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SDB buys Singapore land for mid-rise The Edge Property apartments Malaysia Dredging Bhd (SDB), via its indirect 50% associated company Champsworth Development Pte Ltd, has acquired a prime site in Dray- cott Park, Singapore for S$72 million Good response to OSK Property’s (RM223.2 million). It plans to build exclusive mid-rise Melbourne Square West Tower apartments at the site, which is located off Stevens Road, minutes away from OSK Property’s launch of its maiden Australian project over a 69-storey block, carrying the same pricing Publisher and Group CEO the shopping belts of Scotts Road and Melbourne Square last weekend in has and built-ups. “We were excited to launch Melbourne Ho Kay Tat Orchard Road. received good response. Square in KL, our home ground. It received an over- The parcel measures 17,442 sq ft Open for sale exclusively for the Malaysian launch whelming response where close to 1,000 people came and currently houses a 7-storey apart- was the second residential tower of the development and showed great interest in the project, which ended ment, SDB announced on Wednesday. known as West Tower. The 52-storey West Tower com- with strong sales recorded,” said OSK Group deputy The latest purchase brings the prises 477 apartment units with built-ups ranging group managing director Ong Ju Xing in a statement group’s total properties in Singapore from 49.4 sq m to 316.8 sq m (531 sq ft to 3,409 sq ft). on Monday. The Edge Property Sdn Bhd (1091814-P) to seven. In December 2016, SDB Prices range from A$401,200 to A$5.8 million (RM1.29 The 5-acre project is the single-largest integrated Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1 Jalan purchased a parcel of freehold land million to RM18.64 million), or an average of A$11,000 development in Southbank, Melbourne and has a PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 , Selangor, Malaysia located in Serangoon Road, District per sq m. gross development value of RM9 billion. It is also lo- 12, measuring 31,705 sq ft for S$47 The first residential tower, East Tower, was cated fi ve minutes’ walk away from Crown Melbourne, Th eEdgeProperty.com million. launched earlier and offered 566 apartment units Australia’s most vibrant entertainment centre. Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief “Our team will commence with Au Foong Yee development conceptualisation and planning in the immediate future. We to support the development and de- One Bukit Senyum to start second phase soon EDITORIAL aim to launch both the projects within ployment of Smart City Solutions to Editor Lam Jian Wyn Contributing Editor Sharon Kam the fi rst half of 2018,” said SDB man- improve our impact on the environ- The One Bukit Senyum Deputy Chief Copy Editor aging director Teh Lip Kim. ment, our infrastructure, economy as mixed-development project James Chong well as the social element of the city,” in Johor Bahru by Astaka Copy Editor Geraldine Tan Cyberjaya Community said Cyberview managing director Da- Holdings Ltd is set to enter Senior Writer Tan Ai Leng Recycling Collection tuk Faris Yahaya. its second phase soon. Writers Rachel Chew, Natalie Khoo, The Cyberjaya Community Recy- The second phase will Shawn Ng, Lum Ka Kay Centre nabs cling Collection Centre is operated by comprise a 15-storey Johor Art Director Sharon Khoh Design Team Nurul Aida Mohd Noor, Design Award Alam Flora who reimburses Cyber- Bahru City Council new head- Maisarah Ali Italy-based A’ International Design jaya inhabitants for their separated quarters, a 450-room 5-star Award and Competition has awarded domestic waste, most of which will be hotel, 1,012 residences, 254-keyed units have been sold since its launch For New Launches/Events/ Press Releases/News Tips the Cyberjaya Community Recycling diverted to recycling centres instead of serviced apartments, a 1.5 milllion sq in 2013. email: [email protected] Collection Centre the Silver A’ Design landfi lls. The centre also organises re- ft shopping mall and Grade-A offi ces. “Around 20% to 25% of the buyers Tel: 03-7721 8211 Fax: 03-7721 8280 Award for Sustainable Products, Pro- cycling scheme initiatives directly en- Meanwhile, The Astaka building, are local, with Singaporeans taking Email: [email protected] jects and Green Design. The facility is a gaging businesses based in Cyberjaya. which is part of the fi rst phase of the up some 40%. We also have buyers ADVERTISING & MARKETING community recycling project commis- Designed by ATSA Architects, One Bukit Senyum project, is expected from Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Associate Account Director, sioned by Cyberview Sdn Bhd. the Cyberjaya Community Recycling to be completed in the fi rst quarter of Brunei, India, Nepal and Bangladesh,” Advertising & Marketing “When we set out to re-defi ne our Collection Centre used various ma- next year. It has a gross development said Astaka Holdings chief executive Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880 Senior Account Managers focus for Cyberjaya’s transforma- terials that are considered green or value of over RM1.4 billion and stands offi cer Datuk Zamani Kassim after a Cecilia Too (012) 319 7666 tion under the Cyberjaya Smart City recyclable. It is a pilot project or a at about 915 ft (278.9m) tall. topping-off ceremony of The Astaka’s Account Managers Framework, we made sure that the prototype concept that can be repli- About 70% of its 438 residential twin towers on June 6. Megan Chee (011) 2433 4363 Marketing Support & Ad Traffi c necessary conditions were put in place cated elsewhere. Madeline Tan (03) 7721 8218 email: [email protected] How do I get past issues of this weekly pullout? Email : [email protected] trending Go to TheEdgeProperty.com NEGOTIATOR ADVISORY SERVICE to download for free Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay now Senior Associate Stannly Tan Associate Karen Wong

For enquiries and listings If you have any real estate-related events, email us at [email protected]. email: [email protected] LAUNCHES + EVENTS GL: (03) 7721 8175/ 8172 Events listed here will also appear on TheEdgeProperty.com. Email: [email protected]

