1398 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 6, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007 Modeling UMTS Power Saving with Bursty Packet Data Traffic

Shun-Ren Yang, Sheng-Ying Yan, and Hui-Nien Hung

Abstract—The universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) utilizes the discontinuous reception (DRX) mechanism to reduce the power consumption of mobile stations (MSs). DRX permits an idle MS to power off the radio receiver for a predefined sleep period and then wake up to receive the next paging message. The sleep/wake-up scheduling of each MS is determined by two DRX parameters: the inactivity timer threshold and the DRX cycle. In the literature, analytic and simulation models have been developed to study the DRX performance mainly for Poisson traffic. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-Markov process to model the UMTS DRX with bursty packet data traffic. The analytic results are validated against simulation experiments. We investigate the effects of the two DRX parameters on output measures including the power saving factor and the mean packet waiting time. Our study provides inactivity timer and DRX cycle value selection guidelines for various packet traffic patterns.

Index Terms—Bursty packet data traffic, discontinuous reception, power saving, universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS). Ç


HE third-generation mobile cellular system universal . In Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) [5], [12] and Tmobile telecommunications system (UMTS) offers high IEEE 802.11 [8], a sleeping MS is not forced to wake data transmission rates to support a variety of mobile up at every announcement instant. Instead, the MS applications including voice, data, and multimedia. In may choose to skip some announcements for further order to fulfill the high-bandwidth requirement of these reducing its power consumption. A wake-up MS has different services, the mobile station (MS) power saving is a to send a receiver-ready (RR) frame to notify the crucial issue for the UMTS network operation. Since the network of its capability to receive the pending data bandwidth is significantly restricted by the battery frames. However, such RR transmissions may capacity, most existing wireless mobile networks (includ- collide with each other if the MSs tend to wake up ing UMTS) employ discontinuous reception (DRX) to con- at the same time. Thus, RR retransmissions may serve the power of MSs. DRX allows an idle MS to power occur and extra power is unnecessarily consumed. off the radio receiver for a predefined period (called the . UMTS DRX [2], [4] improves the aforementioned DRX cycle) instead of continuously listening to the radio mechanisms by allowing an MS to negotiate its DRX channel. Some typical DRX mechanisms are briefly cycle length with the network. Therefore, the net- described as follows: work is aware of the sleep/wake-up scheduling of each MS and only delivers the paging message when . In Mobitex [15], all sleeping MSs are required to the MS wakes up. hSVP6i synchronize with a specific frame and wake In the literature, DRX mechanisms have been studied. up immediately before the hSVP6i transmission Lin and Chuang [12] proposed simulation models to starts. When some MSs experience high traffic loads, investigate the CDPD DRX mechanism. In [10], an analytic the network may decide to shorten the hSVP6i model was developed to investigate the CDPD DRX announcement interval to reduce the frame delay. mechanism. This model does not provide a closed-form As a result, the low-traffic MSs will consume extra solution. Furthermore, the model is not validated against unnecessary power budget. simulation experiments. In our previous work [21], we proposed a variant of the M=G=1 vacation model to explore . S.-R. Yang is with the Department of Computer Science and Institute of the performance of the UMTS DRX. We derived the closed- Communications Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, No. 101, form equations for the output measures based on the Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 300. E-mail: [email protected]. Poisson assumption. However, the Poisson distribution has . S.-Y. Yan is with the Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom been proven to be impractical when modeling bursty packet Company, Ltd., 12, Lane 551, Min-Tsu Road Sec. 5 Yang-Mei, Taoyuan, data traffic [20]. In [11] and [23], simulation and analysis Taiwan 32617. E-mail: [email protected]. . H.-N. Hung is with the Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung were utilized to examine the UMTS DRX mechanism. The University, 1001 Ta Hsueh Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 30050. authors studied the impact of an inactivity timer on energy E-mail: [email protected]. consumption for both real-time and non-real-time traffic. Manuscript received 6 Oct. 2006; revised 9 Mar. 2007; accepted 3 Apr. 2007; However, they do not consider the mean packet waiting published online 25 Apr. 2007. time under DRX. This paper proposes a novel semi-Markov For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: [email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TMC-0267-1006. process to model the UMTS DRX for bursty packet data Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TMC.2007.1072. applications. The analytic results are validated against


