WATCHVol. 21 No. 4 Fourth Quarter 2018

More To Come 2 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 COMMENTARY

by Mark Armstrong American flagship media out- were injured, others hit but not about the cloud of tear gas with lets are decrying the use of tear harmed due to protective gear. at least four photographers cap- gas by border agents against Official vehicles were hit and turing images that have gone “vi- members of the “caravan” try- damaged. ral” and are used to demonstrate ing to rush the U.S. border. The What were they to do? Stand what’s really going on. Washington Post headline pro- aside like the Mexican police did Records show that tear gas claims, Tear Gas: Border agents at the Guatemalan border and let was used to repel border crashers launch chemical weapons banned the flood commence? repeatedly during the Obama era, in warfare. By now you’ve pre- This, according to the net- but somehow there was no me- sumably seen the video one way work pundits we can no longer dia outcry. There was no outrage or another. Hundreds of would- stand to watch, is just an indica- over “chemical weapons” un- be illegal immigrants tried to tear tion of racist meanness and a lack leashed on unarmed civilians in down part of the ramshackle bar- of empathy for “people of color” nearly seventy separate episodes rier near the border crossing at on the part of President Trump. under Obama. San Ysidro, throwing rocks and We saw women with bare- While coverage remains af- pieces of concrete at border offi- foot children in tow, dressed only fixed to the squalid “humanitar- cers as they went. Some officers in diapers and tee shirts, darting ian crisis” in Tijuana, at least a few thousand per week are still pouring across the southern bor- ders of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Some are caught, “pro- cessed” and released with a court hearing scheduled a couple years hence. Ankle bracelets are sim- ply cut off, and the aliens won’t be seen again until they show up fighting police after being pulled over in a stolen car. Ever watch Live PD? Though the hosts nev- er seem to notice, a high percent- age of police calls inevitably deal with wild-eyed foreigners willing to fight to the finish to avoid ap-

Continued on page 30 CONTENTS Commentary: Border Flashpoint 2 Mark Armstrong GTA: Dear God, 4 Why Did You Let Tommy Die? World News Brief: 12 In Case You Missed It Bible Study: Misguided 14 Doctrine of “Hell” Dr. James Ricks FEATURES Hijacked Science 17 Anthony DeBlasi, AmericanThinker Merkel’s Madness 19 Murray Allatt Culture and Custom 23 Michael Armstrong German Lawmakers Push for Syrian Refugee 28 Deportations Peter Hille, Deutsche Welle California Wildfires: From Paradise to 31 Hell on Earth John Mitchell The Tragedy of the 33 European Family Dr. Ted Malloch, Breitbart

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TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY WATCH is an official publication of The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association and The Intercontinental Church of God, headquarters Tyler, Texas USA Copyright © 2018 The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association. All rights reserved. 4 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 “Dear God, Why Did You Let Tommy Die?”

Why does God allow tragedy? Why do innocent babies suffer? Why the caprice of tornado, hurricane or typhoon? Why, if there is a God, does He allow wars, and crime, and automobile accidents? These questions have perplexed the greatest theologians for centuries – yet the answers are simple.

by Garner Ted Armstrong “When he was hit by a car, my dying, didn’t he? And Peter’s the passions of other humans, mother prayed to you to let him mother had fervently asked Him and to caprice? live, but you wouldn’t. My little to, hadn’t she? Or is there a God who could brother was only two years old,” Well then – why had He let prevent human suffering if He so wrote Peter to a newspaper ad- Tommy die? chose? vice counselor, “and he couldn’t Many theologians assume the have sinned so bad that you had Answer Unavailable? answer is unobtainable. to punish him that The newspaper columnist But why should it be? could have saved my little broth- had no answers. He simply re- If there is a God, and most er but you let him die. You broke plied, “Suffering of innocent (certainly not all) theologians my mother’s heart. How can I people is something we cannot profess to believe in God, then love you?” understand.” would not that God leave a Peter’s grief was genuine. So But is there no answer, then? glimpse of His purpose, His plan, was his perplexity over the good- What about the millions who to His own creation which He ness of God whom he had heard died in the Nazi torture camps? loves? from his parents, and the evil of The tens of thousands in Nigeria? Wouldn’t God have revealed the terrible accident that took his The millions on all sides during the answers to human problems brother’s life. World War II? And what about if He truly seeks to relieve such His young mind simply the untold, unknown, unwritten problems? couldn’t accept it. Tommy was calamities that have befallen dead. But mother had prayed. human beings since time imme- God is Blamed And God – the God he had heard morial – whether infant mortality, It’s a commentary on human of who helped people, and who accidental death, murder, sick- nature that we tend to congrat- was good and merciful, had let ness, or war? ulate ourselves for our success, Tommy die. Are human beings, then, just and blame God for our failures. If He was God, He had the like animals – subject to the va- If we fail, if a loved one is hurt, power to stop Tommy from garies of weather and nature, to we wonder why God “allowed” it Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 5 to happen. When we triumph, we tragedy-filled world indicate any protect humans? Does he STOP can think of many reasons why successes whatever for the tradi- wars? we did. tional “Christian” struggle? Science proves there is a God. One atheist (if there really is Or doesn’t it frankly look like It is absolutely unshakable – the such a thing) expressed a rather Satan wins all the battles? ONLY intelligent answer. A cre- common attitude. During World War II, a young ation demands a Creator. Life “If I had power to fashion the German soldier wrote to his home demands a Lifegiver. Power, en- universe and ‘remake it nearer pastor from Stalingrad: ergy, force – all demand a source my heart’s desire,’ there would “In Stalingrad, to put the ques- of power. Design is not through be no blind, no deaf, no dumb; tion of God’s existence means randomness or caprice, but by a there would be no crippled, and to deny it...I have searched for Designer. A great Sustainer keeps each child born would live free of God in every crater, in every de- it all working. Laws require a disease and possess a mentality stroyed house, on every corner, Lawgiver. And God has not left capable of withstanding all the in every friend, in every foxhole, this world without a witness. He rebuffs of life. There would be no and in the sky. God did not show has given His Word. deaths by accident. There would Himself, even though my heart And the Word of God, the be no earthquakes, cyclones, or cried for Him. Bible, stands proved. tornadoes. Unless and until such “If there should be a God, He God’s Word is the handbook a condition comes to pass, when is only with you in the hymnals about human nature, the book we may live free from disease, and the prayers, in the pious say- that explains about life and the sorrow and suffering, there is no ings of the priests and pastors, in way it should be lived. God in this vast universe worthy the ringing of the bells and fra- While it sounds utterly impos- of homage.” grance of incense, but NOT in sible, the answers to the perplex- At least, so thought a pro- Stalingrad.” ing questions of youth, the bewil- fessed atheist. And so a youth, caught up derment of Peter, the frustrated And the turned-off youth of in the shock of war, searched anger of the soldier at Stalingrad, today? They, too, wonder. through traditional avenues for and the cynical atheist, are very Millions of teens, having seen God, and couldn’t find Him. plainly revealed in God’s word! the blatant hypocrisy of much of God explains why He permits professing “Christianity” - the “The Invisible God” accidents, sickness, murder, and “do as I say, don’t do as I do” gen- What about the claims of the wars! He plainly reveals why hu- eration of once-a-week listeners atheist? Would a world “nearer mans suffer and shows why He and “never-doers” - have simply our hearts desire” without suffer- does not prevent it. rejected the traditional “main- ing and death be the only proof stream” of “Christian thought.” of a “God worthy of homage” in What are the Causes Trouble is, they think that this vast universe? of Human Trouble? by rejecting many of the more The greatest question in all But first, what caused little commonplace religious denomi- this is “Does God Exist?” Tommy’s death? Why the prob- nations, they have automatically Is there a God? lems? Why war? For every effect rejected the Bible, and Christ, If so, can you prove it? Is God there is a cause. and God, a personal being, who hears, and That’s a living principle. Not so. answers prayers? There must be causes for effects – But teens wonder, too. What is His nature, if He action to bring about reaction. Do conditions in this nucle- exists? Is He a loving, merciful, Why was the little boy struck ar-armed, overpopulated, pol- forgiving God, who is interested by the automobile? Perhaps the luted, war-sick, disease-ridden, in preventing tragedy? Does He answers are simple, if tragic;

Continued next page 6 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 perhaps they’re very involved. had asked) to remove the effect Most of us remain blind to First, what about Tommy’s train- of perhaps many, many voluntary them. I must realize, in writing ing? Had he been taught never to human actions. Were two boys this article, that some human run into the street? What type of chasing one another? Had Tommy minds will simply remain closed discipline had he received during run into the street to retrieve a to the logical answers to little his young life? What about pro- ball? Was he actually attempting Peter’s questions––that pity, tective fences? What about speed to see how close he could come (and perhaps even a measure restrictions in the neighborhood? to the car? (Very real cases are on of self-righteous indignation, An automobile was involved. But record of such pranks; and one, of which helps some to continually automobiles are not constructed which I know personally, resulted upgrade themselves, spiritually) by men whose whole purpose is in the death of a child). will so cloud the mind that no the safety of other human beings. The causes could have been matter what the causes, God will Assembly-line production–– myriad. remain “guilty,” in some minds. with built-in obsolescence, huge Peter’s letter didn’t list any But what if the driver was engines and flimsy bodies in causes for the accident. Perhaps drunk? ever-changing shapes––does not Peter’s mother could have re- God could have prevented such drunkenness, couldn’t He? Yes, He could. Does the atheist, then, propose But how?

