Sons, grocers. „ William Simpson, architect. 21 Royal Hotel—Archibald Campbell. „ William Smith, carter, „ Macfarlane Free Library and Museum IRVINE PLACE. —John Yorston, librarian. 1 Miss KidstoD. 12 Alexander Murdoch, saddler.

,, Mrs. Reid. 13 Thos. Young, carver and gilder. 2 William Cathcari. writer. 14 James Mitchell, clothier. 3 Thomas Menzies, draper. 15 Misses Paton, teachers of white seam 4 Thomas Steel. „ Alex. Stewart, publican. [sewing. 5 Mrs. Burden. „ John Drummond, foreman smith. „ William Burden. „ Peter M'Intyre, machinist and lodgings. 7 Panton cc Co.. maltsters. „ Mrs. Graham, lodgings. 8 Burden's Brewerv. „ Misses Turner, dressmakers. STIRLiyG—STREET DIRECTOR V

Grahnm & Morton, ironmongers, tin- 30 United Kingdom Electric Telegraph smiths and gasfitters. Company—J. F. Crawford, agent. David Morton, ironmonper. 40 Stilling Journal and Advertiser OfBce George Michie. salesman cutler. —James Hogg. Gibson & Keddie, pUirabera, brasS' Temperance Hotel —Wm. Dowdy, sen. founders, and pnsfitters. William Dowdy, jun. Mrs. Sinclair, lodirinps. 41 William Robertson, hatter. John Wilson, shoemaker, i- J, &i A. Drummond, drapers, and clan Misses Haul &- Steven, dressmakeil. tartan warehouse. Morrison &. Cunningham, writers. 41 Thos. Binning, saddler and coal agent. Mrs. Duff, lodpings. 44 Duncan Macnab, writer. John Grant, clerk. Sasine Oftice— Robert Curror. James M'Kinlay. clothier; Mrs. and Miss Robertson, milliners and James Strachau. clothier. Rev. Thomas Crcrar. [dressmakers. T. &. D. Peacock, drapers. 4 .lohn Vance, boot and shoe warehouse. Morpan & Co.. drapers. 40 Peter Drummond, Tract Depot. David Turnbull, jeweller and optician. 48 AVm. Drummond & Sons. seedsmen, and Mrs. Alexander M'Donald, Woodside agricultural implement warehouse. Robert Finlayson, glazier. [cottage. 49 John Wands, china merchant. John Cairns, corn merchant. 50 Golden Lion Hotel Coach UfBcc. Mrs. Bald, lodgings. 51 Golden Lion Hotel— Duncan Campbell. John Muirhead. writer. .John M'lntosh, hostler. 24 Roberts. Shearer, bookseller, stationer, J. Si G. Henderson & Co., grocers. and circulating library. 54 D. Middleton. cattle food manufacturer. Alexander Fisher, law-clerk. George T. Beattie, commission agent. Mrs. Anderson. John M'Donald, cooper. James Gardner, cooper. Dougald Cnwan. coach wheel maker, Alexander Jenkins, writer. [agent. Wm, Bryce. cabinetmaker and uphol- William I'eddie, stationer and news AVilliam MDoiigall. joiner, [sterer. Hugh Crawford, railway guard. John M'Donald, publican. Hugh Crawford, jun., clerk. oG Union Bank of Scotland—J.&J.Mathie, John Barnes, hairdresser. Jolin D. Mathie, writer. [agents. David Turnbull, jeweller. 58 James Jl'Cracken. publican. "William (irahani, banker. o'.i John Chalmers. M.l)., druggist, house AVilliam Paton. bank accountant. 60 John Jamieson, clothier. [No. 58. Royal Bank of Scotland — William 61 Andrew Maloch, gunsmith and cutler. Graham, agent. 6 William Harvej. watchmaker. Henderson Brothers, drapers. C3 Adam Herron, cabinetmaker and W. &. J. Trotter, hosiers, plovers, out James Robertson. [upholsterer. litters, and shirt makers. William Dowell. tailor. Misses Baldie. dressmakers. do Menzies & Melrose, drapers. Misses Fleming, milliners. GG Banks Brothers, blacksmiths, lock- Mrs. Vance. smiths, iron bedstead and perambu- William Headridgc, photographer. Mrs. Banks. [lator makers. Robert Marshall, hatter. Edward Banks, blacksmith. City of Glasgow Bank— Chrystal & Jas. Brown, letter-carrier and tailor. Blacfarlanc. agents. Mrs. Brown, lodgings. Chrystal & Alacfarlane, bankers and 6 .James Smith, grocer and tobacconist writers. 6s Williant Jenkins, gcnernl dealer. D. Middleton. cattle food manufacturer. Daniel MEwen, iron merchant. Robert Marshall, hatter. Volunteer Orderly lioom. Thomas Gillies. 69 liobert Liddel, grocer. Peter ^liller, ironmonger, house No. 37. 71 W. & A. Johnston, drapers.

John F. Crawford, bookseller and I 72 Robert Curror. banker.

stationer. I 73 Bank ofScot land-Robert Curror. agent. 46 STIRLIXG-STllEET DIRECTOR V.

MAE PLACE. MURRAY PLACE. Mrs. Captain S. Kenny. 1 Tract Depot (hack entrance). Daniel Hiiariv. waste dealer. 2 Peter Carmichael, confectioner. Stirlingshire Militia Stores. 3 James Graham, music-seller and piano- Norman Masson, sergeant-major, S.JI. forte warehouse. Mrs. Col. Forbes, Siiowdon house. 4 Temperance Hotel—Peter Carmichael. 5 Robert Drumniond & Son, goldsmiths, MAXWELL PLACE. jewellers and watchmakers. 1 William Broun. 7 Francis Macki.son. civil engineer, archi- 2 Thomas Walker, druggist. tect and surveyor. „ Mt3. Wilson. „ Duncan M'Ara. 8 Thomas Turnbnll, builder. „ Parlane JI'Farlane. grocer. 4 David Aduni, agent. „ Mr.s. Hill, lodgings. „ Miss Muckison. 8 Andrew M'Lachlan, millinery and fur- 5 Mrs. D. Fisher. nishing warehouse. „ John M'Kenzie, M.A.. teacher. 9 S. Young, boot and shoe warehouse.

., Peter ^I'lntyre, smith and muchinist. ,, John MacEwen, jun., do. 15 Rev. .John T. Gowanlocii. 20 Henry Gardner, coal agent and toy IG Mrs. Peter MacEwen. warehouse. 17 IMrs. Macmillan. 27 William Waugli. veterinary surgeon. 18 N. Wojenski, teacher of modern lin- 28 James Grant, juiith. and inspector of 19 Jliss .lardine. [guages. weights and measures. :^0 Archibald Henderson, draper. 23| R. Henderson & Co.. clothiers. 28| Misses M-Lachian. dressmakers. VILLAS. „ Mrs. Donaldson, lodgings. Jlrs. makers. Munnoch, South lod:.'c. 28=J Alex. Baird & Sons, umbrella Mrs. Smith, Randolphdeld. 29 Robert Frater, plumber, brassfoundcr Misses Wright, Clifford park. and gaslittcr. house No. 20. —


Nortli Cliurch (Established) — llcv. Samson Cramond, traveller. ]{obcrt Thomson. Alexander Forcie, salesman grocer. ;tO John llalkct. ropespinncr. William Sonierville, Belllield cottage. liaptist Chapel— liev. J. Culross, I).l). James White, shoemaker. ol John Walls, painter. Robert C'owic-. siardencr. i!2 James Svmon. [dressmakers. Alexander MGrowthcr. residenter.

.. Misses Symon. milliners, straw hat and [!.'{ Alexander Crowe, photographer. KELSON PLACE. iA Kbenezer Ilendri-. 1 Robert Adam, corkcutter. 35 James M'Cullocii, publican. 'J Alexander Levack, clerk. William Walker, carriage hirer. 3 John Logan. Laidlaw. RAILWAY (PASSENGER) STATION, I 4 Thomas

i 5 John Murray, builder and joiner. llailway Bookini' Oflices. f, John Kemp, aericultural engineer. James Mitchell, hook-stall. 7 Andrew Glen, clerk. Duncan M'Ara, refreshment rooms. 8 William Smith, master of works. Electric and International Telegraph Archibald Abercromby, gardener. Company- -John Eckford. clerk. 10 William J. Clarke, seedsman. 3G Queen's Hotel — James Ilardie. 11 AVilliam Morrison, builder and joiner. Free North Church-Kev. A. Beith, D.D. 12 John Nicol. 38 Alexander G. Keid. 13 James M'Kinlay, clothier. .. Miss IJurpess. 14 William Greig. goods manager, C.R. Hi) William lieid, brewer. lo Charles II. Graham. M.D. 40 John C. ^I'Lintock. clerk. IC Alexander Brodic, wine merchant. „ Andrew Ilutton, writer. 17 John Morrison, builder and joiner. „ Mis<: Wingate. 15 Mrs. and Miss Walls. Congregational Chapel —Rev. J. ItosE>. 10 JMrs. Donaldson, lodging.". 42 Ale.v. J^hniteath. bank accountant. 20 John Henderson, law-clerk. ,, William AValker. horse-dealer. 21 Robert Crawford, clerk. .. Mrs. Leggat. lodgings. 22 IMrs. Reoch. I.*. Eagle Hotel — John Robertson. 23 Thomas Gaff, manufacturing chemist. 44 George Davie, cutter. 24 A. H. Fleming, salesman draper. .. Leon J. Piatt, dentist. 2.'» Andrew Colquhoun, brewer. 4lj John Murric. banker. 2G Mrs. Buchanan. 45 National Bank of Scotland John Murric, agent. OECHAED PLACE.

1 Brodie &. Co.. wine merchants. NEWHOUSE. J. & W. Drysdale, auctioneers. ^Irs. Sinclair, publican. 2 Robert Hobertson, coal agent. Mrs. Daniel Reid, grocer. 3 John Hobertson. dairyman. ^Irs. (irassam, nurse. 4 Hutrh Wright, vanman. Thomas Gillespie, fishing-tackle maker. r. William Finlayson. slater, tlohn Gillesi)ie, sawyer. 7 David Buchan. lathsjilitter. ]Mrs. Dick, provisions. 8 William Martin, overseer to AVater John Smith, Rose cottage. Conmiis-ioners.

Miss Robertson, Beechwood. .. Daniel MKerracher. carter. William MLarcn. tailor. !•' StirlingObservert)flicefback entranced James Mercer, residenter. 11 Stirling Foundry— Davie, Brown i^ Robert fiercer, salesman grocer. Young, brass and iron (bunders, R'obert Cribbes, publican. millwrights and engineers. ]\Irs. Gillies, nurse. 12 James Grant, smith, and inspector of Duncan Macnie, gardener. weights and measures. David Miller, joiner. 13 George Thomson, coach builder and John Davie, traveller. harness maker. 43 STIRLING—STREET DIRECTORY.

PAKK LANE. 20 William Vost, surveyor of taxes. 21 Miss Stirling Ro))e Worii--Robertson, Rae & Co. Tytler. 22 Mrs. Williuin Campbell, wood merchant. C'uthbertson. John Paiiton & Co., maltsters. 23 I\Iacfarlane. banker and writer. 24 William Hunter, wool merchant. Thomas L. Galbraith, town-clerk. Mrs. and Thomas S. Miller, engineer. „ Misses Galbraith. IMiss Laint;. 25 Andrew Downie. 2i5 John Harvey. PARK PLACE. 27 Captain J. C. Halket, adjutant Stir- lingshire Militia. 1 Henry Drummond, Glenelm lodge. seedsman. 28 John and Duncan Thomson, coach builders, 2 Leonard Baker, teacher of drawing. The Elms. Mrs. 3 Mrs. .Trotter. „ and .Miss Thomson, The Elms. „ Mrs.' Douglas, The Elms. „ William and John Trotter, outfitters. 4 William Reid. Misses Speirs, Laurel hill. ft AViiliam Meiklejohn, draper. PORT STREET. 6 Rev. James Culross. D.D. 1 Alexander Miller, bookseller, 7 William Drummond. Rockdale lodge. stationer, and circulating library. 8 Williaui Gillespie, Mineral vale. 2 Miss Reid. furrier. 9 Mrs. Gillespie. Coneypark Nursery—Wm. Drummond „ Charles Wingatc. writer. „ John Wands, china merchant. & 8ons ; John Morrison, manager. „ Archibald Mcrrilees, plumber. 11 George Murdoch, Cliffside. „ Miss Craise, lodgings, 12 Robert Macluckie, writer. Mrs. Paul, lodgings. 13 William C. Stevenson, postmaster. „ 3 David Findlay, 14 William Baird, M.D., surgeon. umbrella-maker. Andrew 15 James Alexander. 4 Swan, jeweller and watch- maker. 16 Mrs. John Downie. John A. 17 Misses Goodsir. 5 Dempster, tobacconist. G Misses Reid, milliners. 18 Captain John Todd, shipowner. „ James Cowbrough, grocer. 19 John Robertson, grocer. „ James Findlay, assistant druggist. PARK TERRACE. 7 Jomes Cowbrough «i Co., grocers. 8 Mrs. Fulton, Berlin wool repository. 1 John H. Watson. 9 Henry S. Macdonald, jeweller and 2 Duncan Macnab, writer. watchmaker. 3 James Anderson, road surveyor. 10 Stamp and Tax ( )ffice—John Davidson. Rev. 4 George Alexander. The Manse. „ .John Davidson, writer. Mrs. Montcath, Enclosure house. „ David Roy, fishmonger. t% Andrew Drummond, diaper, Tredin- 11 John M'Vean, greengrocer. Slrs Kiiig [nock. 12 Mrs. Sutherland, muslin sewing and (i Robert Peter. stamping. 7 Mrs. Wright. 13 Adam llerron. cabinetmaker. 8 Jolin Gowans. „ Robert Currie. joiner. D Mrs. Smith. ,. Burgh Assessor's Office—Robt. Currie. 10 William A. Anderson. 14 Alexander Dunsmore. grocer. 11 Miss Edmonstone. 15 J. R. Sinclair, boot and shoe ware- 12 Mrs. Craig. house. 13 John Wright. 16 Misses Buchanan & JM'Millan. dress- 14 Miss Reid. lodgings. makers and milliners. 15 -Miss Morison. „ Mrs. and Misses Stoddart, white seara 16 Captain Robert Dull, shipowner servers. 17 Robert Paterson. tanner. 17 George Bauchop, baker. 18 Hon. Mrs. St. Clair. 18 William Christie, watchmaker and I'J Mrs. Robertson. jeweller. 4!» ,s" TiniiyG—srnEET ijirevtor v

W. Duncanson, drugpist, liouse No. Ifi. .'I Daniel M'Lachlan, procer. 1). it J. MncEwen i*t Co., grocers. "."i John Miller & Son, bakers. William G. rertruson, procer. ."7 Mrs. Gourlay, publican, W. & J. Thomson, fleshers. of Thomas Henderson, joiner, cabinet- ^Iis> J. Stewart, cliin.i merchant. maker and undertaker, house No. 4."). James Urown, pulilican. Co .Tolni Allan, game dealer. D. & J. btewart, goldsmiths and Gi liobert Miller, blacksmith. jewellers. .. Robert Esdon & Son, cabinetmaker.^; 20 Miss Hepburn, fish and game dealer. and upholsterers.

A. Wj'nd, railway clerk. .. Robert Arthur, turner. J. Parlane. fruits and confections. C5} Hugh Fraser, oeraled water manu- Mrs. Stoddart. boot and shoe ware- facturer, house No. C9.

William Carson, painter. [house. .. J.i J. Ansus. manufacturers and dyerp.

Miss iJunn, dressmaker. .. William Kinross, coach builder, and Archibald Abercromby, gardener. harness makers. Wnj. Lindsay, foreman coachbuilder. 6i> Mrs. Robertson, fish and game dealer. Kobcrt Walls. Kerse mills store— James C7 James Marshall, flesher. Burnett, salesman. 6^ Archibald Duncan, china merchant and James Millar i Sons, bakers and con- coal agent, house No. 49. fectioners. GD Mrs. Stewart, lodgings.

John Chrystal, publican and hosier. ,. Misses Stewart, dressmakers.

Hobert Ji'Donald, bill poster. .. James Glover, tailor.

Mrs. TurnbuU, sick nurse. .. Wm. K. Bannatyne, assistant teacher,

Alexander liobb, foreman moulder. ,. Alex. Walker, assistant teacher.

William Gillespie. .. George Murdoch, salesman grocer.

3G M. M'Arthur (late Forgie), Berlin wool .. Misses Campbell, dressmakers.

repository. ,. Mrs. Clugston, lodgings,

James Johnston, baker and confectioner. .. Jliss Thomson. Robert Campbell, writer, and procura- 70 Alexander Scott, confectioner. tor-fiscal to sheriff and justices. 71 Duncan M'Laren, publican. J. Pullar & Sons.dyers—Wm.Gillespie, 72 A. Hendrie. tinsmith. William Thomson, valuator. [agent. 7-0 Miss M'Allan, milliner. James Gray, Eoedsman. 74 William M'Kenzie, ropespinner.

Mrs. Piper, lodgings. .. John M'Allan, tea dealer.

John Miller, commercial traveller. ,. Daniel Reid.

J. &. J. Hardic. plumbers, brassfoun- .. Robert Sharp, foreman joiner. dcrs and gasfitters. house No. 4,"), 7."> Lachlan Ritchie, baker. J. L W. liobertson, grocers. 70 William Baird & Co.. fleshers. Johnston &. Anderson, builders, joiners, 77 Railway Hotel— Mrs. Grant. and undertakers. 75 W. & D. Roy, fish and game dealers. James Marshall, flesher. Robert Uardie, plumber, brassfounder PEINOES STREET. and gasfitter.

John Bryce, veterinary surgeon. 1 William Lawrence, publican. John Finlayson. saddler. 2 Robert Gray, printer. John Tait, glazier. S Joseph Kelly, auctioneer. John Jamieson, printer. 4 Mrs. Guild. Mrs. Gilchrist. 5 James Wilson, painter, Miss Eason. .T. R. Sinclair, bootmaker. Miss Russell, teacher of music. 7 Rev. Robert Thomson.

Alexander L. Moodie, surgeon. .S James Hogg, printer.

John Mitchell, boot and shoe ware- [• John Balderston.

John Hunter, publican. [house. ,, William Barclay, sculptor.

Port Custom—Lessee, Andrew M. .. Mrs. Nimmo.

Livingston, publican. .. Mrs. M'Farlane. —


10 Jftmes Julinston, builder aiiJ joiner. 37 Alexander M'Lean, clerk. 11 Robert Anderson, builder and joiner. 38 J. Miller, locomotive superintendent, 12 David Findlu}-, M.D., surgeon. „ Sirs. Leckie, lodgings. [C.R. „ William Neilson, cutter,

QUEEN STREET. ., Francis Oatt. 1-3 Diivid Yellowieea ot .*»ons. tanners, 31) Robert Scotland, salesman clothier. curriers and leatlier lucrcbants. „ Robert Dick, clerk. 4 Mrs. Gray. „ iTames Niool, joiner. 5 Misses llewit. 40 James R. Young, clerk. 6 Peter Nicliolson, builder and joiner. „ William Don, salesman grocer, 7 Misses Rattray. „ Mrs. Hunter, 8 Aniirew .Maloch, gunsmith. „ William Banks, coachwright. „ Misses ^[arshail, dresioiaiiers. 41 John Young, writer. „ Jlrs. Anqus. [mission agent. 42 Mrs, and Miss Laing. 10 Archibald M'Lachlan, coal and coni- 43 James Maxton, salesman draper, 11 Robert Forbes, corn mercliant. 12 Inland Revenue Office —J. Bruce, clerk. QUEEN'S ROAD.

13 iMrs. Dr. AVilson. Robert .S, Shearer, bookseller. 14 Peter Ferguson. „ John Ferguson, leather cutter, RAPLOCH. „ Daniel Ferguson, bank accountant. Jnmea Comrie, tea dealer. 15 Captain Hollis, i|uarter-master, .S.M. Thomas Duhan, provisions. 1(J James M'Elfrish, soapmaker. John Guthrie, publican. 17 William Melrose, draper. .lohn Kay, black.smiih. „ James S. Fleming, notary-public. Ale.xander Meiklejohn, joiner. I'j William Lindsay, Scripture reader. Mrs, Pnterson, grocer.

