Volume 2: Spring 2015

R E V I E W Breeding Efforts with Eastern White (Pinus strobus L.)for Resistance to Blister () Tami Rahkola Abstract Eastern white pine, Pinus strobus L., is native to North America, and is susceptible to attack by the blister rust, Cronartium ribicola J.C. Fischer in Rabenhorst, a native to Asia. The in Eurasia have some resistance to this fungus through constant exposure, and the ensuing molecular arms race. The pines in North America descended separately from their Eurasian relatives, and do not possess the same resistance. In the early 20th century, some North American pines were found growing amongst infected neighbors. These trees and their clones have since been used for both molecular investigations, and intraspecific breeding programs in the search for natural resistance. When intraspecific programs proved less than successful in other countries, they turned to interspecific efforts. These programs have had success with crossing eastern white pine to the Himalayan blue pine, to increase resistance, while also maintaining the growth characteristics of eastern white pine.

*Biology Department, University of Minnesota Duluth,

Symbiotic: An inter- Introduction sistance (Blada and Popescu 2004). The dependent relationship - may not be beneficial blister rust fungus originated in Asia, which to one of the parties Eastern white pine, Pinus strobus L., is na- kept it within close proximity to the native involved tive to North America and it is attacked by Eurasian white pines (Van Arsdel and Geils Selection pressure: An the blister rust, Cronartium ribicola. This 2011). When two species are in a symbiotic environmental pressure relationship, and one is harmed by that rela- which can result in the rust is a fungus that is native to Asia and adaptation of a new has devastating effects on white pines. Na- tionship, the harmed species must develop trait and thus drive tive white pine once covered vast regions of a way to hinder the relationship in order to natural selection the United States, and it has long been val- survive. This is commonly known as a se- ued around the world for the quality of its lection pressure within natural selection. Natural selection: , wide climactic adaptability, and its In response to a host’s developed resistance, The individuals best suited to their environ- ecological value (Blada and Popescu 2004; the pathogen must then overcome that resis- ment are more likely to Radu 2008). Eastern white pine (P. strobus) tance in order to survive. The interaction of reproduce and pass on their traits to offspring was imported to Europe in the 1700’s to be the two species, while in contact, is defined cultivated for its easily adaptable and robust in the Geographic Mosaic of Coevolution growth characteristics (Blada and Popescu (GMC) (Thompson 1999). The interaction 2004). When re-imported to the U.S. in between the Eurasian pines and blister rust the 1900’s, the damaging rust fungus came fits into this mosaic: the two have survived Corresponding with it (David et al. 2012). As every white alongside each other for millennia (Van Ar- Author: pine native to North America is susceptible sdel and Geils 2011). The pines in North Tami Rahkola to this fungus (United 2014), it has spread America also fit into this mosaic in that they [email protected]. throughout the U.S. and Canada. have descended outside of constant interac- edu Though every North American white pine tion, termed a “cold spot.” The definition of is susceptible to infection, many native white which is detailed later in this review. There- pines in Europe and Asia have a natural re- fore, they do not possess the same resistance The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 1 R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

