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iTJ - -- Wi"l .1rsr i. wfr nt'-'lME1-''' f''yirt-- ?.-- " r A lino Tiik republic-jn- s aro giving Harrison n colored lnboier nt Louisnille. Semi-Week- ly IhteriorJouknal h nil Columbia for appointing n demo- horoo horse was killed, another wns in- crat to the suprome bench and it is giv- jured and several men barely missed a en out that tho Pcnatt will hang the fato similar to Figg's. T Stakfoud, KY.,FuimuAUY 7, IS'Jtf &. thn nomination up till tho 4th of March. Tho Louisville, St. Louis Texas We Are Read of nil to has Louisville, Hardinsburg (jetting It was tho most unkindrbt cut bought the W. F. WALTON. the party of spoils, especially since tho Sc Western, 40 miles. First mortgage Cincinnati Commercial tiaaetto is au bonds on the first road to tho amount of thority for tho statement, which ndds $030,000 wero paid ofl and canceled by To buy our Mew Spring Slock and insult to injury, that Mr. Harrison, in tho purchasers. SIX : PAGES. casting about for a Southern republican The truth about those Stockton, Cal., kite-shape- breaking ex- De,K.I3D."X". for tho appointment, found only two men d track record EVERY available, Don Pardee and Emory Speer. ploits is coming out at last. Stamboul's "fixed," itseeniP, in to Gen. Harrison fraukly said that in his record of 2;0TJ wns CLOSE enough OUT Somk people wero credulous MUST a large prico. WE estimation neither of theso men was order to make him bring President Harrison 'would believe that qualified for a position upon tho su- the real time being 2:10. Cleveland appoint the The Goods of price wait nnd let Mr. preme Tho president is right. The Trunk Lino Association has de- balance of our IVinier regardless and if Justice Lamar, bench. successor of Associuto Republican timber of tho right sort is cided that world's fair rates shall bo 20 dreamed he would ap- but no one that monstrous scarce in this neck o' the per cent, reduction from tho present The unexpected has point a democrat. woods. rate, with ono stop over each way. Kates Mr. Harrison happened, however, and to tho Cloveland inauguration are to be to party by SrKAKi.sci of tho improbable statement haa shown uimself superior on n basis of two cents n mile. E. Jackson, Unit- that Gov. Boies has twice declined tho selecting Jude Howell William Durbin, near Irvine, took n Will be now is your chance. for this district, agricultural portfolio, Editor Logan, an inducement, ed States circuit judge barrel of whisky out of bond nnd invit- lamented Lntnar. This hiinPblf an applicant for tho position, is to succeed the ed a number of neighbors to call. In Choice inducing ovon his moved to remark na ono having authori- You can take your choice of all Overcoats that were $S.50 for $5. act will ro far towards tho festivities which followed Willinm of Mr. Harrison ty and not as one of the scribes: "Your S12 Oncrcoats enemies to think better Horn was stabed in tho back, nnd will of all $10, and $15 at $S. among tho few states- Uncle Grover is not driveu to the neces- and to place him die, and John Young was shot in the enough to rise above sity of seizing statesmen by the nape of men who are strong breast. whole country con- the neck and the bosom of tho trousers partisanship. Tho The Louisville and Nashville Roll- IMEJLssfS shortly to retire his official fami- president, and dragging them into $10,-000,00- 0, gratulates the ing Stock Trust,- - with a capital of of affairs, in ly." The old farmer kuows how it is from the administration was incorporated in Louisville. demonstrated a broad ca- himself. There aro too many willing above big You Boijs' stock which ho has Don'tThe bargains. Full sioch Boots $1.50 a pair. full Tho articles of incorporation have been statesmanship. Tho Barkises in the country, of whom ho is pacity and much signed by local officials, nnd will be sent Boots $1.10. Ladies' heavy Shoes 75c. Children's heavy Shoes 50c was born in Paris, Tenn., in one of which, for tho agricultural or any appointee to Europe tb receive the signatures of graduated at tho West Tennes- other bureau to go 'begging. 