" by paths unknown, we will guide them. I will turn darkness into light before them. " (Isaiah 42:15) Grace that Reigns is a unique ministry that shows us the way to Jesus and increases our Sense of Wonder for what God does for us each and every day.

Grace that Reigns is unique because it mysteriously brought together one young lay woman from the West Coast of Canada, and one retired Catholic from the Heartland of U.S.A to a ministry that helps Catholics to renew their Sense of Wonder. Grace that Reigns provides parishioners the novelty of witnessing both clergy and lay addressing various topics side by side from different angles; giving a fuller sense of the Church’s unity at work.

Mission Statement: Our first encounter with Jesus is an important and never-forgotten moment. As we continue on our journey, the challenges of daily living can numb that experience.

We try to bring light in the form of Grace into darkness through God’s healing presence. We help people to learn new ways of renewing their own sense of wonder and of growing in their own personal relationship with God through prayer.

Parishioners leave our retreats challenged to reflect on and identify some of their daily personal barriers that rob them of the I will lead the blind on their abundance of grace that God has for each and every one. journey by paths unknown Isaiah 42:16

" When you lose your ability to Wonder, it is easy to misunderstand the mysteries that God wants to convey for your own life. Grace that Reigns helps ordinary Catholics to re-discover themselves as a source of Wonder as we offer practical ways of responding through prayer, scripture, stories and testimonies of God's healing grace. Grace that Reigns gets right to the heart of the matter by showing parishioners how much God loves you." JLoh and Bishop R M Gilmore Who Are We?

Bishop Ronald M. Gilmore Jacqueline Loh

Bishop Ronald M. Gilmore STL,DD comes Jacqueline Loh B.A. B.L. Arch is the founder to us from the Diocese of Dodge City, Kansas of Grace that Reigns Society. She is from the and is the spiritual director of Grace that Reigns. Archdiocese of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. With 47 years of service as a priest, Bishop Gilmore served as Bishop of Dodge City, Kansas Trained as a planner/ Land Architect, with Masters from July 16, 1998 to February 2011. He is a gifted degree courses in Scripture and Evangelization from and prolific writer, a compassionate story teller, and a Denver, Co; Jacqueline was ministering to the sick powerful, gentle speaker with an interest in Ignatian since 2000. In 2012, she formed Grace that Reigns and Carmelite Spirituality, Society in Vancouver, Canada and invited Bishop Ronald Gilmore to join her. In 2014, a satellite office Bishop Gilmore’s greatest strength is his ability to of Grace that Reigns was formed in the U.S.A lead us into a simpler form of prayer: to let the Spirit pray within a person, as St. Paul described it in Ro- Through testimonies on the many ways through mans 8. His two other passions are to remind priests which God heals, Jacqueline introduces God’s love for of the new stages in their life long dialogue with the us in a manner that celebrates a person’s individuality Lord, and to engage their parishioners in a series of and uniqueness. From her own specialized call in a conversations about Wonder and the grace of God’s Ministry of Prayer and healing for priests, she also healing. Whether it be in the form of physical, emo- offers us a glimpse into the ministry and vocation to tional and spiritual healing. His presentation is the priesthood. Her strength lies in her ability, as an straightforward, poetic, and sinks deeply. instrument, to bring healing and direction to people that is both refreshing and effective. He joined Jacqueline Loh at Grace that Reigns in 2012 as a response to a Call with-in his own vocation Jacqueline challenges and helps to renew a sense of to bring renewal to priests and their parishioners. Wonder and relationship with God in a program that brings Grace and long lasting fruits. What do we Offer?

Retreats, Days of Recollection, Follow-up Workshop and Seminars

1) Retreat: Renewing Your Sense of Wonder and Healing 2) Follow Up Workshop: Tackling Potholes through prayer and problem solving 3) Seminar: Praying through Consolation and Desolation and its effects on Wonder.

