Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 (71-90) (P-ISSN 2528-276X) (E-ISSN 2598-6465)

The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in

Dewi Masitoh Master of Political Science Departemen, Faculty of Social and Political Science Diponegoro University [email protected]

Recieved: February 18 2020; Revised: April 27 2020; Accepted: May 20 2020

Abstract: The Civil War that occurred in Liberia has been going on for a long time, where there are two rebel groups, they are: Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) and Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL). Both of these rebel groups have caused gender inequality in Liberia continuously, especially women who have been victims of this war. However, with the efforts and participation of women from Liberian society, the war was successfully reconciled without creating violence. This research is aimed at realizing that women are not only victims of gender inequality, but can also be 'agents of change' in creating peace and better change for the future of a country. This research will use qualitative research methods, that emphasize the observation and understanding of a social phenomenon, where data is collected through secondary data and literature review. This research will analyze the case using three concepts: Feminism, Gender Equality, and Peace. The research concluded that there have been several efforts that have been made by women to resolve conflicts in Liberia by creating and building peace sustainably so that peace can be stable for a long time. The efforts that have been made by Liberian women are by creating several organizations and affiliations, they are: Woman in the Peacebuilding Network (WIPNET), Mano River Women's Peace Network (MARWOPNET), Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL). This long-term peace can improve gender equality in several sectors of Liberian society, such as the economy and political sectors that are getting better and more effective from year to year. Keywords: women’s participation, conflicts, movement, democracy, liberia

Introduction In this research will be more focus The Liberian Civil War has been on Liberia's Second Civil War, from 1999 going on for fourteen years from 1989 to to 2003. In this Civil War there was a 2003. The Liberian Civil War was one of group of rebels who opposed President the bloodiest wars in the history of the Charles Taylor. This rebel group is called African region. This war was divided into Liberians United for Reconciliation and two parts, they are: first, from 1989 to Democracy (LURD) with a Muslim 1997 and second, from 1999 to 2003 majority and led by Sekou Conneh who (Rashed, 2019). has taken control of the entire Liberian countryside. They have committed

71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 several acts of ethnic violence against the will become more durable in the future people of Liberia (Parajon, 2007). (Koziol, 2019). Then, came another rebel group Referring to the research entitled called Movement for Democracy in "Womens Participation in Peacebuilding: Liberia (MODEL), which is a faction that A Missing Piece of the Puzzle?" and has separates parts of Liberians United for been carried out by Mary K. McCarthy Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD). from the University of Pennsylvania. In This movement for Democracy in Liberia his research discusses some of the wars (MODEL) has also captured several that Liberia has experienced and the villages and cities in southeastern Liberia effects of those wars. There are several by killing and raping women. In 2003, roles of women, namely by becoming a these two groups, namely LURD and negotiator in resolving the war. But this MODEL, had good intentions to stop woman's role is felt to be still not very hostilities with President Taylor by effective in resolving conflicts (McCarthy, holding peace negotiations, but President 2011). Referring to the research entitled Taylor threatened to treat them cruelly "Women, Transitional Power-Sharing, and and imprison both groups for opposing Post-Conflict Democratization: Evidence his government (Parajon, 2007). from Liberia" which was written by President Charles Taylor has also Kathrin M. Baumann from the University supported the rebels named The of Heidelberg. In his research, women are Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in always victims during conflicts and civil carrying out their actions. This was done wars. Before women were always by assisting and conspiring with the underestimated and never contributed, Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels then, finally there was gender equality. during the war in Sierra Leone from 1991 Where women have become one of the to 2002. As a result of his actions, he had main actors who are important in the killed tens of thousands of civilians and post-conflict transitional government. had resulted in several other cases such This can be a supporting factor to as rape, terror, murder, sexual slavery, increase the chances of democracy in looting, violence, and coercion of children Liberia (Baumann, 2018). into the army (BBC, 2012). The important role of women in However, this conflict has finally Liberian peace, this research will discuss succeeded in peace without violence. This novelty by combining three concepts, peace action has been carried out by the they are: feminism, gender equality and participation of women in Liberia, peace to analyze how the success of spearheaded by a female activist named women's participation in resolving Leymah Gbowee. The method that has conflicts in Liberia without violence by been implemented by women to achieve comparing how the conditions pre and peace in Liberia can be said to be post-peace situation in Liberia from the successful, because Liberia has focused economic and political sector from year to their efforts to touch all levels of society. year. Then, in the final sub-chapter will Thus, the Liberian development process discuss the post-conflict peace situation in Liberia and answer whether the peace