as the Eurasian pines. This review will first briefly discuss the GMC The initial search for naturally occurring survival of C. ribicola, to facilitate the need Geographic mosaic of co- resistance in white pines began nearly 100 for resistant trees. Then a short review is evolution – occurs when local variation in species years ago. As early as the 1930’s, healthy given on some of the genetic research done, interactions produces a P. strobus trees were found living amongst which is followed by a discussion on two spatially variable pattern infected P. strobus, and from the different breeding programs in use for ob- of reciprocal adaptation in these species (Craig, in genus, without showing any signs taining natural resistance in P. strobus. The press) of infection (King et al. 2010; Patton and intraspecific breeding programs have pro- Riker 1953). Ribes plants are the alternate vided material for genetic research, along Intraspecific host for the C. ribicola fungus. Research- with the best rates of natural resistance that Occuring within a species ers since have been using these apparently can be found in pure P. strobus. The inter- healthytrees and their clones in intraspe- specific breeding programs have shown cific breeding programs. Through isolating success with the hybridization between P. the best trees from each study, a database of strobus and the Eurasian species P. walli- the most resistant pure P. strobus has been chiana, to produce fertile, rust-resistant gathered (David et al. 2012). More recent- offspring. Bringing together the intraspe- ly, molecular techniques have also been cific and interspecific breeding programs used in the effort to find resistance genes. may hold the key to breeding blister rust With a few other related North American resistant progeny into this integral species. white pines possessing a gene which offers some weak resistance (King et al. 2010; Research Sniezko et al. 2014), it was thought that Survival of Cronartium ribicola P. strobus would also have those resistant genes. However, none have yet been found When a host species and a parasitic organ- in P. strobus. ism are in a harmful symbiotic relationship, Intraspecific breeding programs in Can- the two develop mechanisms by which to ada and Romania were discontinued due resist each other. As mentioned prior, this Interspecific: to lack of intraspecific success, and fi- Occurring between differ- can be clarified through the GMC. The ent species nancial constraints; however, interspecif- GMC is well documented in Thompson ic programs were continued (Blada and (1999): When two organisms are actively Popescu 2004; Lu and Derbowka 2009). involved in a relational process of natural Interspecific efforts bred P. strobus to both selection, the interaction is termed a “hot related North American white pines, and spot.” When each species has gained ade- related Eurasian species, to find crosses quate strategies to overcome each other’s that would produce non-sterile, resistant resistance, the interaction is less intense progeny. Maintaining the growth charac- and becomes less hot, where the two can teristics of P. strobus was also a concern, coexist while continuing to adapt to each due to its economic value. Additional con- other’s presence. If a related species is not cerns include making the offspring accept- involved in this molecular arms race (term ably cold-hardy, and reducing the cost of from Ravensdale et al. 2011), the region it breeding programs. The cross of P. strobus resides in is termed a “cold spot” (Thomp- to the Eurasian species, Pinus wallichiana son 1999). If the pathogen is then intro- A.B. Jacks, has been showing success in duced to that cold spot, the resident related the interspecific programs, by producing species does not possess the adapted resis- hybrid progeny that maintain both the re- tance to the pathogen. sistance of P. wallichiana, and the growth The molecular arms race and GMC have of P. strobus. been well documented in other species

The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 2 White pine and blister rust R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

ON RIBES TELIOSPORES Lead to Basidiospore formation

Increase of host infestation


AECIOSPORES THE LIFE CYCLE OF Travel on air currents Travel through air, land CRONARTIUM RIBICOLA to pines on Ribes, then germinate and invade through the stomata

PYCNIOSPORES Cankers are formed from these

AECIOSPORES Made after Pycniospore fertilization ON PINES Figure 1. The life cycle of Cronartium ribicola. This complex cycle takes place on two separate hosts: Members of the Ribes genus (such as gooseberries and currants), and pines in the Quinquefoliae section of the Pinus genus. Figure adapted from Schwandt et al. (2013). Pictures from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

(Ravensdale et al. 2011; Thompson 1999), pines, is necessary in order to retain re- and it can be inferred to be occurring in the sistance. This is due to the fact that the blister rust – white pine pathosystem. The C. ribicola life cycle requires a live host ancient history of C. ribicola and pines and two different species (Schwandt et al. is found within that of rust fungi and the 2013). This bi-host life cycle has provid- Angiosperms: Seed bear- ancestors of angiosperms and gymno- ed the fungus with the need to continually ing plants sperms (Van Arsdel and Geils 2011). The change, in order to combat the resistance Gymnosperms: Cone fungi adapted their life cycle to alternate effects of its two hosts (King et al. 2010). bearing plants between the angiosperms and the gymno- The alternate host of the C. ribicola life sperms. Those gymnosperm species were cycle includes the Ribes family, such the early ancestors of today’s Pinus and as gooseberries and currants. These plants Strobus (pine species) subgenera. As the host three of the five phases. The other two earth and climate changed, the gymno- phases are completed on white pine in the sperms that ended up in cooler latitudes, Quinquefoliae subsection of the Pinus ge- away from the rust, lost their resistance to nus (Dalton et al. 2010), see Figure 1. Ae- it. Those that remained in contact with the ciospores that have been produced during rust in warmer regions continued to adapt the life cycle on pine will land on a Ribes in their natural resistance (Van Arsdel and plant, germinate, and then invade the Geils 2011). through the stomata (Kearns et al. 2008). Constant exposure to C. ribicola, by Urediniospores are then produced, which

The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 3 R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