Fig. 1. A simplified UMTS network architecture. Fig. 3. The timing diagram for UMTS MS receiver activities. simulation experiments. Based on the proposed analytic and simulation models, the DRX performance is investi- . In the Cell_DCH state, the MS occupies a dedicated gated by numerical examples. Specifically, we consider two traffic channel. performance measures: . In the Cell_FACH state, the MS is allocated a common or shared traffic channel. . Power saving factor. This is the probability that the MS . In the Cell_PCH state, no uplink access is possible receiver is turned off when exercising the UMTS and the MS monitors paging messages from the DRX mechanism. This factor indicates the percen- RNC. tage of power saving in the DRX (compared with the . In the URA_PCH state, the MS eliminates the case where DRX is not exercised). location registration overhead by performing URA . Mean packet waiting time. This is the expected waiting updates instead of cell updates. time of a packet in the UMTS network buffer before In the Cell_DCH and Cell_FACH states, the MS receiver it is transmitted to the MS. is always turned on to receive packets. These states 2 UMTS DRX MECHANISM correspond to the power active mode. In the RRC Idle mode and the Cell_PCH and URA_PCH states, the DRX is As illustrated in Fig. 1, a simplified UMTS architecture consists of the core network and the UMTS terrestrial radio exercised to conserve the MS power budget. These states/ access network (UTRAN). The core network is responsible for mode correspond to the power saving mode. Under DRX, the switching/routing calls and data connections to the external MS receiver activities could be described in terms of three networks, whereas the UTRAN handles all radio-related periods (see Fig. 3): functionalities. The UTRAN consists of radio network . controllers (RNCs) and Node Bs (that is, base stations) that In the busy period (see Fig. 3a), the MS is in the power active mode and the UMTS core network are connected by an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) delivers packets to the MS through the RNC and network. An MS communicates with Node Bs through the Node B in the first-in, first-out (FIFO) order. radio interface based on the wideband CDMA (WCDMA) Compared with WCDMA radio transmission, ATM technology [7]. is much faster and more reliable. Therefore, the The UMTS DRX mechanism is realized through the radio ATM transmission delay is ignored in this paper resource control (RRC) finite-state machine exercised be- and the RNC and Node B are regarded as a FIFO tween the RNC and the MS [1]. There are two modes in this server. Furthermore, due to the high error rate and finite-state machine (see Fig. 2). In the RRC Idle mode, the low bit rate nature of radio transmission, the Stop- MS is tracked by the core network without the help of the and-Wait Hybrid Automatic Repeat request (SAW- UTRAN. When an RRC connection is established between Hybrid ARQ) flow-control algorithm [3] is executed the MS and its serving RNC, the MS enters the RRC to guarantee successful radio packet delivery: When Connected mode. In this mode, the MS could stay in one of Node B sends a packet to the MS, it waits for a the four states: positive acknowledgment (ack) from the MS before it can transmit the next packet. Hybrid ARQ was originally proposed for the High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) system and has also been adopted by next-generation wireless networks in- cluding the IEEE 802.16 WiMAX system. SAW- Hybrid ARQ is one of the simplest forms of ARQ, requiring very little overhead. Hybrid ARQ using this stop-and-wait mechanism offers significant improvements by reducing the overall bandwidth demanded for signaling and the MS memory. Due to its simplicity, SAW-Hybrid ARQ could also be implemented in the earlier UMTS releases without Fig. 2. The RRC state diagram. HSDPA support. 1400 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 6, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

downloading of a WWW page). If the request is permitted, then a burst of packets (for example, as a whole constituting a video clip in the WWW page) will be transmitted to the MS through the RNC and Node B. When the RNC receives the positive ack for the last packet from the MS, the current packet call transmission has completed. The time interval between the end of this packet call transmission and the beginning of the next packet call transmission is referred to as the interpacket call idle time tipc. Fig. 4. ETSI packet traffic model. Having received all packets of the ongoing packet service session, the MS will then experience an even longer . In the inactivity period (see Fig. 3b), the RNC buffer intersession idle time tis. The tis period represents the time is empty and the RNC inactivity timer is activated. If interval between the end of the packet session and the any packet arrives at the RNC before the RNC beginning of the next packet session. inactivity timer expires, then the timer is stopped. The statistical distributions of the parameters in our The RNC processor starts another busy period to traffic model follow the recommendation in [6] and are transmit packets. In the inactivity period, the MS summarized as follows. Note that, since we consider receiver is turned on and the MS is still in the power continuous time scale in this paper, the exponential active mode. distribution is used to replace the geometric distribution . If no packet arrives within the threshold tI of the for continuous random variables: RNC inactivity timer (see Fig. 3c), then the MS turns . t off its radio receiver and enters the sleep period to The intersession idle time is is modeled as an save power (see Fig. 3d). The MS sleep period exponentially distributed random variable with mean 1=is. contains at least one DRX cycle tD. At the end of a . N DRX cycle, the MS wakes up to listen to the paging The number of packet calls pc within a packet channel. If the paging message indicates that some service session is assumed to be a geometrically packets have arrived at the RNC during the last DRX distributed random variable with mean pc. . t cycle, then the MS starts to receive packets and the The interpacket call idle time ipc is an exponential 1= sleep period terminates. Otherwise, the MS returns random variable with mean ipc. . N to sleep until the end of the next DRX cycle. In the The number of packets p within a packet call power saving mode, the RNC processor will not follows a geometric distribution with mean p. . t transmit any packets to the MS. The interpacket arrival time ip within a packet call is drawn from an exponential distribution with mean 1=ip. 3EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS STANDARDS . The truncated (or cutoff) Pareto distribution is used INSTITUTE (ETSI) PACKET TRAFFIC MODEL to model the packet size. Pareto distribution [9] has The validity of traditional queuing analyses depends on the been found to match very well with the actual data Poisson nature of the data traffic. However, in many real- traffic measurements [20]. A Pareto distribution has world cases, it has been found that the predicted results two parameters: the shape parameter and the scale from these queuing analyses differ substantially from the parameter l, where describes the “heaviness” of actual observed performance. In recent years, a number of the tail of the distribution. The probability density studies have demonstrated that, for some environments, the function is data traffic pattern is self-similar [20] rather than Poisson. þ1 Compared with traditional Poisson traffic models, which l fxðxÞ¼ typically focus on a very limited range of time scales and l x are thus short-range dependent in nature, self-similar traffic exhibits burstiness and correlations across an extremely and the expected value is wide range of time scales (that is, possesses long-range dependence). It has also been shown that heavy-tailed E½x¼ l: 1 distributions such as Pareto and Weibull distributions are more appropriate when modeling data network traffic [14]. If is between 1 and 2, the variance for the In this paper, we adopt the ETSI packet traffic model [6], distribution becomes infinity. We follow the sugges- where the packet size and the packet transmission time are tion in [6] and define the packet size Sd with the assumed to follow the truncated Pareto distribution. following formula: As shown in Fig. 4, we assume that the packet data traffic consists of packet service sessions. Each packet Packet Size Sd ¼ minðP;mÞ; service session contains one or more packet calls depend- ing on the applications. For example, the streaming video where P is a normal Pareto distributed random may comprise one single packet call for a packet session, variable with ¼ 1:1 and l ¼ 81:5 bytes and m ¼ whereas a Web surfing packet session includes a sequence 66;666 bytes is the maximum allowed packet size. of packet calls. An MS/mobile user initiates a packet call According to the above parameter values, the when requesting an information element (for example, the average packet size is calculated as 480 bytes. The YANG ET AL.: MODELING UMTS POWER SAVING WITH BURSTY PACKET DATA TRAFFIC 1401