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 72 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia is merely an effort to create peace during suitable for answering questions ‘how’ the conflict. Or as an effort for ‘according to phenomena. This method is sustainability in building post-conflict subjective and inductive and does not use peace by ensuring that all people in it can statistical mechanisms (McCusker, 2015). have the same opportunities and This qualitative method is very opportunities for obtaining benefits from suitable to be applied in this research, resources as well as increasing their which is discussed in relation about ‘how’ capabilities in various sectors, both to analyze the success of women's political and economic sectors. participation in conflict peace in Liberia There are several objectives of this by using three concepts, they are: research, they are: First, this research ‘Feminism’, ‘Gender Equality’ and ‘Peace’. aims to be able to contribute to the study And ‘how the situation when the pre and of gender politics towards efforts to post-peace in Liberia from the economic successfully contribute to women in and political sector’. handling the Civil War in Liberia. Second, The qualitative method is a this research is aim to realize that women research method that is flexible and are not only victims of gender inequality, dynamic, which means that it is open to but can also be 'agents of change' in changes, both approved and changed creating peace and better change for the during the research process (McCusker, future of a country. Third, this research is 2015). The qualitative methods can be aim to be an evaluation material for the done by taking case studies of existing Government of Liberia and other social problems. This method is also done Government of countries in resolving by developing values and making gender discrimination and valuing conclusions based on the processes and women's participation in any sector to data that have been obtained (Direktorat, advance a country. 2019). The qualitative research methods Methods can be done in two ways, they are: First, This writing will use qualitative exploratory by knowing in detail about research methods. Qualitative research the objects and problems regarding the methods are research methods that success of women's participation in emphasize the observation and resolving the Liberian conflict. From the understanding of social phenomena, explorative way in this research, the which is then interpreted and explained author takes three concepts in answering through words. The object of this and analyzing the success of women's research method is human, relationship participation in resolving conflicts in with interaction and the relationship Liberia. The three concepts that have (McCusker, 2015). been taken by the author, namely: K. McCusker and S. Gunaydin in Feminism, Gender Equality, and Peace. Of their book by the title "Research Using these three concepts, the author has a Qualitative, Quantitative Methods or limitation in the discussion so that it is Mixtures and Choices Based on Research" not too broad in writing. explained that qualitative method is

73 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020

Second, descriptive is the by searching the data that has been continuation process after explorative, in processed by observing, collecting and which this research process aims to taking some references or sources that describe the object or phenomenon that already exist, such as books, data, will be examined and that will be journals, and articles through the discussed in detail. From the descriptive internet. Related, in this study will be method in this writing, the authors discussed in detail by conducting a review describe the three concepts (Feminism, of some reliable data via the internet. Gender Equality, and Peace) by analyzing Then, the data in this research also the efforts and strategies of Liberian narrative, which is a sentence that women's participation, so that they can discusses the complexity of the problem successfully resolve conflicts that have (Cochran, 2007). been happened for a long time, from 1989 Some secondary data used in this to 2003. research, are: First, Gross Domestic After that, the author will discuss Product (GDP) Growth of Liberia from how the post-conflict situation in the 2000 to April 2020 which has been taken economic and political sectors, whether from the official website of Trading the success can prosper the entire Economics. Second, The Number of Liberian society or not. This will be Liberian Unemployment Rate from 1999 supported by some data that will show to 2019 which has been taken on the how effective Liberia has been since the official website of Statista. Third, Liberia's post-conflict conflict to the present. Global Gender Index Ranks for Several Then, after using the two previous Sectors, they are: Economic and research methods, they are: explorative Participation and Opportunity, Political and descriptive ways, the author will Empowerment and Overall (Global explain an object, so that a conclusion will Index). The third data has been processed be drawn as a result and essence of this by the authors themselves by taking and study (Hancock, 2009). combining two data sources, they are: The By using this qualitative method, official website of Knoema, which is the the author can give some explanations of most comprehensive source of global some objects in detail. The results from decision making data in the world and a qualitative methods can be proposed and report from the World Economic Forum result in the development of concepts, in 2018 by the title 'Insight Report: The interpretations, suggestions, solutions, or Global Gender Gap Report 2018.’ evaluations of problems that have been So, from these three data, the discussed by the authors. And in the end, author will see and found at how the post- the authors will take conclusions as a conflict situation in the economic and result and essence of this research political sectors, whether the success can (Hancock, 2009). prosper the entire Liberian society or not. The technique of retrieving data in And how effective the success of Liberia this research will use a method of since the post-conflict until now. By using retrieving secondary data. Secondary data the set of method the author have is a method obtained through literature described above, some reseach questions

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 74 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia will be answered comprehensive during been legitimized by structural- the following discussion. functionalists which will ultimately provide benefits and equality for men and Result and Discussion women. This concept is very suitable to Analysis of the Concept of ‘Feminism’ be implemented in this research because and ‘Gender Equality’ towards it will discuss about the rights of women Women's Participation in Conflict that have been sidelined, causing gender Peace in Liberia Feminism inequality or discrimination. The concept This research will use the concept of ‘feminism’ was raised because it aims of ‘feminism’, which is an ideology that to protect women's rights from various believes that it is necessary to fight for the violations that often harm women. This rights of women so that they get the same concept emphasizes more on how to rights and so they do not get position women's subjects in certain discriminated in society. This "feminism" societies. The concept of "feminism" has arises because it aims to erase patriarchal championed two very important things values which have long been protected by for women, namely about gender equality functional structural culture. This with men and autonomy in determining "feminism" movement first emerged in what is best for them (Soetjipto, 2013). the West in the 1770s, which was Referring to the concept of spearheaded by Lady Mary Wortley ‘Feminism’ towards women’s Montagu and Marquis de Condorcet, participation in resolving Liberia’s when the renaissance in Italy that conflict, which during the Liberian brought change and awareness of the conflict women severely disadvantage citizens of Europe. At that time, humans and intimidated by men. So, after rising are just aware about gender equality and the feminist movement of Liberian respect for men and women as women, Liberia became free from individuals who are free to use their discrimination and patriarchy reasoning and free from killing the church (Krisbiyantoro, 2016). (Marzuki, 2008). The feminism concept has The women were aware of the encouraged a movement to seek gender violence and oppression which they had equality to be free from all forms of experienced in society, such as in their oppression and stereotypes. With the families, social status and workplaces. experience of women in Liberia who This concept of "feminism" does not agree experienced gender inequality and felt with the patriarchal values and culture oppressed by men. The Liberian women that originally appeared from the family, created a ‘Feminism Movement’ that was where men were given privileges and initiated by Leymah Gbowee, she is a could rule in the family. Thus, this causes female activist and social worker who inequality for women, where property, supports and fights for rights women in access and control of resources can only Liberia (Rashed, 2019). be owned by men (Puspitawati, 2013). The ‘Feminism Movement’ that The concept of ‘feminism’ aims to occurred in Liberia, it can be said as erase the patriarchal system which has ‘Liberal Feminism’. ‘Liberal Feminism’ is a

