2 Ered to Be the Most Valuable) 4. a Guide to the Monarchies by Julian Von Suphalak
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ered to be the most valuable) Theorems; the author finds no validity in any of it) 4. A Guide to the Monarchies by Julian von 15. Demons by Patrick von Mau (A book on Suphalak (One cat’s travels around the monar- methods of recognising the presence of demons, chies and the interesting people and places he vis- when a cat is under the influence of them and how ited) to determine what demon is present) 5. An Introduction to the Mancer’s Craft by 16. Discourses on the Precepts of Mau by Megan Suphalak von Mau (A very basic intro- Minister Claris von Mau (A long-winded, thor- duction to mancer magic) ough and thoroughly boring examination of the 6. A Trader’s Guide to Pugmire by Trevor Accepted Precepts, attempting to divulge any hid- Ocicat von Rex (The differences between the den meaning that could be found) monarchies and Pugmire when it comes to trade 17. Discoveries of the Mancers by Terrence and some tips for the new trader as to what to im- Sokoke von Mau (A book that is by now a bit dat- port and export and how to deal with dogs) ed that covers various discoveries related to magic 7. A Trailblazer’s Guide to Exploring Ruins made by mancers) by Felix Savannah von Korat (Tips and tricks on 18. Duelling: A History by Margrit von exploring ruins, such as how to spot the signs mon- Korat (Duelling in the monarchies, from the sters inhabiting them and of traps) earliest days and the differences between how 8. Being Sneaky: A Footpad’s Journal by Thi- different monarchies practiced it, to the present, erry Manx von Siberia (A semi-biographical ac- standardised form) count of the author’s exploits as a footpad, with a 19. Exploring Your Past Lives by Cedric Ae- lot of humour added to the, sometimes unbeliev- gean von Angora (A set of mental techniques that able, stories) are intended to allow a cat to revisit experiences 9. Catalogue of Visions by Erick von Mau (A from their previous lives) book cataloguing and describing all the illusions 20. Fashion: Dressing to Impress by Tiger projected by the wonders called visions that the von Siberian (How a cat should always look their author has been able to collect) best and various ways of doing so) 10. Claims of the Cocoranites by Wilf von 21. Foolish Greed: House Korat and the War Angora (Looking into the claims by the cocoran- by Patrick von Rex (Essentially a diatribe at ites that they are intended to shepherd people to House Korat for refusing to work with House Rex, wherever they go after death; the author clearly instead choosing to work with the dogs of Pugmire considers this to be utterly spurious) and, as a result, triggering the War of Dogs and 11. Codifying Magic by Elron von Mau (A Cats) basic treatise written at the beginning of House 22. For Honour and Glory: A Champion’s Mau’s attempts to codify magic; although much of Musings by Brillian von Korat (A combination the material is now dated, many of the fundamen- of autobiography and philosophical work, the au- tals cam still be seen in more recent works) thor uses incidents from their life to illustrate phil- 12. Collected Minutes of the Ruling Council osophical theories on how to be the best champion by Jamon von Angora (An accurate, and totally around) boring, collection of the publicly available minutes 23. Griff von Korat: The First Founder by Se- of meetings of the Ruling Council; it lacks any de- bastian von Korat (A biography of the founder of tails of meetings which were kept secret) House Korat and how he was, in the author’s opin- 13. Curiosity Killed the Cat by Mena Manx ion, the founder of the first of the six monarchies) vonSample Cymric (A cautionary tale about how the pro- 24. Guide to Plants byfile Iskin von Birman (A tagonist’s interest in demons and the Unseen re- book that covers identifying normal plants, not sulted in their death) those that have any other uses, such as medicinal 14. Delusional Beliefs: The Cult of Laba Tor herbs, or are predatory in nature) by Kel Chausie von Siberian (A dismissive ex- 25. Guide to Pugmire by Tervor Levkoy von amination of the Cult of Laba Tor and the 100 Siberian (A guide for cats planning to visit Pug- 2.