,, James Grant, blacksmiih. Nicol Reid, tailor. 20 James .Smith, grocer. 21 .Mrs. .Taraieson, lodgings. SHORE ROAD. 22 Mrs. and Jliss Robertson. 2 W. K. Paterson, commission agent. 23 Mrs. M-Aree. lodgings. 2i Thomas Scotland, painter. „ George Drysdale, writer. James Millar, baker. Seaforth house. 24 John .\l'Kean,coal and grain merchant. William, Samuel, and Alex. Millar, do. „ Robert Patterson, land surveyor. 8 John -M'Learie, clerk. 2.) Mrs. M'Gilvray. 10 James Reid. provision dealer, and Dun- 26 William Murray, publican. more post-runner, 27 Mrs. M'Laren, lodgings. 12 James Nicol, slater,

., Miss IJaxtcr, lodgings. 14 James White, provisions, 28 James Oswald. 18 Daniel Taylor, publican.

., Thomas Inglis, salesman draper. 20 Thomas Graham ct Son, lathsplittcrs. 21) Hugh M. Kirkwood.Coreman printer. „ William Kinross, coach builder, „ George I'eddie, tinsmith. „ George and James Kinross 30 Edward Buchan. 21 Andrew M'Lachlan, milliner, 31 John Ltanks. blacksmith. 22 William Holmes, locomotive superin- „ Alexander Henderson, joiner. tenilent, N.B.R. [station. 32 Mrs. Paton. 23 John Irons, superintetident. Railway 33 Gavin Livingston, agent. 24 Benianiin Sampson, inspector, C.R.

34 Mrs. Stewart, dressmaker. ,, Misses Sampson, teachers, „ Miss Dawson, lodgings. 25, 2(! Rev, Andrew Milroy, Furthside

„ Mrs. A. Bald, lodginizs. ,, Andrew Milroy, of Forihside, [house. Wesleyan ^Metliodisi Chapel 28 William M'Intosh, provisions. 3(> Rev. Major F. Peet. 30 William Miller, publican. 37 Misses MFarland, dressmakers. 32 Robert Lawson, draper. „ Miss Gordon, teacher. 33 Geo. ,\. Murray, Inland Revenue otficer. „ John Keir, clerk. 34 Miss Christie. — —


Christie & Son. brick and tile makers. 11". Archibald Watt, dairj. John (i. Aitken. shipowner. James Young, turner. Jas. Sinclair, enpineer and shipowner. I,eslie Neiison, foreman printer. Dues Office V. Itobcrtson collector. John Scott, chimney sweeper, North Hritish Ilailwny Goods Ofiice •lames AViison. shoemaker. John Clarne.frie. npent. Alexander Gilchrist, gardener. \Villiam Sinclair, coal aiicnt. \rillian\ Downie, cooper, Andrew Uobensou, coal apent. flohn Galbraith, china merchant. William Anderson, coal apent. Jliss Lawson, provisions. John Davie, coal acrent. Mrs. Williamson, provisions. J. E. Stephenson, coal agent. I\Irs. Dawson, publican. Thomas Balfour, cabinetmaker. SOUTHFIELD. David Crocket, currier. Captain Stewart. Kobert Masson, bookbinder. D, Middleton, II. M. inspector of schools. Miss Cameron, straw hat maker. Sir Arthur G. Hay, liart. George Whytc. John G. Aitken. shipowner. ST. JOHN STEEET. Mrs. Tell. James Keid, Woodville, wood merchant. Andrew Robertson, coal agent. A. Martin, merchant. John Forsrth, grocer. William Koss. Trininallan house. George Williams, publican. sergeant-major, James Kerr, J.l'. clerk. Wm. M'Kenzie. S.R.V. G. N. Forrester, aaent for L'Extinctcur. William M'Nab, lieutenant, county Mrs. an J Miss Forrester. S. Craig, broker. [police. Mrs. Gentleman. SPITTAL SQUAEE. flames and John Henderson, grocers. A. &. W. Forrest, cabinetmakers. Iliph School —W. M. Grant, janitor. Hugh Ferguson, bootmaker. Free South Church. John Pryde. John Tait, plazicr. John Rohb, maltster. Trades' Hall. Gillard Leathly, broker. T. Chalmers, bellman and bill poster. SPITTAL STREET. Richard Davie, sen., sherifl-officer. 1 Corn-Exchanpc Hotel—W. Macprepor. Richard Davie, jun., clerk. Corn-Exchanpe — David Macgregor, James Costello, steamboat porter. 2 John Finlayson. [tacksman. Mrs. Johnston, dressmaker. „ !Miss Finlavson, straw hat maker. Erskine U.P. Church — Rev. John y John Wright. Steedman. 5 Miss Jarvie, dressmaker. •IS Prison—John Robertson, governor.

,, Alexander Hamilton, tea and cloth A. Campbell, superintendent, county G David Liddel. currier. [merchant. William M'Lea, clerk. [police.

,, Mrs. Liddel, straw hat maker. Dougald Cowan, coach wheel maker. 7 Mrs. M'Lea, provisions. East Church (Established)—Rev. Geo. 8 Andrew Oswald, slater. Alexander. 9 James Craig, rag and china merchant. West Church (Established) — Rev. Burph School—John Graham, teacher. William Findlay. 10 Misses Miller, dressmakers. Bowling Green—Wm. Davie, keeper. John Mackieson, haiidresser. Guildhall—Thomas Robertson, officer. Industrial School— D. Berrie, teacher; Churchyard and Cemetery —George Mrs. Rain, matron. (Cunningham, sexton. 13 Commercial Bank of Scotland— J. & P. ISI'Menemy, pawnbroker. J. M. Morrison, agents. A. Hanratty, broker. James M. Morrison, banker. James Patre, boot and shoemaker. William Lamb, lathsplitter. Nelson Paterson, colour-sergeant, S.M. Duncan Fiulaysou, slater. John PatOD, ham curer. STlRUMi—STRKIlT DIRErTOR Y.

ST. MAEY'S ^VTND. 80 Miss JafTray, dressmaker. 1 Mrs. BrowD, publican. 83 Mrs. Barclay, broker. 2 Peter -M'lntosh, hospital sergeant, Stir- 84 James Barclay, tobacconist. linashire Militia. 86 J. Neil, publican. 3 G. JMillcr. chimney sweeper. 89 Patrick Convcry, broker. 4 E. Gati'iiey, publican. 91 Mrs. Doyle, broker. 7 William Dollin, pawnbroker. 93 Bridget Henry, broker. 10 Alex. Henderson, joiner and under- 94 Robert Louphran, broker. 11 J. Lamb, provisions. [taker. 96-97 J. & D. Younp, bakers and con- 15 Mrs. Dryden, provisions. „ David Younjr, baker. [fectioners. 17 Andrew M'AUister. puolican. 99 J. M'Whinnie, publican. 18 Stephen Hare, barrack sergeant. 101 Francis MGloan. provisions. 19 William Murray, tlesber. 102 Oddfellows' Hall. 21 John Chalmers. Hesher. 23 Peter M Muhon, broker. THE TERRACE. provisions and dairy. 26 Mrs. Train, 1 William II. Forrest, -urpeon. 33 James MMahon, waste dealer. 2 William Wripht. of Broom. „ J. liennet. musketry instructor, S. M. 3 William Johnston, M.D., surgeon. „ Miss Maloney, teacher. 4 Adam White. 31 Miller, provisions. 5 Mrs. Captain Robertson. provisions. 35 Mrs. Dreghorn. St. Ninians Well Green—Duncan 38 Mrs. Ireland, sick nurse. M'Nie, dairyman. 41 E. C. Erskine. toys and gmallwares. „ Georpe Erskine. PITT TERRACE. 43 Thomas M'Nie. baker. 6 Peter Dalgleish, candlcmaker. 44 Thomas Hardie. dairy. 7 Mrs. Roy. 46 John .lohnston, brassloander. 8 Wm. C. Macnie. brick and tile maker. Georpe Liddel. clerk. „ 9 James Hae. M.D.. suri^eon. „ Miss Walker, dressmaker. 10 Misses -M' Ritchie, boarding and educa- 47 Robert Walker, boot and shoe ware- tional establishment for young ladies. 50 Wm. Morton, greengrocer. [house. 11 William Cochrane, draper. 52-53 Mrs. Burden, brewer. 56 John Craiuie. VILLAS. 59 Edward Hoyes, maltster. Corbett, Viewforth. 63 Miss Lucas, Whinwell house. Thomas Robert Sconce, Springbauk, sheriff- C4 Andrew Crawford, Belliield, writer. substitute. ., Captain Herald, do. Captain Willis. Viewtield lodee. 6.% Robert Sawers, do. Lord Walter II. Erskine, Annliebl. „ James Henderson, land satveyor. James Morrison, Wester Livilands, ,, John Lennox, grocer. banker. 66 John Kidston. provisions. Ebenezer Morrison, do., writer. „ William Kidston. William .Mitchell, Woodlands, tanner.

i Depot. 72 Wm. G. Ferguson, procer. Union Hall— P. Drummond. Tract 74 Mrs. Rankin, teacher. Jas. Robertson, Gas Company's collector. iron merchant. „ James C. R. Wood, teacher of music. Ale.\ander M'Nair. 75 Episcopal School. George Hall, corn merchant. [librarian. 76 Mrs. ^I'Culloch, publican. School of Arts Library—Jas. Robertson, 77 David Peter & Co.. cabinetmakers. Caledonian Railway Goods Office —Wm. Marykirk—D. Barnetson. missionary. Gas Company's Oliices. [Greig, agent. SO Mr9. JalTray, smallwares. ; Gas Works—Peter Watson, manager.

t —


Alex. Bean, Gns Company's mechanic. VIEWFIELD STREET. John Johnston, wood mercliant. 1 L. Ilepting, clockmaker. Peter Johnston, wood merchant. „ William Glover, bootmaker. Lamb &- Buchan, lathsplitters. 2 Stewart Clink, smith. Peter Watson, manager. Gas works. „ James Mitchell, coachwright. Goosecroft Chemical Works—Thomas GaflF. 3 John Lickrish, shoemaker. 4 James Chrystal, vanman. UNION STREET. 7 Miss Runciman. 1 Robert Marshall, smith. „ Peter C. Mackie, teacher. WALLACE STREET. 2 John Cameron, horse dealer. 1 Mrs. Taylor, dairy. „ John GilfiUan, carter. 2 John Norwell, contractor. Combination Poor-house—Thos. Alex- „ Mrs. Coutts, lodgings. ander, governor; Mrs. Alexander, „ John Eckford, telegraph clerk. matron. 7 Benjamin Downie. „ Ed. Robinson, sub-inspector, R. C. 11. VrCTOEIA PLACE. „ David Crocket, leather cutter. 1 Miss Fraser. „ John Henderson, photographer. 2 Miss Murray. 8 Geo. Russell, coal agent, and lodgings. 3 Wright Cumming, bootmaker. 9 Aristides Verri. teacher of music. 4 Mrs. Kidston. 10 Mrs. Macdonald. 5 Miss Pringle. „ Thomas Bowie, clerk. „ Mrs. Jlitchell. 11 Mark Lawson, bank accountant. 6 Rev. Thomas Wilson, M.A. „ Stephen Burrows, evangelist. 7 George Shand, manufacturing chemist. 12 Miss Miller. 8 Mrs. Donald Campbell. „ Mrs. Forrester. 9 Alexander Mackie, grain merchant. 13 James Paterson. builder. 10 John Watson, surveyor of Inland 14 Charles Robertson, ropcspinner. 11 Andrew C. Young. [Revenue. „ Mrs. Grant. 11{ William Phillips. „ Richard Fotheringham, clerk. U\ Walter Paton, R.N. „ Mrs. Whyte, lodgings. \\\ Rev. Colin Mackenzie. 15 Misses Kidston. 12 Mrs. Balfour. „ Miss Morrison. 13 Alexander Hogg. „ Andrew Armstrong. Miss Yule, dressmaker. SQUARE. „ VICTORIA 16 Thomas Binning, saddler. 1 Rer. William Taylor, editor, British „ James Richardson, traveller. Messenger. „ Hugh M'Kay, contractor. [taxes. ., Miss Faylor. „ Wm. Balderaton, assistant surveyor of 2 John Robertson, cabinetmaker. 17 Robert Soutar, Inland Revenue auper- '3 James Christie. 19 Robert Borthwick. [visor. „ William Christie, bank accountant. „ John Anderson, lessee of fishings. Murray's Hall Lime Works Office VIEWFIELD PLACE. James Morrison, lessee. 1 Mrs. Archibald. Robert Stephenson, wood merchant. 2 Mrs. Thomson. Thomas Wood, locomotive superinten- 3 Fletcher Read Low, LL.D. dent, F. & C. J. Railway. 4 Miss Hill. Stirling Rowing Club-EwanCameron,8ecy. 5 Miss Chrystal. Custom-house—John Dawson, publican. (J IMisses Thorn. 7 James T. Wingate, writer. YORK PLACE. 8 Mrs. Young. 1 William R.ankin. Provost of Stirling. 9 W. K. Paterson, commission merchant. 2 Thomas White. 10 Thomas Muir. coal agent. 3 Mrs. Grassom. „ Andrew L. Muir. 4 Misses Graham. ;




Malu. Females. Total. In 1851—Eoyal Burgh, 4415 4931 9346

,, Parish, 4679 5302 9981

,, Parliamentary Burgh, ... 5796 6561 12,357 In 1861—Royal Burgh, 4878 5398 10,276

,, Parish, 5757 5966 11,713 „ Parliamentary Burgh, ... 6648 7059 13,707

,, County, ...... 45,097 46,829 91,926

MEMBERS OF PAHLIAMENT. County—Vice- Admiral John Elphinstone Erskine. Constituency, 1970. Stirling District of , including Stirling, Jnverkeitliing, Dunfermline, Queensferr}-, nd Culross—John Ramsay, Constituency, 658.


Loi'd- Lieutenant, Duke of Montrose. Vice- Lieutenant, Lieut. -Colonel John Murray of Touchadam and Polmaise. Clerk, Robert Campbell.


Provost and High 5Acrtjf—William Rankin. Bailies and Sheriffs—JiByiA Yellowlees, Henry Esdon, James Millar, John Christie. Councillors—J. M. Morrison, Wright Cumming, George Cliristie, Alex. Mackie, John Murray, David TumbuU, Robert Gray, James Guthrie, James Hogg, James M'Aljme, James Baxter, Robert S. Shearer, Thomas Turnbull, James Drysdale. Treasurer—James Robb. Dean of Ouild—Thomas Low. Toiifu C/erA—Thomas li. Galbraith. Toxon Clerk-Depute—Robt. M. Walker. CAawtAeWoiH—Jas. Mathie. Auditors of Tourn and Hospital Accounts—George Mouat, William Wilson, William Stevenson, Edward Buchan. Procurator- Fiscal—Henry Buchan. Master of Works— William Smith. Burgh Assessor—Robert Currie. Inspector of Weights aiui Measures—James Grant. Town's Officer —James Dick. One-third of the Council retire every year, and their places are supplied by a new election, which takes place on the first Tuesday of November. Municipal Constituency, 549. The Town Council meets on the thiid Monday of each mouth, unless otherwise arranged, at half-past six o'clock p.m.


Chairman, The Provost, ex-officio. Committee (elected by Council), Bailie Yellow- lees, Bailie Christie, John Murray, George Christie, Thomas Turnbull, James Guthrie (elected by ratepayers) Jolin Macfarlane, Andrew Beath, Robert Haldane, Peter Fer- guson, Patrick G. ilorison, John Craigie. Clerk, Thomas L. Galbraith. Superin- tendent, William Smith. Collector, Ebenezer Gentleman, jun. :



GUILDHALL, HEAD OF ST. JOHN STREET. Dean, Thomas Low. Councillors, Patrick G. Morison, William Wilson, John IfacEwen, jiin., James AVeir, James Christie, Robert Sawers. Auditors, James T. Wingate, George Mouat, William Wilson. Clerk and Treasurer, John D. Mathie. Officer, Thomaa Robertson.


OFFICE, TOWN BDILDINOS, BROAD STREET. Commissioners—1!h^ Magistrates and Town Council. Clerk and Assessor—Thomas L. Galbraitb. Treasurer—5 amea Mathie. Collector of /fa


Captain, Robert Frater. LietUenants, William Simpson, James Guthrie. Treasurer, Archibald Merrilees. Secretary, Jamca Craig. Chaplain,


Captain, John Steel, 18 Friars street. Sergeant, John Paton, 35 Port street. Andrew

Oswald, 8 Spittal street ; William Martin, 8 Orchard place ; William Gentles, 69A Cowane street

Walter Thomson, 100 Baker street ; Michael Warren, 102 Baker street ; Robert ttislop 46 Broad street; Da\id Cliristie, 21 Lower Craigs; Michael Munnoch, 31 Port street; Duncan Finlayson, 16 Spittal street; George Camie, 3 Dumbarton road.


Spittal's Hospital, founded about 1530, by Robert Spittal, tailor to King James IV., for the benefit of decayed members of the seven incorporated trailes of Stirling, viz., hammermen, weavers, shoemakers, tailors, bakers, skinners, and fleshers. —Patrons, the Town CounciL Factor, James Bauchop, shoemaker, 17 Murray place. Cowane's Hospital, founded 1637, by John Cowane, merchant in Stirling, for maintaining a limited number of decayed members of the Guildry. — Patrons, the Town Council and minister of first charge.. Factor, William Christie, watchmaker, 18 Port st, Allan's Hospital, founded in 1724, by John Allan, writer in Stirling, for. the maintenance and education of the indigent male children of tradesmen belonging to the seven incorporated trades of Stirling, and others. — Patrons, the Town Council and minister of second charge. Factor, George Peddie, tinsmith, 8 Baker street. Cunningham's Mortification, founded in 1808, namely, upwards of £5000 be- queathed in trust to the Town Council, for the maintenance, clothing, and education of poor boys of the Guildry and society of mechanics of Stirling, in the same manner as the boys under John Allan's mortification. Factor, James Mathie, banker, 56 King street. Adamson's Bursary—Patrons, Convener Court.


Held first Monday of every month, at 11 a.m. 56 STIRLING—MISCELLANEOUS DUIECTORY.

JUSTICE OP PEACE COUET. OFFICE, 17 KING STREET. Justices of tlu Pearp—E. Sandys Bain, Q.C., J. Harvey BrowTi, H. F. Campbell, John Lowis, Sir Alex. C. R. Gibson Waitland, Bart., Wm. Rankin* Sir H. J. Seton Steuart, Bart, Col. John Murray, John S. Muschet, Robert Sconce, A. G. Speirs, John Murrie, Robert Curror, William Wriplit, Alexancler Wilson, John Wilson, James Johnstone, Alexander Alunnoch, James Morrison. Procurator- Fiscal—Robert Campbell. CTeri—James Kerr. Clerk-Depute (Stir- ling)—JohnM. Cunningham. Clerk- Depute (Falkiik)—Robert Henderson.

SHERIFF COUET. OFFICE, Graham's codht, broao street. Sheriff— Gentle iloir. Sheriff-Substitute (Stirling)— Robert Sconce. Sheriff- Substitute (Falkirk*— Robert Bell. Sheriff Cicrk—Thomas L. Galbraith. Sheriff Clerk-Depute (Stirling) Robert 31. Walker. Sheriff Clerk- Depute (Falkirk)— Patrick Murdoch. Procurator- Fiscal (Stirling)—Robert Campbell. Procuralor-Fiscal(Fa\k\ik}—John Gair. Auditor— John }iac- farlane. Bar O/^cer—Richard Davie. The Sheriff Court sits at Stirling every Tuesday and Friday, and at Falkirk every Mon- day and Wednesday during Session, and on two days during each of the Spring and Autumn vacations. The Snuall Debt Court is held at Stirling every Friday, and Falkirk ever}- Wednes- day, during Session, at 11 a.m.

COMMISSAEY COUET. OFFJCE, 21 BAKER STREET. Commissary, George Moir. Commissary Depute, Robert Sconce. Fiscal, Robert Campbell. Commissanj Clerk, Andrew Ilutton. Commissary Clerk-Depute, John Young.

FACULTY OP WEITERS. Dean —Ebenezer Gentleman. Dean's Council—John Davidson, Andrew Crawford, Duncan Macnab, James Chrj'stal, Robert Macluckie, the Clerk, cr-officio. Fisml— Andrew Crawford. Clerk and Treamrcr—"William Cathcart. Procurators for the Pvor —Robert Alacluckie and William Stevenson.