75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 view that women position to gain that made them have to fight for their freedom completely. The ‘Liberal rights as a social class. Liberian women Feminism’ has been motivated by a sense reject injustice as a result of a patriarchal of oppression from men, so the women society and government. Patriarchy is a can’t be free for doing something. ‘Liberal social system, that men have privileges Feminism’ has several principles, they that have dominated and become holders are: human nature has the same rights of power in various sectors of society and and role between men and women, government (Krisbiyantoro, 2016). equality, individual ownership, autonomy, dignity and independence and should not Gender Equality be distinguished. ‘Liberal Feminism’ aims This research will use the concept to be able to form a society that is good, of ‘gender equality’, which first will be equal, fair and prosperous, so that women explained about gender. Gender is the must fight for it because it’s a rational difference and social relations between creature (Krisbiyantoro, 2016). men and women in the roles, functions, The ’Liberal Feminism’ has been rights, responsibilities and behaviors that applied by women in Liberia, emphasizes are formed by social values, cultures and on freedom and equality which is rooted customs of community groups that can in rationalism by upholding some values change at any time and local conditions of autonomy, equality, morality. So, get (Puspitawati, 2015). the same opportunities and rights for Gender different from sex, sex is each individual, including women based used to understand the differences on equality and existence as rational between men and women attached to beings. The ‘Liberal Feminism’ movement themselves biologically and cannot be in Liberia has been initiated by Leymah exchanged because it is obtained by the Gbowee who has fought in various nature of God. Example: The men produce political, economic and social sectors to sperm, the women produce ovum and can get their votes, rights and obligations as giving birth (Siti Azisah, 2016). citizens. In the political sector, women Gender can be interpreted as a have the right to express their opinions trait that has been used as a basis in is by choosing or being elected. In the identifying differences between men and economic and social sector, women have women that can be seen from various the right to have a career, generate aspects and social, cultural, psychological income freely and live as they wish and other non-biological aspects. A (Krisbiyantoro, 2016). Gender is a form of engineering or social The feminists said that the construction that can change at any time. ‘Feminism Movement’ is a movement that Example: men have some characteristics, began in the consciousness of women, such as; handsome, strong and the where they are always oppressed and women have some characteristics, such exploited. Therefore, this oppression and as; beautiful, motherhood and so on. But, exploitation must end immediately. The all of these characteristics are not ‘Feminism Movement’ in Liberia permanent and can change at any time happened because of social changes, so

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 76 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia because they are not from the nature of gender equality is a way to facilitate ways God (Siti Azisah, 2016). of oppressing women with race, gender, Gender can be regarded as an class, section and ways to support. The important social variable and a tool to success of women’s participation in classify in society to be able to analyze the resolving Liberia’s conflict has difference between men and women in demonstrated the necessary needs of the several ways, they are: responsibilities, concept of ‘Gender Equality’, where roles, needs, opportunities and obstacles women are not only seen as victims and (ILO, 2005). Gender can be influenced by aggrieved parties, but women are parties several other variables, such as: class, who can provide equal participation and caste, ethnicity, race, age, geographical, help in joint development with men. The political and economic environment. role of women Liberia has guaranteed Within gender itself, there are several everyone, both men and women have gender norms and values that should be control with equal access to resources done by men and women (Suriyasarn, and benefits that are appropriate and 2005). equitable (Suriyasarn, 2005). ‘Gender equality’ is equality What was happened in Liberia is related to the same rights, gender inequality since The Liberian War, responsibilities, opportunities, treatment which has been occurred in two periods: and judgment between men and women. First, from 1989 until 1997 and Second, This ‘gender equality’ can be in the form from 1999 until 2003 (Rashed, 2019). of equal human rights and worker rights, The participation of women in as well as equal values of opportunity, Liberia emerged which has created workload, responsibilities, decision gender equality by facilitating women to making and fair income, Thus, ‘gender bring about justice and peace in the equality means that all of the people and Liberian conflict, so that each individual all of the ages have the opportunity to get has a better quality of life. With the a better quality of life and can develop struggle of these Liberian women, gender their full potential (Suriyasarn, 2005). equality has been created in all circles, Women are not only seen as ages and genders. Related every victims, recipients or disadvantaged sides, individual has the right to responsibility, but they can contribute equally in joint roles, opportunities, participations and development with men. Therefore, discussion in any case (Marzuki, 2008). ‘gender equality’ must be able to The Gender equality efforts that guarantee that everyone can have equal have been occurred in Liberia can be control and access to equal and fair resolved well because of the feminism resources and benefits. Thus, everyone initiated by Leymah Gbowee, which she can get benefit from these resources and struggled in fighting for women’s rights participate in development (Suriyasarn, so that they could be shared with men. 2005). Associated, representing gender equality Referring to the concept of ‘Gender can help every individual get the same Equality’ towards women’s participation opportunities and rights as humans in in conflict negotiations in Liberia, where carrying out various activities in several

