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: ß Editorials

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The Showcase

Column Comment

Editor Speaks

Short Story Complete

TV Shows This Week

School Days Acjain

•EPTEMBER 8, 1957

X OL. \NIX. No. 36 v '

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..•,,FOUR-STAR HIT -- An all-timefavorite, "Your Hit Parade"takes on a new aspect with a completely new roster of stars, including (reading clockwise from upper right) Tommy Leonetti, Jill Corey, Alan Copeland and Virginia Gibson. It will be colorcast on NBC Saturdays, starting Sept. 7.

THE IDE,&L PLACE TO DINE AND WINE .'>,.-•, : ---.•:...L,• ' "---'""'"'"i.. "'"'"""'""" ;t 7'::"ß.• ';...'..-';.:::.:..;•:11;.';;•::;•'"•iii!!:;'•.i:•:!$•:'-':'::::::.-" •. ".;*--:'di•"'•,'•'•-'-•"•'•'""'- "-"-••'•; ...... :':':'":':•.• ...... KITCHEN i ...... -:. ,':---;....-'•'., ß...... -'---.'".,•.:• ,•:..':½,•.:' ,, .....t'¾:L ." •t, • ..• •.• SEAFOOD "• q -' :, . ; .. . .,-...:..-..... :...:.. ,.j, _ , -•t•.. .,,.....,...... , BROILED LOBSTER • -- DAILY FROGS' I,EGS - S'OF'r SHELL CR•U.-,- BLUEFISH - RAINBOW TROUT - HALIBUT - SALMON - SHRIMPS - SCALLOP• OYSTERS - CLAM - COD FIS'H - SWORD FISH - DAILY DINNI:.RS 168 BELMONTAVE. (Cot. BurGIns} HALEDON - . - LAmb•rf S-986S


WHITE ..d SHAUGER, I.½. A GOOD NAME TO !•EMEMBER for HERO FURNITURE 0N• OJ= TN• U•UN• HEROE•OF 7'NE A •ERI• R• WA• Living Raom Bed Room Dining Room A 6E•6EA• JA•PER, •HO, UN•R A •L • 8q•T•H BULLETS, RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY CLIMBED A F•G•E •E AN •ERI•N •A• T•T •D BEEN •HOT AWAY. H,S HERO SM QUALITY and 'LOW PRICE ' i WAS AN ING•RA•ON • •E •N DEFEN•NG •RLE• -- 39 Years Serving the Public -- - • C•l•. 435S•GHT ST. MU.4-7880 PATERSON,N.,.•" l] ß 240MAI•K]• ST.(Carroll PlazaHotel Bldg.) MU4-797'•.•. _ '•' -•-.'--Z•...... ifi!::i:;::•i•i•!•!{!::!::;:!i!:/•`..`..::!•!!!ii•i•i•i•i•i•;•i;iiiiiii ...... '•', ' ':'; !.:-r•;•7...:•.:.!.•:`..:•i;::..::•...::!i•i•::•!•::!::!::!ii::i::i!:i•i•:•!!•!!!•i::::iii::•!::::i::i::!i•:•?:ii•i•i•?:i::!ii! ...... - ..... ,,, - -.. ß,., ...... ======:.:.:.:.:.: .. . . •...•:;.`;.;•::•;;:::i::•i•i•::?:::•i!•!i::i•?•i;•!ii•?:::::i::::•::iiii•::ii::iiii•i•iii•!iii::i!i•!!!!•::ii•i?`•,,•,,, ?.,,...... ,' , ß . • • ' •, - ,•, o , ß . 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. . • :.. -:: ...... •-:...... :. The Editor Speaks • ..... " , . '...'9:.-'.':i!:.' .: •..'•... . • .-.• '::-::.:.. .. - :• -,½'.•. , Column of Comment ' '"' "• "• :. ...:- .,,.: . ß ß • .,• ..: ' --.•::.. :- , , •. .• .•. , . '::. ..-ß.;:,-.:+:: .. : ,.•. . The Showcase 10 $ i ' '. :' t .:.4½;::::::•:•:i. '; "•:':':'"*"',::; ".:8.- >: ....•.• .- . o :. :.: :...•:•..-.:.:...':'. ...,,% •:.-. •:: .. ß;. :.•C,,;.•"' •...... !;:.;•...... : Complete Television Program for the Week ___11, 12, 13 •f '.-':•:.'..,:..... :... ß •:•'"-:'-::' ß .: .- .....'•'•'h-- :!• - "" .•. .•..,..' •..• .'...... ::..

. • .- J., :. •,. .... JimMcKay (pictured above), long-time member o th CBSI lqews and Sports staff, will be een a the television repor erl t•imeresent proat ramea h 'Thcourtroom Verdicttrial Is Yours"or the nwhich x• CBS premiereTelevision 2. i The CHRONICLE PA•E THREE . "Person to Person" -

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ß •'.'.'•.•.,'•,. ,•,' •,•'•,'• o .• ...... -.'-::•:•:•:...'...... his "Pc: :t Foot" char- Will act ri ation wl- r he "Texaco saluted h the fir t "Text. o C Command' Appeararce" salutes mand .ppe a e" colorc st' ß he star and his 55 years in show ursd-y, Sept. 19. Top show' RILEY RILED-- William Bendix, who plays Chester A. Riley in 'business Thursda Sept. 19 on business stars will pay trib[rte to NBC.TV'8 "The Life of Riley," Friday nights, has it out with Tom NBC-TV Top tar O today will him on the full.hour program n• D'Andrea, who plays Gillis, his neighbor and 'friend, in the TV aid yrmlnt ½ .½r 'on fht N BC-TV. Other am ent comedy series. Riley, as Bendix portrays him, is a man with a =are=r on thl• rein;ere colorout "gr "' be ,ohored later, •.•.cjepius.•- •::•.... for making,.• outof c...... '•. ._

. PAGE FOUR "'The CHRONICLE : Ooksø Truth Is Beauty

What is unq::estior.ably one of ß the most significant books to come out of V½orld W•r II, "The ". Turn of the Tide,"by Sir Arthur ...... :..k:.,...+ :. Bryant, was publisked by Double- ...... - .-' • .;:•., day on May 20. '. ' '. .: ...... , ' i-:•.•....'. Basedupon rite intimate war ß .... :. ....:; .. ?"• .•, ß <%: •-..•.• :.:...... diariesof '•' - •.. .•'• 's3• . ., --"• ßi.. *•i•-•.•'.•..•..•- '• •... Alanbrooke,F•,'d ChiefMars::.,"ll of theViscount British ..,•,,• ...... -r.. ..-• i:.<. '-:.'•:..,,.. •- •--'!•-' ß. .'. -, . • :•,•?.• ß •. ß. '?...... '.':.j•' .- .,. ' :k. •.Z' - ' ' ' k•:' ,.. '<% ": GeneralSt•.ff, "The Turn of the :i .;•!•'"• . _ . . ... •I::• •' : Tide" is the mostreada, ble and ii•'" . ,: ..• • , ß .•'..• . •-• .:':i. , mostcandid of all war memoirs. ":+ ' -}*- ' . .-:-• ß , •..F•.....%•,.•-• •;-. •, •, .• • •%• , .. -k ß, • • '..,i., • •':.. .• ß Lord Alanbrooke was the man : ..: ß..•' ' . •,..... X '..•.>•) :•. -b'.-• '.,• ...:f':' ' ' who saved the British Army at ..• '-... •. :.?:::•-.•• -• "-: ...... Dunkirk,commanded the defense ...... 'L..•' • i'- *. ....•,,' . •.•"., ,..".' .:"*'•;:: . • '-')•/ß .• . of the British Isles against the ß '. .•- ß . . .. r•: ] ' • '-i•,- •.. expected invasion, and from 1951 -•' ' '"'t. until the end of the war was the '" operationalhead of the British - ;• •' ß •.. •- .. • •. Army. -...... •]•;:-:::-.i:]::& •::.. . It was Alanbrooke who con- ...... :.: ...... • ß ... •. • •. • •.• ...... ; ceived the strategy that brought Truth is beauty, particularly when the beauties. are Polly Bergen (left) and Kitty Ca•lisIe about the turn of the tide and it (third from left), panelists on "To Tell the'Truth." Appearing with them each •uesday over was he who played a leading role the CBS Television, Network are (second from left), Hy Gardner (right)ß aJ•d (sta__nding). in inducing the American chiefs to adopt this strategy. Through- .•- out the war he was seldom out of touch with Winston Churchill for more than six hours at a time, and the volume contains a unique first-hand portrait of Britain's in- dominatable Prime Minister. Field Marshall Alanbrooke ac- companiedChurchill on his war- .?.i;... timejourneys and attended all of ' !-'iiii•i:iiiiiili•i•ii•iiß •. --'-...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::: • .. his ßmeetingswith Rooseveltand -• • -• . ,•. :::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Stalin. He was in frequent con- .:iiiii•iiiii!i•iiiiii•i:':.....

tact with the Allied leaders--E(- .: - .... :.:.:. senhower, Marshall, King, De- ':: :•::::::::: •' ' ......

ß . Gaulle, Stimson, Hopkins, Mont- ...... ß batten, and his estimate of their ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...... , • ß capabilities. ' The unique personal quality of "The Turn of the Tide" derives . from the fact that the diaries .., were written by Britain's top :gen- ...... '•..... ' • .t ß . eral for his wife. Sir Arthur Bry- ..

. ant, the eminent British histor- • . . ian, has added perspectiveand " ' •'• '" .. commentto make a unified his- ; . *:-i : -' tory of the war from its outbreak to the invasion of Italy.

Famous novelist Cid F•icketts

"old." Her children had grown " Sumnerand married;thought sheshe was was alonegetting and

•.•.bored. The fun and excitement .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ,.•.•of living had gone. "• Thenone day, in the cooldark- • - - ...... 8 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- ß •ess of a fortune-teller'stent on SMIt,ES..FOI• THE CAMF,•N--$ome of .the Herbert Welch,both labor relationsmanage':½s for •{•ape Cod, she was told, "Honey, men who .took part as contract negotiations be- WAD. Standing ,are- Ray Laracy, financial" .secre- u ain't done ]ivAn' yet."- In a tween two 'tinions and the Wright eron•utical Di- tary; Don Links, Carmine Spagnola and Jack AI- /lash of .intuition, Mrs. Sumner vision openedin the Alexander Hamilton .Hotel." remus,all of the grievanceco ,mm.i•; Louis A!-, realized that if she were "done Seated (left to right) are: William Glowa• Vice- tieri and Herb Maas. the job evaluation' commjb ' ]!'¾in'" it was her own fault. president of Local 300; Thomas Lazzio, president tee; Lou AspiotAs, grievance committee-; Jules What she did a,bout it•--and the of Local 300; Carl Tebbe,industrial relationsman.- Grohmann, WAD representative; Bert Robbins, philosophy she developed to .bring ager for WAD; Ed Matthews, wage and salary union's-pension committee, and Spence Single. Ze• and sparkle to her declining" administrator for WAD; Michael Roberts and vich, skilled trades representative. y•½i•s-• told in "A Viewfrom •.,•,.. • •,•, .. the. Hill;"-w. hich Prentice-Hal!..will,,,,.-• ...... publishAugust 28. '-:•

The CHRONICLE PA•,.E FIVE ßYOUR HOMF,- ß$.• •.•ISWI• • ]•LrA•OK BO•- ::::::::::::::: Wedding Bells A Captain'sHouse In Wiscasset, Maine .• ISCASSET, Maine, is known for its many fine old houses erected in the early nineteenth century. The town's wealth came from merchants and ship-owners who sent their :'.i:-.. '" cargoesinto European ports under our neutral flag during the Napoleonic Wars. It is claimed that the French explored this coast in 1605 and sailed up the river to what is now Wiscasset.

