Official publication of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - VOLUME 2 • MMXI

A New Look. The Same Purpose. The rationale behind the rebrand

Winnipeg Water Treatment Plant Wins the 2011 Keystone Award New and Improved

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Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Manitoba P.O. Box 1547, Station Main, , MB R3C 2Z4 Ph: 204.774.5258 Fax: 204.779.0788 Web site:

President B. (Bruce) Wilton, P.Eng. MMM Group Limited Table of Contents Past President R. (Ron) Typliski, P.Eng AECOM Features President Elect K. (Ken) Drysdale, P.Eng. The rationale Accutech Engineering Inc. behind the rebrand page15 Secretary/Treasurer S. (Steve) Reaburn, P.Eng. MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers Investing in page ACEC Representative our quality of life 16 W. (Bill) H. Brant, P.Eng. GENIVAR Awards of Excellence Directors: page H. (Harley) Pankratz, P.Eng. in Consulting Engineering 19 AMEC Earth & Environmental

J. (John) Miller, P.Eng Member Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd. Services Guide page41 C. (Cheng) Wong, P.Eng. Hatch

R. (Rick) Haldane-Wilsone, P.Eng. Tetra Tech

M. (Mike) Houvardas, P.Eng. 15 Tower Engineering Group

R. (Ralph) Kurth, P.Eng. Teshmont Consultants LP

R. (Rick) Martin, P.Eng. KGS Group

C. (Cameron) Dyck, P.Eng. Stantec Consulting Ltd.

O. (Owen) VanWalleghem, P.Eng. AECOM

ACEC-MB Executive Director Shirley Tillett, TCM-EVM 19 44 49 Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Manitoba The articles printed in this issue represent authors’ opinions only and are not necessarily endorsed by the Consulting Engineers of Manitoba. Departments Copyright 2011 by the Consulting Engineers of Manitoba. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Printed in . ACEC Message page 6 Send change of address to: Consulting Engineers of Manitoba Message from the President page 9 P.O. Box 1547, Station Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2Z4 Publication Mails Agreement #40065075. Board of Directors page 13 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: [email protected] Young Professionals Committee page 44 Publication management, design and production by: 13th annual golf tournament page 49 Directory of Advertisers page 50 3rd Floor – 2020 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K4 Phone: 866-985-9780 • Fax: 866-985-9799 E-mail: [email protected] • Web: Managing Editor: Scott Kelman Design/Layout: Theresa Kurjewicz Advertising Manager: Darrell Harris Advertising Co-ordinator: Lauren Campbell ACEC MESSAGE

ACEC Manitoba makes enormous strides Herb Kuehne, P.Eng. John Gamble, P.Eng.

n behalf of the Board and “It is critical that ACEC ACEC Manitoba has had a success- the membership of ACEC ful year in meeting with provincial and O Canada, congratulations Manitoba and its municipal representatives on issues to ACEC Manitoba on the important to both your industry and to enormous strides it has made to advance members continue all Manitobans. It is important that politi- and enhance the image of the consulting to build upon the cal and community leaders understand engineering sector in Manitoba. Thanks your crucial role in our economy and to the commitment and participation of strong profile that the our quality of life. It is critical that ACEC its members, ACEC Manitoba has made association enjoys.” Manitoba and its members continue to significant progress in a few short years. build upon the strong profile that the as- This publication is one positive outcome sociation enjoys. This good standing and of a visionary and effective image cam- an investment. You are innovators. You credibility among your stakeholders will paign led by Chair Jonathan Epp, Publica- are the enablers of communities. You are allow you to further expand the reach of tion Co-ordinator Jomar Manzano, and the enablers of our economy. You are the your influence. Enhancing your profile Past President Ron Typliski. stewards of our environment. You stand and credibility is a cornerstone of con- Consulting engineers play a vital and at the interface between the natural and tinuing your advocacy for a better busi- unique role in our economic, social and built environments. Engineering is the ness climate – not just for the engineer- environmental quality of life. Engineering profession that reconciles societal needs ing community, but for all Canadians. is not a discretionary expense, but rather with science and technology. Good work and good luck with your future endeavours. ACEC Canada looks forward to supporting and working with ACEC Manitoba, Executive Director Shirley Tillett and new President Bruce Wilton.

Herb Kuehne, P.Eng. Chairman of the Board

John Gamble, P.Eng. President

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B. (Bruce) Wilton, P.Eng. Taking care of business

t is indeed an honour and priviledge to lead this I organization through the next twelve months. My hope is that I can live up to the standards that have been set by those that have gone before me. In particular, I would like to specifically acknowledge the hard work and dedication of my predecessor, Ron Typliski. Ron has spent countless hours at- tending meetings or on teleconference calls – all to ensure that the consulting engineers in Manitoba have a voice on the important issues that impact our industry I also wish to acknowledge the dedication of each member of the Board of Directors, and to welcome the new members to the Board, Cameron Dyck and Owen Van Walleghem. Each Director Photo submitted by Tony Nardella sits as liaison to one of each of the ten committies that currently report to the Board. Without the hard work and dedi- Without the hard work and dedication of the cation of the members of each of these “members of each of these committees, the committees, the work of the association would grind to a halt. work of the association would grind to a halt. Some of these committees do need ” special recognition. This publication is the responsibility of our newly formed Image Commit- tee, and, as is evident from the quality of this effort, thay have done a bang-up job. The Image Committee has also taken responsibility for the re-branding of our organization from the Consult- ing Engineers of Manitoba (CEM) to the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Manitoba (ACEC-MB). This Lorne Ireland | Terry Ireland | Mervin Ireland | Glenn Ireland initiative aligns us more closely with our national organization. This has meant the R.R. #2, Arthur re-design of a logo, website and promo- N0G 1A0 tional material, much of which was done Tel: 519-848-3487 by this committee. Fax: 519-848-5892 Our Young Professionals (YP) Com- Email: [email protected] mittee has added a spark to the orga- 34 nization. They have planned several Years networking events which have been well 1977 - 2011 attended by the young people in our

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 9 message from the PRESIDENT

“Our industry is facing some interesting and challenging issues as we head into the coming year.”

organizations. Owen Van Wallegham will In addition to continuing with the represent the YPs on the Board, and will initiatives of the previous years, the keep us all on our toes with some of the Board felt that the following four areas imaginative approaches that the YPs are needed special attention in 2011/2012: using to integrate our younger staff into 1. Development of a strategy for the Association’s activities. improving the public image of the The Awards Committee plans and consulting engineering profession executes our annual Awards Banquet in 2. Steamlining of the ACEC-MB Board the spring of each year. I have been part Activiities of this committee for the last two years, 3. Review of the current ACEC-MB and have personally experienced the fact committee structure and mandates that it is run with precision, like a well- 4. Provision of input to the Provincial oiled machine. The incoming chairman, Government on the New West Trevor Gluck worked hard last year to Partnership Trade Agreement raise the level of sponsorship for the Before closing, I would like to reiterate event, with outstanding success. We are the support the Board has for the young looking forward to a continued strong professionals within our industry. Several performance from this committee in the months ago, Beth Phillips (retiring YP coming year. member of the Board) circulated to the The Energy Science and Technology members of the Board an article on the Committee held a very successful ‘millennials’, the generation born between reception for Manitoba Hydro which was the years 1980 and 2000. These are the well attended by representatives of both staff we are hiring today. organizations. A similar reception was It was enlightening for me to see held by the Transportation Committee how different their expectations for the for the Manitoba Department of workplace are from the ones that those of Infrastructure and Transportation. These us with grey hair – or no hair – have held receptions proved informative, and gave in the past. This difference illustrates how members of ACEC-MB an opportunity to extremely important it is that we continue CLEAR SOLUTIONS network with both of these client groups to receive, and act on, input from our in a casual environment. young people. Our workplaces and our FOR WATER, The glue that holds all these markets are changing, and these are the INFRASTRUCTURE & committees, and the Board, together is young people that are going to lead our our Executive Director, Shirley Tillett. companies in the future. THE ENVIRONMENT Shirley and her staff work tirelessly In closing, I am both humbled and to deal with the routine business of honoured to serve as President of ACEC- this association, and to support the MB this year. I will, together with the rest In a complex world with operations of both the Board and the of your Board, work hard to promote competing demands for limited committees. our profession in Manitoba and across Our industry is facing some Canada. resources, Tetra Tech offers clear interesting and challenging issues as we solutions that serve our clients’ head into the coming year. To provide long-term needs. some direction on these issues, the Board held a retreat in May to set a B. (Bruce) Wilton, P.Eng., course for the coming year. President