that God suspend His laws each The Atheist’s time a person breaks them? Better World The answers are found in the obvious mistakes in the thinking demonstrate carefully hand-craft- moved the cause. We’ll never of the cynical atheist, who would ed machinery that is totally safe. know for sure. But suppose more “remake” the world nearer his Perhaps the automobile had diligent training could have liter- heart’s desire. defective brakes. Perhaps the ally prevented Tommy from ever How would he do this? driver had been drinking or was running into the street? It’s possi- He would remove the effects under the influence of drugs. ble, you know. of human action––of free moral Even heavy doses of smog can Suppose Tommy had been agency, of free choice. markedly slow down a motorist’s told to remain in the back yard, He would demand there be no reactions in an emergency. So away from a busy street––but that blindness, deafness, dumbness; can pain killers, like aspirin. And, he had never been disciplined no cripples, no disease, and no strange as it may seem, even an when he disobeyed? Suppose his death by accident. He would in- argument at home could have so foray into the street was a child- sist each mind be mature, normal, affected the driver of the auto that like act of adventurous rebellion? stable, able to withstand all the he was driving angrily, at unrea- Human emotions always rebuffs of life. sonable speed! cloud facts. Bereaved loved He would, in short, insist man So there were many, many ones, seeing only the immediate, be allowed to continue breaking unknown factors involved in the terrible consequences of an acci- natural and spiritual laws––con- accident that killed little Tommy. dent, are stunned with heartsick tinue living the way that causes Let’s ask little Peter’s question moroseness. They are filled with all these human miseries. Yet he again––and see specific answers. feelings of pity and sorrow. They would insist on removing the ef- Peter asked God (or chal- see the effect––the pitiful body of fects of free human action. lenged God because his mother a dead child. But the causes? In short, he would advocate Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 7 the abolishing of the penalty for the atheist expect God to imme- He tries to reach for them. But he sin, while leaving the sin itself. diately rescue each person caught can’t. He is stopped by some un- Again we must ask, “Why in such an act––that God remove seen hand––some invisible force. blindness, deafness, dumbness? the penally for foolish actions? He throws himself to the floor, Why crippling accidents, sick- But how would God do this? trying to seize the package in his ness, accidental death? Why Let’s wonder together… mouth, trying to get a cigarette wars?” into his mouth without using his The answer? The Cigarette Battle hands. But he is unable to get Man is a free moral agent. Take cigarette smoking. It’s near the package. He can crawl He is free to choose his own way been proved beyond the remotest around and around it, but never of living, free to act contrary to shadow of a doubt that it is not get quite close enough! An invis- the interests of others, free to act only continually injurious to your ible hand keeps him away. contrary to his own self-interests. One common cause of con- genital blindness, deafness, and other deformities is venereal disease. The atheist said nothing about the prevention of venereal disease––only that he demands the effects of human sin be re- moved, that humans be allowed to be as wretchedly disobedient to the laws of God as ever, but that the penalties for these bro- ken laws be removed. Accidental deaths? He would remove them. health, but that it could kill you He screams for a friend. But How? with lung cancer, heart disease, or the same thing happens, again He didn’t say. But let’s emphysema. and again. God has stepped in think of the many, many ways So a man, driven by his lust and has begun to live this man’s in which people die accidentally. for the sensation of nicotine in life for him. Now he can’t smoke. Drownings, auto collisions, acci- his bloodstream, reaches for a He wants to, desperately! But he dental shootings, falls, airplane pack of cigarettes. Suddenly, he can’t. crashes, accidental poisonings–– is repelled by an invisible, ir- He throws himself into these and a host of others take resistible force. His hand stops mindless tantrums. Screaming their fearsome toll each year. just short of his shirt pocket. out against the unseen force, he But let’s be practical. Does He can’t believe it. He is trying curses, rages, shrieks, and strains the atheist, then, propose that desperately to reach into is own against it until his eyes are crazed, God suspend His laws each time shirt pocket, and he simply can’t! his breath comes in sobbing gasps a person breaks them? Humans He tries the other hand. Same and he froths at the mouth. can’t breathe under water. When result. Soaked with perspiration, But to no avail. people foolishly stand up in he struggles with all his power After days, and finally weeks, boats or overload boats, or when to get that cigarette package out he is a mindless cur. He snivels, children play on steep banks of of his pocket. He bends over and looks furtively about, and surrep- rushing rivers, or when old craft, jogs up and down. The shirt is titiously attempts every conceiv- poorly maintained, flounder, does open and the cigarettes fall out. able ruse to obtain a smoke. It

Continued next page 8 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4

takes months, and finally, though Three, and he could be dangerous. could such a voice speak out his whole mind and body has suf- Four, and he could be deadly. of nowhere? And who does He fered through his senseless rages, Headed toward the neighbor- think He is? he no longer has the cigarette hood where John sulkily sips his Of course, the National Safety habit. He is now conquered, in drink is Mary and her three little Council, the slippery streets, her that one direction. children. Mary doesn’t observe own lack of good driving habits, God has stepped in. too many rules. Her seatbelt is and her love and concern for her Do you see? You could apply not fastened. Two of her smaller children should be voice suffi- this same example to any of the children play in the back of the ciently audible for her to obey. But not Mary. She’s a free moral But Adam didn’t fall from any agent, a free spirit. She’ll do as she chooses. And besides, its perfect state. He merely exercised been a long day shopping and his God-given right of free choice she’s in a hurry. Do you see? and made the wrong decision! Only if God were to step in and live people’s lives for them harmful human actions possible. station wagon, and her oldest would accidents be prevented. Unless God Almighty steps in daughter sits in the front seat. The atheist didn’t know to force humans to do what they She, too, has left her seatbelt what he was asking for. He was ought to do instead of what they unfastened. requesting a world with a zom- wish to do, humans will continue The seemingly fateful en- bie-like populace, shuffling about to follow the way of human na- actment of human tragedy––the in mindless obedience to myriad ture––of greed, vanity, jealousy, moment when John lurches from laws that would govern all hu- lust, strife, competition, racism, the bar, starts his engine, and ca- man behavior. hatred and total self-seeking. reens into the street, races down But if God were to impose the block and runs the stop sign–– such restraints on humans, what Prevent Accidents? the moment when Mary and her then? The atheist said there would family drive confidently through Very likely, He would be faced be no more accidental deaths. the intersection––continues to with a continual battle––a con- Then the same, strange, invisible approach. stant stream of hatred, invective, force would have to immediately But wait. curses of screams and anger. He interfere to prevent accidents. John is just about to drink that would be faced with a decision: Imagine the scene at the third martini. whether to destroy His creation neighborhood bar. Suddenly a strange, irresist- and begin again, or to beat hu- John, the harried business- ible force stays his hand. It bog- man kind into submission––with man, has procrastinated about gles his mind. He simply can’t the end product a mindless, duti- going home to Martha, his con- drink that martini, no matter how fully obedient organism, without stant nag. hard he tries. thought, without reason, without He needs bolstering. In this And so, the same wrestling intellect, and totally devoid of case, booze. match with an invisible, spiritual character. But he’s already had one, and straightjacket occurs. his reflexes are already being Mary, too has found that a What is Man? affected somewhat. Two marti- powerful challenging voice has The Bible narrative reveals nis and he could be very slow in commanded her to fasten her that God created Adam––man–– an emergency on the highway. safety belt. She resents it. How in the very image and similitude Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 9

of God. He imparted to Adam within himself. That is, that there you could have prevented Cain mind power, limited ability to is some innate “godlike” quali- from killing his own brother; you think, plan, reason, and to create. ty within mankind. Most of the could have made life easy for us, The Genesis account further Oriental religions assume inner with no bad crops, no bad years, quotes God as saying, “Let us goodness in man. no sickness, no heartaches, no make man in our image, after our The basic “Christian” ap- anxieties and worries.” likeness: and let them [meaning proach is an inner evil in man, And God could answer: “No, all mankind, and not just Adam] hence the need for a Savior, a Adam YOU could have prevent- have dominion over the fish Redeemer, to expiate the evil acts ed all these consequences of sin! of the sea, and over the fowl of of mankind, and to return him to Remember, I told you not to bring the air, and over the cattle, and his former state of “goodness.” these things upon you. I told you over all the earth, and over every And, shocking as it sounds, you would surely die, that your creeping thing that creepeth upon both concepts are in error. mortal, human body would be the earth.” Professing Christians assume subject to death (the DEATH–– Later, it is revealed the God Adam fell. Rom. 6:23) if you disobeyed my made man a “living soul.” The But Adam didn’t fall from commands. I allowed you free Hebrews word is nephesh and is any perfect state. He merely ex- choice, but I commanded you to used five times in the first chapter ercised his God-given right of make the right choice. I wanted of Genesis for lower life forms free choice and made the wrong you to be the one to make the before ever being used to connote decision! decision!” man. In Numbers 19:11, the same Adam was created human. God could answer that His word appears in the words, “dead HE was not immortal, but flesh— great love for Adam, His desire body.” Yet the English is rendered “Dust though art, and unto dust to see a human being rise higher soul. Millions have mistakenly thou shalt return” (Gen. 3:19). and higher toward the very God embraced the pagan doctrine of He had human nature. plane through building right “immortality of the soul” without Prior to being influenced to character, was the reason why ever researching some of the disobey his Maker, Adam was God left the choice to Adam. simplest truths of the Scriptures. “neutral” toward God. He did not God reveals that “…the Eternal resent God as yet. There was no Free Choice God formed man of the dust hostility evident in the conversa- Notice what God said to our of the ground, and breathed tions in the garden (Genesis 2nd forefathers. “See, I have set before the breath of life; and man be- and 3rd chapters). thee this day life and good, and came a living soul” (Gen. 2:7). But once Satan had influenced death and evil” (Deuteronomy Notice, man is not said to Adam––once Adam had exer- 30:15). possess a “soul” within himself, cised his own free moral agency God places before each of us but to BE a soul. And soul means to make a wrong decision––hos- a choice. earthy, temporal, transitory, tility toward God entered. We may choose to obey the fleshy, and subject to death. Adam could have argued, laws of good eating, exercise, Herein is one of the most vi- “God, you KNEW we could lose sleep, and clean thinking and tal points of the entire question of our wonderful home (the Garden), we will be automatically blessed “Christian” philosophy. and that our lives would be filled because of the laws which God The major religions can be with work and sweat (Gen. 3:19), has set in motion. And we may said to be decided on each side of and that our children would choose to break those laws, ig- the concept of what is man. eventually record the first murder nore their existence, and suffer Many believe man is pos- (Gen. 4:8). YOU could have re- physical debilities, handicaps, sessed of some “inner goodness” moved these consequences of sin; sickness, and early death!

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Most fat people were not this day to love the Eternal thy that choice are all around you. force-fed. God, to walk in His ways, and to Man has always chosen the You “are” what you eat. And keep His commandments and His way of disobedience. The way of God has laws involving foods, statutes and His judgments, that vanity, jealousy, lust, and greed. believe it or not. For more in- thou mayest live and multiply: He has deliberately chosen the formation on God’s dietary laws, and the Eternal thy God shall way of competition and strife, call now for our free booklet, “To bless thee in the land whither thou believing it the best way. Eat, or Not To Eat?” goest to possess it… I call heav- In momentary triumph, he You may choose to train your en and earth to record this day congratulates himself. children God’s way, according to against you, that I have set before In failure, he blames God. the loving conditions of Scripture, you life and death, blessing and and according to the examples cursing: therefore CHOOSE life, God Keeps Hands Off of God’s Word, and they will be that both thou and thy seed may Humans act unreasonably. greatly blessed––their lives pro- live” (Deut. 30:16-19). But then, human nature, with tected and preserved. God says choose. the Satanic influence of this age and this society, is most unreasonable. God commands us to make the Humankind wants God to “keep his nose out of our busi- right choice—but He will not ness” and not interfere in our force that right choice upon us. daily lives. To be met with the “invisible spiritual straightjacket” described earlier would absolute- But then, you are also free to He reveals we are creatures of ly enrage most humans. choose the way of modern “child free choice in relationship to Him, Still, even though feeling psychology,”or the current way and to His laws, that we are free animosity toward God, and re- of “situation ethics” and permis- moral agents. senting His laws, we want God to siveness which encourages dis- God commands us to make suspend the penalty for breaking obedience in children, and which the right choice––but He will not His laws! is a direct cause of much youthful force that right choice upon us. God says, “the carnal mind is rebellion of this age. Little Tommy was as yet too enmity against God: for it is not For the most part, men and young to make serious choices subject to the law of God, neither women have chosen the line of for himself and should have been indeed can be”! (Rom. 8:7.) least effort in child rearing, and protected with the safeguard of Humans resent God’s way–– our enormous problem of ju- loving discipline––first, perhaps the only way to achieve “good- venile delinquency is the direct a protected place to play, and sec- ness.” Goodness of character result of a cause. The cause? The ond, protected with the removal and good things happening all unwillingness of man to obey His of all those other causes of the thought life. creator. accident. Just like that young Human nature wants to “ap- Proof? To suggest to a mod- boy––whose decision to run into pear” as “good,” it wants to think ern family they should actually the street was only one tiny part of itself as “good,” but it doesn’t look into the Bible to see how of the whole “choosing” situation want to DO that which is good! It to rear children is proof enough. which resulted in his death––each wants to be “good” and to have Snorts of ridicule, disdain, and person must choose. good results, without living in a anger are the usual reply. The whole society has chosen. way which produces good! God said, “…I command thee The fruits, the evidence of God is not presently Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 11

interfering in a powerful way for the consequences of careless, whatever sequence of events that with this world. sinning parents, neighbors and led to Tommy’s trip into the street. The horrible consequences sometimes even grandparents. He allowed the automobile to of man, living man’s chosen way, But God warned us it would be continue on the path chosen for it are self-evident. this way. He spoke of allowing by its driver. Crime, divorce, horrible the consequences for sin to be That is to say, He does not disease epidemics, war, pollu- visited from the fathers “…upon step in and impose His will on tion, utter immorality, venereal the children unto the third and any people at any time. disease––all are effects of man’s fourth generation of them that Frankly, you don’t want Him own choices, his own bull-head- hate me” (Ex. 20:5). to. You would strongly resent the ed, stiff-necked determination to sudden imposition of the will of live contrary to God’s laws and YOUR Freedom of Choice God into your daily, private life. insist God remove the penalties. Yes, God allowed little God makes available to you But only when man has Tommy to die. He allowed World the way of life which causes hap- learned the bitterest of lessons, War II. He allowed more than piness, success, rewards, excite- only when human beings can 50,000 Americans to be killed in ment, fun, good health, and even- look back over the entirety of automobile accidents last year. tual eternal life. He commands blood-stained human history and And He allows you to make you to choose to live that way. say with deep conviction, man’s every decision for yourself. But He doesn’t force you to way is utterly evil, will God step He permitted each of the make the right choice. in and rescue man from himself. parents, neighbors, and friends God will allow you to choose It is a heartbreaking shame of Tommy to contribute to his life––or he’ll allow you to choose that little children must suffer little personality. He permitted death. The choice is yours.