....-. ,,• . .--:•*..'..:.,.....::.•:•:-•i'•!"-':'-'--::...-,:•!..'•?'•i•!•:..:•..-.-.•":".'.•.:.:.•i•:i.,•!•'[•-.'•:::.;::o,, o::..,'i•..'.....,.:••;•.•'i .'./: Waymouth,But they learned an Enthat lishman, George .:::,:::..%;•;•.•.•::f:E.::..... --,,,..• had plantedthe Crossof St. •:' .."-:-"-""'::<"::::-;**•':•:;;...... •*':*: '. '.:•.,:-: Georgethere a few weeksear- ...:i•! ..-.....::.:::!:..¾.•'• >--'i.'.':i.: :•-•:.•:•i.•i•::.½..::.•....:-.•.....-....•-.....:,--..:. •!.>-:-.':-::.::-::...... "-.-•:. .::.-' lier and, wisely, did not return. ....:':-':"" ...... '*:-o•-'..:-•::•:-' Thetown was incorporated in 1760,after a century and a half iii?-".:: ,. -. of frontier hardships. MRS. JOHN ARONSON The photographs show views NORTH HALEDON--Miss Jan- of the beautiful hall and stair- ice L. Gemmell, daughter of Mr. case of a house built in 1807 by and Mrs. James G. Gemmell, 725 Captain William NicheIs, a re- tired master mariner whose Briarcliff Ave., Maywood, and wealth was acquired by com- John Cecil Aronson, son of Mr. merce and navigation. It was and Mrs. Alvar E. Aronson, 8 Manor Rd., were married in the built out on Wiseasset Point, a First Presbyterian Church, May- MRS. THOMAS RHODA site ori inally occupiedby the first two-story house in Wis- wood.

Miss Beatrice Algera, daugh- ß . ß . ß casset. This house was moved The Rev. Dr. Henry Burnham ter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A1- .o gera. 71 Struyk Ave., Prospect ..,. back to make way for the Kirkland performed the cere• Park, was married Wednesday to handsome three-story house of Captain NicheIs. mony. Thomas Rhoda, son of Mr. and A beautiful arch separates the entrance hall and the stair The. bride, given in marriage Mrs. Paul Rhoda, Grand Rapids, hall. The fluted pilasters are unique, and their fine detail and .Mich., at the Prospect Park by her father, was attired in a Christian Reform Church by intricate carving place them among the best examples created full length gown of Bomba .enc Rev. Arthur E. Porttier, brother- at that time. It's said that ten years were required to build this with a chapel train and fingertip in-law of the bride. A reception house,which is filled with excellent design and workmanship. veil. was held following the wedding The graceful stair starts with an unusually large voluted at the Brownstone House. tread. The customary newel :.-:-•'::*-?-':::-'.•...... *...... ,.• '•:;-".... The bride was attired in a ß':'-:.:.:.:-:-:•.':-:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:•:::::::'].•::.::::..•,:g::':-:-:-::• '-:-:::-:-:-X' ',,".."' :.:: :':" ß nylon tulle ,gown with a tight post is absenthere. :':' :::-'::,:-'.'-:::::-':-':•:::•:•-,::•::::•,::•:•:r¾-..:,:•::-::.-'•.•: .ii;•.!•!:i:.,....•?i::!i.::•ii:..':...'..:i::::>.!iii::!::.'.!i:2-•i.:--.... •..•:.•.•.,,::•l ...: fitting 'bodice of Chantilly lace. Theexterior of thehouse is .. ':L!...... ?•':::i:'"'?¾½:-"- ....,BI•'.-'i•½ ::..-,.:•.....'. dignified.The front entrance ..: ;:[i•.'-'•:": •,.•.[•f'::!•;!•i!•!?...'/•..:.'•½•z contains a fine fanlight and • •.-•:-q:•?..•::..'-..'•:•?'..• sidelights. There is a smallen- tranceporch supported by four ':-"::•:::::..:::::.... *'-"•-'-' ' '* • ...... ß columnswhose capitals are - ..-'--:.i:,•i•i!•:E.'•i½:::---.'.%:i•.'•'"%:::•- •. .-.:'-',-(" lit ' II1' .? "-:•':.-•:.,:!J" •.:•.• motives.Above this on the sec- !? :'i:'"':• ....'•":' •:•:'::::.•:ß-:.:•" ..ß '...'i. carvedondfloor withis a largeascanthuswell-scaled leafi:..-,•.,.-½f:'"Y" ß<'.'• ..... J.•?. ":'.....'.... '..... !J-.••i.. ..: Palladian window. In the third .-•:.- .- : ." ß ..'•..-•':• '-i floorisplaced anunusual fan ..:_...... ,IJ J .,..:.-?-.:• J-'..•-..•: window. ....ß..._._..:::'.:..... '•-"'• ;'-): • • ,'. ....:... The house is on a small rise, "[.•..... :. ,.•-'.."- "• and has a balustered fence ":. .:- --:.'..•: •:• morelike the English stone .... ones than our American Fed ...... : --....'• '•:," "' .... eral. ' .... ' To travelers who pass Photo•eourt•,RusselIr.iteh d throughWiscasset on their way Down East, this house is known • . and admired and cars often slow down for a better look. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-. ::::2:::::======• There are other and more ancient houses of the NicheIs faro-

_._ II•r. but this one of Cao --' William Nichels suroasse them all. MI•S, WALTER SIDOI•KI, ,JR. ._. .>::;i!!!:.' • WALDWICK--Miss Avis Ros- '•. ED.W,ARD YUCIS alind Russel, daughter of 'Mr. and Mis.• Joyce Lill, daughter of Mrs. Edward Russell of :12 Pen- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lili, 79 Gar- nington Ave., was married to field kve.. 'became the bride of Walter Sidorski, Jr. He is the Ed•ard Yucis. son of Mrs. Kath- son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sidor- ßfine Yucis, 79 Garfield Ave.. re- ski, Saddle River.

cently in our Lady of Victories . R. C. Church. The Rev. Thomas Distinctive Wedding Invifafions The Rev. Robert Minnick per- J. Boyle officiated. A reception formed the ceremonyß in Old and dinner for 100 guests was held at The Rounders, I[amburg PATERSON' PRESS Stone Reformed Church. A ._•.•e- Turnpike. ception was held at the home bf The bride was attired in a the bride. chapel length goren of Alertcon 170 BUTLER STREET PATERSON,N.J. lace over taffeta and net. It had The bride. wore. asilk organza a shirred bodice and sleeves and LAmberr 5-2741 gown 'rimmed with applique featured a-scoop neckline. flowers and seed pearls.

PAGE SIX The CHRONICLE OpportunitiesUnlimited: RECENT BRIDES Two Part-Time Jobs Proved The Solution to Her Problem t :'. By ANNE HEYWOOD The whole tmng was that Mrs. G. R is a perfect example o! what we call the social-factual terestedOSTwomen In part-timewhoarc JobsIn- ': ...... ?iiii?!?i?::.. want •ne 'because their possible type She has two interests at the working"hours are limited. But same time: interest in facts, fig- the other day I heard of a young ures and order, and interest in womanwho went into the part- bustle, excitement and people. It's time market for a very different a complicated combination unless reason it's handled entirely right, and Mrs. O R is one o! the count- Fro•l less young wives in their mid- twenties who hasn't yet started her family because her husband hasn't finished his studies.

..-.-.-...-.-. A Funny •hing Happened ======....

For a while, she continued in ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: her full-time research job. "But then," she told me, "the funniest thing happened. I love research, MRS. THOMAS P. WHITNEY and working with figures is fun, St. Joseph R. C. Church was MRS. MORRIS BECKER but when I have done it all day, the sceneof the marriage of Miss ! feel a tremendous need to have Edith 'Mae Wyma. daughter of A pretty wedding was solemre contact with all •inds of people. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wyma, ized recently at the White HoUs [ was beginning to drive my hus- Beun's Lane, Preakness, to Thom- on the Lake, Spring Valley, N.Y., band crazy, because every night Mrs. Frank Whitney, 322 Fif- when Miss Gilda Reeva Klein,' ! wanted to be entertaining or as P. Whitney, son of Mr. and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. going out. [t was a real hunger, teenth Ave. A reception was held lia Klein of 11 West Passaic St.; and of course before I was mar- at Werner's Grove, North Hale- Maywood, was married to Morris Becker, of Voorhies A•e., Brook;- ried, I had a really full social life Statistics in the Morning and don, following the' ceremonyper- Selling in the Afternoon _.formed by the Rev. Robert Mor- lyn, N.Y. The newly-weds •ill because I had no one to consider ris. live in Paterson. but myself. Mrs. O R. was nonest and forth- "Now I could see tl•at it was right. enough to handle it right. unfair to my husband. and 1 Arranged for Ywo Sobs thought, 'Well, if people are that important to me, maybe I will "! approached a lot of smaller take a straight sales Job 8o ! companies in the hopes of getting resigned from my research Job a part-time statistical job," she and got a nine to-five selling lob told me. "and after I had bad [ have to work a full day," she quite a few interviews, I found added, "because we are really a company that really needed savingup for a nestegg and need someone four hours a day, from the money" nine till one "Then I walked to the store •.MiSsed Her Former Work wigere I had 0een sellingß and Well. after three weeks in the where my record was pretty good, straight sales Job, Mrs. GR. was and they. somewhat reluctantly finding that she terribly missed agreed to let me take the two to the silence and solitude and six shiftß peace and order o! her statistical "Joe doesn't get out ot nis class job "And so," she continued with until seven, so it gives me plenty a laugh. "every night ! wanted to pt time, and • now have ooth of stay home and read, or work on my interests perfectly satisfied 1 the budget After several weeks adore the combination and I of this. my husband was getting must say that Joe is a whole lot pretty annoyed with me." happier!"