GIS increase host infestation (Kearns et al. The trees in a zone category of 4 are es- Geographic information 2008; Schwandt et al. 2013). Teliospores pecially susceptible to invasion, so the system, computerized managment of multiple are then gathered on the undersides of Ri- healthy trees found amongst the diseased layers of geographic and/ bes , which lead to basidiospore for- trees and Ribes plants have been thought to or spatial data mation (Kearns et al. 2008). Basidiospores have some type of resistance. are caught up on air currents to land on and infect white pine. Resistance in Pinus strobus When a basidiospore lands on a pine needle, it invades through the stomata (Schwandt Three primary methods have been used et al. 2013). A canker subsequently forms in the search for blister rust resistance in where pycniospores are; these are carried white pines. Two of the methods relate to by insects to be fertilized (Schwandt et al. breeding programs, and are described later 2013). The aeciospores which cause the in this review. The other method includes “rust” colored canker are made after fer- using molecular approaches to investigate tilization. It is the aeciospores which infect the hypersensitive reaction, and possible the Ribes plant to reproduce and continue genetic resistance, of the potentially resis- the life cycle. However, when the fungus is tant trees. A hypersensitive reaction is not inside the tree, it works its way down the an inherited trait, but is a reaction gained branch toward the main trunk at approxi- through exposure to a parasitic organism mately two inches per year (Schwandt et (Fernandes 1990). An elementary expla- al. 2013). When the fungus reaches the nation of such would be: when a person trunk, it cuts off the nutrient supply within is exposed to the chicken pox virus, their the tree, and the tree dies (Albers and Al- immune system will adapt to, and eventu- bers 1998; Kearns et al. 2008; Schwandt et ally fight it off, but that response will not al. 2013). The younger the leaf or needle is be passed on to their biological children. when a spore lands on it, the more suscep- Hypersensitive responses in P. strobus are tible it is to invasion by the fungus (Dalton evidenced by non-inherited ontogenic re- et al. 2010; Schwandt et al. 2013). sistance, which means that as a tree ages, it The risk of blister rust infection is also is better able to withstand infection. These directly related to the topography, eleva- reactions include a physical barring of the tion, and climate of an area (Van Arsdel et invading fungal hyphae. This can include al. 2006; Van Arsdel and Geils 2011). The polyphenolic compound buildup (Figure climate in Minnesota is especially advan- 2, part B) which restricts the ability of the tageous to blister rust, as it has the cool, fungus to invade. Also, an increase in cell moist summers necessary for blister rust to size and number around the invasion, along thrive (Van Arsdel et al. 2006; Van Arsdel with mesophyll cell collapse and death and Geils 2011; White et al. 2002). Trees in around the invading hyphae, are forms of northeastern Minnesota are especially sus- ontogenic resistance (Dalton et al. 2010; ceptible, having been classified as a Zone David et al. 2012; Jurgens et al. 2003). 4 by Van Arsdel in the 1960’s (Van Arsdel However, the reactions were not found and Geils 2011). This is the highest-risk to be consistent among different family zone, because it provides the conditions crosses and intercrosses used in the Jacobs necessary for intense infection (Van Arsdel et al. (2009) study, which suggested more et al. 2006; Van Arsdel and Geils 2011). than one mechanism as being responsible. This assessment was supported in 2002 by The few families that possess some partial more modern technology, such as GIS, and resistance are thought to do so through a high-definition maps (White et al. 2002). polygenic reaction with some environmen-

The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 4 White pine and blister rust R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

had been left intact (Rajora et al. 2000). This suggests that heritable, resistant genes may need to be introduced to P. strobus through other means, which can be accom- plished with careful breeding programs.

Intraspecific breeding programs

Intraspecific breeding programs are those which breed individuals from the same species together, in an effort to increase de- sired characteristics. Intraspecific breeding for P. strobus resistance to blister rust began in the Great Lake States in Wisconsin in