Order your free Holy Day Calendar In addition to beautiful scriptures, this calendar indicates the beginning of each Biblical month as well as the weekly Sabbath and the Holy Days. Order while supplies last. 12 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 WORLD NEWS Brief in case you missed it

Paris Burning tionship, using the churches to propagandize and Recent days have seen combative demonstra- having the clergy assist separatist forces. Bart- tions and large fires blocking some of Paris’ most holomew the patriarch of Constantinople, who is fashionable and historic boulevards. President Ma- considered “the first among equals” in Orthodoxy, cron introduced new fuel taxes to fund some of the has granted independence to the Ukrainian church, world’s most generous benefit and social programs. hoping to lessen the potential for catastrophe lead- It seems France may be running out of other peo- ing up to the country’s 2019 elections. The Russian ple’s money and is about to dig even deeper into the church, which actually contains the majority of Or- pockets of citizens who’ve had about enough. thodox believers, has responded by severing ties The French already pay double what we do in with Constantinople. It’s patriarch, Kirill, is a close the United States for fuel, so what’s another eight supporter of Vladimir Putin, who he has even pur- percent? It may be the straw that drives Macron portedly referred to as “a miracle of God.” from power. He already has some of the lowest ap- proval ratings of any national leader in a democracy Changes Ahead and this just might do him in. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has long It seems odd that a nation so intent on saving been considered the leader of the European Union. the environment would have overturned trucks, She has been chairperson of the CDU since the year trailers and bicycles, burning them in the middle 2000 and Chancellor of Germany since 2005, the of the Champs Elysée, but there it is. We suspect first female to hold either position. In 2017 she was somehow that this wasn’t addressed in the Paris elected to her fourth term as Chancellor. While nar- Climate Accords. It may be that in France, social rowly retaining power, the polls have illustrated the programs trump even the environment anger and frustration of Germans with Merkel, the CDU, and coalition partners over their handling of Trouble in Orthodoxy the migrant crisis. Consequently, Merkel has an- Events in Ukraine threaten the unity of the Or- nounced retirement plans, saying she will not seek thodox church and highlight the country’s ongoing re-election as Chancellor, whether in 2021 or if snap struggle with Russia. Roughly 12% of Christians elections are called sooner, and is stepping down as worldwide are Orthodox, including over 63% of CDU chairperson. Gains by anti-immigration par- the total population of Ukraine. Though the country ties, such as AFD, in addition to leadership changes gained independence in 1991, the vast majority of in the CDU create a great deal of uncertainty about Orthodox churches remained under the control of the future of Germany, the largest economy and the Moscow patriarchate. This has become a par- de-facto leader of the European Union. ticularly raw point in light of recent Russian aggres- sion and the annexation of Crimea. Drought in Israel The Kremlin is accused of exploiting this rela- The Sea of Galilee is approaching “the lowest Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 13

level ever recorded” warns the Israeli Water Au- All of them (including Obama himself, it ap- thority. Galilee, the most important freshwater re- pears) had their hopes pinned on the (Russian Col- serve in the country, is currently suffering from one lusion) investigation by Robert Mueller, and still of the worst droughts in recent history. The lake ex- regard him and his prosecutors as sacred cows. ceeded 700 feet below sea level during the month The pro-Mueller crowd still populate the evening of October. Many fear increasing salinity and algae network panels to speculate darkly as to “what he blooms will result. Comparatively, the Dead Sea might find” after the 30 million dollars they’ve run is about 1,400 feet below sea level and nearly ten up in expenses and year and a half of times as salty as the ocean. Galilee reached similar- “investigating.” ly low levels in 2001 and 2008 however, Israel is no Now another shoe has dropped, and it portends longer pumping 79 billion gallons of water for do- ongoing battles going forward. The State Depart- mestic use from the reservoir. Considered a pioneer ment just hired a notorious anti-Trump voice (Mary in desalination, five new plants have become opera- Kissel) to be a senior advisor to Secretary of State tional in the last couple of years and have replaced Mike Pompeo. And that’s just one of many ex- what was being drained from Galilee. The situation amples of anti-Trump actors populating what has is dire enough that plans are being considered to become known as the Deep State. The President pump desalinated water directly into the lake. apparently still has many enemies working inside government agencies within his administration, Polio-like Virus and according to a new book (by David Bossie and Paralyzes Mostly Children Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s Enemies: How the Since 2014 a “polio type” disease has shown up Deep State is Undermining the Trump Presidency) in 31 states. Over 90% of the illnesses have been even within the White House. found in children under the age of four years. The It appeared that the FISA warrant, FBI notes and disease is known as acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM. all manner of documentation proving the ruse would They reportedly experience symptoms including be declassified without redaction and made pub- a cough and fever for three to ten days before the lic by Presidential order, but sadly, that still hasn’t onset of paralysis. The CDC is on it quelling fears happened. Meanwhile, reporting of news continues with statistics like this. “Less than one to two in a to be a total farce as we watch mainstream outlets million children in the United States will get AFM salivate over the potential demise of the Trump every year.” Don’t you feel better already? presidency while completely ignoring the reality of what most of us have known for at least a year. #Resist Some of the most compelling evidence that seg- It seems nearly every agency of government ments of the Trump administration are still working is aligned against the President’s agenda. We’ve against him and his agenda is the recent release of a seen the plot to frame candidate Trump from the “government mandated” global warming paper. You FBI (James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strok, guessed it. The projected increase in temperature Lisa Page) the Department of Justice (Rod Rosen- due to man-made interference with the environ- stein, Bruce Ohr et al) the CIA, (John Brennan et ment will devastate the United States. It will shrink al) and former Director of National Intelligence our economy drastically and result in all manner of James Clapper. We mustn’t forget the role played death and destruction. Media types love calling it by the Department of State under Hillary Clinton “the Trump administration’s own report,” knowing and later, John Kerry. Their participation in spread- that the President himself and at least half the coun- ing the infamous and false “dossier” to numerous try’s population regard it as hogwash designed to agencies with secret collaboration between many of usher in socialist mandates. It’s just one in a lita- the parties involved is largely already on the record, ny of examples of nearly every government agen- though ALL mainstream media outlets still pretend cy working against Trump and every aspect of his to know nothing about it. agenda. 14 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 BIBLE STUDY by Dr. James & Natalie Ricks The Misguided Doctrine of “HELL”

This world has inherited false, fear driven forever, but would be rewarding the evil devil with doctrines from antiquity and superstition with more victims to torture. this distorted viewpoint helped by misunderstood The mainstream religious public believes that if scriptures. Using common sense and careful, the devil can encourage you to sin and not repent, precise translations of the word “hell” these he will be rewarded with more people to torture in misunderstandings can be clarified. hell forever and ever. God would then be rewarding What kind of God do we worship? The premise Satan for his evil works! It does not make sense. God behind the ever burning, torturing hellfire of Dante’s would thereby be encouraging Satan for vile evil by imagination is one of a sadistic deity. Pagans may allowing or creating such a hell. We will now clarify see some of their gods in this fashion but Christians the common sense Biblical truth about hell. know that the true God is slow to anger and full of mercy. Jonah knew this and that is why he did not The Real Meaning want to warn Israel’s enemy, Nineveh to repent. Jonah 4:2, “So he prayed to the LORD, and said, of the Word “Hell” ‘Ah, LORD, was not this what I said when I was still in my country? Therefore I fled previously to Tarshish; Some pagans did worship evil, cruel gods. Some for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, even today, believe we must use this total fear tactic slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One to get people to repent. We will review one of the who relents from doing harm.’” (NKJV) favorite Bible texts for the truth. Numbers 14:18-19, “The LORD is longsuffering John 3:16-17, “For God so loved the world that He and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty, in Him should not PERISH but have everlasting life. visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to “For God did not send His Son into the world to the third and fourth generation. condemn the world, but that the world through Him “Pardon the iniquity of this people, I pray, might be saved.” according to the greatness of Your mercy, just as Note the word perish. The penalty for the unsaved You have forgiven this people, from Egypt even until is to perish. They will not exist anymore. God is not now.” moving them to a torture dungeon. They will not Moses, who knew God deeply, relied upon God’s endure never ending torture by Satan. They simply mercy and graciousness when asking forgiveness will perish. Further, we see that Jesus’ purpose is to for rebellious Israel. God certainly is not sadistic. SAVE people, not to condemn them to torture if they If the ever burning hellfire doctrine were true then fail to repent. The majority of people on this planet God would not only be allowing torture for sinners have not been saved to Christianity; therefore are Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 15 BIBLE STUDY we to believe that they are all going to be tortured asleep. forever upon death? This is an outrageous belief “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven about our God! This is not the only day of salvation. with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with There are three different Greek words that are the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise translated as hell. The word hades simply means a first.” grave. The second word, tartaroo, means a condition Human beings do not have an immortal soul. of restraint. It is only used for the fate of the demons. Check the church website for the booklet “Do You Note II Peter 2:4. The third word is gehenna it is a Have an Immortal Soul?” The theme of the New place of punishment, not punishing, in the valley Testament is the resurrection of the dead who are of Hinnom––a burning garbage dump outside of asleep in their graves awaiting the second coming of Jerusalem. the Messiah. I Corinthians 15:20, “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those What is the State of the Dead? who have fallen asleep.” I Corinthians 15:51-52, “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be Nominal Christians believe that upon death one changed. goes to either heaven or the torture pit, hell. They “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the have been taught that our consciousness continues last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the into the afterlife upon death. Does the Bible support dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be such a belief? changed.” Ecclesiastes 9:5, “For the living know that Paul is explaining that people are awakened from they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they sleep to be resurrected into God’s family. have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten.” The Real Hell Fire: Psalms 146:4-5, “His Spirit departs, and he returns to the earth. In that very day, his thoughts Gehenna perish. “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his This place outside Jerusalem was a city garbage help, whose hope is in Yahweh, his God:” (WEB) dump that used fire to consume the trash filth and dead The Bible clearly says people who pass away are bodies dumped there. This Greek word Gehenna was not awake somewhere else. The only hope they have use by Jesus consistently to refer the “hellfire” that regarding the future lies with the true God. People would burn up sinners. Gehenna is a synonym for who die are asleep awaiting either their eternal the Lake of Fire into which the unrepentant, defiant reward or their first real opportunity to be saved and sinners will be cast into at the end of times. The Last gain entry into God’s kingdom. Great Day will give everyone a chance to understand I Thessalonians 4:13-16, “But I do not want you the Bible and then truly repent and be judged. The to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have vast majority will be converted because God’s truth fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no will be surrounding them unlike in our world, where hope. all nations are deceived. See Revelation 12:9. “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, Revelation 20:12-14, “And I saw the dead, great even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in and small, standing before the throne, and books Jesus. were opened; and another book was opened, which “For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, is that of life. And the dead were judged out of the that we who are alive and remain until the coming things written in the books according to their works. of the Lord will by no means precede those who are “And the sea gave up the dead which were in it,

