Executive Commiftee Reports 3 Committee Ro1e stressed by shelley Appleton David Young Submits Administrative Committee Report 6 Jewish Education 7 Director General's Report 8 lntroduction of Communications Literacy lsrael's First Citizen Visits ORT Ramat-Gan Worldwide Organisational Advances PRESIDENT OF and his wife Aura were guests of honour at 9 ORT Academic Council the ORT Ramat-Gan campus, where 2,000 students received them with enormous Raising the Funds enthusiasm. In the carpentry department the President was delighted to receive a 4 London CourseExceeds beautiful Etrog (citron) box, specially made for him by the students to Expectations commemorate his visit. 5 Carmiel Master P1an 12 Nehemia Cohen ORT Weiss Software lnstitute 16 Los Angeles Technical lnstitute DavidAmar's ORTBackin COVER PICTURE: Roya1Decoration David Lavi, electronics student at TheNetherlands ORT syngalowsky, Honorary Vice-President of the Wor1d A new ORT Netherlands Committee Pierre Dreyfus ORT Union, David Amar, who for has been formed under the leadership First Vice-President many years has held the office of of Professor Ernst Cohen of Leiden ShelleyAppleton President of the Council of the Jewish University, a most respected figure in Chairman, Executive Committee Community of Morocco, has received Ho11and, with a wide knowledge of David I. Young a special honour from the hands of Jewish communities both in lsrael and H.M. King Hassan 1I. Chairman, Administrative Committee in other parts of the world. He is joined At an official ceremony at the Roya1 Joseph Harmatz by other distinguished members of the Palace, David Amar was decorated by community including two members of Director General the King with the Order of the Throne, the Dutch Parliament. Editorial Office, Wor1d ORT Union: in the presence of Princes of the Roya1 The Committee concluded that the ORT House, sumpter C1ose, Household, the Prime Minister, most effective way to re-establish ORT Finchley Road, London, NW3 51R, members of the Government, and as a major communal concern was to England representatives of the diplomatic corps. Union Mondial® ORT: encourage the acceptance of ORT's 1, rue de Varembe, ® p educational and technological 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. expertise in existing Jewish schools.

Designed & Produced by G&G Graphics Preliminary discussions held with the Maimonides Secondary School in SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Amsterdam, centred on the introduction of courses in computer The entire international family of the literacy, have proved very encouraging World ORT Union extends its sincere and the school is already making an congratulations to David Young on his application for Government assistance. elevation to the peerage and his High 1eve1 meetings have been appointment as Minister in the British arranged, and Professor Cohen has Cabinet. 1n keeping with the 104-yea - mét the Director General of the Dutch o1d tradition of ORT, his new Ministry of Education and his senior responsibilities wi11 maintain his assistants. Top officials of the special interest in the employment Education Ministry have arranged to prospects and economic independence King Hassan of Morocco bestows the order visit the Central Office of the Wor1d of young people. Good luck David. on David Ama . ORT Union in London. 2 Executive Committee's Role Stressed by Shelley Appleton CHAIRMAN of the Executive Com- and for the remarkable effort made by mittee of the World ORT Union, Joseph Harmatz in preparing it. Shelley Appleton, reminded delegates Commenting on the satisfactory meeting in Paris of the troubled social appearance of the financial position, and political environment in which Mr. Appleton said that this had been both Jewish and non-Jewish achieved only by sound administration communities found themselves. By and a sparing approach to spending making policy for the ORT network money. But as this also meant denying the Executive Committee played a the school system funds desperately valuable and important role. needed for new equipment, the balance Shelley Appleton extended a special sheet alone failed to reflect the true welcome to Mrs. Minnie Wingate, situation. President of ORT Monaco, Dr. It had to be acknowledged that ORT Berthold Griinfeld, new President of continued to face not only financial ORT Norway, Prof. Dr. E. M. Cohen, but also pedagogical, technical and new Chairman of ORT Netherlands, curricular problems, but to each there Justice Richard Goldstone, of South had to be a solution. What was needed Africa and to Mr. George L. P. was a more positive and wider-based Weaver, consultant to the approach to fund-raising. International Cooperation Department The Chairman summed up the in Washington. Shelley Appleton chairs the Paris meeting of meeting as having been extremely Mr. Appleton expressed the regret of the WOU Executive Committee. fruitful and productive. ORT had the membership that the Director proved its essential value, and had General was unable to present his appreciation for receiving such a become integral to Jewish identity and report in person, but recorded their comprehensive and complete account, to Jewish survival.

MILAN DavidYoungSubmits COMPUTER AdministrativeCommittee COURSE Report CHAIRMAN of the Administrative spring of next year, to be opened in RE-RUN Committee, David Young, reported September 1987. the main deliberations of the two David Young expressed his pleasure The applications for places on ORT meetings of his Committee since the at being able to present the Audited Milan's intensive computer course for last Executive. Accounts for 1983, but cautioned that adults far exceeded the number of A change in the procedures by which after the first six months of 1984, two places (and computers) available, so a funds are allocated will in future thirds of the budgeted income had yet repeat introductory course is planned enable recipient countries, who feel to be received. for this November with an inter- that they have a particular case to mediate course to follow. make, to do so to the entire Adminis- The first course, which centred on trative Committee, after the publi- 'An Introduction to Basic: attracted cation of the preliminary budget ORT and Jewish community school proposals. teachers and principals, university The Braude International School students, and even mothers of ORT had been increasingly occupying the Italy's pupils no doubt unable to resist Committee's time, especially those getting to grips with this new and aspects concerned with fund-raising. tantalising world. Dr. Ovadia gave five The Administrative Committee evening lectures in one month, assisted authorised ORT Israel to enter into a by two students from the second year contract with the architect, and of the ORT Technical Institute in proceed to prepare plans for approval Milan. by the Municipality. All the participants agreed that they Carmiel's High School, with some had received an excellent introduction 1,600 students, is being taken over by to computers and computing, and ORT from September of this year. looked forward to learning more. Not Building work for the new dormitories, surprisingly, they have now all joined dining rooms and the administrative David Young, WOU Administrative as members of ORT. block should be under way in the Committee Chairman. 3 Administrators'London Course Interview Exceeds AllExpectations Moshe