TheEdgeProperty.com pullout is from Parkson under one roof Children’s Coding and Sri Sinar, Kuala Lumpur published by The Edge Property Sdn with discounts of up to 80%. Tech Workshop Contact: (019) 232 2089 Bhd. It is available with The Edge Financial Daily every Friday. The Date: June 11 (Sun) Joey Tan (REN 11379) from pullout is also distributed at more Burlington Square launch Time: 11am to 1pm City Crest Realtors will be than 200 offi ces, shopping complexes, Date: June 10 and 11 (Sat and Sun) and 2pm to 4pm showcasing a freehold, condos, medical centres, F&B outlets and LRT stations in the Klang Valley. Time: 10am to 6pm Venue: IOI Galleria @ 16 Sierra, 3-bedroom condominium You can also download it for free at Venue: The Westin Hotel KL, Level Persiaran Sierra Utama, Bandar that off ers one of the best www.TheEdgeProperty.com 2, Straits Boardroom, 199 Jalan 16 Sierra, Puchong, Selangor views of North Kiara Hills. , Kuala Lumpur Contact: (03) 8944 9999 Contact: (012) 213 1228 IOI Properties Group Bhd will Malaysia Furniture and be hosting a workshop for Furnishings Fair your little ones who are into Date: June 16 to 18 (Fri to Sun) technology. There will be a Time: 10.30am to 9pm Th e Edge Malaysia The Grand Bazaar at variety of activities for them Venue: Hall 1-4, Kuala Lumpur Eco Grandeur EDITORIAL to learn the basics of coding Convention Centre, Jalan Editor-in-Chief Azam Aris Date: June 10 to 12 (Sat to Mon) conducted by Code Juniors, Pinang, Kuala Lumpur CORPORATE Time: 12pm to 9pm who are specialised in coding Contact: (03) 6140 1202 Chief Operating Offi cer Lim Shiew Yuin Venue: Eco World Gallery @ Eco and programming for kids. Organised by the Kuala Lumpur ADVERTISING & MARKETING Chief Commercial Offi cer Grandeur Lot 6232, Persiaran Seats are free but limited. & Selangor Furniture Industry Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056 Mokhtar Dahari, Bandar Registration is required via goo. Association, the fair is the General Manager Puncak Alam, Selangor Amax Real Estate Sdn Bhd will gl/forms/ZJTazW8TWG3r0TTd2 biggest home furniture fair in Kingston Low (012) 278 5540 Senior Sales Managers Contact: (03) 3270 2525 be hosting the fi rst international Malaysia and features the best Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831 Get everything you need for launch in Malaysia, of the Laman Scenaria Kiara of what the furniture industry Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 Hari Raya at The Grand Bazaar Burlington Square apartments open house can off er. It also provides a Kamalesan Parama (012) 394 4855 Michael Tan (012) 213 0252 at Eco Grandeur. Organised in Manchester, UK. Comprising Date: June 17 to 18 (Sat and Sun) wellspring of information to Creative Marketing by Eco World Development 273 units of 1- and 2-bedroom Time: 11am to 5pm meet your home furniture and Chris Wong (016) 687 6577 Group Bhd, the bazaar features units, prices start from Venue: Laman Scenaria Kiara, furnishing needs, as well as tips Head of Marketing Support & Ad Traffi c the best and widest selections £129,000 (RM713,829). No 6, Jalan 6/38a, Taman on transforming your home. Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 Email: [email protected]