Continued next page 16 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 BIBLE STUDY and death and hades gave up the dead which were in You may ask about the verses that say this fire them; and they were judged each according to their shall never be quenched. “What about eternal fire?” works: and death and hades were cast into the lake of some may say. We examine one such verse. fire. This is the second death, even the lake of fire.” Jude 1:7, “As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the (DBY) cities around them in a similar manner to these, The Bible will be opened up to everyone and the having given themselves over to sexual immorality majority will see how wonderful the world is with and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an God’s government and His laws. They will repent example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” and have their names written in the book of life (NKJV) cience and join God’s family. The defiantly wicked will If you go to the Middle East and locate the ruins be resurrected to face the lake of fire which will of Sodom, are these cities still burning? No! Of ijacked S consume them quickly. They will perish just as it course not! The common sense meaning is that the H says in John 3:16. It will be hard not to be converted fire burns until it has nothing else to feed upon. It in this end time period. completely consumes the material. No human being Isaiah 11:9-10, “They shall not hurt nor destroy will burn forever in hell fire. The fallen evil spirits in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of will suffer forever, but not mankind. Their suffering the knowledge of Jehovah, as the waters cover the is mental anguish not physical pain. sea. II Peter 2:4, “For if God did not spare the angels “And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered standing as a banner of the peoples: the nations shall them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for seek it; and his resting-place shall be glory.” judgment.” All the world will know God. They will all Revelation 20:10, “The devil, who deceived partake of His grace and kindness. No one will be them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone tortured forever. The small percentage of defiant where the beast and the false prophet are. And they sinners will be put out of their misery. They will no will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” longer live their evil ways which make them and The word “are” was added by the translator based others miserable. They are mortal and will be erased. on their misunderstandings. It should be translated where the beast “was” because human beings would burn up instantly in such a fire, but not spirit beings. The Fire that Shall Man will have the opportunity to see God’s grace. Never Be Quenched Satan and his demons deserve their fate of confine- ment forever in the bottomless pit, their hell.


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ijacked Science H by Anthony J. DeBlasi reprinted with permission by Commenting on the abuse gence,” but what are the numbers most important things about life of science, the late John Silber, a for love, fear, hate, compassion, are ignored or relegated to “sci- former president of Boston Uni- sympathy, and the countless oth- ence”––in quotes because they versity, stated (1988): er unquantifiable items central to don’t belong there? “Scientific programs that are human life? Who else but a rel- “When I decided on a sci- powerfully effective in under- ative handful of academics and entific career,” wrote Austin L. standing and controlling large- alert professionals take notice Hughes in an essay on scientism, ly isolated data in such fields as that the most important things in “one of the things that appealed to physics, have been applied crude- life are bypassed in biology, psy- me about science was the modes- ly, reductively, and disastrously chology, education, social and ty of its practitioners. The typical in the humanities and social sci- political science, and a host of scientist seemed to be a person ences. Discipline after discipline other disciplines that indiscrimi- who knew one small corner of has succumbed to the dogma that nately help themselves to physics the natural world and knew it only the quantifiable is true.” and mathematics and the methods very well, better than most oth- Such oversight regard- of science proper? It should be, er human beings living and bet- ing first things serves to reduce but is not generally obvious, that ter even than most who had ever knowledge about human life and when the basics of human life are lived. But outside of their circum- serves a side of human nature omitted by the professions that scribed areas of expertise, scien- that Alan Watts liked to call “ras- affect it, there is hardly any dis- tists would hesitate to express an cality”: tinction between being a human authoritative opinion. This atti- “I had a long talk with him and being a humanoid. Consid- tude was attractive precisely be- back in 1958 … and there was a ering such constructed creatures cause it stood in sharp contrast to sort of twinkle in Jung’s eye that “superhuman,” as futurists and the arrogance of the philosophers gave me the impression that he transhumanists are fond of doing, of the positivist tradition, who knew himself to be just as much skirts the issue and scores one for claimed for science and its prac- a villain as everybody else … It “rascality.” titioners a broad authority with showed that he knew and recog- Such basic carelessness which many practicing scientists nized what I sometimes call, “The concerning human life has no themselves were uncomfortable.” Irreducible Element of Rascality” business in any discipline or pro- To be less diplomatic about in himself. “ [Alan Watts in 1961] fession directly affecting human it, professionals who rely on the There are numbers for conduct. How can there be wise domain of the so-called social weight, height, pulse, cholesterol, and just government, wise and and political “sciences” for their etc., etc., etc. . . . even for “intelli- just social policies, when all the base of action are de facto pseu-

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doscientific speculators, often at do not look down on methods of body of knowledge that would public expense. But the specula- knowing outside of their domain, indicate a seemingly infinite tions of vulgarized science distill aware of the very real limitations power to influence the world, to bull, regardless of how “scien- of their work. In fact, some have staging ever more daring feats tific” the language, tight the sys- tapped into that vast reservoir of scientific wizardry. This has tem, convincing the supporting of “unquantifiables” so despised made too many overlook the fact data, or smart the arguments. by positivists, such as the divine that the world is also profound- Pseudoscientists pretend to inspirations that formed the com- ly influenced by nonscientists explain human activity as though plex mathematical theorems in like Confucius, Plato, Christ, the it were a lab exercise, presumably the mind of Ramanujan. originators of our musical scale… to arrive at guidelines for what is Unfortunately the bull from Gandhi…(name your own agents judged best (by them) for the con- pseudoscientists compounds the of progress who were not practic- ing scientists). Full knowledge of the world, Those who choose science for their macro and micro––outer and in- vocation…must seek ways to isolate ner––perpetually recedes from our reach, fading from sight like a themselves from the corrupting faint star that vanishes from view reach of politics. when gazed at, in order to see it more distinctly. It is not easy for a proud species like ours to see, duct of society. Their output has inherent errors of the trade and even less accept the fact, that the been called “evidence-based pol- magnifies the problems targeted world (including us) is at root icy-making.” Evidence? Check a for solution. Yet these dealers in unknowable in the rational sense. slogan that has been used to “jus- false science expect you, me, and This should be the starting point tify” this approach: everybody else to live by their in any serious endeavor toward “Science is the pursuit of absurd programs, via NGOs and progress that affects human be- knowledge, knowledge is power, government agencies, using tac- ings. In that endeavor, let science and power is politics.” tics of coercion that rival any in be science, for its vitally import- Notice the circle of reduc- the history of oppressive rule. ant work must not be tampered tions, linking output with input, Some of us notice that the rule by with. Those who choose science a trick of leftist “liberalism” to iron hand in some autocracies has for their vocation, if they are to hoodwink everyone (including been replaced in our democratic remain true to their calling, must the “liberals” themselves). And republic by the rule of a majority seek ways to isolate themselves notice the implication that sci- brainwashed by controlled me- from the corrupting reach of pol- ence is the only way of knowing dia. We also notice that the ethics itics. “Going along to get along” what is best for people. So much employed in such counterfeit de- is not an option. for the value of such “evidence.” mocracy have more of might than Where, today, is any strong morality behind them, adjusted Anthony J. DeBlasi [AB, competition from less “verifiable” ad lib to the political climate. PΦK, Brooklyn College, 1953] is but substantially valuable modes Though no one will admit it, a Korean War veteran whose 80+ of insight, such as provided by scientists in general have become years of observation of the peo- literature and the fine arts, philos- the collective witch doctor of ple and world around him have ophy and theology? Being “scien- contemporary society. They have taught him lessons unavailable in tific” is not the only criterion for spooked the public with a daz- academia, the mainstream media, what is verifiable. True scientists zling array of experiments and and the world-wide-web. Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 19 Merkel’s Madness

by Murray Allatt In 2015 Angela Merkel in- ed, largely undocumented intrud- refugees,” who, rather than being vited the world, the third world, ers (sorry, “migrants”) literally poverty stricken in fear of their into Europe. The influx of over scale the wall, hop the fence or lives from home , one million (by now surely over swim the river. For years it was had left their home country legal- two million) “migrants,” mostly claimed that there were “just” 11 ly via the airport, flown to Malay- undocumented, has largely been million illegal, undocumented sia or Indonesia direct, and mi- comprised of Syrians fleeing the immigrants in the USA. Recent- raculously had access to tens of civil war. It also included people ly a study revealed (surprise) that thousands of dollars to pay peo- from many other countries from figure was actually 22 million! ple smugglers in Indonesia for a the Middle East–the vast majori- The reality is, however, that the perilous boat trip to Australian ty being single males of military real figure could be double that territory, principally Christmas age. again. Island. Subsequently tens of thou- Australia has also had to deal That over 1200 (quite possi- sands, perhaps hundreds of thou- with the arrival of uninvited “im- ble many more) drowned mak- sands, from Africa have made a migrants” for decades, usually by ing the attempt was to those perilous journey to southern Eu- boat. There is some advantage who changed the policy, and rope via Italy, France and Spain. to an island continent. From the those who encouraged these Certainly, many thousands have 1990s to 2007 a wave of boat peo- “migrants’” unlawful actions, of perished by drowning in the ple was successfully staunched, if minimal consequence–collater- Mediterranean Sea. Again, the not turned back, by a government al damage. Only with another vast majority of these “migrants” led by PM John Howard who op- change of government in 2013 have been undocumented and erated on the basis that Australia was this trade in humanity again their “migration” unregulated. would determine who came into stopped. But stopped with poli- The flow of “migrants,” in- the country. There would be no cies of “turn back the boats” and volving mass migration that is, “self selection.” At the time of the “offshore detention”–mandatory, has all been one way for many 2008 Federal election there were with the rider that no one who ar- years–from the third world to just four illegal immigrants–so rived illegally by boat would ever the first. But Merkel’s decision called asylum seekers–in deten- be allowed to settle in Australia. in 2015 to ‘invite one, invite all,’ tion. So the movement of third of those fleeing war, econom- In 2008 a change of govern- world populations to the West– ic hardship–looking for a better ment, elected on the promise be it Europe, the USA, Canada, life–seems to have unleashed a that the immigration and “refu- Australia–uninvited, illegally, by near unstoppable avalanche of gee” policies would remain un- any available means is nothing humanity on Europe. changed, promptly changed those new. What was new in 2015 was Meanwhile a hemisphere policies, setting off five years of Merkel’s invitation. The result- away the U.S. border with Mex- illegal boat arrivals. 55,000 unin- ing impact on Europe has been ico has for decades seen uninvit- vited, mainly Islamic “economic predictable and devastating. Par- Continued next page 20 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4

