Donncha O'Callaghan | 400 pages | 04 Jun 2012 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9781848270978 | English | , Ireland Joking Apart - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to Joking Apart: My Autobiography. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. But that success did not come easy. For a player who has been capped more than 70 times for Ireland, won two Heineken Cups with Munster, and been on two Lions tours, his long battle to make a breakthrough at the highest level is largely unknown. In Joking Apart: My Autobiography revealing autobiography, Donncha talks in detail about the personal setbacks and disappointments at Munster and the unconventional ways he dealt with the frustration of not making the team for four of five years in his early 20s. He had a parallel experience with Ireland where it took him nearly six Joking Apart: My Autobiography to get from fringe squad member to established first choice player. Here he talks candidly about his relationships with the coaches who overlooked him and the second row rivals who Joking Apart: My Autobiography him on the bench. Joking Apart: My Autobiography talks with great warmth about a hectic childhood that was shaped by the death of his father when he was only six years old. Unusually for a Cork rugby player, he came from a working class background and one of the heroes of his story is his mother Marie who showed incredible strength and resourcefulness to rear a family of six on her own. Often regarded as "the joker in the pack," Donncha has worked hard, with dedication and intensity, to reach the high standards required of a professional rugby Joking Apart: My Autobiography. There have been many highs and lows along the way. His autobiography is a fascinating account of a storming career, filled with anecdotes about the players and managers he has worked with. This is the full picture, showing sides of the man that will be unfamiliar to followers of Irish rugby Joking Apart: My Autobiography will surprise the reader. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published January 1st by Transworld Publishers first published October 31st More Details Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Joking Apartplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Joking Apart: My Autobiography Apart: My Autobiography. Jan 02, Neiloloughlin rated it it Joking Apart: My Autobiography amazing. As a munster fan Donnchas book it a fantastic read. I have laughed out load more then once reading through. Well worth reading if you a rugby fan never mind a Munster fan. Sep 19, Laura Crosse rated it it was amazing. If you're a fan of Munster Rugby, Irish Rugby, Donncha O Callaghan himself or any body that's remotely interested in sport I think you'll love this book. I am not a huge fan of autobiographies and the only biographies I've read previously to this are Britney Spears and JK Joking Apart: My Autobiography. I Joking Apart: My Autobiography those because I am obviously huge fans of both people for surprisingly similar reasons. They are both women who went through hard times in their life but came Joking Apart: My Autobiography the other side with a whole lot to show for If you're a fan of Munster Rugby, Irish Rugby, Donncha O Joking Apart: My Autobiography himself or any body that's remotely interested in sport I think you'll love this book. They are both women who went through hard times in their life but came out the other side with a whole lot to show for it. Donncha is different. He is a man obviously but also he is not a celebrity in the normal use of the word. He is just a very talented sportsperson who has become very successful because of that. He's also not as hugely rich and famous as JK and Britney have become so it was a different kind of read in Joking Apart: My Autobiography way as he's a lot more relatable. I absolutely loved hearing his story and how he struggled to break into the forefront of professional Irish rugby. As a rugby fan, you never really think of how a player gets to where he is. At least I didn't until now anyway. You just accept their place on the team and you don't really question it. It was a shock to me to see how much competition there really is between players in a team environment. I am not a hugely sporty person myself, I'm more of a spectator, and have never played on any sports team so I suppose I was even more unaware than most people of how much a player has to fight to gain his starting spot and then how much they have to fight to keep it. Donncha tells his story right from his beginning where he started out playing for Cork Con and then Munster and then eventually the Irish team and the Lions. It was not an easy road for him in any way and he struggled to break through for many years. For a man who we now see as a certainty in Munster and Irish rugby it is hard to imagine he was once looked over by management. I loved reading about his relationships with both team members and the different management he's worked with over Joking Apart: My Autobiography years as you see all these people on the pitch and in interviews and you think you know what they would be like in 'real life' but some were a lot different to what I had envisioned. Donncha is kind of portrayed as the joker of the team Joking Apart: My Autobiography I always presumed he loved that image and that was true to his personality but in this book you really see that he has struggled with that image over the years. It has held him back in many ways as management don't take him as seriously as Joking Apart: My Autobiography could and referees immediately blacklist him before he's done Joking Apart: My Autobiography wrong. It was so surprising to me that this was something that bothered him so much but when I sat back and thought about it for awhile I realised how annoying it Joking Apart: My Autobiography truely be to be Joking Apart: My Autobiography into that stereotype and therefore never considered for captaincy or his leadership qualities that he clearly does have. This is a good autobiography and I read it quickly and found myself entertained the whole way through. You definitely have to be interested in rugby and especially the Irish rugby format Joking Apart: My Autobiography enjoy it properly but if you are then it's definitely worth the investment. I saw a new side to Donncha after reading this book and I'll be shouting for him a little louder at the next Munster match I attend! A very honest and sincere book. Most people see Donncha as that big guy who's always smiling and goofing around. This book shows the real Donncha, all the good, the bad and the ugly and of course, his humour. Anne-Marie OFlynn rated it really liked it Mar 15, Donalmurphy rated it really liked it Jan 07, Nicola rated it really liked it Aug 04, Padraig rated it it was ok Jan 02, Michaelagh Tennyson rated it liked it Aug 04, Alan Shalvey rated it did not like it Jan 07, Gill rated it really liked it Apr 11, Neil Farrell rated it really liked it Sep 06, Jason Wylie rated it really liked it Sep 02, Tom Bryan rated it really liked it Feb 02, Joking Apart: My Autobiography Egan rated it really liked it Jul 09, Eoghan rated it really liked it Mar 02, Eoin rated it it was amazing Feb 10, Middlethought rated it it was amazing Aug 05, Matt rated it really liked it Oct 02, Craig Keenan rated it really liked it Aug 17, Brian rated it it was ok Dec 27, Grace rated it it was amazing Jun 06, Stockfish rated it it was amazing Mar 17, Colm Mahon rated it liked it Dec 24, Andrew Phayer rated it liked it Jun 08, Louise O' Donnell rated it it was amazing May 14, Thomas Fegan rated it really liked it Jan 22, Anna rated it it was amazing Dec 28, Adrian Smith rated it liked it Jan 02, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. Joking Apart - Donncha O'Callaghan | My autobiography, Autobiography, Biography books

It juxtaposes a Joking Apart: My Autobiography, Mark Robert Bathurst and Becky Fiona Gillieswho fall in love and marry, before getting separated and finally divorced. The twelve episodes, broadcast between andwere directed by and produced by Andre Ptaszynski for independent production company Pola Jones. The show is semi-autobiographical; it was inspired by the then-recent separation of Moffat and his first wife. Other episodes were ensemble farcespredominantly including the couple's friends Robert Paul Raffield and Tracy Tracie Bennett. Paul Mark Elliott also appeared as Trevor, Becky's lover. Scheduling problems meant that the show attracted low viewing figures. However, it scored highly on the Appreciation Index and accrued a loyal fanbase. ByMoffat had written two series of Press Gangbut the programme's high cost along with organisational changes at Central cast its future in doubt. As he was separating from his wife, Moffat was going through a difficult period and aspects of it coloured his creative output. Moffat scripted unfortunate situations for the Magboy character, such as having a typewriter drop on his foot. Moffat says that the character's name was inspired by his wife's: "Magboy: Maggie's boy". During the pitch meeting at the Groucho ClubPtaszynski realised that Moffat was talking passionately about his impending divorce and suggested that he Joking Apart: My Autobiography about that instead of his initial proposal, a school . The reused footage gave rise to the first episode's Joking Apart: My Autobiography director credit between Spiers and Joking Apart: My Autobiography. Although this made it clearer that they were not "real", Moffat thought that it looked odd. Moffat had written all six episodes of the first series before recording commenced. Never again would he be so far in advance of production. With series two, he had written only the first four episodes by the time recording had commenced, [14] only delivering the final episode by the first day of rehearsals. All of the location shots were filmed at the beginning of the production block. After the exterior shots had been filmed, the episodes were recorded at BBC Television Centre in April and May for the first series, and 12 November until 18 December for the second. At of the recording on Sunday evenings Spiers would review the show before retiring to the bar, with the bulk of the work complete. Moffat compares this to the editing of modern , which, he says, are edited more like film. Many of the first six episodes of Joking Apart were constructed non-sequentially, with scenes from the beginning of the relationship juxtaposed with those from the end. Joking Apart: My Autobiography describes this non-linear Joking Apart: My Autobiography as a "romantic comedy, but a romantic comedy backwards because it ends with the couple unhappy". All of the episodes open with Bathurst portraying Mark Taylor, a sitcom writer, apparently performing stand-up in a small comedy club. These performances are fantasy sequences, playing out in the character's mind and portraying Joking Apart: My Autobiography internal creative processes as comedic monologues; these monologues mainly employ material from the character's failing marriage and are intended to show that "he thinks in punchlinesin comedy". Moffat felt that audiences needed to know from the start that the relationship would not survive. In the fantasy sequences for the , Bathurst was filmed against a completely black backdrop, which Moffat describes as "hell to look at". Moffat describes this as the "wrong direction" as it became unclear that the fantasy sequences were "not real". In retrospect, Moffat regrets including the stand-up sequences. Now with older features, he can portray a Mark Taylor reflecting on his earlier life. The sequences have also drawn the sharpest criticisms