UMLAND Both projects will be managed by ONYX UMCity Medini Lakeside has a GDV Hospitality Group, which has just soft launched of RM1.2 billion with about 17 acres the fi ve-star Amari Johor Bahru at UMLand’s dedicated for parks and recreation. Suasana Iskandar project. Over at its maiden township Bandar Seri Alam, Johor, the developer will be launching Opal 2 in August. Opal 2 comprises 82 dou- ble-storey cluster and semi-detached homes with built-ups starting from 2,228 sq ft. Prices start from RM788,000. Also coming up in Bandar Seri Alam is the 22.1-acre Lee Chong Wei International Sports City, which will begin construction by year-end. “We want to bring more commercial activ- ities into Bandar Seri Alam. We have a sizea- ble student population there and we want to UMLand’s Citadines Medini to bring the community together through sports,” added Cheng. On the 350-acre Johor Halal Park in Pasir Gudang, he said the fi rst phase of 100 acres has off er buy-and-leaseback option been 50% sold and 95% completed. Th e park is a joint venture between UMLand and Johor Biotechnology & Biodiversity Corp, which is fully owned by the Johor state government. ALBERT CHUA / TheEdgeSingapore In the Klang Valley, UMLand is preparing BY LUM KA KAY because of the Ascott brand. Both Citadines to launch the second phase of Mahkota Hills and Ascott are well known in Singapore. We in Semenyih, Selangor. Th e project comprises JOHOR BAHRU: United Malayan Land Bhd know that this is also the fi rst hospitality in- double-storey homes. Th e 355.7-acre Mahko- (UMLand) will be launching its first ho- vestment that is available for sale in Johor. ta Hills, with a GDV of RM2 billion, is locat- tel-branded residence Citadines Medini by “We are also riding on Medini’s great lo- ed 14km from the University of Nottingham September. Purchasers will be off ered a buy- cation as it is in the central business district Malaysia campus. and-leaseback option. of the entire Iskandar Puteri development,” Cheng also revealed that the developer is Located at the developer’s 30-acre integrat- Cheng said. Cheng said UMLand currently planning a transit-oriented devel- ed development UMCity Medini Lakeside in Purchasers will have the option to lease is optimistic about opment in Putrajaya. Medini, Iskandar Malaysia in Johor, the pro- their units back to Citadines to be run [on their Malaysia’s long-term “It is in the advanced planning stage. Th at’s ject with a gross development value (GDV) behalf]. “So for those who are looking for long- property outlook. a very exciting development and will be a of RM175 million will house 214 serviced term investment with a reputable operator, major one for us. Th ere will be offi ce towers, apartment units in a single 25-storey tower, this is the right product for them,” Cheng said, Singaporeans and Malaysians for the offi ce hotels, residential blocks, retail spaces and said UMLand group director for sales and adding that completion is expected in 3Q2018. units. “Th e estimated take-up rate as of now shopoffi ces,” he said, adding that no GDV is marketing, branding and communications UMCity Medini Lakeside has a GDV of is about 50%.” It was launched last year with available yet for the project. Michael Cheng. RM1.2 billion with about 17 acres dedicated prices starting from RM800,000. On the entry of China developers and China Unit built-ups range from 430 sq ft to 1,050 for parks and recreation. Other projects in UMCity Medini Lakeside buyers into the Johor property market, Cheng sq ft. Th e pricing is yet to be determined, but It will be home to the new UMLand south- that are slated for offi cial launch next year are admitted that due to China’s capital outfl ow the developer is looking at around RM500,000 ern region headquarters, which will be housed hotel OZO Medini with 198 rooms, and upscale restrictions recently, “there is now a surge in as a “good entry point”. in an offi ce tower with a GDV of RM215 mil- serviced apartment and hotel project Shama supply and adjustments have to be made”. Cheng told Th eEdgeProperty.com that a lion and will be completed by 3Q2018. Th e Medini. Th e latter has a GDV of RM230 mil- As for the locals, they seem to prefer land- soft launch for Citadines Medini will be held in 19-storey offi ce tower comprises 108 offi ce lion. It off ers 213 serviced apartment units. To ed properties of