. State S2 includes a busy period tB and then an intersession inactivity period tI2. . State S3 includes a sleep period tS1, which is entered from state S1. . State S4 includes a sleep period tS2, which is entered from state S2. If we view this semi-Markov process only at the times of state transitions, then we could obtain an embedded Markov chain with state-transition probabilities pi;j (where i, j 2f1; 2; 3; ). These state-transition probabilities are Fig. 5. A semi-Markov process for UMTS power saving analysis. derived as follows:

above , l, and m parameter settings for the packet . p1;1 and p1;2. In state S1, the RNC inactivity timer is size distribution have been validated by the ETSI activated at the end of the busy period tB, and then technical bodies [6]. Many telecommunications the MS enters the interpacket call inactivity period tI1. vendors and operators adopted these settings to Note that, based on the burstiness nature, our analytic conduct the UMTS field trials. These configurations model assumes that a busy period corresponds to the were also followed by a number of analytic and transmission duration of a packet call. That is, the simulation studies in the literature [11], [18] to interpacket arrival time tip within a packet call is investigate the performance of UMTS networks. significantly shorter than the packet service time tx, . Let the packet service time tx denote the time and a busy period will not terminate until the end of interval between when the packet is transmitted by the corresponding packet call delivery. When the first the RNC processor and when the corresponding packet of the next packet call arrives at the RNC positive ack is received by the RNC processor. The tx before the inactivity timer expires (with probability ipc=I distribution has mean value 1=x. In our model, we q1 ¼ Pr½tipc

ipc . S t State 1 includes a busy period B and then an I p1;3 ¼ 1 q1 ¼ e : ð1Þ interpacket call inactivity period tI1. 1402 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 6, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

Similarly, p2;4 can be derived by substituting q3 for q1 service times tx. From Wald’s theorem [13, Theo- in (1), and we have rem 5.18], we have

is p E½t ¼E½N E½t ¼ : ð4Þ p2;4 ¼ 1 q3 ¼ e I : B p x x As shown in Fig. 3, tI1 ¼ minðtipc;tI Þ. If the next . p3;1 and p3;2. In state S3, if the next packet call packet arrives before the inactivity timer expires terminates the ongoing session (with probability q2), (that is, tipc xdx 1 Zx¼0 1= p3;2 ¼ q2 ¼ : I pc ¼ Pr½t >xdx ipc ð5Þ Zx¼0 1=I x . p4;1 and p4;2. Similar to p3;1 and p3;2, the transition ¼ e ipc dx from state S4 to state S1 or S2 also depends only on x¼0 whether the coming packet call is the end of the 1 ipc ¼ 1 e I : packet session. Therefore, we conclude that ipc 1 Substitute (4) and (5) into (3) to yield p4;1 ¼ p3;1 ¼ 1 q2 ¼ 1 pc 1 ipc p E½H1¼ þ 1 e I : ð6Þ and x ipc 1 p4;2 ¼ p3;2 ¼ q2 ¼ : pc . E½H2. State S2 contains a busy period tB and an intersession inactivity period tI2. Therefore, The transition probability matrix P ¼ðpi;jÞ of the embedded E½H ¼E½t þE½t : ð7Þ Markov chain can thus be given as 2 B I2 0 1 Similar to the derivation of E½t , E½t is q ð1 q Þ q q 1 q 0 I1 I2 1 2 1 2 1 hi B C B q3ð1 q2Þ q3q2 01 q3 C 1 is P : I ¼ @ A E½tI2¼E½minðtis;tI Þ ¼ 1 e : ð8Þ 1 q2 q2 00 is 1 q2 q2 00 Substituting (4) and (8) into (7), E½H2 is expressed as e Let i ði 2f1; 2; 3; 4gÞ denote the probability that the hi p 1 is S embedded MarkovP chain will stay at i in the steady E½H2¼ þ 1 e I : ð9Þ 4 e 1 x is state.P By using i¼1 i ¼ and the balance equations e 4 e i ¼ j¼1 j pj;i, we can solve the stationary distribution e e . E½H3. State S3 contains a sleep period t from ¼ði Þ and obtain S1 8 state S1. Suppose that there are Nd1 DRX cycles in a > e ¼ 1q2 t period. Due to the memoryless property of the > 1 1þð1q1Þð1q2Þþq2ð1q3Þ S1 > e q2 < ¼ exponential tipc distribution, Nd1 has geometric e 2 1þð1q1Þð1q2Þþq2ð1q3Þ ¼ ð1q Þð1q Þ ð2Þ distribution with mean 1=p . p is the probability > e ¼ 1 2 d1 d1 > 3 1þð1q1Þð1q2Þþq2ð1q3Þ :> that packets arrive during a DRX cycle and is e ¼ q2ð1q3Þ : 4 1þð1q1Þð1q2Þþq2ð1q3Þ derived as follows:

H ði 2f1; 2; 3; 4gÞ ipc Let i be the holding time of the semi- pd1 ¼ Pr½tipc tD¼1 e D : ð10Þ Markov process at state Si. We proceed to derive E½Hi: Since Nd1 is a stopping time, from (10) and Wald’s . E½H1. In state S1, the MS experiences a busy theorem, we have t period B and then an interpacket call inactivity "# ! XNd1 period tI1. Hence, 1 1 E H E t E N t : ½ 3¼ D ¼ ½ d1 D ¼ ipc D E½H1¼E½tBþE½tI1: ð3Þ i¼1 1 e D ð11Þ Since a busy period is identical to the duration of a packet call delivery, a tB consists of Np packet YANG ET AL.: MODELING UMTS POWER SAVING WITH BURSTY PACKET DATA TRAFFIC 1403

. E½H4. State S4 comprises a sleep period tS2 from arrivals. Using expectation by conditioning technique [16], state S2. Assume that tS2 consists of Nd2 DRX cycles. we have N Likewise, d2 is a geometric random variable with X2 X4 X2 X4 mean 1=pd2, where e e E½Nt¼ jpj;iE½Ni;j and E½Wt¼ jpj;iE½Wi;j: i¼1 j¼1 i¼1 j¼1 is pd2 ¼ Pr½tis tD¼1 e D : ð17Þ Thus, we obtain We proceed to derive E½Ni;j and E½Wi;j: "# ! XNd2 1 1 . E½N and E½W . Given the previous state S , the E H E t E N t : 1;1 1;1 1 ½ 4¼ D ¼ ½ d2 D ¼ is D transmitted N1;1 packets in state S1 correspond to a i¼1 1 e D packet call and have geometric Np distribution with ð12Þ mean p and variance pðp 1Þ. Therefore,

Based on the semi-Markov process, we derive the power E½N1;1¼p: ð18Þ saving factor Ps and the mean packet waiting time E½tw in Since these N1;1 packet transmissions constitute the the next two sections. busy period tB in state S1, we have the mean total 4.1 Power Saving Factor Ps waiting time: "# The power saving factor Ps is equal to the probability that NXp1 the semi-Markov process is at S3 or S4 (that is, the sleep E½W1;1¼E ðitx itipÞ period or power saving mode) in the steady state. We note i¼1 that, at the end of every DRX cycle, the MS must wake up N ðN 1Þ ¼ E p p E½t t for a short period so that it can listen to the paging 2 x ip "#ð19Þ information from the network. Therefore, the “power 2 0 p þ pðp 1Þp saving” period in a DRX cycle is tD . Let E½H3 and ¼ E½tx tip 0 2 E½H4 be the mean “effective” sleep periods in states S3 and 0 0 S4, respectively. Then, E½H3 and E½H4 can be obtained by 1 1 ¼ pðp 1Þ : replacing the tD in (11) and (12) with tD and we have x ip ! 1 1 E½H0 ¼ ð13Þ 3 ipc . E N E W S D ½ 1;2 and ½ 1;2. If the previous state is 2, then 1 e D the number of transmitted packets N1;2 in state S1 and also has geometric Np distribution. Thus, ! 1 1 E½N1;2¼E½N1;1¼p ð20Þ E H0 : 14 ½ 4¼ is ð Þ D 1 e D and From [17, Theorem 4.8.3], 1 1 E½W1;2¼E½W1;1¼pðp 1Þ : ð21Þ x ip Ps ¼ lim Pr½the MS receiver is turned off at time t t!1 eE½H0 þeE½H0 ¼ 3 3 4 4 : ð15Þ . E½N1;3 and E½W1;3. To derive E½N1;3 and E½W1;3, P4 00 e besides those N1;3 packets that arrive during i E½Hi 0 i¼1 state S1, we also need to consider the N1;3 packets that are accumulated during the sleep period of Substituting (2), (6), (9), and (11)-(14) into (15), we derive the the previous state S3. Suppose that the first of the closed-form equation for the power saving factor Ps. 0 N1;3 packets arrives at time t within the DRX t t 4.2 Mean Packet Waiting Time E½t cycle D. Due to the memoryless property, has w the truncated exponential t distribution with the E t ipc In order to derive the mean packet waiting time ½ w,we following density function: first need to compute the expected total number of packets ! E½Nt that are processed in states S1 and S2 and the 1 ipct expected total waiting time E½Wt of all these packet arrivals fðtÞ¼ ipce ; ð22Þ ipc (note that no packets are processed in states S3 and S4). 1 e D E½t 1 Then, w can be expressed as where 0 t . Since the interpacket call idle time D tipc (several hundred seconds; see the suggested E½Wt E½tw¼ : ð16Þ value in [6]) is significantly longer than the suitable E½Nt tD periods (which will be elaborated on in Section 5), Let E½Ni;j (i 2f1; and j 2f1; 2; 3; 4g) be the mean we also assume that at most one packet call could number of packets delivered to the MS in state Si, given that appear in a tD period. Under these assumptions, the previous state transition is from state Sj. Denote E½Wi;j three cases for the N1;3 packet arrivals are possible as the mean total waiting time of the associated Ni;j packet (see Fig. 6): In case 1, the packet call contains only 1404 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 6, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

Fig. 6. Three cases for the N1;3 packet arrivals.