Fifteen senior officials and school administratorsfrom ORT Israel participated in an ambitious training Steinwurzel programme run as a pilot project by the Technical Department of the World ORT Union in London. Moshe Steinwurzel, Assistant Director General of ORT Israel, participatedin THE COURSE set out to introduce the could not be overvalued. Dr. Sharon, the Administrators' Course held at participants to the concepts and Director of WOU's Technical Depart- Central Office in London. methods needed to incorporate ment, with his colleagues Martin A relaxed and confident man, computers into the administration of Fischer and Marion Lightman, evolved Moshe Steinwurzel has carried out the ORT schools. In the same way that a programme which, as well as intro- dual role in ORT Israel of Director of ORT has opened up opportunities for ducing newcomers to computers and the Finance Department and Assistant teachers and students to benefit from computing, encouraged them to enter Director General since 1976. Having basic computer literacy, this experience into a dialogue to evaluate the specific held responsibility for financial is now being extended. system requirements. matters in the Head Office in Tel Aviv for over 28 years, there is not much that he does not know about ORT's budgeting and accounting, yet he was as keen as any to join in the Administrators' Course. In 1956Moshe joined ORT Israel to take charge of the growing book- keeping department. By 1983 he held responsibility for the mammoth budget of $63 million, liaising with government ministries, ORT's Central Office and many other partners. It is his job to collect the funds to pay 4,500 staff and meet all the multifarious expenditures made on behalf of its 80,000 students. Administrators' Course tutors and participants included Dr. Dan Sharon, Oded Marder, Rami ORT Israel's Finance Department Kugel, Director of ORT Israel's Supply Department, ORT Israel Assistant Director Generals could not possibly cope with this Moshe Steinwurzel and David Levy, and Martin Fischer. endless flow of transactions, not to mention record inflation rates and Joint Team The course was intended to be constant indexation, without the At the present time computers and comprehensive; in two weeks those assistance of computers — two are computer-based systems are seen as aspects of the computer relevant to currently in use outside the essential for development in the ORT administration were covered. Included organisation. But to improve network as an aid to more efficient were word processing, stock control, accounting methods and to achieve administration. Three years ago the finance, timetabling, and hands-on faster information retrieval, more World ORT Union and ORT Israel got experience in ORT House's computer scope and sophistication are needed. together and set up a joint team, laboratory. Oded Marder and Rami On his return to Israel Moshe headed by Rami Kugel and Dan Kugel brought their own expertise and Steinwurzel is resolved to set up a pilot Sharon, to work on ideas and methods led particular sessions, and visits were computer project, and to have it which used computer technology to made to working installations in the working before the end of the year. It help run the schools. Greater London Council, to Gestetner will involve three or four schools, and Members of that team, meeting in Ltd., to the Office Automation within two years they plan to develop Israel, held preparatory discussions Conference and Exhibition, and to the critically important special and sent their initial proposals to schools already using computers as financial software. As an advanced London, where their colleagues part of their administration. project the new system will incorporate worked on them to create alternative ORT Israel is taking a major step not only financial reports but also systems which could do the job. They forward with the installation of a new student enrolment, timetables, developed concepts of how such computer in the Head Office in Tel examination entries and results, and systems should operate and, as these Aviv. This will lead quickly to a pilot technical and pedagogical infor- needed testing, the idea of an project in co-operation with some of mation. "The course clearly brought a Administrators' Course was conceived. the schools, and then to a nationwide considerable body of knowledge to the system. By drawing on this experience School Administors who learned how Director General Joseph Harmatz to use computers with confidence:' Dialogue anticipated that this willbe followed by said Moshe Steinwurzel. "Now we Participants on the course brought similar projects throughout ORT's have to put this knowledge into with them a depth of experience that worldwide network. practice!' 4 Founders at Head of Carmiel Master Plan

THE WORLD ORT UNION has set itself the task of finding 200 Founders of the Max Braude International School at Carmiel, from all parts of the world, and in time to ensure that building work can commence in 1985. First Prize at Committees have already been formed in countries throughout the network. Their brief is short and to the Maths Olympiad point. "ORT's International School is to Sixteen-year-old Adi Levy, a student in specialise in mathematics Adi finds it be a vital component for the teaching the computer department of the 0 RT hard to make time for anything else. of advanced technology, and an Syngalowsky School in Tel Aviv, The success achieved by Adi, and by essential link between Israel's students surprised older competitors to win first other students from vocational and those from the diaspora. To secure prize at the Youth Mathematics schools, was put down to their "strict the establishment of the International Olympiad organised by the Weizman requirements in electronics and School ORT welcomes the most Institute. computer science" by Dr. Moshe concerned and influential members of Adi is rather diffident about his Rishpon, head of the Institute's Youth world Jewry to participate in its success, but admits to being totally Unit. From amongst the prizewinners conception and creation, and to meet dedicated to the subject. "Because of a youth team has been formed to this challenge on behalf of our younger his shyness!' said his mother, "he take part in international competition. generation. Immediate support is didn't stand out in class until three Adi's prize is a four-year scholarship imperative — time is a commodity in years ago, when his teacher noticed to take a university course. Well done, very short supply!' that he had good marks and an Adi; it's both a special achievement for Wholehearted appreciation and exceptional talent:' Since choosing to you and another success for ORT. recognition will be the Founders' right for life, as will their permanent association with the International School. Founders will participate in the CarmielChairman school's development, attend its ceremonies, and their names will be Ruth Druxerman of Canada, inscribed on the Founders Wall of Honorary Vice-President of the World Honour to remain there for all time. ORT Union, was the first to take on The World ORT Union anticipates the Chairmanship of her National that the Founders will demonstrate Committee for the Max Braude Inter- their faith in the project and pioneering national School to be built at Carmiel ision, by each granting a minimum of in Israel. Her efforts are already being $100,000 towards the construction of well rewarded as substantial donations the school's first stage. towards the foundation of the School President Chaim Herzog, of Israel, have already been pledged. will join the Founders of the Inter- Everyone in Canada who hears of national School at the Consecration the School, and how ORT plans to link Ceremony, planned for early 1985, on the diaspora through the education of the magnificent and historic slopes of our children in high technology, has the Carmiel hills, site of the Inter- immediately given their enthusiastic national School campus. Ruth Druxerman support. 5 Concern Expressedfor Jewish Education With the benefit of comprehensive for ORT students to be taught the reports o n the progress made in the historical background of the Jewish teaching of Jewish subjects in ORT people a nd their laws a nd customs, schools throughout the world, key particularly in societies which are issues were examined in some depth at becoming increasingly hostile to the Executive Committee meeting. Jewish values a nd traditional teaching. These included the teaching of Hebrew In a11 areas of Jewish learning our and the place of Yiddish, the p roblem methods must match those employed of secular students, the philosophy of in the teaching of secular subjects. Jewish education in the ORT context During discussion of the report it and the teaching of Holocaust Studies. felt that Holocaust Studies should be Acting Chairman of the Jewish included in the curriculum, a i d that Education Commission, Professor parents a nd members of ORT had a Giacomo Saban, explained the duty to involve themselves in ORT's Professor Giacomo Saban Commission's view that it was essential Jewish education programmes. JEWISH EDUCATION The Special Significance of ORT Moshe Davis, WOU Adviser on Jewish Education, places ORT's ro1ein context.