a certain price range for their Singapore this August with an offi cial launch in units. UMLand will occupy only two fl oors date, only 90 units of Shama Medini are left own stay, he said. Nevertheless, with over 1,800 September. Upon completion, the residences while the rest will be sold. for sale. Th e units have built-ups from 583 sq acres undeveloped landbank across Malaysia, will be managed by Ascott Ltd. Cheng said the developer is targeting ft to 2,015 sq ft. Prices start from US$187,000 UMLand is optimistic about Malaysia’s long- “We picked Singapore [to soft launch] Japanese and Taiwanese investors, besides (RM798,760). term property market outlook.

Singapore developers launch Block B of The Infi nitum

LOW YEN YEING / TheEdgeProperty.com BY SHAWN NG units are priced from RM980,000 to RM1.14 million. Meanwhile, the prices for the retail KUALA LUMPUR: Singapore developers Roxy units have yet to be determined. Pacifi c Holdings Ltd and Macly Group have Th e entry level for Th e Infi nitum is still unveiled Block B of Th e Infi nitum at Jalan De- very aff ordable compared with its neigh- wan Sultan Sulaiman, Kuala Lumpur. bouring products, which were priced be- Located on a 1.39-acre freehold site, Th e tween RM1,800 and RM2,500 psf, she noted. Infi nitum is a mixed development next to “We are introducing a well-designed dual Quill City Mall. With a gross development key concept that allows buyers to generate value of RM800 million, it comprises two double rental income from two diff erent ten- blocks of 723 dual key designer suites, which (From left) Macly ants while still owning the one unit,” she said. are sitting on top of 31 retail units. Equity director Residents also get to enjoy the nearby Dubbed Th e Colony by Infi nitum, the K K Tan, Chang amenities including Quill City Mall, Med- 33-storey Block A consists of 423 units while and Wong at the an Tuanku Monorail station, Asia School of the 43-storey Block B — Th e Luxe by Infi n- offi cial launch of Business, Open University Malaysia, Uni- itum — houses the remaining 300 units. Block B of The versity Kuala Lumpur, food and beverage Th e project is being developed by Macly Infi nitum. outlets, and banks. Equity Sdn Bhd, a joint-venture company In addition, the development offers a between Roxy Pacifi c Holdings and the Ma- and the Middle East, she noted. velopment will still be within the bracket of comprehensive range of facilities — a swim- cly Group. It is expected to be completed by “For Block B, we foresee China and Hong capital controls. ming pool that overlooks the Petronas Twin the third quarter of 2020. Kong buyers taking up 10% to 20% of the units “We are targeting a 55% take-up rate for Towers, sauna, gym, wet deck, jacuzzi, BBQ Block A is about 75% sold to date, so the as they are major investors in today’s market,” Block B this year and I believe we will be area and KTV room. company decided that it was time to launch she said, adding that the development is also able to achieve that. We are also aiming for Looking ahead, Macly Group managing Block B, which has recorded 25% bookings targeting local young executives who are look- a 70% take-up rate for the block upon its director Herman Chang said Macly Equity so far, Macly Equity head of sales and mar- ing to own a home in the city centre. completion in 2020,” she said. will ensure that Th e Infi nitum will be suc- keting Catherine Wong said at the offi cial She added that the company believes the Th e Infi nitum off ers six types of dual key cessfully delivered to the buyers and fulfi l launch of Th e Luxe by Infi nitum yesterday. recent capital control policy by the China designer suites to choose from one-bedroom, their promises. Among the Block A purchasers, about government is not expected to impact in- two-bedroom, loft and duplex units with “Our potential future projects in Malaysia 60% are Malaysians while the remaining are terest from China and Hong Kong buyers, built-ups ranging from 675 sq ft to 1,180 sq ft. have to make sense and off er unique selling investors from Hong Kong, China, Singapore as the amount to purchase a unit in the de- With an average price of RM1,380 psf, the points,” he concluded. FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2017 • THEEDGE FINANCIAL DAILY TEP 5 FEATURE


Gamuda City is a well-connected township surrounded by parks and lakes.