1) 2) 3) Follow-up Prayer from Workshop: Desolation to Renewing Wonder Tackling Barriers + healing session Consolation

We help Catholics to Our focus is to help Continuing on the Basics Realize their own attendees gain a better of Prayer, we explore the Wonder and Uniqueness understanding of topic of contemplative in this world, and help personal roadblocks. prayer and examine ways them to see how God to remain hopeful through sees them as a source Our Workshop helps periods of consolation and of wonder. Catholics to Identify Personal desolation. Roadblocks and offer We encourage a Personal opportunities to realize their We offer practical ways to Relationship with Jesus own Sense of Wonder tackle and live through topics Christ such as Mercy, Forgiveness, through discussion, practical Sin and Aging and its effects We offer practical ways of problem solving, silent time on Wonder. responding to prayer by and an offering of prayers for illustrating through healing. scripture, stories and Healing Prayers and or testimonies, how much Should be scheduled Confession complements God responds to each of Within 6 months to 1 year our various missions. us through a ministry of of the Initial Mission healing. What Does our Program Look Like?

We provide and parishioners the novelty of witnessing both clergy and lay addressing various topics side by side from different angles; giving a fuller sense of the Church’s unity at work. This collaborative spirit offers an opportunity for both of us to show our unique offices; grounded in pastoral work, the charisms of the Holy Spirit and rooted in Catholic theology.

Our Typical Retreat Format Consists of: 1. Our Presentations: Renewing Wonder 2. Exposition of the Holy Eucharist 3. Quiet time for prayer 4. Confession 5. A General Healing session and or/ one one to one healing session We also Offer an engaging Half Day Session

As an introduction to our program, we offer a half day healing mission on a Saturday that has been successful at engaging and bringing people to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, through prayer , and through touch.

1. A modified talk on Wonder + God’s Mercy with mass What Sessions do we offer? 2. Offering of the sacrament of the sick. 1. Friday evening and All day Saturday session. ( * ) 3. Question and Answer

2. Thursday, Friday evening and Saturday “How could I begin to realize that I'm called to serve 3. Three evenings or three mornings. if I don't even feel worthy? This workshop renewed Evening session and repeat of morning my Wonder - God loves me! It gave me the courage sessions to respond and go forth. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire conference. Both the speakers were in synergy

4. We can customize to your needs. Let’s talk about Renewing Wonder together. Immense value, energizing and great Catholic Speakers " G. Benevoli. Parish Retreat Topics

Topic 1: Renewing Your Sense of Wonder

Grace that Reigns Parish Retreat is designed for pastors who want to help their parishioners regain a sense of Wonder at the mystery of God’s supernatural grace working in their lives. Grace can be recognized in the Word of God, in the Sacraments, and in the people, places, and things of each life. Part of the retreat also focuses on discerning and discovering obstacles that prevent one from encountering a Sense of Wonder about themselves and about the world graced by God.

Topic 2: Grace and Gratitude

Giving thanks is a gift. This Retreat is designed for parishioners who want to understand what Grace is, how to receive it, and how it works in their lives. The retreat also seeks to help parishioners understand the intimate connection between God’s healing grace in our lives and how to accept it with Gratitude. The goal of this retreat is to improve communication between individuals and family members as they live their faith.

Topic 3 Advent Grace: Waiting, Advent, Prayer, Life

Advent is about Waiting for the Lord’s coming. Grace that Reign’s retreat for Advent begins in the desire to bring Waiting and Stillness into the Parish in anticipation for the birth of Christ. That Waiting becomes Prayer that gradually transform the life of each participant. This is the Wonder of each human life touched by the Grace of God.

Topic 4 Lent/ Easter: Taking Sin Apart. ( Mercy and Forgiveness )

Preparation for Easter Retreat begins by helping parishioners to gain a better understanding of the Season of Lent. Each session of the Retreat will challenge each parishioner with the topic of Sin, Forgiveness and Mercy. In coming to a better grasp of Sin in our world and in ourselves, we approach the overwhelming mystery of Redemption. Confessions are especially appropriate during this Retreat, as is the Healing Service itself. Topic 5: Winter Grace: The Grace of Aging

Each season of our lives comes with its own call, its own grace. The last season of our lives is no exception. It too has its special challenges. It too has its special call. It too has its special grace. We shall explore together the experience of aging, its growths, and diminishments, all in the light of faith. There is a special wonder in this season, as there is a special wonder in preparing for death. This retreat is especially helpful for older persons, their family members, and their caregivers because it helps to realize their dignity.