ORT 1SONE of the oldest organisations ourselves totally of the idea that etc. — which underlie Jewish teaching worldwide concerned with Jewish Jewishness has about it a sectarianism and Jewish knowledge, and shape the education. Whilst 100 years is a short or particularism which opposes the pattern of Jewish 1ife. The main point period against the time span of 4000 idealistic trends of society today and its is to make a start! years of Jewish history, the events of social purposes. Our education must What is important is that the various our 20thcenturyhavebroughtsuch reflect this. subjects should be seen to link up with destruction [o our educational insti- If we regard ourselves as being a one another. Thus, for example, tutio s that there are literally but a special people, we do so not to claim Hebrew is the key to our culture aid to handful of organisations worldwide, special privileges but rather to our history. It is also a key to our including Israel, which have a record acknowledge special responsibilities. thought pattern. of continuous operation over more Jews prove the ability of man to thanonecentury. survive in the most hostile of societies. Jewish Way of Life Our pupils n every country should 1do not feel we can 1ay down standards Unlike some other institutions, ORT be, and for the most part are being, of the degree of religiosity, but simply has moved with the times to make itself taught to live as productive, partici- that we should try to move pupils to be relevant not simply to the requirements pating, contributing citizens of their more committed Jews when they leave of modern society, but more especially country. They should see their Jewish ORT than when they started. 1 accept to the requirements o£ the Jewish education as being a principal factor n that in today's world we cannot compel people. this alongside the general and techno- adherence to faith oc religious The size of the ORT operation, logical education which they are practices. 1am totally convinced of the covering as it does a worldwide receiving. need to persuade and not coerce, but network, and bridging both Israel aid there must be a direction if not a the Diaspora, places ORT in a unique Securing an Entry directive. position. It is important for us always There is a wide body of Jewish We must be concerned with under- to bear in mind the international knowledge, and whilst we cannot standing not on1y the background of perspective of a Jewish community purvey the whole of this knowledge to the child but also his foreground — the which has always looked at the our pupils (and indeed, no-one during world into which he wi11 march, the universe as one whole, and not merely his lifetime completes either his work problems he wi11encounter, and some to have regard for one particular or his study), what we have to do is to of the answers that we feel may be fragment of it. ensurean entryof thechildintotheappropriate for him to know. 1n the various continents which comprise the end his own experiences and life wi11 Special Responsibility universe of Jewish 1ife. We also should validate the teachings we are putting Being Jewish need not conflict with try to secure an entry into the mind of forward. But if we don't put them allegiance to any country in which we the child of the various Jewish forward, he has no basis on which to find ourselves. We need to rid experiences — historical, sociological, form a fu11and proper judgement. 6 ExecutiveCommitteeReceives DirectorGeneral'sReport

Due to Director General Joseph Harmatz's indisposition, his review of the World ORT Union's operations was delivered by his colleague Paul Bernick to the meeting of the Executive Committee in Paris.

IT WAS IN PARIS that the great ideas In Geneva a lease has been signed for attendance increased by 30%. of freedom and equality were born, Anieres by the local authority. Computer literacy courses were intro- and the roots established for our duced in the two Jewish Schools in Sao national emancipation in modern Africa and Asia Paulo, the Renascenza and Peretz times. Here the concepts of learning Morocco's computer laboratory has schools, but further developments in vocational skills were first written enhanced the school's reputation Sao Paulo will rest on the success of down, accepted and implemented. greatly, and significantly improved the our newly-formed committee's fund- standard of education, while we are raising activities. Our Distance Europe still waiting for authorisation to send Education programmes have been ORT France today is a stronghold of the equipment for a similar project in extended on an experimental basis in technical education and Jewish India. four more states. awareness. The level of education of In South Africa four primary In Peru the new Mother and Child some 5,000 students in our eight schools and three high schools are now Care Centre in the San Juan schools is being raised from year to operating computer projects. A course Lurigancho area has been established year, and courses are being adjusted in held for headmasters and adminis- with ten kindergarten classrooms built line with advances in technology; trators was well attended, and and in use. A new microcomputer graduates passing their final exami- appreciated by the participants. The laboratory is being established in the nations have no employment course is now being offered to head- schools in Chile, and our current problems. ORT France's recent masters and educationists at govern- activities in Mexico cover four Jewish teachers' seminar focused on ment schools. schools. pedagogical aspects of Jewish education and on biblical values. In the The Americas Israel last 20 years the Marseilles Jewish The Bramson Institute is making This year's registrations show an community has increased from 10,000 efforts to consolidate its educational increase of 21% over last years's — to 70,000, and the ORT school will reputation in both hi-tech and 1,313 more students, with registration shortly be extended, generously Jewish studies. In Miami we will continuing for the Apprenticeship financed by Women's American ORT, continue to implement our plans to Schools and Adult Education Pro- to cope with the number of applicants. introduce courses in physics, grammes. The computer programme in our electronics and robotics. The ground- ORT Israel is extending its activities Rome school has enhanced the school's work for the establishment of the Los by absorbing six more schools within reputation and increased the number Angeles Institute has been carried out, the ORT family, although there are of students enrolled. The computer and Women's American ORT is still ten waiting to come in. The new laboratory is also used for science concluding negotiations for its schools could not have been chosen teaching, and a programme is being location. better; all of them are in development designed by the World ORT Union to The new school year in the areas, and our contribution is certainly teach Jewish studies. Argentine began with 1,682 students in going to be of great importance in the In Britain the computer literacy the Buenos Aires school, and the years to come. courses introduced into two transition to the new computer system Preparations for the foundation of Hasmonean schools for boys and girls has been accomplished. The first the Braude International School at in London are both running success- booket designed for a course in Carmiel are continuing, and we intend fully, with a back-up service provided modern Hebrew has been published, to start building in the spring of 1985. by the World ORT Union Technical and is now in use. It can be said that the World ORT Department. Teachers from the In the field of Creative Education, Union is in a sound financial position, Matilda Marks-Kennedy School in which involves 25 Jewish primary and but this should not influence our fund- London are also receiving guidance in secondary schools, with many raising activities, for much money is computer studies. Computer literacy thousands of students, additional needed both to strengthen and extend courses are to be introduced at the programmes are already being imple- our existing network and develop new Manchester ORT Training Centre, and mented, with more planned. programmes, new concepts and new the ORT-GEC ITEC project, funded An experimental computer literacy approaches. We know of many by the Manpower Services Com- project in Uruguay, on behalf of IBM children who have been left outside our mission, continues to respond to the and the National Council of Secondary schools. There are many more of needs of young unemployed people. Education, has been launched in public whom we don't even know. It is More European Jewish communities schools. imperative that we increase our efforts have approached us for advice and co- In Brazil student enrolment in our to raise more funds, and it depends on operation, including Brussels, secondary school in Rio rose from 100 all of us whether we succeed or fail in Stockholm, Vienna and Amsterdam. to 170 this year, and short-course this endeavour. 7 Commissions Report Progress Executive Committee Commissions of the WOU Executive Committee, meeting in Paris, included discussion and consideration of Tackles ORT's Priorities technological innovations, growing CommunicationsLiteracyCoursesto