77 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 sectors of the development of society, good intentions to hold peace such as: politics, economy, social-cultural, negotiations with President Taylor by etc (Siti Azisah, 2016). negotiating peace, but he opposed to treat The achievement of gender them cruelly and imprison the two groups equality can be practice with the support for opposing his government (Parajon, of the country’s policies, such as the 2007). establishment of law on gender equality. President Charles Taylor has also Gender equality that occurs in Liberia has supported the rebels named The also been supported by a country’s Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in policies, to guarantee the achievement of carrying out their actions. This was done justice and gender equality at all levels of by assisting and conspiring with the society (Marzuki, 2008). Revolutionary United Front (RUF) rebels To achieve gender equality in during the war in Sierra Leone from 1991 Liberia, the feminism movement initiated to 2002. As a result of his actions, he had by Leymah Gbowee supports to create killed tens of thousands of civilians and gender equality from policies in the had resulted in several other cases such previous country. The Liberian as rape, terror, murder, sexual slavery, Government policy never supported looting, violence and coercion of children women and discriminated against into the army. So, from the mass pressure women. The realization of state policies from the participation of Liberian women, can support gender equality in Liberia, the International Court of Justice in Den Liberian women have made several Haag has decided that President Taylor is efforts that also have initiated by Leymah guilty because of several cases of Gbowee. extraordinary violence and crime, so he The effort to achieve gender was jailed about 80-year prison term equality in Liberia was carried out in two (BBC, 2012). ways: Second, by choosing the President First, by replacing the position of of Liberia from women, namely President , President Charles Johnson Sirleaf, who is the first female Taylor during the Liberian war conflict, president in Africa. Where, the event of because he had experienced difficulties in this election is a historical effort because creating peace and gender equality in it was the first election conducted freely, their respective countries. Because of this, fairly and democratically by the people of President Charles Taylor did not support Liberia. So, this can be used as a way for peace and exacerbating the Liberian women to participate more in the political conflict, which he opposed both Liberian and economic sectors in Liberia. rebel groups, they are: LURD (Liberians President Johnson Sirleaf makes Liberian for Reconciliation and Democracy) and peace and reconciliation a long-term goal, MODEL (Movement for Democracy in to strengthen the vision and mission of Liberia). Both of these groups dominated the Liberian people (Foundation, 2013). and controlled several villages and cities The explanation of the concepts of in Southeastern Liberia by killing and 'Feminism' and 'Gender Equality' towards raping women. In 2003, these groups had the successful participation of women in

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 78 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia conflict peace in Liberia is very suitable to organizations and institutions. What has be applied in this research. been done by the feminism movement in First, the concept of "Feminism" Liberia aims to fight for human rights and has the aim of removing the patriarchal transform a social system and structure system which has been legitimized by that was previously unjust to be more just structural-functionalists which will and equal for men and women. Some ultimately provide benefits and equality explanations of the organizations and for men and women. This concept is very institutions that have been formed by suitable to be implemented in this Liberian women can be explained in the research because it discusses the rights of following points below: women that have been sidelined, causing First, Woman in the Peacebuilding gender inequality or discrimination Network (WIPNET) was founded in 2002 (Puspitawati, 2013). by Leymah Gbowee. Leymah Gbowee was Second, the concept of "Gender born on February 1, 1972 in , Equality" is equality related to the same Liberia. She was a social worker who rights, responsibilities, opportunities, supports and fights for women's rights in treatment and judgment between men Liberia. The life motivation of Leymah is and women. This "Gender Equality" can as (Rashed, 2019): be in the form of equal human rights and "For their non-violent struggle for the workers' rights, as well as equal values of safety of women and women's rights to opportunity, workload, responsibilities, full participation in peace-building work." decision making and fair income. WIPNET is an organizational (Suriyasarn, 2005). branch of West African Network for Peace By applying the concepts of Development (WANEP). WANEP was ‘Feminism’ and ‘Gender Equality’, formed in 1998 in response to the first Liberian women have succeeded in civil war of 1989. WANEP duty to build forming a feminist movement to achieve peace and focus on the debate on human gender equality, so that in the end it can rights. Then, WANEP established WIPNET create the peace from Liberian conflict to encourage women in Liberia to unite The feminism movement in Liberia and develop peace (WANEP, 2016). has constructed gender relations and the From the WIPNET organization state. This is because the state as a means formed by Leymah, she won to mobilize of domination is owned by the rules of the peace, which is to work together and elite class (Krisbiyantoro, 2016). create a coalition with women from The efforts have been made to Christianity and Muslims to play an create the feminism movement in Liberia important role in the battle of the war in for resolving conflict Liberia by forming Liberia. The union of both religions took organizations and institutions by Liberian place for the first time and never women, who have been initiated by happened before in Liberia (Theobald, Leymah Gbowee. This effort is a strategy 2012). to achieve gender equality and justice In her life, Leymah has dedicated through planning and implementing herself as a social worker and helped policies that have a gender perspective on people who are psychologically