0 00 one packet, in case 2, there are N1;3 and N1;3 packets In case 2, according to the decomposition property of 0 in state S3 and state S1, respectively, and in case 3, all Poisson processes [17, Proposition 2.3.2], N1;3j2 is a packets of the packet call arrive in state S3. For given shifted Poisson random variable (that is, including t, let i ð1 i 3Þ be the probability that case i the packet at t) with mean and the second moment occurs. It is clear that 0 1 1 E½N1;3j2¼1 þ ip 1 t ; 1 p D 1 ¼ : ð23Þ p E½N02 ¼Var½N0 þðE½N0 Þ2 ð27Þ 1;3j2 1;3j2 1;3j2 Denote tH as the interval between the first packet 1 1 0 2 ¼ ip 1 t þðE½N1;3j2Þ : arrival and the last packet arrival of the packet call. p D Then, tH has the Erlang-Np distribution with rate ip N0 and 2 can be derived as follows: The mean total waiting time of these 1;3j2 packets is 1 1 1 1 E½W 0 ¼ t þðE½N0 1Þ t 2 ¼ 1 Pr½tH >tD t 1;3j2 1;3j2 2 p D2 3 D N0 X1 X1;3j2 1 4 1 5 ¼ 1 Pr½Np ¼ n Pr½tHjNp¼n >tD t þ E ðk 1Þ : p n¼1 k¼1 x 1 X1 1 1 n1 ¼ 1 1 ð28Þ p n¼1 p p ()In (28), the first term represents the waiting time in Xn1 1 k 1 ½ipð tÞ ipð tÞ D state S3 of the first packet arriving at t. The second e D k! k¼0 term reflects the mean total waiting time in state S3 N0 1 1 of the other 1;3j2 packets (note that these packet 1 1 ipð tÞ ¼ 1 e D arrivals are uniformly distributed on the interval p p ðt;tDÞ [17, Theorem 2.3.1] and the expected waiting X1 1 k X1 n 1 1 ½ipð tÞ 1 time in state S3 is thus ð tÞ for each of these D 1 2 D packets). The third term corresponds to the mean k 0 k! n k p ¼ ¼ 0 total waiting time in state S1 of the N packets. 1 1 1 1;3j2 1 ipð tÞ ipð tÞð1 Þ ¼ 1 e D e D p Substituting (27) into (28), we derive the conditional p 0 expectation E½W1;3j2 for given t (see Appendix B ip 1 1 ð tÞ ¼ 1 e p D : for the details). Now, consider the mean total p 00 00 waiting time E½W1;3j2 of the N1;3j2 packets that 00 ð24Þ arrive in state S1. Clearly, N1;3j2 is a geometric random variable with mean and the second moment From (23) and (24), we have 00 002 2 E½N ¼ ;E½N ¼2 : ð29Þ 1 ip 1 1;3j2 p 1;3j2 p p ð tÞ 3 ¼ 1 1 2 ¼ 1 1 e p D : ð25Þ p Then, 0 00 2 ()3 Next, we compute E½N and E½N and the N00 1;3ji 1;3ji X1;3j2 N0 associated mean total waiting time E½W 0 and 00 4 1;3j2 k 1 k 5 1;3ji E½W1;3j2¼E þ : ð30Þ 00 x x ip E½W1;3ji for each of the three cases in Fig. 6, where k¼1 1 i 3. In case 1, the only packet of the packet call arrives at time t of the tD period, and its mean In (30), the first term represents the mean total N0 S waiting time is 1=D t in state S3. Therefore, service time of the 1;3j2 packet arrivals in state 3. The second term corresponds to the mean total 0 00 E½N1;3j1¼1;E½N1;3j1¼0; service time of the first k 1 packet arrivals in 1 ð26Þ state S1. Substituting (27) and (29) into (30), we 0 00 00 E½W ¼ t; and E½W ¼0: derive E½W for given t (see Appendix C for the 1;3j1 1;3j1 1;3j2 D details). YANG ET AL.: MODELING UMTS POWER SAVING WITH BURSTY PACKET DATA TRAFFIC 1405

In case 3, all packets of the packet call arrive in TABLE 1 state S3 and, thus, The Comparison between the Analytic and Simulation Results (ip ¼ 5x, ipc ¼ x=800, is ¼ x=16;000, E½N00 ¼0;E½W 00 ¼0: ð31Þ 1;3j3 1;3j3 tD ¼ 20E½tx, ¼ E½tx, pc ¼ 5, and p ¼ 25) Assume that the last packet of the packet call arrives at t within the tD period (see Fig. 6). Given t, from the decomposition property of Poisson processes, tH ¼ t t is an exponential random variable with rate ip (see also the derivation in (24)). Therefore, p t has the following conditional probability density function: "# ip because, in state S4, the MS would experience an 1 ip r t p ð Þ fjðrjtÞ¼ e ; ð32Þ intersession idle time tis with mean 1=is rather than ip 1 t p ð Þ p 1 e D an interpacket call idle time tipc with mean 1=ipc. . E½N and E½W (j 2f1; 2; 3; 4g). Note that the where t r 1=D. The conditional mean E½tjt 2;j 2;j 2 only difference between state S1 and state S2 is that and the conditional second moment E½tjt of t can then be derived from (32) and are provided in the busy period in state S1 is followed by an 0 interpacket call inactivity period, whereas the busy Appendix D. We proceed to derive E½N1;3j3 and 0 0 0 period in state S2 is followed by an intersession E½W . Given t, similar to N , N is a 1;3j3 1;3j2 1;3j3 inactivity period. Therefore, the packets processed in shifted Poisson random variable (that is, including state S have the same statistical properties as those the packets at t and t ) with mean and the second 2 processed in state S and we have moment 1 E½N2;j¼E½N1;j and E½W2;j¼E½W1;j; 0 1 E½N1;3j3¼2 þ ip 1 ðÞE½tjtt ; p where j 2f1; 2; 3; 4g. E½N02 ¼Var½N0 þðE½N0 Þ2 Substitute the above E½N and E½W values (i 2f1; 2g 1;3j3 1;3j3 1;3j3 i;j i;j and j 2f1; 2; 3; 4g) into (17) to yield E½Nt and E½Wt. 1 0 2 ¼ ip 1 ðÞþðE½tjtt E½N1;3j3Þ : Finally, substituting the obtained E½Nt and E½Wt into (16), p we derive the mean packet waiting time E½tw. ð33Þ

