un DEE "• WORKS 6'JTOREi MID .STREET ABOUT CORSETS The New Invention, Recommended by the Medical Faculty, S an entirely New Departure. When a Busk is broken the old front is discarded and an entirely new Busk or Front is simply laced in complete, and costs no more money than the old insertion Busk. An extra Busk given with every pair, which means a new front to each pair of Corsets. -OPINIONS OF THE PRESS- Every woman is hothered at times by busks breaking, One of the most difficult and worrying pieces of work and regrets that, after the trouble of inserting new ones, which a woman has to perform is the fixing of new busks she must regard her "jewel casket" as only second best. in the front of her Corsets. Especially in the case of To obviate this trouble Mr MENZIES has produced working girls and such as have much stooping is the Corsets with lacing busks, and each pair is supplied with breaking of the front steels a frequent occurrence. As an extra pair. When one set gives way a woman has every woman knows, it is not only an exceedingly trouble- nothing more to do than lace in another set, these having some business to replace these very necessary parts, but eyelets to correspond to those on the front of the Corset. the appearance and neatness of the Corset are often It is simple, yet ingenious, and likely to prove a great entirely spoiled. This annoyance will be completely success, only a woman is apt to ask herself—" Why was obviated by the exceedingly ingenious invention of Mr ii left to a man to discover possible improvements in WILLIAM MENZIES, of the Hon Marclie. Corsets?" anrl echo answers "Why?," ~ THE Send Size and Postal Order, and you will have them sent Carriage Paid. "THE MENZIES" PATENT yCORSETS are having the Largest Sale of any on the Market, and no wonder 1 No otber Corset is so Comfortable, so •Economic, so Perfect in . every way. If you wear them once you jMH "wear no others. Prices in Sto<Qc To-day, with' extra JJusk or Front—Sizes, 19 to 30 inches - 36, 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, 5/6, 5/lJ, 6/6, 6/11, 7/6, and 8/11. Extra Sizes -30 to 36 inches—from 3/6 to 6/l I. Without extra ljusks, ijlll and 2/6. In the event of TWO SREOLAL LINES. the Busks breaking an extra Front can be had for 6(1. HER MAJESTY TUB QUEEN has affixed her Royal Seal at the hand of her Comptroller General to "The Menzies" Corset—No. 4,177. CORSETS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL ORDER AND SIZE- To be had from all First-Ctass Drapers throughout the United Kingdom, or of the Inventor. THE BON MARCHE. 11. The "GRAHAM" BRAND, 8 Years Old, SCOTCH WHISKY, 38/- per Case. 18\- PER GALLON IN BULK. SPECIAL SPEYSIDE BLEND OLD MALT WHISKY, - 38/- per Case. 181- PER GALLON. EIGHT YEARS' OLD GLENLIVET, - - 40/- per Case. 19- PER GALLON. TEN YEARS' OLD LIQUEUR WHISKY, - 48/- per Case. I e It A HA. ME, W I M E M E R C H A 3M T, BROUGHTY FERRY, N.B. yi Well-Balanced Club is worth everything to a Oolfcr i V CARNOUSTIE, N.B. A rare and varied Selection of Superior Clubs The enormous Repairs and . in Stock to select from. demand which Orders from a our Clubs have Copied or Ordered Clubs made on the shortest Distance . attained is the promptly . notice. Left-handed Clubs in Stock. best possible . attended to. proof of their Merit. Balls in Stock " Well-Seasoned." UCSTS SESTT OKT BRANCH—C. B. has pleasure in announcing hiss purchase of the Business carried on by JAMES MURRAY in h'crricr Street, where lie will always keep a first-class Stock of Ci.uns, UAI.LS, &C. 111. MANUFACTURING SILVERSMITHS and JEWELLERS. 73 Wiffhi ftree Established 1841. SDuncfee, Sterling Silver Coffee Services AND A LARGE AND Stocl? of VARIED SELECTION OF LADIE5' . (BOOOS and QENT SUITABLE Fl • /Iftarriage Gold and , . Silixr WatcDes bas been orbcreb wftb a practical fmowlcbge of the Irabe, anb can be relicb upon / to give every satisfaction. —==. Cold and Silver Medals, Sporting Trophies - Newest Designs. WILLIAM CHALMERS, Tiooimafter. U)c Best lmjlK$t=Cla$sband-S in frencl), Work €nglisb, anU American Work to iReasure kept in stock. , a Specialtp 40 High Street, DUNDEE. IV. BRUCE'S HOTEL, CAIMSTOXJSTIE, 15T.B, On the Links. Facing the Sea. Hot and Cold Salt Water Baths. SI»ECIAJ -t*W INTER TJEH1MS. TELEPHONE No. 9 C. Miss BRUCE, PKoprsott-ix- GENUINE High=Class Aerated Table Waters, Non-Intoxicating Hop Bitter Beer and Stout, and Unfermented Fruit Wines and Cordials. Prepared from the Organically Pure Water of their Deep Spring Well. TO BE HAD OF ALL PURVEYORS OF AERATED WATERS. Wholesale