Gamuda Land bullish on Vietnam

BY SHAWN NG has already rolled out 688 landed homes, 114 shophouses and 1,482 apartments with an t has been 10 years since Gamuda Land average take-up rate of 90% to 100% to date. ventured into Vietnam with its first over- Th e latest launch at Gamuda Gardens is seas project Gamuda City in Hanoi. The the fi rst block of Th e ZEN Residence, a project property arm of Gamuda Bhd soon ex- that will feature a total of 927 apartment units panded its presence in the country with in three blocks. Th e fi rst block comprises 308 its second property development Cela- units and was launched in May this year. It is Idon City in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) in 2010 60% sold to date. with its joint-venture partner Saigon Thuong Tin Real Estate JSC (Sacomreal). Celadon City More sales from Vietnam projects is now fully owned by the company following Meanwhile, both Chow and Yap anticipate its acquisition of the joint-venture partner’s higher sales contribution to the group from stake in 2015. Celadon City and Gamuda City in its fi nancial Th e developments of both townships have year ending July 31, 2017 (FY2017). been progressing well despite a slowdown in Artist’s impression of the Emerald Precinct in Celadon City’s contribution in the previous the local property market in recent years, said Celadon City. The fi rst blocks of apartments in fi nancial year was about US$100 million, but Gamuda Land Vietnam general director Chow the precinct will be launched this month. this is poised to increase by 10% to US$110 Chee Fan during a media briefi ng in Hanoi on million in FY2017, said Yap. May 18. Gamuda Land Vietnam is a subsidiary Located in the Tan Phu District of HCMC, of Gamuda Land. Chow: We have Aeon Mall Tan Phu Celadon. Celadon City is the fi rst-of-its-kind nature-in- Th e developer went into Vietnam in 2007 a large scale of Launched about seven years ago, Ruby spired township in the area off ering low-density when the property market was booming, Chow land for us to do Precinct is the first phase of Celadon City community living in a lush green environment. recalled. But the bubble began to burst in better and more with a GDV of US$160 million. It has achieved Th e population in Celadon City is expected to HCMC between 2009 and 2010, followed by comprehensive a take-up rate of almost 100% for the 1,520 hit 25,000 when it is completed in 2024. Hanoi, and soon the entire property market master-planning apartment units in the precinct, said Gamu- As for Gamuda City, the development in the country went into a downturn. [in Vietnam] da Land HCMC general director Wyeren Yap contributed some US$120 million in sales in At end-2014, aided by the government’s Vooi Soon, adding that the average built-ups FY2016 and this is expected to rise to around control policies since 2012, the market has for the apartment units are between 65 sq m US$150 million in FY2017 and FY2018, and started to recover. Chow believes the outlook and 95 sq m, while prices range from US$1,100 to US$200 million from FY2019 onwards, for the sector in the next few years to be bright psm to US$1,300 psm. said Chow. due to strong domestic demand for housing. Meanwhile, the 172ha Gamuda City consists “To make a township work, we need to get Besides, more foreign investors are coming of Gamuda City Central, Gamuda Gardens and the places right, the homes, the parks, the en- into the country, which will bode well for the Yap: The 1,520 Gamuda Lakes. Th e entire development has tertainment, the shopping and eating places. property sector. apartments in Ruby an estimated GDV of US$2.5 billion. If you look at the whole of Vietnam, there are “Firstly, there are more foreign property Precinct, the fi rst “We will be launching 2,000 units of apart- very few townships and most of them are on buyers now, especially in the last year or phase of Celadon ments and a 4-storey regional shopping mall smaller sites, so they are not able to provide so after the government in July 2015 began City, are almost at Gamuda City Central in 2Q2019,” said complete amenities. to allow foreigners who hold valid visas to fully sold. Chow. Th e GDV of Gamuda City Central is “We have a large scale of land for us to purchase property in the country. Secondly, US$700 million. do better and more comprehensive mas- income levels are higher now, thanks to the Th e company is currently in talks with four ter-planning to include all the key compo- country’s strong economic growth,” he said. foreign investors including Aeon to kick-start nents such as residential, commercial, retail, Vietnam’s economy expanded 6.68% in the mall, which is expected to have a gross fl oor green public spaces and infrastructure for 2015, the fastest since 2007 before it slowed area of 250,000 sq m when completed in 2020. a truly integrated town. Th ere will also be to 6.21% last year. Th e gross domestic prod- Th e deal is expected to be sealed by mid-2019. a metro train station in Gamuda City in the uct growth stood at 5.1% in the fi rst quarter Subsequently, Gamuda Land Vietnam future,” Chow added. of this year (1Q2017), which is the slowest plans to launch Gamuda Lakes in 2020. With Gamuda Land Vietnam is looking to expand fi rst quarter expansion in three years, but the will be followed by 263 offi cetels in the Sap- a GDV of US$900 million, it will off er apart- its presence in the country and will be review- government is retaining its annual growth tar- phire Precinct as well as a total of 3,500 retail ments, terraced homes, semi-dees, villas and ing more land in selected areas such as Gò Vâp get of 6.7% for this year, according to reports. lots, offi cetels and boutique apartments in shophouses. Th e masterplan is expected to be District, District 9 and District 12 of HCMC as Diamond Precinct — all to be rolled out in fi nalised this year. well as in the northern region of Hanoi. Gearing up for new launches phases, by end-2018. Gamuda Gardens, which is the fi rst phase Chow explained that there are a few Banking on the positive outlook of the Viet- Th e 82ha Celadon City has a gross devel- of Gamuda City, will be launching 77 new ways to source lands in Vietnam — one is namese economy, Gamuda Land Vietnam opment value (GDV) of about US$1 billion semi-dees in June. Th e semi-dees will have through a build-and-transfer scheme such will be rolling out more property launches (RM4.3 billion). It comprises four precincts, a lot size of 7m x 22.5m and an average price as by constructing infrastructure for the in Gamuda City and Celadon City from this namely Ruby Precinct, Emerald Precinct, of US$480,000. government in exchange for land, while month (June). Sapphire Precinct and Diamond Precinct. It When completed in the next seven years, another is to have joint ventures with the First up will be the fi rst block of 398 apart- also features Vietnam’s largest sports com- Gamuda Gardens will have 1,100 landed resi- local companies to acquire land. One can ment units in the Emerald Precinct of Cel- plex within a township, schools, a cultural dential properties and 2,100 apartment units, also propose to the government for devel- adon City to be launched by mid-June. Th is centre and the fi rst Aeon Mall in Vietnam, besides commercial properties. Th is phase opment rights of a land.


