Intersection Homology Duality and Pairings: Singular, PL, and Sheaf
Intersection homology duality and pairings: singular, PL, and sheaf-theoretic Greg Friedman and James E. McClure July 22, 2020 Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Conventions and some background 11 2.1 Pseudomanifolds and intersection homology . .. 11 3 Hypercohomology in the derived category 13 4 Some particular sheaf complexes 16 4.1 The Verdier dualizing complex and Verdier duality . 16 4.2 TheDelignesheaf................................. 17 4.3 The sheaf complex of intersection chains . .. 19 4.4 Thesheafofintersectioncochains . .. 20 ∗ 4.4.1 Ip¯C is quasi-isomorphic to PDp¯ ..................... 22 5 Sheafification of the cup product 24 5.1 Applications: A multiplicative de Rham theorem for perverse differential forms and compatibility with the blown-up cup product . 26 arXiv:1812.10585v3 [math.GT] 22 Jul 2020 5.1.1 Perversedifferentialforms . 26 5.1.2 Blown-up intersection cohomology . 31 6 Classical duality via sheaf maps 32 6.1 Orientationsandcanonicalproducts. ... 33 6.2 ProofofTheorem6.1............................... 35 7 Compatibility of cup, intersection, and sheaf products 50 8 Classical duality and Verdier duality 55 A Co-cohomology 59 1 B A meditation on signs 60 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 55N33, 55N45 Secondary: 55N30, 57Q99 Keywords: intersection homology, intersection cohomology, pseudomanifold, cup product, cap product, intersection product, Poincar´e duality, Verdier dual- ity, sheaf theory Abstract We compare the sheaf-theoretic and singular chain versions of Poincar´eduality for intersection homology, showing that they are isomorphic via naturally defined maps. Similarly, we demonstrate the existence of canonical isomorphisms between the sin- gular intersection cohomology cup product, the hypercohomology product induced by the Goresky-MacPherson sheaf pairing, and, for PL pseudomanifolds, the Goresky- MacPherson PL intersection product.
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