Topic 6: The Art of Contemplative Prayer

Prayer is the lifting up of mind and heart to God. There are words to it, of course. But they are not all. There are thoughts to it, of course, but they are not all. There is also God to it, revealing himself; touching us directly, guiding us surely, purifying us gradually, leading us more deeply into the hidden recesses of the Trinity. Only God can do the final lifting up of mind and heart. This retreat will help awaken you to a personal relationship with Jesus and further your understanding of consolation and desolation as a gift from God.

2. Follow Up Workshops

Many people are excited about their own personal encounter with Jesus. We offer 2 follow up workshops to choose from, that provide opportunities for people to share and grow in their personal relationship with Jesus.

Our workshops follow the initial retreats. They have proven to be an effective, popular and integral part of the main retreat because it allows each participant to examine their own personal lives of prayer with interactive discussion. During the workshop, we review some of the primary retreat topics on maintaining Wonder and we follow it up with a more in depth look at prayer and their own personal barriers to receiving God’s graces.

What does Grace that Reigns Follow up Workshop look like ? Typically follow up retreat runs from Friday evening to Saturday all day. During this follow up retreat, you will experience approximately 9 -1/2 hours of content with several breaks in between and time for lunch. Each participant receives a workbook or handouts that includes all the material delivered on the power point presentation with room for notes. One on one personal Counsel appointments will be available to personalize the follow up. The follow up should be scheduled within 1 year of the initial parish mission for greatest effectiveness.

At the conclusion of this workshop, parishioners will learn to recognize and begin to identify their own personal barriers and develop strategies to renew their own sense of wonder and growing personal relationship with God.

Workshops: Follow Up Topics

Workshop 1.

Discerning, identifying, Overcoming Personal Barriers and accepting God’s Grace What is your Wonder story ? Each person sets out on an exciting journey in the faith. However, personal barriers can form and these visible and invisible blocks can come between you and the closeness that you want to have with Jesus. Over time, these blocks can weaken your sense of wonder for yourself and for your faith.

We created a uniquely informative, interactive and effective way to help you to discern, identify and overcome your common blocks. By the time you complete this workshop, you will realize your Wonder story again. There will be opportunities to ask questions, receive healing prayer and depending on the numbers, receive some one on one personal counsel. Audience participation is encouraged.

Workshop 2.

Consolation and Desolation ( dryness ) and Praying your way through it. ( A look at Ignatian Spirituality combined with identifying/ removing barriers.)

In the Ignatian tradition, discernment involves two key words: consolation and desolation. What do we mean when we talk of consolation and desolation? We are really talking about which direction our life is taking: toward God [consolation], or away from God [desolation]. This workshop examines consolation and desolation in the context of understanding your unique barriers to prayer. Each participant will leave this workshop with a better understanding of the rhythm of their prayer life and feel more hopeful about their ongoing spiritual and personal relationship with God. What happens during the General Healing Session?

The disciples of the Lord Jesus had that hunger. They saw the need to pray to God, but after watching the life of Jesus they became aware that there was something very seriously missing in their own concept of prayer. In Luke 11:1-4:

And it came about that while He was praying in a certain place, after He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples."

This is what I hope to do during the healing prayer sessions. Jacqueline Loh gives people an example of how to begin their journey of prayer by praying for them out loud at the Ambo during the exposition of the Holy Eucharist. I help to give them more confidence in their lives of prayer and help them to imitate the disciples in their hunger for the Lord.

During the General Healing Session, Bishop Gilmore exposes the Holy Eucharist and we begin to adore Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Then Bishop walks up and down the aisles holding the Holy Eucharist up for the people to see.

I then walk up to the ambo and pray a general prayer of healing for the people present. The prayer comes straight from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for the specific needs of your parishioners. When I am there at the ambo praying, I pray for physical healing, spiritual healing, emotional healing and God's grace to enter into the hearts of the people - so that they can re-encounter Jesus's love in their hearts.

In praying in this way, I give the parishioners an example of what a heart filled with prayer might sound like. I also remove the fear of praying in a simple and direct way. The prayer is received quietly in the hearts of the parishioners. This moment is always very striking and reverent because the exposition of the Holy Eucharist is occurring at the same time.