:' ß ...... •;i:.::?' '.?..•:'.:--.<:.:";-i" :>'%:i.!ii?:?•!?!i•:.•i!??ii???iii?i•:!.•i•?!;•??i•i!i?!!?i?i?•ii!:::Ti:" .:..:..::!¾:.... ::.-':?:::i:.•.>.•::?:!:::i:i:?:?:i::•!i:¾:!: •x;.-'"::':::'W ß.. '+:'""'- ß ß :-' ß..:---: T-::'...:.>•:-•.ß ß -:7•. i <'•ß.:.:.'-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.•.:+:•... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :44..:•.:.:.:.:.:.:.-.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-...-.. ::: . ' .'" ß ' ..- "-'.....•. -'-'- .' -.-ß .... '" '"&::!.x:i:'.':::.>.i:.::!.:.-...... :..:..::.• ::i•i:!•i.!:::i:::'x'":'•...... /i:':'""•'••:..••:•.,..I...... :.••••i::::::...-;.: .-._..--•:,...... :•...... • ß.::':o?' •' •...•..... :.-.-.:i• ß ß . .!.... :.•i!i•ii::•:::•!ii..-'.'-?..?:•?:!i!!-;.-'iZ•': ....-:" ß "-:... .-"-:. ' -:; .'-:'::•!::.-:!i•'!-:.:: ':':."' .-w-:-:t}•;:'::i??"•.:...:,;'..' '::.... ;•i½iBi:s•:½i?:::i::ili::':'!':'{ ...... %': ß. .... :•:•!"::i•!: .>-'.•-• ..h'-" &..'•;œ•:•- -'>,&*,X:>.'. '::...: "'::::'"????•?!::::!•i?i•?:i:?.:::( '....-:'•i"::::.?: :x:- ":-:' .•.. ':.:q•., '..:-::!.>: '-::...... '::k.::?:i::•:.•..•/ ii½:...•..... •' '-'...... '.: .'::i:?:?:::::::i?'::.: ?-.:i•iii•½ii•!i!!ii!!.:."c!i•-...... :' ::.:. -.:-'.....--•.•i½!i .-" ' :. '?...:,: '•!;" .'%1•:•. 'F >.•E'••' ': ?::::L. •:•$•i::.?.: .-'.- :-:.!:•!:?::.-.'?:F.:!:::?:??½:"i?:.:: . ' 'i. ':" .. ., ;' ' , ' '... ?::" ... ': ..':: "' ....½...... ß . i:" •' -.• '.-•" .." :' :?:K::Si:i:i:::?:i:K:?:?:::!.:.-::.-.'<'- -• .•-' .... :-': ':" .-!.'- ß. ,,, ,•-- .- . . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•, - .. -.. :-::% ..-.. '. •'.- . ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,x • ..'.. '. '•' ß .x...• '"'•: ...':::?i?i????i:!?iii?-'.'i?.::i?:!:?::.¾.:...:.:.:.:.-.:....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.... :..:,:.: .-•.. .:... ::x• . .. ..? ß .' :!'-.::i:?:':';.:.:.:...... " "-'. .-.-. ½. ß .... - .'.. , :.]•.-- : i:::i:!':::!:!:"•x::i.- ß•-':':' -. MRS. T. NOFFSINGER i; ~ * '"' "• MRS. THOMAS KERR .... : • .... :.:.... .:.... ?...<:. Miss Georgene Loretta Dunn, ß . -::::: :::.. ', .% ..-...... :::: '• ?.':- :'• ...... ':" ..:...... ß...... --:.>.!s daughter of George J. Dunn of MissHarriet SaywellHoffmanl .... i• ":...'i..-:':iiiii•!i•i!i•:•i:•:i- o, .. :.::•..... ':½. i::':i:• 25-14 Fair Lawn Ave., Radburn, daughter of Mr. and M•'s. F•'ed- ";' '::.::i...... ' --':.• *-:*" :-..:'•:... " ... .¾:- was married in St. Phillipp's R. crick Raymond Hoffm an, 250 C. Church, Clifton, to Theodore ....:..':!.L"f.':i:.!•.:..' . . . ß...... :•iii•:.:ii.--... :.::-.-...•:-... '-"'.'-".'::-:¾..---.::.- J. Noffsinger Jr., son of Mr. and Greenway Rd., Ridgewood, be- :'•%,:•."-.S;-::•½..•i'½.;:•.:.:.:!-- ::. ß..:v:iii:?::i•!!'":':' .-...... :" ' ' ß '- . "....•- ' i:'!•v-.' ,/•<:,v,- •..•.½<..•...... • :•::•.•":?•.-¾'•':':.•...::'...'.'..-. , .:.. . '+;"..½...... •,.:...•v•.•.;'....:..• •,•/. ,. •. •,•.-..>.. :..•• -:,. •, Mrs. Theodore J. Noffsinger of came the bride of Tho:nas Ro- •':..¾,,.,.,,.,...:::..:.'::...... :,,.<.. -. %:½...... ,•..-<..,.<.,..-.,,.½ ...:,.,,, .-•,•.,., -.: •.ß ...... • • - ß'•. _.x., :.; . ... :..•.:.;.ß .. -.•.--:-.'•..:•.. ß ..'::.:. ß. '. +. .-_::.•: .-, •' •. • ' -.• ... Gaithers%urg, Md. The Rev. John land Kerr, son of l•r. •nd Mrs. , -":"'::::"...•:..-'.<:.':½.,•. '-. ' :'.•:•->.':-::.'. '.'.:>2.:- .,,' ' --..:-... .-.;;..::::.'::xc,•- . .,, . -- ß A. Sullivan officiated. •'-':?;½.X'<'."-!$-<:-::•:•'+.:., ' -:-.-!$:::; :'.:-"$- ': ß•.:•...: ;'ß : '..:.'•:•.:'" '"'"':'"'• ' , ,-. A. Roland Kerr, Gloceste •, Mass., -:¾.**-...•;-•*...'..:,:•.:'.-:•:•;•:':•;-:•::-:.•i'::•'i-':.-:::•.:.: •?:•;!:.•>:..<:.•,...•:•½...,-•...... <:::-:. ':"!•..•::::•:: ":':':":- :.:.".' •..•-:.-', .. :½•:.'::y'-•'-,<,., .... :•..... Mr. Dunn gave his daughter in ...... '..s.. ..½..,...... ,. • • .•.'.•...... ß ..-..•. ;-...... --:,?•:::: .:.:: .,:::•..; .....: .½'.'•';....; :,' ß7 ' -". in St. Elizabeth's Church. ß in Wy- ,.,•.:..ßß . .->.'.•½ {% . ....; :.'"'<":.... . -... >-.,...... '.': -..,, >., ß • - marriage. Her bridal gown .was of white Alertcon lace and peau ckoff. The Rev. Har- 'WHEN IN ..." --Joan Caulfield as the scatterbrainea de sole, made with a scoop neck- kins performed the c •remony

,travelling. companion of wealthy ßmatron Marion Lorne, tenders ad- line and capped sleeves, obi sash which was followed by a recep- vice on Parirish activity in. Sally, which premieres on the NBC-TV and sheath-front skirt with trail- tion at the Rfdgewood Country Network Sunday. Sect. P.S. ing panels and chapel-::Tt*ain. Club. The CHRONICLE P• •E S•EN *.*EDITORIALS The Editor .Speaks ...... partnersin Our National ing from the need to coordinate ground, air and naval forces. At his greatest -.-" S•,½urity Poor Dragoljub Ivosevic really has noth- -:.. battle his army numbered but 36,000 ing to do with this column "One of the most persistentissues .of men--about the size of two present-day But his story is so touching that I thought. modern times is the controversy over divisions. As war became more and I'd tell it to y0.u, anyway. more complex, Colonel Hitfie finds, the Dragoljub, •vho is a student of theology, defense organization at the seat of gov- and a poet whose works' have n/•ver been ernment," writes Colonel J. D. Hitfie, single chief of staff or single commander published, wanted to come to Am•erica from U.S. Marine Corps, in the July issue of system failed to keep pace. Indeed, he his native. Yugoslavia. So he crawled into one of rthe long metal Naval Institute Proceed- believes that the ultimate defeat of Na- boxes under the railroad cars that are used ings. "In essence the issue is a clear-cut poleon, another supreme commander for carrying' batteries, and started on his WEt¾. with absolute power, was due to that one and centers on the question of But, in Trieste, he was discovered and whether or not our nation should dis- failure, and that th e emperor "did not pulled out. card the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the top comprehend sea power or naval prob- He was taken before the Circuit Court, to- gether with some others who had tried to military planning agency and replace it lems." work.. the same stunt. with the Prussian-German type single The Judgeasked him why he wantedto go Colonel Hitfie presents many convinc- to America. chief of staff and supreme general staff ing arguments against the single chief Wasn't Yugoslavia good enough for him-- System." system, and in-favor of the JCS system or for anybody? In 1947 Congress established the JCS Dragoljub replied that he wanted to see we now have. To quotehim oncemore, the world and particularly America. system and specifically forbade adop- "The JVS system assures full develop- "What's to see in America?" the Judge tion of the supremegeneral staff sys- ment of land, sea •and air warfare doc- asked. ..tem.'Ever since,efforts have been made "Well, there is the Statue of Liberty. And trines and ,material, because no one then there is the flea circus in New York." to change the law and authorize the ap- serving can dominate another. All 'are "Fleas?" queried: the judge. "We have pointment of a single chief of staff. As partners in national security. The sin- them here." ßColonel Hitfie points out, there are su- "Yes,"replied Dr•l;oijUb, "but the Amer- gle chief of staff permits one-man and ican fleas are TRA!N..i.E..D." Perficial attractionsin this plan. And ene-serviee control of the armed forces The judge gave him eighteen months in one danger, in his view, is that "It de- the hooseg'ow where he would have plenty and leads to stifling of progress and of opportunity to train his own fleas. ceives because it offers what so many service initiative." • , ß •- seek•an easy, simple solution to a very You must have read-about P'•o•o'Cres- complicated problem." eenzo,' the 68-year-old former railroad laborer from the West Coast, Who ,was •r•ently For instance, the fact that in actual found e.amping in New York's G•and•entral combat, troops require a single com- Where. Discipline Is Needed Terminal with his life savings Of •23,350 in some paper bags. ' • ß mander is used as an argument in-sup- Puppies invariably make a mess of 'When questioned'by the police•"he told port of the single chief of staff concept- them that .he was on his way back to Italy. ho.mes--until they are sternly disci- But, as Colonel Hitfie observes, field Some thirty-nine years ago he leR his wife plined and taught to. be_:dean and decent and came to this country to make his for- commanders•no matter how high their members of the famil. y. tune, he said. rank or important their command--are Now i!t was time to go ba•k. not responsible for determining the na- One wishes that a similar discipline .. His wife would .be waiting for him. He was getting old and it was time to settle down. tion's basic strategy. They only imple- could be irnposed on the "litterbugs" ßment it. "This," he writes, "points up who strew discarded paper, beer cans, They took the money away from his, de- the very fundamental difference be- empty bottles and all manner of other posited it in a bank and arranged for its rubbish and dirt along the highways, in transfer to 'a bank in Naples. tween planning at the national and low- Well, he got back to Italy all righ.•. recreation areas, and in beauty spots er levels--planning at the seat of gov- The homecoming was •ouehing. throughout the nation. ernment originates the national strat- His wife, now an elderly woman, waited The litterbugs have the crude and for him. egy. Subordinate theater commanders "Hello, Angela,_ how are you •".- said Paolo. carry out such strategy as it applies to manners of untrained puppies•without "All right," said Angela. their respective eomrnands." Moreover, any of the puppies' excuses. The two shook hands and got on a bus which took them to their farm near Vinehia- determination of the basic national turo, in the Province of Campobasso, near st•ategy involves far more than mili- Naples. But before. embarking on the bus Since November 12, 1951, more than Paolo was heard to ask- tary decisionsalone. It is always influ- 65 million passengers have traveled a "Where's my money?" enced by many other and diverse ele- total of nearly 40 billion miles .in Pull- ments-political, industrial, economic, America is just what you make it yourselL man Cars without suffering a fatality. To some it is trained fleas. To others it's etc. money. 'In the Sarhe period more than 190,000 But to most of those who came to these The great military successesof Fred- shores not only to SEE the Statute of Liber-

peoplehave :died .. in highwayaccidents. Crick the Great--a monarch wb.ose au- ty bu•t to enjoy everything for which she .: stands, it is an IDEAL. thority was-absolute, and w•howas su- Look at any telephone book or city diree- preme commanderin war---are' Citedin Accordingto SenatorB•.'d of Virgin- to.ry: In them you will find names .of every oregin. -favor of the single chief proposal. But ia,-"There 'iSnot 'a depart:meritof this They 'have found .everything here that as Colonel Hitfie shows, Frederick Op- .governmentthat can't be cut by 5 to 10 they or their ancestors came for. per cent and still function in an effective erated under vastly different conditions . But here is one piece of .advice to all pros- of warfare. He .had ground forces only, way--except for those items that are peetive immigrants•and. all .y0u•g Ameri- and faced none of the problems result- -fix.• by their cost." .cans as well: If you wan:t.'trained fieas you . -. have to train them yourself!


ß .. ...

----;-:-?-..d _ . .. INVITING THE UNDERTAKER- l H! ,,/ of the week....

Mr. Stanley J. Fioresi, district the. film-already has been viewed manager of the Pat.erson social by more than a quarter-million security office, stated today that residents of the State at more under the Social Security Act, than 3,000 showings. Requests persons who continue working for the film are well over 8,000 and earning over $1200per year and in many instances repeat are not eligible to receive their showings are requested as. soon full social security benefits. Since as the.initial one has been pre: in almost every case a person's sented. income is sharply reducedwhen he retires, social security bene- •he' great majority of the re- fits were designedto partially re- quests have come, of course, place this lost income. When •the from New Jersey clubs, schools law was passed,it was thought and organizations of every type. better to pay more adequate ,ben- But others have come from places efits to those whose working days as separated as Mexico and Switzerland, Turkey and were over than to spread the money thinner .by also paying Aust,r..alia and just about every corner of the United States. benefits to. men over 65, or .to wo- men over 62, who .were still work- The widespread interest and en- ing and who had Suffered no sub- thusiasm is understandable to stantial loss of income. those familiar with the State and Mr. Fioresi reminded those who its people, Commissioner McLean intend to work part time after says. •pplying for old-age insurance "'This Is New Jer.sey' is neith- benefits to get full information. at er a commercial film nor a trav- their nearest social securi•ty office elogue," he explains. "It is rath- as to how their earnings might er a profile of a State--its indus- affect their benefits. Substantial tries, playlands and farmlands, earnings could mean the loss of its scenic •eauty, culture and his- some if not all their benefits. tory, portrayedin life-like Tech- However, after one reaches age nicolor." The film was based on 72 there is no longer any restric- and took its title from the book tion upon his earnings. This is by John T. Cunnin:gham,Newark particularly important to the News writer. The book was p•b- self-employed, many of whom lished by the Rutgers University never retire and who otherwise Press.