the 1930’s when A.J. Riker and colleagues Figure 2. Environmental scanning found potentially resistant trees, and test- electron microscopy image: The stomata ed their offspring (David et al. 2012; Pat- of two different Pinus strobus individuals. ton and Riker 1958). Similarly, Patton and A shows the stomata of clone H111, a colleagues at the University of Wisconsin blister-rust susceptible P. strobus. B shows the stomata of clone P327, a blister-rust searched the Great Lake States for resistant resistant P. strobus. The stomata in B are trees. They found P327 (P for Patton (Ja- wax-occluded, which aid in the physical cobs et al. 2009)) outside of Duluth, MN barring of fungal hyphae. Image from (David et al. 2012), which has proven to be USDA General Technical Report PSW- one of the most resistant P. strobus found. GTR-240 (David et al. 2012). Used with permission. Clones of it are still being used for resis- tance investigations, such as in Jacobs et tal influence (indicated in Lu et al. 2005; al. (2009), Jurgens et al. (2003) and Smith Sniezko et al. 2014). The underlying fac- et al. (2006). The initial resistance research tors of hypersensitive reactions are as yet programs led to further program develop- undetermined (Sniezko et al. 2014), and ment in the Great Lake States. the molecular search for resistant genes An intraspecific breeding program for P. in P. strobus has thus far been unsuccess- strobus began in Minnesota in the 1960’s, ful. This may be due to lack of genetic di- when seeds from ostensibly resistant trees versity within the population. The intense were collected from regions in northern logging in the 1900’s reduced P. strobus Minnesota. The Quetico-Superior Wilder- distribution (Mehes et al. 2007; Steen-Ad- ness Research Foundation, the USDA For- ams et al. 2007), which potentially reduced est Service, and the University of Minne- the genetic variation necessary to with- sota, collaborated in an effort to establish stand the fungus. When a tree population a program whose aim was to produce trees is reduced significantly, the interaction be- with higher natural resistance levels (Da- vid et al. 2012). The seeds were planted in Stand tween stands becomes disjointed and can Tree stands - a group of lead to reduced gene flow (Mehes et al. Tofte, MN in 1972 and 1974, and moni- trees in one area 2007; Rantam et al. 2014), which results in tored for 37 years. While the final surviv- increased inbreeding and less genetic vari- al rate in the program was 2.7%, the end ation. One study found a 26% reduction in result still produced the most genetically allelic diversity from a stand that had been diverse collection of pure P. strobus with harvested, compared to a nearby stand that high resistance, and the best 52 individuals

The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 5 White pine and blister rust R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

within this population were selected for fu- bination options. This gives the offspring cpDNA Chloroplast DNA, con- ture studies (David et al. 2012). more of a chance to inherit any resistance tains photosynthetic genes Intraspecific resistance breeding - pro alleles present in a parent. Therefore, using mtDNA: Mitochondrial grams have also been conducted in other a related species is beneficial in increasing DNA - inherited from the countries, though the focus here will be on the overall diversity of a population, as female parent only the Canadian and Romanian programs. A well as potentially introducing resistance. Fluorescence in-situ review of other European studies is pro- Interspecific programs in Canada and Ro- hybridization: vided in Blada and Popescu (2004). Ca- mania were begun in 1946 and 1977 respec- Used to find specific DNA sequences on a nadian efforts to find resistance began in tively (Blada and Popescu 2004; Lu and chromosome by a flu- 1908 when a nursery using 400 P. strobus Derbowka 2009), and they initially crossed orescent-molecule tag, which binds to the desired trees imported from Germany was reduced a variety of species with P. strobus to find sequence to a mere 35 trees after 39 years (King et compatible matches. The desired matches al. 2010; Lu and Derbowka 2009). These would produce viable, fertile offspring that rDNA Ribosomal DNA - trans- remaining individuals were picked for fu- would be resistant to blister rust, while also lates mRNA into proteins ture studies, being presumed to have resis- retaining the desirable growth characteris- ISSR tance to the fungus. However, intraspecific tics of P. strobus (Blada and Popescu 2004; Inter-simple sequence experiments using these showed almost Lu and Derbowka 2009). repeat marker - short, re- petitive segments of DNA. every result to be 100% mortality (Lu and Pinus wallichiana has proven to be one Used in DNA fingerprint- Derbowka 2009). Resistance programs in of the best crosses in these programs. P. ing, to distinguish identity and / or kinship Romania were begun in 1974 for the same wallichiana possesses its own cold-har- reasons as in the U.S. and Canada (Blada diness, high genetic diversity, climactic RAPD and Popescu 2004). However, the intraspe- adaptability, and leading forest value (Lee Random amplified poly- morphic DNA - used to cific programs were discontinued (Blada et al. 1998; Siddiqui et al. 2013 a, b). Its amplify short segments of 2004), for the same reasons as they were native region in the Himalayas also en- random DNA, commonly used to define the related- in Canada. The poor survival rates of intra- compasses a wide range of elevations and ness of plants specific crosses, coupled with high breed- ecotypes (Khan 2004). As a Eurasian spe- ing program cost, turned the focus in these cies, it possesses some resistance to blister other countries to interspecific hybridiza- rust (Blada 2004; Lu and Derbowka 2009). tions. Even though it is a Eurasian species, it is closely related to P. strobus: Using closely Interspecific breeding programs related species is a crucial step in finding compatible crosses. Interspecific programs are those which Traditionally, the relatedness of trees breed together individuals from different, (phylogenies) was classified based on though related, species in an effort to bring morphological characteristics, such as together desired characteristics from each. seed type and cone scales (Gernandt et al. Another important benefit of interspecific 2005). This relatedness within the 100+ breeding programs, when using a species member family has recently such as P. strobus, is that genetic diversi- been investigated through molecular tech- ty can be increased. As with any species, niques, to discern the genetic relation be- when a breeding population gets small, the tween them. The techniques have included ways in which the present alleles can com- the use of cpDNA, (Gernandt et al. 2005; bine is reduced. This can reduce the abil- Tsutsui et al. 2009), mtDNA (Tsutsui et ity of the species to overcome pathogens. al. 2009), Fluorescence in-situ hybrid- When introducing the genome of a related ization of different rDNA sites (Cai et al. species, the genetic diversity is increased, 2006), ISSR and RAPD markers (Kova- and the offspring have more allele recom- cevic et al. 2013; Mehes et al. 2007), and