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page 12 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents bod ar of DIRECTORS

President Past President President Elect Secretary/Treasurer B. (Bruce) Wilton, P.Eng. R. (Ron) Typliski, P.Eng K. (Ken) Drysdale, P.Eng. S. (Steve) Reaburn, P.Eng. MMM Group Limited AECOM Accutech Engineering Inc. MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers

ACEC Representative H. (Harley) Pankratz, P.Eng. J. (John) Miller, P.Eng C. (Cheng) Wong, P.Eng. W. (Bill) H. Brant, P.Eng. Director Director Director GENIVAR AMEC Earth & Environmental Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd. Hatch

R. (Rick) Haldane-Wilsone, P.Eng. M. (Mike) Houvardas, P.Eng. R. (Ralph) Kurth, P.Eng. R. (Rick) Martin, P.Eng. Director Director Director Director Tetra Tech Tower Engineering Group Teshmont Consultants LP KGS Group

C. (Cameron) Dyck, P.Eng. Owen Van Walleghem, P.Eng. Director Director Stantec Consulting Ltd. AECOM Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 13 BENEFITS OF EMPLOYING THE TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS

Who Are the Technology Professionals? They are the men and women who hold the professional designations: C.E.T. and A.Sc.T Certified Technologists or C.Tech. Certified Engineering Technician Granted by the Certified Technicians and Technologists Association of Manitoba (CTTAM) which has approxi- mately 3000 members joining over 52, 000 Certified Technicians and Technologists across Canada. Technical Colleges provide the education and CTTAM provides the certification. These technology professionals are recognized for their unsurpassed capabilities and professionalism in: • Meeting national standards for education and work experience. • Having been evaluated and accepted by their peers. Making a commitment to their profession. • Making the personal statement that they are a technology professional. • Agreeing to uphold the Code of Ethics, to protect the public and the profession. • Holding accountable to CTTAM and its disciplinary process. How Does the Employer Benefit? An increasing number of employers support the certification of member employees and support the certifica- tion of eligible employees by CTTAM. By employing a certified engineering technology professional you can be confident that you are employing a competent individual who has made a commitment to professionalism. You have also removed the guesswork involved in hiring new employees, as these individuals have: • Met nationally recognized academic requirements • Had their technical work experience reviewed to ensure it is relevant. • Had three professional references reviewed regarding character and work experience verification. • Successfully challenged a professional practice exam. The designation marks a degree of competency in their chosen field. By employing certified individuals your organization (and clients) is provided with the credibility afforded an organization that employs competent professionals.

If you wish further information please contact us at: 602 - 1661 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3T7 Phone: (204) 784-1088 e-mail: [email protected] Website: A New Look. The Same Purpose.

The rationale behind the rebrand Submitted by ACEC-Canada

Consulting Engineers of Manitoba (CEM) has officially changed its name to the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Manitoba (ACEC-Manitoba). “The name change made sense”, says Jonathan Epp, Chair of the Association’s Image Committee. “CEM has always worked to increase the success and build the profile of consulting engineering companies in Manitoba, just as our par- ent organization, the Association of Con- sulting Engineering Companies–Canada through shared practices and resources,” Behind the name change, the Associa- (ACEC-Canada), has on a national level. Jonathan says. “In a way, ‘rebranding’ tion of Consulting Engineering Compa- The name change emphasizes that joint is a misnomer, we have always been an nies – Manitoba is still the same group commitment with ACEC-Canada to build important part of ACEC-Canada, this just of companies and dedicated individuals up the trust and success of Manitoba’s makes that association obvious. We are working to help its member firms be consulting engineering companies.” using the name change as an opportunity more successful and build the profile of The rebranding campaign offers a to tell people again about what we stand consulting engineering. consistent message and image, recogniz- for and to bring about efficiency in our You can visit ACEC-Manitoba’s new able across Canada and beyond, that ben- operations.” website at efits from the exposure that theA CEC- Canada brand gets at a national level. “The alignment in branding with ACEC-Canada emphasizes key goals that we already had as part of our organization, cooperation with the other provincial bodies and the national association, and a common goal of Energy for Generations enhancing and sustaining our industry For 60 years, we’ve generated clean, renewable for Manitoba using the natural flow of rivers. It started with construction of the Pine Falls Generating Station on the and continued with our first hydroelectric developments on the “The name change . emphasizes that joint Now, we are building the Wuskwatim Generating Station project on the in partnership with Nisichawayasihk Nation and continuing to plan for the Keeyask commitment with and Conawapa generating stations. By pursuing these projects, Manitoba Hydro is ensuring tomorrow’s generations will also enjoy the benefits of an affordable and ACEC-Canada to build environmentally friendly source of power. up the trust and success Find out more at of Manitoba’s consulting engineering companies.”

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 15 Investing in our quality of life Sustainable infrastructure begins with sustainable investment

Submitted by ACEC-Canada

Infrastructure is an investment – not an strategies by all levels of government recent 2010 study, Public Infrastructure expense. It is an investment in our eco- has significantly waned since the 1960’s. Underinvestment: The Risk to Canada’s nomic, social and environmental quality Consequently, since then, infrastructure Economic Growth commissioned by of life. If the benefits to our quality of life investment in Canada has decreased the Residential and Civil Construction are to be sustainable, either economically by half. In 2004, TD Bank Financial Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) states that or environmentally, then the investment Group released its landmark study Mind infrastructure investment declined from must also be sustainable. the Gap: Finding Money to Upgrade nearly 6% of GDP in 1960 to approxi- While the recent renewal of interest Canada’s Aging Infrastructure. That mately 3% of GDP in 2004. The RCCAO in infrastructure investment by all levels study identified a 50% decline in annual study is noteworthy because it directly of government (and private sector) is per capita capital investment by Govern- addresses the consequences of under- welcomed, we still have a long way to go ment from 1962 to 2003 with a resultant investing in infrastructure. This is import- before we achieve sustainability. In fact, infrastructure investment shortfall as ant because the impact of infrastructure our commitment to long-term funding high of $125 billion in 2004. The more on our lives is largely unrecognized and