Similar to the derivation in (28), the mean total 5NUMERICAL RESULTS 0 waiting time of these N1;3j3 packets is expressed as The analytic model has been validated against simulation 1 1 experiments. These simulation experiments are based on a E½W 0 ¼E½N0 ðÞE½t jt þt 1;3j3 1;3j3 2 discrete-event simulation model (including Packet arrival, 2 D 3 N0 ð34Þ Packet departure, Sleep, Reading, and Wakeup events), X1;3j3 1 þ E4 ðk 1Þ 5: which simulates the MS power saving behaviors according k¼1 x to the UMTS DRX mechanism. The interested reader is referred to [22] for the details of the simulation model. Combining (22)-(31), (33), and (34), E½N1;3 and Table 1 compares the analytic and simulation results, where E½W1;3 are therefore ip ¼ 5x, ipc ¼ x=800, is ¼ x=16;000, tD ¼ 20E½tx, Z () ¼ E½tx, pc ¼ 5, and p ¼ 25. The table indicates that, 1 3 X D 0 00 for the power saving factor Ps, the discrepancies between E½N1;3¼ iðE½N1;3jiþE½N1;3jiÞ fðtÞdt; t¼0 i¼1 the analytic analysis and the simulation are less than Z () 1 X3 0.01 percent in most cases. For the mean packet waiting D 0 00 time E½tw, the discrepancies are less than 0.1 percent in E½W1;3¼ iðE½W1;3jiþE½W1;3jiÞ fðtÞdt: t¼0 i¼1 most cases. It is clear that the analytic analysis is consistent ð35Þ with the simulation results. Based on the analytic model, we investigate the DRX performance. Specifically, we Note that, since the N1;3 packets constitute a packet consider the bursty packet data traffic. Figs. 7, 8, 9, and call, E½N1;3 in (35) is further simplified to have 10 plot the Ps and E½tw curves. In these figures, tx has the cut-off Pareto distribution with shape parameter ¼ 1:1 E½N1;3¼p: and mean E½tx¼0:5 seconds and tD and tI are of fixed The mean total waiting time E½W1;3 in (35) has no values. The parameter settings are described in the captions closed-form solution and can be easily computed by of the figures. using numerical computing software, for example, Effects of tipc. Fig. 7a indicates that the power saving Matlab [19]. factor Ps curves decrease and then increase as the . E½N1;4 and E½W1;4. The derivations of E½N1;4 and interpacket call idle time tipc increases. This phenomenon E½W1;4 are identical to that of E½N1;3 and E½W1;3, is explained as follows: For tipc < 4;000E½tx, when tipc except that ipc should be replaced by is. This is approaches zero, the packet arrivals in a packet service 1406 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 6, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

Fig. 7. Effects of tipc (ip ¼ 5x, is ¼ x=80;000, tI ¼ 2;000E½tx, Fig. 9. Effects of tI (ip ¼ 5x, ipc ¼ x=4;000, is ¼ x=80;000, ¼ E½tx, pc ¼ 5, and p ¼ 25). ¼ E½tx, pc ¼ 5, and p ¼ 25). session degenerate into a single packet train. After a burst observe that increasing tis will not significantly improve the of these packet transmissions, the MS will immediately E½tw performance in Fig. 8b. In our traffic model, if the experience a long intersession idle time t and will is current packet call is not served completely, then the next eventually be switched into the sleep mode to reduce the packet call will not be generated. Therefore, not more than power consumption. Therefore, we have high power saving one packet call will wait in the MS sleep period and factor P in this case. As t increases, P is affected by the s ipc s increasing t will not change the E½t value. operation of the RNC inactivity timer. Specifically, the MS is w Effects of t . Fig. 9 indicates that, by increasing the RNC is more likely to be found in the inactivity period when the I inactivity timer threshold tI , Ps and E½tw decrease. When tI next packet call arrives. Consequently, Ps decreases as tipc is small (for example, tI < 200E½tx in this experiment), it is increases. On the other hand, if tipc > 4;000E½tx, then more of the interpacket call idle times will be longer than the likely that the MS is found in the power saving mode as the next packet call arrives. Consequently, we observe high RNC inactivity timer threshold tI as tipc increases. As a result, the MS is more likely to be in the power saving power saving factor Ps. However, the mean packet waiting time E½tw is unacceptably high in this case. As tI !1,itis mode when subsequent packet calls arrive. Therefore, Ps more likely that the MS will never enter the sleep mode and increases as tipc increases. Fig. 7b illustrates that the mean E t packet waiting time E½tw is an increasing function of tipc. the ½ w decreases. Due to the characteristic of the packet When tipc is sufficiently small (for example, tipc < 300E½tx burstiness within the packet call, the server state is likely to in this experiment), the value of E½tw is mainly dominated be busy when the next packets arrive. As a result, E½tw is by the intersession idle time tis. Therefore, decreasing tipc bounded at 20E½tx in this example and increasing tI will will insignificantly affect the E½tw performance. We also not enhance E½tw. We also note that E½tw is more sensitive note that E½tw is more sensitive to tipc for a large tD than a to tI for a large tD than a small tD. small tD. Effects of tD. Fig. 10 shows that Ps and E½tw are Effects of tis. Fig. 8a shows the intuitive result that Ps is increasing functions of the DRX cycle tD. We observe that, an increasing function of the intersession idle time tis.We when tD is large (for example, tD > 100E½tx in Fig. 10a), increasing tD will not improve the Ps performance. On the

Fig. 8. Effects of tis (ip ¼ 5x, ipc ¼ x=4;000, tI ¼ 2;000E½tx, Fig. 10. Effects of tD (ip ¼ 5x, ipc ¼ x=4;000, is ¼ x=80;000,