79 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 traumatized, such as children, especially being held in seven cities in Liberia, so women during the civil war in Liberia. In that it can provide space for women to 2006, Leymah was one of the founders talk, gain recognition of their contribution and Executive Director of the African to peace. There was also the program, Women Peace and Safety Network namely: “The Rural Women’s Peace (WIPSEN-A) based in which has Initiative”, which has been operating in all been supported for six years. WIPSEN-A regions of Liberia, it can reduce the gap is a Pan-African non-profit organization between rural and urban women that focused on women’s participation (WANEP, 2016). and leadership in government and Second, the establishment of Mano security negotiations on the African River Women's Peace Network continent. Many of the organization’s (MARWOPNET) is a group of women who programs have changed the lives of many are struggling to implement democracy in women in Liberia (Rashed, 2019). Liberia. This organization has contributed In 2008, Leymah’s story was told to the Liberian Conflict. MARWOPNET in a documentary by the title: “Pray the also works to empower women to take Devil Back to the Hell.”. Then, in 2011, her part in Liberia, by providing training in book has published entitled; “Mighty Be economic sectors, such as trade. Then, Our Powers,” which contained lectures, MARWOPNET also helps to improve legal experiences and discussions with various expertise to guarantee protection for groups that had motivated many people women and children. Improving, this around the world (Gbowee, 2011). organization can integrate women in the In 2011, Leymah Gbowee won a political and economic sectors which will because she was able to increase gender equality in Liberia. end the years of war in Liberia. In 2012, Regarding, by fighting for women's rights, she also founded a new organization, that full participation in the democratic called: “Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa” process and achieve peace. based in Monrovia, Liberia. This MARWOPNET’s achievements, this organization has provided opportunities organization has received a prize from the for the education sector and leadership (UN) in the field of Human for women, from children to adults. Rights in 2003 (Parajon, 2007). Besides, Leymah was also the Director of Third, The Association of Female “The Nobel Women’s Initiative”, “The Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) is a women’s Gbowee Peace Foundation”, “The formed since the first Liberian Jam Foundation” and a member of “The war, a group of female lawyers in the African Women Leaders Network for Capital of Liberia, Monrovia. They focus Reproductive Health and Family Planning on various cases of rape, in which women (Rashed, 2019). are often victims during the war. AFELL There is an event organized by has documented some of the experiences WIPNET, so that women’s voices are of women victims during the war and heard more, namely a radio program gave their advice. Previously, only state called: “Voice of Women”, which aired attorneys were permited to prosecute once every two weeks. The program is these rape cases. However, in 2000 AFELL

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia was given the right to sue the rape cases. The concept of peace can be divided into Thus, AFELL also gained the influence of two, they are: legislation in drafting a new bill that could First, The Negative Peace is a increase the penalty for raping case situation where there is no war and (Theobald, 2012). violence at the macro level, but there is AFELL is very important in the still violence and other discrimination, Liberian conflict, because this conflict has such as at the level of policy and social made women victims, consisting of rape, systems and discrimination of certain forced abortion, human trafficking, sex ethnic and cultural groups. The negative slavery and the spread of HIV / AIDS peace is still weak because on one side it’s through sexual relations. Then, women already peaceful, but on the other hand must also have to bear their own lives there are still policies that are unfair and because they have been left by their discriminatory. The examples of negative husbands who died from the war. And peace policies, they are: multilateralism, some women have been kidnapped and international conventions, arms control forced to fight with armed groups. and balance of power strategy (Galtung, However, some women decide to become 2009). warriors and survive (Theobald, 2012). Second, Positive Peace is a condition in which not only the absence of Analysis of the Concept of ‘Peace’ war and violence, but other violence such towards Women's Participation in as structural violence, social systems and Conflict Peace in Liberia discriminatory policies must also This research will use the concept disappear. Positive peace will create of 'Peace', which is a collective agreement equality, social justice and long-lasting to end hostilities for those who are hostile peace. The Positive Peace also can be or at war to create a safe and prosperous implemented with several policies, such country. The concept of 'peace' can also as: increasing human understanding be called a political condition that through communication, peace education, guarantees justice and social stability international cooperation, arbitration, through formal, informal situations and dispute resolution and conflict practices and norms (Olanrewaju, 2013). management (Grewal, 2003). According to Galtung, peace and Referring to the concept of ‘Peace’ violence are interrelated with one towards women’s participation in another. Violent conflict has disrupted resolving Liberia’s conflict. This research and polarized society, so it can be will use the peace concept from Galtung. disrupted social structures and gender In the case of resolving conflict in roles. Thus, successful conflict resolutions Liberia, it has used ‘Positive Peace’, which can improve gender equality, eliminate not only the absence of war and violence, gender violence and lead to sustainable but other violence such as structural peace (USIP, 2013). violence, social systems and According to Galtung, peace is a discriminatory policies must also condition, where no violence must be disappear. The Positive Peace will create used as the main goal to achieve peace.