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page 16 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents “A sustainable, long-term, strategic infrastructure investment plan will make Canada more competitive, create long-term jobs in multiple sectors and make our economy more resistant to downturns.” taken for granted. While we all expect time-limited infrastructure programs is value – limiting the potential long-term safe, drinkable water to be immediately that they create uncertainty for munici- competitive advantages to the Canadian available to us in the convenience of palities and infrastructure agencies. It economy. our own homes, the required financial, becomes difficult for them to adequately A sustainable, long-term, strategic technological and human resources are plan for our longer-term infrastructure infrastructure investment plan will make normally far from our minds. Similarly, needs – preventing them from investing Canada more competitive, create long- the consequences of underinvestment strategically. This poses a number of term jobs in multiple sectors and make are often gradual and not immediately practical and logistical problems. Short- our economy more resistant to down- recognized. In essence it predicts that if term programs make it extremely dif- turns. In fact, the Conference Board of investment remains at the average of the ficult for government and infrastructure Canada in its recent series of reports Les- past decade, the ongoing infrastructure agencies, engineering firms and con- sons from the Recession and Financial investment gap will cost the Canadian struction companies to attract, train and Crisis (March 2010) concluded that of all GDP 1.5% each year. retain the expertise required to deliver fiscal stimulus measures, infrastructure Sustainable infrastructure invest- infrastructure projects. These are largely investment has had the largest impact on ment makes good business sense for high-skilled, well-trained professionals economic growth. public agencies charged with planning, – often requiring licensing. Also, when Without a long-term strategic invest- developing and operating infrastructure a large number of projects are required ment program, a golden opportunity assets. A sound investment strategy is to be designed and constructed within is being lost. Strategic investment in long-term and predictable. It should also the same short time frame, the forces infrastructure is imperative to achieving clearly identify the roles and responsibil- of supply and demand result in higher sustainability and significant life-cycle ities of the various levels of government costs. Short-term programs also tend to savings. This investment is essential (and private sector partners where ap- result in low complexity projects which not only to our economy but also to propriate) and provide predicable on- are not necessarily the projects with the our quality of life and to sustaining the going funding. The challenge of sporadic, most strategic or long-term economic environment that surrounds us.

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 17 Move forward WIth youR CAREER

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page 18 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents Annual Awards of Excellence in Consulting Engineering

All non-project photos submitted by Tony Nardella

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 19 Thanks to our sponsors

Building Engineering Sponsored by the Winnipeg Construction Association

Infrastructure/Transportation Sponsored by the Province of Manitoba, Department of Infrastructure and Transportation

Environmental Sponsored by Manitoba Hydro

Energy Resource Development Sponsored by the Province of Manitoba, Department of Innovation, Energy and Mines and Department of Water Stewardship

Municipal And Water Technology Sponsored by SNC-Lavalin Inc.

Engineering Action Award Sponsored by the Faculties of Engineering and Science at the University of Manitoba

Rising Star Award Sponsored by ENCON Group Inc.

Keystone Award Sponsored by XL Insurance and Oldfield Kirby Esau Inc.

Wine Sponsor Maple Leaf Construction Ltd.

Entertainment Sponsor Hoskin Scientific Ltd.

Program Sponsor PDL Paddock Drilling Ltd.

2011 Judging Panel

Dustin Booy, M. Eng., P.Eng. is the engineering as well as environmental construction industry. He is a graduate Contract Engineer for the Engineering engineering. He holds Bachelor of Sci- in Civil Engineering from the University and Operations Division at Manitoba’s ence in Civil Engineering and Master of Manitoba and is currently a part-time Department of Infrastructure and Trans- of Engineering (Geotechnical) degrees M.Sc. student. portation. With more than ten years of from the University of Manitoba. experience in project management and Lawrence Ferchoff, FEC, P.Eng. is cur- transportation engineering, Dustin has Dave Ennis, P.Eng. is the former Execu- rently the Manager of Electrical Codes been involved in such recent notable tive Director & Registrar of the Asso- & Standards/Chief Electrical Inspec- projects as the CentrePort Canada ciation of Professional Engineers and tor for Manitoba Hydro. Over the Way Design-Build where he acted as Geoscientists of Manitoba, and former past ten years, Lawrence has also been a Project Manager. His diverse career director on the Board of Engineers directly involved in the development of experience also includes accomplish- Canada. He has prior experience in advanced metering technology and al- ments in the discipline of geotechnical bridge engineering and in the heavy ternative energy and northern generat- page 20 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents ing station projects for Manitoba Hydro. He has extensive prior experience in the consulting industry, including project and business unit management, and electrical and control systems engineer- ing for energy, infrastructure, environ- mental and industrial projects. He holds a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Manitoba, has been active in professional and commun- ity organizations, including APEGM, the United Way, IEEE, Toastmasters and Consulting Engineers of Manitoba.

Ronald Hambley, MCP is the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Winnipeg Construction Association and has been working in the association management field for over 20 years with various business and Back row: Dustin Booy, Peter Rasmussen, Lawrence Ferchoff, Dave Ennis, Grant Koropatnick, David Kuhn. construction groups in Manitoba. Born Front row: Ronald Hambley, Mal Symonds, Randy Raban, John Markowsky in Thompson, Manitoba, Ron received his Masters in City Planning (MCP) from the University of Manitoba, a Certificate consultant for Chemical Engineering sponsibilities. For the past ten years he in Economic Development from the Research Consultants Limited. His area has been managing Manitoba Hydro’s University of Waterloo, and his under- of research is the computational and Engineering Services Division, a group graduate degree (BA) from the Univer- experimental investigation of complex of five departments that do Engineering sity of Winnipeg. multi-phase flows. Design and Project Management.

Grant Koropatnick, P.Eng. is the Execu- John Markowsky, P.Eng. MASc, MBA Peter Rasmussen, Ph.D., P.Eng. is Profes- tive Director & Registrar for the As- John’s career has always been focused sor and Head of the Department of sociation of Professional Engineers and on the project and construction man- Civil Engineering at the University Geoscientists of Manitoba (APEGM). He agement of heavy civil projects. Over of Manitoba. Peter obtained a Ph.D. is a graduate Civil Engineer and holds a the past 25 years John has contributed degree from the Technical University certificate in Human Resource Manage- to various phases of seven (7) hydro- of Denmark in 1991. After graduation, ment from the University of Manitoba. electric projects with Manitoba Hydro he joined the research centre INRS-Eau With more than 20 years experience, and others both domestically and with the University of Quebec where he Grant has held technical and manage- overseas. Recently he was the on-site worked for several years in the area of rial positions in human service envi- Resident Manager for the Wuskwatim statistical hydrology. In 1999, he moved ronments including the University of Hydroelectric project where his respon- to the University of Manitoba. Peter’s Manitoba and the Pembina Trails School sibilities were to develop and manage area of research is hydrology, with em- Division. Born and raised in Winnipeg, a team responsible for all aspects of phasis on statistical design methods and Grant enjoys a variety of interests in his the construction phase including part- climate change impact assessment. spare time including running for fitness, nership, environmental, technical and writing, public speaking and philan- contract challenges. His love and ability Malcolm Symonds, P.Eng. is an Engineer- thropy. to play in construction would not be in-Residence and Associate Professor in possible without the continued support the Design Engineering Department at David Kuhn, Ph.D., P.Eng. graduated of his wife Jan and family. the University of Manitoba. Prior to his with a Ph.D. from Queen’s University present position, he spent 36 years in at Kingston and is currently a Profes- Randy Raban, P.Eng. has had an excit- the aerospace sector with the Royal Ca- sor and the Head of Mechanical and ing career at Manitoba Hydro since nadian Navy, the Air Reserve, and Bristol Manufacturing Engineering at the graduation from Civil Engineering at the Aerospace. He retired from the latter as University of Manitoba. Prior to join- University of Manitoba in 1972. His di- Director of Engineering Services. He has ing the University of Manitoba he was verse background has included design, been the president of the APEGM and is a Professor at the University of Toronto construction, commissioning, planning, now on the CEQB of Engineers Canada. in the Department of Chemical Engi- hydraulic system operations, stakehold- He has also been the Commanding Of- neering and Applied Chemistry and a er relations and various management re- ficer of 402 ‘City of Winnipeg’ Squadron.