., ...... "Mr. Adams and Eve" might. never receive any return on their contributions. "The retirement test is part of Paterson contributed $16,746.62 the ,basic philosophy of social in- to the annual Heart Fund cam: surance," Mr. Fioresi concluded, paign, and West Paterson,'$1,166.- "as it not only prevents excessive 39, a new high, it was revealed at drains on the old-age and. survi- the completion of the audit of the vors insurance trust fund but Passaic County Heart Associa- also serves to guarantee that tion. Proceeds include Heart 'Sun- those most likely to need some day returns, late contri,butions replacement of lost income re- mailed in by those who were not

ß ceive it." at home, bank drive, and receipts .... i The Paterson social security of- from the mail campaign to profes- fice is at 245 Market Street. sions, businesses, clubs and or- ganizations through June 30, close of the Association's fiscal

ß Residents of New Jersey may year. .••:-•,;- :.:...... not be as vocal as Texans but when it comes to interest in their Paterson stood at the top of the • . - : ..:..-..::.:..:.':-'--'-'•':X- ..-!.•..'::.:'" ' ß-: communities in the final tally, State they .take second-place to with Wayne Township, contribut- '.:i:'- '" ß no one. ß..'-•%.•.... ß . , .. - .. _.:...... , ing $4,087.23, second, and Haw- .....ß:C .•.:.•;}.-:.,..!{.'- :-. ':i:::.•i'i! :/•;'.: Joseph E. McLean, Com.mis- thorne, joining the campaign for .. sioner of the New Jersey Depart- 'the first year, third with $2,200.07. ment of Conservation and-Eco- Another communi. ty joining the nomic Development, --expressed campaign roster for the first time, ß:., .,-.•:-:.,, :::!:.... ::.- this conviction in connection with ;.. :.,-•...::' ...y..:!:•:.:::::::.. . '- ": .: ' '-" .'..-.•...... ;:...... North Haledon, reported $1,123.- ß - < ß ._. :,•,•.':;•,:..,..:.[-.y.. .:. :.• ...:...,:. ======: ..•?..,:..•!:...... •.. ,,,, -..: ...•-..,•,.:;:-:-.: ...... •-:..:.':..•,•:---.---!•======.the popularity of the film, "This 55. In commenting on 'these -Is New-Jersey," produced ,by the ß.' ,• :.:::..'::.:::.::,.•:..-.•.::•;;:. achievements, Nathan Kluger, ....ß .•%':.:::'.•: !:,.'.-...•:-:-•.•:.•.• "' "- '"-•: ::.::•Ji::..'!.'•."-:-•" ' ...... New Jersey Bell Telephone Com-' : '::.....• ..:.. .:.. ß -•.". -. :i.:'•.•:.,• ... ß ...... i-i.-i-!:•:•-?:i: county campaign chairman, paid :..-.,•,ß, . "'.•...... '.'"':':'.i..•.•,•:-.::-..:.' .::..,.:::.... . ".::::::::::::::-:.:-:.:.::::i!iiii•iii•!!iii!iiiii!ii!!:.::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: party as a tri'bute to the State and tribute to both the community :.:. •..ß.• ß-.•,,, -... ..: - :.:-...... -.-.• --...•-:.• -•. '•....ß x .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-.-:-:-:-:-:-:--.:.-.....-...-...-...-.-.-.----.--... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: its people. leadership, arid ,to the cooperation Following New Jersey Bell Tel- of the press in educating people ß' '..... • ....'. , ' .:-. '. ,'":•i::':•-:'':.': ß ' ."!!i!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i' "11 ephone reports made to him and to the aims of the Association to members of the State Promo- and i.mportance of its ,work. The ß.: ... tion Section in the Department, county campaign total at the .Ida Lupino and Howard Duff appear in a hilarious spoof on the new entertainment craze of adult westerns when CBS Tele- Commissioner McLean reported audit's completion, also stood at vision's "Mr. Adams and Eve" begins i_ts_Fal!season on•$el)t. 20. that since its premiere last March, a new high of $58,369.69, he said.

The CHRONICLE ' PAG, E NINE, .... .- • • ' ' ' :-.- .::i:i:i:i::". ::i .... ß:...,"?:• . - '.' "' ...:M::..... i:i:E--:."::.:.:::::: ','::::',½:;'.?;½'...... :':-:-:": :-:-. :i:i:!'.i::":M:i:i'":• .•.:/ '• ' "' ' .•.. •- ...... :- illII•'•:"•*". '"- ?"•' "•' ;r '-: : '•,'% • '• -..•?....;:..i." i::i':.---.•i ...i.... ,/' • t•; ß , -.•.' " :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======:?:•!i::::-." /' J'i -•;' • "\¾'_ .- • ':''"'•?'-.-- ":' ======::i!i":?:i...... • ' •' ':'--i•"'• •.. ,•'- /- •; " :" ' ,':'"• .... - ?/- . , '-.•: ,,... 1):, ,::',...... ß...... -",;,-..z:.' ...... '%.::.iiiii•!.....;•: Glenn Ford and Jack Lemmon have won the coveted co-starring i':!'.!...... :..'i?..-.4/.'? ,._:•.....• •,..-. , •ß ,•',•/ ' . •.•..-....;.::.:...... v •--'.' ':;;•...... i'.. "•:.. ,. 'i':;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: iii•:.:.,' ..-.:;½-77'"..:. ..o:: -.. ,...., -.;.. :.-•..'"" ..-..,. ;---:.'.' ß '-::-".•.)"..y ß. .i•,•,,•' ,'.. .,::, :::.-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: role in Columbia Pictures' Phoenix production of "Reminiscences of : .. -.<...•:...... ß ., ...... , .- ]• :.½,-.:...... - •..- a Cowboy," based on the famed Frank Harris book, "Reminiscences ß:'--.:'; '-'"•'[.'•[;.[:-::.' ' [ '-:'".':' ß .. .. ß.... •-," '..' ' -:.--...' -"•.-"" '•':i:;i!i'-'-'.. ß ..¾.-:. .' .... '!::•.... -• ..,,-, : ...... i...... •.'. .... ::-:. •. .... -: ....'½..2...... of a Cowboy." Ford will be seen as the cattleman and Lemmon as ß '::•::':..'.... .,.::"-: ß ., "• .-'' .-.!::':-.i:i:i...::!...:]:'X":. .i:: :. '.... "' '. :.::-.:: ':::: : [$.' -.•' ß.' •-,• ' ...- ':. ::!::;i:'::...... ;.•;.:-- :-:•. -:- - ..P-:-.. "-. "•.'" the hotel clerk turned cowhand in the color film which Delmar i.•,•f-"? :-:' .! ,. .- ..-.i':' .'::.:.::•?.:• ]•,'L:...d:i:j ': ' : ;: ".....j . ..::iii ":'•,'"•.•' '"':;,': . .:.'":', "::S?::'/,,-''.•::::•

Joe Pasternak and Sam Katz have completed a .deal with Alan ...... -:-:-:-:-:-:--i:.-i;:,iiii::ii;;;.','*':'{'' ß .'-: ...... ;:,... ::i:', - . ':-,..,'.. . :. .v ß".;.i-.' :.-....,-,' ;-'-'-:*.-;,.-*...-• ::::::::::::::::ß '•:::::::::: Ladd to star in "The ßChiselers," sensational new novel by Albert ß...... -.-'... :":- :!: X.': ß . .,. -..:2: ': ' .. :!.!:.:"-;•::":,:- . Conroy which they have acquired for their t•luterpe Productions , -"..... *'i:i:" ; '" '.':..,:.;:.,; .' ::-".' ....,. -...,-;,.-,...... -'-':;.?."...... i.

slate and which they plan to put before the cameras in November. ! :;..;.;i!•::'.:'-'"":.;;;•t,'. ß %':ß '...."-;?:.?"? .'-' .:.. ,;::....".;. ....:-:**:;i?;i.;:.:.';:..:.::•;'-':';.::.a:,..,.,..:..,•**.' -': ...... : ":':" X • -:i:!:!:i:i: . . %; ß ,x .. ß; •.-• '-•': -: :;•.:.ii:.: ::'.:.;.:.::}.-. ... '::i:iii:• Ladd .will play a detective in a violent, modern crime jungle. The i;:-:":':'::.:!-;•;;;.,-.;,:•. ..,.:.,. ,•,** .....,!::: ,:-.- role is described by Pasternak as Ladd's most exciting in many ' ;!!!-.:i•'' - .i:.:--:.•. -..,:...... :' .-:'.'.-..':ii!:. :::'..:ii½,-.-:::i.-' ß'-::* ß ' . ::::::•.:.-"'-. '. -'::::i*':i.-: ". - .;f&:.::i:';.:.-"-•:!:i':'; ":i-:;• •. ':::• years. Two more top star names, one male and one female, will team i"/'•.*,;-;.'.':'-'".'..ß;*-;o,..-<, ..,..• ... ,, ß ",-"•"-. .:.. ::!ii.•!i;'-:_..'•:iiS'.':' ....-**,....-i;•...... !...... :.,'-:"-- •...*:'.,.*..•.4-',:;.'"$,'-;::i::;:.•. >"' ,-¾-'-:!'-....:•.;::.p<.:i!P'; .. :.; .i:'.;-i!ii•;,.:.*:i•i:i:i;. ,:ii:i-'-:•...... with hi min the story, for which Euterpe outbid several major stu- .-*.:.•t*;*.?-'.<.'•;ß <,• y...... ':.:;:.% ":" ...... ;. ".. ,.. ?.?.:::;::x.%.;'.''"•:'":""'::':<.... ' ...... ' ======"..... "":"" ...... '*' "' ::::'::::::':...... !:i:.:: •;•:•½..•%!.•.•_-:;.,•,.,*. ß ":.ii::.:--..*** .; .i-:-::-"-'i!i!•i:-¾!:::•-' ',•.- :-:::-:•-:i.-'.::"..i!!ii:-'iif!i•:, iiii,.-iii:i:•.:!!i!!!.:.:.:i•i½:•!-':.i.... '_"-; dios. Previously announced were Frederick Kohner's novel, "Gid- •.•..•.?..•. • .. ßß ..$ ß'.ß .- •,t• • .' ..:-. ...--:' .-.--"';.-:½. •- i - ., :.:-.•.-.:.:.:.:.:.:.•.;.:.:.:.•...': ':'•.•::.:•:•' •-':'::i':':'i:i:i:!:i':':'.*8i::':'-'.M':.. :•.:.--..-.•4.:.:.:.;.:.:.:•4.:.;.: :4 .:4.;"':: get," on which the author is now writing the screenplay, and ß.*•. •.• ':,'... - :. : .'..%:: .. ..-. •.:::.:.:...::.•:.- .:.:,•.::.:.:.•:::....-.:.:.:.::..:.:.:.:. - : ;?*...'.L,•.:-½ "*:.' ',Nora,". original by Felix Jackson, to star Gloria Grieger. ß -'.½.,f'-.• •*'-½;':, --. .::.:.:•!i!:.i!:•½•'..... !i:': --: . .:".•i:i!i-½i;. ::.:!:•i:::,..':•iii!ii.::iiii!i•i•ii.2f'"...;..--.•.s... %- ,'-•.•--'.'ß <.,•.*: :,. - •..'!-•;4!;!:.•;:;.;i•::;i"?' ...... •:::-':'*;.:i:" '.'.:;i•i:: .....,:i'.-.:•ii::!..-'..'i!.-'.'.:'i•::..•--'.:::!:.;.*..-;;.-•'. .--..:;::...... : .. :. • ß'-...... •': '":"'-:'-"*:½•'U-.::::'>.;-•.... i:'::'; ½...:?:':..::.•:..... :*"•'*/'• -- "•*' - • .. , • .a ::-.....:::.. ,..?'•::...iii:';-.':"ii.''- . ,.½..:...•!..... :.-'•.... Brian Don;evy will co-star with Glenn Ford, Jack Lemmon and ß::: ...... ::i::" "'" ':!: Anna Kashfi in "Reminiscences of a Cowboy," playing a veteran ,,,?.:,.,,.....:-:"--_. • -'...... *'" ,•. '""- ...... ::•if:::•':•":'•':'•': -'• ...... - .::,. ii..: . ,-• .... ':.•ii gunfighter and former peace officer who turns cowhand because he is sick of shooting affrays. Donlevy joins the balance of the cast •CK •O •B••b ••ings, the fun-loving .photog•pher e• "•The •b ••-•.. i•g.s Sbw," •eses with a t•io of •T•C m•lels in the Phoenix production for Columbia, in Santa Fe, N.M., where most of the location work is headquartered. Delmer Dares directs, to signal his retu• • the ne•ork. The show premieres on the N•C-TV Ne•ork Tuesday..Se_•t. •4. with Julian Blaustein producing. Donlevy, seen currently' on tele- vision in the "Dangerous Assignment" series, will return to the stage in Paul Gregory's t)roduction of "The Rivalry," based on the Lincoln-Douglas debates, after he completes "Reminiscences of a Cowboy." Gale Storm Starts New Season

