New Weaves and Shades in Serge •34-

of this Spring Coats Are of the Box Type feature year’s model. The*# little colored accessories are a Are Plain joy f —Skirts and the eye and are exceedingly becomin°8 Narrow. to most figures. Some of the newest are of organs with little bibs for the upper part and an effect at the NEW MATERIAL FROM LONDON apron bottom, which is worn outside in the front. Narrow hold it in place in Waistcoats Add the Needed Touches strings the back and these little strings, tied in of Color, While Heavy Braiding of a bow crisp and fluffy, show out from Varying Type Remains in under^ ASTER is celebrated all over the nenth the coat. Favor. world, not by all the world. Tricolette, which is so though silky and made of About one-third of the people in such beautiful colors, is one of For so long a time now women the the civilized world will observe best materials to use for the come to the tailored coat tailored of have accept the day as a commemoration vest. It is very good when made suit as the very foundation of their up the resurrection of of Naza- plain at the and wardrobes that it is the first consider- perfectly top finished reth—which is to say that about at the bottom in a series of ation as the reasons change. Espe- very wide one-third of the civilized world is tucks placed one above the other cially is this t»ue of the average wom- and Christian. Roughly speaking, there showing as the box coat falls an whose wishes are controlled by ex- away are about 565,000,000 Christians in the front. It is not possible pediency and determined by absolute to de- and nbout 1,082,000,000 non-Christians. The need. There is no doublt about the Christians are thus classified: Roman Catholics, fact, wmites a prominent fashion cor- 272,860,000; Eastern churches, 120,000,000; Prot- respondent, that American manufactur- estant churches, 171,650,000. The non-Christians ers have developed the supreme art thus classified: Jews, 12,205,000; Mohamme- ar§ in the making of the coat suit. It is dans, 221,825,000; Buddhists, 138,031,000; Hindus, now possible to buy such suits, so 210,540,(XX); Confueianists and Taolsts, 300,830,000; well built, so perfectly designed, that Shintoists, 25,000.000; Animists, 158,270,000; un- few tailors can excel, for as great classified, 15,280,(XX). Care is given to detail as the master The Christians may be geographically classified makers themselves can show. thus: Some critic has said that Europe—Roman Catholic, 183,760,0