THE ADOPTION of the Technical Commission's proposal on the intro- be Introduced duction of telecommunications courses into ORT's curriculum, continues the The Commission recommended that become part of the general education of series of initiatives which introduced the World ORT Union develop courses in as many of our students as possible. computer literacy, robotics, fibre optics communications literacy, in co-operation Recent developments on the industrial and other new courses into the network. with national organisations, eventually to scene appear to validate ORT's view of trends and the introduction of new methods. Still greater efforts will be required to update our schools for the new techno- logical era, and give our graduates adaptable skills to carry through a lifetime. A whole range of new pro- fessions are resulting from the develop- ment of the communications industry alone. Branco Weiss, Co-Chairman of the Technical Commission with Dr. Bruno Jarach, described the proposals as valuable, and their complexity required detailed examination. Implementation of a communications literacy programme would keep everyone busy for quite some Dr.BrunoJam& BrancoWeiss time.

WorldwideOrganisational Advances RUTH EISENBERG, Chairman of the gained 500 new members, and in Italy and Organisation Commission, reported on the South American countries, use of the the significant advances that were being Organisation Department's recruitment made in committees and organisations in campaign material had been a the ORT network. considerable help. New committees had recently been Central Office of the World ORT established in Norway and the Nether- Union has now published the new film on lands and they were already getting down Carmiel, home of the International to constructive work. Exciting progress School, and a series of pamphlets was being made in the development of the recording the project's progress. Both ORT Israel Alumni Association. Thanks were well received by the delegates as to a more rigorous recruitment system positive aids to recruitment and fund- Ruth Eisenberg, Organisation Commission members were now numbered in their raising. Chairman. thousands. An Alumni Bulletin The Organisation Commission saw the 'ORTON' was being published and International School as a special and concern of ORT's work, and the prospects for a growing and active opportunity to develop ORT's worldwide excitement and enthusiasm it had organisation looked good. organisational base with the recruitment generated amongst the delegates was Amongst advances reported from all of new members and potential leaders. testimony to the stimulus of a major parts of the world, British Women's ORT The project illustrated well the character challenge. 8 year in the ancient university city of ORT is 1ikelyto be facing 25 years from Oxford, in England, at Yarnton Manor, now. inParis the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Membership has been accepted by S r Hebrew Stud es. Isaiah Berlin, of Oxford University, organisational support, and fund-raising, The origins of the Academic Council go Professor Moshe Davis, of the Hebrew and approved the initiation of the back over some two years, when it was University of , Justice Moshe Academic Council. The Braude Inter- appreciated that an independent body of Etzioni, former Justice of the Israel national School was a focus of attention. eminent scientists, historians, demo- Supreme Court, Dr. E1i Ginsburg, of graphers and others expert in Jewish Columbia University, Dr. Emma nuel culture and tradition, could meet Piore, of New York, Professor Marcos annually to look at the kind of problems Moshinsky, of Mexico City, Justice Arthur Goldberg, former Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court ai d U.N. First Meeting Ambassador, Dr. Nathan Keyfitz, Emeritus Professor of Soc ology at Harvard University an d Professor of ORT Ephraim Katzir, of the Weizman Institute, former President of Israel. Professor William Haber, of the . Academic University of Michigan and Honorary President of the Wor1d ORT Union, will Council be invited to take the chair. Attending the inaugural meeting on behalf of the Wor1d ORT Union wi11be Announced Mr. Shelley Appleton, Executive Committee Chairman, Mr. David Young, PROFESSOR William Haber announced Administrative Committee Chairman, to the Executive Committee that the first Mr. J. A. Lyone Heppner, Vice-President meeting of the ORT Academic Advisory Professor William Haber, WOU Honorary and Mr. Joseph Harmatz, Director Council is to be conv ened in October this President. General. Raising the Funds to Develop the Network