Otto Preminger has cast Mylene Demongeot as "Elsa" in his film version of Francoise Sagaifs "Bonjour Tristesse," to star I•orah Kerr and David Niven with Jean Seberg. Mlle. Demongeot, who has been described as a "French Kim Novak," has made only one film, "Les Sorcieres de Salem," French-made movie of Arthur .. Miller's play, "The Cruci,ble." Preminger will produce and direct -,..... ß...... i.:..---,-i,. '. ?::::-,i:i.:....•:i:"•;i':.::::?'!'-:."::: •):- ß.-. .:::•::>•....:• ,•:..-. :; "Bonjour Tristesse" entirely on locations in Paris and in the South • :•:½..::;...•:.....•....':-..,.-,¾,;.: •..... ß "•::•-.'•:•:,•.::•;.:i::':. - .•-'..;-.-.:": :.: ... of France. Miss Kerr is cast as "Anne," Niven as "Raymond" and ß . ::.?:•$.:;'•:..•,.' . ::' ...--•.:..... '... ..-..>;-: Miss Seberg, the 18-year-old Marshalltown, Iowa, title player of "' ---:<2.4::... :. ' ' '- ' ' ß ": ' '" " ; ' Breminger's UA release, "Saint Joan," will be "Cecile." - /'• .?•.•.;::.::'::c'.,...... ,. ..,....:.,.::.,:.::. ' ':-.::-.:::::-;-:4-;... .--. ...' ß...... :; , '< %.":•:•;:" .-..:-'•-;-'..-.:-•-.::;;.½..½ ... •;:] ...... :..' '.i:•:i:!:i:i:i...... ' ß" :½': "- •'4'- .::':'-•;-.%•'- '•::•.". "-...... i:::.•'. -- ; . .-;.:: %... . • ;.• . •..-.. :;...... %:;.:•;...•:-;...... ß... .: ? .•.-'."-.''7"'.'-".-'-,' ....7 .. •- ß ..;/ .-':' :•::....'-•:.•i.:>'•:."";. ' ...... ":-'¾...... •' .--•.{. .":...... :." • ..;'•*.::½:::, '-" '.. ' x½- :•.' !::.-!•--: •:.'-•':.'-'*-' ..-.i': ':.:.•: '-':i•...... "'.: -.' ' 7 ' .::-"- Congressman Hale Boggs, chairman of the special committee ., , i•..:;:½-!?::•½.•.i:i•:•::,::.::•'.'-. - ..-:•.::.-½ -: '::•:.•'•',:.'•.".: .:'.% ;:::;.-!..-::.. "-•::.'-:: ' •' '" ..- on narcotics in the House of Representatives and a leading fighter , -'-..4:ß....:,'.Y-:½.•-:-:."-:-'-x.'-:..-'"-:: '.:•.'..:.::•...-•;'-:.'....• ß'-' ß -. .- --.. ,•-•'.,.'.:*;t-..a..'.'.,.,-.,• • :.... •... -..,- -.-.-."iJ'.:• .-%.:. :•..* .. "-'• .•:.-'.-'-;-'-'"*•' ß,.... *x•- -. .::;½'..': . • .-';".. against the illicit drug trade has filmed a prologue, theatre trailer ß,. - ,.,.':::;-:•?-..-.:•%.*; :*-i ...... •. ,•...... : v-" .: -•:. ..'?•:::':'::•.., .•½.i.-. -¾: '...,:i.'<;:;::•,-::. -.:.":• ::.:.:.::." .:'...:.:.•,...•::.:: ' i::•r!.•,.•:-..,'.":'-...:'-":;i:;::.-.:{.. . and television footage "Pickup Alley'," a Warwick production. The " ...... •:-.•: ..... ' ' - .•.':i....':.'-ß.... '...f•....!-•.]:'•-• ....'-'--,-. ,:-,.".'!:.-.':; ,:.l..•.: •:? :"'i;..ti' • ....-'.::. Louisiana Democrat will .be seen in the foreword to the C•nemascope '.'--. ,. ""'"'•.t•"."..•.,•r;- ' .':%"" '• ß..-.'::'i:. ::v: :.3'-'- .-.'-..;';;i½½?---.*.:'.'•::-',' :"f ' {,';.-'";'-!.. :.. i;?•' ' ':'•' ß ."."'.:':.:'; -" '-.... film, based upon the International Police O'rganization'sfight on "•..'-...,....:..,.. ...-•:.;i...... ,.-,.-q •: • ...... ';;4:•:. :::. . ..,..,...;_..:?.:':-::ß ...... -'-- ..: :'-•:....:,.. -'?'%:....,.:(-' .- ...... ,t':" ...: .... .:... , ß-.':'-,..•.;.,:•::.•{.;:....;:•_ ? .--,::--;•::...... -'-*•....-•'-•-•,'. :'..'. ;%.,-...... ::.•.:-:f.•"',•-.' ..-..:...... ,:;...... , narcotivs traffic, as well as on the .special theatre trailer. Boggs --' ' :..•".,..."-'"::*.:.;.:••' "•;..... "'.' '"' .½"""'•.";':':'..' ":'. '7.- :: ':'-..,•.-:½•"*.'.,...... ' :. also has written a series of five articles on the illegal drug trade ß:-;;'"-'::"" .... ßß '"' .. "..;'::"•;'.::- .,,•.'.-?-:,:::.-..'•: ::":--'•' .... :.%., •:2.;'?•',:.;'?.,;-:,...... " and its international aspects, with references to "Pickup Alley," and -.'.-ß '- "'...:.•,- .' . ß ß.'-.*. '. *.-:.'..::..:.:+-. ':iiS...::::i.F' •. ;•:: i-:.I:::*"ß -' •,•. ,.:.•.::-!:•;: .-':.:•.:.:';:;:.•-:.::ii:":./"!;;?'?.":':'::.¾:;:?•c-;...... -.:.-,::::.. this feature will be serviced to leading newspapers throughout the ...... "'-:i•:;iii;i,..:,.."-•-. -. .'..'.'...... '...... -- .'. ' ß. -.:.':.?'.'.-.*.•-;•.:.::.!.::?.i:i:i•:!::. ' •, **. :.-"•...•' :S :'x':': ...... :•ii i:-":.. .;...... '-:•:,"• .... :'i::.::i-?•::..-.'"""...... :':.'.' ...... ' ß •' .':.i:'.'.•.:::!::: •'. • •"':'.•...:::':': •:. country...... ;.'-:i!!ii:.?•!i::i:i.•,...,....•.:: ...... •,.;..r .., "!:•-.:i.;..;::::•;.,....•:::.. "s. :"-.... ::..,•.;': :.-;;-!i:.!•:., :::½!:i:i:i•:!!:!•.;...:!•b:•:.*.•::ii::' .' .. ' ...... •.--".:*:.'..•!:•!:'"• "•. ':' '.::•::; '-: ', ':'-•::•x'•_ .-.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..-.::::::...-. ..: :...;.•..,::::-:..:::. :.::-.:-. • :. .?.:]$.. ,% :-' -..:::.•.:• ...... ,.....:... "' -.:....'•:' :::.x...:::::::..¾.•...... •.. .;•...:•:•..... '•-"•-'• '...... :.... .:..:...:.. '"'"' .•• ' -t.-.'"'.•;"'•. *:•j."' _ .'"'.' ....'.'•2.•'::' ß ": ß-,.i.'.. '.--".:,•.•:.½.--•:: ' ';- • ' --'""...... •* i"': ,• "• '•,- '" *% - N. Richard Nash has •een signed to write the screenplay of .'" ß::i•::i."ii•i" ~ -::-...... i%,..,.: •'- :'i:" '•' .•.-.½,':.--" '- ....--.•.:::::::...-::::.. -•-•- '-',• :.:..,,::.•..-.--4.--;-.•-•--...... • % ;. .-. , -•• •• ..-• -:... ..' ß - . "The Great Sebastians," Howard Lindsay-Russell Crouse Broadway :•:..;':L ' '- ...... "• • •"' 'i:•½:::i;'•:...' .. :....•.•. ..-,• :.'.. .•-!:..'.:-.•, '•.-•' hit •vhich George Sidney will direct with Fred Kohlmar producing. ß ..• .?-'.: ß "':" '•,' i•t': **i•,•...•:•.•..-.-;.,.½-: ß .. • " .,;.;•%.-.•,.q• •_-•.;:.,:.:.;,:.,c<<,;,:•.•,•, . :• .. , ' ;½4•, ';." This is the same director-producer combination currently making "The Gale Storm Show" begins its Fall season on Sept 14 "Pal Joey" with Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra and Kim Novak. over the CBS Television Network. Miss Storm (above left) ap- pears as the popular shipboard hostess and Zasu l*itts (above Nash is the :.•th'or of "The Rainmaker," both play the screenplay. right) Js her friend, the beautician. i PAGE TEN The CHRONICLE .•r•