Agents for NATURAL MINERAL WATERS. DUNDEE and GLASGOW. LAMB'S Temperance Hotel, Dining and Refreshment Rooms, DUNDEE. VI. -THE N E ROSSLEIGH CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., Ltd. 132 NETHERGATE, DUNDEE. Manufacturers and Agents: SWIFTS, SUNBEAMS, HUDSON, ROSSLEIGH, GLOBE. &c, &c. KINDS OF ACCESSORIES-^t- IRINC 3r. TUITIO 3XT. D. M. MELDRUM & CO., 13 and 15 REFORM STREET, DUNDEE. Have the Largest and Finest Selection of all Requisites for the Game of Golf. GOLF CLUBS, by the Leading Makers. Ladies' Clubs. Left-Handed Clubs. Always a Splendid Assortment at all Prices. GOLF BALLS—All First=Class Makers, in perfect playable condition. GOLF CLUB CARRIERS. MARVEL, . 5/6 "In Drab Waterproof Fustian and Water- I ABBOTSFORD, 8/6 proof Tan Cotton Duck, strongly made DIAMOND, . 6/6 with Leather Bottoms and best Leather WIMBLEDON, 7/6 J Fittings and Ball Pocket. [ST ANDREW, 12/6 GOLF TRAVELLING TRUNKS. GOLF FLAGS. GOLF RINGS. HOLE CUTTERS. GOLF GLOVES. Always a Grand Selection of GENT.'S WATERPROOFS, New Shapes and New Patterns. A. DUNCAN & COMPANY, w&. ^ ,Q7 ]DDDDdffilDOODDDODDDDDDDD <Si Ife- w?**mt QGRDc-jtxy I? »aoa u)itb bis Business, bis success is assured if bis Goods, Methods, & Prices are rigbt. We guarantee tbe first tux>, and a trial of our ?ootuxar will prooe tbat tbere is A LOT MORE MONEY in our Sboes tban pou are asked i» •* to pap for tbem at our stores 71 Murraygate 106 Ann Street 119 HawkMll 15 Strathmartine Rd THEY ARE FAVOURITES WITH GENTLEMEN and Quicksellers WHOLESALE BOOT FACTORS, DUNDEE. tftiout Wadied' *6odtum<>4. I am now prepared with a huge stock of New Costum for Ladies and Girls, the Smartest and most Up-to-da Garments at present showing in the trade, and I shall b pleased if you will ask to see them. A A A AAi A A A A A A / ORTE €&TJ±TSTHA. vv' v" v v v 1 v y v 7 The accompanying illustration, the "Argyll," is an exact _. production of a New Costume I am offering at the low price of On Guinea. The Jackets are Keofer shape and fitting Back, braided collar, cuffs, lapels, and down front, bound seams, well finished. The cloth is heavy and gives good wear. The colours are Black Navy, Green, Fawn, Grey. They look like double the money an' would certainly be cheap at 27/6. 4g* 2 9/6 m- At the very moderate price of 29/6 you can have choice of range of excellent cloths, Chesterfield and Reefer shapes, Sac a Pitting Backs. These are well worth your notice, as they are made from good All-Wool Covert Coatings. The colours are Black, Navy, Green, Electric, Fawn. A regular Two Guinea line ! •*€* St GS-XJI3XTXS-A.S A superb Costume made from All-Wool Habit Cloths and Covert Coatings, uilk-linecl Jacket, or finished bound seams, Chesterfield and Reefer shapes, plain or braided. The colours are Black, Navy, Pawn, Kleetric, Green, and Grey. In high-class l'lain and Braided Costumes 1 have a splendid choice, ranging from 45/- to 75/-. These are nearly all Silk or Satin Lined, and finished equal to tlie best Tailor-made goods. * * * COSTUMES FOR GIRLS. These are to be much worn, and I am especially well prepared. A very useful Costume, Mac Reefer shape, large pearl Irattonsi und seams, well finished, joloura Kleetric, Green, and Tilack, Size 3 4 S 0 7 8 10/6 11/9 12/11 13/11 15/11 16/6 Maids' Costumes, made from superior Coating, Sac Reefer Jacket, velvet collar, bound seams, pearl buttons, silk lined Jacket, lined Hkirt, colours Navy and Fawn. A very smart Costume. Size 3 4 5 6 7 8 16/11 18/11 21/- 22/6 24/6 26/6 / have Crimson Costumes, Royal Blue Costumes, Sailoi Costumes, all kinds of Costumes, in every size. If you have a girl, no matter what, her age is, send her to me and I will suit her with a Costume, Prices range from 8/11 to 35/- *Jf tjt *jf TAILOR-MADE COSTUMES. TO MEASURE. Every lady knows the superiority of ;i Tailormade Jacket, but I1 ia not every lady who cares to pay t he extreme prices usually charge) for Costumes that are cut and matte by tailors. I have solved tfii Important matter in a way that cannot fail to lie appreciated b; ladies who want, the right thing at a moderate price. It; U generally admitted that tailors ore not so well up at Sklr ranking aa at the making of Jackets, therefore all my Skirts are mud by my own experienced Dressmakers, and are made in ovei'y wa superior to the vast majority of Tailor-made Skirts, The Jackets ar cut and made throughout by my own experienced Tailors, line throughout with mohair or silk, and are the acme of perfection in » respects.
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