ticularly devastating for the thou- accommodations?) Global Compact reaffirms the sands of European women sub- The “compact” on migration sovereign right of States to de- jected to the deplorable actions is a 34 page agreed document of termine their national migration of foreign males from cultures ponderous and repetitious ver- policy and their prerogative to that treat women as chattels and bosity, which on its face appears govern migration within their ju- western women as fair game for reasonable. It has sections on risdiction, in conformity with in- rape and sexual assault. Common Understanding, Shared ternational law. Within their sov- Reports from Germany and Responsibilities, Unity of Pur- ereign jurisdiction, States may Sweden (of all places) make it pose: “This Global Compact distinguish between regular and clear that, just as the 1200 plus recognizes that safe, orderly and irregular migration status, includ- who drowned between Indonesia regular migration works for all ing as they determine their legis- and Australia were to the politi- when it takes place in a well-in- lative and policy measures for the implementation of the Global Compact, taking into account dif- Not surprisingly … Merkel is on ferent national realities, policies, the way out, partly at least as a priorities and requirements for result of her 2015 “invitation” and entry, residence and work, in ac- cordance with international law.” subsequent actions. Why then are countries with- drawing their support for this cal promoters of this worldwide formed, planned and consensual compact stating that they will not mass migration of the third world manner. Migration should never give up their sovereign right to de- to the first, were merely collat- be an act of desperation…” termine their own migration pol- eral damage and an acceptable The guiding principles of the icy to the UN? The United States loss, so too the European rape Compact are “People Centered,” repudiated the agreement in De- and assault victims. Not surpris- “International Cooperation,” “Na- cember 2017. Recently Hungary, ingly, though it seems it should tional Sovereignty,” “Rule of Poland and now Estonia have have happened already, Merkel Law and Due Process,” Sustain- stated they will not be bound to is on the way out, partly at least able Development,” “Human the agreement. Some are urging as a result of her 2015 “invitation” Rights,” “Gender Responsive,” Israel to withdraw from any- and subsequent actions. “Child Sensitive,” “Whole of thing to do with this Compact. In Enter the UN. Government Approach,” “Whole Australia, the Border Protection In September 2016, 193 UN of Society Approach.” Minister, Peter Dutton has stated Member States adopted the so There are then 23 Objec- Australia will not sign on to the called “New York Declaration tives Listed for “Safe, Orderly Compact in present form. for Refugees and Migrants.” The and Regular Migration.” Then Why this backing away when resulting “Global Compact for against each “Objective” is listed “The Global Compact reaffirms Safe, Orderly and Regular Mi- in quite some detail the “commit- the sovereign right of States to gration” plus the “Global Com- ments” of the adopting govern- determine their national migra- pact for Refugees” is expected ments. And these commitments tion policy?” On 21 November, to be agreed and adopted among to the 23 Objectives fill out pages 2018 the Australian Prime Min- willing States in Morocco at an 6 to 31 of the document. That’s a ister, Scott Morrison, confirmed intergovernmental conference on lot of commitment. that Australia would not sign up 10-11 December, 2018. (Why is Curiously, one of the guiding to the Compact on Migration. it so many UN conferences are principles is “National Sover- He stated that the Compact on held in exotic locales with 6 star eignty” wherein it is stated, “The Migration would unduly impact Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 21

Australia’s border protection. Cu- ing the US, Australia, and other had the use of to deter illegal boat riously he also stated Australia western nations on human rights! arrivals (and stop drownings) has would sign up to the Compact on When you read through the been the policy of off shore man- Refugees, stating the UN could “principles,” “objectives” and datory detention (as well as boat not dictate the number or source “commitments” to achieve those turn backs). Why would Peter of refugees by that Compact. We objectives it is obvious that the Dutton, Minister for Border Pro- will see. Western nations already substan- tection, state that Australia would The fact is, this “Compact on tially, and have for decades, oper- not sign on to the Compact in Migration” places all of the ob- ate in the manner described. It is current form and the Prime Min- ligation on Western nations sig- the other 140 or so non-western ister Morrison then state Austra- natories to conform to its agreed countries that are challenged by lia would not sign on due to the principles, objectives and “com- lack of an orderly, regularized fact to do so would weaken Aus- mitments.” Does anyone expect migration system. This compact tralia’s border protection? Here is Burkina Faso, Senegal, Somalia, will do nothing to alter that fact. one good reason: Iraq, Iran, Syria or any of the 56 It will however work to impede Objective 13: Use migration Muslim country UN members to the sovereign rights of western detention only as a measure of similarly comply with this “Com- nations to control migration to last resort and work towards al- pact on Migration?” Does anyone their countries from areas of un- ternatives. expect the 54 African countries controlled and unregulated mi- So far as illegal boat arriv- (some of which are also Mus- gration. That is, self selecting als are concerned in Australian lim countries) to comply? How migrants looking for better op- migration policy, mandatory mi- about Central and South Ameri- portunities but arriving uninvited gration detention is a measure can countries? How about Asian and unvetted. This compact has of first resort. It has worked to countries? the effect of granting illegal mi- stop the boats and the drown- Which of the UN member gration the same status as legal ings. Remove that deterrence, as countries who sign up to this migration. will inevitably be the case when “Compact on Migration” would The most powerful weapon a change to the Australian gov- be expected to comply, indeed the Australian government has ernment occurs (polling shows forced to comply by all the other signatories as well as their own homegrown social justice war- riors? Why, that would be the Western nations who would be expected to comply with every jot and tittle of the Compact. Who would be beaten over the head by other UN member signatories for non-compliance? The Western nations. It could be expected to operate much like the United Nations Human Rights Council, don’t you think? We know how the UNHRC operates. Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and other nations of impeccable human rights credentials lectur-

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probably by May 2019), and tion for those western countries, quires to maintain services and the illegal boat arrivals and the from first world societies to re- living standards. And remember, drownings will resume. positories for third world misery, this “Compact for Migration” Migration, legal and illegal, as smooth as possible, ensuring does not differentiate between has been ongoing for decades. the receiving population is suit- legal and illegal migration. All Western nations have had in ably subdued. Just take these are to be treated the same. place appropriate immigration few “Objectives”: Perhaps it was always going rules for their particular country (16) Empower migrants and so- to end this way, but it seems clear needs during all that time for le- cieties to realize full inclusion enough that this latest UN power gal migration. And for that mat- and social cohesion grab owes at least something to ter illegal migration. Why then (17) Eliminate all forms of dis- Angela Merkel’s 2015 invitation in 2016 is a process set off to crimination and promote evi- to the third world. Sensible gov- put the UN’s imprimatur on mi- dence-based public discourse to ernments will steer well clear of gration–ostensibly legal, orderly shape perceptions of migration involvement with the UN Com- migration? (18) Invest in skills develop- pact on Migration, as just anoth- The real driver for this Mi- ment and facilitate mutual rec- er in a long line of international gration Compact was not legal ognition of skills, qualifications agreements that rob countries of migration at all but illegal migra- and competences sovereignty and tie the world in tion. It was the illegal (although (19) Create conditions for mi- the knots of globalism. invited by Merkel) migration of grants and diasporas to fully Now, does this flood of third millions of Middle Eastern and contribute to sustainable devel- world populations into the first African “economic” migrants to opment in all countries world tie in with Bible prophe- Europe, for the most part, from (20) Promote faster, safer and cy? The Bible pronounces curs- 2015 and to the present. This cheaper transfer of remittances es on the nation of Israel (and UN process was set off with and foster financial inclusion of any nation) for failure to follow the rebellion of some European migrants God’s law. Read Deuteronomy countries who have refused to (21) Cooperate in facilitating 28:15-68. “The alien who is participate in Merkel’s madness. safe and dignified return and among you shall rise higher and The UN, through this Migration readmission, as well as sustain- higher above you, and you shall Compact is trying to sign up ev- able reintegration come down lower and lower” ery country, especially western (22) Establish mechanisms for (Deut. 28:43). countries, including those rebel the portability of social security What is happening in the European countries, principally entitlements and earned benefits world today would make a lot to ensure that Western nations All motherhood statements more sense to someone who can be coerced to take in more which sound so very reasonable. knew the identity of Great Brit- of the third world. But they are ignoring the socie- ain and her Anglosphere of offp- The population of Africa is tal and cultural dislocation and spring––Australia, Canada, New exploding. They are going to go strains, the imposition on ex- Zealand, South Africa, and the to Europe come what may. The isting infrastructure–hospitals, USA––as well as the identity of culture and lifestyle of Europe schools, roads, water and food the nations of North Western Eu- is going to change. By many supplies and everything else that rope. Was the latterday invasion reports it has already changed. makes a first world country first of these nations by foreigners The same goes for other areas, world–and expecting the exist- foretold long ago? It’s a fascinat- notably the US. Australia has ing population to pay for the ing story that can be read in “Eu- not escaped. And this Compact new comers as well as the ad- rope and America in Prophecy” is all about making that transi- ditional costs their presence re- by Garner Ted Armstrong. Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 23

Culture and Custom by Michael Armstrong

Immigration has played a ma- to the Church of England was had shaken the foundations of the jor role in the history and develop- required in Great Britain at that old world. The printing press had ment of the United States. From time, the paying of tithes was given laymen direct access to the the earliest pilgrims, seeking reli- enforced like taxation. The ear- Holy Scriptures in a way that had gious freedom, to Africans forced liest colonists sought a place to never existed before. Suddenly, into hard labor, to various waves worship as they saw fit, but also the vast differences between the of Europeans fleeing persecution the freedom to establish their religion of Rome, its Anglican or pursuing economic opportuni- own religions. While the creed cousin, and the actual teachings ty, to the current preponderance enshrined was different, some of the Bible were illuminated in of Latin American immigrants, of the systems closely resembled stark relief. How could they con- all have affected the reality of life those which had been fled. tinue to pay homage or financial- in America today. Of the thirteen colonies ly support these systems which While some other countries which were to eventually declare were not only dens of licentious have a higher percentage rela- independence, eight had offi- corruption but abrogated the au- tive to their population, no other cial religions. Those who would thority of God? nation has as many immigrants “dissent,” or proselytize differing On reaching the new world as the United States in absolute beliefs, were often punished with they attempted to realign their so- numbers. The total number was varying degrees of severity. The ciety with scripture. One cannot over 47 million in 2015, repre- “religious freedom” of that day escape the similarities, in many senting nearly 15% of the popu- certainly did not have the all-ac- cases the Biblical narrative was lation. In 2016 legal immigration cepting, all-encompassing con- intentionally emulated. The Isra- alone topped 1 million. While notation that is implied when it is elites, on being established in the debate rages as to the benefit or bandied about in this modern age. promised land, were not to allow detriment of continuing current It was however the freedom to es- idolatry or any other form of pa- practices, there is no denying that tablish their beliefs, giving them gan worship to continue in their immigration has historically had, their proper place and context in midst. Likewise, the second com- and will continue to have, a pro- society. ing of Jesus Christ, the advent of found effect on the future of the While such religious practic- God’s kingdom on this earth, is country. es may be deemed archaic, hate- not going to be a smörgåsbord of Religious freedom, as well as ful, bigoted, or worse by today’s polytheistic diversity. Quite the economic opportunity, provided intellectuals they are hardly illog- opposite. There will be one God, much of the motivation for the ical. The majority of the colonists one law, and every indication that earliest settlers. Acquiescence were protestants. The reformation your options will be few. So it Continued next page 24 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 was in many of the early colonies, cepting. in some cases demanded acquies- one sect would rule and all others As the old cliché says, “birds cence to sectarian dogma. be excluded. of a feather flock together,” and Many colonies tolerated any Though it is currently popular so it is, even if we can’t compre- orderly sect of Protestant Chris- to be aghast at such “intolerance,” hend what their flock is thinking. tianity. Catholics established and the concept is frequently applied The impulse is universal and its maintained a minority presence today. Is creationism tolerated in practice is evident. Any visitor and Jewish communities took the scientific community? Be- to the Oak Lawn district of Dal- root in many of the growing cities. lief in God, at least the God of las would immediately be aware Only a few allowed either group the Bible, is largely considered that its inhabitants are over- to vote. Such stricture inevitably a joke in modern society. While whelmingly homosexual. Check bred theological disagreement we mostly retain our freedom of Google, it’s not a secret. Census and actually led to the establish- speech (maybe not on-line) in data bears out these trends along ment of new settlements and col- onies which welcomed people of disparate points of view. The Belief in God, at least the God of the magnanimous philosophies of equality, freedom, and liberty in Bible, is largely considered a joke in law were yet in their infancy as modern society. far as application. For the major- ity of the inhabitants of this “new world” religion was not a periph- the United States, there are many ethnic lines, showing how peo- eral issue. Often it was the ex- traditionally Christian places in ple voluntarily group up. All of press reason for undertaking the the world where pronouncing the America’s major cities are evi- perilous journey to this unsettled judgments of God will get you in- dence. Families settle near one land. carcerated or worse. In the wrong another for convenience. To live Once they were established company you might not survive among a group that shares the in the land, the colonists became until the first responders arrive. same customs, speaks the same largely self sufficient. The aver- It is the very concept of what language, is obviously desirable age family spent very little on is good, right, and moral that to a new arrival in a strange land. imports, purportedly only £5-15 has changed. What legislation The Puritanical Pilgrims, of annually. Population growth was has not yet accomplished media Plymouth fame, sought to create primarily the result of domes- and entertainment attempt to. a society of like-minded individ- tic success. The healthy climate Their representations of society’s uals. They were united in belief (cold winters killed most disease norms bring the collective weight and religion. They hoped their carrying insects) and abundant of our unknown peers to bear. Do pious example would inspire the food led New England to enjoy they not attempt to belittle and Church of England to reform, to the lowest death rate and high- exclude certain points of view? shed its lingering similarities to est birth rate in the world. Large While their methodology may Catholicism. A public education families were the norm, most had be as heinous as their morals are system was created primarily to eight or more children. This pro- corrupt, their goal is to create a guarantee that future generations vided the population that settled society where everyone accepts could read the Bible for them- the country, establishing new their values, twisted as they may selves. Civil law was based on towns and forging the frontiers. be. Dissent equals exclusion or God’s law. Scripture was often The final major colonies to be punishment, yet it hypocritically referenced in court proceedings. settled by immigrants were Penn- masquerades as loving and ac- Enforcement could be severe and sylvania and Georgia during the Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 25