' 8:00 2--LersTake A •1•'• I1--1 Le•J' re•: 2•JimmyDurante 4--HopalongCassidy 9:00 4---Julius La Rosa 5---LoeneyTunes "' E 5--World's Greatest 7--The13--1tel.Christopher (•uiz. Prog. 4--Alcoa2--G-ETheatre Hou• "••'- Defectives 12:30 S--WarnerBros; Pr•m;er•:' ' 7--Billy Graham 7--Danger0usAssig•mef• I I--Movie 2--WildBill Hickok 9--Hourof Mystery" WCBS-TV--2 WRCA-TV--4 WABD---5 8:30 4--Th'eOpen Mind I I--Badge 714 WABC;TV--7 WOR-TV--9 WPIX--11 2--Two For the Money •'Befween7•Faith Forthe Today Lines 13--Spanish-----..... Show WATV--13 9:00 9--StoryBefore the Game ...... 9:30 2--Oh Susanne I I--Sightseeing 2--HitchcockPresents 13reViewsof Italy 7--MidwesternHayrlde 4•Mystery Theatre 1:00 I I--David Niven •'. TheseTV Morningand Afternoon Programs Are Repeated 5--N. O. P. D. 7•Lawrence Walk Show 2--HeCkle & JecEe 10:00 MondayThrough Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m. 9•Movi, 4---News & Views 2--The $64.000 Challenge "• ß I ]--Ze ro 1960 5•The Passerby 4•The Web 7•Movie•Drema 7--Mike Wallace "•' 7:00 7--Martin Block--Variety4•Bride and Groom 9:30 2•Jimmy Dean Show 12:00 •- 9--Unfinished Business 9--Movie 4•Today 2--HotelCosmopolitan 3:00 2--SRO Pleylmuse I I--Ramar of the Junge I I--Studio 57 " 8:00 4--TicTac Dough 2--TheBig Payoff 4•A Dollar a Second 13•Thrills in Sports 13--ForeignCorrespondeMr '• 5--Sheldonat N'oon 4--Matinee Theatre 5--Wrestling 1:30 10:30 2--CaptainKangaroo 7--TimeFor Fun 7--AfternoonFilm Festival I I•The Tracer 2--Pict.for a Sun.P.M. 2--What's My Line7 7mTinker'sWorkshop 12:15 9--TedSteele 13--ForeignCorrespondent 4•Film Shorts 4•Feaf... Film 10:00 S--Movie--Drama 7--Tinkerloons-8:30 Cartoons 2--Loveof Live 3:30 7--Movie 12:30 2--The VerdictIs Yours 2-- 9--KrrotholeGang I I--The Man CalledX 4•EncoreTheatre I I--Baseball 13•AII Star Movie ,•. 2--Sfu Erwin9:00 4--It2reSearch Couldfor BeTomorrow You $mTV Render Digerr 7--OzarkJubilee 13•Repf.from Rutgers ! I:00 4---Sheri'Lewis 7•MemoryLane 4:00 I ImPremlerePerformance 2:00 5•Sandy Becker 13--Carto,onComics 2--BrighterDay 2--Sun. News Special •.:•- 9:30 12:45 4•ueen ForA Day 13--H'ollywood Half Hour 4•Cifizen's Union ß•John K. M. McCaffre¾ 10:30 9--Baseball 5.--Defective Story 2--MyLittle Margie 2--TheGuiding Light 5•WendieBarrie I I•Baseball II •Mysfery Thee. .•-' 7--Movie--Drama I:00 I13•Junior IraFirst ShowFrolics 2•Jimmy Dean 13•Universify 2--News 4•AdvenfureTheatre 2:30 11:.15 10:00 4•Tex & Jinx 4:15 5--MoviesMystery 4•SundayMovie 2•The Late Show ..- 2•Garry Moore 5--Movie 2•The SecretStorm 7--MoviesComedy 7--MovieWestern 4--Fear.Film •'i" 4--ArleneFrancis ! :30' 4:30 13--All Star Movie 13--All Star Movie 1:05 ß 5--Movie 2•AsThe World Turns 2--TheEdqe of Night I I:00 3:00 2--The Late, Late Show 10:30 4•Club60 5--Doug.Fairbanks Thee. 2--The Late News 5•Movie--Drama 2mArthurGodfrey 7•TheAfternoon Show 4--Sat. Night News 2--Late Matinee 4--TreasureHunt 9--Screen,:ngtheWorld 5:00 11:!5 3:30 I1:00 13•FeafureFilm 2--Amos& Andy 2•The LateShow 4•Wafch •Mr. Wizard 2:00 4--ComedyTime 4--Movie 4•ThePrice IsRight 2•OurMiss Brooks 5•HerbSheldon 4:00 7--RoadtoRomance 9--Cartoons 7--MickeyMouse Club 11:30 2--Movie SEPT.9 II :30 I I--Siohtseeing 9--TedSteele 9--Movie 4•American Forum 2--SfrlkeIf Rich 2:30 13•FeatureFilm 12:30 7-- 5:30 4•Trufh or Consequences2•Art Linkletter 7•Movie--Mysfery 13--CommandPerformance 2--The Early Show 1:15 4:30 4•Movie 4 2--The Late, Late Show 4•Oafholic Hour I I•C!ubhouse Gang 7•Sfudio7--Drama 6:00 SATURDAY 2:00 5:00 5:00 5--Gene Aufry 2--The Big Top 2•Horse Race 2•Face the Nation 7•Oswald Rabbit 4•True Story 4•Film Shorts 4•Fronfiers•>f FaJfh I I•Popeyethe Sailor Idea SEPT.7 5--Liberace--Music 5--Adv.of EastsldeKids -SU N DAY S--Gangbusters 7raThe Bontempis 7--Movie 9mMovie 6:30 7reNewsConference 5--LooneyTunes 7:00 9--Movie 9--MillionDollar Movie I I•Double Feature 7--CorlissArcher 2--The'Breakfast Show 13•ltalianFeature Then. I I--Ramarofthe Jungle SEPT.8 I I--Combat Sergeant 5:30 4•Modern Farmer 12:30 2--WorldNews 13•Western 8:C3 4•De'tectlveDiary 5:30 8:00 S--Three Musketeers 6:45 2--News 5•Feaf.Then. 7•Five2--The LateStar Matinee Comedy 4•Sunday2--AgricultureSchedule USA 7--Press Conference 4--S,•ariland I:00 • I--SherlockHolmes 7--CartoonFestival 13--Evangel.Hour 4•News 7--Cartoon Festival 6:00 7:00 2--LoneRanger 13--Michael'sStudio 13--BigPicture 2•The Last Word 8:30 4•Home Gardener 6:00 8:30 4--Meet the Press 2--7 o'clockRepf. 2--HickoryDi:kory Dock 7•Sfudio 7 2--Six o'clockReport 2--Big Picture S--TheGreat Glidersleeve4•Highwav Patrol 9:00 9--GreatestFights 5---GeneA'ufry--Wesfern 13•O. ral Roberts 7--OorlissArcher S--RayMillanti--Drama - 2•On TheCarousel 1:30 7•JungleJim 9:00 13--N.J. Legls.Repf. 7--Kukla.Fran and Ollie •,. 13•HouseDefective 2--SundayNews 6:30 I I•News 4•Children'isThee. 2--RiqhfNow! 6:15 9--ThisIsthe Life 2•You Are There 7:!5 3--Big Picture 4•Baseball 4•Oowboy Theatre 2•News 7--TheAfternoon Show 2--PattiPage 13--FilmShorts S--Mickey Rooney 7•John Daly - News 9.:30 9mKnofholeGang 4•SportsTime 9:30 7--Star Time I I--New York News 2•CaptainKangaroo 13--RequestPerformance 6:30 2--TheWay To Go 9•Cr•usader Rabbit 7:30 ' 13--HollywoodJack Pot 2--M¾Little Marg:e 9--ChrisflanScience 13--•ov. Meyner I 0:00 2:00 4•Hy Gardener I 0:00 2--Robin Hood ' 4--Howdy., Doodv 2mOurNation's Roofs 5--Looney Tunes 2--LampUnto My Feet 7:00 4•Georgla Gibbs " 5---Leon Errol Comedles 7--Rin T1n Tin 2•Lassie 5--JudgeRoy Been •" :: 3•Spa-nlshMovie 5---Fee+.Thee. 9•ComedyTheatre 5--Wonderama 5--Frontier 7•Wire Service 10:30 I I--Dou.bleFeature I I--RangeRider 9•ChrJstopherProg. 7--You Asked For It 9--Movle -- 2:30 13--ForeignCorespondenf 13•German Variety 13•artoon Comics I I mSusie _2---MiahtyMouse 2•CongressionalGroup 7:00 10:30 7:30 13•AIIStar Movi e- 5---Renfrewof Mounted 4--Movle 2--If YouHad a Million 2--LookUp andLive •Movie 3:00 5•Count of MonteCristo 9--CartoonTime 2--1VlvFavorite Husband 7:45 •9r-.Greatest Fights 7--AnnieOakley--Western 13--House Detective 4•CircusBoy 4•NBC News "• I 1:00 2--MoviesDrama S•Mr. & Mrs. North 8:00 7--FeatureMatinee I I--Superman I 1:00 7--Movle--Drama 2--Burns& Allen' 2'-,-Susan's Show 13--Movie 13•JimmyShearer 2--Eye on New York 9--Million Dollar Movie 4•Ohas. Farrell -'•. ury 7--Focus I I--Victory af Sea ,•Frontier 5--Texas Rangers 4:00 7:30 9•Oral Roberts 2--Movie 13--All Star Movie I I--Dr. Chrlsfflan 9-aMovie--Western 2--TheBuceneers 13mSpanishShow •_. 3•-LePegunfa Musicale 4•Library Lions 4-'PeopleAre Funny I 1:30 8:00 8:30 11:30 S--Movie Drama 5•Crusade in the Pacific 2•amera Three 2•Ed. Sullivan 2--Talent Scouts 2--4+'sa Hit•(•)uiz 7•Movie 4•Ask the Camera 4•Sfeve Allen 4•Action Tonight 4•Capt. Gallant 4:30 9--Million Dollar Movie 5--Pet Center 5--Movi•ScenicFiction 5•Confidenfia•File 13•Tl•ePerucho Show 13•Juni.or Frolics I I•Of SpecialInterest 7--ThisIs TheAnswer IlkCombatSergeant 7--BoldJourn6y TheCHRONICLE .... .--- ...... "'"'"•GE ELEVEN I I-- Beat S•Uncommon Valor S•Mickey Rooney 9:00 9--Baseball 7--Disneyland I I--Baseball 9--Movie 2•Whifing Girls I I--Fast Guns•>f the 'West 4--Twenty-one 8:30 13--AllStar Movie J•Racket Squad 2--Private Secretary 7:45 7--Passport to Danger NOW'SHOWING 9--Movie 4--Panic 4--NBC News I I•Cify Defectfive 5--PressConference 8:00 13•AII Star Movie 7--Life of Wyatt Earp 2Oth. Century-Fox.. •$•.'.:<:_. ....presents . .:.' ••,"• * 9:30 2--Vic Damone 9:00 4•MasqueradePar!y 2--Private Defective 2-- 5--Wanted 4--Arthur Murray 4•Meet McGraw I I--Baseball J•Prof. Boxing 5--Mr. & Mrs. North 7--Top Tunes- Welk 7--BrokenArrow 8:30 I I--Inner Sanctum 13--All Star Movie i 0:00 4--Father Knows Best 9:30 5--Count of Monte Chrisfo 2--Studio One 4--Amateur Hour 2--SpotlightPlayhouse .7--Navy Log •Tomorrow's Champs 4--SummerPlayhouse 9:00 9--Movie 5--Cavalcade of Stars :....:'••:•::•:.:.:.•'::"-, CARROLL'BRUC• '1 I--Public Defender 7--TelephoneTime, Drama 4•Kraff2--The MillionaireThea. 10:30 9--StrangeStories 5--Cavalcadeof Stars 4--Cod e Three--Police 10:00 7--Ozzie & Harriet !111-i:, ß ": Release0'b•goth Centur•-F• ....<.-.'.-:,'."-"::!i '..,.':• " J•Prof. Boxing ß' ::k..'>'-' .•,•:':..... .:•.'::•:•:' ..x::: ty-•.:':•i:•i.:- -'::::::..: -:"•.ß ','.•.,.•:•.,".'c.,:•::'...... '< ....ß .' .....ß 11:15 7--Menof Annapolis 10:00 • ,•:.•::::i::<:i:•.?i!•'"..ß..... r.-:.:,i, % :-:-:-"'-'>'::-:':-•.'-'.<"..'*-': ..*.''<:!:!:i:..: • .x•:i:•. '..t•. :•.-.: ...... •:' ß...... •-'•:•::::.,..g::.•:...... :.. • .., .-.!•...½:.-.-.•,'.!':-.. 2--The Late Show 13---RequestPerformance 2--20fh Century Fox Hour •. •:L%:'-..'.':!•!.+.'.,•'.?.'i:-&.•':' • ¾i:i.:-'.'-:•::: : ß - 4::. . .: ß" ,. '- ß ß I1:00 4--This Is Your Life ß:: -'..'-.•..x..-..-,<-' ;:.:.:.-•!• ßß .<..::-:::.':' ß 4--Tonight J[•i•...... •i:.•...•:• i•!:':..' ':".=.:.:.-•:i'.:?i•.,.•,:?:.-:.•:• -..':'"i: .- ' • S•Gussie's Corner 7--Wed. Night Fights ß.,-..<.:.'.. :.•;...... -:•.,:.:i•.•.'.:.•:.:>•..-.:.x,.-.-.:•....- .. ß. :-.... "':v:'-' ..... ,•, .:: .. ., :.•.:.•.,...... •. :.... ß .::.:.::.•...... •:..•r..... /...... 2--The Late News 9--Movie .. 7--Movie •::•.•:...•.•::.?•:..ßx-.::+..-...:..•.. ß -' - :-•. ,••__ • '.'.> 4•J. M. McCaffrey .. •'x,11:".:.-':.-.:.'::::. ß .' ...y. , ' ::... ' ..c•... ß ß 11:30 ß L,•::'&:-:-'.'-:...... ' ...... '::'":..... :...... 5•NighfBeat 10:30 ,...:.- ':..:....:.! ..ßß 7--News 4•The Vise -... S---Screen Souvenirs . ß..;:: ';LET'S GO!" -- T ß d M a c k 9--Movie 9--Movie 13--Request Performance ß ':. I I--Paris Precinct 10:45 sounds the starting gong for the* I I--News Fall s½;'i•s of "Ted Mack's Origi- 12:30 I 1:15 7--Sports Page ß'... :.... >-. ':. nal Am&•.ur Hour" on NBC.TV 9•-Strange Stories Sunday, $•,•:L 22. Many stars had 2--The Late Sho•, I1:00 • . ..-..•'-'!...... •"...• ...... '::i::-:. ' ß': 1:00 4--Tonight 2--The Late News :•.L :-..:i':..i.....•.::--:. -'..... '•"• their $tar• on his programs, 2--The Late, Late Show I 1:30 4•John McCaffrey "i'"'i:::::.':-:.-:.... S•Niqhf Beat ß "i' 'i?. 9--He-Man Thea. 7--News .. . . : :•"-. I I--News I I--Mystery Theatre I:10 11:15 TUESDAY .- ::•:-. . :•:::.:..::•:•.%...... i 2--Late, Late Show 2--The Late Show 4--Tonight SEPT. 10 BEWARE!-- Master suspense 11:30 artist Alfred Hitchcock plots 5:30 somemysterious evil for "Suspi- 2--The Early Show cion" which premiereson NBC- 4--Movie Four W ED N ES DAY •--•o-.=• The=. I I--News TV Monday, Sept. 30.. He'll pro- 9---K,nofhole Gang 1:15 duce many of the full-hour I I--Ramar of the Junclle SEPT.l i 2--TheLate, Late Show programs,and the entireseries 6:00 will carrythe "Hitchcockflavor? ...... 5--Gene Aufrv 7--Oswall Rabbit 5:30 9--Round-Up 2--The Early Show I I--Popeye 4--Movie 4 i :.:.:-:.--:======' : 6:30 I I--Popeye THURSDAY ii!ii:•iiiiiiiii!!ii::iiiiii!::i::i':::.--...:.• ' ""•'•'::'•" ' '."•' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..... •-Looney l'unes 6:00 ...: ,:.-,.•. , -- ?--Dangerous Assignment I I--Deeo Sea Adventure 5--GeneAufry SEPT.12 •::::::::::::::::::: I.ii•i!i!•!iiii•i?: .:•..:•....:.'.::-:•:-.-':-. " • '•',. ' -.. 13--Wesfern ::::::::::::::::::::::...... -.. 7--OswaldRabbit 5:30 ,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ß.-.:..•...::::...... ,•,• .....• c::::::::::::.:. .'- :..:.:t.:-'...•.-:. ^ •, ' : . 6:45 :::::::::::::::::::::,•' :.•¾•' 9--Round-up 2--TheEarly Show -ii•!i!i!iii,',• ' "., '• ' ß :- '.• , ' ' ' >:.. '•. 4-;-News 6:30 4--Movie 4 ::!::i::i::i::i::•!" :.•--?. ".•' '- ;:??:i' •! ...... ".';,.'-:; --' •',.'<'::' "': 7:00 5--Lo.oneyTunes I I•-Ramar of the Jungle i•:::::?::::?:' t--.7 o'clock Rapt. 7--Passoorf To Danger .:.:.:.:.:.•:::::::::: '.•.•;. ß..,• ..• ß <:..- :::::::::::: .' ::i:?:•::'" ' - '-::-• . ..::'-.x 4•Celebrify Playhouse I I--Ramarof the Jungle 6:00 :'-- •H un fe r--A dye nfure -, ,".-? ?-¾., .•---.:• '%, •:•:i,•:::.:::.::. 7--Kukla Fran & Ollie 13--ForeignCorrespondent •Gene Aufr¾ 6:45 7--Oswald Rabbit ß ß ß•...., . .-- -. ...• ;•....•.. ß• ..:.. •. ,..-..," x.. -•.•::..• ,•...... ::ß 9--Terryloon Circus ß-..:. .-...-•::•.' .-•.%;•,•...': ....•.• ß .•" .x•:.'.,.,x.'v<',. '. ': I I .---Kevin Kennedy 4--News 9--Round-upI I--Popeye the Sailor ..' -. .,'.x.•.•:•??:- "':4•.ß 7:15 :.:'.: ,•.• .,•." ,,,•::.? o -- . ß..,:.:.; -7:00 13--Let's Travel ' • ß "" -"•:4¾:' :- • .... :•-."-ß 2--7 o'clock Rep't ß::.: •.•ß•-. .••-•..:-.-.:¾.-: /...... •:•,.-....¾:., '-.,. ß , . ..•¾.•;-. 7•---John Daly--News 4--DeathValley Days 6:30 ••'..' -,• .....":-.:-•'i:: :..•..:..:,:•..-...... " ....--:-' ...... ::,• II ',,John Tillman 5--Three Musketeers 5--Loonev Tunes 7:30 •.•'•::.•.: •.•.•.('•..'•:,,...,• • ?•:•::-•..:..'..:.;y;•-:,:::-: :-..•.- •.:-. ...,•..•:!•:.-•. • -. 7--Kukla Fran & Ollie 7--Files of Jetfry Jones ß '--•: .'-•:• •<:•..•:•.•.>.:•.....•,•.:e.. . • . ... •.•. •=:--'t..•:•'-.,•.-'.-:-'.,.. ' 2--Name That Tune 9--Terrytoon Circus I I--Wild Bill Hickok ... x,<-,4•x".: 4--Andy Williams I I--Kevin Kennedy 13--Western ;'... •...•;• .•:-•.,,,.• _( -'•.• :.•:.... S---Waterfront 13--Boating •....-::." ..•-:• 'i '• • %ß .::- :% . .•..... :..:....:... ,.- 7•Confli•f--Drama 7:15 6:45 f::•',•. •:•.• . '. ,.-. :. ß ., . .' .....-. LOOK HERE!-- Martin Agronsky 9--Kn'ofhole Gang 4•News will conduct a new live weekly "interview - in - depth" program, I I--Biq Game Hunt 2--News 7:00 ERNIE'S BACK--Tennessee Ernie 13--All Star Movie Ford returns to head "The Ford "Look Here!" on NBC-TV start- 7--John Daily--News ing Sunday, Sept. 15. The Pea- I I--John Tillman--News 2--7 o'clock Rapt. Show" on NBC-TV Thursday 4--NBC News 7:30 4•Guy' Lombardo nightsbeginning Sept, 19. Ernie •odyAward.winning commentator will again entertain with his songs .:. each week will visit an-eminent 8:00 2--WednesdayPla"l•,uuse 5---Sher,• •,,.: -•o= •e .....ß'-' •olks humor, with--•-pedi•.... '...... --'=•'• : onal:ty lr a characteristic 2--Phll Silvers 4•HelenO'Connell •"7•-Ku'kia 'l-ra• & Ollie '-'e;•:;:•-'•-• y .•, ._. • .... ' 4---Festival of Stars . g•est$appeari• eachweek..• away.from-[he-studiosetting. TW Th CHRClNICLE 9--Terrvfown Circus 11:15 7--A. dv. of Rin Tin Tin 9--Millio.n Dollar Movie Rodeo Queer, 7:15 2--The Late Show I I--Baseball Hall of Fame 4--Tonight 13--All Star Movie 2--News 7--Movie Comedy ,..,•.,.•:...... •'...... -•....:;• ...... o:•:'**. ?•4•.•½.:..,':•½'".*..-::.. 7--News Show .a!?':...?:j,::...... :.• .... -'-'•?., .'.:•.,::.•!•!:•i..:½..•.i•.....i$:- :..' *!•.-'--•i.Y-- : :45 .' ß •. ß .-.. . -L :.-:.:. •. :. ' 4. :.'.':!•.:•.%":•*'-•: ..... "' ...':' '. I I•News 11:30 ß '::.::";;?".:'.x • ..'. . ';' ß ,.-.. ::"•%x' 8::•i•.: ...... ¾::' 4•NBC News ß.::. ...:..... ,• .- .:.>.•½... •: :: -. . 7:30 I I•News ....:?...... -..sii.•..':.,:•:!:•:i'.'...;-'.:.;'-?,::.S.'..•i•:•:::::.',,•.:ij:}'.:..:½•i.;qi.-.i.... 8:00 •:•'.'::!•.•L.-•...... ?!'::;?.:!:?::::•?-':•" '•'.?;:'.•...... : . ' ß 2•Sgf. Preston 1:45 ß. • •'•,.-*.:-;-.<:;':':.- ..•.•::•:?.'-..-.'-...... •.:.::..: ...... •,x• •. ' ... 4•Andy Williams 2--West Point Story 2--The Late, Late Show ... 5--The Goldbergs ,l•Blondie :.'..-.....?.F?.i.J;i:'•:::;: .... "' .... ' '* 7--' The Lone Ranger 5--Confidential File ...... -...... ,....•&.;: - .. 9•Greatest Fights 7•Jim Bowie .. ;: .... .-. ... .- I I--Whirlybirds I I--Baseball " ;..'• 2. ' ß'iY'i•...:i•-' ½•f: i;•! . .• 13•AII Star Movie .:.%:..:.,•..,..... 8:30 ß ;:- ;.... '-• %!:-...: 8:00 ..,.•i•ii :'-.-'...... '•.•-' 2.---Destiny ...... :•i:-('½b.?'?'"--' :: " :.... ß.? .. 2--Bob Cummings SEPT. 13 4•The Life of Riley 4•Groucho Marx 5--Racket Squad •. -?-:::.•:., .... .•.. ..-. 5--Sherlock Holmes 7--Crossroads ß- .-.. . . '.:•.L•.' .. 5:30 •;'.:- .:':;•::' .,..::...,.....•i..-..:ii_*:::!:-.'.!, "-'i.? i&::::.?.-*:::::':':':'::: ::•x;i:-""' ...... %• '-'•':'-"'-' .. ::.•.-'.=..!i.-'!:i•:...... '-'.!::, "'".. ..•-.-i' :::•-':• .•.'.- .... ' '•.-- 7--Western ß::•, ::":,-i: ::-!:?::.-'.i-""ia:.*:.,: <:ii,':".-;•. 9--Baseball 9:00 •i!ii;•;:.•i:.::*-,•..... ;:?.•.•:::::::.•:;,•'o.... . -, ... -; ...... •- ...• -;., 2•The Early Show I i--Code Three .•i.;;•i::.•..... '.-.:-.,.i?..*;i,...... ,•, ",•;.., .,' .-,• .• '•....;. 4•Movie 4' 2--Mr. Adams and Eve ,'8;::•::':i:'":".':.-.-. :•.-...:.-..•.:::...-:...... x:::-'"::i::'": ...... '\ • ...... ß -...... ';:-:'-':":. -..: -. .. : .".•.! ß: '. . ':' ß 8:30 I I--Clubhouse Gang 4•Josep'h Cotfen ß:. ..::...... :.•.;...... • .----.-'.;...:..: ...--- •.•.. , .., !:?i'!•.-'..;.*'iii?i::.".:.-. •.: :....: ß- .-:.,'•.. ¾ ,•...... -: ß!.:'.I' -.- ß -,. '"':'":;.'".-,.4- : ß .•::.*'*.'.'•;-•* :½ ...... :.**-.. -'... -.•. 2•Climax 5--Movie ' " :':..-.:';':8 ' ..-.-,""""-:-.. . . .% .:.: ß -. ,:i.'.-•i•:•.'.:.'. :..';, 6:00 :- .::!:!:!:i %. '" - ' ' 'i::..".?".• ..,:-.• ' •,.; ':-::.-:•::i.::"-,i.•: 4•Dragnet 7--Club Playhouse ß.. . :•:•:•:•:•: •'•...... ,.: %,,;- •.... -. ...,...., ., 8--Star Attractions ½. ....•iilB!::::i:::: ' • "•.' .:" :•.- '"' 5•Ray Milland Show Aufry I i--Dick Powell 7--Oswald Rabbit 13--All Star Movie ::. •:½ii;;;iiBiii!!\"-.*,..,.:': ;:. '-:'i::;'.i?iiiii!iiiiii!•iiiii '• '-• -'- : , '"•.7 ' i.'":'-."'- ' ' 9--Round-Up ::..'•:.... ======::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- 9:00 9:3'0 •. ======ß• '• •...> - ,,.. . •. <-:. - -. ..• t I--Popeye the Sailor Man ß ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '4.•.,. 1.,,.,::• . -. '.': ..•...."'< :• -::.; ...• ---.- 'l•The People'sChoice i 3--Weekend 2--Schlitz 'Playhouse ;::::::::::...... ß ,•. ßß. :..,,•.¾** .:. -. 5--Prof. ßWresflincl 4•The Big Moment .::iiiii::ii•i•i•!•::•i•iii::::iiii!!iiiiiiiii::. ,• ...-*.'!,•',•,, ;.*...•,.'. -;•;';,• '•,•:•,:i•i:,•?.?.:,¾::'-:' ;.:.:.:.:...... :...... :.:.:.:.:.:.:....._._._._...... :.i'i:i::i:!i;•i•i•i•!•:•!•i•i:!:i"i:i::.'!:i.....'• ...... '".'t" ½". "' ...... "'"",,...... %' f• '""":::'"':;'.';:"''-...... •....:.-'i' c-'.. 7--Theatre Time 6:30 7--Date with the Angels I I--Silent Service I 0:0• ' 5--Looney Tunes 13--Request Performance •--U.ndercurrenf. iiiiiii•i::•!iiii::iiiiiiiiii•i::::iiiiii::i::::::::ii!ii::::!•ii*...... ;iii`•::iiiiii::iiiiii•'../;½.-.:... • •.. '}_, ,..•!'•i-...t.-. :p:;' 7•Bvline :::i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:!:!:i:!:i:i:i:i!iiiiiiii!!!•i!i•!iiiiii' ß::i:!:!:M: :?..-.•:::..:.e. :: -.<. ß :;;.-'.-.'..- --...... - I I--Sheena 4•Cavalcade .of Sports 9:30 /--Film Drama ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"i:i:iSi'!•: ":': • • .' 13--Western I•!m .::} }?i•i•i•i•i{iliY/:f:•i!if:!!ii•i•i•i•iii!i!:;i!ii::•i!iii.:.-'.:..':. '::ii•iii..•.•'S::i::•i!i?:.,. . .• -*•- • .' 9 Movie 2--Playhouse '90 •i•?•i•if:•i•?!f:•if;if:•!•i•if:•i•i•::•iiii::•::•?:•ii;.':iii...... ,:.,:.::.:.' ½ • . . .- 'l•High--Low 6:45 10:30 ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:. -...-- ' :.'4 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •'•:!•':: ß ..•.1•:: .... 7•Bowling Film Z--Panfomine Ouiz .:....::: :: ======:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;..: .: ß . . .,,. ..;:.:.':::.:.;:-•::-.,.-½..•.. •.:.,,,.: • ß . 4---News I I--Ida Luplna /--Hawkeye :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _ ....e..-.:::.:.::::. ..::.½.. 7:00 13--Request Performance 10:00 :' ':i:i:i:i:!:!:i:!:i:i:i:iSi:!:!:M:M:i:i:i-'.::i:i!iiiiiii•iiiiiii:i:!:: .'::.:-"-' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ' .-: .-•¾:. :•: ...... ,' ..." 2•Seven o'clock Rep't I 1:00 'l•Lux Video Thea. 4--Silen• Service 2--The Late News 7•Film Feature 5•Bugs Bunny 4--John M. McCaffrey ':"i!!!!iiiiBi!iS;'-':•...-;i•?:::•"'":'-"/-;44:::;-•-' 9--Movie 7--Kukla Fran & Ollie 5•NJnhf Beat ...... 'i•i•?if:f:iiiii!•iiiiii::ii!i!..'.: ,.:. ' iiiiiii::ii•!..,..... '::"...... :-:-•.'':'.':'-.':-.s. ,.:...., !•::i::•ii: " i.'i.::!.':." ..':!i:!i!!iiiii!ii!!ii!iiiiiiiii!.;.:.:.: ...... :-:.!:i:i:E:i:i: ..... :i:i:i-' :i';;. ß '. "":'""•: ....."::..,ß.::'..•;& I I •C.apfured 9--Terrytown Circus /--Star Showcase ::::::::::::::::::::::::..... :,,:,:,, :,:, :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:...... -::::::::::::::::::::: . .• :.•,,. ,. ;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:....:.:.:.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ß•.:::::::::::...... -: ,,.. •.,,•,,.¾,- ,,• .-.-.-...-.*....:::.:.:::. ., 9--Movie 10:30 I I--Kevin Kennedy I I--The Cat Mysteries Terry Hi!l, from Portland, Oregon, has been selected Queen 7--Damon RunyonTheatre 7:15 of the "Pendalton Roundup," which will be broadcast exclusively I I--The Whlsfler 11:15 over the CBS Television Network on Saturday, Sept. 14. Miss Hill, who was selected from a field of more than 100 candidates- 13--All Star M,ovle z--News 2--The Late Show 7•ohn Dalv - News 'l•Tonighf will serve as a hostess during the hour !on• telecast. I I:00 I I--News - John Tillman 11::30 2--The Late News 9--Movle •' 4--J. M. McCaffrey /:30 i I--New= 5--Night Beat 2•Beaf The Clock "Bachelor ather" '" 7--Star Showcase 4•Helen O'Connell I:00 I I--Patrol Car 5--Gangbusters 2--The Late. Late Show ..... ß:.:.:..: ..... :.....s, .•.•.;•.,,• •. *,. *.-. ., **:.:.:.:.:.... .-•...:...:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:...... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:....-•.••.••.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:...... :.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...... :.:.• .:.:.:.:.:.;.:....:.:.:.:....:.:.:. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,,, *. ..;-:,;.ß-.. .•..-:> -... : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i-'-::':-:!:i:;:i:i:i:i:i::i:i::, ' , ... .(,.,:... ======•?,'?.,:'"'"..?.::'•".•iii!i.s.?::;:,t ....• --- --•'•:i:.::-..':.:... . :..::?.•,..::•..::::**•...::,•:,.,•:,.•:. '• '.:8•i8:::.:.?!::.•:i::.'.•:i. !•.: ::i:i•:• .,....•...*-::...... 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...... ':• . --•:i •' •... !::.'•:""i!i•::": ';i '• ...... *... ,. -::•.ß . Broadway and Hollywood star 3ohn Forsythe who portrays a filmland attorney, inherits a winsome niece named Kc!!y, ".GOLD RUSH STORY--Adam Kennedy(center) will play a young p.layed by Noreen Corcoran,whose escapadesare a continuou.•ly ?BostonIrishman who goes to SanFrancisco in the 1850'sand finds h-•rassingexperience to him in the nex• situationcomcd• elor Father," •tarting on the CB• Television Nct•ork,.$und