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 21 Keystone Award A wARD of Excellence – Municipal and Water Technology AECOM Canada Ltd. and CH2MHill, Winnipeg Water Treatment Plant

The Winnipeg Water Treatment Plant disinfection. The WTP has achieved water (WTP) is a new $300 million facility quality results that exceed provincial that has helped the City of Winnipeg regulatory requirements. reduce the risk of waterborne disease, AECOM, in partnership with lower the level of disinfection by- CH2MHill, provided pilot testing, products and improve the water’s taste conceptual and detail design, and and odour. The 400 million liter per construction management services for day plant, uses a dual train system that the project. The WTP’s construction integrates several advanced filtration and phase spanned five years and involved treatment processes, including dissolved 56 individual contracts and more than logic controllers (PLC), 140 pumps, air flotation, ozonation, biologically 2,000 project drawings. In total the 2,300 valves and 1,400 instruments. activated carbon filtration and ultraviolet plant’s design includes 40 programmable The project was constructed and integrated into service while maintaining continuous water supply to the City of Winnipeg. “Our success on this project can be attributed to the dedication and efforts of the entire project team,” said Ray Bilevicius, associate vice president, AECOM. “It also speaks to the strong working relationship developed with our client and other stakeholders.”


We are AECOM. Partnering with our clients, we provide the most innovative and appropriate solutions to deliver projects that leave proud legacies for tomorrow.

AECOM congratulates the City of Winnipeg’s Water Treatment Plant, winner of ACEC-Manitoba’s prestigious Keystone Award.

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page 22 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents Photos submitted by AECOM

Judge’s comments At $300 million, Winnipeg’s new water treatment plant is the largest capital project ever undertaken by the City of Winnipeg. The judges chose this project for an award of excellence due to the number of challenges faced and met during the 60 month construction period. The processes used are both advanced and simple, chosen specifically for the City’s needs focusing on pathogen removal for public safety, disinfection by- product reduction and taste and odour control. The resulting water quality exceeds current drinking water regulations.

World class experience—local presence

CH2M HILL is proud to be a partner with the City of Winnipeg and AECOM in delivering the award-winning Winnipeg Water Treatment Plant. As a leader in full-service engineering, procurement, construction, and operations for public and private clients, we deliver innovative, practical, sustainable solutions. CH2M HILL is actively seeking extraordinary people to join our team. Visit

© 2011 CH2M HILL WBG072611222438TOR

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 23 A wARD of Excellence – Building Engineering Crosier Kilgour & Partners, The Bedford Parkade Project

The original Ryan Block was completed & Partners Ltd. investigated various in 1903, and served a variety of stabilization proposals, it was decided tenants until the early 1990s, after that the original Ryan Building would which it was vacant. Sadly, the be deconstructed and the exterior building suffered a series of fires brick and tyndall stone details would be and water infiltration, and in 2007, painstakingly recorded and re-built as an it was deemed structurally unstable. integral component of the new Bedford Because of the historical significance Parkade and Retail Development. New of the building, the City of Winnipeg, phototelemetric scanning technology project will provide enduring together with Bedford Investments and was used to produce a digital record of benefits to Winnipeg’s downtown Dominion Construction, embarked the original building to facilitate one Exchange District, while maintaining on an ambitious project to save the of the largest façade reconstructions and complementing the aesthetic building façade. After Crosier Kilgour in Winnipeg history. This innovative character of the area.

Judge’s comments The judges selected this project for an award of excellence because of the marriage of the latest technologies of phototelemetry to the restoration of an obsolete industrial building. The Ryan Building was structurally unstable but needed to be preserved as a heritage site. One of the biggest challenges was removing, preserving and re-installing all of the original tyndall stone from 1903 as a restoration façade to accommodate the construction of a needed parkade in the Exchange District. The combination of new technology and diligent attention to detail let to the successful completion of one of the largest façade reconstruction projects in Winnipeg’s history.

Photos submitted by Crosier Kilgour & Partners page 24 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 25

A wARD of Excellence – Infrastructure and Transportation Dillon Consulting, Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor Project

Since the early 1970s the City of CN rail traffic operations, work within of tunnel construction. In order to Winnipeg has contemplated a Rapid stringent property constraints, and complete the tunnel construction Transit System. enable construction to be completed works within two years, CN’s railway Of the many challenges posed within two years. The resulting tracks must be relocated in three in this multidisciplinary project, the design is a 200m long cast-in-place separate phases and the tunnel itself greatest achievement was designing concrete, structurally shored tunnel will be constructed over two stages. a two-lane tunnel structure to cross including 150m of retaining/wing Construction of the tunnel commenced under the seven CN railway tracks walls, complicated by three phases of in 2009 and is anticipated to be that would have a minimal impact to CN track relocation and two phases completed in November 2011.

Judge’s comments The judges chose this project due to its many challenges and complexity. The requirement to complete construction within an extremely confined space was impressive. The consequences if construction had impacted surrounding business and especially the CN mainline could have been catastrophic. The successful completion of the tunnel is testament to a well-run project and competent planning and execution.

Photos submitted by Dillon Consulting

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 29 A wARD of Excellence – Infrastructure and Transportation

intcv era ti e Edition of Manitoba Consulting Engineer

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Flexible EPCM Solutions...

• MMXI Field Experienced Engineers... VOLUME 2 Consulting and Design Solutions for alvai ab e online Substations and Power Systems MEC delivers consulting and design solutions to ensure the safe, sustainable Official publication of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - Manitoba use of electrical power. MEC’s engineers have a balance of both field and office experience, ensuring the best, most With print and electronic communication operating practical design for our clients.

MEC’s Engineering Division also offers Feasibility Studies : hand-in-hand more than ever before, we are more than • Conceptual design • Engineering evaluation • Capital cost evaluation • Schedule and timeline determination happy to advise you that Manitoba Consulting Engineer Power System Studies Prevent major equipment damage. Benefits include optimized plant performance, extended life expectancy, reduced downtime is available online in a highly interactive format. and improved safety.