81 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 equality, social justice and long-lasting the peace process. Leymah and thousands peace (Grewal, 2003). of Christian and Muslim women who have The Positive Peace, which has been been formed, they formed a force to implemented by Liberian women by prevent representatives of President managing conflict properly. Some of the Charles Taylor and rebel warlords who efforts that have been made by Liberian were discussing peace forbid for going women to resolve the conflict by creating out to eating or any reason to get out of sustainable peace and will create long- the meeting room, before getting a peace lasting peace stability. With the long- agreement with Liberia's opponents lasting peace, will improve the quality and (Tavaana, 2010). gender equality in several sectors of the At that time, Leymah was almost Liberian society, such as politics and arrested by security forces, but Leymah economy sectors will be better and more threatened them, that if she arrested, she effective from year to year. would take off her clothes. Where, the act To create ‘The Positive Peace’ in of undressing is believed by Liberians in resolving conflict in Liberia, Liberian their traditional beliefs, which will cause women have made several efforts and a curse or bad luck for men. Leymah’s strategies in managing conflict well. Some threat has been successful and has efforts and strategies will be explained as brought the peace agreement process for follows: Liberia (Tavaana, 2010). The efforts have been spearheaded After a few weeks later, President by Leymah Gbowee, who has led a mass Charles Taylor had resigned from the protest by demanding peace "Peace for presidency and gone into exile place. Liberia Now!" for weeks to get the Then, in May 2012, he was sentenced by attention of the international media when the International Court for fifty years in they demonstrate. In addition to prison for his cruelty during his time as demonstrations, they also fast and refuse president. After that, in 2003, a peace to have sex with their husbands (Koziol, agreement called “The 2019). Leymah and her female troops did Comprehensive Peace Agreement” was not give up by wearing white shirts and signed, namely a peace agreement in demonstrations every day in Monrovia. Liberia and a transitional government From these protests, they could force (Crossette, 2012). President Charles Taylor to discuss peace After the peace agreement has actions with the rebels in Accra, Ghana. been agreed, the women from the Women Previously, President Taylor opposed in Peacebuilding Network (WIPNET) peace and threatened the rebels, namely organization formed by Leymah has LURD and MODEL would treat cruelly and changed, which previously duty to resolve imprison these two groups for opposing and mobilize conflicts in Liberia, now to President Taylor's government (Rashed, build peace. WIPNET has also played a 2019). role in the political sector. This was done After collecting money, Leymah led by launching a campaign and ensuring a Liberian women's delegation to Ghana that women in Liberia participated in the to suppress the conflicting factions during elections in 2005. Previously, many

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 82 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia women still unaware and don’t care about quality and gender equality in several the importance of voting because they sectors of Liberian society, such as the assumed that whoever the leader would economy and politics that are getting not provide the benefit for their lives. In better and more effective from year to this case, WIPNET has succeeded to year. Liberia has also reached an manage and change the Liberian women’s agreement to end conflict and war, to mindset and results of more than 7,400 create a safe, orderly and controlled women voted in the election five days situation. before the election ended (Parajon, 2007). This election event was a historical Post-Conflict Peace Conditions in effort, because after the peace of the Liberia in the Economic and Political Liberian conflict, President Ellen Johnson Sectors Sirleaf as a female President for the first Liberian women have made time in Africa was elected in 2005. The undeniable and highly influential election of President Johnson Sirleaf is contributions for achieving peace and also the first election held in free, fair and recovery in post-conflict situations. For democratic manner by Liberians. So, this almost fourteen years, Liberia has can be used as a way for women to experienced a civil war, which resulted in participate more in the political and the majority of women being victimized. economic sectors in Liberia. President Besides women being victims, they also Johnson Sirleaf makes Liberian peace and can be agents of change in resolving reconciliation a long-term goal, so it can conflicts and building peace without be strengthened the vision and mission of violence. Previously, Liberians considered the Liberian society (Foundation, 2013). that women were not important to make The peace in Liberia was initiated and build peace agreement. But, after by a female activist named Leymah women succeeded in making a peace Gbowee, a social worker who supports agreement, they realized that women’s and fights for women's rights in Liberia. contributions and participations were Leymah's effort to resolve the conflict in very important in the process of creating Liberia is by leading a non-violent and building peace sustainably movement (Crossette, 2012). (Vriscilasari, 2013). From the explanation of the efforts The role and contribution of and strategies by women in the women in this research are very management of the Liberia conflict in the influential in all of the steps, both in the end it has succeeded in implementing creation and development of peace to 'The Positive Peace' without violence. obtain social justice, equal rights and 'The Positive Peace' which has been gender equality. So, with the efforts made implemented by Liberian women is by by a group of women in Liberia, it can be managing conflict well. With 'The Positive seen that Liberia can achieve a stable Peace', Liberia can create sustainable peace. Stable peace is a condition that can peace and the long-lasting peace, so that create positive peace, those with the the peace can be stable and enduring. The support of social, religious, ideological, long-lasting peace can improve the economic and political systems that can