THE FUNDRAISING Commission was any of our major projects. 1n his view the chaired by A1vin Gray. He reported that raising of income at traditional functions the intensity of that Commission's had become rather too expensive, and the discussions — covering special emphasis should be increasingly directed committees, fundraising aids, towards we11-researched,directly-targeted ambassadors for ORT and public approaches for large donations. relations material — reflected their desire Before a major campaign was to do an outstanding job worthy of the launched, a considerable amount of Carmiel project. strategic planning had to be completed — A1vinGray, Fundraising Commission Chairman. Guest speaker David H. Zysman, Vice- this covered dates, meetings, travel plans, President for Development of Yeshiva public relations, broadcasting and the used by Yeshiva University, David University, New York, and former newspapers, publications, and so on. Zysman pointed to the importance of campaign director of State of lsrael With targets and budgets set, the 1ay bequest income, and also spoke of the Bonds in the USA, brought his own leadership undertook their own specific opportunities that government research perspective to this vital area. tasks to ensure the campaign's success. grants can provide. Stressing the para11e1 interest and The right speaker had to be invited for the In his summary of the Fundraising commo n educational needs of the right community, ai d the organisation Commission's deliberations A1vin Gray University an d ORT's international had [o be there on the ground [o maximise asked the Wor1d ORT Union to assist in school network, David Zysman recounted the return for the funds and effort strengthening the fundraising and public some of his own experiences, and offered expended. relations apparatus of its affiliated some insights which could be relevant to 1n describing the fundraising methods organisations. 9 NapoleonicPLANNINGFORA CAREER

CHOOSING a career often means assessing senior high school students at Designs having to make difficult choices, and ORT House, carries the service to A look behind the shutters at young adults, with little or no schools and other organisations experience of the world of work throughout the country. Malmaison, not far from Paris. outside the classroom, cannot 1eave ORT careers guidance counsellor `Not tonight Josephine, I'm playing such vital decisions to chance or the Ray Wolder said "a myth that ought to with my ORT cards'. We11, perhaps a frustrated ambition of their parents. be dispelled is that of the so-called 1ittle fanciful, but thereby hangs a ta1e. The ORT South Africa Educational perfect job. A job that was initially Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of and Careers Unit sets out to give young exciting and challenging can also Franceand ru1erof a vastEuropean people a better understanding of become mundane, routine and empire, took moments of relaxation themselves, their strengths and repetitive'.' A lack of proper vocational with his officers as seriously as he weaknesses, their aptitudes and guidance is at least as common in many planned his military campaigns. interests, and help them to select the other countries. In South Africa it is Nothing was left to chance, not even most appropriate direction. The Unit is ORT which is taking the lead in the security of the packs of cards with staffed by a qualified and experienced planning satisfying and productive which he filled his military chests. professional who, in addition to careers. Their design was unique aid made for the Emperor a1one.

Errors Nearby where what remains of Napoleon sti11 lies at rest, recent researches at the Musée Militaire in Paris have revealed this very design, though surprisingly flawed in major respects. Mistakenly it contained Napoleon's symbol of the golden bee, and his monogram surrounded by the 1aure1 wreath which he wanted to be seen wearing at a11 times of portrait- pa nting, coin-punching, and monument-building. Now, after the better part of two centuries and the result of painstaking scholarship, ORT has been ab1e to set these errors to rights. The word ORT is Educational psychologist Ray Wolder supervises an aptitude test at ORT South Africa. restored to its original place the design instead of the bee. The monogram aid 1aurel wreath are done ORTGraduates Win Production Prize

TWO GRAllUATES of the Shapiro opportunities. A11 the products are Vocational High School in Kfar Saba modular, and the customers can add are this year's winners of the Kap1an more units that are independently Prize for their outstanding achieve- developed. Lately they have also ments in the field of labour aid entered into the field of robotics. production. Both are most grateful to the ORT The two, lsrael Blenaru and Staff who provided them with suitable away with favour of the original Menahem Gi1ad, were schoolmates background studies in the fields of ORT compass, pointing symbotically and kept their contact throughout the instrumentation and automation to a11parts of the network, surrounded years — during military service and directly linked to their work today. by a wheel that represents technology. study in junior colleges. Five years ago "We will be delighted to open the gates The results of this scholarship are a they set up their factory GEV1M for of our factory for visits of ORT limited edition of superbly printed sets automatic assembly equipment, and students n order to create contact with of playing cards in go1d, red and green, today employ a staff of 12 workers, the industry, and hopefully it wi11be of obtainable on1y from ORT Central among which is one of their former great va1ue to the youngste s;' they Office, London, at 2,000 Francs ($225) teachers who divides his time between said. per carton, 1ittle more than the work in thefactoryand teachinga[ GEVIM is a perfect example of a Emperor paid at the time. It presents a ORT. sma11 enterprise with extremely high unique opportunity for profitable sales B1enaru and Gi1ad have already built productivity, whose owners showed around the network where and dozens of machines of high quality, initiative, progress and application of whenever the story is to1d. and thus developed their marketing new and sophisticated technology. 10 MontevideoSchool Opens New Facilities IN THE LAST three years student Technical Institute has used them to enrolment at the ORT Technical host two major academic events. Institute in Uruguay has increased Dr. Luis Osin's lecture on more than threefold. "Computer Assisted Instruction in To accommodate the new intake the Israel" was organised by ORT and Institute has now opened much needed UNESCO. More than 150 engineers, additional facilities — an expanded educators, school directors and computer centre, two laboratories, businessmen attended, including the administrative offices, a library and Vice-Deacon of the University of two lecture halls. ORT's students are Uruguay School of Engineering, already deriving the fullest benefit representatives of the Ministry of from these extensions, and the Education and Culture and the technical managers of IBM, Burroughs, Apple and Texas Computer Laboratory Instruments. Dr. Gustavo Malek, UNESCO Regional Director for Latin recent cultural and scientific agreement America, took the opportunity to between Israel and Uruguay. Born in praise ORT's educational activity the Argentine, and now at the throughout the continent. Weizman Institute in Rehovot, "New Methods and Trends in the Professor Arcavi is writing a thesis on Teaching of Mathematics" was the the history of mathematics. The theme of a four-day seminar seminar concluded with a hands-on conducted by Professor Abraham session in the new computer Lecture Hall Arcavi, within the framework of the laboratory.