Of-FICE, COUNTT BUILDINGS, ST. JOHN STREET. Chairman of Committee, John Lowis of . Clerk of Committee, Robert Campbell. Superinletidcnt, Alex. Campbell. Lieutenant, William- Ll'Nab. Clerk, Robt. Ferrier.

COMmSSIONEHS OP SUPPLY. Convener, A. G. Speirs of Culcreuch. Clerk, Robert Campbell.

STIRLING DISTRICT LUNACY BOARD. Chairman^ John Lowis of Plean. Clerk, Robert Campbell.


Cltairman, The Provost of Stirling, ex-officio. For the Burgh of Stirling, Provost, ilagistrates, and Councillors. Slirli-ngshire, Lieut. -Col. John Murray, John Wilson. Perllishire, John Stirling, George H. Dnimmond. Clacktnanjianshirc, Robert Mowbray, Andrew Thomson. Clerk, Thomas L. Galbraith. STIRLING—MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 57

BIVER FORTH DISTEIOT SALMON FISHERY BOARD. Chairman, Provost of Stirling. For Upper Proprietors. J. B. Hamilton, John Dun- das, David Ballingall. For Lower Proprietors, Earl of Kellie, Patricic (}. Jlorison, James Jlorrison. Clerk, Thomas L. Galbraith.

PAEOOHIAL BOARD. COMBINATION POOn-HOUSK, ONION STREET. Chairman, Tliomas Muir. Committee, Jamea Alexander, Edward Bnchan, David Crocket, William Dowdy, sen., James Guthrie, Jamea M'Alpine, James M'Quade, George Peddle, David Reddie, John Nicol, George Owen, sen. Governor, Thomas Alexander. Matron, Mrs. Alex- ander. Chaplain and Schoolmaster, John M'Kenzie, M.A. Surgeon, Andrew Beath. In- spector and Collector, Open to visitors on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10 tilll2 a.m.


ST. JOHN STREET. Chairman of the Board, Henry F. Campbell of Boauhan. Clerk, Robert Campbell. Governor, John Robertson. Chaplain, Rev. Jamea Markland. Surgeon, \V. H. Forrest. Matron, Jane Caddis. Assistant Matron, Airs. M'Culloch. Chief Warder, Fergus Cowan.


Collector, John Watson. Clerk, John Bruce. Supervisor, Robert Soutar. Officers, Robert Crawford, John A. filurray, STAMP AND TAI OFFICE, 10 PORT STREET. John Davidson, Collector of Taxes and Distributor of Stamps for the Counties of Stirling, Linlithgow, and Claclcmannan. Clerks, Robert Reid, Thomas Bowie. PROPERTY AND INCOME TAX, ASSESSED TAXES, LANDS VALUATION, AND COONTT REGISTRATION OFFICE, 12 .MURRAY PLACE. Clerk (to Property and Income Tax Commissioners), James T. Wingate. Inspector, David R. Vass. Surveyor, William Vost. Assistant Surveyor, William H. Balderaton. Clerk, Ralph Brown. Clerk (to Assessed Tax Commissioners), James Chrj'stal, 37 King st. Assessor nf Property and Income Taxes (for Stirling district of the County), Ebenezer Morrison, 17 King Street.


OFFICE AND WORKS, THISTLE STREr.T. Chairman, William Graham, banker. Secretary, John Davidson, ^vriter. Treasurer, William Paton, bank accountant. Auditors, James T. Wingate, Jamea S. Fleming. Manager, Peter Watson. Clerk, John Keir. Collector, James Robertson.


Stirlingshire Building and Invest.ment Society. —Secretary, D. W. Logie. Meets

every alternate Monday evening, from 7 till 9 o'clock ; Town-house, Broad street. Midland Counties of Scotland Investment Society. —Secretary, John Graham.

Meets every alternate Monday evening, from 7 till 8 o'clock ; Wolf Craig, 184 Dumbarton road. 58 STIIILIXG—MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.

RAILWAYS. PASSENGER STATION AND BOOKING OFFICES, MURUAY PLACE. CALEDONIAN. Superintendent, Jolui Irons. Tic1:et Clerk and Cashier, Edward Jnrdine. Parcel Clerh, Duncan Kemp. Jte/resliment Rooms, Duncan M'Ara. GOODS STATION AND OFFICES, THISTLE STREET. Oo<>ds Manager, William Greig. Cashier, Wm. Fitzpatrick. Bookkeeper, John Inglis. Clerks, William C. Dall (delivery), John Grant (forwarding). Weigher, John Grant. Carriers, Wordie i Co. —David Adams, agent. Superintendent of Locomotives, James Miller. Inspector of Permanent Way, Benjamin Sampson. FORTH AND CLYDE JUNCTION. OFFICES, 1 FO&TH PLACE. Manager and Secretary, Robert Young. Accountant and Cashier, Thomas Ronald. Aitdit Clerk, Hugh Crawford. Superintendent of Locomotives, Thomas Wood. Inspector, John Dewar. Waggon Insj)ector, James Jenkins. NORTH BRITISH (STIRLING AND DUNFERMLINE). OOODS STATION AND OFFICES, SHORE ROAD. Ooods Manager, John Carnegie. Clerks, A. Wynd, J. Lorimer. Weigher, Alexander Bali Carriers, M'Fadyen k. Co. —Thomas Thomson, agent. Superintendent of Locomotives, William Holmes. Inspector, John Fitzpatrick. Cleabing-House.—Sub- Inspector, Edward Robinson. Clerk in charge, Ewan Cameron.

TELEGRAPH OFFIOES. Electric and International Telegraph Company, Railway station — John Eckfonl, clerk, Wilhaui Jones, iiiechaoic in charge of line and instruments, 118 Baker street. United liingdom Electric Telegraph Company (Limited), 39 King street—J. F. Crawford, agent.


Stirling Observer, published every Tliursday morning ; office, 22 Murray place.

Stirling Jounud ami Advertiser, published every Friday morning ; ollice, 40 King street.

2'Ac Reporter, published every Saturday morning ; office, 40 King street.


The hours of attendance at the Banks are from 10 till 3 o'clock. On Saturdays, from 10 till 12. Bank of Scotland, 73 King street—Robert Curror, agent; Mark Lawson, accountant. City of Glasgow Bank. 36 liing street—Chrystal & Macfarlane, agents; Wm. Wilson, accountant. Clydesdale Bank, 9 King street—James Drysdale, agent: Alexander Monteath, accountant. Commercial Bank of Scotland, 13 Spittal street—J. k- J. M. Morrison, agents; William Christie, accountant. National Bank of Scotland, 48 Murray place—.Tohn Murrie, agent: Daniel Ferguson, accountant. Royal Bank of Scotland, 30 King street—William Graham, agent; William Paton, accountant Union Bank of Scotland, 56 King street—J. k J. ftlathie, agents; Robert Jeukius, accountant


National Security Savings' Bank, 13 Spittal street—J. M. Morrison, actuarj- ; Peter M'Int)Te, clerk. Hours: Wednesdays, betT\'ecn i) and 10 a.m., Saturdays, between 6 and 8 p.m., for

receiving Deposits. Thursdays, between 9 and 11 a.m ; Fridays, between 10 and 12 a.m.; Saturday evenings, from 8 to 8.30, for sums not exceeding £5, for re-paying Deposits. Penny Bank, Reformed Presbyterian Churdj Session-house, Upper Craigs—Daniel Ferguson ai, 1 John Macfarlane, actuaries. Hours: Wednesday evenings, from 6.45 till 7.45 p.m. Post Office Savings' Bank, 10 Murray place—William C. Stevenson. Hours: Monday, Tues-

day, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; Saturday, tiU 8 p.m. STIRLING—MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTOR Y 59

POST OFFICE. 10 ITOBBAT PLACE. Postmaster—William C. Stevenson.



Lines of Road and Chief Placea of Destination. Without Ex- Additional For a With addi- tra Charge Id, Stamp Fee of 4d. tional Fee of until until until 4d. until

Edinburgh, Glasgow, Bridge of Allan, Crieff, Perth,) and North of Scotland, - 7.30 a.m. 7 a.m. 7.30 a.m. AUoa, iCincoidine, Dunfermline, &.c. (Sunday ex.),) Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falliirlc, Denny, Ireland, Acl I 11.25 „ 10.65 „ 11.25 „ (pinday exclusive), - - - -f Perth and Dundee, .... 2.6 p.m. 1.35 p.m. 2.5 p.m. Edinburgh, Glasgow, England, Ireland, South oft Scotland, and all Places abroad, the only Mail> 4.20 „ 4.45 p.m. 3.50 „ 4.20 „ going South on Sunday, - - -) Bridge 1 if Allan and Cneif, - - - . 6.10 „ 440 „ 5.10 „ Alloa, Kincardine, Dunfermline, dc. ^unday ex.), 6.16 „ 4.45 „ 5.15 „ Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, Denny, England, Ire-) 7.46 „ 8.10 „ -.15 „ 7.45 „ land, and all Places abroad (Sunday exclusive), f Bridge of Allan, Dunblane, Crieff, Perth, and Northi 9.30 „ 9 of Scotland (Sunday excluaire), - -J Alloa, Dunfermline (on Sunday at 10 p.m.), n 9

On Week Days On Sundays LOCAL P0ST3. Letters, ic, can bo Letters, tie, can PoBt«d until be Posted until

Bannockbum and St. Ninians, .... 5.30 a.m. and 9 a.m. 5.30 a m. Dollar, Tillicoultry, Alva, Menstrie, BUirlogie, Cansawayhead, 8.20 „ and 11 p.m. 5.25 p.m. Carobus and Tullibody, -----. 10.20 „ and 11 „ 10 Callander and Doune, ...... 10.20 „ and 11 „ 5.25 .. Callander, Bum of CambuB, Doune, Deanston, Blair-Dmni-^ mond, ThomhUl, Kippen, Port of Monteith, Aberfoyle, > 11 p.m. 6.25 „ and , ...... ) Gargunnock, Dunmok^, Summerlane, and Craigmill, 8.20 a.m.


Delivery by Deliverv to Town Letters can be Lines of Road and Chief Placea from which Mails are Letter-Carrier Callen' be- Posted at the Chief Received. begins at gins at Office until

England, Ireland, Edinburgh, Glasgow, North,) South, Alloa, Kincardine, Duune, Callander, > 6.45 a. m. 6.45a.uL 5.30a.m., 1st Deliveir. TillicoiUtry, DoUar, &c, - - -) England, Ireland, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Alloa, Dun-i B 9 8.20 a.m., 2d Delivery. femiline, Tillicoultrv, Dollar, Perth, 4c., -J Edinburgh, GLisgow, terth, Crieff, Dunblane, Bridge of Allan, Alloa, Dunfermline, Callander, 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 5.30 p.m., 3d Delivery. Doune, and the North, - . - - Edinburgh and Glasgow, .... 2.45 ..

Letters are collected from the Pillar Letter Boxes at Park terrace, Broad street, Queen street, Albert place, and Railway station wall box, on Week-days, at the follow-

ing hours: —10.50 a.m., 4 p.m., 7.15 p.m. ; and on Sundays, at 4 p.m. On Sunday there is no delivery by Letter-Carrier. The Letters are delivered from the Office Window from 7.30 a.m. till 10 a,m. Money Order Office and Savings' Bank open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,'

Thursday, and Friday, from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; and on Saturday, from 9 a.m. till 8 p.m. — — — —



Fovt Major, ftlajor William Pcddie. Barrack Master, Caplain William E. Webster. Barrack Sergeant, Stephen Hare. Chaplain. Rev, William Fiiidlay. Scripture Reader, William Lindsay. Master (jrtinner, Thomas Williams. Storekeeper, Hugh Wood.



Honorary Colonel, Duke of Slontrose. Lieut.-Colond Commandant, Sir Alex. C. Ramsay Gibson Maitland, Bart. Majors, John Findlay, Joseph Dundas. Captains, Charles Brodio Macalister, Edwin Giogan, Edgeworth Horrocks, Lord Walter II. Erskiue, Sir Charles Elphin- stono Fleming Stirling, Dart., Alexander Dimcan. Lieutenants, Thomas Macdonald Parry, John Henry Gordon, Herbert Rowan Alexander. Captain and Adjutant, John Craigie Halket. (Quarter- Master, Captain James Hollis. Surgeon, Charles Gibson, M.D. Assis- tant Surgeon, D. P. Stewart. Sergeant-Major, Norman Masson. Quarter- Master Sergeant, Joseph Cook. Sergeant Instructor of Musketry, John Bennet. Paymaster-Sergeant, Alex- ander Allan. Orderly Room Clerk, William M'Lea. Hospital Sergeant, Peter M'Intosh. Bugle-Major, Andrew Bowie. Pipe-Major, John M'Donald. Colour-Sergeants, John Frame, Nelson Patterson, Archibald White, Michael Shanalmn, Tliomas Hunter, Charles Nicholson. Sergeants, Robert Robertson, John Walker, David M'Farlane, Alexander Davidson, Jolui Robertson, Edward M 'Sully.


Ordeiily Room, 68 Kino Street, open from 9.30 a.m. till 12 noon, ami from 2 till 3 p.m. Colonel, Joseph Dundas. Majors, Alexander Wilson (Senior), Lord Walter H. Erskine (Junior). Adjutant, Captain Young. Surgeon, William Johnston, M.D. Sergeant- Major, William M'Kenzie. 1st Company Captain, J.ames M. Morrison; Lieutenant, T. L. Galbraitli; i^;i.v/^«, .John MacEwen. 2n(i Company Captain, Francis Mackison; Lieutenant, William Mackison; Ensign, John Hariiie. 9th Company (Uannockburn) Captain, E. L. Wilson; LieiUenant, George Watson; Ensign, Alexander Dncliart. 11th Company Captain, Robert Gray; Lieutenant, Thomas TurnbuU; Ensign, J. II. Sinclair.


Captain, John Murrie. Ist Lieutenant, Alexander Maekie. 2nd Lieutenant, James Hogg. Master Gunner, Thomas AVilliams.

SYNOD OP PEETH AND STIELING. Established Cnuricn— Meets alternately at Stirling and Perth on the third Tuesday of April and October. Free Church— Meets alternately at Stirling and Perth on the third Wednesday of April and October.


Established—Meets on the la.st Tuesday of every month, except in summer, when it meets as business may require. Free Church—Meets when business requires. United Presbyterian—Meets on Hrst Tuesday of Fehniary, April, June, last Tut'sday of July, first Tuesday of October and December. —


OHTJBCHES. Allan Park Clmrch (United Presbyterian)—Rev. John T. Gowanlock, 15 Mehille place. Richard Davie, ollicer, 13 St. John street. Baptist Chapel, Murray place— Rev. James Culross, D.D., 6 Park place. Congregational Chapel, .Murray place— Rev. James Ross, Dalgleish house, 108 Baker street. Joiin .M'Lachlan, officer, 4 Upper Bridge street. East Church (Established)—Rev. George Alexander, the Manse, 4 Park terrace. Thomas Robertson, officer, Guildhall. Episcopal Chapel, Bamton place — Rev. Tliomas Wilson, M.A., 6 Victoria place. John Lickrish, officer, 3 Viewfield street. Erskine Church (United Prcsijyterian), St. John street—Rev. Jolm Steedman, 7 Abercromby place. William Henderson, officer, 20 Broad street. Established Church, St. Ninians— Rev. Robert Paisley. Free Church, St. Ninians—Rev. Robert M'Corkle, JI..\. Free Church Mission, Cowane street. Free North Church, Murray place—Rev. Alexander Beith, D.D., F. C. Manse, 21 ^Vllan park; assistant. Rev. Thomas Crerar. John Scott, officer, 4 Upper Bridze street. Free South Church, Spittal Square—Vacant. John Mitchell, officer. i>\ Port street. Marykirk, St. Mary's wynd— ilr. David Bametson, Queen street. John Ireland, officer, 38 St. Mary's wynd. North Church (Established), Murray place—Rev. Robert Thom.son, 7 Princes street. Jolm Halket, officer, 30 Mun-ay place. Reformeil Presbyterian Church, Craigs—Rev. William Binnie, D.D., 25 Albert place. Roman Catholic Chapel, Irvine place—Rev. Paul M'Lachlan, 9 In'iue place. United Preshvterian Church, St. Ninians —Rev. Robert Frew, D.D. Viewfield Church (United Presbyterian), Irvine place —Rev. James Gilfillan, D.D., 10 Irvine place. George Sym, officer. Old Bridge. Wesleyan Chapel, Queen street—Rev. Major F. Peet, 36 Queen street. West Church (Established)—Rev. William Findlay, 11 Clarendon place. Alex. Ralston, officer, 46 Broad street.

SCHOOLS. High School Rector—Andrew F. Hutcheson, A.M. Masters:— Cla.isics—Andrew F. Ilut-

cheson ; Alexander Walker, assistant. Enijlish Language and Literature—William

Youne ; William Brakenridge, a.ssistant. Malhemalics and Writing—Dvmcan Mac-

dougall ; William K. Bannatyne, assistant. Modern Lanyuages and Jftisic— Frederick Boos. Drawing—Leonard Baker. Gymnastics—W. M. Grant. Janitor— W. M. Grant.

Burgh School, Spittal Street—.John Graham, master ; David Hutcheson. assistant. Cambuskenneth Abbey School—Alexander Walker, master. Cowane Street School—.James Hardie, master. Episcopal School, St. Mary's Wynd— Mrs. Rankip, mistress. Free Cliurch School, Mission Hall, Cowane Street—Alexander Jeffrey, master. Infant School, Murray Place— Mary Gordon, mistress.

Ragged Industrial School, Spittal Street—David Berrie, master ; Mrs. Puiin, matron. Roman Catholic School, Irvme Place—Rosina Maloney, mistress. Trades* Hall School, Spittal Square—Peter C. Mackie, master. LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOLS. Burton, Mrs. and Misses, 13 Allan Park. Esam & Williams, Slisses, 9 Melville Place. Leask, Mrs., 18 Friars street. Masson, Misses, 1 Allan Park. M'Ritchie, Misses, 10 Pitt Terrace. Paton, Misses (sewing), 15 King Street. Sampson, Misses, Rose Cottage, Shore Road.



This Association lias for its object the diffusion of scientiHc, literary, and liistorical information amongst iLs members, by means of Lectures, delivered during the winter months. In addition, there is a larfje and well-selected Library, accessible to the members. Tlie Session commences in October and ends in March. Usual place of meeting, Union Hall.

Joint Patrons—^11 William Stirling Maxwell, Bart, of PoUok, M.P. ; John Murrie, banker, ex-Provost of Stirluig. President— Provost Rankin. Vice-Presidents—Wm. Harvey, John Murray, Rev. Thomas Wilson. Treasurer—William Christie. Secretaries—D. W. Logic, James L. Philp. i)tVe(;tors—Robert Macluckie, Andrew F. Hutcheson, W. C. Macnie, John Graliam, William Baird, James Drj'sdale, Robert Jenkins, Daniel Ferguson, W. C. Dall, James Baxter, Alexander Crowe. A uditors—SamMel Miller, J. S. Fleming.


The object of this Association is the improvement of the spiritual, mental, and social condi- tion of its members. Its meetings are held in the High School, every Sabbath morning, for

devotional exercises and reading of the Scriptures, with general remarks thereon ; also, on the Thursday evening of each alternate week, for the reading of essays or reviews, on which remarks are made. There is an excellent Library of about 750 volumes in connection with the Association. Honorary President—Henry Druramond. Acting President—Daniel Feiguson. Vice^ President—John Yellowlees. Treasurer—William Don, Secretary—John Macfarlane. Cor- respondinij Secretary—George Kinross. Directors—William C. Dall, Robert M'Ewen, Henry M'Conachie, John Russell, Charles Thomson.


Committee of Management—Rev. Alex. Beith, D.D., Rev. James Ross, Andrew Death. Treasurer, Elienezer Morrison. Secretary, William Young. Librarian, Andrew Jack. Persons occasionally resident in Stirling are admitted to the privileges of the Library on payment of 2/ monthly. Access, for reference, to the books in the Library is allowed betwixt twelve and two o'clock, when the Library is open, on payment of One Penny for each volume required, or Sixpence per visit.


Commillee, James I^Iathie, John Harvey, A. L. Moodie, Capt. Jaa. Young. Prcsuhnt, Col. M'J^cod. Secretary and Treasurer, Ebenezer Morrison. Strangers allowed to fre- quent the Room for any period less than a month without charge.


Founded in 1855, by John llacfarlane of Coneyhill. Trxistees, The Provost and Magistrates of Stirling, cx-officiis; John ilacfarlane, William Rankin, William H. Forrest, John Murrie, J. R. M'Vicar, Jolin Davidson, John Murray. The Rooms are open for reading daily, free of charge.