1832, and tho foreign shareholders. see College in 1848, afterwards attending thrccsfur-trimmc- d dis- Mrs. H. II. White, of Lexington, re Onlv black Jackets left and wo don't want to carry University of Virginia and also grad John M. ATiiKRTON.the Louisville the ceived a postal card tho other day which over; they were sold apiece, to close out only size oj--, Lebanon, Tenn., law school. tiller, has very sensibly concluded that them at $12.50 at $6; uating nt the as written in July, IS?.), but not re- serving in tho State Senate ho was the surest way for money to go as you SG and SS. While Lexington post-offi- ce until along-drawu-o- is during life, aud not ceived at the chosen U. S. Senateor, after wish it to see to it right this month. The writer has been dead struggle, and it is said that it was leave it in wills to have heirs over G5c Comforts 50c, worth 11 years. Where tho postal had been Blankets a pair. at 00c sat in the Senate together and set aside. He has given $30,000 to while they all this time will always" remain n mys- formed so great an at- found a chair of natural science in the that Mr. Harrison tery. Mr. Cleveland ap- Georgetown College in honor of the late tachment for him. of life" has been dis circuit in Prof. Farnham, and ill head an endow- Another "elixir pointed Judge Jackson to this Ham- LOUISVILLE Dr. Win. A. THE STORE, chair with a subscrip- covered, this time by 18SG and since his accession to tho bench ment for another mond, the famous American alchemist. proved himself one of the best tion of $10,000. Mr. Atherton is an 11 he has is to administer the various Stanford, Ky. A. A YS, Manager. He used to bo a alumnus of this college, aud one of tho His method judges in the country. or-ga- organs of animals to corresponding us with his brother in tho Bello brainiest men it ever sent out, albeit he partner of body. This discove- iuter-eit- s has hidden his light somewhat under a tho human shocks of fodder at l.'i cents per shock. - Meade Stock Farm, but sold his Brown-Sequar- TO OUR America n rival of the d, T is believ whiskv barrel. ry gives to Advocate. " after his appointment. It in tho art of litting successor Koch, Pasteur J. W. KaiiBlitnnn, sold to Yonger & ed that he will make a Tub democrat"? won a famous victory compliment healing. Yeager, n harness gelding for f 100, who to Lamar, and that is in Muhlenberg county Saturday by elect- Friends and Customers. himo ImtiL'ht. of 1. Shelbv Tuvimi harnei-- s enough. ing a democratic successor to Represen- CHURCH AFFAIRS. mnre for $i:J5. j We take this means of thanking you for your very liberal patron- - tative James, who resigned to accept a Amid a democratic love-feas- t, the Leg- Rev. W. A. Slaymaker, the new Pres- Mors are sellim; in Southern and age and many favors shown us during the past year, and hope by fur a World's Fair commissionership. Tho islator caucus Junanimously nominated byterian paster, is winning golden opin- WeMern Kentucky for from four to nishitig you with county is densely and intensely republi- Judge William Lindsay to Bucceed Mr. ions here, both as a man and asn preach- cents, the highest can and yet Prof. W. J. Cox, a clean cut Carlisle in tho United States Senate. er. democrot, chosen oyer republi- w.1r.101,,,,,,,jThe : : : There was no other name before the cau- whs the minister lists resigned Very Best A Rochester "s&r.s Goods can nominee by a good majority. cus and the votes of the 90 metuboru his pulpit becauso his flock insisted on exactly fat, for sale for work mules and i In thLMiwrket i for the build-i- n 15 hands, II10.tiy at the Louest Pruts to merit a continuance tilt same; composing it, wore all couuted Col. W. O. Bkaolkv is mentioned for holding dog fights in the church one cur load Hi to v UK ,wu'" "" year jovial judge, who made n capital speech the vacancy caused by the promotion of (. mares and fut. B. F. Gover. " "'" '" "u i'H and polls, is to hav a new $20,-00- 0 J 700 balwi oi hay, hIso on the issues as defined nt the nt Judge Jackson, and here's hoping ho Hopkinsville havo for salo Ehort, church, $15,00.i of tho nee good corn. Will de- the close of which he enid: "In will get it. The colonel is not only wor- Baptist -- 00 barrels of white WILL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU ALL. un- having already been se- GOo per 100 pounds. the victory of the Democratic party thy and well qualified for the position, essiry funds liver hay in cars at man whose Crab Orchard. Thanking you fir past favors, we are, Yours Respectfully, der tho leadership of the but deserving of any honor the president cured. John Buchanan, as Byn-ony- m L.