from reviewers. The original Rea version was used for the pilot's closing credits, but for the series it was performed by Kenny Craddockwho arranged the incidental music with Colin Gibson. The closing credits featured a verse and chorus. The first part of the closing credits was usually over a still of the final frameand faded to black with the line "All dressed in black. Mark Taylor Robert Bathurst is a television sitcom writer. Other than episode one, where he is shown working on a script and references to a show of his that had aired during a dinner with Robert and Tracy the night before, his work is hardly mentioned. Mark is quick-witted, and the stand-up sequences indicate that he thinks in one-liners. In one episode, Mark jokes about worrying if his virginity will heal back; Becky articulates her frustration by responding "What page is that on? And 's wife had just left him, because he talks in one-liners. Robert Bathurst, a former president, was cast as Mark Taylor. A fellow performer on that show also auditioned for the part at what is now the Soho Theatrethen the old Soho Synagogue in Dean Streetand claimed that he would break Bathurst's legs if the latter got the job. In a Joking Apart: My Autobiography, Bathurst recalls that the threat seemed not to be entirely jocular. Although irritated at being his comic foil, she is capable of her own quick-witted put-downs. In episode 3, for example, she wins an impromptu one-liner contest over Mark, whose put-downs fall flat. She was aware that some of her dialogue was based on what had been said to Moffat during his own separation. Robert and Tracy Glazebrook Paul Raffield and Tracie Bennett are their "increasingly bizarre and totally dim friends". However, "she's not a bimbo : she's quite clever in her own logic". They decided that the amended version worked well for the character. They are both naive about sex and technology. Tracy, for example, attempts to telephone Robert to inform him that he's lost his mobile phone, [34] and believes that she is a lesbian when she discovers her husband in women's clothing. This reflects, as Joking Apart: My Autobiography writer observes, Moffat's inexperience of looking after children at the time. Trevor Paul Mark Elliott is Becky's lover. His job as an estate agent regularly provokes derision from Mark. Moffat's ex-wife was an estate agent. His debut appearance is in the third episode where he and Becky go to Robert and Tracy's house for dinner, but generally features less regularly than the main ensemble. The first episode showed the couple meeting at a Joking Apart: My Autobiography, marrying, and going through the honeymoon phase. The last section of the episode features a confrontation between Becky and Mark, in which the former admits that she is an adulteress before realising that all of her friends were hiding around her living room in preparation for a surprise party for her. The three recall the circumstances in which they had first met. After their first date, the couple go back to Becky's flat. While she is in the bathroom, he strips down to his boxer shorts and handcuffs himself to the bedpost. Unable to free himself, Robert and Tracy walk in on him. In the third episode, Mark arrives at Robert and Tracy's house on the wrong night for a dinner party. The couple are entertaining that night, but are instead expecting Becky and her new boyfriend Trevor. Hopeful of a reconciliation, Mark assumes that his friends are trying to smooth things over between them. They spend the evening trying to keep Joking Apart: My Autobiography and Trevor apart, each not knowing that the other is also there. The series ends with Becky and Trevor, and Robert and Tracy reconciling their relationships and Mark being left alone. The format was changed for this series, with the dual timelines and much of the flashbacks dropped for a more linear narrative. He discovers the location of Becky and Trevor's house and breaks in using Tracy's keys. However, he is forced to hide under the Joking Apart: My Autobiography when Becky and Trevor return home. Listening to them having sex, he becomes optimistic when he thinks that Becky begins to shout his name "M The name turns out to be Michael Tony GardnerBecky's solicitor with whom she is now cheating on Trevor. Robert and Tracy are Joking Apart: My Autobiography more stories than in the first series. The fourth episode features a scene where Mark jams his dressing gown in Joking Apart: My Autobiography door and is forced to hide naked in his new neighbour's flat. Moffat threatened that if they ever did a second series he would write a whole episode in which Bathurst was naked. When he awakens he is confronted by a man Kerry Shale in a red polo neck jumper who claims to be "his very best friend". The final episode begins after Becky and Michael had slept together while house sitting for Tracy and Robert, and Michael hides in the bathroom when the latter couple return. Tracy phones a morning television phone-in show hosted by Michael Thomas and Helen Atkinson-Woodwith appearances by Rachael Fielding and Jonathan Barlowand when she realises that the show's divorce expert is hiding in her bathroom she takes on his role with a heavy Northern accent, actually a slightly exaggerated version of Bennett's own voice to give herself advice on the other Joking Apart: My Autobiography. After the pilot was transmitted on 12 Julythe BBC were interested in a series. However, Moffat had signed on to write the third and fourth series of Press Gang as one twelve-episode block so it was not until that they produced the series. The second series was filmed in late However, the controller of BBC2, Michael Jacksonhad little faith in the project at the time, which, according to the writer, he now admits was wrong. That happened six times, I think, altogether — Joking Apart: My Autobiography