Treasurer, Wm. Harvey. Secretary, Rev. J. T. Qowaniock. Depositary, R. S. Sliearcr. STIRLING—MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 63


President, John Lowis of Plean. Vice-President, John Wilson of Hillpark. Secretaries, Kev. IJobert Frew, D.D., John Han'ey. Treasurer, James M. Morrison.

SICK AND FUNEEAL SOCIETIES. STIRLINGSeiUE FRIENDLY ASSURANCE SOCIETY. For insuring to the representatives of deceased members sums not exceeding in any one case £50 sterling. President, Thomas Galbraith. Secretary, Thomas Kyle, 36 Cowane street. Collector, James LI'Pherson, 20 Broad street. STIRLING TOTAL ABSTINENCE YEARLY SOCIETY. President, Joscjih Robertson, 39 Cowane street. Vice-President, Alexander Lindsay, Lower Graigs. Secretary, John M'Intosh, Burghmuir. Fortnightly payments, every alternate Monday evening, from 8 till 9 o'clock ; ^Vllan's Schoolroom, 10 Spittal street.


President, Thomas Kyle, 36 Cowane street. Vice-President, William Downie, 21 Spittal street. Secretary, Leslie Neilson, 19 Spittal street. Payments, every ilonday evening, from 8 till half-past 9 o'clock ; Trades' HaU.

STIRLING FRIENDLY PERMANENT SOCIETY. President, James M'Kinstray, Newhouse. Secretary, William Bums, 94 Baker street. Treasurer, James Alison, 2 Broad street. PaNTnents, every Saturday evening, from 7 till half-past 8 o'clock ; Trades' Hall. STIRLING PHILANTHROPIC YEARLY SOCIETY.

President, George Youl, 52 Baker street. Vice-President, Alexander Comrie, 17 Friars street. Secretary, Leslie Neilson, 19 Spittal street. Pajinents, every Saturday evening, from half-past 7 till half-past 9 o'clock ; Oddfellows' Hall.


President, Thoma."! Leslie, 34 Cowane street. Vice-President, Thomas Black, 52 Cowane street. Secretary, Maurice M'Intyre, 81 Baker street. Payments, every Satur- day evening, between 8 and 9 o'clock ; Trades' Hall. STIRLING WORKING MEN'S YEARLY SOCIETY. President, Alexander Miller, 10 Maxwell place. Vice-President, James Dick, Castle wynd. Secretary, William Henderson, 20 Broad street. Payments, every Saturday evening, between 7 and 9 o'clock ; Allan's Schoolroom, 10 Spittal street.

ST. NINIANS FRIENDLY YEARLY SOCIETY. President, Andrew Thomson. Vice-Prevdent, James Walker. Secretary, Duncan

Christie. Pajrments, everj' Saturday evening, between 6 and half-past 7 o'clock ; Tem- perance Hall. CAMDUSBARRON ANNUAL BENEFIT AND FUNERAL SOCIETY. President, John Donaldson. Vice-President, William Taylor. Secretary, Charles Donaldson. Treasurer, John Donaldson. Payments, everj' fortnight, on Saturday

evening, between 6 and 7 o'clock ; Schoolroom. ROCK OF HOPE LODGE OF ODDFELLOWS Meets every alternate Monday, at 8 p.m., in the Oddfellows' Hall, St. Mary's wynd. —— —;



Ar;(U9 Life Insurance Company—J. h J. North British and Mercantile Fire and Matliie &. Mauluckie, Wolf Craig, 131 Dumbarton Life Insurance Company— Uavid Tunibull, 22 roaiJ, o^eiits. King street; Urodie k, Co., 1 Orchard place; Atlas Firt- and Life Insurance Company Ilobert Campbell, 3!) Port street; Kobert Curror, 73 King Et ; st., agents. J. ^ J. Mathie ii Macluckja, Wolf Cruig, Ij] Wm. Graliam, 30 King Duinbartou road, agents. Northern Assurance Company (Fire) — Hill Briton Medical and General Life Associa- & Catlicart, Wolf Craig, 14 Dumbarton road; (Fire and Life) Alexander Monteath, 9 King tion — Ii:. (Si E. Gentleman, 17 Daker street; John street, agents. C. M'Liiitofik, 40 Murray plaM; Andrew Craw- ford, 106 Uaker street, agents. Queen Insurance Company (Fire and Life) Caledonian Tire and Life Insurance Com- — Morrison h Cunningham, 17 King st , agents. pany—James M. Slorrison, 13 Spiital st., a^jeut. Royal Exchange Insurance Company (Fire City of Glasgow Life Assurance Company and Life; —T. L. Galbraitli, 47 Broad st , agent. — Wijliam Paton, 30 King stitee, agent. Royal Farmer's Insurance Company—R. Commercial Union Assurance Compnny Jenkins, 56 King street, agent (Fire, Life, and Marine) —James Brown, Wolf Royal P'ire and Life Insurance Company Crait;, 1:JJ Dumbarton road; W. K. Paterson, J. ft J. Mathie ft Maciuckie. Wolf Ciaig, 13| °.*3 Maxwell place, agents. Dumbarton road ; .lobn Muirhead, King st County Fire (JHice— W. K. Paterson, Mai- James Dry.'idale. 9 King street, agents. well place, agent. Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Company Edinburgh Life Assurance Company —W. K. Paterson, Maxwell place, agent



Alloa—Thursdays before the third Sabbath of June and first Sabbath of December. Bridge of Allan —Thursdays before the second Sabbaths of June and December. Denny—Wednesdays before the lirst Sabbaths of May and November. Dolliir— First Thursdays of May and November. Dunblane—Thursdays before the third Sabbaths of July and February. Edinburgh—Thursdays before the last Sabbaths of April and October. Falkirk— Fridays before the first Sabbath of May and after the first Thursday of November. Glasfjow —-Thursdays before the second Tuesday of April and last Tuesday of October. Kincardine—Wednesdays before the fii-st Sabbaths of February and Atigust. Linlithgow—Thursdays before the third Sabbath of July and first Sabbath of February. St. Ninians—Thursday before the third Sabbath of June. Winter Fast not fixed. Stirling—Thursdays before ihe third Sabbath of June and first Sabbath of December. "Tillicoultrj'—Thursdays before the first Sabbaths of May and November. -


STIRLING AGEIOULTURAL BOOIETY. Patron, The Duke of Montrose. Presidfnt, Sir Alexander C. R. Gibson Maitland, Bart, of Barnlon and Saiichie. Vice-Prejtid

OAREIERS. All parts of Great Britain—^Wordie & Co., and SI'Fadyen k Co., by rail; daily. Alloa—Alexander Gall, from. Port street; Friday. Alva—Robert Ilutton, from the Com Exchange: Tuesday and Friday.

Bannockbum—Andrew (lunnoch, from 5 Baker street ; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Blackford—Malcolm Ritchie, from the Cro^vn inn; Friday. —Nancv M'Luckie, from 15 Baker street; Friday.

Doune—William Wright, from Com Exchange ; Tuesday and Friday. Dunblane—James M'Calluni, from 4 Baker street; Friday. Kippen—John Hay, from 30 King street; Friday.

Menstrie—James Norman, from Com Exchange ; Friday.

Port of Monteith—Jos. Myles, from 116 Baker st. ; and Jas. Anderson, from Com Exchange; Friday.

CONVEYANCE BY WATER. To Granton Pier—The Stirling, Alloa, and Kincardine Steamboat Company's steamers, the "Victoria" (David Galloway, master), and "Prince of Wales" (Peter Fotheringham, master), daily, during about eight months of the open season, calling at Alloa, Dunmore, Kincardine, Bo'ness, Crombiepoint, Limekilns, and North Queensferry. Clutirman of Committee of Management, Henry Esdon, Stirling. Clerk, T. L. Galbraitn, do. Manager, John Fotheringham, Alloa. yl()'e?j< a< Z/eiYA, John Ferguson. To Lcith, Newcastle, and London—Traders, occasionally, from the Shore. J. G. Aitken, agent.


To B.innockbum, on Fridays, at 9 a.ra., 2.30, and 5.30 p.m.; retuming at 9.30 a.m., 3, and

6.30 p.ni. On Saturdays, at 2.30. 5.30, and 8.30 p.m. ; returning at 3, 6.30, and 9 p.m. To Bridge of Allan, from Grant's hotel, daily, at 11 a.m., 12 noon, 1, 2, 3.30, and 4 p m. ; retum- ing at 11 a.m., 12 noon, 1, 2, 3, and 5 p.m. ; and on Fridays, an extra run at 9.15 a.m. FAIRS AND MARKETS IN STIRLING AND NEIGHBOURHOOD.

When tltc day fixed falls on a Saturday, SrKDAY, or Monday, the fair is xmuilly deferred till the following Tuesday. Alloa—Febmary, second Wednesday. May, second Wednesday, cattle. August, second Wed- nesday, hiring. October, second Saturday, hiring. November, second Wednesdoy, cattle. Auchterarder—Febmary, first Tuesday, cattle. March, last Tuesday, cattle. May, Thurs- day after first Wednesday, cattle. October, Friday before Falkirk, cattle, horses, sheep. December 6th, cattle. Balgair—March, last Tuesday, sheep. May 16th, cattle and hiring. June, Friday before 26th, horses, cattle, sheep. Bannockbum—June, third Tuesday, cattle and horses. October, first 'l\iesday, cattle and horses. Bridge of Allan—April, third Wednesday, cattle. October, third Wednesday, cattle and horses. Crieff—Januarj-, first Tuesday, cattle. Febraarj-, first IMesday, cattle and horses. March, first Tuesday, horses, cattle, hiring, and general business. April, first Tuesday, cattle and hiring. May, first Tuesday, general business. June, first Tuesday, cattle and hiring. July, first Tuesday, cuttle and hiring. August, first Tuesday, wool and general business. September, first Tuesday, cattle. October, first Tuesday, horses, cattle, and hiring. November, first Tuesday, general business. December, first Tuesday, cattle and hiring. ;


Doune— February, second Wednesday. May, second Wednesday. July, last Wednesday, hiring and cattle. November, first Wednesday, cattle and horses ; Tuesday preceding for

sheep ; fourth Wednesday, sheep and cattle. December, last Wedjiesday. Dunblane—March, first Wednesday (old style). May, Tuesday after 26th. Augiist 10th (old style). November, first Tuesday (old style).

Dunfermline—The third Tuesday of every month, for cattle and horses ; the September market being also for hiring. Edinburgh—November, second Monday, sheep; two following days, cattle and horses (Hallow Fair). Second Wednesday after Hallow Fair ("Big Wednesday"), cattle, horses, &c. Falkirk—January, last Thursday, cattle and horses. March, first Thursday, cattle and horses

Tryst, last Frid.iy. April, first Thursday, hiring ; Thursday before third Friday, cattle

Tryst, last Friday. May, third Thursday, cattle and horses ; Tryst, last Friday. June,

Tryst, last Friday. July, second Thursday, cattle and horses ; Tryst, last Friday. August, second Tuesday and day after (Tryst), lambs, cattle, and horses. September, Monday

before second Tuesday, sheep ; second Tuesday and day after (Tryst), cattle and horses. October, Monday before second Tuesday, sheep; second Tuesday and day after (Tr>st),

cattle and horses ; last Thursday, hiring. November, Friday before Edinburgh Hallow Fair, Tryst.

Glasgow—January, every Wednesday except first and third, horses ; every Thursday, cattle. February, every Wednesday except third, horses. March, every Wednesday except third.

April, first and second Wednesdays, horses ; (Skeir Thuradar), last Monday. May, Mon- day after 25th. July, second Wednesday. November, Wednesday after Martinmas; Wednesday after 23rd, horses. Greenloaning— February, first Tuesday, cattle. April, second Tuesday, cattle. July, la.st Tuesday, cattle, sheep, lambs, wool. September, Tuesday before first Friday, butter and cheese. October, first Tuesday, cattle, butter, cheese. Inverkei thing—March, first Wednesday. May, third Thursday. June, third Thursday. August, first Friday. October, third Wednesday. Kincardine—July, last Friday (old style). October, Monday before Falkirk (Laurence Fair). Kinross—March, fourth Monday, cattle, horses, sheep. June, second Monday, cattle, horses, sheep. July, fourth Monday, cattle, horses, sneep. October, fourth Monday, cattle,

horses, sheep ; first Thursday after second Tuesday, hiring. Kippen—January, first Wednesday, cattle. April, second Wednesday, cattle. May 26th, cattle. October 23rd, cattle. December, first, second, and third Wednesdays, cattle. Kirkcaldy—April, third Friday (Links). October, third Friday. Kirkintilloch—October 20th. Linlithgow—Januarjr, Friday after second Tuesday. February, last Friday, cattle and horses. April, third Friday. June, second Friday, cattle and horses. August, first Tuesday. November, first Friday. Perth—March, first Friday, cattle and horses. April, first Friday, cattle and horses. July,

first Friday, cattle and horses ; Tuesday after second Thursday, sheen and wool. Sep- tember, first Friday, horses, cattle, sheep, &c. October, third Friday, cattle, sheep, cheese. November, Friday after Martinmas (old style), hiring. December, second Friday, cattle and horses. St Ninians—September, last Saturday, cattle. Stirling—February, first Friday, horses and cattle. March, first Friday, cattle. April, first Friday, horses and cattle. May, first Friday, cattle; last Friday, cattle, horses, &c. October, third Friday, hiring.

WEEKLY MAEKETS FOE COHN, &c., IN STIRLING AND NEIGHBOUEHOOD. Alloa—Wednesday and Saturday. Glasgow—^Wednesday. Auchterarder—Saturday. Greenloauii^—Tuesday. Callander—Thursday. Inverkeithing—Monday. Crieff—Tuesday. Kinross—Monday. "Dunblane—Thursday. Kirkcaldy—Saturday. Dunfermline—Tuesday. Linlithgow—Friday. Edinburgh—Wednesday. Perth—Friday. Falkirk—Thursday. Stirling—Friday. ST. NINIANS DIRECTORY.


BAKEBS. Campbell, Robert, Murray's Hall. Campbell, William, Auchenbowie. Aitken, William. Carmichael, Michael, Raploch and West- Dow, John. haugh. I Fiulayson, Andrew. Christie, Alex., Bankend and Birkhill. , Kirk k Son, James. Christie, Alexander, Bolfomought. Braehead and Millhall. BLAGESMITHS. Christie, AJex., Christie, James, Greenyarda. Kerr, Hugh, edge tool maker. Christie, James, Newmills. Walls, Thomas. Christie, James, Cultenhove. Christie, John, Forthbank. BOOT AND SHOEMAEEBS. Christie, Robert, Redhall. Christie, William, Orchard. Forsyth, James. Clark, John, Northfield. Hay, George. Cowan, William, Craignuarter. M'Gregor, Donald. Cowbrough, Henry, Dykes and Risk. Wright, James. Cowbrough, William, Crook and Shotts. FABMEB3. Cowie, Thomas, Bandeath. Craig, Thomas, Milton Mills. Abercromby, David, Bandeath. Crawford, John, Springkerse. Adam, Alexander, Townhead. Crawford, William, Glenside. Adam, George, Graigannet. Crawford, William, Glenhead. Adam, J. & W., Buckieburn. Cullen, Janet, Newmills. Adam, James, Muirpark. Dewar, David, Shaw of Touch. Alexander, Ebenezer, Taylorton. Dawson, James, Greenyards. Allan John, West Carse. Dewar, Peter, King's park and Broomie- Anderson, Thomas, Dambog. knowes. Archibald, Robert, Parkhead. Dobbie, Alexander, Craigannet. Baird, Robert, Sappiesides. Dobbie, James, Cringate. Ballantyne, John, Powbridge. Dobbie, W. k P., Touchmollar. Balloch, James, Canglour. Doig, Charles, Gartclush. Bennet, Hugh, Whitehouse. Downie, Robert, Hillhead. Bennic, William, Kirk-o'-Muir. Drummond, William, Gateside, Pirnhall. Blair, John, Tor^'oodhead. Drysdale, James, Glenside. Bowie, William, Shiphaugh. Drysdale, Robert, Oldmills of Craigforth. Brisbane, John, Milnepark. Drysdale, William, Craigengelt. Brown, James, Sauchie. Duncan, James, Bandeath. Brown, John. Cockspow. Edmond, C. W., Westerton of Cowie. Bruce, Archibald, Powmill. Finlayson, James, Lochend. Bruce, John, Powdrake. Galloway, John, Kingsburgh. Buchanan, Alexander, Whitehouse and Galloway, James, Clayslaps. South Kersebonny. Galloway, William, \Vallstale. Buchanan, Duncan, Bogend. Galloway, John, Greenhill. Buchanan, John, Sheilbrae. Gelletley, John, Northird. Buchanan, Robert, St. Thomas Well. Gillespie, John, Balnuiderock. Buchanan, William, OoxithUl. Gillespie, Thomas, Iiersie. Calder, Mrs., Milton Mill. Gilchrist, E. & W., Powdrake. - Campbell, D., Bannockburn. Gilchrist, James, Todholes, Torwood. 68 ST. mNIAyS DIRECTORY.

Goodwin, Alexander, Canglour. Neilson, Michael, Gallowniuir, Goodwin, Alexander, Stoneinch. Nimmo, Matthew, Foot-o'-Green. Gray, Janiea, West Plean, Norris, Peter, Tod holes. Grant, John, Muir, Bannockburn. Paterson, J. T., Plean. Headrick, William. Eastertown. Paterson, J. & W., Mnirmill. , Henderson, John, . Paterson, William, Throsk. Henderson, William, Throsk. Paul, James, NorthdoU. Hendrie, James, Sauchinford. Rae, Robert, Hall Quarter, Canglour. HUl, William, Hillhead. Ritchie, William, Pleanmill. Hodge, Andrew, Chartcrshall. Robertson, John, Kaimes and Kildean, Hope, John, Carbrook. Craigforth. Ingleton, William, Oraigend. Robertson, J. & O., Hilton of Cowie. Inglis, Mrs., Chartcrshall. Russell, David, Sauchinford. Jallray, Alexander, South Durrieshill. Scott, James, Popnletrees. Jalfray, Henry, North Durrieshill. Shi^irp, William, Poppletrees. Jallray, James, Throsk, Smart, Andrew, Canglour. Jaffray, James, Canglour. Stark, Thomas, Oldcroft. Jaffray, Mrs., . Stevenson, James, Berrj'hill. JatFray, Mrs., Skeoch. Taylor, Henry, Hillhead. Jaffray, Thomas, Throsk. Thomson, Mrs., Moss-side. Jamieson, Alexander, Middleonartcr. Tod, John, Binns. Johnston, Charles, Stewarthall. Turnbull, James, Craigniven. Kay, John, Gateside, Chartcrshall. Turnbull, Robert, Cuslienquarter. Keir, Mrs., Whins of Milton. Turnbull, William, Touchhill. Kerr, Mrs. James, North Carsebonny. Waddell, John, Clachan and Wiitehill. Kerr, William, Throsk. Walker, Peter, Firs, Bannockburn. Kidd, George, Mossneuck. Walker, William, Torbrex. King, Duncan, Kildean. Wallace, James, Canglour. Laing, John, Cowiehall. Walls, Robert, Kerse Mills. Laing, Alexander and John, Kemock. Watson, James, Wallacefield. Lawrence, John, Muirmailing. Watt, Mrs., Easterton of Cowie. Low, Robert, Graystale. Weir, Walter, Kosehill. Mackie, Peter, Bandeath. Wilson, Johij Braehead. M'Callum, Andrew, Hartsmailing. Young, George, Snabhead. M 'Galium, Charles, Broadleys. M'Callum, sen. andjun., Daniel, Castlehill. FLESHEE3. M'Cowan, James, Pleanbank. M'Donaldp Alexander, Newpark. Lennox, Colin. M 'Gibbon, Archibald, Woodside. Marshall, John. M'Laren, James, Little Sauchie. M'Lnren, James, Torwood. GEOOEES AND 8H0PKEEPEES. M'Laren, John, Back-o-Muir. \ M'Laren, William, Muirton. Brown, T., provisions. M'Naughton, Colin, Carsebonny. Christie, Mrs. Robert. M'Pherson, Hugh, Townfoot. Co-operative Society. M'Pherson, Thomas, Woodcockfauld. Forrester, Mrs. ,Miller, Robert, Cauldbarns. Glen, Mrs, Miller, Thomas, Myres. M'Lay, James. Morrison, Miss (Wm. Young, manager), Rae, David. Townfoot. Sinclair, Alexander, provisions. Muirhead, Mrs., Croftside. Smith, Charles, earthenware. Muirhead, Thomas, Buckiebum. StevensoHj Robert. Muirhead, William, Pleanbank. Taylor, James, provisions, Muirhead, William, Pimhall. Ure, Margaret. Munnoch, Peter, Fair green. Walls, Thomas. —-


JOINERS AND CART WBIGHTS. M'Growther, Alexander. Kay, William. Robertson, Miss, Beechwood.