This is a story of 1916, the year that the eyes when she hung up the receiver and schools did not open on schedule, the year turned to face us. that plague descendedand caught us as t•r- rifled and defenseless as though we were "Irene," she said in a choked voice, "that dwellers in a medieval city faced with. a new was your mother. Your sister has infantile and dreadful scourge. paralysis. You can't go home. You'll have to sta• here." There was a dreadful pause. I was a child in 1916. My friends and I Then, "It's too late for us 'to 'be afraid of did not understand. We asked questions but you, child. You've been here all day." the grownupswere as bewilderedand fright- ened as ourselves. "It's infantile paralysis," We ,•vent a• ay v, ithout touching Irene, ,•ome of us without speaking to her. The they told us. "It kills you .or else it leaves plague had reached out and flicked at us. you crippler forever. Don't go too close to 1,Ve hurried home frightened of each other, anybody and don't touch anything that a ashamed of our fright and unable to keep strange Child has handled." back the thought thai tomorrow we would all be stricken with death or lameless. Fear griPl)ecl us so completeIv that we for- got how to laugh or to play. I can remem- Irene stayed with the Smith's, I suppose. ber lying in bed at night waiting for the I won't know. I dashed home and wrote at disease to strike at me. I had no idea how it once to my father. It must have be-n an manifested itself and I lay very quietly pray- insane, frenzied little letter in x• hich I ing that when next I wished to move my begged him to come get me and take me to limbs they would respond as they had al- safety somewhere, anywhere. I did not know •..;waysdone in the past. that the .plague was widespread. I thought There was one among us, however, who it •vas just in our town. Any•vay my father came and took me away. I went joyfully, had no dread of the terrible plague. That ß girl was Irene Crane. In my' mind's eye $ thankfully, but I did not know as I went can still see her as she was back there in that it •ould be fi'fteen years before I ever those diflicult days. She was a yellow-haired saw that town again. child ,with a gay ring to her laughter and I was a woman when I returned to visit the 'most inexhaustible capacity for fun of and the first night I was back I I_ was sur- anyone I've ever known. She was the school prised to find that my hostess's living room ,l•eau'ty, popular with teachers and .pupils was .decorated as though for a party. alike and if she was not the brightest of our group that was easily forgiven for one does "Just the old group," she explained, "and not expect to find genius in a flower. their husbands. You remember Ginny Smith, Lila Day, the .'Crane girls and that crowd." Irene had a sister who was a year young- er. Her mother called her Caroline, but out- A peculiar wave of terror ran throuc, h me side-the house she was known as Irene's at the mention of the Crane girls. I was a sister. It was natural for her to ,be Irene's child again cringing before a terri•ble mys- --:-•.sisterjust as it was natural for us to .be a terious force .that wanted to kill me. •nameless cluster of girls known as Irene's friends. Irene was the center of our small "I remember them all," Isaid. "How are world and we revolved a•out her radiance the Crane girls?" and asked for no recognition for ourselves. "The same as ever ,but exactly the same. Irene's sister, aware of her inability to com- One popular and one a flop.." pete with the beauty and enchanting ,man- "It's cruel to say that," I protested. "Caro- ner of Irene, was perfectly content and ut- line had paralysis. Ho;w can you expect her terly reconciled •o be but a pale reflection tto be " of our yellow-haired commander. Only once were we unable to think with "But it's Irene who's a flop. She's silly. Rememberhow she used to laughand 'play Irene. That was when she said, "I'm not joyes all ,the time? She s still the same. BUt •cored of that infantile paralysis. We won't you can't ask Caroline without asking Irene ge• it. You'll see. None of us will." •;0 we "