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis & Mitigation MEC’s engineers can help you to formulate a complete arc flash hazard mitigation A user-friendly, interactive Media Rich PDF format program, designed to minimize arc flash risks. that includes: Active hyper-links to all websites and e-mails A New Look. The Same Purpose. Powering a Safer Future... The rationale behind the rebrand contained in the publication

Winnipeg Water Active links to the specific stories from the front Treatment Plant Wins the 2011 Keystone Award cover and contents page New and Improved Member Services Section PM #40065075 PM Active links to advertiser websites from their ads Visit us online at

page 30 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents A wARD of Excellence – Environmental J. R. Cousin Consultants Ltd., White Lake Campground Wastewater Biofiltration Treatment and Disposal System

The White Lake Campground in the management was essential for the envi- Whiteshell Provincial Park was in need ronmentally sensitive parkland area. J.R. of a new wastewater treatment system Cousin Consultants utilized the Waterloo to replace the septic field, which had Biofilter wastewater treatment system for technologically advanced effluent treat- failed and was decommissioned in 2008. biological treatment and UV disinfection, ment and disposal system. This system Temporary holding tanks were installed to produce high quality effluent with is the largest Waterloo Biofilter installa- on site, with ongoing pumping and field dispersal. The WhiteL ake Camp- tion in Manitoba and will provide a safe truck hauling, however a permanent and ground now has an energy efficient, and long-term solution for the Parks and more sustainable solution for wastewater environmentally sound, sustainable and Natural Areas Branch.

Judge’s comments This project received an award of excellence for its application of technology in a short project timeline. Using the Waterloo Biofiltration system with remote sensing and control proved to be the first time this system was utilized in Manitoba. The social and environmental benefits are obvious, as campers can enjoy the great Manitoba outdoors with low impact on the environment due to the innovative wastewater management system.

Photos submitted by J.R. Cousin Consultants Ltd.

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 31 A wARD of Merit – Building Engineering Project Name: Beaver Brae High School Renovations Firm: MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers Client: Keewatin Patricia District School Board The Keewatin Patricia District School Through extensive collaborating efforts, the building renovated without missing Board retained MCW/AGE and Habib the result is a school with state-of-the- a single day of classes, was completed on Architects Inc. early in 2006 to help art mechanical and electrical systems, budget and ahead of schedule. The most breathe new life into its largest school in which reduce the operating budget by rewarding benefit being a reduction in stu- Kenora; Beaver Brae Secondary School. 50%. The project, which saw 97% of dent and staff absenteeism due to illness.

Photos submitted by MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers

page 32 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents A wARD of Merit – Infrastructure/Transportation Project Name: Letellier Bridge – West Bank Stabilization Firm: KGS Group in association with Dillon Consulting Client: Manitoba Infrastructure & Transportation

Since initial construction in 1955, the origi- tailed design to ‘shovel ready’ for construc- Group designed an array of steel pipe nal Letellier Bridge frequently required tion of the new structure to begin in 2009. composite columns and an engineered repair and retrofit alterations resulting The extensive Lake Agassiz clay deposit, lightweight fill embankment to satisfy the from significant riverbank instability and coupled with a strong upward groundwa- design criteria. The Letellier Bridge Project movements. Taking advantage of Canada’s ter gradient compelled the design team to provided an opportunity to design and Economic Action Plan, Manitoba Infra- pioneer leading-edge riverbank stabiliza- implement innovative geotechnical engi- structure brought the project from de- tion techniques using new materials. KGS neering solutions.


Photos submitted by KGS Group in assosication with Dillon Consulting

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 33 A wARD of Merit – Infrastructure/Transportation Project Name: South Caswell Concept Plan Firm: MMM Group Limited Client: City of Saskatoon

MMM Group was retained by the City Hill Community and the existing transit space deficiencies, consideration for of Saskatoon to prepare a concept plan facilities and surrounding area. The key the potential adaptive re-use of the site, for the re-use of the City of Saskatoon’s project tasks included: community and review of previous recommendations from current transit facility. This project stakeholder participation, review of existing planning and policy documents, capital included a review of background materials infrastructure and service capacities, cost estimates and development of a land to provide information on the Caswell review of current neighbourhood park use concept plan.

Photos submitted by MMM Group Limited

A proud member of Manitoba’s consulting engineering community for more than 40 years.

MMM Group’s specialised design and consulting teams collaborate with public and private sector clients to deliver innovative, practical and sustainable solutions to address the challenges of today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment.

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page 34 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents A wARD of Merit – Infrastructure/Transportation Project Name: Active Transportation Infrastructure Stimulus Program Coordinating Consultant Firm: Stantec Consulting with Marr Consulting Services and Scatliff+Miller+Murray Client: City of Winnipeg Public Works Department

Stantec, with Marr Consulting Services research, planning, public consultation of the original project schedule, and Scatliff+Miller+Murray, provided strategy, design development, design significantly improving the accessibility Coordinating Consultant services for consistency review, and program to safe facilities for alternate modes of 37 Active Transportation projects for delivery strategy development. The transportation and bringing the City of the City of Winnipeg’s $20 million program was an outstanding success, Winnipeg’s design standards for Active Infrastructure Stimulus Program. with the majority of projects falling Transportation facilities to the forefront Engineering services included: within the aggressive timeframes of the industry.

Photos submitted by Stantec Consulting with Marr Consulting Services and Scatliff+Miller+Murray

Working with you from vision to reality for the winning edge. Landscape Architecture - Planning - 3D Visualization - Public Engagement - Active Transportation

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Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 35 A wARD of Merit – Energy Resource Development Project Name: Boundary Dam Spillway Upgrade Firm: KGS Group Client: SaskPower

A Dam Safety Review of the Boundary anchors, improving the subsurface maintaining the flood discharge capability Dam Power Station indentified major drainage system, and upgrading the of the spillway during construction, was concerns with the capacity and condition erosion protection. The use of post- an innovative and cost-effective solution. of the spillway, originally built in 1956. The tensioned anchors to satisfy three design The Boundary Dam Spillway Upgrade $50 million spillway upgrade consisted requirements; geotechnical slope stability; extended the life of the safe discharge of replacing the entire concrete spillway, prevention of foundation swelling; and capacity of the spillway at the largest installing over 400 post-tensioned resistance to hydraulic uplift forces, while generating station in .

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Dillon performed an analysis of the were identified that required upgrading quence of design and construction con- Cartier Regional Water Co-op water sys- to meet 20 year design service needs. tract to mitigate the system limitations tem comprised of an existing river intake, Using an enterprise risk based approach, were developed. The approach included water treatment plant, transmission pipe critical water supply quality and quantity fast track major equipment pre-purchase, network, pump stations and remote system upgrades were identified, with with concurrently running general instal- system reservoirs. System components the Manitoba Water Services Board. A se- lation contract.

Photos submitted by Dillon Consulting Limited

Photos submitted by KGS Group

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 37 Engineering Action Award William (Bill) H. Brant, P. Eng.