Mrs. . Rae, George, Kerse Mill. Stewart, Watt, James. Steuart, Sir Henry James Seton, Bart, of Touch. NAILERS. MISCELLANEOUS. Allison, John. Christie, John. Barclay, Mrs., dressmaker. Davie, John. Beattie, George, commission agent. Hudson, James. Brand, Robert, thatcher. Jaffray, James. Clark, Peter, slater. Jenkins, Archibald. Cochrane, William, weaver. M'Lay, John. Fenton, Helen, sta\Tnaker. Somerville, J. k W. Glen, William, weaver. Glen, ilisses, dressmakers. SCREWBOLT MAKERS. JalFray, Thomas, brick and tile maker, Brown, Thomas. Throsk. II 'Lay, J. k J. Johnston, John, hosier. Johnston, Mrs., broker. TANNERS AND CUREIEB9. Hay, James, cowleeder. William, Mitchell. William (Charles M'Donald, Knox, LL.D., inspector of poor manager). and collector of rates, registar of births, Smart, John. marriages, and deaths, and session-clerk. lilitchell, Mrs., draper. PUBLICANS. M 'Arthur, Alex., pro\nsions and tins. Christie, Mrs. Robert. M'Diarmid, Duncan, candlemaker. Dmmmond, James, Loanhead, Kerse Mills. M'Gregor k Son, Forrest, watch and clock Forrester, Mrs. makers. Johnston, George, Wallace inn. M'Laren, John, tailor. Kennedy, John, Anchor inn. M'Nab, John, surgeon. Macfarlane, Roljert. M'Phail, Donald, tailor. M'Lachlan, ilatthew. Robertson, David, slater. Neil, Robert. Robertson, John, traveller. Russell, Mrs., news agent and stationer. PROPRIETORS AND RESIDENTEE3. Post Office, St. Ninians—Thomas Gardner, postmaster. Letters from all parts anive Bane, Miss Janet. (from Stirling) at 6.30 and 10 a.m., and Bulwer, Colonel, Easter Livilands. are despatched thereto at S a.m. and Ewing, ilrs. 6.45 p.m. Nearest Money Order Office, Hnggart, Colonel, Craigend. Hume, Andrew, HoUybank. Stirling. Laird, P. H., Williamfield. SCHOOLS. Lowis, John, of West Plean. Maitland, Colonel Sir Alexander Charles St. Ninians Parish School—William Knox,

Ramsay Gibson, Bart, of Barnton and LL.D., master ; Andrew M'Nair, assist-

Sauchie. ant ; Miss M'Naughton, industrial de- Munro, A. Binning, of Auchenbowie. partment. iluschet, John S., il.D., Birkhill. United Presbyterian School, St. Ninians Murray, ilrs., Gartur honse. Helen Taylor, mistress. Murray, Colonel John, Touchadam and Murray's School, Fallin, Polmaise—James Polmaise. Glen, master. —



Cambusbarron Subscription School M'Lachlan, Alex., tea dealer. Alex. M' Galium, master. M'Naughton, Duncan, grocer. Co-operative Society—James Taylor, Parkvale and Hay ford Sriills, —Robert manager. Smith & Son. William Smith, foreman, Cowie, William, boot and shoemaker. power loom; John Smith, foreman spin- ner; William Weir, foreman dyer. Clerks Donaldson, John, joiner. .—James Melrose and James Gray. Church Mission Station Alex. Free — Post Office —Henry Jaffray, postmaster. M'Donald. Letters arrive (from Stirling) at 10.30 a.m., Gilchrist, John, dairyman. and are despatched thereto at 6.45 p.m. Johnston, Eliza, grocer. Nearest Money Order Oflice, Stirling. Lamond, J., coal merchant and flesber. Reilly, Mrs. Thoa., grocer. Mellis, John, blacksmith. Shanks, Matthew, stationer. Murray's Hall Lime Worka— James Smith, Robert, Hayford viUa. Morrison, lessee. Stewart, Peter, tailor. M'Callum, William, baker and grocer. Taylor, Robert, tailor. M'Gregor, John, grocer, publican, and Towers, R., blacksmith, Murray's Hall. contractor. Walls, Alex,, coal dealer. M'lntosh, Duncan, publican. White, Mrs., provision dealer.



Aikman, Charles, blacksmith, Sauchie. Jenkins, George, nailer. Archibald, Robert, miller, Parkhead. Johnstone, John, teacher. Wester Plean. Armstrong, James, nailer. Keir, Margaret, grocer. Armstrong, William (tract depot), Stirling. Lockhart, Henry, nailer. Auchenbowie Coal Company. Maxwell, James (of East Plean Coal Co.) Brown, James, blacksmith, Auchenbowie. Meiklejohn, 3. k J., cart Wrights, Sauchie. Bruce, Alexander, grocer. Morrison, John, nailer. Cameron, Angus, flesher. M'Callum, sen., Daniel, Auchenbowie. Campbell, Peter, publican. M'Intosh & Co., A., coal proprietors, Christie, Duncan, teacher, Chartershall. West Plean. Christie, John, nailer. M'Lachlan, Archibald, nailer. Cousland & Son, William, millers, Culten- M'Lachlan, James, publican, Redhouse. hove. Napier, James, pubbcan. Falconer, WiUiam, miUer, Milton. Paterson, William, tailor. Gillespie, James, nailer, and shoe trinket Sinclair, James, grocer. and bolt maker. Thomson, A., puolican, PimhaU cottage. Hastings, John, teacher, Milton School. Todd, John, Catcraig and Milton grove. Jaffray, Alexander, nailer. Walker, William, cattle dealer. BANNOCKBURN DIRECTORY.


BAKEBS. GOAL FBOFBIETOBS. Co-operative Society—Edward Bucban, G«ddes, Mrs. Violet—Robert Johnston, manager. manager. CtumingbaiD, William. Moyes, Smith & Co., West Flean and Muirhead, Peter. Dunmore Collieries. East Flean Coal Company, Flean, BLAOESMITHS. East Bannockburn. Cairns, William, East Flean. M'Donald, John. DBAPEB3. M'Leod, Adam. Beveridge, John. M'Lay, Archibald, Cowie. Co-operative Society—J. W. Sharp,- Walla, John, Throak. manager. BOOT AND SHOEUAEEBS. Muirhead, William. Smith, Miller & Co. Amot, Peter. Co-operative Society M'Cowen, —And. DEESSMAEEBS AND MILLINEBS. manager. Armstrong, Misses. Gillespie, Alexander. Cameron, Misses. Meikle, Richard, Eaat Flean. Cochrane, Miss, straw bonnets. Neat, John. Crombie, Miss. Speed, Thomas. Muirhead, Alisa, milliner. Sugden, George, Newlanda. Paterson, Miss. Wands, Jamea, East Plean. Robertson, Misses. BOOKSELLERS. Schofield, Miss. Denovan, Robert. FLESHEE3. Schofield, William, and insurance agent. Kerr, Robert. CAHPET, TAETAN, AND TWEED Lennox, Adam. MANDFACTUBEBS. Thomson, Robert. Forfar, Thomas. Forsyth, Hugh. GBOOEBS AND SH0FE3XFEBS. Paterson, John. Beveridge, John, smallwares. Wilson, J. Geo. Watson, clerk Co-operative Society & W. ; —James M'Larcn, John Wihon, foreman, Brussels; John manager. Eadie, do., tweeds ; James HIggie, do., rugs; Crombie, Euphemia. David Menzies, do., carpets. Denovan, Robert. Wilson & Sons, William. William Glen, James. M'Ash, traveller; James Bain, foreman, tweeds; James Stevenson, do., carpets; Higgle, Andrew.

William M'Innes, do., tartan ; James Milne, Hutton, David, East Flean. do., power-loom; Timothy Gibson, do., Learmonth, James. finisher; Wm. Street, sen., do., dyer; John Muirhead, William. Millar, do., wool sortec; Wm. Fisher, do., M'Alley, M. & C. spinner; Charles Bowie, do., spinner; John M'Nab, do., spinner; James Stevenson, M'Allum, Alexander, East Plean, roillwright. Paterson, Thomas. 72 BANXOCKBURN DIRECTORY,

ISmith, John, East Plean. VINTNERS AND SPIRIT-DEALERS. Speed, Tijomas, smail wares. Bowie, Mrs., East Plean. Wilson, James. Campbell, Alexander. HAY AND STRAW DEALERS. Denovan, Robert. Don, John, Greenyards. Cowan. Peter. Dow, John, Carbrook inn. Hill, William. Higgie, Andrew. Moir, Peter, and cowfeeder. M'Innes, William. Stevenson, William, and cowfeeder. Muirhead, William. JOINERS AND CABINETMAKEES. Paton, James. Buchanan, Andrew, Cowiebank. Ross, John. . Currie. Daniel. Stevenson, James. Kay, John. Walls, John. Mitchell, John. Wiggins, Thomas, Railway hotel, and

Paterson, , Throsk. mole catcher. Turnbull, John, agricultoral implement Wilson, James. maker, Camock. MASONS. MISCELLANEOUS. Bowie, William. Mailer, R., stationmaster. Dougall, Thomas. Mitchell, John, -wool dealer. Dougall, William, and contractor. M 'Arthur, William, tinsmith and gas- Eason, Peter. fitter. M'Gregor, David, plasterer and slater. I M'Innes, Duncan. Neat, John, furniture dealer. PEOPHIETORS AND EESIDENTEHa Ogilvie & Duchart, tanners and curriers. Bolton, J. C, Carbrook house, Flean. Proudfoot, John, drill instructor. Ferguson, Mrs., Bannockbum. Prowett, James F., jeweller, watch- Higgie, Mrs. William. maker, and ironmonger. Malcolm, Samuel S., Carnock honce. Purvis, James, corn dealer. Mitchell, John. Robertson, James, surgeon. Reid, Robert V., East Plean. Stevenson, Alexander, glass and china Wilson, Edward L., Bannockbom. merchant. Wilson, Alajor Alexander, J.P., Ban- Carriers to Glasgow—William Hill and nockburn house. Peter Cowan, from Newmarket, occa- Wilson, John, Uillpark. sionally. Wilson, Mrs. William, Viewvale. Carrier to Stirling—Andrew Munnoch, Alonday, Wednesday, and Friday. QUARRIERS. Co-operative Society (Limited)—Alex. Gowans, James. Meldrum, president; J. MGrouther, Catcraig. M'Auley, James, secretary. Mackay, John, Polmaise. Post Office—John Gillespie, postmaster; Paterson, James, East Plean. Joseph Hood, letter-carrier. Letters arrive Turnbull & Barclay, Dunmore quarry. (from Stirling) at 7.15 and 10.30 a.m., and are despatched thereto nt 7.40 a.ni. and 6 TAILORS. p.m. Money Order Office aud Savings' Baxter, James, and clothier. Bank. Office, East Plean— Isa. Carter, Black, Henry. Post M' postmistress. Letters arrive (from Stirling Forsyth. Adam. via Bannockburn) at 9.50 a.m., and ore Gilles, Alexander. despatched thereto at 3.50 p.m. Nearest Thomson, John. Money Order Office, Bannockbam. BRIDOE OF ALLAN DIRECTORY. 73

Simpson's Asylum (for Indigent Soldiers SCHOOLS. and Sailors), East Plean.— Rev. James Bannockburn Subscription School— R. governor and chaplain ; Mrs. Calder, Calder, Saunders, master; Miss Crombie, sew- matron; James M.Girdwood,M.D.,surgeon. ing mistress. CHURCHES—MINISTERS. Bannockburn Muir — Robert Miller, mistress, Established Church—Rev. Thoa. Smith. master ; Mifs Bruce, Do., East Plean—Rev. James Calder. Easter Plean— And. Strachan, master. Free Church—Rev. W. E. W. Brown. Wihon's Endowed School—And. Wil- United Presbyterian Church—Rev. A. son, rector; Miss Wilson, assistant; L. Dick. Miss Henderson, sewing mistress.


BAKBRS AND CONFECTIONERS. Bennet, Adam, Powismains. Bennet, Robert, Comton. Drysdale, James, Henderson street. Bett, James, Blackdub, Comton. Lyell J., Bridgend and Stirling road. Buchanan, Alexander, Whitehouse. BLACKSMITHS. Buist, Robert, Castle, Blairhill (David Donaldson, James, 28 New street. Aitken, manager^. Ferttuson, James-, Allan terrace. Campbell, Mrs., Holeheads. Simpson, James, Henderson street. Christie, John, Comton farm. Cowbrough, James, Broom. BOOT AND SHOEMAEIIBS. Finlayson, James, Pendreich. Henderson, Robert, New street. Galloway, Alexander, Gogar mains. Stewart, Archibald, New street. Gentles, Andrew, Jerah. CHEMISTS. Harper, John, Gogar. Henderson, George, Haugh. Henderson street. Farie, Gilbert, Hom, Richard, Gamel. Oswald, Henderson street. Robertson, Kinross, Thomas, Hood. DAIRIES. Leishman, William, Comton. Lucas, Robert, West Comton. Bett, James, 7 New street. Marshall, James, Airthrey carse. Kirk, Miss, Fountain road. i Maule, John, Blairgowan park. DRAPERS. Meiklejohn, Mrs., iliddleton carse. Monteith, Alexander, Cauldhamc. Miller, Geo., Queen's corner, New street. Morgan, Henry, Easter Gogar.* Reid, John, Henderson street. Muirhead, James, Ladysneuck. Scott, John, Henderson place. M'Ewen, James, Sunnylaw. DRESSMAKERS. M'Laren, James, Spittal. Huphes, Misses, New street. M'Laren, William, Craigton. M'Gregor, Miss, Allan vale. M'Lay, James, Manoraeuck. M'Lay, Wm., Manoraeuck and Blaircarae. FARMERS. M'Nab, Alex., Blainnains (0. Williamson, PARISH OF LOOIB. manager). Alexander, Ebenezer, Park. M'Nab, James, Loaningbank. Allan, Robert, Whitehouse. Peat, John, Manormains. 74 BRIDOE OF ALLAN DIRECTOPA".

Proudfoot, John, Comtou house. Halliday, John (Lady of the Lake), Hen- Riskp Robert, Drum brae. derson street.

Robertson, Mrs., Sheriffmuirknds. Jack, Wra. (Temperance), Henderson st. Steel, Thomas, East Cornton. Philp, Robert (Royal), Henderson street. Stewart, Alexander, West Gogar. Thomson, John, Westhaugh. JOINERS. Thomson, William, Blackgrange. Cousine, William, Allan vale. TurnbuU, James, Westgrange. Henderson, John, Henderson place. Wright, Colin, Manorsteps. LODGINGS. PARISH OF . Anderson, John, Westleys. Arnolds, Mrs., 3 Keirfield cottage. Battison, John, Steads. Bain, Mrs., Springbank house. Baird, Christie, George, Cottonhaugh, Mrs., 1 Ilaldane house. Galloch, John, Nethenon and Enockhill. Baird, Mrs., 7 Allan vale. Bauchop, Miss, Glass, Thomas, The lloss. Endrick villa. Henderson, John, Middlecropt. Bayne, Mrs., Henderson street. Henderson, William, Craigarnhall and Old Beattie, Mrs., Alexandra cottage. Keir. Black, Miss, Louis villa. Blair, Jardine, William, Inverallan. Mrs. Allan, Balmoral cottage. Mackison, John, Greenock. Bruce, John, Keirfield cottage. Mitchell, William, Greenyards. Cameron, James, Inverallan house. Paul, William, Myrcton- Cameron, Mrs., 2 Union place. Carmichael, Reid, Thomas and Walter, Hillside. Mrs., 1 Bombay house. Dargie, Robert, Sinclair, J., Craigdownings. Villa Franca. Stewart, Alexander, Heatnershot. Dawson, Mrs., Henderson street. Wingate, Robert, Langley. Dawson, William, Sunnyside house. Dewar, James, AUanview house. FLESHEES. Dickie, Mrs., 2 Mineral bank. Donaldson, James, 28 New street. Finlajson, John, Fountain road. Donaldson, James, Hungrykcrse cottage. Lucas, J. & R., Henderson street. Donaldson, Mrs., Allan vale. Syme, William, Coney hill road, Drysdale, James, sen.. Oak bank. FRtJITEEERS. Drysdale, James, Henderson street. Drysdale, Mrs., Henderson street. Allan, Robert, Henderson street. Duff, Mrs., Florence villa. Bayne, Charles, Henderson street. Ferguson, Mrs., Newark villa. GARDENERS. Ferguson, Mrs., 1 Union place. Fenton, Miss, Henderson place. Bennett & Robb. Fotheringham, Mrs., Rose cottage. Buchanan, Peter, Elmwood house. France, Mrs., Minehill cottage. Kinner, John, Coneyhill road. Fulton, Mrs., Rosebank. GROCERS AND WINE MEROHANTa Gillespie, Mrs., Oraigview, Fountain road. Graham, Mrs., Henderson street. Co., Cowbrough & James, Henderson et. Gray, James, Wolfcraig villa. Graham, John, Henderson street. Gray, Robert, Fiusbury cottage. Henderson & Co.; J. & G., Henderson Bt. Henderson, Miss, 3 Stanley house. MacEwen & Co., I), t J., Henderson place. Henderson, Mrs., 3 Union place. M 'Isaac, John, Henderson street west. Hughes, Misses, New street. HOTEL KEEPER?. Hunter, James, 68 Stirling road. Hunter, Miss, Henderson street. Clark, John (Westcrton Arms), Hender- Hunter, Mrs., Henderson place. son street. Hutchison, James, Allanton house. Gow, Mrs. P. (Railway), Henderson street. Jaffrey, Peter, Henderson street. Grundy,W. B. (Queen 'a), Henderson street. Jardine, Mrs., Inverallan house. BRIDGE OF ALLAN DIRECTORY

Jeffrey, Mrs., Albert cottage. Watson, Mrs., Strathallan house. Johnstone, Miss, 6 Allan vale. Watson, Mrs., Airtbrey mill cottage. Kirk, Miss, Fountain road. Watt, Mrs. C, lona lodge. Lee, Miss, Comely bank. Welch, Mrs., 2 Bombay house. Lockhart, John, Bath house. Welsh, Mrs. Alexander, 4 Allan vale. Lucas, Mrs., Laurel bank. Whyte, Miss, Henderson place. Lyons, Mrs., Sunnylaw house. Whyte, Mrs., Annfield house. Miller, Charles, 3 Bombay house. Whyte, Mrs., Damiey house. Miller, Miss, Mary mount. Wright, Miss, Mine house. Miller, Miss, Wellwood house. Wright, Mrs., 2 Greenview house. Mitchell, Uev. D., Ivy lodge. Wright, Mrs., 2 Stanley house. Morrison, Mrs., Beechgrove. Yuill, Mrs., Park cottage. Morton, Miss, Aboukir villa. Morton, Miss, Hopeville house. MILLINEES. Morton, Mrs. Robt., 1, 2 Ferniebank house. Hughes, Misses, New street. Murray, Mrs., West Fountain terrace. Somerville, Miss £., Henderson place. M'Cowan, John, 4 Union place. AI'Donald, Miss, Manchester house. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. M'Farlane. Thomas, Rustic bank cottage. Campbell, P., M.D., Henderson street west. M'Gregor, John, Woodside terrace. Ellis, Thomaa, M.D., Chalton lodge. M'Gregor, Mrs., HalJane house. Gordon, W. E., M.D., Haymount. M'Gregor, Mrs., Fountain road. Hunter, Dr., Allan house. M'Intyre, Mrs., 2 Stanley house. Faterson, Alex., M.D., Femfield. M'Laren, Miss, Henderson street.