83 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 reduce inequality and increase peace building and the economic sector opportunities for society towards stable (Koizol, 2019). and long-term peace (Vriscilasari, 2013). Interestingly, Liberia’s Gross After the Liberian conflict was Domestic Product (GDP) Growth in 2014 successfully reconciled in 2014, Liberia when The Ebola outbreak did not decline was stricken by a crisis again, namely: an and continued to increase until April Ebola outbreak that has killed more than 2020. The growth of Liberia’s Gross four thousand Liberians. The Ebola Domestic Product (GDP) increased from outbreak also hampered post-conflict 2000 until April 2020, although peacebuilding efforts, hampered sometimes decreased, but not too economic growth and foreign investments significant. (Koziol, 2019). As seen on the graphic, that In May 2015, because of some Liberian GDP has increased from year to efforts of the administration from the first year. In 2019, Liberia reached 3.22% female President, Johnson Sirleaf, Liberia Billion US Dollars. Where, previously in was able to fight to be free from The 2017, it had reached the highest record, Ebola outbreak and return to be a normal amount to 3.29% Billion US Dollars. condition. Interestingly, Liberia became Meanwhile, Liberia has been ranked as the first country in the West African low as 0.75% Billion US Dollars in 2003. region to be free from The Ebola Liberian GDP growth can be seen in the outbreak. After the Ebola outbreak has graphic below (Economics, 2020): over, Liberia can focus their efforts on the

Graphic 1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Growth of Liberia (2000-April 2020)

Source (Economics, 2020)

After the conflict peace, Liberians can be evidence, that in 2018, the World increasingly got the benefit from the Bank stated that women’s participation in employment and economic sectors. This the economic sector in Liberia was

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 84 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia increasing, where 53% of the number of Liberian unemployed decreased to 2.03% women in Liberia have worked in the in the same year from 2017, 2018 and agricultural sector and 77% of women as 2019. The lowest unemployment was entrepreneurs (Parajon, 2007). 1.96% in 2008. The highest number of Besides, the number of Liberian unemployed amount to 2.78% in unemployed people in Liberia decreased 1999. This can be seen in the graphic as from 1999 to 2019. The number of below (Plecher, 2020):

Graphic 2. Number of Liberian Unemployment Rate (1999-2019)

Source (Plecher, 2020)

According to “The Global Gender opportunity and political empowerment Gap”, report from 2014 to 2018, overall sectors, which is 149 countries in the Liberia’s ranking in several sectors has world. The table can be explained as improved among the number of countries, below (Index, 2018) (Forum, 2018): such as economic participation and

Table 1. Liberia’s Global Gender Index Ranks for Several Sectors (2014-2018) INDICATOR MEASURE 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Economic Participation Rank 94 99 103 58 41 and Opportunity Score 0,64 0.62 0.61 0.70 0.73 Political Empowerment Rank 46 47 46 45 47 Score 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.24 Overall (Global Index) Rank 111 112 114 107 96 Score 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.67 0.68 Source (Index, 2018) (Forum, 2018)

85 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020

Rank: Based on the number of 111st and it has increased further with a countries as many as 149 countries in the rank of 96th from 149 countries in the world. Rank: 1 Highest Gender Equality world in 2018. Then, the score from 2014 (INDICATOR). Score (0-1): 1 Highest to 2018 was also stable, where in 2014 it Gender Equality (INDICATOR) has score 0.65 and in 2018 has score 0.68, Previously, it should be noted that which will approach value 1. So, it can be the ‘Measure’ (Rank and Score) is getting said, that the rank and score Overall closer to the value of 1, the mean the (Global Index) in Liberia was good (Index, ‘Indicator’ is getting better. On the 2018) (Forum, 2018). contrary, if the ‘Measure’ (Rank and By looking at some graphs and Score) is getting away from the value of 1, tables previously which has been the mean the ‘Indicator’ is getting worse. explained, they are: “Graphic 1. Gross When viewed from the ranking (Global Domestic Product (GDP) Growth of Gender Gap Index) in these two sectors Liberia (2000-April 2020)”, “Graphic 2. from 2014 to 2018, it can be concluded as Number of Liberian Unemployment Rate below (Index, 2018) (Forum, 2018). (1999-2019)”, “Table 1. Liberia’s Global The economic participation and Gender Index Ranks for Several Sectors opportunity sector from 2014, ranked (2014-2018).” So, from three data, it 94th and increased in 2018 to 41th from shows that Liberia has been increased 149 countries. From 2014 to 2018 it was and getting better from year to year. This almost stable and close to value 1, with a can be happened because of three score of 0.73, the mean, the economic strategies and efforts as follows: participation and opportunities sector has First, ‘The Feminism Movement’, got better from year to year (Index, 2018) which initiated by Leymah Gbowee and (Forum, 2018). the participation of Liberian women has The political empowerment sector been succeeded in dealing with the from 2014 to 2018 was also stable, where Liberian conflict. Where, the feminism in 2014 it was rank 46th. In 2018, it movement aims to eliminate all the forms occupied 47th out of 149 countries. of oppression and stereotypes. The Liberia’s position in the political feminism movement carried out by empowerment sector can be said to be Liberian women is ‘Liberal Feminism’, good because it is among the top 50 from which aims to create a good, equal and 149 countries. Then, Liberia also gets a prosperous society (Krisbiyantoro, 2016). stable score from 2014 with a score of Second, ‘The Gender Equality’ 0.21 and in 2018 with a score of 0.24 efforts that have been undertaken by (Index, 2018) (Forum, 2018). Liberian women also have been From both sectors before: the successful by equalizing the rights of men economic participation and opportunity and women. Thus, gender equality has and political empowerment sectors. become a universal responsibility and These two indicators can result in the general obligation because the overall (Global Index) of Liberia has got community has constructed the nature, better and better in gender equality. This roles, division of works and the scope of can be seen in 2014 with the rank of