television, graphical materials, private DistanceEducationinBrazil study and guided instruction. ContinuestoExpand Expert Evaluation The SAED system is centred on Rio de Janeiro where a staff of experts in A NEW AGREEMENT signed between the Federal Republic of Germany, educational technology constantly ORT Brazil and a section of the ORT works in close collaboration with evaluate and improve each of the Brazilian Federal Ministry of Welfare the Brazilian Federal Ministry of courses. Amongst the courses which will mean the continuing expansion of Education and Labour. ORT Brazil is have been initiated are training in the Distance Education Programme to responsible for the design, develop- electrical appliance installation and reach 8,000 trainees in 100 different ment and production of teaching maintenance, basic accountancy, locations by the end of this year. materials, the training of course secretarial skills, health and welfare, Brazil's open system of distance supervisors and the setting up of the and industrial electrical installations. education, known by its initials as Individual states accept the 'SAED' (Sistema Aberto de Educacao responsibility for their training units a Distancia) was begun in 1981 by ORT under the supervision of a regional co- Brazil backed by WOU Central Office. ordinator. By 1985 the distance It provides an opportunity for people education courses, created by ORT, living in outlying areas of that vast should be in operation in every one of country to receive technical training the Brazilian states. and opens up important new employ- ment prospects. ISIDOROGORODISCHER Chairman of ORT Chile, Isidoro Manpower Skills Gorodischer, has been elected SAED has used its specially designed President of the Jewish community of education courses to offer a solution to Santiago. Despite taking on the many Brazil's manpower training problems. additional duties and responsibilities The programme aims to provide the of the Presidency, he is anxious to greatest number of people, in the least continue his involvement in the field of possible time and at the lowest cost, education. ORT has asked him to with the qualifications and skills retain the Vice-Presidency of Vaad needed by Brazil's development Hajinuj, Chilean Jewry's repre- programme. new training units. Courses run from sentative council, which brought the Supported by the Bernard Van Leer four to six months, and have made use Chaim Weizman School in Santiago foundation of the Netherlands and the of a variety of educational methods into the ORT family. Vaad Hajinuj's Ministry of Economic Co-operation of including audio-visual aids, radio and new President is Pablo Wald. 11 NEHEMIA ORT WeissSoftware COHEN Institute Teaches NEHEMIA COHEN, American businessman, philanthropist and High Technology distinguished ORT benefactor, has died at the age of 93 as a result of injuries sustained in a motor car For the first time, a third year of advanced computer accident. software studies is being initiated at the ORT Weiss Born in Jerusalem, Nehemia Cohen Software Institute in Jerusalem, this September. attended a Yeshiva and was ordained a rabbi before extending his interests to teaching and farming. When visiting THE ORT Weiss Software Institute first fascinating potential of computers England in 1914to study agriculture, he openedin1982asan integralpartof whilst sti11 a student at the Hebrew was preventedfrom returningto ORT's School of Engineering. Its University. His very first job, in the Jerusalem by the outbreak of Wor1d foundation had its origins in a meeting computer department of the Ministry War I as Britain and Turkey were held between Joseph Harmatz, WOU's of Education, was a rea1 challenge — antagonists. In the following year he Director General, and Branco Weiss, a to develop and establish a com- emigrated to the United States and in Sw ss chemical engineer and puterised teachers' salary payroll 1936 founded a supermarket chain electronics entrepreneur. Weiss system. which today encompasses 132 stores. appreciated the va1ue of high- As a regular visitor to the city of his technology education, backed the birth he was proud to establish the project, and maintains an active Nechame and Nehemia Cohen involvement in its development. The Scholarsh p Fund there in 1976. The Institute's concept and planning were Fund provides essential assistance to developed by the Technical Depart- students at four ORT schools in ment of the Wor1d ORT Union, and Jerusalem, an annual distribution Oded Marder, a computer expert and being made of the income from his software specialist, was appointed the endowment. Institute's first Director. The Scholarsh p Fund is administered by a Board of Directors Practical Approach to help as many students as possible The Weiss Institute's objective is to who are provided with books, tools, educate software engineers with a clothes, transport, cultural activities considerable degree of practical and outside visits, a11 according to knowledge and a high 1eve1 of attain- need, with particular concern for ment. The key element is practicality disadvantaged children. The students aid the students undertake practical are a11 enrolled at ORT Schools in projects for practical applications as Jerusalem — the Bet E1 Industrial the Institute operates as a software Oded Marder, Director of the ORT Weiss Software lnstitute. School, the School of Engineering, the house creating `courseware' for ORT Jacob Oleiski Technical High School, schools, and also carries out He went on to acquire a wide aid the John F. Kennedy commercial briefs. experience of commercial, financial Apprenticeship Centre. The Weiss lnstitute's two and three- and governmental computer appli- In the eight years since the Fund's year courses centre around two cations including the Kupat Cholim foundation 3038 students have been `learning tracts' — one for teaching, (Health Se v ce), industry, tourism, awarded scholarships, this year 644 and the other for general applications. and electricity supply. Prior to joining a1one. In ORT Nehemia Cohen's name The first two years' curriculum ORT, Oded spent two years as project and his work wi11live on. concentrates on combining practical manager creating a new and advanced work on software engineering with conceptionof insuranceintegrated teaching in ORT's Jerusalem schools. with the computer for Migdal, the A further, specially designed, one-yeay country's largest insurance group. course being introduced this Septembec wi11enable these students to Graduation reach advanced levels of software At the end of the Institute's first two engineering years the students who have comple[ed "Our goals are very real stic;' says courses in practical software eng neer- Oded Marder, "and we are creating ing wi11 participate in the first something of practical benefit both for graduation ceremony this autumn. The our own students and for the ORT lnstitute is also eagerly awaiting the network' installation of a new and powerful mainframe computer which wi11 keep Wide Experience the ORT Weiss Software lnstitute aid Nehemia Cohen presenting a scholarship A Jerusalemite born and bred, Oded ORT in the forefront of teaching award to a Jerusalem student. Marder began specialising in the tomorrow's technical skills. 12 TechnicalFeature The Challenge of Communication

Summary of a presentation given to the Technical Commission of the Executive Board of the Wor1d ORT Union in Paris by Dr. Dan Sharon