M'Laren, Mrs., 1 East Fountain terrace. PE0PEIET0E3 AND EESIDENTEES. M'Lay, Mrs., DuflF house. Alexander, K.C.L.S., Colonel Sir James M'Lean. Miss, 1 Mineral bank. Edward, Westerton house. M'Learn, Mrs., Bloorainghill house. Arrock, Mrs., Thorn cottage. Pollock. Mrs., Zetland house. Bain, John, Huntington cottage. Keid, Aliss, Belliield house. Baird, James, Allandale house. Richardson, Miss, 1 Eelvingrove. Black, James, Sydenham house. Robertson, Mrs., Oldwell cottage. Boyd, John, Austin cottage. Robertson, Mrs., Sandringham house. Brand, John, Milsey bank. Robertson, William, Bellevue cottage. Brodie, Duncan, of Polder, Bimam villa, Scott, Mrs., Sunnylaw bouse. Fountain road. Shearer, ilr., 1 Allan bank. Buchanan, John, Coneyhill house. Sinclair, Mrs., 2 Haldane house. Bum, E. W., of Haugh, Homebank villa. Slee, Miss. Woodcliffe villa. Bums, Robert, Airthrey spa. Smith, "William, Forglen cottage. Campbell, J. D., Dunbar villa. Somerville, Mrs., Bloorainghill cottage. Carrick, William, Farm cottage. Somerville, Mrs., Woodland bank. Clark, Miss, Glenallan house. Stanley, Miss, Blair villa. Colville, Misses, Roslin cottage. Stevenson, Mrs., 9 Allan vale. Dick, Abercrombie, Yiewfortb honse. Stewart, Miss,Maryfield cottage,Sunnylaw. Dunn, Mrs., Dunnallan, Eeir street. Stewart, Mrs., New street. Eyval, Mrs., 2 Kelvingrove. Stewart, Mrs. A., Avenue house. Fairbaim, George, Bandara villa. Stewart, Mrs. J., Jessamine cottage. Falkner, Misses, Bell villa. Stirling, Jlrs., 2 Allan bank. Farquharson, General, Thomfield house. Stupart, Mrs., Ellangowan house. Ferguson, Rev. John, Coney park. Thompson, James, New street. Eraser, William, Mount pleasant. Thomson, Mrs., Centrehill house. Geddies. James, Langholm lodge. Tullocb, Miss, 2 Sydenham house. Glen, Miss, Heart villa. TumbuU, Miss, Tweed terrace. Henderson, William, Keirfield cottage. Walker, Mrs., Allangowan house. Hill, Alexander, writer, Garaock house. Warden, Mrs., 1 Greenview bouse. Hill, John, York house. — —


Haldane, William, Haldane cottage. Anderson, Geo., painter and papcrhangir, Hom, William, Hmdwood house. New street. Jenniogs, llrs., Treeview house. Bayne, John, bnilder, Allanbank honso. Johnston, Miss, 7 Allan vale. Bell, Dr., dentist, 8 Allan vale. Lillie, Mrs., Burnside cottage. Bett, James, refreshments, 6 New street. Livingston, Miss, 5 Allan vale. Bonella, Robert, miller, Allan terrace. Macara, Mrs., Renilworth house. Brewster, Robt., waiter, Coneyhill road. Macfarlane, John, Edgchill house. Christie, William, innkeeper, Biidge. Marshall, Miss, Meadow park. Christie & Son, tile works, Cornton. Middleton, J. C., Melbourne villa. Collie, James, architect, Bellmore house. Miller, G., Allanslie cottage. Dargie, Robert, teacher, Villa Franca. Miller, William, Woodland bank. Edmond, Janet, laundress, Coneyhill ^oad. Mitchell, William, Tyne villa. Forbes, Mrs., stationer, Henderson street. Morrison, Miss B., Carolside cottage. Gow, Mrs. P., restaurant. New street. Munro, Colonel Charles G. G., Blairforkie Graham, James, musicseller and fancy M'Farlane, Miss, Heart villa. [house. warehouse, Henderson street. M'Farlane, Miss I., Folmont house. Gray, Jame$, plasterer, Wolfcraig villa. M'Gowan, James, Comton. Gray, Robert, carter, Finsbury cottage. M'Kay, Mrs., Bum house. Henderson, James, feuar, 3 Union place. M'Laren, David, Cuba house. Hunter, Dr., Hydropathic establishment, M'Robie, John, Eden house. Wells road. M'Robie, Alias, 3 Victoria place. Jaffrey, Peter, plumber, Henderson street. Paul, Mrs., Retreat cottage, Fountain road. Johnston, Misses, boarding school, Garden Pullar, Lawience, Fountain crescent. villa. Robertson, Miss, 2 Victoria place. Manson, Andrew, photographer, Coney- Rodgers, J. D., Appinie cottage. hill road, and Union place. Sawers, Miss, Edmoudstone lodge. Miller, Alex., bookseller and stationer, Scott, John, Roslin cottage. Henderson street. Sharp, Miss, 6 Allan vale. Morrison, Miss, boot and shoe warehouse, Smitn, Miss, Cessnock villa. Henderson place. Stevenson, William, The Lee boose. M'Cowan, William, clothier, Henderson st. Stow, David G., Prospect villa. M'Laren, James, coal agent, New street. Stupart, John, EUangowan house. Nairn, Henry, slater, Coneyhill road. Tainsh, Mrs., Endrick villa. Oliver, Jas., Bridge of Allan inn, Bridee. Tiffen, Thomas L., Woodside cottage. Philp, Robt., paper maker, Airthrcy mills. Trotter, Mrs., StaflTa lodge. Pullar & Co., J. & J., Bleaclifield works, Wilson, Mrs. Cochrane, Abbey view house. Keirfield house. Wingate, Charles, writer, Forglen cottage. Reid, Thomas, fishmonger. New street. Young, Rev. David, U.P. minister, Glas- Riddoch,Robert,millwright, Allan terrace. gow, Oakwood villa. Shaw, Alexander, dyer, Keirfield cottage. Young, Mrs., Williamfield house. Shaw, Mrs., china and fancy goods ware- house, Henderson place. INSURANCE OFFICE AGENTS. Shaw, Robert, game dealer. Fountain road. Alliance— Oswald Robertson and William Somerville, Miss, Berlin wool repository. Haldane. Fountain road. [mill. Life Association of Scotland—Wm. Baird Stevenson, Robert, wool spinner, Airthrey and Gilbert Farie. Watson, John, manager, paper mills, Fhtenix—George Miller. Airthrey mill cottage. Queen— William Baird. Airthrcy Spa and Bowling Green—Robt. Royal—James Drysdale. Burns, keeper. Scottish Union—John Bayne, Gas Company Manager, Thomas Fother- West of England (Fire)— Gilbert Farie. ingham. Seerttary, William Baird. Inspectors of poor and collectors of rates MISCELLANEOUS. For Lecropt parish, John Wilson; for Allan, Robt., seedsman, Henderson street. Logie parish, William Haldane. — —;


Macfarlane's Museum, Macfarlane terrace. Bennet, Robert Parliamentary Constituency, 104. Buchanan, John, of Powis house. Post-oflice, Henderson street—Miss Helen Cumming, Thos., parochial schoolmaster. Dawson, postmiEtress. Letters from the South Ferguson, James, postmaster. arriTe at 8.20 a.in. and 10.30 p.m., and are des- France, Robert, overseer to Lord Aber- patched thereto at 11.5 a.m., 4.20. and 7.4S p.m. and from the North at 5.45 and 8.50 p.m., and are cromby, Logie cottage. despatched thereto at 7.40 a.m. and 8.46 p.m. Henderson & Co., J., publicans, Berryholes. Honey Order Ofhce and Saviiiga' Bank. Kippen, James. Bepistrars John Wilson ; for —ForLecropt, Eirkpatrick, W., gardener, Airthrey castle. Logic, Andrew Crawford, Causewayhead Mackenzie, Miss. the Peace Resident Acting Justices of Moir, Mrs., lodgings, and market gardener. Sir J. E. Alexander, Sir Wm. Stirling M'Laren, Donald, lodgings. Ma'xwell. [master. WLaren, Rev. William, minister of U.P. Railway Station —J. C. Hands, station- Church, U.P. manse. Iteading-roomsand Fountain rd. Music Hall, Robb, And., lodgings, and market gardener. Union Bank of Scotland—W. Baird, auent. Water Company Secretary and Treasurer, William Baird. Westerton Arms Bowling Green— John CAUSEWAYHEAD. Clark, proprietor. Abercromby, Right Honourable Lord, CHDECHES. Airthrey castle. Anderson, James, wood merchant. Free Church, Henderson street — Rev. Anderson, William, grocer. Wm. Ross, LL.D., Free Church manse. Bain, Peter, carriage hirer. Lccropt Parish Church—Rer. Peter W. Bean, William, smith, and postmaster. Young. Lecropt manse. Crawford, A., registrar for parish of Logie. Logie Parish Church—Rev. R. A. John- Dalziel, Allan, district schoolmaster. stone, M.A , Logie manse. Gillespie, David, railway contractor, Quoad Sacra Church—Rev. John Reid, narrower, Mrs., Starling villa. Manse, Fountain road. Maxwell, John, clerk. St. Saviour's Church (Episcopal), Fountain Mouat, Thomas, Abbey Craig hotel. road—Rev. John Boyle. Mouat, T. k J., fleshers. United Presbyterian Church, Henderson at. M'Elfrish, Andrew (of J. & A. M'Elfrish, Rev. Jas. Muir, U.P. manse, Sunnylaw. M'Farlane, Malcolm, lodgings. [Stirling). SCHOOLS. Robertson, Mrs., Craigbank. Free Church School—Robert P. M'Caggie. Robertson, Airs. John, lodgings. Lecropt Parish School—John Wilson. Thomson, William, boot and shoemaker. Virtue, Mrs., lodgings. BLAIRLOGIB. Wright, Mrs., Holland cottage. Bain, James, lodgings. Cambuskenneth Abbey Tower— Gilbert Bean & Sons, Alex., smiths and reaping Fane, lessee. machine makers, Blackgrange. Wallace Monument.


•»-?-^».g^ <•<• < •


MorriBon, Peter. Dougall, William, Kilbride. M'Ewen. Peter. Drummond. Robert, Kin buck. Wat£OD, Tbomaa. M'Kenzie, William, do. 78 DUNBLANE DIRECTORY.

BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Kinross, Thomas, Loig. Laing, Andrew, Whiteston. Annand, Iklrs.. High street. Lennox, John and AJexander, West Henry, Rlrs., Kirk street. Cullings. M'Queen, Miss, High street. Menzies, Robert, Stonehill and Linns. BOOT AND SHOEMAEEES. Mitchell, William, Greenyards. M'Donald, Alexander, Torrance. Bennet, Robert. Dow, Alexander. M'Donald, Peter, Dalbrack. William, Cambushinnie. Graham & Sons, Andrew. M'Ewen, M'Diarmid, John. M'Farlane, William & Robert, East M'Gregor, Duncan. Cullings. M'Gregor, William, Quoigs. BUILDEE3 AND MASONS. M'Gruther, Duncan, ]\Iid-Rottearn3. Bayne, John. Reid, Alex, and Hugh, Greenloaning. Reid, John, Nether Auchinlay. Cramb, John. Reid, Walter, Park of Keir. OATTLE DEALERS. Robertson, John, Balgour. Rodgie, Thomas, Hillside. Cousin, William. Lennox, William, Einbuck. Sharp, Andrew, Blueton. William, Townhead o£ M'CauU & Forbes. Sharp, John and Quoigs. M'CauU, Peter. Stirling, Alexander, Lanrick. COAL DEALERS. Stirling, James, Nether Cambushinnie. Dewar, John. Stirling, Jamea, Tomano. Dick, Robert. Stirling, James, Craighead. Taylor, Pendice of Tarneybackle. Watt, Alexander, liinback. John, Thomson, David, Quoigs. FARMERS. Whitehead, William, Corscaplie. Dykedale. Baird, Adam, Drumdrules. Wilson, Thomas, Bayne, James, Anchor's Cross. FLESHER3. Blair, Campbell, Auchinlay. Buist, Robert, Wester Bow3. Gray, Henry. Burden, James Dewar, Burbua. M'Caull, Peter. Cameron, John, Easter Bows. McLaren, John. Campbell, Thomas, Auchenteck. £o. ColquhouQ, Mrs., Ballindall. GROOERS, DRAPERS, Crawford, William, Hutchison. Bennet, Mrs. Dewar, David, Cairnston. Crawford, John. Dickson, John, Cambuahiimie. Cullens, Jamea, . Duncan, Mrs., Topsfold. Dunn, John. Eadie, Andrew, Gateside. Eadie, James. Eadie, John, Middlehill. Edgar, Adam. Eadie, John & Malcolm, Tarneybackle. Gow, Mrs. Eadie, Mrs., Longbank. Graham, John. Finlayson, J. B., West Third. Hart, C. Finlayson, William, Harperston. Hendrie, Mrs. Graham, Walter, Stockbridge. Hepburn, Jamea. Kinross, Andrew, Hungryhill, Einbuck, Johnston, William. and WhitestoD. Malcolm, John. Kinross, James, Nether Grainstown. M'CuUoch, Henry. ;


JI'Donald, U. Stewart, Miss. Bridgend. M'lnnes, Mrs. Stewart, Daniel, Schoolhoujc. M'Lachlan, John. Vicars, Mrs.. Stirling road. M'Nie, Helen. Whitehead, Mrs., Sinclair's wynd. Thomson, Mrs. INSURANCE OFFICE AGENTS. MANUFACTURERS. Duncanson, A. & R. (woollen), Kinbuck. Alliance—Insurance—Life ABSociation : Cameron (woollen). Mill of Keir. William Christie. Hay & Todd & Co., John (woollen). Mill of Edinburgh — Scottish Union : Patrick Keir. J. Stirling. Wilson & Co., Alexander (worsted) Indisputable — Scottish Amicable : R. Hird, manager. H. Christie. Thomaa

North British—Mercantile : J. Buchan.

Reliance Alutual : W. J. Moore. PROPRIETORS AND RESIDENTEBS.

Scottish Equitable : William Thomson. Barty, J. W. Scottish National : J. Barty. W. Barty, Miss, Anchorfield. Standard: J. M'Lean. Boyd, blisses. Allan Bank house. Christie, Wilham. JOINERS. Cross, Mrs., St. Blane's Rood. Donaldson, Robert. Easton, James. New Orleans cottage. Eadie, Andrew, Cambushinnie. Gerard, Mrs., Duthieston. Eadie, John. Kinbuck. Graham, John, Whitecross. Ferguson, William. Harper, Captain, St. Blanes. Finlayson, Eobert, Balhaldie. Henderson, Charles J., of Glafisingall. Guthrie. William and James. Johnston, Robert, Sumner Lodge, Kin- Maule, John. buck. Maclean, Joseph. LODGING-HOUSE KEEPERS. Maxwell, Sir AVilliam Stirling, Bart., of Pollok and Keir, M.P. for . Bain, Mrs. John, Kirk street. M'Lellan, D. Black, Mrs., Raymoyle. Stewart, Misses. Buchanan, Peter, do. Stirhng, Mrs., of Holme Hill. Cairns, Mrs., Braeport. Stirling, John (of Kippendavie), Kip- Cameron, Mrs., Pertli road. penross. Campbell, Mrs. A., Braeport. Stirling, P. J., Kippendavie house. Christie, Mrs., High street. Taylor, Alexander, Springbank. Clason, Mrs., Slirliug road. Thomson, WiUiam. Dunn, Mrs., do. Wilson, Alexander. Eadie, Mrs., High street. Young, Alexander (factor for Sir Wil- Ferguson, Rliss, Braeport. liam Stirling Maxwell), Keir Mains. Hay, Mrs., High street. Kinross, Thomas, Allanside. SADDLERS. Monteath, JMies, High street. William. ^M'Culloch, Mrs., Balhaldie house. Don, M'Culloch, Mrs., Bridgend. Fisher, David. M'Gregor, Mrs., Orleans cottage. M'Gregor, Miss, Perth road. SLATERS. M'Kenzie, Mrs., Stirling road. Cameron, A. Rattray, Miss, Cross. Cameron, D. —


TAIL0E3. Inspector of poor, collector of rates, Graham & Sons, Andrew. and sub-distributor of stamps—Wm. Kinnaird, William. Christie. Leigh tonian Library is open every Tues- VINTNEE3. day from 12 noon to 1 p.m., and every Friday from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., during the

Anderson, , Greenloaning. year, from 15ln April to 15th October; Christie, Mrs. and during the remainder of the year, on Gow, Mrs. Fridays only, between 3 and -t p.m. — R. H. Christie, librarian. Graham, John. Post Office, High street—Margaret Henry. Gray, Dawson, postmistress. Letters from Edin- Menzies, Robert, Sheriffmuir. burgh, Glasgow, and the South arrive at Nicholson, J. 8 30 a.m. and at 10.40 p.m., and are des- patched thereto at 4.20, 7.40. and 9.45 p.m. WHITEES. Letters from Perth and tlie North arrive at 5 aud 8.30. p.m., and are despatched there- Barty, James W., procnrator-fiscal for to at 7.40 a.m. and 9.45 p.m. Money Order the Western District of PertlisRira in the Onicc and Savings' DanK. sherifTand justice of the peace courts, clerli: Registrar for Births, Deaths, and Mar- to the income tax and assessed tax com- riages—Daniel Stewart ; assistant, K. missioners, and to the district prison board. H. Christie. Knox, Thomas P. Sheriff Court—John Tait, sheriff; John Stirling & M'Lean. Grahame, sheriff-substitute ; James W. Thomson, William, sheriff-clerk depate. Burty. procurator-fiscal; William Thomson, Commissary cleric, and auditor of sheriff sheriff-clerk depute; T. JrCulloch and D. court for the Western District of Perthshire. Eadie, sheriff-officers. Union Bank of Scotland (branch)—W.

MISCELLANEOUS. Christie, agent ; also Savings' Bank. Brown, Peter, umbrella maker. Brown, Robert, country post. CHTJECHES-MINISTBES. Brown, Thomas, surgeon. Established Church— Rev. Jas. Ingram. Burden, James D., Dunblane hotel. Free Church—Vacant. High street. United Presbyterian Church—Rev. Dunn, J., Bahmonger and newsvendor. William Blair, M.A. Eadie, auctioneer. Peter, United Presbyterian Church, Green- King, David, town letter-carrier. loaning— Rev. John M'lutyre. Malcolm, John, agent to manufacturers. Episcopal Church—Rev. Henry Mal- Moore, Wra. J., chemist and druggist. colm, B.A. M'Callum. J., Stirling carrier [Fridays]. Stirling, William, architect. SCEOOLS.

Ferguson, , miller. AVatt, Alex., station-master, Kinbuck. Free Church School—Andrew Martin, Bleachworks—Mill of Ash. master. Commissary Court— W.Thcnison, clerk. General Assembly's School, Kinbuck Constabulary Station— P. Stewart, in- Donald Ferguson, master. spector. Infant School— Mary Ann Campbell, District County Prison—Jas. M'Ewan, mistrtss. governor. Parochial School— Daniel Stewart, mas-

Dunblane, Doune and Callande** Rail- ter ; R. H. Christie, assistant. way— Duncan De war, sttitiou- master. St. Mary's Episcopal School—Miss Gas Works—Robert Guthrie, manager; Hewat, mistress. William Christie, secretary. Stewart, Dorothea. DOUNE AND DEANSTON DIRECTORY.


BAKBBS. CLOTHIEES-TAILOES. M'Arthur, David. Brown, James. M'Arthur, Hugh. Maxwell, James. M'Beath, Duncan. MorriBOD, John. M'Kenzie, Malcolm. BANKS. Alain, Robert. Walker, Duncan. Royal Bank of Scotland (branch), R. Savings' Bank. Main, agent ; also COAL DEALERS. Scotland (branch), Alex. Union Bank of Graham, Thomaa. Mitchell, agent ; also Savings' Bank. Haris, George. BLACKSMITHS. M'Ainsh, James. Richardson, Jamea. M'Farlane, Daniel, Corshill. Stewart, John, Burn of Cambua. DBAFEBS. Tinlin, Andrew. Bayne, Mrs. Wilson, James. Main, Robert. Morrison, John. BOOT AND SHOEMAKEBS. Paterson, Mrs., Deanston. Buchanan, John. Campbell, John. FAILMEBS—PARISH OF KILMADOOK. Drummond, Peter. Auld, Robert, Easterton. Morison, Peter. Auld, William, East Lundie. AI'Beath, Peter, Deanston. Bain, James. Lerocks. M'Beth, Peter. Bain, Peter, Brae of Cessintully. ^PLaren, Daniel. Bain, William, West Murdieston. Shaw, George. Balfour, Walter, Mansfield. Peter, of Cambua. Stewart, Burn Bell, James, East Brae. Strang, Jamea, Drumvaich. Black, James, Longbank. Blair, Alex., Myme. BUILDERS AND MASONS. Bowie, David, Coldoch. ^PFarlane & Co., John. Bryce, Robert, South Coldoch. M'Queen, Archibald. Buchanan, Robert, Wester Coilechat. Rutherford & Co. Burns, Robert, West Brae. Cameron, Donald, Shrubhill. CATTLE DEALEE3. Dawson, Alex., Easter Coilechat. Ferguson, John. Dewar, Mrs., Lundie. Fisher, John. Dewar, Donald, Severie. Forbes, Jamea. Dewar, John, Doune Mill. Dunn, James, Newton Mains. CHINA MEEOHANTS. Eadie, Robert, Southfield. Bradley, Charles. Ferguson, Alexander, Lundie. APBeth, Peter. Forbes, James, Ballachraggan. M'Pherson, Mrs. Forbes, John, Cauldhame. 82 DOUXE AND DEANSTON DIRECTOR Y.