¼ E½tx, pc ¼ 5, and p ¼ 25). tI ¼ 2; 000E½tx, pc ¼ 5, and p ¼ 25). YANG ET AL.: MODELING UMTS POWER SAVING WITH BURSTY PACKET DATA TRAFFIC 1407 other hand, when tD is small (for example, tD < 10E½tx in . E½Nt: the expected total number of packets that are Fig. 10b), decreasing tD insignificantly improves the E½tw processed in states S1 and S2. performance. Therefore, for tI ¼ 2;000E½tx, tD should be . E½Wi;j: the mean total waiting time of the associated selected in the range ½10E½tx; 100E½tx . Ni;j packet arrivals. Effects of . Fig. 10a illustrates the impacts of the . E½Wt: the expected total waiting time of the Nt wakeup cost on Ps. When tD is large (for example, packet arrivals in states S1 and S2. tD > 100E½tx), is a small portion of a DRX cycle and . 1=D: the length of each DRX cycle tD in a sleep thus only has insignificant impact on Ps. When tD is small period. . 1= (for example, tD < 20E½tx), Ps increases as decreases. I : the length of the RNC inactivity timer thresh- old tI . Fig. 10b demonstrates an intuitive result that E½tw is not . 1= t affected by . ip: the expected value for the ip distribution. . 1=ipc: the expected value for the tipc distribution. . 1=is: the expected value for the tis distribution. 6CONCLUSION . 1=x: the expected value for the tx distribution. The UMTS utilizes the DRX mechanism to reduce the . p: the expected value for the Np distribution. power consumption of MSs. DRX permits an idle MS to . pc: the expected value for the Npc distribution. power off the radio receiver for a predefined sleep period . Np: the number of packets within a packet call. and then wake up to receive the next paging message. The . Npc: the number of packet calls within a packet sleep/wake-up scheduling of each MS is determined by service session. two DRX parameters: the inactivity timer threshold tI and . Ps: the power saving factor. the DRX cycle tD. Analytic and simulation models have . tD: the DRX cycles in a sleep period. been developed in the literature to study the DRX . tip: the interpacket arrival time within a packet call. performance mainly for Poisson traffic. In this paper, we . tipc: the time interval between the end of a packet call proposed a novel semi-Markov process to model the UMTS transmission and the beginning of the next packet DRX with bursty packet data traffic. The analytic results call transmission (that is, the interpacket call idle were validated against simulation experiments. We inves- time). tigated the effects of the two DRX parameters on output . tis: the time interval between the end of a packet measures including the power saving factor Ps and the session transmission and the beginning of the next mean packet waiting time E½tw. Our study indicated the packet session transmission (that is, the intersession following: idle time). . tI : the threshold of the RNC inactivity timer. . The power saving factor Ps curves decrease and . tw: the packet waiting time in the RNC buffer. then increase as the interpacket call idle time tipc . tx: the time interval between when the packet is increases. transmitted by the RNC processor and when the . E½t The mean packet waiting time w is an increasing corresponding positive ack is received by the RNC t function of ipc. processor. . When tipc is sufficiently small, decreasing tipc will insignificantly affect the E½t performance. w APPENDIX B . E½tw is more sensitive to tipc for a large tD than a E W 0 FOR GIVEN t small tD. ½ 1;3j2 . Ps is an increasing function of the intersession idle time tis. 0 1 0 1 1 . t E½W1;3j2¼ t þðE½N1;3j21Þ t By increasing the RNC inactivity timer threshold I , D 2 D Ps and E½tw decrease. 2 3 N0 . E t t t X1;3j2 ½ w is more sensitive to I for a large D than a 4 1 5 small t . þ E ðk 1Þ D . For the parameter settings considered in this paper, k¼1 x t should be selected in the range ½10E½t ; 100E½t D x x 1 1 1 for better Ps and E½tw performance. 0 ¼ t þðE½N1;3j21Þ t . When tD is large, is a small portion of a DRX cycle D "#2 D and only has insignificant impact on Ps. 0 0 1 N1;3 2ðN1;3 2 1Þ þ E j j APPENDIX A x 2 NOTATION LIST 1 0 1 1 ¼ t þðE½N1;3j21Þ t 0 D 2 D . E½H3: the mean “effective” sleep period in state S3. . E½H0 : the mean “effective” sleep period in state S . 1 4 4 þ ðE½N02 E½N0 Þ; . E½Ni;j: the mean number of packets delivered to 1;3j2 1;3j2 2x the MS in state Si, given that the previous state 0 02 transition is from state Sj. where E½N1;3j2 and E½N1;3j2 are given in (27). 1408 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 6, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2007