SOURCE: NAPIC Sim: Emerging pleTree has demolished an old factory e-commerce Industrial property transactions have decreased at Section 23 in Shah Alam and rebuilt activities have a logistics park that comprises three resulted in rising over the past fi ve years but transaction value is single-storey buildings featuring mul- demand for ti-tenanted logistics and warehousing warehouses. climbing up facilities with mezzanine offi ces.

VOLUME OF TRANSACTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Land value supports capital appreciation 20122012 2013 20142014 2015 22016016 Th e value appreciation of an industrial Malaysia 9,984, 8,418 8,100, 7,046 5,609, property is usually supported by its fun- Kuala Lumpur 294 206 253 231 167 damentals — the land value. Sim says that Teo: Industrial Selangor 3,080, 2,681 2,545, 2,037 1,638, although transaction volume for the past property could Penang 724 549 505044 632 444433 fi ve years has seen a signifi cant drop of be a good choice Johor 1,302, 1,214 1,255, 1,134 730 40%, the transaction value has climbed by for property almost 50% over the same period. Th is is investment consistent with rising land prices. portfolio VALUE OF TRANSACTIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY (RM MIL) For instance, in Shah Alam, which is diversifi cation. 20122012 2013 20142014 2015 22016016 popular for its industrial properties, the Malaysia 12,005.93, 12,328.57 14,509.42, 11,970.76 12,018.71, current average selling price of the semi- Kuala Lumpur 315.79 350.38 410.91 399.98 397.89 dee factories go between RM150 and Selangor 5,842.23, 5,951.33 7,638.87, 5,589.58 5,891.39, RM160 psf compared with about RM100 Penang 831.75831.75 804.13 699.66 734.66 908.54 psf fi ve years ago. Nilai and Seremban Johor 2,198.84, 2,249.85 2,847.45, 2,331.12 2,026.78, have seen the average selling price of semi-dee factories there surge to RM50 to RM60 psf currently from RM15 to RM20 Lau: Old industrial psf in 2012. Factories in Rawang, which parks in prime needs of a distribution hub. It off ers high (MNCs) and investors’ attention, such as were selling at about RM70 to RM80 psf areas could be ceilings of about 35ft to 40ft to allow opera- those located in Iskandar Malaysia, Johor. in 2012, have now seen the average sell- rejuvenated tors to stack up their goods on high racks, a JLL’s Lau concurs that market demand ing price reach RM100 psf. through good fl oor loading of about 1.5 tonnes psm for industrial properties have been picking As for rents, Zilin’s Teo says semi-dee refurbishment or and suffi cient power supply to cater to the up with rising demand for well-managed factories in Shah Alam fetch an average rebuilt activities. needs of precision engineering companies. industrial properties in Johor. monthly rental of about RM2 psf; Bukit Teo notes that a good location would “Strong interest remains in Shah Alam, Kemuning’s monthly rent ranges be- mean highly populated places with easy which off ers proximity to the capital city as tween RM1.50 and RM1.70 psf while big- accessibility to highways and main roads, well as to the port for industries that export ger warehouses in Subang are rented out and close to transport logistics such as ports their products overseas. Penang mainland for an average of RM1.50 to RM1.80 psf. and airports. and industrial parks in Negeri Sembilan Sim sees industrial property as a good He cites areas such as Section 13 in Petal- that are closer to Selangor also enjoy fairly choice for those who want to diversify RM11.97 billion in 2015. However, the total ing Jaya, Shah Alam, Subang, Rawang, Jalan good take-up rates,” she adds. their portfolio from residential proper- transaction value has increased, albeit by Tapah in Klang and Kota Kemuning. Investors ties to other property types. a slight 0.4%. Since 2012, transaction vol- could also look for new areas that have seen New development trends “Despite the higher entry cost, in- ume has slumped 40% from 9,984 in 2012. improved accessibility and proximity to trans- Zilin’s Teo foresees multi-level warehouses dustrial property prices are still lower However, Knight Frank’s Sim stresses port logistics such as Puncak Alam, Banting, to be the next trend due to land scarcity, than shop houses. Th ey also off er low that the weak performance is not due to the Batang Berjuntai and Setia Alam in Selangor, especially in prime areas. risk, as once the factories or warehouses lack of demand but existing properties not as well as Nilai, Seremban, Bandar Seri Sen- He says e-commerce operators prefer are rented out, the owner will usually be meeting the requirements of a new business dayan and Setia Alam in Negeri Sembilan. locations that are near city centres and also able to get a long-term stable income. environment. Th ese locations have seen new major off er suffi cient space for storage. Hence, Furthermore, with rising land prices, one “Th e main problem is that our industrial township developments coming up with im- multi-level warehouses with high ceiling can expect good capital appreciation,” property standards have not improved for proved road access system and new facilities and loading facilities will be something he explains. the past 10 years. Th e existing properties as well as new stratifi ed gated-and-guarded property developers may want to consider Meanwhile, Teo says experienced in the old industrial parks mostly have low industrial park developments. to attract logistics or e-commerce MNCs. investors who are already savvy in res- ceilings, lack facilities and are more suited Although few consider investing in indus- Meanwhile, JLL’s Lau says refurbishment idential property investment may want for the own-use type of manufacturing fa- trial properties at the moment, Knight Frank’s or rebuilding may be able to rejuvenate the to explore other investment opportuni- cility,” off ers Sim. However, Malaysia’s in- Sim thinks that the trend may change in the older industrial properties in prime locations. ties, and industrial properties could be dustrial sector has changed over the years, future as newer and more modern industri- “A lot of the industrial buildings that are a good choice for them. from manufacturing to assembly to the im- al property developments are introduced. old, dilapidated and not relevant to the cur- However, he advises them to do port-export business. Business operators, “Traditionally, most industrial park de- rent requirements are located in the mature proper research or seek information he says, are now looking for storage space velopments are led by the government. But industrial estates. Th ere would be a need to before making any decision. “Industri- rather than a manufacturing plant. now, there are more private companies refurbish or, in many cases, demolish and al property investment is a long-term Zilin Properties’ Teo has also noticed the building gated-and-guarded industrial parks rebuild,” she explains. game; it might not be as attractive as rising demand for bigger warehouses with or logistics parks,” he says. She has observed some companies, in- other property types in the short term, modern specs and located in good accessi- Some of these modern industrial parks cluding foreign e-commerce or logistics but the growth potential is there. When ble places. Th e modern warehouse property even off er property management services companies, choosing to build their own the time is ripe, it will reward you well,” features offi ce space as well and serves the and have attracted multinational companies warehousing facilities. For instance, Ma- he concludes.