'We .were ashamed of our fears 'but there "But is Caroline well?" they were just the same. "Of courseshe is. Shehad good care andS, I can remember .the day that we all went good sense used on her and she's as fine as over to Ginny Smith's house for games and anyone. A lot finer, I .guess. She went light refreshments. For our health's sake, the grownups looked upon the gathering through so much that she has more depth and understandingthan 'most people. Sh.•? with misgivings, but for the good of our so strong and dependable'Of •course sl{• morale they consented. thanks her doctor and her nurse and her The games were fun. the refreshments "After all," they said to one another, "it's mother for everything .and .they say it wzs divine, v,e thought. It had been a beautiful Caroline's patience and perseverance tl•t •the same group -of girls who see each other day in •hich the most worri,•ome of us had anyway. It'll be all right." forgotten that something stran•,e and ter- helpedher. She'sthem to .... helpher. Wait till you•ee ß '• "It's the same group" except for Irene's rible walked abroad beyond the cool comfort Sister. Stie hatlift been invited because she of Ginny Smith's house. I,Ve •ere just col- .It was at that moment the bell rang' was not in our grade and Ginny' Smith lecting our belongings and thanking Ginn} that my hostess's mother, who was looking hadn't known that Irene had a sister. ,for a 1o•ely day when the phone rang. out of an upstairs window, called to us.,•I'11 never for.get her words. She called, "DaUgh- "It doesn't matter," Irene said. '•Caroline I can still see Ginny Smith's mother as ter ,go to the door. It's Caroline's sister." isn',t feeling' well. She had an upset Stom- she stood talking on that phone. I can see ach, I guess." the horror and pi•y that appeared upon her My h •o•t.e$slq0ked• at. me nd laughed. • .....!'•--eafi'-gee---• teans t-hat were in 'her :-'.'•.•ha•"•'l•"•H •yt•ru.•- 'P ' id. "-.....

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