Forbes, William, Upper Callentuie. M'Laren, , Forrester, Miss, Bridge of Frew. Robertson, Robt. Henderson, James, Glenhead. Stevenson, Thoa., Drumvaich. Hendrie, Archibald, Spittalton. Stewart, John. King, Daniel, Carse of Cambus. Young, William. King, John, Spittalton. GROCEHS AND SHOPKEBPEES. King, William, Earn. Leckie, Andrew, North Mid Frew. Allan, Andrew, Deanston. Lennox, Matthew, Mid Frew. Bayne, Llargaret. Burns, J. Mackieson, J,, Hillhead. Mailer, John, Netherton. Clark, Jamea. Co-operative Society, Menzies, Mrs., Upper Spittalton. Deanston. Cumming, James. Murdoch, Andrew, fipghall. Dougall, Miss. Murdoch, James, Carse of JMacorriston. Dougall, William, M'Cowan, John, Easter Ashintree. Deanston. Gillies, (and hardware). M'Cowan, Peter, Wester Ashintree. John Graham, Mrs. McDonald, Alexander, Ballachallan. M'Donald, Donald, Easter Frew. Harris, George. M'Donald, John, Goodiebank. Henderson, Mrs., Deanston. Mackie, Matthew. M'Gowan, J. & R., Ballinton. M'lntyre, John, Westerton. Maxwell, James. M'Kerracher, James, Annet. Menzies, John, Burn of Cambus. M'Dougall, M'Kinlay, Mrs., Cambusbeg. Mrs., Deanston. M'Intosh, Mrs., M'Lachlan, James, Milton. do. M'Laren, James, Weatrow. M'Laws, John. M'Laren, James, Rosehall. M'Ruer, Miss H. Shepherd, M'Laren, John, East Murdieston. Alexander. Stewart, Christian. M'Nie, John, Calziebobalzie. M'Niven, John, Cardona. Stewart, E. Wright, Isabella, M'Niven, Peter, Causewayend. Burn of Cambus. M'Tavish, Mrs., Shiels. INNKEEPERS AND VINTNERS. Paterson, John, Macorriston. Allan, Andrew, Deanston. Paterson, Miss, Wester Frew. Buchanan, Peter. Patterson, Andrew, Powblack. Clark, James. Patterson, James, Stock-o'-Broom. Derrick, John. Reid, ThoB., Hillside and Braehead. Drummond, Alexander. Robb, John, Watatown. Ferguson, John James. Robertson, Mrs., Craighead. Gray, William. Stewart, Duncan, Drumloist. Murray, Mrs. C. Stewart, John, Graystone. Woodside inn. Stirling, Peter, Ea.ster Frew. Wright, William. Thomson, William, Burnbank. Watson, Mrs., Mid Lundie. JOINERS AND CABINETMAKERS. Watt, J., A. & T., Wester Broich. M'Niven, Daniel. Wright, David, Clarkton. M'Queen, Archibald. Whyte, Benjamin. FLESHEBS. MILLERS. Bain, John. Carmichael, Duncan, Auchlishie. Bain, jun., John, Lerocks. Hamilton, William, Burn of Cambus. Graham, George. Dewar, Joho. DOUNE AND DEANSTON DIRECTORY. 83

MnUNEBS AND DUE3SMAEEB3. Buchanan, Alexander, carrier to railway Bayne, Elizabeth. station. Cameron, Robina, Deanston. Butter, Thoa,, stationmaster. Ferguson, Missea. Cumming, Jas., bookseller and stationer. Malcolm, Janet, Deanston. Dewar, James, watchmaker. Mather, Cecilia, do. Ewart, Thomas, joiner and manager, Morrison, Agnes. Lanrick sawmill. Morrison, Mary. Ferguson, Mrs. D., game dealer. Stewart, Janet. Gray, William, plasterer. Stewart, Sarah. Hay, John, sad(Uer. Kilgour, William, painter and paper- PE0PIIIET0R3 AND RESIDENTEHS. hanger. BallingaUiDarid, factor, Blairdrummond. M'Ainsh, Jas., carrier to railway station. Buchanan, Miss (of Arnprior), Cam- M'Gregor, James, town-crier. busmore. M'Niven, Daniel, treasurer to Gar- Burn-Murdoch, John, of Gartincaber. deners' Society. Campbell, Sir James, Bart, of Kilbride. Moir, James, turner, Argaty. Campbell, Misses, of Old Newton. ^Nicholson, AJexander, constable. Campbell, John, of Inrerardoch. Reid, Mary, dyer. Carnegie, 6., of Torrie. Richardson, J., carrier to rallwaystation. Drummond, George Stirling, of Blair- Thomson, W., druggist and seedsman. drummond. Whyte, William, ironmonger. Dundas, Sir David, Bart, of Ochtertyre. Wilson, James, veterinary surgeon. Dundas, Thomas G., Craighead house. Wright, William, carrier [to Stirling Ferguson, Alexander, of Glenardoch. every Tuesday and Friday.] Finlay, John, Deanston house. Deanston Works Company, cotton spin- Glover, Andrew, factor, DUlot Cottage, ners and manufacturers--Ja8. Finlay Lanrick. & Co. ; Morton, manager. Grahant. Miss C, of Coldoch. Gas Works—John Forbes, manager; Home, G. H. M. B., of Argaty. A. Mitchell, treasurer and secretary. Jardine, Andrew, Lanrick Castle. Inspector of Poor and Collector of Rates Moray, the Earl of, Doune lodge. —John Mackison. M'Lachlan, James, land steward, Doune Public Library—^W. Thom- lodge. son, librarian. Stewart, Miss, Caatle cottage. Post OflSce—James Dewar, postmaster. Stirling, Graham, Esq., Rednock house. Letters arriTe (rrom Stirling) at 7.30 a.in. Taylor, William, Esq., Mackriaton. and 11.10 a.ni., and are despatched there- to at 9.35 o-m. and 6.20 p.m. Letters SLATERS. arrire from Callander at 6.25 p.m., and Balfour, James. are despatched thereto at 9 p.m. Money Order Office and Savings' Bank. Balfour, John. Post Office, Deanston Kennedy & Sons, Archibald. —Andrew Allan, postmaster. Letters arrive (from Stirling) SURGEONS. at 7.30 a.m., and are despatched thereto Andrew, Thomas. at 6.15 p.m. Money Order Office, Doune. Jamieson, Thomas. Post Office, Burn of Cambus—Isabella Wright, postmistress. MISCELLANEOUS. Registrar of Births, blarriages, and Bain, James, ham curer. Deaths—John Simpson. Bayne, Elizabeth, agent for PuUar & Stamp Office—Robert Main, Bub-dia-i Sons, dyers. tributor. —


CmmCHES-MINISTEES. Wealeyan Methodist Chapel— Miniatera various. Established Church—Rer. Gordon Mit- chell, M.A. SCHOOLS. Free Church—Rev. John Anderson. Dcanston Works' School—.Tas. Donald- Free Church— Rev. Thos. Hialop. son, master; Matilda Nelson, mistress.

United Presbyterian Church, Bridge of , Free Church School — David Nelson, master. Teith—Rev. WiUiara Huie. j Episcopal Church—Rev. Henry Mal- I Infant School—Ann iMoir, mistress. J. Simpson, master. colm, B.A. I Parochial School—



BAEIIR3. FARMEES. Campbell, Donald. PARISH OF CALLANDER. Forbes, William. Blair, Andrew, Trossacbs. Lawson, George. Greenhorn, James, Farmston. M'Nab, B. k M. Marshall, G. H., Gartchonzie. BANKS. M'Donald, John, Mohand. JI'Farlane, Donald, Auchray. Bank of Scotland (branch)—A. M 'Donald, M'Farlane, Duncan k Peter, Portnellan. agent. M'Farlane, Parlane, Gartchonzie. Commercial Bank of Scotland (branch) JI'Gregor, Donald, IJraes of Greenock. Walter Buchanan, agent. M'Laren, Donald, Callander. BLACKSMITHS. M'Laren, Robert, Ardcbulrie. Jl'Laren, Robert, Annie. Henderson, Walter. M'Nab, John, Braekland. Stewart, Alexander. JI'Nab, John, Olaisb. Strang, William. M'Nanghton, Alexander, Lendrick. Stewart, Alex., Achnahard, Gleulinlas. BOOT AKD SH0EMAKEE3. Stewart, jun., Alexander, do. Buchanan, James. Stewart, Charles, do. Connoly, John. Stewart, Duncan, Stroan. Ferguson, Finlay. Stewart, Francis, Braekland. M' death, John (dealer). Stewart, James, Stank. M'Farlane, Margaret (dealer). Stewart, James, Edraleachdach. Page, James. Stewart, James, Dnart, Glenfinlas. Stewart, John, do. do. CHINA MERCHANTS. Stewart, John, Achnahard, do. Hope, John. Stewart, John, Bochastle. M "lavish, Francis. Stewart, John, Boglots. Stewart, John, Braekland. COAL AGENTS. Stewart, John, Lots. Ferguson, James. Stewart, John, Milton. M 'Alpine, John. Stewart, Peter, Coilantogle. Stewart, James. Stewart, Peter, Portnellan. CALLANDER DIRECTORY. 85

Stewart, Robert, Culrigreine. Robertson, J. & R., Immerroulin. StewRrt, R. & D., Letter. Sanderson, W. & J., Creggan. Stewart, Alexander, Stronslony. PARISH OF ABERFOYLE. Stewart, Duncan, ilonochyle. Hampson, Richard & Robert, Glossart. Stewart, James, Glenogle. Mitchell. William, Aberfoyle. Stewart, John, Inverlochlarig. M 'Arthur, Robert, Kirkton. Stewart, John, Auchtoomore. M 'Donald, Alexander, Renegour. Stewart, John & Duncan, BalafiiiL M'Farlane, Peter, Bravael. Stewart, Robert, Laggan. Robertson, Neil, Frenich. Waters, Andrew, Edenample. Ledard. Vera, C. E. H., FLESHEBS. PARISH OF PORT OF MONTEITH. M'Laren, Robert. Black, - -, Wester Poldar. Stewart, Margaret. Blair^ Alexander, Hilton. Willis, "William. Chalmers, David, Ballingrew. GAME DEALERS. Chalmers. John, Amvicar. Buchanan, Peter. Doiigall, Henry, Blaircessnock. John. Dougall, Robert, Mid Borland. M'Gregor, Ferguson, Duncan, Inchie. GROCERS AND SHOPKEEPERS. Ferguson. William, Easter Auchinsalt. Campbell, George. Fisher, William, Tarr. Cowbrough k Co., Jamea. Keir, Finlay, Barbadoes. Ferguson, Thomas. Keir, James, Ward. MacEwen k Co., D. k J. 'Arthur, John, Tarr. M M'Gowan, Donald. M'Ewen, George, Easter Auchyle. M'Lean, Richard. M'Kellar, Donald, Frauchan. M'Niven, David. M'Keich, Mrs., HiU. Stewart, Alexander. M'Kerracher, George, Gartur. M'Keurtan, Wm., Nether Shannochhill. HOTEL AND INNKEEPEE3. M'Nab, Robert, Union farm. Clark, Mrs. Donald. M'Naughton, Duncan, Ballanucater. Ferguson, John (M'Nab's Head). M'Naughton, John, Earn. M'Dermott, J. (Macgregor's). M'Naughton, sen., John, Bedaock castle. M'Farlane, Duncan. M'Niven, Jamea, Ballabeg. M'Gowan, D. (Dreadnought). M'Queen, Thomas, Easter Tarr. Stewart, Alexander (Cross Keys). Rennie, Gilbert, Port of Monteith hotel. Robertson, William, Wester Borland. J0INEB3 AND CABTWBIGHTS. Sands, John, Ward of Goodie. Fergxison, Thomas. Stewart, John, Brierlands. Gourlay, Peter. Taylor, Robert, Port end. Lennox, David. Wood, Andrew, Cleggan. M'Gowan k Co., John. Wood, WUliam, Wester Third. LINEN AND WOOLLEN DBAFEB3. PARISH OF . Buchanan, Thomas. Buchanan, William, Rienacraig. Cameron, Margaret. Cameron, Donald, Kipp. M'Beath, John. Campbell, Duncan, Blaircreich. M'Farlane, Margaret. Dayton, R. P., . Ferguson, Duncan, Auchleskine. LODGING-HOUSE EEEFEBS. Hill, Henr\', King's house. Bell, Mrs., Church street M'Arthur,P. k C, Edenchip. Brown, Mrs., Burnside cottage. M 'Donald, John, Craigruie. Brown, Quentin, Craig cottage. M'lntyre, Finlay, Gartanafiieran. Buchan, Miss, Waterside. M'Laren, Donald, Kirkton. Buchanan, John, Cross. 86 CALLANDER DIRECTORY.

Buchanan, John, MUton house. Stewart, Mrs. Walter, Bridge street. Buchanan, Miss, Craigend cottage. Strang, William, Westend. Buchanan, Mrs., Craig villa. Wallace, Mrs., Dnunmond lodge. Buchanan, Thomas, St. Hoggans. Waterston, Mrs., Kinell house. Cameron, Alexander, Craigview. Willison, Mrs., Bavile cottage. Cameron, Ewing, Mansfield. Wilson, Mrs., Balvaig cottage. Clark, Miss, house. Cramb, Mrs. A., Cross. MASOKS AND BUILDEES. Ferguson, house. Mrs., Auchyle Coilar & Ferguson. Ferguson, Mrs. Finlay. Ferguson, John. Ferguson, Mrs., Cross house. M'Nab, Robert. Ferguson, Mrs., Bridgend. Ferguson, Mrs. Robert, Craggan honse. MILLINBE8 AND DRESSMAKERS. Ferguson, Mrs. Thomas, East vale. Fisher, Daniel, Lochiel house. M'lnnes, Miss. M'lntyre, Miss. Gourley, Peter, Rock villa. Miss. Gow, Mrs. Peter. M'Laurin, Graham, Mrs., Teithside cottage, Henderson, Mrs., Teithside cottage. PLUMBERS. Lamb, John, Square. Hardie, J. & J. Lawson, George. Russell, William.

Lillie, ilrs. , Camp view. Linklater, William. PROPRIETORS AND RESIDENTERS. Marshall, Mrs., Callander cottage. Ainslle, Daniel, The Gart. Martin, Miss M., Ashbank. Armstrong, Captain, Grahamston Grange. Morris, A., Carmichael house. Buchanan, Captain H., Callander. M'Arthur, Miss, "Waterside. Buchanan, Miss, Cambusmore house. M'Diarmid, Miss, River ^new. Buchanan, Walter, Callander. M'Ewan, Lliss, Square. Carnegie, David, Stronvar. M'Gregor, Miss, Square. Camie, Charles, Blairhoyle. M'Gregor, Mrs., Craigend cottage. Dick, Robert, Lochard lodge, Aberfoyle. M'Gregor, Mrs., West end. Graham, C. C. B., Gartmore. M'Intosh, Miss, Greenbank house. W. Hamilton, John Buchanan, Leny. M'Intyre, Miss Mary, Pearl street. Marshall, George, Camp. M'lntyre, Mrs., Woodville house. Morrison, James, Invergartny house. M'Kny, Mrs., Chiu"ch street. 'Donald, Angus, Callander. M'Kinlay, Mrs. John, Hcathmount. M M'Donald, John, Monachyle. M'Laren, Miss, Rose cottage. M'Ewen, Misses, Teithside. M'Laren, Misses, Lubnaig villa. M'Farlane, Captain A., Teithside. M'Laren, Mrs., Church street. M'Gregor, James, Glengyle. !M'Lean, Mrs., Murdieston house. M'Gregor, Rev. A. M., The Manse, Bal- M'Nab, D. & J., Innieshewan house. quhidder. M'Nab, John, Auchani house. M'Gregor, Sir Malcolm, Edenchip. M'Nab, Robert, West end. M'Naughton, Stewart, Invertrossach. M'Naughton, John, Church street. Robertson, Col., Callander lodge. M'Nie, Mr., Cambusmore cottage. Robertson, Duncan Graham, East mains. Robertson, D. G., Eastmains. Stewart, John, Callander. Russell, Mrs. William. Wilson, Mrs., Bohoilie house. Stewart, Duncan, Flower grove. Young, C. D,, Westend. Stewart, John, Pollochro bouse. Stewart, Jolin, West cottage. Stewart, LlatiJda, Greenbank cottage. SURGEONS. Stewart, Miss, Square. Milloy, Duncan. Stewart, Mrs,, Bridgend. M'Nab, Peter; M.D. Stewart, Mrs. D., Loraclian house. Smith, John. M.D. CALLANDER DIRECTORY 87

TAILOES. Post Office, Locheamhead—Henry Thorn- Thomas. ton, postmaster. Letters arrive (from Crieflf) Buchanan, at 7.30 am., and are despatched thereto at 2.30 Campbell, D. p.m. Monejr Order Office and Savings' Bank. Gray, Peter. Post Office, Port of Monteith—Stephen Morrison, James. Veitch, postmaster. Letters arrive (from Stir- M'Diarmid, Duncan. ling) at 6 a.m., and are despatched thereto at 3 p.m. Money Order Office, Callander. John. M'Laren, Registrars of Births, Marriages, and Deaths Strang, Peter. — for Balqohidder parish, William Cameron ; for MIS0ELLANE0U3. Callander parish, James Dickson; for Aberfoyle parish, Thomas J. ^Inrray ; for Fort of Monteith BaiUie, Alex. M., chemist and druggist. parish, William Strang. Buchanan, Walter, writer, Commercial Station-master, Callander—David Rennie. bank. Station-ma-ster, Port of Monteith (village station miles from Callander)—Peter Don. Campbell, Donald, beer retailer. 6, Ferguson, Thos., Temperance coffee-house. Fisher, Daniel, saddler. OHUHCHES—MINISTEBS. Forester, John, manager. Gas works. Established Rev. H. M'Diarmid. Gray, William, plasterer. Church— Haggart, James, watchmaker. The —Rev. John M'Diarmid. Free Rev. Andrew Bogle. Hamilton, A., miller, . Church— Ministers various. Linklater, William, bookseller, stationer, Episcopal Church— and news agent. Lister, Richard, painter. SCHOOLS. M'Donald, A., sub-distributor of stamps and sub-collector of taxes. Free Church School—Alexander Oswald; M'Farlane, Alex., Inland Revenue officer. Miss Fowler. M'Farlane, P. k F., slaters. Parochial School—James Dickson. M'Laren, Donald, wool dealer. Sewing School—Marion Ferguson. M'Lay, J., railway contractor, Trein house. M'Lean, R., timber and broom merchant. COACHES. Neilson, Alexander, town-crier. Smith, Alexander, constable. To Aberfeldy, from the Dreadnought and Macgregor'i hotels, daily during summer. Walker, William, dyer and manufacturer, To Kenmore, from the Dreadnought and Kilmahog. Macgregor'i hotels, daily during summer. a-half Ben-Ledi, four and miles from To , colls at Locheamhead, daily Callander. during inmmer. Bracklyn Bridge, one mile from Callander. To , several times daily during Callander Public Library—A. M. Baillie, summer. librarian. To Locheamhead, from the Dreadnought Inspectors of Poor—For Callander parish, and Macgregor's hotels, daily during snxamer. Alex. BalUie; for Dalquhidder parish, William To the Trossachs, from the Dreadnought

Cameron ; for Port of Monteith palish, and Macgregor'i hotels, several timet daily dur- M'Alpine; for Aberfovle parish, John M'Beth. ing summer. Post Office, Aberl'oyle—-Jolin M'Nee, post- To the Railway Station, from the Dread- master. Letters arrive (from Stirling) at 6.30 nought and Macgregor's hotels, to meet all trains. a.ra., and .ira despatched thereto at 1.30 pm. Money Order Office, CaUaudor Steamer on Loch Katrine sails from the Post Office, Callander— Daniel M'Ewen, A StronaclUAchar, in connection with postmaster. Letters arrive (from Stirling) at Trossachs to coaches to , and trains to Glasgonr, 2.10 and 11.20 a.m. ; and are despatched thereto Ac., daily during summer. at 9.10 a.ro. and 5. IS p.m. Letter* from the TroBsacbs .irrive at 5 p.m., and ura despatched Coaches run to Callander from the Tros- thereto at 6 a. m. Hone; Order Office and Savings' sachs hotel, and from Loch Katrine, daily during Bank. summer. STIRLING DIRECT0RY-ADVERTI8EIVIENTS.