1 Border of Shah Alam 25Setia Alam Ijok and Puncak Alam RM150-RM600 psf RM150 psf RM200-RM300 psf (Current asking price) (Current asking price) (Current asking price) Potential Proximity to highly populated Close to highly Major township developments area, good accessibility, close populated areas, good taking place, improved connectivity to various amenities and accessibility, proximity places to look at transportation logistics to various amenities 6 Bandar Sri Sendayan when hunting for RM50-RM60 psf 34Bukit Kemuning Nilai and Seremban (Current asking price) RM300-RM400 psf RM50-RM60 psf Improved connectivity, increasing industrial properties number of housing developments (Current asking price) (Current asking price) Increasing township and Good accessibility, infrastructure development, increasing infrastructure 7 Banting good accessibility and housing development, RM100 psf close to various amenities (Current asking price) Good accessibility, increasing business activities and industrial developments TEP 8 FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2017 • THEEDGE FINANCIAL DAILY

Walk the talk with EcoHill Walk S P Setia presents spectacular vision 2020 for the future of Semenyih

here is no stopping to the development of Setia care centre and retail boutiques. EcoHill. With a clear vision to transform Semenyih Connectivity and traffi c fl ow Tand KL South into a vibrant and all-inclusive place within the entire centre is seam- for its community to ‘LiveLearnWorkPlay’, S P Setia is set to less. Th oughtful design features make another game-changing move with the development including the link bridges and 10ft of EcoHill Walk, Semenyih’s fi rst integrated project featur- retail corridors connect each re- ing the fi rst mall in the region, 243 units of Lifestyle Retail tail block to the Mall and serviced Shop and 890 units of Serviced Apartments. apartments. Th ese considerations EcoHill Walk Mall has already welcomed its anchor ten- help to integrate retail shops to ant, MBO Cinemas, who will be building an 11-hall cine- become part of the mall as an ma with over 2,000 seats featuring unique signature halls extended area for a wider variety equipped with cutting-edge technology. of consumer experience within “Th e mall will be targeting a tenant mix comprising re- EcoHill Walk. tailers from a grocery, entertainment, fi tness, health and Each shop comes with a 15ft beauty as well as the fashion segment, ” exclaims SM Koh, high ceiling concept, allowing General Manager of Setia EcoHill. better flexibility in design and interior fi t out. Th is provides a GROWING TOGETHER WITH ECOHILL WALK greater option to retail lots design Sales for EcoHill Walk Lifestyle Retail Shop have begun with to retrofi t in many ways height- raving response from potential business entities. After the wise, whether with fi nished or exposed ceiling. Th e Higher (UTAR) and a few more within the proximity of Kajang successful launch of the fi rst phase of its Lifestyle Retail ceiling also poses a more welcoming space for eateries and and Nilai. Given the enormous catchment in this corridor, Shop in December 2016, Setia EcoHill will be launching other retailers alike. Th e overall concept of EcoHill Walk EcoHill Walk aspires to become a frontrunner as a vibrant its second phase of Lifestyle Retail shops in June 2017 with is inspired by the ‘Walk’. It is an experience that visitors shopping destination for the community in this vicinity. an attractive opening price from RM376,000 with an aver- will walk through within the large-scale project. Th e con- As the excitement builds up, S P Setia continues to uphold age built-up from 1,500 sq ft. Th is would pave the way for nectivity is planned intelligently with dedicated lift lobby its commitment to developing Semenyih into a colourful and young entrepreneurs to have the opportunity to start their on each retail block and suffi cient sets of escalators that upbeat township with excellent commerciality, prospective business here in this revolutionary destination with a very are strategically placed to promote hassle-free movements business opportunities and improved infrastructure. aff ordable and feasible start up. between the diff erent fl oors. Moreover, since its inception in 2013, Setia EcoHill has “Phase 1 of the Lifestyle Retail Shop has been well-re- been progressing rapidly, seeing more than 2,000 residen- ceived as many wanted to ride on the advantage of owning PROSPECTIVE SOUTHERN EXPANSION tial units handed over successfully. It has become one of the a shop with proximity to the fi rst mall in Semenyih,” Koh In recent years, Klang Valley has seen prospective expansion most desirable living address in the sourthern Klang Valley explains further. southwards, covering areas like Putrajaya, Sepang and Ka- corridor especially after the opening of its dedicated High- Each unit is allocated with at least one designated jang. Th e extension of accessibility and infrastructure also way Interchange in Aug 2015. carpark from the pool of 2,000 parking bays available in has contributed to better connectivity. Likewise, the Setia Besides EcoHill Walk, Setia EcoHill also plans to launch EcoHill Walk. Th e Lifestyle Retail Shop will cater to any EcoHill township in Semenyih is becoming even closer to their very fi rst English looking classical masterpiece of Sin- form of business ventures including showrooms, restau- surrounding city centres, connecting to major expressways gle Storey Bungalows in July this year. rants, coff ee shops, convenience store, beauty and health including LEKAS, Cheras Kajang, PLUS, South Klang Valley “We’ve received many inquiries for single-storey bun- Expressway (SKVE), Kajang SILK and the East galows especially those who are looking for smaller homes Klang Valley Expressway (EKVE) which will be with secure and beautiful environment, from families with ready in 2018. children who have grown up and left home or from fami- “Research has shown that an expected 300,000 lies whose ageing parents are living with them. With this, population within 15 minutes from EcoHill Walk we believe that the response would be overwhelming since backed by the neary 1,700 acres of fl agship town- there are hardly any well-designed single storey bungalows ship by S P Setia. Th is is a very promising fi gure in the vicinity,” confi des Koh. for the mall, given its strategic location and ease of access from surrounding areas,” shares Koh. Furthermore, the strategic location of EcoHill Walk will also draw the attention of students BROUGHT TO YOU BY from the nearby universities and educational institutions including New Era University, Not- thingham University, Universiti Kebangsaan Ma- laysia (UKM), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

TEP 12 FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2017 • THEEDGE FINANCIAL DAILY FEATURE Five tips to sell your home fast

BY SHAWN NG residential property on the secondary market usually takes about three months, provided n the stock market, there is a saying: that owners are fl exible in adjusting their ask- “Those who only know when to buy ing prices. On the other hand, Low notes that are just amateurs; those who know certain houses can be listed for years without a when to sell are the true masters.” buyer. “For example, some bungalows in Mel- In the property sector, the same aka have been up for sale for fi ve to 10 years. principle is just as relevant. Despite low prices, they still cannot sell, be- IHowever, we often hear more about cause the location is too far and the bungalows how, when and where to buy proper- are poorly maintained,” he reveals. ty, instead of how and when to sell it, Nevertheless, the right strategy can speed particularly how to sell it fast. Hence, up the process. TheEdgeProperty.com has engaged with two real estate agents to get some tips for a speedy home [Being honest with your agents] sale, especially in a market slowdown. will help us get the big picture of According to property how we should market the property agency and consultancy fi rm Zerin Properties real and identify the right buyers and estate negotiator Kevin thus speed up the process — Law Low, fi nding a buyer for a