APPENDIX C [2] 3GPP, “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specifica- 00 tion Group Services and Systems Aspects; General E½W1;3j2 FOR GIVEN t Service (GPRS); Service Description; Stage 2,” Technical Specifica- 2 3 tion TS 23.060, version 3.6.0 (2001-01), 2000. 00 ()[3] 3GPP, “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specifica- N1;3 2 0 Xj N tion Group Radio Access Network; UTRA High Speed Downlink 00 4 1;3j2 k 1 k 5 E½W1;3j2¼E þ Packet Access,” Technical Specification 3G TR 25.950, version 4.0.0 (2001-03), 2001. k¼1 x x ip [4] 3GPP, “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specifica- 1 1 tion Group Radio Access Network; UE Procedures in Idle Mode 00 0 00 and Procedures for Cell Reselection in Connected Mode,” ¼ E½N1;3j2E½N1;3j2 E½N1;3j2 x ip Technical Specification 3G TS 25.304, version 5.1.0 (2002-06), 2002. "#[5] CDPD Forum, “Cellular Digital Packet Data System Specification: 00 00 Release 1.1,” technical report, CDPD Forum, Inc., Jan. 1995. 1 1 N1;3 2ðN1;3 2 1Þ þ E j j [6] ETSI, “Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); x ip 2 Selection Procedures for the Choice of Radio Transmission Technologies of the UMTS,” Technical Report UMTS 30.03, 1 1 version 3.2.0, Apr. 1998. 00 0 00 [7] H. Holma and A. Toskala, WCDMA for UMTS. John Wiley & Sons, ¼ E½N1;3j2E½N1;3j2 E½N1;3j2 x ip 2000. [8] Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) 1 1 1 002 00 Specifications, Draft Standard 802.11 D3.1, IEEE, Apr. 1996. þ ðE½N1;3j2E½N1;3j2Þ; [9] N.L. Johnson, Continuous Univariate Distributions 1. John Wiley & 2 x ip Sons, 1970. [10] S.J. Kwon, Y.W. Chung, and D.K. Sung, “Queueing Model of 0 00 002 where E½N1;3j2, E½N1;3j2, and E½N1;3j2 are given in (27) Sleep-Mode Operation in Cellular Digital Packet Data,” IEEE and (29). Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1158-1162, July 2003. [11] C.-C. Lee, J.-H. Yeh, and J.-C. Chen, “Impact of Inactivity Timer on Energy Consumption in WCDMA and ,” Proc. Third APPENDIX D Ann. Wireless Telecomm. Symp. (WTC ’04), May 2004. 2 [12] Y.-B. Lin and Y.-M. Chuang, “Modeling the Sleep Mode for E½tjt AND E½tjt Cellular Digital Packet Data,” IEEE Comm. Letters, vol. 3, no. 3, "# pp. 63-65, Mar. 1999. [13] R. Nelson, Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Queueing Theory. 1 Springer-Verlag, 1995. E½tjt¼t þ ip 1 [14] V. Paxson and S. Floyd, “Wide Area Traffic: The Failure of Poisson ð tÞ 1 e p D Modeling,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 226-244, June 1995. ip 1 p 1 p ð tÞ [15] p D RAM Mobile Data, “Mobitex Interface Specification,” technical t þ e ; report, RAM Mobile Data, 1994. ip D ip h in [16] S.M. Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, fifth ed. Academic Press, 1993. 2 2 1 p E½t jt¼t þ 2t [17] S.M. Ross, Stochastic Processes, second ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1996. ip 1 ð tÞ ip [18] M. Sarvagya and R.V. Raja Kumar, “Performance Analysis of the 1 e p D h UMTS System for Web Traffic over Dedicated Channels,” Proc. 2 1 Third Int’l Conf. Information Technology: Research and Education p p (ITRE ’05), June 2005. þ 2 2t t þ ip D ip [19] The MathWorks, MATLAB User’s Guide. The MathWorks, Inc., 1993. 2 [20] W. Willinger, M.S. Taqqu, R. Sherman, and D.V. Wilson, “Self- p p 1 þ 2 þ2 t Similarity through High-Variability: Statistical Analysis of Ether- ip ip D net LAN Traffic at the Source Level,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Network- i o ing, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 71-86, Feb. 1997. ip 1 1 2 ð tÞ [21] S.-R. Yang and Y.-B. Lin, “Modeling UMTS Discontinuous p D þð tÞ e : Reception Mechanism,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., vol. 4, no. 1, D pp. 312-319, Jan. 2005. [22] S.-R. Yang and S.-Y. Yan, “The Supplement to ‘Modeling UMTS Power Saving with Bursty Packet Data Traffic’,” technical report, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Nat’l Tsing Hua Univ., http://www.cs.nthu.edu.tw/~sryang/ submission/MUPSwBPDT.pdf, 2006. The authors would like to thank the anonymous re- [23] J.-H. Yeh, C.-C. Lee, and J.-C. Chen, “Performance Analysis of viewers. Their valuable comments have significantly Energy Consumption in 3GPP Networks,” Proc. Wireless Telecomm. Symp., May 2004. enhanced the quality of this paper. Yang’s work was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC) under Contracts NSC-94-2752-E-007-003- PAE, NSC-94-2213-E-007-072, and NSC-94-2219-E-009-024. Hung’s work was supported in part by the NSC Grant NSC-94-2118-M-009-003.

REFERENCES [1] 3GPP, “3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specifica- tion Group Radio Access Network; RRC Protocol Specification for Release 1999,” Technical Specification 3G TS 25.331, version 3.5.0 (2000-12), 2000. YANG ET AL.: MODELING UMTS POWER SAVING WITH BURSTY PACKET DATA TRAFFIC 1409

Shun-Ren Yang received the BS, MS, and PhD Sheng-Ying Yan received the BS degree in degrees in computer science and information computer science and information engineering engineering from the National Chiao Tung from the National Chiao Tung University, University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1998, 1999, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2004 and the MS degree and 2004, respectively. From April 2004 to July in computer science from the National Tsing 2004, he was appointed as a research assistant Hua University, Hsinchu, in 2006. In 2007, he in the Department of Information Engineering, joined the Telecommunication Laboratories, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan. His current re- August 2004, he has been with the Department search interests include the design and analysis of Computer Science and the Institute of of personal communications services networks Communications Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and performance modeling. where he is an assistant professor. His current research interests include the design and analysis of personal communications services Hui-Nien Hung received the BS degree in networks, computer telephony integration, mobile computing, and mathematics from the National Taiwan Univer- performance modeling. sity, Taipei, in 1989, the MS degree in mathe- matics from the National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1991, and the PhD degree in statistics from the University of Chicago, Chicago, in 1996. He is currently a professor in the Institute of Statistics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu. His research interests include applied probability, biostatistics, statis- tical inference, statistical computing, and industrial statistics.

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