THE ENORMOUS volume of slowly, the Concorde travels fast but Teletext, Viewdata etc., permit us to information being being stored and has a sma11capacity; neither has the have access to vast banks of processed in our society today wi11 capability to travel the distances of information at home and at wi11.The become meaningless if, at the same outer space. Viewdata system, perhaps the most time, people are not going to develop powerful, allows the user actively to means of accessing it. Para11e1to the Satell te Links interact with the system. These systems development of computer power, we In recentyearstherehas been a bear important implications for our can discern huge developments in the tremendous development in radio institutes of education. field of communications. Communi- communication, which satellites As video, voice and technology cation of information and knowledge, replaced traditional radio links and converge, computers wi11make more in its widest sense, wi11represent a cables. By being able to plant satellites information accessible to students and problem to the citizen of the 21st in geo-stationary orbits, we are ab1eto teachers, and information wi11 flow century and this, paradoxically, is due channel information between remote easily between educational institutes, to the enormously enhanced capabili- locations. as we11asfrom central data banks, into ties he wi11possess. For shorter ranges of the order of up the classrooms and the students' to 1,000miles or so, the new fibre optic homes. There wi11be easy access to Changing society cables can carry more information at a computer power, which means that As the demand for telecommuni- reasonable price compared to students wi11beab1enot on1yto receive cations is increasing at an exponential traditional copper cables. The satellite information, but also receive rate, the world market has reached the wi11createthe internationallinks in the computing power to help them with order of $50 billion a year, and is new global telecommunication system their tasks as learners. growing more quickly than others. which wi11help abolish distance as a Communication is changing our factor in transmission cost. A high- Literacy of Communication society in ways that wi11havean impact power Direct Broadcasting Satellite Access to data banks and computers on the entire consumption and culture (DBS) is capable of beaming channels greatly changes the elements of pattern of both developed and of television programmes from a geo- knowledge essential for professionals developing nations. It implies change stationary orbit permitting sma11 to acquire. The rapid rate of change to work patterns, leisure time, health receiving dishes on individual homes to wi11mean that keeping up-to-date is care and industry. The news media, the receive a multiplicity of programmes. imperative. Our knowledge wi11change process of government and the to become more knowing how to workings of democracy could be Networks access available knowledge, than to fundamentally altered. By wiring offices using co-axial cables, possess this knowledge itself. We need The transmission of information in a11 users of information can be to develop the literacy of communi- our society is basically built on three connected to one Loca1 Area Network cation within our students in order to main layers, a11of which are under- (LAN) through which information is make them familiar with the use of this going major changes. Transmission received and stored. new medium. We wi11find that there is systems, wires, waves, satellites etc., The system allows word processing, no need for people to travel in order to through which messages pass. data processing, electronic mai1, telex, communicate. Communications wi11 Sw tching systems which enab1e the etc., to be sent and received on the provide us with the world at our message to reach the desired same terminal. Today's technology fingertips. destination. Equipment at the end of permits a few thousand terminals to be 1t appears that the age of face-to- the communication process, the linked onto one network. Development face teaching is drawing to a close, and telephone, teleprinter, cathode ray of much larger facilities, embracing we must understand that our tubes and data processing devices. countries and even continents, onto knowledge-centred curriculum is also Earlier stages in development of one network called ISDN (Integrated becoming obsolete. This wi11require a communication systems were Serv ces Digital Network), aims to major change in the thinking arid characterised by three main para- permit a11signals of voice communi- philosophy of today's educators. We meters, speed, range and volume. The cation, video signals, computer wi11have to shift towards teaching our speed at which the message travels, the information, fascimiles etc., to be students ways of using information, to effective range or distance over which transmitted and received through a develop their thinking capacities, and the communication takes place, and single integrated network. to develop their abilities in computer the volume, or amount of infor- Another dimension of mass and communications literacy in order mation which can be transferred per communication includes the group of to permit them to find their way in a unit of time. By analogy, the QE2 has a methods transmitted via the television world constantly re-forming around large volume but travels relatively screen. Systems like Videotext, us. 13 Eunice Braude Eunice Ann (Judith Hinda) Harris Braude, who passed away in Tel Aviv after a long illness, wi11 not be forgotten by her many friends throughout ORT. Together with Max Braude, the late Director General of the Wor1d ORT Union, she built a warm Jewish home in Geneva where they lived for many years. Eunice settled in Savyon where she looked after her beautiful house and Left toaright, Professor Sabin, President of the Weizman lnstitute, Mrs. Mania Moshinsky,Joseph garden, received many guests, and Harmatz, then Director General of ORT lsrael, and Mr. lsrael Moshinsky at the Foundation Scro11 performed numerous good deeds as a Ceremony of the Moshinsky Technical Centre in Tel Aviv in 1972. voluntary worker. She bequeathed her rich collection With the passing of Mania Moshinsky, of Judaica, and most of her Honorary Vice-President of ORT possessions, to ORT for the estab- Mexico, ORT has lost a staunch friend InMemory lishment of a special fund devoted to and outstanding supporter. vocational education. It was the generous assistance of her completed the Centre and enlarged the late husband Israel Moshinsky and T herself that enabled ORT Israel to scope of its activities. For Mania and establish the prestigious Moshinsky Israel Moshinsky the Moshinsky Pedagogical Centre Tel Aviv. This Pedagogical Centre wi11remain a living allowed various units, including a memorial. technical library, a publishing department and teachers' seminars, Charlotte Corman which were dispersed throughout the Charlotte Corman was a young ORT Israel network, to be brought woman with a distinguished record of together under one roof. service and leadership in Women's The Moshinsky Centre, which was American ORT. At the time of her opened in 1976, became a showcase death she was a Vice-President of using advanced methods, teaching aids WAO and a member of its National and training programmes to benefit Executive Committee, as we11as an ORT schools. In 1981 an additional active communal leader in

floor, dedicated by Mania Moshinsky, Massachusetts aid in New England. . : ;ti George Weaver's Relirement Tribute

GEORGE WEAVER, Director of the widen the circle of its friends and Wor1d ORT Union's Washington followers. Office a i d ORT's special consultant, During the course of a long and was honoured at a luncheon during the distinguished career in public service, Executive Committee meeting to George Weaver held many positions of mark his retirement a nd his ma n y years high rank. Under the Kennedy ofdedicatedservice. Administration he was appointed On behalf of ORT's international Spec al Assistant to the Secretary of leadership Shelley Appleton presented Labour and 1ater Assistant Secretary George Weaver with a n inscribed of Labour for International Affairs, address, and expressed the esteem aid and also served as a member of the GeorgeWeaver affection in which he is held by his U.S. delegation for the Kennedy round colleagues. Professor William Haber, of trade and tariff negotiations. He Washington for maintaining ORT's past President of the Wor1d ORT was also his government's delegate to, good working relations with the U.S. Union, delivered a testimonial tribute and later Assistant to the Director Government, the Wor1d Bank and with his customary flair. General of, the International Labour other international organisations. 1n responding to the presentation, Organisation. Over the years ORT, and its technical George Weaver praised ORT's Whi1e serving with the I.L.O. in assistance programme in developing substantial accomplishments, and Geneva, he met the late Max Braude, countries, derived untold benefit from called on the organisation to publicise and became an ardent admirer of ORT. George Weaver's political acumen and its work more effectively, in order to He took on responsibility in informed guidance. 14 U.K.OFFICIAL V1S1TSORT1SRAEL Project Pipeline