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 86 Masitoh, The Success of Women’s Participation in Resolving Conflicts in Liberia gender, which have different cultures (Siti With the success of these three Azisah, 2016). strategies and efforts, it can be seen that Related to the gender equality women can provide participation and efforts, which has made the roles and contribution equally in joint development rights between men and women are same with men. The role of women in Liberia in several sectors, such as: participation has guaranteed everyone, both men and and economic opportunities and political women have equal control and access to empowerment. See at {“Table 1. Liberia’s resources and benefits that are equal and Global Gender Index Ranks for Several fair (Suriyasarn, 2005). Sectors (2014-2018)}.” In the political sector, women have the right to present Conclusion their opinions by choosing or elected. And The civil war and conflicts have in economic sector, women can have been successfully reconciled by the career, get income freely and live as they participation and contribution of Liberian wish. Regarding to these sectors, Liberia women by being initiated by Leymah has made Overall (Global Index) getting Gbowee as an activist woman and social better in equality gender from 2014 to worker, who supports and fights for 2018 (Index, 2018) (Forum, 2018). women’s rights in Liberia. The successful Third, the role of Liberian women peace efforts, which initiated by Leymah has succeeded in achieving 'The Positive Gbowee have impacted to the world with Peace', by managing conflict well. This the emergence of Leymah as a global 'Positive Peace' creates peace in a leader, which her participation is needed sustainable, stable and long-lasting. With in the meeting of the United Nations 'Positive Peace', Liberia can improve their Commission related to the status of quality by increasing several sectors, such women and other International as: making Liberia's GDP improve from Conference (Rashed, 2019). 2000 to April 2020 by looking at By using three concepts, they are: {“Graphic 1. Gross Domestic Product ‘Feminism’, ‘Equality Gender’ and ‘Peace’ Growth (GDP) of Liberia (2000 - April it can result that the role and 2020)}.” Besides that, Liberia also has participation of women as evidence of succeeded in reducing unemployment in gender equality is a very important thing Liberia from 1999 to 2019 by looking at in the process and peacebuilding. Thus, it {"Graphic 2. Number of Liberian was proven that women can be Unemployment (1999-2019)}." Liberia considered as ‘agents of change’ with also has succeeded in increasing its their capacity and ability to handle the position Overall (Global Index) which is problem and conflict. getting better in terms of gender equality Liberia has succeeded in creating in 2018 which has occupied the position and building peace, in creating peace, of 96 out of 149 countries in the world, where Liberia can negotiate, mediate and can be seen clearly in {"Table 1. Liberia's make peace agreements to end the armed Global Gender Index Ranks for Several conflict. Sectors (2014 -2018)}. " Liberia also has succeeded in building peace after the conflict by

87 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Journal of Governance Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2020 restoring the original situation as before About Author the conflict by seeing the economic Dewi Masitoh is a Master student participation, political empowerment and of Political Science Department, Faculty of overall (Global Index) have become better Social and Political Science from and more stable. Therefore, with the Diponegoro University, Semarang, existence of ‘Feminism’, ‘Gender Equality’, Indonesia. and ‘Peace’, it must be able to guarantee that everyone all of sexes and ages has the Acknowledgments opportunity to get a better quality of life The author would like to thanks to and can to develop their potential the lecturers of master of Political Science completely. Then, everyone is also from Diponegoro University, who has entitled to have equal control and access given the task to make this research to equal resources and fair benefits, so journal. So, the author can learn how to that they can participate to develop the write a journal properly. All information country (Suriyasarn, 2005). and data that have been presented in this The research concluded that there research are the results of secondary data have been several efforts that have been literature studies, that is valid and made by women to resolve conflicts in accurate in accordance with the original Liberia by creating and building peace and can be accounted for. sustainably, so that peace can be stable for a long time. The efforts that have been References made by Liberian women are by creating Baumann, K. M. (2018). Women, Transitional Power-Sharing and several organizations and affiliations, Post-Conflict Democratization: they are Woman in the Peacebuilding Evidence from Liberia. Research Gate, Network (WIPNET), Mano River Women’s 1-2, 21. Peace Network (MARWOPNET), BBC. (2012, Mei 04). Charles Taylor Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia Dituntut Hukuman Penjara 80 (AFELL). This long-term peace can Tahun. Retrieved from improve the equality gender in several sectors of Liberian society, such as the nia/2012/05/120504_liberianpresid politics and economic sectors, that are ent_taylor_trial getting better and more effective from Cochran, M. Q. (2007). A Guide To Using year to year. Qualitative Research Methodology. The suggestions for further Medecins Sans Frontieres, 4-9. research are to analyze the policies of the Crossette, B. (2012, Juli 19). Liberia's Liberian government in gender equality, Peacebuilder. The Nation. Retrieved especially towards women, whether there from are still policies that cause women to be liberias-peacebuilder/ discriminated against. And analyze how to play the role between women and men Direktorat, J. K. (2019). Artikel DJKN: Memahami Metode Penelitian by discussing several sectors, such as the Kualitatif. Maret. social and political economy sectors.

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