The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 6 White pine and blister rust R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

LEA an intron within a LEA-like gene (Syring that each male passed on the same level of Late embryonic abundant genes which are turned on et al. 2007). Though all of the results show resistance as the others. The families that late in development that the genome of P. strobus is incredibly showed increased resistance in Canada, large, and the exact relatedness with other had heterozygous mother trees to contrib- species is unknown, each study maintains ute resistance, which did so around 50% of that P. strobus and P. wallichiana are in the the time (Lu et al. 2005). The offspring of same sub-section, Quinquefoliae, and are a double hybrid cross [(P. strobus x P. wal- closely related. lichiana) x (P. strobus x P. wallichiana)], Using these related species, P. strobus that was then bred back to P. strobus, has and P. wallichiana, has shown success in shown as much as 71% resistance (Lu et al. cross-breeding for retaining the desired re- 2005). While this demonstrates that the P. sistance and growth characteristics. Cana- wallichiana resistance is heritable, it could dian efforts additionally desire to increase take up to six crosses and backcrosses to P. strobus parentage and cold hardiness in regain lost resistance (Lu and Derbowka the offspring (Lu and Derbowka 2009; Lu 2009) if careful selections are not made. and Sinclair 2006). The efforts to increase In addition to survival, height is one of cold hardiness in the Canadian progeny be- the important growth characteristics re- gan, due to the first generation of hybrids corded in both Romanian and Canadian being susceptible to cold (Lu and Sinclair studies (Blada and Tanasie 2013; Blada 2006), though this was not an issue in Ro- et al. 2013; Lu and Sinclair 2006), as the mania (Blada and Tanasie 2013). The sec- growth characteristics of P. strobus make ond backcrossed generation has shown it valuable for its lumber. What each male 87.5% P. strobus parentage, with the end P. wallichiana was able to pass on in terms goal to produce no less than 93.75% P. stro- of height was found to be significant in Ro- bus parentage (Lu and Derbowka 2009). manian studies (Blada 2004). The growth Additionally, as the P. strobus percentage characteristics of pure P. strobus, P. wal- increased in subsequent backcrossing, the lichiana, and their hybrid progeny were ability to withstand the cold appeared to recorded in Romanian (Blada and Tanasie increase as well (Lu and Sinclair 2006; Lu 2013; Blada et al. 2013), and in Canadian et al. 2007). studies (Lu et al. 2005). The results showed The gender of each parent species was that the hybrid progeny obtained nearly the found to play a role in how much variabili- same, or better, heights as the P. strobus ty there was in passing on the desired traits parent. These growth rates were noted in of resistance and growth (Blada 2004; Bla- both young trees and mature trees. A young da and Popescu 2004; Lu and Derbowka tree can also be accurately assessed for re- 2012; Lu and Sinclair 2006). Studies using sistance, which can be seen in seedlings as both P. strobus females crossed to P. walli- young as 1 year. (Lu et al. 2005; Lu and chiana males, and P. strobus males crossed Derbowka 2009; Lu and Derbowka 2012). to P. wallichiana females, produced great This is beneficial, as the process of finding variability in the offspring survival rates resistant trees is a costly, time consuming (Blada and Popescu 2004; Lu and Sin- process. clair 2006), as much as 50-100% (Lu et al. 2005). Romanian studies using female P. Conclusion strobus and male P. wallichiana showed that the resistance passed on from the males For over a century, blister rust has been was not significant between the individuals spreading through forests, killing white used (Blada and Popescu 2004), meaning pine needed for economic and ecological