ORT's International Co- operation Department (ORT 1CD) is currently progressing more technical assistance programmes than ever before. 43 projectsaid surveys are in the process of being implemented, 37 are under study or being negotiated, aid 10 are being considered as potential projects. In the first half of this year a forestry project was begun in senegal, and another started up for the `Office National des Transports; ONATRA, in Zaire.

R Moroccan Minister Left to right, Yehudah Ben-Shlomo,Directorof the Moshinsky Centre, accompanies Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freshwater as they watch a demonstration by Yitzchak Ba On, Chief ExpressesGratitude Development Engineer. At a meeting between senior ORT M[CHAEL FRESHWATER, Deputy Robotics and Automation Literacy representatives and the Moroccan Director of the Open Tech Unit of Course. M-inister of Employment, an extension Britain's Manpower Serv ces Com- Mr. Freshwater participated in an of use for ORT Morocco's computer mission, has visited a number of international conference on laboratory by adults was discussed. schools n the ORT Israel network. At `Computers in Education; at the ORT The offer was taken up, in the first ORT's Moshinsky Pedagogical Centre School of Engineering in Jerusalem, instance, on behalf of ten senior in Tel Aviv he was shown some of the where he presented a paper describing officials in the Employment Ministry. robotics hardware being developed the system of open teaching developed They attended an Information with the Wor1d ORT Union's Technical by the Open Tech, and specifically Semina which introduced the concept Department for the Open Tech ORT refined for our project. of electronic information processing, and covered the capacities and potential of computers, programming languages and computer familiarity, Facinglssues in Canada and the use of information input and storage devices. Their main tutor was WITH A MANDATE to investigate lecture given by Professor I ving Monsieur Amar, Head of the Infor those matters of particular concern to Abe11a, of York University, on anti- mation Department of ORT Morocco. Canadian Jewish women, Women's Semit sm attracted a fu11house, as did On the conclusion of the Seminar Canadian ORT is continuing to another on the same subject in the Minister himself wrote to Pau1 develop its successful Community Edmonton, Alberta. Abergel, Director of ORT Morocco, Forum programme. Community Forum has generated a and referred to the favourable Under the chairmanship of past great deal of discussion, interest aid response he had from the participants. National President Dorothy Shoichet publicity about ORT's worldwide "It was we11organised aid our people the series of symposia began with an educational programme in the were we11 received;' he said. "Oc examination of the 1ega1status of Nazi Canadian community at large. behalf of my Ministry aid my staff, I war criminals n Canada. An informed would like to express my appreciation of this excellent icitiative' signed Moulay Zinc Zahidi, Minister of Employment. October Conferences ORT Academic Advisory Council Oxford, England. 14th and 15th

15th National W'omen's American ORT Conference Philadelphia, U.s.A. 21st to 24th

Ii Women's Canadian ORT Convention 1984 Leftto right, Dorothy Shoichet, Professor lrvingAbe11a,andGenya lntrator, National President Winnipeg, Canada. 28th to 31st of Women's Canadian ORT. 15 LosAngelesTechnicallnstitute AGREEMENThas been reached for the was attended by Shelley Appleton, new Los Angeles ORT Technical WOU Executive Committee Chair- Institute to be established in the man, Gertrude I. White, WAO precincts of the historic Wilshire National President, and A1vin L. Temple. Women's American ORT and Gray, President of the American ORT the American ORT Federation, in Federation, as we11as other national close collaboration with the World and 1oca1 ORT leaders and ORT Union, have been actively distinguished guests. involved in the foundation of the Gertrude White felt certain that Institute which wi11be operated under "this is alandmark event for the entire their patronage and guidance. ORT network, which follows the The Institute's lease-signing Bramson ORT Technical Institute in ceremony, which marks the birth of New York as a trailblazer for ORT's second school in the U.s.A., innovative vocational and technical Gert rude White, WAO National President.

education'.' A1vin Gray pointed out that "when the Los Angeles ORT Technical Institute begins operations in september 1985,it wi11serve the second largest Jewish community in the U.s.A:' The Los Angeles ORT Technical Institute wi11 provide much needed post secondary school, short-term courses in the technologies and skills known to be in great demand in the Los Angeles area. It wi11 be immeasurably strengthened by being able to draw on the advanced teaching Nathan Gou1d, WAO Executive Vice Reese Feldman, WAO National Executive methods and educational resources of President. Committee Chairman. the Wor1d ORT Union.

Student Population lncrease Continues As the January 1984school term began the number of students in the class- rooms, laboratories and workshops of ORT throughout the world had increased by 6.4°10compared with the same time a year earlier. The net increase in the student body of 4,592 to reach 76,373 at that date reflects the significant advances made by ORT in South Africa and in Israel. These important trends are reported in the latest statistical analysis of ORT's student body published by the WOU Operations Department in London, together with detailed information on the courses being taken by students in each school in the ORT network, with additional charts summarising geographical distri- bution, age group, and areas of study. During the 12-month period from January to December 1983, which allows the inclusion of a11 students On a recent visit to the U.s.A. Baruch Venger (left) Mayor of Carmiel development enrolled on courses throughout the town, where ORT is building the Max Braude lnternational School, presented a year, ORT has taught aid trained a replica of the Carmiel City Sea1 to Mayor Edward Koch of New York, home of the record total of 116,051students. 43°10 Bramson ORT Technical lnstitute. The mayors discussed the importance of of these were taking short and vocational and technical education programmes to the young people of both cities, extended courses involving theoretical particularly training in high technology. Mayor Koch is being honoured by the and practical training, while the other American ORT Federation at an ORT scholarship dinner this autumn. 57% were taking full-time education. 16