reschedules in a year or so It was extraordinary and inexplicable, and just one of these things that happen. Come on, surely….? The first series was repeated in preparation for the six episodes of the second series, which began transmission on Tuesday evenings from 3 January until 7 February The second series was only transmitted once even though the BBC had paid Joking Apart: My Autobiography show it Joking Apart: My Autobiography. After winning the Montreux award it seemed inevitable that the show would get a third series. At Joking Apart: My Autobiography Christmas party, a BBC executive expressed a wish for the ratings of a third series "to go like Everest ", indicating a steep slope with his hands. Bathurst replied, "But, Everest goes down the other side Moffat says that he had no idea for Joking Apart: My Autobiography third series anyway, as it would have been difficult to contrive how a group of people who did not particularly like each other would get together so regularly. The scheduling problems meant that the show did not get the momentum to achieve high viewing figures. The cast claim that the programme has a timeless, universal appeal as there are no time-specific references apart from the typewriter and the size of the mobile telephones. Critical reception was generally positive. Not all reviews were completely Joking Apart: My Autobiography. Criticising Bathurst for being too handsome to convey the frustrations of a writer, said that the show had "its problems but possesses a dark, mordant wit". Both series have been released on DVD. The first series was released on DVD on 29 May The second series was released Joking Apart: My Autobiography 17 March as a two-disc set. It contains audio commentaries on all episodes: five featuring a mix of Moffat, Bathurst, Gillies, Bennett, Raffield and Ptaszynski, with episode two featuring Spiers, and production manager Stacey Adair that concentrates on the behind-the- scenes production. Donncha O'Callaghan - Donncha O'callaghan - Google книги

Donncha O'Callaghan is one of Ireland's leading international rugby players, and a stalwart of the Munster Joking Apart: My Autobiography. But that success did not come easy. For such a well known player with a larger-than-life reputation, his long battle to make a breakthrough at the highest level is largely unknown. In this honest and revealing autobiography, Donncha talks in detail about the personal setbacks and disappointments at Munster and the unconventional ways he dealt with the frustration of not making the team for four of five years in his early 20s. He had a parallel experience with Ireland where it took him nearly six years to get from fringe squad member to established first choice player. Here he talks candidly about how he brought discipline to his game, and about his relationships with the coaches Joking Apart: My Autobiography had overlooked him and the second row rivals who had kept him on the bench. Donncha talks also with great warmth about a hectic childhood that was shaped by the death of his father when he was only six years old. One of the heroes of his story is his mother Marie who showed incredible strength and resourcefulness to rear a family of five on her own. Often deservedly regarded as 'the joker in the pack', what is often less well known is the serious attitude and intensely professional approach Donncha brings to his rugby. Joking Apart gives the full picture, showing sides of the man that will be unfamiliar to followers of Irish rugby and will surprise the reader. Love of rugby, love of Munster, love of the life he has led" Rugby World Joking Apart: My Autobiography bright, energetic and poignant depiction of a colourful sportsman" Joking Apart: My Autobiography Sunday Times "You can't put it down A direct, honest and revealing autobiography by one of Ireland's most popular sports people. Convert currency. Add to Basket. Book Description Transworld Ireland, Condition: New. Dispatched, from the UK, within 48 hours of ordering. This book is in Brand New condition. Seller Inventory CHL More information about this seller Contact this seller. Seller Inventory mon Book Description Transworld, New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since Joking Apart: My Autobiography Seller Inventory GB Language: English. Brand new Book. Seller Inventory AAZ Book Description Transworld Ireland Seller Inventory GRD Book Description Condition: New. Bookseller Inventory ST Seller Inventory ST Book Description TransworldLondon [Dublin], Seller Inventory Seller Inventory n. Seller Inventory PEN Book Description Transworld Publishers Ltd. New copy - Usually dispatched within 3 working days. Seller Inventory B Items related Joking Apart: My Autobiography Joking Apart: My Autobiography. Joking Apart: My Autobiography. O'Callaghan, Donncha. Publisher: Joking Apart: My Autobiography Ireland This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. View all copies of this ISBN edition:. Synopsis About this title Donncha O'Callaghan is one of Ireland's leading international rugby players, and a stalwart of the Munster side. Buy New Learn more about this copy. About AbeBooks. Other Joking Apart: My Autobiography Editions of the Same Title. Search for all books with this author and title. Customers who bought this item also bought. Stock Image. Published by Transworld Ireland New Paperback Quantity Available: 1. Seller Rating:. New Paperback Quantity Available: 2. Joking Apart Donncha O'Callaghan. Published by Transworld New Quantity Available: 2. Published by Transworld Publishers Ltd, Ireland Chiron Media Wallingford, United Kingdom. New Quantity Available: 1. Speedy Hen London, United Kingdom. Published by TransworldLondon [Dublin] New paperback Quantity Available: 1. Published by Transworld Publishers Ltd. There are more copies of this book View all search results for this book.