National Youth Development Education Programme c/o NYCI, 3 Montague Street, Dublin 2.
[email protected] CHILLEDCHILLED OUTOUT NOTNOT WORNWORN OUT!OUT! UC ED ATIO NT N E P M R P O O G L R E A V M E M D E • H T N U A O T Y I O L N A Young People Around the World Beating Stress A ONE WORLD WEEK EDUCATION PACK Acknowledgements Activities written and compiled by: Johnny Sheehan and Niamh McCrea Edited by: Niamh McCrea and Johnny Sheehan Piloted by: Joanne Keohane, Ciara Sweeney, Michael Kelleher, Martina Phelan, Shane Cotter, Steven Desmond, Ian O’Donoghue and Rita Cernavska from the Ógra Chorcaí rom the Trócaire Resource Centre, from Amnesty or from your local One World Centre. Resource Centre, from Amnesty or your local One World rom the Trócaire One World Committee; supported by Mary Forde, Jennifer Walsh, Liam Doocey, Martha Sawyer, Carmel Forde, Martin Ogbebor and June Barry; Catholic Guides of Ireland National Conference Supported by: Elaine Nevin (ECO), Hazel Murphy (Irish Girl Guides), Brian Murtagh (YMCA), Liz Kyte (EIL Ireland), June Barry (Ógra Chorcaí), Lizzy Noone (Concern), Lara Kelly (Trocáire) Rebecca Emery (Oxfam Ireland), Carmel O’Connor (CYC), Aoife nic Lughadha (Feachtas), Jean- Marie Cullen (NYCI), Rachael Long (NYCI) and Deiniol Jones (NYCI). Designed by: Niall McCormack Printed by: Grehan Printers The National Youth Development Education Programme gratefully acknowledge funding support from Development Cooperation Ireland. Additional funding support from Concern is also gratefully acknowledged. Peters Projection maps show all countries of the world in their true size and location.