Bill Brant started his distinguished career in Engineering when he graduated from the University of Manitoba with a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering in 1973. He started work right after graduation with Toman Engineering in Boissevain, Manitoba. After a brief time he moved to Manitoba Water Resources for several years and then on to the Manitoba Water Services Board where he worked for six years. He then joined his long-time associate Alf Poetker at Poetker Engineering; which was later acquired by Cochrane Engineer- ing in 1988 where he rose to the posi- tion of Vice President in charge of the Manitoba Region. Cochrane Engineering was acquired by GENIVAR in 2007 and Bill is currently Vice President, Manitoba Region for GENIVAR as well as sitting on the National Executive Committee. He (L-R) Douglas Buchanan, Acting Dean of Engineering, University of Manitoba, Mark Whitmore, also continues with his role as a Senior Dean of Science, University of Manitoba, Bill Brant, P.Eng. GENIVAR, Alfred Poetker, P.Eng. GENIVAR Water Supply Specialist for GENIVAR. Bill’s primary areas of practice in- • The George Warren Fuller Award from (Canadian Water and Wastewater Maga- clude water supply, treatment, storage, the American Water Works Association zine) and Founder and long-time Editor pumping and distribution; Wastewater • The H.C. Lindsten Award from the of Western Canada Water Magazine collection, pumping and treatment; Western Canada Water & Wastewater Bill has always strived for a balance Solid waste disposal and; Roads and Association between his professional and personal drainage. Throughout his career Bill has • He has twice been awarded a Service life. He is a very dedicated family man been involved in utility rate planning and Award from the Western Canada Wa- to his wife Bertha, daughters Ruth and feasibility studies as well as the design, ter & Wastewater Association. Jessica and sons William and Joseph. He contract administration, commissioning Bill has been a very active member of maintains a strong volunteer commit- and operation of projects – including ACEC-Manitoba serving in a number of ment to The Parish Church of St. Luke, waterworks, sewerage, drainage, solid capacities including President, Director having served in many capacities in the waste disposal, roads, airports and public and Manitoba Representative to ACEC Church organization. He has shown com- buildings. Bill has specialized experience - Canada. His other profession affilia- mitment to his community in many ways in the fields of water source develop- tions include: APEGM, Member and Past at both the local and provincial level. ment, treatment and distribution. Chair of AWWA (American Water Works Bill always sets a great example in Bill has played a key role in the de- Association), Member and Past President community and professional involvement velopment of regional water systems in of WCWWA (Western Canada Water and to his peers and staff and is always look- Manitoba since 1986 and has won several Wastewater Association, Designated Rep- ing for ways to encourage and support awards including: resentative and Past Director of CWWA this involvement in others.

“Bill always sets a great example in community and professional involvement to his peers and staff and is always looking for ways to encourage and support this involvement in others.”

page 38 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents Rising Star Award Owen Van Walleghem, P.Eng.

Owen Van Walleghem attended Carleton (APEGM) Public Awareness Committee University in Ottawa where he majored in since 2008 and serves as the liaison to the Mechanical Engineering and graduated in Engineering Innovation Challenge Com- 2005 with a Bachelor of Engineering on mittee for the annual Rotary Career Sym- the Dean’s list. He arrived in Winnipeg posium. Owen has also been a member in 2006 and started working full time at of the American Water Works Association, AECOM in the Water department as a Me- Western Canada Section Education com- chanical Engineer in Training for the Win- mittee since 2008. nipeg Water Treatment Plant project. Since Owen has been a volunteer with the 2007 Owen has been participating in and ACEC-Manitoba Young Professionals playing a major role in the design of water Committee since 2009. His role previously and wastewater treatment systems in involved participating on the Outreach the industrial and municipal markets for Subcommittee as the APEGM liaison and AECOM. Owen celebrated receiving his is the Chair Elect of the Young Profession- Professional Engineer designation as of als Committee for the 2011/2012 year. January 1, 2011. Outside of his engineering related As a young Professional Engineer, volunteer work, Owen is involved in his Owen values his position in society. local Habitat for Humanity organization Owen Van Walleghem has demonstrat- Because his work as a Water/Wastewater and has also volunteered as the AECOM ed his professionalism and dedication to Engineer has a direct effect on public Team Captain for the annual Dragon Boat engineering as exemplified by his work on health, safety and the environment, he races fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer many projects and through his volunteer understands the importance of maintain- Society of Manitoba. activities. ing a high professional standard when performing his job. Owen’s understand- ing of the Engineer’s role in society is also supported by his reasons for wanting to get into the profession. He believes that Global Expertise. Engineering provides a great opportunity to apply his skills and talents to do some- Local Strength. thing useful for the community through building and designing. In addition to his work at AECOM, Owen is also involved in volunteering for professional events that raise awareness of Consulting Engineers as well as in his local community. Owen is actively involved in several public affiliations including being a member of the Association of Professional Left: Winnipeg’s active transportation network Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba Right: Bike path/sidewalk along Bison Drive

Stantec proudly supports CEM in its mission to make the engineering “Owen Van Walleghem profession strong, vibrant, and progressive. This year, we were honoured with a merit award as Coordinating Consultant for the City of Winnipeg’s has demonstrated his Active Transportation program which included 37 separate design and professionalism and construction projects. Stantec’s Manitoba team provides fully integrated and sustainable dedication to engineering solutions in architecture, interior design, facilities planning and operations, as exemplified by his work buildings engineering, environmental management, program and project management, transportation, urban land engineering, and water. on many projects and Visit or call (204) 489-5900 in Winnipeg. through his volunteer AD-DA-WIN-2011JUL25-P1V1 activities.” One Team. Integrated Solutions.

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 39

Member Services GUIDE

The following two pages are an alphabetical listing of our Member Companies and the services they provide. Please think of these companies when making your decisions.

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 41 Member Services Guide: A AMEC Industrial Geotechnical Golder Associates Mining Industrial Accutech Municipal Marina and Coastal Planning Materials Project Management Mechanical Structural – Buildings Municipal Building Science Structural – Other Planning Agriculture Energy Transportation Project Management Agriculture Building Science Environment Water Resources Structural – Buildings Building Science Electrical Fisheries Structural – Other Computer Science Energy Geotechnical Crosier Kilgour & Surveying Energy Environment Materials Partners Ltd. Temporary Works Environment Fisheries Mining Transportation Fisheries Forestry Transportation Water Resources Forestry Geotechnical Water Resources Geotechnical Industrial Dyregrov Robinson Inc. Industrial Materials Associated Engineering [email protected] Marina and Coastal Mechanical Building Science Geotechnical Materials Mining Structural – Buildings Municipal Planning Structural – Other Planning Project Management Project Management Structural – Buildings E Temporary Works Structural – Other ENG-TECH Agriculture D Transportation Surveying Consulting Ltd. Building Science Water Resources Temporary Works Darren B. Towells Inc. Communications/Telecommunications Transportation Electrical Energy H AECOM Environment Hatch Ltd. Industrial Environment Mechanical Agriculture Geotechnical Municipal Building Science Materials Planning Chemical Engineering Planning Electrical Agriculture Project Management Building Science Electrical Project Management Energy Structural – Buildings Environment Structural – Other Environment Chemical Engineering Structural – Other Communications/ Telecommunications Fisheries Surveying Fisheries Surveying Forestry Geotechnical Electrical Temporary Works Energy Geotechnical Industrial Transportation Industrial Marina and Coastal Environment Water Resources G Fisheries Materials Genivar Mechanical Forestry Mechanical Mining Geotechnical B Mining Planning Industrial Planning Project Management Boge & Boge Ltd. Marina and Coastal Project Management Structural – Other Materials Structural – Buildings Aerospace Surveying Mechanical Structural – Other Agriculture Temporary Works Mining Aerospace Temporary Works Building Science Water Resources Municipal Agriculture Communications/ Telecommunications Planning Building Science D.E.M. Allen & Computer Science Project Management Environment Associates Ltd. Electrical J Structural – Buildings Forestry Energy J.R. Cousin Structural – Other Geotechnical Environment Surveying Industrial Fisheries Agriculture Temporary Works Materials Geotechnical Environment Transportation Mechanical Broadcasting Industrial Fisheries Water Resources Mining Communications/ Telecommunications Marina and Coastal Geotechnical Water/Wastewater Treatment Structural – Buildings Materials Industrial Structural – Other Dillon Consulting Ltd. Mechanical Marina and Coastal Almitra Temporary Works Municipal Materials Transportation Planning Mechanical Project Management Municipal Structural – Buildings Planning C Structural – Other Project Management Small scale complex CH2M HILL Canada Ltd. Surveying Structural – Other Temporary Works Surveying Agriculture Transportation Transportation Building Science Water Resources Water Resources Chemical Engineering Asset Management Electrical Building Science Energy Electrical Environment Energy Fisheries Environment Forestry