Set a realistic price that owners can ask for recommendations Selling a house in a slow market from friends or relatives as well. GRAPHIC: MAISARAH ALI amid a tight lending environment “In my opinion, house owners can appoint 1can be very challenging, says Low. three to fi ve agents, then eliminate them one Hence, he advises property owners to by one based on their attitude and perfor- Owners should also proactively follow improve the attractiveness of a property set realistic asking prices that refl ect the mance. Once you have found the right agent, up with the appointed agent to keep tabs is to repaint the property, off ers Low. current soft market. In order to fi nd out you can give the exclusive right to market the on the sale. “From my observation, some “A new coat of paint can achieve a lot the right price for a property, owners can property for a certain period,” he suggests. agents will do nothing after they have posted with just a small amount of money. With consult banks to get a valuation on their However, he warns that it is their property listings on the that, the property looks brand new and property, which is free of charge. not wise to appoint too many web, so it is best for owners feels comfortable,” he adds. “Owners can also check the latest trans- agents as it may create prob- The fi rst to keep in touch with their He also notes that a property will be acted prices of similar properties in the lems. “For example, owners agents and build a good re- more presentable if broken items are fi xed area through property portals, or from will have to prepare many sets impression is lationship with them,” ad- and the garden and interior are clean and the National Property Information Cen- of keys for the agents who will very important vises Law. neat. “When interested buyers come, you tre and agents who are familiar with the be bringing interested buyers If owners are selling a should switch on all the lights and air-con- area,” he counsels. to visit the property, and if the as it can house they are still staying ditioners. It will enhance the ambience,” property is a fully furnished be nearly in, they must be ready to wel- he suggests. Hire the right estate agent unit that comes with nice dec- come interested buyers when Low says there are some black orations and furniture, the risk impossible to they visit to inspect the prop- The devil is in the details sheep among real estate agents of these things being stolen is reverse. — Low erty. Th e personal touch can Instead of leaving it all to the 2who only want to con- higher as there will be a lot help to sell the property faster, agents, owners can help increase clude deals as quickly as of people coming in and he continues. 5the chances of closing a deal if possible. Th us, he suggests out of the property,” he Zerin Properties’ Low they take some trouble to ensure that that owners do background explains. notes that owners should be friendly with their property looks nice and is in good checks on agents before their prospective buyers to ensure a good condition. hiring them. Be honest, friendly experience for both parties. “Th e fi rst impression is very important “Firstly, make sure the and proactive “I suggest that owners should leave as it can be nearly impossible to reverse. agent is a registered real es- Another tip in getting a quick everything related to price negotiation to If the property is well maintained and tate agent or negotiator. Th en, 3sale, according to Vestcom the appointed agent to avoid disputes on the decorated, it will give the impression that ask the agent some Realty Sdn Bhd real estate agent Cogan spot. Owners can share some information the owner is willing to take the eff ort in questions about Law, is for owners to be honest about the lifestyle, amenities and accessi- maintaining the property, so they worry the property with their appointed agents, bility of the neighbourhood accordingly but less about hidden defects,” he explains. market in the including regarding the rea- it is best to let agents handle the marketing Often overlooked is the cleanliness of area or check son for selling and the his- of the property,” he says. toilets. “Toilets with stains will leave a bad his or her prop- tory of the property. impression, so we suggest owners clean erty listings on “Th is will help us get Enhance your them up,” he off ers. the web to en- the big picture of how home’s kerb appeal He also points out some cultural taboos sure that he we should market the It goes without saying that a nice to take note of to avoid off ending interest- or she is re- property and iden- 4kerb appeal can make a sale. Th ere ed buyers. For instance, the Chinese fi nd ally familiar tify the right buyers are several ways to achieve that, such as the number four inauspicious. Hence, it with the area,” and thus speed up through renovations and landscaping. One is best to remove anything related to such he says, adding the process,” he says. of the simplest and most effi cient ways to taboos to catch a wider market. LOW YEN YEING / TheEdgeProperty.com FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2017 • THEEDGE FINANCIAL DAILY TEP 13 HOME IDEAS


Creating your

For those in the art and design industry, the own home offi ce living room could be a good space to showcase one’s work.

PICTURES BY TROPICANA CORP BHD BY TAN AI LENG For people who are The dining room can be used as a looking at creating their he advance of technology has meeting or discussion area. made it possible for many to own work space earn a living without the has- at home, Cheong has sle of battling road congestion four suggestions to get to the office. However, as idealistic as it sounds, home of- Tfices are currently more feasible for start-up Use the shelf area companies and small business owners. It is 1 as your work space also a means to mitigate high rental envi- Move your table near to the ronments, where the funds saved from the shelves in your living room. The lower operations cost can be reserved for shelves could be the place for your fi ling future expansion. or work-related reference books and ma- In its simplest form, a home offi ce can terials. When necessary, the sofa could be be set up with just a desk, chair and laptop. the discussion area for your clients or team Some even make do with just a couch as members. their “work station”. Others prefer a proper home offi ce to diff erentiate the living space Make the living room a from work space. 2 showcase for your works Interior design consultancy firm Lin- For individuals who work in the ear Design managing director Cheong W design or art industry, they could Loong tells Th eEdgeProperty.com that it all turn the living room into an art gallery boils down to personal choice. “For myself, together at that table, and that will deter- showcasing their works. I would prefer to have an area specifi cally mine the size of that work bench,” recom- Meanwhile, for the work-from-home in- for work and fi ling because it cultivates a mends Cheong. dividuals who are required to meet up healthy habit and promotes discipline when Currently, there are duplex SoHo with clients often, a clean, organised and the space is clearly designated.” (Small-offi ce Home-offi ce) units that are tastefully decorated living room could give Besides this, in a home offi ce setting, the specially designed for use as home offi c- clients a better impression. environment off ers specifi c areas earmarked es whereby the private room and working for work and that in turn encourages focus space are separated into two adjoining Create your own nook with and seriousness when it comes to the work fl oors. 3 your favourite furniture culture, he adds. For normal houses or condomin- A home offi ce does not necessarily “Furthermore, ergonomics and health iums, there are ways to demar- have to look like any typical offi ce. are given priority with a proper offi ce cate a work space, like how It can feature a modern minimalist or ori- setting. Compared with working with fi ve-star hotels do at their ental theme. All you need is just to spruce a laptop on the sofa, working in front lobbies or lounge areas to up a corner with your preferred furniture of a desk promotes better sitting pos- make them welcoming and paintings. ture, which would be better for health for business meetings. in the long term,” he explains. Use a multi-functional An advantage of having a home 4 dining table offi ce is the cost-savings involved, as When space is an issue, the dining a home office is able to do without table can double up as a work ta- certain components of a typical offi ce, ble or discussion area. It will be more con- such as the reception, meeting room ducive as a working space if the dining room and pantry. is designed in a modern contemporary style Essentially, one just needs and furnished with bright lights. a work bench or a de- A home offi ce could be just a corner with a cent-sized work table to minimalist design. create a home offi ce envi- ronment. A work top can double up as meeting ta- A dedicated work space would ble. “You only have to ask cultivate a healthy work habit and yourself, in a worst-case scenario, how many peo- promote discipline. — Cheong ple will need to be seated HARIS HASSAN / TheEdgeProperty.com