1700’s. Even so, the foreign born al creed and has been applied in ing from its strict Puritanical population rarely reached 10% of ways that would never have been roots, society began to embrace any given area and then only in countenanced in our early years. traditions it previously abhorred isolated instances. Natural popu- Time will tell if this blessing may and even fled to escape. Today lation growth remained the norm yet become a curse. celebrations of Christmas, Mar- for most of American history. To- We are no longer an over- di Gras, and St. Patrick’s Day day that is no longer the case. whelmingly protestant Christian among others dominate the social Recent history saw the natu- church-attending society un- calendar. Comparatively, the ear- ral growth rate reach 1.8% in the abashedly utilizing God’s law liest settlers would not even en- years following WWII. Currently it is reported at 0.7% and falling. Projections through 2060 calcu- We are no longer an overwhelmingly late a total population increase of protestant Christian church-attending 98 million. Immigration will ac- society, unabashedly utilizing God’s law count for 64 million leaving only 34 million as the result of natural as the basis for civil society. population growth. Of course, the natural growth number includes as the basis for civil society. Na- grave a figure on a tombstone out children born to people who pre- tional values and morality have of regard for the second Com- viously immigrated. been altered radically since this mandment. The people of the United country declared its indepen- The Page Act of 1875 was the States need to seriously consider dence. Though the causes are first federal restriction on -immi their past as well as their future. many, some of the changes to our gration. It specifically targeted The foundations of this nation culture and customs are directly and severely limited Asian im- were laid by men and women with attributable to immigration. migration which had exploded conviction and purpose. Though Relatively little immigration during the gold rush. Prostitution their beliefs were often disparate occurred between the Revolu- became a major issue in many and conflicting, reliance on the tionary and the Civil War. Only parts of California as the majori- guidance of scripture and divine 1% of the population was foreign ty of immigrants were males who providence were nearly universal. born in 1815. Numbers began to had come to the US alone on in- They formed the basis of our civil increase in the years prior to the dentured servant-type loans. The structure. The benefit of a nation- Civil War, primarily from Ireland spread of disease was feared as al government in harmony with and Germany, the majority of well as the practice of polygamy. has indeed become whom were Catholic. Percent- At the time it was not uncommon, self-evident. age of the total population went particularly in China, for a man The toleration extended to from 1.6% in the 1830’s to 9.7% to have a wife as well as a legally the various sects inhabiting this in the 1850’s, an increase of over purchased concubine. In times of country was revolutionary and 1200% in real numbers. These economic duress women and girls extremely liberal for its time. It immigrants were not universally were often sold into service or was a tremendous blessing to welcomed and many feared the prostitution. This did not sit well those who wished to live at peace country was being overwhelmed. with a populace whose bloody amongst their neighbors and wor- The religion of Rome was largely Civil War had only recently led ship God with a clear conscience. considered contrary to American to the abolition of slavery. Over the years the “accepting” values. Towards the turn of the cen- nature of the United States has The impact to our culture is tury the primary origin of immi- become somewhat of a nation- historically demonstrable. Turn- grants shifted to southern Europe

Continued next page 26 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4

and Russia. The new arrivals banned outright, excluded zones be false. Legal immigration went were predominantly Catholic and were mapped along longitude from 68% European prior to the Jewish. Many also came from Po- and latitude lines and included act to 83% Latin American and land, Sweden, Norway, Lebanon India, Indonesia, the Middle East Asian in the proceeding decades. and Syria. Social concern and and the Arabian Peninsula. The total number of immigrants friction led to what is called the Barred from entry were “al- also increased dramatically from Literacy Act of 1917. Any immi- coholics, anarchists, contract 11% of the total population before grant over 16 years of age was laborers, convicts, epileptics, id- the legislation to 33% (including required to read 30-40 words, in iots, imbeciles, paupers, the con- children born to immigrants) the their native tongue, from an ordi- tagiously diseased, political radi- following decade. The changes nary text. Asian immigration was cals, polygamists, prostitutes and made have largely characterized vagrants,” among others. Presi- American policy until the present dent Woodrow Wilson actually time. vetoed this legislation but support Many things separate our re- for it was strong enough that his ality from that of our country as veto was overridden in both the founded. We are no longer philo- House and the Senate. The Immi- sophically, morally or ethnically gration Act of 1924 reiterated the homogeneous. Many would not policies hitherto unenforced by even allow that we are “under making provisions for courts of God” in a personal, let alone a deportation. national sense. What caused this It also set a quota for future land to prosper? Why do people arrivals based on the total foreign want to come so badly that they born population from any par- will risk life itself to get here? ticular country already residing This has been the case since our in the United States. Only a 2% inception and it continues this per nationality increase was al- very moment. lowed annually. This was a major The United States of Amer- restriction on certain countries, ica is no happy accident. It has arrivals from Italy fell more than received the blessings of God 90%. Significantly, these quotas Almighty. Though sometimes di- were not applied to nations in the vided and misguided, the earliest western hemisphere and immi- settlers sought a place where they gration continued from Mexico, could live according to His laws the Caribbean, Central and South and His statutes. The comparison America. to the promised land was not lost The Hart-Celler Act of 1965 on them. The devotion of our cit- brought major changes to Ameri- izens continued to drive public can immigration policies. It estab- life for a very long time. In many lished the chain migration pattern places it still does. Government that has driven the majority of can never take the place of God. According to a 2017 Gallup poll, only 19 percent of all subsequent immigration. Asser- Man must have a higher power to Americans who identify as tions by supporters that the new look to than his woefully inade- “Christians” are described by law would not significantly alter quate self. The belief in ultimate the researchers as “Active the demographics or culture of arbitration has always been the Christians.” From Wikipedia. the United States have proven to real source of the order, decency, Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 27

lawfulness and generosity that Mexico or Venezuela or China con of hope will be extinguished. has led our nation to prosperity. if the philosophies that have de- Domestically we will suffer, but Our country is changing. Re- stroyed the quality of life in those abroad we threaten to disturb the ligion is as corrupt as politics. countries are pursued here. The delicate balance of power that Somehow we have failed to re- United States has always been a has persisted throughout modern veal the source of our greatness refuge for those trying to escape history. Consider the influence to our children. Having children persecution. Freedom and pros- the United States has had. Our is no longer even desirable as we perity have been the reward for power and our principles have become increasingly self-cen- untold millions who came seeking shaped global relations. Will tered. Population growth is being not a handout, but an opportunity. we engineer our own fall from driven by immigration. Can we If the United States forsakes within? If the United States will- successfully instill the principals its foundational values and al- fully undermines its righteous necessary to maintain freedom in lows itself to be fundamentally foundations we can hope for no our new arrivals? Can we afford transformed, or worse, the rever- other outcome. God will not be not to? The United States will be berations will shake the founda- mocked. If that happens, where no better off than Guatemala or tions of the entire world. Our bea- will there be left to flee?

Saint Patrick’s Day in New York, New York; Chinese New Year in San Diego, California; Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana; Day of the Dead in Emporia, Kansas. Religious observances from foreign countries have been adopted and incorporated into national celebrations throughout the U.S. 28 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4

German Lawmakers Push for Syrian Refugee Deportations

by Peter Hille, reprinted with permission from Deutsche Welle

In the wake of a rape case involving Syrians in Germany, conservative lawmakers are demanding the government re-evaluate the security situation in Syria. Criminal refugees should be able to be deported, they say. Who wants to deport refu- newspaper. sentenced to at least two years in gees from Germany to Syria? prison. When that happens, the The rape of a young woman in Does deportation mean person in question loses his or the southwestern city of Freiburg repatriation? her residence permit and is legal- has reignited the debate over de- The terminology is often ly obliged to leave the country. If porting criminal asylum-seekers. confused when debating the the authorities are forced to re- At least seven Syrian men and issue of asylum in Germany. move the person from Germany, one German man are suspected of Last year, lawmakers from the that is called deportation. raping an 18-year-old student in far-right populist Alternative for mid-October. In response, a num- Germany (AfD) party pushed Is it likely Syrians will be ber of conservative politicians for the voluntary repatriation of deported? have demanded the government Syrians within the framework By 2012, all of Germany’s be able to deport Syrian refugees of an agreement with the Syrian states had put deportation to accused of severe crimes back to government. Previously, howev- Syria on hold due to reports of their native country. er, the AfD had demanded repa- torture and violence across the If the situation in war-torn triating Syrians against their will. country, a decision that has been Syria “continues to improve, The current proposal put forth by reviewed and extended every even if only in parts of the coun- the CDU, along with its Bavarian year, most recently until the end try, deporting a limited circle CSU sister party, also focuses on of 2018. The security situation of persons should no longer be repatriation, though it is limited in Syria has not been re-assessed barred across the board,” Mathias to criminal offenders at this point. since 2012. Middelberg, a parliamentarian Those people with an ap- At a conference of Germany’s and domestic policy spokes- proved refugee status can only interior ministers later this month, person for Chancellor Angela be expelled if they pose a threat the states will again have to de- Merkel’s conservative Christian to public safety and order, for cide whether to extend the depor- Democrats (CDU), told Die Welt instance if they have been tation ban to Syria. The vote must Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 29 be unanimous. The CDU/CSU country, according to the AfD. Syrians have fled to Germany is currently represented by nine The United Nations says since the start of the civil war. state ministers and the center-left violent clashes in Syria have in Only a few thousand of them Social Democratic Party (SPD) fact subsided somewhat. The are entitled to asylum. However, by seven — it is considered un- UN’s refugee agency, however, the vast majority are recognized likely that the SPD will agree to says that every single region is as refugees under the Geneva deportations to Syria. directly or indirectly affected by Refugee Convention: they fled the war and violence, and that their country for fear of perse- How safe is Syria? no country should send refugees cution and are therefore granted Opinion varies. Some observ- back against their will. protection. ers, including the AfD party in A third group has been grant- parliament, say the danger of war How many Syrian refugees ed what is known as subsidiary has ceased completely in certain live in Germany? protection, due to the ongoing regions. Actual fighting is only According to figures from war in their own country. They going on in a small part of the June 2018, around 800,000 do not qualify for asylum nor