During this time, people receive the healing grace of the Holy Spirit in tangible ways. Some receive physical healing, some receive mental healing, emotional healing and some receive conversions that lead them into a more fuller prayer life. I then sit down and we continue a period of adoration in about 30 minutes of silent time. Depending on the comfort level of the parish with respect to the charisms of the Holy Spirit, I then offer two ways of praying for a more deeper releasing of the gift of healing via the Holy Spirit while Bishop Gilmore and other priests offer the Sacrament of Confession.

Option 1: Traditional Way of Prayer and Laying on of hands:

Parishioners are lined up on one side of the church - facing the exposed Eucharist and I walk from one person to the other, laying hands gently on them. A catcher(s) is required to catch the people if they fall. Parishes whose members are familiar with the "resting" of the spirit are normally open to this kind of praying which I offer. It requires more effort as organized catchers are required. The event is powerful however, and the quiet and peaceful event can be quite healing to those who have witnessed events like this on T.V or in their own lives during the charismatic movement.

Option 2: Personal One on One prayer time:

I also provide individual private prayer sessions with people who need to express a certain intention for their healing. I'm usually located in a different room that is private. Sometimes, I'm in the back of the church and people line up for individual prayer if no private room is available. This kind of prayer takes a great deal of time and energy for me, but the effort leads to people experiencing a more personal relationship with Jesus and leads to a more softening or conversion of hearts towards the heart of Jesus. I am sometimes open to praying in this way in the daytime during a set time. People who have cancer usually come and ask for one on one time during this prayer time.

Benediction marks the end of the Healing Session and Confessions when we all come out and Thank Jesus for being with us with a Hymn of Praise and Thanksgiving.

by: Jacqueline Loh What are People Saying? I would highly recommend Grace That Reigns Ministry if you are looking for divine healing and a deeper understanding of prayer. Fr. Don B ( Great Bend KS)

"It's been so many years of therapy and "You start to understand that we "This retreat looked at sin in a very healing of my body and mind, but now are all unique and special in the objective and true way and it made I really think my spirit is healed. God eyes of our Creator – it is this me think about it in a deeper way. can do all things! I feel peace inside for uniqueness that God created us and I gained a deeper insight into how the first time. Thank you, Jacqueline. which makes us special. Bishop and my self-esteem can become a You are truly God's instrument."" Jacqueline are great together." trigger for sin in my life." Carey B (Wichita) Val S (Vancouver Canada) Padrig (Vancouver Canada)

" These speakers were great. They I believe that Bishop Gilmore and were encouraging, and helping us Jacqueline Loh have a powerful ministry to grow in holiness and a deeper to offer to any parish and any prayer life. They left me feeling individual, especially those deeply at peace. Lets have it in Spanish." ingrained in the Catholic Tradition. Sr. Consuelo (Liberal) Rev. Jim D (Liberal) What people in the Diocese of Phoenix are Saying.....

Grace that Reigns provided my parishioners the novelty of witnessing both clergy and lay addressing the topics side by side from different angles. This gave a fuller sense of the Church’s unity at work. Jacqueline’s gifts of healing are real and brought much consolation to the faithful of my parish. I asked them to present the theme Wintering Graces as I am largely involved with the ministry of retirees. Jacqueline and Bishop Gilmore demonstrated great sensitivity toward the aging population of my parish and helped them grasp that no one is too old for the missionary impetus inherit to our baptism. God has given this duo particular charisms that will find resonance among those who know charisms are real.

Fr. Larry Merta All Saints Parish Mesa Arizona

"Bishop Gilmore is such a wonderful holy, spiritual teacher and Jacqueline was excellent also. Their great stories of witness brought it all together in a memorable way." Napp. Prescott, Arizona

I liked the healing session and the fact that there was time for confession. I have a better appreciation for the Liturgical Seasons. H. GoadingMesa Arizona

"I enjoyed the presentations given by both of the speakers. They were very complimentary. A Priest and a lay woman - it was very good and gave us an example of how we work as one body. I liked the adoration time too and the explanation of the psychology behind our roadblocks to prayer." G. Shimdale Mesa, Azizona PASTORAL RECOMMENDATION LETTER OF SUPPORT:

May 28 2016

Dear ,

I invited Grace that Reigns Ministry to offer a Retreat at my parish during Lent 2015.

