November 1904
withtj )ra Bilk and retain is to say you bi d on? that wackei i the puttm? neen, NOVEMBER? 1904 rr^« P in tie quisite, Crictt and oat Official Bulletin U.S.GA talogue. ^Ew YORK N ORTH PINEHURST CAROLINA (FOUNDED BY JAMES \V. TUFTS) Open November 1st, 1904 THE IDEAL RESOJRT O F THE SOUTH Free from climatic extremes and offering all the invigorating qualities of thejwonderful climate found only in the dry, sandy, Long- leaf_ Pine regions of North Carolina. Four Splendid Two Hotels Excellent Fifty Cottages Golf Courses Rates at hotels from $2.00 per day upward. The Golf Courses are> hJ c™™ ——• accord, the best in the South, the annual North and South Championship Tournament be- ing held at Pinehurst every year. Golf, Shooting, and Tennis tour- naments weekly. 35-000 Acre Shooting Preserve, Kennels, Guides, etc. Fine Saddle Horses. Pinehurst isa Pri7ate estateab°ut ten miles square. It has an altitude of 700 feet above sea level. Among its many charms is the large percentage of bright, 1 P\ sunny days during the winter ;% months,, and its absolute free- dom from damp, penetrating B winds. i Fine Preparatory Schccl f under direction cf A. G. ijpP Warren, Headmaster. Pinehurst ^ the only resort m America from which consumptives are absolutely excluded. Through Pullman service. One night out from New York, Boston, and Cincinnati via Seaboard Air Line or South- ern Railway, An exquisite b'tok with fac-similes of water-color sketches similar to the aboue, illustrating the out-of-door features of Pinehurst, will be sent upon application.
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