People hold portrait pictures of alleged victims of immigrant offenders during a “right-wing” march in Chemnitz, Germany, 01 September 2018. Organizations of civil society and right-wing groups called for several demonstrations on the weekend after two refugees from Syria and Iraq were arrested on suspicion of stabbing a 35-year-old man in what police described as a ‘scuffle between members of different nationalities’ at a city festival in the East German city Chemnitz. Continued next page 30 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4

Who is subject to deportation? Currently, 235,000 foreigners in Germany are legally obligated to leave the country. Around 174,000 of these people have obtained a “Duldung,” or toler- ated permit to stay, and can thus legally remain for the time being. The other roughly 61,000 people without this permit are actually supposed to leave the country. Asylum-seekers whose ap- plications have been rejected are regarded as “obliged to leave the country.” They have up to two are they recognized as refugees of Syrians who have returned weeks to file an appeal against under the Geneva Convention. to their country from Turkey, their asylum decision with the They have not been deported, and Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq vary help of a lawyer. On average, instead are granted a residence between the tens of thousands to these proceedings take about six permit that can be extended. hundreds of thousands. months and as a rule, the appli- Most Syrian refugees world- cants cannot be deported during Have Syrian refugees been wide can only imagine a return this time. If they lose their appeal, returning home voluntarily? once the war is over, and aid they must leave the country. In The number of returnees supply is reasonably secure again, the first half of 2018, around from Germany is probably neg- according to a UN survey. 12,000 people were deported ligible. The estimated numbers from Germany.

Border Flashpoint bly never know the extent of debt manity the width of a traffic lane, Continued from page 2 that’s been run up to fund social stretching to the horizon and be- programs for illegals. But where yond and they tell us it is seven or prehension. will all these desperately poor, eight thousand on their way, and But the media are out in full unskilled and uneducated people then try to visualize the figure of force covering the daily standoff go and what will they do here in 22 million a recent government of the “caravan” that “poses the U.S.? They need everything. report claims are already here, it no threat to the citizens of the Food, shelter, clothing, medical boggles the mind. United States.” attention and so on. Even that We are witnessing the meth- The fact is that the border bat- won’t be satisfactory, so many od Sixties revolutionaries envi- tle was quietly lost during recent will join a gang and traffic con- sioned to “overload the system” decades. No doubt, many are traband or steal whatever is not to the point of government col- here as laborers “doing the work nailed down. It’s their version of lapse. That’s how they dreamed that Americans won’t,” we’re the American dream. of overthrowing capitalism, and constantly lectured. On the other Stats show that thirty percent it just might work. The dream of hand, hundreds of thousands of of the U.S. prison population is Columbia University professors crimes, robberies and thefts have Hispanic, largely gang-affiliated. Cloward and Piven is in full swing. been committed and we’ll proba- When you look at the sea of hu- Don’t believe it? Look it up. Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 31

California Wildfires: From Paradise to Hell on Earth

by John Mitchell Nestled in the tall pine trees the town of Paradise and near- news media as they fled are tru- of the Sierra Nevada foothills the by communities of Concow and ly terrible to watch. Many others rural town of roughly 26,000 res- Magalia were destroyed by this were displaced or missing, seek- idents, Paradise, California has fire. Scott McLean, a Califor- ing refuge in a Wal-Mart parking long been known as a peaceful, nia Fire Captain, said, “We’re lot in Chico, California, a near- tranquil community where the talking devastated ... The town by town 15 miles from Paradise. hustle, bustle and rush of nearby center is completely on the Known as the “Camp Fire,” it has Sacramento and San Francisco ground. The south side as well as destroyed as of this writing more were replaced by a slower pace the north side has been hit very than 10,500 homes and torched of living. The home to families hard as well.” an area the size of Chicago with that in some cases had been liv- ing there for generations valued its quiet streets lined by beautiful tall pine trees, the ability to leave their doors unlocked when they went out shopping, to church, or visiting in the area. Most agreed living in their small town was in- deed “Paradise”. All this changed on Novem- ber 8, 2018, when a fire was re- ported at 6:33 a.m. PST, close to Camp Creek Road near Pul- ga, California in Butte County, California. Shortly after the fire erupted, the Butte County Sher- Dozens of people died in the magnitude of this devastation iff’s Office ordered the evacu- Paradise, as well as the adjoining expected to go much higher. This ation of the eastern quarter of small communities of Concow, fire is now considered the most Paradise, and the remaining por- and Magalia. The total as of this destructive fire in California his- tions one hour later. Other loca- writing is 77 people perished with tory, but the Camp Fire probably tions were also issued evacuation many found burned beyond rec- won’t be fully contained until orders and emergency shelters ognition in their vehicles trying November 30, according to Cal were established. to escape the fast moving flames. Fire, the state’s forestry and fire On the same day, much of The videos from cell phones and protection agency. Continued next page 32 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4

The Real Estate marketing firm Zillow listed 186 homes in Paradise for sale on November 7, ranging in price from $149,900.00 to $3,950,000.00. At the end of the next day there were 0 listed homes in Paradise for sale as the Camp Fire sped through the area burning a football field-size area every second, destroying every- thing in its path. The residents of these homes, from the wealthy to those who were just under the pov- erty line in income, fled together in whatever manner they could to escape the flames and survive. parking lot in Chico they tried to us some toothbrushes and tooth Vehicles were abandoned as come to grips with this disaster. paste, a bar of soap and if possi- they caught fire and the occupants There were tents, campers and ble maybe a towel. We just want fled on foot with flames roaring motor homes with many having to get cleaned up a little and feel around them on both sides of the to sleep in their cars or on the like there may be some hope for roads and in most cases unable to bare ground in 40 degree nights. us.” One lady stated, “We have see more than two or three feet in Relief agencies, churches and lived in Paradise for over for- front of them. Firefighters from citizens began to arrive to help ty years and everything is gone. Paradise fought the flames as these hapless victims trying to We may rebuild…or not. What long as they could and then had provide what they could for so hurts the most is the loss of all to flee as well with law enforce- many people. One man looked our memories in the pictures, the ment and first responders. As the into the news camera with tears videos and letters we treasured of crews fled they knew their homes in his eyes and said, ”Our fami- our family and friends of so many too were being totally destroyed ly has nothing, nothing but the years. All our records, marriage by this wall of flame. clothes we have on. It would be license, even our drivers license Gathering in the Wal-Mart so good if someone would give as we did not have time to grab anything––just run for our lives it came on us so quickly. It was so terrible I cannot describe it!” On and on the stories of to- tal loss and complete devasta- tion continued from shocked eyes, numb hearts and trembling voices as people continued to recount what happened to them. The phrase “Biblical proportions” was frequently uttered by the sur- vivors. What happens now is the burning question left behind by the worst wildfire in California’s history. Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 33 The Tragedy of the European Family

by Dr. Ted Malloch, orignially published by Breitbart

Emmanuel Macron, the new- are not part of a family and have Speaking up for the family has al- ly elected French president, has come to see all their attention most no constituency and makes no children; German chancellor focused on one dominant and one look nostalgic at best and ret- Angela Merkel has no children. all-powerful social unit to which rograde at worst. British prime minister, The- they pay obeisance and give their Is something larger at stake? resa May has no children; Italian complete and devoted attention: Yes, family decline is undermin- prime minister Paolo Gentiloni The State. ing civilisation itself. has no children; Holland’s, prime The demographics look prob- Already in the 1930s Chris- minister, Mark Rutte, Sweden’s lematic. Among native Europeans, topher Dawson, the Catholic Stefan Löfven, Luxembourg’s the birthrate is currently between historian at Oxford bemoaned in Xavier Bettel, and Scotland’s, 0.2 and 1.1. Europe is not rep- his, The Patriarchal Family in first minster Nicola Sturgeon–– licating itself and will, if trends History, that a long term decline all have no children. are extrapolated—cease to exist. since the Renaissance had led to The list goes on… Latvia’s The numbers are disturbing a point of no return for the fami- childless president is Raimonds combining an ageing population, ly. He was prescient and saw then Vējonis, Lithuania’s childless very low birth rates and an inabil- what we have come to factually president is Dalia Grybauskaitė, ity to pay for their rich benefits: experience now. and Romania’s childless presi- what will come of Europe? And why is an ascendant stat- dent is Klaus Werner Iohannis. Why precisely, is the family ist/globalist political culture so And, Jean-Claude Juncker, pres- dead or dying in Europe and the hostile to the family? ident of the European Commis- west? The crisis of the family is not sion too, has no children and is In the western world, the tra- simply a result of changed sex- family-less. ditional family continues to crum- ual mores or feminist ideology, So to put it rather bluntly: a ble and unravel––anyone who while they contribute to it. It has grossly disproportionate num- defends past tradition (300,000 far deeper roots. ber of the people making serious years of pre-recorded oral and The family has lost its so- decisions about Europe’s future actual history) is ridiculed and cial significance because to the have no direct personal sibling, rejected as we give up hope and State, the family is a threat. As child or grandchildren’s inter- resign in despair to a future with- a precursor and basic unit of life ests at stake in that future. They out family or its attendant values. it preceded the state and always Continued next page 34 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4

balanced its interests. particularly in Europe. and each with their own domain. But in the last fifty years, the The nations themselves are At this point religion has cer- state has done every- no longer the collection of their tainly been relativized and fully thing in its power to break it up. many member families but have privatised, if indeed it still is prac- Dividing families, encouraging become a centralised Babylon, tised in Europe. The so-called bu- divorce, supporting abortion, co- known as Brussels, the unionised reaucratic elites or “experts” in ercing fatherlessness, and build- functional state over all states. government and education (the ing dependencies, the state has G.K. Chesterton once re- new high priests) determine all not idly watched in the demise of marked that the family was the policy—including that affecting the family structure: it has been check on state power and that the family. As a result of their the active and primary cause of weakening it would defeat free- policies, the family is a victim of its very plight. dom. His remedy was a smaller the culture war. As one pundit put it, “the state and a system of plural so- Families are not just under as- State became master of the fam- cial commitments, none of which sault, they are being duly eradi- ily; the result is that the family usurped the other. cated. Look again at the numbers. is now truly the agent, the slave, The Dutch Anti-Revolution- Decades ago, sociologists, Pe- and the handmaiden of the State.” ary prime minister, Abraham ter Berger and his wife, Brigitte, With each generation, it Kuyper, who himself had a large wrote, The War on the Family. It seems we witness a further evis- family, at the turn of the last centu- lamented the “awful suspicion ceration of the family. Atomized ry, called this, sphere sovereignty that the professionals preferred and acculturated, the family is and saw all of the structures of so- remedies may actually be part of no longer recognisable, where it ciety—family, economy, schools, the problem.” even exists. We have seen the to- communities and states in bal- In other words, by failing to tal politicisation of filial rebellion, ance––under a sovereign God note the mediating structure the