As pastor, I was delighted with the depth of the content and serious attempt to minister individually to the participants through prayer. I particularly appreciated the Winter Grace conference and the level of personal testimony of each of the presenters. Through the retreat, I was impressed with the collaborative spirit of Bishop Ronald Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh and their complementary presences.

I invited Grace that Reigns again to give the follow up Workshop in 2016. The Retreat Workshop day was a peaceful joy for those who attended and was a great balance of reflections upon Ignatian spirituality and the practice of intercessory prayer.

Those who attended the workshop were spiritually fed and individually received a ministry of healing. The unlikely team of Bishop Emeritus Ronald Gilmore and the lay healer, Jacqueline Loh, have developed a complementary and effective method of healing of words and healing of presence and touch.

There assuredly was a spiritual presence and spiritual healing for the whole parish beyond the participants, but most profoundly for the those who chose to draw close to Christ. With an hour of Eucharistic adoration, it sealed the deal.

I believe that Bishop Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh have a powerful ministry to offer to any parish and any individual, especially those deeply ingrained in the Catholic Tradition. I would recommend inviting Grace that Reigns for your Parish retreat.

In Christ,


7 April, 2015

To Whom it May Concern,

I am pleased to write a letter of confidence for the ministry of Grace that Reigns.

Our Parish, Prince of Peace hosted two short retreats put on by Grace That Reigns, a Friday evening and Saturday in November, 2014 and a follow up day in late March, 2015.

Both retreats featured Jacqueline Loh and Bishop Ronald Gilmore. I admit that I was a bit skeptical about the retreats because both happened at very busy times of the year, around Thanksgiving and right before Holy Week. Who had the time?

However, the people who attended either or both retreats, including myself, found them spiritually enriching, prayerful, educational, and just what was needed during those busy times. We were given a bit of time to stop and focus on the Lord and his presence in our lives. People experienced healing, especially through Jacqueline’s prayer for them. At the first retreat one lady experienced physical healing of a very painful condition that she had suffered with and gave a very powerful testimony at the day in March. I myself experienced spiritual healing in November.

The Lord Jesus touched me in a very powerful and unexpected way and He assured me of his immense love for me and that He was not so interested in what I can or cannot do but that He wanted me to be closer to him and that He knew all about my situations and the situations in the parish and that He was in the midst of them. I received exactly what I needed at both retreats.

I would highly recommend Grace That Reigns for any parish looking for divine healing, education and a deeper understanding of prayer.

In Christ,

Fr. Donald Bedore Pastor, Prince of Peace Parish Great Bend, KS Most Reverend John Balthasar Brungardt Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City

910 Central, PO Box 137 620-227-1500 Dodge City, KS 67801 www.dcdiocese.org 620-227-1545 - FAX

June 18, 2015

Your Excellency:

The Grace that Reigns Society, USA has been working in our Diocese for a year now, and I know it to be an effective instrumentfor evangelization.

Ms. Jacqueline Loh founded this renewal movement in Vancouver in 2008. She was joined in 2012 by our own Bishop Emeritus, Ronald M. Gilmore. They have been sensitive to the needs of this Diocese, and to my own perception of where the Lord wants me to lead it. Bending their own work to our deepest priorities, they have been the Co-Workers described in St. Paul's letters. They have been collaborators, one in mind and one in heart with me.

I have been pleased with their effort in this Diocese and I welcome their continuing work among us.

Sincerely yours,

Most Reverend John B. Brung Bishop of Dodge City Archdiocese of Vancouver ARCHDI\HOP'\ OFFICE

October 21, 2014

Jacqueline Loh # 215 265 East 15th \venue VUlCOuvet, BC VST 4K4

Dearacqueline: J

Thank you for your presentation to the Presbyteral Council on October 2 rqpnlmgthe "Grace that Reigns Society.,, All the priests expressed their appreciaoon of yourmimstty of praying for them and of fostering a deeper love forJesus and the Clnuch.

I wuh you and your supporters God's blessings as you continue in your IIIUdltt)' You should feel free to approach any pastor to ask him if he would like to uppott theptcSCOce of your ministry in his parish. I leave it to his discernment as to Wllet:ber this nuoistty is fitting for his parish.

Witbgmutude for your ministry to God,s People and the assurance of my ·D11111S1.Irenma

Sincerely yours in Christ, +/·��UB + J. Michael Miller, CSB Atchbishop of Vancouver