NewsletterAMERICAN ACCORDIONISTS’ ASSOCIATION A bi-monthly publication of the American Accordionists’ Association Julu-August 2015 From the Editor Welcome to the July 2015 edition of the AAA Newsletter. As the final preparations are being made for our annual AAA Festival, we remind you to make plans to attend this exciting event to be held in Alexan- dria, VA, featuring renowned American and International guests, a competition held in honor of the late Faithe Deffner with an unprecedented cash prize of- fering, workshops, concerts, a Festival Orchestra and numerous social events. We invite and encourage you to submit your news items for publication in the future issues of this Newsletter. Our membership is involved in a variety of activities, and we know our readers would love to hear about these things. At any one moment, our members are performing on Broadway, at the White House, in concert both here and abroad, producing fesitvals, undertaking various International projects, working on commissions and many other accordion happenings. We thank you in advance for keeping our readers informed. As always, my thanks to immediate Past President Linda Reed and Rita Davidson for their kind assistance with the AAA Newsletter both in the final production and with providing important news items for publication. Items for the September Newsletter can be sent to me at
[email protected] or to the of- ficial AAA e-mail address at:
[email protected] Please include ‘AAA Newsletter’ in the subject box, so that we don’t miss any items that come in. Text should be sent within the e- mail or as a Word file attachment.