Birth rates have slowed drastically among the developed nations of the world. Sixty years ago the global birth rate averaged 36 per thousand. As of 2016 that number is nearly in half with an average world birth rate of 18 per thousand and trending downward. Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 35

family is, we have killed the baby. Indeed the bourgeois family is among all else, the source of atti- tudes––dare we say virtues––in- dividuality, privacy, enterprise, thrift, discipline, and propriety, which are synonymous with west- ern values and of modernization. How do we renew the culture in the face of such overt hostility? Procreation. Loving life means realising and multiplying the gift of life. The place where that takes place is the family. Aristotle himself taught that family represents nature in its clearest manifestation. He said, now the lowest in its long history man species. “The family is the basic cell of all at just 59 births per 1000 wom- The responsibility of raising human society, the primary asso- en. But where Europe has been children and building endur- ciation of human beings.” strangled, America is only se- ing intergenerational families is Europe today needs to turn verely hampered and headed in evaporating, as there are fewer away from its golden idol of stat- the wrong direction. It should not and fewer takers. ism which is killing the family copy Europe. In the 17th century, the politi- and embrace a wiser set of norms, Reproduction is no longer cal economist Jean Bodin, argued part and parcel of its past, where popular, it appears; people wait or that the “only wealth is people.” its leaders again hold high the forego having children altogether Logic itself suggests that nations, value of the human family, be- because they want their own ca- Europe in particular, indeed ci- fore it is too late and disappears reers and see the ever escalating vilisation itself, need first to be for good. costs of child rearing. Some have populated. America, while plagued by no confidence in our future; still Without families, ontologi- the same forces, has not yet ful- others believe in the planet or its cally and physically in Latin: ut ly succumbed. Its birth rate is environment more than the hu- cedant in nihilum.

Watch us online! Find Sabbath sermons from the Intercontinental Church of God. Updated each week with messages from a variety of inspiring speakers. 36 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 Turning the UK Into an EU Colony May’s Withdrawal Agreement makes a mockery of the Brexit vote. by John Holbrook, reprinted with permission by Spiked The desire to repatriate sover- European Court of Justice, and is a lengthy and dense legal text, eignty from the European Union permit an independent trade poli- but essentially it envisages three motivated 17.4million Britons cy. But the terms unveiled by the future relationships between the to vote for Brexit. The sentiment British government in its draft UK and the EU after Brexit takes was so strong that the Conserva- Withdrawal Agreement last week, place on 29 March next year: tive Party fought the 2017 Gener- if ratified and incorporated into transition, backstop and bespoke. al Election with a manifesto com- British law, would not pass those Transition will commence the mitment to deliver a Brexit that three tests regarding EU law, ECJ moment Britain formally leaves would repatriate EU law to the jurisdiction and trade. the EU, and the bespoke future UK, end the jurisdiction of the The Withdrawal Agreement relationship is intended to be ready for when transition ends at the end of 2020. But in the event of the bespoke relationship not being ready in time, the parties can either extend transition or trigger the backstop. The effect of each of these relationships on UK sovereignty should alarm everyone – not just those who voted to take back control, but anyone who aspires to live in a state that can control its own des- tiny. There is ample force in the criticisms made by Leavers (such as Boris Johnson) and Remainers (such as Jo Johnson) that the UK is heading for a relationship with Judges preside over a hearing at the European Court of Justice the EU that is best described as in Luxembourg. The European Union’s highest court is hearing arguments Tuesday on whether Britain could unilaterally revoke colonial, with the UK as the dom- its decision to leave the EU ahead of its planned exit date of inated state. March 29, 2019. During transition, the EU’s Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 37

powers over the UK will contin- treat British territorial waters as ment calls ‘level playing-field ue as if the UK were still an EU its own. The humiliating nature conditions’ which cover issues member. In other words, Brit- of this set-up is confirmed in the such as taxation, environmental ain would continue to be sub- agreement when it states that the standards, labour and social stan- ject to EU laws in areas such as UK “shall be consulted in respect dards, state aid, and competition trade, tariffs, farming, fisheries, of the fishing opportunities relat- policy (p311). EU migration, VAT, health and ed to the United Kingdom” (Arti- These provisions mean that safety, employment and many cle 130). Let that sink in: Britain, the UK will effectively also re- other areas of social policy. The a nation surrounded by sea, will main a member of the EU Single agreement states that EU law will be “consulted” by the EU over the Market. Swathes of public policy continue to have ‘the same legal extent to which the EU allows it will continue to be decided by effects as those which it produces to fish in its own territorial waters. Brussels. The UK will be unable within the Union and its Member When, or if, transition ends, to increase its competitiveness by States’ (Article 127). And the ju- the UK will enter either the deregulating or sign trade agree- risdiction of the ECJ over the UK backstop or the as-yet undrafted ments with other countries. The will be unaffected (Articles 86 bespoke arrangement. The main point here is not that these objec- and 131). During transition, laws problem with the backstop is that tives are necessarily desirable; it made by the EU, which will then it ties the UK into a plethora of is that any debate about them will be a foreign body, will be effec- continuing EU obligations, most be pointless. Many British laws tive in Britain and they will be significantly those that regulate will continue to be made in Brus- interpreted by the ECJ, a foreign the EU Customs Union. The UK sels, with legislators reduced to court. would effectively remain a mem- administrators and with citizens During transition, the EU’s ber of it. The UK will also have stripped of their democratic right writ over Britain will apply not to comply with what the agree- to decide. only to existing laws––which British ministers and officials have been able to shape – but also to all new laws which will be framed by the EU without any input from the UK (Article 128). Furthermore, the transition pe- riod, although expressed as ini- tially lasting until 31 December 2020, can be extended indefinite- ly (Article 132). Any such exten- sion will require further annual payments from the UK that will be set by the EU, unencumbered by the budget rebate that Britain currently secures (Article 132). This is breathtaking. The Theresa May - Round Table at the special meeting of the Europe- EU’s right in this agreement to an Council. The leaders of the 27 remaining EU member coun- determine British laws in all ar- tries (EU27) meet ‘to endorse the draft Brexit withdrawal agree- eas that are currently covered ment and to approve the draft political declaration on future by EU treaties would, for exam- EU-UK relations’ in a special meeting of the European Council ple, enable the EU to continue to on Britain leaving the EU under Article 50. 38 Twenty-First Century WATCH Vol. 21, No.4 BeautifulBeautiful DowntownDowntown GazaGaza

by Mark Armstrong Amid the clamor and tumult that’s not happening either. they stop providing payments to of propaganda “news reporting” Meanwhile rockets and mor- families of terrorists. For years in the United States, deadly skir- tar shells have recently been fired they’ve erected shrines, named mishes that have once again aris- into Israel with casualties. Thou- streets or squares after terrorists en between Israel and so-called sands of Israelis had to take to who’ve successfully killed or Palestinians in Gaza. Chances of bomb shelters for cover as vol- maimed Israelis, and according a peace agreement are as slim as leys of dozens of rockets rained to Abbas, the more “moderate” they’ve ever been between the down. Israel responded with of purported Palestinian leaders, factions. More so now than ever bombing raids taking out a facto- they have no intention of chang- as both the Palestinian Author- ry constructing concrete walls for ing that policy. ity (formerly PLO) and Hamas terrorist tunnels under the border In fact, neither faction will so claim to represent the “Palestin- wall in addition to hitting weap- much as recognize Israel’s right ians.” Peace cannot be negotiated ons stockpiles, a vehicle used to to exist, as has been the case for with Israel when the Palestinians launch rockets and Hamas activ- fifty years and more. Much of the are at odds internally. They’ve ists. blame is attributed to Iran which sent delegations to Egypt for rec- President Abbas appeared has financed Hamas and supplied onciliation, and signed a declara- in a recent news conference to a never-ending stream of rockets tion that would have Hamas turn- claim leadership. He angrily re- into Gaza. The subject came up ing authority over to the PA, but fused a demand by Israel that during a recent visit by Angela Merkel to Jerusalem where Is- raeli Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear that business with Iran is adding fuel to the fire. Netanyahu says Abbas is “strangling Gaza,” preventing supplies from distribution and refusing to fix or upgrade the electricity grid. This is part of the attempt to force Hamas to cede power to the Palestinian Authori- ty at a time when neither has any intention of making peace with Israel. When this situation is report- ed in our news, we see piles of tires burning along the border Fourth Quarter 2018 Twenty-First Century WATCH 39 fence in an attempt to obscure the view of the Israeli military so that some “protesters” might break through into Israel. It is apparent that many are young boys, some of whom get injured or killed try- ing to breach the barrier. News images show a shirtless Palestin- ian with a large flag in one hand, a sling-shot whirling in the other in an obviously staged photograph. You know that because there are several versions of the same pho- to, flames (from burning tires) in the background with the subject lit up against the night sky. Germany, the EU and the United States all seem to realize istent “state” that his supposedly intended destination. The $15 that Jerusalem and environs are moderate PA would govern. As million in cash from Qatar meant ground zero for peace on earth. you must know, the West Bank that “civil servants” who’d gone All are involved, albeit on oppos- is construed to include a swath without pay were getting relief. ing sides. of east Jerusalem including the And then, immediately, came the There has been progress in re- Temple Mount. The threat is that next swarm of 200 missiles and cent years with other of the Arab either Abbas gets what he’s de- rockets into Israel. nations such as Egypt, Jordan manding, or Gaza will be ceded November 12, 2018: Another and the Gulf Kingdoms. They’ve into the hands of the terrorists, 200 rockets have been fired into moved to the sidelines (because which currently run most every- Israel with substantial damage, of U.S. commitments to Israel thing in the Gaza strip while dig- thirteen wounded, some critically. and economic considerations) ging tunnels, stockpiling muni- Israel responded again, bombing and decided that it was not in tions and launching hundreds of some seventy Hamas and Islamic their best interest to remain in an rockets into Israel. Jihad targets. On and on it goes. endless state of war. But Iran is For a mere couple of days, Bible prophecy indicates that at provocative as ever, and deeply things seemed to have gone qui- some point, armies will surround involved in Syria, Lebanon and et. The news said that Qatar had Jerusalem. That will presumably in Gaza. Europe seems to want shipped in 15 million in cash to happen over the threat or the real- to continue conducting business Gaza, and overdue salaries were ity of a “humanitarian crisis,” and with Iran, even in the face of re- being paid. Benjamin Netanyahu that’s where we are headed if the newed U.S. sanctions. made news recently, stating terrorists in Gaza persist in the Abbas of the Palestinian Au- Abbas was “strangling” Gaza by never-ending rocket onslaught. thority (PA) is warning that iso- withholding payments from civil There is a limit to the amount of lating a “Palestinian State” (if, servants. He made the statement damage and loss of life Israel will for the first and only time ever in in a press conference with Angela be willing to absorb while pursu- human history there is to be such Merkel, apparently trying to im- ing a tit for tat strategy. If at some a thing) to Gaza will mean that press upon her and the world the point Israel determines to put a Hamas will rule. Abbas is hold- fact that money contributed to the permanent stop to it, there will be ing out for all of the West Bank “Palestinian cause” by Germany an outcry the likes of which we and Gaza to comprise the non-ex- and the EU wasn’t reaching its can only imagine. OrderOrder youryour FREEFREE bookbook "Europe"Europe andand AmericaAmerica inin Prophecy"Prophecy" byby GarnerGarner TedTed ArmstrongArmstrong

Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association PO Box 232, Sandy Bay TAS 7006 Phone: 1300 885 066 [email protected]/au