page 42 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents Morrison Stantec Tetra Tech Inc. TREK Geotechnical Inc. K Hershfield Ltd. Kontzamanis Graumann Smith Macmillan Inc. (KGS Group) Municipal Aerospace Aerospace Project Management Agriculture Geotechnical Building Science Structural – Other Agriculture Building Science Project Management Electrical Surveying Building Science Chemical Engineering Surveying Energy Transportation Chemical Engineering Communications/ Telecommunications Environment Communications/ Telecommunications Computer Science Geotechnical Computer Science Electrical W Industrial N Electrical Energy Williams Engineering Mechanical Energy Environment Canada Inc. Municipal Neegan Burnside Ltd. Environment Fisheries Project Management Fisheries Forestry Structural – Buildings Forestry Geotechnical Structural – Other Geotechnical Industrial Surveying Building Science Industrial Marina and Coastal Transportation Marina and Coastal Materials Water Resources Electrical Energy Materials Mechanical Environment Mechanical Mining M Mechanical Mining Municipal Building Science Municipal Municipal Planning Electrical MCW/AGE Consulting Planning Planning Project Management Mechanical Professional Engineers Project Management Project Management Structural – Buildings Project Management Structural – Buildings Structural – Buildings Structural – Other Structural – Other Structural – Other Surveying Surveying Surveying Temporary Works Z Temporary Works Temporary Works Transportation Zandstra Farag Transportation Transportation Water Resources Consultants Ltd. Electrical Water Resources Water Resources [email protected] Mechanical Tower Engineering Group Inc. Building Science Power Engineering S T Geotechnical TBT Engineering Materials MMM Group Ltd. SMS Engineering Ltd. Structural – Buildings Environment Structural – Other Geotechnical Temporary Works Materials Aerospace Agriculture Airports Electrical Teshmont Building Science Building Science Mechanical Consultants LP Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Communications/ Telecommunications Communications/ Telecommunications SNC Lavalin Inc. Computer Science Electrical Electrical Energy Energy Environment Environment Industrial Electrical Geotechnical Marina and Coastal Energy Industrial Mechanical Materials Municipal Agriculture Mechanical Planning Building Science Municipal Project Management Chemical Engineering Project Management Structural – Buildings Electrical Structural – Buildings Structural – Other Energy Surveying Environment Temporary Works Industrial Transportation Mechanical Water Resources Mining Planning Project Management Structural – Buildings Structural – Other Temporary Works Transportation

For more of our member companies contact information please visit the member section of our website

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 43 YOOUNG PR FESSIONALS COMMITTEE

Message from the YPC Chair Owen Van Walleghem, P.Eng.

would like to start by the vacancies. Dustin Warelis, Michelle manage the stating how excited I Globush and Jomar Manzano have not services and I am to take on the role been with us very long, but their ideas activities for of Young Professionals and contributions have already had a students, Committee (YPC) Chair, and to serve positive impact on the YPs in Manitoba. including the as the YP representative on the ACEC ACEC Manitoba’s Executive Director, mentorship Manitoba Board of Directors for the next Shirley Tillett has also been a key part of program with two years. The YPC has thrived under the YPC’s success. Her guidance, ideas, the University the leadership of Beth Phillips since its and behind-the-scenes contributions to of Manitoba inception, and the amount of effort and the group have been invaluable. Engineering dedication that she brought to her role The YPC has been in Manitoba for just Society, and has been inspiring. I am honoured to over two years, but in this time it has had publish the monthly newsletter. With the follow in her footsteps. a positive effect on the careers of many support of the Image Committee, we In addition to Beth, Kyla Kirk, YPs, and on the industry as a whole. plan to expand the YPC’s web presence. Amanda LaCoste, Mark Warkentin, and As a result of this ongoing success, my We also intend to issue another YP Kim Yathon have been members of the plan for the next two years is to have survey this year to give our members an committee since its inaugural gala, and the committee operate as it has been. opportunity to have a say. the amount that they have accomplished Any changes will likely be minor, with One change that I am excited in this time has been astounding. Sadly, the intent of developing and enhancing to announce is an update to our we have had a couple of committee the great work already being conducted definition of an ACEC Manitoba YP. The members leave over the past year, but we by the YPC. We will continue to offer former definition was “any engineer, have been fortunate to bring on some monthly educational and networking geoscientist, engineering or geosciences talented new YP members to help fill events, host the annual YP Gala event, technologist or technician working for a member company with up to 10 years of experience in their applicable field”. “The YPC has been in Manitoba for just over two We all know that the success of our firms depends on a lot more than just years, but in this time it has had a positive effect the work of the engineers, geoscientists, technicians and technologists. Therefore, on the careers of many YPs, and on the industry in an effort to be more inclusive and to as a whole.” align with the ACEC Canada and FIDIC definitions, as of August 2011, the new YP definition is “any employee of an ACEC Manitoba member firm who is under the age of 35 or who has up to 10 years of experience in his/her field.” With this change, any YP at a member firm with an interest in the business of consulting engineering and a desire to develop their career is welcome to take advantage of the opportunities that the YPC has to offer. Again, I am honoured and excited to be taking the helm of one of ACEC Manitoba’s most active and energetic committees. I look forward to continuing work with this great team, and to seeing many of you at our events. page 44 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents YOOUNG PR FESSIONALS COMMITTEE

The value of supporting YPs – A Senior Manager’s perspective

Ron Typliski, P.Eng. – Vice President, AECOM & ACEC-MB Past Chair

s a senior manager, I our industry and companies at social believe it is very important events, career fairs, etc. As well, YP pro- Ron Typliski to support and encourage grams provide opportunities for learning, A Vice President, AECOM our young professionals professional development and dialogue to participate and get involved with YP with more senior professionals. programs as I see many personal benefits A YP program can be an excellent asset in attracting, retaining and develop- to them and to their employers. vehicle for senior management to obtain ing our young talent. As an employer, YP programs offer feedback from their YPs on their needs Our young people are our future and opportunities for our young people to and on their aspirations. Most impor- we must do all we can to engage them network with their peers, and represent tantly, a strong YP program can be a great and retain them in our industry.