The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 7 White pine and blister rust R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

purposes. The complex life cycle of C. rib- thada Wright for their support and edit- icola will continue to contribute to its abil- ing contributions to this review, and to the ity to adapt within its molecular arms race. DJUB. I also especially thank Dr. Timothy Increasing the genetic diversity of native P. Craig for his advisement throughout the strobus is essential for it to have a chance writing of this review. I am grateful to Ali- to compete for survival. Thus far, attempts cia Boltz for her assistance in navigating to find a genetic basis for blister rust resis- InDesign, along with her editing contribu- tance in P. strobus have been unsuccessful. tions to Figure 1. I extend a thank you to The search for resistance through intraspe- the peer reviewers who helped to improve cific breeding programs has produced trees this article for publication. I would finally with the highest possible rates of genetic like to thank Dawn Voges and the DNR at diversity and resistance, within pedigreed Lake Vermilion – Soudan Underground P. strobus. Mine State Park for the internship oppor- The successful use of P. strobus and P. tunity which introduced me to the problem wallichiana in interspecific hybridization between blister rust and white pines. programs have been accomplished in Can- ada and Europe for over 60 and 40 years, respectively (Blada and Popescu 2004; Lu and Derbowka 2009). These programs have shown that the hybridization between P. strobus and P. wallichiana can produce offspring with increased resistance, while maintaining the desired growth character- istics of P. strobus, which is important in a tree valued for its ecological and eco- Author Biography nomic value. The offspring are also able Tami Rahkola is a junior at the Universi- to be backcrossed to the parent species ty of Minnesota Duluth. She is pursuing for increased percentage of that parent- a B.S. in Biology, with an emphasis on age. This is essential, as the ultimate goal organismal biology, and a minor in Envi- of any interspecific program would be to ronmental Science. After graduation, she have the end product pollenated by exist- plans to pursue a career that relates to natu- ing native P. strobus, which would increase ral resource management. In her free time, the genetic diversity of natural stands (Lu she enjoys reading and writing, along with and Derbowka 2009). Even as molecu- hiking, camping, fishing and horseback lar techniques advance to isolate possible riding with her son. genetic resistance, obtaining genetically diverse populations is essential for future resistance. Combining the interspecific References and intraspecific programs, by using the best families from each, could provide a Albers M and Albers J. 1998. White Pine: How to prune for blister rust. Minnesota genetically diverse, two-pronged approach Department of Natural resources. Field to combat this pervasive disease Tip Number 10. . Acknowledgements Blada I. 2004. Genetic variation in growth and blister-rust resistance in a I would like to thank Dr. Timothy Craig, Pinus strobus x P. wallichiana hybrid population. Silvae Genetica. 53(1): 33-41 Dr. Shannon Stevenson and Dr. Elizabe-

The Duluth Journal of Undergraduate Biology 8 White pine and blister rust R E V I E W Volume 2: Spring 2015

Blada I and Popescu F. 2004. Genetic 29-42 research and development of five-needle pines (Pinus subgenus Strobus) in Europe: Jacobs JJ, Burnes TA, David AJ, An overview. USDA Forest Service Blanchette RA. 2009. Histopathology of Proceedings RMRS-P-32. 51-60 primary needles and mortality associated with white pine blister rust in resistant Blada I and Tanasie S. 2013. Growth, and susceptible Pinus strobus. Forest straightness and survival at age 32 in a Pathology. 39(6): 361-376

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