PARTIES either FURNISHINa or REPLAOINa WILL FIND DMCAFS GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUSE Replete with Goods in great Variety, either Useful or OrnamentaL

Prices strictly moderate, and Qaallty Guaranteed.

PATTERNS Matched up or Made to Order.

AIT EZFEEZEITCED FAGKEE EEFT. Packing carefully executed either in Town or Country. A. DUNCAN, AGENT FOR BANNOCEBUEN COLLIERY.



Begs respectfully to intimate to the inhabitants of Stirling and sur- rounding neighbourhood, that having become lessee of the above old

established Hotel, he has now got it furnished in an elegant and

modem style. Parties frequenting the above Hotel will find comfort and atten-

tion, combined ^nth strictly moderate charges.

Comfortable and well-aired Bedrooms. LAEGE SHOW-ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL GENTLEMEN. JOHN MITCHELL, BOOT j^isTJD s:e3:oe3n^.a.k:bi^, 51 POET STUEET, STIRLING.




The view from Stirling Castle is equal to any in Europe. The Castle 15 open (0 Visitors.


(Opposite Gibb's Hotel),

Has on sale a great variety of RELICS and MEMENTOES of SCOTLAND, useful and ornamental, made of the Old Stirling Castle Oak, the Black Oak of Cahbds- KENNETU Abbet, date 1147, Wood from the Field of Bannockburn, Abbet Craiq, and the Bio Tbee of Kipfenboss.

SCOTT'S POEMS, and Albitms, Illustrated with Wilson's Photographs, bound in Douglas Room Oak, forms one of the best presents that can be sent from Scotland.

Their Royal Highnesses the PRINCE and PRINCESS OF WALES,

On their visit to Stirling in 1864, had Copies presented &om the Stock of Mr. Shearer.



A large variety of Illustrated and Richly Bound Books for Presentation, and the Ne>v Popular Works as Published, always on Sale.

Bookbinding, Engraving, and Printing neatly and expeditionsly execnted. GUIDE-BOOKS, STEREOSCOPE SLIDES, AND PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OP SCOTTISH SCENERY.


Beq to call the attention of Fanners and others to their ONE-HORSE REAPING MACHINES, price £14 10s., and TWO-HORSE REAPING MACHINES, price £19. The above are fitted up in a strong and substantial manner and of first-class Materials.

Thrashing Mills, Flour Mills, and Saw Mills, and Shaftino and Gearing fitted up on correct mechanical principles. CASTINGS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE.

Estimates given, and repairs promptly executed in any of the above branches.

Plough Metal and Sundry Castings kept in Stock.



8, 9, and 39 SPITTAL STREET, STIRLING. : —



Monthly Periodicals — THE BRITISH MESSENGER, Price 0:VE I'GiVlVT. Stamped Copy, Ss. per Annam. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET, I'rice OiVE IIALFPCXMY, or Ss. 6d. per 100. GOOD NEWS~(iLLUSTRATED), Price 38. 6d. per 100. YEARLY PARTS IN HANDSOME COVERS. THE BRITISH MESSENGER, Is. 6d. Post Free. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET, 9d. Post Free. GOOD NEWS, 6d. Post Free. THE STIRLING TRACTS, From Od. to 48. per 100. Sixpence worth and upwards sent Post Free.—Fiftieth Million in progress. To Individuals and Societies ordering quantities, a proportionate grant will be added. STIRLING LETTER TRACTS, For Inclosure in Letters. Neatly Printed on Tinted Paper. Nos. I to 12. Price 4d., Gd., and 8d. per Dozen, Post Free. A Packet containing one of each sent Post Free for Sixpence. THE STIRLING JUVENILE TRACTS (ILLTJSTBATED), Paclicts I. and II. price Gd. per Packet, or, post free, 7d. The Packet contains a dozen difiTcrent little 12-page books, each having a fine Illustration, and done up in elegant cover. THE STIRLING LEAFLETS, For Inclosure in Letters. Neatly Printed on Tinted Paper. In Sixpenny and Threepenny Packets. Nos. I., II., and III. Any particular Leaflet may also be had separately in quantities. Sixpence worth Post Free.

BpeclmenB of the Publications, with Catalognes, aent Post Free on application to PETER DRUMMOND, Tract Depot, Stirling. 94 STIRLIXG DIRECTORY—ADVERTISEMENTS.


Branclies: Top of Baker Street, and 33 Port Street.






ilwiiifet ami giiigfi^t


(From Frazek & Green, Pharmaceutical Chemists to Her Majesty, Glasgow),

Gives his best attention, as hitherto, to the Dispensing Department of his business, and to the prompt exe- cution of orders intrusted to him.



CUFF'S VETEEINARY MEDICINES, and aU the principal Patent and Proprietory Preparations.

The Business, in all its details, conducted under W. D.'s immediate direction. 95 STIRLINO DIRECTORY—ADVERTISEMENTS.

THE BEST LIFE INSURANCE Is that which makes the amount insured for payable to the Assured during his or her own lifetime. All Policies issued by the BRITON MEDICAL AND GENERAL LIFE ASSOCIATION Possess this most important advantage, in addition to the ordinary one of becoming a claim at death, and are indisputable on any ground whatever.







Beg to solicit an Inspection of the Quality and Prices of their CABINET & UPHOLSTERY FURNITUfiE. BEDSTEADS OF IRON, BRASS, AND VARIOUS WOODS.

Superior llcddiiig:, comprising Faliasscs, Mattresses of Hair, Dowu, and Flock, Featlier Beds, &c. CHEAPEST FEATHERS WARRANTED PURIFIED.


As it is unnecessary to quote Prices in the FURNITURE and BEDDING DEPARTMENTS in an Advertisement, we would respectfully invite an inspection of our Goods, feeling confident that due attention has been paid to taste and economy.

Orders will always receive our strictest attention. 98 STIRLIXO DIRECTORY—ADVERTISEMENTS.



PUMP8, WATER CLOSETS, GAS LUSTRES, and BRACKETS of every description.




STAINED GLASS.—Au Assorted Stock of Plain Coloured Glass, OrDatneutal Glass, Stained Glass Border, Rosettes,

GLAZIER WORK.—All kinds of Glazier Work neatly and promptly executed. Lead and Zinc Windows made to order.

"Window Cleaning.—^Windows regularly Cleaned at Threepence Each, and all Glass broken in the Cleaning re-glazed free of charge.

GLASS SHADES.—A Large and Well-assorted Stock of Round, Oval, and Square Shades.

SUNDRIES.—Propagating Glasses, Bee Glasses, &c.



Executed by an Experienced Tradesman from Edinburgh.



FISH, PO ULTRY, GAME, &,c. A. HEPBURN Begs respectfully to intimate to the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Stirling and neighbourhood, that ghe has REMOVED to lO UPPER CRAIGS, STIRLING.

Salmon, Grilse, and Trout from the Tay and Forth daily; also White Fish, Poultry and Gaaie, &c. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON.

Orders from the Country pimcttially attended to, COALS! COALS! BEST UOUSElIOI^n, ALWAYS ON HAND, FRESH FROM THE PITS.


Repairs on Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery well and promptly executed.

Hair Work neatly executed on the premises. STIRLING DIRECTORY^ADVERTISEMEXTS. 101 CALLANDER

D. M'GOWAN, Proprietor.

THIS large and commodious Hotel, so long conducted by the late Mr. M'Gregor, and which has recently undergone extensive alterations and improvements, is beautifully situated at the west end of the village, and commands a magnificent view of the Vale of the Teith,

Ben Ledi, and surrounding district, and is within a short distance of the Roman Camp, the Falls of Bracklin, Loch Vennacher, Loch Lubnaig, the Pass Leny, of Ben Ledi, &c., &c.

Tourists will find Callander very central for visiting those places mentioned in Sir Walter Scott's " Lady of the Lake," viz., the Lake of Menteith, Clachan of Aberfoyle, Lochard, the Trossachs, Loch Achray, Loch Katrine, , Clachan of Balquihidder (where

Rob Roy M'Gregor is buried), Loch Voil, Locheamhead, &c., &c.

On and after first May, and during the season, stage Coaches in connection with this Hotel and Mr. Blair's Hotel at the Trossachs, run several times each day to suit the arrival and departure of Trains at Callander and Steamer on Loch Katrine. On and after the first June, and during the season, the Queen of Beauty Stage Coach starts from the Hotel for Lochearnhead, Killin, Kenmore, and Aberfeldy, every lawful morning at 10 o'clock.

Omnibuses run to and from each Train.—Posting in all its Branches.—Letters for Carriages, Coach Seats, or Hotel Accommoda- tion, carefully attended to. Lake and River Fishing to be had in the immediate neighbourhood.

Table de Hotfe at 3 p.m.




Would respectfully inform the public of Stirling and Neighbourhood, that he has always on band FURNITURE of good quality, got up in the most modem style, and made to order. T. H. would direct special attention to his Cabinet and Upholstery Furniture, Mahogany and other Bedsteads, Paliasses,

Mattresses of Hair, Down, and Flock, Feather Beds, &c. ; also Venetian and other Blinds. CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. All Orders receive strict attention.



Beg to call the attention of the Inhabitants and Visitors to their carefully selected Stock of General Groceries, including Tea and Coffee of the finest description, and every article in the trade of the best quality.

A proportionato Heduction in Price of Tea is given to purcliasers of Caddies containing about 20 lbs.

Ports, 20s., 24s., 30s., 36s., 42s., 48s., and 54s. per doz. Sherries, Pale and Gold, 20s., 24s., 30s., 36s., 42s., 48s., and 54s. per doz. Clarets, 9s., 12s., 18s., 24s., 30s., 36s., 48s., and 72s. per doz. Old Cognac Brandies, Holland Gin and Liqueurs. E. Y. 0., Old Islay, Campbeltown, Glenlivet, and Burntisland Whiskies. Eeid's London and Guinness's Dublin Porter. Blackford, Alloa, and Edinburgh Mild Ales. Edinburgh and Prestonpans Table Beer. Prestonpans 12 guinea Ale. Bass' and Allsopp's Pale Ales.

N,B.—Information as to Furnished Houses and Lodgings given on application. 104 STIRLING DIRECTORY—ADVEIITISEMENTS.


X3stAlsllslLec]. 18 4 6. HENDERSON BROTHERS, ROYAL BANK BUILDINGS, 31 & 32 KING STREET, STIRLING, Keep a LARGE STOCK of DRAPERY and SILK MERCERY. Their MILLINERY, MANTLE, BABY LINEN and LADIES' OUTFITTING ROOMS are always replete with every Novelty, and they still maintain their position as being the first in Town for CARPETS and other HOUSE FURNISHINGS generally.


Hats, Hosiery, Ties, Caps, Gloves, Collars, tCrc, ttc. STIRLING DIRECTORY—ADVERTISEMEXTS. 105







Catalogues of Seeds and Manures on application.






In respectfully soliciting a continuance of the support he has received during the past 13 years, begs to call special attention to his CABINET and Upholstery FURNITURE, Bedsteads in different designs and in various Woods, Feather Beds, Paliasses, Mattresses of Hair, Do\vn, Flock, &c. VENETIAIT AlTD OTHEE BLINDS.

A. H.'s best attention is given to all orders, and his charges are moderate,



CO 0) o QC UJ UJ Ph Z o P^ CO o I O o o o H i-H < o ft o Q cu - V p^ S o M DC 'i:? ID o c3 h g m o UJ o O PQ < H'"J I- tf 1=) Z Q o Q UJ o Q o Q. ^ w o Q PI DC o Eh < GO o H o CO CD o t> I-] Q .J UJ Z Ph CO Q. D < Eh LU P^ <1 I DC O STIRLING DIRECTORY—ADVERTISEMENTS. 109





ZOETROPE, OR WHEEL OF LIFE, €D XS, C» Q XJ lEl rMTj New Gnmcs, Toys, Baskets, Brushes, Ladies' Bags, &c., AT H. GARDNER'S FANCY WAREHOUSE, 26 MUREAY PLACE, STIRLING.



JcucUery rejmired and made to order, and tvry description of JVatchu and Clocks carefully repaired and cleaned. 110 STIRLIXG DIRECTOR Y—AD VER TISEMENTS. H. FERGUSON, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER,



Has always on hand a very Large and Select Stock of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES,


St ri? X JCK. XL. X IV CS-.








A Large Assortment of the above, which he sells Wholesale or Retail. A1.B0, a Larcje Stock of Ready-Made LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS and SHOES constantly on hand. 112 STIRLING DIRECTORY—ADVERTISEMENTS.

~1. D. KELLY,



SALES of FAEM STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITUEE, and VALUATIONS conducted on Moderate Terms. Live Stock Sales held Weekly.






H. G., in requesting a continuance of the liberal support he has received since commencing business, begs to assure his friends and the public that they may depend on having, as hitherto, a good article at a moderate price, at 22i MURRAY PLACE, STIRLING. GEORGE BAUCHOP, BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKER, 17 PORT STREET, STIRLING. CAKES, BUNS, SHORTBREAD, TEA BREAD AND FANCY BISCUITS



Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES, &e., &c. 2Elrated Waters always in Stock, from the best Slanufacturera. 114 STIRLTXa DIRECTORY—ADVERTISEMENTS.

D. & J. MAOEWEN & CO., FAMILY GROCERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, STinXjiisr Gr. Branch Establisliincnis at Callander & Bridge of Allan. WTNES of every description in Wood and Bottle from tlie first ShipperSf and of the most celebrated Vintages. Old COGNAC BRANDY, HOLLANDS, and LIQUEURS. Old ISLAY, GLENLRTIT, CA:MPBELTO\VlSr, BURNTISLAND, and other AVHISKIES. BASS'S, ALLSOPP'S, and other ALES,) . ^ , j" g j ^\^™?:'.^„ ^^^ PRESTONPANS, EDINBURGH, and - ' ^^"fsuitable%for FamUies. ALLOA TABLE BEER, j BARCLAY, PERKINS', and REID & CO.'S LONDON PORTER. GUINNESS'S DUBLIN STOUT. An ExceUent DINNER SHERRY at 20s. per doz. CLARET from 93. per doz. upwards. Daily Supplies of the Finest Quality of FBESH BUTTER. N.B.—Information as to Furnished Houses and Lodgings to Let in the different localities will be given on application. .A.DFLTIDB'IOIjgLX.i TE3E3TDEI. ATTENDANCE AT STIRLING EVERY FRIDAY. Hours of Consnltatioii, Trom 11 tiU 4. ME.. SMYTH, Suhgeon-Dentist, continues (as he has done for the last four years,) to visit Stirling every Friday, and may be consulted at Mrs. Hutchison's, No. 2 Barnton Place. Artificial Teeth supplied without extracting roots or giving any pain. His charges are strictly moderate, and within the reach of all. DECllEU TEETH FILliEU WITH WHITE ElVAlTIEIi. Glasgow Address— 11, Sauchiehall Street. 3DJL"VIX) BJL^^TEI^, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER,



Have greatly ENLARGED their PREMISES by adding a Splendid NEW SALOON, so that their Establishment is now the most Extensive of the kind in the County.

Their Stock is at all times Large and fully Assorted in every

Department ; and their Business is conducted on the most approved modern system, all Goods being marked the lowest Cash Price.

M. (k M. cordially invite Inspection of their Stock.

Patterns sent to intending Purchasers on application ; and all Orders entrusted

to them will rmet witJi prompt attention.


"VT". IDO"VsrEI_,IL,,




ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER of ST. JOHN'S. ALLOA, is prepared to receive PUPILS.



Begs to thank the Public of Stirling and Neighbour- hood for the liberal support he has received during the eleven years he has been in business, and hopes that their favours may be continued.

A. M. can assure his friends that strict attention will be paid to their orders, and guarantees that all work will have his personal superintendence.







Respectfiilly call the attention of Families to the undemoted Frico Ziiat of MAIjT IiiqUORS, which they can at all timcB supply in a high state of perfection: PER DOZEN. Rich Mellow London Porter, Quarts,arts, 6/0 Piuts, 3/0 Excellent do. do „ 5/0 M 2/6 The Best Dublin Porter „ 5/0 , » 2/6 Rich Heavy-bodied Ale, „ 6/0 , » 3/0 Very Excellent do., „ 5/0 » 2/6 Bass & Co.'s Pale Ale, „ 5/0 , » 2/6 Prestonpans Extra Beer » 2/6, „ —


Work Boxes, Desks, Writing Gases. dressing cases in wood and lkvther.



W. MEIKLEJOHN, No. 9 and No. 20 BAKER STREET, Begs to draw the attention of Ladies to the oldest and best Millinery business in Stir- ling, 60 long and so successfully prosecuted by the late Mrs. Black.

The Subscriber, in addition to carrying on the above in all its branches, has made such arrangements as to be enabled to add DRESSMAKING and STKAW-HAT MAKING to the business; and would assure those Ladies who may favour either of the Departments with their patronage, that every attention will be given to their orders. A large Selection of Bo.vketb, Hats, Dress Caps, Dress Stuffs, Flowers, Feathees, liiBBONs, VELVETS, Laces, &c., in all the New Styles. BONNETS AND HATS ALTERED TO THE NEW SHAPES. BABY LINENS AND LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. MEIKLEJOHN'S MILLINERY AND OUTFITTING WAREHOUSES, No. 9 AND No. 20 BAKER STREET. STIRLING. ROBERT HARDIE, PLUMBER, BRASSFOUNDER AND GASFITTER, 45 PORT STREET, STIRLING.


ZF'lx'at Olose A.laoxre tlxe lSltc«.x> Itrn. 1



SPOIlUtT UOLOOHS, I^CaiHS anl £noa;iES, male In &U Taiietios. SEWING MACHINE WAREHOUSE. SOLE AGENT IN STI&LING FOB The SINGER, GROVER & BAKER, and the RAYMOND (HAND) SEWING MACHINES, AJl of which may be seen in Operation on the Premises.

All requisites, including Needles, Silk, Linen, and Cotton Thread, &c. 3VXA.oli.ixxes Xl.epA'lz-ecl..



Every descrijition of Jobbing jmnctually attended to.







7 KING STREET, STIRLING. Physicians^ Prescriptions Accurately Prepared. Genuine Patent Medicines.












STIRLING, 1, 2, 4, and 6, MURRAY PLACE.



-1 Choice Selection of Goods Jcept in Stock, and Orders piinctuall'd


Has always on hand a Fine Selection of GAS-LUSTRES, LOBBY LAMPS, and BRACKETS, all in the newest designs, greatly below former prices. J. S. in\ntes special attention to his Patent W. C, the best in the market, and wjiich has given great satisfaction during the six years it has been in use, and may be seen on the premises. Action, simple and efficient, with durability and non-liability to derangement; and is so constructed that no impurity is allowed to remain, and no bad smell generated. It may be supplied with or without a Cistern, and will work equally with high or low pressure. The W. C. is so simple in its construction that it may, in a few minutes, be made equal to new, Avithout removing it from its

situation ; and when fitted up by J. S., is kept in repair for two years free of charge, and then left in as good condition as when first put up. ROBERT LAWSON, CLjOTHIEII .A.ISrD r)I^A.I>EIl,








Devote their attention principally to


All work entrusted to them receives personal superintendence, is got up with care, and furnished at the lowest prices consistent with good workmanship and quality of material, and, by means of a STEAM-POWER PRINTING MACHINE, quantities may be had on very short notice.


s* ^!d other publications available from

Stirling District Libraries:

The Stirling Observer Index; People

1836-56 £8.50

J.B. Johnston; Place-names of

Stirling District £1

Nancy Barreto; Wha's Like Us £1.50

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