What is the Young Professionals Committee?

he ACEC Manitoba Young • communicating and coordinating Manitoba, and providing a link between Professionals Committee with other similar organizations YPs and the ACEC Manitoba Board. T (YPC) was created in 2009 in other jurisdictions to exchange The YPC has also continued to foster and aims to enhance the ideas, find mutually beneficial relationships with other professional growth and evolution of the consulting opportunities, and grow and improve organizations in Winnipeg and across engineering industry by promoting the consulting engineering industry Canada. and empowering the development of Since officially launching in October The YPC defines a young professional young professionals’ careers within the 2009, the YPC has progressively met as any employee of an ACEC Manitoba industry. these goals by hosting 10 educational member firm who is under the age of 35 and networking events per year, or who has up to ten years of experience The YPC achieves its mission by: presenting at the University of in his/her field. • providing young professionals with a greater understanding of the consulting engineering business and ACEC Manitoba’s role in it • providing networking, mentoring, educational, and career growth opportunities for young professionals • providing young professionals with the opportunity to actively contribute and become an integral part of the industry and ACEC Manitoba • being a link and progression from the student ACEC Manitoba chapter to professional involvement in ACEC Manitoba, and

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 45 YPC EVENTS Young Professionals Committee events

August 2010: Baseball Game October 2010: 2nd Annual Gala On the evening of Wednesday, The ACEC-MB Young Professionals August 11, 2010, the ACEC-MB Young Committee (YPC) celebrated a very Professionals (YPs) held a networking successful first year on the evening event at Hu’s on First Asian Bistro of Tuesday October 12, 2010 with the patio overlooking right field at annual Gala Dinner. Over 150 young Global Park. Approximately professionals, managers and supporters 45 YPs showed up to relax and enjoy gathered in one of North America’s a delicious three-course dinner while most energy efficient buildings, the watching the Winnipeg Goldeyes battle Manitoba Hydro Building. Attendees the Gary SouthShore Railcats. Despite were serenaded by soothing jazz music the Goldeyes losing to the Railcats by a led us through the Capital Architects while enjoying the sumptuous hors final score of 8-1, many YPs stayed until case study. In the case study, a project d’oeuvres and the striking design of one after the game to check out an amazing goes awry and ends in litigation. of Winnipeg’s newest landmarks. fireworks display courtesy of world- The YPs in attendance learned champion Archangel Fireworks. about contract language, limits of liability, and what your insurer can September 2010: Breakfast Seminar and can’t do during litigation. YPs also On September 14, 30 YPs attended learned about the different things that the Contracts and Liability breakfast can make a project go sour, and what seminar. Darren Peters, COO of steps can be taken to mitigate issues Oldfield Kirby Esau Insurance Brokers, when they arise.

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page 46 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents YPC EVENTS

Dr. John Boyd, P. Eng., Ph.D. was 36 YPs showed up to relax and enjoy June 2011: Leadership Forum the focus of the evening. Consulting a delicious buffet-style pasta dinner On Tuesday July 19, 2011, nearly 30 engineers and clients alike were held in before watching the Manitoba Moose ACEC-MB young professionals gathered rapt attention as he gave an inspiring battle and beat the Rochester Americans at Luxalune Gastropub to attend a presentation on how the work we do as live on home ice. Leadership Forum featuring three engineers is essential to creating a more leaders from various ACEC Manitoba sustainable future, and described the April 2011: member firms. Ralph Kurth (President, challenges we will face as we strive for “…Without Borders” Networking Evening Teshmont Consultants LP), Garry Bolton this much needed change in direction. On April 28, 2011, the ACEC-MB Young (President, SMS Engineering Ltd.), and Professionals (YPs) and the Young David Krahn (Partner, Dillon Consulting January 2011: Associates (YAs) gathered at the APEGM Ltd.) were on hand to provide valuable Pub Night with John Gamble office for an evening of mingling, great leadership advice, and divulge the story The ACEC-MB Young Professionals appetizers and two presentations from of how they achieved the leadership Pub Night was held on Wednesday EWB and Kickballs for Kids. positions that they currently occupy. January 26, 2011 at the Kings Head Pub The first speaker was Chris Ralph focused on what employees, in . The evening Thompson, the founder of Kickballs for regardless of position within a company, was a success with approximately kids. Chris discussed the trip he took could do to show leadership. Garry twenty YPs in attendance to relax and to Africa and how it changed his life. described the different styles of socialize over drinks and appetizers. What started as a gift to children in the leadership, and explained which styles For the second consecutive year, Mr. villages he visited turned into a charity are suited to different positions. Finally, John D. Gamble, CET, P.Eng., joined us where he raised funds to purchase David Krahn discussed the common as our special guest. John’s message additional soccer balls, and delivered traits that leaders share. encouraged young professionals to 1132 soccer balls to children in the develop their skills beyond the technical different villages by the end of his trip. All photos submitted by YP Committee aspects of engineering and emphasized The next speaker was Adam Fraser- the importance of business side of Kruck, a computer engineer with MTS consulting engineering. Allstream. Adam had volunteered with EWB, where he concentrated on finding better uses for $100,000 than spending it to construct 20 wells in Africa. His research was used to start the ‘Raise Money for an African Child Spreadsheet’ charity, which all the wells in Africa and uses this data to find the best places to drill new wells.

May 2011: Breakfast Seminar March 2011: Breakfast Seminar & Hockey Night On Wednesday May 25, 2011, young Breakfast Seminar professionals from consulting The ACEC-MB Young Professionals engineering companies gathered at the Committee (YP) held its third breakfast APEGM office to listen to Ray MacIsaac seminar on March 3, 2011 at the APEGM share his knowledge and experience office. Mr. Dean Stewart, P.Eng., pre- on public speaking. The topic of Ray’s sented on The Airport Redevelopment seminar was ‘How to Not put your Project at the Winnipeg James Richard- Audience to Sleep.’ son Armstrong International Airport. The Ray provided examples of things one event was a great success with more than should not do while public speaking, 30 young professionals in attendance. and provided tips on giving effective presentations. These tips focused on Hockey Night storytelling, content, visual aids, audience On the evening of Wednesday, March and room preparation, and delivery and 30, 2011, ACEC-MB Young Professionals practice. Additional advice included (YPs) attended a networking event facing your audience, and avoiding long at the MTS Center. Approximately run-on sentences and monotone voices.

Click Here to return to Table of Contents Manitoba Consulting Engineer | page 47 AMEC is a company of engineers and scientists supplying high value consultancy, engineering and project management services to the world. AMEC designs, delivers and maintains strategic and complex assets for its customers. The company employs more than 25,000 people in around 40 countries worldwide.

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page 48 | Manitoba Consulting Engineer Click Here to return to Table of Contents C onSULTING Engineers of Manitoba 13th Annual Golf Tournament

he Association of organizing committee was concerned that Fertilizer Canada and Dan Campbell – Consulting Engineering the tournament would be canceled. That Husky Energy). Companies – Manitoba morning at 9:00 am the skies cleared and The ACEC-MB would like to thank T th the temperatures climbed to around 17C. the players, prize sponsors, hole (ACEC-MB) held their 13 annual golf tournament on Tuesday May The forecasted weather held off until after sponsors and event sponsors for making 31, 2011 at Larters at St. Andrews. This the tournament when all the players had this event successful. This year ACEC year’s tournament had an attendance made it into the banquet room for dinner is proud to donate $2245 to Winnipeg of 111 registered golfers. The weather and prizes. The winning team is shown Harvest from this year’s tournament forecast for the day was bleak, with the with the trophy below (Roy Dansen, - proceeds (cheque presentation shown temperatures to drop from 15C to 7C and Lakeside Process Controls, Brian Rocan – in photo below). Watch our website for the winds to blow 70 to 90 km/hr; the Koch Fertilizer Canada, Blair Lyons – Koch details of next year’s tournament

ACEC MB Golf committee June 28 2011 Harvest cheque presentation Winning Team

Photos submitted Golf Committee

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